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Revisi-pt. Golden Solomon Guadalcanal

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GOLDEN SOLOMON Solomon Mining Limited P.O.1598 Honiara, Solomon Island To The Director of Mines Ministry of mines and rural electrification P.O.Box G37 Honiara Wednesday, Mei 01, 2014 Dear Sir Re: Minerals Ringht Application For Guadalcananl Please find attached documents comprising the prospecting license application prepared And submitted by PT. Golden Solomon limited with respect to Choisule bauksit . Included is the prescribed mineral right application form 1 enclosed with support ing nformation reguired under the mines and mineral act ( 1990 ). Any additional detail not contained herein can be provided on request however we understand this application to be in accordance with the requirements of the said act. Should any further information be required, plase do not hesitate to contact us. ………………………. Setya Graha DIRECTOR PT.Golden Solomon

    Solomon Mining Limited


    Honiara, Solomon Island

    To The Director of Mines

    Ministry of mines and rural electrification

    P.O.Box G37


    Wednesday, Mei 01, 2014

    Dear Sir

    Re: Minerals Ringht Application For Guadalcananl

    Please find attached documents comprising the prospecting license application prepared

    And submitted by PT. Golden Solomon limited with respect to Choisule bauksit .

    Included is the prescribed mineral right application form 1 enclosed with support ing nformation

    reguired under the mines and mineral act ( 1990 ). Any additional detail not contained herein can be

    provided on request however we understand this application to be in accordance with the requirements

    of the said act.

    Should any further information be required, plase do not hesitate to contact us.


    Setya Graha


    PT.Golden Solomon











    ( Prospecting Licence )

    ( S.20, Mines and Minerals Act 1990 )

    Prospecting License Application for RenNel laterites

    Guadalcanal Island, Solomon Island

    Three year ( 2014 2017 )

    Exploration Work Programme

    PT. Golden Solomon( Mei 2014 )


  • Table of Contents


    1. Mineral Ringht Form ( Form 1 ) .4-6

    2. Foreign Investment Bord Approval .7-10

    3. Applicant .11

    4. Experienced Management..11-14

    5. Access Agreements15

    6. Environmental Management 16

    7. Geological Potential of the Prospect Area17-27

    8. Proposed Program by Solomon mining .28

    9. Proposed budget ( minimum )29

    10. Deccription of the prospect tenemt area..30-31

    11. PT. Golden Solomon business plan .....32-34

  • 3. Applicant

    PT. Golden Solomon is a 100% abroad registered owned company based in Indonesia. PT. Golden

    Solomon will provide the necessary funds for a three year exploration program including surface

    exploration. To assist with the exploration program, PT. Golden Solomon will put in place a logistic base

    in Honiara. And will contract the services necessary to determine avalible prospect for large scale

    bauxite mining developments.

    The activities which the company wishes to conduct are in the area of mining and quarrying. The

    company wishes to conduct explorations and mining of gold, silver, copper, bauksit, cobalt, and other

    mineral it available in this prospective area and other potential prospects of all provinces in the Solomon


    4. Experlenced Management

    The two company director outline below have a proven record and extensive experience in the fields of

    business assessment and development, law, accounting, management, resource finance, and associated

    skills. This mean management of PT. Golden Solomon limited are experienced in mining, operating

    business and dealing with people in developing countries and accordingly have the are ability to engage

    locals in and enduring and lasting manner.

    Form time to time qualified and experienced trainers will be brought in to train up local personel, and in

    all possible positions local personnnel will based.

    1. Sugeng Gunawan a brief profile

    Mobile ( Indonesia ) +62 ) 811896859

    Mobile ( Solomon island )( +617 ) 7837524

    Email : [email protected]



    1999-present Bahtera Mitra Trada limited


  • Planned and directed all function of the company enforced strong leadership skill to

    ensure efficient ultilization of corporate reasources.

    Established and integrited the fuction strategres of the company utilizing business

    expertise to reach financial/operational goal and objectives.

    Depvoyed resource to achieve financial forecast and business objectives.

    Developed sales and marketing pland and program for company sales personel.

    Analyzed market trends and statistics to determine potential of growth monitored sales

    performen regularly.

    2011-present PT. Golden Solomon


    Resource and infrastructure management,

    Is now managed and run by PT. Golden Solomon


    Fluent in english and mandarin languages

    Proficient in Microsoft windows and osx opration systems.

    Holds Indonesia and an international driver license.

    Enjoys doing volunteer work

    Long time donator and benefactor to many charities and non profit organization.

    2. Setya Graha Rochmat a brief profile

    Mobile ( Indonesia ) : (+62 ) 81381171667

    Mobile ( Solomon island ) : ( +617 ) 7853556

    Email : [email protected]


    2012-2013 PT. Golden Solomon

    Director / project manager

    Responsible for implementing and managing project changes and intervation to achieve

    project outputs

    Facilitated the definition of project scopes, goal and deliverables

  • Managed project budgets

    Planned and scheduled project timelines present report defining project progress,

    problem and solutions

    2009-2012 PT. Gasminco Jaring Utama


    Managed project budget

    Responsible for profit-loss of companies acvtivity

    In-country representative responsible for quality control

    2004-2005 PT. Bintang Arwana limited


    Coordinated shipment schedules between factories and clients

    Corresponded between factories and clients

    Quality control products

    2001-2005 Jalin Inti limited


    Communicated with wholesalers to schedule and ensure on time merchandise deliveries

    Actively negotiated pricing contracts and payment with wholesalers and distributor

    Managed project budgets

    Planned nd organized company event and promotions

    2001-2002 PT. Bahtera Mitra Sakti


    Managed project budgets

    Planned and participated in profit-loss activity

    Communication operator

    Charged with installing and providing lines scerue communication

    Degree in Geoligical engineering

    Proficient in Microsoft office windows internet appliction

    Fluent in spoken, reading, and writing, of chinese

    Working knowledge of France

    Indonesia auto driver licenses

  • 5. Access Agreements

    PT. Golden Solomon ltd has verbal and intelectual capability in negotiating and

    maintaining land access agreements. The company intends to do prospecting and

    mining business ventures and service in Honiara and Solomon island at large and has a

    proven lasting record to establish and maintain relationship with the local people and

    Solomon island government. When access agreements are stabilized with the local

    customary landowners and the project communities, the company will continue to value

    the mutual and cordially relationship initiated the pivotal phenomenon for land access

    to the prospecting area. Mr. Tago make with the assistance of short term employed

    landowners will be handling the landowner negotiations.

    6. Environmental Management

    PT. Golden Solomon is commited to responsible environmental management. PT. Mega

    Bintang Borneo limited will achieve that outcome by :

    Requiring all managers supervisors employees and contractor to proactive manage their

    work areas using sound environmental practices and procedures.

    Appliying the principles of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control:

    Regulerly reviewing and setting environtmental objectives and targets with the aim of

    continually improving its environtmental performance including prevention of pollutions

    Maintaining a thorough level of environmental awareness thoroughtout its obligation by

    visible managerial leadership and training and by good two way communication.

    Consulting with its neighbours local community grups landowners and all levels of


    Managing its operation and activities to comply with applicable environmental laws,

    regulation licences and other commitments to which the company subscribes and

    Openly reporting on its environmental performance

    In the unlikely event of environtmental incidents PT. Golden Solomon undertakes to

    promptly cease any operation or work causing the incident and mitigate impacts by

    using best practice rehabilitation procedures

  • 7. Geological potential of the prospect area

    7.1 Geological setting

    a) Regional Geological setting

    the Solomon island and new guinea are part of a continue mal island arc system formed

    by the collision of the north moving Australia indie plate with the south west moving

    Pacific Plate. Subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Australia India Plate resulted

    in partial melting of the Pacific Plate and diapiric rise of magma domes into the Australia

    India Plate. Initial subduction occurred in a south westerly direction and this process

    may have been initiated as early as late Eocene time. A reversal of the subduction is

    thought to have occurred near the end of the Miocene when north-east directed

    subduction along the south west margin of the archipelago was initiated. The tectonic

    setting of the Solomon Island is presented in Figure 7.1.1

    Figure 7.1.1 The tectonic setting of the Solomon Island with Guadalcanal

  • Initial work to place the Solomon Island Group into a regional tectonics framework was

    that by P. Coleman in the 1960s. Coleman came up with the concept of a Geological

    Province Model (Figure 3-4).

    7.2. Geological Province Model

    Coleman initially divided the Solomon Island block into 4 geological provinces known as

    (a) central Geological Province; (b). Volcanic Geological Province; (c). Pacific Geological

    Province and; (d). Atoll Geological Province.

    Figure 7.2.1 Geological regional guadalcanal

    1. Fractured Arc Concept

    Brian D. Hackman (1980) used the concept of fractured arc involving rifting and block-

    faulting to explain the double en echelon chain nature of the island in wich Choiseul,

  • Santa Isabel and Malaita occur on the northern chain while Bouganville, the New

    Georgia Group, Guadalcanal and San Christobal occur in the southern chain.

    Atempts to incorporate the fractured arc model into a geo-tectonic framework were

    taken up by other (Harris of Gualer Resourches Limited, 1998) in the late 1990s. Their

    work mentions there major tectonic events involving subduction related events

    between the Australian an Pacific tectonic plates.

    According to this concept, the Solomon Island is composed of two sub-parallel

    northwest-southeast trending volcanic island archs situated on the Solomon Plate that

    form part of the circum-Paific volcanic arc. The Solomon Plate and Australian plateau

    subduct beneath the Solomon Plate. The subduction trench stretches from Vanuatu

    right through to eastern most Bouganville Island through to Lihir Group of Island in the

    northeast of Papua New Guinea. The geological history and evolution of the Solomon

    Islands is ascribed to these three major tectonic events.

    First Tectonic Event

    The first tectonic event saw the emplacement of submarine oceanic extruded as alkali

    olivine basaltic lavas during the faulire of a gearticlinal welt formed by converging and

    subducting Pacific and Australian Plates.

    A thick sequence of basic volcanic, limestone beds and dolerite of the Mbirao Group

    represents this emplaced oceanic crust.

    Second Tectonic Event

    A second phase of compressive tectonic event presumably metamorphosed the Mbirao

    oceanic basic volcanic and carbonate sequences and produced a series of ultrabasic and

    meta-gabbroic bodies in the Eocene to Oligocene times. This tectonic event is

    represented by ultrabasic emplacements in central and eastern Guadalcanal, San

    Cristobal, Santa Isabel and eastern Choiseaul.

    Third Tectonic Event

    The third tectonic event is described as domnated by block faulting, as a consequence of

    extensional faulting due to rifting. This tectonic extensional event occurred during the

    late Oligocene to lower Mocene.

  • First Volcanism associated wih the Third Tectonic Event

    The resultant uplift block-faulting led to the the erosion of metabasic rock and triggered

    the extrusion of basaltic to andesitic cala-alcalie volcanism. The Suta Volcanics of Central

    Guadalcanal and the Umasami Volcanics of West Guadalcanal were extruded as part of

    this third tectonic event.

    This periode of volcanisme produced the pilo of bassalts, basaltic andesites and

    associated pyroclastics and interbeds of limestone beds.

    The extrusive volcanism was then followed by the intrusion of high level igneous plutons

    of the Poha Diorite Complex in the Oligocene period. Similar volcanic and igneous

    activity was noted in Bouganville, Vanuatu and Fiji during the same periode.

    Suloihide mineralisatin ws associated with this period of basaltic-andesitic volcanism

    and emplacement of plutonic dioritic intussions in the Oligocene to early Miocene


    The deposition of various volcanic derived sediments occurred as a result of uplift and

    erosion of volcanic and plutonic igneous bodies.

    A hiatus period

    A hiatus accured during the Mocene. This is represented by depositin of carbonat

    platforms in extensie fringing reefs, forming the Mboneghe Limestone. Overlying

    unconformably with the Mboneghe Limestone are sequences of tuffs, siltstone,

    agglomerates, and tuffaceous arenities.

    Second Volcanism during the Third Tectonic Event

    In the late Miocene, another volcanic event produced the Galled lavas, basalts,

    hornblende andesites and related tuff breccia deposite on West Guadalcanal. These laas

    have been K-Ar dated at 6.39 Ma (Hackman,1980).

  • High level micro diorite to hornblende porphyry intrusion were emplaced during the

    Oligocene to Pleistocene. Rock of similar omposition also occur in the New Georgia

    Group. On west Guadalcanal, the Oligocene intrusions are overlain by the Lungga Beds.

    The topmost Racent calcareous volcanic arenites and terrace forming reefs form the

    Honiara Beds of stratigraphic sequence on West Guadalcanal.

    7.3. Geological Terrain Model

    Recent work by the Geology Department in the Ministry Mines in Soloman Islands in

    collaboration with the British overseas Geological Institute and various overseas

    University reserchers have further shed light on regional tectonic geology of the

    Solomon Island group. Their work has further improved and somewhat refined the

    original Geological Province Model Concept of Colemen into what they now refer to

    as Geological Terrain Model (Figure

    The Geologcal Terrain Model concept was based on;

    (a). Lithological, geochemical, isotopic and geochronology differences or simmilarties of

    the basaltic basement complex comprising the majr islands.

    (b). The development (or lack of) of subsequent arc subduction.

    Based on above parameter, the refined model proposes to group the large islands of

    Choeseoul, Guadalcanal, Santa Isabel, San Christobal, Malaita, and New Georgia Group

    into differingGeological Terrains. (figure

    In the Geological Terrain Model Choeseul and Guadalcanal basaltic basement

    complexes show simmilarties with mid-ocean ridges basalt or a MORB type terrain

    occurring in an intra-oceanic environment. They are considered as forming within a

    MORB Type Terrain.

  • Malaita, Santa Isabel (north of the Kalpito Thrust fault) and Ulwa show affinities of an

    aceanic plme type terrain related to Ontong Java Plateau (OTJP). They are considered to

    have formed and part of the OJP Terrain.

    Makira (or Santa Christoble) show a hybrid terrain showing mixed features of a MORB-

    type and a Plume-Type terrain. They are reffered to as a Mixed Terrain.

    Arc related subduction episode resulting from the coupling of north westerly moving

    Paciific Tectonic Plate with the northesterly moving Australian Continental Tectoniic late

    gave rise to alkaline nd calc-alkaline volcanism within the Solomon Block. The volcanism

    with its associated plutonic intrusions accreted to the basaltic basements of the MORB-

    type terrain in the Eocene to the present.

    These episode of arc related subduction were not evident in the Plume-type terrain of

    the OJPT basement hence Malaita, north Santa Isabel and Ulawa basaltic basement

    were unaffected by this arc related magmatism.

    Two episodes of related plate subduction occurred in the Eocene to the present within

    the Solomon Block. The Eocene to early Miocene related subduction occurs to the north

    of the Solomon Block along the Vitiaz trench system (figure 3.1.3-1).

    This earlier plate subduction phase gave rise to alkaline and calc-alcaline volcanism

    associated with the Suta and Gold Ridge Volcanics and their associated plutonic

    equivalents of the Kuloula, Poha and Lungga Diorites on Guadalcanal and its Micene age

    equivated Mole formation on Choeseul as well as the volcanic basement of the

    Shortland island group, the Frorida Group and south Santa Isabel.

    Choking and cessation of the Vitiaz trench system with its associated volcanism occurred

    as a result of the Ontong Java Plateau coupling and abutting onto the Solomon Block in

    the Miocene (figure 3.1-3-1).

  • Volcanic associaned with this second subdactiob tectonic phase gave rise to the alkaline

    and calc-alkaline volcanism found within the new Georgia grup, rusell island grup, savo

    and west guandalcanal.

    Figur 7.3.1 geological terrain model, mines department & other 1998

    The two periode of volcanism ascribed to the third phase of volcanism described in the

    factured arc concept probabely refers to the two periods of arc develotment associated

    with subduction along the vitiaz trench to the north of the Solomon block and

    subdaction along the new Britain-san cristobal trench associated with arc reversal as a

    consequence of the jamming of the vitiaz trench by the northwest moving thickened

    ontong jav plate as described in the geological terrain model.

    7.4 Local Geology

    Rennel basement geology is mainly comprised a sequence mostly of pillowed and

    unpillowed ( original tectonic ) lava, intruded by pods and lanses of cognate gabbro and


  • The Rendbel granudiorit occur as scaltered out-crops in foultes block in the nort-east of

    the island. They are serpentinised sometime containing asbestos fibre. The age of the

    Rennel granudiorit unknow but presumed to be give a tentative upper Oligocene age.

    7.5 Local geological structures

    Rennel is a lava block which has been uplifted and then titled to the north the cross

    section profile is asymmetric to the north it merges by minor step-faulting and plinges

    into deep water over a short distance. The faulthing on the island is intensive and has

    produced a mass of fault block which have been uplifted to varying degrees. This is

    probably part of the explanation for the sudden changes in the lithologiest of sediments

    over short distance. There is not folding.

    Figur 7.5.1 geological provinces in the Solomon island

    7.6 Mineralisation

    Bauxite laterites have developed over the weather granudiorit, rock inland of rennel and

    of rennel bay. The laterite are covered in part by fern and light vegetation and in part by

    a characteristic forest vegetation gently rounded hill clear indication of an granudiorit of

  • an country rock when viewed on aerial phohos are clear indication of an granudiorit

    country rock when viewed on aerial photos. The extent of the laterite of the granudiorit

    areas which are not fern covered may be estimated from the aerial photos by

    considering the gradient of the mountain slopes. Experiences has show that all the

    rounded ridges in granudiorit country are capped with laterite on it.

    The largest outcrop area of the granudiorit on Rennel island. The outcrop, a mile long by

    half a mile wide, consists of parallel adjacent faulted slices of gabbroic and granudiorit

    rock and it is presumed that this structure continues beneath the laterite cover. Locally

    a bluish shear breccia similar to the blue clay deposit on rennel island may be a

    redeposit shear paste .A strip of laterite about 50 feet wide and 500 feet long caps an

    granudiorit ridge one mile inland from Paa. The remote bweinaia warkiapu granudiorit

    area is about three quarters of a mile square and is covered by jungle laterite strips

    developed on the ridge crest to an unknown depth. A forested granudiorit area inland

    from rennel is also worth investigation for laterite occurences.


    igure 7.6.1 Bauxite laterite area of Guadalcanal

  • B. Proposed Programme by PT. Golden Solomon

    The tenement is prospecting for bauxite laterite which have been throught to be developed over the

    weathered granudiorit rock . Inland of Rennel island the laterites are covered in part by tern and light

    scrub vegetation, and in part by a characteristic forest vegetation. The programme over Rennel will

    involve detailed infill mapping and sampling of all identified targets along with reconnaissance surveys

    throughout remainder of the tenement.

    Once an area of bauxite mineralization has satisfctority located, extensive hand auger sampling survey

    programmes are envisaged the aim of better understanding the underlying styles of bauxite

    mineralization of ores.

    Geophysic surveys and hand feed drilling programme are expected to be completed over this area

    following detail through mapping and sampling.

    9. Proposed Budget 3 Years



    Access Negotiationswith community & community projects $ 2,200,000

    Compensation for damaged sacred sites / areas $ 300,000

    Geologists / management $ 3,000,000

    Geophysics $ 1,000,000

    Field hands and Labour $ 1,500,000

    Exploration & acess road $ 4,000,000

    Assaying $ 1,500,000

    Flight & accommodation $ 2,000,000

    Helicopter support $ 1,000,000

    Camp & Field Management $ 1,000,000

  • Solomon office cost $ 1,000,000

    TOTAL $ 18,500,000

    10. Description of RENNEL Baouksit Prospect Tenement Area Rennel BAUXITE PROSPECTING LICENCE



    The PL area apllied for here is to be known as Rennel Prospect and is locate on island of Rennel and

    Province of Rendbel. The description of this parcel of land, in UTM coordinates is as follows.

    Rennel PL Aplication, Southeast Rennel Island, Rendbel Province

    The approximately rectangular shaped UTM boundary coordinates of Rennel Prospect are as follows.

    UTM coordinate given are Mercator/Spheroid International, and Zona 57 Southern Hemisphere.

    point x y

    1 665,096.56 8,940,480.16

    2 676,905.82 8,940,480.16

    3 676,866.84 8,939,505.80

    4 679,283.25 8,939,505.80

    5 679,283.25 8,937,167.34

    6 680,920.18 8,937,206.31

    7 680,900.69 8,935,666.82

    8 682,381.72 8,935,647.34

    9 682,381.72 8,927,618.60

    10 688,402.11 8,927,662.83

    11 688,402.04 8,926,801.84

    12 690,168.90 8,926,801.83

    13 690,159.89 8,925,465.56

    14 701,224.76 8,925,435.49

    15 701,126.18 8,904,266.15

    16 681,866.39 8,904,266.15

    17 681,947.65 8,919,215.07

    18 676,999.98 8,919,000.04

    19 676,922.18 8,927,662.85

    20 665,096.56 8,927,696.55

    Cordinat Guadalcanal

  • Map topografi Guadalcanal



    PT. Golden Solomon is a Abroad owned company based in Solomon Island and its original mother

    company is based in Indonesia.

    2/. Shareholders

    Sugeng Gunawan (70 %) as Indonesia citizenship

    Setya Graha Rochmat (30 %) as Indonesia citizenship

  • 3/. Bussiness activites

    The activities which the company wishes to conduct are in the area of mining and quarrying. The

    company wishes to conduct exploration and mining of gold, silver, copper, nickel and cobalt in all

    provinces in the Solomon Islands.

    4/. Management

    The company is to employ locals in so far as possible and foreign nationals only as required with

    capability and respective qualifications on which locals that have broad background and experiences are

    eligible to be employed. The company will lso conduct capacity building as their local goal to rural

    advancement and development.

    5/. Capital Investment

    The company will invest as per budget above in the mineral sector to get the operation under way. This

    will be used to operate the current running on the company and prospecting activities.

    6/. Operating Plan

    The opearating plan of the company will be performed in respect to the laws of Solomon Island and in

    accordiance to the Surface Access Rights signed with the landowners. The company will also assist

    landsowners. The landowners will sign the Surface Access and shall allow the company to do their

    respective operation and activies in accordance to the agreements that would be sign respectively.

    7/. Development Plan

    The development plan is given on the table bellow which will be to followed througly and making sure

    that all procedures are relevantly followed ;

  • item Department Ministry

    1. Regristration company with Foregn Invesment Board

    Foreign Investment Board

    Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour & Immigration

    2. Incorporation of Company

    Company House Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour & Immigration

    3. Lodge of Mineral right application

    Mines Division/Minerals Board

    Ministry of Mines, Energy & Rural Electrificattion

    4. Letter of Intent Mines Division/Mineral Board

    Ministry of Mines, Energy & Rural Electrificattion

    5. Prospecting Licence and surface access

    Mines Division/Mineral Board

    Ministry of Mines, Energy & Rural Electrificattion

    6. Renewel of prospecting licence

    Mines Division/Mineral Board

    Ministry of Mines, Energy & Rural Electrificattion

    7. Mining Lease Mines Division/Mineral Board

    Ministry of Mines, Energy & Rural Electrificattion

    7.0 Marketing process

    PT. Golden Solomon also has connection with bauxite supply buyer company based in China. The market

    outlet will be export to China on current industry market price. The export plan will be done in

    accordance to the mines and mineral act and custom levy from mineral of finance.

  • 8.0 Conclusion

    The company agrees to allocate shares to landowners if they do legally incorporate themselves. This

    would be achieved and could be negotiated in the mining lease period, the company will monitor the

    land owners for this important under taking from time to time.

    They will adhere to what the landowner wish to achieve and it must be stipulated under a legal

    agreement with the company.
