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Rework cheat sheet

Date post: 18-Oct-2014
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Cheat Sheet Presentation for the book Rework by 37Signals
Rework The Cheat Sheet Rework is the bestseller book by @37Signals Cheat Sheet by @GnatGnat Reformatted by me (@svenningsen)
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ReworkThe Cheat Sheet

Rework is the bestseller book by @37SignalsCheat Sheet by @GnatGnat Reformatted by me (@svenningsen)

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Ignore the Real WorldIt’s a place where new ideas, foreign concepts and unfamiliar approaches always loose

The Real World isn’t a place – It’s an excuse/justification for not trying

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Failure is not a Rite of PassageLearn from your successes not your failures.

This is how nature works – evolution doesn’t linger on past failures, it’s always building on what works

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Planning is GuessingPlans let the past drive the future.

You have the most information when you are doing something, not before you have done it.

Figure out the most important thing this day, week, year and DO IT!

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Why Grow?Small is not just a stepping stone – It is a destination in itself

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WorkaholismWorkaholics aren’t heroes – They don’t save the day. They just use it up.

The real hero is already at home – because she figured out a faster way to get things done.

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Be a StarterNo more “Entrepreneurs”

Anyone who creates a new business is a starter.

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Make a Dent in the Universe Make a difference and be part of something that’s important.

If you are going to do something – do something that matters.

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Scratch your own ItchMake something that you want to use – when you solve your own problem you know exactly what the right answer is.

Plus you’ll know the problem and the value of the solution immediately

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Start Making SomethingWhat you DO is what matters.

Not what you think or say or plan. Ideas are cheap and plentiful. The real question is how well you execute.

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No Time is No ExcuseThere’s always enough time if you spend it right. If you constantly fear about timing things perfectly. They will never happen.

It is your responsibility to make your dreams come true.

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Draw a Line in the SandWhen you don’t know what you believe, everything becomes an argument. Everything is debatable. But when you stand for something – decisions are obvious.

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Live it or Leave itStanding for something is not about writing it down – it is about believing and living it.

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You Need Less than You ThinkGreat companies start in garages all the time.

Yours can too

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Start a Business – Not a StartupA business without a path to profit isn’t a business – It’s a hobby

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You Need a Commitment Strategy – Not an Exit StrategyIf your whole strategy is about leaving, chances are you’re not getting far in the first place. You are emphasizing the wrong things if you just build a company to get acquired

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Less MassHuge organizations can take years to pivot. They talk instead of act. Meet instead of do.

The more expensive it is to make a change – the less likely you are to make it.

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Embrace ConstraintsConstraints are advantages in disguise – forcing you to be creative

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½ Products vs. ½ Assed ProductCut your ambition in half – you are better off with a kick-ass half than half-ass whole. Lots of things gets better by getting smaller.

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Start at the EpicenterIf I took this away from the product – would the value that I’m selling still exist?

The stuff that you HAVE to do is where you should begin

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Ignore the Details Early OnNail the basics first. The big picture is all you should be worrying about at the beginning

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Making the Call is Making ProgressSwap “Let’s think about it” with “Let’s decide on it”.

It will bring motivation and momentum

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Be a CuratorStick to what is truly essential. Constantly work to remove, simplify and streamline. It is all about quality.

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Throw Less at the ProblemWhen things aren’t working: Cut back, trim down and then polish what is left

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Focus on What Won’t ChangeThe core of your business should be build around things that won’t change. Fashion fades – focus on permanent features that will never go out of style.

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Tone is in Your FingersFancy gear can help, but the truth is that the tone comes from you. Content is what matters

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Launch NowOnce your product does what it needs to do, get it out there.

Stop imagining what’s going to work. Find out for real.

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Reasons to QuitEnsure you are doing work that matters: Why are you doing this? Is this actually useful? Are you adding value? Will this change behaviour? Is there an easier way? What could you be doing instead? Is it really worth it?

Don’t throw good time at bad work

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Meetings are ToxicSet a timer, when it rings – the meeting is over. Invite as few people as possible. Have a clear agenda. Begin with a specific problem. Meet at the site of the problem. End with a solution and a person responsible for implementing it.

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Good Enough is FineFind a Judo solution: A fix that delivers maximum impact with minimum effort.

Remember you can usually turn Good Enough into Great later

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Quick WinsMomentum fuels motivation – get in the habit of accomplishing small victories.

The longer something takes, the less likely you are going to finish it

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Don’t be a HeroIf you already spent to much time on something that wasn’t worth it. Walk away.

You can’t get that time back. The worst you can do now is to waste more time.

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Go to SleepForgoing sleep means you destroy your creativity, morale and attitude. It will come back and bite you in the ass.

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Your Estimates SuckWe’re terrible estimators – break the big thinks into smaller things. The smaller it is, the easier it is to estimate. Instead of one twelve-week project, structure it as twelve one-week projects

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Long Lists Don’t Get DoneLong lists collects dust and are guilt trips. Break it down into smaller lists. Prioritize visually by putting the most important things at the top.

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Don’t CopyIt’s a formula for failure. It skips understanding.

Understanding is how you grow. A copier will never be able to keep up and remains in a passive position.

Be influenced – but don’t steal

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Decommoditise Your ProductInject what is unique about the way you think into what your sell.

Make it something than no one else can offer. Competitors can’t copy the YOU in your product

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Pick a FightHaving an enemy gives you a great story to tell your customers.

Taking a stand always stands out

People takes sides. Passion are ignited. People take notice.

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Underdo Your CompetitionSolve the simple problems and leave the heavy, nasty, problems to the competition.

Sell the fact that your problem does less aggressively as competitors sell their exstensive feature list.

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Who Cares What They Are DoingWorrying about the competition quickly turns into an obsession.

If you merely replicate there is no point to your existence.

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Say No by DefaultUse the power of No to set your priorities straight.

Be polite about it though. Your goal is to make sure that your product stays right for you. That way you can say “ I think you’ll love it, because I love it”

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Let Your Customers Outgrow YouMake sure it’s easy for people to get on board. That is where continuous growth potential lies.

You can’t be everything to everyone.

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Don’t Confuse Enthusiasm with PriorityThe enthusiasm you have for a new idea is not an accurate indicator of it’s true worth

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Be At-Home GoodSmart companies create something that is at-home good – when you get the product home you’re actually more impressed with it.

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Don’t Write It DownIf there’s a request you keep forgetting, it’s a sign it isn’t very important. Your customers will be your memory – showing you which things you truly need to worry about.

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Welcome ObscurityMake mistakes without the whole world hears about them. Keep tweaking. Test random ideas. Try new things.

Obscurity helps you protect your ego and preserve your confidence.

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Emulate ChefsShare everything you know. A recipe is much easier to copy than a business.

What can you tell the world about how you operate that’s informative, educational and promotional? What are your “recipies”

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Go Behind the ScenesPeople are curious about how things are made. Letting people in behind the curtain changes your relationship with them. Creating a bond, as they see you as human beings instead of a faceless company.

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Go Behind the ScenesPeople are curious about how things are made. Letting people in behind the curtain changes your relationship with them. Creating a bond, as they see you as human beings instead of a faceless company.

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Nobody Like Plastic FlowersDon’t be afraid to show your flaws – there is a beauty to imperfection. When something becomes to polished it looses it’s soul

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Press Releases Are SpamIf you want to someone’s attention it’s silly to do the same as everyone else. Do something meaningful. Be rememberable. Stand out. Be unforgettable. That is how you get the best coverage.

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Forget About the Wall Street JournalFocus on getting your story into a trade journal or picked up by a niche blogger. The barrier is much lower.

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Drug Dealers Get it RightEmulate drug dealers. Make your product so addictive, that giving your customers a small free taste makes them come back with cash in hand.

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Marketing isn’t a DepartmentAccounting is a department

Everything that you DO is Marketing

Answering the phone –It’s marketingSending the bill – It’s marketing

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The Myth of Overnight SuccessTrade the dream for overnight success with slow measured growth. It is hard, but you have to be patient and grind it out.

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Do It Youself FirstYou might feel like you suck. That’s all right.

A) You can hire yourself out of it or B) Learn out of it. Try learning first.

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Hire When It HurtsWhen there is more work than you can handle for a sustained period of time and the quality level is slipping. That is when it is hurting.

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Pass on Great PeopleYou’ll be doing your company more than good if you bring in talented people who have nothing important to do.

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Strangers at a Cocktail PartyA small intimate dinner party among old friends is what you should aim for.

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Resumes are RidiculousAnyone can create a decent-enough resume. You want a specific candidate who cares specifically about your company, your products, your customers and you job.

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Years of IrrelevanceHow long someone’s being doing it is overrated. What matters is how WELL they have been doing it

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Forget About Formal EducationDon’t fall into the trap of thinking you need someone from one of the “best” schools in order to get results.

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Everybody WorksEveryone’s got to be producing – avoid hiring delegators. Those people who love telling others what to do

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Hire Managers of OneThey do what managers would do – set the tone, assign items, determine what needs to be done etc. – But they do it by themselves and for themselves.

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Hire Great WritersClear writing is a sign of clear thinking. Great writers know how to communicate. Writing is today’s currency for good ideas.

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The Best are Everywhere Geography just doesn’t matter anymore – hire the best talent, regardless of where they are.

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Test Drive EmployeesSome people sound like pro’s, but don’t work like pro’s. You need to evaluate the work they can do now. Not the work they did in the past.

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Own Your Bad NewsWhen something bad happens. Tell your customers. “No Comments” is not an option. Apologize the way a real person would, explain why it happens in detail, spread the message far and wide.

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Speed Changes EverythingGetting back to people quickly is probably the most important thing you can do when it comes to customer service. Differentiate yourself by answering thoughtfully and showing that you are listening.

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How to Say that You are SorryUse the appropriate tone and language to show that you understand the severity of what happened. Also, the person in charge should take responsibility. An “I” apology is a lot stronger than a “we” apology.

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Put Everyone on the Front LinesListening to customers is the best way to get in tune with a product’s strengths and weaknesses. No one should be shielded from direct criticism and/or customer feedback

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Take a Deep BreathPeople are creatures of habit. That’s why they react to change in such a negative way. Let people know that you are listening, but explain that you are going to let it go for a while and see what happens

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Decisions are TemporaryThe ability to change course is one of the big advantages of being small. Pay attention to today and worry about later when it gets here.

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Skip the RockstarsInstead of thinking about how you can land a room full of rockstars. Think about the room instead. Cut the crap and you will find that people are waiting to do great work. Rockstar environments develop out of trust, autonomy and responsibility.

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They are not ThirteenWhen you treat people like children, you get children’s work. When everything constantly needs approval, you create a culture on non-thinkers.

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Send People Home at 17:00When people have something to do at home – they get down to business. You don’t need more hours – you need better hours.

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Don’t Scar on the First CutDon’t create a policy because ONE person did something wrong once. Policies are only for situations that come up over and over again.

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Sound Like YouBeing hones about who you are is smart in any business. That applies to the language that you use everywhere: in email, packaging, presentations etc.

Talk to your customers the way you would do to friends

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Four Letter WordsNeed, Must, Can’t, Easy, Just, Only, Fast.

These words get in the way of healthy communication. They create black & white situations (which are rare)

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ASAP is PoisonReserve your use of emergency language to true emergency situations. The kind where there are direct, measurable consequences to inaction.

For everything else: Just chill out

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Inspiration is PerishableIdeas are immortal. They last forever.

Inspiration is like fruit or milk. It has an expiration date. When you’re high on inspiration you can get two weeks of work done in 24h. Inspiration is a time machine in that way.

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CreditsRework is the bestseller book by @37Signals founders @jasonfried and @dhhThe book can be be purchased here

This Cheat Sheet was made by GnatGnat.com and reformatted by me (@svenningsen)
