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Review Article A Review on the Development of Rotman Lens Antenna Shruti Vashist, 1 M. K. Soni, 2 and P. K. Singhal 3 1 FET, ECE-Department, Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, Haryana 121001, India 2 Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, Haryana 121001, India 3 HOD-ECE, MITS, Gwalior, India Correspondence should be addressed to Shruti Vashist; [email protected] Received 17 February 2014; Revised 19 June 2014; Accepted 20 June 2014; Published 17 July 2014 Academic Editor: Dean Deng Copyright © 2014 Shruti Vashist et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Rotman lenses are the beguiling devices used by the beamforming networks (BFNs). ese lenses are generally used in the radar surveillance systems to see targets in multiple directions due to its multibeam capability without physically moving the antenna system. Now a days these lenses are being integrated into many radars and electronic warfare systems around the world. e antenna should be capable of producing multiple beams which can be steered without changing the orientation of the antenna. Microwave lenses are the one who support low-phase error, wideband, and wide-angle scanning. ey are the true time delay (TTD) devices producing frequency independent beam steering. e emerging printed lenses in recent years have facilitated the advancement of designing high performance but low-profile, light-weight, and small-size and networks (BFNs). is paper will review and analyze various design concepts used over the years to improve the scanning capability of the lens developed by various researchers. 1. Introduction To appreciate the significance of the most popular con- strained lens architecture, the Rotman lens antenna, it is necessary to provide a review of the constrained lens develop- ment. To fully understand the concept of these complicated and complex lenses, the basic concept of microwave beam- forming network must be dealt with in detail. e Rotman lens antenna provides ideal performance for applications such as for satellite based direct radiating arrays, remote- piloted vehicles, collision-avoidance radars, ultra-wideband communications systems, and many more [1, 2]. Constrained lens arrays are special groups of beamforming networks. ey share some similarities with dielectric lenses and reflector antennas on one hand and with antenna arrays on the other. eir function is to form beams in multiple directions which correspond to the position of the feed antennas at the focal surface. e name constrained comes from the fact that a wave incident on one face of the array does not necessarily obey Snell’s law when passing through the lens array [1]. It is instead constrained to follow the transmission line paths. Unlike dielectric lenses or reflector antennas, lens arrays do their collimation (transmission) and focusing (reception) discretely, using antenna arrays [2]. e frequency independent beam pointing angle characteris- tics of the lens due to its time delay nature makes it ideal for many broadband width electronics warfare. e paper is organized as follows. Section 2 represents various beamforming techniques and its development. Section 3 deals with the design equa- tions of the lens. Section 4 presents the various design approaches of the Rotman lens and finally Section 5 is the conclusion. 2. Development of the Beamforming Networks e device that produces dynamic feeding information for an aperture is called a beamforming network (BFN). e beamforming network usually consists of number of input ports and number of output ports that are subjected to feed number of array elements [4]. Typical layout is shown in Figure 1. A BFN produces desirable amplitude and phase distributions across the aperture for each input port so that quality beams can be sent into different angles. A beamforming network can be planar or 3-dimensional, depending on the aperture requirement. Usually, 2D BFN produces 2D steerable fan beams, while 3D BFN generates 3D steerable pencil beams. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Chinese Journal of Engineering Volume 2014, Article ID 385385, 9 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/385385
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Review ArticleA Review on the Development of Rotman Lens Antenna

Shruti Vashist,1 M. K. Soni,2 and P. K. Singhal3

1 FET, ECE-Department, Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, Haryana 121001, India2Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, Haryana 121001, India3HOD-ECE, MITS, Gwalior, India

Correspondence should be addressed to Shruti Vashist; [email protected]

Received 17 February 2014; Revised 19 June 2014; Accepted 20 June 2014; Published 17 July 2014

Academic Editor: Dean Deng

Copyright © 2014 Shruti Vashist et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Rotman lenses are the beguiling devices used by the beamforming networks (BFNs). These lenses are generally used in the radarsurveillance systems to see targets in multiple directions due to its multibeam capability without physically moving the antennasystem.Now a days these lenses are being integrated intomany radars and electronic warfare systems around theworld.The antennashould be capable of producing multiple beams which can be steered without changing the orientation of the antenna. Microwavelenses are the one who support low-phase error, wideband, and wide-angle scanning. They are the true time delay (TTD) devicesproducing frequency independent beam steering. The emerging printed lenses in recent years have facilitated the advancement ofdesigning high performance but low-profile, light-weight, and small-size and networks (BFNs). This paper will review and analyzevarious design concepts used over the years to improve the scanning capability of the lens developed by various researchers.

1. Introduction

To appreciate the significance of the most popular con-strained lens architecture, the Rotman lens antenna, it isnecessary to provide a review of the constrained lens develop-ment. To fully understand the concept of these complicatedand complex lenses, the basic concept of microwave beam-forming network must be dealt with in detail. The Rotmanlens antenna provides ideal performance for applicationssuch as for satellite based direct radiating arrays, remote-piloted vehicles, collision-avoidance radars, ultra-widebandcommunications systems, andmanymore [1, 2]. Constrainedlens arrays are special groups of beamforming networks.They share some similarities with dielectric lenses andreflector antennas on one hand and with antenna arrayson the other. Their function is to form beams in multipledirections which correspond to the position of the feedantennas at the focal surface. The name constrained comesfrom the fact that a wave incident on one face of the arraydoes not necessarily obey Snell’s law when passing throughthe lens array [1]. It is instead constrained to follow thetransmission line paths. Unlike dielectric lenses or reflectorantennas, lens arrays do their collimation (transmission)and focusing (reception) discretely, using antenna arrays [2].

The frequency independent beam pointing angle characteris-tics of the lens due to its time delay nature makes it ideal formany broadband width electronics warfare.

The paper is organized as follows.Section 2 represents various beamforming techniques

and its development. Section 3 deals with the design equa-tions of the lens. Section 4 presents the various designapproaches of the Rotman lens and finally Section 5 is theconclusion.

2. Development of the Beamforming Networks

The device that produces dynamic feeding information foran aperture is called a beamforming network (BFN). Thebeamforming network usually consists of𝑀 number of inputports and 𝑁 number of output ports that are subjectedto feed 𝑁 number of array elements [4]. Typical layoutis shown in Figure 1. A BFN produces desirable amplitudeand phase distributions across the aperture for each inputport so that quality beams can be sent into different angles.A beamforming network can be planar or 3-dimensional,depending on the aperture requirement. Usually, 2D BFNproduces 2D steerable fan beams, while 3DBFN generates 3Dsteerable pencil beams.

Hindawi Publishing CorporationChinese Journal of EngineeringVolume 2014, Article ID 385385, 9 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/385385

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2 Chinese Journal of Engineering

Table 1: Different types of beamforming networks.

S. number BFN Features Advantages Disadvantages


They make use of a computer orchip processor to controlelectronic components formingexact amplitude and phase fordifferent channels of arrayelements.

They have zero phase error,flexible amplitude tapering, andinfinite number of scanningsteps.

They are limited tolow-microwave frequencies dueto low bit-bandwidth of currentA/D devices [8]. It requires fastprocessors in order to form acoherence receiver. In case wherelarge processing of information isinvolved, the computation speedbecomes difficult.


One of the earliest BFNs whichoriginated from the Butlermatrix. It consists of alternaterows of fixed phase shifters andhybrid junctions [8, 9].

They are easy to construct andcan be implemented usingprinted circuit boards. Theproduced beams are dependenton frequency.

It requires crossovers on thelines. The beam shift occurs asthe frequency varies, which is notdesirable in mostcommunications links, as certainbandwidth information isexpected to be sent to the samelocation.

3Microwave lensbeamformingnetwork

It applies path delay mechanismto form the desired phase front atthe array input. Each of the inputconnects to a beam port thatradiates semicircular phase frontwithin the lens cavity [10]. Arrayof receiving elements functioningas receivers then guides theenergy into the output array.

The path-length designmechanism in the microwavelens is independent of frequency[10]; thus it is typicallyconsidered as true-time delaydevice [11]. The properlydesigned beam, receiving portpositions, transmission linelength, correct phase, andacceptable amplitudedistributions can be achievedacross the aperture.

Finite insertion losses andinherent losses occur due to thehybrid couplers, fixed phaseshifters, and transmission linesthat make up the matrix. TheButler matrix passive beamforming antenna also requiresthat the individual beam patternsbe orthogonal in space.


Phased array







Figure 1: Beamforming network.

There are several ways of designing and categorizingthe BFNs. They are the digital BFNs, network BFNs, andmicrowave lens BFNs. The Rotman lens antenna design fallsin the regime of lens BFNs. Few highlights, advantages, anddrawbacks of different BFNs are given in Table 1.

2.1. History of Microwave Lens as Beamforming Network (SeeFigure 2) . Figure 2 shows the typical characteristics of themicrowave lens. Assume that an RF signal is being receivedby an antenna array with 𝑁 number of elements, from aparticular direction. Due to certain geometry of the antennaarray, the impinging RF signal reaches the individual antennaelements at different instants of time, which causes phase

Narrow beamsMultibeams

Light weight

Wide band

PCB fab

Low error

Wide angle scanning

Electronicallyscannable array



True time delay


Figure 2: Characteristics of microwave lens.

shifts between the different received signals.Usingmicrowavebeamforming technique, the beam patterns of the antennaarray can be steered in certain desired directions, whereasundesired directions can be suppressed. Microwave lensemerged as a beamforming network (BFN) in the 1950s,and it subsequently was involved in numerous cutting edgeapplications [5, 6]. Advancements in materials science andfabrication technologies led to new implementations of themicrowave lenses usingwaveguide, striplines, andmicrostrip.Many applications including automobile collision-avoidance,remotely piloted radars [7], and remote satellite sensorrequire compact, lightweight antenna systems capable of

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providing wide-angle scanning over a broad frequency band-width.

The Rotman lens is an attractive passive microwave lens-based beamforming network due to its low cost, reliability,design simplicity, and wide-angle scanning capabilities [12].It is a device that uses the free-space wavelength of asignal injected into a geometrically configured waveguide topassively shift the phase of inputs into a linear antenna arrayin order to scan a beam in any desired signal pattern. It hasa carefully chosen shape and appropriate length transmissionlines in order to produce a wave-front across the output thatis phased by the time-delay in the signal transmission. ARotman lens achieves beam scanning using equivalent time-delays that are created by the different path lengths to theradiating elements. Since Rotman lens is a true-time-delay(TTD) device, it produces beam steering independent offrequency and is therefore capable of wide-band operation.Researches on intelligent transportation systems and appli-cations were carried out to enhance safety and efficiency ofroad transportation related to vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) andvehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) automotive communications.Microwave beamforming networks can greatly increase andenhance the performance of wireless systems used in intel-ligent transportation systems and framework. In this con-tribution, passive planar steerable microwave beamformingnetworks based onRotman lens and cascaded Butlermatriceshave been designed and analyzed in intelligent transportationsystems [13].

These lengths depend on the relative position between thebeam port and the array ports on the structure. As long asthe path lengths exhibit constant time-delay behavior overthe bandwidth, the lens is insensitive to the beam squintproblems exhibited by constant phase beamformers. Eachinput port will produce a distinct beam that is shifted in angleat the system output.

The design of the lens is controlled by a series of equationsthat set the focal points and array positions. The inputs,during the design of the system, include the desired numberof beams and array elements and the spacing of the elements.

3. Rotman Lens Design Parameters

A Rotman lens is built using microstrip techniques, feedinga patch antenna array. It satisfies the qualities required in anantenna as it provides high gain, large scan angles, conformalgeometry, and low cost. There is a lot of scope in optimizingvarious parameters which are useful in designing Rotmanlens antenna. The antenna is capable of producing multiplebeams which can be optimized to steer without changing theantenna orientation. Figure 1 shows the basic diagram of theRotman lens [14]. It consists of a set of input and outputports arranged along an arc. It consists of a parallel plateregion surrounded by number of array ports and beam ports.Dummy loads can also be introduced to provide reflectionless termination of parallel plate region. Dummy ports arealso an integral part of the Rotman lens and serve as anabsorber for the spillover of the lens and thus it reducesmultiple reflections and standing waves which deteriorate





g ar






Dummy ports

Dummy ports





ay p




Figure 3: Basic construction of Rotman lens.

the lens performance. The lens structure between both setsof ports functions as an ideal transmission line between theindividual input and output ports. The signal applied to theinput port is picked up by the output port.

The different electrical lengths between a specific inputand all output ports generate a linear progressive phase shiftsacross the output ports of the lens. The design of the lensis governed by the Rotman-Turner design equations that arebased on the geometry of the lens as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 4 shows a schematic diagram of a trifocal Rotmanlens. Input ports lie on contour𝐶

1and the output ports lie on

contour 𝐶2. 𝐶1is known as beam contour and 𝐶

2is known

as array contour. There are three focal points, namely, 𝐹1, 𝐹2,

and 𝐺. 𝐺 is located on the central axis while 𝐹1and 𝐹


symmetrically located on the array contour at an angle of +𝛼and −𝛼, respectively. It is quite clear from Figure 2 that thecoordinates of two off-axis focal points 𝐹

1and 𝐹2and one on-

axis focal point𝐺 are (−𝐹 cos𝛼, 𝐹 sin𝛼), (−𝐹 cos𝛼, −𝐹 sin𝛼),and (−𝐺, 0), respectively [15]. The equations generate thepositions of the antenna ports based on three perfect focalpoints (𝐺, 𝐹

1, and 𝐹

2). The following equations govern the

design of the lens:

𝐹1𝑃√𝜀𝑟 +𝑊√𝜀𝑒 + 𝑁√𝜀𝑖 sin𝛼 = 𝐹√𝜀𝑟 +𝑊0√𝜀𝑒,

𝐹2𝑃√𝜀𝑟 +𝑊√𝜀𝑒 − 𝑁√𝜀𝑖 sin𝛼 = 𝐹√𝜀𝑟 +𝑊0√𝜀𝑒,

𝐺𝑃√𝜀𝑟 +𝑊√𝜀𝑒 = 𝐺√𝜀𝑟 +𝑊0√𝜀𝑒.


The design parameters for the lens with different substrates inthe cavity, transmission line and the inner receiving contourare represented in Table 2 and with the air filled in the cavityis represented in Table 3.

The above equations provided the method to designthe simple first order design for Rotman lens. The originalRotman lens was developed in 1963 [15]. It achieved two-dimensional scanning using a parallel plate transmissionmedium for true time delay architecture. In the paperRotmansuggested that his design of the lens would show betterperformance in terms of scanning angle in fractional degreesteps out performing the state of art at that time. His workimproved on coma aberrations and off-axis phase distortions

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Outer lenscontour, Σ2

Inner lenscontour, Σ1









Section of wavefront



TL 0




(G − R)

Cable ofelectricallength W

Cable ofelectricallength W0

Center of focal arcG

G, 0




F2(−Fcos𝛼, −Fsin𝛼)

(−Fcos𝛼, Fsin𝛼)




l arc


Ray −−−−−−−−→F1O1O2M

Ray −−−−−−→F1PQK

Figure 4: Geometry and design parameters of Rotman lens.

Table 2: Design parameters for the lens with substrate.

𝑥 =𝑤√𝜀𝑒(1 − 𝑔)

(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)√𝜀𝑟



2(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)𝜀𝑟

𝑦 =𝑛√𝜀𝑖


(1 −𝑤√𝜀𝑒



𝑎 =𝜀𝑒


((1 − 𝑔)


(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)2+𝑛2𝜀𝑖


− 1)

𝑏 =√𝜀𝑒


[((1 − 𝑔)

(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)∗



(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)𝜀𝑟

) −2𝑛2𝜀𝑖


+ 2𝑔 +2𝑔(1 − 𝑔)

(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)]

𝑐 =𝑛4𝜀𝑖



4(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)2



+ (𝑛2𝜀𝑖


) −𝑔𝑛2𝜀𝑖𝑏𝑜


(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)𝜀𝑟

𝑤 =−𝑏 ± √𝑏2 − 4𝑎𝑐


of the general lens principles that were developed by Jones etal. by using there perfect focal points at the input side [3].

The history of microwave lens design familiarizes us withhow previous researchers improved the design of microwavelenses and their visions upon the development. Furthermore,reviewing the past and emerging applications of microwavelens helps form and assess the usefulness of the newly pro-posed designs. Gent obtained generalized design equationsfor arbitrary lens shapes and by using lens equations [3]Rotman and Turner introduced Rotman lens phenomena.

In the following section of the paper, historical develop-ments, work done, and various applications of Rotman lenswill be discussed in detail.The detailed contributions of workdone by other researchers helped a lot to develop the reviewpaper.

Table 3: Design parameters with air filled in the cavity.

𝑥 =𝑤(1 − 𝑔)

(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)−



2(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)

𝑦 = 𝑛(1 − 𝑤)

𝑎 = ((1 − 𝑔)


(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)2+ 𝑛2− 1)

𝑏 = [((1 − 𝑔)

(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)∗



(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)) − 2𝑛

2+ 2𝑔 +

2𝑔(1 − 𝑔)

(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)]

𝑐 =𝑛4𝑏𝑜


4(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)2+ 𝑛2−𝑔𝑛2𝑏𝑜


(𝑔 − 𝑎𝑜)

𝑤 =−𝑏 ± √𝑏2 − 4𝑎𝑐


4. Various Design Approaches ofRotman Lens Antenna

Microwave lens is a structure which is capable of focusingthe electromagnetic energy into a point. The microwaveregion defines the region with the electromagnetic spectrumwith wavelength between 1mm and 300mm. During itsdevelopment in 1950s, metallic plate and constrained linetechniqueswere originally adopted in designing the Ruze lens[16] and the R-2Rmicrowave lens. In 1957, a general theory ofimproved constrained lens was invented by Gent [15], and itwas named bootlace lens because of its general structure asshown in Figure 5. Rotman lens was introduced by Rotmanand Turner in 1960s.The lens was designed withmainly threefocal points and hence there was an improvement in thephase error performance. After the invention of Rotman lens,in Raytheon Electronic Warfare division, systems based on

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Transmission lines

Aperture linear array

Lens curve

Feed curve

Feed ports



Figure 5: Gent bootlace lens configuration.

Rotman lens in 1967, the work was done on reducing the sizeof the lens by loading the parallel plate region by dielectricmaterial [17]. In 1967 first microstrip Rotman lens and scanexpansion was introduced. It was observed that if the parallelplates were loaded uniformlywith the dielectricmaterial withtypical permittivity 𝜀

𝑟, then the linear dimensions of the lens

would come down by a factor 1/𝜀𝑟[18]. It provided additional

degree of freedom to the designer. This factor was called anexpansion or compression factor.

In 1970, first 2DRotman lens stackwas demonstrated, dueto the independence of the mutually orthogonal array factorscomprising a planar array rectangular lattice, it was possibleto arrange Rotman lens in 2D stacks [19]. In 1971MUSTRAC,a shipboard telemetry tracking system was developed.

In 1960, Rotman and Tuner applied Gent’s general lensdesign schemes in their early warning radar systems [3, 15];in 1962 they reported a three perfect focal point microwavelenses, which had greatly improved the phase error anddesign freedoms of the original Ruze lens [16] as shown inFigure 3.

Keeping in view the model’s fundamental limits,researchers have developed and modified three focal lenses[15], four focal lenses [20], and nonfocal lenses [21]. Theconventional models and their development are brieflyaddressed in the following sections.

4.1.TheRotman LensDesignApproach by Rotman and Turner.The review begins with the survey of the conventionalRotman lens design (RLD) [15]. The original RLD consistsof a parallel conducting plate, fed by horn antennas alongthe beam contour, and transmission lines that connects theinner receiver contour and the outer phased arrays, as shownin Figures 6 and 7. The lens was designed for feeding lineararrays. There were three focal points located on the beamcontour, which generated zero theoretical phase errors alongthe phase front of the linear array elements. In the originalmodel the parallel plate was assumed air filled. The beamcontour was restricted to be circular and the scan angleproduced by linear array was constrained to be of the samevalue as the subtended beam port angle.

Research work on Rotman lens antenna started way backin 1963 when Rotman and Turner published their research

Input horn

Parallel plate region Outer contour

Focal arc

Top view

Parallel plates

Input horn

RF coaxial cables

Inner contour


RF probes

Figure 6: Original Rotman lens configuration.

work. This work still remains the bench mark for researchersin this area.

The lens parameters are defined as shown in Figure 7.Thefocal arc locates the feeding elements which are termed asthe beam port or the beam contour. The inner lens contourlocates the receiving elements and the outer lens contouror the array port locates the radiating array elements. Forthe beam contour design, three focal points were used: twooff-axis focal points (𝐹

1& 𝐹2) which were symmetrical and

one on-axis focal point (𝐺) [15]. The shape of the focal arcwas chosen as a circular. Unlike the other types of lenses,including the Ruze model for which the parameters 𝑌 (the𝑦-coordinate of an arbitrary point on the inner lens contour)and𝑁 (the coordinate of a radiating array element connectedto the receiving element locating at 𝑃(𝑋, 𝑌)) were kept equalto each other; Rotman lens allowed 𝑌 and 𝑁 to be different.This providedmore degrees of freedom in the design. In orderto derive design equations for the lens contour, optical path-length equality and the lens geometry were used.

4.2. Symmetrical Lens Approach by Shelton (See Figure 8).Shelton [22] developed a symmetrical lens configuration asa modification to the Rotman lens. The beam and the innerlens contours were identical and symmetrical with respectto a symmetry plane as shown in Figure 8. This design wasuseful for comparable number of input and output ports.Thedesign equations of this type of lens were more complicatedthan that of Rotman.

Between 1981 and 1983 it was experimentally determinedby Maybell [23] that for the lens port width between 0.5and 0.7 the active reflection coefficient of the port increasessignificantly at small angles as 15 degrees and results in severedegradation of the lens amplitude and phase distributions.

The solution to the above problem was given in 1984 inthe form of patent by Hardie et al. [24]. They suggested thatlens port suffering with this problem is to be replaced by halfwidth port pair and an isolated power combiner.

In 1984 Katagi et al. [25] improvised the design equationsgiven by Rotman and Turner by adding a new variable which

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P(X, Y)X W



O1 O2






(−G, 0)

F1(−F cos𝛼, F sin𝛼)

F2(−F sin𝛼, −F sin𝛼)

Wave front section

Dielectric constant of

Dielectric constant of

Substrate dielectricconstant 𝜀r

transmission line 𝜀1


ax Arr

ay ap


re (D



Outer lens contour

Beam contour (focal arc)

Inner receiver contour








radiating element 𝜀1



Figure 7: Rotman lens geometry.



Feed/lens curve

Feed/lens curve

Symmetry plane

Figure 8: Symmetrical lens.

reduced the phase error on the aperture of the linear arrayantenna. This design parameter helped in reducing the sizeof the lens.

As it could be seen in Figure 9, Katagi defined a subtendedangle (𝛼) corresponding to one of the off-axis focal points aswas defined in Rotman’s model. However, the scan angle (𝛽)corresponding to the excitation from 𝐹

1was assumed to be

different from the subtended angle (𝛼) though scan angleswere assumed to be equal to the corresponding subtendedangles in Rotman’s design model. Hence, Katagi introduceda new design variable consisting of the ratio of the scan angleand the subtended angle corresponding to one of the off-axisfocal points. This variable provided a new degree of freedomcompared to the conventional design. Katagi also suggestedthat the shape of the beam contour is not necessarily a circulararc. Based on the concept of Rotman lens design, Katagiproposed an improved design in 1983. By applying a refocusmethod, the modified equations theoretically demonstratedthat changing the circular contour and altering the radiationangles yielded lower phase errors than the original design.

Transmission line

Linear array antenna

N Nmax



𝛼 �0












Parallel plate regionFree space


O1 O2



Figure 9: Katagi’s design of the lens.

In 1989Musa and Smith presented a new design approachfor reduction of side wall absorption which was one ofthe performances limiting parameter of the lens [26, 27].Musa and Smith emphasized the flexibility of designing largescan angle Rotman Lens by applying small subtended beamregions. The path-length equation was firstly expressed in apower series and the importance of focal length 𝑅 factor wasstudied. In later work, the Snell equations and 1D aperturetheory were first time used to predict the amplitude perfor-mance of the Rotman lens. A prototype of waveguide lens,designed based on conventional three focalmethods, withoutside wall assumptions, was conducted. Both simulation andmeasurement demonstrated cosine shape tapered amplitudedistributions.

In 1990Hall et al. reviewed radio frequency beamformingtechniques and presented a very wide range of solutionsincorporating both quasioptics and circuit base type net-works [28].They found that the reflectors and lenses produce

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high gain beams with very narrow scan ranges. Circuit beamformers have thewell-known travelingwave or corporate feedcharacteristics and could be used in limited size array whichin addition gave wide bandwidth.

4.3. Design Trades by Hansen. A big breakthrough in thiswork came in 1991. Hansen [14] used six basic designparameters: focal angle, focal ratio, beam angle to ray angleratio, maximum beam angle, focal length, and array elementspacing. One more parameter of ellipticity was introducedwhich assumed the beam contour to be elliptical instead ofcircular.The parameters beam angle (subtended angle) to rayangle (scan angle) ratio and ellipticity are additions to theparameters of the conventional design. Hansen explained theeffects of the seven design parameters on the shape and onthe geometric phase and amplitude errors of a Rotman lensin detail. The general design equations and parameters werereformulated in Hansen’s work. In this design trade, the ellip-tical beam contour was introduced, and the relation betweenthe scan angle and the beam subtended angle was captured bythe parameter defined as 𝛾 = sinΨ/ sin𝛼. Relation betweenthe phase errors and typical design parameters was studied,and the optimization factor𝛽was finalized. InHansen’s work,the lens was assumed to be air filled and beams were scannedinto free space.

4.4. Refocusing Approach by Gagnon, Modified by Singhal.Gagnon introduced refocusing procedure for dielectric-filledRotman lens according to Snell’s law [29].Therefore, applyingSnell’s law yields a ratio of √𝜖 between the sine of thescan angle and the subtended angle of the beam contour.This approach provided beam and array port positionswhich gave improved coupling to the outermost beam ports,especially for printed lenses used with small arrays. Amodified approach to design Rotman (1963) type multiplebeamforming lens had been proposed by Singhal et al. [30].The path length error at the wavefront was calculated. Theerror obtained by the proposed approach and by the con-ventional approach has been compared. Two-dimensionalelectromagnetic field analysis of the lens obtained by themodified approach and by the conventional approach lenswas carried out using the contour integralmethod.The resultsobtained for both the lenses were compared.

In 1995 Woodward synthesis was given by Maybell [31]that would excite Rotman lens adjacent beam ports withamplitudes adjusted to sample a desired beam shape. Low sidelobes and constant widths were obtained over greater thanoctave bandwidths.

In 1996 Rausch and Peterson proposed a design based onthe contour integral. An mmwave Rotman lens that operatesbetween the frequency of 33 and 37GHz was designed [32].Various parameters were analyzed. Reduction in side lobelevel and insertion losswas observed.Greater scanning angleswere possible with different lens design. In the same year,multibeam array using Rotman lens and RF heterodyne wasproposed by JJ Lee. RF heterodyne technique was applied toRotman lens to reduce the size of beamforming network forairborne antenna operating at L-band (1.4 GHz).

In 1996 low cost compact electronically scanned mmwave antenna was proposed by Rausch and Peterson whichshowed good reduction inside lobe levels and insertion loss[32].

In 2003 Singhal et al. proposed the fact that the height ofthe array and feed contours must be the same for maximumpower transfer and better lens performance [33]. Effect onshape of beam and array contour by variation in scanningangle, focal ratio, and element spacing were prime issues ofhis work.

Simon in 2004 analyzed the performance of the lens usinghis own simulation tool designed in MATLAB platform. Itwas probably the first reported GUI specially designed forRotman lens antenna [34]. Accuracy of author’s proposedRotman lens design software is verified by comparing itsresults with numerical analysis of Rotman lens (NARL).

The quadrifocal bootlace lenses were first proposed todesign 3-dimensional lens beams forming networks by Rao[20, 21]. The lens consisted of four perfect focal points alonga linear feeding line and a nonplanar output phased array.Dong and Cheung [35] applied this technique to design a cir-cular feeding contour and linear output 2-dimensional lens.Different from the RLD, the planar lens allows 4 symmetricperfect focal points allocated along the beam contour, andthis arrangement can still feed the same number of phasedarray elements at the output. Beam contour perturbationwas the technique adopted in [36] to improve the phaseperformance of the quadrifocal planar lens. It is noted that thelens equations only support designs of air filled lens and thescan angle is also restricted to be the samewith the subtendedangle.

In 2009 nonfocal lens design and 360-degree scanninglens were done byDong. He reported a design of amicrowavelens which had the capability of 360-degree scanning. Thiswas a major breakthrough since work of this kind wasnever reported where lens had achieved the capability ofcomplete 360-degree scanning. The conventional Rotmanlens phase error could be reduced by adapting a nonfocaldesign strategy, proposed by Dong [37–39] in 2008. Theproposed method allowed designing a Rotman lens phasecenter contour without passing any ideal foci. The originalRotman lens [15] was designed to have 3 ideal focal points,which led to the design of a deterministic inner receivingcontour that gave zero path-length errors for the beamsemitted from these 3 focal points. However, in the realisticdesign, more beam elements were expected to occupy thebeam contour, which lead to phase errors for the nonfocalbeams.

This idea later lead Zaghloul and Dong to propose a 360-degree scanning lens in 2009 [40]. The proposed lens hadsymmetric beam and inner receiving contours, whose beamports and receiving ports were interleaved. Beam port andreceiving ports couldmaintain differentmodes of operations;it is possible to reuse the receiving port as beam port ifcirculators are adopted. Both nonfocal and 360-degree lenseswere the topics in his dissertation.

In 2009 Uyguroglu et al. [41] introduced a new conceptof feed curves such that the phase error was reduced. The

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method was based on having three zero error positions onthe radiating array for each feed curve point.

After 2009 various researchers are still trying to improvethe design of the lens so as to achieve wide angle scanningwith low lens loss and minimum phase error. Use of variousexisting optimization techniques, namely, genetic algorithm,particle swarm optimization, simulated annealing, and soforth, can come handy in improving the performance of thelens.

In view of all the above mentioned facts by variousresearchers it is quite clear that still there was a scope ofimprovement in the performance of the lens.

In 2012 Christie et al. [42] proposed a new type ofbroadband retrodirective array, which had been constructedusing amicrostrip Rotman lens. Automatic tracking of targetswas obtained by exploiting the conjugate phase response ofthe beamforming network which was exhibited when theinput portswere terminatedwith either open or short circuits.In addition, the true time-delay property of the Rotman lensgave broadband operation of the self-tracking array whenused in conjunction with Vivaldi antennas.

In 2012 again Zhang et al. [43] described how a standardRotman lens design could readily adapt in order to allowreconfigurable beam forming. This was achieved by applyingconcurrent excitations to the modified Rotman lens. A ratio-nale for the design and underlying behavior of the modified,phase-aligned, Rotman lens as well as the deficiencies of aconventional Rotman lens in this mode of operation wereprovided.

In 2013 Zongxin et al. [44] developed a compact printablemultibeam antenna array.The antenna systemwas composedof a printed Rotman lens and an antipodal dual ellipticallytapered slot antenna array; both of the two components werestudied, respectively, at first, and then integrated on a singleprinted circuit board to make up the integrated unit of themultibeam antenna array.

5. Conclusion

As the Rotman lens is a traveling wave structure it has tobe sized in the order of several wavelengths to give a properfunctionality.This leads to hard requirements considering thesize of the Rotman lens, which could be determined by costand size of the available substrate. Hence it was difficult todesign Rotman lens at lower frequencies. Rotman lenses haveproved to be a popular multiple beamforming technologies,due to their simplicity and performance. They have beenovertaken by developments in digital signal processing andthe speed of analogue to digital converters. The result isthat many of these applications now use digital beamformingtechniques.These applications basically operate at millimeterwavelengths, having bandwidths of many gigahertz or mustdrive so many beams.

The paper gives the insight details of the developmentin the area of the beamforming networks and Rotman lensantenna. Most of the work has been done to simplify thedesign equations related to beam port and array port of thelens to provide design freedom of the lens.Themain aim was

also to reduce the size of the lens by loading the parallel plateswith the dielectric material. It was observed that if the lenswas asymmetrical then the side lobe levels would increase.Newdesign variablewas introduced to reduce the phase error.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


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