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Revolutionize And Reset Your Thinking In 21 Days

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It's time to Reset (set again or make different) Your Thinking. Experts recommend that we cleanse our minds regularly from toxic thoughts that build up and hinder us from a positive outlook, just as we detox our bodies to eliminate toxins. The more you reset - set again or make different - your thoughts by putting into practice intentional thinking, the easier it becomes, and soon your new mindset will be an intrinsic part of you. Become the futuristic YOU. Dr. Lovella P. Mogere
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Revolutionize and ResetYour Thinking

In 21 Days

Dr. Lovella P. Mogere


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© by Dr. Lovella P. Mogere the author of Revolutionize and Reset Your Thinking In Just 21 Days. Revolutionize And Reset Your Thinking In Just 21 Days, Dr. Lovella P. Mogere retains solecopyright to her contributions to this book.


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Table of ContentsIntroduction...................................................................................7Day 1.............................................................................................8

Change Your Thinking..............................................................8Day 2............................................................................................11

Self Improvement....................................................................11Day 3...........................................................................................14

Self-Awareness.......................................................................14Day 4...........................................................................................15

Gratitude.................................................................................15Day 5...........................................................................................17

When Will Things Get Better?................................................17Day 6...........................................................................................19

Conquer Your Fear..................................................................19Day 7...........................................................................................21

De-clutter Your Mind..............................................................21Day 8...........................................................................................23

You Are Significant................................................................23Day 9...........................................................................................25

Life Is A Gift..........................................................................25Day 10.........................................................................................27

You Are The One You’ve Been Waiting.................................27Day 11..........................................................................................29

Wherever You Are, Be There.................................................29Day 12.........................................................................................31

Perception...............................................................................31Day 13.........................................................................................33

Get A New Perspective ..........................................................33Day 14.........................................................................................35

Have An Open Mind...............................................................35Day 15.........................................................................................37

Words Are Seeds ....................................................................37Day 16.........................................................................................39

Will Excuses Be Your Defeated Foe? ....................................39Day 17.........................................................................................41

Old Pain Reopen Wounds.......................................................41Day 18.........................................................................................43

So You Need Approval? ........................................................43


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Day 19 ........................................................................................45Time Wasters...........................................................................45

Day 20.........................................................................................47 Get Unstuck!..........................................................................47

Day 21.........................................................................................49Your Esteem............................................................................49

Books by Lovella Mogere...........................................................51


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“Reset Your Thinking 21 Day Challenge”

t's a new year, a time for new resolutions, setting goals

and revamping one's lifestyle. A time in which you're

reinventing yourself, and envisioning a futuristic you.

But, it goes beyond that. It requires a new mindset, new

rules in communication, a shift in perspective … from word

to visual.

IIt's time to evaluate, be selective of the information

that you receive, and put together the pieces that will form

a new picture of the future YOU. This 21-day challenge will

impact mindsets as they pertain to business, politics,

government, ministry and your personal lifestyle.

It's time to Reset (set again or make different) Your

Thinking. Experts recommend that we cleanse our minds

regularly from toxic thoughts that build up and hinder us

from a positive outlook, just as we detox our bodies to

eliminate toxins. The more you reset - set again or make

different - your thoughts by putting into practice

intentional thinking, the easier it becomes, and soon your

new mindset will be an intrinsic part of you. Become the

futuristic YOU.

Dr. Lovella P. Mogere


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Day 1

Change Your Thinking

“There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your

mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that

picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you

have been thinking.” —William James

Reset You Thinking!

ou will become exactly what you have been

thinking. What are your thoughts about the

futuristic you? Did you know that your thoughts

control what happens to you? Thoughts help you create

your reality your experience. Whether that experience is

good or bad, all of them are determined by your thoughts.

Thoughts dictate your emotional state. They affect your

health. Thoughts even influence what you do and say to

people. No matter what the situation or circumstances,

everything you do stems from thought. Then, the thought

turns into feelings, which turn into actions.


Would you believe many of our thoughts are


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centered around worry? Sometimes, we are not aware of

this, nevertheless they are. When we worry about

something, we have no control over it. What is actually

happening is that our fear has been turned inside. Usually,

this is a result of some type of mental programming that

tells us about all the bad things that will happen, even

before the event happens.

In order for you to become productive in life, you

must learn to control and change your thoughts. And,

because thoughts turn into words, we must learn to use the

right types of words to correspond with that which enters

our minds daily. Also, remember that not all thoughts

produce actions that lead to results. The only thoughts that

will elicit results are those that are predominating. Because

our thoughts are powerful, and can dictate what happens to

us, we must learn to control and change them.

But, what happens in situations when we start

thinking negative thoughts? This happens to all of us from

time to time. You may be in a very stressful situation, and

find that you are thinking the worst worst-case scenario,

instead of thinking positively. While you are thinking

negatively, emotions come into play and accompany those

thoughts. You begin to panic, and our heart races. You start

thinking of things clearly imagined, and you become


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irrational. What can you do in this situation? At this time,

you will need to stop, remind yourself of the Law of

Attraction, and get your thinking back on track. So what

should you be doing at this very moment? Remove and

change negative words from your vocabulary (e.g., “ever,”

“can’t” and “try”). Identify those times when you tend to

use negative words. If you say something negative, follow

up that statement with a positive one. For example: “I just

can’t run.” Follow up: “I can run in the park or on a


Start today and write each positive affirmation

thought that you have choose chosen on a whiteboard

throughout the day.


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Day 2

Self Improvement

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change

anything.”― George Bernard Shaw

Reset Your Thinking!

tillness, which is the loudest, your thoughts or your

soul? Which cries for your attention? Though you

cultivate your gifts, don't starve your soul. Too

many times we build, cultivate and nurture the imagery of

which we are, and forget the soul. You and your soul are



When your soul is empty your mind wonders, not

being open and willing to learn and consider all pieces of

information; like a child discovering something for the first

time. As you develop knowledge and expertise, your mind

naturally becomes more closed. You tend to think, “I

already know how to do this”, and you become less open to

new information.


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There is a danger that comes with expertise. We tend

to block the information that disagrees with what we

learned previously, and yield to the information that

confirms to our current approach. We think we are

learning, but in reality we are steamrolling through

information and conversations. We are waiting until we

hear something that matches up with our current

philosophy or previous experience, and information to

justify our current behaviors and beliefs. Most people don’t

want new information, they want validating information.

Here are a few practical ways to begin your self-


1. Get moving- Inactivity is beat only by movement. Once

you get going, momentum builds up and inertia is no longer

a factor.

2. Ignore failures-We will always give in to temptation.

Plan for it, accept it, and move on. There’s no need to beat

yourself up.

3. Motivate yourself. Most importantly, you want to

really want it. It’s not enough to feel pressure to do

something; you have to really desire it. I mean, really desire

it, not just think it’s something you should do, or that you’ll

be a better person for doing it.


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4. Be accountable. Laziness, the second perpetrator, is

beat by a bit of public pressure. We all get lazy from time to

time (or, to be more honest, all the time), and there’s

nothing wrong with that. But to beat laziness, we must

apply a bit of pressure, in the form of accountability.

Reset your thinking, read something inspirational,

such as a devotional, self-improvement or self-help book

for 30 minutes. Write each positive affirmation you choose

on a whiteboard, or a notebook throughout the day.


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Day 3


“Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do

next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding

the answer.” –Denis Waitley

Reset Your Thinking!

elf-awareness means you are in touch with yourself,

with your feelings, your actions, and your desires.

Having a clear perception of who you are, your

strengths, weaknesses and your beliefs, allows you to

understand how others perceive you, and helps you

understand others’ reactions to you, as well.

SThe more you develop your self-awareness, the

better you are able to direct your own path, and adjust your

thoughts and actions to align with your goals. Resetting

your thoughts is one of your 2016 goals. This is a great time

to focus on something you’ve been putting off. Now you can

create a detailed plan on how you will finish it.


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Day 4


"Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel, to say your

nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to

overcome evil and welcome good.” -Maya Angelou

Reset Your Thinking!

e aware of your feelings and how you savor this

gift in your imagination. Take the time to be

especially aware of the depth of your gratitude.BRest Your Thinking requires daily gratitude exercises

resulting in higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm,

determination, optimism and energy. Additionally, your

gratitude makes you more likely to help others and achieve

your personal goals.

Research has proven that practicing gratitude

reduces fear, anxiety, high blood pressure, and heart

disease. Bottom line, gratitude can extend your life. Take

the time today to begin your gratitude journal. Take it one


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step further and write down 5 things that you're grateful

for, and tell a close friend.

Let me recap. Your gratitude results in …

1. Less depression and stress

2. Higher levels of alertness

3. More enthusiasm

4. More energy


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Day 5

When Will Things Get Better?

“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.”

-Kenji Miyazawa

Reset Your Thinking!

top waiting for different results with the same

pattern of thinking and methodology. Everyone’s

circumstances are different, but in a society where

hope can seem unattainable, it can be easy to come to the

conclusion that things can’t get better. No matter how dark

your circumstances are, life is happening. Even as you cope

with all that has changed and what you may have lost, do

you take the time to see how much you have? This is a good

time to count your blessings.


Hope is "confident expectation”. Hope is a firm

assurance regarding things that are unclear and unknown.

Your present day truth (reality) will conflict with your

subconscious (your perceptions) of yesterday. For a greater


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you, your greater mind must embrace change for a better

outcome. Hope helps us push through some of the toughest

times in our lives, and gives us the strength to get to that

finish line when we don’t think anything else will. We’re all

human beings who make mistakes, and have to live our

lives the way in which they were meant to happen. Allow

your hope to propel you into the unknown, the next chapter

of your life. No matter who you are, no matter what you

did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always

change and become an improved version of yourself.

Let's face it, many great things can be done in a day,

if you don’t always make that day tomorrow. Don’t let your

fear of making a mistake stop you. A life spent making

mistakes is not only more enjoyable but more useful than a

life spent doing nothing. Things will get better when you

start to live life without regrets.


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Day 6

Conquer Your Fear

"Energy and persistence conquer all things"

-Benjamin Franklin

Reset Your Thinking!

ear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief

that someone or something is dangerous, likely to

cause pain, or is a threat. Fear is in the

background, an it convinces us we can never accomplish

our dreams, tells us to keep quiet, and separates us from

the ones we love. Fear suffocates us, and it has an

unparalleled ability to freeze us in our tracks, and limit

what we are willing to try. Fear makes us lead a mediocre



It's time to face your fears. It is important to note

that some fears are healthy, while some situations should

be avoided for your own personal safety. There are no hero

points awarded for going into a personally threatening

situation. However, if the threat is more mental than


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physical, actually doing the thing that you’re afraid of can

be the best antidote.

Don’t forget that it is often easiest to do this in steps.

If your biggest fear is public speaking (and it is for the

majority of us) don’t offer to address the room at the next

stock director’s meeting, but do try something smaller.

Consider leading your next departmental meeting, or give a

small talk at your next group meeting, something with a

small audience and familiar faces; then, work your way up

from there. Facing your fears is a process. You, and only

you, can face them.


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Day 7

De-clutter Your Mind

“Clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions

fueled by procrastination” – Christine Scalise

Reset your thinking!

mind that sometimes cannot find the calm that

we so desperately seek is a cluttered mind. There’s

something a lot worse than having a cluttered

home or workspace, and that’s having a cluttered mind. A

cluttered mind is restless and unfocused. It tries to move in

many different directions at once, and the result is that very

little gets done.


A good way to start is by resetting your thinking, and

clear out some space in your head. You can get started by

following the 10 ways to de-clutter your mind, and free up

mental space, which follows:

1. De-clutter your physical space – (physical clutter

leads to mental clutter)


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2. Write your thoughts down – (write what’s stored in

your brain)

3. Let go of the past – (let go of the mistakes, the guilt)

4. Stop multitasking (organize/de-clutter any area of


5. Keep a journal – (download your inner chatter)

6. Monitor the amount of information coming in (stop

the overload of information)

7. Be decisive (make a decision)

8. Prioritize – (focus on what’s important)

Have a regimen about your day – plan and organize

the details of your day. Learn to meditate – focus the mind.

Mental clutter leads to congestion in our inner world. It

gets in the way of us being able to think clearly, and to focus

on what really matters. This year begin by Resetting Your



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Day 8

You Are Significant

“I’m still thinking and hoping there’s an opportunity for people

to have better lives and that significant change can occur.”

–Tracy Chapman

Reset Your Thinking!

ou may have been rejected by the other kids at

school, never fit-in with the crowd, and always

felt like you were different. This may have

caused you to believe that there is something wrong with

you. It may have made you afraid of getting close to people.

It may have made you more introverted than you naturally



Or you may have heard a lot of criticism and negative

talk from the people closest to you. This may have affected

your self-esteem, making you feel worthless. You may live

in fear and doubt your ability to do anything. You may

struggle to accept the unconditional love of God. Or you

may have had experiences when someone has broken your

trust, taken advantage of you or abused you. This may


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cause you to be cold and hard-hearted towards people,

building up barriers to prevent anyone from hurting you

again. Trusting others and even God may be really

challenging for you.

Know This! The Creator made you in His image and

He does not make mistakes. When He created the world,

He saw that it was good. When He created male and female,

He saw that it was very good! When you were born God

saw that you were very good! You were created by Him, for

His glory. Say a prayer today. Ask God to show you your

significance and write them down.


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Day 9

Life Is A Gift

“God predetermined the destiny of my life, the moment I was

conceived in my mother’s womb. All the distractions of life,

never prevented God to fulfill His purpose for my life.”

― Lailah Gifty Akita

Reset Your Thinking!

f you take your life seriously, you truly understand

and appreciate each day is a gift. Sometimes, because

our life is so busy, we forget how fragile life is. It is so

ironic that we get a glimpse of this, when someone is dying,

diagnosis with a chronic disease, or when we see or hear

something terrible happening around us. But, in the here

and now, we tend to forget to live life to the fullest.


Quality of life should not be quantified, nor should it

be compared to another's. Your life itself is the best gift

ever. It is a precious gift, nothing more, nothing less. Unless

you understand this truth, you can waste it and take life for



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Appreciation goes a long way. Avoid complaining

today (crazy traffic, have a bad hair day). When you find

yourself getting ready to complain, instead, say something

for which you’re grateful.


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Day 10

You Are The One You’ve Been Waiting

“Just keep coming home to yourself. You are the one you’ve

been waiting for.” – Bryron Katie

Reset Your Thinking!

ife wants us to see that all of the qualities and

experiences that we are longing for are outside of

ourselves. As we grow, and evolve life has its way

of letting us see the reality of things. As awareness takes

place, and cycles are broken over and over again, and

dimensions of present day truth are revealed, we begin

laying a new foundation. This doesn’t mean we don’t need

anyone or anything outside of ourselves, but it means that

we truly get it, that the power for everything we want begins

with US.


What you’ve been waiting for to get you to the next

level, the next phase in life, begins with you. Though you’re

waiting on people, you fail to realize that it is your

substance, intellect, skills, and talent that draws people of

your caliber. So, why wait for something to happen or for a


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specific someone? You can create it now, because the

resources to do it are within you.


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Day 11

Wherever You Are, Be There

“Perhaps the most “spiritual” thing any of us can do is simply to

look through our own eyes, see with eyes of wholeness, and act

with integrity and kindness.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

Reset Your Thinking!

s we go through the day, we may find ourselves

focusing on past experiences or future

possibilities. We are so involved in yesterday

and tomorrow that we never notice that today in

slipping by. We go through the day rather than getting

something from the day. We are everywhere, at any given

moment in time, yet we are not living in the present

moment of time.


Wherever you are, be there, stop living in the past.

Stop bringing your past into your future. “Just be where

you are, when you’re there”. Maybe you are not there

yet, because you’re getting over your past. Instead, of

dwelling on it, look at where you are now, and how far


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you’ve come. Not only are you closer to your goal than

when you started, but there are many things to be grateful

for all around you that you do not want to miss.


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Day 12


“We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define

us.” –Virginia Satir

Reset Your Thinking!

he way that you interpret your life experience

creates your identity. So, what does it take to

become the best version of you? Why are you so

hard on yourself? From the time you were born, you’ve

received both positive and negative messages from your


TAll those messages indelibly programmed into your

subconscious to create your belief system. They become the

filters through which we create our reality … our self-

image, acting on them as if they’re true. While they don’t

change the world around us, they filter our life experience

until we believe them to be true.

You become the person you think you are. If you

think you’re someone who will never amount to anything…


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guess what? You’re right. These beliefs and how we respond

to them become your “head-space!” What exactly is head-

space? Head-space is that place in your mind where your

thoughts, (both positive and negative) and judgments about

yourself and your environment combine to create your


So, are we doomed by our perceptions of the past?

Can we never get out of our negative head-space? Of course,

we can! But it takes work. You can improve your head-

space and improve the quality of your life. If you believe

you are a person who cannot succeed, then success will

evade you. You will subconsciously create failure as a self-

fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you are a person who can

succeed, then you will act accordingly! Again, this becomes

a self-fulfilling prophecy!


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Day 13

Get A New Perspective

“The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those

who think.” ― Horace Walpole

Reset Your Thinking!

ou know what the real enemy to happiness is?

It’s not sadness, or failure or fear… it’s

complacency. It’s becoming so comfortable with

just being comfortable that we stop trying to make things

better. We even stop trying to make things different. .

YWe go on and on, satisfied with being good enough,

and we don’t realize that nothing is really all that good,

until we wake up one day and find ourselves miserable.

Sometime, before we reach that point, there are chances,

windows that can be thrown open to let in some fresh air

and sunlight. Changing your life doesn’t always mean

turning your entire world upside down; sometimes it’s just

about getting a new perspective about yourself, and the

world around you.


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Take time to be quiet and meditative. Open yourself

to receiving guidance and new information about your life.

Simply by having the intention to be open to receiving

guidance can often set off a new stream of experiences,

naturally directing your next steps on your path to greater



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Day 14

Have An Open Mind

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that peoplewill insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” –

Terry Pratchett

Reset Your Thinking!

eing open-minded can be really tough sometimes.

Most of us are brought up with a set of beliefs and

values, and throughout our lives, we tend to

surround ourselves with people who share the same values

and beliefs. Therefore, it can be difficult when we’re faced

with ideas that challenge our own. Though we may wish to

be open-minded, we may struggle with the act of it.


One of the scariest (and greatest) things about

seeing the world through an open mind is that one must be

vulnerable and transparent. In agreeing to have an open-

minded view of the world, you’re admitting you don’t know

everything, and that there are possibilities that you may not

have considered. This is the perfect time to consider

RETOOLING (equipping) YOURSELF. Be spontaneous,


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have new experiences, challenge your beliefs to do

something out of your norm. It can be very liberating to

look at the world through an open mind.


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Day 15

Words Are Seeds

“Think twice before you speak, because your words and

influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the

mind of another.” –Napoleon Hill

Reset Your Thinking!

eeds are powerful and have great potential for good

or harm, depending on what is locked up in the

seed. Seeds have limited potential, but God’s have

unlimited potential. That is why it is important we speak

God’s words and not just our own.

SWe do not know how the seed grows but it does! God

speaks in outcomes and then the processes are released to

manifest that. We are to plant God’s outcomes in our heart

and continue to water our faith in those outcomes by our

confession of faith.

The growth process works the same towards the bad

as well as the good. So many people have deeply rooted


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problems in their life because of wrong believing and

wrong confession. They have believed a lie and have

spoken in line with it so long that it is deeply rooted in their

lives and bearing a lot of bad fruit! You can uproot these

wrong plants by renouncing the lies and by beginning to

sow good seeds and watering them. It will not happen

overnight but it can start today.


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Day 16

Will Excuses Be Your Defeated Foe?

“Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses.”

–Mitt Romney

Reset Your Thinking!

he dangers of excuses ... Excuses are devastating

to marriages, businesses and relationships.

Excuses will cause you to become self-focused and

selfish. Excuses cause you to lose sight of your purpose,

missing the mark for your life. Excuses justify where you

are - complacency. Excuses validate mediocrity, causing

one to validate why they are broke, stagnated and non-

progressive in their life.


Excuses, are beginning projects, books, business,

ministry with excitement, and not finishing them. Excuses

champion a defeated outlook and mentality. Will excuses

be Your defeated foe? The adversary is not to blame; rather

it is simply one’s way of thinking. Excuse is he language of

victims. Are you still a victim of your circumstance? Know


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this, the problem is not the pain of trial, and it is not the

trial itself. It is our response. What will your responses be

today? Stop the excuses, and respond to the situation at

hand with an open mind.

Let today be the day. Write down what you have

been avoiding, what you didn’t confront, what needs your

attention, then pray, ask the Lord to guide you, and give

you ways to handle the situation gracefully.


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Day 17

Old Pain Reopen Wounds

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” ― Oprah Winfrey

Reset Your Thinking!

hat horrible pain that you are feeling right now

will go away, since time heals everything. Just

keep that in mind and don’t beat yourself up if you

still haven’t managed to get past your former relationship,

even if you broke up with your partner quite some time ago

or there was a disagreement between you and your closest

friend, time still heals all wounds.


Sometimes it’s not so easy to walk away when that

unfortunate event leaves some pretty nasty scars on your

emotional well-being. Sometimes, love fades and there’s

nothing you can do to change that. There’s no point in

wondering obsessively about what happened, what you did

wrong or what you could have done to prevent it, because

most of the time it’s nobody’s fault if you have outgrown


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your partner or that friend, these things just happen. It’s

time to move on and leave the past behind.

1. Give yourself time will heal –give yourself

enough time to heal

2. Learn to forgive –him/her for what was


3. Write a letter –say everything you wanted

to say to end the madness

4. Have a symbolic ceremony –get rid of

clothing, pics, delete texts, SAY


5. Empty Chair –say what you wanted to say,

get it off your chest

6. Don’t forget yourself –time to build self

again #appreciate self

7. Apologize – for your wrongdoing, then

forgive yourself


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Day 18

So You Need Approval?

“Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval.”

–Thomas S. Monson

Reset Your Thinking!

pproval is like a killer drug (it induces stupor or

insensibility to your identity). You approval

seeking becomes addictive, and you quickly

develop a need for more. When you have a need for

approval you value the beliefs, opinions and needs of others

above your own. Their opinion of you is far more important

to you than your own view of yourself.


Receiving disapproval becomes a painful

(heartbreaking) experience. Your entire decision-making

processes are eventually taken over by your need for the

approval of others. You cannot take any decisive action

without their approval. You’ll sacrifice your own dreams

and ambitions in order to have their approval. Why? You


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may argue that you do not engage in approval seeking

behavior. However, there are common behaviors that you

may fail to recognize as approval seeking. Do you?

1. Change your position, because someone appears to


2. Pay insincere compliments to gain approval

3. Feel upset, worried, or insulted when someone disagrees

with you

4. Express agreement (verbally or non-verbally) when you

do not agree

5. Do something which you do not want to do, because you

are afraid to say ‘No’

Behavior that is contrary to your identity and

purpose, or conflicts with your core beliefs, is generally

done to gain the approval of someone else. One of the

easiest ways to avoid approval seeking is to live a life that is

true to your own values and true to yourself.


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Day 19

Time Wasters

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.”

–William Shakespeare

Reset Your Thinking!

o you have a “time-waster,” of which you are

guilty? Mine is being on the Internet too long. I

find that if I go online at the end of my workday

or at least until I finish the most important tasks of the day,

I am more productive and less likely to “wander” around in


DTime is a very precious resource. The fact is that

regardless of how well you manage time, at the end of a day,

you will still only have had 24 hours. In one year there are

still only 8,760 hours. The key is using your time efficiently

and eliminating time wasters from your day. Your attitudes

and behaviors affect how you use your time. Below are

some examples of ineffective use of time. By substituting

what’s not working for you with a more effective behavior


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and/or attitude you’re on the road to managing your time.

You can start with:

1. Less Interruptions/Distractions

2. Organizing and planning your day

3 Implementing ... stop putting off things to do-


4. Being easy on yourself, lighten up perfectionist

5. Stop trying to do everything yourself

6. Evaluating the task – take on only as much as you can


7. Having a crisis management plan in place

8. Limiting your socializing (have a time frame)

9. Retooling yourself if you’re lacking in skills

Time is of the essence. This is the time to be more

productive, more efficient. Stop wasting time. Take the time

to reflect, access and document how and where you’re

wasting your time.


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Day 20

Get Unstuck!

“I need to find creative diversity because if I get stuck, I get

unhappy.” –Jill Scott

Reset Your Thinking!

he year has just begun. Do you feel you hit a

plateau in life? Do you feel like you’re going

through a phase that lacks significant progress?

Are you still trying to figure out what to do with your life?

TSome people refer to this as being “stuck in a rut.” I

just call it stuck. And once identified, sometimes it’s a

mystery as to how to get unstuck. Your lackluster outlook

might have you encountering a sense of “blah” - not happy

or depressed, or you are just not content and are craving

something different. You might also feel exhausted, off-

track, unmotivated or worried. All of those are normal

experiences that you may not give much thought to when

you’re at your best, but every once in awhile these


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unwelcome little obstacles catch up and it’s a struggle to

move forward. So what do you do to get unstuck?

My number one job as a Leader is supporting people

as they move forward, primarily because they’re stuck,

stuck in jobs, relationships, health and more. So here are

some ways to help you get out of a rut:

1. Face your fears - What exactly is stopping you from

moving forward?

2. Define your goals – run a vision board workshop at

the change of every season, because one vision board per

lifetime (or year, even) is never enough.

3. Set a reward for breakthroughs –Determine short-

term milestones and rewards. What are your turning


Once you apply these steps above, you will have a

sense of direction. Your will break significant barriers and

become unstuck making new achievements. Take one step

at a time in order to come out of the rut you’re in.


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Day 21

Your Esteem

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them

with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle

with your demons will cause your angels to sing.”

-August Wilson

Reset Your Thinking!

ow self-esteem is a negative evaluation of oneself.

This type of evaluation usually occurs when some

circumstance we encounter in our life touches on

our sensitivities. We personalize the incident and

experience physical, emotional, and cognitive arousal. This

is so alarming and confusing that we respond by acting in a

self-defeating or self-destructive manner. When that

happens, our actions tend to be automatic and impulse-

driven; we feel upset or emotionally blocked; our thinking

narrows; our self-care deteriorates; we lose our sense of

self; we focus on being in control and become self-




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Self-esteem is not set in stone. Raising it is possible, but not

easy. Your self-esteem grows as you face your fears and

learn from your experiences. You can start by doing these


1. Practice self-care. Make new lifestyle choices by

joining self-help groups and practicing positive health care.

2. Stop and take notice. Pay attention to the familiarity

of the impulse. Our tendency is to overreact in the same

way to the same incident. Awareness of the similarity can

be the cue to slow our reactivity.

3. Choose response. Hold self-defeating impulses. Act in

a self-caring and effective way. By choosing to act in a more

functional way, we take a step toward facing our fears.

Your Esteem is the building up of your self. Begin

today by practicing self care, pay attention to your impulses

and choose carefully your response to every situation.


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