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REV. A. WALLACE, Di D„ Editor. - DigiFind-ItHo thou Ita tun and glory first and last; Tako thou...

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• f' REV. A. WALLACE, Di D„ Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1894. VOL. XX. No, 27. Tho Ocean Grovo Auditorium, ‘ Tillsiatliyioraplo,Lord Divine* Ho thou Ita tun and glory first and last; Tako thou our hearts and keep them thine, * And sway lovers sceptro o’er creation va.st. ‘.Como, Father, Son and Floly Ghost, . . Hero hearts and volcca blendJnff hltrh ac* . ■' ctalm; Uniting with tho hoav’nly host, To welcome in love’s universal rolim." . . -rFrom donya o f Lore and./' ai*c. Opening Day Services, Tina MOHNINfl CONGHKOATION . . In connection witli an event looked for* • 'ward* to .as one of tlio summits of earthly desire, even such.n commonplace thing ns weather probabilities assumes uncommon importance. How-glad therefore wero thousands of hearts when bright skies nnd • auspicious sunshine wero assured for Sab- bath, July 1', by the thunder showers of the preceding day.-'. ' Interest in the new. Auditorium bad“be- como’so deep, and so widely extended over the country that very many.had promised .. themselves tlio^prlvilego of being .present when tho first doxology should resound within its capacious walls, j And so, the trains. of Saturday camo in heavily freighted witli an expectant people for au auspicious time on Sunday. At 9 a . m., or in fact a half an hour earlier, the souod.of the Auditorium bell was heard for the first time this season, a, single tap at tlie appointed hour'started the Tabernacle and'Temple meetings, Rev. G> Hughes, Mrs. Grace Weiser Davie, Dr. T. Hanlon and others conducting‘the ■former, and Rev. C. lL .Yatman greeting a large audience of young people in the • ■ latter.:- : • .’ ■ -, By this time the gloom of a misty morn ing had yielded to glorious sunshine. All the entrances: to tlie great Auditorium wero early thrown open, and the place ' began to till up with a characteristic Ocean Grovo nudiehcej representing every part of the United States, and tho inhabitants of every nationality on tho globe. •'■ Among tho ministers who gathered v ; around President Stokes, and were ready at ids cull-to take any part required in tho services pf the day, wero Drs. Corey, of Washington; E. M.Levyond S. W.Thoinas, of Philadelphia; \V, A. Allen, Asbury Park; E. IT. Hoffman, W, IT. Meeker, Fred Poole, T. B. Ilunter, J.'R . Daniels, A. 32. Ballard, \Y. H. llussel, T. Snowden Thomas, G. W. Miller imd G. Clark; T. II. •; London, Bordentown; J. C. Young, John Davidson, K. J. Andrews,- I.'N . Vau9 ont, A. M.. Palmer,. \V. G. Browning, George Hughes, G. W. Mooney, A. W. Ferguson ; M. Relyea, Dr. \V. II. Lawreuco, J. T. Tucker, W . Waiton, Wm. Franklin, Bishop Wilson, A. D. Davis' and A. CV Grice, of ^VilmJngton Conference, with Dr. Haulon , and 0. H.-Yattuan. A t the hour of 10 a ; m ., while the.peoplo were still pouring in, Dr. Stokes asked for silence, and proceeded to read in a some wbat subdued tone of voice the 84th Psalm. Every word was distinctly heard by those sitting in front and on the gal- leries, but persons on tbe stand Immedi- ately behind him lost a little of the read- ing by reason of so much stir at the mo- ment.; Rev. J. R. Daniels announced 910th -hymn, which was grandly sung, tbe choir numberlugover 10Q voices. Prayer was fervently offered by Vice-president Bol. lard, during which responses become gen- eral and faith began to realize the pres- ence of God,’ The Lord’s prayer ' w; beautifully chanted by the choir, led by ' Prof. Sweney, and the Scripture lessons .were read by Rev. George. Hughes and Pastor Relyea, of St. Paul's Church. • Alter further singing, and the entrance : of a largo deputation of visiting strangers, in attendance at the National Editorial . Convention In Asbury Park, for whom a section of seats had beon reserved, Dr. Stokes delivered the address .which we print below, • . . Greetings from President Stokes. In connection with the Auditorium serv* • . ico9 on Sunday, July 1, 1894, and beforo entering on his opening sermon, Dr. Stokes . addressing an audienco of 0,000 people said J “ It is my exalted privilege at this au: spiclous moment, to welcome to this new edlflce, ou this glad opening day, first.of all, Him, to whom In tho highest and best sense, it properly -belongs—The Eternal God; Father; Son and Iloly Ghost; tho creator of nil things; tbo redeemer of all men; tho Illuminator of all worlds; tho nonrest, dearest and best beloved—wo wel- come Theo ut this moment, ns theso doors lift tholr houds.for the first time, and ask that Thou wilt so como In ns -tlio King of . glory, that this great host may feel.that “ The Lord is in Ills holyTemple,” while we-all for a moinent stand, in silent awe beforo Him. • . . * ' ' *• .-•.•* • * Frtloio1citizens o f the United States, and the representatives of all the nations, kin- dreds, people and tongues, without refer- ence to territorial Hinlts^-I most cordially welcome you .to this new templo of the Jiving God. " Fellow citizens of the m inis nml .house* hold of God, heirs-of immortality, without referenco to cre^d or denominational lines, I most-heartily wtlcomo you to this en- larged placo. of Christian activities; in tho name of our- common Christianity, for whose blessed extension this house has been erected. Although bearing different names,' nud varying somewhat in external forms, we are all.children of olio Father; we lmve nil one Saviour, one hope, ono heaven. Let us1>e one lu holy unity and affection!/ . Artisans, manufacturers, mechanic* and laborers of nil-classes, .! welcome" you to’ this place, which under God bus been erected hy your hands, and so'. erected us to time aud manner us to meet\vlth almost, if not quite universal, commendation. I welcome you here, because tiiejteoeiiiugs 'promulgatedlfrom this stand, will elevate tho race, nmPby muklng men better liasten tlie long desired .millennium of tho world. It is a gratifying incident, in connection with our opening day, that we have in our midst, large numbers of one-of tho most distinguished bodies-of men in this coun try— tlie National. Editorial, Association, which meets to-morrow In Asbury Park. Gentlem.enof this noble and responsible profession, I extend to .you a most heart- felt ond royal welcome to this building and our twin cities by the sea.. “ In the beginning,. God said, Let there be Ufjht, ond light was.” To diffuse light is also your mission; May tbo light you shed be such as. makes tinen happier, because it makes tliem better.. Feel at home among 'us, and tuko our benediction with you when you go. ' . We have aii united in erecting this house. Let us all unite in devout thanksgiv. ing tliat it has been completed so quickly, so well arid without hhrm’to iifo or limb. * (Here the full choir* led by Prof.; John R Sweney. charited tho Gloria, Pairia.) The president then concluded, his pre llmluory address by saying;. “ Truly the Lord is good, and Ids mercy is everlasting. Let the offerings- we now’ make, the first within these walls be a joyfull expression of that goodness to us all,: (The offering wns'then taken and the baskets brought In the roUnd surn.of $500.) .It was a subject of general remark and commendation how admirably, the-large rbody of ushers, among whom were Treas- urer Brown, A. II. Deliaven, T. M.. Dickey and other members of tho -Association;, seated tho seven or eight thousand people who wero now ready to hear tbo morning sermon. Tbe collection was taken in less time than usual, and during this Interim the choir, under Its incomparable leader, gave selections from the new book, “Praise in Song,” the publisher of which, John J. Hood, was present and helped to swell tbio chorus. It would have been a great pleas- ure to us all had Prof. Kirkpatrick also found Impossible to be present. The Glory of.the Latter House. FIRST SEUMON INTHE XEW AUDITORIUM, OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SUNDAY MOUSING, JULY 1, 1894, IIV KEY. K. II. STOKES, D. D.j l'UESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION, “ The glory of this latter house shall Uo greater than tho. former, wiliti the Lord of host?,; anil In thi$ placo will I g Ivo. peaco, salth tho Lord of •b6dts.’,~UAO. 2: U. \ The great underlying thought—God— •dim or more definite,-which from the'be- ginning and through tho unfolding ages dwelt in tho human inind, was und is tho. foundation of all true morality, and roL Iglon.- Soon this thought, though in crude, forms, begun to express Itself in building altars and other rude structures to His worship. Temples ultimately became numerous, and many wero costly. On the pages of history, that of-Solomon erected to tho truo God, aud Diana to a heathen deity; stand conspicuous, • Solomon, tho son of David, king of Israel, to whom was committed tho high honor Of building the temple on Mount Morluh -to the worship of the only .'true. God,^as woaltby^wlttyj wise and ,won: derfui. Ills wealth;was ’ ftibuious/lild wit incisive, his wisdom profound, and M b whole career full of .the most wonderful extremes—.from .tho peerless • heights of almost iufinlto. wisdom • to tho terrific depths of folly, so amazing {.hat angola: Wept over it aud devils hold fiendish car- nivals of joy.' To him, his dying father, surrouuded by all his princes, warriors and statesmen, said, “ And - thou, Solo-, mon, my sou, know thou the God of thy father, .and servo'him with a perfect heart nnd a willing mind; "for the Lord search- eth all hearts and uuderstandeth all the imnglnations of tho thoughts*,. If thou seek Him Ho will be found of thee, but if thou forsake Him H m eill cast thee oj}' for- ever. Tako heed now, for tho Lord hath ’chosen thee to build a house for the^^Sanc- tuary ;. he strontj and <ld it." Tho young king immediately accepted tho obligation thus imposed as an impor- tant part of his royul responsibliity, and entered upon tho work with holy enthusi- asm and. exuited joy. To Itlui it did not seem u difllcult task', for the location had been selected and 'tho plans* wero: drawn; to all which a still moto important fact must bo added, that,.accord Ing to ono os- timato, his royal futiiur had left him 48,000 tons of gold nnd sliver, besides itu* mense fjunntities of lihtss, iroti, stbno and timber, witli which to’ cominetice the wurlc. This’estimate, tho highest everglveu, seems too vast, to be true, yot tlie lowest Is about one fifth of this, which greatly re- duced sum Is an amount so great that we fail to comprehend it. This templo was comparatively.a small, structure, perhaps not more than one- third the size of . this, yet. in view of tho imperialness of its splendor,.and the matchiessnesof Its finish, required 183,000 Jews arid.strangers seveu years an(l’a half to complete. Finished, it stood beautiful for sltuation, tho joy of tho wholo earth tho wonder of tho wholo worhl. It was dedicated l>y King Solomon in a match- less .prayer. In. addition to its m'aterlal splendor it. had In tbo .Holy-of .Holies the Mercy Seat, tho Ark of tho Covenant, the Heavenly Mannn, Aaron’s rod which bud* ded, tho Urlin and Thumim, and over all tbe Shekinah,ythb visible symbol of the Invisible God., It soon- became tho envy of heathen -kings,.by them ultimately.de- stroyed, and tho nation carried Into cap- tivity. ; Flfty-two years afterwards a number of Jews returned, and', its rebuilding com- menced under Zurubbabel. It Is said “ that, many of tho. priests, Invites and chief of: tho fathers, who were undent men, having .seen the first house, when they saw tho -'foundations of this, wept with a loud, volco." But notwithstanding the superiority of the first over the second temple, tho spirit of the-prophe’cy camo to his servant Haggai, saying, “ Speak now unto Zurabbabel. Who Is among you that saw this house in her first glory? and iiow do you seo it now ? Is it not in your eyes.in comparison of it as .nothing ? Yet now, be strong, O Zurubbabel, salth .the Lord o f hosts, and bo strong, O Joshua, sou of Josedeck, the high priest, imd bo strong all ye people of tho land, saith the Lord, and. work, for I am with you saith tho Lord of hosts. Yet- now It Is a llttlo while and I, will shako theheavensand the e’urth, and the sea and the dry land; ond I will - shako all nations, and tbe de- sire o f all nations shall come, and 1 will fill this, house with glory saith tho Lord of hosts. The silver. _und- tho'gold is mine sitith the Loid - of hosts. • Tho glory of this latter houso shall be greater than the former aalth the Lord of hosts?*. But how can this be when the uiajes. terlalness of the first temple was indes- cribably and . tho second so inferior that the people wept with a great weeping when they saw It? All glory, is not material 1 Gold,and silver and precious stones, jewels .and gems and costly woods have their, gran- deur, but all are of the earth and sooner or later porfsh. There-'is glory, vastly higher—glory which -Is moral, spiritual and-divine. Though tbe second templo built by ZurUbbabel and greatly enriched by Herod-tho Great had its magnificence, yot as all poled in the glory.of tho templo on Mount Moriah, like tho stars of tho morniug fading In the light of tho rising sun, so tiio templo of. Solomon was eclipsed and lost in the effulgent splendor of tho second'house, when Jesus, God's only son, cquM with tho' Father, tho Eter-- nal Logos, more than tho Morey’ Seat, mo.ro than tho Ark of tho Covenant, moro thou the Heavenly Manna, more thau; Aaron's rod that budded, moro than the spirit , of prophecy, moro than Urlm and Tbutnmln, moro. than /each and greater than all, Emanuel, God with, mon, God himself, tho. Alpha, Omega, first, last; tlio- Almighty, of whom God said to tho world, “ This ia my beloved’ Son, hear, him.” lie entered tho second temple^/jo child, the youth, the man, tho God! Be- fore him diseases lied, death cowered aud llfo triumphed. IIo came, the Incarnated Princo of tlio. Universe, •tho maker of suns and moons and. stars and zones of light and milky 'ways, wisdom, wealth, miglit, majesty, crbator of all thiugs, owner of all things—thrones, dominlous, prluclpliilties, powers, the- Supromo Em- poror, God over all, blessed for ever more. When ho camo- In, tho aged, yet excited Simeon exclaimed; in wrapt amazement, “ Xo\>*, Lord, lotest tlio’u’ thy servant de-. part in. pcace, for mlno.eyos have seen tiiy salvation.” . For a time tho babbling earth was sileut, angels looked on In ador- ing wonder at.tho illiini’tnblenoss of tho divlno mercy, and tlio universe saw a way i>y which- God could ho just, yet.save a repentant world. ' Tho. templo of- Solomon with ail , its gold and glitter arid .smybolisms was for: gotten, as Jesus, the Saviour of Men, stood- in tho midst of an over-burdened world on tha verge of despair, and'in tones o f Infi.nlto compassion cried,' “ Cohio uiito mo all yo that labor and aro heavy laden and 1 will give-you rest.” . It was on electric glow amid tlio rayless gloom, and :tho’world • broke Into song llko the sound , of many waters, “ llosonnah, blessed is Ho tliat cometh in tlio no mo of the Lord.” Behold, then, how prophecy js fulfilled, and tho glory of tho latter house was’greater than tho formeri But what.o’f this text in'its application to us-this day. . Our first 'bouse.had no mat'orial splendor at all, uuless we speak of the glory^of the bright skies above, tho solid earth ijeneath, and the vast ocean at our side. And all . theso aro most glo- rious!.. • - “ Tho perfect world by Adam trod, • Wok tho first temple built hy God;. His Uat laid tho corner-stouo, Aud heated Its pillars ouo’ by ono," :This was our situation, for besides’what God did, we had but a tow planks for seats, and- a rude, stand fV(.nn whieli our ministers must speak. Theio grew* until 14 years ago wo enlarged; beautified, and had seating capacity for over 4,000. But, compared with this, it was an inferior structuro—inferior in size, Inferior in finish, inferior, in cost, inferior in every- thing. Our only boast assumed the form of a divine joy, that the great All Father consented to como among ns in our crude conditions and crowned us with Ills love In tlio old ■.Auditorium \vo reached the crown of tho fo: t-l»i 11s which lay at the baso of the mountain of our history. Here wrere held 1^,8J17 services, an average of services for 22 years of 305 days’to tho,year. Here huudreds; of sermons were preached, great strides of intellect and surges of spiritual grandeur, taking up and unfolding every phase of religious thought, and presenting every motive for man to como to God—now swooping down to tho lowest depths to which/sln could plunge, and then rising to the subiimest altitudes, carrying tlio guilt-smitten spirit to the very throne, pleading- in Jesus’ namo until pardon was secured. Some- times the vast congregations under theso massive discourses wero joyous as tho sunlit sea—sometimes moved llko tho ocean when the tempest sweeps, anti,some- times In a swirl of /glory, as when the full tides rush in from the great wide sea, filling every bay, creek and crevice, then rolling up.ond breaking in surplus splen- dor on the wave-washed shore; • Every succeeding’summer of the old Auditorium’s history •w;us va mountain' of transfigured glory, “ so that which-waa previously made glorious had' no glory In tliia respect, by reason of tho glory.that excolleth.” . / ....... : Tho approximate results of- .the old Auditorium is, in converted, reclaimedj especially helped and sanctified, 72,250; but theso. figures do not represent tho, full work. This cannot be enumerated until tho,final day, , ', ' * Hero are great mountain facts— facts su vast and effulgent With the fulj-orbed splendors of the merldlun sun, fact?* so majestic, far-reaching utul eternal, that to eclipse or go beyond thein, and so make this house which is tniich greater than the past materially, greater in its spiritunl spleiulors, will refpiiro efforts; the magni- tudo of^whlch wO cannot conceive, and whoso glory must transcend the glory of concentrated suns. . • . But, notwithstanding all this; I stand here ut.tlje opening*-of' this vast building, the largest', wo believe in. evangelical t/hristlauity,. to reiterate the prophetic announcement made more than . 2,401) years ago^ “ Tho glory of this latter house shall be greater . than tho former,’saltli tho Lord;of hosts;” and tho word of-tho- Lord must.not, cannot fall. : This must bo greater than that, the netp must exceed tho old: Hero is a house vastly greater iu Its capacity than the former; a houso much better adapted to the advancing needs of the world than tho -old; a house which, barring disaster such as all human things ore subject to’, may last, for ’centuries, and be tho rallying point of. religious power for unborn and uncounted thousands. Hero will , gather men atid women of greater culture, arid by'that. much should bo mon of greater intellectual,' moral'anti religious forco—mountuln uiqn and w.oui- eii,-great towering Himalaya^overlooking nil, while tho .past has been simply as drifting sand-hills along-. a New Jersey coast. . I f it is said as.an offset, “ Tiiere wero. giants in. those* daj^” *1 ' answer yes,” and I bow beforo them with a rev- ereneo amounting almost to worship. Noyr’moro, I'would 'most.heartily cotrir mend the high achievements of theso great spiritual giants...to tlie devout study of.the striplings of to-day;' but I alsoadd^ whero there was one giant then thero should be 'ichole race* of these men of might to day! Do not, therefore! young men, young women, waste your, holy, God-given time and strength parleying for salary and place, but strong. In Intellect and mighty in God, go; forth, and salary .and .every thing .will be your. humbJo servants, Tho- Ccaan Grovo Sunday-School end Chautauqua Assembly for 1394 . . The tenth session of fbo increaslogly • popular Ocean (’.rove Assembly is to open . next Monday evening with a stereoptlcon;' lecture by. Dr. Brady, who .:so greatly de- lighted Immense audiences during tho As- sembly of ’OS. Literary and . musical en- tertainments • will occupy nearly:, every • ' evening until the grand finale of .tnagnifi,- cetit fireworks on tho beach, Friday even- . ing, the 20th,- 1 ^ , The, educationai work. of the ;Assenibly • will bo in charge of, ll 6 v. 15. H. Loomis, Ph.D., D.D;, as superintendent o f in- struction, who will teach the postgradu- ate department. The;losson.lecturps will be given in Thronloy Chapel at 10 a;'m., and will treat of some of the riiost impor- croud,ing- nt your feet begging, you to ‘?nc; in Wstory. of-the curly accept them. . 1 speak thus to you, for. henceforth you aro to be the chief factors, and this, is to! . . .. bo tho place where efforts are to he mado discuss tho scienco of Sunday-school In- ch u.rch- Rev. J. F. Clymer, D:D:,.wIlI again this , year Conduct tho Normal Department, and . and works to be achloved which shall lift this new templo in the firmament of. splendor, as far above the old as the meri- dian sun glow on a. cloudless day fn June, structlori iu tho usual brilliant.style. -All teachers in tbo Grovo might galii iuvalu- ahlb hints and helps, by meetlug In those classes every morning on the platform Of and prizes awarded Tor the best paper pre-. sen ted,. Visitors will always lie welcome In any : of these classes-and those who. may have but a single hour to spend, will find both interest and prolit by looking-’ in upon their sessions. , , is beyond tho firelly's dicker on a moonlit i tiie ne-v Auditorium, night, ., . . ■I • The Boys’ and Girls’ Departnvent will He re,, too, u*here tho. songs of pralso. this year as usual be In charge of Mrs. B. have been so grand'In tbo post, they shall i B, Loomis. - This, department meets.at: 8 bo grander still— {|reat cyclone's of resist* a.m. In the Templo and will study promi- lesa liariuony, sweeping sin to the lowest nent Bible characters! At the end of the depths of the bottomless-pit: or like clar- course a written examination will be given ion tones of triumphant.armies inspiring' hope and'gladness in millions: of ran- somed souls. . '' . . Such , u -mission lies before this groat Auditorium, opened this, day for the ser- vice and worship of Almighty . God—a mission high as heaven, deep as hell, vast as eternity; a mission which, as we come into these sacred precincts', and contem- plate its magnitude, wo seem to hear a voice, like that which came from .God to ancient Israel, “ Put off thy shoes froni oB thy fet>t, for tho place whereon thou staudest Is holy ground.” All material things, however, While im- portant and • necessary, are, nevertheless, Hlmply the scaifoiding, while the spiritual is the Ifoly Temple,which we have been, and still aro striving to erect—whosq doors we aim* to. keep always open, arid into whoso exalted privileges we.urgently ln: vlto’mankind. . ‘ - As this placo has been, so'now, If pos- sible, In a broader, fuller sense than ever, we want to make it .tlio Mount Hood of the soul, whose snow-capped .su'uitnlu of purity Jhtshing iu the s’on, shall attract aud ltold the attentiouof tho world. Here tho-multitudes havo come, and. still aro coming, blind, halt, withered, waiting for tho moving of the wiitersl , If tho waters aro not moved it is to them a failure, such os. crushes the hopes and -blights tho heart. : As In the post, so more in the future, iet tho mission of tliia town and- new Auditorium be to hold the Sabbath sacred according tp God’s laws; all business sua'- pended; all discordant sounds hushed; not a horse or vehicle on tho streets; not a milkman’s bell or the clatter of baker’s wagons, or voice, of the newsboys heard, and the barbers’ places closed, while tho waters of the lakes sleep io beauty arid the miniature pleasure skiffs are moored In silence to the shore. '• .Here, let sunriy-faced childhood and furrowed cheeks alike forget tholr youth and years, join in the songs with holy gladness, until all heaven, bends to.listen to the strains. . • * . It must,.too/.be the.mission'of this new Auditorium to proclaim with new inspir- ation, holier^ emphasis and sublime elo- quence the Christ-announced doctrine of -the absolu.to necessity o f tho thor6ui;li change of the moral nature Into the di- vine likeness. '. Jesus, the world’s great teacher, said to a high, ortlclal- In the' Jewish- church, “ Marvel not that 1 said unto thee ye must be born again,” and this divine announce- ment must always be made conspicuous here. Why,? “ The carnal-mind is en- mity-..against God,’?. Until-, this change takes placo there is wav ip the soul—finite man worrlng ogalust tho infinlto God. There is no peace in tear! \Tho longer.this strugglo i 9 continued, the less tho proba- bilities of success. Here, In this 'great Templo tho terms of peace must bo mado known. “ Ceaso to do evij, learn to do well” Repent, be lie vet”. Ho that com- e'th unto. mo I w ill: In . no wiso cast out! He that beliovetb’ 8 /<«^ be saved! One soul saved is moro- than all tho tousof gold mul silvor used lu buildlug tho. templo on Mouut Moriah t Nay, moro, '.- . . .. “ Behold tho midnight hoavens,- Worlds .on ' • . worlds. Aanizluj; romp ! Kedoublo this amozo. Ten tliotirfaml add; add .twice teu tUotisaud iuoro» • One tout otitu titjhi than all, aud calls Thoi.bUipumloa-i umss ut ualuteUlgeut creation • • poor,’* (Oonttnucd on second pftjje.) Mr. Yatman’s Weokly. Notss. .The You fig People’s meeting opened most auspiciously this year. A largo at- ‘ tendance, a happy and holy 'spirit, enthu- siasm and .the-.singing better than over, with inquiring souls. ' ' ' “ Not dead orthodoxy here, but life and power. arid evangelistic effort’ earnest and good for soul saving,” was the expressed • thought of President Stokes In .his open- ing sermon. It is that wiilch-brings, tho teeming crowds to this city by . tho sea,., they come for that aud they g^t Vvhat tliey . como for. ; . : ... The Hev. Dr. Soundingbrass haij beeri left off the Ocean Grove program this, year.. If, any relative of. his turns up wo hope his-visit will lie short and his address moro abbreviated than his visit. Prof. Sweney is to be with us the whole season Instead of- parts of it.as heretofore. He leads the singing in the Young Peo- pie’s, meeting as-.well as at; the Audito-- rium. • . 1 . The question, “ Are there people hero for the first tUne,” put to the crowd In the Templo the opening Sunday, morning, brought out. many lifted hands.- It. is a good sign to see all tho old friends back with;many new ones added. Ono .man caiuo thirteen miles to tho. Sunday night service and was converted. Bills in tho basket when the collection was taken shows how appreciative are our friends o f what thoy get. ' The leader of the Young People’s meet* I ng takes it for grunted that one attendance on the Young People’s meetiiig’services Is nn introduction to .him, and thereafter auy and oil should -speak tb him when, they meet, aod if io.any way he cun be of help,'ask him. Tha Morning Holinsss Meeting. Tho meeting, which bus become an es. tabllshed institution iii connection with Ocean Grovo services, was opened on Sab.- batli morning last. In tho absence of ^Irs- ’: Palmer, tho. meetlug Is In tho bauds of Rev.. Geo. Hughes,, by appointment of President Stokes.., Mrs. ‘ Palmer is. not ablo aii yet to como to the Goive, hut it Is possible sho may do so ero long. . Tho first meeting on Sabbath morning ' was promising as to attendanco and spirit. Bro. .Hughes was to absent on Monday aud Tuesday morning in consequence of. tbo lil ness of Ids daughter, Jennie,, who,| iiow- ; ever, is now convalescent. Mrs. Burris’ of Washington, and M iss Ciisslo X j . Smith conducted tlio 'services', on tho two niorii • lugs nametl. Tho Lord manifested lils’ presence-graciously. *•. .’; M is s -Julia Itoss,- her largo circle of - friends will bo gh’id to know', Is in Asbury Park for tho. summer season; and Miss Thomas, tho accomplished nud -successful: music teacher, is with her, aud ready to. form a class, or give instruction to'suit eoh v onion co o f pupils;
Page 1: REV. A. WALLACE, Di D„ Editor. - DigiFind-ItHo thou Ita tun and glory first and last; Tako thou our hearts and keep them thine, * And sway lovers sceptro o’er creation va.st. ‘.Como,

• f'

REV. A. WALLACE, Di D„ Editor. O C E A N G R O V E , N . J., S A T U R D A Y , J U L Y 7, 1894. V O L. X X . No, 27.

Tho Ocean Grovo Auditorium,‘ Tillsiatliyioraplo,Lord Divine*

Ho thou Ita tun and glory first and last;Tako thou our hearts and keep them thine, *

And sway lovers sceptro o’er creation va.st.

‘.Como, Father, Son and Floly Ghost, . . Hero hearts and volcca blendJnff hltrh ac*

. ■' ctalm; ‘ •Uniting with tho hoav’nly host,

To welcome in love’s universal rolim." .. -rFrom donya o f Lore and ./' ai*c.

Opening Day Services,Tina MOHNINfl CONGHKOATION

. . In connection w itli an event looked for*• 'ward* to .as one o f tlio summits o f earthly

desire, even such.n commonplace thing ns weather probabilities assumes uncommon importance. H ow -g lad therefore wero thousands o f hearts when bright skies nnd

• auspicious sunshine wero assured for Sab­bath, July 1', by the thunder showers o f the preceding day.-'. '

Interest in the new. Auditorium bad“be- como’so deep, and so w idely extended over the country that very many.had promised

.. themselves tlio^prlvilego o f being .present when tho first doxology should resound within its capacious walls, j And so, the tra ins. o f Saturday camo in heavily freighted witli an expectant people for au auspicious time on Sunday.

A t 9 a . m ., or in fact a half an hour earlier, the souod.of the Auditorium bell was heard for the first tim e this season, a, single tap at tlie appointed hour'started the Tabernacle and'Temple meetings, Rev. G> Hughes, Mrs. Grace W eiser Davie, Dr. T . Hanlon and others conducting ‘the

■ former, and Rev. C. l L .Yatman greeting a large audience o f young people in the

• ■ latter.:- : • .’ ■ -,By this time the gloom o f a misty morn

ing had yielded to glorious sunshine. A ll the entrances: to tlie great Auditorium wero early thrown open, and the place

' began to till up with a characteristic Ocean Grovo nudiehcej representing every part o f the United States, and tho inhabitants o f every nationality on tho globe. •

• '■ Am ong tho ministers who gathered v ; around President Stokes, and were ready

at ids cull-to take any part required in tho services p f the day, w ero Drs. Corey, o f Washington; E. M .Levyond S. W.Thoinas, o f Ph iladelphia; \V, A . A llen , Asbury Park ; E. IT. Hoffman, W , IT. Meeker, Fred Poole, T . B. Ilunter, J . 'R . Daniels, A. 32. Ballard, \Y. H. llussel, T . Snowden Thomas, G. W . M iller imd G. C lark; T . II .

•; London, Bordentown; J. C. Young, John Davidson, K. J. Andrews,- I . 'N . Vau9ont, A. M.. Palmer,. \V. G. Browning, George Hughes, G. W . Mooney, A . W . Ferguson

; M . Relyea, Dr. \V. II . Lawreuco, J. T . Tucker, W . Waiton, W m . Franklin, Bishop Wilson, A. D. Davis' and A . CV Grice, o f ^VilmJngton Conference, with Dr. Haulon

, and 0. H.-Yattuan.A t the hour o f 10 a ; m ., w hile the.peoplo

were still pouring in, Dr. Stokes asked for silence, and proceeded to read in a some wbat subdued tone o f voice the 84th Psalm. Every word was distinctly heard by those sitting in front and on the gal­leries, but persons on tbe stand Immedi- ately behind him lost a little o f the read­ing by reason o f so much stir at the mo­ment.;

Rev. J. R. Daniels announced 910th -hymn, which was grandly sung, tbe choir num berlugover 10Q voices. Prayer was fervently offered by Vice-president Bol. lard, during which responses become gen­eral and faith began to realize the pres- ence o f God,’ The Lord’s prayer ' w; beautifully chanted by the choir, led by

' Prof. Sweney, and the Scripture lessons .were read by Rev. George. Hughes and Pastor Relyea, o f St. Paul's Church.• A lter further singing, and the entrance

: o f a largo deputation o f visiting strangers, in attendance at the National Editorial

. Convention In Asbury Park, for whom a section o f seats had beon reserved, Dr. Stokes delivered the address .which we print below, • . .

Greetings from President Stokes.In connection w ith the Auditorium serv* •

. ico9 on Sunday, July 1, 1894, and beforo entering on his opening sermon, Dr. Stokes

. addressing an audienco o f 0,000 people said J

“ I t is my exalted privilege at this au: spiclous moment, to welcom e to this new edlflce, ou this glad opening day, first.of all, H im , to whom In tho highest and best sense, it properly -belongs—The Eternal God; Father; Son and I lo ly Ghost; tho creator o f nil things; tbo redeemer o f all men; tho Illuminator o f all worlds; tho nonrest, dearest and best beloved— wo wel­come Theo ut this moment, ns theso doors lift tholr houds.for the first time, and ask that Thou w ilt so como In ns -tlio K ing o f

. glory, that this great host may feel.that

“ The Lord is in Il ls h o lyTem p le,” while we-all for a moinent stand, in silent awe beforo Him. • ’ . . * ' ' *• .-•.•* • *

“ Frtloio1 citizens o f the United States, and the representatives o f all the nations, kin­dreds, people and tongues, without refer- ence to territorial Hinlts^-I most cordially welcome you .to this new templo o f the Jiving God.

• " Fellow citizens o f the m in is nml .house* hold o f God, heirs-o f immortality, without referenco to cre^d or denominational lines, I most-heartily w tlcom o you to this en­larged placo. o f Christian activities; in tho name o f our- common Christianity, for whose blessed extension this house has been erected. Although bearing different names,' nud varying somewhat in external forms, we are a ll.ch ildren o f olio Father; we lmve nil one Saviour, one hope, ono heaven. Let us1>e one lu holy unity and affection !/. Artisans, manufacturers, mechanic* and laborers o f nil-classes, . ! welcome" you to’ this place, which under God bus been erected hy your hands, and so'. erected us to tim e aud manner us to meet\vlth almost, i f not quite universal, commendation. I welcome you here, because tiiejteoeiiiugs

'promulgatedlfrom this stand, w ill elevate tho race, nmPby muklng men better liasten tlie long desired .millennium o f tho world.

It is a gratifying incident, in connection with our opening day, that we have in our midst, large numbers o f one-of tho most distinguished bodies-of men in this coun try— tlie National. Editoria l, Association, which meets to-morrow In Asbury Park. Gentlem.enof this noble and responsible profession, I extend to .you a most heart­fe lt ond royal welcome to this building and our twin cities by the sea .. “ In the beginning,. God said, L e t there be Ufjht, ond ligh t was.” T o diffuse ligh t is also your mission; May tbo ligh t you shed be such as. makes tinen happier, because it makes tliem better.. Feel at home among

'us, and tuko our benediction with you when you go. ' .

W e have aii united in erecting this house. L e t us all unite in devout thanksgiv. ing tliat it has been completed so quickly, so well arid without hhrm’ to iifo or limb. *

(H ere the full choir* led by Prof.; John R Sweney. charited tho Gloria, P a iria .)

The president then concluded, his pre llm luory address by saying;. “ T ru ly the Lord is good, and Ids mercy is everlasting. Le t the offerings- we now’ make, the first within these walls be a joy fu ll expression o f that goodness to us all,:

(The offering wns'then taken and the baskets brought In the roUnd surn.of $500.)

.It was a subject o f general remark and commendation how admirably, the-large rbody o f ushers, among whom were Treas­urer Brown, A. II . Deliaven , T . M.. Dickey and other members o f tho -Association;, seated tho seven or eight thousand people who wero now ready to hear tbo morning sermon. Tbe collection was taken in less time than usual, and during this Interim the choir, under Its incomparable leader, gave selections from the new book, “ Praise in Song,” the publisher o f which, John J. Hood, was present and helped to swell tbio chorus. I t would have been a great pleas­ure to us all had Prof. Kirkpatrick also found Impossible to be present.

The Glory of.the Latter House.


than tho. former, wiliti the Lord of host?,; anil In thi$ placo will I g I vo. peaco, salt h tho Lord of •b6dts.’,~UAO. 2: U. \

The great underlying thought— God— •dim or more definite,-which from the'be- ginning and through tho unfolding ages dwelt in tho human inind, was und is tho. foundation o f all true morality, and roL Iglon.- Soon this thought, though in crude, forms, begun to express Itself in building altars and other rude structures to H is worship. Temples ultimately became numerous, and many wero costly. On the pages of history, that of-Solomon erected to tho truo God, aud Diana to a heathen deity; stand conspicuous, •

Solomon, tho son o f David, k in g o f Israel, to whom was committed tho high honor Of building the temple on Mount Morluh - to the worship o f the only .'true. G od,^as woaltby^wlttyj wise and ,won: derfui. I l ls wealth;was ’ ftibuious/lild wit incisive, his wisdom profound, and M b whole career full o f .the most wonderful extremes—.from . tho peerless • heights o f almost iufinlto. wisdom • to tho terrific depths o f fo lly , so amazing {.hat angola: Wept over it aud devils hold fiendish car­nivals o f jo y . ' T o him, his dying father, surrouuded by all his princes, warriors and statesmen, said, “ And - thou, Solo-, mon, my sou, know thou the God o f thy father, .and servo'him with a perfect heart nnd a w illing m ind; "for the Lord search-

eth all hearts and uuderstandeth all the imnglnations o f tho thoughts*,. I f thou seek Him Ho w ill be found o f thee, but i f thou forsake H im H m e i l l cast thee oj}' fo r- ever. Tako heed now, for tho Lord hath ’chosen thee to build a house for the Sanc­tuary ;. he strontj and <ld i t . " •

Tho young king immediately accepted tho obligation thus imposed as an impor­tant part o f his royul responsibliity, and entered upon tho work with holy enthusi­asm and. exuited joy. T o Itlui it did not seem u difllcult task', for the location had been selected and 'th o plans* wero: drawn; to all which a still moto important fact must bo added, that,.accord Ing to ono os- timato, his royal futiiur had le ft him48,000 tons o f gold nnd sliver, besides itu* mense fjunntities o f lihtss, iroti, stbno and timber, witli which to ’ cominetice the wurlc.

T h is ’ estimate, tho highest eve rg lveu , seems too vast, to be true, yot tlie lowest Is about one fifth o f this, which greatly re­duced sum Is an amount so great that we fail to comprehend it.

Th is templo was comparatively.a small, structure, perhaps not more than one- third the size o f . this, yet. in v iew o f tho imperialness o f its splendor,.and the matchiessnesof Its finish, required 183,000 Jews arid.strangers seveu years an(l’a half to complete. Finished, it stood beautiful for sltuation, tho jo y o f tho wholo earth tho wonder o f tho wholo worhl. I t was dedicated l>y K ing Solomon in a match­less .prayer. In . addition to its m'aterlal splendor it. had In tbo .Holy-of .Holies the M ercy Seat, tho Ark o f tho Covenant, the Heavenly Mannn, Aaron’s rod which bud* ded, tho Urlin and Thumim, and over all tbe Shekinah,ythb visible symbol o f the Invisible God., I t soon- became tho envy o f heathen -kings,.by them ultimately.de­stroyed, and tho nation carried Into cap­tivity. ;• Flfty-two years afterwards a number o f Jews returned, and', its rebuilding com­menced under Zurubbabel. It Is said “ that, many o f tho. priests, Invites and ch ief o f: tho fathers, who w e re undent men, having .seen the first house, when they saw tho -'foundations o f this, wept with a loud, volco." But notwithstanding the superiority o f the first over the second temple, tho spirit o f the-prophe’cy camo to his servant Haggai, saying, “ Speak now unto Zurabbabel. W ho Is among you that saw this house in her first glory? and iiow do you seo it now ? Is it not in your eyes.in comparison o f it as .nothing ? Y e t now, be strong, O Zurubbabel, salth .the Lord o f hosts, and bo strong, O Joshua, sou o f Josedeck, the high priest, imd bo strong all ye people o f tho land, saith the Lord, and. work, for I am with you saith tho Lord o f hosts. Yet- now It Is a llttlo while and I, w ill shako theheavensand the e’urth, and the sea and the dry land; ond I w ill - shako all nations, and tbe de­sire o f all nations shall come, and 1 w ill fill this, house with glory saith tho Lord of hosts. The silver. _und- tho'gold is mine sitith the Loid - o f hosts. • Tho g lory o f this latter houso shall be greater than the former aalth the Lord o f hosts?*.

But how can this be when the uiajes. terlalness of the first temple was indes­cribably and . tho second so in ferior that the people wept with a great weeping when they saw It?

A ll glory, is not material 1 G o ld , and silver and precious stones, jew els .and gems and costly woods have their, gran­deur, but all are o f the earth and sooner or later porfsh. There-'is glory, vastly higher—glory which -Is moral, spiritual and-divine. Though tbe second templo built by ZurUbbabel and greatly enriched by Herod-tho Great had its magnificence, yot as all poled in the glory .o f tho templo on Mount Moriah, like tho stars o f tho morniug fading In the ligh t o f tho rising sun, so tiio templo o f. Solomon was eclipsed and lost in the effulgent splendor o f tho second'house, when Jesus, God's only son, cquM with tho' Father, tho Eter-- nal Logos, more than tho M orey ’ Seat, mo.ro than tho A rk o f tho Covenant, moro thou the Heavenly Manna, more thau; Aaron's rod that budded, moro than the spirit , o f prophecy, moro than U rlm and Tbutnmln, moro. than /each and greater than all, Emanuel, God with, mon, God himself, tho. Alpha, Omega, first, last; tlio- Alm ighty, o f whom God said to tho world, “ Th is ia my beloved’ Son, hear, him.” l i e entered tho second temple^/jo child, the youth, the man, tho God! Be­fore him diseases lied, death cowered aud llfo triumphed. IIo came, the Incarnated Princo o f t lio . Universe, • tho maker o f suns and moons and. stars and zones o f ligh t and m ilky 'ways, wisdom, wealth, miglit, majesty, crbator o f all thiugs, owner o f all things—thrones, dominlous, prluclpliilties, powers, the- Supromo Em- poror, God over all, blessed for ever more.

When ho camo- In, tho aged, ye t excited Simeon excla im ed; in wrapt amazement, “ Xo\>*, Lord, lotest tlio’u’ thy servant de-. part in. pcace, for m lno.eyos have seen tiiy salvation.” . For a time tho babbling earth was sileut, angels looked on In ador- ing wonder at.tho illiini’tnblenoss o f tho divlno mercy, and tlio universe saw a way i>y which- God could ho just, yet.save a repentant world. '

Tho. templo of- Solomon with ail , its gold and glitter arid .smybolisms was for: gotten, as Jesus, the Saviour o f Men, stood- in tho midst o f an over-burdened world on tha verge o f despair, an d 'in tones o f Infi.nlto compassion cried,' “ Cohio uiito mo all yo that labor and aro heavy laden and 1 w ill g ive -you rest.” . I t was on electric g low amid tlio rayless gloom, and : tho’ world • broke Into song llko the sound , o f many waters, “ llosonnah, blessed is H o tliat cometh in tlio no mo o f the Lord.” Behold, then, how prophecy js fulfilled, and tho g lory o f tho latter house was’ greater than tho formeri

But what.o’f this text in'its application to us-this day. . Our first 'bouse.had no mat'orial splendor at all, uuless we speak o f the glory^of the bright skies above, tho solid earth ijeneath, and the vast ocean at our side. And all . theso aro most g lo ­rious!..• - “ Tho perfect world by Adam trod, •

Wok tho first temple built hy God;.His Uat laid tho corner-stouo,Aud heated Its pillars ouo’ by ono,"

:This was our situation, for besides’ what God did, w e had but a tow planks for seats, and- a rude, stand fV(.nn whieli our ministers must speak. Th eio grew* until 14 years ago wo enlarged; beautified, and had seating capacity for over 4,000. But, compared with this, it was an inferior structuro— inferior in size, Inferior in finish, inferior, in cost, in ferior in every­thing. Our only boast assumed the form o f a divine joy, that the great A ll Father consented to como among ns in our crude conditions and crowned us with I lls love In tlio old ■.Auditorium \vo reached the crown o f tho fo: t-l»i 11s which lay at the baso o f the mountain o f our history. Here wrere held 1 ,8J17 services, an average o f

services for 22 years o f 305 days’to tho,year. Here huudreds; o f sermons were preached, great strides o f intellect and surges o f spiritual grandeur, taking up and unfolding every phase o f religious thought, and presenting every motive for man to como to God— now swooping down to tho lowest depths to which/sln could plunge, and then rising to the subiimest altitudes, carrying tlio guilt-smitten spirit to the very throne, pleading- in Jesus’ namo until pardon was secured. Some­times the vast congregations under theso massive discourses wero joyous as tho sunlit sea— sometimes moved llko tho ocean when the tempest sweeps, anti,some­times In a swirl o f /glory, as when the full tides rush in from the great w ide sea, filling every bay, creek and crevice, then ro lling up.ond breaking in surplus splen- dor on the wave-washed shore; •

E very succeeding’ summer o f the old Auditorium’s history • w;us v a mountain' o f transfigured glory, “ so that which-waa previously made glorious had' no glory In tliia respect, by reason o f tho glory.that excolleth.” . / ....... :

Tho approximate results of- .the old Auditorium is, in converted, reclaimedj especially helped and sanctified, 72,250; but theso. figures do not represent tho, fu ll work. This cannot be enumerated until tho,final day, , ' , • • ' *

Hero are great mountain facts— facts su vast and effulgent With the fulj-orbed splendors o f the merldlun sun, fact?* so majestic, far-reaching utul eternal, that to eclipse or go beyond thein, and so make this house which is tniich greater than the past materially, greater in its spiritunl spleiulors, w ill refpiiro efforts; the magni- tudo of^whlch wO cannot conceive, and whoso glory must transcend the glory o f concentrated suns. . • .

But, notwithstanding all this; I stand here ut.tlje opening*-of' this vast building, the largest', wo believe in. evangelical t/hristlauity,. to reiterate the prophetic announcement made more than . 2,401) years ago^ “ Tho glory o f this latter house shall be greater . than tho fo rm er,’saltli tho Lord;o f hosts;” and tho word of-tho- Lo rd must.not, cannot fall. : This must bo greater than that, the netp must exceed tho old: Hero is a house vastly greater iu Its capacity than the form er; a houso much better adapted to the advancing needs o f the world than tho -o ld ; a house which, barring disaster such as all human things ore subject to’, may last, for ’centuries, and be tho rally ing point of. religious power for unborn and uncounted thousands. H ero w ill , gather men atid women o f greater culture, arid by'that. much should bo mon o f greater intellectual,' moral'anti religious forco— mountuln uiqn and w.oui-

eii,-great towering H im alaya^overlooking nil, while tho .past has been simply as d rifting sand-hills along-. a N ew Jersey coast. . I f it is said as.an offset, “ Tiiere wero. giants in. those* d a j^ ” *1 ' answer

yes,” and I bow beforo them with a rev- ereneo amounting almost to worship. N oyr’moro, I 'w ou ld 'm ost. heartily cotrir mend the high achievements o f theso great spiritual giants...to tlie devout study of.the striplings o f to-day;' but I alsoadd^ whero there was one giant then thero should be 'ichole race* o f these men o f m ight to day!

Do not, therefore! young men, young women, waste your, holy, God-given time and strength parleying for salary and place, but strong. In Intellect and m ighty in God, go; forth, and salary .and .every thing .w ill be your. humbJo servants,

Tho- Ccaan Grovo Sunday-School end Chautauqua Assembly for 1394.

. The tenth session o f fbo increaslogly • popular Ocean ( ’.rove Assembly is to open . next Monday evening with a stereoptlcon;' lecture by. Dr. Brady, who .:so greatly de­lighted Immense audiences during tho A s ­sembly o f ’OS. Literary and . musical en­tertainments • w ill occupy nearly:, every •' evening until the grand finale o f .tnagnifi,- cetit fireworks on tho beach, Friday even- . ing, the 20th,- 1 ,

The, educationai w ork . o f the ;Assenibly • w ill bo in charge of, l l 6v. 15. H. Loomis, Ph.D., D.D;, as superintendent o f in­struction, who w ill teach the postgradu­ate department. The;losson.lecturps w ill be given in Thronloy Chapel at 10 a;'m., and w ill treat o f some o f the riiost impor-

croud,ing- nt your feet begging, you to ‘ ?nc; in W story. of-the curlyaccept them. .

1 speak thus to you, for. henceforth you aro to be the ch ie f factors, and this, is t o ! . . ..bo tho place where efforts are to he mado discuss tho scienco o f Sunday-school In­

ch u.rch-Rev. J. F. Clymer, D :D:,.wIlI again this ,

year Conduct tho Norm al Department, and .

and works to be achloved which shall l i f t this new templo in the firmament of. splendor, as far above the old as the meri­dian sun glow on a. cloudless day fn June,

structlori iu tho usual brilliant.style. -A ll teachers in tbo Grovo might galii iuvalu- ahlb hints and helps, by meetlug In those classes every morning on the platform Of

and prizes awarded Tor the best paper p re-. sen ted,.

Visitors w ill always lie welcome In any : of these classes-and those who. may have but a single hour to spend, w ill find both interest and prolit by looking-’ in upon their sessions. , ,

is beyond tho firelly's dicker on a moonlit i tiie ne-v Auditorium, night, ., . . ■ • I • The Boys’ and G irls’ Departnvent w ill

He re,, too, u* here tho. songs o f pralso. this y e a r as usual be In charge o f Mrs. B. have been so grand'In tbo post, they shall i B, Loomis. - This, department meets.at: 8 bo grander still— {|reat cyclone's o f resist* a.m. In the Tem plo and will study promi- lesa liariuony, sweeping sin to the lowest nent Bible characters! A t the end o f the depths of the bottomless-pit: or like clar- course a written examination w ill be given ion tones o f triumphant.armies inspiring' hope and'gladness in m illions: o f ran­somed souls. . '' . .

Such , u -mission lies before this groat Auditorium, opened this, day for the ser­vice and worship o f A lm ighty . God— a mission high as heaven, deep as hell, vast as etern ity; a mission which, as we come into these sacred precincts', and contem­plate its magnitude, wo seem to hear a voice, like that which came from .God to ancient Israel, “ Put off thy shoes froni oB thy fet>t, for tho place whereon thou staudest Is holy ground.”

A ll material things, however, While im­portant and • necessary, are, nevertheless,Hlmply the scaifoiding, while the sp iritua l is the Ifo ly Temple,which we have been, and still aro striving to erect— whosq doors we aim* to. keep always open, arid into whoso exalted privileges we.urgently ln: v lto ’mankind. . ‘ ‘ -

As this placo has been, so'now, I f pos­sible, In a broader, fuller sense than ever, we want to make it .tlio Mount Hood o f the soul, whose snow-capped .su'uitnlu o f purity Jhtshing iu the s’on, shall attract aud ltold the attentiouof tho world. Here tho-multitudes havo come, and. still aro coming, blind, halt, withered, waiting for tho moving o f the wiitersl , I f tho waters aro not moved it is to them a failure, such os. crushes the hopes and -blights tho heart. :

As In the post, so more in the future, iet tho mission o f tliia town and- new Auditorium be to hold the Sabbath sacred according tp God’s laws; a ll business sua'- pended; all discordant sounds hushed; not a horse or vehicle on tho streets; not a milkman’s bell or the clatter o f baker’s wagons, or voice, o f the newsboys heard, and the barbers’ places closed, while tho waters o f the lakes sleep io beauty arid the miniature pleasure skiffs are mooredIn silence to the shore. '• •

.Here, let sunriy-faced childhood and furrowed cheeks alike forget tholr youth and years, jo in in the songs with holy gladness, until all heaven, bends to.listen to the strains. . • * .

It must,.too/.be the.m ission 'of this new Auditorium to proclaim with new inspir­ation, holier^ emphasis and sublime elo­quence the Christ-announced doctrine of -the absolu.to necessity o f tho thor6ui;li change o f the moral nature Into the d i­vine likeness. '.

Jesus, the world’s great teacher, said to a high, ortlclal- In the' Jewish- church,“ Marvel not that 1 said unto thee ye must be born again,” and this divine announce­ment must always be made conspicuous here. W hy,? “ The carnal-mind is en­mity-..against God,’?. Until-, this change takes placo there is wav ip the soul— finite man worrlng ogalust tho infinlto God.There is no peace in tear! \ Tho longer.this strugglo i9 continued, the less tho proba­bilities o f success. Here, In this 'great Templo tho terms o f peace must bo mado known. “ Ceaso to do evij, learn to do w e l l ” “ Repent, be lie vet” . H o that com- e'th unto. mo I w i l l : In . no wiso cast out!He that beliovetb’8/<« be saved! One soul saved is moro- than all tho tou so f gold mul silvor used lu buildlug tho. templo on Mouut Moriah t Nay, moro, '.- . . ..“ Behold tho midnight hoavens,- Worlds .on ' • . worlds.Aanizluj; romp ! Kedoublo this amozo.Ten tliotirfaml add; add .twice teu tUotisaud

iuoro» •One tout otitu titjhi than all, aud calls Thoi.bUipumloa-i umss ut ualuteUlgeut creation

• • poor,’*(Oonttnucd on second pftjje.)

Mr. Yatman’s Weokly. Notss..The You fig People’s meeting opened

most auspiciously this year. A largo at- ‘ tendance, a happy and holy 'spirit, enthu­siasm and .the-.singing better than over, with inquiring souls. ' ' '

• “ N o t dead orthodoxy here, but life and pow er. arid evangelistic effort’ earnest and good for soul saving,” was the expressed • thought o f President Stokes In .his open­ing sermon. I t is that wiilch-brings, tho teeming crowds to this city by . tho sea,., they come for that aud they g^t Vvhat tliey . como for. ; . : . . .

The Hev. Dr. Soundingbrass haij beeri le ft off the Ocean Grove program this, year.. If, any relative of. his turns up wo hope his-visit w ill lie short and his address moro abbreviated than his visit.

Prof. Sweney is to be with us the whole season Instead of- parts o f it.as heretofore. He leads the singing in the Young Peo- pie’s, meeting as-.well as at; the Audito-- rium. • . 1 .

The question, “ A re there people hero for the first tUne,” put to the crowd In the Tem plo the opening Sunday, morning, brought out. many lifted hands.- It . is a good sign to see all tho old friends back with;many new ones added.

Ono .man caiuo thirteen miles to tho. Sunday night service and was converted.

B ills in tho basket when the collection was taken shows how appreciative are our friends o f what thoy get. '

The leader o f the Young People’s meet*I n g takes it for grunted that one attendance on the Young People’s meetiiig’services Is nn introduction to .him, and thereafter auy and oil should -speak tb him when, they meet, aod i f io.any way he cun be o f help,'ask him.

Tha Morning Holinsss Meeting.Tho meeting, which bus become an es.

tabllshed institution iii connection with Ocean Grovo services, was opened on Sab.- batli morning last. In tho absence o f ^Irs- ’: Palmer, tho. meetlug Is In tho bauds o f Rev.. Geo. Hughes,, by appointment o f President Stokes.., Mrs. ‘ Palmer is. not ablo aii yet to como to the Goive, hut it Is possible sho may do so ero long. . •

Tho first meeting on Sabbath morning ' was promising as to attendanco and spirit. Bro. .Hughes was to absent on Monday aud Tuesday morning in consequence of. tbo lil ness o f Ids daughter, Jennie,, who,| iiow- ; ever, is now convalescent. Mrs. Burris’ o f Washington, and M iss Ciisslo Xj. Smith conducted tlio 'services', on tho two niorii • lugs nametl. Tho Lord manifested l i l s ’ presence-graciously. *•. .’ ;

M i s s -Julia Itoss,- her largo circle o f - friends w ill bo gh’id to know', Is in Asbury Park for tho. summer season; and Miss Thomas, tho accomplished nud -successful: music teacher, is with her, aud ready to . form a class, or g ive instruction to 'su it e oh v onion co o f pupils;

Page 2: REV. A. WALLACE, Di D„ Editor. - DigiFind-ItHo thou Ita tun and glory first and last; Tako thou our hearts and keep them thine, * And sway lovers sceptro o’er creation va.st. ‘.Como,

>n ti lr.p«oB~,>uyitt*l>±*^\,> i^?** 4 ?& iiiyit i ^ - c .

O C I E j ^ I t f O - B O T E l B E C G B D , J T T X /X ' 7 , ■ l S © - i .


; U l iy . A.; ■W A LLA C E , X>. D.,


R1£V. E. H .S T O K E 3 , l ) .D . ;C o r r i ; s p ! im l ln g E i l l (o r .

TEilMS.'l'OSTAOU.I’RKrAiBOnecopy, four months,..-.• '*. • *• Bis m o u t h s , . . ; , . . .... *.

'• •.'.•• one year *t ..Club of five dr more, one..yew, each,;...

Advertisements lucer ted nt the rateoften eet»tj>] por line, one lime. For one. t wo or three months,

• or by tho year, ft libernl reduction will he made;

.. .fid

. < .7f»

..fP.fiO i+XSfi

^ A T U H H A Y , . l i ’ IA ' 7 ,1S04.

F ifty cents w ill' pay for tlie "OcftXjf G iiov ii Recohd.. for- four nipnthjS; mailed

'\-.to■ nmv aildress. . • V• I:‘ . ;.y'.* *;; ;/;v:i ’ -V;?.

Mr. nml .Mrs. J. It! Hi own, o f Jersey City, not. only took in the 'entire survives o f opening Sunday; liiit stayed.over until tbe Fourth/of July to help us celebrate

,. the National anniversary. •.

/Prof/Gildny. with his .phonograph and big annunciator attached,'wants to try. its

■ power in the Auditorium, . l i e tli inks the music or Siiipture'/reading it produces would be he.ird distinctly in any part ‘o f the building. • * •'

• Dr. Geb. H . Sanderson; tlio manager o f the Christian Jferald, N ew York , wlio has

> taken a summer residence on Abbott ave nlte, In the Grove, received the degree o f Ph. I), at the last commencement o f the Taylor Uulversity,. Upland, Ind. . .

The 11 rst meeting o f Assembly, choir for rehearsal w ill bo held on.Monday next at 4 o’clock'in new Auditorium. A ll persons ■wishing to jo in the choir w ill leave their names with Wlstar II . Stokes before Sat­urday, so as to secure anthem books. .. -

'We failed to notice any attendants at the Auditorium opening last. Sunday wearing more satisfactory smiles on their k indly faces than Mr. and Mrs. D, l i . WyckoIT, o f Asbury. Park. I t was the ’Squire; who set the bail in motion last

.year, and now behold the result! ,

The inspiring sound o f Mr. Charles J. Tay lo r ’s cornet, in harmony with Prof. Sulger's trombone on the new Auditorium platform, and at. the beach meeting last

' Sunday, gave the lovers o f good music an agreeable surprise. M r. Taylor Is prom-

. ised to us for the ooliro season, l ie stops . at the Ocean Hotel, Asbury Park.

The lectures on sacred oratory delivered by Rev. Geo. K . Morris, I).D ., o f Cincin­nati, in past years at the Grove, havo. been o f great interest both to ’ preachers and those ’• who listen to preaching. These lectures are to lie continued, iiof repeated during the Assembly this year and from.

‘ the lectuVersJ well-known versatility as though mastery o f the subject a rare treat may be anticipated

O f the distinguished laymen who ac. copied an invitation to sit on the plat- form or • olsewhere in the new building, last Sabbath, we were pleased to see the genial and intelligent face o f Judge Tjovatt o f Tarrytown, N .-..Y ;; Thomas .Bradley, Philadelphia; James L. Hays, Newark'; H . C. Douglas, Gen. J- L , RUs. ling. Trenton; W , H . Heisler, Pember­ton; J% R.. Brown, Jersey C ity; Joseph Ross, Thos, J ames,. Smyrna, p e l . ; George Harvey, Brooklyn, and his lionor, David I I . W yckoll, Esquire o f Asbury Park.

The ministers who were called;upon to take part in .the services o f last Sabbath at the opening o f the new Auditorium were, in the morning, Rev. Wui. B. Os- Born, Rev. A . E. Ballard,. Revs. George Hughes, .1. R. I)nn lel9, M . Relyea and G.

' W . Evans.' In tlie afternoon those assist­ing. Dr. .Hanlon were Dr. A . AVallnce, Rev. W . Walton, J. T . Tucker, GV II . Ya t­man nnd Dr. Mnoney. Evening, Dr. W . H . Lawrence ottered .prayer before, aud

’ Dr. S. W. Thomas, after, tlie evangelistic discourse of. Rev; C. II . Yatman.

j.;, A remark uhjy pleasant feature, o f last Sunday’s great gathering aud Impressive services was the fact that R ev .W m . 13. Osborn, th e . actual founder o f Ocean Grove, and .architect o f its first brush Auditorium w ith'pine .board seats^. found time.to be present, and participate In the opening of the new unparalleled, struct*

; ure, in which twenty-live congregations’ eiicli. as large as' tho first Sunday:audi epee tliat ever met on that same spot, could Jiud plenty o f room.' W e haven’t

' heard Bro. Osborn’s, opinion o f the en : tei’prise, but suppose .‘he considers it* pas sableV- . . . 'V •. . *....

' I f Mr, W illU fofti, Duy, who journeyed ail. the way from 'Denver, Col.,.' to- take part .in the opening song servibes o f .tlie

• new Auditorium, is hot satisfied arid happy with the evidences o f regard which

/ Jiave been showered upon him ever since" . liis arrival, we conclude that ho Is less

•'appreciative p f f r io m lly overtures thau he used to be. The entire community

. took him to its hunrt in n loving pressure v o f iludi minished, aifectlou.'. The congro

giitlons gave him repeatedly the Ocean Grove salute, and every friend o f former days sincerely, wishes . . i t . were possible for him to move back again to Ocean Grove. W lllisford Is just as amiable as

'ever. : Has a beautiful home in U n iver slty Park j near Denver, besides a good \iuslriess established in that magnificent city, - - . . / ' ' y ,

Courtesies Acknowledged.It. was a real pleasure to fiu il-a t the

opening o f the . new Auditorium on Sab­bath moruing .last,in the vast congregation present;;. so' ■ ni any- -of our f rlends o f tho vniidus evangelical denominations v joy­o u s ly ' funiti ng. \y\tli ■ - i u o u i‘>; worsh i p.Several o f the churches in the hear tielgh- bbrhood omitted their regular services to lie with.* us. - To all,: whether; present or absent, we return thanks for tiie ir Ciiris- tian courtesies and.- congrattilatlnns.A; V ' ...;i ;K-.,U. SrrOKUSi'i/iVsV.-'

';.By-‘.priiitiug a ;ve'ib.*itiin report o f Dr. .Stoked Sunday morning sirmon at thu openiiig o f the -tiew Auditorium, we havo be<»t» compelled to leave several, coluinils or imporbint lucalmatter aside this- week. A part o f this is-pur ropurt of.W ednes- day’s jrriind celebration, including Rev. C. llVM cAnnojIs oration, and other incidents, o f the "G lorious l''t)urth,M aud also o f last. Sdbbath./.Someof these reputis-wUi keep until uext ’week.

Biptizod with Salvation,Neither crowd, magnificent addresses,

enthusiasm nov. a handsome building winild have •compensated. for tlio loss o f soul saving-.work In the opening.‘o f ■ tlie new auditorium, but with praise to God for all these, the;teiis o f thousands of friends ,of Ocean Grovo w ill be g):id to know that the opening day witnessed the baptism . o f sutcution on the completed structure. Mr: Yatman, who had tho “ after m eeting” work in charge, besides presiding himself at night, reports; be­sides many others at the altar, eleven un- converted peoplo, seven o f whom, were saved and the others earnest seekers.

Some o f the converts gave clear, public testimony, to their being saved.

Ocean Grovo stauds for this work where- oyer known, nnd she Is known world wide. ;■

~ .

Some Announcement's.St. Piiul’s M i E . Church Sabbath school,

o f Ocean Grovo, which for several years past has united with tho summer school at the Auditorium, w ill keep up thls.usage the present .summer. Mr. Claude Y . Guerlu is superintendent. The interme­diate department o f tbo summer Sabbath school w ill meet in. the Y , . P. T em p le every Sabbath . a t 12. l*. m., George AV. Evans, superintendent. . The primary de­partment.of tho Sabbath-school w lll meet In the Tabernacle at .2.v. m next Sabbath, the 8th instant, aud regularly thereafter. Mrs. T .T .'Sum m ejs aud Mrs-. W illiain II. Skirin, leailers.

Dr. Ilaulon’s B ib le Class will.-hold its first-session in the new Auditorium at 2 o'clock-, on Sabbath next. It;-w ill be a matter of. interest for all to be present.

The Rev. Dr. W . A . Spencer, o f Phlla. dolpliia, who preaches .a) the new* A u d i­torium on Sabbath morning next at 10.30 o’clock, Is an excellent singer, as well as. a very fiue preacher. l i e w ill interest all who hear him. ' •. ' r : ' :

Rev. Dr. H . A . Butts, president of. Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N . J.j is to preach in the new Auditorium on Sabbath evening, July-fith. A ll should hear this distinguished minister, at that time. ’______

Themes for Second Week of the Young Peoplo'E Meeting, .

The publication weekly o f the themes in use at the Young People’s meetings by’ tho llccord, has already brought kind words. W e are glad thus to. g ive our readers .the kernel- o f - theso popular morning services. •

Sunday, July8-Je0u3, tho Savior of the World.1 Johu 4:14. Tho Holy Spirit renows.' "Not

by works nf rlghtoousnudH which wo.lmvo dono, hut ueeordln« to Ills mercy Ito saved us, by tho washing of rettoiieratlon und renewing of tho Holy GuOst.1’ - Tltu^3: 5.

Mnuday, JuiyO—Jesn-i, tiio Imneo of God.— 2 Cor; 4:1. 'fho Holy Spirit ch«ns:cs from clory to trlory. " lint wo ull. with open face beholdlinr ns lu n «lass the trlory of tho Lord, aro chunked Into tho mime. hnui;luo from *:lory to plory. even us by the bpirltof the Lord. '2 Cor, 3; 18.- .‘Tuesday, July 10—Jesim. the Hluh Priest of pood tliiuKi> to eonio. lleb. 3: l ; Ueh. y : ll. The Holy Spirit strenyihens the inner man. "That Ho would uratit you, MCcordlmj to the riches of Ilia glory, to bo strengthened with might by HIS Spirit ill the iniler iuuu._ JJph. 3; 1G.

Wednesday, July It—Je.siu>, the anointed. Psa. 2 : 2. The Holy Spirit works unto halviition. "God hath, from ihubeuinninc. chosen yon tosulvation through sanciltlcution of the Spirit. 2Thet>s. 2:

Thursday, July' 12-Jesus, the Desire of all Na- Uous.—Hag. 2:7. The Holy Spirit descouds upon Chrlbi.. “ The Spirit of God, descending like u dove, and-lightning upon Him." Matt. 3:Iti; Murk 1:10.- “ Aud the.Holy Ghost descended In a bodily shape like a dove upon Him.'1- Luke 3:22. “ I saw ihe Spirit descending from Hcavou like u dove, and it abode upon him.” .John 1:32.

Frlduy, Muly 13—Jesus, our Wlhdom.. 1 Cor, 1 :21, W. Tho Holy Spiritald6 tho word prouhed. “ I'or our gospel ewnc .not unto yon in word onlv. butalHo lu power und iutho Holy Ohost." 1 TheH. l :r». “ lVoaohed the Gospel unto you with tho Holy Ghost, sent' down from.heavon.“ 1 Peter 1:12. If any man speak, let him speuk us tho orueles of God.” l l ’eier4: ll,

Saturduy. July 11—Josuh, thodoor of IhoShcep.. John 10:7, 9. Tho Holy Spirit us directing whcro the Gospel should be preuehed. • " And wero for* hidden of the Holy Ghost to preaoh tho word In A»!u, they assayed, to go iato Bithynia; but tho Spirit suffored them not.” Acts 1 :G, 7,10.

Run your eye over the alphabetical d i­rectory o f liotels and boarding houses on our. last pages. .One* o f them is . some­thing o f a nice private fam ily allair w hichm igh t exactly suit you or tlie friend for whom you want to engage a real com- fortabii; home. W o refer to Ballard Villa, 9.0 Muln avenue.' - ' ' ' .

Mr. Vatmau, the- leader o f the Young Peoples’ Meetings, has provided the’ R kcoud a portion o f a column o f “ notes " each. week. The first we give in this issue, . •' - v ■"* . .. ‘ : ’V.

Dr. Stokos’ Opening Sermon,• (CofieludWl from first page.) ..

. I t must also be the missidu o f this new Auditorium to uufold . to. the world the Chriatly exhibitions:;: o f , the ■ sp irlt aud fruitage o f th is il ivi tie change iu tlie sou 1. Christian I ty is not si m ply; a. pro f ess i on upr; a catliOii ml; nor •. ji /denbniination^ nor a n ec cl es hujt 16 a i syst eVn , ; ti o r a' r It it a l i s t i c [serylw^nor- ;.iiVsweUing.^ eloquent‘s^h m n j^^/ha^a

is. riiar# - thiui.them.nil? 11;; is ja ;■ rftu/nc ityV 'in ifrt bm l o f life broad i deep,; high j- grand f etoriihl-; It i s \A a nied in v n diviiiQ soil; it grows I ike the cedar’, it nourishes, like the p.allii; it ■brings • forth .fruit iu youth, maturity, nud old Tlie,: fruits 6 (Vi: he -s pi l i t nro ip ve ,joy,'.’ j)cjuCe,'*':iougsuITerin'g; .goutleuess; goOil jiessj ..fill i i i , ;•• in eek ness;.': ten ip 6 riince irS v& 'iivO ; in ' the ;spii‘i t ;letv us^jilSoywhlk I n the S p i r i i'. : I f we • iio •n'otbiiii g; for tli these fruits, we nro simply w ild ' oilvqs, luu reu and unfruitful'.

N o matter how deep wo Ynny lay our foundations, or how lo fty m a y .. be our towers, or richly garnished our walls, or Imposing our 'services, unless we show these things in 'i)u r dtiily lives men wUl hiss at our religion and call us hypocrites. But, i f .wo have these things in our hearts ond unfold them in our walks und ways, we can defy the world, atid, I f ueed be, go to the stake in triumph. :

This new’ Auditorium lias ii further mission—to uuify nud enthuse-the church ■—not Method ism, or ; P re3 byte r ia n i s m , • or any ; other isuv simply, bat. a ll. the isms,THE WIIOLE CnUUCll o k G o i) ! . . . \ ; /;

' K o t to destroy' denominational, lines, or; th e 'grent vast fniu i 1 les o f • ch urclies, bu t to bring all tliese so. near-together, and so en­thuse, the in .w i th; the . g i eiit- principles o f our common Cliristinnty, that fo r the- time we .shall forget that we are nhy tiling but a great multitude .o f men iind ; women band­ed together for. the, saiytttUVnfof the world..

Here. theVgreat- conjgregatVpns iigatlie'r^ here are tho high inspirations o f numbers; the trurn pet tones o f .lofty songs; the tread of. corps; cohorts, regiments,, brigades, armies, .under- on e ; oommauder. Christ 1 eau i ri g f rd m coil q uft’r I n g un to co n quest.; W e need a'reViyal of. the old ■Crusader’s spirit;'; oh n much higher p la n e n o t to Conquer .tiie'Turks, subdue;Jerusalem aiid secure the Holy. Sepulcher by sword, siiber or clash o f arms; but . by tiie majestic al- mightiriess. o f heaven’s ;ioye.. To so eu- ihuse and inspire all tliut we shall go to our homes, not to build up n sect, but to m ove'the sect already; b u l i t t o go out uppn the territpi’ies- o f sin with-such.-higji*.’ toned, jo y that;.shall; joy the most in help* Ing to bring-tiie world, to O l ir is t ; --- ;■ I t sucli’i ■ to some extent^ is riot the-trillii*

e n ce o f this P peri in g d ay up ou; a l l , ! sh all feel- tliat a greut opportunity has.beeri iost.' As we open this Tern pie th 1 a day to. the

world, .so le t us -; ull;open our ■ hearts still' .wideivthnn.ever.to;take: the worUVs- great; Emperor in; as a presence to abide forever;.

"We. have spoken , o f . song 1 This new Auditorium should encourage, promote aud wonderfully develope the highest possibilities o f the noblest Christian psalmody.. ,, ’ ' . •

This, next to the direct preaching o f the gospel, is one o f the most^beautlfully e le ­vating,; eiioblirig, 'inspiring - and Mangelic features o f tbe; whole roUrid of. /Christian w o r s h i p ; . :y ;• ; • : . - ■;■ :y>;;-.

The songs_vbt the;-oldy Auditorium were benedictions to, hundreds o f thousands, imd-girdled the whole round earth. W hy should not the yolunie Under this vast con^ vave ibcrease |n jjifluence, ;haye broader reaches,J loftier: strains, more impassioned thrills, until blending Avith the • angelic hosts,--they l ift this sin-scarred■; earth out o f the old; ruts o f jarring discord Into the golden harmonies o f eternal heaven ?•' ■

I trust, nay more; .-1 believe^ tliat this choir, ; uiider; tlieir • . phristly leader,: w ill have but one om hi tion— to vie. With'h eaven in the blessedness o f .Its s<)ngs,‘arid tlie.re’- by jo in , 'with tlie holy • iniiiistry arid al 1 good people in ieailing. the world ;to the foot o f 'the'erbss. iiud Ijeybriil tiiat ‘ to tlic hiyhnt possibilities ofthe Christian life , un­til tiie whole churcli shall be a white-robed priesthood,. offering a complete and ac-, ceptabltf sacrifice to G od ., . •. Ile re , too we must do the best things iu th e • very beat M y .. )V e a re 1 ivi tig. epistl es — not only n city by the seo, but also set on n h illr which can not be' hid. M ulti­tudes come here .to see., how we do, uud going home, do the same' things becaiisu we do them. W e, therefore, lire a. power for good or ill. Hundreds o f thousands o f eyes as so many camera’s lire set, to photo us on sensitive souls. These photos are;exuuiined .:as occasion Requires, and through' these, wo become .'helpers ’or hinderanc.es In the way o f life. Wo must therefore, be right, not only, occasionally, but altcnys, aud so positively, thoroughly, lovlugly nod intensely right, thut right w ill bo conspicuous os’ out; supremo aim ; so that, should the question be raised, what. is ;meant ,by right, the answer wil 1 be, a soul, an association, in harrhony with Qod. To bring all hearts into this divine harmony was, Is, arid always must be, the primal business o f this place.' Here is our success, to do otherwise Is ruin.. Such is the high and holy mission o f

this new- building, and being such-involves o f divine necessity a genuine and Scrip- turaporthodoxy oltl as the living Giid, and enduring as eternal granite ; yet, 1 vm ust ardently hope, and devoutly pray, nay

more, ' I Issue the command, with the high sanction o f H im, who more tlian 50 years ago called me to preach I l ls gospelh o w

utterances o i dogniatic lhooU^y. be; tiotiq elsewhere. Here, .rather, ' uo\v, on, and to tho end, let this be the place of ail aggressive evangelism, at white- heat with the lovo o f God, aglow with such oratory as iluiiies w itli the. terrors o f jibunt Sinai, and m elting with tiie iue.y iticxpiosslhle,- because- -iucotnprehouslblo compaiijou o f calvary, where bieed 1 ng vie* .tlm, dyltig, . prayed for- i l ls murderers, v* Kather, forg ive theiii, they k n ow . not what thoy do.” May all ho’ saved- here, do us tiie Apostle Andrew did— having found the’ Messiah,/went aud .told his brother, autl brought hi iii'to Jestis,'’.

Th is fdoue. lhy highest auibitiou iii tho erection-of this new tomple w ilf be met, anti in hoot her k ng!; The sauie, also, ica ri say o f ail my associates. •'• That this should he a great soul saving instUution was the initial thought lu lay* ing its foUudatioub, rearing its walls.and reachiug its completion.;' For th ii pur­pose it Is; now thrown, open, for divine worship, and;, to -tliis great*end, in a lew weeks, i f God permits, will.-be-formally, dedicated• For this Exalted ; juirp'ose as its most holy mUslon, 1 commit it to you, my fe llow laborers lu the cause o f .Christ. •

T o .you,, old uieti, on whose shoulders now rests the grave .respousibility o f guiding its destiues, and,, to . you-younger men and womeu, into whose hands, this vast enterprise must shortly fall,, to.you

us you: tear .God, ;au(J .iippe.; to bo finally, saved; I commit tills-great .trust to ,be heV i w itli a 'grip that. knows no relaxatibri, to Its-original a 1 in to the 1 ast., 1 f ' you do (h is; G od.w ill help atid ‘keep. you. I f you dp not l i e trill caal you off forever.”

Thou, undismayed,-shall o'er tho rutns sralle, • And light thy torch ut nature s funeral plle.’/l IW hen tho doctor closed his compre.

ever let[this platform petrify into the vicre tensive, eloquent and' practical sermon, tteranees o f ’doyinatic-theolpgy; That cau it still- lacked .10 minutes to 12 o’clock.

Th esep iiss in g ' niiuutes \Vere .well im­proved ■ i ii an'exhortiit 1 on,nftei* tiie fashion o f f oriner days, by.: Rev. ;'.C- -II. Y aim an. who :w ith al I -liis liei'irt entered i nto th e pljtn suggested by tlio ■ president, tliat the first (lay In tiie new Auditbfiutn, should be.a "day o f saivatiou;” "• • ' : ;V ,v:’: J The g re at congregation readily; respond - ed ; to - his appeal, mbVpting a solemn con­secration cbyenant Wliicii lie • \iiiuKtvritteii out whilo listening to the sermon, and which, as a part o f the impressive history b ( iho day and hour we tiiko the liberty to put into’ imperishable typo as fo llow s: . " In tho renjembranc’o o f the manifold mercies o f God, the need-Atnl ppwor o f a holy l ife , tiie claims o f God oUr Saviour, the strivings of., tho H oly Ghost, and the knowledge that soon 1 must- pass to stand before .-God to be judged for: the deeds done in the body, whether good or evil. I do* nt this opening service oii tiip.Lord’s dity,-siileniuly dedicate. in'yself to God in holy consecration, praying the H oly Spirit to.sanctify my body, sou) and spirit that my entii-e life may show-.forth holiness unto the .Lord.” \ ’-. ; , •. Ocean Grove, July. 1 ,1 S ill..

A S A , C LEANSER o f tho blood, nothing: swoops ns clean as. Dr. Plerco’s Goldon Medical-

Discovery. - Ib: purifies tho blood as well .as enriches It'. • The truth is. nn omulsion o£ codiiver oil is good forbuild-

. ing up/<it—no doubt about it. .: But^tigh I a weak •, stomach/■

: loathes Jt. •„..... ; VFortunately, , tliero’s a tls-.'

fiuo-biiilder, that's oven- bettor foi* ; making . healthy flesh. •

: Pleasant in taste—efTectiye.in. result,, That’s, tho •“ Discov­

ery. V I t goes*.to work in tlio right way, b y ' regulating, cleansing, and. ropairing nU tho orffnns oE the body-. ; • , ’= 'V . - •, \yhen tlio germs o f disease nro round aboufc

us wo do not. rill gebthotn. Why, ? Somo o£ li' aro in too good,a condition. Tho germs of Consumption* Grippo,-Malaria, and all.tho infectious diseases,: pass you b y if you aro • strong tb resist their- a ttack .Itendor your­self germ-proof by putting your, blood and •. liver.h i.a henlthy s t a t o . ^ - o /:, In all bloorFtnints niul diseases,If. tlio “ Dis- V coVory n fails to benefit or cure, yoiir monoy is.rotuniod, ;/J; •/.' - r-‘“

No otber medlcluo of its Idnd can bo sold so.

Opening Sabbath---Continuod.'* SUNDAY-SCHOOL KI2U2MON.'' •

A 2 o’clock p. .m. on Sabbath, July 1, tlie’ three departments o f . tho Ocean Grove Sum mer S lniilny:scho6r;;inet:; together; iri tiie.H tieW; Auditori uui, with Mr, G. W > Evans presidiug. T h e . attenclance: was com'puriitiyely... 1 itrge, rind a very hand* eouiely printed service o f sprig aud i espon* sive reading served;, tb interest young and

TV v t i i i i ; old. T h e addresses w e re by Dr. Hanlon.I I you are obedient you w ill realize.to , . f ^ J ,h >,.11. V .,' 1 - 1. w . r .. \ --j leader-of the famous. Ocean Grove; Biblethe fullest extent tlie closing bart of-this'. . -%r „ , . - 4 . ,4

i , t , I class, Rev. M. Relyea, pastor o f St. Paul's,text: “ Iu this place I w ill g ive peace,I „ . \ r 11. i. i. .1 r ui r . t. . « , , I Air. Russell, o f-N e w lio rk , Claude V .saith the Lord o f hosts." Peace which Is* • ■ , ,v „ _ ■so blessed in itself, like joy after a great’ sorrow, like ligh t after Egyptian darkness, lik e ease a h e f ; extreme, agony, like recon- cilation after.exhibitions o f untamed wrath .like comfort after a great heart sore, like the holy quiet after- a long, bloody and desolating war. But Mi’s peace is not sim­ply human, us o f ti fam ily, or a neigh bor- bood, or o f a State, however blessed any '.new or a ll' these may be. I t Is the jteace• o f God, God given! " M y peac*i," said Jesus,V • 1 ; g i ve u ri to t hee,: not,, in - .the worl il *s- stinted nie isure, but like a God’s. N ot a rill,’ or' n/rivulet; or ;n' river, o r a bay, or- a gulp. or ’a seixl bul an ocean,' broad, deep, shoreless, iucouipreUe'ri5ible; sucli. as' God ii i in s e lf ; e n j by s, ; “ Here f will p cac&\saith the Lord o f h o s ts '.P e a c e '>-tbv the penitent, peac0,to the /doubting, peace to tho discousolate,. peace ; to ; the we.eping,• peace • to tlie tyi d p w, peace1 to f t he 'orphan, peace t,o the toilers; peace to ' the servant,’ peiice;'to’ the blaster, peace to the poor j; peace to tho-rich, peace to the little peo* pie, pence to the greateiv people, peace to. dli;thut ;;need.. it aud' foreyer^' J'esusj tlie prince, o f pence; .ciiii .as;; easily say to the utiiverse, v Peace be Stilly: as.; ?to tlie little hand-full - o f 'waters’, and the blustering; winds, ti way' In ; f tiryofE Galil ee, ;anil th e •universe, !ik e Gilli 1 ee,:shalI;heed the .re- sistless mrijesty o f H is high -behest.. N o wpnder iieaveu overflow’ed its usual bounds,, when the P rince: ;6f ; pence vWii9 ;bbrii; so that all/ the/ angelic- hosts ’ burst forth in matchleas song, “ Glory tb .Gpd in the'.higb- est, and on earth, .good w ill to.men.

Oh, that.the Father, Son and H oly Ghost will, always grant us here this, blessed peace-rthe peace o f God which;' passeth krio.wledge—and may nnnu.nibered: souls iihd ;w ithin : these. walls1/this hallowed peace, ; This Is'my hope. : In this iiope;;i.1 ive';:aud cherlshlug It,; shall d ie .:/

^‘ Blessed be the God, imd. Father o f pur.Lord J esus Christ'; which o f h is aim nd ant;;.mercy^ 'jlhatU': .liegbtten ',;;tt3;^ugttih,.:ito.:t)iii&- j iy e ly -li(ipe: through. the :resiirrectiou ;of:Jesus Christ from the dead,” ,uml every time this hope Is newly begotten hore, in tho gulvutiou o f a soul, will* Increase the general aggregation o f the glow o f that glory which Shall be greater than that o f the foriner house., W hy not kindle the Ijrst glow o f this glory here tO-day ?.

W hy not begin now? W e commence, a new era in the.’h istory.bf 'tiiis place. So let us commence a ne\£ era iu tho history o f our lives. W ho w ill be first to bow at j:ho feet o f'ou r blessed . Lord in this , new houso erected for1 his worship? O, be wise to duy I -Wisdom is. the principal thing, therefore got wisdom, aud with all thy gettings,get understanding. Wisdom, religion and religious hopo aro oue:

This hope 16 built on nothing less

i . - — — ..j Guerin, super!ntei^J^t o f St. Paul’s Sab- ' bath-schPol, and other frleiids and work-: ers in this department. The reunion was a success,;; aud/on next. Sabbath, :as an­nounced elsewhere, each department w ill euter upon a new season’s work;

-, Dr. Ihnlon's Sermon.A U l i lT O U IU M ,; O C K A N ;O U O V E , ‘ BAH-

IJ A T II , J U L Y 1.

/> It.cpiild n'pt'^reufbnabiy; have been-/ex* pecteii that the. ctnigregu'tlon- on- bpeuiiig' (1 ay. would- be as;large..either afternopn: or. evening iis it was when Dr. Stokes preached In th e ' ;mbrnlngi y e t/•tiie 'rifternopn - dis- cburse, In manner, and .doctrine, wa%; as fiery in its ea riiestnesj, and. to r cl ble. la its appeals as' i f ; the, Auditorium, hiid - been crowded to its utmost capacity.

The Doctor, after; the usual song exer­cises and opening prayer by Rev. Wm. "Walton, deduced from the narrative- re*

peace to the master, pence to tlie poor, | corded ia >Iattbe\v' 10, 13:18, ti powerful

argument in favor, o f the supreme divin ity o f Christ, and the strength,, perpetuity and splrituality’o f his Cliurch.’W hen the ardent ■Peter replied to the ‘Saviour's’ question: ‘MVliom 'say ye;thut I -am ? the answer sets forthr-n'ot Peter’s stabiUty, or Romish as- auiiiption; o f in fa llb ility, but;the immov­able foundations o f /Christian truth; arid; its certain triumph over: every toe. The preacher gave it'-as his opinion that there Is nothing o f much account in Christian­ity but the supernatural. . Th ree .words /will describe the entirety*pf Its inlluence on human life ./arid cbnduct— '-Plety, P ity and propriety; The,..first relates- to God ;, the second to/ our fellow-beings, and the third to one’s . self, in; al 1 uprlgiitness o f Conduct; fu lfilling the duties.; o f 'this life .as. preparatory to./pnjoying tlie glories o f the life beyond.'r /: ••, ■/.}: ‘ .f- ?y 'y; ' / '/ '; :' ';Evangelist /Yatman / followed / up / the:

stirring.points.of the sermon ■ in ' exhorta- tion,;aud received further/encpurageriient in beilevirig- that awakened,; souls would Beek arid fi rid; sal vation before the final doxoltigy o f the d a y .' - - *»•'

Than Jesus' blood aiul righteousness;You niust tiot truHt the sweelebt frame,

' llut wholly lean on Jcsm*’.nauiu:On Christ the solid rock we blutid, .Alt othor.ground is sinking sandi' .

Seek/this blessed hope.now. Be able tosay with Charles W esley before you leavethis.new temple:

“ The promised land from Pli-gfth’s top;■ I iioii1 exult to tee :

My /tope ts f'ull. O glorious hopo o f liumortallty," .

• Come, come, O, come my wanderingbrother I Come, .0, come,, m y waywardsister! Come one,.come a ll/ 6ecure thishallowed hopo: - -u,Kternal Hope, when yonder spheros sublime,

l'ealed their Orst notes to bouud the. march of tlmo; .

Thy Joyous youth benan, hut not to fade, .W'hcu ultihe 6tster planets have decaycd.When wtupt in llames tho realms qfetherglow, And heuvuu'u last thunders abuko tho earth

helow. •.

First Beach Meeting.

Hurrying last Sunday from • the after­noon service In-the new Auditorium to their ton tables, thero was a.surprisiugly large : attendance-, at -usual place for surf meetltigs. Dr. Stpkes^Bibio responsive: readjng Was on ' VReirulon.V A line hymn to.'the tune o tA u ld (any sync was sung in coiiipUmeut- to Mt\ AViUisford Day, aud a: ;wave‘ oiler ing revealed to that ..popular 'chorister how';high’ lie still stands in the affections o f the. Qceau Groye people. Dr./ Corey, o f Washington, Dr, E. M .Levy , o f Philadelphia, Dr.W . II. Lawrence, o f New Y o rk city, and Rov. J. T . Tucker, o f Ocean Grove, assisted Dr. Stokes on the rostrum. T iie addresses o f Drs. Lovy, Lawrence and Tucker were rather superior productions for that particular place, and each made a fine Impressjon regardless o f the turbu­lence o f the dashing waves-on the bench.

Mrs. aod Miss I5rntten, o f Ghtistiana, Del., and Miss Clara-Wood, Germantown’ are guests o f Miss Euima A . "Wallaco, at her cottage, 97 Hft. Carmel. To see Ocean Grove and share in its great meetlugs has long been the wish o f Mrs*. B, and she is now.enjoying, .the/ novelty; to , her heart’s content... . '• /. '-'j

Mr. aud Mrs.’ K in g aud W arren, their son, from Newark, N l J., are stopping at Hodson Cottogo.

The Sheldon.-For many years It has bcii tlio sole con­

dition o f some oPou r readers as to their coming to Ocean Grovo^ whether the Shel­don House w ill bo open and under roliablo management.// Thoy ,'arb aware o f I ts ad*; vantages unsurpassed on tlie N ew Jersey' const, and especiully the ndvantnge to lame nud'feeble persons o f a 'firstclass elevator to every story, in the mammoth building. From recent Inspection wo can fissure our distant Trlends that this famous hotel never was iu cleaner or,m oro attractive condi­tion than this year o f *04. The parlors nro luxurious, tho diniug-rooms iuviting, the service ' improved, and no stinted, limlta- tions, as to olbpiv" l'opm.. ;/

;*Tlie scene presented /recently during its/. Fourth o f J u ly :• dinner gavo; intimation, that the new m image m ent w I I I , prove a success.' M r: Brushed dined about " fifty guests. Am ong ;wboth weroi Prof. S D. ‘Ford , o f Ne\y .Y o r k • Dr. arid Mrs, Stokes,.; Treasurer’ ;Brown,;. Mn/nuil .Mrs; - G . W* Evans -tind/ Senators Hays, o f - the O. /G,;: Association; Dr. /VVailace, - o f the O;, G t RECOhd ; /p. Si Bergen, Dr. Corey, Wash, i.ngton, D. C. v , Rev. H ; C. McAnney, Tarrytown,. N . T.;- Mrs/ D. II. McAnney, Atlantic C ity ; H . E l Copeland and family, Cincinnati, arid the, fo llow ing from BropkX lyn;/ Annie P. Smith, Mr. and Mrsl'J.- C* .Holland; W ; Scott, ;F. Stoney, IL ; Meyers - E . Markis, E. 'Brownv Jr.,- A ; ■ W ilsmartb’ / h . D. Bla n ch lird j/M rs. and M i ss B i auch ard, ’ \\r: W . Clegg, M iss T I men, A . B .; Wood , Mrs;,.. J ames Sproule and M r.. -C. H . Gar, - land nnd .‘w ife, with; Misses- Addie and ■. Nellie-Garland,/ ? ' ; / ./ . , • • •••;' v ’• -:!V;-:

. There ■ has occurred around the.prphiU ‘ nent corner , o f . : Central- arid Pitman ave* nues, the property extending from Pitman to-SlcCl In trick street, /opposite the easterri' front-, o f the/ Arlington .Hotel, - since .iast: season some iu rite rial: changes wh Ich may /•- be set down In the 11st o f permanent im*; prove ments; ..T h e buildings' known as the Dougins arid - Neptune are. united under/ the name o f ,‘^The Breyoort.*’ A l l the . liuildings have ■been painted,'renovated and’ newly furnished, riiakliig a comfort- tible tind luxurious, hotel property which needs Only to be known/better, to nt tract a fu l l ; house njwnys, ‘ .The location is desir-/ able, rbotris spacious, parlors elegant;-arid • tab le ' lirst-clasg. A l l tills',; nnd; a scale o f , charges which leaves nothing’ to be critl: cised or. Coin plained of. .A s this season : w ill, test the largest capacity o f Ocean Grove, vs-e are glad .the Brevoort w ill have a fair chance to show its, claims to public patronage. Even this notice, may .attract scores to the •. hospitable care' O f. • Mrs'; Sclierick, arid wo stand responsible for; a l l r vve say ns a beginning,- W,e have more; to y say hereafter, ';./ ./;;. .: ■ -.■:- -

; . A t la n t io H o u s e . ; : : ■

. . Th is favorite hotel -is nearly full. 'The following^ are;.tateri from, the' Register J,uly.v4; ‘ ‘''V.-:/'-

Mrs W in I I Cltase,- M iss ' E lla P . Chase; Seth JI Fox, M & /Seth VM F<>x,. Master T Fbx.’T M .Fox,. j r , M iss M Fox, M r G E; Conner,/Miss;/May/Thibley, ;Mrs. E S G .; lsfnel,/Mrs M A H Cadden; Miss Jen­nie Whitson, Mtis.s Pamela A Hartmanu, Rev Josliua Cowpland and w ife, joshua , Cowpland, Jr, J<iseph D i la lg l i t , . Frank Murray,;Misses June, and Eriima Purvis, Mrs T -P Brown, Miss Nelson,.^liss Cliew,: Jennie G Beckett, W a lter Tompkins and w ife R ev E H Stokes, .Mrs/ Dr. Stokes, AVister H Stokes, Mrs I I L JlcEweu, Mrs M J Warner, ;Mrs M C ^omlinsob,A M Escobar, /Mr.s A M Escobar, lifrs N e llie K Stout, Miss•Margaret Stout, Mrs O P-M iller, Miss E M AudersOn, lio n J B Stortri; Airs J B Storm,- Authur L Storni, Fred B Storm, Albert;Fields,/ Mrs-'Albert Fields^ John C Jloore, Mirs'John;G Moore,J McCpnuel; Mrs J McCoriuell, ^Irs E/P ' Ivuipe, M rs E .M Brown, M rs M ary - L : W oodru ll,;Jolin 11 Brown, Mrs John It/ Brown, ]\Irs A lic e ' Morgan, -.Miss Hazel Morgan./• ■ /-''/^./r/v;/; Guesfs at the vAlbatro.Hs— W P Apple- garth and w ife, Miss May.. Applegurtb, M r aud. iMrs A p/ Sessions, Miss Jessie IC / W hite; Cprii Jacobs,, A rtie Jacobs, Laura Cornelius, Florence/Cornelius,’ Mrs J W. ■Cornelius, Baltimore, Md. ;„ Ml.^s Jennie / F itzgerald, John C D ingeo; Rev C W ;Bickley and wife,/. Miss Mamie I I Bick- ley, F A Diugee rind wife,v.Mlss.Jessie W Dingoe, Helen D incee, Philadelphia, P a ;; Mrs O: 1) Eastori,v nurse'.and children, / Brooklyn, N Y ; M iss ’ V It K ipp , Wash- v ington,; <D, C ;; R e y ' J * W Baker, •Warren; Baker, Miss Margaret Baker, Aberdeen, M d; Miss Auna L Eggording, N ew York City . *■; : ■ .. '

Mr. J. C. Johusou, o f W ilm ington, Del.; is tit the Grove in feeble health, with the hopo o f speedy recovery. H e Is a guest, of^Mrs, E. Hodson, Mt. Carmel, next to Uowinnd House. * :

Page 3: REV. A. WALLACE, Di D„ Editor. - DigiFind-ItHo thou Ita tun and glory first and last; Tako thou our hearts and keep them thine, * And sway lovers sceptro o’er creation va.st. ‘.Como,

■ O O E^ .lS r O - S O V E B B O O B D , ' J U L T 7, 1894:.

S P E C I A L N O T I C E S .

0 H A 3 ,1. W . K A R S N E R , M . II .

' . 'U T N H J I A K A N D N II1 U 1 K O N .• G ra d u a te o f b o th sch o o lB . 'Bummer oflice -Opposite rostoflice, Occan Grove.

Pilgrim Pathway, corner Mt. Hermon Way. MOD South l&ih Street, • Philadelphia, Pa.

R e s p e c t fu l ly re fe rs to I to v . I v I t . S to k e s , I ) . I ) ; , R e v , A . W a l la c e , I ) . I ) . , a n d G eo rg e \V. K va u a , E s q ., O ce fiu G ro vo .

~ Q R . M A R G A R ET G, CUItRIG, H O , q < K O I * A T i r i S T .

126 Main Avenuo, Oceax . G r o v e ,. Diseases of.women and chiUlrcu a specialty.

OFFICE HOURS—* lo l6a. m.i 2 to 0, 7 ty 1,0 p. in;

R S . J . S. JBA ltfG H T, M . P ,

HomcBopatliic Physician aud Surgeon,Otllcc—Asbiiry Park & Oceuii'Grdve llatik Build

lug, Main und Pilgrim Pathway, opp. P. O.OCEAN GIIOVE, N. J.f . V

Diseases, of Women and Children, Examina­tions and Local Treatment a specialty*

Outside calls day or night attended.. Hours, 7 to 10.'A. m., i to ,'I.fW 1*. ?(.; 0.30 to 9 r. >t.

B R. I. N. B E E G L E ,

7 8 M u lu A v o m i c ,O O I .A N < a t » V K , S . «I«

OmcE Hours—7 to 9 a. m., 10 to ? and C to b v. m.

. . ." Dosimetric.”

D It.’ 8 ; G. W A L LA C E ,

— D E N T I S T —Oflice during summer months S. E. Cor. Heck

• and Pilgrim P’way, Ocean Grove. Established there In 18S0. . . • •

Regular otUce, *135 Penu street, Camden, N. J, Has all the' modern-appliance* for rapid, work

and alleviating palu. Gas or local anesthetics used In extraction.

Rospectfully refers to Rev. E. II; Stokes, D.D.. Rev. A. Wallace. 1),D., Rev. It. J. Andrews and Dr. J. II. Alday, Ocean Grovo. '.

G E°-: I i . D . T O M P K IN S , D . D.S.

- D E N T I S T - —Dental. Parlors, Mattison avenuo and -Emory

street, entrance on Emory Htteet. Asbury Vark, N. J Gas administered. Oillcc hours 9 a. sr. toSP.if. . • ' • ■ * ' -



L O N G B R A N C H , N . J .- Medicated. Steam aud other baths. Massage aud electricity, with uurso care. Patients please address I) M.-BAWK, -

Founder and Medical Director,. . S31 Broadway, Long Brunch,.N. J.

For Sale or Exchage,A good houso, barn and nearly 5K* acres of

Ifind at Groen urove, aW miles from Asmiry Park. Ploasant location, on.thn malu road (eadlug from Hamilton to Eatontown.

Apply on tho premise*, ov toMILAN ROSS.

’ Malu Street, Asbury Park.

T o 2 3 en t.Five-roomed furnished coltagcr all’ Banitury

Improvement*: oue block from ocean; No. 25 Ollu street SiOQ foe eeawm.

M. L VANS VNT,. . 11-JJ VInc street, Philadelphia..

T e n ts P o r R en t.For tho season, at Ocoan Grovo. Corner Cook­man and New York uvenues. Two largo living

/ touts,'25x11 feet cach, with dining tent 9x9 ana framo kitchen. 10x10, all on ono lloor. Fur- nlshod. Artesian water.- So wor. drained. Lots

: high nnd shaded. G S. BROADBEN'T,. . . . ... Conshohockon, Peuna.

Broadway House,SrEciAL- Ocean View.

Corner of Broadway and Beach Ave.,OCEA.N GROVE, NEW JERSEY. :

Ond block from tho Ocean and Bathing Grounds. U o^ accommodations. Terms roa*

' sonablo. Arteslau well ou. premises. Saultarj' arrangements complete

Box013.' . • MBS, S. N, CHEW, Proprietor.

When you go to New York, stop at =H ORTON’ S , i H» Went 220 Htreftt.

Central, quiet, home-llke.' Right In - tlio heart of the shopping and amusement1 district rronve* iiletit toovcry where. Slfri0 per day. American plan.

TVy 11 wood Cottage,Cor. Jbith.nndJleneb Aves.,Ocehn (irove.

Most favorably located about mid way’between this 'Auditorium, tind RossV bathing pavilion. House-well furnished, and every convenience and comfort for gne>l*. MBS. V, VREELASP,

Lock Box :t»i, . .Prop’ r.

The Chautauqua,54 Jhoudwny; Ocean Cl rove, X . J.

THIRTEENTH • SEASON, .A ijomelike, quirt' and thoroughly comfortable

boarding house, pleasantly located near Fletcher Lake nnd Ocean bathing pavilions. Hotiso always ready fur guests. Rooms aud table.uncxeeptlon able. • M HH; *17 T. WIGHTMA N.

and MISS.M. A. DOWNER.Box WIO. Proprietors.-

Webb Ave. House,71 \Vebb Ave.; Ocean Cirove;

A homelike^ quiot and thoroughly comfort aide hoardlwhouse, nloasvjMtJy located, threo min­utes’ walk to Auditorium. . Terms moderate.

P: O. Box 4S7, . MBS. M. -B, CONINE.

Fern Cottage,.S. E.'Cnr.AIt! lUrihnn und X ew York Ave.

OCEAN GROVE. N. .1.Quiet and.homelike accommodations: pleas­

ant rooms, good table, aud every requisite of hehlth and comfort.

MRS. ANNA GALL, . -llox 31'tt. • - . Proprietor.

Selvert Cottage,13 Broadway, near tho Ocean Front.

Bright surroundlugs, breezy rooms, solid com­fort nud reasonable terms.

.. JOS. H. SELVERT, Prop’r.

W A N T E D ,A smuli Furnished Cottage, between PU

grim Pathwuy and the Ocean,Ocean Grove.

Addres with full particular* and price, which must be very rciwtumble, •• s,"

77 South l:Jih Street, Newark, N. J,

T O R E N T .A six-room cottago fully furnished and pleas

antly looutod near Auditorium—for months of August and ‘Septenibor. For particulars applv at oilieo of tho Ocean Grovo 10 :ronn.

S T A B L E S .

O c e a n G r o v e B o a r d i n g S t a b l e sCor. Whiteileld and ileck Aves.,

Best attention given to horses, carriages and harness. , Your patronage sollciied.

JOHNSON T A Y L O R , Prop’r.

.V Wanted During July.One’ Jurgo. or two small furnished or uufur-

uished rooms for light housekeeping. Conve­nient to beaoh.

Address 1555 Morgan St;, St. Louis, Mo.

W A N T E D .Board for lUteo adults and four ohHdron nt

' Cottuge near beaeh for month of August, address with terms. Box 3lf), UaddouIield, N. J. *


O C E A N Q liO V f i . n blocks fr<»m Auditorium. :j blocks from Ocean,

Ploasautlj-Hituated for .bathing or boating. •Apply or address, MRS. M. A, SEABAIi.

Prouchi;ng at St. 'Paul’s Church on Sun­day morning next, at 10.00 o ’clock, by tho pastor, Rev; M. Relye.il.

• Epw orth ' League meuting nt 0.30V. m.

Preaching Sunday morning, July 15, by Rov; Geo. W .M illo r , o f N ow York . .

A welcome to all.

Metss Cottag’e,X . K.Cor. P ilgrim Pathway untl Heck Ave,

.Very convenient Jobation near Post Oflice.'Audi- torium aud.aU points «»V interest: Ail home couv forts. Table board. JtertHonabie term?. . :

Box -iO.’). MtSS R. WOOI>, Prop'r.

Camp View Cottage,88 M t. Oarmol, Ocean Grove, N. J .

r. o no* m • ! . : 1 '

MBS. E. 1101)30 < (flm-.er\y nt Huclson CuUnnc, tSurf Ave itue). Proprietor.

The Camp View vT l be found under, present management a honnMike and very comfortable stopping place, for permanent or transient guests Terms always the most reasonable.

Tablo Board for Tenters a Specialty.

The Interlachen,Atlantic near Ocean A v , Ocean Grove, X . J.

Comfortable and homelike accommodations: near batiilng urodnd and Auditorium Good table and best attention to guests. Homo now open. 1 • • MRS. M. AGGINflS.

Box Gt2;

Batli Avenue House,Corner o f Central ami Jintli Aves.y

Fine location. Overlooks tho New Auditorium,, Wesley Lake nnd Ocean. Pleasant accommoda­tions. Artesian water. Term*reasonable.

M F. McPJIKKSON, Prop'r, Box 312, Ocean.Grove, N. Js

ST. ELMO,Cor. X ew Y o rk anil Main Avenues,

.O cean G hove, X . J. ■

Superior Boarding Accommodations, Central Location, One Square fronj Postotiice. Near Au­ditorium. Convoiilent to tho beach.Box 2052. MRS. M. M. COMPTON, Prop.

M U LFO R D C O T T A G ES27 and 29 Olin street, west of Beach avonue,

OCEAN GROVE, N.J.Eighteenth season ; near Ashing pier, postofllce

and uow Auditorium ; terms moderate; table tlrst class. Addrcsss '

P. O. Box 69 MBS. M. J. MULFORD.

To Let at Bradley Beach.within 10 minutes’ walk of Auditorium and 3 blocks from oeean, a furnished, uew 9-room houso, surrounded by plno lot 100x100 feet. Also stable. Can bo rentod separately or together; For eoason—iiouso $100: stable 825. Also ready by last of.Juno, a furnished, now 0-room cottago on Clark avenue, Ocean Grovo, for 8115. ,

Address JUDGE DAVIS.“ ' Bradley Beach, N. J.

• F O R R E N T .A new and completely furnished cottage'in n

quiet and pleasant part of the Grovo—corner of Cookman uua Ikdawure uveuues—tor July and August. All modem appliances for health and comfort; Um; of piauo. A good opportunity. Inquiry at this: olllce • • •

Employment Wantedfor the summer by a boy 18 years of age, willing to take any Ucht employment, umistomcd to horses, acquainted with Ocean Grove, and ean give tirst-ciass references.. • Address

. V (IKKIJKKT CLIPFE,2:1 West J<»hnson St., Germantown, Pa.

F U R N I S H E D R O O M SF o r K e n t .


TOW KB HOUSE, : 27 Webb avenuo, Ocean Grove

Five;Room Furnished CottageTo Let Irom June 2 to July 2S. All convonlences and deslruble location. Bent 850. Address

' Box 2-.»iU. Ocetlu Grove, N. J.

For Rent for July and August.A very comfortable cottago on tho Ocean front,

corner Ocean aud Abbott avenues Sevou rooms, furnished. Imjuiro of MBS. t'i.AU.l S. DALE, luOi North Seventeeutti street, Philadelphia.

Furnished Rooms to Rent.In PIONEEB COTTAGE, near thu new Amllto rlutu. Cali on or address

Box 447.MBS. II. T. BYRNES,

Oeean Grovo, N, J.

For August and September.A roomy and very commodious cottage, woll

located, cun bo rented from August 1 to etui of September. For terms write to Ocean t?rovo Hecoiid. 1

T E N T F O R S A L E .

C 4 L . - _______ '.‘ •/i.

T H E B R S V O O R T H O U SE ,e m b ra e ln g th e fo r m e r J)oiil'1>i<> <’ tt»ur • ar « l N’ e p tu n e llonw-.*. C en tra l a v e n u e . fi"*m P itm a n to M c t ’ iin to o l: . O cean <;<-ov<-. N ..r T h i* . l in e l i » ul p ro p e r ty !<*»*- t i io io n u li lv jc n ::e a to d . p a ln te I, re lu t- .u i-lied . a n d p la c ed h i 1-b ‘ i f g '1 •*M »-rieiM ,»-d .and n -qm lu r m uingi-tiu-ttt m a k in g a l l its accnm m rtda- Lions suj>Cfinr, a n d aiT .-nM 'ie g u t- t^ . '■ 'I 'qu jcr im- w in te r , a m i.it. i-im iiI',r:a l>ie Ih iio i. hy th e sea. T h e lo ea tid u Is u iH u rp 'iS 'ed . a n d n n n * m * t n n 'o t in h le ., .M | {\ A . i-C H K N C K , J’ ro n rle to r.

. ; T H E L Iu L A G A A B D ,ilncler New ManagemeBt ’. Ooian Grove, N. J ,

Acnomin'ultttfnns r-tr li'tntt*'s nlry f[irii!tdiotl. An mioli.siriioted viewof the Ocean and Bathing Gr-nm I? n.iiy a f*«'.^n*tM f..«»»n Lll'.agore’s now nnd elegantly appointed lioi sea water bathing e<Mbli-<limc.ui >a tlmii mi pi*rl.*i:t -iiiid f m simply of Artesian Water. Klee- trio lights. Special'ru'es lor June au l .-i-jptembjr *. a.s • to families fur the.season. Address ■.

; . . . ' • MRS. M. B. HKKITAGE, .P, 0.;Box2K L • ' ' (late o f the Buena.Vlshi).

T h e N a t io n a l ,Main A ve. opposite Association Office, Ocoan Grove, N. J

This has hecn the favorite h it:?l over since it tvasoponed I ir many Ocean Grove visitors. Its Contral location, convenient Hppulniuiints, ami every re.piistie tor health and comfort, give the Nallotial deserved prominence. * --

Ilox.m • . . • MRS. J. A. KEEN. Proprietor.

- N O R M A N H O U SE,Bath Avenue new Central, Ocean Grove, N. J .

Near the New Auditorium. . Full nooau vloiv. Kverythlng'f*r roin^'rt of enests. . Houso well venthatcd. La*gecool verandas. Special rat r«r during Soring and PilJ. Table 11 rst«e!ass. OpOU early In June. Utull May 2? address correspondence to Princeton, N\ JI

Lock Box 2M7. . . MRS. « . J{. PRIEST. Proprietor.

THE CARROLLTON,Ocean Grovei N. J .28 Ocean Pathway, South Side,

A . F I K S T -U L .V S S llO D S K .DitAWER I.. —, J N O . W I L S O N .

Ocean House,M A IN A V E N U E , Near Association Building, O C E AN G ROVE, X : J.

Aeo irnmndatlnnn for ISO gn^ts. with lUsi-class table and every needed comfort. Within one minutes* walk o f tho great Auditorium, and three mluntes to tho o-paa.

. Box 317.. . . T!1 OS. PRENTIS', Proprietor. \

THE BALMORAL,S fH P AV E N U E ,-N E A -n C E N T R A L , O C E AX G llO V E , N . J.

JBeaoli .A _verm e JElonse.Corner o f Bench nniMVebb Avenues, Ocean C»rove, X . J,


Lock Box2150. • • .1IICS, .11. E, G U Y E K .

Bryn Mawr Hotel,[FOH5IEHr,V GF.UJtANTOWN Ho'csB-1.

N..J3. Corner Contrnl atid lEeck Avenues.■ O C E AN GHOVE, N . J.

DcslraWo location.. .Convenient to Beach, Post Odlco and Auditorium. Good Accommodatloua. New improvements. Reasonable terms. '■ .

Special rates for June and September. *Box 2000, . MRS. G. S. LUKEN8, Proprietor.


Unobstructed ooean vlow ; attractive, rooms-; first class table: all desirable advantages: Beale of charges moderate. • ■ • ' • .

NOW OPEN. A. W. .LVMAN. Box 2105.

Ocean Queen., VHrectly F iouttug the .Sea, ' . Ocean Pathway, Oceuu Grove,

This favorite hotnsc enlarged and improved lu its accommodations for summer guests: best loca­tion and liberal numageniJiit. >

Open Juue l. 511SSES FRANK, aud ADAMS, Proprietors.

COWELL HOUSE,No. 30 Webb Avenue, Ocean Grove. N. J.

Fine location near the Luke, hot sea wider baths apd Ocean. All home comforts, good beds, superior table. Charges moderate. - .> ‘ •

Box 2053. . . ' MRS. CAPTAIN COWELL. Prop’r.

THE WELLINGTON,Southwest corner Embury avenue and Pllgrh ii Pathway, Oeehu'Grove. X . J.

Central location; pl?a«iint surroiiudlugs; only two or throb mlnutbs' walk-to Postotlle,.new Audi­torium and oceau beaeh ; excellent table; reasonable rales.

P. O. Box 2205. ' ,L. M. DOWNING, Proprietor,

Delaware Villa,Corner Central* nm! Pitman Avenues,' O C E A X G H O VE, X . J.

Location moat desirable. ArcomrnodAtlon JlrAt-elass, . Lock Box 5*7.

MIfjS ADDIE HAZZARD, Manager, .MR8. V. L. CULBERTSON.MRS, M. IL PRICE, . » * roprittoM _

The WELCOME,’• 45 Pilgrim P ath w ay


Tho welcome will ho umlor present maiuwe- moat a homoliko and comfortable stopping pliico for pernmnout and transient guests.

Directly opposite postoilioo, one- from Auilttorlum. Terms moderate.

reetly opposite postoilioo, one-half minute ' . Terms moderato. ..


Hotel LeClievalier,Northeast Cor; Webb nud Central Avenues,

" V " • * OCEAN GROVE, N .J .. ,

Groat health resort for whiter, spring tind sum­mer, Lovely country and sea shore drives, sea, air. Invigorating pltie .breezed glvhur strength and health to tired und weary ones who need to recuperate their wastlugenevgles. special wiutcr rates. -

Address A; L.'WILCOX. Box 250.


Under w?w management. Newly refitted.'' .Sanitary Plumbing Kleetrif5lights. Tennis and Cro-juet courts.


Lendincaud popular ho­tel at ihiM lamout .report. A ll'modern conveniences/ Liberal table, find all ap- . pot nt men t“ nr-rt-cla.es. . ;

? C. H. MILLA|fProprietor.


is one-of Iho most home­like houses, in tlje Grove.

-■H I is situution on tlie broad : plaza .facing the sou . is ;

. ino>t desirable. . ;

Its table and appoint-- iiieriti’ unsurpassed.;

‘ Term? aiul necessary in-, •p IVjrmation may be bad byr addres.sing...


Cor.'Bssch S Pitman Am,OCEAN GROVE.

Stenm Heat.' Sun Parlor.Has been put fu flrst.clay.«! order and

will remain open durlug the year, for tho accommodation of any who dcsiro.to spend a few days or weeks at this delightful resort.

Snectat- attention given to invalids and persons desiring rest and cure.

C H A S . J . H . B E C K E T T , Proprietor.


Delightfully situated on PITMAN AVENUE, second house from the beach.

Its.line ocean view, large, cool verandas, spring iwds, sanitary plumbing, Artesian water, etc.. oiler special inducements to permanent ana transient guests. Table Qrst-elass.

Terms reasonable. N. H. KILMER,• 3 and 5 Pitman Avenue, Oceau Grove.

Lock box 20S7.' . • • •'

The Alpha,1 & 3 Ocean Pathway, North Side, - . . . • ’ Ocean Grove, N . J .

OPEN JUNE 1 to OCTOBER 1.Unobstructed Ocean view ; all modem Improvements; choice rooms en suite or single. .

P. O, Box2251. MRS/C. IL CLEMENT, Proprietor.--

THE ALBATROSS,32 and 34 Ocean Pathway, South Side, Ocean Grove, N. J .

Finest location iu tho Grove. Beautifully situated on the 02.‘an B wlevard near tbe Beach and Auditorium. Everything strictly tlrst-class..

P. O. Box 2<ViV MRS. M. C. DOWNS. '


Improved accommodations.' tvltb ample room aud every facility for thecomfort of guests. Scale ot charges always moderate. House now open for thu seasou.

.. • REV. S. IL ASAY, proprietor. . .

25 Atlantic A ve., Ocean Grove, N, J .Delightfully situated near tho Ocean, Wesley Lake, Auditorium and Young People’s Tomplo,

targe, thoroughly, furnished, well veuttlated rooms. All modern improvements. Aecommoda-. ions for rtf ty guests. Rates until July 15 and after Sept. l, $1 per day; from July 15.to Sept. 1, 810 . single, SU to 820 for couples per week. '

Box 20?5.- . . . . F. D. ROSEQRANS.

OCEAN VIEW HOUSE,Comer Broadway and Central Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J .

• FIFTEENTH .SEASON; flno ocean outlook: accommodations home-llke. and terms reasonable; Sanitary arrangements approved, and location healthful, cheerful aud accessible.

Box 2002. . MRS. WM. A. WHITE, Proprietor.

GROVE HALL,Pilgrim Pathway, opposite Thompson Park, Ocean Grove,. X . .F.

Coiiveuieut to all points o f interest. OpeiiMayl. Seventeenth season..For terms address

• Box 2I.VJ. Mrs'. E. A..IRELAND, Proprietor.

LAWRENCE HOUSE,.. Corner Main and Central, Ocean Grove, N. J .v TwobloGks from the Oceun Promenade and Fishing Pier. Artesian water. Perfect^sanitarv

nppiiatiees., Electric lights. Home comforts. Reasonable tales. ■ '.1*. O. Box 202L . MISS M. WHITE. Proprleto-,.

Tlae Ardmore,Ocean Pathway, Near the Sea.

This newly erected aud completely furnished hotel ls pre-eminent for'choice location, magniti- ceut o\itlook, luxucUms rooms.aud tirst-ola'ja accommodatloua. Every tnoderu convenience.

• Address MRS. M. M. RUSSELL, Proprietor. ;(Late o f the Alpha.) •

Tlie New Philadelphia,• . • Ocean -Pathway, Nearest tiio Sea, South Side,. . • . .

• ; ; O C E A N G liO V E , X . J.This spacious and elegant now liouse, possessing all the Improvements .and conveniences possi­

ble for tho gnmfott of summer visitors, handsomely furnished, will bo opened for guests about June t Engagements for rooms and board now iu order. _ . • . .

Box 2207. . MBS. T. D. HUNTER, Proprietor. .

THE EL DORADO,BnnuUvny, fronting PSetcUev Lnke ami tlie Sen, O CE AN G R O VE , N : J. ■

ElRlttetinth Season. C’liok'o lontllcn. Siiloniltd Octtan view. Ftmviotl Artealftii well, cliccrful rooms, bmml vuranOiia. AUimllon ill Jt vluss In ovory parlkuhir, For torim, en... aildiuss

BoxflOiU. MliS. A. LOOMIS, l'roprlotor. .

The Demarest,No. 8 Ocean Avenue! OOEA.N G-ROVE; N . J -

OPENS JUNK-1, 1KU. Directly oil the*oeean front. Full oeean view from all tho rooms.. Con- ’ ■ ■' • ••” • Good rooms, ploasaut veraudasi Saultarj’ -arrange* •vonlent to Auditorium and Ross's Pavilion,

monts oompleto.Box 2217. - M. J. HOLT.

"The HollancL,Sea V iew and Beacli Avenues, OOEAN GRO VE, N . J . v

This spacious and beantUnilv located house will be open as usual. . it. is acknowledged lobe ono of the most de«lmblo In p«>int of situation, elegance of rooms and ovory advantaco conducive to health aud comrort. Grand outlook on lake and ocean. Table and appointments tlrst-cluss,

. - MRS. H..M. AGNEW, Proprietor. .

Page 4: REV. A. WALLACE, Di D„ Editor. - DigiFind-ItHo thou Ita tun and glory first and last; Tako thou our hearts and keep them thine, * And sway lovers sceptro o’er creation va.st. ‘.Como,


k«v*»«v a


iio i ’sks.

WILLIAM H. BEEGLE‘ , (^udocssor to II. R/:Beegie;>:. '. ; ;

O C E A N G K O V I -V N . J .

Insurance;•JtS. M A IX A V E ,

O G E A l s r a r E O T E;.r ' V:' vNOtARY PUBLIC.

D A N IE L C. C O V E R T ,v. N o.27Piigrim Pathway, Asso­

ciation Book Storo, -

OCEANGROVE. G EN ER A L AGENTc For tho Purchase; Salo and Renting o r

V; Real estate. -Also,- ' ,... t-.Property insured in flrtt-class coriiponies, v Improvements made for. hou-residuiits, .•V; •. Property cared, for, • - •

■y,. I^ans negotiated and collcctionsmado.. Commissioner of Deeds and Notary Public. .

P. .0. Box 21 SC. , , Correspbndeuec Bollcited,’


J. S, FLITCROFT & BRO,S a n i t a r y P k m b e r

, and Dealers in • •

;: S T O V K S anti B A N G E S ,Opposite Post Office,: . ..■;

O C E A N G l i O V E , N . J ,

0 - 3 ^ -

v V:;- K E A L E ST A T E •••■ The lending Hoici: thoroughly renovated; capacity too; elevator, electric lights nml all modern mprovements .. New.immawmyut. . . T. H. BRUSH, Proprietor.

IN SU R A N C E : A G EN T95 -M A IN .A V E N U E ,


NOTARY PUBLIC.Successor to. James A.; Grilling &'Co.Commissioner of 'Deeds for Ptiinsylvn'ula- rind

■ • . the District Of Columbia./ '.'•OCEAN GRO VE

D A N IE L B . P E A K ,SncceHsor to iftEO. W . EVANS*


PHARM ACY |liiEana:)

Pitman lya., opp. “ The Arlington,1OCEAN OROVE, N. J.

Drugs, Chemicals, Fancy Goods, 8ponces, Patent Medicines. Pharmaceutical preparations, etc.

Store closed on Sundays during church services;

irieiMwuntjFirst oflice cast ofthe Association Building.

General ngent for tiie £alc and Hooting of Occan Grove Properties.-• Insurance placed iu reliable companies nt low* est rates.

Estimates furnished"for all kinds of improve* moms..Collectibns made and loans negotiated.,.

Correspon ilc iice (Jollclted,

- OCEAN GROVE, N. J,Open for the winter'months oppositeOccan

Grove Entrance Gates.; ■.


UATES IN PHARMACY.Prices guaranteed as low as the best goodfi

and honest dealing will poriuit.

: S T E P H E N 0 . W O O I.IiE T .

W I L L I S F O K D D E T ,

No. 1026 Seventeentii'Street, UNITED STATES HOTEL, ■ , • Notice.

; Preaching nt St. Paul’s Church, Ocean Grovo, every Sabbath morning nt .10 80 o'clock, and tho Epworth League meetings .Ut 0.30 o’clock in the evening.

Class meeting as usual on M onday and Tuesday evenings and the Stranger’s Class ou Sunday morning in the church parlor- ut 8 o’clock; . .Regular church prnyer meeting on. Wednesday evenings at 7.45 o’clock.

Tho public is invited to all these ser­vices and a hearty welcome extended: Seats free. • • -V ’ ’

D E N V E R- = ; Comer Main and Beach Avenues and Olin St., Ocean Grove.. '

• Location unsurpassed 5 extenslvo outlook to tho sea v accommodations greatly enlarged; new an­nex containing 3D rooms.; The choice Family Hotel of Ocean Grove, WM. ORR, Prop’r.; - COLORADO. ■■■' "J;/

Real Estate, Loans arid In­vestments.

Some: spl en did 8 per cent:. Mortgage loan investments for.Sum,

•Cprrespondence'solicited. v. - ,

J O S E P H T R A V I S Hrnby 0. Winbob,.President. Gko. W ;Evanh, Vico-President. ' y SSmund E. Dayton. Ot hlor

Main Street, Asbnry Park, K. J,\r}y; : ••KING’S BRICK BUILDING.,y \ . A splendid assortraieiit o f. ; ■

Gold and Silver American and Swiss W atches.

Gold.niul s te o l S p e c ta c le s . Theoretical an d Practical Repairer o f Chron -

,. • ometers and Watches. - ' y : ."■ . I IE B K A L L T H E T E A R , ; •■

;N. E. BUCHANOX. V ; geobge a. smockBuchanon & Smock,

Cor..Main St.-and Asbliry Aye,,' '; ASBURY Pa r k ;. N .: J , • j’ < v

Lum ber,; Building ‘ Hardware, Ready*. M ixed Paints, (a l l ‘ prices), .W hite

. Varnl8lii • Brushed;'-etc.•’>. :•

• AVe make a specialty of CEDAR- SHlNGLES.at wholesale as well as retail, which we manufac­ture at Jlauahawkiu, N, J;>\' - ('• i;r'‘Also ADAMANT, a patent Plaster, which is sn*

perlor to anything in the market, and is:Just the thing for cold weatheri as freezing does not affect It. v SatisfactJon guamuteed.to all customers. ..

GEO. K . H O U G H ,Practical Tailor and Cutter,

. ' , <Late of Philadelphia.)N o . 3 P llicirlm PaiihW ny, n e a r ly opp,

. P o s t o r n c e , O c e a u G r o v e , _•

Porson furnishing their own material cairi have It made up In the latest Btylo and most'satisfac­tory manner. • .. -. >'■ . • y .CTOTTINQ, CLEANING, REPAIRING, PRESSING

P A R I S Human Hair Store,

6 1 1 Cookman & 612 Mattison Avs-,. . A S B U R Y P A R K .

Largo assortment of Hpmau Hair Worka. - Nat ural Water Curjs guaranteed;’ ■ •: • •

Ladles’ Hair Cutting,. Shampooing, Hair Dress­ing and Curling by professional French artists..

My Circassian Tonique for the growth of tbo hair and for. ..removing ,dandruff and all com­plaints ofthe scalp and halr.bas been highly 're­commended by the best residents of Asbury Park Park and Ocean Grove. • c '.

No humbug.; Success in’all cases. .; .Ladies aud gentlemen consultation free.My Vcloutiuo for the nice noedB only.a trial to

be preferred to all others • I.1? the market.' Free trial to all. ’ •-'• :•: y PROF, MME. E. GRISDN,AnUMrPO W A iv i 'E D .to canvass for Tlio AUDIV1 0 of our HOME-GROWN NUHSKItY STOCK. NEW PROITT-SUAIUNC/ SYSTEM. Salary and oxpdnpe. paid. .. •.-•.<•

W . & T . S M IT H CO.,The Genova'Nursery, . GENEVA, N* Y,• Establialied 18HL Ono of the, largest, oldest established anti best known Nursorles- in tho Unitedfitates. ; >


VV • •'. v •-■ . OBGANIZBD JANOABY, 188S. ' v: -•?•’ ""V.-'-’.'OC A P I T A L , $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . S U B P L U S , 5 3 2 5 . 0 1

, Transacts a general Banking Business,'Issues Foreign and Domestic Drafts..• ; Prompt attention given to all mattots entrusted toub. ' ;

CO LLE CTIO NS DIA1>E A N D P R O M P T L Y A C K N O W LE D G E D .:: d i r e c t o r s : /



■ Phonographic Wonder.Prof.'W m . V . Gildny Is prepared to give

entertainments in hotel parlors, churches, &c., with his improved phonograph, hav­in g an enunciatpr or horn six and a iia lf feet long, reproducing baud music, quar­tet singing, reading and recitations to the wonder nnd admiration o f good-sized con­gregations. l ie w ill exhibit on Friday evening, Gth Inst., at West End Hotel, A s­bury Park, and on Saturday evening in the parlors o f the Arlington, where all cau ascertain for themselves the effect- pro­duced. .

Has Rembved from P ilgrim Pathway,

;y-.V:: VOcean 'Grove, toA N D R E S T C U B E ,

609 VINE ST.V PHILADELPHIA,• . (Opp.;Fran k 1 In/Square) :y'.v-•: y ;" ‘>y. .■•./ \ .Corner Bond. Street, . •. ‘V

(Lew is's X e w Brick; Building,)

A S B U R Y P A R K , B r w aX R E E Y ,Capital, $160,000 | Located in MontEOuth Building I Surplus,-. $7.0,000.

> ’>•;”' ■ ■7.~ ’ ■.Ocean GrovoOlBco—Association Building.-''y . • y.;... ■; ."'-.■j,' -y..'Prompt and careful attention glvon to all .buslnoss entrusted to our caro.- New York,'^Brooklyn

and Philadelphia directories for the use of the publlo on file at tho.offlco;

.. -i-'- - 'y "y OFPICERfi: ' :: • • ’ ,.v - :>Geo. F, Kroehl, Pres, y - ' y O. H. Brown, 1st Vice Proa. ' : Albert C. Twining, Cashier

y ., : :y. M. L..Bamman, 2d Vico Pres, y . ’ M. V. Dager, Ass’t Cashier. /••:;■

\y? ' ;;v'- •• ■ DIRECTORS:,Isaao C.Kennedy, Bruoo.S. Keator;M.D„ . Chas. A, Atkins, v . Chas. A. Young,W. H.Beeglo, ' -M ;L. Bamman, . ; v,Geo. F.-Kroehl, • • 'John L;Coffin'v .Milan RoBfli, - • = OliverH. Brown;: Albort.C. Twining, Sherman B, Oviatt. .

y y • ■••y.I>,;0. Covert,■ •; ; i .. Dr; Bam’l;JohnBon.' •' . .-v '.• . r


', Prof' Heine's Plrie Treatment has been in sue*,: ccssful uho lu Philadelphia: for . over twenty years. It.ia entirely unknown elsewhere in this country, althoagh long used and generally ou* ^dorsed by physicians throughout Europe.

IT GIVES RELIEFIn all painful diseases without regard to tbelr cause. Jt ,is :of spcolal value In ::Hheumatle, Spinal, Paralytic and Nervous Diseases, Female Complaints, &c. Selatlda of years st andlhg has boon repeatedly cured within a fow .weeks; also many obscure diseaaes that have heretofore baffled every known treatment. .; For references, terms, &c., address,. •. • y y . >.■ \ : . .'

■ SAMUEL SHERBURNE, M i d !,’ ; xPbyslcIan In charge.) '• yy:;

N. H. KILMER, .C o n t r a c t o r , C a r p e n t e r


N E W G O O D S .

Trimmed Hats y and Bonnetsy y . y :. l a t e s t s t y l e s .


99 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove.

T H E P O L IC YItE rE K C N C E S .. J.' S. Howlett, 520 Coriimerco s t; W. H. Brown,

attorney-at-law, -538 Walnut st; W. -E. Hitch­cock, banker, 800 N 2-Jth st Mrs; ’A.. II. Francis* ctts, presidont Women’s. Christian AsBoelation, 121 N 21st s t; Merchant & Co., 517 Arch st: .Wm. Hopper & Co., brokors, N Third at I - Major J.R.- Wright, Wilkerbarre. Pa ; W. II. Woodward, Supt.rH. IL, Carlisle, Pa*,‘ R. It. Fleming, Houtz* dale; Pa ; Mrs, M., Arnold, Clarion, Pa ; John Boynton, Wm.’Powoll, J. W. Nowsou, Clearfield, Pa., nnd.hundreds of others. ,y . .-'y . ..;.

T. F R A N K APPLEBY,Real Estate

Insurance OflS.ce,v. Removed.to.Vy - ; I ’’W .

6 1 M A IN A V E N U E ,Asbury Park aiid Ocean Grnyo Bank Building,

OCEANGROVE.Now Open in charge of ROB’T E. MAYO. ‘

; All kinds of ? *: •’:• - v ; : •-• •: •


M A N H A T T A NLife Insurance Company

I N C O N T E S T A B L E S . N O N - E O R F E I T A B L E

U P A Y A B L E A T S I G H TContains no Suicide or Iritemper-

P v ' ance Clause.Grants A bsoluteFreedom of Travel

iff. , and. Residence.^ And is fi ee frcm all.Techriicalities




1321 M ARKET STREETThree doors cast o f City Hdll, opposite . ; \

. Wanamaker’sGnind D epot,:V .V '.Yv'

P l l I L A P E L P H i A .

Meals to Order from 6 a. mi to 8 p, m.

y'Gboil Roast :D\uuers,rwitli' threeyvege* tables, 25 cents ~ •

Turkey or Chicken Dinner, 85 cents.

' Ladies’ Room upstairs| with homelike accom- . • •'? .modations.• Pure spring water. • •.;

J O H N M . D E Y ,'{Permanently residing'atOcean,Grove,)

ARCHITECT AND BUILDER,la always ready to furulsh plaus and estimates of cottages in every size and (style., • ■ •

For good workmanship and satiBfactory tonriB, ho'refers to all for whom ho has erected‘cottages, both in Ocean Grove and Asbury Park;during tho past fifteen years,

d e y ,Cor. Benson aiid Main Avo.,'. . •. Ocean Grovo

GOODRICH’SOcoan Grove Express

Leavo orders 5G neck avenue, and front of Ladles’.Store, Main aveuuc. .


Attention to boggngeand freight delivery at do* pot, and througijout tho Grove. Prompt aud sat­isfactory a« usual. Ordors promptly attended to.

Privileges nnd Guarantees are part of the Oontraot and.appear written in tlie body of the Polioy.

Our Survivorship Dividend Plan gives Investment and y:; Protection.' Send for. statement, stating age. •• ' .,

Addre'HH ■ • JA M E S h , <PARH SONS, tfnunjrerft, N c w M a n lm tta a Buililliigr, S.’ E . Cor. F ou rth .ana W a ln u t Sts., F lilltu lc lp lifn ,


Funeral Directorand Embalmer.


. Flowers of any' design at abort notice•.

Parlors aiid Office—No* 17 Main St.,' ASBURY PARK. N, J. J ; ' ;

V. Also Superintendent of Mt. Prospect Cemetery


Ico Creami Ices, Frozen Fruit3 and Jellies.;Weddings and Evening.Entertainments a spe­

cialty, Everything to furnish, the table and set free ot-charge, y - - ■ •/• •./. ; . y;. ..... . Nothing sold or delivered;on siniday, • •.;•

I Caveats, and Trad e-Marks obtained, and all PaU J ent business conducted for moderate Fees, < !our Office is opposite U.S. patent Office1 , and wo can secure patent ia less lime than those ] remote from Washington. . , <y Send model, drawing, or photo., with descrlp-i tion., We advise, if patentahlo or notj free of.J charge. Our fee riot due till patent is sccured, ., ; A pamphlet, “ How to Obtain Patents,'Vwlthi , cost of same in,the U, S. aud foreign countries! sent free. Address, . ;


John R. Sweney, W. J. Kirkpatrick, Dr. H. L. Gilmour,I S N O W R E A D Y .

1 0 2 4 A R C H S T R E E T . P IU L A D J t lL P f l lA , P A .

O LIN S T R E E T , Opposite Post Offico,

• ‘ CHU JOB, Proprietor, * A very desirable front room with private nlazza and'bay window;.2 connecting rooms-with out­side kitchen, with other rooms. House contains bath room and all modern conveniences, 3 blockB from tho oceaii and near postolllce and new Audi- torliim. C'J Embury avenue, near Pilgrim Path­way^ Ocean. Grove/ - •. V,.v: . M, A., VAIL; -

Bertt arrangements for rapid and thorough work at rcUROuablo prices. Articles called for aud de­livered luany partofGroveorParkwheu desired. C .A .S N O W & C O

J O H N J . H O O DOpp. Patent Office, Washington, D. Civ \ W ^ W ^ » W V W V M ^ W ’V V W W t W %OI'EK ALL TUB YKAR liOUNi).,

Page 5: REV. A. WALLACE, Di D„ Editor. - DigiFind-ItHo thou Ita tun and glory first and last; Tako thou our hearts and keep them thine, * And sway lovers sceptro o’er creation va.st. ‘.Como,

A Valuable nedium .I CIRCULATION P? A 1\J f i D n V P i I i% J\ w F o r L o c a l and Q e i\ e r u l - • •(

1 , 0 0 0 U v D / \ l i v J tx M VJQ I • A D V E R T IS IN G ., . ■. ■ .



A Talc of Life a t ' tlie 'Sea-side ami mi the . Prairie.

; • . • ' .. ciiAnuii v. •.The eum p'm eeting o f 1S71 wasa great

success. The attendance was nearly. or Yjuitt! double o f tlm t o f tlie previous year. On Saturday the.rush was.so great tlmt.it was impossible for m a n y to Iind quarters, verify in g Itev. Mr. Clifton ’s prediction. A fter a vain search for lodgings numbers. \Veii t t o Long Ihan cl 1, but v e ryivi a n y still . remained in the,;hope, o f finding .shelter 'somewhere.;- Tho. effort to place 11lein ?e6rttinuc(U’ \intU; ;jnidni£lit;-; but . when 'evet’y -available bed, cot, lounge. -or/ easy, chair Had been appropriated there st i l l re­mained- nearly .a. hundred homeless; i\m\- lifly or morc la y down upon the straw in the largo prayer tent; and how .the-rest fared we never knew..

•The spiritual interest o f tlie meeting steadily rose from the beginning and cul­minated in a wonderful way near the closo. The ;Hev. Mr.‘ Clifton has tic- scribed, this unusual manifestation,so well in a letter to his colleague that we can­not do better than t'rancribe it.

1'jtANKi.iN I lo rs i: , . pci*an G r o v e , Aug.— is# I.

Itiv . J . J'tftTMii, Dear I I i'(i. (turf • C ’ulltxujnr:. ' Camp js closed, ’ nnd we start in the -.morning for home. But before leaving I am moved to w rite you about the meeting, as I cannot hope to see you for sonie. time vCt. I have been brought

.out Into a large, place, and recei veil such'an unction from the H oly One as I

. never knew, before. The meeting went on w ith a rising tide o f influence and power, w ith ;m uch encouragement am 1 success, in the altar work, but nothing decidedly remarkable until near the close. Then a minister preached a sermon iipon “ Entire Consecration,” th e ’ effect o f which was marvelous.

A deep, tender,solemn feeling soon pro- vaded the congregation. The preacher seemed to touch' every heart, Iind every conscience, and bring every one face to face .with God. I t wua not hy eloquent or boisterous energy, for his words were plain ami his manner calm. H e ap­peared t o bel ie ve i n ten pel y eve ry won I ne spoke and have the fullest eonlldeneo that the truth would accomplish Ha appro-

'; priate.work. H is words secnied to carry a subtle fire,or be charged w ith an electric power, 'there was great heart searching and earnest ’ crying after God. A s lie closed the Presiding E lder tenderly but- earnestly urged believers-to entire conse­cration, and the unsaved to como to

-Christ;.- There was a great movement. Many, sinners came forward for prayers,

.but many more.Christians went very low before God and wrestled for u clean .heart.I am’ happy to say that L was among the number, and that I found what. I sought.

.1 have-held to this as a part o f Methodist .’ devotion, and preached it theoretically:

but never before definitely sought.it. Th is experience opens a new . era in my life. M y work seems very much .more important than ever before,, but I have? 'miutterabe longings, for the salvation o f sinners, iind building-up o f saints.. I d o hope it it is not a transient feeling, but one that w ill abide to my dy ing day. •

My.sister Bertha was also at. the nieet­ing and received a- .wonderful uplift. I have considered her .a very devoted girl; bu t'th ero is a new tenderness in her spirit, a new tone in her .voice, and new sheen upon h e r ' countenance. I thank God that H o ever led our.steps to this place, and we shall ever remember it w ith gladness o f heai t.‘

( W ith love to yourself and fam ily aiid ’ hoping to see you in ii couple o f weeks I Alii.,' '. •

Vours in the Lo rd ,.G kohob Ci.irrox.

The joui hey home was without incident except that on tw o - occasions.George was moved to speak to persons upon tlie cars about their, souls, and hopes that good w i 11 result. A fter seeing ■ 1 ns sister safelv home and spending a few minutes with ids father and mother, he hastened away and took tlie train in order to be at home for his Sunday work upon the circuit. On .Sabbath morning he was a little per* plexed about the text he should use. H e had. w ith .h im a number o f papers on which were noted texts and outlines o f

-..thought from which ho had intended to make a selection for use this mornjng; but somehow they appeared cold, dead,

’ formal, and were cast aside. A good text caine to his mind and soon some stirring thoughts clustered about it,^and,he. re­solved to use it and trust in the X o rd to help him through. W hen d ie . "aroso to speak he was not a little surprised •‘ lit his composure, the -vigor o f his mind,

his clear perception o f truth, his ready utterance and tlie effect o f his words noon tho .congregation. Many.eyes were.tilled.

• with tears; and at its close he was warmlv thanked for the. sermon; but.best o f all one man was awakened ami at once-be-:

• giin to seek after . God. Th is was very encouraging, .uiul suggested the inquiry, •Svhv not expect sinners, to be awakened aiul converted at e ie r y service? l ie de­termined to preach present sajvation nnd look for immediate fruits. In the afternoon ; the signs were not so encour* aging, but a t . th e . evening service one poor s inner‘was happily converted, and he went to rest that night feeling that it had been tho. best Srabuath lie had ever spent in his life. '••' . . • •• The plan o f labor upon the Circuit soon brought h im to O lney a t which tim e he paid liis promised vis it to the .Denton's.

V It being a pleasant’ afternoon the1 easy chairs upon the porch were very inviting

! and there tho visitor and fam ily soon made themselves comfortable. Mr. Den­ton soon turned conversation to the sub­ject uppermost in their thoughts, and said, Mr. Clifton, we are under great obligation to you for sending us such an. interesting letter. I t has awakened our curiosity to know more o f that pjace, and we shall be pleased to. receive any further in form ation ."

“ I f you would indicate the points about which you are m o re especially in ­terested,” said. Mr, C lifton; “ 1 might answer m ore sii tis factoriiy.’ .' ’ . . ;

“ W ell, to./ begin at the . beginning, i io w d id ’ it originate ? ” . *

“ In th e . desire o f a few ministers to seek a little rest by tenting upon the.sea-

• shore; hut before*tho arrangement, could be perfected; ' in the m ind o f oho o f the p arty-th e . plan extended into a camp m eeting ,nn d from that to a permanent camp-grouiid; and ho proceeded to look

fo ra suitable location, and selected the , spot now »'jdli*d Ocean Grove./’ . .!. “ W hat .s'the Association.you speak o f in your letter?” .. ■ .. a .

“ The active manager, of the aflair in- yited a number c»f ministers aiid laymen, lwe|ity*six in 'all,, to unite with him aiid 'become incorporated as an.. Association.. T h ey paid into the treasury twenty-live dollars'each, and own the property,' and exercise tin; government.”. “ . W hat is the form o f government?” ; ‘ “ ft is a c1os6 ■ corpo ratio n. T l icy. have;

a. •President, . V i ce-President; Secre tary, Treasurer- and Executive Cornniittee.. d’hey-are-elected .bj tho A ssOc iti t i6ii from their--own ntimber at their annual,meet-' ing4. The : Executive Committee meets.' whenever it' is deemed necessary. . The, ordinances; for the lg6y(irhin<int .of/the placo are formulated and adopted by. the Association,”,..y “ Did th e ;twenty-H\‘e; dollars each suf- j lc e to purchase’ al I the land needed ?”

“ ltu in k . „not; -tiiougli X no not know just: how, .• muchV-:'they-.‘do ow n .' From what was called Ocean (irove-J judged they owned all the land ly ing between tlie* lakes; but .1 afterward learned this was not i he case, hut th e y . e.vi<lehtly in- tend fo sccure the rest.” ;

“ W hat is the size o f the lots ?”“ ( ’suall.v about thirty by s ix ty .”“ W hy limkc them so sniall?” '“ lSecahse they are not intended for.

yearly rj>sidenees,and are supposed to fitr*. *nish room enough for tents or small cot­tages for temporary residence in the sum- nier,; though cothlgbs are going up s6 ;mpr id ly as io imlicate it regular town or city ;! in the near future.” ’

“ A t wlint j »rice do tliey sel I lots ?” i n- tjuireclkobert.. “ A t lirst for. fifty dollars; later for

seventy-five; still later for one hundred; 1 und before I left some .were selling for one hundred and fifty dollars.”

*r W ell they must be making a good thing out o f it at tlmt rate.” '

“ I f you mean making money, you are mistiiken. As m em bers-of-the Associa* tion' they are entitled lo four- lots each; and oiitsido o f these they have no finnn- .cial interest in the : pliice. Th e Superin­tendent; is .tlie on ly * - salaried o flic ia l W hen inenibers o f the Association meet fo r business their expenses are paid hut nothin# more. ’ A ll; : the receipts for sale*•; o f j lotSj; vent o f tents, business; stands, pr i v i leges! etc/,; are usedTor ligli ts,* poi ic- - ing; and*’ im proving the grounds. I f ut any ti me thev ha ve niorO funds than are. needed for)tliese purposes their charter binds them to use such-excess.for charit­able and benevolent purposes. It . is ill no sense a speculation.”

“ What kind o f title do they g ive when they.sell; a warranty deed?”

*\No, a leiise for ninety-nine years, but renewable for a like lerni o f years for­ever.”

“ What is the object in g iv ing a lease iiistead o f a deed ?”

“ To restrain anv. jnirclmser from using his grounds or building for any improper purpose and prevent the introduction o f nuisances:” • ;

“ Can they keep • out intoxicating liijiiors ?” diupiiretl Airs. Denton. “ I am , happy to answer in the affirmative. W h e iith ey started they secured from the I.egislatitrean enactuient forliidd in ir.th e. sale o f lujuor withitkoue uiile o f the gates openihg iiito tlie grounds.”

“ W hat a blessed th ing for-Oceau Grove,” said Jennie; aiid M iv X ’lifton could not refrain from a glahceof appro* 'tuition o f her thoiight, or herself or both,, and answered, •

“ Yes, I regard it as one o f the greatest safeguards o f the place, and a strong guarantee o f success. I t is an unspeak­able blessing to those w ho are anxious, to break a w a y from the drink habit, to fim l.a place free from the enticements o f saloons.. I . was told tliere were a number there already who came^'Tor the.sole pur­pose o f getting husband,’ son or friend awav froni the dii-nsternus eflecfs o f the runishops athon ie i 'Outside o f little ex ­ceptions, grow ing out o f the false kind­ness o f occasional visitors who carried a ljocket flask, a number had not tasted liquor for months,who at home could not ho kept from it. Th is feature alone com­mends the place to favorable considera­tion.” , ! : :

“ I t doeft indeed,” said Mrs. Denton; “ hut how aboiit the Sabbath, you spoke in your letter about closing the gates on the .Sabbath:day, and 1 have been mix*, ions to ask you whether that meant there was no admission to the grounds on tliat dav?” - . • -.. ^Xo. admission for vehicles o f any ile- scription. 'A t the small gates people can coiiie in on foot. P.ut inside uot a wheel rolls upon the Sabbath.”

“ Hut how about- the m ilk wagons, are thev n o t adm itted?” said ftobert.

: “* x.othere parties

THE DAY OF “ JU BtLEK .’ 1 A . P . VV. M ID S U M M E R A lE E T . P E R S O N A L A N D P E U T lM iN t .

A Series of In t e r e s t in g Services .M ark th e Open- . In g of t In i New--A u d it o r iu m .

. Sunday, July first, the “ Day o f Jubi­lee,” so tcrineil because it wAs f he date set aside for the .opening o f the great Auditorium, on* w h id fso much care, time labor iind money had. been expended, was a complete success in every sense o f the word. The weather was bright ami clear and long before ten o ’clock, the hour designated for tlie opening sOrvice arrived, the people began to gather in great crow ds. ami it was estimated that nearly scvVn thousand people attended tlie niorniiig m eeting.'' The interior o f the massive structure presented u strik­ingly beautiful appearance!• T h e singing under the leaderslii)) o f l ’rofessor.Sweney assisted ’ by Mr. W illisford Dey, John C.‘ Day and M rs . ( iern-ge ‘M. Den nett, was exceptionally.good. Mrs. W illiam Mar-.; shall presiiled at the organ/and Mr. Char-, les J. Tayloi*i the celebrateil cornetist o f Baltimore,-iind Mr. W illiam Sulgcr, tho tmmbonist, who for inany years Im.s as­sisted at the A n d ilo iiiin r services, were aUo present'.

The address o f welcome, made by Dr. Stokes, was indicative o f'the bmad spirit under w.bidi tlie religions services at i.icean Grove are t’onductcd; for alt hough it is a Methodist resort, nlbcreeds and. all nations were cordially, invited to worship w ithin the walls o f lfie new Temple.

Taking for his theme the ninth verse o f the second chapter o f Haggai “ The ( i lory o f this Jatter House shall be greater than o f the former, saith the Lord, o f Hosts; aiid in this place w ill 1 g ive peace, saith the’ Lord o f Hosts,” Dr. Stokes preached, a powerful, and most inter­esting sermon' which was listened to w ith .ilcep -attention throughout by the Vast audience.: Follow ing the sermon, the Hev. Charles { I . Yatman coiiducted a 'b r ie f evangelistic service which was also held after the regular afternoon and evening services. .

A t two o ’clock a reunion o fth e Sum­mer Sunday School was held. A ll o fth e members of.St. Paul's School .met at tlio. Church and then marched in a body to the Auditorium where they joined those already assembled and the entire body was organized, the ojlicers nnd teachers assigned to their respective positions and the work o f the school quickly . mul quietly taken lip. / .*

Dr. Thomhs Hanlon, President o f Pen­nington Seminary, preached the after­noon sermon to ii large and appreciative audience;- and the evening service was conducted by Rev. Charles Hi Yutmam

The services o fth e entire day were o f deep and absorbing interest and the gen­eral .expression o f opinion was one o f marked admiration o f the great building, extrem e pleasure that its completion had been so successfully, accomplished, and that the inauguration o f the first relig­ious services within its walls had been marked by such a splendid attendance,, and were throughout so em inen tly fitted to the time and place. .

■rSluie Ciiatnpionsliips to be. Run. Very . Vatu- . nt>le Prizes. Past Killers to Compute.The. midsummer meet 'o f the Asbury

Park Wheelman to be'held July L‘» tind 11 'w ill bo tbe niost interesting and im­portant event o f its kind I hat-'has. ever taken place in this vicinity.’ Several o f the slate championship races w ill be run oil this oeeiissioti thus milking it an affair in which .wheelmen, hi all .parts o f the state are interested,.while the great value r»fthe prizes offered w ill d raw the .best raid's in tlie country to compete.. The following is a list o f the hires w ith a description o f the character and value o f tlie prizes.; ' ‘ . . . .• * -i::vi-:x?rs .i-'kiiiav, ii:i.v I:*..(.)ni: Mn.i* XovM.i:— First p r ize ,, gold

watcli,- $2.r).flO ; -d . lirize, gold watch, -^o .o i); ;;d prize, silver watch, $lt).0().

t.l.vr: M i i .i: Ockn— C i.ass A .— First prize, silver • tilting water pitcher,. ;.. -»i priiie,' jm ir Held glasses, SJO.Oi); ;id prize';.' silver cake'basket,

On k M i i .i: OckNt-C i.ass IJ.— First prize, iliumond stud, I5i0h ;. -d ' prize, Mk seliil gold watch, open fa«*e, ^7o.t)0.

i*xu Mii.i-: HAXiitcAe—Ci.ass A .-<First prize, solid gold’ watch, open face, £•">().00.; iM prize, silver ice pitcher, with trav and goblet, *21.7”) ; :ld prize; fine si I ver.but ter d'wli, $ 1 1.Oil.

Twi* -Miu-:- Hasoh-.m*—( ‘ r.AN-i • IJ.— First- prize, diamond combi nation ring, pin and. stud, $110.00 ; I’d prize, extra fine tea Set,7 pieces, $H».00 ; J»d* prize, Mexican onyx duck, ?o5.00. '• ' . -

Oxi: JIu.i: X.-J; Divisio.v Cu a .mcioxsiui* —(Juld tnedal.'; • •

nvijsis s/ n:m»AV,.-iri.v-M. •1 >xi: M ikb Oci’n—Class A ,— Firsi prize,

diamond.ring, foO.01) ; 2d prizi*, diamond stud, $25.00.

O.vk M i lk Oi'BN— Class H.— First prize,• diamond stud, $ lo0.00; '2d prize, diamoml scarf iiin, ^75100. . . .

Two M ii.i: Haxijic.ai’— Class A—First prize, diamond, ring, $.10.00; 2d prize, diamond stud, $:58.()0 ; Jld prizii, (liatnoiifl scarf pin, $28.00.

I Iai.i* M ilk O ckx— Class li.— First prize, diamond stud, $75.00 ; 2d prize, -tliamoud stud, $50.00. • . '

OxixifAUTKK Mn.i:, .V. J ./ D iv is ion .- Chamcionsiiii*— Gold ineMlal.

Two M t i.K 11 a x iiicii i*— Claks 15.— Fi rst prized diamond ring, $275.00 (special sanction) 2d prize, diamond stud/ $150,* (in ; :M prize, opal aiul diamond s'carf pin/ $75.00. ' • '

Kivi: Mii.i:, X . J. Division Cua.mimox* sme-M.iold Medal.'

• i \iss Rice Receives a Degree.

The semi-centennial jubilee o f the Albany, X. Y. State Normal College, was; a remarkable gathering o f over 1,000 alumni froiii east aiul west, north and south—a gathering o f men and women who have “ done noble things, not dreamed them -a ll. day- long.” In the honored list are found presidents o f college and normal schools, professors o f world*; wide fame,• authors, missionaries, minis; ters, senators, representatives, judges and lawyers o f no mean distinction. Among the’latter Miss Stonemaii, the lirnt woman admitted to the practice 'of law in Xew York , in the arm y wo iind them from .the l!rigadier*genemi to the private, who gave. 11 is I i fe for li is con n t ry. For the executive committee, Dr. M ilne at this meeting,, “ in consideration o f -distin­guished services iu the cause o f educa­t ion ” confeifetl ,tipon .six o f its many; thousand graduates tlie degree o f Doctor o f Pedagogy. In that list we have the name o f on e 'w e ll known to.Ocean tirove and Asbury Park, Miss Em ily A* Uice. .

Services at the Lutheran Church.liev;..L Fry, D. D., o f Heading, Pa.,

will preach* at the Lutheran Churcii to-morrow, Sunday morning. Dr. Fry is pastor o f the largest Fnglish l.utheraii elm rel i in the Uiti ted States as w e lla s professor o f homiletics ami sacred oratory in the. theological seminary jit Philadel­phia; Ho has a well deserved reputation as a brilliant.and popular preacher and lecturer not only in his own church de- nomiuUtion, but out o f i l as well’. The’ morning •. servi»:e w ill begin at . 10.-I5;

• Evening serv ices '.o ’clock sharp. Short............... ... . t .......... ; sermon by the pastor, Hev. II . Douglasthey can drive to the gate, aud ! Siiaeth ; topic, •“ I 'l ie People w ho-Knowflies wishing m ilk can get a sup* j all About It.” • The evening service, w ill

A Reception to Willisford Uey.

W illisford Doy, Fs<j., o f Denver, Col:, who is *on a visit to his old home, was. tendered a reception on Thursday even­ing at the W averly on Ocean Pathway by .Mi. and Mi's. Eder, the proprietors. The parlor was handsomely . decorated with palms and plants, and w ith the electric lights gave a pleasing effect. About 150 invited guests' were present, representing nearly as .many families o f the Grove and Park. . Professors Swehoy, K irkpatrick ' and Day, with the Auditorium choir, were present and sang; several selections, among whi.'h were “ Home Again ,” “ OUl J^mge. Syne " ju k I “ Blest lie the T ie that Hinds.". Harry -Eder made .he address o f welcome in behalf o f the house and those present. Dr. Stokes followed,-; and in welcoming him back said many complimentary words about the valuable assistance he had rendered in past years/ and w ished.now that he was going to remain; l i e hoped that’ prosperity and happiness would follow him wherever lie* went. itev. Mr. Relyea welcomed, him back in behidf.of St. Paul’ s church and, Sunday school/ Mr. Evans and Mrs. Eder fol lo wei ( i n sho rt add resses. M r. Dey responded to idl that-had been said by say a g that it was impossible to reply to the ninny kind und loving things ifiat had been said. He wiis deeply touched by the hearty welcome— one that he would- never forget, .and it gave great pleasure lo meet so many o f his old friends once more. He extended au in­vitation to his many friends to visit him in Denver and lie would 'give them a cor­dial welcome.- A fter the speech Harry Eder' invited all present to the. d in ing1 roonis where refreshiuents were servciI after which, the company departed for their homes all agreeing tliat they had $pent a pleasant evening, Mr... Day will' return to. Denver some time next week.

p ly ; but on this .'day. they cannot d r iv e ; be over by a quarter before eight. The about .the. grounds. .. Some get a double church stands onquantity oh Saturday and , boil it; but nmny are seen on Sabbath morning with pails’, pitchers, etc., on .their way to the gates.”

Is there tu> com plaint i hade about it?” “ A few make complaint, and put forth

vaiioud plans to .move the authorities; but nil.;n vain. The management seeni thoroughly determined to-m aintain the sanctity o f the Siiblmth.” >

“ It must be a n e w a i id v e r v pleasant experience to Christian people to enjoy such ii Sabbath,” said Mix. -Denton.

“ I t certainly was to ' me,” responded Mr. Clifton.• “ What is tho appearance o f the sur­rounding country ?” asked Mr, Denton.-

“ W hat-1 saw o f it, which .w as not much, was mostly covered with small pines and oaks, w ith thick underbrush, and here nnd.thcro a sniall farm clearing.”

“ W e should be glad • to have Mr. C lif­ton tell us abput any other matters that especially arrested his attention w hile there,” said Jennie.’

“ Ono o f tho striking things,” ’ said Mr. Clifton, “ is a huge sandbank about live hundred yards from tho ocean, aiid run­ning parallel w ith .it, stretching from lake to lake. I t is from eight to twelve feet high, tind vary ing from fifty to one hun­dred and fifty feet wide. A few pines and oakes are grow ing upon tlie. top,.aiul i i i one place a persimmon tree well-fonded w ith fruit. ‘D irectly in the rear o f the preuehor.4’ stand and also.at Main avenue, w ide cuts were miide through it to: g ive ready access to the ocean.” • ,' “ I low was tlie sand bank formed ? ”

: Conctu'.h’to n Third l\igc, .

the corner o f: Gram I and M in iioe avenues, within, a stone’s ; throw o f the lower bridge, • •

Pell down an Elevator Shaft,;Hev. Joseph, tiaskill, an uncle o f Mis.

Edward Letts, met w ith a painful acci­dent, in the store o f Mr. W ainright, last Monday afternoon. There is a window opening from the oflice to the elevator shaft and .Mr. .Gaskill-approached it to speak with Mr. Li fts. The elevator was up on the third floor, the bar used as a guard had not been lowered und Mr.' Gaskill walked 'd irectly into the opening ami fell to the. cellar striking heavily Upon the cement floor. H e was uncon­scious when assistance reached him und remained .in this condition for nearly an hour. Ah examination developed a lon g gash ih the scalp at the back o f his head and numerous other bruises not serious in .th e ir nature, l ie was carried to Mr. Letts’ residence on Olin street on a cot and physicians summoned who gave him careful attention, . I t is feared that some injury to the spine muv have resulted from the fall. Mr. U askill is nearly ^0 years o f age. .

Services, ot St. Raul's.Preaching at St. 1‘aid’s uhureh, Oceaii

Grove, every Sabbath morning at 10.o0 o'clock; A lso the Epworth League 'meet­ing at ti.nO o ’ clock in the evening. Class meeting, as usual, on Sunday morning, Monday and Tuesday evening', and the weekly prayer meet m g on Wednesday evening,'at 7.15 o'clock, .A cordial invi­tation in extended to everybody to attend these services..

Bnrned with Gasoline.• Alpheas J. Hyram, an employe o f S.

I). W oolley the -Main avenue druggist, was badly burned, Sunday afternoon last, with gasoline. Desiring to heat some water he started to fill tlie tank o f.th e gasoline stove w ithout noticing that the burner was already 1 igli ted. The gaso­line iii tlie reservoir ignited aud in an attempt to carry the stove, out o f doors one leg struck tlie door, jamb and the contents o f the tank were thrown over Mr. Byram’s face and clothing, immedi­ately catching fire. Mr. Byram’s whiskers were burned o ff and his face suffered severely while his hands were badly burned in the ettort to extinguish the lire in h is 'c lo th ing. Dr. Bryan was sum­moned and dressed the injured parts, hut it will likely be some tim e before Mr. By ra m will be able to resume business,-

Wesley Lake Carntval. ;

The cojimiitteo. h av in g4 h e matter iii charge are making extensive preparations for the success o f the-annual carnival to he held on Wesley Lake this (Saturday) eyening. Heretofore only tlio boat hoys havo participated iu the grand event, but this year the order of.tlunga has been slightly changed, and the lists are thrown open to all com ers; the cottage people especially are invited to participate.

The array o f nrizes on exhib ition in the w indow o f IL B: Johnson’s jewelerv store on Cookman avenue are well worth an effort, as. the. best prizes w ill be awarded to the best decorated boats, and houses.. . . .

. How Ungrateful Some People* Are.

On Tuesday ii guest of.the Metropolitan was rescued from the surf ut flip Asbury avonue pavilion bv oue o f tlie life guards. When the gentleman tbuud. h im self safely^ landed on terra firnut he became very indignant and protested that he was: in no danger. . ■

Plennsnl; PcnclHi^gs About the PcOple, Placc | nnd Property..

. c.truve Hall is eUtertiiining quite a large numher o f guests. - - V

Charles B. Thomas, .of. Hrooklv,^ U a gu es ta tth e Anl/uore.'

Miss Marian . Heyii<»lds,. o f 'S a i l Jose, ; O il.i is stopping at the Arlington. -..- •

> I rs.. C. I |o ni I »y, iiccoi up:i n ied bv 11 e r ■ daughter, i* a gu»‘st.at tlie A id m ore.'. . t

.Miss Geitrudo • May! ’ L'jiinerdn, o f !' Hrooklyn, is stopping at'I lit*. Ardmore;

J,. Madisoii Drake, .o f ..Klizabeth, \f quartered in' h is cozy: ten t'o il Fletcher Lake avenue. ...-;

J. F .’ Decker and .wife, o f Elizabeth, are visiting their parents on Clark ayejiue. for a few days; ; • ' - . * . •

Mr. ( Ieorge Thompson, o f Mannsqtian, is one o f the eflicient iind obliging clerks at the post oflice.

li.’.'.!. Dent/, and family, o f I’ rooklvn, are ot^enpying tlie pleasant cottage, X(j. ’52 Abbott avenue!

Theodore Westervelt.,. w ife ‘aiul young son, o f Xewiirk, imve Ifeeii spending a ' few days in the Grove.'*.'Miss Flora Buck, au ex pert: card w riter

from Worcester, .Mass.*, w ill have a stand at Lillagore’s pavilion. ‘ '

Miss LvdeM arsh , a.noled elocutionist o f Xewtirk, is one o f the entertaining guests at the Arlington. .

J. (J! Hu if, a prominent builder and: contractor o f Philadelphia, is summering at Xo. 17 Webb A yen iu:. ' / j - .

Mrs: L . ' A . DO rein us and family, o f Camden, is comfortably lorated for • lhe summer at Ol Embury avenue.

Dr. A . Puiuni, o f Phihidelpliia, is spend-, ing a short vacation’as the giie'st o f .Mrs. J-'. G. (.’line oii I*itinan avenue.

M rs , Charles Hamilton, o f Chicago, 111 .* is the giiest o f her sister, Mrs. George H. Selton, o irM t. Hermon Way.

(.'hailys Ferret t a ml wife, iind Miss Helen Ferrett, o f Brooklyn,.are comfort­ably doniieiled at the Carrollton. ' .

1 )r. A '. H.. Carman, a well k nown Xew York physician; is inhaling the sea breeze from the porches o f the Arlington. - .'. J. 1*. Ilarheson and faiiiily, o f New York city, are com fortabiy located in tlie Sojourn cottage on Cookman avenue.

A Ayell-known Philadelphia nianufac- tuier, in the-person ot H. M. Ireland, is doiiiiciled a1 1 he I)emarest for the season.

Joseph W . Htilse w ilh his w ife spent a day or two .jit the (»i:6ve this week. .Mr. f liil.se is now locatird hi Philadelphia.

Mrs. C. II. .McLeon, fam ily and two handsome young lady friendsi are occupy- the Dewsoh cottage on Fm nkliii avenue.

Mrs. James, .of Philadelphia, camedown Thursday o f last week and took possession o f T ier pleasant cottage at Xo. SS h ike avenue, • . /; ;

D.,'W; C. Martin, o f Xew York .(’ ity, \vn< in-town' to attend the opening o f the

..Xew Audituiitim and stayed over-th e -Fourth. . • ’ • ■ ;■

.Mr. George Watson, o f Trenion, has been spending a week at the Grove, as. the guest o f the Savre cottage on- Deck aveiiiie. •

Miss A lice H. M arlin is one o f a . hevy. itf very charming, girls,.from Uuicaster; Pa., who are rusticating at 17 Atlantic avenue. ' ';■ A. ( ' : Heist lo ami fam ily, o f I ’ldladel- ph ia ,.a te again at the Grove for the season and.tire located at Xo. 2*1 Atlantic avenue.. * ' '■ * ; .

Dr. S. G. W allace,'i)f Camden, arrived, on'Monthly and opened liis dental ollice at tlie co iner o f Heck iiven'ue and Pilgrim Pathway. . .

Among the l*hiladelphiatis. registered at the. Demarest are John.Gribbel, wife and three sons. .Miss Wood and. .Miss O rib bel..

.Mrs.. Eliza W , Sin.itli.-of St. Louis, and • her . neice, Miss Em ily IC. Parish, o f Washington,' are stopping uKW ash ing­ton Villa.

Hev. A. F. Dotterer, o f Philadelphia, speltt a few days i i i t lie G rove this week .making improvements - to his W ebb ave­nue cottage.. Stanley 1*. Allen, Secretary o f f lie Xat- ioual Boeing and J h illing Company, n f Scraiitpn, Pa., is en joying the hospitality o fth e Carrollton. , ^

M a jor. Hiehard Evans, .whin holds a high position in Salvation A rm y allairs,, has rented. A. II. Opdvke’s cottage on Mt. Carmel W ay.: . . . . . ...

E, G. Hollenbeck and family, o f Xew Y iuk city, are down for’ the Mini me r ami are located-at the corner o f I^ike. and Pennsylvaniiiavenues..

Sat 11rday; last .was a big • lay at (h.e depot. Xearly . 2,000. pieces o f baggage were receive«L a goodly portion o f which' wiis delivered in the ( iro v e ..

General .Tame.s F. Husling, of- Tivuton, w ilh liis fam ily, is comfortably settled at their sumiiler cottagt*, corner 15eii<*h ave- .mu! and (Icwin Pathway. -

E. G. Cowan, o f Xew York city, accom­panied hv liis fitmijy, is now occupying tlie handsome cottage at the corner o f I'jiibu ry aml'Heaeli avemies. '

Hew Mi*. Houso, a Methodist iiiiniste'r ' from Baltimore, i s ; reveling in the sea, breezes and unobstvucte.il v iew o f the ocean at the Bindley Beach House.

A large, new, fifteen-foot .bunting flag, was thrown to the.b|£*cze at the resilience o f Mr. D.. I). Peak ou the .moriniig o f tlie 1th. at his residence on Oct'an Pathway,

Mrs. IC. A . Jackson, o f Philailelph.ia, has rented M i's , W illis ’ cottage, a t the corner o f ( Hin and Beach avenues and expects to spend ! a pleasant sunimer there.. '• The Chinese Sunday . school class o f >frs. Adeline .W. W ilson met in Associa­tion Hull last Sunday. Heretoforo it has met at Mrs. • W ilson ’ s cottage -on llcek , aveiiue. '.

The largo Hagstaft* in the v ic in ity .o f tho Cole ii mil House; Asbury Piirk, presents an - excellent appearance,, having been decorated, with about. 000 sniall flags, in houdr o f tho editors..- T lie well known and popular house on W ebb avonue near. Central, known .as “ The Linded,” w ill'th in year be con­ducted by the.ow ner, Mrs; (J. .^f, Brucm This.lirjuse is .v e ry pleasantly located, w ith large,, comfortable and attractive •rooms/; . '; -


indepemtence (Jay Appropriately Celebrated.- Splendid Orations nnd Heauttful l;lre\y«irks.. - The great and glorious Fourth has once :

more come and' gone. T h e ' mimy iitlrae- Iirms.offered l»> the public on this day o f days Wen: I his year patronized by m ore’ people thaii usiial in this vicinhy. In, addition to Ihe-lvlitorial :iud Educational convehjiini ilt;li:gat'-.-,. thousamls o f vis- itois ciiine in oil excursions from different, parts o f the Stah* and-outside'-points.'V | Hie o f the. j)rim*ipal features o f interest iii i I ie n mi* n.i ng were'- the se r v ices at \ lie' rttiw Auditoriuin, the nmstvconspiciotis event on the ]u;ogramim*, being the dm* : tion by th e 'H e v , C. IL MeAnn'ey, of. Tarrv.town, ’X. Y . , wInch was 'iiiuefi a ]i-*. jirecluted lty ' the large audience present. . T|:e excursion.to Freehold, ii; response to . an invitation issued by tho'Sons’o f AuiOiv ica,.was attended by* about’ Jflfi'’ .o f the " KditoriaJ oien, accompanied by their • Nvives nnd ii number of. the Citizen ’s Com- . iii it tee, ' T h e .-trip was en live iied ' by ‘ strains o f popular music from Vincentz\s\ Imiid, who .occupied iho front car of-the.'.: special- train which was provi«fC'l.v All. • the. inten-stihL' historical points of. tlie . Monmouth. Huttlu Ground were visited;

T h e a f t e r n o o n * s a w c r o w d . * o f p e o p l e o u t :• a t . t l i e A t h l e t i c g r o u n d s t o - w i t n e s s t h e i

i n t e r e s t i i i g p r o g r a m m e . o f b i c y c l e r a c e s ,

w h i l e l a r g e . n u i n b e r s i K it r o h i ze< f t l i e l i o a r d <■’

w a l k s a m i d i s p o r t e d t h e m s e l v e s , i n t h e '

s u r f . P r o b a b l y t h e . l a r g e s t a s s e i n b l y - o f

p e o p l e , e v e r s e e n i n t h i s v i c i n i t y a t ‘ t h i s

t i m e i n t h e y e a r , c o n g r e g a t e d o n t h e

h o a r d w a l k s d u r i n g - l h e e v e n i n g a n d t o o k i n a l l t h e } d g h l«, i i i n o n i f w h i c h t l i e f i r e - ; ;'

w n r k s h e l d . t h e p r e - e m i n e n t p l a c e . F r o m -•

L i l l a g o r e ' s - p a v i l i o n t o . D e a l . L - i k e - t h e b c a c i i w a s a b l a z e w i t h v a r i o u s c o l o r e d

l i g h t s , w h i l e r e p o r t s o f v a r i o u s e x p l o s i v e s .

g r e e t e d t h e e a r s o i r e v e r y s i d e .

Tin? pyrotechnic display at fin* foot o f. Sunset lake was probably* I lie finest ever seen along the coast aiul was witnessed by many thousands from the board walk, hotel and residence piazzas, and the lake. A ll along lh e ocean front, cottages, a n d , hotels WrVc most beautifully decorated ; with a variety o f (lags aiul bunt ing, while, a profusion ol'-CliiniM* lanterns were dis­played -in " every direction. . Later in the evening the liops at. the prominent hotels were in full sw ing ami were par­ticipated in by crowds o f l.n)>py young folks. -Altogether it was u merry,-aiul delightful day, with superb weather and hut few-accidents ami'Avas'spenfin an ap: . pr 'pria te manner, in celebrating the I ISth anniversary o f the Dirlaration o f . Imfependence. ‘ • .

The National Oducatio'nal Association.-' Following closely unon tlie adjourn-'

uii'iit i»f the Xational Editorial Associa- . lion conies lhe Convention o fth e Xat- ional Educational .-\ssociati6u and hun­dreds o f members o f this important, or­ganization are already, reaching the Park and being a.-signed to their quarters by the Citizens Committee. Although .the' railroad troubles may interfere to some ex.tent it is exjiectcd that theX.’onVention, w ill be one o f the target, • most interest* ing and vamahle o f recent years. T h e . Citizens (Vm m ittce w ill take up the-, work o f [ook’iiiu after the enjoyim*nt nml ]»lea sure, o f the vi.-it o is and < lo every­thing in its noWer to add to ihetr happi- ; ness and comfort. ..

-. Unclaimed Letters.

List o f unclaimed letters remaining in the Ocean G rove' j >ost*ol)ice j u ly *1:

M rS i’.'lulia Ave ring toil, T il lie’ Bedwellr W .-Bradv, Mrs. Barhui. E. L. Burnham, John H, Cltweland, Lena Davidson, J. K . HaywOodi.Esq;, Fred l larker, Ed. Haven, M iles - A. Hoffman, .Miller Kearney, Lit-, jian Keller, Hev. -P*. P*. Loomis, Ph. D., ; IL M c g il, Lew is -Minks, Clark Xewman, Oak Hall, Win. Percival, J. J.; Potter, II. Parrot, T il lie Pattersoii, Wm. J». Pit ten-. ; ger, J. Robertson, L. Heeves, M rs . Sell ire- . man, Mrs. J. S: Town ley. Dot Watson; H. L. Warner, Mrs. H. W ainright, W eli- inytdn, J le iirv M.- Warren. •

'G ho. W . E vans, Postmaster. :

•Crushed His FlnRers.

Jolin ti. Tiiteiii, an em ploye/of (ieorge W. M orrow , iu charge o f tlie ice cream i freezing department, had two lingers on • bis left hand injured on Saturday night. The'w (»rk had beeu delayed and Taieni got rattled and in aitem ptm g to brush the salt oil' the lop i ) f the freezer caught h is .; left hand in tlie coir wheels. The index and middle lingers were badly mashed. Dr.'. Tun turn. was sumnioned ami it was ; found tlmt amputation, wns ncvessury and- the end.*! were takeii o tf at the first jo int. ’ Mr. Tatem n.'turneil to his home in Ph ila­delphia Tuesday afleVitoon. :

Bitten By ti . Leon Ahbolt Cook; the youngest son o f

John Cook, wns bmlly bitten in the foot - on Tuesday morning by a dog belonging to .Mrs. Tenney, who- lives .on Stockton - avenue.: The child was playing in the street when the animal came up tind seized him by. the foot. H is cries.attract? ed the attention o f soine passers-by who drove the l»east oil'. The. leg-nnd-'foot were very, much swollen whim dressed : by lh*. J’. H . Bryan, hut it is hoped that uo serious results w ill follow.

W orth Your Attention.Visitors, to Ocean 'Grove, whether for..;

the whole or any part o f the. season,. w ill, during their stuy find no doubt, something they have forgotten, or require ; sonie novelty to tvm p lele thciV wardrobe. ; I i i order to supply th e ir wants to tho best advantage, it can only be accomplished* by calling at tlio Ocean. Palace o f jlen ry Steinbach, Asbury Park, where a fiilMinO o f everyth ing, needed can lie fouiid, .Ic/c.'

KnlRhts of P y th ia s Parade.

T h e Anuiuil FieUl Day o f the Knights o f Pythias o f Xew Mersey was held in Asbury Park oti Monday o f this week, : some thirteen hundred members o f the order being in attendance. * A competitive ; :drill took place ut the Coleman house early in the afternoon, and a dress parade tit :» it/eloek:in which.some twenty lodges par­ticipated;

T l i e prizes ‘ for 11 io*-. com pel i t i vo d r i l l : consisting of.$??0.00, $i>o.(i(I,.and.$40.00, were awarded to the Black Ptiiiee lodgi?, o f'X ew ark ;' Ortego, o f ’ Phillipsbuig, and Palestine, o f Jersey City, in the-oriler named, Tho Atlantic Highlands: lodge- \you th e ; si Ik .Pythias flag for 'lie best J uppeanuiec .in line, • • , . .

Page 6: REV. A. WALLACE, Di D„ Editor. - DigiFind-ItHo thou Ita tun and glory first and last; Tako thou our hearts and keep them thine, * And sway lovers sceptro o’er creation va.st. ‘.Como,



No. 48 Main Avenue,

W illia m ILBkwh.k, Editor and Publisher.

Subscription, One Dollar per Year, (In Advance.)


{? »«•

3 “4 «0 “ 12 “1 col.

: . v W kkk». " “ M onths h": 1 | 2 | 3 1 | 2 1 3 I e I 12' j * m ' ro si im si i-> si -rs t i m s t » *•<1,11 To l i ' i i.’o 1 To 1 im. r..vi mi'. i im iso, a n 2 r.11 nm s s m t. i:n »

I i i 2 mi 200 :i-i< 1 .m> 11 .'<>• it00 III<»1 w ‘ 2 T/si ;t st un u»> 8i»ti;t«t2 00; :i ffiii 1 im aV T m il 10 it on :m•:tm 4 .H), r>«t 7 n rm kiina»n»i: -nw

!■ 8 IM R 00.10 00 I :l in Ml 0(1 i\ 1*1 .|3 iu s i« '' ' ii iff lo oo;liim i i m :m m i:. nn r.i i>i iai ni.

lxu-jil tiniiivs 10 1'olils |)or lino! «it'li Inset" lion; for lllrco wooks or more. S* lH'r cinl; ills- count. Thiiy must III nil wiws liiivo -ti/l1. lit- Inched. -:

To CoiutKHPOs wests—W c shall bo glad to re- colvo items o f newt* anil communientlons on ' subjects of interest t o this community. Write .only on one sido ot tha slicel.

The Aill name and address of-the writer : should accompany all communications, notnecessarily for publication, hut as.a guarantee

' o f good faith, Anonymous letters will pot he noticed. • ' • ,- Address all communications, either for the

editorial or news departments, 10 the .Editor of T iik T imes.

pivan Grove, N. J.

S A T U R D A Y , J U L Y 7 , 1894.

1 O pen ing o f th e Au d itorium .

. .In the tunning 1 ages the -student o f M ethod ist history,, iti .estimaling tho, forces mid iiislrtiiiiOiitalitics tliiit.wrought so powerfully in bitildihg up tlie C’ huivh •and spreading Christianity in the eulmi- nation o f the nineteenth, and the opening o f the .twentieth' century,- w ill lix upon , the .religions .work at Ocean Orove,' and

..especially.upon the opening o f the Xew Auditorium for d ivine worship, July 1, •1804, as a liv in g fountain, sending out its streams o f healing influence in every di* rection, overflow ing the bounds o f all do* nominational lines, and extending into all countries.

Although not vet formally dedicated to H is service, God wns worshipped iii it throughout the day on. Sabbath last, by prayers, songs and sermons appropriate to the occasion.- The historical,' reminis- cential, practical, theological and em in­ently devotional sermon by Rev. K . H. Stokes I). D., betltted the occasion as w ell as the occasion befitted him. In the afternoon sermon the happy com­bination o f law and gospel, warning and entreaty, thunder peals fro in M t. Sinai and m elting pleas from Calvary, fused* w ith.a burning love for souls, and preg­nant with inttnse conviction, was in IV . Thomas Hanlon's best vein. .„. Rev. C. II. 'batman, whose warm heart and practical

m in d are ever devising schemes to bring ; the sowing and reaping a* hear together as possible* was on hand for the evening, and with truth unadorned; and truth il- ust rated; with the terrors o f the.law and the. winsomness o f love; with appeals to reasons and conscience; the welfare o fthe

ii present and hope o fth e future, lie sought to move to an immediate acceptance o f Christ, The songs for the day were ap­propriate aiid inspiring. The key note o f all the services being the glory o f God; the g lp r v o fG o d in the; Salvation of; souls. ' • ' ;

N ondescript T a r if f B ill.

A fter many months of.debating and squabbling; bickering and dickering, the United States Senate has at Inst passed tbe W ilson Tariff B i l l ; no, not the Wilson- Tarifl’ Billy the Senate Finance Committee

• B ill; no, not that either, the Carlisle Senate Finance Committee B i l l ; 110, not that either, the Brice, Gorman, Smith B i l l ; nor exactly that either for it has changed color so often lately, that it.is hard to tell whose fra lures it bears at the last. • There lias been so much log-rolling, bargain and sale; interested influence; tips from the W h ite House aiid Cabinet. Otlicers, nnd careful care for their indivjdual interests.' that the. means used to secure a majority- Vote - for the measure resembles the old play o f •‘ button,r with *• hold fast all 1 g ive you.7’ I f .the menib^r loved, sugar the committee would drop suirar inti) his rapacious paw s; i f lie wiis fond o f whiskeyr they.would make it pleasant for hiui on- this line : i f he was given to tobacco, they

>'woiild'^ee tliat smoking- was not tiiatle to o : dh licu lt; i f lie sported acme culls and collars, these were sure to be taken care o f ; i f he wanted oflices, liis friends* were forthwith slated, nnd so .by threats and promises, putting out nnd putting in. and allow ing Senators, more or less.to care for then own interests its well as their friends, the ciiijsy quilt bill, which Senator Hill called a •* splendid. iiothin ‘»,” atnl which . from tiiiie to time has been in the greatest jeopardy, wits passed,w.itli a sniall major- ijty. . I t isneither free trade nor protec­tion, atid tlie.best that ran be said o f it. is

• that, it is. not .us bad as might hi?;. but it. Is just as bad as they dare to make it. .

T h e N a tion a l A n n iversa ry .

The patriotic services'in honor o f the birthday o f American Independence held in the.Xew Auditorium 'July 1 th were o f a high order o f merit; tlu'd- were fu lly ap­preciated .by the large audience .present. The music selected for the occasion was not only appropriate, but well rendered •by the specialchoii-, and was truly sour- inspiring.- An original poem on George Washington, the join t .product ion o f Gen. James S. Uncling .and. his litile daughter aud spoken by the latter, was a unique and interesting feature o f 't h e program. The reading o f the Declaration .o f Inder-. pendence was i>.\ceptipnally; well done by ex-Senator James I;.. Hays. f This is n part o f the Fourth o f July program that ‘ is usually formal and uninteresting, but Mr. Ila y s manages to reiidei it iii a wav

to evoke much enthusiasm. The oration o f Rov. C. H . McAnney, o f Tarry town, though o f unusual length, was the prime feature o f the dny. The spirit o f .the oration was intensely patriotic and loyal to the stars and stripes, and breathed the spirit o f the boys in blue in the sixties. Disloyalists past and present were handled without gloves.. The speech abounded with flashes o f wit, gems o f thought, stinging sarcasms, and eloquent passages.

A part ndt down 011 the program was the presentation to Dr. Stokes by M r. .Lovatt, 011 behalf o f the ladies w ho had gotten im p , o f a large and beautiful flag. It was brought in. by four pairs o f little girls, atid after Dr. Stokes’ .speech, was draped over the pulpit where it remained

: during the service. Prayer wns offered by Bishop Kdwnrd W ilson! ,

T h e B aby Parade,

One o f the most interesting and enjoy: able celebrations observed in this vicinity is the festival known tis the V ‘Babv. Par­ade'’, which w ill be held tomorrow. (Sat­urday, July 7) in Asbury Park.. On this occasion all ihe babies iu the community that are available are gathered together on the boardwalk, dressed w ith great care and exquisite taste and sitting or .ly­ing in .their beautifully decorated coaches are placed iu line and wheeled .along the boardwalk in oi-der"that.admiring thous and* may-have an opportunity to feast ilieji; eves upon the fairness and beauty o f the coming generation.

This baby parade is peculiarly a con­ception o f Asbury Park .. Other places have endeavored to get up Baby Parades but w ith indifferent success. It is only here

.l>y the sea whove babies are unlim ited in number, nnd where the pure, fresh air developes in them, all the beauty inher­ited from the maternal side, coupled with the physical strength and perfection im ­parted from the masculine side o f the fam ily ; that such a celebration can bo made a festival to gladden the eyes and: war mthe hearts o f all beholders..

C E N T -A -W O R D CO LUM N -Advertisements will be Inserted under this

head at thu rate o f one-cont-a-word for each insertion. • ' ..

iNSTIlt’CTION— An Kxpericnccd Teacher would like to form a class o f young laules

tn I.lteniture, History,'Ktc... or for children, for tut hour or two In KnjiUsh t»rn\u*.hes nnd Fn'uch.. Summer prices. “ Miss I. Hell,** hox hll Occau. drove. • July", 2t-*

EOIl ltKNT—Two Knrnlshcd Hooms in a cotlaui*. Pleasantly .situated. For par-

ilai*s address nox 80, Ocean Grove Jl,v*7 11*» A/AXTKD—noard by lady and child, seven W «a»;»rd not to exceed eluhl dollars per week.• Aihlress Comfort, West Om.nsejly 7-lt*

A Y* il'NG MAX wauls a position lb drive a (taker's W'uhi

I fiou rd *lt.*

jiKtm for small salary iu»d A ,;.. 1HIOHK,

^10.Madison St., Brooklyn.

Fim HA UG A INS—Go to Asbury I’ark Auc-. tion aud Commission House, SUM Main

Mivut. corner Monroe avenue. :?.mar-tf

A Good i|Uality of ingniin (hirpci for III cents •per-yard. Urussels.rt) cents. Jloijnetts

iwccnis.. AxminstcrSl.lo,and upward.. C. C. Clnylou’s Ocean Grove. :tlinur-lt.

FOit .SALtf or Exchange—Cottajre, S rooina, In excellent ortler, p»od ucl^hhorhood,

pli'asantiy situated on Valley • ltoad. West Oninge. (I minutes to depol,*eity water.

A ddress A. CON]El*, West Oninge, N . J.

T W E N TY Thousand' Rolls o f Waill paper ofthe latest patterns, from Id cents per

double roll, upward! (Jills from 12 cents. Every style and design. C. C. Clayton, Ocean Grove. aimaMt.

I ACE CIJ UT A IN S—100 pali-s o f I.ace Cur- |_ tains o f handsome (piallty and design, will beotlcred on Saturday anil Monday, from S'icents to SJ.im per pair—a little more than half price. Call and examine them. C. C; Clayton, Ocean Orove. '


= ParadeB A B Y

W ild , HE IIE l.I* AT

A s b u r y P a r k ,• ON

5aturday, July 7,at. 3 o’clock I’. Si, ' •

Enlrh'sOpen t«f the W’orld. Handsomennd Valuable i ’ rl/cs for the Hest Deeomied

Carria«es; Voungcst- Mother ' in the I ’amde. Special Plr/.Cs for Twins

or Triplets. •Every lady will lie given a line Phoiogmph of

■ .the 1 ’amdc as .a-Souvenir. ’•

E N T R I 0 S i ' F R 6 6 ,

Address, all ehlrles or communications to .


AshniT I’ark, N. J,


T h e Sensation of the Sum m er.• Noth ing in the nature o f Special Sales ever attracted so much attention as did the Special Sale on Saturday nnd Monday last, at the Oc«an Palace o f H enry Stein- baeli, Asbury Park. Since then many new and attractive bargains have been received, and we will try to niake them a still greater attraction for this Saturday and Monday. E very one should attend this'Sale. V Adv.

Y ^ )a teh ‘[ 'h is § f> ace

-For*Bargams.-I F O I E S

A ten room cottage, suitable for either, a W in ter or Summer Home; water and sewer connections. Situated on a promi-. nent corner near the beach. The cottage is in perfect.condition and considered as good a bargain ’as has ever been offered in Ocean Grove, and can be bought 011 easy terms. The. price is on ly $2o00 •

F o r P a r t i c u l a r s A p p l y t o

D C. C O V E R T .No. 27 Pilgrim Pathway.

P . O. Box, 2 136 .

P r o f e s s i o n a l < C n r& s .

[ )R . BRUCE S. KEATOR, tl.slns 10 ml tiounee that he has sold his good-will,pine-,

tlee aud property toJOSEPH H- BRYAN, A- M-, M D-

formerly o f New York City, and commend his saeces>orafr com ikMoiH and l borough ly relia­ble. Asbury Park, June I, ISJU..

OKKifE—221* Asbury ave, Asbury l*ark;Ifotr 11s—S to 10 a. in., 7 to.W p. 111.

Telephone, 07.1, . :

K. HEEGLE, ■ ^

American gteam j a u n i i^8 1 1 C o o k m a n / t v c i m c ,


.MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES.S t o n e !< i i< l c n : i lk > i n n d C u r b s

G E N U N G «&. CO.2N D AVE. A N D M AIN S T,

A S B U R Y - P A R K , - X . - J .

! Dj No. 7s Main Avenue. Oeean Grove, N. J.: Or KICK HOL'ltS—7 to 0 a : >!., 12 Io 2, 0 IO S I*. M.

! 'JAMES F. ACKEHM.VN, -M. I).,I ** 00-t Grami Avenue, Asbury I’ark, N J, Hop its—Until Mu iii.

I jjjAHGAltET gTc ti It it t E. >1 T l.>., , 7HOMOEOPATH JST,

} 120 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J.1 Ulspases of Women and ,C|iildren a Spwialty j OFFICE Hot'us—7 to 10 a. in., 2 too, 7 to 10)>.m.

j m i t s . J. S. H.vniGHT, M.* D.t .I Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon,i Hank Ihtilding, Cor. Main Avenue and l ’il- j grim Pathway, Ocean Grove, N. J. Dlsca- I ses o f Women und Children, Examlna-i. tlons iind Local Treatment a Spec-: laity. Day and Night calls attendiil. .I llt»viis—7 to JO a.m., 1 to l’,30. and 0.30 to 0 p.m.


D E N T A L S U R G E O N .Olllce. opj>oslte the Dcnot, over the Asbury

Park and Ocean Grove Hank, corner ot Main I Street and Mattison Ave., Asliury Park, N. J. [ Hours, ti a . >t. to o i’. M. Gas administered. I Appointments made by msll or iu person.

j Fully1 equipped for all classes o f Laundry Work. First-class In all appointments. Goods called for a itd delivered free. All'work done up In.a most ssitlsfaetoiy' manner. A postal eanl to the above address.will receive prompt attention.

C . J . H A I i S E , P r o i » r i « ? l o r .

‘ r S T A E L I G l I Z I D 1 0 7 5 .I ■ ■

| Condon’s Express,i S t a g e L i n e a n d

| L . I V E 3 R Y .: (Successor to Good rich.)-

| Furniture. Hacgage, Pianos, Safes, a nd Freluht handled with care.

Special Accommodations for Straw R id ­ing Parties.

Oftlces:—Post Otllce, Ocean.Grove,Hull road Station, Asbury Park, N.-J.

Isoek Hox m - .

GEO. W . CONDON, Prop’r.

iD It. S. G. W ALLACE.D E N T IS T .

S. E. Corner Iieck Ave. and PUcrim Pathway, lOth.Siiison at Ocean Grove,

Gas Administered and local Anaesthetics • ' • • .used in Extraction..Respectfully refers lo Hev. E. II. Stokes; Hev,

A . Wallace, Itev. It ..I. Andrews.

Q L A I DE X. GEUltIN, .


post Olllce Huddlim, Asbury Park, N. J.

Q A V l l ) HARVEY, JR.,

1 N D R E W T M L O R ,Successor to TAYLOR i R\ No,


S t o v e s a n d R a n g e sT in Roofing, Guttering1 and Repairing,

H ot A ir Furnaces, Kstimates Given on Steam nnd H ot Water Henterg,

and H o t A ir and Hot W ater Com bination. Heaters.

-:-Sou tli M ain Street,’-:-.O pposite Ocean Grove Gates


C O U N S E L L O R A T L A W .MoNiiii.rrii Hirn.bixt!,' Asmritv Pa u k . N. J. Commissioner of-l>ceds/-nf New York and

Pennsylvailia. AcUliowlcdgemcnts taken . .-•• o f all states.

p A H K E It N. HLACK.

.- C IV I L E N G IN E E R ,Monmouth H fii.u iso , A*t;t:ity Pa u k , N .J .

J .E. LANN ING . '

C O U N S E L L O R - A T - L A W ,R oom No. io, M o n m o u th Heit .n iN «i,

Asbury Park. N.J.

ZER O ES I -. One Two-Seated .Surrey fJood

as new; Two Buggy’s, one new, the other been used two months; can .

be seen at any time at the Hathaway Inn Stiibles. bv inquiring for



J U S T IC E O F T H E P E A C E ,N O T A R Y P U B L IC .

.Geuend Collection Agency. •Itooni No.0, Monmouth H'ld'ug, Asbury Park.

g s. itOGEltS, >.

A R C H IT E C T , S U P E R V I S O ROF. C O N S T R U C T O N , ' j

• Rogers & Rogers. •Main Street,-Asbury l ’ark, N. J.

m iA R L E S E. c o o k , ; • 'jr , A T T O R N E Y A T L A W , jSolicitor in Chancery. Notary'Public, .with \ Seal. Monmouth Hi’d’c. Asbury Park, N .J .! i

• , •Q EURG ES. LUKENS. ’ . ~ \

C O N T R A C T O R A N D B U IL D E R . iHox 2m JO. Ocean Urove, New Jersey. 1

n a. B a l l a d e , . . .A P O T H E C A R Y .

itlj Cmikinan Avenue,- .Asnt-nv Pa u k , N. J.. Everything on hand pcrndutiig to a First

Class Urug Store. :

A . s. Hurjon, I). | S . I. G. llurton, li. U. S. Xt'u- Vorf; office cluied from Man Oct. Jai.

BU RTO N B R O TH E R S , D en t is ts ..

1 McCabe \: BtTTCHBES ,i Olin S tree t jScar Central A venue,

' O c e a n O r o v e , IV. . 1 .j Hotel Trade a Specially. Finest Meat i • M arket in Monmouth Countv.

Oil Stoves and Ranges,“ L a d i e s ’ - D e l i g h t , ”

The only OllStovo tlmt received a Gold Medal at the last’ Mechanics Fair iu Hoston. .

- n o o u o i t x # S M O K E . -

. For Sale by the Manufacturer's-Agent. —No. 22t) N. 1th Street. Philadelphia, Penn.—

■ :iltnar-Im

J . A . W A I W R I 6 H T ,-• I ' l l R i i l T l l B E .

i i H is e F m is l i ]H e w I 3 r i ° K B u i l d i n g ,

Olin Street and Pitma-.i iivc.


A fu ll and complete line ot everyth ing required to furnish a house, including Carpets, Mattings and O il­cloths.

S P E C IA L PRICES.Bedroom Suits from $12 . up.

Fold ing Beds at §8.

G o r g e t s R w a j f D o w n .

Having purchased n full lino o f C:ir]ic‘ ts . at Auction Snlo I .nm nble to oiler

' them nt wonderfully low prices. M oquette reduced from gl.GO, to §1 .0 0 B od y Brus. “ “ 1.35, to .90Tapestry “ “ 1.00, to .75Ingru insn t prices ranging from 25 to

05 cents per yard.Carpet F il l in g reduced, from S I .00 to

GO cents.M attings at h a lf price.

A O A T E W A K E .

Hotel keepers and house keepers should nt once inspcet my new line of Agate Ware, bought at an Auction Sale,

and offered a b s o l u t e l y a t o n e h a l t 't l i c i i * r o ^ u l a i - p i - i c e s .

]T. j k J - V a i n r i g h t .

.Asbury Park, .- • • ‘ . New Jersey.

~:l\ West :Jlth; Street,New York.

: h i t . GEO. L. D, TOMPKINS, ,| D E N T IS T ,

Hynun Rullding, Corner Mattl>on Avenue and [ • Empry Street, Asbury Park, N.J.J Gas Administered. Olllce hours, l*tun. too p.m.;

j High Grade BicycleTo Exchange

| — l Olt A—

Remington Typewriter. iV . I I . . U K E G I.K ,.

iS .M nii! Avomu>, ' Ocean Grove, X. J,

Do You Expects to I enfe A piano fclj j&njigei1?

•It will pay. you to call aud six* my shxdc before so doing. I carry -sixteen makes, in? eluding Steinway, Cldekcr- Ing Weber. *,/

Small Pianos for Small. Cot­tages at Small PRICES.

R . A . T U S T IN G ,Cor, H a ttison A ve .,an d Bond St.

Asbury Park, N. J.

This Is the Trade-Mark ofM H N G i t u u M e .

t t o - i i f Goods as good as any body’s. Prices as J d L G O G l i b 1 Ix>w. Special inducements to cash buyers.

- . -•V ;- ; : ; T 3 F L ' 3 r H I M . ;

O l i n S t r e e t a n d C e n t r a l A v e n u e .

S T I L E S ' !H S 3 S H 3 P 1 R . I O J S S

■ i e h i . ;Is tlie oldest established line in Oqean Grove and A s-

ljurj; Park. Special facilities for the p rom pt and carefulPianos, Boilers and Storage tor a ll kinds Each individual fur-

hauclling o f all kinds o f Furniture,Safes. Sn ipping tags furnished free, of goods. Separate Compartments, nished-with key.

JACOB STILES .Of picks :— No. 702 Mattison Avenue, Railroad Depot, Asbury Park; Corlios

Avenue, West Grove; No. 40 Main Avenue, opposite Association Office, Ocean Grove. Post Office Box GG9, Asbury Park, N. J .


C U A S . L E W I S X C O . ,

L u m b e r , .

Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Mouldings, Hardware,

: P a i n t s , :

Oils, etc.s o u t h m & m

^ _ s l o i a . r 3 7 -Factory Dunkirk , N.J.

Branch Yard, S p r in g Lake.

C H A R L E S T l l / r o i v ,

Central Livery and Boarding Stable4;OS tO • iO S A - v o . , .

Directly opposite Pilgrim Pathway HridgoR S B U R Y P K R K , N . J.

Special care given to boarding horses. Eyery stall has cement, lloor with drulnugQ to .sewer. A ll kinds of stylish turnouts at modemte prices.;"


O F W O R K .


Promptly Done atModerate Cost.

■OurGuiding Principle Not How Cheap, but How Good.

1 •___For all tilings ElectricalDone Neat and .Symmetrical.-.,

Try B. & Z.7 ~ ~ —


And Mnay Other High Grade B I C Y C L E S .

Blcj’cle ltepnlr Shop and Learn­ers' TraeK, .

.TOI Cookman Avenue.

Berrang & Zacbarias.The Electricians,

7 0 8 -7 12 Cookm an A v e . Asbury Park, N. J.

(5 9 •

i^ P O R T E R ’S'F I N S S H O E S E H A T S

ME1T surxa EOYS.1Everything up to Date. Reliable Goods at Bottom Prices.

B e s t $ 3 S h o e a n d H a t

g d % v;- ; ;v.. 1; ; ■ £ C. H. PORTER. Manager., ;; ;?

634 Cookman Avenue, xuumi\suS!>,r of Asbury Park, N .J.

G E O R G E W . M O R R O W .iSuctvssor to MpRRO\\M»A V J: CO.)

Main Avenue Opposite Post Office] Building*.

Ice - Oreara _ and _ iFxii.it - ices.,l i i i c s t B a k e r y C J o o t ls .

CAND UvS—all kinds from Salt W ater TalFvi tb Sugar-Coated Violets nnd Ilu y ler ’ s Chocolates. ' v '.

0 ’T o i i i l i i i N o n S c W a l t o n ,

- Dealcoi in •"

GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS-Corner Monroe Avenue and Emory Street,

Asbury Park,N.J..Special attention given to'Occan Grove trade

by 31r, AValton.

$75. ^Electric Bicycler $75.High Grade. Superior Finish. Wooden Rims.

F o r S 7 5 . C a s h .C u l l H c n i l e x a n u i f - e t h e t i t - : W . I L B E E G L E ,

v . -IS Main Aven iie, Ocean tirove, X. J.


All the Leading Styles

Our Motto: HONEST GOODS AT RELIABLE PRICES.E. A . C L A R K , M an ager. .

.634 Cookman Avenue Nu*»5Kci,or Asbury Park, N. J.


The best line o f .Steel Enameled W are | for Hotel and Cottnge use at C. S. Cook | ^ Son, 703 Cookman avenue, Asburv i Park ,'N . J.— Adi\ *

Tho most complete line o f Crockery i and Glassware in .the twin cities can ho j found at C. S. Cook & Son, '703 Cook- I man avenue, Asbury Tark N. J.— .-itto. |

W e have a special line o f Ladies’ Don- gola Patent T ip Shoes, from 79 cents to $2.00 that it would pay to examine.

C. C. Clayton, Ocean Grpve, X. J.

Gasoline, fignllons, 50 cents, at tlie Produce Exchange Co’s, store, 31 Malu street, Asbury Park, directly opposite Ocean Grove Gates

20 Webb avenue, between Beaeh and Central . . o c E A i r ; a - 2 3 o v E , n r. j .

Three minutes walk from Bathing Grounds Electric Lights. Special rates for season

and for June and September.IVO. Hox215. Mas. S. IL IvKNNKHY

°lPIHIjE IB OIRIDIEBT© W W;M a in Ave, Second block from Ocean,

M rs . M . C . M c M u lle n .Hox *501. t I ’ormerly o f the.Suinmerllelil

T I i e B i i l c l i e r ,

Serves choice Meats at your door, from P A T E N T H K FR IG E R AT O U W AGONS

J'reo from heat,-dust and Hies, l ’rittes Reasonable.. .

M a r k e t ,^outh Main Street, cor. Park Place Ave.

OSBORNE HOUSE,Corner Central and Pitman Avenues.

Convenient tonll'|>oiuts o f Interest.n„v *M-tt MUS* Klil-KN BEkGLE.*ek Hox .U l M,KS E, J. HOWELL. ;

Competent aiid obliging cutters on every wagon. Drop a postal and tho

wngon will call.


C O W E L L HOUSE,:*0 Webb Avenue.-

(.'onvetdenl to Auditorium. Post olllce and Ocean. Hoafing free o f charge.

P. O. Box iSW. M RS. CAPT A. IN C >W-ELI.

iT O . 2 7 ‘W o ’b’c ^i.-ros5.-u.o.Three minutes walk from Bathing f«rounds, Pishing Pier, Post Olllce and''Auditorium. Cell-

• i ml'to all points o f Interest. Enlarged and Ihorouuhly renovated with ino«lern Im- provemeui.s; Good hedsand liist*elass table. For terms apply to MRS. W.A.CROSS.e.o.uoxilUL

: Corner Surf and Bcacli Avenues, f N O W O P E N . *

Within one id«H*k of tin* <)ccun and two b1<H*ks in>m ihi' New Auditorium. Tniusieill •

tiu« >ts Accomiiioilated. „ ... : R A T E S R E A S O N A B L E . S = ^ t .

Address: MRS. R. S. W O O L S T O N ,. . Lock. Hox 2lU:I.

. . IVrsons, visiting Ocean Gvove t-.m beuceom-W e have been in ccntinuous practice in j modated at rea.vonalde nites at the

Asbury Park sinUo 18S9, aud are prepared j . Q l e a w o o d , H o u s e ,

to treat nil ilisuasfcs o f nil Doines'ticated f Corner .PcnnMlvjjnin Avenue nml ManWny,innir the Auditorium. IvNtJib-lished'Jiyears.

animals. ; . 1 ' m ayl2*lm . ' MRS. IL ATKINSON.

S E E D S O F IN FLU E N C E .[ Conlimied/rom First Page.

inquired M r. Denton, i V In pxplnininiug this it Ih necessary to

remember that it lies close to the edge o f the grove ; and that between it and the ocean is a sand was to over which the w ind sweeps, carrying the line sand about and pding it here and there much ns the w ind drifts the snow with us. .The theory is that just as the hedge causes the wind to drop the snow and so forms tlio banks, so the trees have caused the wind to drop the sand until this huge bank was form ed.” .

That seems very plausible,” said Mr. Denton.

“ M r.,Clifton, you have given us a very interesting account o f this place,” said Mrs. Denton, “ and we aro sorry to in ­terrupt you ; but ten is now remly to be served, and i f agreeable tp you we w ill go in and take our places at the table***

A8.they arose from the tablo at the con­clusion o f the m eal,. they went their several ways, but somehow Mr. Clifton and .Jennie wore fnvorcd w ith an hour together in the parlor with their music, talk, nnd 'sometimes, they ' just looked

. blushingly at each other. The family, worship that evening was memorable. The Denton’s had never known Mr. C lif­ton to pray with such fervor ns upon tlmt occasion. Their eyes were moistened nnd their hearts touched.

On Sabbath morning ns usual they were early on their way to the sanctuary. The service from the beginning was out o f the usual order. There was less form ality, more directness, a coming closer to the congregation, a talking to mid with them

. instead of.speaking before them, a look, tone, nnd m anner" that seemed to be expecting immediate results.. Nor was expectation vain. .There were conclusive proofs .of deep feeling, nnd some shouted aloud, and all were persuaded a new spirit had come over the preacher.

.To be Continued.

. The Editorial Convention.. Judging from appearances and the many expressions o f pleasure manifested by the members o f the National Editorial Asso­ciation, no regret is felt that Asbury Park was selected as the place for holding the 1894 convention. During the entire week, when the business ox the lissocia- tion would permit, it has been a constant round o f . sight seeing and enjoyment. The various meetings o f the convention have also been o f great interest and largely attended:- Newspaper men o f the

1>resent day are expecting to have a knowledge o f all th in gs ; the ir compo­

sition, why they were created, what pur: poses they* serve and the best. method o f maintaining or developing Any particular item on the endless program. W hile it may be said that the aforesaid newspaper men do not measure up to this extrem e standard, still they approach itas closely as it is possible for human energy anti human intelligence to do, and their suc­cess in this direction is largely due to the benelicial results o f these conventions w ith their free interchange o f thought, ideas and opinions upon all subjects pertaining to journalism and journalistic advancement. The papery read and the addresses made in the Asbury Park Audi­torium during the various sessions o f the past week have been not only h ighly en­tertaining in their nature, but replete

w i t h information o f the most valued and valuable character, hot only to editors and publishers but to the people gener­ally, who w ill, through the various publications represented iu the conven­tion receive the benefit o f this free interchange o f thought and feeling*

The citizens’ committee apparently did everyth ing in its power to mako the visit o f the journalists a season o f unalloyed enjoyment and when they leave, it is hoped that they will bear away . only pleasantrecollection8of the Seaside Cities, and that the many nleasantacquaintances formed may develop into permanent friendship for both place and people.

H O T E L A R R IV A L S .

THE non 1JKNTOWN HOUSE.Mrs. J. Briggs, New York; Miss Anna M.

Wessmun, Mew York ; Airs. A. E. .Thomson, Wilmington. Del., Miss Emnin .Chalfontc, Trenton, N. .1.; Mr. md Mrs. It. It. Forman, Miss LMle Panim, Brooklyn: Mrs. Anna M. Wall, Miss Helen S. Wall, Miss Elizabeth Wall, Philadelphia, Mrs. Vnndevcntcr, Miss Evelyn Vandev.mter, New Brunswick.• LAWitKNCK IIOUSK.

Stockton Howcr, Matawan*; C. w. Alice, John H. (Yllceand wife, S. H; Alice,.Caldwell Flossie Cannlir, Verona, N. J .; Wm. II. Ijtw- ieiice and wife, Ran. and Clara Lawrcitcc, H. M.‘ Tilton and wife, New .York ; Nathan C. Selmllur, Lancaster, Pa.; E. H. Robinson,Miss II. B. Bntuson, Msss A. T. Ilelsler. P; M. Say- ford, .Mrs. Paine, L). Onderdonk, Camden; Mr., M ix and Master Paul Hutchinson, Eliza* helh; C. T. Houston, Trenton; IE. I). Coon, viola. Coon. Oswego; John Ualderson and family, W. Bally ami w'fe, Brooklyn.

Miss M ary Painter, o f Brooklyn, N. Y . lias been spending-a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Perry on Cookman avenue.. Miss Carrie Strickland, a daughter o f Presiding E lder W . P. C; Strickland, o f the New Brunswick District, is spending a few, days w ith Dr. Roeele.

Rooms To LetSingle or ensuite. Prices reasonable.'’

Davidson- Hoisk, 04 AV ebb avenue, june 2D-3t • P. 0 . Box 4S0.

Programme of Slimmer Services.•I. Ocean. Grove Sunday School Assembly,

. Rev; Dr. B. B. Loomis,-Conductor—Mon­day, duly II to Friday, July 20, Inclusive. Stereoptlcon Views, Lectures, Concerts, National Educational Convention, Bae- culaurente sermon. Addresses ami (>md- uatlon Ora lion l»y Bishop Vincent,

; 5. Christian Arhitiiiilou and Peace Society—■*! Saturday, duly 2 1. I

0. Sabbath Observance Day—Sabbath, July 22. i 7. KIuk’h Daughter’s Day—'Tuesday, July 21. ! S. Epworth League—Wednesday, duly 2». . I U. African M. E. Church Jubilee—Friday,July I

27. tl u. m. und :i p. in. I10. llackeitstowu Collegiate Institute Reunion

—Rev. Dr. Whilney, July 27,7.:W p» mi11. Lc*'tun* by Joseph Cook—Saturday, July

2S,7.:H»p. m.12. Ocean Grove’s Twenly-Fiflh Annlversaly.

, Sermon. Rev. Dr. J. R. Day, Chancellor.Syracuse Universlly, Salibalh, July 2:». li).:«in. tu. Sermon,Joseph Cook,7.:t0p. tn. Anniversary prayer meeting. Tuesday .11, tUUl to 7 W n. m.. Thompson. Park. Annl- versa ri' address, Chancellor J. R. Day, al Auditorium. S. p. m.

■ l.‘l. National Tempenince Publication.Society —Wednesday, August I lo Sabbath Au­gust 5 Inclusive. J. N, Stearns, Esq., pr<s siding. Sliver hake Quartette will be In attendance nud an array oi distinguished si>eakers, including Col. Geo.AV. Bain, the Kentucky Omtbr.

II. O. U .Memorial; Day—Monday, August 0, 15. Women’s Home Missionary Society or M.

. 10; Church—Tuesday and Wednesday,. August7nml 8,Mrs. Gen. Flske presiding.

10. Now Auditorium Dedication—Thursday, August 0 to Sabbath.August 12 inclusive. All ofthe Bishops of the Methodist Epis­copal Church have been Invited; several will he In foreign lands, others In remote

fiartu of our own country: six or seven mwever will be present. J); V., Bishop

• Bowman, St. I^ouls; Fltzgemld, New Orleans; Foster, Boston.* aud Walden of Cincinnati. Detnlled progmmme late.

17. ‘ 'Seven Churches o f Asia.” Dr. C. E. Man. devllle o f Chicago, III., will deliver his series of Lectures on the above, Thurs­day, Friday nnd Saturday, August », Id,. 11,3 p.m.. and Monday, Tuesday. Wed­nesday, Thursday, August IH, I t. In, la. ut such hours as will be found most conve­nient.

IS. Women’s Encouragement Neellng—^Wed­nesday, Thursday and Friday, August 15, 10and 17. Mrs. Rev. Dr. Wheeler ami others presiding.

17. Women’s Foreign. Missionary Society— Saturday and Sabbath August IS ami JO.

20. Annual Camp, Meeting—Monday, August 2iJ, to Thursday, August :*0 Inclusive, opening sermon ou Tuesday, August 21,

• by Bishop E. G. Andrews, o f New York, liC!0 a. m.

Prof. Sweney will conduct the singing dur­ing Sunday School Assembly'nnd Camp Meet­ing.' Holiness Meeting will be 'held every' morning during season In Tabernacle, Mrs. Dr. Palmer; and Young People’s Meeting every morning In the Temple, Rov. C. 11. Yat- man, leader. Twilight meetings during Camp Meeting also in tho Temple. Surf Meeting evory Sabbath evening when the weather per­mits.

E. H. STOKES, President.

M uddell th e Butcherdelivers his meats front patent Refriger­ator Wagons, clean, cool and free from flies. Drop a postal and the wagon will call. J .R . M i 'dokij..— .*l<7r. june‘10 3m.



3 and 5 Pitman Avenue, Ocqan Grove,

Splendidly located, near the 'O cean and Bathing Grounds.- Perfect Sanitary

System, Artesian Water, and well ventilated Rooms..

Box 2087 N. II . K IL M E R , Prop’ r.

T H E E L L W O O D ,Ceil trail)' Located. '

One minute, to .n ew Auditorium, three minutes to tho Bench, nnd other

points o f .interest. Accommodations Unexcelled.

Tw elfth Year, liox 2116.* R. L. D E H A R T .

S E A S I D E H O T E L ,O c e a n f t i - i . v c , ]V . J .

The largest House Finest Location on the Beach. Sani­tary Plumbing- throughout. Entirely new, remodeled and refurnished. Opens June.i.r.0, 1! 1.1,717. A. H STOCKTON.

Z E 3 Z O H 3 T -50 B road w ay .

Pleasant location, two.Hloclcs from the ileach. Short Walk from- Auditorium. -Near

Bathing Ground aim Lake.; - Terms Reasonable.

1\ O. In s 111 MRS. AV. S. HAVS. I

S M t r A V J J X t E I B O L S U ,

Ocean O rove , N . J ..House Flrst-Cla>s in all Itespcets, One .Block

fi-om theOceani Terms Moderate, Eigh-“ teen Years Under Owners Management.

Bryn=Mawr HotelCorner o f Central aiid .Meek A v e s . ,

O v .e fn i G r o v v < J .Thi- House.has hern Remodeled and thor­

oughly renovated,.aml Is two block* from lhe Bench ami dose lo the Post < Mile* aud Audljo- rlum. -rtund Aicommodatlonsaud most H*‘a- sbiiable Terms, . ..

G. S. LUKEN S, Prop’r,Post oillce Box2Wf.\

Hotel Le Chevalier,. C O It.V C R o f W e b b and- Central . Avenu.es,.

Second B lock from the Ocoaln.

Our Uoomsare phrasanl, lleds comfortable. Dlidng-Room nlry. Table Excellent, Room* j.ommodloiis. Halls and Piazzas wide; Eleeirlc Lights, Artesian -.Waterand perfcctdrainage to lhe Sea. Single Meifls 5n Cents. TableBoanl. Terms Mod end e; . • • 1 •nw.ifinuuato .10

^ T H E H R L I N C T O N , ^O C E H N G R O V E , N . J .

Leading and popular Hotel ut llds tamous Si-asUle resort. Cutler New Management. Newly Roll Med. All ModernConvenlenees;. Ijbend Table and all appointments first-class. S in l tary Plumbing; ; Electric Lights. Croijuet und Tennlsc-ourls..-Will open June 10.

C . I I . a i l . I . A K , C r o p r i c t o r

E . M . PR IC E , P . 0 . Box 2 15 1 .

I A t A S S A E GOTTA liU,C or. o'c'o CLia. . B o a c h . A T roa .,

First-class accommodations for permanent and transient guests.

One Block from- Ocean and Close to Bathing Grounds.' Open from June lo October. •


Qriie aitlona.1,M iiin A v t -n u o T w o B lo ck s from

t h e . O cean .

O c 'c n n Ciii’ o v e , IV . J .Box 309.: Mas. J. A . K hkn*.

TH E IY F HO'lIvSE,ixa. w£i.-?ro23.-a.o, O c o a n O-rc-7-o, 2T. j .

Conveniently near the Auditorium and. *, Post Olllce. Newly Papered and Painted.

Ix)ck Box 2191. MRS. M. E. STULL,Proprietress.

" The Metropolitan, ' ' ;Corner o f Beach and Abbott Avenues, S

O C E A N G R O V E , N • J . *W ithin one block o f till* Ocean, Lake and ;

Bathing Orounils. Large, cool roo 11 is. i Klectrie Lights. Table lirst-class. ; Perfect sanitary arrangements. .

Hair Mattresses. Terms Keasonable;' ] Lock Box 2!XJ. . 'Miss. I I , M. Bi.akk. — . — i

K t i i t h c r f b r f l C o t t a g e , ;Abbott Avenue,

Bet ween Pilgrim Pathwayund New York Ave. • OCEAN G RO VE, N. J. . ' j

Thrt-i* blocks from Beach, and dose to Taber- ' nacle and Auditorium. • .j

Flrst^lass Board, Terms.Modende. I

. Address. Mas. F i.ouknci; -N k w i.a n h . [

E v e r e t t H o u s e ,•10 Embury Avenue, Occan Grove, N. J.

First-Class Accommodations forguest#*. t ’on- venient to Depot und Po»t Olllce. Only

two minutes walk toOcean, I’lcr and Balhlug Grounds.

Post Olllce Box.irJO. M. M. RICHARDSON*

n m m Q i t & a M n .. (Formerly Agnew House.)

BEACH AND SCA VICW AVCS.. OCCAN GROVCThis spacious and beautifully Jocated

house possesses eVery advantage condn- . clve to health aud comfort. Gnind outliKik to

Occan and Lake. Tnble nud appoint­ments llrst class. "MRS. II. M. a GNEW, Prop’r.

T H I I E B i E A < G 3 i I W Z J Z 'W

24 Bath Avenue, Ocean Cirove, N. J.

One block from theQcenn. Convenient to the;Auditorium and Ross’ Bathing Pavlilon.

•Excellent Table. Special 1 lutes'mr Season.Box 21UI. M RS. A -L . GUY.

0 I ,

: B O W S EC o r n e r S l a i n a m i C c n l i - a l A v c i m c s , O c e a n G rove.

.Within two blocks o f I he Ocean,-Auditorium and po*l 1 mice. Thoroughly renovated and rontrnlsheir.' Perfect Sanitary arrimgements, Hot and i;*d’d' Arlesian Water, Electric Lights Electric Bel is, Table-board a. *peelnlty. Terms reasonable.

• • . Address Lock Hox 501, -• •• *

'inns. X . S . KOWIOlt, l*ioi»i ieli-css.Kntmnee on Main Strcel. "

T H E li£AITCH:ESTEE,• J 7 O t x a i i l ’ a l l n v a v , O c e a n W r o v c . IV . J .

Location" Betw een Auditorium arid Ocean ..KorTurin .1 AiIiIr-ss M R S . B , S . K E L L O G G , I*. O. I‘.6x "i)S:i. .

IZotel Spra.37- V iew ,Fronting on three-avenues; unobstructed Ocean View.-. Hotel covers entire end o f

block.. In terior o f hotel has been repainted and thoroughly renovated.

Corners o f Ocean, Spray and Sea V icsv 'Avenues. liox-205T . J o s c p l i W h i t e , P r o p r i e t o r .

Broadway,■ fronting Eletcher Lake and the Sea, ' O CE AN CiKOVE, X . J. Elghteeiith season. • Choice Location. Splendid Oeean View. Flowing Artesian Well, cheerful ■

rooms, broad vcmndns. Attention tlrst-eluss In every.particular. I-or terms, elc., address, Hox 2070. MRS. A. LOOMIS, Proprietor.

28 Ocean Pathw ay, South Side, Ocean Grove, ff, J.A I - ' i r s l - C l a s N H o u s e .

D R A W E R h. ____________________ J S O . A V I I . SOX.

j r .A m h e r s t H o u s e ,H Pitman Avenue, Ocean.Grove, N. J.

One Half Block from the Ocean. Vt'n/is Reasonable.. . ■

J r . .S'. Tou'nsend.B o x 2 2 ! 2 ;

J A C K S O X I B O L S i : ,.Corner o f lleek Aveuueaud Pilgrim Pathway,

o-sao*v^E:, a^r. t . Centrally located near all the principal points : of Interest.' Within two minutes walk of

Post Qltlce, Telegraph Office Audito­rium and Beach.

Lock Box 2067. MRS. J, C JACKSON.

ObKNWOOl) HOUSE.Itev. Percy Perlneldef, a prominent pastor

o f the M. E. Conference, Who Is stationed nt the Broad-street M. E. church, Trenton, is spending a few days at the Glenwood House.,

Mr. D. S. Tompkins,n well-known Brooklyn gentleman, expecLs to spend tlio summer here. Mr. Tompkins has been In poor health fora few months past, but Is mpldly recover­ing under the braclug occan breezes,

Mrs. Poole, o f Long Branch. Is visiting tlio Glenwood house lor u few days. Mrs. Poole will come again during camp meeting season. • • .

Mrs. Hoffecker; of Occan Grove, has rented her cottage and Is boarding at the Glenwood house for the season.

Mrs, M. Wilson, formerly o f Ocean Grove now a resident o f Elizabeth. Is spending a week with her frltinds at the Glenwood.

Miss Mary Marsh, stenographer and corres-

tiondent for lhe I ’nitcrson Evenlny .Wav*aud lergen county Jleratd, Is spending lhe season

at the Glenwoo<L •Mrs. II. Hartrunfl,'of Camden, a prominent

temperance worker. Is stopping at the Glen- j wood.

. IVV ItOL'SK. • IEx-Senator G. T. Ciimmer and wife. Bar !

negat: AW W. Jacob'us, wife ahd-three daugh­ters, MKs M. F. VIllicit, Miss'-G. A . Rice,-East | Orange; A. E. Perpall and wlfe,*H. A.Hublmrd, •

..wife ami son, Brooklyn ;* J. Ilowanl Honan, t Wife, son and da lighter, 31 rs. L. C. Pierson, sou nml daughter. Miss Anna M. Fell, Trenton; Mrs.'J. J. Fox, Mrs. E. Scndcrling, John Wall- , work ami wife, Philadelphia Mrs. I. T. Rea- ; ver, Germantown-; Rev, Samuel Hickman,

.wifeand daughter, Trenton; Mrs. I). H. Huu- klnsoti, Hoboken: Misses F. M. Powers, Mabel Powers, E. L. Preece, New York; Hev.

.. W. C. Snodgrass and family, S.. Harvey Os­borne. wife, son and daughter, Mabel Fmncis, C, H.StfMrklug, Leo. A. Stuck. F. Stirling aiul wife. Miss Iv. A. Stocking, Ed. R. Stirling, Miss Edith Stirling, Newark.

HI'KAY VIKW.Susanna . Whitney, Mrs. W. \V. •Whitney.

J. W. Badger ami wife, J. W. Spcnights and wife. Sit ni W. Caldwell, D. McGln And wife, New York , J. Foster Keeler ami wife,-Helen De. F. aiul Anson F. Keeler,T. Jen Stevens, wife and daughter, Brooklyn: Robert J.Suth- terland,-PhiladelphiaTubs. Greaves, Ger-

- miintowu; John L. Parson, R. H. Parson,‘ Trenton; Alfred Turner, W. D. French, Sher- lleld, Mass.: John W.. Vail and wife, New Haven; Nellie II. Barlow, t)m E. Barlow, Des Moines, town; Mrs. W. D. ttotz, Mlss ilclla Hotz; Mrs. H. L. Leary, Philadelphia; W. 11. Neumls, Sprlngllcld, Mush. ; Mrs. M. A. Brlck- liee, Mi-s. L. A . Peterson. New York.

CilAI.FOXTE.Miss Lm'khardl, Mrs. Joseph Relble.Samuel [

A. Relble and wife, R. W. Chadwick aud wife, Philadelphia; Mrs. W. 0* Bishop, Miss O. ! Hlsliop, Mrs.- F, J. Betts, Ilro«d<lyn; Joseph Nelsim and wife, II. F. Deougli nml child, Dunhurk, N. Y .: Mrs. F. V. English, Miss Hattie Mangle, Trenton: Mrs. Aliidua Van Loon, .Kingston, Pa, ; W illiam Ward, Jersey

’City, N. J.; Rev. Mr. Hamilton and family, .Bethlehem, Pn.

. •• . .TIIK OHM.Edmund Oliver, wile und daughter, Bur

Illugton, N .J .; II. P. Hyudhain, Wllkesbarre, Pa.; Fablanile t'rrutlbwiscoa, Rafael Pazo, •Cuba; Mr. and Mrs.- Bunihardl. Mrs. E. N. Jeilekes, South Orange; Mr.uml Mrs. J. M . •Cunningham, Miss Amelia Gursldc, New York city. .;:-v. ; ;•

• ’ * ’ '. OSUQUNE IIOUSK. '.Principal T. II. Lenden', Bordentowii Mill*

anry Institute; Annie I.. Hanna,-Miss Little.. Philadelphia; Hattie E. Spear, Yonkers. N* Y .* Mr. aiul Mrs. David Decker, Hloomlleld,. N .J .; Mr. and. Mrs.* T. Hyndmhn, New York Jrlty. . . - •

JIKAC1I AVKNUK MOl'SK, .Miss Bundle, Mtss Lungar, Fmnk Nlurrill,

-^Ir.J. B. Wood and. family, Newark; Miss 'cSarah Reeve,Mr. Martin Robert#, Mrs. David

M\crle.aml child, Brooklyn. -

T 1IIE DDZEAr? W A T IE ,11 Embury Ave. Hull block from Ocean.

j Convenient to Auditorium, Post Olllce and Llllagore’s Bathing Pavilion. Fine '

• beds nnd Urst class tnble.

M RS. S. A. Tl BB ITS .


K E N N ED Y HOUSE,and Central,



T g l l U l O R l ,

K o . •> A t l a n t i c A v e n u e ,

Hunnini' tlirough to Surf Avenue. I«c k Box 400. , A . H I L I . .

F i f t e e n t h S e a .s o n .

R E D S W I S S C O T T A t t E ,

40 Ocean Pathway, Occan Grove, X. J.

V.-ry centrally located within one minute walk of the great- Auditorium, and two mln-- ules from the lunch; on the ever jH»pwlnr nnd beautiful Oceau Pathway. Address until June 1, No. 17J0 Balton sln*et, Baltimore.


T h e C l i a l f o n t e ,O V T H E O C E A A * i n o v r .

Special Rales f o r June and September.

. Box 223, Ocean Grove, X. J,

M ISS A . M. BE CK E TT, Prop’ r.

• ©y Cpl-u.rn.Toia- Cotta,gre, <-@No. 20 Main Avenue, only one B lock from the Ocean,

O c e a n t h r o v e , ]%". .1 .P. O. Box 217.'! M R S . R . A . S W A N .

' T H ENO. B O C E H N H 2 E N U E - - . O C E A N C R O liB . N . J.

- OPENS JUNE Nt., Ih!i|.~.Directly on the Ocean -Front, Convenient to tlie Auditorium nnd Boss’ Pavilion. Sanitary

Arnuigements Complete. ____________ _ fl. J. HOLT, Box 22 47 .

• * T H e L I L L H C H H R D , *Abbott Avenue near the Ocean.

I^irge, Airy and W ell. Furnished Rooms. t,md»,striicte»| Dei-sm'. Vl«*w. Artesian'.Water hud Elcciric Lights. Close to I .Ilia gore's Ditlung Gnamds nud Hot and I .‘old Sea Water Baths.

Special lerijisjbr families also for June und September. . «•( Bax 2101. . MRS. Al. B. HERITAGE, Ocean Orove, N. J.

t h e b . a j ; m o . r a l ; : ; 7.Siirf Avenue, Near Central, Ocean • G rove;’ X . J.

Open June 1st,, large rooms,’.com fortably furnished, good beds, A rtesiaii W ater; ’■ perfect sanitary arrangements and electrte lights.^ One block from the Ocean and one

block froni Wesley .Lake. - Close to Ross'- Pavilion and Bathing Grouiids. Prices : | moderate/' Lock Box 20o0. M ils. A . Bauxis, Manager. ;

D R . S T A K E S ’ H O T E L . 'P I T ^ A i T , E32Ja-C2Z A 2 T O O L I i T A V E S , - C3?E^T A L L T 1 T E T E A R ,

F ive stories high, 3000 feet Piazzas, 100 yards from Surf, Sun .Parlors, Luxur­ious Beds, Sanitation Perfect, Superior Table, Electric Lights, and Bells,

Artesian Water, Piano. Address, W . H . L . S T A R K S , M . D .

m a n s i o n b g u s g ,Corner of New York ami Einburj* Aves.,

O c e a n G r o v e , ' N e w J e r s e y .

R e a s o n a b l e 4^ R a t e s .

Miss A . Bonsall Prop’r.

G R O V E H A L L ,Pilgrim Pathway;’.Opposite Thompson Park, Ocean Grove, N. J.

Convenient to all points o f interest. Seventeenth Season.For terms address. M its E. A . I kki.ani>, Proprietor, Box 2153.

T b e A t la n t i c f jo u s e , |! . . Beach.aiid PItnian Avenues;i Ccoa.xi G -rsrro, - 7 o rc o y .i ’Steam Heat, Pure Water, Suii Parlors,] Electric Light, Rates Rei/sonabte.■ W ll) be open all the year under the pmprie- ] tor’s management, j . • ' x-x. d e c : : e t t .

d . I t .

D H Y S '




Occan Grove Aslmry Park

J O H N tE !O N A R D ,S a n i t a r y P l u m b e rOpposite Ocean Grove M a in A ve . Gates.

T l i e A l b a t r o s s ,32 and J14 Ocean Pathway.'

Convenient to the Auditorium and Ocean. M ils . M . C. D ow n s . Lock Box No. 202*3,

CHAUTAUOUA HOUSE,5 4 B r o a d w a y O c e a n G r o v e , N .J .

T w o B locks fro m th e Ocean.'M ils . T . T, W jo h tm .v .v , M js s m . A . D o w n eu .

H u m p h r e y H o u s e .

oil Broadway, near Ocean and Auditorium Superior*Table and Home Conforts..

Box 2200 M i s s M . A. J o h n s o n .

T H E DIAMOND STA TE,Ocean End ol Knibury A ven u e..

Lock Box 7S2. Miss A . K. IIu.vtkis."

j; J . H . P A R K E R ’S i Botel and Restaurant,

7 0 9 M A T T IS O N A V E N U E ,

A S B U R Y P A R K , N .J .! Comfortably Furnished Rooms by the I»ay or 1 ! .’ ’ . Week. ' ]

■ R e g u la r D in n e r fro m ' t i to j , j o Cents. \

j. ■ - ■ .- , ■■■■ — ' ~ 'Tis.e I_ia.-va.rel, j

j IS' Broadway; - Blocks from the Uceiin, , • OCKAN g r o v e , N. j . (

{ ' Splendid loi’atlon.near.tlie Bathing Grounds j i and Lake. Kvery homecmnfori. Terms Rea- j ' sonable. Until June 1st, address ■i MRS. E. B. THOMAS, Poilslown, Pa.

Hotel Brevoort,Central A v e ., b e tw een P itm an A v e .,

and A tcC lin tock S tree t.

‘JOrtynrds-from Heaeh. One ’iidnutes' walk from the greui Auditorium. Electric lights, electric bells, arteslatl water, etc..

T a b le and S e rv ic e F irs t-C lass .Thoroughly renovated, nud newly furnished,

Every -ApjioiiitmcntNcw.J i l t s . ■ A.-- S C I I I O i M ' K : -

Formerly o f the "tia I moral."Lock Box No. 333*

THE WAVERLY,Beach end Ocean P a th w a y ,

O cea n G r o v e , - - N e w . J e r s e y .

M . S . E D E R .

Estin.iates on Sewer and Water Connect ions Promptly-Furnished. Low .

Prices and Good Work.

F . 15. M c C a r t h y ,

Harness Maker and Eepairer,No: 11 Main St., Next to Sexion’s Undertaking

Establishment. Asbury I ’ark, N. J.

Charles F.- Wyckoll,Hiscdf Paints, Oils and Varnishesi

No; 70J Muin St., Corner Sewell Ave.,Asbury ftirk. N.' J.

Drs. Dan & liV E m iH A E T STOOEOSS.

N O R M A N H O USE ,1 Blith Avenue,

oueaiid one half. Blocks from the Ocean and • one block fi-om Anilltorlipn.

Open June is t .H R S . C. R . P R IE S T . P rop ’ r.

HOWLAND HOUSE,Near the. Auditorium,.

. OCEAN GROVE, N, J. R E V . S . A . A S A Y , P ro p r .

l t e a c l i A v e n u e . H o u s e .

C cr. S o a c l i an.3. ‘W e 'c 'c ^_*rro£i.*jLCc.Lock" H«».\ -I.V5. '.-:

fm » Blis’k from the t.igean and Fishing Pier. Home Comforts Terms S7 to i*tu jier week.

Single Meals .7) cts. - .mil-s iikxijvc.i-vitit.

S E A LO V E R S ,No. J Broadway, ’ facing,tho Ocuin and Ijike.

i.iood Family Accommodations. Reasonable terms. Open June t6 December.

Address, L O O K VOX, i58.

OCKAN A V E N U E HOUSE,Corner Olin Street and Oceaii Avenue, Direct? . . . ly oil tlie Oceaii Front.P. 0- Jk>.N m E. it. RICH A RDS,

Sirs. V. L. Culbertson.' ■ Mrs. M,"11. Price.i a ; i i A » V A U i : A i M i A ,

'•Cor. Ceutral and Pltinaii Aves., Octiin Grove.• Miss AnniK Ha /.auu . Manager.

S T . E L M O ,”: Ocean Grove; -:- Superior Doarding Accommodations.-:-

j MRS. AV. M . CO nPTO N , P rop ’ r. •i Cent nt liy lf>eate«1, one S<jiiar<* from Post Olllce/

aud Auditorium. P.. O. Box, u’U.'jl’i ; i ' - ' . :

, -e-LAWRENCE HOUSE, I V I a in a n i l C e n t r a l .V v e s . ,

; Tw o blocks from' the^ Oceau, Promenade . ! — and Fishing P ier.t- . V*

:. Pure. Water,. Perfect SewenigO, Ivlectcic ! ' ' Lights, Genero'ns Table, with - } ■ ’ good service; Terms $7. s. / to $io.’ • :Hiss’n . White, VJ>; Kox

Page 7: REV. A. WALLACE, Di D„ Editor. - DigiFind-ItHo thou Ita tun and glory first and last; Tako thou our hearts and keep them thine, * And sway lovers sceptro o’er creation va.st. ‘.Como,



A GoodAttendance. nt tlie Athletic Grm/nds■ to Witness the Bicycle Contests.

.About live thousand people assembledni the' A th letic Grounds on the afternoon- o f the. Fom tlr to witness the h ieyde races. The Visiting editors w ere well represented on the grand stand and nisi ny hn I its.- were prespn t. A t inter vain ilttriii^r the a ll er- noon popular airs were rendered by tho toboggan chute band-hud tlie occasion was further enlivened hy the tiring ol- a minibur ol'hoinhs by Jin mm* Ed tie. The

.races were fairly gtiodallhough n*«t many■ indurs [of wide, prond hence wm * inaltend- •aneo;.... l%:iytiu>ai<i MacDonald. the R iver­side crack,' again''■ distinguished himself, .anil 1 hi tfj^ M arlin also did well, capturing the one-j hird mile handicap iu line style.

. There’wei*u no serious mishaps) on ly a lew upsets, the worst -o f- w hich . was J. ‘ J I.

H arr ison ’s, son o f the Ashurv Park news* dealer,\wlto had his rig l11 knee pvettv Well-cut and arm seraiehed up.

The results.were as follows ;F u ts r U.ut: — Oxj:.‘‘3 I ii.k Novu■«■:— lJiin in two heats. •AV inners o f li mil h ert I, G eo rge A . 'ijiv lor,

• of. Asbury Park, llrs i: Lloyd Osborne, of- Mnnasftpiim,’ second. Time, l \ L V

Sixosn K aci:— Onl-tu i tu > M i u :1 Lanoi- cai’— AVon by Harry 15. M artin ,I'h as .J . Foster.' o f llarletn,. second. Time, 41* seconds. •:•

Tn nil»' K ack-^On i: ’ M n.i. O n :*—•W on, by Raymond MacDonald, John li. Parker, o l Freehold,'second.. Time, li.PJ -bf>.

PoruTii' U a<:b—U s t:. M t i.b J .ai’r * " on In* itaymond . MacDonald with nine points; OliUide I.eatherbury, o f Baltimore.; second w ith six points. Tim e. -.*17.1

F i f t h - T w o - t h i u i w M i i . i : —. W on liv A1 ac I )onaldj .1 la r r y ; Martin see- ,'ond. Tim e, i\01 •‘aV .> ixt11 *'7lia'ci;Os*V: M ilk. .<!'»i’i:S’“-;I,?or; ;'>ioiini6ut1i.aiul ^ iTau eoiinty riders Wlio had never won a first prize. •' Run in. two

^ieats^:lKiiial heat Won. by ;0 harlesTiuvi- isdiV/:^f;Keyikirt, .1, W ; Seaman’, .of Long /Branch/ s^cond. ^ ’i.m(?,v~.-l1 Tlie.' was s^iiniieilniHtor^^i!;*io^on tjvis ;;ratr»?; but/it; •;>yns; tiipught- tlie/. tiinu nm'de A\as% good■enough;• ■ ■ '. -• ' *•' ;-i :

w e 'i S k v l iN T h y H a e i i— *0) n A 11 i . f c l T a n i i u;,v i*—

^ ^ o iv -b yZ 0harles' l>ayjs6iL. o f ; K ey jiortj;Jarirv Keed/. o f Point Pleasant, second.

I { .\ c e — T w o M i l k I I a n d i c a i ’—

iiAVpn. bv. Johii yKi. Parkeiy^of Freehold./ ■fi Lj\V;' Fo nii ey* o F A sbu ry I ’ark y: seeo m l. Time, G.OIl 2-5. , “ ‘ . J ° \ , ' ■

K ^W illin^s , o f Ahiiuis’quan, w ith a /hrtndicaji o f *270 yardf?, ]e il all the way vaiid?AVOuld have won had he; not turned. H iis y h^<i;^ ^ "Jook {a fte r :li is.; opponents, ’.instead o f going, right a head,

’• B e w n rc o f O in tm e n ts , fo r C a ta r rh th a t C o n ta in ■ n e r c u r y , .

Vos me re* 11 ry \\1 ll m i fl'I y dest rt»y the souse of ;isiik*H, J i i i « i ; t : » » n p i t f t i » i y 11 l« .wImjU*.^ tein when enterlnyr ii 11 i ruiigh t he liiiicous su tv' ;i:liicys/rSm;h;nflii.*kv should m*vor: l»e used e.\- /'eept-T oii'-ivpresurlpi Iciii>i'ixihi reimlahle phy^l-. . 'ciuus. aS the d|iniftp'v’llit*y will do is te.n lold to ' .the irood you vaVi pdsslhly ;<Uu*ivv from, thorn. ftirrill'sYCanirrh'-.i’uri* maiiufmrtureil by b\ .1. 4?Chohey «V Co;,:IV11 (* d o , - .contains no,.ntetvury ^hud JsitaUeti in't»• nin Ily/ ii«• t d im p ly ttpim >; the bloo<l aiul i ii neons su i<fni*es « »f t he systeiii. y'l nhuyUnr Hull’s (.‘a tarrh Cute .he sure you got

^ t ht* genuine, v 11 is t a keif 11 u r rnal ly, a nd jiilulo Vilit Toledo. Oh 16; by K. ,J> .Clu-U'ey A: C‘0‘. I ’esi*

f' lliiV)ninis fr»v.': ;'■ :•; V ' j ; ••i ft I - f.>y~ I / rutr fs (ss. \ i r^'e r. m>. per iicif f?e.

r V.; j t i nc l (M t ,

P A W L E Y ’S

O u r r e g u l a r . P r i c e s

■ . Are always Cheap,But when we cut, • '/

.. . We; cut’em deep.

A new invoice of Mattings just receiv ed. A little too late' for the early trade. We w'ant to sell quick .To do so. and to close put, the balance of our Spring stock of .

Carpets and Mattings,we have cut everything way down, and these are Big Bar­gains with a big B., ;•,iolnl1c« Mn it liars 1-V.it yd., Sl.Vin roll. Cut

.from l-V. and ..Tiantlo-s Multi ny. JiVc.. a yd. 5«vi»0 a. roll. Cut

fnuit AV. atid tT.oi)..lohtl.li’>> Matllutrs, 20e. a yd. sT/V'a roll. (7ul

front il’x*. and iu tfi). • .Kxlrst Super Inumln-Cnvjiels all AVoul. l»eM

trradcs and patterns, at .*t»attd .V» els. a yard. Tape*1ry HntsseN Carpels; Nine and Ten AVI re,

In-si Pul ten is lill to To etN. •Nlee line o f Arl Snuarcs ai.ettl pliers.

Continuation o f th e Big; Sacrifice Sale.

f :H igh Grade Fu rn itu re a t Lo>v Pr ices .

.^ ^ i ’ersoiis ;looking for Household ,Fnrhi* vtuve should visit, the. Asbury' ■Park.’ Aue- -tion and .Co nnnissioh lion st‘*, at v 5 OS ,-;Ma i h

■■'Streetjeorner: o f AI unroe Avenue,. Asbu- •/r j ’ iPark: ai i d : ex an i i he the stock. Of r:'13ecl f jlopmv^iui^ IMrlpV;/:Krtr«titurt?; >mui 'new ^^urpetS-o^liighest vgi-ades/ tThi»si*?gobd^

Came/direet HTmi the New York ’ eommis- isbn houseH. are in perfect •.•condition, o f

fb e ^ # ^ : i l i t y ^ . i i ihI ’-avill ibe -soM at half fijirtce.v;Vpi!yi(u\% mbins-bn second floor., . •'• , - ’ M.*M. Cuosiuk, : Prop'r.— .-It/c.-

'^ ^ e a t e q n e n iV u tui*a• 'brief-period a.-suf-’

S' 'M b r Hiie b f iltitliiigi?.at id>biit half price. *'hly tliink ^2.510'for a ,roll that contains

' 10 yards. ■ . ' : ' 1= fK ^ P * - (/ . .C laytox, M ain aveniie.— 1-1 t?r.

/■ vMnsnns Fruit Jurs. vtiVrts »|Imcents .ndozen, •ivrtt (ht> ProducevKxeI»anire t;.'o’si1 su»tv/’tf 1 Main■ r, st m itA s hi i iy::, 1 'a V k. d 1 reel I y opi a >s 11 e Oeea m •.; l» rove iZiiles.v •;;/iv-

Ci is il Ol i I ft io n i S i i ga I to n i a t t lid 1 'rod u ee Kx- £chnui:e:: t’»vs; ■SUire,;;:n. Main; street, dl reel ly "LbppOsit^ Uee;vit Ur«jve O a t e s . ’ •.•. , ;■ ’ > .V; ':

T h e r e i i i i i i s t h e s o m e i c a -

son .why we do the business that we A R E doing, nor*is it very .hard'to lin’d’.

J^&Ayh6ii>ybitcphsider the;class .of. goods, l ^ ^ ^ ^ t h e v prices ^at^wlnch vvve. self ^them,‘tne prompt, courteous' attention to "all patrons and .' th e . way •• in . general in AChicli :;we/cbnduet business tlie .reason iSvitl |je'iit cihee appamiit. W ed es ire your ;tradej but;iiudue;solieiting on the part o f ^^pjpyee^^J is; especially^prohibited by

: O u t P t r o e e v , •

•IiiiUr<.i:nt Jrinmro,. Aslim y I'aik, X. .1.

AM7VV. 7VV. P M L E V .1 6 5 - 1 6 8 S o u th r ia in S tr e e t ,

ASBU R Y PARK, = N. = J.

S P E C I A LS P L T U R D R y S R C G

■ A T T I - I E 'B T C I 5 E O F .

D A N I E L & C O .,T H E C A S H G R O C E R S .

6,12 Cookm an A ven u e, A sb u ry Park .

Tlie following prices will In*, made on eaeh Hal utility foreash only. It will pay you to buy yottrKiiiecrles where you ••art buy iho most ■ forSL That plaee Is lianiol A* .

Cmmdnled Sutrar....:je. • (Jood TotnatoCs 1(V-- lb*, for; LlHi gleans for .....Kalr t'olt'ee.............ih!e |.t;b«nl Hour per k’U. 6utJood ’rea.............;.,.2 le : Fah' Flour per «*k. l.V-White Ih-auK, perql.Te U/tateatid Uelngon-Limn IleaDs,-per qt. l'e ■ Soap, H bars ‘J.'iCIjtrd ... lie • t.lond So:tp; lo bars..tlvCholeeSr Creamery : Vholee Kalslns ;.Te

Jhtueiv. .sv i ib-;' ij hv...... in;“ Flue. 11V t ’holea Prunen ........7c

, Flnes.odit rraekers• I pounds.... ile

Fine t tyster Cmek* .crs | pounds.;....'iio


• '. . '• Vo^efjiLles. t i f All Kinds.

*'. Oood, *J*KHam............. .....l ’orlt ...' '.Of’Choice now N. O.

Molasses, pel <|LhH .Cholee Table syrup ;

per qJ ini* •Oood Corn lie ..lea its for..;............. i*.c(

Cireally retliieed .prlees On etillro Hlock for each Saturday. Ii, M ill pay you to call and see. AValeh the paper, eaeh week.

Time Table Taking Effect June 20. X e w Y o r k X L o n i : ' t C i 'a n c t i

J /G. E M M O N S ,


Choico’ Groceries, 'i’ens, Coflees anil Spices, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Flour,

' Moiaases ami Syrup, Canned Goods iii Variety.

C i o o i U l l c l i v c r o i t F r e e .• P r i c e s ( l i e l o w e s t .

Corner Heck and Whitefield Avenues, OCK.1X tSRtlTK, J.

Pianos # Organs•For Sale or to Rent.

Ijtrp ’sl Stwk o f Musical' IlMrtitneitts On the . New Jersey Coast.' Our Stock Includes,

Weber. <Jordon, Stult.s A: Batter. Wheloek, The Jlehlun, Kmnlch A Bach-

ifn t iicfi S«tn\ .Sp rhtc Tm fee, Xc/t rO .il. lin tut i V.. Oellverles inadii between Bay Head and

Si>a Bright'Free of Charge.

JOHN N. BURTIS,15S fla in S tree t, A sb u ry Park , N /J .

P E A N U T S IA lw a y s Fresh,

A lw a y s Hot,Prime,, hand picked V irginia Pea nut s.

• Stano--Central near .Alain Avenue.

“ W a l t l i i o v I h e l * e a i i u l

W a j i o i i . ”

v. s, k o w i ; u .

• c T r A x r n c

Mary Patten. Elljmui, I’leastii'o Bay.X ew York Pier. Foot o f Jane •Street,'N. K,*.

(■I Ulocks below Jane Street.) • •A.M. P.M.'

1 .v. .lane St., (dally except Sunday) LOU 0.1)0 Battery Pi et*.( near I target) tli re) H.l.*, :*.l*»

ll o’clock bbal «loes not land at LUtle Silver, ■ A.M. y.M.

Leave Branehport, ' . I7.:i0 12.01 1.00l.oitu llninelt. Boek'llave., 7.10 1LM0 1.10 I’leasuiv Hay, 7.l“> 12.15 1I V

“ Little Silver. . ’ S.00 12.510 ...Sen hr luit |, S.I5 12.-I-*. I. C»

■ *! lllirhland Beaeh,' s.2*).12.;Vi L.wS i n i i l a y s :

Ixave New York foot o f .lane St., f'.OO 10.00 a .m. Battery Pier, - t>.l*» 10.15 •• *

It KTC ItN I NO, I.KAVK 'Bmheliport, - . ;t.:;o -LOO p.m.S i n g l e T i c k o t N . - . ! { . »

- . 5 0Connection at Hljrhland Bcach to or iron):

Xew York til 5 p.m ., dally.To Asbury Pork and Ocean Orove.-— l ’o<sen-

trers transfer ret I to or-from Hranehport via Canipbell’s stajres. loecnts^ ..


Plans and Specifications furnished r.t short notice. Best of reference given.

Orders for changes, alterations or re­pairs will receive prompt and

careful attention.

Residence, Xo. 66 Heck Avenue, Oeenn (Grove, IV. .T.

J . S . F L IT C R O F T 4, B R O .


S t o v e s a n d R a n g e s .

O]i)ioslte Postoilice,

O C E H N G R O i Z E

S B S I T O I T ’ S

Livery and Boarding Stable,.Jrfiiemfje . 1 re. 2 Door* &>uth Mnin .-lie. Gufvs-

OCKAN « BOVE. N. .1.

J o h n e G o o K ,

H O U S E ' l P O I N T E R ,gcean groVc, -gS. g .

First-C lass M a te ria ls only. L ea d and O il used. JVo pa ten I paints to fade.

Estimates. Cheerfully G iven.

# T H !R T V -V B K R S *E X .P 0 R 1 E N C B .#

■ A ll kinds o f fashionable turnouts to, hire special-accommodations for St raw Bid liar-par t ies; el osed ea r ri a ires for funerals and wed dittos Brunch. Olllces—\V. II. Beegle, and Captain Balnea r’s Teiit House. •Telcphpne21b. . M.'E; SEXTON.

‘£ 2? E. UU.C1I A X 0 N !i>:o, A. smock*!

m u m & sm ock,'Wholesale, aiul Uetall Dealers Iii v




Real Estate and Insurance,61 Main Avenue,

O cean G rove,. - N.' J,

ju jw y Q

Paints''and Oils,

.p6ruer"I\Iain St.. :ind Asbury’ Avenue,

; A S B U R Y P A R K , N. J.


Adiunant Wall Plaster, Our own''■•M’ t’Vr--. • o f ' i ’edar .Shingles, .Kiiijj'jj -W indsor'

‘ .‘Cement Piaster,” . Cedar. .Stalde ■■■ -.'Jieddihg;

^^:;:Opposilc Qcam [Grove School House.

, o f ^ i c a t i Q n ly .

. J A S . I I . S H V T O .V , •

mim jiiiiiTon ixfi irnm;::A large a$&or'tmcnt \Qf Otskcts, ctc:sconst(intli/ oii :•:•> rluimk T.JWm&ers of tiny tlesiyn at short,iibUcc; r Parlors and.bflleer'Xo. 17 Jliim fc?tcct?t,-

.A S B U IiY 1‘AHIC, X. J.Also Superintendent of. Mt. Prospect Cemetery .•

C 'o «k », M j i t u h d r e*st‘*, \ ii i - - « ‘S. a n d (iieneral IftotiKe - W o r k e r s , A V liile o r .

C o lo re d .W A X T H O o r S IJ P P I jIIE D . . M a t t h e w ; ' f '.

Empioyment Bureau,47;J?puth Alain.81reetAsbury 1 ’ark,;X, J,

jTq H N ' jp . ^ V Ia G U I R K , •

i f f lseMiff l ,I t e p a i r i n ^ si . S p e c i a l t y .

Cheapest 'Place „.hi.the County.

01 S o u t h M a i n S t r e e t . '

^ - s T h ) x x a i - y nE’ a i ' I i ; , jST . J T .

A 'f c W d oorA f-rom K c i c u c ^ i A J i o n

C a r m a n & H o l b r o o k , '

.(jo n tra o to rs and B u ild e r s‘ Ollice, Mqln Ave,, near Assoi Building. ;

i ;pjans and speelilcatlons drawn ;of all kind's o f modern .Wood, Stone a nii. Brick .Jiulldlu gs

w . H. CARM AN, Architect.

■ m E I H M I E K W A Y 9'—Manufacturer df~i

T e n t s , . F l a g s , l l n r s c . e s .

Himtins all Colors. A w iling and Tent .Material for Jrale by the Yard.

Hanthoo .Screcns.

A l l A w n i n g s

( t e n d e r e d M i l d e w P r o o l ' .

M e D .


S IS C o o k m a n A v e n u e ,

A S B U R Y - f V K I i . - V , - J .

Umbrella Stands from $1.00 up.

Bamboo Curtains, o0 eenls;,-up.

. Japanese Stoves from lo cents, up. Tea-pots, 10 cents.

K i i I i I m m I i R e m o v e d .

Semi men postal card nnd*. I will promptly cart away any trash or rubbish you may want removed. Yards uud cellars cleaned. . Jjtwns' fertilized*. . . .

■W"illard Eo53^j.Lcs2i, 'West Grove, ..♦ • vlu * - Asbury Park

$noto Flails fceam Laui|rlry,; 810 4 'o o k m a n A v e n u e .

The First Laiimli'f iii' Aslmry Park.A ll kinds o f Laundry W ork done up in

• the llest Style.

Family, Hotel and Stock Work also.Lace Curtains.

Ilavhiff a warm feellmr for Oeean Grove friends, their tnule IsrespCetfully stdieltetl . un tier the promise o f prompt service

- uml good work.-

• Kree Collections ami Delivery. Jimp a postal and our wa«;oh w ill call. apr7-lt

awE2?is.. t . X3. auE^a?s, ^ss-pi±6xsz.


CHAS. SGHW AGEF d CO.-2jf£r h e o P e o p le ’s © g to r e , )#r

620^622 C o o k m a n A v e n u e ,H H S B O R V P R R I C N . J A

l D o n 't S it I I t o , \ o t e t ' r i c c * i n o u r W i n i l o w s . F . v e r y t l i i n g

t o r e v e r y b o d y a t h a r d t i m e p r i c e s .



O f f i c e 8 2 H e c k A v e . -. j

e c G R n 6 R 0 ^ e , n j . i

• • II'I,, IB ,, i r © 3 ! I K S © K 9

J B - W B L B B ,11 AS BEMOV El) TO T I IE

BRICK BUILDING,Corner Cookman Avenue and ]3ond St

A s l u i r y P a r k .

A ll the latest designs and novelties'

in Watches and Jewelry.

Branch Offices

C. 0. Uuiiiiut's, Ikiiiiar, anil Lakewoo'tl.

John E Inskip


C Ih . in .a , . G - l a s s w a i e ,

H a r d v ^ a i e ,

H i a i ^ C L p s , cSCC.

T l i e c iu a l i t j * o f a l l g o o d s g u a r -

a n t c e c l t o b e s a t i s f a c t o r y ,

• o r , m o n e y r e f u n d e d .

Prices as Low as the Lowest,

J o e T a y l o r a n d E d . L e t t s

a r e s t i l l c o n n e c t e d ’ w i t h t h e

e s t a b l i s h m e n t a n c l w i l l c o n ­

t i n u e t o l o o k a f t e r , t h e i n t e r ­

e s t s o f t h e i r c u s t o m e r s .

H e m e m M e r t l i e I - i a e v ,


Oiin St., and Pitman Ave.,lJ. A.AVulnrlj'ht's Okl. Stand.)

O c e a n f i r o v e , ■*. .1 .

S I I . A S W . B A I t T O A ,


M U p p e r I.K m c ir Co a l a SPHCTALTY.',

w m o o p & H u i s m T ,— U K A I .E IL S IN —

C O A L, W O O D A N D C H A R C O A L

Y a rd — S o u th 7Vla inNear Hroatlway Gules o f Ocean Grove.

ttt-EPHONE caul.no. as.

| € o a l A l w a y s . S h e l t e r e d .

. 'C orlies A ven u e, near t lie C hurcli, I H . T R U A X & S O N .

Wesl Grove, New Jersey, i F ID E E C - O I I K T E Y M I I K---------- • One Cows’ Milk for Infarits and Invalids • .

l io x Asbury I ’ark, o i\box 393, j Occan Orove.-Milk Depot, Lawrence ave..

• I bet ween Main and Ihoadwav Gate, Ocean • | Grove. Teleplione Connection.

. Post O lllee— B ox 2^0-2, Oceau Grove.Prompt attention given to orders for small

lob* and repairs.

A E I j S O A ’ I I . K I f j i t l E I t ,

A R C H IT E C T lA N D B U IL D E RPlan^ iind Kpeclllcatkmsdmwii for nil kinds

or moderu wootl, stone or brick buildings. For workmanship nml prices will refer to all for whom I havo dono work In the Grove and Park. Estimateschcerfullyglvon. ‘ Box*J0S7. • . 5 Pitman'Avenue, Ocean Grove

GO T O S O i e i D i B ^ T ’ S

- F O R —

S t o v e s , E a n g e s , H e a t e r s , F u r ­

n a c e s a n d H o u s e F u r -

. n i s h i n g G o o d s .

Jobbing Promptly Altnuleil (o.Tin Poofing a Specially.


This wondorftil.'fuel t?aver,.wlih one bun- dretl feet m ore ntd in I Ing or heatliiK surface than any othor furnace o f the game size grate, has proven a (Hiwerful Heater. Write for elr eularatul jcsUmonlalsto

1.20 If l a i n S tre e t , A s b u r y P a r k , U 1. J ,




A S B U R Y P A R K , N .J .


Meats & Poultry.12 5 Heck Avenue, corner Whitefield,'

O C H A \ « H O VK, IV. .1. Fresh- Stock, Prompt Service.

Free ’ Delivery.


M A R C U S D. L E R O Y ,Succciisiii-m I,, jl. TA YI.OIt, ■••


(B © A IL t W © © D A B I E ) (D IH IA M 0 © A IL ,

Jlain Office— Mattison Avenue, opposite

the First National Bank, Aolm ry Park.

Ocean G rove Branch nt Stiles! Express

Oflice. 1 ■ . : ‘

Stephen D .Woolley P H A R M A C I S T

S o u t h J I a i n S t r e e t .

Oj»p. Oeean Grovo Gatos.

<OLfl GRI P P E ^ « g ^ [>The Ocean (irove. Store at X o 47 Main

Avenue w ill re*open about M ay 1st.

George M, Bennett, ' ^ P A I N T I N G P ^ ,

IN A L L IT S B R A N C H E S .Lock Box 2132, • •

O c e a n G r o v e , N . J .

A U C T I O N !

M. M. CROSBIE, ,] S l a t e Z E S o o f e r

AVEST A.SIU’ R Y PA U K , Opp. P A U K H A L L . I Tho old, celebrated .W illiam Chapman slate j

a lways on hand. A t this shop the public can I uet what they desire. Jobbing promptly at* j tended tb. *

A. G R A V A T T ,

c r g + V i e n n a * b s k g r vBread, Pie and Fancy Cake,.. .

South Main Street, Opposite 15roadway Gates A E B T T O T - P A E K , WT.V. •"


A T T H E - - . !


♦i-COMMISSIOU * HOUSE,*:*!5 0 8 .M ain S tr e e t , I

I T ' y 3 3 I R T S A T - 0 3 5 1 0 A T fA t '2 o ’clock, p.--iu.’, consist int» o f ,

Household Goods,O f all descnptiont*, and too numerous

10 mention. Private .Sales every ‘ : day through the week. Kobins

open Evening:?.

M. M. CROSBIE, Prop.;

M o M o I B I L A M I E ,

PAPER HANGER and DECORATOR.• 02 Abbott Avenue,

Post otllce Bt>x

O C E A N G R O V E , IM. J .

I L a (C I L H ’y i E I R g

iWPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS,■ Tobacco, and Sm oker's A rtic les .

Handsomely Furnished Shaving Parlors.at6 Main Street, ANBURY PARK, N.J.

CVrou cr's ’ p ji Ice. j'ur Scam tt Assembly District..

Jam es W . Po land ,Newark. Avenue, Bradley Beach, JC. J.

Post Ollice;Address: Asbury Park/

Buildings moved nnd raised at. low prices. Estimates'furnished.

Frwliis A. Proctor,CAROTTER I BUILDER, ;

1 2 2 ETormon W a y , Box 95; Ocean Grove, N. J.

Estimates and Plans Furnished at Short N o tice ..

FALL - PPPER00 cents a lJooin. Embossed.Golds 1*0 cents, (fortnerly $1.30.) Sam*

pies mailed Free. . Fares to aiul from New York C ity paid on reasonable pur­chases. IJ.wtuAi s Ilot-SK, 10 West 28d Street, New York . • •

S . L. B E E G L E , A. C O .,

PHARMACISTS.15 9 Haln Street, Asbury Park.

N i g h t c a l l s a t l c i k d c d l o .

“ The .Statutes rouulatuu! tno operations, o f National Hanks aro o f such wjso conception that conscientiously conformed tt* by tinkers and Directors; no Institution o f Bnnklntr ap­proaches the National, for deserved confidence o f and security to patrons.” .

FIRST NATIONAL SANK,O rgan ized February 1 SS6.

G KO RG I2 I*. K R O K IIL , President, O . H . B R O W N , V ice President.ALB 'H R T C. T W IN IN G , Cashier, M A R T IN V. D A G E R , Ass’ t Cashier. ‘ '

M attison A venue and B ond Street, A sbu ty Park , N . f .. For Convenience o f Oceau Gr^ve patrons:

Office Ocean G rove Camp M eetin g Association Du tid in g. Ocean Grove, N . /.C a p i t a l , S I O O 5O O O . S u r p l u s , 8 7 0 , 0 0 0 .

Transacts a general banking business, issues letters o f credit available in the principal cities o f the world. Foreign and domestic exchanges bought and sold, '• Collections carefully-made and prom ptly accounted for

* . BO ARD O F D IR E C TO R S :.(r. F. Kroehl, Albert C. I'wining, . Jmae C . Kennedy,Brace S. Kcator,’ . . Oliver H . Brown, ■ Samuel Johnson,M ilan Rost, .W: J;. 'Bamman, Charles A . Atkins,John L.'Coffin,. ■ ■ . Sherman Ji. Orion, Charles A . Young,D . C.'Covert. William H . Breglt, , Williuin Hathaway.

H cxhy C. WtNsoit, Piest., Gko. \V, Evanh, Viee-Prest., Edmi-nu L Davton, Cashier.

Asbury Park and Ocean Grove BanksMattison Avenue and Main Street, Asbury Park.

Charles' Employment AgencyC O O K ’S B U IL D IN G ,

Corner Main. St reel and Cookmnn Avenue,

Second Floor. A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J . ,

First. Clats H e lp Furn ished o l Short Xotice.

CAPITAL $50,000.

riain Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove.

- o E G A i n z E r ) y.A^r-crjiJE r2rT i s q o .

SURPIiDS $25,000Tntnsacls a Genenil Hanking liusiness. Issues Koreiiru and Domestic Drnfls * .

Prom pt attention g iven to a ll matters entrusted to us,


DIRECTORS:—X. K Ihu hnnnn, J. S. Ferguson, George W. Kvans,-C. C. C layton,‘Geor^o W.- Tresit, J, A . WalurfKhl, Dr. .1. A . Hetrick, John liubbiird, i le h ry C, Wlnsor, T . Frank A|>- pleby, Lewis lbilneur, Am os Tilton.

Y O U R P A T R O N A G E S O L IC IT E D . .
