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Revista ingles

Date post: 06-Apr-2016
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Page 1: Revista ingles
Page 2: Revista ingles

How Joss Whedon Feels

About Spoilers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ac augue vitae leo fringilla tincidunt eu sit amet elit. Vestibulum non bibendum massa. Quisque dictum bibendum eros ut mollis. Nullam sed pellentesque mi, at vehicula massa. Proin nisi libero, eleifend sed sem id, rhoncus consequat ante. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas sapien felis, iaculis

quis varius non, viverra non mi. Morbi vehicula mauris velit, aliquet elementum purus cursus quis. Quisque iaculis, tellus id condimentum interdum, lorem urna accumsan turpis, ut pretium lorem nulla vitae nunc. Praesent gravida mattis nibh at semper. Sed nec mollis velit. Integer vitae commodo erat. Fusce lorem elit, tincidunt non lacinia non, vulputate

sed lacus. Integer consectetur volutpat felis, quis efficitur felis ullamcorper porttitor. Etiam in posuere dui, eu ullamcorper neque. Nullam vitae ex eget quam accumsan dictum id ut nulla.

Page 3: Revista ingles

How The Hunger Games Was Changed After Philip Seymour Hoffman Died

Nulla facilisi. Aliquam vel mattis dui.

Cras sed velit tempor, vehicula est a,

gravida dui. Nunc ligula tellus, tempor

non elit in, suscipit ultrices nisi. Donec

tristique rutrum convallis. Cras eget

lacus id turpis faucibus iaculis. Nullam

gravida tellus vel enim commodo

vehicula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipiscing elit.

Pellentesque pharetra, nulla eget

elementum varius, libero augue

vulputate lorem, vel laoreet magna

eros a magna. Quisque urna enim,

posuere sed rhoncus ac, iaculis sed

ante. Nunc tellus metus, tincidunt nec

tincidunt at, tincidunt in ante.

Praesent maximus gravida augue,

quis tincidunt justo maximus eget.

Suspendisse at diam risus. Morbi

ultricies, sapien cursus laoreet

vehicula, tortor nisl ultricies lorem,

non convallis massa felis nec est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent

non ligula rutrum, facilisis libero at,

suscipit sem. Etiam eget sagittis

neque. Aenean elementum nisl tellus,

vitae eleifend lectus hendrerit sed.

Integer id ligula elit. Phasellus sit

amet ornare ipsum. Etiam viverra,

sem id condimentum finibus, ex enim

pellentesque lorem, sagittis suscipit

sapien lorem ut justo. Mauris

vulputate nulla mauris, et blandit mi

dignissim id. Phasellus lectus purus,

bibendum sit amet pharetra vel,

lobortis quis metus. Mauris tincidunt

et turpis ac semper.

Page 4: Revista ingles

Why Is Batman V Superman Filming In A Cemetery?

Pellentesque condimentum ornare

lectus, vel aliquet eros pretium nec.

Cras vel tempus nisl.

Fusce eget vestibulum eros. Nulla

facilisi. In id urna eget orci aliquam

tempor. Nam eu risus id ipsum

gravida egestas eget vitae sem. Nunc

egestas nec velit sed venenatis.

Nullam dictum lacus eget massa

euismod, at rutrum velit gravida.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in

faucibus orci luctus et ultrices

posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus at

blandit enim.

Duis tincidunt, ante non sagittis

rutrum, dui dui dictum nulla, eget

lobortis mi urna ac elit. Donec sapien

est, semper at accumsan vel,

molestie vel justo. Fusce velit nisi,

feugiat vel velit a, ultricies feugiat

arcu. Quisque a mi elit. Vestibulum

est velit, cursus et dignissim nec,

vestibulum in lorem.

Page 5: Revista ingles

Michael Fassbender May Join The Steve Jobs Biopic, Here's The Latest Duis rhoncus bibendum lectus,

vitae luctus libero elementum

placerat. Vivamus venenatis

consectetur augue, vel congue

risus posuere vel. Suspendisse

sodales, leo a ultrices

condimentum, dolor risus tempus

eros, sed euismod lectus libero a

neque. Mauris vehicula interdum

magna ut convallis. Etiam orci

lorem, commodo sit amet dolor et,

blandit efficitur ipsum. Cras sed

rutrum nibh, nec ultricies diam.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad

litora torquent per conubia nostra,

per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur

vel gravida odio. Cras eget congue

nisl. Mauris a eros ut mauris

interdum posuere id eu libero.

Suspendisse odio nulla, malesuada

eget suscipit et, commodo ac


Proin vulputate dapibus faucibus.

Mauris justo justo, molestie id

laoreet at, porttitor eu purus.

Praesent sollicitudin risus a massa

aliquet malesuada. Sed vestibulum

velit id leo laoreet, rhoncus

placerat massa ornare. Aliquam

erat volutpat. Nam a lacus ut

sapien elementum suscipit et ut

felis. Nunc lobortis tempor lorem

eu feugiat. Quisque feugiat

accumsan ante, in varius enim

sodales ut. Ut et risus viverra,

pretium augue ac, malesuada elit.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad

litora torquent per conubia nostra,

per inceptos himenaeos.

Page 6: Revista ingles

Dumb And Dumber 3? Here's The Latest

Duis rhoncus bibendum lectus, vitae luctus libero elementum placerat. Vivamus

venenatis consectetur augue, vel congue risus posuere vel. Suspendisse sodales,

leo a ultrices condimentum, dolor risus tempus eros, sed euismod lectus libero a

neque. Mauris vehicula interdum magna ut convallis. Etiam orci lorem, commodo

sit amet dolor et, blandit efficitur ipsum. Cras sed rutrum nibh, nec ultricies diam.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos

himenaeos. Curabitur vel gravida odio. Cras eget congue nisl. Mauris a eros ut

mauris interdum posuere id eu libero. Suspendisse odio nulla, malesuada eget

suscipit et, commodo ac mauris.

Proin vulputate dapibus faucibus. Mauris justo justo, molestie id laoreet at, porttitor

eu purus. Praesent sollicitudin risus a massa aliquet malesuada. Sed vestibulum

velit id leo laoreet, rhoncus placerat massa ornare. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam a

lacus ut sapien elementum suscipit et ut felis. Nunc lobortis tempor lorem eu

feugiat. Quisque feugiat accumsan ante, in varius enim sodales ut. Ut et risus

viverra, pretium augue ac, malesuada elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora

torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Page 7: Revista ingles

Duis rhoncus bibendum lectus, vitae

luctus libero elementum placerat.

Vivamus venenatis consectetur

augue, vel congue risus posuere vel.

Suspendisse sodales, leo a ultrices

condimentum, dolor risus tempus

eros, sed euismod lectus libero a

neque. Mauris vehicula interdum

magna ut convallis. Etiam orci lorem,

commodo sit amet dolor et, blandit

efficitur ipsum. Cras sed rutrum nibh,

nec ultricies diam. Class aptent taciti

sociosqu ad litora torquent per

conubia nostra, per inceptos

himenaeos. Curabitur vel gravida

odio. Cras eget congue nisl. Mauris a

eros ut mauris interdum posuere id eu

libero. Suspendisse odio nulla,

malesuada eget suscipit et, commodo

ac mauris.

Proin vulputate dapibus faucibus.

Mauris justo justo, molestie id laoreet

at, porttitor eu purus. Praesent

sollicitudin risus a massa aliquet

malesuada. Sed vestibulum velit id

leo laoreet, rhoncus placerat massa

ornare. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam a

lacus ut sapien elementum suscipit et

ut felis. Nunc lobortis tempor lorem eu

feugiat. Quisque feugiat accumsan

ante, in varius enim sodales ut. Ut et

risus viverra, pretium augue ac,

malesuada elit. Class aptent taciti

sociosqu ad litora torquent per

conubia nostra, per inceptos


Answer To The "HIMYM" Pineapple Mystery

Page 8: Revista ingles


Page 9: Revista ingles



1/2 cup water

3/4 cup light corn syrup

2 cups granulated sugar

2 tsp raspberry flavoring extract

1 drop blue gel food coloring


1. Line a baking sheet with foil, then spray the foil with nonstick spray

2. In a medium sauce pan, combine the sugar, water and corn syrup and turn the stove on to medium high heat. Stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves. Bring the mixture to a boil and stop stirring. Wet a brush and use it to brush down the sides of the pan. Insert a candy thermometer.

3. Cook the mixture until the temperature reaches 285 to 290 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove the pan from the heat and remove the candy thermometer. Let the mixture stand

until all of the bubbles have stopped forming at the top of the surface.

4. Add in your flavoring and food coloring and stir.

5. Pour the mixture onto the baking sheet and lift the pan to one side, then the other to even out the mixture. It does not have to be perfectly even and it's OK to have holes in the candy. Let the candy cool to room temperature.

6. Once the candy has cooled, use the back of a spoon or another tool to break up the candy. Once the candy is broken up, it's ready to eat or place in little plastic baggies.

*Note: The color of the candy will change depending on how much food coloring you use and which color.


How to cook Blue Meth (candy)

Page 10: Revista ingles

Play your position No matter your title at work, play the position appropriately. This really boils down to knowing everything your job entails. Don always knows what deliverables his superiors, team and clients expect. As a leader, you should not consider any work to be “beneath you,” but you also need to be sure your team is doing their work, not just leaving it for you to pick up.

Consider a manager whose team consistently leaves the bathroom a mess. If you were in this manager's shoes, would you talk to each member of your team,

having a talk about bathroom standards that was boring and non confrontational, but still left no doubt as to what you expected of your staff in terms of how to maintain the bathroom? If you're like most managers the answer is no; you'd simply start cleaning the bathroom yourself so you didn't have to have that uncomfortable talk with your

Tips from Don Draper every man should follow

Tips from Don Draper every man should follow

Page 11: Revista ingles

staff. Keep the image in your mind — some managers would rather clean up the toilets than tell an employee what to do.

Make it about the work Do you come to work to make friends or to work? Don Draper certainly cares more about his work than he cares about the people on his team. Certainly, there is no need to be aggressive or to be a jerk, but this career tip from Don Draper highlights that friendship isn't the main reason to show up every morning. Go to work to get things accomplished and be effective. If you can be friends with those you work with that's even better, but never forget that it's also just a bonus.

Keep your mouth shut One of the fundamental rules of knowledge as power is to never

give away information when it does not benefit you. If you are in a position that affords you exclusive knowledge, the more people you give this knowledge to, the more diluted your power becomes. The rule here is simple: Keep your mouth shut. All of that is valuable information in one way or another. Don't hand it out unless you have to. Don embodies all of these qualities. In fact, one of the very few times Don blows his cool is when he overhears the team dragging Freddy Rumsen's name through the mud.

Page 12: Revista ingles

Jaegers are a special type of mobile weapon created by the Jaeger Program. The Jaegers were the most effective first and last line of defense against the Kaiju during the Kaiju War.

Duis rhoncus bibendum lectus, vitae luctus libero elementum placerat. Vivamus venenatis consectetur augue, vel congue risus posuere vel. Suspendisse sodales, leo a ultrices condimentum, dolor risus tempus eros, sed euismod lectus libero a neque. Mauris vehicula interdum magna ut convallis. Etiam orci lorem, commodo sit amet dolor et, blandit efficitur ipsum. Cras sed rutrum nibh, nec ultricies diam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Cras eget congue nisl. Mauris a eros ut mauris interdum posuere id eu libero. Suspendisse odio nulla, malesuada eget suscipit et, commodo ac mauris.

Proin vulputate dapibus faucibus. Mauris justo justo, molestie id laoreet at, porttitor eu purus. Praesent sollicitudin risus a massa aliquet malesuada. Sed vestibulum velit id leo laoreet, rhoncus placerat massa re.

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