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nebnewspapers.unl.edu · rFHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . .. WE ' LanHGore --- ' 2uiRrLLVZu AIZ: U1fAIIA ,...

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rFHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . . . WE ' LanHGore ' - - - 2uiRrLLVZu AIZ: U1fAIIA , NL 13. 11.LDNLSllA ]' ,1Ol'iNG [ , AUGUST Ii : , 1533. NO. 50. ' TELEGRAPHIC TYRRANNY. . . -- . - A Corporation Witboat a Soul Nor Honor Enough to Nccp Its Word , Some Interesting Testimony Given Before the Sonata Labor Oommittoo , ThuVlro Cutting War CoillnucsA- Tltreatotrd Stitt for Danmgc.4- The - I1a)11 VOVkera- 'Conveittlon. . T111VAit ON WIRES , Niw : YORK , August 14.Tim strike ofg- 4 g4 the iulogrmiphors preseuta no now fontures- today. . Soners'i11e , of the estarn Union conyauy ) , said 120 wires of the Gold 811(1 Stock Telegraph coolacy { , which supply most of the circuits of 4 brokers' otlices down tuw nnnd which arc carried nrou11d Church and Rector streets ill 80Vei1 cables suspended under the do.- vated . railroad girders , were all cut last night and in such a way that the wires cannot be connected again at the point where severed. Temporary connections have been made of the hues and the cono- p81ny llopo to be able to repair the bal- 1ance today. A dispatch received by thlo company today state too Nov Orleans telegraphers were working and that two strike'n'B had returned to the keys in Meridian , Miss. ' 19to Mutual Union wires were cut ill Marlon and Manhattan- villo - to too number of a dozen or more.- A . few wires were cot near Newark and others near Fleetwood. A rigger for the Union company was assaulted by two striking lineuei to-day when ho- I was leaving the coin ) any's building.- Tlio . oll'miders were arrested and take to court where they wore held for intimi- ' I elation. , So far as could be learned up to noon , + to-day 110110 of the line cutters had been arrested. TILE SENATE INVESTIGATION. { The United States s01nato sub coumiit- tee on labor and education reassembled ' 'P today. John 1.1lcClellmad , lneinbc' of the Brotherhood of Telegraphers , said the estimated cost of a telegraph line 1,500 uliles long would be 72oJU5. The telegraph operators were generally young men , and usually cane front the bettor classes of society. The herds of the met had been greatly improved the past ten years , and this was one of the results of organization. Thu highest paid opera- . , did not receive enough to enable theca to lay aside anything for old age. In 1870 the Western Union required eve- ry - eau eomimig into its mupioy to take an oath he would not lolly himself with any trade or Libor organization. Day opera- tors - worked from 8 a. nn , to 8 p. III. , and had little tint to devote to anluseineht. Thomas O'Reilly ' , a telegraph operator , of twelve years experience , has had , t j charge of tuneVhcatstone iustrnnmtts in- f , f the Western Union ollice. lie had be01i . an operator in that system for ton years him Scotland. Hu came here about a year ago. The Western Union gave them $20- a month as a rctainhugs.fee until the s ) Wlieatatono instruments should arrive. Promises were repeatedly made that the I Wheatstono niel should receive as much as first-class Morse operators. On the , . 28th of last February it was announced the Wheatatono system would begin ape- 1) , ration , mad the operators were told their salaries would be $50 a month. The operators on the other side were better paid. They had three weeks' vacation each year with salary , and during sick- ness - received half pay. After bong a certain number of years ill the service 81id the record being good , an operator receives a pension for life , SeuctifIes at full pay when lie becomes superanuated..- Tohu . . B. Taltavolt , operator , einployed- by the Associated Press , confirmed the testimony of the previous witnesses in regard to the strike. 11.V. . Orr , of Philadelphia , n member 1 of the Brotherhood of Telogrgtphcrs , said the salaries paid operators hit Philndel- phis ranged from $30 to $80 per nimitll. One of the objects of the Brotherhood t was to establish a telegraph1 company 011 the co-operative , by which opera- tors - oWn their own ines , and thus be enabled to protect themselves ngaiust their employers. Tito ovideneo of the hostility of thin Uaio' company towards its muployes was too s ; atnulatic policy of reducing the salaries of its operators during the past ton years.- 1Vitmiess . also testified to the practice of the 'Western Union company ht black- listing - mcn found organizing a union or association of operators. ( Eugene J. O'Connor , of Boston , chair- manof - ttlocxecutivo boardof the Brother. i hood of Telegraphers , gave statistics of ' tlio growth of the R estarn Union Conn- L parry Snico 1800. Since the beginning of the strike the menlbershopof tube brother- hood - nearly doubled and now numbered about 20,000 , One-fifth of the operators of the country were wonuen , and about 500 of these had joined too strikers. There ware very few first-class operators among them , as their strength was not equal to tliowork required to attlin such proficiency. TILE IIION WORKERS. 1 PIIILAnEL1'InA , August 14.The after- noon - 80581011 of Annalgalnated Association of Iron and Steel Workers' convention was taken alp entirely with reading too report of the counlittee of conatitutiol and general laws , of whichu T. J. Mllli glum , of IrOIItOll , Ohio , is chairman. Soy - oral important niatters relating to changes 11a existing laws of the associa- tion were held under colsidcntion , Each brunch of business was acted upon by the convoutio11 Separately , lUld about the first paint that came up was wluetber too iron 111011 Sllolll ( withdiaw fro i the steel workers timid organize by then ) . solves , 'I'JIe proposition was negatived- l by a unallillIollS vote , A utiot to fix { tune scale of wages next June for four 'cars , in9telid of far 0110 , did not prouttI. The proposition of withdrawal from the steel workers iIavong failed to receive support , the title of the associ- atirl - is to rwnain as hitherto , 1 The plan to make each , lodge support its own nee wieu they are on a strike also hacked support. The parauleu11t object of the association is union and concentration. An attempt to- I arato the executive functions of the Led and divide them into smaller per.- tions . would fall short of the prime oh- .jecta . for which the Amalgamated Assoc- iation - was organized and which all trade nlliOlis have ultimately in view. The f Prnpostiult ( was therefore a dead letter. There is to ho nu effortmade to hero 1111115 lie idle for sixty days during July and August each year , or to incorporate this project 111(0 ( the standing laws of the as- sociation - for their unitedintorests. M0ln- bers - will seek to curtail work during the Sumiumer season , in order to prermtt over. stocking the narket with tu11sled iron material. of extelulilI the period of adminlstrntiolt front at to four , received no atten- tion - frond the conuitteu' as Its effect would obviously weaken the urg81lhza Lion , The afternoon session Was pm- tracled - to a late hour , and when adjourn. Mont wits reached , the convelltiou had hot finished the report and will x031111- 10censidentio11 of it to norrow looming. Among the importult ttiseoltiml- ' ) is the ( l uestio11 of strike benefits , Another Idun to be- be acted ioln is that pooutlIl g a- e51u : tlee of mlenbOrS to make ( quarterly reports of the situation and cohlithol of the ( rot tale. 1'reshdeit J arUtt , speak- ing - of the plan to require oneh sublodge- to support its lw 11 strikers , said too roles of the assoeiatiot in this respect would be national , governing the entire orgamz- atiou - , Iu connection with time report that 801110 111011 out at Bothluhem had returned to work Monday , Jarrett said there was nothing to prevent then. Tim association directs its Ineunbers to go to work where the furnaces are ataete(1 in operation , and there is no reason wily they should not stay gout- .auuated . lie says all luC bors of the Aull 6 assoe anon employed at Bet111eheu are at liberty to return to work if they choose.- A . SUIT FOR IAlAIES.- NKw . YouR , August 14.Tim Western Union Telegraph conany sent a letter to Mayor Edson , setting forth too losses Sustained by thorn by the cutting of their wires and notifying him they will brfu g suit against the city for recovery of dam- ages. - . The mayor celsulted with the supermtindent of police as to nielsures- to prevent further cutting of wires ; 'Tu e- stlpurintCUdent imformis the mayor special instructions were giveln the citptnihs of the several precincts of the city and no effort will be spared to detect and arrest all parties taulpemg with the wires.- Thu . MUTUAL UNION CLOSI:11- .VASIIINOTON : . , . igtlst 13.Tune 11lutual Union t0legnlph otlice in this city closed today , and is being dismantled of its telegl'aliht apparatus. 'J'ho operators have been transferred to the esters Uniet main oflice. COLLAl'SI : OF A STRIKE- .BnTIILE11LM . , PA. , August 14.Thu labor ditliculty at too Bethlehcn iron lvorhs callle to an abrupt termination toy day , the Andrew Lee brunch of the auutl- gnmated - association of 1101) and steel barkers has m1) . The jpr0sulmnt- of the local branchi visited Philadelphia yesterday to have some of the promises of financial aid made by Jarrett and Lee fulfilled , but receiving nu assurance that financial relief would be afforded , ho re- turned - liome last night and deter- ulind - to cad time lmattor. 't'his- ulornhng ul01ubers of the branch decided almost unanimously to disband amid ask the eoi poly to reinstate thou ) . A 001- uinittee - , of which the president of the so- ciety - was slukesnlan , conterred with Su- perhnteuleut - Fritz. This committee was informed that the company would give employhtmlt to worthy men who had gone out , but no assurance was given that a 1 former eiuployes would be taken back. The delegates who attelnded the convention iii Philadelphia returned to- night. - . [ 109T0a SYM1ATIIY. BOSTON , August 14.One thousand per3on5 attclded the Mass meeting at- Tremont tmuple to 1light in sympathy with the striking tdcgrapers. Addresses were made by John K. 'Tarbox , Charles Litcllulau anal Cougress51lali Collies. Letters of regret were received from I'hillips , mayor Palmer , Ilcnry Cabot Lodge , oxCollector- Sinlluons mil Governor Butler The governor explahucd his sense of pub.- lc . ] duty prevented luH presence. lhu telegraph operators , " lie swroto , 'are en- gaged - in a cellluct n 1th the Union comga51y upon ) natters of tllo deepest interest to both. The length of its contihumnce shows bitterness may be engendered wliicn may lead to a collision in Whichn oflicial action on my part matt'- be required as conservator of the peace. ' RAILROAD NOTES , Thu Colorado fool.- ClncAoo . , August 14.A meeting of representatives of the liurlingtom and Missouri River , Union Pacific , Atchison , Topeka auld Santa Fe , old Denver amid Rio Grande railroads , comprising the Colorado pool , was held hoe this after- noon - to connsider too claim of the Atchi- son - road for increased percentage frou April 1 to .July 1 of the present year , in view of the order of the federal court eompehlumg it to pro rate its business with the Denver and Now Orleans road dur- int - ; that period. Time day was occupied in hearing urguhonts on tlmis question. Tile matter was take )) under advisement by the arbitrator , who WIII u11111O1111CO his decision at Boston , Monday next , when sllotlier meeting of the executive mtittco will be held to consider the ques- tioi of complete rearrmlgeuent of per.- cmttages. . . Bnnikrupt Itutllrnads , CINCINNATI , August 14 , =l'hia after1- 1001l - at 4 o'clock ' time attorneys of time central Trust of Now York flied in the circuit court of time United States , district of Ohio , w'estorn division , n loll in equity njainst ; time 'l'oledo , Cineuumti and St. Louts railroad couq iuy , Gincim- lnati - Northern railway , Spring Grove , Avolldaie mid Cineinmlti railway com- pany - nod Grceuville S. lhsnuan , praying for forecosuru of a nortgage un(1 first Mortgage booths of $1,000,000 at 6 per colt , oh the ground that October 1st nod April 1st , two pay days , 1111(1 ( passed w'itim- out iute'est. ' ' 'huia paying any jlrocced- inl - was against the Ciuciunuti Northern railway nut ! it prayed for the appoint- .lnmt . of a receiver other than time 10- ceivur - already appointed fir time ' 1'ulek , Cincilluati amid St. Louis railway.l- tm . Kling In lyl'nhIIs.- CiiloAno . , August 11. =rime annual re- port - of too Chicago , C Noithweleru rail. way , issued today , shows the gross earnings for the fiscal year ending May 31 were $24,082,000 ; not laconic , $4 , 052,000 , Dividends of 8 per cent o1 ire. ( erred and 7 per cent on ceinnlOn stock were paid , leavimig surplus of 1101000. This , added to the surplus of the [ teat year , places a total to the credit of tile lncumo account of 84213000. The ng- gregnto funded indebtedness at file 011(- 1of the year was 69t21000. Durltig too [ test year 800 uliles of new road WelU added to the ceinpany's system slid 185 miles of additional proprietary fines.- A . New iep(1t in Chleago.- CIu'Aao . , August 14.At n meeting of time boat of direct rs of the Chicago 1111- 11Vestern ludiaua tdlroad held hero tu- day it vs'as decided to accept time ceutpro.- nliSU . oalhmuICO leaking the ternh11us of the IOad in this city folk street , and it was also duternincd to 511- 1minc11nte - ( erection of n depot buildings cost $00,000 , , coverill block buuud- ed - l ' llintl and Fourth arouues nod folk 811(1 rh3'1or streets. ; ' 1'1111 1.11 , S'J 1tl lP h"LULUtV.- A . LIV01y 1)a ) ,1tlunig Sin' 1111114 anal )3e11'H , NEw V'oilE , August 14.1lltellse ox- cilemiellt - was ouVall street maid time Stock Fxchallge tss dny by tile nu- uouneomeut of the fniluro of ( leorge- Villinul Balloti aC Co. , bankers. The firm is composed ofVilliam ll. h ug- hnm - , board member , David Ii , Darling , George liallott , stud Allan S. No delhnito plrtiettlars could be- obt uIied. The 1111150 did n large and extensive business , 1111(1 its eusto51wrs were principally ba11k presidedlts through. opt the country , Boston capitalists , and New E51glnnd estates. liallou refused to uutko a stateuelt coiceruing tllo sus. 110151011 other than that it wins caused by the failure of his customers to respond to calls for margins. Another amber of time lir11t said the trouble was Merely ten- porarv - , mutd everything will be strti ht- mied out hi n few days. 110 principal stocks clrricd by Balloa- C , Co. were Ontario 1111(1Vestern , lllissotli Pl1CiIIe 1111(1Vestorl Uuho51. It- is romgitiy estinultc(1 the liabiliticsmuueimt- to between $400,000 and 500000. Uis- der the stock excuulge rules relating to failures , all of the stocks carried by time firm are sold at oxchnnge. ' 1'le prices were not nmterinlly affected , but then tvmtsnocodtorumoes:111(1 : excitu11luuL. It- is said the failure will sei iousl cripple several other large houses of tie street. Shortly after 1P , n , 8 savmm- gwas attack made ofVesterh Union , the stock breaking four points to 72:1. : Other active shues : declined ill synlpatby. ' 1'owatd time close the Union rallied to 74,1 , but in 1151:11 : sales fell oil again to 74 , Lesuox , August l4. ' 'lme'ewasifuest- a panic mot time stock uXchnuge hero this 11unvitlg ill Aeeriaut railway securities , which are greatly (lcpr'csse(11111(1 are dilli- cult tosell. Aumerican gover5151lent Coeds 110 nut ullected by time unfavorable feel- ing - in railroad securities. IIexicau rail- I1 % stocks str'ollg. BOSTON , August l't.-The mtnotnleo- muelt of the failure of George Villialu- B t1iou & Co , caused great exciteuieilt on the streets na(1 III btmshies circles.- IIHlmots . Latins on < ; lunhllug.S- Plunurhm.o,111. . . , August 14.Attor toy Gellel Ill McCartney liaveg been naked to define the statute passed by [ hue into general nsseubly , ielatng to gain- bliug - on fair grounds , has prepiureil a ho- tter - upon tlho subject in which lie says : " the haw it ilI be necessary to determine spccihcally what is meant by a gambling devico. A galnhlillg device prohibited by this law is any nlnchille , instruul01nt , article or thing upon which money m' other valuable articles Imlay ho risked upomu too fortune or chance , such as cards , dice , wheels , nntl checks. It is intended not to pro- hibit games where success depends 111)011 skill , experience , practice or accuracy of tune person avho ( days , such as imlple- mnents - upon which to exhibit skill in pitching mugs or quoits , shooting targets , gimps , roiling halls and test of speed ill horses , hilt even 1111011 these devices bet- ting - should not be pc eitted , lout eiunms for 81)00(1 in horses or for the nest skillful or accurate person only may bu allowed without violating the spirit of too lay lime general statutes ulnko time oflicers of the fairs liable to severe penalties for permitting ganblimig Upon the bgrouilmds. These laws apply to oaicerH of fairs and fair- grounds the sammie as any other pr0111ises meld officers allowing it , who may be in- dicted - and punished Its other [ ersuus , and any Ibison losib bone } ' within the fair grounds upon mummy gene peruitteI- by the fair ollicors nuly obtain judgnmellt for his losses and sea the fair grounds upon tow judgmef.- Swludleul . by a L'cnsloIl gone- .iinW . tuKEE , August 14.VillinutV , Wilshire , a veteran from Missouri , at Present inthun41tiolalsoldiers hone at this point , rcoeivcd n package by express recently from N.V.1 Ltzgeald , of Vasl- lington - , D. C. , which was(1iaeked pmSieil ) papers , le taining to chnuni , ' C. 0. D. , 10.55 , '' Su'posing ' his chtial was alhuwcdVilshlre paid thou express chmirb 'es , but found n 1ut1par 1 nslcimi ) for further information concern- ing - his case. In the nieantinmo it is leaned leis claim was disallowed . .July1- 8tim. . TuLe express agent has peen gnr- nislleed - for molmey paid qn a bogus paek- age. - . - - - - - CaptiLre Sign I'elIco111 Snumggler.- CnluAao . , August 14.- The federal au- thorities - hero to-day suited time dresses 1111(1 other wcal'iug apnrul ) in possession of Mrs S. N. Parish , on Limo ground that they had beau imported in duiiancu of time custo51l laws. ' 'ime woman hits 11111(10 twenty trips across the Occau , by our 011(1 colfessunl , t ) purchaSn second hand dresses from the nobility a11d Juts smc- ceeded in having trunks containing thcul phased lieu of dusty , oifurimmg as expbuo- ttioi that they were a portion of her jwr5- o11a1 - wearing apparel , 7'hu ' ntthurties- heru assert the ctsu is not isolated and in addition t ) time seizure hu'e ; SsOUI out a svurnut for her nrrest on ale grann(1- 0f pcijiir- yjr1 TI eOlogla(1I l'lunlo , , All bgust 1'1-Rev , Frank Russell of At11nHfielth Ohio , conducted the a(1Vallced rlornlal review. 'I'JIO annual nmouting of the Chautauqua school of theology mdse t Ok place. 111 nddition t ) time customllary daily llectures , service w'ams held in nmemorYof te ClnnlaimIuaworkers who died during time year. The propeller 1'otonlac , of Cleveland , val. trod at $45,000 , flhnrod for $35,000 , loaded with rye worth 825,000 li eu the beach hoar Anal0eVI5. ., with twelve foot of water tim her hold Iiavhmmg steno her bottom on a rock , SIO lu11( 1)00(1 ( abandoned to tlio underwttoru. - BARKING AT THE MOON , The Irish hlculbcrs of Parliamcilt Ill- au uratc a Donnybrook in the Commons , But Wore Finally Sat Upon by- Gladstone's ' FolloworsThreo- t0 , One. ' Ceuui l) ' ChaudniutignlnVmrp.ltag 1)enltl-Tile11'hcnt ( 'mu , u,1 franc ( ' - Spapl h ' 1'ruthle4 , ( iI NIlAti voiu LtN , TIIE IRISH MlMllnRs : IN I'.Iln.IAMINT- .T.osmos : . , August 11. = I'lioro wmtsalong debate , eluuacterized by hu1dt ubstrue- tion on the part of the wish memhers , ill the COlllltltlls litat night , OIL [ he vote for the legal expenses incurred (11 time recent criulihal prosccuthons in Iruhuml , liar.- ringtoll . atlcgcd tlmt Myles Joyce , who w'1ls found guilty allot executed for pnrti- eipating - in the uutrder of the Joyce fund.- ly . in County Galway , September 18 , 1882 , was judicially niunlured , dcspito the fact flint evidence of his iunoeamco wits ncccssiblo to Earl Spencer , lord lieutmbnt of Ireland. Gillen , uienlber for Loutil , declared the government could hnvo brought time Phi mlix park nnuderors to justieo withouttlmu evade51ee- of Jnules Carey , but tlult Sir Villinu- tIlnrcourt , home secretary , contrived to- hnvo Carey accepted as an informer for [ le purpose of 01uleavorhng to Cmmeet 801110 of time Irish uonlbers of parlinmemlt with the nnu (lers. Parnell repeated the emugCS of jtuypacking iu Irelmuul , nod of the reckless desire of the goornnbut to- ln'ocno convictions for the ! lug1lose of- stt'mking terror luuong time people of Ilmi- tcomtry by the tyrnnhk tl use of time pas C1 of secret inquiries. Porter , attoruuygu51eml for Irelan(1 , replying to time remarks of time Irish- Luleumles , 5111(1 that as lung as atrocities iu Irelaud went uupumiished , time 1110:11- 5of inquiry allowed by law would be used without siu'inkimig. During the debate Ilu rington cbaroed Spaicer with having i 1yles Joyce hanged , when ho kllov [ lie condemned 1511111 wits innueunt. Ile was called to eider for t11is remark , : :1111(1 then modified Isis stmmteineimt- .110itly . , nieuber for bioligluul , was mfr so called to order during time debate for using violent language against olifces of the crown.P- 11en011 . , its n protest against the Con- ductof the nveta111ncotmi1 t- os d that the imIomit of II Prov'ilcd fur in no lriution be reduced , but leis uiotium wits ( iefclttcd b } ' 2.1 yeas to 93 1111- ss. Time privltto illsalle nsydulli in the town of Ealing , 11iddlcsoxcounty , burned last night. Five of Uioinmates b11rled- .'flu . : HP.txtIL Itisia0.- Sevoaul . sergeants who took part in the Spanish revolution at Sulta : Douingo have beet executed at tllat place. They refused to make any 'disc osurcb in rein- tioiu - to too revolutunaty p1:1t , bare lies been no distarbnnces dtllleuciaa Seville , but Homo arrests. Civilians have beet node imb ofticuts at those phacea as measures of precaution. The corespuudemit of The Telegraph at Bayonne says the king of Spain has 511111 cloned Serrano to fern n now ministry. 7'ho correSpondOnt of The Times at Madrid , however , denies [ hint any ebantte of the Ministry is intelide'd. Reports published in yester'llLy's Paris ' 'emlps that it regiuiumt hind nmtinied in- Cataloiiia timid that coullicts occoTed at- L00degeiama and Figures auot flue state- mumt - of the Exchange 't'elegraph piuly el time 11th inst. that Ruise % orilla leas m Spain , directing time rising , are not cofrmed. Deaths at Alexandria G'oni cholera yes- terday - , 44. I'1Gt ccI : IN 11AIJAIAHCAII , Thu Sbmdard states [ lint n dispatch re- ceived - froO 111mLdng1Lscmtr fullyconfrmistie first accomts of the diflbrencus between time I 'rcuch and English ( at 'J'anatave , Should France , says Time Standard , not oiler exphiuuttions , E51glauld , no doubt , must den81ml them.c- hfASmiioitli. . . A tulegrlumi from Frohsdorf nnmonices- Comit lie Ch41ulbord is wrestling with death- .Therowero . f75 deaths fro51l cholera in Egypt Monday , iucludihf G at Cairo.- JILENOI . wiIIAT : 01101' , Time Bulletin des llalles says Elie yield of wheat this Sea8uu ilk France wll be- oiglityfivu million hectolitres , compared [with one hundred and four million to one hundred iund live minion each year since 1872. The quality is goad , AN AHEIt10AN KICKEII- .It . is stated Genea11 Wallace , U. S. Minister to Turkey , is now the only for- .cign . representative who i5 OiliOsed to time proposed Lyons tax.- A . sl'11tITl'1) ; GROUP.- TIIK . IMI'OILTANT }: vENTs OF LAST WEEK , NEw You August 12. = Thofollowing is theSnn's 1.0111011 cable hotter : A bitter oppoSitiml is codinuedngafnst time 11ieaouru providing [ lint native tribu- nnls in India luny try Jfiropcam oflbmd- era. . . Bright addressed IL largo moot- ing - during the lveek in favor of time meas. urn , nod 111113 followed by ma native Ilindoo lawyer , who spuiw with nnmch elug11ence , and in sllclh [ el'focL amid llmtlsicll Enghlsll- as [ 0 81nzzu Lull delight his bear- er. - . 'There is a cloud gmitlluring in Iudimi , 41nd uneasy 11Rtramurs dente a- gl'owlllg lllSa4lHfitehell mind unrost. ' 'im- oatlitlldu of the 1'CHidelt English toward tilt Hipon Ilbalt ale Lsurus , their nrrognnt hostility agoiost the 5(101111 adv41fCen01lt- of refined 11od highly ChlclttC(1 ( ( Ilmdin11H , the hate arbitrary amid tyrannous itmIpri- solunelt of a node editor , for a hmu mloss amid unintentional libel , maid time alu 1111(1 refusal of redress b the tripbunal mot home nil tend to 1)ro- yoke , n fouling 'l'he Tndiami list 4110110 anmounts- to over tlmirt millions dollars un(1 the drain of taxatiuu is already so bur- demlsolne - its to be of itself ulmbear able A population , oil time other hand , immtclligmlt , eduCated on English prin ciplcs , growing euormously , is begmuhng to think for , and to become conscious of its ewer and to reco(1nizu ( the gross imposition it- endures. . Jt is thought that [ho sununary conic. lion amid severe pmiishmUnt of the dyne. , nlito peisunorS at Liverpool will hnvo time etlect of ending nil uitro gl } ceriun enter. ! Irises for same nul0 to come , The Dub lilt argiulof time Irish n1- )Pnn'e5 ! time SClltemICes cold sas that slunmit is leo severe for such cots ardl criminals , Mr. lames McUcnnolt of llrooklI- S now lodged in in Liverpool , 01111 , eulatiuu is rife as to his , 'l'imo stotmuent lint ho (8)110 over ti be n queen's witness in the d11a mite Case is dmsprovod by tlmo result , 81111 could hardly lave been serious ( }, entert- aiiieol - by Ieople nelunintcd with lle- Der11wtt's character for shrowduoss 11)1- 01intcligeIlco , Some iie ous , claiming to be voll in- formed - , aver the ale govurnmeilt has evidence that he (vas imilpliented during 01)0 of his visits to lnbhill , with the line nix t'al'k conspirators , mind notably with 'Nuumher 0110 , ' with whom for n short [ limb the Cenfcunded hiul , It is- wssiblo Mutt Mr , Mcllerm att. wse5- by g himself to air st aump to n- c1u1 vied live nod futile [ 1osecutiou by lie British government hdelself- of [ he that intro been of late cast (1u liim by iir , lavitt 811(1 other's.- 'l'hb . authoriies hero are greatly desir Ills that 's murderer hall e tried 'Towil. Thu murder took ilnco twelve 1111105 out at sun minddi- ndction o utside of IOhollal brit it i thought illat the ecniru eali be legally l tllu Cape , where it is a ca11l'icti0n for lnmaler ill the fist de- gree - can ho secured , Ai London O'Dounudl would him cos- tskiered - by a vest 11unlber of people 85 a hero or a political criminal , 111111 leis trial would pruloko uxcitmumnt mmd popnlnr feeling , wlierells nt the Cape them exists 11o such smttiment , 8nd lie is regarded as- n conu11ou assassin only- .'l'hu . Austrnlinll authorities luting to- fused tO allow. Knvaoogh amid' too other iuforusurs t0 11111(1 at Sydney , because the' would biro ilnmedintoly mend to ( ' ; ) t0 guard than lt6aiust 119548- 5s(51ntion - ( , the Lome ullico has tolegraplmed- GI trmulsfcr thou 1o thlu al81t-Of wiu' Nu- son vhero they r'etluniP. i t is said to be under consithunit ion to put them ashore ou ouu of time SauupnuorFrieudly islands , where they Cannot die of ahlrvntinu,1111(1 hero tlmeo are no lrishmimmt to slay thou. The interest in time 1)eulorouomy m1nm- itmscripts grows rapidly , bat time voridly- 51lihded are illlollsely SkOiltiatl miH to thou'- geuui51uness , 'I'lls deciplmering mhanC'S steadily , nod grows Inal'0 inte cstimmg , while it. is watched witim time closest. atten- tion - by seholars in ute } plot of Etilopo- .It . is noteworthy chat the geogtnphhal1- 11cIllsistelmeies ( in [ lie received 'crsiomt do net exist in [ 11050 uuuesC ipta , if the 8111)5 be forgeries , (11113' 41 Sehulnr of time greatest uuliumlee clue ] nv'e produced tboiu.'- l'ime . unblushhug ismsolvuney of time Duke of 'l'uck,111101 the eo11ditio11 of time royal milemliclulB [ guneratily , eoutiuuu to ho- G0(113' discussed. The Deice of Ed- iuburgh - avmmt to 1Fioscuw to sou his brother-iii.lnIV'S coronation , 111101 an- 'l'huls(1ay ( lie house W'mtli : :151(0(1 t0 vote two thausuul : pounds to pay the expenses of that trip. I11 r. Ltbouchero made a spirited attack of too measure , calling atteiltiuu to the fact. that four thousalmd- 1iumtds mend nbeady heal paid for time , ambassadors expenses eu too 541IDe OCClshgn 1115(1 saYill6 that 1his i'o } ia- lhigilliess..ouglit t0 defmmly his awh OX- pei1sc5 - wlmen lie wanted to visit his ruin- t'ons. - ' . Time grant , however , was voted by a lingo nlltjul ity , though it would base been time otime Bray if lnmubers imnd voted ac'cor'ding to time CIllvietimis ( ( which they express ( PIItsile the immense , l hero is n rapidly gl owimmg resnmibnunt- r'egaeding these uui'bway ; assmtlts uu tutu public purse by mlmnlers of time royal fancily , particularly whmen it eolmcurlms hlis royal highness , the Duke of Edmhurgh , vi muse pnrsiaumy mad domestic 1110111111055 Moon bocommme uotoriaus. No ammo bcloves his oxcusiou to bfoseosr cast hinm time 1',0(10 which Imo lmits j11Ht received. Sir Armstrong inns been cou- sidering time probleum of the imic'emtso in- p0pldmfian in J msglmid , and lass 51uulu public leis OpiIlIOn that its rtpid growth is 8l'ersu ( t0 nermtl deveiiepinumtt amid pre. 15111.03 pvety , mold that further nlcrou- mmmt - nmust lie coutrollcd by iegislation- .Ilis ; , . idea is that time state shut111iniit [ le- munlber of a mml'sclmildrou. - - - - - - , S1'Olt'L'ING NOTES , IIASE IIALI. . I')1ovnuLNcP , August 11.Now York 9 , Providelou 0 , Ihishnm-13ostons 7 , Philudalphias 0- .1Alflitl(113uflida . it ) , Chicagus 17 , gommte chiliad at time end of time 7th inu- imigg - on nccutmt of darkness- .Olevuhuld1)etreits . 5 , Cluvolmmds 0.- MONMOUTII . I'ARK IIACLH- .MONn0UTII . 1'AUK , August 14.flue attendance wits fair and time track fhnu. One mile , Arizumt first , Rica second , John Ilenry (1(11(1 ; time , 1:42k : , August stakes , tlmrte quurters of a mile , Jssequiua fhrst'l'haekunmy socoud- Vatur , Lily third ; tim o,1:11311 , hlolu and uno oigbth , Jcinglnku first , Long luight second , heel and 'l'ou third ; time , 1:58j. : ]Milo nmul n quarter , Girolln first , Breeze BOCand , Brunswick third ; timmie , 2:111. : One issue , Quebec first , Autrimmmsueoud , I3attledor third ; [ fume , 1:45- .Ifurdle : . race , mile lend a quarter Bus- .to . [ socomd Itachustor third ; tile , : TIIK ! LOWERS , 111wuA , N , Y , , August 14-Owiimg to- rou k water the races wore postponed uutl tl o'clock tomorrow nloruhug , Thup- eafCiOSional races will be rowed to minr- raw positively. lfald4111 lmas engngunb11is- at Sturling 811(11 all Itivur , Malls , , far time 17th and 18th'- AH111NOTOY , , August 11.Tho regnt. tit , distulco a mile mild a half , double sel11le , was won by Siugier and ! { femur in 10:12'Fhme : junior single Hcl11Itl was won by Stu [ Ihml { i11 10:40 : Bullnu Fildew , Kerr , mumd Olds wen lulu four oared racu , timu 10:83 : , 'I'he ' eight eared situp race won by time I1otrepolittil5 of Nov In 8 2ul. Single sculls for district semlllems sv1Ls won by FiHhur : tilnu 11:15 : , lu time fuut' oared gig racu , time I'emnsyl violin m'aw' avas the victors ; time 112 , Senior singles was won by Deimisey of the I'01umsylvnnut club ; time 10t3. : [ In the summior four oared shell taco time entries were time llillsdulesof Mfclifgan , Ieli Isu- of New 0rl em ) its , Ottaivils of Ottawa , . Ohm- Curio , It was well easily by the hills. dales in 8:40 : ' $ LU0IN(1 SiATUII- ES.I'nrsaom . , I n. , Ant must 14-A prize Eight butwoon Wni. Wuguur of - burg , mumd Albert Cav'olmaugli , of New York , was fou llt this morning atVhite hall , n few 1111105 from thus city. It re- sulted - ill 8 victory for Cavenauglm , Wilu knocked ; , out in tllu fourth round , hbzTEniS POINT August 14-A 1lrizo tight took place Dempsey , of- llrouklym , mid 'l'runihtlll ' , of Nork about font this ulorliug , TWolmtythreo mends were fought , 1)mhpsuy was der elated wiunor. There was n large att- unda11Ce - of New York sporting 111011 , itocmlESTEnt RACER , RocuESTEU , August 14.lime August races (11)0110(1 this nftornoou with good weather , track 111101 attundnuco. Class 2:2t : ) , Ll starters , George ' , won , %0011 , second , Mmixy Cohb third , Kitty l'atcmt fourth , ( . .aura Grillhl , Allegheny Hoy,1157211udiunl , Gelurnl lirock , Ike Schultz , Freestone , Modoet Erebus , altd Fettle it , wore placed m the oiler 1181110(1' ; 11u111brilla Clay and Ilutlouuutw- 'mti dntwn ; [ bile , 2:20 : , 2'25 , 2:204 : , ec21jp 2:28 : } s Class 2 ° t , St. Clatul Well , Sleepy JO1m seeund , l.unise N. ihird , Iltu'hun- i ; ittcheil fourth , Valley Boy Ihftll ; Bruuze Lures nod diarrult wuru Witltdvitvu ; 1i11b , 2'23j , 231 : , th t , 2:2U , t h22. The ittyal Areh IltHU11- H.Dravtul . , August 14-TIme gu11etal grand clugder of Royal Arch 111tsous of the U11ited States ( in sessiuu here , lo dny elected time fuliowing ollicors : Alfred , (" . ChanntiuIll95achllSOtta ] , , (L (1 , ll. P ,; Noldu 1) harner' District of Culmnbin- I ) , G 1. 11 , 1' .; David Dn}' , New York , C , G , 1 . ; Joseph P , IIarmn' , Lonmisin11a , G. G. S , ; ituuben S , Lennon , Ohio , 00. treasurer ; Christopher 0 , Fox , Now York , ( I. G , secretary ; Tllomilas Mel'at ten , Oregon , 0 , 0 , C. II. ; B01ljmuuih F.- Moller . , Penncsseo , G , G. P , S , ; Imager VVoolbury , Ouloredo , 0 , C. It. A. C- .V'illinnl .; 11 , lslty'o 11lissauri 0. G. 111 811 ' . ; L lnsib- mi 1lttrrovvs Ioutnek' . 0. 1st. 2i1 V. ; .lultsl J ptur , Arlutn- ans - , 0 , G , M , 1st V, glue , 1) . 0. ' , w'it9 selected It9 the next 11lmtcn ( If Imeotillg- of the triennial Colll'OIIlOtl ill 1880- 1'ene0 In the Crrol ( Nittlo i. 0N , Autmst ii.1lie Imulian- app0iute01 to investigate time recent tr'Ollhlea ill time Creek untion and settle awaits of that could.}' , 111110 uuulu till itgruu51e11t sighed by tiVOmtj'-nine chiefs of the Creek miatio11. The ugrcenlellt Huts foriii unco1101itio ial :11111 musty 111101 palxlon for ill alleged C'immdimitl 0lf'tlsef couumit- teul - prior to pl'esmlt dmltes , moo , iovided by [ lie act of ( lie nnthllal council in 1882 , it- luiug time recent that trautdes Shull origituting be sub- .Inittcd . tO to a indimt ml6Bunt , SV hose dcci5- 41011 - Shall lie 1111111 ; the Creek untion council to appoint n couuniSSiou 10111- 08cfhtlg - both ( pneti05 to whomii siutll be no- forted , with puw ce to audit 1111(1 reconl- 1aj'milmlt of elaiums for 'epmty tlu- hi - wfult } ' seized 111111 ng the late distutbumces : ; that all piu'ties partiel- pate him tlio cumimig olectiet and chide by time result. CItD11Nt1 , ltl'.COBI ) A rosT.ttsTElt uouNrruS- T.. LoUIH , August 14V. P. Edgar. toll , chief postal iuspuctor of time district , rec0tvd n tuiegrlum from limo poshuastue- nt'l'ishautiugo , ludi0u'1'orritar , stating his ch ieo luld been area into by a gang ofIudi81udeallenmloes.who tried o der him , 111111 that him had tied to llfimsko- gee. . Mr. Edgartenteiegraplmod time post- 1nu5tur - him wullid eat ho expected to me- t - t tn n fu his post if isms life is Imp datlger , amid he had also tulegraphod the pOstlllm1- Hter at Caddo to send mo mail nutter to- 'l'iehonilmgo till furtliee orders. No ) pmt- s'tienbu's - of time ltlhtir hits been received , 1111(1 ss ' 'iSho51Iimmgo 15 thirty uliles frorn- Clulklo , the Ieal'O5t railroad ot tulegngph- atattuu , 51othong can him oblaiuml- .hirrs. . . 111nw'Atnuasis , , August l1.A Hulls- 1)05001 - ) iucmmdinry tire Cumsod time destruct dell of Pmtssmlvmul6 hospitnl'I'wumtylirst old Slate sti'eets , mlt 5 o clock limbo morni- ug. - . ' 1'lme old huildimmg ndjoinhng Chic nor Htrncture w'na still in Ilse 115 a hospital mad twemly latients lloeeih iulda mtrrisl escape , as ti ro roof took 010 forum limo blu niImg bum ihlimi ;, 'l'imo huspitnl w41o just undC' roof nn(1 ( lnliied iu thu [ (1 ult- anulition mot 130000. 14(18(4 ( is esmtimmmmted : itt $ ' 10,000 with no insmnucu.- LoNO . IIILANCII , N J , , August 14.A defective II no fired h'rmeldylt Cottngu , him wlmich Prosiaunt G41rlicd died. 'Therev- v41H n11mch excfeammt but the 111111105 were 50011 OX Li lmgum isim ei. _ .. ® _ . 'Thu IineHl.lto11r Ilntvall , SAN FRANCISCO , August 14.1'JleH- tuaiuer Dhu ipusa , front II Onoluhl , arrived timis nnrllillg , bringing time royal Ilasvniiaui hand of 80 lIIOnlhels t ) partelpato iii the COUClavu , 011 their departuru froul 11(11- 1oluht time citizens presented then $000 pocket hmnnuy. News front time islands report sharp alllclks of earthquuko ; no- dunage resulted. Copious runes have falle11 , improving the proapect of the sugar crop- .Tho'I'elophune . lsfOlmOpOIL' . NKw IIAVEN , August E i.-Tho stuck. holder of the Southuri Now England tehepholo eonpna have empowered time directors to ratify time proposition for con.- S(1lidation . of all telc phone mild- stock voted to buY 400 of time new , , . . . _ . , , . _ '1'EIE(11titPlI NOTES , 1r. itebort , Of Jlaulegra , has tolograplmdt- o a stirgma guaonll , muloancing his arrival at Vera C uz , iuld roportlug yellow fever rmtgieg rot the city mend nnsotg Limo vessels iii limo liar. bur , A Yesolaito stage wow slapped oa Alunduy- utght by thmtie hl Imwayamn , 'rite IusHengerH were rahbml of $ In cash , besides watches uud jewelry.- ibid. . . Jas. Cockh corn , ox-speaker of time luuso- of ( snn0amis of Oltlnva , Is dmul- .Isrs . , Charles A , Knaldnek , of ' 1'rnmton , Itched our lumsbanl , Ilmta [ I me canal mui thou , ed In Itersulf. I him ivauiun was drsvaodiu- msl the hnslltu41l rusciwd , I'reMlduut Sutu , of the 1upuhfle [ of Ault. darns , recerv'cd Intolllgoneo loot nlght of the seu l ims Ilhiess of his wlfo at Sun Fraucco , nod loft at once fur that city , 'l'm ! party of fnreign ufllcials mid eastcrli hush 1i014 nod prufessloumtl ; w0 she , mt route for time'ulluwstouu , under time glddlumea of Itnfus ! latch , ummilud at ChlcLva yesterday nod du. part for oho nurtm nuxt1hursd- ny. tolegrnpli operators win wmlt On a strike tot lluubeu have roturlal t0 work , 'I'hu dcaucrutie rnoabors of time I'aosylva- uln legislaturu mitten a luOgg abctir e)1 adjuurn aunt , decittal to rebut lu sesslmm. Judge .foria8 , Black , safforhmmg from nrl- uory allectlun is soriettsly ill Lilt at 11 o'clock lust night wits restluIg qulatf y, nader time bt- tluuncu - of 0pbttOS , No Immedintu danger is- appruhouded , Several eastorm striking operators made ap- pllcutlml - to the Union for einpley- mlent at Sun FraOChee , THE ROYAL TRAMP , Considerable Distance Demolisbed b i the Presidcatial Party in North.- ern . Wyoming , 1 A Ton Hours Ride Over Lofty Di- vides - ! and Prooipitous Banks and Rivers , The Buttes Of time Slrno-A 1)lnner In time iIsttneo Leads Inchulmi- meat to time t'lew , OA5n' ST.uimi , 011 Torrys' Lake , , , August 12-Via Ft , Waslmkio.-It was duterulilled last night to move our camp this morning n few miles , to where there would be uwro abundant grazing for too i hot'ses 1111(1 11111108 , Accordingly , at 0:30 : i i- n,111 , , ovurg limo was in time saddle and j started up time vnhiey on time right hank of'hn(1 river. Owing to the rain yes tonlny the tntil was in splond111 couhhon for coufort 81111 uutrcmihg , Tilosuit was obscnned by clouds , with too tenperaturo below 50 ° hahrmdmeit all day. At too { end of nn hour's travel over hl s and 4 rolling laud time river was reached s s- at a poiltt wiwru it passes thirough gory 11189905 of L'ackH, kiiown as Buttes , The first 11lado b- fonlih direction l stemull mil a ro11at up the where the water was so rapid in its floc' tlmt one's neighbor be } ntovi6 u1 p time river the speed of a runnulghorse. Soon , by a short ford , time i river wasnecrosscdan11nttheemldofanotlmer ' mild Jule western boundary of t11u SIo54- 110)110 - reservaliau WItS reached , Front this pahut lint travel was a veryinturest- miot So diflimdt }, ever a series of loft' divides to esca time Ire i i- ci pitons bitllks mid mnlmill streams flowing ( mml the utouutuius into time river. I- desceiuling one of these it was necessary to dis51bumit and lead time ImrseH. On tlie highest divide tvu halted to take in the view , e0verimmg seems of utiles up and down the river with the 8110W covered paths of the Shoslene nunultahuS in front of us 1111(1 these of time River mirlnuntlius at out' bacls. : II01'O Ito took uur last look at the great 1111(1 u n'k , Crow heart bade , thirty 1111105 navvy , which had Leon in view since leaviii Fort Wnshakie.Ynllos'in ' cue of our guides , tells us that its miaalu after a bey tsveult alb Shoshoucs 811(1 Crows laud was celebrated by burning the ( marls of dead Croivum aI the Huuminit of time butte. After 41 ride of twelve 1111105 WO reached time baulks of HoInO hcautiful lakes which mite called after Capt.'I'ar'ys , forulerly 411- 1oithcei of the ( truly , but uov oWmmiIlg large cattle heds on the range near by.- I . I him Likes are said to abound iu large trout , amid two expect to spend toanorrowIl- slu11g. . Game is not very abundant in this neglmborhood , but our luurtors brought in two antelopu yesterday , and a few mountain grouoe woe killed on this much to-day. Shoshmo Dick , a white neutber of [ he tribe ; woe was 3Irobabl iron an when sot , . . . to have lost all'rdcohlectioli of the event , is 0110 of our Indian IIo huts roue 1u0k for si gus of 6 nuno 8111- 1sou 1)o h for a baud report. faun 11111 , Our Cluup is haulul 'Cangp Stager , " in homier of Geumoral AnBomt Stager , of Chicago- .S'IORJI . A'1' GItNI ) ISLAND.- L . , 1)cltrge 01' ( dole meld I h'eo by Llgimtning8- pcclal lIspatch ) to 'fur Ilr s- .0RANII . ISI.ANn , Nin.Augustl4.Thu111- (1st Het'el'O stern of rain 1111(1 lightning uwul' known hero struck this vicinity last eight A stable owned by II. Voss , just east of town , was struck by lightning and blu'med to time ground. ' 1'hu stable coutniued about six lmumudrcd bushels of corms , lutrmess , ole , , and was s'nled at $000 ; insurmnce $300 Thu National hotel , ovued by August Flothniunl , was Htruclk and dlumaged to the amtountof $200- .In . one of time rooul5 where n young lady was sleeping in oho bed vas struck and splintered but thuoccupmit was uninjured.- A . stable owned by Bel Berry was struck but little da11lugo was dote. Oilier 1)111008 warn probably struck but tiiese are all that are hoard from at prus01lt , Thu rail full iii suoit quantities that thin streets were flooded in a short time. Much of time grain [ lint is cut is spoiling in the stock. f Crop Notes. ' ; Hpoclai hispatch lu Tim lout- .PEunIA . , In. , August 14-Small grain all lmarvustd and about 01to third stacked , Thu wet weather is delaying threshing frmlm shock so11lowlmt. So far time wheat thlrelmed has turned out 20 bushels and- over per acrd , Another week or ton days good weather would see plenty of new wheat on time market , llaiug is progressing finely with a i abundant crop , Noted Dlmm at Minnoap(1llx.- MINNKArol.ls . , august 14.Secretary Folger ; , is in the city ; A arty of distill.- 6uislmel . ( nonI include g 1 of ger , wont to- Lnku 11imetonk11 , this uv01nng as guests of Gum.Vaslibmlrn , mmeuibee of congress for this district , Thu Anienicn11 Assodation [ for the Ad- .vuncelment . of Scienee mueets at too state u11ivcrs'ty ' to luorrow morning. Addresses of svolalule will be delivered by (] or- .IIubbard . , on huhmdf of luau state , mind by Mayor Armes ) on behalf of time city , with u rims1R MSUb} ' l iusultntlouu61 of luuco ten , Jim the nftuumeau vine dLyisielS will assmublu in St. l'mttlek's ' hull , ttnd thso , president of each suction will duhi er at- amual address , lR the evening time re-4 tiring president , JV , Dawson , of lllon ( real , will dolhvor nu address. Five lmun ( cell delegates are oxpo- eted.a . - - Mextco uud Germany , CITY OF MExICo , August 14-Time text of time treaty of couunorco 1111- 01aulity botwomt Mexico and Germany has loon published , 'rue treaty contains time moat favored nation clause , The Gun. male arc to pay no taxes not levied on- Mexicans' to be n service and fromn contributions in lie thereof , and also from forced loans. {
Page 1: nebnewspapers.unl.edu · rFHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . .. WE ' LanHGore --- ' 2uiRrLLVZu AIZ: U1fAIIA , NL13. 11.LDNLSllA ]',1Ol'iNG[ , AUGUST Ii: , 1533. NO. 50. ' TELEGRAPHIC TYRRANNY...--.-A



.WE '

LanHGore '---2uiRrLLVZu AIZ: U1fAIIA , NL 13. 11.LDNLSllA ]' ,1Ol'iNG[ , AUGUST Ii: , 1533. NO. 50.


A Corporation Witboat a Soul Nor

Honor Enough to Nccp Its Word ,

Some Interesting Testimony Given

Before the Sonata LaborOommittoo ,

ThuVlro Cutting War CoillnucsA-Tltreatotrd Stitt for Danmgc.4-

The- I1a)11 VOVkera-

'Conveittlon. .


Niw: YORK , August 14.Tim strike ofg-

4g4 the iulogrmiphors preseuta no now fontures-today. . Soners'i11e , of the estarnUnion conyauy) , said 120 wires of theGold 811(1 Stock Telegraph coolacy{ ,

which supply most of the circuits of

4 brokers' otlices down tuw nnnd which arccarried nrou11d Church and Rector streetsill 80Vei1 cables suspended under the do.-


railroad girders , were all cut lastnight and in such a way that the wirescannot be connected again at the pointwhere severed. Temporary connectionshave been made of the hues and the cono-

p81ny llopo to be able to repair the bal-

1ance today. A dispatch received by thlo

company today state too Nov Orleanstelegraphers were working and that twostrike'n'B had returned to the keys inMeridian , Miss. '19to Mutual Unionwires were cut ill Marlon and Manhattan-villo


to too number of a dozen or more.-A


few wires were cot near Newark andothers near Fleetwood. A rigger for the

Union company was assaultedby two striking lineuei to-day when ho-

II was leaving the coin )any's building.-Tlio


oll'miders were arrested and taketo court where they wore held for intimi-

' I elation., So far as could be learned up to noon

,+ to-day 110110 of the line cutters had beenarrested.

TILE SENATE INVESTIGATION.{ The United States s01nato sub coumiit-

tee on labor and education reassembled'

'P today. John 1.1lcClellmad , lneinbc' ofthe Brotherhood of Telegraphers , saidthe estimated cost of a telegraph line1,500 uliles long would be 72oJU5. Thetelegraph operators were generally youngmen , and usually cane front the bettorclasses of society. The herds of themet had been greatly improved the pastten years , and this was one of the resultsof organization. Thu highest paid opera-

., did not receive enough to enable

theca to lay aside anything for old age.In 1870 the Western Union required eve-ry


eau eomimig into its mupioy to take anoath he would not lolly himself with anytrade or Libor organization. Day opera-tors


worked from 8 a. nn , to 8 p. III. , andhad little tint to devote to anluseineht.

Thomas O'Reilly', a telegraph operator

, of twelve years experience , has had, tj charge of tuneVhcatstone iustrnnmtts in-

f, f the Western Union ollice. lie had be01i. an operator in that system for ton years

him Scotland. Hu came here about a yearago. The Western Union gave them $20-a month as a rctainhugs.fee until the

s ) Wlieatatono instruments should arrive.Promises were repeatedly made that the

I Wheatstono niel should receive as muchas first-class Morse operators. On the

, . 28th of last February it was announcedthe Wheatatono system would begin ape-

1),ration , mad the operators were told theirsalaries would be $50 a month. Theoperators on the other side were betterpaid. They had three weeks' vacationeach year with salary , and during sick-


received half pay. After bong acertain number of years ill the service81id the record being good , an operatorreceives a pension for life , SeuctifIes atfull pay when lie becomes superanuated..-


. B. Taltavolt , operator , einployed-by the Associated Press , confirmed thetestimony of the previous witnesses inregard to the strike.

11.V. . Orr , of Philadelphia , n member1 of the Brotherhood of Telogrgtphcrs , said

the salaries paid operators hit Philndel-phis ranged from $30 to $80 per nimitll.One of the objects of the Brotherhood

t was to establish a telegraph1 company 011

the co-operative , by which opera-tors


oWn their own ines , and thusbe enabled to protect themselves ngaiusttheir employers. Tito ovideneo of thehostility of thin Uaio' companytowards its muployes was too s ; atnulaticpolicy of reducing the salaries of itsoperators during the past ton years.-1Vitmiess


also testified to the practice ofthe 'Western Union company ht black-listing


mcn found organizing a union orassociation of operators.

( Eugene J. O'Connor , of Boston , chair-manof


ttlocxecutivo boardof the Brother.ihood of Telegraphers , gave statistics of

' tlio growth of the R estarn Union Conn-L parry Snico 1800. Since the beginning of

the strike the menlbershopof tube brother-hood


nearly doubled and now numberedabout 20,000 , One-fifth of the operatorsof the country were wonuen , and about500 of these had joined too strikers.There ware very few first-class operatorsamong them , as their strength was notequal to tliowork required to attlin suchproficiency.

TILE IIION WORKERS.1 PIIILAnEL1'InA , August 14.The after-


80581011 of Annalgalnated Associationof Iron and Steel Workers' conventionwas taken alp entirely with reading tooreport of the counlittee of conatitutioland general laws , of whichu T. J. Mllliglum , of IrOIItOll , Ohio , is chairman. Soy -

oral important niatters relating tochanges 11a existing laws of the associa-tion were held under colsidcntion ,

Each brunch of business was acted uponby the convoutio11 Separately , lUld aboutthe first paint that came up was wluetbertoo iron 111011 Sllolll( withdiaw fro i thesteel workers timid organize by then ) .solves , 'I'JIe proposition was negatived-

ll by a unallillIollS vote , A utiot to fix{ tune scale of wages next June for four

'cars , in9telid of far 0110 , did not prouttI.The proposition of withdrawal from thesteel workers iIavong failed to receivesupport , the title of the associ-atirl


is to rwnain as hitherto ,

1 The plan to make each, lodge support its own nee wieu they are

on a strike also hacked support. Theparauleu11t object of the association isunion and concentration. An attempt to-

II arato the executive functions of theLed and divide them into smaller per.-tions

.would fall short of the prime oh-


for which the Amalgamated Assoc-iation

-was organized and which all trade

nlliOlis have ultimately in view. The


Prnpostiult( was therefore a dead letter.There is to ho nu effortmade to hero 1111115

lie idle for sixty days during July andAugust each year , or to incorporate thisproject 111(0( the standing laws of the as-


for their unitedintorests. M0ln-bers

-will seek to curtail work during the

Sumiumer season , in order to prermtt over.stocking the narket with tu11sled ironmaterial. of extelulilI theperiod of adminlstrntiolt front

at to four , received no atten-


frond the conuitteu' as Its effectwould obviously weaken the urg81lhzaLion , The afternoon session Was pm-tracled


to a late hour , and when adjourn.Mont wits reached , the convelltiou hadhot finished the report and will x031111-10censidentio11 of it to norrow looming.

Among the importult ttiseoltiml-'

) is the ( l uestio11 ofstrike benefits , Another Idun to be-

be acted ioln is that pooutlIl g a-

e51u: tlee of mlenbOrS to make (quarterlyreports of the situation and cohlithol ofthe ( rot tale. 1'reshdeit J arUtt , speak-


of the plan to require oneh sublodge-to support its lw 11 strikers , said too rolesof the assoeiatiot in this respect wouldbe national , governing the entire orgamz-atiou


, Iu connection with time reportthat 801110 111011 out at Bothluhem hadreturned to work Monday , Jarrett saidthere was nothing to prevent then. Timassociation directs its Ineunbers to go towork where the furnaces are ataete(1 inoperation , and there is no reason wilythey should not stay gout-

.auuated. lie says all

luC bors of the Aull 6 assoe anonemployed at Bet111eheu are at liberty toreturn to work if they choose.-





YouR , August 14.Tim WesternUnion Telegraph conany sent a letterto Mayor Edson , setting forth too lossesSustained by thorn by the cutting of theirwires and notifying him they will brfugsuit against the city for recovery of dam-ages.


. The mayor celsulted with thesupermtindent of police as to nielsures-to prevent further cutting of wires ; 'Tu e-

stlpurintCUdent imformis the mayor specialinstructions were giveln the citptnihs ofthe several precincts of the city and noeffort will be spared to detect and arrestall parties taulpemg with the wires.-





: .

, . igtlst 13.Tune 11lutualUnion t0legnlph otlice in this city closedtoday , and is being dismantled of itstelegl'aliht apparatus. 'J'ho operators havebeen transferred to the esters Unietmain oflice.




, PA. , August 14.Thulabor ditliculty at too Bethlehcn ironlvorhs callle to an abrupt termination toy

day , the Andrew Lee brunch of the auutl-gnmated


association of 1101) and steelbarkers has m1). The jpr0sulmnt-of the local branchi visited Philadelphiayesterday to have some of the promisesof financial aid made by Jarrett and Leefulfilled , but receiving nu assurance thatfinancial relief would be afforded , ho re-


liome last night and deter-ulind


to cad time lmattor. 't'his-ulornhng ul01ubers of the branch decidedalmost unanimously to disband amid askthe eoi poly to reinstate thou ) . A 001-uinittee


, of which the president of the so-


was slukesnlan , conterred with Su-perhnteuleut


Fritz. This committee wasinformed that the company would giveemployhtmlt to worthy men who hadgone out , but no assurance was giventhat a 1 former eiuployes would be takenback. The delegates who attelnded theconvention iii Philadelphia returned to-



[ 109T0a SYM1ATIIY.

BOSTON , August 14.One thousandper3on5 attclded the Mass meeting at-

Tremont tmuple to 1light in sympathywith the striking tdcgrapers. Addresseswere made by John K. 'Tarbox , CharlesLitcllulau anal Cougress51lali Collies.Letters of regret were received from

I'hillips , mayor Palmer ,

Ilcnry Cabot Lodge , oxCollector-Sinlluons mil Governor ButlerThe governor explahucd his sense of pub.-


] duty prevented luH presence. lhutelegraph operators , " lie swroto , 'are en-


in a cellluct n 1th theUnion comga51y upon ) natters of tllodeepest interest to both. The length ofits contihumnce shows bitterness may beengendered wliicn may lead to a collisionin Whichn oflicial action on my part matt'-be required as conservator of the peace. '


Thu Colorado fool.-


, August 14.A meeting ofrepresentatives of the liurlingtom andMissouri River , Union Pacific , Atchison ,

Topeka auld Santa Fe , old Denver amid

Rio Grande railroads , comprising theColorado pool , was held hoe this after-noon


to connsider too claim of the Atchi-son

-road for increased percentage frou

April 1 to .July 1 of the present year , inview of the order of the federal courteompehlumg it to pro rate its business withthe Denver and Now Orleans road dur-int


; that period. Time day was occupiedin hearing urguhonts on tlmis question.Tile matter was take ) ) under advisementby the arbitrator , who WIII u11111O1111CO hisdecision at Boston , Monday next , whensllotlier meeting of the executivemtittco will be held to consider the ques-

tioi of complete rearrmlgeuent of per.-



Bnnikrupt Itutllrnads ,

CINCINNATI , August 14 ,=l'hia after1-


at 4 o'clock' time attorneys of time

central Trust of Now York fliedin the circuit court of time United States ,

district of Ohio , w'estorn division , n lollin equity njainst; time 'l'oledo , Cineuumtiand St. Louts railroad couq iuy , Gincim-lnati


Northern railway , Spring Grove ,

Avolldaie mid Cineinmlti railway com-pany


nod Grceuville S. lhsnuan , prayingfor forecosuru of a nortgage un(1 firstMortgage booths of $1,000,000 at 6 percolt , oh the ground that October 1st nodApril 1st , two pay days , 1111(1( passed w'itim-

out iute'est. ' ''huiapaying any jlrocced-inl


was against the Ciuciunuti Northernrailway nut! it prayed for the appoint-.lnmt

.of a receiver other than time 10-


already appointed fir time '1'ulek ,

Cincilluati amid St. Louis railway.l-



Kling In lyl'nhIIs.-


, August 11.=rime annual re-


of too Chicago ,C Noithweleru rail.way , issued today , shows the grossearnings for the fiscal year ending May31 were $24,082,000 ; not laconic , $4 ,052,000 , Dividends of 8 per cent o1 ire.(erred and 7 per cent on ceinnlOn stockwere paid , leavimig surplus of 1101000.This , added to the surplus of the [teat

year , places a total to the credit of tilelncumo account of 84213000. The ng-

gregnto funded indebtedness at file 011(-

1of the year was 69t21000. Durltigtoo [test year 800 uliles of new road WelUadded to the ceinpany's system slid 185miles of additional proprietary fines.-



New iep(1t in Chleago.-


, August 14.At n meeting oftime boat of direct rs of the Chicago 1111-

11Vestern ludiaua tdlroad held hero tu-day it vs'as decided to accept time ceutpro.-nliSU


oalhmuICO leaking the ternh11us ofthe IOad in this city folk street , and itwas also duternincd to 511-



( erection of n depot buildings

cost $00,000, , coverill block buuud-


l ' llintl and Fourth arouues nod folk811(1 rh3'1or streets. ;

'1'1111 1.11 , S'J 1tl lP h"LULUtV.-



LIV01y 1)a ) ,1tlunig Sin' 1111114 anal)3e11'H ,

NEw V'oilE , August 14.1lltellse ox-


was ouVall street maid

time Stock Fxchallge tss dny by tile nu-

uouneomeut of the fniluro of ( leorge-Villinul Balloti aC Co. , bankers. The

firm is composed ofVilliam ll. h ug-hnm


, board member , David Ii , Darling ,

George liallott , stud Allan S.No delhnito plrtiettlars could be-

obt uIied. The 1111150 did n large andextensive business , 1111(1 its eusto51wrswere principally ba11k presidedlts through.opt the country , Boston capitalists , andNew E51glnnd estates. liallou refusedto uutko a stateuelt coiceruing tllo sus.110151011 other than that it wins caused bythe failure of his customers to respond tocalls for margins. Another amber oftime lir11t said the trouble was Merely ten-porarv


, mutd everything will be strti ht-mied out hi n few days. 110principal stocks clrricd by Balloa-C, Co. were Ontario 1111(1Vestern ,lllissotli Pl1CiIIe 1111(1Vestorl Uuho51. It-is romgitiy estinultc(1 the liabiliticsmuueimt-to between $400,000 and 500000. Uis-

der the stock excuulge rules relating tofailures , all of the stocks carried by time

firm are sold at oxchnnge. '1'le priceswere not nmterinlly affected , but thentvmtsnocodtorumoes:111(1: excitu11luuL. It-is said the failure will sei iousl crippleseveral other large houses of tie street.

Shortly after 1P , n , 8 savmm-gwas

attackmade ofVesterh Union , the stock

breaking four points to 72:1.: Other activeshues: declined ill synlpatby. '1'owatdtime close the Union rallied to74,1 , but in 1151:11: sales fell oil again to 74 ,

Lesuox , August l4. ' 'lme'ewasifuest-a panic mot time stock uXchnuge hero this11unvitlg ill Aeeriaut railway securities ,

which are greatly (lcpr'csse(11111(1 are dilli-cult tosell. Aumerican gover5151lent Coeds110 nut ullected by time unfavorable feel-ing


in railroad securities. IIexicau rail-I1 % stocks str'ollg.BOSTON , August l't.-The mtnotnleo-

muelt of the failure of George Villialu-B t1iou & Co , caused great exciteuieilt onthe streets na(1 III btmshies circles.-



Latins on < ; lunhllug.S-


. , August 14.Attortoy Gellel Ill McCartney liaveg beennaked to define the statute passed by [hue

into general nsseubly , ielatng to gain-bliug

-on fair grounds , has prepiureil a ho-


upon tlho subject in which lie says :

" the haw it ilI be necessary todetermine spccihcally what is meant by agambling devico. A galnhlillg deviceprohibited by this law is any nlnchille ,instruul01nt , article or thing upon whichmoney m' other valuable articles Imlay horisked upomu too fortune or chance ,

such as cards , dice , wheels ,nntl checks. It is intended not to pro-hibit games where success depends 111)011

skill , experience , practice or accuracy oftune person avho ( days , such as imlple-mnents

-upon which to exhibit skill in

pitching mugs or quoits , shooting targets ,

gimps , roiling halls and test of speed illhorses , hilt even 1111011 these devices bet-ting

-should not be pc eitted , lout

eiunms for 81)00(1 in horses or for thenest skillful or accurate person only maybu allowed without violating the spirit oftoo lay lime general statutes ulnko time

oflicers of the fairs liable tosevere penalties for permittingganblimig Upon the bgrouilmds. Theselaws apply to oaicerH of fairs and fair-grounds the sammie as any other pr0111isesmeld officers allowing it , who may be in-


and punished Its other [ersuus ,

and any Ibison losib bone}' within thefair grounds upon mummy gene peruitteI-by the fair ollicors nuly obtain judgnmelltfor his losses and sea the fair groundsupon tow judgmef.-



by a L'cnsloIl gone-


tuKEE , August 14.VillinutV ,

Wilshire , a veteran from Missouri , atPresent inthun41tiolalsoldiers hone atthis point , rcoeivcd n package by expressrecently from N.V.1 Ltzgeald , of Vasl-lington


, D. C. , which was(1iaeked pmSieil)

papers , le taining to chnuni , ' C. 0. D. ,

10.55 , ' ' Su'posing' his chtial wasalhuwcdVilshlre paid thou expresschmirb'es

, but found n 1ut1par 1


for further information concern-ing


his case. In the nieantinmo it isleaned leis claim was disallowed . .July1-

8tim. . TuLe express agent has peen gnr-nislleed


for molmey paid qn a bogus paek-age.


. -----CaptiLre Sign I'elIco111 Snumggler.-CnluAao


, August 14.-The federal au-


hero to-day suited time dresses1111(1 other wcal'iug apnrul) in possessionof Mrs S. N. Parish , on Limo ground thatthey had beau imported in duiiancu oftime custo51l laws. ' 'ime woman hits 11111(10

twenty trips across the Occau , by our011(1 colfessunl , t ) purchaSn second handdresses from the nobility a11d Juts smc-

ceeded in having trunks containing thculphased lieu of dusty , oifurimmg as expbuo-ttioi that they were a portion of her jwr5-


wearing apparel , 7'hu' ntthurties-heru assert the ctsu is not isolated and inaddition t) time seizure hu'e; SsOUI outa svurnut for her nrrest on ale grann(1-0f pcijiir-

yjr1TI eOlogla(1I l'lunlo ,

, All bgust 1'1-Rev , FrankRussell of At11nHfielth Ohio , conductedthe a(1Vallced rlornlal review. 'I'JIO annualnmouting of the Chautauqua school oftheology mdse t Ok place. 111 nddition t)

time customllary daily llectures , service w'ams

held in nmemorYof te ClnnlaimIuaworkerswho died during time year.

The propeller 1'otonlac , of Cleveland , val.trod at $45,000 , flhnrod for $35,000 , loadedwith rye worth 825,000 li eu the beach hoarAnal0eVI5. . , with twelve foot of water tim

her hold Iiavhmmg steno her bottom on a rock ,SIO lu11( 1)00(1( abandoned to tlio underwttoru.



The Irish hlculbcrs of Parliamcilt Ill-

au uratc a Donnybrook in the

Commons ,

But Wore Finally Sat Upon by-

Gladstone's' FolloworsThreo-



One. '

Ceuui l ) ' ChaudniutignlnVmrp.ltag1)enltl-Tile11'hcnt ( 'mu ,

u,1 franc (' - Spapl h'1'ruthle4 ,

(iINIlAti voiu LtN ,



: .

, August 11.=I'lioro wmtsalongdebate , eluuacterized by hu1dt ubstrue-tion on the part of the wish memhers , illthe COlllltltlls litat night , OIL [ he vote forthe legal expenses incurred ((11 time recentcriulihal prosccuthons in Iruhuml , liar.-ringtoll


atlcgcd tlmt Myles Joyce , whow'1ls found guilty allot executed for pnrti-eipating


in the uutrder of the Joyce fund.-


in County Galway , September 18 ,1882 , was judicially niunlured , dcspitothe fact flint evidence of his iunoeamcowits ncccssiblo to Earl Spencer , lordlieutmbnt of Ireland. Gillen , uienlberfor Loutil , declared the governmentcould hnvo brought time Phi mlix parknnuderors to justieo withouttlmu evade51ee-of Jnules Carey , but tlult Sir Villinu-tIlnrcourt , home secretary , contrived to-

hnvo Carey accepted as an informer for[ le purpose of 01uleavorhng to Cmmeet801110 of time Irish uonlbers of parlinmemltwith the nnu (lers. Parnell repeated theemugCS of jtuypacking iu Irelmuul , nod ofthe reckless desire of the goornnbut to-

ln'ocno convictions for the ! lug1lose of-

stt'mking terror luuong time people of Ilmi-tcomtry by the tyrnnhk tl use of time

pas C1 of secret inquiries.Porter , attoruuygu51eml for Irelan(1 ,

replying to time remarks of time Irish-Luleumles , 5111(1 that as lung as atrocitiesiu Irelaud went uupumiished , time 1110:11-5of inquiry allowed by law would be usedwithout siu'inkimig. During the debateIlu rington cbaroed Spaicer with havingi 1yles Joyce hanged , when ho kllov [ liecondemned 1511111 wits innueunt. Ile wascalled to eider for t11is remark , ::1111(1 thenmodified Isis stmmteineimt-


, nieuber for bioligluul , was mfr

so called to order during time debate forusing violent language against olifces ofthe crown.P-


, its n protest against the Con-ductof the nveta111ncotmi1 t-os d that theimIomit of II Prov'ilcd fur inno lriution be reduced , but leis uiotium

wits (iefclttcd b}' 2.1 yeas to 93 1111-ss.Time privltto illsalle nsydulli in the town

of Ealing , 11iddlcsoxcounty , burned lastnight. Five of Uioinmates b11rled-


: HP.txtIL Itisia0.-Sevoaul


sergeants who took part in theSpanish revolution at Sulta: Douingohave beet executed at tllat place. Theyrefused to make any 'disc osurcb in rein-tioiu


to too revolutunaty p1:1t , barelies been no distarbnnces dtllleuciaaSeville , but Homo arrests. Civilians havebeet node imb ofticuts at those phacea asmeasures of precaution.

The corespuudemit of The Telegraph atBayonne says the king of Spain has 511111

cloned Serrano to fern n nowministry. 7'ho correSpondOnt of TheTimes at Madrid , however , denies [hintany ebantte of the Ministry is intelide'd.Reports published in yester'llLy's Paris' 'emlps that it regiuiumt hind nmtinied in-

Cataloiiia timid that coullicts occoTed at-L00degeiama and Figures auot flue state-mumt


of the Exchange 't'elegraphpiuly el time 11th inst. that Ruise %orillaleas m Spain , directing time rising , are notcofrmed.

Deaths at Alexandria G'oni cholera yes-terday


, 44.I'1Gt ccI : IN 11AIJAIAHCAII ,

Thu Sbmdard states [ lint n dispatch re-


froO 111mLdng1Lscmtr fullyconfrmistiefirst accomts of the diflbrencus betweentime I 'rcuch and English ( at 'J'anatave ,

Should France , says Time Standard , notoiler exphiuuttions , E51glauld , no doubt ,

must den81ml them.c-




A tulegrlumi from Frohsdorf nnmonices-Comit lie Ch41ulbord is wrestling withdeath-


f75 deaths fro51l cholera inEgypt Monday , iucludihf G at Cairo.-



wiIIAT: 01101' ,Time Bulletin des llalles says Elie yield

of wheat this Sea8uu ilk France wll be-

oiglityfivu million hectolitres , compared[with one hundred and four million to onehundred iund live minion each year since1872. The quality is goad ,



is stated Genea11 Wallace , U. S.Minister to Turkey , is now the only for-.cign

.representative who i5 OiliOsed to time

proposed Lyons tax.-



sl'11tITl'1); GROUP.-TIIK



NEw You August 12.=Thofollowingis theSnn's 1.0111011 cable hotter :

A bitter oppoSitiml is codinuedngafnsttime 11ieaouru providing [ lint native tribu-nnls in India luny try Jfiropcam oflbmd-era. . . Bright addressed IL largo moot-ing

-during the lveek in favor of time meas.

urn , nod 111113 followed by ma native Ilindoolawyer , who spuiw with nnmch elug11ence ,and in sllclh [ el'focL amid llmtlsicll Enghlsll-as [0 81nzzu Lull delight his bear-er.

-. 'There is a cloud gmitlluring

in Iudimi , 41nd uneasy 11Rtramurs dente a-

gl'owlllg lllSa4lHfitehell mind unrost. ' 'im-

oatlitlldu of the 1'CHidelt English towardtilt Hipon Ilbalt ale Lsurus , their nrrognnthostility agoiost the 5(101111 adv41fCen01lt-of refined 11od highly ChlclttC(1( ( Ilmdin11H ,the hate arbitrary amid tyrannous itmIpri-solunelt of a node editor , for a hmu mlossamid unintentional libel , maid time alu1111(1 refusal of redress b the

tripbunalmot home nil tend to 1)ro-yoke ,n fouling

'l'he Tndiami list 4110110 anmounts-to over tlmirt millions dollars un(1the drain of taxatiuu is already so bur-demlsolne

-its to be of itself ulmbear

able A population , oil time other hand ,immtclligmlt , eduCated on English principlcs , growing euormously , is begmuhngto think for ,and to become conscious of its ewerand to reco(1nizu( the gross imposition it-

endures. .

Jt is thought that [ho sununary conic.lion amid severe pmiishmUnt of the dyne.


nlito peisunorS at Liverpool will hnvo time

etlect of ending nil uitro gl } ceriun enter.! Irises for same nul0 to come , The Dublilt argiulof time Irish n1-)Pnn'e5! time SClltemICes cold sas that

slunmit is leo severe for such cotsardl criminals ,

Mr. lames McUcnnolt of llrooklI-

S now lodged in inLiverpool , 01111 , eulatiuu is rife as tohis , 'l'imo stotmuent lint ho (8)110over ti be n queen's witness in the d11amite Case is dmsprovod by tlmo result , 81111

could hardly lave been serious (}, entert-aiiieol


by Ieople nelunintcd with lle-Der11wtt's character for shrowduoss 11)1-

01intcligeIlco ,

Some iie ous , claiming to be voll in-


, aver the ale govurnmeilt hasevidence that he (vas imilpliented during01)0 of his visits to lnbhill , with the linenix t'al'k conspirators , mind notably with'Nuumher 0110 ,' with whom for n short[ limb the Cenfcunded hiul , It is-

wssiblo Mutt Mr , Mcllerm att. wse5-by g himself to air st

aumpto n-

c1u1 vied live nod futile [ 1osecutiou bylie British government hdelself-

of [ he that intro been of latecast (1u liim by iir , lavitt 811(1 other's.-


authoriies hero are greatly desirIlls that 's murderer hall e tried

'Towil. Thu murder took ilncotwelve 1111105 out at sun minddi-

ndctionoutside of IOhollal brit it ithought illat the ecniru eali be legally

l tllu Cape , where it isa ca11l'icti0n for lnmaler ill the fist de-


can ho secured ,

Ai London O'Dounudl would him cos-tskiered

-by a vest 11unlber of people 85 a

hero or a political criminal , 111111 leis trialwould pruloko uxcitmumnt mmd popnlnrfeeling , wlierells nt the Cape them exists11o such smttiment , 8nd lie is regarded as-

n conu11ou assassin only-.'l'hu


Austrnlinll authorities luting to-fused tO allow. Knvaoogh amid' too otheriuforusurs t0 11111(1 at Sydney , becausethe' would biro ilnmedintoly mend to

( ' ; ) t0 guard than lt6aiust 119548-5s(51ntion

-( , the Lome ullico has tolegraplmed-

GI trmulsfcr thou 1o thlu al81t-Of wiu' Nu-son vhero they r'etluniP. i t is said to beunder consithunit ion to put them ashoreou ouu of time SauupnuorFrieudly islands ,

where they Cannot die of ahlrvntinu,1111(1hero tlmeo are no lrishmimmt to slaythou.

The interest in time 1)eulorouomy m1nm-

itmscripts grows rapidly , bat time voridly-51lihded are illlollsely SkOiltiatl miH to thou'-geuui51uness , 'I'lls deciplmering mhanC'Ssteadily , nod grows Inal'0 inte cstimmg ,

while it. is watched witim time closest. atten-tion


by seholars in ute } plot of Etilopo-.It


is noteworthy chat the geogtnphhal1-11cIllsistelmeies( in [ lie received 'crsiomt donet exist in [ 11050 uuuesC ipta , if the8111)5 be forgeries , (11113' 41 Sehulnr of time

greatest uuliumlee clue ]nv'e producedtboiu.'-


unblushhug ismsolvuney of time Dukeof 'l'uck,111101 the eo11ditio11 of time royalmilemliclulB[ guneratily , eoutiuuu to ho-

G0(113' discussed. The Deice of Ed-iuburgh

-avmmt to 1Fioscuw to sou

his brother-iii.lnIV'S coronation , 111101 an-'l'huls(1ay ( lie house W'mtli ::151(0(1 t0 votetwo thausuul: pounds to pay the expensesof that trip. I11 r. Ltbouchero made aspirited attack of too measure , callingatteiltiuu to the fact. that four thousalmd-1iumtds mend nbeady heal paid for time

, ambassadors expenses eu too541IDe OCClshgn 1115(1 saYill6 that 1his i'o } ia-

lhigilliess..ouglit t0 defmmly his awh OX-


wlmen lie wanted to visit his ruin-t'ons.


' . Time grant , however , was votedby a lingo nlltjul ity , though it wouldbase been time otime Bray if lnmubers imnd

voted ac'cor'ding to time CIllvietimis( ( whichthey express ( PIItsile the immense ,

l hero is n rapidly gl owimmg resnmibnunt-r'egaeding these uui'bway; assmtlts uu tutupublic purse by mlmnlers of time royalfancily , particularly whmen it eolmcurlms hlisroyal highness , the Duke of Edmhurgh ,vi muse pnrsiaumy mad domestic 1110111111055

Moon bocommme uotoriaus. No ammo bcloveshis oxcusiou to bfoseosr cast hinm time

1',0(10 which Imo lmits j11Ht received.Sir Armstrong inns been cou-

sidering time probleum of the imic'emtso in-

p0pldmfian in J msglmid , and lass 51uulupublic leis OpiIlIOn that its rtpid growthis 8l'ersu( t0 nermtl deveiiepinumtt amid pre.15111.03 pvety , mold that further nlcrou-mmmt

-nmust lie coutrollcd by iegislation-

.Ilis;, .

idea is that time state shut111iniit [ le-munlber of a mml'sclmildrou.

- --- -- ,S1'Olt'L'ING NOTES ,


I')1ovnuLNcP , August 11.Now York9 , Providelou 0 ,

Ihishnm-13ostons 7 , Philudalphias 0-


it ) , Chicagus 17 ,gommte chiliad at time end of time 7th inu-



on nccutmt of darkness-.Olevuhuld1)etreits


5 , Cluvolmmds 0.-






1'AUK , August 14.flueattendance wits fair and time track fhnu.

One mile , Arizumt first , Rica second ,

John Ilenry ((1(11(1 ; time , 1:42k: ,

August stakes , tlmrte quurters of amile , Jssequiua fhrst'l'haekunmy socoud-Vatur


Lily third ; tim o,1:11311 ,

hlolu and uno oigbth , Jcinglnku first ,

Long luight second , heel and 'l'outhird ; time , 1:58j.:

]Milo nmul n quarter , Girolln first , BreezeBOCand , Brunswick third ; timmie , 2:111.:

One issue , Quebec first , Autrimmmsueoud ,

I3attledor third ; [ fume , 1:45-

.Ifurdle: .

race , mile lend a quarter Bus-


[ socomd Itachustorthird ; tile,:TIIK ! LOWERS ,

111wuA , N , Y , , August 14-Owiimg to-

rou k water the races wore postponeduutl tl o'clock tomorrow nloruhug , Thup-

eafCiOSional races will be rowed to minr-

raw positively. lfald4111 lmas engngunb11is-at Sturling 811(11 all Itivur , Malls , , far time

17th and 18th'-



, August 11.Tho regnt.tit , distulco a mile mild a half , doublesel11le , was won by Siugier and !{ femurin 10:12'Fhme: junior single Hcl11Itl was wonby Stu [ Ihml { i11 10:40: Bullnu

Fildew, Kerr , mumd Olds wen

lulu four oared racu , timu 10:83: ,

'I'he' eight eared situp racewon by time I1otrepolittil5 of Nov

In 8 2ul. Single sculls for districtsemlllems sv1Ls won by FiHhur : tilnu 11:15: ,

lu time fuut' oared gig racu , time I'emnsylviolin m'aw' avas the victors ; time 112 ,

Senior singles was won by Deimisey of theI'01umsylvnnut club ; time 10t3.: [ In thesummior four oared shell taco time entrieswere time llillsdulesof Mfclifgan , Ieli Isu-

of New 0rl em ) its , Ottaivils of Ottawa , .Ohm-

Curio , It was well easily by the hills.dales in 8:40:

' $ LU0IN(1 SiATUII-ES.I'nrsaom


, I n. , Ant must 14-A prizeEight butwoon Wni. Wuguur of -burg , mumd Albert Cav'olmaugli , of New

York , was fou llt this morning atVhitehall , n few 1111105 from thus city. It re-sulted

-ill 8 victory for Cavenauglm , Wilu

knocked ;, out in tllu fourth round ,

hbzTEniS POINT August 14-A 1lrizotight took place Dempsey , of-llrouklym , mid 'l'runihtlll' , of Norkabout font this ulorliug , TWolmtythreomends were fought , 1)mhpsuy was derelated wiunor. There was n large att-


of New York sporting 111011 ,

itocmlESTEnt RACER ,

RocuESTEU , August 14.lime Augustraces (11)0110(1 this nftornoou with goodweather , track 111101 attundnuco.

Class 2:2t: ) , Ll starters , George ' , won ,%0011 , second , Mmixy Cohb third , Kittyl'atcmt fourth , ( . .aura Grillhl , AlleghenyHoy,1157211udiunl , Gelurnl lirock , IkeSchultz , Freestone , Modoet Erebus , altdFettle it , wore placed m the oiler1181110(1' ; 11u111brilla Clay and Ilutlouuutw-

'mti dntwn ; [bile , 2:20: , 2'25 , 2:204: ,ec21jp 2:28: } s

Class 2 ° t , St. Clatul Well , SleepyJO1m seeund , l.unise N. ihird , Iltu'hun-i


ittcheil fourth , Valley Boy Ihftll ; BruuzeLures nod diarrult wuru Witltdvitvu ;

1i11b , 2'23j , 231: , tht , 2:2U , th22.

The ittyal Areh IltHU11-



, August 14-TIme gu11etalgrand clugder of Royal Arch 111tsous ofthe U11ited States ( in sessiuu here , lo dnyelected time fuliowing ollicors : Alfred ,(" .

ChanntiuIll95achllSOtta] , , (L (1 , ll. P, ;

Noldu 1) harner' District of Culmnbin-II) , G 1. 11 , 1' . ; David Dn}' , New York ,

C , G , 1 . ; Joseph P , IIarmn' , Lonmisin11a ,G. G. S , ; ituuben S , Lennon , Ohio , 00.treasurer ; Christopher 0 , Fox , NowYork , ( I. G , secretary ; Tllomilas Mel'atten , Oregon , 0 , 0 , C. II. ; B01ljmuuih F.-


, Penncsseo , G , G. P , S , ; ImagerVVoolbury , Ouloredo , 0 , C. It. A. C-

.V'illinnl. ;

11 , lslty'o 11lissauri 0. G. 111

811 '. ; L lnsib-mi 1lttrrovvs Ioutnek' .

0. 1st. 2i1 V. ; .lultsl J ptur ,Arlutn-


, 0 , G , M , 1st V, glue , 1) . 0.',

w'it9 selected It9 the next 11lmtcn ( If Imeotillg-of the triennial Colll'OIIlOtl ill 1880-

1'ene0 In the Crrol ( Nittlo i.0N , Autmst ii.1lie Imulian-

app0iute01 to investigate time recenttr'Ollhlea ill time Creek untion and settleawaits of that could.}' , 111110 uuulu tillitgruu51e11t sighed by tiVOmtj'-nine chiefsof the Creek miatio11. The ugrcenlellt Hutsforiii unco1101itio ial :11111 musty 111101 palxlonfor ill alleged C'immdimitl 0lf'tlsef couumit-teul


prior to pl'esmlt dmltes , moo , iovided by[ lie act of ( lie nnthllal council in 1882 , it-

luiugtime recent

thattrautdes Shull

origitutingbe sub-


tO to a indimt ml6Bunt , SV hose dcci5-41011


Shall lie 1111111 ; the Creek untioncouncil to appoint n couuniSSiou 10111-08cfhtlg


both ( pneti05 to whomii siutll be no-forted , with puw ce to audit 1111(1 reconl-

1aj'milmlt of elaiums for 'epmty tlu-hi


} ' seized 111111 ng thelate distutbumces: ; that all piu'ties partiel-pate him tlio cumimig olectiet and chide bytime result.

CItD11Nt1 , ltl'.COBI )A rosT.ttsTElt uouNrruS-

T.. LoUIH , August 14V. P. Edgar.toll , chief postal iuspuctor of time district ,rec0tvd n tuiegrlum from limo poshuastue-nt'l'ishautiugo , ludi0u'1'orritar , statinghis ch ieo luld been area into by a gangofIudi81udeallenmloes.who tried oder him , 111111 that him had tied to llfimsko-gee. . Mr. Edgartenteiegraplmod time post-1nu5tur

-him wullid eat ho expected to me-


-t tn n fu his post if isms life is Imp datlger ,amid he had also tulegraphod the pOstlllm1-Hter at Caddo to send mo mail nutter to-

'l'iehonilmgo till furtliee orders. No ) pmt-s'tienbu's


of time ltlhtir hits been received ,1111(1 ss ' 'iSho51Iimmgo 15 thirty uliles frorn-Clulklo , the Ieal'O5t railroad ot tulegngph-atattuu , 51othong can him oblaiuml-




111nw'Atnuasis, , August l1.A Hulls-1)05001


) iucmmdinry tire Cumsod time destructdell of Pmtssmlvmul6 hospitnl'I'wumtylirstold Slate sti'eets , mlt 5 o clock limbo morni-ug.


. '1'lme old huildimmg ndjoinhng Chic norHtrncture w'na still in Ilse 115 a hospitalmad twemly latients lloeeih iulda mtrrislescape , as ti ro roof took 010 forum limo

blu niImg bum ihlimi ;, 'l'imo huspitnl w41o justundC' roof nn(1( lnliied iu thu [ (1 ult-anulition mot 130000. 14(18(4( is esmtimmmmted:

itt $ '10,000 with no insmnucu.-LoNO

.IIILANCII , N J , , August 14.A

defective II no fired h'rmeldylt Cottngu , him

wlmich Prosiaunt G41rlicd died. 'Therev-

v41H n11mch excfeammt but the 111111105 were50011 OX Li lmgum isim ei._ ..®_

. 'Thu IineHl.lto11r Ilntvall ,

SAN FRANCISCO , August 14.1'JleH-tuaiuer Dhu ipusa , front II Onoluhl , arrivedtimis nnrllillg , bringing time royal Ilasvniiauihand of 80 lIIOnlhels t) partelpato iii theCOUClavu , 011 their departuru froul 11(11-

1oluht time citizens presented then $000pocket hmnnuy. News front time islandsreport sharp alllclks of earthquuko ; no-

dunage resulted. Copious runes havefalle11 , improving the proapect of thesugar crop-


lsfOlmOpOIL' .NKw IIAVEN , August E i.-Tho stuck.

holder of the Southuri Now Englandtehepholo eonpna have empowered time

directors to ratify time proposition for con.-S(1lidation

.of all telc phone


stockvoted to buY 400

of time new ,,.. . _.,, ._'1'EIE(11titPlI NOTES ,

1r. itebort , Of Jlaulegra , has tolograplmdt-o a stirgma guaonll , muloancing his arrival atVera C uz , iuld roportlug yellow fever rmtgiegrot the city mend nnsotg Limo vessels iii limo liar.bur ,

A Yesolaito stage wow slapped oa Alunduy-utght by thmtie hl Imwayamn , 'rite IusHengerHwere rahbml of $ In cash , besides watchesuud jewelry.-


. Jas. Cockh corn , ox-speaker of time luuso-of (snn0amis of Oltlnva , Is dmul-


, Charles A , Knaldnek , of '1'rnmton ,

Itched our lumsbanl, Ilmta [ I me canal mui thou,ed In Itersulf. I him ivauiun was drsvaodiu-

msl the hnslltu41l rusciwd ,

I'reMlduut Sutu , of the 1upuhfle[ of Ault.darns , recerv'cd Intolllgoneo loot nlght of theseu l ims Ilhiess of his wlfo at Sun Fraucco ,nod loft at once fur that city ,

'l'm! party of fnreign ufllcials mid eastcrlihush 1i014 nod prufessloumtl ; w0 she , mt route fortime'ulluwstouu , under time glddlumea of Itnfus! latch , ummilud at ChlcLva yesterday nod du.part for oho nurtm nuxt1hursd-

ny. tolegrnpli operators win wmlt On astrike tot lluubeu have roturlal t0 work ,

'I'hu dcaucrutie rnoabors of time I'aosylva-uln legislaturu mitten a luOgg abctir e)1 adjuurnaunt , decittal to rebut lu sesslmm.

Judge .foria8 , Black , safforhmmg from nrl-uory allectlun is soriettsly ill Lilt at 11 o'clocklust night wits restluIg qulatf y , nader time bt-


of 0pbttOS , No Immedintu danger is-

appruhouded ,

Several eastorm striking operators made ap-pllcutlml


to the Union for einpley-mlent at Sun FraOChee ,


Considerable Distance Demolisbed bi

the Presidcatial Party in North.-



Wyoming ,


A Ton Hours Ride Over Lofty Di-


- !

and Prooipitous Banksand Rivers ,

The Buttes Of time Slrno-A 1)lnner Intime iIsttneo Leads Inchulmi-

meat to time t'lew ,

OA5n' ST.uimi , 011 Torrys' Lake , , ,August 12-Via Ft , Waslmkio.-It wasduterulilled last night to move our campthis morning n few miles , to where therewould be uwro abundant grazing for too ihot'ses 1111(1 11111108 , Accordingly , at 0:30: ii-n,111 , , ovurg limo was in time saddle and jstarted up time vnhiey on time right hankof'hn(1 river. Owing to the rain yestonlny the tntil was in splond111 couhhonfor coufort 81111 uutrcmihg , Tilosuit wasobscnned by clouds , with too tenperaturobelow 50

°hahrmdmeit all day. At too {

end of nn hour's travel over hl s and 4

rolling laud time river was reached ss-

at a poiltt wiwru it passes thirough gory11189905 of L'ackH , kiiown asButtes , The first 11lado b-

fonlih direction l

stemullmil a ro11at up the

where the water was so rapid inits floc' tlmt one's neighbor be }

ntovi6 u1 p time river the speed of arunnulghorse. Soon , by a short ford , time i

river wasnecrosscdan11nttheemldofanotlmer '

mild Jule western boundary of t11u SIo54-


reservaliau WItS reached , Frontthis pahut lint travel was a veryinturest-

miot So diflimdt } , ever aseries of loft' divides to esca

time Ire ii-

ci pitons bitllks mid mnlmill streams flowing( mml the utouutuius into time river. I-

desceiuling one of these it was necessaryto dis51bumit and lead time ImrseH. On tliehighest divide tvu halted to take in theview , e0verimmg seems of utiles up anddown the river with the 8110W coveredpaths of the Shoslene nunultahuS infront of us 1111(1 these of time Rivermirlnuntlius at out' bacls.: II01'O Ito tookuur last look at the great 1111(1 u n'k ,

Crow heart bade , thirty 1111105 navvy ,which had Leon in view since leaviiiFort Wnshakie.Ynllos'in 'cue of our guides , tells us that

its miaalu after a beytsveult alb Shoshoucs 811(1Crows laud wascelebrated by burning the ( marls of deadCroivum aI the Huuminit of time butte.After 41 ride of twelve 1111105 WO reachedtime baulks of HoInO hcautiful lakes whichmite called after Capt.'I'ar'ys , forulerly 411-

1oithcei of the (truly , but uov oWmmiIlg

large cattle heds on the range near by.-


.I him Likes are said to abound iu largetrout , amid two expect to spend toanorrowIl-slu11g. . Game is not very abundant inthis neglmborhood , but our luurtorsbrought in two antelopu yesterday , and afew mountain grouoe woe killed on thismuch to-day. Shoshmo Dick , a whiteneutber of [he tribe ; woe was3Irobabl iron an when sot , .. .

to have lost all'rdcohlectioli ofthe event

, is 0110 of our Indian IIohuts roue 1u0k for si gus of 6


1sou 1)oh for a baud report. faun 11111 , OurCluup is haulul 'Cangp Stager , " in homierof Geumoral AnBomt Stager , of Chicago-






, 1)cltrge 01' ( dole meld I h'eo byLlgimtning8-

pcclal lIspatch) to 'fur Ilr s-


ISI.ANn , Nin.Augustl4.Thu111-(1st Het'el'O stern of rain 1111(1 lightninguwul' known hero struck this vicinity lasteight A stable owned by II. Voss , justeast of town , was struck by lightningand blu'med to time ground. '1'hu stablecoutniued about six lmumudrcd bushels ofcorms , lutrmess , ole , , and was s'nled at$000 ; insurmnce $300 Thu Nationalhotel , ovued by August Flothniunl , wasHtruclk and dlumaged to the amtountof $200-



one of time rooul5 where n young ladywas sleeping in oho bed vas struck andsplintered but thuoccupmit was uninjured.-A


stable owned by Bel Berry was struckbut little da11lugo was dote. Oilier1)111008 warn probably struck but tiiese areall that are hoard from at prus01lt , Thurail full iii suoit quantities that thin streetswere flooded in a short time. Much oftime grain [ lint is cut is spoiling in thestock. f

Crop Notes. ' ;

Hpoclai hispatch lu Tim lout-


, In. , August 14-Small grainall lmarvustd and about 01to third stacked ,

Thu wet weather is delaying threshingfrmlm shock so11lowlmt. So far time wheatthlrelmed has turned out 20 bushels and-

over per acrd , Another week or tondays good weather would see plenty ofnew wheat on time market , llaiug isprogressing finely with a i abundant crop ,

Noted Dlmm at Minnoap(1llx.-MINNKArol.ls


, august 14.SecretaryFolger;, is in the city ; A arty of distill.-6uislmel

.( nonI include g 1 of ger , wont to-

Lnku 11imetonk11 , this uv01nng as guestsof Gum.Vaslibmlrn , mmeuibee of congressfor this district ,

Thu Anienicn11 Assodation[ for the Ad-.vuncelment

.of Scienee mueets at too state

u11ivcrs'ty' to luorrow morning. Addressesof svolalule will be delivered by (] or-.IIubbard


, on huhmdf of luau state , mind byMayor Armes) on behalf of time city , withu rims1R MSUb} ' l iusultntlouu61 of luucoten , Jim the nftuumeau vine dLyisielS willassmublu in St. l'mttlek's' hull , ttnd thso ,

president of each suction will duhi er at-amual address , lR the evening time re-4tiring president , JV , Dawson , of lllon( real , will dolhvor nu address. Five lmun

( cell delegates are oxpo-eted.a

.- -Mextco uud Germany ,

CITY OF MExICo , August 14-Timetext of time treaty of couunorco 1111-

01aulity botwomt Mexico and Germany hasloon published , 'rue treaty contains time

moat favored nation clause , The Gun.male arc to pay no taxes not levied on-Mexicans' to be nservice and fromn contributions in liethereof , and also from forced loans.

