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REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1879. VOL. Y ... · rev. a. wallace, editor. saturday,...

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REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1879. VOL. Y. NO. 19. Silver Wedding. . ' READ ON THK OCCASION Ol* TIIK "M I.- VER WEDIHNO ” OF KKV. THOMAS L. . . , AND CORA W. P0ULH0N, AT THEIR RESIDENCE, NO. 8 WAMIKS . AVK., 1IALT1MOJIR, Ml>., APRU. 21, lS7!i. .. BY REV. R. II. RALL, J>. 1>. * .Twcnty-flvo yearsof married life! . * Thomas LI Poulson and Cora lilw wife. • ’ Hore standing together, eldo by side, • Tho happy bridegroom, and lovely bride., Aro mor«j manly and womanly In their prime, Than In tho days of their youthful tim e! Bright vlnIons of beauty sweep over the scene, In brlel retrospection of much that lias been In all theso years of your wedded bllsj— • . Not ono of them happier, perhaps, than this—. ' As surrounded by friendn, beloved by all, . You have issued, conjointly, this wedding call. Vivid pictures of persons, too, puss in review— Familiar forms and faces, loving and true. ' Triumphantly some have reached the bright ' shore ' {more.'’ They shall thero " neither hunger nor thirst ever* While others whoso hearts you have turned to God, . Are joyously traveling the straight, narrow road. Twenty-flvo seasons of vernal flowers, Twonty-flvc Summers, with shady bowers, Twenty-fivo Autumns, with golden grain, Twenty-flvo Winters of storm and rain Havo swept over sky and sea and land, While you two have journeyed hand In hand. And of human beings a billion ^mvo died, And their places a billion more have supplied. • Your sons and your daughters are present to-day. Savo thoso the flood Shepherd has taken away, (Jod-given jewels, treasures, more prcclous by far, Tlicn Orient gems, or the rich trophies of war. Let them grandly pursue ways of. virtue and .; peace, Let them ever in lovo and wisdom Increase! May their pathway snlno brighter ahd brighter each day, . . • Till life's journey be oyer—then Mimmoned away May parents and children rc-united above, ’ . With the glorified saints dwell in raptures of love. Three lovely forms sleep under tho sod— . Their spirit* wero borne to tho bosom of God,. But they uro not lost,—only gone on before, You shall sec them ngula oil the bright shining . whore ! • fdry, Every grief shall be hushed, every tear shall bo -When you meet in your beautiful mansion ou high!./ . Tho glad future before you rises ready to bless! -• It points to the burdei.cd with shame and dis- tress, • . And renews your comm Us Ion to gather them In, From tho purlieus of filthiness, borrow aud sin. To gather them In. for the grand Jubilee, I see. When tho ransolned tho King In his beauty shall Then welcome afflictions, tf such Lo His will, ,. Let us follow his footsteps, his mandates fulfil. "As thy days so thy strength”—for. the weak and tho strong Ills doalings are wise, He can never do wrong. Ho Is kind to tho merciful, help to the bravo, To nil, to the uttermost," Mighty to biivu.” No privations Iticrc his servants shall know; Tho riches of glory his love will bestow. "Enter Into my joy " Is the premise now given— Enter into my joy is the fulness of heaven. Ineffable, boundless, eternal, supromo, AU glory, to Jesus who died to redeom!- .New Life. . . Down in iny cellar, there is strug- gling through the hard, cold earth, the gorm of a littlo plant. I can iiot tell what it is, though there are- signs of promise. It is pale and frail in appear- ance, and I know'it is in a perishing . condition, lint I take it up gently, and remove it out into the yard, and plant it where tlie sun-light, may fall upon it Mark the change. The ’plant! becomes healthy and vigorous. It grows rapid- ly ; and ere long there appears a llower in bloom ; fragrant and beautiful. Lo! it is a lily. Look out yonder,’ainl poop into that dark corner of social* life. Who, or what is.I hut cursing,staggering crcaturo that poisons the air.with blas- phemy? Women and children shudder at his approach. Iio ia a l lob ospicric in infamy and guilt. Do you tell me lie is; a. human being ? • I woidd like to ar- gue that point 'with you, and to con- tend lhat ho is a demon incarnate; and yet I know you would have the best of 'the argument; because hard as it is to believo, this vile creature may bo brought to think of God. lie' may bo led to weep on account of sin. Ho may .be led to pray,.and to believe in Christ, the unseen Saviour. He may be led to Open hia heart to the Sim of righteous- ness ; and marvellous possibility! this poor, perishing outcast, quickened ami renewed, becomes ;i son of God. • More than that; it docs n.<t appear wind ho shall be, lur when .Christ shall, appear lio shall be liko Him. Jlo that hath the Son hath life; ho that hath not tho Son of God,, hath, not lifo.”—National Pulpit. . The Changing'Sea. The sea has a great charm for me. I never tire of it. Thore aro days when it lio« in. quiet sleep, half covered with isheet of mist, and its murmur- ings on the shore are but the heavy breathings of its deep repose. Again it rages in the storm—a great, massive, seething,' boiling cauldron, tho bounds of which you cannot see. The demons seem to .have it in their grasp. Hero they hurl its waters high in air. Thore they make it foam, and hiss, and boil. Yonder they drive it with terrific fury along the shore as if to engulf the whole land. In its maddening course it snaps off planks in tho breast-work built upon its borders, and levels with a single stroke of its strong hand tho bath houses loft too near.its domain. The ponder- ous ships are dashed upon tho shore in anger, and sport is mado of their de- struction. The grandeur of the storm, the howling wind and. the beating of the rain aro never known, until, walking on the shore, you learn of it from tho mighty deep. But tho storm docs not always last. The wind changes, tho clouds depart, and tho broad wings of pence cover and quiet the billowy brood into sweet tranquility. Thus from storm to sunshine, and from stillness to violent commotion,'thore are moods, and freaks, and caprices, which inako tho sea as changeful as an April sky; W.S.B. The Chip That Could .Talk, The following anecdote.*, related by John Williams, the martyr missionary to the South Sea Islands, will bp how to many of our yo.ung roadera. lie was engaged ono day bowing timber for a chapel, surrounded by many wondering natives. It was when thus employed that tho incident occutrod of which he thus tells in. his “ Missionary Enter- prise”: “ As I had. como to tho work one morning without my square, I took up a chip, and with a piece of charcoal wrote upon it a request that Mrs. Wil- liams would send me that article; I called a chief and said to him, “ ‘Friend, tako this; go to our houso and givo it to Mrs. Williams.’ “He wns a singular looking man, re- markably quick in his movements, and had been a great warrior; but in one of his baltles he bad lost an eye. Giving moan iuoxpiessiblo look with tho other, lie.said, “ ‘Take that! she will .call me a fool and scold me if I carry a chip to lier.’ “.‘No/ I replied, ‘ she will not; tako it and go immediately; I am in haste.’ “ iie took it from mo, and asked, 4 What must I say?* ... I replied, ‘ You havo nothing to say; tho chip will say all I wish.’ “ With a look of astonishment and contempt he' hold up the piece of wood, and Haiti, How .can this speak? has it a mouth?’ . • -... . . ’ I desired him to take it immediate- ly and not’spend so much time in talk- ing aboiit iu “On arriving at the Iriusc ho gavo tho chip to Mrs. Williams, who read it, throw it away, and went to tho tool-, chest, whithor tho chief, resolving to see. the ond of this mysterious business, followed hor closely. On receiving the square from her, he said, :’ “ ‘Slay, daughter, how do yon know that this is what Mr. Williams wants’?’ “ * Why/ sho replied, *did you hot bring me a chip just now ?’ *‘.fYes/ said the astonished warrior; 1 but I did not hoar it say any thing.’ ‘“ If you did not, I did,* was tho reply, ‘ for it told me what ho wanted.. And all you have to do is to return with it as quickly ila possible;* .. “With this tho chiof leaped out of tho house, nnd catching up tlio mysterious piccn .oi* wood, he ran through the set- tlement wjth the cliiji iii ono hand and the square in tho r.ther, holding them up as high as his arms would reach and shouting as ho went, , . “ See tho wisdom of theso English people!. Thoy; can make chips talk!: thoy can make, chips ts Ik !f... “ On giving mo tho square, lie wished to know how it was possible thus to con- verse with persons at a diatanco. I gavo him all tho explanation I Could, but it was to him such a mystery that he ac- tually tied a string to tho chip, hung it round his neck and wore it for some timo. For several days after we fre- quently saw him surrounded by a crowd, who wero listening with intense interest while he told them of the wonders which this chip bad performed.” \ Raratongais now a Christian land. It has its churches an J Christian schools, and is govorned wisely and weil, .by “Isaia,” a native chief. He never for- gets, in his laws and plans for tho good of his people, that “righteousness exalt- eth a nation.”—T/tc Observer. I Wonder how it will Look ? We often take our standpoint away—r away in the endless future.. Wo think, of tho time when our.deathless spirit will have been a million of years in the eternal world. Then wo bid thought in its amazing activities Hy over tlio inter- vening space, and plant our feet on that far distant point on the eternal cl ills. And then we look back oh the point of time now occupied by ourselves and all earth’s redeemed inhabitants. O how small, and yet how' great in results do many things appear, that oc- cupied, tho ‘ attention and influenced the actions of the inhabitants of earth. We see tens of thousands standing on the “ narrow, neck of land, *twixt two unbounded seas,” when suddenly tho dashing billows' of eternity’s vast ocean roll up at an unlodkcd for moment, and they are ongulpbed. And thus, though momentarily iii jeopardy, and jnvaro that life is but a probation, how do they occupy that brief moment of timo? What aro they doing? Many aro tho acknowledged servants of the God of this world. Though aware that to bo carnally minded is death—eternal death, still they fill up life’s short pYobationas tho children of this world—the servants of sin, and lo! the snares of the enemy, “ Tribulations and anguish, upon every soul of man.thnt.doeth evil, of the Jew* fir^t,” that is, those whom God w'ould fain havo made vessels of grace, having enjoyed superior religious advantages, —“ and also of tho Gentiles,” who, though less favored than the children of promise, having failed' to uso the grace received, aro sw’ept away in their sins. — Guide to Holiness. Religion. Tho development of the inner expe- riences of religion. through illustrative natural object receives fresh confirma- tion ovory year in tho impression mado at tlio Grovo by.tho presence of tlio'per- petually fresh mystery of tho sea. To tho summer residents of the Grovo it is what tho corn fields and vineyards and Galilean shores were to the dwellers in Judea whon the Saviour walked and talked with men. The sea with its illimit- able fulness always interprets tlieillimit- ablo fulness of the atonement and its cleansing purity. - Tho soriptual con- ception of having tho. “ bodies washed willi puro water,” is equally suggestive of,tlio principles of holiness upon which Ocean Grove lias been founded. " . A; E .U •' The Summer Sea. During the long hot months of Sum- mer old Ocean mostly rests. As though it would not. terrify its visitors it puls on its .best behavior,, and assumes a charming gontleness. Tame as a pet lamb tho thousands fear it not, but gather on its shores to sport in its bil- lows. How many in strange attiro are wooed to i Is -embrace,, and. leap, and dance, anti laugh, as they permit its arms to enclose them, whilo many, many more*remain upon tho strand to sit, and roll, and' dig, and play in the sand without fear of contamination from contact with tho clean, powdered rock beneath them; - What myriads of won- ders,. too, a r.« found along the shore I — tho stones, the shells, (ho.seaweed, tlie jelly-fish, the dams, tho birds, and the remnants of tho wrecks that onco wore full of promise, but at length came to an untimely end!. W. S. B. Atlantic City. The Camden & Atlantic Railroad Co, take a commendable pride in the grow- ing importance of this seaside resort. And well they may, for without tho aid of their.enterpme, no such condition of things as now appear in connection with its deserved popularity could have been brought about. This fact receives duo prominence in the columns of tho Atlantic Review, a lato number of which, now before us, is nearly filled with testimony bearing on tho excellent sanitary character of the place—not merely in tho sultry weeks of Summer, but throughout the Winter months as well. .It is a notable circumstance, that be- tween two and three hundred names of tlie most reputable physicians in.Phila- delphia, appended to certificates' and opinions, appear in the above named paper, recommending to patients the salubrious ahd stimulating atmosphere of the New Jersey, coast, as greatly ben- eficial to general health. . Inlluential papers, also, such as the Ledger and some of the New* York dai- lies, lmvo called attention to the same subject, and with tho excellent facilities rendered by tho C. Sc A. road,.in. expe- ditious and comfortable travel, we do not wonder to hear of hotels crowded and social- pleasures enjoyed, where, a few years ago, there was no attraction but tho drear and desolate beach. The Railroad Company aro now en- larging their arrangements fortheheiuryj travel expected during tho ensuing sum- mer. Parlor; cars, fast trains, through connections from Now York . and the norihorn cities, and the fact that this famed resort is only about 90 minutes ride from Philadelphia, keep prominent- tho inducement to patronize it.. If any thing moro is needed to givo the placo pre-eminence it is found in such a paper as the Itevicw, wide awake as it. seems to be, and intelligently devoted to the continued growth and popularity of At- lantic City. Philadelphia Notes. The semi-annual election of officers of the Philadelphia Preachers’ meeting took place last Monday morning, and resulted in placing Rev. D. W. Gordon in the chair. A New'Jersey brother .is generally solectcd as vice-president, and this honor fell to Rov. W. C. Stockton. Rev. S. W. Gehrett continues to occu- py the place ot secretary, and a reliable treasurer was found in Bro, John W. Sayres. Tho standing committee, tak- ing cognizance of all busines3 matters,, consists o( Revs. Kirkpatrick, Gray and S. G. Grove. Rov. G. W. McLaughlin, serves on tlio still Sabbath commit- tee, and will watch this interest closely. Dr. Rittenhouse and Rev. A. M. Wig- gins are associated with him. The temperance committee was constituted by the election of Bros. Mull in,. Buck- ley and J. S. Lame, and the new term was opened under favorable auspices. The usual monthly sermon beforo tho Preachers’ meeting, was delivered on the morning ofthooth inst., by Rov.,G. K. Morris, A. M., of Mt. -Holly, 2sr; J. The services wore • opened by singing “All hail the powerof .lesus’ nanio,” etc., and prayer by Rev. Samuel Irwin. Tho hist verse of the sixteenth Psalm was announced as the text:“ Thou wilt- shew me the path of. life : in the presence is fullness of joy ; at lliy ri.«;lit hand there are pleasures lor evermore.” llappines .1 only in God, was the preach- ers’ theme. Man is constituted with two infinities in his nature, one down- ward to depth,of woe which increase as ho departs from God; and tlio other sublime as ho rises into tho divino liko- ncss. The Bishop Amqs niemorial services were hold in Wesley Hall, at the' close of tho sermon. V Upv. Wm. J. Pax- son jiresided. Prayer was olio red by Rov.' Joseph Mason, an ably written mompir was read by Dr. To.iltl, and ad- dresses wero delivered by Dr. J. S. Por- ter, Hov. P. Cooinbe, Dr. Ivy nett and SamUel Barnes. . The Sing Sing Camp-moeting will oommcnco August 5. - - B^lroad Items, It is tlio settted purpose of tho Penn- sylvania Railroad Company to allow' no liquor-selling at any of its depots, w'here it controls the iriatter of privilege. By a preniptory order 1ast week, five deal- ers /who had occupied places in the. building at Jersey, City, w'ero cleared out. The same course is adopted at West Philadelphia, and all stations on its various lines. V _ ■ On the New York Division of tho PennsyV.yanuyRailroad,' the company is preparing '•'■to ' decorate 'the *grounds aroitnd each .depot, -with plants and flowers, grass plots and fountains.:This will prove a source of unfailing pleas- ure to those who frequent the 1 stations, and to all prssengers on passing trains. ’ H. j. Fillmanj Esq., General Passen- ger Agent of tho Pennsylvania Railroad has taken up his residence in Bordon- town, where he has secured a vory handsome property. His. business of- fice is still in Philadelphia. The Monmouth Democrat says that tho Central and Pennsylvania Railroad Companies liave entered into an ami- cable arrangement to build tho project- ed road from Squan to Long Branch, and that the •nCw lino Will bo in: run- ning order by. July. What is intended probably is the lay ing of .another track alongside tho . present ono, which the two companies shall use, a double track being very much needed, especially be- tween the points named. It is reported that a train of passen- ger cars, which are ititonded to be tho handsomest in this country, are now' building by the Pennsylvania Railroad company to be run’ between West X ’hil- adolphia and Sea Girt during tho com- ing season. They will bo put on the road early in June, and will mako tho time in ono hour and forty-livo minutes, making no stops. Tho fast lines of last summer, making tho stops at Trenton and Freehold, will also be run. The Summer Excursion books which aro issued every year by tho Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company and which tho traveling public appreciate so much, will not be ready this season before Juno 1st. This department liasbecome so extensive,'with its connections now reaching to every part of tho country, that it is a task .of no ordinary magni- tude to adjust tho business. A copy of. tlie Traveler's Official Rail- way Guide for April was deposited .with other representative publications of the day, in tho corner stoiio of a new Prot- estant Episcopal Church at Borden- Iown, N%J., lately, whereat the editor indulges in a little speculation as to what the condition of the world , will .bo when that book shall after tho lapse of a coritury or (wo, ag.iin see tho light. Ho says, “possibly tlio problem of terial navigation.may then have' been practi- cally solved and the time of tiie fastest trains shown in tlio Guide, may be merely illustrations of how slow wo travel in this present ago.” Perhaps, ho continues, the navigation guides .of that period niay contain somo such'an- nouncements as the following: “ The largo iuid powerful iridium electric acrobats, of lhe Xalional litio will leave New York for San Francisco daily, at S a. m. arriving thc;same evening at 6 r. M., adording a magnificent view of the continent by daylight. All the acrobats' of the lino arc fully equipped witli tho. automatic speed arrester and the patent trussed parachute attachment. The of-, licers and pilots have had a long prac- tical experience iii lhesclence of alight- ing. The acrobats.of this lino fly di- rectly ovor Salt Lako, avoiding the dan- ger and discomforts of tho tempestuous region of Pike’s Peak; N o stop-overs allowed!” . - Tho speed, tho writor atlds, would, after tdl, be only at the ralo of about three hundred miles an hour, and that is but half the ratio of increase which has been realized over tho old stage- coach time of a hundred years ago. • The second Sabi ia ih in June will bo “ Children’s Day,n when colloclions will •bo taken in beiialf i.if the Board of Edu- cation.; . . A Sunday-school Assembly will bo hold at Round Lake, July Sth. - local and Personal. Bishop Bowman arrived at Now York from Europe on Monday of last week. Ho has been absent nearly a year. Mrs. Olin, widow of the lato Dr. Ste- phen Olin, an eminent Christian lady, died in New York on Friday, May 2. Rev. Dr. J. L. G. McICown died at Roseville, N. J., on the 2d inst. JIo had been in failing health forsoveral months. “ With ono fell swoop” the Advocate of last week brought up all arrearages in the way of delayed memorial notices and published about ten columns full. Take him any way you please, and the editor is hard to match. D. Homer Bates, Eaq., ono of our reg- ular Summer visitors at Ocean Grovo, and whose fine cottage at tho comer of Ocean Pathway and' Beach avenuo, is now nearly finished, has connected him- self with tho new “ Union Telegraph Company,” id which he has taken 25,- 000 shares, at $100 each. : Wo under- stand he will be the presidont of this new enterprise. The New Jersey ilelhodUt, Rev. George Hughes’ new paper, hns becomo closely identified with Ocean Grove at the very start. Dr. Stokes furniahed nn inaugural pormi for the tirat number, which reads with prophetic ring, and as tho editor himself is ono of the. original members of the Association, it is probable he will pay a good deal of attention to tho in- tercstsof oursea-side city in his columns. Rev. S. Vansant, Presiding Elder of New Brunswick District, conducted love- feast at St. Paul's M. E. Church, Occan Grove/oil liist Sabbath morning, after which he preached an excellent sermon on “ The Inheritance of tho Saints.” Rev. W. S. Barnart followed in the even- ing with another able discourse. Tbo congregations throughout the day -wore very large, many strangers being pres- ent. ' . Thero has latelybeen added to tho list of Methodist Episcopal churches in Camden, N.J., a now organization called Grace Church. Rev. W. C. Stockton is tho regularly appointed pastor, and is carrying on a series of. meetings which have already resulted ill the ingather- ing of.'soula. He believes in grace, free and full, and intends that the appoint- ment bearing this beautiful name shall be a placo of spiritual refreshing to all who come within its gates. Drew Theological Seminary. The eleventh annual commencement . will be held in Grace M. E; Church, Madison, N. J., commencing Sunday evoning, May 11, when the anniversary of the Missionary Association will take placo. Monday evoning, May 12, tho annual sermon will be delivered by Rev. Dr. Kettcll. Tuesday evening, May 13, Alumni Anmvor 3 ary; orator,. Rev. W. A. Chadwick, B. D.,.class of 72.’ Wed- nesday, May 14, 2 p. m., annual meeting of Trustees and business meeting of Alumni. Thursday, May 15, 10 a . m., public commencement exercises. St. Paul’s Sunday-school. The annual meeting for tho election ofollieers, was held on Tuesday evening, May 6 th'. - P. G. Snedekeir, Esq., who has heretofore so faithfully served tho school as Superintendent, on account of the pressure of other duties asked to . be released, and to Mr. D. B. Farring- ton waa assigned the chief rcsponsibiti- ' tv, with Mr. Sricdeker as assistant. A femitlo Superintendent was also elected. Henry C. Winsor continues to act as Secretary, J. S. Flitcrolt is appointed Treasurer, and O. H. Brown tho’effi- cient librarian still occupies that posi- tion. Tho school numbers 345 members, with aii average attendance of 230. Tho toachors, with whom tho pastor closely identifies himscll, aroaiuntelligent and zealous body of. Christian laborers, and tliq organization of tho school is as near poiicction as possible. • MivG. W. Evans, Secretary of tho Oceaii Grovo Associa- tion, is an experienced Sunday-school man and gives considerable attention to tho course of tho lessons. .
Page 1: REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1879. VOL. Y ... · rev. a. wallace, editor. saturday, may 10, 1879. vol. y. no. 19. silver wedding. . ' read on thk occasion ol* tiik "mi.-

REV. A. W A LLA CE, Editor. SATURDAY, M AY 10, 1879. VOL. Y. NO. 19.

■ Silver W edding. .' R EA D ON T H K OCCASION Ol* T I I K " M I .-


R ES ID E N C E , NO. 8 W AMIKS .A V K ., 1IALT1MOJIR, Ml>.,

APRU. 21, lS7!i. ..

B Y R E V . R . I I . R A L L , J>. 1>. *

.Twcnty-flvo y e a rso f m arried life! . *Thom as LI Poulson and Cora lilw wife. • ’ Hore standing together, eldo by side, •Tho happy bridegroom, an d lovely bride.,Aro mor«j m anly a n d w om anly In th eir prime, T han In tho days of their youthful t im e !

Bright vlnIons o f beauty sweep over th e scene,In b rle l retrospection o f m uch th a t lias been In all theso years o f your w edded b llsj— •

. Not ono of them happier, perhaps, th an this—. ' As surrounded by friendn, beloved b y all, .You have issued, conjointly, this w edding call.

Vivid pictures o f persons, too, puss in review— F am iliar forms and faces, loving and true. ' T rium phan tly some have reached the bright

' shore ' {more.'’They shall thero " ne ither hunger nor th irst ever* While others whoso hearts you have turned to

God, . •Are joyously traveling the straight, narrow road.

Twenty-flvo seasons of vernal flowers,Twonty-flvc Summers, w ith shady bowers, Twenty-fivo Autumns, with golden g rain , Twenty-flvo W inters of storm and rain Havo sw ept over sky and sea and land ,While you two have journeyed hand In hand.

And o f hum an beings a b illion ^mvo died,And th e ir places a billion m ore have supplied.

• Your sons and your daughters are present to-day. Savo thoso the flood Shepherd has taken away, (Jod-given jewels, treasures, more prcclous by far, Tlicn Orient gems, or the rich trophies of war.

Let them grandly pursue ways of. virtue and .; peace,

Let them ever in lovo and wisdom Increase!May their pathw ay snlno brighter ah d brighter

each day, . . •Till life 's jou rney be oyer—then Mimmoned away May parents and children rc-united above, ’ . W ith the glorified saints dwell in raptures o f love.

Three lovely forms sleep under tho sod—. T h eir spirit* wero borne to tho bosom of God,.

But they uro n o t lost,—only gone on before,You sha ll sec them ngula oil the b right sh in ing

. whore ! • • ‘ fdry,Every g rief shall be hushed, every tear shall bo

-When you m eet in your beautifu l m ansion ou ■ h ig h ! . / .

Tho g lad future before you rises ready to bless! -• I t points to the burdei.cd w ith sham e an d d is­

tress,• . And renews your comm Us Ion to g a ther them In,

From tho purlieus o f filthiness, borrow au d sin .To gather them In. for the grand Jubilee, I see. W hen tho ransolned tho K ing In his beauty shall

Then welcome afflictions, tf such Lo His will,,. Let us follow h is footsteps, h is m andates fulfil.

"As thy days so th y s tren g th ”—for. th e weak and tho strong

Ills doalings are wise, He can never do wrong.Ho Is k ind to tho m erciful, help to th e bravo,To nil, to the u tterm ost," Mighty to biivu.”

No privations Iticrc his servants shall k n o w ;Tho riches o f glory his love will bestow."E n te r Into m y jo y " Is the prem ise now given— Enter into m y joy is the fulness of heaven. Ineffable, boundless, e ternal, supromo,AU glory, to Jesus who d ied to redeom!-

.New Life. . .

Down in iny cellar, there is strug­gling through the hard, cold earth, the gorm of a littlo plant. I can iiot tell w hat i t is, though there are- signs of promise. I t is pale and frail in appear­ance, and I know 'it is in a perishing

. condition, l in t I take it up gently, and remove it ou t into the yard, and plant it where tlie sun-light, may fall upon it M ark the change. The ’plant! becomes healthy and vigorous. I t grows rapid­ly ; and ere long there appears a llower in bloom ; fragrant and beautiful. Lo! it is a lily. Look out yonder,’ainl poop into th a t dark corner of social* life. Who, or w hat is.I hut cursing,staggering crcaturo that poisons the air.w ith blas­phem y? Women and children shudder a t his approach. I io ia a l lob os picric in infamy and guilt. Do you tell me lie is; a. hum an being ? • I woidd like to a r­gue that poin t 'w ith you, and to con­tend lhat ho is a demon incarnate; and yet I know you would have the best of 'the argum ent; because hard as it is to believo, this vile creatu re may bo brought to think of God. l i e ' may bo led to weep on account of sin. Ho may .be led to pray,.and to believe in Christ, the unseen Saviour. He may be led to Open hia heart to the Sim of righteous­ness ; and marvellous possibility! this poor, perishing outcast, quickened ami renewed, becomes ;i son of God. • More than th a t; it docs n.<t appear wind ho shall be, lu r when .C h r is t shall, appear lio shall be liko H im . Jlo th a t hath the Son hath life; ho that h a th not tho Son of God,, hath, not lifo.”— National Pulpit. .

The Changing'Sea.

The sea has a great charm for me. I never tire of it. Thore aro days when it lio« in. qu ie t sleep, half covered with is h e e t of mist, and its m urm ur- ings on the shore are but the heavy breathings of its deep repose. Again it rages in the storm —a great, massive, seething,' boiling cauldron, tho bounds of which you cannot see. The demons seem to .have it in their grasp. Hero they hurl its waters high in air. Thore they m ake it foam, and hiss, and boil. Yonder they drive it with terrific fury along the shore as if to engulf the whole land. In its maddening course i t snaps off planks in tho breast-work built upon its borders, and levels with a single stroke of its strong hand tho bath houses loft too near.its domain. The ponder­ous ships are dashed upon tho shore in anger, and sport is mado of their de­struction. The grandeur of the storm , the howling wind and. the beating of the rain aro never known, until, walking on the shore, you learn of it from tho mighty deep. But tho storm docs not always last. The wind changes, tho clouds depart, and tho broad wings of pence cover and quiet the billowy brood into sweet tranquility. Thus from storm to sunshine, and from stillness to violent com m otion,'thore are moods, and freaks, and caprices, which inako tho sea as changeful as an April sky;

W .S .B .

The Chip That Could .Talk,T he following anecdote.*, related by

John W illiams, the m artyr missionary to th e South Sea Islands, will bp how to many of our yo.ung roadera. l i e was engaged ono day bowing tim ber for a chapel, surrounded by m any wondering natives. I t was when thus employed tha t tho incident occutrod of which he thus tells in . his “ Missionary Enter­prise”:

“ As I had. como to tho work one morning w ithout my square, I took up a chip, and with a piece of charcoal wrote upon it a request that M rs . Wil­liams would send me th a t article; I called a chief and said to him,

“ ‘Friend, tako th is; go to our houso and givo it to Mrs. Williams.’

“H e wns a singular looking m an, re­m arkably quick in his movements, and had been a great w arrior; but in one of his baltles he bad lost an eye. Giving m oan iuoxpiessiblo look with tho other, lie.said,

“ ‘Take th a t! she will .call m e a fool and scold me if I carry a chip to lier.’

“.‘N o / I replied, ‘ she will n o t; tako it and go im m ediately ; I am in haste.’

“ i ie took it from mo, and asked,4 W hat m ust I say?* ...

I replied, ‘ You havo nothing to s a y ; tho chip will say all I wish.’

“ W ith a look of astonishm ent and contem pt he' hold up the piece of wood, and Haiti,

How .can this speak? has it a m ou th?’ . • -... . ’ . ’

I desired him to take it im m ediate­ly and not’spend so m uch tim e in talk­ing aboiit iu

“On arriving a t the Iriusc ho gavo tho chip to Mrs. Williams, who read it, throw i t away, and w ent to tho tool-, chest, whithor tho chief, resolving to see. the ond of this mysterious business, followed hor closely. On receiving the square from her, he said, :’

“ ‘Slay, daughter, how do yon know th a t this is what Mr. W illiams w ants’?’

“ * W hy/ sho replied, * did you hot bring m e a chip just now ?’

*‘.fY es/ said the astonished w arrio r;1 but I did not hoar it say any thing.’

‘“ If you did not, I did,* was tho reply,‘ for it told me what ho wanted.. And all you have to do is to return with it as quickly ila possible;* ..

“ W ith this tho chiof leaped o u t o f tho house, nnd catching up tlio mysterious piccn .oi* wood, he ran through the set­tlem ent wjth the cliiji iii ono hand and the square in tho r.ther, holding them up as high as his arm s would reach and shouting as ho went, ,. “ See tho wisdom of theso English

people!. Thoy; can m ake chips talk!: thoy can m ake, chips ts Ik !f...

“ On giving mo tho square, lie wished to know how it was possible thus to con­verse with persons at a diatanco. I gavo him all tho explanation I Could, b u t it was to him such a mystery that he ac­tually tied a string to tho chip, hung it round his neck and wore it for some timo. For several days after we fre­quently saw him surrounded by a crowd, who wero listening with intense interest while he told them of the wonders which this chip bad performed.” \

R aratongais now a Christian land. I t has its churches an J Christian schools, and is govorned wisely and weil, .by “Isaia,” a native chief. H e never for­gets, in his laws and plans for tho good o f his people, th a t “ righteousness exalt- eth a nation.”—T/tc Observer.

I Wonder how it will Look ?We often take our standpoint away—r

away in the endless future.. Wo think, of tho tim e when our.deathless spirit will have been a million of years in the eternal world. Then wo bid thought in its amazing activities Hy over tlio inter­vening space, and plant our feet on th a t far distant point on the eternal cl ills. And then we look back oh the poin t of time now occupied by ourselves and all earth’s redeemed inhabitants.

O how small, and yet how' g reat in results do m any things appear, th a t oc­cupied, tho ‘ attention and influenced the actions of the inhabitants of earth. We see tens of thousands standing on the “ narrow, neck o f land, *twixt two unbounded seas,” when suddenly tho dashing billows' of eternity’s vast ocean roll up at an unlodkcd for moment, and they are ongulpbed. And thus, though m om entarily iii jeopardy, and jnvaro tha t life is but a probation, how do they occupy th a t brief m om ent of timo? W hat aro they doing? Many aro tho acknowledged servants of the God of this world. Though aware that to bo carnally minded is death—eternal death, still they fill up life’s short pYobationas tho children of this world—the servants of sin, and lo ! the snares of the enemy, “ Tribulations and anguish, upon every soul of m an.thnt.doeth evil, of the Jew* fir^t,” th a t is, those whom God w'ould fain havo m ade vessels of grace, having enjoyed superior religious advantages, —“ and also of tho Gentiles,” who, though less favored than the children of promise, having failed' to uso the grace received, aro sw’ep t away in their sins. — Guide to Holiness.

Religion.Tho development of the inner expe­

riences of religion. through illustrative natural object receives fresh confirma­tion ovory year in tho impression mado at tlio Grovo by.tho presence of tlio 'per­petually fresh mystery o f tho sea. To tho sum m er residents of the Grovo it is what tho corn fields and vineyards and Galilean shores were to the dwellers in Judea whon the Saviour walked and talked with men. The sea with its illim it­able fulness always interprets tlieillim it- ablo fulness of the atonem ent and its cleansing purity. - Tho soriptual con­ception of having tho. “ bodies washed willi puro water,” is equally suggestive of,tlio principles of holiness upon which Ocean Grove lias been founded.

" . A; E .U •'

The Summer Sea.

During the long hot months of Sum ­m er old Ocean mostly rests. As though it would not. terrify its visitors it puls on its .best behavior,, and assumes a charm ing gontleness. Tam e as a pet lamb tho thousands fear it not, but gather on its shores to sport in its bil­lows. H o w m any in strange attiro are wooed to i Is -embrace,, and. leap, and dance, anti laugh, as they perm it its arms to enclose them, whilo many, many more*remain upon tho strand to sit, and roll, a n d ' dig, and play in the sand without fear of contam ination from contact with tho clean, powdered rock beneath them; - W hat myriads of won­ders,. too, a r.« found along the shore I — tho stones, the shells, (ho.seaweed, tlie jelly-fish, the dam s, tho birds, and the rem nants of tho wrecks that onco wore full of promise, but a t length came to an untim ely end!. W . S. B.

Atlantic City.The Camden & Atlantic Railroad Co,

take a commendable pride in the grow­ing im portance of this seaside resort. And well they may, for without tho aid of their.en terpm e, no such condition of things as now appear in connection with its deserved popularity could have been brought about.

This fact receives duo prom inence in the columns of tho Atlantic Review, a lato num ber of which, now before us, is nearly filled with testim ony bearing on tho excellent san ita ry character of the place—not merely in tho sultry weeks of Sum m er, but throughout the W inter m onths as well.

. I t is a notable circumstance, th a t be­tween two and three hundred nam es of tlie most reputable physicians in.Phila­delphia, appended to certificates' and opinions, appear in the above named paper, recommending to patients the salubrious ahd stim ulating atm osphere of the New Jersey, coast, as greatly ben­eficial to general health. .

Inlluential papers, also, such as the Ledger and some of the New* York dai­lies, lmvo called attention to the sam e subject, and with tho excellent facilities rendered by tho C. Sc A. road,.in . expe­ditious and comfortable travel, we do n o t wonder to hear of hotels crowded and social- pleasures enjoyed, where, a few years ago, there was no attraction b u t tho drear and desolate beach.

The Railroad Company aro now en­larging their arrangem ents fortheheiuryj travel expected during tho ensuing sum ­mer. Parlor; cars, fast trains, through connections from Now York . and the norihorn cities, and the fact th a t this famed resort is only about 90 m inutes ride from Philadelphia, keep prominent- tho inducem ent to patronize it.. I f any thing moro is needed to givo the placo pre-eminence it is found in such a paper as the Itevicw, wide awake as it. seems to be, and intelligently devoted to the continued growth and popularity o f At­lantic City.

Philadelphia Notes.The semi-annual election o f officers

of the Philadelphia Preachers’ m eeting took place last Monday morning, and resulted in placing Rev. D. W. Gordon in the chair. A New'Jersey brother .is generally solectcd as vice-president, and this honor fell to Rov. W. C. Stockton. Rev. S. W. Gehrett continues to occu­py the place ot secretary, and a reliable treasurer was found in Bro, John W. Sayres. Tho standing committee, tak­ing cognizance of all busines3 matters,, consists o( Revs. K irkpatrick, Gray and S. G. Grove. Rov. G. W. M cLaughlin, serves on tlio still Sabbath commit­tee, and will watch this interest closely. Dr. Rittenhouse and Rev. A. M. W ig­gins are associated with him . The temperance committee was constituted by the election o f Bros. Mull in,. Buck­ley and J . S. Lame, and the new term was opened under favorable auspices.

The usual m onthly serm on beforo tho Preachers’ meeting, was delivered on the morning o fth o o th inst., by Rov.,G. K. Morris, A. M., o f Mt. -Holly, 2sr; J. The services wore • opened by singing “All hail the pow erof .lesus’ nanio,” etc., and prayer by Rev. Samuel Irwin. Tho hist verse of the sixteenth Psalm w as announced as the te x t :“ Thou wilt- shew m e the path of. life : in the presence is fullness of joy ; a t lliy ri.«;lit hand there are pleasures lor everm ore.” llapp ines .1 only in God, was the preach­ers’ theme. Man is constituted with two infinities in his nature, one down­ward to depth,of woe which increase as ho departs from G od; and tlio o ther sublime as ho rises into tho divino liko- ncss.

T he Bishop Amqs niemorial services were hold in Wesley H all, a t th e ' close of tho sermon. V Upv. Wm. J. Pax- son jiresided. Prayer was olio red by Rov.' Joseph Mason, an ably written mompir was read by Dr. To.iltl, and ad­dresses wero delivered by Dr. J . S. Por­ter, Hov. P. Cooinbe, Dr. Ivy nett and SamUel Barnes. .

The Sing Sing Camp-moeting will oommcnco August 5. - -

B^lroad Items,

I t is tlio settted purpose of tho Penn­sylvania Railroad Company to allow' no liquor-selling a t any of its depots, w'here it controls the iriatter of privilege. By a preniptory order 1 ast week, five deal­ers /who had occupied places in th e . building a t Jersey, City, w'ero cleared out. The same course is adopted a t W est Philadelphia, and all stations on its various lines. V _ ■“

On the New York Division of tho PennsyV.yanuyRailroad,' the company is preparing '•'■ to ' decorate 'the * grounds aroitnd each .depot, -with p lants and flowers, grass plots and foun tains.: This will prove a source of unfailing pleas­ure to those who frequent th e 1 stations, and to all prssengers on passing trains. ’

H . j . Fillmanj Esq., General Passen­ger Agent of tho Pennsylvania Railroad has taken up his residence in Bordon- town, where he has secured a vory handsome property. His. business of­fice is still in Philadelphia.

The Monmouth Democrat says that tho Central and Pennsylvania Railroad Companies liave entered into an am i­cable arrangem ent to build tho project­ed road from Squan to Long Branch, and that the • nCw lino Will bo in: run­ning order by. July. W hat is intended probably is the lay i ng of .another track alongside tho . present ono, w hich the two companies shall use, a double track being very m uch needed, especially be­tween the points nam ed.• I t is reported that a train of passen­ger cars, which are ititonded to be tho handsomest in this country, are now' building by the Pennsylvania Railroad company to be run’ between W est X’hil- adolphia and Sea G irt during tho com­ing season. They will bo p u t on the road early in June, and will m ako tho time in ono hour and forty-livo m inutes, m aking no stops. Tho fast lines of last summer, making tho stops a t Trenton and Freehold, will also be run.

The Summer Excursion books which aro issued every year by tho Pennsyl­vania Railroad Company and which tho traveling public appreciate so much, will not be ready this season before Juno 1st. This departm ent liasbecome so extensive,'with its connections now reaching to every part of tho country, that it is a task .of no ordinary m agni­tude to adjust tho business.

A copy of. tlie Traveler's Official Rail- way Guide for April was deposited .with other representative publications of the day, in tho corner stoiio of a new Prot­estant Episcopal Church a t Borden- Iown, N% J., lately, w hereat the editor indulges in a little speculation as to what the condition of the world , will .bo when that book shall after tho lapse of a coritury or (wo, ag.iin see tho light. Ho says, “possibly tlio problem of terial navigation.m ay then have' been practi­cally solved and the tim e of tiie fastest trains shown in tlio Guide, may be merely illustrations of how slow wo travel in this present ago.” Perhaps, ho continues, th e navigation guides .of that period niay contain somo su c h 'an ­nouncements as the following: “ The largo iuid powerful iridium electric acrobats, of lhe X alional litio will leave New York for San Francisco daily, a t S a . m. arriving thc;same evening a t 6 r. M., adording a m agnificent view of the continent by daylight. All the acrobats' of the lino arc fully equipped witli tho. autom atic speed arrester and the patent trussed parachute attachm ent. The of-, licers and pilots have had a long prac­tical experience iii lhesclence of alight­ing. The acrobats.of this lino fly di­rectly ovor Salt Lako, avoiding the dan­ger and discomforts of tho tempestuous region of P ike’s Peak; N o stop-overs allowed!” • . - •

Tho speed, tho writor atlds, would, after tdl, be only a t the ralo of about three hundred miles an hour, and th a t is but half the ratio o f increase which has been realized over tho old stage­coach time of a hundred years ago.

• The second Sabi ia ih in June will bo “ Children’s Day,n when colloclions will •bo taken in beiialf i.if the Board of Edu­cation.; . . •

A Sunday-school Assembly will bo hold a t Round Lake, Ju ly Sth. -

local and Personal.

Bishop Bowman arrived at Now York from Europe on Monday of last week. Ho has been absent nearly a year.

Mrs. Olin, widow of the lato Dr. Ste­phen Olin, an em inent Christian lady, died in New York on Friday, May 2.

Rev. Dr. J. L. G. McICown died a t Roseville, N. J., on the 2d inst. JIo had been in failing health forsoveral m onths.

“ W ith ono fell swoop” the Advocate of last week brought up all arrearages in the way of delayed memorial notices and published about ten columns full. Take him any way you please, and the editor is hard to m atch.

D. H om er Bates, Eaq., ono of our reg­ular Sum m er visitors a t Ocean Grovo, and whose fine cottage a t tho com er of Ocean Pathway and ' Beach avenuo, is now nearly finished, has connected him ­self with tho new “ Union Telegraph Company,” id which he has taken 25,- 000 shares, a t $100 each. : Wo under­stand he will be the presidont of this new enterprise.

The New Jersey ilelhodUt, Rev. George Hughes’ new paper, hns becomo closely identified with Ocean Grove a t the very start. Dr. Stokes furniahed nn inaugural pormi for the tirat number, which reads with prophetic ring, and as tho editor him self is ono of the. original members of the Association, it is probable he will pay a good deal of attention to tho in- tercstsof oursea-side city in his columns.

Rev. S. Vansant, Presiding Elder of New Brunswick District, conducted love- feast a t St. Paul's M. E. Church, Occan Grove/oil liist Sabbath m orning, after which he preached an excellent sermon on “ The Inheritance of tho Saints.” Rev. W. S. B arnart followed in the even­ing with another able discourse. Tbo congregations throughout the day -wore very large, m any strangers being pres­ent. '

. Thero has latelybeen added to tho list of Methodist Episcopal churches in Camden, N .J., a now organization called Grace Church. Rev. W. C. Stockton is tho regularly appointed pastor, and is carrying on a series of. meetings which have already resulted ill the ingather­ing of.'soula. H e believes in grace, free and full, and intends that the appoint­m ent bearing this beautiful nam e shall be a placo of spiritual refreshing to all who come within its gates.

Drew Theological Seminary.The eleventh annual com m encem ent .

will be held in Grace M. E; Church, Madison, N. J., com m encing Sunday evoning, May 11, when the anniversary of the Missionary Association will take placo. Monday evoning, May 12, tho annual serm on will be delivered by Rev. Dr. Kettcll. Tuesday evening, May 13, Alum ni Anmvor3 a ry ; orator,. Rev. W. A. Chadwick, B. D.,.class o f 72.’ W ed­nesday, May 14, 2 p. m., annual m eeting of Trustees and business m eeting of Alumni. Thursday, May 15, 10 a . m ., public com m encem ent exercises.

St. Paul’s Sunday-school.The annual m eeting for tho election

ofollieers, was held on Tuesday evening, May 6 th'. - P. G. Snedekeir, Esq., who has heretofore so faithfully served tho school as Superintendent, on account of the pressure o f o ther duties asked t o . be released, and to Mr. D. B. Farring­ton waa assigned the chief rcsponsibiti- ' tv, with Mr. Sricdeker as assistant. A femitlo Superintendent was also elected.

H enry C. Winsor continues to act as Secretary, J . S. F litcrolt is appointed Treasurer, and O. H . Brown th o ’effi­cient librarian still occupies th a t posi­tion.

Tho school num bers 345 m em bers, with aii average attendance of 230. Tho toachors, with whom tho pastor closely identifies himscll, a roaiun te lligen t and zealous body of. Christian laborers, and tliq organization of tho school is as near poiicction as possible. • MivG. W. Evans, Secretary of tho Oceaii Grovo Associa­tion, is an experienced Sunday-school m an and gives considerable attention to tho course of tho lessons. .

Page 2: REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1879. VOL. Y ... · rev. a. wallace, editor. saturday, may 10, 1879. vol. y. no. 19. silver wedding. . ' read on thk occasion ol* tiik "mi.-

O C E A 2 T C S - ^ O - V E l B E O O B D , M - A - T T I O , 1 8 7 9 .


R E V . A . W A L L A C E ,No. 11 if . S e v e n t h S t ., P h i l a d e l p h ia ,




Oml copy, to u r m ontlie................................." . glx moTithB................................. .1 lf one year,......................................

Cluti of tlve, one year, cat-.h, ." ■'* ten, " V " ..........

' ■** f twenty. • 14 " ........................' 1 twonty-tivo. ** ; — ..AriTcrtt'cmaui* inserted at the rau; o f te n ccnt*

p er Hue, one time. Form ic, two. o r oirco m onths, o r by tlio yuftr, ft liberal reduction will be m ade.

. ,r>o . .76. SI GO . 1.40: 1 .2 . . 1.10 . 1.00


.i 'i r ry cents will jiay for tlic Ocean Gkove Ri:coni> for fotir months.

Tlio dem and for copies of the ia quite lively: ’I t give? ns pleasure to

. send it to all who write.Some one hns addressed lis a postal

card from Tarry town, but forgot to write anything on the other side.

• Smock A Buchanan furnish the lum ­ber for tho new boardwalk along Wesley Luke. Tho curbing is to ho of stone.

The northern, wing of the Sheldon House extension, which will.be the maiii entrance hereafter, is rapidly approach­ing completion, •

The Fielder Cottage,-Ocean Pathway, may lie rented as ft boarding house fur

.th e Summer, if not sold very soon. It it-a beautiful situation.

Any person , having a good family • ten t 11x14, or larger, to dispose of, ivill hear of a purchaser by corresponding

’with the editor of this paper.Mr. \Viliisford Dey aAd John A. Gitli-

0 of Aabury Park, represent Neptune township on the Grand Jury at the pres-

. .cut term of tho Court a t Freehold.Fouit full-lots in Asbtiry Park, in

spVefiditl locations, three of them niljoin- : ing and near Educational H all, will be ’sold on good terms by application to

. lie*. A; Wallace, cilice of this paper.A roomy cottage, well located and

furnished may lie rented for $200. Ac­commodations .for 20 to :>0 boarders. Apply to tiie editor of this paper, Satur­days or Mondays at H N .'7 tli St., Phil-

’ ndolphia, or nl.lhe Printing H ouse’ As- .bury l ’iirk, Wednesdays or Thursdays.

Oiir real estate mon aro so busy th a t we fear they do not take sufficient time to revise their lists' of collages for rent: II can inirdiy.be possible tiiat there are so many remaining still w ithout ten­ants as appear in our advertising col­umns, ilhey aro going 6(1'very fast.

Wi: learn that our friend 1): I I . Brown, Esq., Treasurer of the 0 . G. C. M. Asso­ciation, m et with a serious accident while driving iu Brooklyn last Tuesday. H is horse took fright and ran away, throwing him out and bruising, him painfully. Ho will probably be confin­ed to the house firseveral days,

Tiie times must be improving, for we have had an unusually large and cordial response to tiie hills sent out last week. Subscription* may he handed in at- the Printing House, Asbury Park ; Associa­tion Ollicc, Ocean Grove; our Philadel­phia office, 14 North Seventh street, or enclosed to us a t either of these places by letter. •

There appeared to be an increased interest in congregational singing in St. Paul’s Churcli last Sunday. This was due probably to the purchase of many copies of the new I-Iymnni-by the mem­bers of our church and congregation at the lato fair. Mrs. Barnart's tablo was well patronized, and in addition to the H y m n a l a number of Oxford Bibles werosold. .

The Monmouth Democrat nuistslop up and explain. Our funny friend, the editor, has been putting liis hand, or liis foot, into the local temperance oper; utioiis of Asbury Park, and suggests Unit some of our new converts to tho <21 1 1 * 0 are lacking in the, elements of btick-nbility. One of tho latter opens 011 the Major through our columns this week, and wo now pause for a reply.'

Death of Geo, C, Perreo,

A fter ft tedious and very severe illness insting through the Fall and W inter months, Mr. Georgo C. Ferrec, of the well-.known firm of Forrec'ifc McKee,who have conducted, a genoral store on Main avenue for several years past, died nt his Philadelphia residence, h - l Ninth

. 22d street, on .last F rid ivy, and w hs borne to tlio grave on Tuesday, afternoon of the present. week.

A very large circle of intim ate friends m ourn his departure, l ie wns a m an of tine business'cnpa city, I'hcrgclie'and devoted, lull suffered .so intensely o f lain yearn from’overtaxed powers,, aiid nervous prosLiation, th a t if ever tiie last messenger was welcome, -in 'being the

..means of escape from life’s weariness, it was so in his case. H e rests in hope.

Semi-Annual Meeting.

Secretary, Evans' postal card notices are out, notifying tho members of tlio Ocean Grove Camp-mceting Association tllat : the sem i-annual meeting will; be held next week, commencing on Tues­day, May 18th, a t 11.30 a . m . To be present a t th a t hour, - it will he neces­sary for tho brethren to take the m orn­ing trains, which arrive, from New York a t 10.25, ’arid froni Philadelphia, via. Pennsylvania road at 11."0.

Those who have not seen the Grove since last October, although . reading weekly of .improvements.in various de­partments, .will doubtless be surprised to find, by actual obsprvatioii, how much has bison done in the way o fh iird work during the W inter and Spring months, and equally so, when they ascertain what is in cm itom platiorirbcfore tjSc season practically begins in .Tune or about the first of July. The niembors it- is lioped-will all como prepared to re­main over, Wednesday.

'. Songs of the Sea,

Most persons, acquainted with Rev. Dr. Stokes, President of tho 0 . G. C.-M. Association,, are aware, of the fact that he has occasionally' m ade the sea a sub­ject of contem plation, arid produced some fine thoughts in the form of poet­ic im agery and description, on its ev6r varying,m oods; but, that, ho had writ­ten enough 0 1 1 this single theme: to con- stitnte ii m onograph, embracing twenty sis separate and distinct conceptions, we did not suppose .until, the publica­tion was placed in out-hand last iveek.

Its. general title is thatigiveri.tibove, with tho. im prin t, “ Ocean Grove, N. J., 1870." I t opens with an unwritten, but. expressive and beautiful’ poem present­ed in pictorial art—r11'sea' shell ly in g 011 the sandy beach, arid within its limits, a sunrise scene, suggestive of dreamy twilight, .merging into the manifested glories of 11 Sum m er morning. Besides this there are n ine or ten other etchings a few of w hich are familiar,’others new, and in unison witlf the several topics oil which the. au thor’s muse expended sohie of its pen t exhuberariee. :

Sumo of tho poems included are but fragmentary, while several possess a fin-, tailed'elegance in diction, which make-* them ,gems worthy of the fino typo graphical spiting here given to them? In the collection there is one production of considerable length, tho story of "R uthcna Vernon,” in which far-fetch ed fancy interweaves ft downright lovo affair, the course of which, as usual, is obstructed, but after patient devotion, and tho perils of a well sketched ship­wreck, the ending is m utually felici tons.

To say that the doctor him self super­intended its ornate execution, and that our friend, John A. Haddock, of the Rowley & Chew Printing House, Phila- delphia, did th e :\york in th e ’finest style accounts for the exceptional neatness of the work. The only thing we find to com plain of is- that enough copies of "Songs of the Sea” have not been prin t­ed to go around the entire circle of friends aud adm irers who would appre­ciate such a present.

A Good Mea Abandoned,

Sea Grove, for two or throe years en­joyed an adveiititous celebrity which it now seems to be losing as rapidly as it was gained .; .T h e , location possessed extraordinary advantages and, means o f access were-all -that could be desired. Mr. W billdin with the powerful patron­age .of tiie' Presbyterian Church . a t his back, m ade large and libera! oiitlay to establish a moral and religious seaside resort som ewhat after the m anner of Ocean Grove, the constitution and man­agem ent of which werecarefiilly.studied and closely imitated. And to place the new enterprise beyond all contingcn cies, and m ake it ivliat its projectors hoped, Mr, John W anuniaker lent very largely the aid of his genius in tho direction of general advertising. A bet­ter chance, 1 1 0 placo started,; combining health,''recreation and devotion, ever had for perm anent prosperity than Sea Grove with i ts ’sen. and- bay outlook, its rom antic lake of lilies, its pavilion for preaching, arid its absolute exclusion of intoxicating liquor. There was a t ono period a furorein buying lotsand build­ing family cottages and line hotels. I.list s e a s o n , however, with u daily steamer added to the lino accommoda­tions of tbo W est Jersey Railroad, the place began to w:ui«.

Tlio name was changed to “Cape May Point," anil a dugreo of''s ty Iti’1. iii hotel arrangem ents su itab le .to tbo fashion­able demands of “sni-iely" put* ou Religious meetings under Ibese eiivum-' rtnnees were :i snrt »»f inenngliiily, and Voted .11 boie.

W ith a .splendid sleaiiier making dai­ly trips, and unusual railroad facilities besides, enough people could no t bo collected to half fill tho boarding houses last year'. Tho religions feature is now

practically abandoned, and so near Cape May City, as it lies, the strictly tem perance idea, we fear will soon be­come a dead letter.

There may be reasons fo r this whole­sale modification o f agrftnd program m e' which -we do riot apprehend ; bu t it is our deliberate opinion that; more free, active mid persistent efforts in the way 'of soul-saving, would have, saved the character of the placo and crowned it yearly ivith honor iind glory. . T ho m anagem ent have been .’m ost generous towards M ethodist brethren,-in allowing participation in religious services,-but if. they could have gone so far as to have sanctioned an old fashioned camp- meeting in the vicinity o f theirspleridid “ Pavilion,” it would fmve wonderfully helped to popularize.tho place.'

The fato .of Ocean Grove is foreahad- owed in the pietsire we have draw n, if its intensely religious character is per-, m itten to wane. W ith all our modorn improvements, lot us hold fast to the old landmarks. Salvation is the 0 1 1 0 supremely im portant cletnunt of our

ontinued success. ■

Tho Nov? Jersey Methodist. .

The first (lumber of Rev. G. H ughes’ new . p ip e r appeared last week. The form': is enlarged beyond th a t o f the itVonton sheet,-of ivhich it is in some respects .i> continuation, o r successor, and. is printed a t the snnie olliee, and with,the same' degree ,of typogrnphieal tnste and excellence, which m ad e . the Trenton MelKodist “a; th ing of beau ty.”

This feature,-in the first place, is not the least among those factors which en­ter into the question of newspaper pop­ularity and. success. A nother and higher elem ent looking to the sam e end, is-what m ight bo called "sett-roprn"—a field o f operation, large enough for ail desirable -expansion! This the new paper will amply- possess, even its sphere is bounded by the State of New Je’rsey, ana Us patronage o'onfined to the two Conferences of which it, becomes in a certain seiiso the local organ . B u t its circulation will m ost likely transcend these limits, for the th ird and last essen­tial in this combination of things —a, ready pen, with . the best adapta­tion to rrieeta public, dem and, is no t wanting .in the editor ansi publisher. We, therefore, hazzard little , iu predict­

i n g for the new paper a reasonably largo share of cordial support.

The initial number, as a specim en of Bro. Hughes’ plan, will strike overy- b'ody with favor. Knowing som ething of the embarrassments attendant on a 'beginning, in such an enterprise »s this, we think, he hits done wonders, and al­most reached the acm e of excellence a t the yery start, leaving him self but little m argin for im provement in the fiitu ra ; b u t of this ive shall, be able to judge as his .m achinery gets iiitb .regular running order. I t is n o t , only worth readirig-—every article and item, but, on account of its pictorial illustrations, iri- ehidiiVg a pprtrjiit .of Bishop Scott,-aiid a cut of- the first M, E . Churcli in New Jersey, with .an accompanying histori­cal sketch by Judge Yard ofTrenton, it should be, and we think will be preserv­ed' in-the thousand of households, in which it has been distributed.

A single half dollar from each for a. years’ sirbscripti6n,will be the beat send- off the people can give this new claim­an t for their patronage, The outlay w;ill not be found burdensome, and. tho return, in such a bright,, beautiful and instructive visitor, will prove a large gain to young or old. Those of our readers.iylio have not seen it, iind Who would like to subscribe, iis we hope all of them will, e e n ' address • Rev. George Hughes, Trenton, N. J,

— — •- m ’

Tsnth. Anniversary,.I t will bo ten 3 'eare, on the evening of

Ju ly 31st, since our first little informal religious scrvice on these grounds. F or three or four years past we have cele­brated. this event by special services adapted to the day. W e shall do so this year, atid ns this com pletes our first licediie by the sea, it seems appro­priate thnt som ething a little more m arked nnd .particular, should distin­guish this occasion. The : exercises m ight be varied, and especially, the m onum ental decorations should bo more extended. In what shall the ex­ercises consist ? W hat shall the perm a­nent m onum ental decorations be? Wo shall be glad to receive suggestions from any soureo ; anclns far ns they , may bo practicable and consistent with other pla ns to assist in carrying them into'of- feet. - ' - .

The m onum ents already set up, on those soyeral. occasions, nro four large vases, otic in Memorial Park, Centen-. 11 ini l ‘ark ; to the 1‘ioneer Women, and the one. in front o fth e 1‘roachcr‘s stand, in Iho rear of th« nodiforiom , all of which are thingn of beauty.. A contin nation of these, or other decorations for a term of years, will greatly improve and increase tho attractions o f our grounds.

Late Publications,

The American Sunday-School Union hits ju st issued a. volume which claims a degree of attention beyond th a t given to ordinary . publications; I t is entitled “Anglo-American Bible Revision, by 'niembers of the Am erican -Revision Com m ittee.” Of the twenty-seven em inent' scholars who compose Ihe com m ittee on th is side the Atlantic, wo liavo articles in this-book from n ine­teen of them , explaining the scope, and indicating the progress o f the work' in hand. They aro associated With fifty- two literary men and divines of Great Britain; in this, the greatest biblical en­terprise of modern tim es—tlio revision of the.authorized' version of the. H oly Scriptures. The two committees have been prosecuting tlieir labors since 1871, and expect to subriiit to the world tho result of their ten or twelve years’ work abotit, 1882, isi a thoroughly revis­ed Bible. O fthe necessity of this, there is'less difference of opinion every year. The sensitiveness felt about interm ed­dling With a book so fam iliar to all English speaking peoplo since the days of King James, is no t so great at. pres­ent aa formerly. W here i t does exist, ti perusal of the volume before 'us, we think, will help to overcome all preju­dice, and a,waken the deepest, interest among Bibical scholars; in the fur­therance of tlm work. I t m ay be order­ed from .1122 Chestnut street, Philadel­phia, or ,8 and 10 Bible H ouse; New York, Price, 75 cents.

F or distinctively Tem perance, books, we have usually looked to the press of the N ational Tem perance Society, New York, but we are glad to notice that o ther houses are now giving attention to this kind of. literature. In a very beautiful arid well written' volume of nearly 300 pages, antitlcd “ Dr. Reri- wiek’s Medicines,” by Mrs. A. IC D un­ning, published by the Am erican Sun­day-school Uiiion, we have a teiriper- arice story of varym arked ability. The lust entrenchm ent o f the ram foe, will be. found in respectable tippling, under the plausible prescription of a popular family doctor, and his responsibility is shown to be no less thari th a t of the li­quor seller, when he no t only sanctions, but creates and cultivates in his pa­tients, tho use of stim ulating bovorageu. In exposing such danger Mrs. Dunning' has rendered excellent servico in this book. A touch of rom ance, nnd the successful ending.of a love afiUir thrown in, will of course, m ultiply tho num ber of its readers, and m ake it as things go, a m ost attractive volume for the Sun­day-school library. Considering iti! healthful tone and high m oral senti­ment,, we cunnot but commend it.. A nother juvenile story,, from the same publishers, and by a w riter already well known, Mrs.1 E m i|y Hartley, is entitled “Odd momenta of tho Willoughby Boys” —presenting a -good deal of pleasing and valuable inform ation in natural sc ience; for the .“beys” 'are o f an in­quiring turn of m ind iind in their labo­ratory, and out-do or life, are ju s t such hearty, genial fellows, as o ther boys, if not idle and selfish will be likely to ad­m ire and im itate. The book id well il­lustrated, and very entertaining.

W hen the Garner was ao popular as a music book at Ocean Grove last season, there was:, constant dem and for a pub­lication containing th e words only. This expressed w ant tiie pu.ilishor. Mr. John J . Hood, has now met, having is­sued a hym n edition, csntaining about ■170 pieces,. a l l , suitable, arid m any of them very finely adapted to prayer meeting, Sunday-schools and gospel tem perance work, The baok-is neatly printed,-strongly bound, and sells a t $10 per hundred copies. For eala a t C08 Arch street, Philadelphia.

Among the issues o f new series of de­nom inational and religious tracts by the M, E .'Book Concern iii New York, wo have the following: Support of Mis­sions, by Bishop H a r r i s “ The-M aster Saith,” by A: Disciple ; W hnt K atie did, a beautiful sk e tch ; First- words for a 'Probationer, by Dr. J . T. C rane; I1roui- inent Doctrines aiid Peculiar Usuages of the 51. E. Ohurcli, stated arid defend­ed, by .Rev. B. H aw ley ; arid the Dairy­m an's Daughter, a trac t which will never becomo obsolote in its poivor io do good.

Mrs. K: E. IioJ-'d ar.d her sister, Miss Em m a M. Johnston, arrived a t tho Grove la s t week, and are busily engaged I n fitting up tho beautiful Terrace Cot­tage on Ocean Pathway, whore they have'furnished the best eiitertaiuinent for th a t class o f guests a t Ocean Grove, wlso prefer the t o o : in regard to loca­tion, accommodations and society. Terraco Cottage is pre-em inent for a l l these advantages,- and Mi-s. B. can now be addressed a t the Grove by distant friends, who would like to engage their rooms in advance.

Rev. Jam es Mathews, tho evangelist of New York, has moved to his cottage in the Grove for the season.

Anxious to Enow the. Name,

. E d it o r ok t h e O c e a n G r o v e R e co rd . —H aving noticed in the MonmofUh £angcra l'a (last week’s issue,(May 1st),, an article referring to a tem perance m eeting held a t Asbury P ark on the 23d ult., an account'of which was pub­lished in T h e R e c o w ), and n o t boing able to determ ine who its author is, we m ost respectfully beg leave through your columns to ask the editor o f ihe Montrwuth Democrat, y/\)l he please pub­lish the ..name of its au thor? I f riot,, please send trio the author's nam e by. mail, and I will inform the society con­fidentially.; I t may save us from dis­grace, in the future, as we desire to have no fellowship or association with sipy person, who seems to be so familiar with the devil, as te know tlmt when lie got sick he joined . the tem peranco so­ciety. Our tem perance society is not- of th a t sort, we liavo no devil in it, nor will wo consent to have, arid if. we can learn the nam e of the authbr above re­ferred to, we' Will avoid th a t one, he, or she m ay remain Whero . they properly belong. W e are charged With being unclean. Well, we shan’t: complain about t lm t; Jesus was charged nearly, 1,000'years ago. with the same, evil or crimo of allowing his disciples to eat with unwashed hands, and -he 'did. not complain only ci' those characters who thought they were too righteous to coed, reformation. .

But, inasmuch, as tho; substance o f the whole article is made up-of taunts we do n o t feel disposed to reply to it, .

Now all wo . desire is to know the nam e of the. author, th a t sve m ay.al­ways bo prepared to lot him atone and avoid such. c6mpaiiy,a8 we have resolv: ed to m aintain a reform ation in ,our habits. W e shall study, and be careful io keep ou t of evil com pany and cspec- ially those.who have sueh fam iliar in­tercourse with his tetanic majesty as to know th a t when lie gets sick lie joined the tem perance people.

As we. liave no axe to grind iieilher any political sore eye to anoint, -,ye shall Bign our name, respectfully etc.,

C l a r k N e w .m a k .Anbury .Park, M aylth , 1879.

— m1 % ^ ---.T h e tompcranco work goes bravely

oro The next m onthly mooting will be hold in St.-Paul’s Ohurch, (no o ther will hold the people) on Monday next, May 12th, a t which time, Rev. Messrsi Taylor, B arnart and T ucktr, Mrs. Beegie and, others w illm ake short addresses. Music will be.interspersed throughout tho ex­ercises. The women’s 'prilyer meeting is kep t up with great interest every Mondoy afternoon, a t 8.o’clock, in Park Hall, 3um m er residento who m ay come in to take up their'abode v ith «8 for a time are affectionately in v ited . to 'drop in and spend the hour with u*. A t the Iasi two meetings,. Indies froiri abroad have addressed us greatly to our edifi­cation, Some o f , the m ost persistent, tipplers in this com m unity have signed the .tem perance pledge nov. being cir­culated by tlio “W omen’s League.”

Atlantic House,The members of tho Ocean Grovo

Association on assembling for th« semi­annual m eeting on next Tuesday, will dine a t the A tlantic House, by special invitation of Miss M. A. Young, propri­etor. T hey will m ake the- A tlantic their headquarters during thoir stay.

This house hns juBt passed through a process of, interior renovation which adtk’ to its elegant appearance; Partic­ularly is this noticeable in the spacious dining, parlor and its surroundings. The walls and ceiling have been touched up iri: agreeable tints, arid the pillars arid doors paipted in Mr. Farroll’s artistic Btylc No departm ent of the Work of decoration comes amiss to H enry, and he has rarely tarried out -a neater job th an the above. This favorite house; has proved, a pleiisaiit homo for Dr. iStokes and Secretfiry Evans and family during tbo winteK and is now in tho m ost adm irable order,for its xisiial heavy sum m er business. Transient visitors generally stop thero, as it in always ready for the entertainm ent of those who call.

For thfi nocessarics of lifo as well as many of its luxuries, the people depend iu !• great m easure on a reliable r.nd experienced grocer, such a m an for in ­stance as J. T .Im lay, who has now boon so long in the business hereabouts that everybody knows him , uud I1 0 knows like a book, what will su it them. Tho fa c t th a t liis business is constantly eo larging is a good argum ent that his cus­tomers in iiolli Asbtify.Pilrk: iiiiil Otieml Ureive are satisfied they cannot do better thaif give hirii-.tlieir patronage. As our Suinnier visiters are beginning to arrive, and among them a num ber of new fam­ilies, we suggest that it may be an im ­portant item in their comfoit to m ake his acquaintantance aa soon aa possible. H is apaoious.8tore is on Cooknian ave­nue, and his delivery wagon is here, there and everywhere.

House Furnishing.The card of Mr. John A. Githoris,

which will bo found.in this paper, may be accepted in all its representations, ns literally correct, and in evory way reli­able, The oldest establishment in this line, in Asbury Park, could hardly have, m aintained its pro-eminonce year after year, and increased in prosperity, as it- has doria, but for one foundation prin­ciple o f business, which is perfectly honest and fair dealing with all custom­ers, and.- a determ ination to be fully prepared, both in variety arid style of goods and ruling price , to satisfy the wants of the community. Those who have once dealt with this enterprising m erchant or his gentlem anly and ac- commodating olerks, are always sure to . come again. 'H is present facilities to fill orders, large or small, nro greater- tlmri ever beforej and as m ight bo o x - . pected, the season’s trade has begun briskly, and promises to bo unusually largo, -

Plumbing as a Science,

Tlio ordinary plum ber is regarded in’ the general ns 0 necessary evil. H o is only called in like the doctor, or nurse, bn an emergency, and overybody enter­tains a notion tha t even if he is . defi­cient in mechanical skill, he is an adept when it conies to footing up the items, and collccting liis extraordinary bill. W ith Mr. Uriah W hite, however, tlio case is somewhat different. He has had a great deal to do with the devel­opm ent of Park and Grove, in securing good family water supply, and more recently in assisting the hotel and cot­tago people in the difficult problem of drainage. By tiie aid of tho best mod­ern investigations, and with approved scientific treatises on the subject in hand, ho is a safe authority in m atters of this kind. We looked over some of his books a few days ago, and believe tluit in the futuie, much moro than in the past,, the good judgm ent of the plum ber will havo 1 0 be callcd into requisition. Tho sanitary considera­tions involved are all im portant, and to this point Mr. W hite is directing espe­cial thought and study a t preaont.

Young People’s Meetings;

Boating, bathing, riding, walking along the beach or through the grovo and forest, aro all beautiful, innocent, and healthful, and for all these thcro is am ple time. But these alouo are not sufficient. The soul m ust be fed, and the religious wants of the young peoplo m ust be mot.

To provide for these wants the young people hold morning meetings conduc- . ted by ono of their own num ber, in which they exercise with less restraint than in the largor meetings. These meetings were very profitablo and suc­cessful last.year. May the young peo­ple this year succced in building up tlieir own souls in the faith once deliv­ered to tho saints, and also of leading marij' of thoir companions to the Cross. Such service will sweeton every pleas­ure, and add a charm to Occan Grovo, which to tho-'U it ncvor possessed b e - . fore.

What an Intelligent Physician Says,

Dr. K. C. Strother, of Monroe,. La., who has been n medical p ractitioner, for over (wonty-five years, in a letter to ! the undersigned, say s: *‘I have heard of . your 'CompoundOxygenTreatment* for . some - length' of time in a casual, inci­dental way, but it is only within the last; few monilrn th a t I have had my atten­tion particularly called to it in a way that lias aroused mv professiorvaUiuter- est. I liave watched its wouderiul vital- : iziug power in two or three instances in which tiie patients were using -the ‘Home Treatm ent.’ One of thene pa­tients wua a sister, and her rapid im ­provem ent from a low condition of ner­vous debility and muacular prostration, . resultini: from severe acuto diReivso, was almost miraculous. Y our little work, ‘The Compound Oxygen Treatm ent, its mode of action and results,1 lias fallen, into my handn, and tho therapeutical and pathological views therein inculea- ’ ted being to a great extent in accord with what theory and experience have been impressing on mo, I havo read it with unusual care and interest. Indeed,I have read and re-read it with a great deal of pleasure. I am sure you have found a curative agent of incalculable remedial and vitalizing power, and adapted to a wide range of diseases.”. The above named treatise is sent free, Addrenrt Drs. Starkey »fc Palen, 1112 Gi­rard St., Philadelphia.

Stein bach Brothers, aware of the fav- -I orablc eflect on tho popular eye of a line display, havo arranged their show win­dows itt the most gorgeous. manner. Kither day or evening the exhibit\6V\ is very. 15 »e, and passers by are compelled • to litn:i<r-iind admire. \W a ro gratified to notice tha t the interior of this estab­lishment corresponds with the outward indicaiionsof taste and uti ily, and their • busine>s never was bettor lban a t pres­ent, a'.out this 8eaaonof the year.

The late Dr. Reuben kelson1 is to have a stnt'io erected on tho grounds of tlio W yoming Seminary. ;

Page 3: REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1879. VOL. Y ... · rev. a. wallace, editor. saturday, may 10, 1879. vol. y. no. 19. silver wedding. . ' read on thk occasion ol* tiik "mi.-


Elitorial Itsms.T im last o f the six Lee c o U ivrcs w hs

routed Inst week. • .Mr, Qarrison, of Nownrk, bus rented

tho Tantum cottngo, Mt. H erm on W aySteiiibnch Bros’, stock of Indies nnd

v gentlem en’s gaiters nnd slioes is very . largo and su p e rio r..■■■:. Thk Misses Newlin, of W ilmington

Del., have taken a neat cottage oil Olin . S t , enst of Ueach avenue.

Ex-Mayor Tlios. J . Leo erected his hnndsomo tont on Main avenue, oast of Central on Saturday last.

Rov. S. Jaquett is preparing to hiovo into sum m er quarters—his fam ily tent, aud ren t his cottage for tho season.

Eev. J. T .Tucker has rented his larger cottage on the lake bluff, but will occu py. tho ono adjoining this summer.

' Bordon Jiroa. can furnish ns good and choap stoves.of evory variety as ran bo found in the cities. I t saves trouble lo call on them,.: Mr.R. W .Roberts, ofGainesville, F la"

has rontod the neat cottago south-east corner of Now York and Hock avenues for the season.

The second tent of tlio season wns p u t up by Mr. Seely, for Rev. E. Osborn May 1, and Mr. Lee’s tent on Main uve nue m akes the third.

Tower Cottage, situated on Webb avenue below Central, Ocean Grove, owned by Lonis L, Heins, Esq., of Phil­adelphia, will hereafter be known as /'Tow er H ouse.” I t has boon rented for tho coining season by Mrs. A. and Miss E. Hickey, for the purpose of keeping a pleasant, home boarding houBe,

Every building tha t passes under the skillful hand Of. Bro. D. B. ICoim, the painter, is made to look a great deal better than it did before. The Oakland and Sylvandale cottages, and nioro re- con tl^T)£..oj:eiH| Avenue Houso, shows how faithfully ho lays on the brush, and also exhibit his good judgm ent and taste in the m atter of color.


F OB RRN’T — A P L E A S A N T CO TT A G E on Heck Ave., Occan Orove, near tho post office, find convenient to camp ground and beach.

Address M. A. BLAIR, COi Spnng Garden St., Phil- ■ adelphia, - ;■ - -'.•-•-.c

Fo r s a l e - p r i c e $soo.—h o u s e a n dlot on Path avenue, OcCau Grove. 4 rooms,

pump, outhouse. A very central location between Rom bathing-ground* and the camp-sround.1 a F. GARRISON, Burlington, N. J.

‘1 7 'O R S A L E —7 ROOM C O T P A G E , F U R . J ? niched. H, 15.Cor. Main nnd Reach Avenues, Ocoan Grove. \V. H. KAKIN, 37 .V. Tenth .Street.

. Philadelphia. Pa. JO

IN F O R M A T IO N G IV E N O F SK A S ID E Into for sale and cottafics for ren t by calling on WM; BARNS, Attorney-at Law, ofllce o f Th e HKc-

, oim;Vl N. 7th St., Philadelphia. • •

TO R E N T FO R T I I E SEA SO N — A F I N E Swiss Cottago. 8 rooms, near the ocean, com­

pletely furnished, having a splendid ocean view. Address Dr. J . n . ALDAY, Ocean Grove,N.J. 14

J?Q1 0 R R E N T TO P R IV A T E F A M IL Y — __ HAMILTON COTTAGK,Occan front, corner Main and Ocean Avenues— amnio grqtmdu, elegant arrangem ent. Terras «t.Vi for the so ’son. Apply to GKO. J . HAMILTON, 325 Lexington Avonuo. Now York, o r II. B, Beegle & Son, Ocean Grove, N. J . v • ,. 15


24 rooms, 2 \ beds, furnished. Rent, 3800— 8400 or which can be paid by boarding tho ow ner’s fam-

. fly, T o o x am ln e th e houfe, apply to Redway & W ortman, Asbnry Park. To h ire tno samo, to j.K . HAYWARD, 229 Broadway, New York, 12

TO R E N T — N E W C O T TA G E o n E M B U R Y avenue below Central, with Swiss front, veran­da ond balcony fm utand rear, containing 8 rooms,

6 of which uro plastOiCd; also excel lent cellar, w a­ter lu kitchen, dUmb-walter runn ing to d in in g ­room, and splendid cooking range. Grand ocean view front and back, ond within 3 m inutes’ walk o f U ltagorc’s hath-hnu 'cs. Rent low to go*d ten- an t. The rooms are fUrninhed. A ddrejs T. P. WILKINSON, Roxboro*. Philadelphia, Pa. Pi

TO L E T —T K E H O A R D IN G -H O U SE, N o. 41 Main avenuo, Ocean Grovo, contain ing par­lor and dining-room :so feet long, 12 bed-rooms,

and good attio and klichcu in the rear, with good cellar and pump, all furnished. P iano and boat. Prico fori-tuion. $.vm. For fu rth er particulars ad-

: dress JONATHAN JOHNSON, 141 Main St., Pater- son', N .J . v . Q-. 12

" O O R S A L E t T l I B r E L E G A N T A N D I? commodious cottapo of. Dr. H. H. M uhlenberg

■ .witli tho grounds adjuvant,, fronting on Main and Heck aves. This location Ik w ithin a few ntops of the beach. The cottage contains 0 or 10 rooms and Is ono o f the most attractive iu Occan Grovo. The terms will bo found very accommodating. Apply

............. - “ 30

Rare Opportunity!A FIRST-CLASS

LODGING-HOUSE,25 rooms, centrally located, completely and tastily furnished, and favorably situated for ocean breezes can bo rented a t Ocean Grovo, N. J., by a neat and careful person, i t can bo used as a boarding-house If desirable.., -

Tho owner having secured for Iho honso a wide reputation, and been favored, w ith a choico class of visitors who havo rented the rooms each season/ Is unavoidably h indered from giving i f personal attention th e present summ er. • \

Persons neat Inluvbits and careful in m anage­m ent and ovyridght, m ay apply lo r fu rth er partic­ulars to :■ ,

H. 8. Beegle & Son,’ PostOfflco,Ocean Grove,.N. J.


Cookman Av. near Bond St.,A B B U R Y P A R K .

F resh a n d Seasonable G roceries.G reat R eduction in P rices. :}■

E very th in g bought an d sold s tr ic t­l y f o r CASH.

Orders promptly fHled, m id-'goods delivered at any hotel or cottage in Grove or Park.. Thanks for liberal'patronftgo already bestowed.

Tho custom of new residents solicited.' . 19

Go well House,Webb A ve; bet, C entral & JBcach,


' Thin new. and. spacious build ing ofFers the most desirable advantages to persons w ishing good room sand board during iho S eason .. An unob­structed vlow o f lake and ocean from every, room.

Near ba th ing grounds, Post-oftlce an d 'au d ito ­rium . Accommodations m ay be secured in ud- v an eeb y ad d ress in g :Look Box 553; ^MRS. CAPT. COWEU., Proprietor.

l e ^ © -



Real Estate BrokersINSURANCE AGENTS,

For Ocean Grove, Asbnry Park & Vicinity.OFFICES),

No. 2 Cookman A7 .,noxtto Post Office,: ; A H B U R Y P A R K , N . J..

All letters o l Inquiry about thc^o celebrated w a tering-placcs cheerfully answered by enclosing stam p. ________.. _____


Rooms, furnished,No." .I - .' i! 10

8 7 H 8 21 7 * 23 1(J26 y27 1028 10 29 5 32 10 37 y 42 9 41 10. 4d G 47 8 52 7 . 63 7 GO 5 01 12

136 12137 10 i:(8 8lay b n o 7 h i o112 4 154 6 158 7 15* 13 ItiO 10 16111 162 5 IB! 10 16< 0 165 6 ifiy 9 170 8



furnished, vory f ln o ,,




nnfurnlshod, lurnlshud, ;

very tine,.


Atlantic Mouse,O C E A N G R O V E , X T . J VTho Atlautic House, .on .Beach Avenue,- from

P itm an Avenuo to MeCllntdck.St.-, by. recent alter­ations, and tho addition of t)m beautiful cottago and grounds adjoining, w i l l . bo found m ore com­m odious and attractive th is year th an ever.

The proprietor will alw ays devoto her'best expe­rience and resources to the enterta inm ent ol guests.

Rest tablo service and polite attention. Rooms always ready; .38: . . . . M IS S M . A . Y O U N G , Prop'r


lVilm ih ((ton, Del.At the o p en in r o i t:uv J?ali term . Monday, Pent.

Dth, 1878,, th er.1 M V w a NEW President. NEW Furniture. rejvtirs, th roughout the buildlncs.NEW pifttics^the m odern conveniences NEWLY introdu.-ied it'. ^ d to the com fort o f the younpr la­d les noth in tiia publio and.privnte rooms, au d all this a t tne OLD prices. For ' Catalogues.' address the president, REV. J. M. WILLIAMS M. A,

SPEC IA L NOTICE.For sale, on yery good te rm s the bcautllhVhoufio

known aa ' •M O SS C O T T A G E ,

located on Cookman' avenue, h a lf way between depot and beach. Lot 50x100, graded ; grass and trees. Call ou o r address ■ : -.v- V ••

> : 1 A ; II. PRITCIIETT, Asbury Park.

TERRACE COTTAGE,O c e n n I* n th w a y v S o u t h S U lo , W c stV o f

. Ite ik ch , o c e n n Clrovov-N . J . ‘

Open Ju n e 1st. The house Ib unquestionably superior in all its details. Table a rid appointm ents unexeeptlonable { beds o f thc best quality. Choico location, com m anding line view ol the Grovo and ocean. . 6 3 *Large reduction in prices till Ju ly 11. J I r .s . K . E , I lo y d , B o x IO O ,'O c e n n .G ro v e *

TliorneOcoan Pathway,. Ocean Grove^ IT. J.

M issTILLtE TIIORNE inform s h e r friends and the public generally th a t h e r new and greatly en ­larged cottages, on the. tlnest avonuo . of Ocean Grovo, w ithin one house o f the surf, nre now luted up an d ready for .th e en terta inm ent o f guests. Choice rooms ond board m ay lie engaged for the season. Transient visitors'accom m odated by the day, week or- singlenieal,

Open nil the year.- -

terms will bo found vety accommodating to T. W, LILLAGOI^E, 0« can lirove.

T ^ O R S A L E A T O C EA N G K O V E.

F A 1 U V I E W C O T T A G E ,

corner o f Central and fieavlew aves;—one of the niiest locations in 0<*ean Grove. Apply to Rev. T. Knolvtlon Thom as, Northeast. Md. 86


Contractor for building Cottages in the best m anner, a t shortest notlco and lowest rates. Cot­tages and Lota sold or rented*

«a-K lro Insurance in relluolo Companies. OFFICE — PliAJBIM PATHWAY ANW KINGS­


TO U C T A T O C E A N OUOV-K F O R T H E coming season—A Tent and nice Kilchcu. both fully furnished, exvept w ith tab le linen and bed

linen. Sizo o f tent. 11x14 feet; size of kitchen, 10x12 feet. Ixicated on Embury avenue near Pil­grim Pathwny. convenient to bathing ground. ]H>st ofllce nnd Main avenue. Price 570 for the season, payable ih advanco. ,

Also 1 room and kitchen, fully- furnished, with the abovo exceptions, w ill be rented by the sea*

' s.in,' month or. week. Term* J.Vpor weeV. Hatnc 1 ovation as the. above. Further parth*ulorN nw y be lot-1 bv addresslMK MRS M. A. VAIL,32* Fnutkltu h venue, Hr»«oklyu, N.. Y. ; 17

No. 4671 1C.- ' LimiAitv oKCoNv.ttJX'. ICofVRtr.llT O n itK , Washington, O. C. j

. To ivlt;-Re it rem em bered:—. T hat on* tbe Mb day o f April, A. I), 1S79. EMKR- SON.HKN’NkTl'. '*1 Phlliideljihia, hax depuslte«l III

'th is oillre the title.ol a hunk, the title or'de.serip tu>n o l which is In the following.words, w it:-.

TT-l-F* PIONRKR'S DA UOHTKR ;\ T n l o « f I i i i l ln i ) 4’n |» i i v t ( y j

Uv EMERSOS Ur.NNF.TV ;(All Rlyhta Reserve*! :J

• Iho right .whereof ho claims as author, In eonform- Jty with tho lawb o f tho United states reipyctitu: copyrlghta. A. R, Sl'OFFORP.

Librarian ot (‘ongrefs In renewal for 14 years from Ju ly 23 ,1«79, ween

tho first term of.28 years will have expired.

G ILLING H A M COTTAGE,. Main Avenne, Ocean Grove.

Boarding, w ith hom d.com fort; oti the ihost rea­sonable terms; The hom o la centrally located, near Post OlUce dud Camp Circle. Now ready for guests,. v '

P. O, Box Via. ' MRS. S. It. GILLINGHAM,1 9 ■ ' . ; ' Proprietor.

Trenton House,Corner Now'York Ave. and Mt. Zion Way.

MRS. MARY!!. DAVISSON respectfully informs her friends and tiie public th a t tho Trenton House Will Ikj kept opei\ lo r guesta during tho Winter,

Rooms aiid board a t the lowest rates. ; 43

F .H KENNEDY & SON,Civil Engineers and Surveyors, Eeal

Estate Agents and Conveyancers.' ■I. C. KENNEDY,

MASTER IN CHANCERY & NOTARY PUBLIC;. Offlco—Front Room, 2d Floor, Stelnbach’s Build­ing, ASRURY PARK, N .J . 5

FOR SALE.LEARY'S COTTAGE, Ocean Grove; cor.,(Central

Ave. at id Ocean pathw ay. Price 8 2H 0 0 . The furn iture lt»* sale, o rw ill be removed. Apply to

W; A,. LEARY, 36 N. l i th St.. Philadelphia.


THE BEST IN TH E W ORLD.O m ‘ G r e a t S p r c tn l ty te tirowinp and distributing theso R e u iU t lu l H oses* 11 V t/m tw SI row g P o t l» lun t8 ,su ltab lo for immediateblQQm,s<\felub{/mail, at.uU .post-oilices,; a S p le n d id V a r ie t ie s , pour zhoife, a ll labeled, for S I 1 1 3 for 8 3 * : 10 for S 3 1

for 8 4 1 3 5 J o r S 3 j 7 5 for 8 1 0 * 1 0 0 for 813 , 4 3 -S en d for. ou r N e w G u id e t o R o io C u l tu r e «-(U> paces; elegantly illu stra ted— an d choose fVom over F i v e H u n d x ^ d F i n e s t S o r ts . Addtc&S

T H E D I N O E E & C O N A R D C O ., R one ( J j r o w e W tW M tf ^ v e , C h e s te r C o.,Pa«

61 7 Rooms, fhrolabcd, . CT) 7- •*ti? 21 -*•7J 1074 975 7 - 7l> 13 ■BO 8 bi ■ 7 W il l '.}>a i a . .81' i a . h7 15 - bH 7iw io y i .7•JS 7

■ *j» 7 102 y IM . 7 ior» - y .100 t»110 .j111 8112 b l l: | 8 1# ly 12111 12-*» 7 J2t'» 11 127 H 1‘iA u 12ti 2«i .1«0 y .Wl. 7 RS2 6 iy.s l:M S 144 14 115 6 146 8i-iy 8150 7 •151152 f.153 10 15ti 7 158 7 '15‘J 7 :ICO 0 It>6 7 161 6 .1W 10171 7172 6 173.10

funilahed,\2 boats,;;1 \

“ ; ^ ;vverjrflpe,

unfitm iB hcd,,;. ,1 iurn iahed , •

. complete, ::r “ ;':paruy, .


unfurnished, 1 year,


Stable. 2 horses, furnished p a r t ly ,.

unfurn ished ,furnished,


very line,

unfurnished, 1 year,- furniahed.


uufurnished, for year,

Prico.- • g-JIK). ;wu- . 2<ji):: 225


. ■ -ttK) :25o 150 ;«K» 450

' . . i'rfjO 4.r>0

. 250 2<J0 250 2o0 100 350 150

- S50 . 2T)0

JAO\ ’*s

150275 40U . 2 i‘>;tuo

: 100iiotj;m 150

.iVjO , 400


• 2iH)' :

;<oo: : m

• • 250.. iV-;.-;.*IUU'• . 250 ;

W l 7.-■'■12.1 ;^^450

■"■•IvlOO " 1 5 0

2*10 ..•:2<W.

v -,3 5 0 :y-.Y:.250. :; r j m

20*1 Itjo •J.SI loo -21 "i :{5*i 27a •£*}

.' . 2-V» :t<io

'm i

. ■ 250 201) I.V) 40

2HJ 3.50 125miw225 150

.'200- 2>0

' 150 15U 13»

. 200 \>0

HU)• w


Tlie O ld an ti R eliab le H r and .

C A M & CO,2,000 Gallons Just Received, All Desirable Shades of Color.

Smock & Bucliaiion,S o le A g e n t s f o r S t a t e o f S e w J e r s e y .

■ /.'-asrPiicefl low to I’ainlere and ConKUmere.''Lib­eral arrongements m ade with dealers.

Main Street and Asbuiy Avenue.

. T O R E N TAt Ocean Grove by the week or m onth, . •

Kendrick's Furnished Cottages and . Tents, with Kitchens.

Cottages will be ready Ju n o 5, and the Tents by Ju n e 15. Situated on Pilgrim Pathway an d As­bury avdriue, near Wesley ta k e . For farth er p ar­ticulars, address L. Al KeNDRICIC; 3'J8 W arren St., T renton , N . J* - • ,v : • 18

JOHN A. GITHENS,Oldest Established Store in


A CAM).I lake pleasure in Inform ing my m any friends

and customers, and lhe public gonerally, th at I have laid in an extensive slock o f Houso Furnish­ing Goods, includ ing alm ost everything needed lo furnish hotels o r cottages complete, 'w hich have been selected with m uch care, and all advantages taken, to tell n t prices that w ill compare favorably wUh’New York or Philadelphia.

I endeavor to .conduct business on fair, honest principles, and givo satisfaction lo every patron I would respectfully ask an inspection . of my goods. All Inquiries will rcccivo prom pt a tten ­tion 13



ThoundersiKised would rospeeitnllyinlorm par­es havingproportv f * ------ “ *- *- - “*

. urehnalng lots or cot erty itiRured, that they aro

ties having proportv to ren t o r soli, or de-drous ol ’ l ot s or eo" -

tsurety b ....................................... ...

ciai ctu-ntion to the sale o f Association lots, and

purchasing lots or cottages, or wishing th ttr prop erty insured, that they aro preptrert to at’end to any buslne-sx of this kind. They will also givo spo-

from long expctleuco an d thorough acquaintance with tho grouuds arid tho value o f lots, flatter them selves th at it will bo to tho interest o f those Wishing- to purchase to call upon them .

'fh'ey w ill also a ttend to 'collecting, aiid cashing drafts, checks, &c. They m ay be addressed by let­ter o r consulted personally a t the

Post Office, Ocean Grove, N. J.n .B .R E E G tiE . , W. B . BEEGLE.

SEA-SIDE HOME;Asbuiy Ave. near Emory Sfc, Asbnry Pari.

A Boarding and P ay School f o r ' Young Ladles and Cliildren. Second h a lf of present year com ­m enced February 2rith. Address MISS J . ROSS, Principal, Anbury I’a rk f New Jersey. • 14

Asbnry Park, N. J.YIRS. ANN LOOMIS, PBQP'R,Form erly.of the Centennial House, Ocean GrOvcf,

Mrs.LeChevalier’s COTTAGE.

Corner of, Webb and Central AveJ.j Ocean Grove, N»J.

This popular cottago is beautifully located, and hits been greatly Improved and enlarged to aeeoni- m odate guesb*. . Large, airy rooms, spring m at- tressfs arid feather b ed s; near bathing-grouudii attd post-office/ w ith m il view o f ocean ond lake. Good tab lo .an d h om o• w m foris .., A boaton-tho in ke for guests.'. Opeii a ll th e y e a r,,' -: .2 .


P IA N O -O R = 0RGANUo not fall to send, for iny latest ‘JO-pngu Illitslraied JCeiv-tpaiyi, with riiiti'h valuableiuturiuatU iu Free, .%’« « 8»:ir* Hiul upwards.

HOri l o 8410 .- - hum * to write m?> hi d'orn bn v I ng »•! s 0 w 1 it* r<*. Re ware o f I m i t n hns, A d • drew DAN I l'U. K IHCA'l' l V, \\> liliig io n , N J , l I I

F O R S A L K O R U E S TA very desirable C-room cottag , completely fur­

nished, fine ocean- view. . i i r a t avenue, near Klngslqy Mteet, Ashury Park. A. bargain. Ap­ply. to- C. I). W arner & Son,' Real Estate and In su ­rance,. M ain St., Asbury Park. .. . / . IS

Centennial House,MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE, N .J .

This spacious and elegant sum m er resort, is lo­c a te d 'n e a r tho Post and ;Telegraph ofllees, and Camp Circle. Quite convenient to beach, a n d all tho bathing .grounds/ Rooms well furnished. T able and attendance flret-clas.s.. Open early for tho accom m odation o f v isito rs ■ \ :

• Mrs. Al II. STOCKTON, Of Phila.. ‘; . ;. •1v : • . P roprietor;





Raving almost everything used for Ladles’, Gentlemen’s and Children's wear, aa well as very m any Roods used In alm ost uvcry house, orders aro flllod m uch moro quickly and satisfactorily th a a when a dozen different tilaeos m ust be sent to. ' -

All orders are illled witli exactness,, and precisely the samo as for tho custom er who stands a t the counter, - • v--- '•••-- •. .

Pe^ides the Im m ense'stock o f DRY GOODS ELEGANT COATS and COSTUMES, HOUSEKEEPING LINENrf, TOWELINGH, BLANKETS an d QUILTS. wo h ave Kovcral New Departments, such as—

M illinery, M ats, Druggests, O il Cloth, Etc.China, G lass an d S ilv er W are.

. • F i n e F u rs and S ea lsk in S a ck s.


SO Cent, BlacTe Cashmeres.$ 1 .0 0 M a c k Silks.

2 0 Cent B r itish D ress Goods.$ 8 .0 0 H ea vy D ia g o n a l Coats f o r L adies.

J o h n Wanamaker, ■ Grand Depot,Z F H I L ^ i D E L i F I E E i X ^ e L .

•83-Wrltc to us arid test the value and convenience o f the Order ^Department

L I S T . O P


:;“i ' f t . AT OCEAN GROVE, N .'J. / . S E A S O N O F 1 8 7 a • ;■

P r o p e r l y E j i s t O f J H l y r i n i I * a lh v r j iy .. Bearding Houses.

2 ill Rooms, Fully furnished, 8 - 1 2 an d len t .•I 13 “C 1C ; “ nicely “


7- IJRoom.s,CottaRcf.

-tifcoly furnished, ■

0 12.13 14.15161718 10 21,28- 203031 61 62 03 01 '680 • c*

-1 in-





11■8 . 5 f»

n ice ly '.









. [Established 1864.] , - f

C. D. W A R N E R & SON,G eneral H aal E s ta te *

and Insurance Brokers,FOR. V

• Ooean Grore, Asbnry Park & Vicinity.Oftlce - MAIN STREET NEAR PARK HALL (P.O. B ox 57.) ASBURY;PARK, N. J . ; •


No.102 10 Rooms, Ocean fron t,fu rn ished ,..

P r o p e r t y W e s t o f l M l u r l m P a l h w n y , 'Hoarding Houses. • . ..

33 13 Ruom-s partly fu rn ished ,...- - • Sl‘34" . 25 ' . " • partly ' • O

.On account o f ilM iealth, the underaigried; oners for sale h is handsom e residence, earner Cookman ave. a n d Em ory fit., Asbury Park.' -

Location Unsurpassed.Fine view o f .Wesley Lake au d the best p a rt o f

Ocean Grove; I f h o t .sold by May lj-t, \vill be f a r R e n t , f n r n l > ih w l .

A L S O l ’O It S A L E ,House o f 4 rooms on Second av., oil .beautiful lot, r-i.vir.y. , ; .

O nly $SO O C A S H I tn ,i ilrn l.

C. w . F O X ,• c . r. ( *)n!;i.mn avo. nn.l Kmdry st., Afibury P a r t.


jBfilicitor, M aster and Exam iner ih C hancery ;R o­ta ry Publio, ASBURY PARK, N. J , . 5.

a Rooms,y .-•

.Cdllnpes.uuh irn lshed .ycar, . IHO

* - , - - 75 ft; " ; ;* •-:•* - 1005 “ • • “ “. . 10»)a •• . . ......- . ’ *225

v- tt . furnished, ‘ 200<• * ;; •: . . iso0 “ . • “ • .1507 . ’ ‘ ' ' ■ ' . . : , 1758 “ .. • .*-■.■ 150.C « . . 150u “ thoroughly on tho lake 3o0,j • ». . . . t .« r>(Wc m . . . . . u ooo•0 " • ' . ; -'200 o . • ’ r>o5 utifurnW icd, year, 125

.0 **•• .. **■ ■ 1750 • furnished, . 150

74 . 12-. •" r •*,. ,3«)0Tf - 10 “ year, . 180

^ IM ’ortlec coming to rent can take stago a t do* pot for t«i'_ Ocean Grovo Po.st Olllce, whero the un­dersigned can be round, who will show the prop­erties, and givo all tiece^afy Information.

They also have for sale a largo num ber o f lots and cottages, aud are agents for the so leo f Associ­ation lOtS. , • • - . V \ . V' .- ‘i, .


Keystoiie pottage,Heck Avenue, West of.Pilgrim Pathway,'■ o c i s A x g j i o v h , N . J .

Centrally loraled. and eonvenient to everything dvislnvblein this Kreat Climtiah .Hummer resort. Having met with such dee bled succe&s heretofore, the proprltitor feelH a'ssum ltbat she-can compelo with the-best eottage.s'lh.attention to her guet'ts, whieh-hor former patrons .will fully endorse. For rmmiMiud terms address lbe jTuprJctor, •

.MKS. A. M. IJKXOKR.I”* , •'..,li|..ltnuidy.\vUii*s!t.; Philadelphia.'

improve Your Tiots.TJie tindei-algtieil husm i b and a *piaiillty»»rrlch

black soil, excelleid'l4>p drt>.sing for lols, e ither to I iu proyo crow ing gr»Lssnriuakethe ground.su I ta­ble for euUlyatioiv, i t w ill be delivered and spread; and lota cleared, up In the- be.st, m anner, o u ;th e most reasouablo terms, by addressing . . . , :

C. S E E L Y ,15 , . Ocean Grove or Aabmy PArlf, N.

130 12- 144 23 14G 7 ,152 -. 7 151 3-150 8158 3160 .'7. 162' 12 ICC> iG 168 8 L70 8172 7174 217ii 7 178,10. 160 0 -

105 8107 7 •HO 12 115 10

125 10. 127 - 12 131 10

Price.. *375

150" • 175“ for year, 225

• • “ ‘ -300unfurn ished , year 250

200“ for year,, 225

furn ished , 200 , M . 175

partly furnished, ioo fo rycar, 125

near Occan,

near Ocean,

ten tandfram o,

ncaroccan ,

' an d ten t

ocean front.

450 450

. . 150• partly , 150 -

• - 70 : soo '7 5 ' -. S00450 350

• 200 . 250 150

per week, 6 250 450 275

111 7115 .10

0155, 6 157 .7 101 • 12 J 1*7 10 177 • 11. 181 7183 8

ASBURY PARK.near ocean, ‘ furnished, 35o

. 300 ,- , . '• ’ SOO

. . . w ell . “ ; . * 450.'* " for year, 500 ‘.**••. t*joo

' and basement, •• ;i50 .unfurnished, 350

" for year, 400furnishea, 175

“ - 200 *' for year, 250

'• - ' • ; ; 250AtrnLshed, S00furbished, 325

II ,250' . . * . 200

'* use o f Tiano 350ncaroccan , “ • so o '

350 : 200 • • 27.5.■ .300

275 37.5

. 200 400 350 150

• ; V 300350 250 .

- 250 '.'. S0O-- -. 250';.

V V -. - 250 -for year, 175 ■ soo

... unfurnlshcil ■ for year, : furnished, . -

f - f o r year, ■partly fu rn ish ed /

1 unfurnished, ■partly fundshed,

near occan. -

riot'/. \

• hear occan,-

1S9 ' 8 101 10 ll« 9 107 12- 203 8205 , 7 200. 8 211 12- 213,: 0 215 7;217 10 210/ 7 221 7223 -■-•7 •- 225 7220 ‘ 7 237 10 239 0:211 7 ...........................

Samo b y the y e a r,.!-./ ■2i:i' r 8 Rooms, i,:. « OCEAN BEACH.

0 Uooms,:, " fu rn ish ed ,.10 .•*. stable, ;S

Sum mer residoiiee ou S hark River,•


DOW NS COTTAGE,' Cor, Ml, Talar W;iy and Now.Jersey Ava.j


H&vlpg been plaslcred ihroughout an d o ther­wise improved, will bo open for guests Ju n o l&L

Mrs. Sarah J. 0. Downs, Proprietor,B O X 3 1 4 , O c c a n G r o v e , N . J . ,

’200 3.50 /xvo . 200

. 2-25 -.

83.50 350' ?0<)C 400

All loiters o f Jnrpilry w ill receive prom pt alien-

Page 4: REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1879. VOL. Y ... · rev. a. wallace, editor. saturday, may 10, 1879. vol. y. no. 19. silver wedding. . ' read on thk occasion ol* tiik "mi.-

DAVID CARTW RIGHT,Plain a t Ornamental Slate Roofer,


■ HCW1AK3 nonss,- ■ O C E A N N . J.

Work done by day or contract. llu lldlngsralscd und moved. A lterations und repairs promptly a t­tended to Plans an d specifications furnished a t 6hort notice, ou reasonable terms;

& E rr iso n , «

1 i A T Ii-K O AT> S .

Ocean Grove, Astsury Park,v ■■.. . a m ),'

Philadelphia anti Trenton, T H E BOUKD BROOK ROUTE.V « f!in o » ' e . S t e e l B n l l^ . S a f f t v I J r a h f ^ . ’ N o D u s t . N io u c K u l l n s t . O r a i u l S cP iic r,V .

DEPOT IN' P iriL A lW U ’M A -a .l nnd IlcrkogK DEPOT. IN TltENTON—l ’ur. AVnn on & Tucker Sts.

T o r ’ I t e d T ta n U , I n n u f H r n n c h , O c<m u i.< j i t iv r . S ph t» ii’t ; A’ty

Leave Philadelphia—. 9.30 A..u..:l.F>i3.30 i \ Mi;'** ' i t enton. v. . . — LV20,M.1*J P. M. ‘ .■ I* « r t 'l i i l n d i ' t p l i i i i a m t T r p i d o n .

Lv, Swiiilrt....-iV .l.\7.2f»; a. Si., nnrVi (Xi r. M. V Ocean Hea.rh,■«/>»; 7.SS, 11.23 a:m.,*nnd.4.08 P.'*. '*•. Ocean Grovo, roll*, 7.35. I13;> a . m., an d *1.1.“) i \ u. '* Lon's nnuieh.a;r»,'7.r>n;ii.is a . m., and-4.30 r. m.

..‘■'•.Red Banki.:i.fi.5S,S.t-3, ir.r>8 a. m„ and 4.13 P.M.: F are lie tween Philadelphia and Ocean Grov.o

aiid I-oiig P runeh—-Single tare. *2.25; lO.Trlp Cou­pon Ticket. S20; 25.Trlp Ticket, SW. Special rates to Excursions. . •; •. • . ■

T icket Oillces In .Philadelph ia—Nos. 431, 732and 1351 Clie-stJUU St., and North Pennsylvania Depot, T hird and Berks Sts. ,

. Freight forwarded dully and . delivered early next m orning .. Particular attention to handling liouseliold'goods.. ■A. H. FltACKKR. . ELLIS CLARK.

' Gail. Sicpf.■■X.PJt.R. . Gad. A<ju\l N.PM .R.p E N \ , S Y J . V A M A R A I L . K O A « .

*- Philadelphia and .T renton to Ocean. Grove and: Asbury Pf»rk. . ' ' ■ :V

Time-table commencing May 12.18*9. •. : (PhiladelphiaTime.;,.

Leave ... fl.m. p.m. Leave /a .m . p.m.Asbnry P a rk .•;. S.15> 4.40 New Y ork . . . . . 7 ,2 5 l.i*.•Sea G irt.. . . . . . . 8.JW 4.»**5' Now Brunswick 8.27,3.19.Freehold ., . . . PJ1.'G 35 Philt.M arketS t 7.40 2.00 j a r a e s b u r g . : estPhilad’a . 8.00 2.00.

Arrive •.•••; T ren to n ... . ; 8.55 3.00.Monmouth Jn c ;,9.56 fill! M onmouth Ju n 9.213.40 Trenton . . . . . .10.25 642 J a m e s b n r g . . , 9.44 3.56West Phiiadel’a.11.30 7.40 Freehold.. . . . . . 10.20 4.80Market S t “ 11.60 8.20 Arrive NeWBrnnswick.lO.n. 7.20 Sea G ir t.. .. .. ..1 1 .0 5 5.14N ew Y ork . 11.25 S.25'Asbnry P a rk ... 11.25 5.30

All connecting tra ins stop a tP rln ceto n Juuctlon . Trains leaye T renton for Belvidere D ly .P . R.-R.

a t 8.55 a; m ., 12.10, 8.15, 5.15,6.45 p. m . ’ ' .

Q E N T R A L I t ; r . o f n e w j e r s e y .

NEW YORK AND LONG BRANCH DIVISION.•Tim eTable, comm encing October 1.1878. ' •. iYjSIK YO RK A N D OCEAN GROVE. .

Lepve-New York from foot . o f L iberty-S t. for Occan*GroVe a t 8.15,11.45 a . »r., .4.5.15 r . m.- Lei*.?e Ocean Grovo fo r New Y ork a t 6.80, 7.35,

11.30 A.M.; 4.15 p. m .For I.UOOKLYN, AND ER IE DEPOT, Jersey City.

N E W A R K AN D OCEAU G R O V K l<cavc Newark for Oceau Grove at8.25, 11.55 a.m.,

4 ,5 .i»P . M.Leave Ocean Grove for N ew ark a t 6.30,7.S5,11,30

OCEAN G R O 17;. SEA G IR T A N D SQ UAN. Leavo Ocean Grovo forSea Girt a t 8.20, 10.25 a.m.,

1.50,6.05,7.20 P. M. ,Ixjavo Sea G irt for Ocean Grove, 6.15,7.20,11.15

A. M., 4,.6.20 P. M. ■P H ILA D E L P H IA VIA. SQUAN.

Leave Ocean Grove a t 820 a. m., 1.50 p. m. Connection Is m ade a t Jersey .City Station tonnd

from Brooklyn nnd Erio Depot, Jersey City,- by bouts of tho ,rBrooklvn and Erie A nnex /'

P H IL A D E L P H IA VIA. ELIZA ISETUPORT. Leave Oceau Grove a t 6.30, 7.35,11.30 a . m., 4.15

p. m. •F or fu rth er particular*, geo Tim e Tables a t Sta-

lions. . H . P. BALDWIN,General Passenger Agent.

N " f l N E ^ERSEY S O U T H E R N R A IL R O A Dl im e I 'ab le comm encing A pril 21, 1873.

LEAVE LONG BRANCH For P h iladelph ia—7.45 and 1.13 a. m., 5.10 p. m.

" Toms l J v c r—7.15 and 1.13 A. M., 5.10 p. m.*• CedAT CrW’k a n rt W arctown—7.45 a .m.. 5.10 p.m “ B am egat and Tuokcrton—7.15 a . M.. 5.10 p. M.“ Vinelaud.Brldgoton, A tlantic CUy;<ic.4.18 a .m..

LEAVE PHILADELPHIA,' (Foot o f M arket St., upper Ferry,)

F or Long Branch ,8.(K) a . m.. Vi’M. B. BNEDENi Genl. Manager

JOHN M. DEY,(Perm anently resid ing a t Ocean Grove,) -

•ARCHITECT AND BUILDER,Is always ready to fufnisiV. p lans and estimates o f cottag&s in every size and style. • . . .: F or good w ork m an ship and.satlRfactory termsj

h e refers to a ll for whom ho has erected coltnges, both In Occan Grove and Asbury.Park, during the past a i r years. :

, JO H N M . DEY ,3i) Cor;.Benson an d Main Ars.; Ocean Grovo, N.J.

" v F O E ^ S A L E . - . ' :A BLOOi; OF FOr.|{ i.O'JN, front i.iig oii .ljearh.

Ih-ck and Umbiiiy,. avex A grand hu-Htion-for •Jargo hoardiiig-houw. W ill. b«*.s«thJ on :* years time, ifd d slied : .'.Apply''to Dlt. WARD,Newark, N. J., ov Rev. A; .Wallauc. Oc^aii Giove. 42

NEW FIRM!J O I f M . K R T E I.T i A N O X h av in g .p u r-

clif.scd oi Clmrle.i'E< Howland Ids coal yard r.nd all his Intercut in the buMnesx a re prepared to fUrnisu lAshigh and o ther kinds o f O wl o f tUcbcd qualify to idl who m ay favor theui w ith tnclr pa t­ronage. .

We shall take espfclal care to deliver Coal free from dut-l and date and iti every way give eutlsfuc* t i jn Ut ou r customers.. Orders for Coal by ton or carload filled witii dis-

patidl. . '-y-' ;■ ■Scales for weigh Iu2 wngnit.*, hay, straw,. Ac; tiavinA had large experience in the Coal.Trade

we holleve wo can.m uke it to the intercut o f a ll to bu y theirco a l a to u r;y ard . .

3 S A IX « t A S B U R Y A I D S U E S ,. - ; ‘ ASBURY PARK.


Mouroc Av. noar Eail-road, Asbnry Park.H aving bad an o*i»crience o f 25 years in tho

Sir. to Ron ling buslnew;, 1 am prepared to glvo the public satisfaction with the l>c.st m aterial iu tho m arket, a t reascmnblo rates*

All'w ork w arranted snow and w ater-tight; Ma­terial always.on hand. Jobbing prom ptly Btteu-^ d c d tu . ' '■ . .•■ " ;-'-: T arred Paj-ur. Khefithing, nnd Roofing Paper of

flilferent kinds, alw ays bn hand, a t lowest price.Orders received by m ail, or le tt a t P ark H all w ill

bo Attended tO. .. ;

STOGK ORDERSEither for Cash


DeHAVEN & TOWNSEND, 40 S. 3d St., Philadelphia.


All k inds o f carpenter w ork done wltti neatness and dispatch; BUILDINGS RAISED and MOVED. Jobbing prom ptly attended to.

' K E E P W A R M A N D D R Y .R. Mi WORTHINGTON is the solo ow ner in tl»Is

county for ilic sale o f th o .

P A T E N T I K O N » 0 < » R N i D D L E ,

w arranted to keep o u t all snow and rain . Call au a exam ine a t h is residence,


O U CA N ' G E T P R IN T IN G D O N E A T A sb u ry P a r k a s chea^) as i n N ow Y o rk o r

elsew hero .

OCEAN GROVEiTlie Gliristian Sea-side Eosort.


| B EN S O N 'S CflPCINE POROUS P L S S T E R . IM This article Is one which nnilly p <is.vckm.k ex­

traordinary merit. B ycniisiilliugrrllablephys- ician» iu vourbw n locality, you will llud that tho above is true. It is f»r superlo rlo the ord i­nary porous piaster, all the so-called electrical appliances, and to all external remedies w hat­ever. I t contains entirely uew elem ents which cause it to relieve pain a t o w e. strengthen and cu re wltere other nlasters will not even rellfcvoi For l.umi*ness and .Weakness ot live tmek. dls-B eased k idneys.iungnnd L-he.stdifiiculties. Rhett-fl luatism . Neglected Colds, Keiuaio AUcelionK— B and idl local tidies aud puius—it is sim ply the H best rem edy ever dpvlscd. H

SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ’ 1Price 25 Cents. B

Bakery For BaleTho undersigned bus one o f two Bakeries.for

»:ale, on very reasonable term s Ono is situated n ea r tlie p«»>tothe<\ Ocean Grove,

N .J.,two-st«>rydwelling, store an d bakery, w ith two ovens uttuehed. and barn and wngon-sbetl.

Tho other is situated on Ham ilton ave. and Clin­ton st., Trenton, N. J .. w ith two tbrce story houses, lmkery under both, two uvens, vault u nder pave­ment, barn, \vug«mdiou.s<\ two-story llom-.limise. .with cellar under it, ull in good rep a ir und well stocked. ‘Address .

SAMUEL MATLACK,*■'•'.• T rrntiM li S . .Ii

OOBAJST Q - B 0 7 H B B O O B D ; I O , 1 8 7 9 .

S E A S O N O F 1879.

Houses for Sale* and R e n t

" V . - at tub •


Real Estate and Insurance A p c i10 COOKMAN AV.. ASBURY.PABK,

. . Branch pfilce-near Centra R. R. Depot.

• All letters o f Inquiry w ith regard to property a t .those famous resorts answered prom ptly by scud- .ing stam p. ; :


1 0 Rooms j F u r n is h e d ; . . .^ ....182002 • 13 - - ' _ ........ . . . . . 275•I • 8 . U n fu rn ish ed .. . . ; . . . ' . . . ."225

.S -, .4 ' . !"• ' •;?.- •- ‘ •• . i i . . . . ........ ‘75■:7 ■• ’ 10 nicely F u rn h h e il . . . . . . . . . . . -tooti­ 7 . . . . . 200

ll 8 ’. ** . . . . . 15012 8 II ". • . . . . . . . ........300M C •U ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . 15015 10 Ii ........45010 8 . . . *f ’ " • . . . . . ....... 25017 . 11 “ . • • . . . . . . . ........:K>018 10 •* ;* •*.*. . . . .* 80019 s “ , ■ V" -. ■ ...... . . . . . 25024 8 •M 'F u rid sh ed ;.* ....

Hot.. . . . 250

n 10 •I. 200‘.‘3 10 .1 Partly •**: . 30095 ; • 7 - •• . 150104 ‘ 7 14 . • • . ' '• ■ ■ ,/22510', 8 11 ’ - ’ •••'"' " *'.V «. . ' ■' 250109 13 1‘- 2 lioilfces, “ • 300112 11 11 325113 I) •t 350114 C ; ; . • - /. * _• 200llfi120

164 M • . .350

100121 9 » 275128 11 • “ on the lako, 400129 12 - <t 450132 8 **. . 200135 ' 2 “ ’• “ .’• ’ 150130 7 .250133 8


35 8 Rooms • F u rn ished .......... ........30039 9 •• - •** • « .. . .v. ........30041 7 .1 Unfunilfihed for year........ ........20042 9 li - . F un llshcd and P ia n o ... . . . . . 85043 7 ** “ ‘ **. . . . . . . '. .2 5 048 . 8 ** U n iu m h h cd for y e a r., . . . . . . . . 22550 * 9 '• ** • : F u r n is h e d . . . . . . . . . . . . 45051 6 <•

."••• • ■'** 3m os.. . . . . 2 5 0

53 30 •**. .-...* 30054: 7 ■ II ' • - *' . . . .V .ttO55 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27558 9 - II Unfurnished for year...... . . . . . 15059 7 " F u rn ish ed ......... ........2251.0 . ft .-* “ . . . . . 2i5f.l f. II - . - . . i . s . . i - . . . . 20002 6 II ........25063 7 M. • - >i . ,; ........200r.j 7 * "• *• • ; . . . . . 200

10 •* * F urn lslied . . . . . . ........ UIO79 6 •• . 175H • 9 : " ' ■ i . ' • .'• _•_. ; st.%081 •10 .500

** . ’ - ‘ •**' 40087 •8 -• '*'■ ■ • 40088'. 8 l» . ,u '■■••'.■.... 400102 10 '* " . - ‘ J ' '■•"'. • V i * 450too 8 I* • not.- • V;".-V * : 200107 8 '’I'** ' ; . 350no 10 '» • -• • 300117 11 “ . . * 350118 11* . •*

• V . **' ' -V •V -.' -.:«o

121 9 . ■ 300120 7 •’ • <• *' j ' 350130 fi / ■ / •" . ' '... •J-SO131 8 •* »50133 ' *250131 ' 8 11 ; "• •150137 9 ■ " V- ?} 350


G EN ER A L STORE.Tho subscribers, h av ing loRscd the Ocean Grove

Store, an d rem odeled It, a re - , v :

NOW OPENto accommodate the public w ith everything usu­ally kopt In a geuoral raorch'andine establishment. H av ing bought our. goods w hen a .bank note is w orth v . ' • . . . . .

O N E H U N D R E D C E N T S ,wo Uilnk we-shall bo nblo t6 satisfy all customers as to. prices and quality o f goods. We inyito our friends to call an d exam ine • .’•*:

OUR STOCK AND PRICES.No charge mado for looking a t goods, and v e r y

l i t t l e c u f i t a w H lb n y t U c m .

«-Trade Dollar TnVnn 5

Pitman Ave. Opposite Centennial Square, O C E A N G R O V E . . ^

Benjamin Albertson, Contractor & Builder

LeCbevalier Cottage,O&KAN O R O V E , N . J . ,

- r ■Takes pleasure in Bliowing designs for Cettages

au d Boarding Houses th a t ho has already prepared.I Will furn ish P lans au<i SpccifiCatlbns a t sho rt no­tice, FREE OF CHARGE, ; ‘ : t ;

Jobbing Promptly Attended To.A p n lr o f Oottage Windows, with Veiict’rin S hut­

ters, aud ail the'fixturex eoniplele. Good a« new. Ajjply to A. WALLACE. P rinting House, Asbury

For Uio information nf lln»>c nut fu- hiiliKr with this interesting place, a few facts may he Ijrielly staUnl:

• . ' . i . o c A T i o ? ; . /I t Is located six milesVoiith of l>ing Branch, im-

m ediately on the shoro o f tho Atlantic Ocean. -It is bounded oil the north and south by beautiful ilttlo fresh water lakes; on tho cost by the ocean, nnd on tho west by Dcul a n d Sqitun.TunipIke.

v 'V K X TJESiT ..It comprises about'three hundred acres o f lan d ,'

two-thirds o f whiehi are gfOvc, and the rrm aindcr beach land . Tho wholo plot is now laid out in grtiud avenues from eightyf'to ihreo huh^rcd feet

w ide;fiV ILD iytiS. .

Tlie average sizo of lots Is 30x60 feel, w hich is large onongh for a small eotbige, such r_s the m a­jority, prefer to build. Those who wish to build larger buy two or m om lots. .

W ater o f the purest and best' quality, nnd in In- rxhou.->tlKe quantities, is obtained by m eans t*f tnbo pum ps, driven to a depth o f 25:o r 30. feet through the solid gruVel. 1

.' ' T E X T S .In additloii to cottdgcs and boarding-houses as

•pluces o f residence, tents ore used by m any people. Last year, over four hundred o f tlipscwerecreeled, aiidalU iough tlio seuson was unusually stormy— tlio w ind sometimes blowing almost a gale— yet but one .was blown down, aiid th at Improperly put up, juid empty a t the time. Theso tents aro d r j ' and coiufortable, even In wi t w eather. M any persons, prefer tents to cottages, us they >ay, “ Tent life is a ihungo—we live in houses or Voltages a t home." Tents o f gooiVidze, r.nd In good condition, creeled and resiily for ocenpancy. cim uhvnys bo h ad on rea.<o;iab!o teruw by. application to .ijcS uperin­tendent. . • ‘

R A T I I I K G . A N D IIA A T 1 X C .TJie b ath ingut Ocean Grcve is un>urj»a^ed. The

boating upon the hikes i.s enjoyed by thousands ot lueu,-women,;am V children,from earl} ' V w u to long after dark. Over four hundred IwaLs are now found upon thcsu w aters..

O O m X M E X T .The governm ent o f the placo Is strictly religious,

being In charge o f twehty->ix meii—thirteen m l ti­ls tots n n d thirteen laymen—all o f w hom m ust bo members o f tl^o 3letho<list EplMiojml Church ; and yet this place Is In no s’etifo seetarlan—its jM>pulu- th»ii being cuiipo-ed of all denominations o f Chris-.' thins, who ei»joy and t^ke p.trl iui its religious icr-

tecs.' . . '. * • - i : r . c « r : A T r o x .

The o b jtv lu f this pUce is to provide a sea-side resort for Christian pcjple, free from lhe vices and emptations usually found a t fashionable watering

•daces, iin.1 tit. such rules as shail com e w ith in the re»‘d i o f those o f m oderate means.

. R E l.I(aO l'S SEUYICES.1 A eainp-mcetkig for the promotion o f Chrlsiian iioiiness is held each year, together w ith o th er re­ligions services, which are held d a lly from th e be­ginning o f thcVcnsou to Its clo-e. •

Tlie gates' are closed on the Sabbath, an d the quietuess that becomes thr.t liolv d ay everywhere prevails. Neltherllquoik nor tobacco a rc sold upoii tlie ground. " HolIne-*s todhc Lord ” Is o u r motto.

L O T S T O l^ S A L K ,About twelve hundred lW* havo already been

sold.. Thero ure many more yet in the market well ioeated and attractive. Tho proeee<ls from tbc salo oflous, lUnTTrohr till o lbc: >ources. go tc tmprovo the place. Thoindlvldual melub.Ys.ot the Assoelation ure hot iluuneiaUyiteuollted.1 The .cliarter prohibits it.- ' ; . ' • < •

The rull-road dcjwlTs but a few l.u.idro.u yarib from the eiitrunco the grounds. >• ?t and tele- gm;Wi otlieo open all the year.

jUI otlier information desired can be freely ol> tatned by addressing _

E . H . S T O K E S , P r e s id e n t , €4. IV . E Y A .N S, S e c r e t u r y ,

Or any member of tho Executive com m ittee or Ocyan Grovo A s s o c i a t i o n . : •

Jislmv]! I_ J NEW JERSEY. *

ill. A sbury P a rk Is located, directly op- . | < 1 poRite tho celebrated Ocean Grovo

B camp-mectlng g rounds (W esloy L ako > dividing tho, tw o ' places), fou r mllea. v below • G eneral G n in t 'a c o ttag o ;‘a t -<

5 Long' Hraimh, New :Jersoy. Over \ ci^ht. hundred-cottagea bnvb been •

biulr, nt Asbury. Park , and Occan; l y Grovo within fiix'years, coating over \ Y one., m illion 'dollars. . Asbury. Park |

0 ( f l o a ts d irectly oil tho. ocean. I t does I ■ n o t f ro n t on a bay, o r sound, b r 'r iV - ';

e r, b u t on tho broad A tlan tic, htretcb-

f i Her, nu t on tho iiroau A tlantic, s tre tch - / \ ing uw ay fo rth o u san d so f uiileB.. As; i J bu ry ' P a rk w as UBaeBsed in 18G9 n t -■w $15 000; .tbo afisesHinont for 1875 w as $250,000’ S treets m im ing a t r ig h t angles to t lio sea aro from one to tw o hundred lee t w ide—an advnntugo iT I

.'possessed by no o th er sea-sido resort-'* W on tho New* .leraoy c o a s t . . ..- \

A sbury P a rk , opposite Ocean : ! G rove, can bo reached d irec t by tho C bnthat; U a ii.uoad . o f N r w J e r - 8Bv,‘ froni tho foot o f L iberty s tree t. ;N ew York, via. . Je rse y C ity , ' and J also by steum bout fro m . foot o f Itcc*.'

. G rove, cun bo reached d irec t by tho ■T CBNTitAT.' ltAII.itOAp . OP NliW jE It-

_ | 8b y ,‘ from tho foot o f L iberty s tree t, t ) ? | —I N ow York, via. Je rse y C ity , ' a n d , T

also by steum bout fro m . foot o f I tc c - i j ‘ to r s tree t, N . Y., to Sandy IIook^ M

2 I utrordiug a Hue v iew o f tlie N arrow s, ( U | - ' . Imrbor fortilicotions, e tc ., tlienco by. ■ ■ ■

•_ tho New' Jei-Bev . Southern Ji. I i. to U Dj_ Hranciinort; ( I { .n n le s . from L ong 118 [■*1 B ran cb J^an d connecting th ere w ith .

B ...................


HMIMVli;, HIIU I.IIW1U Wivu..Ccntrul Kailiqad o f N o w J ° rflQy . . So thero aro; tw o lines o f cbminunlcar . 'tion. From 'Philadelphia^ the. cars y A run to Aahuvy P a rk direct. . R ail- > road, time from N e w Y o r k to Asbiiry • - P a rk ; *2 hoiii-a; express in snmmor, A

' about 1 1 hours; and from Pliiladel* U - phia.-to;Asbury P a r k , 2 hours mid 35 i _ .

H 'minutes..'T h e term s o f salo o f lots in A sbury I ■

P a rk a re ub fo llow s: F irst. W hen • -■.

bP a rk tire tis fo llow s: F irst. W hen par lie b buy nnd do n o tb u ild , one-tb in i tho purehuso inomiy. w ill bo required dow n, balance in 11 vo yenra. Second. - AVhero purelm Bor'builds, no moiioy. w ill be rem iircd do w n ,, liu t a tnort*

’ .’or [>rig . t t _

;duo‘ ono .hundred yoai-S bence, the

0 : W*ll be reqiii, gage can uo given, p a y a b le -in ten

. ’ y ea rs , w ith tho privilege, of ten like^ renow nls,^m akin^ tlio principal, sum

‘ r ig h t to pay o lf tho m ortgage u t a n y I i i * J tinie. T h ird . T en n e r.c e u t. o tf lo r ■ I

. cash a t time o f purcnaso.; F o r price ■ i o f lots, address j .. •.'> iTjJA M E S A. B R A D L E Y , o r ISA A C L J B E A L E , 251 P ea rl,S t., N ew Y ork , | .

r . A L L E N E . C O O K ,. Aabury P a rk , <U Now. Je rse y . ; . . .

H . : .

HEW 3UBSET.Note.—The Assossment for 1878 V o s $ 3 0 2 ,0 0 0 ..

On these avenue?' “ *>ont three .hundred an d scv- emy-Avc cottages are how. bulit, v im iu g lu cost from (#300 to €5.1,000.' There a rc about lorlv

•additional Buildings;consisting o f larg»* boarding- houses; stores, and such oilier edifices a.s the busi­ness o f .tlio placo demands.. .To thc>e buildings others aro .being constantly 'added, so 1« .V, ho prc- else num ber given to-day w ill n o t .answ er for tho uuinbcr a week o r a m onth hence. All of.the cot­tages nro comfortable—some o f them plain , and others possessing nil tlio beauty uud perfection of m odern architecture. ,

f ii7 .K o r L O T S

The Attention of the PublicV 18 INVITED TO \



No. 823 Market St., Philad’a,• (Above 8th Street, North side,)

The most Home-IihoEinin2-Soom in the City

E x r i'i le n (■ M e r its ,-A ttc n llv i; V ra i f - erx , a m i Jit-rrHnjiaftl*' Pi'ltwti.

A 1«o. 4 2 S . S e e o H tl ■:n i l l , n i i i i n e in w i i r o A v e . a n d •

S p r u c e S t . ' :: • ; . *12

V E E Y D E S C R IP T IO N of P B IN T lN jT '1 ;v A sb u ry P a r k P r in t in g H o u se . v J T

-■ —,...... ,

D E N T IS T R Y .

M I L T O N K E I M , M . D . . D . D . S .


K. E. Cor. Twenty-First & Arch Sts.,rillL A U K l.I’HIA.

Furnishes p tu tla l o r cn llro sets ,<m alt k inds of pbtlo In u^c—Gold, Kllvor; (-dliilriid and Mineral.

Ills new system o f EMnio iiusuttuiu-od di-»c“rvcd udmtrutloiijlH’higm oroim tural.elcan- or and lighter than any m aterial for pluto yet In­troduced. R has o n ly to bo secii tobe uppreduted. .

F illing in tho m ost artistic m anner. ■ Extracting, with sk ill atulcaro. ‘H asall m odern appliances In'

•thopraetlco .ofh is profession.. ■ v R> .

R E r a M w l r l lR E A L E S T A T E & INSURANCE BROKERS,

Coolcuiitii Ave., 2<1 l>oor' IVom J)<*i>oY, ASBURY PARK, W. J.



S e w K E s ®- H T T M P H E E X S ' .

H O M E O P A T H IC S P E C I F I C SXScen i n g c i i c r n l u s e f o r t w e n t y y e a r s .

E r c ry w H e v e «>rovert U io m o s t 6iA FK , S O IP L K , E iM O M lC A L a n d E F P I C I E N T n \eU ic i.» ie .< U h n w n . T h e y a r e J u » t* w h a t t h e p e o p le w a n t : Rnvitigr t i m e , m o n e y , GioltncHs ; tm ! onirerlttpT . E v e r y flihgrle ^ p e e lf lc t l i e w e l l t r i e d p e r a c r lp t l o u o f a n e m i n e n t p h y s i c i a n .•N ob. CnrcH. -. Cents.

1. F e v r r s , Connestloti, InfinnimntlonH, . . -35 ■H. 'IV orm M , W o rn Fever, W orm C oiic ,. . . 253. r r y l » s - C o l l e ; o r Teething of In fan ts,. 254. I S i a r r J u e a , of Children or Adidtn. . . 255. J J y se ’u t c r y , GrI])Ing, Bilious Colic, . . S3 G. C h o le ia - a S o r b n s , Vomhing, . . . . 25 7. C o u g h s , Colds, B ronchitis,... . • . .. i a"i '

. '.fi. N e u r a l g i a , Toothache,Fnceacho, . . 2.V... O .H e a d a c h c 8 , SIck Headache, V ertigo, . , 25

10. D y s p e p s ia , Bilious Stomach, . . . . 2531. S tii» iu*e8sed , o r Painful P erio d s ,. . . . 2512. IV l i l te a i too Proruso Periods.. . . . . 2513. C ro u ji. Cough, Difficult Breathing, > . , 25 4-1. S a l t K i i e u tu , Erysipelas, Eruptions. • . 25 IB. n i i e t u u a t i s n i , Rhenniatie Pains, . . 25 10. F e v e r a n d A cjn e , Chill Fever, A gues,. 6017. I'ilCH* blind or bleeding, .1 . . . . . , 5018. O p l i t l i a lm y , anil Soro o r W en'kEyefl,. 50 :19. C a t a r r h , acute or chronic, Influenza, DO20. IV lio o p i ii f t '- to u p fh , violent coughs, . 50 ,21. A s t h m a , oppreescd Breathing, . . . 50 •22. E a r 8 > lsch a rffe .s , impaired h ea rin g ,. . : 50 '23. S c r o r u l a , cnlftrgcd plandfl, BwcIIIngo, . 5024. C ienrW tl Debility, Physical W eakueas, . ‘5025. W ro jw y and scanty SccretloiiB, . ; i . ' B0 20. N e a -S ic l tn e s s ,. sickness from riding* .V 60

‘27; K ld i tc y * » ls e a R e , Gravel, • v . . • .. 60'28. N e r v o u s l i e l i l l l t y , V ital W eakness, 1 0029. S n r e M o u th , Canker, . . . . . . . 60 39. U r in a r y 'W e a U n c 8 8 , w etting tho bed, 50 81. I» a In I 'u ll* e r Io d H , o r w ith Spasm 0, . ; 5032.;n i s e a « e o f H e a r t , pclnltatlons, etc. . 1 00.33. E i i i le i is e y , Spasms, St. V itu s ’ D o n ee ,»1 00 84. B l p h t l i e r I a , ulcerated soro throat, . . 60 35. C h r o n i c C o n B e s t io n s and Eruptions, 60

, FAMILY CASKS.C afie , Morocco; with above a s l a r g e vlnla and *..

Jllauual.ofdirections, •. .. . . . ... $10.00 • C a s e Morocco, o f 20 largo vials and Book, 6 .00

T h e s e r e m e d i e s a r e s e n t b y t h e c a s e s ln p r le h o x o r v i a l , t o a n y p a r t o f t h e ; e o u n t r y , f r e e o f c h a r g e , o n r e c e i p t o f i i r le e . A d d r e s s • ' 'i lm u p l i r c y N ’ K o m e o n a th l e ItSedieino C o ,: Office a n d Depot, 109 Fulton St. New York.

; F o r N u ic b v a i l D r i ig f f ib tg .■f28T K u m p h io y o ’ Spociilo M a n u a l o n jth o

■ c a ro a n d t r e a tm e n t of. d isease ; a n d i t s c u re , . s e n t l i ’K E E o u n p p lip a tio n . •

. Phllii'h p b la Ollleo—flUi Arcii St. F o rsa le a t tbo d rug stoi« s ill Oceap Groye an d Asbury Park . ; 11


L X J i l B E E . T A E D y .Corner o f M ain Street, an ti A nbury A venue, A nbury P a rk , JS. J .*5r-This Firm has furn ished m ore than one-half the Lum ber used in A sburj' Park and. Ocean

Grove,, an d lias am ong its. constant patrons tho oldest an d most reliable contractors an d builders • In the county. A new a n d com plete assortment of all k inds of-

LUMBER 1 BUILDING P T E R IA Lju s t p u t in tho Yard, and for sale a t prlccs w hich .are lower than a t any timo for 25 years past. '

Lime, Plaster, Cement, Hair and Lath.: ( jtirs lu d y and aim ,Is to supply tho builders 'of our vicinity with

EVERYTHING N EED FU L IN T H E BUILDING LIK E.All orders .filled w ith dispatch, and Lum ber hauled arid carefully p iled on tho grounds. -02~Tho

attention of fanners and others from tho adjacent country, who wish anyth ing in“ o ur line, (s solicited. Ordeiw taken for car-loads a t reduced prices. • . .

Garret V. Smocx. .■;•' . . ■ Nelson E. BtjciiAKON.;


LO NG B K A K O H , K. J.

H avo on hand a la rge Stock of Koady- m adc Clothing, D ry Qoods, Shoes,

N otions, Zophyrs, and m any o th e r artic les too num er­

ous to m ention.

B y buying our Goods in la rge riuanti- ties, wo a re ahlo to sell them

cheaper th an any country Store, and as cheap as

tho loading City Houses.

ST O V E ;& T IN W A R E

E S T A B L IS H IE N T ,To meet tlie increased deiiianda of the

.population — : . •;Pormanont or Summer Scsidsnts of

Ocean Grove and Asbury Park, .vre have on hand a large and varied stock of Kitchen Ranges, Cook and Parlor Stoves, Housekeeping articles, and, ,

Visitors may rely on.heint; suited as well, or better, than if they made :their purchases in the cities; thus saving cost and trouble of. transportation. • • '

TIN IlOOFINGr, •and hll ont-door work, promptly attended to

Il l f i ual . -V": . V:' '• .- % .The; Puhlio invited to call and eiamine »ckand. Prices.- T •

A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J.O O O K H O W L A N D ,

A g en t f o r setting L o is & B u ild in g Collages.

Tho underelgnedi haviiig been engaged in th e erectiQ uof

COTTAOka AX- KiGEAN QROV22, J f . «T.,

from tlie beginning o f th e enterprise u n til the present time, believes th a t h e has gained such experience in t in s k ind o f building, acquired such kuowledgo o f tLe wants o f lo t holders; lias vuch facilities for buying lum ber a t reasonable rates,' and finishing a job w ith d lspa td i, th a t ho can m ako i t . the interest o f • parties going to build to givo h im a call, H e wUl engage to bu ild Cottages

Kn e v e r y S fy le ,... iu o Worliniaiillke Mnnucr,

■ At Keusouiiblo Italcs,'varying In prices from {EtiO to 83,000., '-/•

. l ’artios w ishing.to sell o r buy lots or ren t Cot- taees, w ill' do well to address tho undersigned w ith stam ped an d directed envelope, a t Ocean Grove, N .J . COOK nOWLANB.

Architect an d Builder.

Barber &HeMersoi*", .' ■_■■■’ . ■ ■ ; • - -- i -

Wholesale a n d R e ta il M anuftietu- - . re rs arid D ealers In.

LUMBER,Window Frames, Doors,

Sash, Blinds, Hard­ware, Slate Mantels, &c.

H aving purchased tho Yard ’form erly occupied h y tho PIUNCKTON L. & I. CO., w e are fully pre­pared to furnish everything in the build ing line.

45T*You cau save 10 per

Messrs. &NEY will bo show attention who will favor

to 'any one

G E O . O . O B M E E O D ;

m AYE, ASBURifHas Jiow on liaud a large and varied a'isoi tm eh to f

g L A T E M A N T E L S; v AND V: ^ ’V - '''C E N T R E r - - P I E C E S :

At JfahufacturcrsVprlces. Samples m ay be seen by calling a t tho largo . .

B O A T E M P O I iE U MAt tho h ead o f .Wesley;Lako; . 1 9

FBI All WHOT,P L T T M B E I 3 , :

Well Driver. Gas Fitter.M A IN S T R E E T ,

ASBURY PARK, N. J.All kinds of Iron : and’ llrass: Lift and Forco

PlJillIVS, Rubber Ho.so, Lawn Sprinklers, Wire Goods, Gas Fixtures,,W iro'Vblckei* *Viit*ii»Kv Window Screens, etc. Calvanlzcil Iron or Colpper IJollcrs, J tn t l i . T u b * , . Wash. Raslns./.Kihheu H I2S K S , Plain, Galvanized or Knameled, Vitri­fied I>r«I**- Iron and Ix;adSoil Plpes, Traps aud FlttlwRK of all sizes,- together with an assortment of PLUMBERS’ ANDI GAS-FITTERS’ W/IRE, Iron Sta­ble Fixtures, Hay Packs, Feedllo.ves, Ac.’ at prices to suit tho times.

Pole a Rents for the PATENT AMERICAN DRIV­EN w e l l .; '. •

" N O r i O ^ .All ^MonsAvlib contemplate building a l Ocean

drove, Asbury Park', Ocban.Hcaub; Sprln'gl.akp ^r Mnnasqtiail. will find. it to tneirlntercsttotjeLlhelr Plumbing ami Gas-FUtiug done uf ’either of our KstablishmciUs. and save tline} money and an­noyance in m aking small changes und repairs, ns Wo have good mechanics, a largestoekof gnodsmi hand; an d do w ork u t short, n 'jtlco und in a work­m anlike m anner.

Branch Store at Spring Lake..

H, S. F A R R E L L ,/. Sign and ,J)cconitivo ■ ' r

P A IN T E R .i - . (Opposite tho. Mai ii Entrance,) ‘

OCEAN. CIKOVE. : : ;A s ii j»ty .«»f l*niit 1 u* OIIs^OIiinn. A c.,< in '

l i i i i o l . Iti*o£ a » a h i( , 5 o c . p e r G a l l o n . / ■’In|eiM>r Decomtions In' Palnthig and Paper .

-Ifnnghiijs: Iiurnisiiod G ilding aud Kmbo-ssing csi GlaSs. P lain nnd Tinted K aisom inine, Graining, Glaring. &c.; executed in a w orkm anlike m anner,


Ocean Grovo, N .J .Al! \\ .rk done In tho best m anner. Glazing and

Gmlniiit* promptly attended to. Orders irom city or con111.y,d iankfu lly received. 42-1

LI.iO'.IiSHraiice Co.Safo, Strona, anil Always ReliaWe.tT iii'fi ’^ n tc d b y F i n a n c i a l D e p r e s s io n , j I ' .u in e r .K C o n s t a n t l y I n c r e a s i n g .

hpES B. CARR, Gen’l Ayent,■ ii i W A L N U T S T R E E T ,

I * J f i r .A D E I .P I I I A .
