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Review of Architecture and Construction Details · structureGreen Zeitschrift für Architektur und...

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Review of Architecture and Construction Details Rate Card 2016 Print & Online

Review of Architecture and Construction Details

Rate Card 2016Print & Online

Table of Contents

DETAIL – Review of Architecture and Construction Details

3 Portfolio

4–5 New services at a glance6 Profi le DETAIL

Topics / Timetable

7 Timetable DETAIL

8–9 Topics DETAIL

10 Topics DETAIL Special issues

11 Product information DETAIL


12 Advertising Formats

13 Advertising Prices DETAIL

14–15 Special Types of Advertising

16 General Information

17 Technical Specifi cations


18 Circulation and Distribution Analysis

19 Readership Structure Analysis

20–21 Reach Analysis

DETAIL International 22 Profi le DETAIL English

23 Topics / Timetable DETAIL English

24 Advertising Prices DETAIL English

DETAIL Online25–26 Crossmedia

27 Website DETAIL.de

28–29 DETAIL-Website – Formats and Prices

30 DETAIL Manufacturer News

31 DETAIL Blog

32 DETAIL Newsletter


34 Website DETAIL-online.com

DETAIL Transfer35 Customized Communication Concepts

Advertising Department36 Sales Advisors

General Terms and Conditions see online:




Take advantage of DETAIL’s extensive media offer and reach your target group. We are happy to advise you.

Bathrooms and Sanitation

∂ Practice

Sibylle Kramer


Journal www.detail.de Reference booksCorporate Publishing

FacebookAPP EventsNewsletter


Our new DETAIL services at a glance:

Our new website

More space. More clarity. More possibilities.

Our new website www.detail.de offers

you new, innovative and eye-catching

advertising formats for your company

and your product.

With us you can also reach your target

group and campaign objectives online.

see page 27

New target groups

Incorporating the old while developing the new:

In 2015, following this motto we have created

new offers for the target groups of interior

designers and civil engineers with our new

journals, DETAIL inside and DETAIL structure.

The resoundingly positive feedback from our

readers has ratifi ed our concept.

In 2016, too, therefore we will offer you

additional, attractive advertising spaces.

see page 10

A lot has happened

For detailed information on the individual services, see the relevant chapters. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.

Solar Decathlon 2012 in Madrid Qualitätsmanagement für gesunde Innenräume Vorschau auf die EnEV 2012



Zeitschrift für Architektur und konstruktiven Ingenieurbau Review of Architecture and Structural Engineering

Optimierte Stahlkonstruktion für die Messe Frankfurt Ultrahochfester Beton im Hochbau

Entwurfsprinzipien für Fußgängerbrücken

Solar Decathlon 2012 in MadridQualitätsmanagement für gesunde InnenräumeVorschau auf die EnEV 2012



Zeitschrift für Architektur und InnenraumgestaltungReview of Architecture and Interior Design


Schwerpunkt WohnenInnenarchitektur — kein Luxus, ein Muss!

Szenenwechsel: Bars in Berlin

Weitere Informationen zu den Produkten

unter den jeweiligen Webadressen

Das passivhauszertifizierte Fens-

tersystem »Energyframe« von

Variotec ist mit einer thermisch

getrennten Regenschutzschiene

ausgestattet ist. Energyframe ist

ein einteiliges Fensterprofil, wel-

ches die Holzoptik zu 100 % wie-

dergibt. Es lässt die Querschnitte

der Dämmung weder im Flügel

noch im Blendrahmen erkennen

und sieht wie ein ganz »norma-

les« Fenster aus.


Die für Systemdecken konzi-

pierte modulare An- und Einbau-

leuchte »LG-Solution« von Regi-

olux ist rundum entblendet und

sorgt für eine homogene De-

ckenaufhellung. Die nur 110 mm

hohen Leuchten mit den Maßen

600 ≈ 600 mm lassen sich leicht

in bestehende Deckensysteme

integrieren. Sie eignen sich da-

her für die Sanierung ebenso wie

für »normale« Raumdecken.


Tiefgaragendecken bieten sich

für die städtebauliche Nutzung

an. Mit der Dränplatte »Protecto-

drain®« hat ZinCo ein Produkt

entwickelt, das sowohl im end-

gültigen Aufbau die normge-

rechte Dränage übernimmt, aber

auch bereits in der Bauphase ei-

nen zuverlässigen Schutz der

Dachabdichtung sicherstellt. Die

Drainplatte ist spatenfest und mit

Radladern befahrbar.


Mit der Version 6.0 der »EnEV-

Nachweis-CD« aktualisiert die

Unipor-Ziegel-Gruppe ihre Pla-

ner-Software. Das Programm be-

rücksichtigt nun auch die aktu-

elle Regelungen der Energie-

Einsparverordnung (EnEV). Die

Software ermöglicht die einfache

und genaue Berechnung von

EnEV-Nachweisen nach neuer

Rechtslage und die Erstellung

von Energieausweisen.


Der eine will sein Wohndach-

fenster zuklappen wie eine Tür,

der andere um eine Achse

schwingen wie eine Drehtür. Mit

dem »PreSelect-Beschlag« von

Fakro Dachfenster GmbH sind

jetzt beide Funktionen eines

Wohndachfensters in einer ein-

fach zu bedienender Mechanik

vereint. Ein Knopfdruck und

schon macht das Fenster, was

der Bewohner will.


Die Badarmaturen-Serie »160«

von Steinberg glänzt durch hoch-

qualitative Design-Armaturen in

verchromter Optik. Die Armatu-

ren sind dabei konsequent eckig

geformt. Besonders erwähnens-

wert ist die Verwendung von

»Low Noise« Kartuschen. Damit

werden störende Nebengeräu-

sche vermieden. Alle Steinberg

Armaturen sind komplett einbau-

und anschlussfertig.


Direkt neben dem historischen

Bahnhof auf dem Gelände der

ehemaligen Hauptpost in Wies-

baden wurde Ende März das

Lilien-Carré eröffnet. Bei dem

Erschließungstrakt des zentralen

Kuppelbaus, der als separater

Glaskubus in das Gebäude ein-

geschoben ist, wurde die abge-

hängte Glasfassade mit einem

Liliendekor versehen - ein Ras-

tersiebdruck von Schollglas.


In öffentlichen und privaten

Wohnbereichen steigt die Nach-

frage nach stumpfeinschlagen-

den Türen. SFS intec präsentiert

hierzu seine Bandgeneration

»Just 3D«. Hierbei handelt es

sich um ein Türenband das nicht

nur schön anmutet, sondern

auch zweckmäßig konstruiert ist

und dreidimensional in der Höhe,

der Seite und der Andruckver-

stellung justiert werden kann.


Das Bodenbelagssystem »Click-

and-Stone« der Click and Stone

GmbH ermöglicht bei Naturstein-

platten die schwimmende Verle-

gung mittels Nut und eines Ver-

bindungsprofils. Die Naturstein-

platten werden werksseitig mit

einer umlaufenden Nut verlege-

fertig hergestellt. Dank eines Ver-

bindungsprofils können die ein-

zelnen Platten klebstofffrei zu-

sammengefügt werden.


Mit der leichtgänigen, gläsernen

Faltwalt SL 60e bietet System-

entwickler und -hersteller Solar-

lux eine flexible Verglasungslö-

sung für Balkon- und Fassaden-

fronten, Wintergärten und

Poolverglasungen. Für Architek-

ten dürften dabei die maßge-

schneiderten Sonderlösungen,

die das Unternehmen bei Objek-

ten jeder Größenordnung anbie-

tet besonders interessant sein.


Dauphin, eine Marke der Dau-

phin HumanDesign Group, stel-

len die Chefsesselserie »Head-

quarter« vor. Die patentierte Er-

gonomietechnik Syncro-Dynamic

mit automatischem Gewichtsaus-

gleich sorgt für dynamisches Sit-

zen im Körperlot. Dies bedeutet,

dass Sitz und Rückenlehne den

Bewegungen des Sitzenden

synchron im stets richtigen

Winkelverhältnis folgen.


Die freistehende Absturzsiche-

rung »KeeGuard®« der Kee

Klamp GmbH ist eine wirksame

Präventivmaßnahme für alle

Flachdächer auf denen regelmä-

ßig Wartungs- oder Instandhal-

tungspersonal am Werk ist. Sie

überzeugt durch ihre sehr einfa-

che und Zeit sparende Montage,

bei der die Dachmembrane

grundsätzlich völlig unbeschä-

digt bleibt.


Das Bad als Ort der Entspan-

nung und des Wohlfühlens - mit

der Granitdusche »Novalux« von

Saniku wird dieser Wunsch er-

füllt. Sechs verschiedene Stein-

sorten stehen zur Auswahl, vom

hellen Shiva Kashi über Multico-

lor Rot bis zu dem schwarzen

Nero Assoluto. Die Dusche kann

in drei Größen gewählt werden,

entsprechend den Wannen-

maßen 800, 900 und 1000 mm.


Mit der selbstreinigenden Sili-

conharzfarbe »Lucite® Silico-

Therm« der CD-Color GmbH &

Co. KG bleiben Fassaden deut-

lich länger schön durch die foto-

katalytisch wirkenden, nanostruk-

turierten Spezial-Füllstoffe. In

Kombination mit der UV-Strah-

lung des Sonnenlichts werden

Stoffe chemisch freigesetzt, die

Schmutzpartikel an der Oberflä-

che der Beschichtung abbauen.


Bei Putzfassaden ist die Sanie-

rung häufig einfacher als ange-

nommen und kann oft mit der

Verbesserung des Wärmeschut-

zes verbunden werden. Der IWM

Industrieverband WerkMörtel e.V.

hat zum Thema Fassadensanie-

rung mit mineralischen Putzen

die Broschüre »Fassadensanie-

rung mit mineralischen Putzen -

effizient, werterhaltend, schön.«






Bedruckte Gläser

Eckige Elemente










Neue Broschüre


∂ 2015 Advertorial 13431342 Advertorial 2015 ∂


DETAIL Manufacturer News

The new product newsletter, permanent

presentation of your product on

www.detail.de and print-publication in

the DETAIL journal mean that the focus

remains on your product in all channels.

Take advantage of our new Manufacturer

News format. see page 30


The facts speak for themselves

No 2 in

print circulationtarget group of architects (28.1% = 15,820 readers)

No 1 in

online circulationtarget group of architects and construction engineers (13.4% = 14,170 users)

No 2 in

crossmedia circulation (print/online), target group of architects and construction engineers (29.1% = 30,680 readers/users)

DETAIL: By architects for architects

No 1:

45 % DETAIL can be recommended to others

46 % DETAIL has attractive special editions

42 % DETAIL has an appealing design

No 2:

48 % Reader loyalty (DETAIL is important to me/is very important to me)

73 % DETAIL includes high-quality articles

31 % DETAIL cannot be replaced by any other journal

DETAIL is a working tool for architects

No 1:

88 % archive entire DETAIL issues

72 % Professional benefi t high/very high

44 % DETAIL contains interesting and helpful product information

35 % Issue provides multiple contact opportunities (more than 3 times)

No 2:

57 % DETAIL provides ideas, sets trends, provides impetus

58.7 minutes reading time

64.2 % page exposure

Benefit from the outstanding performance values and the high quality standards of DETAIL, confirmed by the agla a+b circulation analysis.

Source: agla a+b circulation analysis 2012. Print K 1 readers of an Ø edition, online users in the past 4 weeks. n= 105,400 architects and construction engineers / 56,300 architects.Ranking of qualitative values based on the composition of the DETAIL readership.

Our readers are your target group


Brief characteristics

A journal for architects, civil engineers, building authorities and

property developers. The publication’s title describes what its aim

has been right from the start: to document and inform readers about

buildings of all types. Focus: to thoroughly research and document

details in their structural and architectural contexts.

DETAIL represents a unique information source for planning and

architectural firms. Its editorial concept and very high quality mean

that it occupies a special position in the market.

Alongside the usual DETAIL editions covering construction-related

topics and 2 DETAIL Concept editions focusing on building types,

2 additional editions of DETAIL green offers practical information

on all aspects of sustainable planning and construction, as well as

energy-efficient refurbishment and buliding in existing fabric.

Requirements change and so do we. These two magazines will

be added to the collection:

DETAIL inside – Review of Architecture and Interior Design

DETAIL structure – Review of Structural Engineering and Architecture

DETAIL inside addresses all aspects of interior design and con-

struction as a combination of specific technical information and

i nspiration. It is also of interest to architects, especially interior

designers, building /office furnishers, designers and decorators.

DETAIL structure deals with the interface between civil engineers

and architects and is therefore equally relevant for both professions,

whose common goal is to achieve the best possible result during

construction. Because every outstanding building is the result

not only of the designing architect, but also of a no less creative

structural planner.

‡ xxx‡ xxx‡ xxx

Thema · Thema englisch · Thema französisch · Serie 2014 · 3Zeitschrift für Architektur + Konzept · Review of Architecture · Revue d’Architecture



Energetische Stadtsanierung Aufzüge energetisch modernisieren

Die Ökobilanz von Sanierungen

Zeitschrift für nachhaltige Architektur und energetische SanierungReview of Sustainable Architecture and Energy-Efficient Refurbishment

Solar Decathlon 2012 in Madrid Qualitätsmanagement für gesunde Innenräume Vorschau auf die EnEV 2012



Zeitschrift für Architektur und konstruktiven Ingenieurbau Review of Architecture and Structural Engineering

Optimierte Stahlkonstruktion für die Messe Frankfurt Ultrahochfester Beton im Hochbau

Entwurfsprinzipien für Fußgängerbrücken


Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail · Review of Architecture · Revue d’ArchitectureSerie 2015 · 1/2 · Bauen mit Glas · Glass Construction · Construire en verre

‡ Material Glas – aktuelle Entwicklungen‡ Maximale Transparenz und inszenierte Transluzenz

‡ Messe-Special BAU 2015

Circulation Edition print run: 30,292 copies

Actual distributed circulation – annual average: 24,459 copies

Sold circulation: 20,939 copies

All values taken from IVW 2014 Quarterly Reports (annual average). DETAIL is IVW-certified.

PD = Publication date, BD = Booking deadline, CD = Copy deadline, Ddebi = Day of delivery bound inserts, loose inserts, tip-on-cards


DETAIL 1/22016




DETAIL 32016

Concept: Visitor and Community



DETAIL 42016




DETAIL 52016

Lighting and



DETAIL 62016



DETAIL 7/82016

Simple Forms of

Con struction


DETAIL 92016

Concept: WorkingEnviron -



DETAIL 102016



DETAIL 112016

Transparent and



DETAIL 122016

Special Topic


DETAIL 1/22017




DETAIL structure 1



DETAIL green 1



DETAIL inside 1



DETAIL structure 2



DETAIL inside 2



DETAIL green 2



Timetable 2016


‡ xxx‡ xxx‡ xxx

Thema · Thema englisch · Thema französisch · Serie 2014 · 3Zeitschrift für Architektur + Konzept · Review of Architecture · Revue d’Architecture



Energetische Stadtsanierung Aufzüge energetisch modernisieren

Die Ökobilanz von Sanierungen

Zeitschrift für nachhaltige Architektur und energetische SanierungReview of Sustainable Architecture and Energy-Efficient Refurbishment

Solar Decathlon 2012 in Madrid Qualitätsmanagement für gesunde Innenräume Vorschau auf die EnEV 2012



Zeitschrift für Architektur und konstruktiven Ingenieurbau Review of Architecture and Structural Engineering

Optimierte Stahlkonstruktion für die Messe Frankfurt Ultrahochfester Beton im Hochbau

Entwurfsprinzipien für Fußgängerbrücken

Solar Decathlon 2012 in MadridQualitätsmanagement für gesunde InnenräumeVorschau auf die EnEV 2012



Zeitschrift für Architektur und InnenraumgestaltungReview of Architecture and Interior Design


Schwerpunkt WohnenInnenarchitektur — kein Luxus, ein Muss!

Szenenwechsel: Bars in Berlin

Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail · Review of Architecture · Revue d’ArchitectureSerie 2015 · 1/2 · Bauen mit Glas · Glass Construction · Construire en verre

‡ Material Glas – aktuelle Entwicklungen‡ Maximale Transparenz und inszenierte Transluzenz

‡ Messe-Special BAU 2015

DETAIL – Review of Architecture and Construction Details DETAIL green – Review of Sustainable Architecture and Energy-Efficient Refurbishment

DETAIL structure – Review of Structural Engineering and Architecture DETAIL inside – Review of Architecture and Interior Design


Timber Construction 12. – 16.01.16 SWISSBAU, Basel

13. – 16.01.16 DEUBAUKOM, Essen

16. – 19.01.16 Domotex, Hanover

18. – 24.01.16 imm cologne, Cologne

01. – 05.02.16 Cevisama, Valencia

02. – 05.02.16 Dach+Holz, Stuttgart

Topics 2016

DETAIL structure 1 Review of Structural Engineering and Architecture

Concept:Visitor and Community Centres

02. – 05.03.16 Farbe-Ausbau & Fassade, Cologne

08. – 10.03.16 Ecobuild, London

08. – 10.03.16 Altenpflege, Hanover

09. – 12.03.16 SHK, Essen

13. – 18.03.16 Light + Building, Frankfurt

16. – 19.03.16 fensterbau/frontale, Nuremberg

Concrete Construction

05. – 08.04.16 IFH, Nuremberg

05. – 08.04.16 BUILDEX, Moscow

05. – 08.04.16 Mosbuild, Moscow

06. – 10.04.16 Construma, Budapest

12. – 17.04.16 Salone del Mobile, Milan

20. – 21.04.16 Zukunft Lebens räume, Frankfurt

Lighting and Interiors 11. – 13.05.16 CEB, Stuttgart

25. – 29.05.16 Arch Moscow, Moscow

Facades 22. – 24.06.16 Intersolar, Munich

Issue Main Topic Product Information Special Fairs

DETAIL green 1 Review of Sustainable Architecture and Energy-Effi cient Refurbishment

DETAIL inside 1 Review of Architecture and Interior Design

1-2/2016PD 30.12.15BD 13.11.15

PD 01.03.16

3/2016PD 01.03.16BD 19.01.16

4/2016PD 01.04.16BD 19.02.16

5/2016PD 02.05.16BD 21.03.16

6/2016PD 01.06.16BD 20.04.16

PD 01.04.16

PD 01.06.16

· Construction (wood)· Interior design (furniture and spatial concepts)· Heating, cooling, ventilation

Healthy living,Ecological construction products

· Bathrooms/plumbing· Facades (windows, solar protection)· Development (interior doors, fi ttings)

Light+Building-Special 2016

· Construction (concrete)· Constructional physics (heat insulation and

moisture protection, fi re and noise protection, acoustics)· Roofs


· Building Systems Engineering (electrics, building management, safety technology)

· Digital planning and construction processes· Interior design (fl oors, interior walls)

Lighting and interiors

· Facades (paints, coatings)· Interior design (furniture and spatial concepts)· Access (elevators, parking systems, stairs)

“Building for the community”Universal Design, healthcare,

cost-effective housing


Topics 2016

Simple Forms of Construction

27. – 30.08.16 Tendence, Frankfurt

Roofs 06. – 09.10.16 RENEXPO, Augsburg

04. – 06.10.16 EXPO REAL, Munich

11. – 13.10.16 Chillventa, Nuremberg

19. – 22.10.16 SAIE, Bologna

25. – 29.10.16 Orgatec, Cologne

Transparent and Translucent

08. – 09.11.16 architect@work, Berlin

10. – 12.11.16 Denkmal, Leipzig

Special Topic 07. – 08.12.16 architect@work, Stuttgart

Refurbishment 11. – 13.01.17 Eltec, Nuremberg

16. – 21.01.17 BAU, Munich

DETAIL structure 2 Review of Structural Engineering and Architecture

DETAIL inside 2 Review of Architecture and Interior Design

Issue Main Topic Product Information Special Fairs

7-8/2016PD 15.07.16BD 03.06.16

10/2016PD 04.10.16BD 23.08.16

11/2016PD 02.11.16BD 21.09.16

12/2016PD 01.12.16BD 20.10.16

1-2/2017PD 30.12.16BD 18.11.16

PD 01.09.16

DETAIL green 2 Review of Sustainable Architecture and Energy-Effi cient RefurbishmentPD 02.11.16

PD 04.10.16

· Heating, cooling, ventilation· Bathrooms/plumbing· Access (doors, gates, entrances)

Intelligent facades

Concept: Working Environments

20. – 23.09.16 glasstec, Düsseldorf

27. – 30.09.16 security essen, Essen9/2016PD 01.09.16BD 21.07.16

· Outdoor areas (garden and landscape construction, street furniture)

· Constructional physics (acoustics)· Interior design (fl oors, interior walls)


· Roofs· Digital planning and construction processes· Construction

Orgatec Special 2016

· Constructional physics (heat insulation and moisture protection, fi re and noise protection)

· Facades· Tiles


· Smart building· Lighting· Outdoor systems

BAU Special 2017

· Bathrooms/plumbing· Heating, cooling, ventilation· Interior design (furniture and spatial concepts)

BAU Special 2017


Special Issues 2016

· Energy-focused building refurbishment · Facades, daylight technology, sun protection · Energy-effi cient lighting · Low-emission construc-

tion · Photovoltaics and solar thermal energy · Heating, ventilation, cooling · Green roofs and facades

10.–12.11.16 Denkmal, Leipzig

Issue Main Topic Product Information Fairs Special

· Concrete and masonry· Coatings and fi xings· Constructional physics· Repair

19.–20.01.16 9. Deutscher Mauerwerks-

kongress, Darmstadt

23.–25.03.16 60. Betontage, Ulm

15.03.2016 26. Dresdener Brückenbau-

symposium, Dresden

Interlinked construction 2030(Collaboration, interaction, digital building processes)

· Energy-effi cient facades, windows, doors· Insulation, airtight building envelope· Interior design (fl oors, ceilings)· Timber and wood materials· Energy-effi cient elevators

· Home textiles· Wallpapers and paint· Outdoor furniture· Bathroom and kitchen

25.–29.05.16 Arch Moscow, MoscowInnovations at the Salone del Mobile, Milan

· Construction· External envelope· Building Systems Engineering· Logistics and storage

14.–17.09.16 34. Baugrundtagung, Bielefeld

21.–23.09.16 19th IABSE Congress, StockholmAdaptable systems (module and system construction, climate, engineering, resource conservation)

· Lighting· Floors· Access· POS (Point of Sale), exhibition stand

construction and shopfi tting

25.–29.10.16 Orgatec, CologneWorking environments/offi ce

DETAIL green 2PD 02.11.16BD 21.09.16

Sustainable Architecture and Energy-Effi cient Refurbishment

Structural Engineering and Architecture

DETAIL structure 1PD 01.03.16BD 19.01.16

Sustainable Architecture and Energy-Effi cient Refurbishment

DETAIL green 1PD 01.04.16BD 19.02.16

Architecture and Interior Design

Hotels and Gastronomy

DETAIL inside 1PD 01.06.16BD 20.04.16

Structural Engineering and Architecture

DETAIL structure 2PD 01.09.16BD 21.07.16

Architecture and Interior Design

Shops and selling

DETAIL inside 2PD 04.10.16BD 30.08.16


Product information

DETAIL product information

We are constantly developing our product information section, just as user behaviour is constantly changing and the range of building products is constantly growing. One of our stated goals is to increase the cross-medial linking of our content, and this is reflected in our online product information pages. The long-established product categories are now clearly presented in 12 main categories, with the edi torial articles easier and faster to find thanks to an intelligent search function.

In the print edition, the focuses of the main product information categories vary (see the editorial calendar on pages 8 –10), and special editions are published for the sector’s main trade fairs.

For advertisers cross-media linking is particularly attrac-tive because advertisements and banner ads are placed in a high-affinity product environment, not only in the DETAIL print edition but now also online.

See page 27 for information on our new online advertising formats – or give us a call.

44%* of DETAIL readers state that DETAIL contains interesting and helpful product information. This means that DETAIL ranks as No. 1 among the agla a+b member publications. * Source: agla a+b reach analysis 2012

Main categories Focuses

Outdoor systems Drainage, road signage, street furniture, landscaping, fences, railings, noise prevention, outdoor lighting

Bathrooms, sanitary engineering

Sanitary ware, sanitary tiles, fi ttings, steam rooms, saunas, toilet partitions, swimming pool technology, water and wastewater technology

Constructional physics Humidity, insulation, and fi re protection, sound insulation, acoustics

Lighting Decorative and technical lighting, outdoor lighting, LED lights, lamps and bulbs

Roofs Sloping roofs, fl at roof systems, roof coverings, accessories, insulation, membranes, green roofs, roof windows, skylights, rooftop solar/PV systems

Digital planning AVA, CAD, BIM, visualization, project management software, 2-D/3-D printing systems, plotters, monitors, computer technology

Access Lifts/parking systems, stairs, doors, gates, entrances

Facades Cladding systems, windows, sun protection, exterior plaster and paints, fi xtures, glass

Heating, cooling, ventilation systems

Boilers, burners, condensing boilers, radiators, radiant heating systems, ventilation systems, air conditioners

Interior conversion work

Interior plaster and paints, partitions, interior walls, ceilings, fl oors, furniture and interior design concepts

Construction Masonry, timber, concrete, steel, clay construction, modular construction, textile construction, lightweight construction

Electrical engineering, building management

Switches, sockets, sensor technology, switchgear, control and regu-lation technology, communications equipment, security technology

12 main product categories at www.detail.de


Advertising Formats

1/3 page and smaller: We cannot accept placement requests, such as placement of the ad by itself, on the right-hand page, or right after text, etc.

Multi-part, high format and sectional ads should generally be delivered with two cutting trims of 3 mm each on the right-hand and left-hand side of the document. Double page ads: submit as single pages and add 3 mm trim each for cutting and milling edges.

Trim / Bleed Ads (Width x Height = W x H)

2/3 page portrait

135 ≈ 297

2/3 pagelandscape210 ≈ 188

1/2 page portrait

102 ≈ 297

1/2 page landscape210 ≈ 145

1/3 page portrait

69 ≈ 297

1/3 page landscape210 ≈ 99

1/4 page portrait

53 ≈ 297

1/4 page landscape210 x 76

Full page210 ≈ 297

FormatW x H in mm

DPS420 ≈ 297

1/4 page1,5 columns

93 ≈ 133

1/4 page2 columns125 ≈ 98

1/6 page1 column63 ≈ 133

1/6 page 2 columns 125 ≈ 64

1/6 page3 columns189 ≈ 43

1/4 page landscape189 ≈ 64

FormatW x H in mm

Type Area

1/3 page 2 columns125 ≈ 128

2/3 page portrait

125 ≈ 271

2/3 page landscape189 ≈ 176

1/2 page portrait

93 x 271

1/2 page landscape189 ≈ 133

1/3 page portrait

63 ≈ 271

1/3 page landscape189 ≈ 87

1/4 page portrait

45 x 271

Full page189 ≈ 271

DPS402 ≈ 271

FormatW x H in mm


Advertising Formats and Prices Rate card no. 48 / valid from January 1, 2016

Format Type Area Trim / Bleed Ads Surcharge b/w 2c * 3c * 4c *

Width mm Height mm Width mm Height mm € € € € €

DPS – double page ads 402 271 420 297 1,374.– 13,740.– 15,870.– 18,000.– 20,130.–

Full page 189 271 210 297 664.– 6,640.– 7,705.– 8,770.– 9,835.–

2/3 page portrait landscape

125 189

271 176

135 210

297 188

453.– 4,530.– 5,595.– 6,660.– 7,725.–

1/2 page portrait landscape

93 189

271 133

102 210

297 145

342.– 3,420.– 4,485.– 5,550.– 6,615.–

1/3 page portrait two columns landscape

63 125 189

271 128 87





228.– 2,280.– 3,345.– 4,410.– 5,475.–

1/4 page portrait 1.5 columns two columns landscape

45 93

125 189

271 133 98 64





172.– 1,720.– 2,445.– 3,170.– 3,895.–

1/6 page portrait two columns landscape

63 125 189

133 64 43

1,240.– 1,965.– 2,690.– 3,415.–

Prices exclude value added tax and sales tax. The publishing house’s current Terms and Conditions apply. They can be found at: www.detail-online.com/advertising

* Colour Surcharge: Blue HKS 47 (Pantone Process Cyan), Magenta HKS 25 (Pantone Process Magenta), Yellow HKS 3 (Pantone Process Yellow); four-coloured = Euroscale. All HKS and Pantone colours, except basic Euroscale: Surcharge: 1/1 – 1/3 page: ≤ 1/4 page: per Euroscale primary colour € 1,065.– € 725.– per special colour € 2,130.– € 1,450.–

Discounts (for purchases within one insertion year):

Quantity scale: Repetition scale:for 3 ads and more 3% for 1 page 3% for 6 ads and more 5% for 3 pages 5% for 9 ads and more 10% for 6 pages 10% for 12 ads and more 12.5% for 9 pages 15% for 18 ads and more 15% for 12 pages 17.5% for 24 ads and more 20% for 18 pages 20%

Placement: Following acceptance of a commitment to place ads in specific locations (minimum format: 1/3 page): 20%, Island ads: 30%.


Special Types of Advertising

Supplement Inserts Insertion inside the print edition. Partial purchase options available.

Size: min. DIN C 6, max. 200 mm ≈ 290 mm

Thickness: max. 3 mm

Maximum weight: 210 g

Technical specifications: Inserts without a closed side, such as fan-fold flyers, have to be inserted manually.

Cost on request.

Price: Weight up to 25g with mechanical processing: € 245.– per 1,000 copies including postal charges.

Prices for higher weights or supplements that require manual insertion are available on request.

Supplement Outserts Supplement placed on the back cover and sealed in foil with the edition.

Split-runs possible.

All supplements that exceed the maximum insert size (200 ≈ 290 mm) and/or which are thicker than

3 mm and/or heavier than 210 g must be processed as outserts

Size: max. DIN B 4 = 353 ≈ 250 mm

Thickness: max. 30 mm

Maximum weight: 1,000 g

Technical specifications: Outserts are generally processed manually. Exclusive placement cannot be guaranteed.

Price: Prices are calculated individually based on the supplement weight.

Bound inserts: Purchase options: Partial purchase options available.

Price: 2 pages € 9,040.–

2 pages with flap € 12,370.–

4 pages € 15,130.–

6 pages € 19,240.–

8 pages € 22,940.–

Technical specifications: The bound insert must have the same format as the magazine along the bound

edge and along at least two other edges. Welted supplements must be closed

along the bound edge. Supplements are included in running page numbering.

Paper heavier than 180g/m2 price available upon request.

Supplements qualify for discounts (according to quantity discount scale): 1 sheet = 1 ad page.


Special Types of Advertising


Size: minimum 40 ≈ 60 mm, maximum 170 mm width, 257 mm height

(= 2 cm distance to the rib and all external edges)

Thickness: max. 3 mm

Maximum weight: max. 50 g

Technical specifications: Mechanical processing: Price: Postcards and supplements/booklets with the closed side to the rib.

Fan-fold flyers, foldable on the left and right, secured at the bottom (centre to left) with a glue dot,

i.e. delivered closed. Glueing must generally be parallel to the rib.

Postcards, DIN C 6:

€ 145.– per 1,000 including postal charges.

Booklets up to maximum 170 ≈ 257 mm, thickness 3 mm and weight 50 g:

€ 245.– per 1,000 including postal charges.

Technical specifications: Manual processing: Price: Supplements/booklets without a closed side to the rib;

Fan-fold flyers that are not closed; post-its that are not glued on the rib side.

Booklets/fan-fold flyers up to a maximum of 170 ≈ 257 mm, 3 mm thickness and 50 g weight:

€ 325.– per 1,000 including postal charges.

Tip-on-cards can generally only be published in combination with a carrier advertisement (1/1 page 4c or b/w).

Advertisement price calculated using the current pricelist. Customer discount: supplements no/carrier advertisements yes.

Agency commission: supplements yes/advertisements yes.

Delivery address

and specifications: See page 17 “Technical Specifications”

To find out the current circulation figures call: +49 (0)89 381620-24


Memberships agla a+b / IVW /

German Association of Media Companies

Publisher Institut fuer int. Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG

Location: Hackerbruecke 6, 80335 Munich, GermanyMailing adress: Postfach 20 10 54, 80010 Munich, GermanyInternet: www.detail.de

Mangement board Karin Lang

& Advertising department

Publishing Director Meike Weber

Editorial Editorial discussion, documentation and technology: Christian Schittich (Chief Editor)

Editorial – product information, DETAIL transfer and

corporate publishing: Tim Westphal

Payment terms Net 21 days, within 8 days of payment –

2% discount, 3% discount for payment by bank draft.

Bank information Deutsche Bank AG Account no. 2 223 394 (Bank routing number 700 700 10) SWIFT code: DEUT DEM M IBAN: DE 07700700100222339400 VAT no. DE 813 334 479 Tax no. 9/147/246/10073

General Terms All advertisement orders will be processedand Conditions in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of the publishing house.

These can be found at: www.detail.de/agbor www.detail-online.com/legal-notice

Year of publication/current year 56/ 2016

Timetable and themes see pages 8 –10

Purchase price

Annual subscription – Germany € 184.–

Annual subscription – International € 184.–

Single copy € 18.90

excl. postage and packing

ISSN no. 0011-95711

General Information / Editorial Concept

Contents analysis of editorial section DETAIL 2014 = 1,221 pages Reports and latest news 6 %

Specialist discussions and reports 8 %

Reports on buildings and areas, with images, drawings

and explanations 37 %

Technology/engineering 12 %

Service (persons and organizations, contractors and suppliers) 8 %

Product information on building, extending and furnishing

(approx. 1.200 reports, some with illustrations),

specialist literature, descriptions, events 29 %


Technical Specifications

DatesPublication dates: In the first week of the monthBooking deadline: Six weeks prior to publicationCopy deadline: Five week prior to publication

Format DIN A4 (German industrial norm)210 ≈ 297 mm Trim Size, 216 ≈ 303 mm Bleed Size, all edges

3 mm trim per cutting edge

Type size 189 mm wide, 271 mm high,Print space 3 columns, 63 mm each

Print method Offset printing / adhesive binding

Paper DETAIL, DETAIL inside, DETAIL structure: Inside pages: Finesse 115 g/m2, Cover: Monostar 300 g/m2, DETAIL Green: PlanoPlus 120 g/m2, Cover: 300 g/m2

Copy/ Artwork The preferred data format is PDF/X-3 (composite PDF).All used fonts must be embedded. Also possible are unseparated tiff and eps files. Open data (e.g. InDesign, QuarkXPress, etc.) should be avoided. Colour mode CMYK, 300 dpi, graphic data in bitmap mode, min. 1200 dpi. Trimming: min. 3 mm per bleed edge. Colour templates are required for all advertisements: digital proofs (with Ugra/FOGRA Medienkeil V 2.0), Detail profile: ISOcoated, Detail Green profile: ISOuncoated. Double-sided advertisements: Delivery as individual pages with a 3 mm bleed allowance. Important: Trim size for portrait-page ads – 3 mm trim on all sides.

Delivery address Institut fuer int. Architektur- for print data Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG,and proofs Advertising Team

Hackerbruecke 6, 80335 München

Tel. +49 89 381620-24 e-Mail: [email protected]

Delivery of special advertising types:Delivery deadline 3 weeks prior to the publication date of the magazine Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm, free to our addressShipping address on request

Shipping note The shipping note should be attached to the outside of the pallet or box.

It must contain following information:– Customer (orderer)– Edition title and issue number– Delivery quantity:

· Total weight· Number of pallets and/or boxes· Size and nature of the product (flat, folded)· Address and phone number of the deliverer


Geographical circulation analysis Economic region Percentage of total circulation % copies Germany 69% 16,822 International 31% 7,637

Total circulation 100% 24,459

Nielsen Region I 13% 2,187 Schleswig-Holstein, City of Hamburg City of Bremen, Lower Saxony

Nielsen Region II 18% 3,028 North Rhine-Westphalia

Nielsen Region III a 16% 2,692 Hessen, Rhineland-Palatine, Saarland

Nielsen Region III b 19% 3,195 Baden-Wuerttemberg

Nielsen Region IV 18% 3,028 Bavaria

Nielsen Region V 8% 1,346 City of Berlin

Nielsen Region VI, VII 8% 1,346 Thuringia, Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt

Total circulation Germany 100% 16,822

Circulation and Distribution Analysis



V + VI





Circulation monitoring

Circulation analysis Annual average circulation per edition January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014.

Print run 30,292

Total circulation 24,459 of which 7,637 copies were sold internationally

Paid circulation 20,939 of which 7,235 copies were sold internationally – subscription copies 19,892 – other sales 107 – retail sales 940

Complimentary copies 3,520

Back issues, archived copiesand voucher copies 5,833* * Sales of individual back issues

from earlier reporting periods have been reported by the IVW since January 1, 1995. Average sales of individual issues for the period January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014: 1,103 copies


Readership Structure Analysis

1.1.1 Sectors / Trades / Fields / Occupational groupsClassifi- Receiver groups Percentage of ascertained readers K1cation no. Name (according to trade classi.) % Projection (approx.)

71.11.1 Architect’s office 57 13,30071.12.1 Architect’s and civil engineering office 25 6,200 – Project planning departments of industrial companies, banks, etc. 4 80084.11 Planning departments of municipal building departments 7 1,50041.10.3 Building and housing associations/41.20.1 building construction companies 5 1,30071.12.2 Professional engineering firm for

statics/structural design 2 400

1.2.1 Size of the economic entity Percentage of ascertained readers K1 according to number of employees % Projection (approx.)

1 employee 10 2,430 2 to 4 employees 29 6,860 5 to 9 employees 23 5,520 10 to 19 employees 21 4,670 20 to 49 employees 9 2,110 50 and more employees 8 1,860

1.2.2 According to construction Percentage of ascertained readers K1 volume in € million % Projection (approx.)

below 0.50 mio. 8 1,800 0.50 up to 1.00 mio. 9 2,200 1.00 up to 2.50 mio. 19 4,600 2.50 up to 5.00 mio. 18 4,200 5.00 up to 25.00 mio. 23 5,300 25.00 up to 50.00 mio. 7 1,600 50.00 mio. and more 12 2,700

2.1.1 Occupational characteristic Percentage of ascertained readers K1 according to function % Projection (approx.)

Office management 69 16,160 Planning 78 18,390 Design 70 16,490 Tendering, materials planning 56 13,320 Construction management 65 15,440 Project management 67 15,730 Project leadership 37 8,710 Energy planning 21 5,020 Other 4 1,040 Multiple answers (100% = 23,500 readers)

Percentage of ascertained readers K12.1.2 According to position in profession % Projektion (approx.)

Owner, co-owner, managing director 67 15,890 Office manager in an administrative body 1 280 Head of construction department 5 1,240 Department manager 9 2,020 Project manager/leader 32 7,560 Specialist planner 15 3,530 Other 1 290 Multiple answers (100% = 23,500 readers)

Percentage of ascertained readers K12.1.3 According to professional status % Projection (approx.)

Independent, freelancer 63 14,990 Employed 34 8,120 Civil servant 2 490

For a summary of the survey method, see page 21.Source: agla a+b 2012 reach analysis. TNS EMNID, Bielefeld.


Reach Analysis

Reaches Percentage of ascertained readers K1 % Projection (approx.)

Awareness: at least of name 80.1 84,400

Awareness: seen first-hand 72.1 76,000

Widest circle of readers: at least 1 edition in 10 read 42.8 45,100

K1 value: readership – average edition 22.4 23,600

K1 value according to sectorClassifi- Receiver groups Percentage of ascertained readers K1cation no. Name (according to trade classi.) % Projection (approx.)

71.11.1 Architect’s office 25.7 13,300

71.12.1 Architect’s and civil engineering office/civil engineering office 24.1 6,200

– Project planning departments of industrial companies, banks, etc. 25.1 800

84.11 Planning departments of municipalbuilding departments 22.9 1,500

41.10.3/ Building and housing associations/41.20.1 building construction companies

with 50+ employees 11.3 1,300

71.12.2 Specialist engineers’ office for statics / structural planning 6.6 400

Reach growth with multiple placementsK1 value Advert placements 1 2 3 4 5 622.4% 22.4% 23.5% 38.0% 48.1% 55.6% 61.4% 7 8 9 10 11 12 65.9% 69.6% 72.6% 75.1% 77.2% 79.0% For a summary of the survey method, see page 21.

Usage Percentage of ascertained readers K1 % read/opened once 23 read/opened twice 23 read/opened three times 18 read/opened more than three times 35 100

Professional use Percentage of ascertained readers K1 % 5 very high use 26 4 46 3 21 2 7 1 no use 1 Average 3.9 100

Archiving behaviour Percentage of ascertained readers K1 % entire editions are archived 88 individual editions are archived 12 editions are circulated 60 editions are thrown away 3 multiple answers (100% = 23,580 readers)

Title assessment and reader loyalty Attachment to title Percentage of ascertained readers K1 % Scale value A: “very attached to it” 16 Scale value B: 32 Scale value C: 32 Scale value D: 10 Scale value E: 7 Scale value F: 2 Scale value G: “very little attachment to it” 1 Average (A = 7, G = 1) 5.3 100



Reach Analysis

Title profile Percentage of ascertained readers K1 %

Sound articles 73

Delivers ideas, sets trends, provides stimuli 57

Well-researched topics and articles 46

Attractive themed editions 46

Able to be recommended 45

Contains interesting and helpful product information 44

Attractive edition design 42

Includes international architecture 36

No other journal could take its place 31

Especially up to date 30

Problem-oriented 30

Includes background information 28

Includes high-quality architectural photographs 22

Opinion-forming, provides a forum for qualified architects 14

Critical 10

Multiple answers (100% = 23,500 readers)

Summary of the survey method used for the agla a+b 2012 comparative reach analysis in line with the requirements of the ZAW (Zentralverband der deutschen Werbewirtschaft – Central Association of the Advertising Industry in Germany) scheme

1. Method: Circulation analysis through telephone interviews, with

survey documents displayed to respondents online; sample survey

2. Population: 105,400 architects and construction engineers –

56,300 architects and 49,100 construction engineers

(according to survey)

3. Sample: 1,201 interviews, 70% utilization, random selection

4. Survey target: Architects and construction engineers in Germany

who in the last twelve months were involved in building construction

planning, or in the last year were involved more than once in system,

product or brand decisions relating to construction projects.

5. Survey period: The interviews took place between 10 January and

4 May 2012.

6. Study carried out by:TNS Emnid, Bielefeld

A comprehensive summary of the survey method used can be found at www.agla-ab.de/analyse.


General Information DETAIL English

DatesPublic. schedule 6 DETAIL English and 2 DETAIL Green

Public. dates During the first week of the monthBooking deadline Six weeks prior to publicationCopy deadline Five weeks prior to publication

CirculationEdition print run: 9,000 copiesBreakdown: 1,153 copies UK/Ireland 4,314 copies Distribution on British trade shows*, back copies and archive 1,683 copies Europe (excl. UK) 772 copies North and South America 320 copies Australia/New Zealand 316 copies Asia 38 copies Africa 404 copies Complimentary copies

Format DIN A4 (German industrial norm), 210 ≈ 297 mm Trim Size 216 ≈ 303 mm Bleed Size, all edges, 3 mm trim per cutting edgeType size 189 mm wide, 271 mm high / 3 columns, 63 mm eachPrint method Offset printing / adhesive bindingPaper DETAIL Inside pages: Finesse 115 g/m2, Cover: Monostar 300 g/m2, DETAIL Green: PlanoPlus 120 g/m2, Cover: 300 g/m2

ProfileDETAIL is one of the most respected architectural journals in the world. Architects, planners, engineers, and construction-industry workers in over 80 countries appreciate and use the technically-oriented docu-ments and information it contains. The standalone magazine concept offers high professional value. The USPs are the design drawings that precisely document the constructed buildings. The content consists of five different sections: discussion, reports, documentation, technology and products.

Since 2004, the international edition of DETAIL has been published in English six times per year and it is sold in the UK, USA, Australia and Asia. Alongside the usual 6 DETAIL editions covering construction- related topics and a DETAIL Concept edition focusing on a building type, 2 additional editions of DETAIL Green offer practical information on all aspects of sustainable planning and construction.

‡ xxx‡ xxx‡ xxx

Thema · Thema englisch · Thema französisch · Serie 2014 · 3Zeitschrift für Architektur + Konzept · Review of Architecture · Revue d’Architecture



Energetische Stadtsanierung Aufzüge energetisch modernisieren

Die Ökobilanz von Sanierungen

Zeitschrift für nachhaltige Architektur und energetische SanierungReview of Sustainable Architecture and Energy-Efficient Refurbishment

ISSN 1614-4600 · JAN · FEB£12.50 · US$ 24.50 · €18

English Edition

Review of Architecture and Construction Details · Roofs · Vol. 2015 · 1

For more information about the delivery of the print data see page 17.

Delivery address Institut fuer internationale Architektur-for printing materials Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG, Advertisement Scheduling Hackerbruecke 6 80335 Munich, Germany

Publisher Institut fuer internationale Architektur- Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG Internet www.detail.de

General Terms All ad orders will be processed in accordanceand Conditions with the General Terms and Conditions of the publishing

house which are available at: www.detail-online.com/advertising

* British trade shows: Ecobuild, UK Construction Week, London Build and others


DETAIL English · Timetable / Topics 2016

PD = Publication date, BD = Booking deadline, CD = Copy deadline, Ddebi = Day of delivery bound inserts, loose inserts, tip-on-cards

DEE 1/2016


Refurbishment / Interior Design / Wall and Floor Tiles / KitchensRefurbishment

DEE 2/2016


Timber Construction / HEVAC and MVHR / Windows, Doors and Entrances / Materials and Finishes

Timber Construction

Green 1/16


Energy-focused building refurbishment / energy-effi cient facades, windows, doors / insulation, Airtight building envelopes / interiors, Flooring, ceilings / timber construction and wood materials / energy-effi cient elevators

Sustainable Architecture and Energy-Effi cient Refurbishment /Nachhaltig Planen und Bauen

DEE 3/2016


Building for the Community / Facades / Landscaping / Outdoor Living / Bathrooms

Concept: Visitor and Community Centres

DEE 4/2016


Special: Salone del Mobile, Milano / Lights and Lighting / Interior Walls, Ceilings and Acoustics / Flooring / CAD, Software and BIM

Lighting and Interiors

DEE 5/2016


Cladding and Surfaces / Offi ce / Access, Security, Fire Protection and Smart Controls / Insulation

Simple Forms of Construction / Cost-effective Building

DEE 6/2016


Roofs and Drainage / Sustainable Remodelling / Solar PV and Solar Thermal / Health and Leisure


DEE 1/2017


Construction / Glass / Wall and Floor Tiles / HotelTransparent and Translucent

Issue / PD Product Information Main Topic

Green 2/16


BD 04.12.15CD 11.12.15Ddebi 20.12.15

BD 18.01.16CD 25.01.16Ddebi 09.02.16

BD 19.02.16CD 26.02.16Ddebi 11.03.16

BD 21.03.16CD 29.03.16Ddebi 11.04.16

BD 20.05.16CD 25.05.16Ddebi 04.06.16

BD 21.07.16CD 28.07.16Ddebi 11.08.16

BD 21.09.16CD 28.09.16Ddebi 12.10.16

BD 02.12.16CD 09.12.16Ddebi 16.12.16


BD 21.09.16CD 28.09.16Ddebi 12.10.16

Energy-focused building refurbishment / energy-effi cient facades, windows, doors / insulation, Airtight building envelopes / interiors, Flooring, ceilings / timber construction and wood materials / energy-effi cient elevators

Sustainable Architecture and Energy-Effi cient Refurbishment /Nachhaltig Planen und Bauen


Format Type Area Ads Trim / Bleed Ads Surcharge b/w 2c * 3c * 4c *

Width mm Height mm Width mm Height mm € € € € €

DPS 402 271 420 297 622.– 6,220.– 7,000.– 7,600.– 8,220.–

Full Page 189 271 210 297 311.– 3,110.– 3,500.– 3,800.– 4,110.–

2/3 Page portraitlandscape









210.– 2,100.– 2,490.– 2,790.– 3,100.–

1/2 Page portrait










156.– 1,555.– 1,945.– 2,245.– 2,555.–

1/3 Page portraittwo columns












104.– 1,037.– 1,427.– 1,727.– 2,037.–

1/4 Page portrait two columns












78.– 778.– 1,038.– 1,298.– 1,558.–

1/6 Page portraittwo columns








518.– 778.– 1,038.– 1,298.–

Package 6 ≈ 1/1 page (Custom ad sizes are available upon request) 4 ≈ 1/1 page (Custom ad sizes are available upon request)









Prices exclude value added tax and sales tax. The publishing house’s current Terms and Conditions apply, they can be found at: www.detail-online.com/advertising

* Colour Surcharge: Blue HKS 47 (Pantone Process Cyan), Magenta HKS 25 (Pantone Process Magenta), Yellow HKS 3 (Pantone Process Yellow); four-coloured = Euroscale. All HKS and Pantone colours,

except basic Euroscale.

Placement: Following acceptance of a commitment to place ads in specific locations (minimum format: 1/3 page): 20%. Island ads: 30%.

Combined discount: 10% discount for DETAIL English if you also book an advertisement in the DETAIL German edition.

For information on the delivery of inserts / supplements / appendages, see pages 14, 15 and 17.

Discounts (for purchases within an insertion year):

Quantity scale: Repetition scale:for 3 ads and more 3% for 1 page 3%

for 6 ads and more 5% for 3 pages 5%

for 9 ads and more 10% for 6 pages 10%

for 12 ads and more 12.5% for 9 pages 15%

for 18 ads and more 15% for 12 pages 17.5%

for 24 ads and more 20% for 18 pages 20%

Advertising Formats and Prices DETAIL English · Rate card no. 12 / valid from January 1, 2016



The most important results for your cross-media campaign from the agla a+b agla circulation analysis 2012: 1

‡ No 1: DETAIL has the highest online circulation

‡ No 2: DETAIL has the highest cross-media circulation according to the Deutsches Architektenblatt

Source: 1 agla a+b circulation analysis 2012 Reach print: K 1 readers of a Ø edition. Online circulation: Users in the last 4 weeks. Results are based on the total target group of architects and civil engineers (n = 105,400).2 IVW I.– IV. IQuarter 2014.3 Agnitas, 20.10.20154 Google Analytics 9/2014–8/2015

Print and OnlineWith DETAIL you can increase your cross-media

circulation significantly.

Overall contact opportunities:

‡ Over 24,000 distributed copies per issue 2

‡ 35,500 Newsletter recipients – German 3

‡ 30,300 Newsletter recipients – english 3

‡ 119,000 unique users detail.de per month 4

‡ 60,000 unique users detail-online.com per month4


29.1%= 30,700 architects

and construction



13.4% = 14,200 architects

and construction



22.4%= 23,600 architects

and construction


Take advantage of the variety of cross-media campaigns. We’re also happy to develop other customized AdSpecials (microsites, market research, competitions, sales lead generation, etc.). www.agla-ab.de



Increase the coverage and the advertising success of your campaign

Available cross-media packages:

1. Aim: Recognition

‡ Banner placement in the relevant themed environment

‡ Advertorial in DETAIL blog

‡ Print adverts or inserts

2. Aim: Information

‡ Standalone newsletter/newsletter text advert

‡ Themed worlds/microsites with your own

exclusive content

‡ Appendages or print adverts

3. Aim: Dialogue

‡ Print advert

‡ Newsletter advert


‡ Facebook

Contact us for advice on the best package for you – we’re happy to help!

Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail · Review of Architecture · Revue d’ArchitectureSerie 2015 · 1/2 · Bauen mit Glas · Glass Construction · Construire en verre

‡ Material Glas – aktuelle Entwicklungen‡ Maximale Transparenz und inszenierte Transluzenz

‡ Messe-Special BAU 2015

Print advert FacebookNewsletter advert



Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail · Review of Architecture · Revue d’ArchitectureSerie 2015 · 1/2 · Bauen mit Glas · Glass Construction · Construire en verre

‡ Material Glas – aktuelle Entwicklungen‡ Maximale Transparenz und inszenierte Transluzenz

‡ Messe-Special BAU 2015

Print advert or InsertBanner

+ +

Insert / Print advertMicrositeNewsletter advert

P i t d t

+ +

+ +



DETAIL.de is DETAIL’s international architecture portal. It combines all DETAIL’s online offeringsinto one comprehensive website. DETAIL.de highlights the latest developments in the sector and provides more in-depth information on the articles contained in the print edition as well as specialist knowledge for architects. DETAIL-online.com is our English-language website and also offers you an attractive advertising environment (for more information, please see page 34).

With DETAIL.de you reach the following user base: 1

14,170 architects and engineers (circulation in individuals)

84 % are male

69 % are in the 40–59-years age group

63 % are certifi ed architects

53 % work in architects’ offi ces

58 % manage an annual construction volume of 1 million up to 25 million euros

69 % are owners / joint owners / directors

Use the following environments to get your advertising message to our highly attractive target group:

‡ Themes – specialist information edited and selected by architects for architects

‡ Products – new materials and developments, selectable according to trade

‡ DETAIL Blog + Newsletter – daily stimulus for architects and designers

Contact us for more information about our users – we’re happy to help!

Website DETAIL.de

Source: 1 agla a+b circulation analysis 2012. Results are based on the total target group of architects and civil engineers (n = 105.400).2 IVW 9/2014 bis 8/2015

Performance indicators www.detail.de 2More than 1.1 million page impressions/monthMore than 533,800 visits/month

Performance indicators www.detail-online.com 1

More than 346,700 page impressions/monthMore than 147,600 visits/month


The new online formats and prices

Advertising Size in px CPT*

A Customized CampaignMaximum attention in the shortest time possible.

on request€ 220.–

B PortraitIdeal format for moving images or media combination.

3 images in the size 300 x 250 € 110.–

C Floor AdDynamic mouseover effect at the lower image edge.

1200 x 200 1200 x 400 on mouseover € 110.–

D Maxi AdHarmoniously embedded into the image gallery.

640 x 480 € 110.–

> <

❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍

* CPT (Cost per thousand ad impressions). All prices are exclusive of VAT. The publisher’s current Terms and Conditions apply – see www.detail-online.com/advertising







Display – Formats and Prices

Please ask for our detailed specifi cations on the data type and the maximum data amount.

Data format JPEG, GIF, Flash fi les (up to a maximum of 100 KB). Data type and size of video advertisements available on request.

Data delivery Digital to [email protected], 5 working days before placement

Discounts 75,000 ad impressions 3.0% 110,000 ad impressions 5.0% 150,000 ad mpressions 7.5% The minimum booking is 25,000 ad impressions.

Crossmedia 10% discount on online placement if print and online discount are booked simultaneously (within one month).

Advertising Size in px CPT*

E Leaderboard / Placement in the header area.Mobile Leaderboard / Placement mobile

728 x 90320 x 50 € 95.–

F BillboardSpace in a central position. 970 x 250 € 110.–

G Medium RectangleDirect embedding in the editorial environment. 300 x 250 € 70.–

H Wide SkyscraperPlacement within highly frequented article pages.

160 x 600 € 70.–

* CPT (Cost per thousand ad impressions).All prices are exclusive of VAT. The publisher’s current Terms and Conditions apply – see www.detail-online.com/advertising






DETAIL Manufacturer News

∂ Manufacturer NewsOur new Manufacturer News section enables eye-catching placement of your products – both in print and online. Our cross-media offerings include the DETAIL product newsletter with approximately 33,500 recipi-ents, the permanent placement of your product on our website, as well as inclusion in the Manufacturer News section of our journal. Optimally combine the DETAIL service offers to ensure the highest-possible adver-tising effect.


+ An editorial environment within the Newsletter product

+ Permanent presence on detail.de and lead generation via a link to your company's contact page

+ Direct targeting of approximately 20,000 DETAIL subscribers

+ 32,500 newsletter recipients – German

+ High effi ciency through cross-media linking

+ Multiple contact-impetus for your target group

Newsletter Website


All prices are exclusive of VAT. The publisher’s current Terms and Conditions apply – see www.detail-online.com/advertising



∂ Online


Source:1 Agnitas 9/2014–8/20152 IVW 9/2014 to 8/20153 IVW I.– IV. Quarter 2014

Product newsletter: approximately 32,500 recipients 1

+ Website: 1.1 million PIs / 533,800 visits 2

+ Journal: approximately 20,000 subscribers 3

Weitere Informationen zu den Produkten

unter den jeweiligen Webadressen

Das passivhauszertifizierte Fens-

tersystem »Energyframe« von

Variotec ist mit einer thermisch

getrennten Regenschutzschiene

ausgestattet ist. Energyframe ist

ein einteiliges Fensterprofil, wel-

ches die Holzoptik zu 100 % wie-

dergibt. Es lässt die Querschnitte

der Dämmung weder im Flügel

noch im Blendrahmen erkennen

und sieht wie ein ganz »norma-

les« Fenster aus.


Die für Systemdecken konzi-

pierte modulare An- und Einbau-

leuchte »LG-Solution« von Regi-

olux ist rundum entblendet und

sorgt für eine homogene De-

ckenaufhellung. Die nur 110 mm

hohen Leuchten mit den Maßen

600 ≈ 600 mm lassen sich leicht

in bestehende Deckensysteme

integrieren. Sie eignen sich da-

her für die Sanierung ebenso wie

für »normale« Raumdecken.


Tiefgaragendecken bieten sich

für die städtebauliche Nutzung

an. Mit der Dränplatte »Protecto-

drain®« hat ZinCo ein Produkt

entwickelt, das sowohl im end-

gültigen Aufbau die normge-

rechte Dränage übernimmt, aber

auch bereits in der Bauphase ei-

nen zuverlässigen Schutz der

Dachabdichtung sicherstellt. Die

Drainplatte ist spatenfest und mit

Radladern befahrbar.


Mit der Version 6.0 der »EnEV-

Nachweis-CD« aktualisiert die

Unipor-Ziegel-Gruppe ihre Pla-

ner-Software. Das Programm be-

rücksichtigt nun auch die aktu-

elle Regelungen der Energie-

Einsparverordnung (EnEV). Die

Software ermöglicht die einfache

und genaue Berechnung von

EnEV-Nachweisen nach neuer

Rechtslage und die Erstellung

von Energieausweisen.


Der eine will sein Wohndach-

fenster zuklappen wie eine Tür,

der andere um eine Achse

schwingen wie eine Drehtür. Mit

dem »PreSelect-Beschlag« von

Fakro Dachfenster GmbH sind

jetzt beide Funktionen eines

Wohndachfensters in einer ein-

fach zu bedienender Mechanik

vereint. Ein Knopfdruck und

schon macht das Fenster, was

der Bewohner will.


Die Badarmaturen-Serie »160«

von Steinberg glänzt durch hoch-

qualitative Design-Armaturen in

verchromter Optik. Die Armatu-

ren sind dabei konsequent eckig

geformt. Besonders erwähnens-

wert ist die Verwendung von

»Low Noise« Kartuschen. Damit

werden störende Nebengeräu-

sche vermieden. Alle Steinberg

Armaturen sind komplett einbau-

und anschlussfertig.


Direkt neben dem historischen

Bahnhof auf dem Gelände der

ehemaligen Hauptpost in Wies-

baden wurde Ende März das

Lilien-Carré eröffnet. Bei dem

Erschließungstrakt des zentralen

Kuppelbaus, der als separater

Glaskubus in das Gebäude ein-

geschoben ist, wurde die abge-

hängte Glasfassade mit einem

Liliendekor versehen - ein Ras-

tersiebdruck von Schollglas.


In öffentlichen und privaten

Wohnbereichen steigt die Nach-

frage nach stumpfeinschlagen-

den Türen. SFS intec präsentiert

hierzu seine Bandgeneration

»Just 3D«. Hierbei handelt es

sich um ein Türenband das nicht

nur schön anmutet, sondern

auch zweckmäßig konstruiert ist

und dreidimensional in der Höhe,

der Seite und der Andruckver-

stellung justiert werden kann.


Das Bodenbelagssystem »Click-

and-Stone« der Click and Stone

GmbH ermöglicht bei Naturstein-

platten die schwimmende Verle-

gung mittels Nut und eines Ver-

bindungsprofils. Die Naturstein-

platten werden werksseitig mit

einer umlaufenden Nut verlege-

fertig hergestellt. Dank eines Ver-

bindungsprofils können die ein-

zelnen Platten klebstofffrei zu-

sammengefügt werden.


Mit der leichtgänigen, gläsernen

Faltwalt SL 60e bietet System-

entwickler und -hersteller Solar-

lux eine flexible Verglasungslö-

sung für Balkon- und Fassaden-

fronten, Wintergärten und

Poolverglasungen. Für Architek-

ten dürften dabei die maßge-

schneiderten Sonderlösungen,

die das Unternehmen bei Objek-

ten jeder Größenordnung anbie-

tet besonders interessant sein.


Dauphin, eine Marke der Dau-

phin HumanDesign Group, stel-

len die Chefsesselserie »Head-

quarter« vor. Die patentierte Er-

gonomietechnik Syncro-Dynamic

mit automatischem Gewichtsaus-

gleich sorgt für dynamisches Sit-

zen im Körperlot. Dies bedeutet,

dass Sitz und Rückenlehne den

Bewegungen des Sitzenden

synchron im stets richtigen

Winkelverhältnis folgen.


Die freistehende Absturzsiche-

rung »KeeGuard®« der Kee

Klamp GmbH ist eine wirksame

Präventivmaßnahme für alle

Flachdächer auf denen regelmä-

ßig Wartungs- oder Instandhal-

tungspersonal am Werk ist. Sie

überzeugt durch ihre sehr einfa-

che und Zeit sparende Montage,

bei der die Dachmembrane

grundsätzlich völlig unbeschä-

digt bleibt.


Das Bad als Ort der Entspan-

nung und des Wohlfühlens - mit

der Granitdusche »Novalux« von

Saniku wird dieser Wunsch er-

füllt. Sechs verschiedene Stein-

sorten stehen zur Auswahl, vom

hellen Shiva Kashi über Multico-

lor Rot bis zu dem schwarzen

Nero Assoluto. Die Dusche kann

in drei Größen gewählt werden,

entsprechend den Wannen-

maßen 800, 900 und 1000 mm.


Mit der selbstreinigenden Sili-

conharzfarbe »Lucite® Silico-

Therm« der CD-Color GmbH &

Co. KG bleiben Fassaden deut-

lich länger schön durch die foto-

katalytisch wirkenden, nanostruk-

turierten Spezial-Füllstoffe. In

Kombination mit der UV-Strah-

lung des Sonnenlichts werden

Stoffe chemisch freigesetzt, die

Schmutzpartikel an der Oberflä-

che der Beschichtung abbauen.


Bei Putzfassaden ist die Sanie-

rung häufig einfacher als ange-

nommen und kann oft mit der

Verbesserung des Wärmeschut-

zes verbunden werden. Der IWM

Industrieverband WerkMörtel e.V.

hat zum Thema Fassadensanie-

rung mit mineralischen Putzen

die Broschüre »Fassadensanie-

rung mit mineralischen Putzen -

effizient, werterhaltend, schön.«






Bedruckte Gläser

Eckige Elemente










Neue Broschüre


∂ 2015 Advertorial 13431342 Advertorial 2015 ∂





Price per placement

Manufacturer News € 2,490.–

Delivery: Print: Text: 450 characters Image: 100 x 100 mm / 300 dpi Online: Text: 450–2500 characters + target URL Image: 1500 x 540 px


Advertorial in the ∂ BlogThe DETAIL blog provides news and information from the fi eld of architecture and design. Its striking imagery means that it generates a high level of interest among design-oriented architects.

Advertorials allow you to permanently place your project and product presentations in DETAIL.de or DETAIL-online.com.

Services: Permanent basic entry + Frontpage notifi cation on the publication date on

detail.de or detail-online.com+ Facebook posting to over 85,000 fans 1 – German or to over 214,000 fans 2 – English+ Unique image advertisement in the newsletter

sent to 32,500 subscribers 3 – Germanor to 30,702 subscribers 3 – English

+ Article in the app (only available in German)


Frontpage notifi cation

Advertorial in the Blog

NewsletterFacebook Post

+ +






Article in the app(only available in German)

Price per placement


Delivery: 5 images (1 image: 1500 x 540 px / 4 images: min. 1500 px width), text: min. 450 to max. 2,500 characters (incl. spaces) plus headline, lead text (2 to 3 sentences) and target URL.

€ 3,500.–

All prices are exclusive of VAT. The publisher’s current Terms and Conditions apply – see www.detail-online.com/advertising

Source: 1 www.facebook.com/DETAIL.de / 2 www.facebook.com/architecture.DETAIL / 3 Agnitas 9/2014–8/2015


NewsletterThe newsletter provides up-to-date information on architecture and design: German newsletter 4 times a week (Monday–Thursday), English newsletter once a week (Thursday). Special topical newsletter complete the information service provided.

1 CPT (Cost per thousand recipients; translations calculated separately)2 Current circulation on request.

All prices are exclusive of VAT. The publisher’s current Terms and Conditions apply – see www.detail-online.com/advertising

Newsletter Standalone

DETAIL Newsletter

Your product and reference text with a large image

Your editorial


StandaloneBe the sole cooperation partner! DETAIL distributes the standalone and takes care of the design. You decide on content and graphics/images. A standalone edition and therefore exclusively yours!

Publication frequency: Determined individually following discussionSplit runs: Only available for the German-language edition Minimum run: 5,000 subscribers

Standalone Prices (CPT1)

∂ aktuell German2 English2

> 10,000 subscribers

€ 265.– € 265.–

< 10,000 subscribers € 315.– € 315.–


Newsletter Prices (CPT1) German2 English2

Image advert logo/picture (500 x 400 px) 250 characters plus headline and link

€ 95.– € 95.–

Text advert logo/picture (130 x 130 px), € 85.– € 85.–

400 characters plus headline and link

Banner (468 x 60 px) € 40.– € 40.–From Outlook 2007 onwards, only one randomly selected frame is displayed with animated GIF banners. We therefore recommend supplying a fi xed non-animated banner.







The DETAIL AppImpresses with an attractive design and ease of use.

Topicality Architects and planners always get the latest informa-tion from DETAIL, selected according to the following categories: Architecture, Blog, Products, Events and Research.

Mobility All content can be retrieved at any time from anywhere – thus the user is always up to date and never misses any news.

Functionality Smart interface, clear menu – the DETAIL app is intuitive and can be extended to include own user categories.

An ideal environment for your advertising message

The high topicality of contributions, their suitability for use on mobile devices and short loading times make the DETAIL app extremely attractive. You too can benefi t from increased attention by our target group and take advantage of the advertising opportunities within the app.

The interstitial is inserted when browsing through the articles and cannot be skipped, i.e. guaranteed advertisement visibility.

The DETAIL App is only available in German-language.

Prices DETAIL App

Interstitial (450 × 800 und 600 × 800 px) as a JPEG or web-optimized GIF + link to the customer’s website

€ 490.–

All prices are exclusive of VAT. The publisher’s current Terms and Conditions apply – see www.detail-online.com/advertising



DETAIL App 51,800 page impressions/month 1

and 5,900 visits/month 1

for IOS for Android

Scan the QR code and test the DETAIL app:

1 Source: App-Statistic from Pylba, 10/2014–9/2015


Website DETAIL-online.com

DETAIL Online international

Our English-language website at DETAIL-online.com offers you an attractive advertising environment for directly addressing your target group.

From the campaigns described above, choose the one that's right for you. We are happy to advise you.

Possible campaigns

‡ Cross-media packages

‡ Display advertising

‡ Newsletter advertisements and standalone

‡ Advertorial

We shall be happy to provide you with additional information on our users and current usage numbers. Get in touch!

1 Source: IVW 9/2014 – 8/2015

Performance indicators www.detail-online.com 1

More than 346,700 page impressions/monthMore than 147,600 visits/month


Customized Communication Concepts

Based on our close relationship with the target group of architects, we develop individual integrated communications concepts with and for our customers and partners – by architects for architects.

BASIC Print: Specials, offprints, documentation, corporate publishing, image

brochures, technical information and architect folders, book publications,

book sponsorship, corporate books, direct mail, PR.

Online: Websites, forums, content research and newsletters, online

magazines and corporate films.

DIRECT Development and realization of comprehensive event concepts in

order to initiate a sustained dialogue with the target group via  personal

contacts. Events, including sales training, workshops, market research,

road shows, panel discussions, press conferences, exhibitions,

architecture tours, trade fairs, seminars, symposia, conferences,

competitions and prizes.

CROSS Using the specific qualities of different media to convey themes and

content to a wider architect target group. Linking together of print (jour-

nal and specialist book), online and event concepts to form integrated

communication strategies.

DETAIL transfer has enabled high-quality, comprehensive, cross-media knowledge transfer between the industry and architectsfor more than a decade.

Contact: Meike WeberDETAIL Publishing Director

Tel. +49 (0)89 381620-18

[email protected]

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Tel. +49 (0)89 381620-28

[email protected]

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[email protected]

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[email protected]

BIM Building Information Modeling I Management Methoden und Strategien für den PlanungsprozessBeispiele aus der Praxis

Edition Detail

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T: +49 (0) 89 381620-79E: [email protected]
