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Revolutionaries And Broad Parties

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Notes for a Socialist Resistance meeting. March 2009
Revolutionaries and Revolutionaries and broad parties broad parties
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Revolutionaries and broad Revolutionaries and broad partiesparties

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Groups discuss for 5 Groups discuss for 5 minutesminutes1: Is there still a need for

revolutionary organisations?2: Why have broad parties of the

left emerged in the last decade?3: How should revolutionary

currents functions in a broader formation?

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First principlesFirst principlesBuild a broad class struggle party

to resolve today’s crisis of working class representation

Today that is RespectRevolutionary overthrow of

capitalismBuild organisation for this task

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ArgentinaArgentinaDecember 2001 huge social

explosionSelf-organisation on a massive

scaleVanishedNo anti-capitalist party capable

of uniting the movements and struggles in a project for taking power.

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Rightward ho!Rightward ho!Governmental left parties have

been moving right in Europe“Social liberalisation”Fracturing of working class

support for them

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DefensiveDefensiveSeries of defensive struggles

across EuropeMuch more limited in BritainAppearance of parties in Italy,

Scotland, Portugal, France, Germany, Denmark

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Mixed experiencesMixed experiencesBrazil, Scotland, Italy have been

setbacksShowed what was possible,

especially Rifondazione during anti-capitalist movement

Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste – on s’engage et puis on voit

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ProgrammesProgrammesOpposition to layoffs & wage cutsDemands that need mobilisation

of workers’ movement and government that breaks with bourgeoisie

Based on capacity for resistance

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Non-revolutionaryNon-revolutionaryInclude revolutionary and non-

revolutionary sectionsMixture of existing left and newly

radicalising forcesNeed to be clear on key

questions – democracy, class struggle, internationalism, non-participation in capitalist governments

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What’s differentWhat’s differentNo evidence of mass base for

revolutionary politicsRecent experiences of potential

of mass partiesMass parties can have national

political impact

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SpacesSpacesPut socialist, anti-capitalist ideas

to large audienceChallenge neo-liberal consensusAllow revolutionaries space to

put their ideasPolitics of small propaganda

groups cede national politics to the right

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FermentFermentBroader parties are transitoryIdeologically fluid and diffuseRequire judgements on where to

draw political line and when to compromise

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BehaviourBehaviourFluidity and compromise add

weight to need for revolutionary current to organise

Has to prioritise the work of the broad party

Has to respect democratic processes of broad party

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DemocracyDemocracyWrong to use numbers or

organisational capacity to win votes or arguments

Members of broad party must feel that decisions are not stitched up in advance.

Bureaucratic tricks prevent party developing its own culture

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No phalanxesNo phalanxesIn almost all circumstances

members of revolutionary current should vote as individuals

Exceptions are issues of principle:

war, interests of working class, degeneration of leadership (Brazil)

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MinimaMinimaOwn meetingsOwn public eventsOwn press

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