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Review Article Perioperative Multimodal Anesthesia Using Regional Techniques in the Aging Surgical Patient Diana Nordquist and Thomas M. Halaszynski Department of Anesthesiology, Yale University School of Medicine, Yale-New Haven Hospital, 333 Cedar Street, P.O. Box 208051, New Haven, CT 06520-8051, USA Correspondence should be addressed to omas M. Halaszynski; [email protected] Received 13 July 2013; Revised 31 October 2013; Accepted 1 November 2013; Published 20 January 2014 Academic Editor: Steve McGaraughty Copyright © 2014 D. Nordquist and T. M. Halaszynski. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background. Elderly patients have unique age-related comorbidities that may lead to an increase in postoperative complications involving neurological, pulmonary, cardiac, and endocrine systems. ere has been an increase in the number of elderly patients undergoing surgery as this portion of the population is increasing in numbers. Despite advances in perioperative anesthesia and analgesia along with improved delivery systems, monotherapy with opioids continues to be the mainstay for treatment of postop pain. Reliance on only opioids can oſtentimes lead to inadequate pain control or increase in the incidence of adverse events. Multimodal analgesia incorporating regional anesthesia is a promising alternative that may reduce needs for high doses and dependence on opioids along with any potential associated adverse effects. Methods. e following databases were searched for relevant published trials: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and PubMed. Textbooks and meeting supplements were also utilized. e authors assessed trial quality and extracted data. Conclusions. Multimodal drug therapy and perioperative regional techniques can be very effective to perioperative pain management in the elderly. Regional anesthesia as part of multimodal perioperative treatment can oſten reduce postoperative neurological, pulmonary, cardiac, and endocrine complications. Regional anesthesia/analgesia has not been proven to improve long-term morbidity but does benefit immediate postoperative pain control. In addition, multimodal drug therapy utilizes a variety of nonopioid analgesic medications in order to minimize dosages and adverse effects from opioids while maximizing analgesic effect and benefit. 1. Introduction e complex and multifactorial processes of aging can encompass all human organ systems. Secondary to cumu- lative effect(s) of comorbid condition(s) and diminished physiologic reserve, perioperative stresses can interfere with physiologic homeostasis and lead to potential deleterious adverse effects (AE). With an increase in number of elderly patients undergoing surgery, it is important to determine optimal perioperative therapies to improve recovery while minimizing AE for older surgical patients. A contribution to development of perioperative complications for patients is improper/inadequate postoperative pain therapy. Inadequate postsurgical pain management can be associated with poor interventional outcomes with potential higher rate(s) of medical complications, decreased perioperative pain anes- thesia/analgesia experience for patients, and patient and family member dissatisfaction associated with their surgical encounter [1, 2]. Planning an anesthetic technique and perioperative pain regimen requires consideration of several interventional details. However, debate continues over the optimal approach to anesthesia and analgesia in the elderly. It is always important to consider patient age, preexisting comorbidities, anticipated surgical procedure, and postoperative analgesic requirements when deciding upon appropriate perioperative pain management strategies for older patients. Perioper- ative pain management methods examined and explored in this paper are regional anesthesia, including neuraxial and peripheral nerve blockade, along with multimodal drug therapy. Older patients have age-related physiological and phar- macological differences that are unique. In addition, many Hindawi Publishing Corporation Pain Research and Treatment Volume 2014, Article ID 902174, 13 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/902174

Review ArticlePerioperative Multimodal Anesthesia Using RegionalTechniques in the Aging Surgical Patient

Diana Nordquist and Thomas M. Halaszynski

Department of Anesthesiology, Yale University School of Medicine, Yale-New Haven Hospital, 333 Cedar Street, P.O. Box 208051,New Haven, CT 06520-8051, USA

Correspondence should be addressed toThomas M. Halaszynski; [email protected]

Received 13 July 2013; Revised 31 October 2013; Accepted 1 November 2013; Published 20 January 2014

Academic Editor: Steve McGaraughty

Copyright © 2014 D. Nordquist and T. M. Halaszynski. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

Background. Elderly patients have unique age-related comorbidities that may lead to an increase in postoperative complicationsinvolving neurological, pulmonary, cardiac, and endocrine systems. There has been an increase in the number of elderly patientsundergoing surgery as this portion of the population is increasing in numbers. Despite advances in perioperative anesthesiaand analgesia along with improved delivery systems, monotherapy with opioids continues to be the mainstay for treatment ofpostop pain. Reliance on only opioids can oftentimes lead to inadequate pain control or increase in the incidence of adverseevents. Multimodal analgesia incorporating regional anesthesia is a promising alternative that may reduce needs for high dosesand dependence on opioids along with any potential associated adverse effects. Methods. The following databases were searchedfor relevant published trials: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and PubMed. Textbooks and meeting supplementswere also utilized. The authors assessed trial quality and extracted data. Conclusions. Multimodal drug therapy and perioperativeregional techniques can be very effective to perioperative painmanagement in the elderly. Regional anesthesia as part ofmultimodalperioperative treatment can often reduce postoperative neurological, pulmonary, cardiac, and endocrine complications. Regionalanesthesia/analgesia has not been proven to improve long-termmorbidity but does benefit immediate postoperative pain control. Inaddition, multimodal drug therapy utilizes a variety of nonopioid analgesic medications in order to minimize dosages and adverseeffects from opioids while maximizing analgesic effect and benefit.

1. Introduction

The complex and multifactorial processes of aging canencompass all human organ systems. Secondary to cumu-lative effect(s) of comorbid condition(s) and diminishedphysiologic reserve, perioperative stresses can interfere withphysiologic homeostasis and lead to potential deleteriousadverse effects (AE). With an increase in number of elderlypatients undergoing surgery, it is important to determineoptimal perioperative therapies to improve recovery whileminimizing AE for older surgical patients. A contributionto development of perioperative complications for patients isimproper/inadequate postoperative pain therapy. Inadequatepostsurgical pain management can be associated with poorinterventional outcomes with potential higher rate(s) ofmedical complications, decreased perioperative pain anes-thesia/analgesia experience for patients, and patient and

family member dissatisfaction associated with their surgicalencounter [1, 2].

Planning an anesthetic technique and perioperative painregimen requires consideration of several interventionaldetails. However, debate continues over the optimal approachto anesthesia and analgesia in the elderly. It is alwaysimportant to consider patient age, preexisting comorbidities,anticipated surgical procedure, and postoperative analgesicrequirements when deciding upon appropriate perioperativepain management strategies for older patients. Perioper-ative pain management methods examined and exploredin this paper are regional anesthesia, including neuraxialand peripheral nerve blockade, along with multimodal drugtherapy.

Older patients have age-related physiological and phar-macological differences that are unique. In addition, many

Hindawi Publishing CorporationPain Research and TreatmentVolume 2014, Article ID 902174, 13 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/902174

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geriatric patients suffer from poor perioperative health sta-tus and comorbid disease, varying degrees of physical de-conditioning (especially prior to lower extremity orthopedicprocedures), and compromised organ reserve capacity. Car-diovascular, nervous, pulmonary, endocrine, and immunesystems can all be affected by human aging processes. Sys-temic changes that accompany aging are carefully reviewedin order to determine some suggested optimal techniques forperioperative pain management.

The number and extent of any coexisting disease(s) andmedical condition(s) are more directly related to periop-erative risk than to chronological age for elderly patients.Therefore, patient age alone should no longer be considered amajor risk factor for anesthesia and surgery. More importantfactors and better predictors for the elderly include issuessuch as overall physical status, medical history, and diseasestate along with patient condition (e.g., physical decondition-ing) and type of surgery. Complication rates for perioperativeanesthetic and pain management choices increase very littlewith the advancing age in absence of coexisting disease.However, there is often an increased incidence of diseaseand existing comorbidity(s) in older surgical patients. Four-fifths of older patients have at least one complicating medicalcondition and 1/3 have 3 or more coexisting diseases. Thereare also several medical conditions that are predictive ofhigher surgical risk such as hypertension, diabetes melli-tus, and ischemic heart disease [3], and other predictorsof increased perioperative risk in elderly patients includeurgency, type, and duration of the planned surgery. Upperabdominal surgical procedures followed by thoracic andopen-heart surgery are associated with the highest morbidityand mortality for older surgical patients.

2. Regional Anesthesia

There are several types of regional modalities available(Table 1) and investigations in regional anesthesia (RA; bothneuraxial and peripheral nerve blockade) are variable andinclude different regional techniques combined with vari-ous drug regimens including (a) peripheral nerve blockadealone; (b) peripheral nerve blocks combined with generalanesthesia; (c) neuraxial blockade; (d) neuraxial blockadewith general anesthesia; and (e) neuraxial combined withperipheral nerve blockade. RA involves loss of sensory and/ormotor function of a specific portion or dermatome of thebody by temporary interruption of normal nerve conduction.Lack of consistency within RA studies and protocols remainsan important factor that has limited the ability to portrayfirm indications, guidelines, and recommendations about anyadvantageous or optimal anesthetic technique in the geri-atric population. For this reason, several retrospective andprospective studies fail to show any difference or meaningfulobjective outcomebetween general versus regional anesthesiain older patients. In addition, no significant long-term vari-ation in morbidity or mortality has been established exceptevidence of a reduced incidence of deep vein thrombosis andreduced blood loss when RA is utilized [4].

Table 1: Regional anesthesia.

Types of upper extremity blockade

InterscaleneSupraclavicularInfraclavicularAxillaryIntravenous regional

Types of lower extremity blockade

Lumbar plexusSciaticFemoralLateral femoral cutaneousObturatorPopliteal and saphenousAnkle

Types of head and neck blockade

Cervical plexusStellateOccipitalMaxillaryMandibleRetrobulbar

Types of truncal blockade

IntercostalInterpleuralParavertebralTransversus abdominisplane


Table 2

Benefits of regional anesthesia(i) Improve acute perioperative pain management(ii) Reduced opioid use along with reduced incidence of adverseevents(iii) Can obtain skeletal muscle relaxation, thus limiting needand risks of IV muscle relaxants(iv) Option to maintain patient consciousness(v) Continued presence of protective upper airway reflexes(vi) An isolated regional modality will have minimal effect onpulmonary or cardiac disease

Clinically, RA appears to be a very effective and safetechnique in elderly surgical patients. Several established andtheoretical benefits of RA are listed in Table 2. And eventhough RA hasmany advantages, there are also issues specificto the elderly that should be considered when choosingan optimal procedure-specific anesthetic/analgesic modality.For example, spinal anesthesia in older patients can havea reduced latency time likely due to diminished cerebralspinal fluid (CSF) and higher dermatome level achievedthan in younger patients (due to spinal stenosis), along withincreased blockade density. Reduced nerve myelination alsoresults in a greater diffusion of local anesthetic and wider

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nerve block extension in the elderly; therefore, a reduceddosage of local anesthetic is recommended [4]. In order toprovide high-quality care for older surgical patients, thereshould be a careful consideration of the patient’s medicalhistory, age-related physiologic changes, and anticipatedaltered effects from any chosen anesthetic technique.

3. Multimodal Approach toPain Medicine in the Elderly

For a host of reasons and despite advances made in analgesiaand newer analgesic techniques, monotherapy with opioidsremains the mainstay of treatment for perioperative pain.Opioids (class of central-acting analgesics) provide powerfuldose-dependent relief of pain. Opioids are the most com-monly used medication for postoperative pain deliveringgood analgesic effect. Unfortunately, opioids can alter centralnervous system (CNS) activity and lead to physical andpsychological dependence with longer-term use, especially inthe elderly. They may also be burdened with several potentialadverse effects such as nausea, sedation, constipation, ileus,dysphoria, respiratory depression, and risk of abuse [5].Theseopioid related adverse effects could be exacerbated due toaltered pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics from age-related physiologic changes in the elderly. Some examplesof pharmacokinetic changes can include reduced hepaticand renal perfusion along with a reduction in total bodywater that can alter clinical responses to these drugs in olderpatients. In addition, examples of pharmacodynamic changescan include an increased sensitivity to CNS depressantagents resulting in cognitive dysfunction and/or reduction inminimum alveolar concentration.

With dependence on opioid monotherapy, results mayreveal inadequate postoperative pain management and canoften be of limited value due to associated AE’s. Opioidmono-therapy can lead to requirements of higher dosesto achieve adequate pain control and with higher dosages,more side effects become possible as well as intensity of AEthat often prove to be dose dependent. In the very recentpast, use of multimodal drug therapy has gained value andutility as being a more effective strategy in perioperativepain control for all patients [6]. Multimodal analgesia mayserve to optimize efficacy by using different analgesic drugclasses, each of which uses different receptors and pathwaysfor clinical effect(s) and improved surgical outcome.

Considering the aspect of less dependence on one med-ication treatment modality often provides the practitionerwith an ability to use lower drug dosage of individualanalgesics along with less reliance on one specific agent soas to limit AE from any single medication as well as possiblyreducing tolerance and dependence. Physicians find thisapproach to perioperative pain management beneficial, as itcan often permit less reliance on only opioids. Multimodalanalgesia incorporating RAmay also enhance recovery whileenabling optimal rehabilitation, quicker transfer to an outpa-tient setting andmore expeditious return to activities of dailyliving following major surgery. RA as part of multimodalanalgesiamay in turn reduce use of healthcare resources, help

tominimize cost and provide value to end users of procedure-specific pain management treatment modalities. Models ofmultimodal analgesia can be designed to include fast onset ofaction, reduced AE’s, tailored toward improved safety profilesin certain patient populations as well as effective reductionin pain levels by medication and analgesic delivery directedfrom multiple routes by different receptor interfaces. RA aspart of multimodal anesthesia has been shown to be effica-cious in multiple studies and may also improve outcome byreducing opioid use for optimal pain control in a wide varietyof surgical interventions. In addition, since surgical patientsrarely present with pure nociceptive or neuropathic painissues (typically a mixed component of postoperative painmanagement needs), a rational and multimodal approachproves necessary to target both peripheral and central painpathways.

4. Perioperative Cognitive Dysfunctionin the Elderly

The exact pathophysiology of postoperative delirium (POD)and cognitive dysfunction has not been completely definednor has all the potential pathways been determined. Bothpostoperative delirium and cognitive dysfunction have ahigher incidence in the elderly surgical population. However,it has been theorized, that by avoiding or reducing centrallyacting general anesthesia agents and centrally acting opi-oids (when possible), RA, along with multimodal analgesia(nonopioids) may optimize perioperative pain management.Therefore, such an anesthetic/analgesic patient-directed andprocedure-targeted plan may serve to reduce emergencedelirium and postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) inthe elderly.

Incorporating general anesthesia has a potential patho-genic factor towards brain toxicity, inflammation, and POCD[7, 8]. Such findings imply that modern general anestheticsbeing completely reversible may not be entirely correctand that differences along with advantages in perioperativeoutcome may be evident when using local anesthetictechniques versus reliance on inhalation agents. However,there is not yet a firm correlation between anesthetictechnique and long-term pain management improvementor reduced incidence of POCD. Nevertheless, some studiesdo demonstrate that short-term gains (diagnosed seven daysafter surgery) have been achieved with RA techniques usinglocal anesthetics compared to more conventional generalanesthesia in certain patient populations [9].

Dependence on opioids as the major role for pain man-agement in the elderly can result in a host of well-knownAE [10]. Narcotic use has been linked to a disturbed sleeparchitecture (reduced rapid eye movement and slow wavesleep) that can lead to hyperalgesia. Increases in pain dueto hyperalgesia can further worsen sleep and continue toperpetuate the cycle [11]. Following opioid administration, itis established that inadequate sleep can lead to cognitive dys-function as both adenosine and acetylcholine levels decreasein the basal forebrain. Adenosine and acetycholine levels notonly help regulate centrally perceived pain but also play a role

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to control memory, attention, and wakefulness, all of whichare disturbed by opioids.The elderly are particularly sensitiveto reductions in these chemical mediators (adenosine andacetycholine) as their baseline reserves are typically alreadyreduced. Therefore, by minimizing reliance on opioids bymaking perioperative RA the mainstay for pain medicine,AEs could be reduced.

Painmanagement can be challenging to treat effectively inthose suffering from perioperative cognitive changes. Strokeis one possible cause for negative influences on cognitionin patients but occurs relatively infrequently [12]. Cognitivedisorders can occur in all patients in which mental functiondiminishes in the early postoperative period and returns topreoperative levels within 7 days after surgery. In addition,CNS dysfunction can be a commonfinding in elderly patientswith some common causes of perioperative cognitive changesincluding POD and POCD. POD is the most commonpsychiatric/cognitive dysfunction condition of hospitalizedpatients. The incidence of POD and POCD may exceed 50%in certain surgical settings (cardiac and orthopedic surgeries)[13, 14]. Incidence of POD and POCD is higher than otherpostoperative comorbidities such as respiratory failure andmyocardial infarction [15], and, in some cases, POD/POCDmakes it difficult to treat pain since pain expression(s) cannotbe properly assessed. Therefore, effective implementationof RA could reduce the surgical and anesthesia stressorsresponsible for the transition into POD and POCD.

Older individuals with certain coexisting medical ill-nesses, patients with preoperative cognitive dysfunction,geriatric patients undergoing certain high-risk surgeries, andsurgical candidates of advanced age are at higher risk fordevelopment of postoperative cognitive disorders and poten-tial for long-term cognitive dysfunction. Cognitive disordersin high-risk elderly patients occur more frequently thananticipated as is evident in one study in which patients (𝑁 =1200) older than 60 years had a 25.8% incidence of cognitiveimpairment postoperatively at oneweek and, in somepatients(9.9%), if the impairment persisted for 3 months followingsurgery [16], outcomes ended in a higher mortality rateone year later. Therefore, incorporating RA in a procedure-and patient-specific manner during major surgery in high-risk elderly patients may reduce the incidence of worseningbaseline cognitive dysfunction or negative impact towardscoexisting disease(s) affecting cognition.

PODandPOCDcomplications can be significant becausesuch adverse outcomes can result in an increased length ofhospital stay and medical complications (prolonged acutecare hospitalization), unmet postoperative analgesic needs,unplanneddischarge to a skilled care facility, and even prema-ture death [17]. Patients with POCD are at an increased riskof death in the first year after surgery [18, 19] and economicimpact(s) of delirium is also considerable, adding costs tohospitalization, including billions in additional Medicarecharges.

4.1. Effects of Cognitive Dysfunction on Perioperative PainManagement. Conditions involving cognitive dysfunction inthe elderly are identified in Table 3. Elderly patients often

Table 3

Definitions of altered mental statusCondition Definition

Postoperativecognitive dysfunction(POCD)

Persistent deterioration of cognitiveperformance after surgery most oftenresolves within 3 months but can lastlonger


Decline in mental status, reducedawareness, cognitive and psychomotordysfunction, disorientation, andmemory impairment


Increased effect of drug on the body;for example, exaggerated respiratoryand cardiovascular depression fromnarcotics


Decreased blood supply to the braindue to ischemia or hemorrhage. Thereis an increased risk in the elderly,because of autonomic dysfunction,decreased baroreceptor sensitivity, andloss of vascular elasticity


Paradoxical increase in pain intensity,new pain complaints, and altered paincharacteristics while receivingtreatment with opioids

present with age-related changes of their organ systems,and, whether these changes are normal or pathologic, theyare to be considered in anesthetic and analgesic manage-ment. Perioperative evaluation for major surgery in olderpatients should be performed as a multidisciplinary teamapproach to achieve optimal postoperative pain manage-ment, recovery, and long-term followup when indicated. Inaddition, alterations of functional cognitive reserve in theelderly may be reflected as increased susceptibility to POCD,delirium, altered pharmacodynamics, stroke, hyperalgesia,sleep disturbances, and so forth. Therefore, properly selectedregional techniques (patient- and procedure-specific) capableof minimizing AE on fragile cognitive impairment for oldersurgical candidates may yield more optimal short- and long-term outcomes.

Cognitive status often relates directly to a patient’s func-tional ability which can be a determining factor in reha-bilitation, pain management, and whether or not a patientis discharged to home or will require a skilled care facilityfor recovery. Therefore, functional status of elderly surgicalpatients may be more relevant than their medical morbidityoutcomes following surgery. In addition, functional statusserves as a strong predictor of mortality as a result of hos-pitalization [20]. Decreased neurocognitive function yields adecrease in health related quality of life along with adversefinancial and social impact for patients, their families, andtheir care providers [21]. Therefore, if properly implementedand in a timely fashion, regional anesthesiamay provide a sig-nificantly lessened negative impact upon cognitive functionalstatus in older surgical patients presenting for major surgery.

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5. Influence of Aging Patients on RegionalAnesthesia and Multimodal Pain Therapy

Anesthesia choices using regional techniques can providetargeted pain relief and reduce dependence upon amountsof systemic opioids during the perioperative period. Multi-modal nonopioid medication regimens using local anesthet-ics provide analgesia and reduce reliance on opioids and theirmany associated AE in the elderly. Optimal postoperativeanalgesia is achieved when regional analgesics are placed inclose proximity to the corresponding dermatomedistributionof the surgical site [22–26].

Analgesic agent choices used with regional anesthe-sia/analgesia (local anesthetics with or without opioids andother adjuncts) can influence patient outcome. Central-neuraxial opioids prove effective in controlling postoperativepain, but only neuraxial local anesthetics (alone) have theability to attenuate adverse pathophysiological responses thatcan contribute to perioperative morbidity [27]. Neuraxiallocal anesthetics are effective through prevention of spinalreflex inhibition of diaphragmatic and gastrointestinal func-tion, suppression of responses to surgical stress, and throughblockade of efferent and afferent nerve signals to and from thespinal cord. Perioperative regional techniques in the elderlywill influence and control perioperative pathophysiologicevents by decreasing respiratory complications, reduce theneuroendocrine stress response, improving effective paincontrol, promote return of gastrointestinal function, andfacilitate earlier patient mobilization. All of the above factors,and many more, play an integral role in management ofrecuperating patients and can be influenced by compromisedorgan system reserves of older patients [28, 29].

Despite the lack of conclusive, long-term evidence thatregional versus general anesthesia provides improved out-comes, there are studies that can demonstrate improvedelderly patient results secondary to reducing organ dysfunc-tion. For example, amelioration of negative pathophysiologicevents and improved analgesia with the use of perioperativeregional modalities as part of a multimodal pathway forrehabilitation can create fewer stresses on organ function(especially cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurologic). Post-operative regional analgesia as part of a perioperative multi-modal approach in patients undergoing abdominal-thoracicesophagectomy can result in a shorter time to patient extu-bation, earlier return of bowel function, superior analgesia,and earlier fulfillment of discharge criteria from an inten-sive care unit [30]. Patients participating in a perioperativemultimodal pathway following major surgery had a decreasein metabolic and hormonal stress along with improvementin convalescence [31]. Patients undergoing colon resectionincorporating epidural analgesia and receiving a multimodalapproach to surgical rehabilitation showed a decreased lengthof hospitalization from 6 to 10 days to amedian of 2 days [32].Therefore, incorporating regional techniques (and utilizinga multimodal anesthetic approach) during the periopera-tive period may result in accelerated patient recovery forthe elderly [33], maximize surgical rehabilitation, aid inattenuation of pathophysiological surgical responses, andreduce the length of hospitalization. Such improvements for

older patients may continue to become more obvious whenincorporating regional anesthesia in those with aging organsystems, compromised organ reserves, and patients withdeleterious effects on organ function secondary to comorbiddisease(s).

5.1. Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia and Alterations inthe Geriatric Nervous System. Brain sensitivity to anestheticand analgesic agents increases with age and is unique toeach drug. Pharmacokinetic changes that accompany agingand the geriatric nervous system can explain some compo-nents of analgesic drug responses seen in the elderly. Themechanisms that define altered brain pharmacodynamicsto anesthetics and analgesics in the elderly are unclear atthe present, although altered brain kinetics may providesome direction. Age related altered brain sensitivity mightresult from changes in receptors, signal transduction, andhomeostatic mechanisms of the CNS. In addition, alterationsof brain phospholipid chemistry associated with changesin second messengers, such as diacylglycerol, are evident[34]. Therefore, if RA can accomplish a reduced impact onbaseline or altered brain kinetics, then adverse mechanismsof pharmacology toward brain function could be minimized.

Some major signs and symptoms of an altered nervoussystem in the elderly include altered reflexes, deteriorationsof gait and mobility, altered sleep patterns, impairment ofmemory and intellect, and decrement of the senses. In olderindividuals, there is a continual loss of neuronal substanceand diminished supply of neurotransmitters leading to reduc-tions in brain reserve. Such reductions increase the likelihoodof impaired sensitivity to systemic anesthetic and analgesicmedications, symptoms and signs of perioperative neurologicdysfunction, increased risk of POCD, and decreases infunctional activities of daily living. These negative attributesof systemic drug administration upon brain reserves in thegeriatric patient may be reduced with analgesic modalitiesthat focus on painmanagement in the periphery (i.e., periph-eral nerve blockade).

The autonomic nervous systemdictates involuntary phys-iological functions of the body by way of sympathetic andparasympathetic divisions and this system can experiencealterations secondary to the aging process. Aging of theautonomic nervous system is characterized by (a) limitedadaptability to stress; (b) net increase in the activation ofthe sympathetic nervous system; (c) decreased basal activityof parasympathetic nervous system; (d) decreased baroreflexsensitivity; and (e) slowing and weakening of homeostaticfunctions, all of whichmay play a role in achieving good peri-operative pain management. In addition, there are changesthat can occur in the older patient’s somatic nervous systemand include (a) peripheral nerve deterioration; (b) dysfunc-tion of genes responsible for myelin sheath protein compo-nents; and (c) decreased myelinated nerve fiber conductionvelocity to identify a few of the changes.

In older individuals, the aging autonomic nervous systemhas reduced abilities to respond to physiologic changes,stresses, surgery, pain, and anesthesia. Likewise, increasesin the sympathetic nervous system activity may be morepronounced and are organ specific with the gastrointestinal

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Table 4

Changes in the aging central nervous system(i) Decreased synaptic transmission(ii) Diffuse slowing on EEG(iii) Decreased oxygen and glucose consumption(iv) Loss of neuronal substance(v) Decreased production of neurotransmitters(vi) Decrease in cytoplasmic protein synthesis(vii) Decreased myelin glycoproteins

(GI) system and skeletal muscle as targets. Neuronal nora-drenergic reuptake is reduced in the elderly resulting in anincreased sympathetic tone of the heart and an increase inbasal adrenal secretions. There is a loss of beat-to-beat heartrate variability during respiration in the elderly due to areduced respiratory vagal modulation of the resting heart.Decreased baroreflex sensitivity is due to increased arterialstiffness and age-associated alterations of the autonomicnervous system. The autonomic nervous system and itseffectors play an important role in responses to hemody-namic challenges. Therefore, any imbalance of homeostaticmechanisms in patients of advanced age can result in clinicalcompromise (orthostatic hypotension, exercise intolerance,increased upper body sweating, and temperature intolerance)that may be reduced by implementing RA/analgesia.

Age related changes in the peripheral nervous system(PNS) and CNS may affect functional outcomes during theperioperative period and should be considered in patients’preoperative evaluation. Normal aging results in biochemicaland anatomical changes of the brain and spinal cord alongwith qualitative and quantitative effects on the nervoussystem (Table 4). Therefore, effect of aging on functionalreserves of CNS and PNS along with potential surgical andanesthetic ramifications must be considered. Anatomical andbiochemical changes of the brain and spinal cord include (a)volume of brain mass, number of synapses, and neurotrans-mitter concentrations; (b) cerebral electrical and metabolicactivity; (c) changes in brain nerve fibers; (d) changes withinthe spinal cord (cervical spinal cord maintains shape butdecreases in size); and (e) modification of the bony spinalcanal.

Daily living activities can be dramatically affected byage-related memory decline but are not inevitable. Defi-ciencies of specific neurotransmitters (related to Parkinson’s,Alzheimer’s dementia, and other brain disorders) often occurin geriatric patients.Memory deterioration can occur inmorethan 40%of people older than 60 years of age, and progressiveloss of intellectual activity along with mental deterioration(senile dementia) happens in 14% of the population agedgreater than 75 years [12]. Changes in neurotransmitteractivity and concentrations have also been implicated asa factor influencing anesthetic agent sensitivity. Cerebralmetabolic activity is decreased in older subjects and may bea result of decreased neurotransmitter concentrations andsynaptic activity. Degenerative changes of myelin sheaths

Table 5: Cardiovascular system changes in the elderly.

(i) Reduced exercise tolerance(ii) Loss of vascular elasticity (e.g., LVH and hypertension)(iii) Chronic blood pressure elevation and decreasedbaroreceptor sensitivity(iv) Increase in coronary arteriosclerosis(v) Valvular heart disease

in the CNS may lead to cognitive dysfunction throughchanges in nerve conduction velocity leading to disruptionof normal timing of neuronal circuits. Further contributionsto cognitive decline are due to loss of cerebral white matternerve fibers resulting in decreased connections betweenneurons. Although these changes have been identified in theaging brain, the mechanisms causing effects on functionalactivity reserve remain unclear. All of the alterations andchanges of the nervous system described above can affectperioperative pain management and should be consideredwhen treating older surgical patients. Therefore, measuresfocused on reducing such a deleterious impact on nervoussystem reserves will prove beneficial for the elderly surgicalcandidate.

5.2. Regional Anesthesia & Analgesia and the CardiovascularSystem in the Elderly. Patients undergoing various orthope-dic procedures under neuraxial blockade for perioperativeanesthesia and/or analgesia had a one-third reduction inoverall mortality from a recent meta-analysis of randomlycontrolled trials [35]. Another meta-analysis (N = 68,723) onMedicare patients found an association of significantly lowerodds ratio of death at both periods of 7 and 30 days whenusing postoperative epidural analgesia [36]. In yet anothermeta-analysis (𝑁 = 2427), it was found that patients whoreceived an epidural (with or without general anesthesia) hada reduced incidence of perioperative myocardial infarction.And, in those instances when a thoracic epidural was main-tained for analgesia longer than 24 hours, results showedsignificantly fewer postoperative myocardial infarctions [23,37].

Aging of the heart and vascular system in older surgicalpatients has clinical implications for treatment of postop-erative pain management. Morphological and functionalchanges of the cardiovascular system occur with the agingprocess (Table 5). There is not scientific evidence to suggestdifferences in cardiovascular outcome, morbidity, or mor-tality when using regional modalities or multimodal drugtherapy in the elderly [38], but some studies do show asignificant benefit that can influence the short-term survivalwith appropriate application of regional anesthesia [23, 24,39, 40]. As an example, an epidural combined with generalanesthesia for elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repairresulted in a shorter duration of postoperative intubation,reduced incidence of morbidity and mortality, reducedresource utilization, decreased time in the intensive care unit,more optimal postoperative pain relief, and improved overalloutcome [39].

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Preoperative placement of a continuous epidural inelderly patients for hip fracture surgery (versus a regimen ofsystemic opioids) has also demonstrated better perioperativepainmanagement and a reduced incidence of adverse cardiacevents [40]. In addition, thoracic epidural analgesia couldminimize adverse cardiovascular pathophysiology becausean effective epidural (analgesia achieved) decreases cardiacsympathetic outflow yielding a favorable balance betweenmyocardial oxygen supply and demand. The statisticallyproven benefit from regional procedures on the incidenceof myocardial ischemia, infarction, or malignant myocardialarrhythmias still remains uncertain. However, there is onestudy demonstrating that thoracic epidural analgesia doesdecrease the incidence of postoperativemyocardial infarctionalong with reduced ventricular malignant arrhythmias [23].

Perioperative deleterious cardiovascular events suchas congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, cardiacarrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death can occur with anincreased frequency within the first several days of a majorsurgical intervention [24, 41]. Activation of the sympatheticnervous system (SNS) can result in potentially negativeimbalances between myocardial oxygen supply and demand.A host of perioperative stressors including disrupted activ-ities of daily living, anesthesia, surgery, and postoperativepain can activate the SNS of elderly surgical patients to avarying degree. This in turn may predispose older patientswith reduced cardiac reserve to myocardial ischemia andinfarction.

5.3. Regional Anesthesia & Analgesia and the RespiratorySystem in the Elderly. Armed with an understanding of themultiple respiratory system changes in older patients, clin-icians should always titrate analgesic medications carefullyand assess patients frequently for any evidence of potentialadverse respiratory effects. For example (a) a greater decreasein arterial oxygen tension and/or an increase in carbondioxide is necessary to increase minute ventilation in theelderly; (b) elderly patients may not adequately increase theirminute ventilation to meet respiratory demands inducedby hypoxia and hypercarbia under the stress of illness orinjury; and (c) furthermore, this effect is exacerbated by theuse of opioids, benzodiazepines, and inhalational anesthesiathat can promote respiratory depression [42, 43]. There-fore, perioperative risk of respiratory complications amongelderly surgical patients may be explained by functional andstructural changes within the pulmonary system commonlyassociated with aging (Table 6).

It remains intuitively reasonable and clinically prudentto consider that older patients could benefit from regionaltechniques due to minimal sedation requirements, betterpostoperative pain control, and preservation of pulmonaryfunction. Yet analysis of several studies reveals that choiceof anesthetic shows no significant long-term effect on peri-operative respiratory morbidity and mortality within anyage group. However, by preserving or quickly restoringrespiratory function, epidural anesthesia appears to decreasemorbidity, reduce length of hospital stay, and lower health-care costs. In addition, any adverse respiratory effects frominhalational anesthetics and airway manipulation can be

Table 6: Pulmonary system changes in the elderly.

(i) Decreased chest wall compliance due to changes in muscle andchest wall joints(ii) Increased lung compliance due to loss in parenchymal elasticity(iii) Decreased lung parenchymal surface area leading to decreasedefficiency of alveolar gas exchange due to increase in dead spaceand shunt(iv) Decrease FEV1, decreased TV, and increased RR(v) Hypotonia of pharyngeal muscles leading to upper airwayobstruction(vii) Decreased responsiveness to hypercapnia and hypoxia(viii) Increased work of breathing

avoided.Therefore, the decision to perform regional anesthe-sia/analgesia must be assessed on a case-by-case basis con-sidering a patient’s pulmonary function, type and duration ofplanned surgery, and anesthesiologist expertise, along withconsideration and reflection of the elderly patient’s healthstatus and pulmonary reserve.

General anesthesiamay reduce functional residual capac-ity (FRC) by 15–20% with duration of effect that can last 7–10 days following surgery [44]. Following upper abdominalsurgical incisions under general anesthesia, a host of poten-tial pulmonary consequences are possible in older surgicalpatients: (a) vital capacity (VC) can be reduced (25–50%);(b) postoperative pain along with use of systemic opioidanalgesics can contribute to a reduction in tidal volume;and (c) an impaired ability to clear secretions and dimin-ished cough reflexes can lead to atelectasis and increasedrisk of pneumonia. In addition, elderly patients undergoinggeneral anesthesia are predisposed to atelectasis from acombination of age-associated increases in closing volumeand reduced FRC. Furthermore, reduced FRC is associatedwith ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) mismatching, increasedalveolar-to-arterial oxygen gradient, and decreased efficiencyof gas exchange. However, during neuraxial anesthesia, FRCis often unchanged from baseline.

Studies have shown that older adults undergoing lowerextremity orthopedic procedures have fewer respiratory com-plications when combining epidural plus general anesthesiacompared to general with postoperative intravenous mor-phine analgesia for pain management. Hypoxic events arediminished and measured levels of pulmonary arterial oxy-gen (PaO

2) are higher on post-op day 1 when using epidural

anesthesia/analgesia as compared to systemic opioids forperioperative pain management [45, 46].

Negative effects on pulmonary function from opioids andinhalation anesthetics predispose older patients to atelectasis,increased risk of hypoxemia and pneumonia, V/Qmismatch,and other postoperative pulmonary challenges [47]. Bluntingof hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) in the elderlyduring general anesthesia also causes a greater incidenceof intraoperative V/Q mismatch and increased alveolar-to-arterial oxygen gradient. Compared to intravenous systemicor epidural opioids, regional anesthesia using local anes-thetics for postoperative pain control may provide a greater

8 Pain Research and Treatment

safety margin for certain older patients and may be moreappropriate for postoperative pain relief [48]. Opioids canresult in a higher incidence of hypoxic events comparedto regional techniques with local anesthetics alone [49].Epidural local anesthetics compared to systemic opioids forpostoperative analgesia result in a reduced incidence, of pul-monary infection, increased PaO

2levels, reduced atelectasis

and an overall decrease in pulmonary complications [50].Epidural local anesthetics alone or local anesthetic-opioidmixtures also result in reduced postoperative pulmonarymorbidity following major abdominal and thoracic surgeryversus intravenous systemic opioids alone [51, 52].

Although some studies appear to demonstrate a clearadvantage of regional anesthesia over general anesthesiawith systemic opioids, controversy arises due to lack ofdifferentiation and uniformity of epidural analgesicmixtures,site of surgery in conjunctionwith level of neuraxial blockadeand the amount along with type of systemic opioids used.A meta-analysis of 141 clinical trials examining thoracicepidural anesthesia and analgesia versus general anesthe-sia and postoperative patient controlled opioid analgesiashowed a 39% reduction in pneumonia and 60% reductionin pulmonary depression [19]. In another review by Parkeret al. a meta-analysis has shown that neuraxial blockadeversus patients receiving systemic postoperative opioids maydecrease pulmonary complications in hip fracture surgeryleading to shortened intensive care unit (ICU) stays andreduced intubation times [53].

5.4. Regional Anesthesia & Analgesia and the Endocrine &Immune Systems in the Elderly. There is a correspondingreduction and deterioration of both cellular and humoralaspects of the immune system as human’s age. In addition,communicating capability of circulating immune cells andcytokines of the human immune system serves as one ofthe body’s major defense mechanisms. The thymus glandand hormones responsible for mature T-cell modulation arealso reduced with aging, leading to a diminished supplyof functioning T lymphocytes. By maintaining homeostasisand reducing surgical stress, regional anesthesia may betterpreserve the immune system, thereby possibly decreasingpostoperative infectious complications in older patients.

In an unstressed state, there is minimal alteration ofimmune functioning in older patients. However, whenthey encounter surgical stressors, more clinically significantchanges in immune function can become evident. Stud-ies reveal that regional techniques can preserve humoraland cellular immune functions in surgical patients [54],whereas administration of general anesthesia may worsenthe immunosuppression response that can occur subsequentto surgery. Therefore, by providing older surgical patientswith both procedure- and patient-specific regional options,this may more closely mimic an unstressed state for suchindividuals and preserve an unaltered underlying immunesystem.

Plasma glucose normalization and improved glucosetolerance with regional techniques can reduce catabolicresponse to surgery and improve upon gastrointestinal

rehabilitation, economy of proteins, and nutritional sta-tus of surgical patients [55]. Surgical stress and pain canoften produce hyperglycemia and overall catabolism thatmay predispose patients, especially critically ill patients, toincreased mortality and morbidity including: polyneuropa-thy, increased incidence of opportunistic infections, andmul-tiorgan dysfunction. However, RA may provide more stablephysiological parameters during surgery and theoreticallyprevent or reduce such surgical stress responses [56]. Forexample, regional techniques may minimize surgical stressby blocking sympathetic and somatic nervous systems frombeing activated. In addition, epidural blockade can reducepostoperative hyperglycemia and improve glucose tolerancedespite plasma insulin concentrations being unchanged [42].

6. Anesthesia and Analgesic Techniques:Impact on Aging Organ Systems

Analgesic modalities providing different postoperative anal-gesic levels may result in a varying incidence of postoperativecognitive dysfunction.There aremany theories that RA in theelderly will reduce the incidence of POCD, as well as othernegative factors related tomorbidity andmortality [22, 40, 41,46, 57, 58]. Timely implemented, there is a lower incidence ofacute postoperative pain, less sleep disruption, and reducedconfusion in elderly patients following hip fracture surgeryunder RA [53]. High delirium risk surgery (ex. femoral neckfracture repair) performed under spinal anesthesia (withoutperioperative premedication or sedation) has reported noincidence of delirium in elderly patients [59].

Higher degrees of postoperative pain have been associ-ated with an increased incidence of cognitive dysfunction[60], so it would appear that adequate postoperative pain con-trol would decrease the incidence of postoperative cognitiveimpairment. This concept was demonstrated in a study byBlock et al. in which analgesic regimens consisting of regionaltechniques using local anesthetics were shown to providesuperior pain control over systemic opioids [58] and alsoto reduce systemic adverse effects of opioids that have beenassociated with the occurrence of POCD [22].

Epidural analgesia has been shown to reduce the inci-dence of postoperative pulmonary complications that havealso been linked to an increased occurrence of POCD [16,35, 50]. Even with results as described above, there is nostatistically conclusive evidence that regional anesthesia andanalgesia are associated with a lower incidence of peri-operative compromise in the long-term for older patients.One of the problems in evaluating studies surrounding longterm outcomes (ex. cognitive preservation) in elderly sur-gical patients is design flaws and methodological variabilitycontained in the literature. Attempts at interpreting past andcurrent evidence provide conflicting results and, even in thehierarchy of evidence (meta-analysis of randomly controlledtrials and large randomized trials), there is lack of conclusivedata to demonstrate preservation of organ function beyondthe first few hours to a week after surgery when selectingregional techniques [61, 62]. However, other results from

Pain Research and Treatment 9

Table 7: ASRA guidelines for RA in the patient receiving anticoagulation therapy.

Anticoagulation Dosage Recommendations

Unfractionated heparin

SC BID No contraindicationsSC TID No recommendations—unknown risk

IV loading dose Delay administration >1 hour after needle placement or catheter removalRemove catheter 2–4 hours after last dose

LMWH SC daily Needle placement or catheter removal 10–12 hours after last doseDelay dosing 2 hours after removal of catheter

SC BID Needle placement or catheter removal 24 hours after last doseDelay dosing 2 hours after removal of catheter

Warfarin Stop 4-5 days prior to neuraxial technique, INR < 1.5 prior to needleplacement or catheter removal

NSAID No contraindicationsGPIIB/IIIA antagonists

Ticlopidine Delay 14 daysClopidogrel Delay 7 daysHerbal therapy No contraindications when used independently

meta-analysis demonstrate significant improvement in mor-tality when neuraxial blockade is used without general anes-thesia [63, 64]. Therefore, until absolute predictors and con-sequences of organ dysfunction are determined, it remainsdifficult to make absolute and objective recommendationsfor appropriate treatment and prevention of compromise ordecline within aging organ systems.

Perioperative pain has become a costly and significantpublic health concern due to associated costs of treatment andresources that are consumed due to prolonged hospital stays,medical management of potential pain medicine adverseevents (narcotic side effects), patient readmission for treat-ment of perioperative pain, and so forth. Acute pain shouldalways be expected in postoperative patients. With agingof the US population, more surgeries are being performedannually that translates into a higher absolute number ofolder surgical patients where pain management continuesto pose a challenge for clinicians. As discussed, inadequatepain management can have profound and even long-lastingnegative implications (stresses of surgery & postoperativestress, poor surgical outcome, chronic pain development,etc.). Therefore, increasing evidence shows that uncontrolledor inadequately controlled pain (pain of higher intensity andfor longer periods) after surgery serves as a risk factor for thedevelopment of organ system compromise and that efforts tomanage pain in the perioperative periodmay be very effectivein reducing such a burden.

6.1. Neuraxial Regional and Anticoagulation Issues in theElderly. There are a host of well-known advantages inaddition to many other potential benefits associated withRA in the elderly surgical patient. However, the incidenceof central-neuraxial neurologic compromise resulting fromhemorrhagic complications is not completely known. Theincidence of neurologic compromise (hemorrhagic injury)cited in the literature is estimated to be less than 1 in 150,000

for epidurals and less than 1 in 220,000 for spinal anesthetics,and recent epidemiologic surveys suggest that the frequencyis increasing and may be as high as 1 in 3000 in somepatient populations (ex. patients with varying degrees ofcoagulopathy, both clinical and subclinical). In addition, therisk of clinically significant bleeding increases with advancedage, the presence of an underlying coagulopathy, associatedabnormalities of the spinal cord and vertebral column,difficulty during neuraxial needle placement (ex. multipleattempts), and presence of an indwelling neuraxial catheterduring sustained prophylactic anticoagulation.

The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and PainMedicine (ASRA) convened itsThird Consensus Conferenceon Regional Anesthesia and Anticoagulation and devel-oped practice guidelines/recommendations that summa-rize evidence-based reviews and provide expert opinionin response to patient safety issues surrounding coagula-tion concerns during RA [65]. Since there are no currentlaboratory models to base clinical decision-making alongwith the rarity of neuraxial hematoma (defies performingany prospective randomized trials), the ASRA consensusstatements represent the collective experience of recognizedexperts in the field of neuraxial anesthesia and anticoagula-tion. Due to understanding of the complexity of the issue,deciding upon choice of the most appropriate periopera-tive anesthetic management remains crucial. Therefore, thefund of knowledge portrayed by ASRA is based on clinicalseries, pharmacology, case reports, andhematology literature,but evidence-based outcomes are currently unavailable. Anabbreviated version of the ASRA guidelines for regional anes-thesia in patients receiving anticoagulation (prophylactic) isprovided in Table 7.

6.2. Nonopioid Analgesics as a Multimodal Approach toPain Medicine in the Elderly. Nonpharmacologic methodsmay also be useful in elderly perioperative pain medicine

10 Pain Research and Treatment

including heat or ice therapy as well as psychological support.Pain is a complex experience that is influenced not only bythe surgical insult, but also by the individual’s cognition,culture, experiences, and behavior. Patients can learn copingmechanisms such as relaxation and imagery to decreasemuscle tension, reduce emotional distress, and distract frompain [66].

In addition to regional analgesic modalities using localanesthetics, non-opioid multimodal analgesic options willcomplement such an initiative with reduced reliance uponunimodal therapy with opioids. Adjuvant drugs such asantidepressants, topically applied single- or multiagent anal-gesics, corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, skeletal muscle relax-ants, and alpha 2 agonists were agents developed with clinicalindications for treatments other than for pain, but they havealso been discovered to provide analgesia. They should beconsidered to contribute and improve regional perioperativepain management, reduce dependence on opioids, and limitpotential AE from opioids in the elderly. Many of the adjunctanalgesics (non-opioid) can be recommended when toxiclimits of opioid analgesics are approached or when thetherapeutic benefit of a primary analgesic appears to haveplateaued. In addition, these medications can be used inthe presence of other nonpainful disabling complaints of theelderly such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue[67].

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) are themost widely prescribed and used medication in the US.NSAID administration is a common non-opioid drug alter-native and has been included in multimodal anesthe-sia/analgesia practice guidelines for acute pain managementin the perioperative setting [68]. McDaid et al. demonstratedthat NSAID reduce morphine requirements in patient con-trolled analgesia following major surgery along with a con-comitant reduction in morphine-related nausea, vomiting,and sedation [69]. Therefore, perioperative NSAID adminis-tration can provide pharmacological action (antipyretic andanti-inflammatory activity) that when used in combinationwith regional anesthesiamay enhance patient satisfaction andquality of their recovery.

Several other adjuvants can provide beneficial value toregional anesthesia/analgesia in the elderly surgical patient.Acetaminophen (non-NSAID analgesic) should be consid-ered as a management therapy for pain. It is ideal forpostsurgical therapy because of its platelet sparing proper-ties (recent availability of an intravenous formulation) andreduced concerns during neuraxial and RA administration(already used in multimodal analgesic regimens in sev-eral surgical institutions). Incorporation of antidepressantmedications into perioperative pain management also hasadvantages that compliment regional techniques used in theelderly. In addition to their value as an analgesic, antide-pressants improve a patient’s sense of well-being, reducesfatigue, and do not disrupt the normal sleep cycle. Certainantidepressants (treatment of neuropathic pain characterizedby damage/dysfunction of CNS and/or PNS) have becomepopular as a non-opioid medication in the treatment of post-operative pain as a multimodal component in combinationwith regional anesthesia. Anxiolytics can be included in a

multimodal perioperative pain management regimen. Paincan cause anxiety and, in turn, anxiety often exacerbatesthe perception of pain. Therefore, anxiolytics may provide amechanism to break this cycle and indirectly help to relievepain in combination with regional anesthesia/analgesia.

Other commonly used drugs for the treatment of pain(neuropathic) included in multimodal therapy for acute painmanagement are anticonvulsantmedications. Skeletal musclerelaxants, another adjunct in pain management regimens,have multiple modes of action. The comparative efficacyof these drugs is not well known in the elderly however,evidence from clinical trials is limited and a distinction thatneeds to be understood is that skeletal muscle relaxantsconsist of antispasticity and antispasmodic agents.Therefore,skeletalmuscle relaxant choice should be based on indication,patient tolerability, and potential AE profile when used incombination with regional anesthesia/analgesia.

7. Conclusion

Perioperative pain management in older patients can oftenbe associated with specific complicating elements surround-ing perioperative events, especially during major surgery.Geriatric patients typically suffer from a greater numberof comorbid diseases, have lower organ function reserve,and demonstrate altered physiologic and pharmacologicreactions to analgesic medications. There are also challengesin pain management and assessment that remain unique inelderly patients. For example, it may require more time forolder patients to understand the pain scale due to barrierssuch as vision, hearing, or cognitive defects. In addition,elderly patients also tend to underreport pain and effectiveperioperative pain management requires careful assessmentof pain and sensible dosing of analgesics along with imple-mentation of regional techniques. It is also crucial to be awareof potential AEs secondary to analgesic options and to keepa close watch for their development, but a focus on reducingor eliminating such events and patient care compromise willyield better surgical outcomes for older patients.

Perioperative regional anesthesia/analgesia as part ofmultimodal drug therapy may prove to be the most effectiveapproach to perioperative pain management in the elderly,cognitively impaired patients with comorbid disease, andso forth, with the least amount of physiological compro-mise. Regional anesthesia may benefit older patients byreducing postoperative neurological, pulmonary, cardiac,and endocrine complications and potentially improve uponimmediate postoperative pain control, but it has yet to beconclusively proven to improve long-term morbidity andsurgical outcome. Multimodal drug therapy incorporatingregional options provides a potentially advantageous choicetoward perioperative pain management that utilizes a varietyof analgesics in order tominimize dosages and reliance of anysingle agent while maximizing analgesic effect in the oldersurgical patient population.

Therefore, it remains necessary to implement carefullythoughtout perioperative pain medicine therapies and tocontinue the search for development of new methods of pain

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management for all patients, especially the growing elderlysurgical population. In addition, if healthcare services are todemonstrate that the many reports of inadequate periopera-tive pain management (sometimes necessitating readmissionto the hospital [70]) are becoming less problematic for theelderly when using regional techniques, then perioperativepain medicine needs to continue to produce randomized,prospective studies that can show conclusive evidence ofadvantages for the geriatric patient population.

Conflict of Interests

The authors have no conflict of interests with regard to thispaper.


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