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review on cold formed structures

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  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures






    Under the guidance ! Pre"ented #$

    Dr. P. Manikandan Kannan K  

    Asst. Professor (1539102)

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    C%d !r&ed "tee% "tructure"'

    •Cold-formed steel strutures are steel strutures t!at are

     "re"ared #$ #endin% flat steel s!eets into desire s!a"es&

    '!ile !ot-rolled steel setions are formed at eleated


    •!e "rimar$ adanta%es of t!e old formed steel setion

    are !i%! stren%t! to 'ei%!t ratio& lo' self 'ei%!t& eas$

    liftin%* fa#riations.

    !e o"en olumn setion is er$ familiar 'it! t!eonstrution industr$.

    •!e #uklin% !arateristis de"end on t!e s!a"e and t!e

    slenderness ratio of t!e ross setion "rofile

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures



  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    (ang) D*) and Hancc+) ,*-**

    .Compression Tests of High Strength Steel Channel

    Columns with Interaction between Local and

     Distortional Buckling /-urna% ! Structura% Engineering) V%* 012) N* 03)


    +an% and ,anok  

    (200) desri#es a series ofom"ression tests "erformed on li""ed !annel setion

    olumns fa#riated from old-redued !i%! stren%t! steel

    of t!ikness 0.2 mm 'it! nominal $ield stress 550 M"a.

    A ran%e of len%t!s of li""ed !annels 'it! intermediatestiffeners in t!e 'e# and t!e flan%es 'as tested #et'een

    fied ends to determine t!e stren%t! of t!e setions.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • /or t!e li""ed !annel setions& failure resulted from

    loal and distortional #uklin% 'it! t!e interation #et'een t!ese modes.

    • !e tests indiated t!at distortional #uklin% and t!e

    interation of loal and distortional #uklin% ma$ !ae a

    si%nifiant effet on t!e stren%t! of t!e setions formed

    from su! t!in !i%! stren%t! steel.

    • !e "a"er "resents t!e results o#tained e"erimentall$

    and t!eoretiall$ usin% t!e effetie 'idt! met!od and t!e

    diret stren%t! met!od& neit!er of '!i! aount for

    interation of loal and distortional #uklin%.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    Liu) (*) .Crashworthiness design of multi-corner thin-

    walled columns/ Thin5Wa%%ed Structure" 46 732289

    013:; 011

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • Durin% t!e desi%n o"timiations& s"eifi ener%$

    a#sor"tion 'as set as t!e desi%n o#etie& side len%t! oft!e ross-setions and 'all t!ikness 'as seleted as

    desi%n aria#les& and maimum rus!in% fore 'as set as

    t!e desi%n onstraint.

    • 6ot! t!e o#etie and onstraint 'ere formulated usin%

    t!e res"onse surfae met!od #ased on sets of finite

    element results o#tained from /7 anal$sis.

    • After o#tainin% t!e o"timal desi%ns& "arametri studies

    'ere "erformed to inesti%ate t!e influenes of t!e desi%n

    aria#les on t!e ras! "erformane of su! multi-orner

    t!in-'alled olumns.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    =>n) (* B*) =i&) B*S*) and Hancc+) ,*-*) .Compression

    tests of high strength cold-formed steel channels with

    buckling interaction/

    -urna% ! Cn"tructina% Stee% Re"earch

    6? 7322:9 3

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • !e !i%! stren%t! old-formed steel !annel setions of

    intermediate len%t!s %enerall$ dis"la$ed a si%nifiant

    interation #et'een loal and distortional #uklin%.•  A notiea#le interation #et'een loal and oerall

     #uklin% 'as also o#sered for t!e lon% olumns.

    • A si%nifiant "ost-#uklin% stren%t! resere 'as s!o'n

    for t!ose setions t!at s!o'ed interation #et'een loaland distortional or oerall #uklin%.

    • im"le desi%n stren%t! formulas in t!e Diret tren%t!

    Met!od for t!e t!in-'alled old-formed steel setions

    failin% in t!e mied mode of loal and distortional #uklin% !ae #een studied.

    • !e stren%t!s "redited #$ t!e stren%t! formulas

     "ro"osed are om"ared 'it! t!e test results for


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    Ngu$en) H*T* and =i&) S*E*)

    . Buckling of composite columns of lipped-channel and hat

    sections with web stiffener /

    Thin5Wa%%ed Structure" 4< 7322:9 004:;0062•  4%u$en and Kim (2009) studied t!e #uklin% of t!in-

    'alled om"osite olumns in !at setions and li""ed-

    !annel setions reinfore 'it! 'e# stiffener under aial


    •  !e olumns 'ere om"osed of s$mmetri an%le-"l$

    laminates. !e finite element met!od 'as used to

    inesti%ate t!e #uklin% #e!aiour of t!e olumns.

    • 6ifuration anal$ses 'ere arried out to o#tain t!e

     #uklin% load and mode s!a"es of t!e olumns.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • oad-defletion anal$ses 'ere "erformed to stud$ t!e

     "ost-#uklin% #e!aiour of t!e olumns.

    • !e results s!o'ed si%nifiant effets of "l$ an%le and

    %eometri "arameters on t!e #uklin% and "ost-#uklin%

     #e!aiour of t!e olumns.

    !is resear! "roides a %uide for im"roin% t!e loadin%a"ait$ of om"osite olumns.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    Chen) -*) He )(*) -in) W*L*)

    . Stub column tests of thin-walled complex section

    with intermediate stiffeners/

    Thin5Wa%%ed Structure" 48 732029 431;43:

    • C!en et al (2010) 'as onduted a series of stu# olumn

    tests on om"le setions 'it! intermediate stiffeners.

    • nitiall$& %eometri im"erfetions and material "ro"erties

    of t!e test s"eimens 'ere measured.

    • t 'as s!o'n t!at t!e intermediate stiffeners ould

    effetiel$ en!ane t!e loal #uklin% stress of t!in-'alled setions.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    h h H

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    hang ) hang H

    . xperimental and numerical in!estigation on crush

    resistance of pol"gonal columns and angle elements/

    Thin5Wa%%ed Structure" ?< 732039 3?;16• 7ner%$ a#sor"tion !arateristis of re%ular "ol$%onal

    olumns and r!om#i olumns under ;uasi-stati aial

    om"ression 'ere inesti%ated #$ :!an% and :!an%

    (2012).• !e influene of a entral an%le of deformation mode and

    mean rus!in% fore of an%le elements 'as studied.

    • A numerial inesti%ation 'as also arried out to stud$

    t!e rus! resistane of "ol$%onal olumns and an%le

    elements under ;uasi- stati and d$nami aial


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • !e numerial "redited rus!in% fore and deformation

    mode of t!e "ol$%onal olumns 'ere found to #e in %ood

    a%reement 'it! t!e e"erimental results.

    • n addition& #ased on t!e e"erimental o#serations& some

    disussions a#out t!e deformation me!anism of ener%$a#sor"tion 'ere "resented.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    Lee S H) Chi ( H) =i& ( H) Chi S M

     . Structural performance of welded built-up s#uare

    C$ST stub columns/

    Thin5Wa%%ed Structure" ?3 732039 03;32

    • trutural "erformane of 'elded #uilt-u" s;uare C/

    stu# olumns 'as disussed #$ ee (2012).

    • A 'elded #uilt-u" s;uare tu#e 'as made #$ flare 'eldin% t!in a steel "late& '!i! 'as #ent to form an - s!a"e.

    strutural load a"ait$.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    T Li S h

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    Tang ) Liu S) hang

    . nerg" absorption properties of non-con!ex multi-

    corner thin-walled columns/

    Thin5Wa%%ed Structure" ?0 732039 003;032• an% and :!an% (2012) "ro"osed a strate%$ to im"roe ener%$ a#sor"tioneffiien$ of t!in-'alled olumns #$ introduin% etra non-one orners

    in t!e ross setion.

    •  eeral "rofiles of non-one multi- orner t!in-'alled olumns

    o#tained t!rou%! t!is strate%$ 'ere "resented and t!eir ener%$ a#sor"tion

    a"aities under aial rus! 'ere inesti%ated anal$tiall$ and numeriall$.

    • 7"liit formulations for "reditin% t!e mean rus!in% fore of non-one

    multi-orner t!in-'alled olumns 'ere deried #ased on t!e t!eor$ of

    u"er /oldin% 7lement met!od& and "reditin% t!e results of t!ese

    formulations !ae %ood a%reement 'it! t!e numerial simulation

     "erformed #$ e"liit nonlinear finite element met!od.

    • !e om"arisons of t!e non-one olumns 'it! s;uare olumn s!o'

    t!at t!e non-one multi-orner t!in-'alled olumns !ae !i%!er ener%$

    a#sor"tion a"ait$.

    P tt M L Si h = D

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    Pattn M L) Singh = D

    . Buckling of fixed ended lean duplex stainless steel hollow

    columns of s#uare% L-% T-%and &-shaped sections under pure

    axial compression'a finite element stud"/ Thin5Wa%%ed Structure" 61 732019 026;006*

    • Patton and in%! (2013) "resent a finite element stud$ onslender !ollo' olumns 'it! s;uare and non-retan%ular

    !ollo' olumns 'it! fied ends under aial om"ression.

    • =ariations in #uklin% stren%t! 'it! !an%es in t!e ross-

    setional s!a"es 'ere studied.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • !e /7 results 'ere om"ared 'it! t!e desi%n stren%t!s

     "redited #$ t!e 7uro ode and AC7 s"eifiations.

    >ood a%reements #et'een t!e /7 stren%t!s and odal

     "reditions 'ere o#sered.

    • !e uses of old-formed t!in-'alled steel strutures !ae

    inreased in reent $ears& and some #uilt-u" setion

    mem#ers are motiated and also 'idel$ used for t!eir

    eellent strutural #e!aiour.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • ensile ou"on test 'ere onduted to find t!e material

     "ro"erties of t!e setions.

    oal #uklin%& distortional #uklin%& fleural #uklin% andinteration of t!ese #uklin% 'ere o#sered durin% t!e test.

    • !e olumn stren%t!s o#tained from t!e e"eriments 'ere

    om"ared 'it! t!e desi%n stren%t! alulated usin% t!e diret

    stren%t! met!od (DM) in t!e 4ort! Amerian "eifiationfor old-formed steel strutures.

    • !e relia#ilit$ of t!e DM met!od 'as ealuated usin%

    relia#ilit$ anal$sis. t 'as s!o'n t!at& stren%t!s alulated #$

    usin% t!e diret stren%t! met!od are relia#le and sli%!tl$unonseratie.

    • /inall$& a desi%n reommendation 'as "ro"osed for DM to

    alulate t!e ultimate stren%t! of old formed #uilt-u" s;uare

    setions 'it! intermediate flan%e and 'e# stiffeners.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    hang - H) (ung B

    ()umerical in!estigation and design of cold-formed

    steel built-up open section columns with longitudinal

    stiffeners*  Thin5Wa%%ed Structure" 8:7320?90

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • A finite element model 'as firstl$ deelo"ed and erified

    a%ainst t!e tests of old-formed steel #uilt-u" om"ression

    mem#ers& in '!i! t!e initial %eometri im"erfetions andmaterial "ro"erties of t!e test s"eimens 'ere inluded.

    • eondl$& t!e erified finite element model 'as used for an

    etensie "arametri stud$ of fied-ended old-formed steel

     #uilt-u" o"en setion olumns.• !e "arametri stud$ 'as desi%ned to inesti%ate t!e effet

    of ed%e and 'e# stiffeners in t!e #uilt-u" o"en setions. !e

    finite element results to%et!er 'it! t!e test results 'ere

    om"ared 'it! t!e desi%n "reditions alulated from t!eurrent desi%n rules in t!e 4ort! Amerian "eifiation and

    t!e Australian*4e' :ealand tandard.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • /urt!ermore& desi%n rules of t!e urrent diret stren%t!

    met!od 'ere modified. t is s!o'n t!at t!e desi%nstren%t!s "redited #$ t!e modified diret stren%t!

    met!od are %enerall$ in %ood a%reement 'it! t!e ultimate

    loads of t!e #uilt-u" o"en setion olumns.

    • n addition& t!e urrent desi%n rules and t!e modifieddiret stren%t! met!od 'ere ealuated #$ relia#ilit$


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    Wang C) hang ) ha D) Bai (

    (xperimental and )umerical Stud" on .erforated

    Channel Columns with Complex dge Stiffeners and/eb Stiffeners*  

    Adance" in Structura% Engineering V%* 08 N* 8


    • o stud$ t!e influene of 'e# !oles on aial om"ression

     #e!aiour of t!in-'alled olumns 'it! different setion

    forms& a total of 10 "in-ended om"ression s"eimens

    'it! t'o setion forms 'ere tested #$

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • !e ultimate load& #uklin% mode and deformation

     #e!aiour of t!ese s"eimens 'ere studied.

    • t 'as found t!at t!e aial om"ression loadin% effiien$

    of "erforated B-setion s"eimens an inrease a#out 30

    to 50& '!i! om"ared 'it! !annels 'it! om"le ed%e

    stiffeners and 'e# !oles under t!e same onditions.

    • !e tests 'ere simulated #$ finite element anal$sis (/7A)&

    and t!e anal$sis results a%reed 'ell 'it! e"erimental


    • t 'as s!o'n t!at t!e loadin% effiien$ of B-setion

    models 'it! !oles dereased a#out 25 om"ared 'it!

    t!e same setion models 'it!out !oles.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures



    to alulate t!e ultimate loadin% a"ait$ of "erforated

    !annels 'it! om"le ed%e stiffeners.

     !e results indiate t!at t!e eistin% DM formulas for "erforated mem#ers& deelo"ed mainl$ #ased on !annel

    setions 'it! sim"le ed%e stiffeners& are also alid for

    !annels 'it! om"le ed%e stiffeners and 'e# !oles

    under aial om"ression.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    hu ) Liu ) He (0eneral distortional buckling

     formulae for both fixed-ended and pinned-ended C-

    section columns*  Thin5Wa%%ed Structure":47320?9621;600*

    • :!ou et al1 (2015) "resents %eneral e"liit anal$tial

    formulae to "roide distortional ritial stress estimatesfor old-formed steel C-setion olumns su#eted to

    uniform om"ression.

    •  !ese formulae 'ere deried #$ em"lo$in% t!e au and

    ,anok model and #$ introduin% a ne' fator inonsiderin% t!e 'e# rotational restraint redued #$ 'e#


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • !e results o#tained from t!e %eneral e"liit anal$tial

    formulae are om"ared 'it! t!e numerial results o#tained

    from t!e om"uter "ro%rams C@/M or*and >6@.• /or "inned-ended olumns& t!ese alues are also om"ared

    'it! t!ose $ielded #$ t!e formulae deelo"ed #$ au and

    ,anok& !afer& and ilestre and Camotim.

    •n "artiular& t!e distortional ritial stress of fied-endedC-setion olumns 'as alidated #$ om"arin% t!e

    orres"ondin% ultimate load #ased on !afers DM

    e"ressions 'it! numerial results from t!e resear!

    literature.• !e formulae deried !ere 'ere alidated and t!eir

    a""liation& aura$ and a"a#ilities are illustrated #$

    t!ese om"arisons and alidations.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    Wang C) hang ) ha D) Liu

    (Compression tests and numerical anal"sis of web-

    stiffened channels with complex edge stiffeners*  

    -urna% ! Cn"tructina% Stee% Re"earch

    006 732069 3:;1:*

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    •  t 'as found t!at t!e lon%itudinal intermediate stiffeners

    ould redue t!e 'e# 'idt!-to-t!ikness ratio effetiel$

    and en!ane t!e sta#ilit$ a"ait$ of mem#ers su#etedto aial loadin% or eentri loadin% 'it! t!e eentriit$

    lose to t!e 'e# side.

    •  Com"ared 'it! !annels 'it! om"le ed%e stiffeners

    under t!e same ondition& t!e ultimate load-arr$in%a"ait$ of B s!a"e setion mem#ers and mem#ers 'it!

    = t$"e 'e# stiffeners 'as inreased #$ 85 and 50&


    •  6ut distortional #uklin% of t!e om"le setion mem#er'as t!e %oernin% failure modes of t!e s"eimens. ests

    'ere t!en simulated #$ finite element anal$sis.

  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    • !e numerial anal$sis results s!o' %ood a%reement 'it!

    e"erimental results.

    •  /urt!ermore& "arametri stud$ on a total of 1 sam"les

    'as onduted to o#tain t!e o"timal 'e# su#-element "ro"ortion for B ross-setion olumns.

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  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


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  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


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  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


  • 8/18/2019 review on cold formed structures


    THAN= (OU
