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G:\RHCE\2015 Round 6\Communications 2015\Website\RHCE2 ROUND SIX PROJECTS 2015 - TO GO ON WEBSITE - draft 28.5.15.docx RHCE2 ROUND SIX PROJECTS 2015 as at 28 th May 2015 102. PILBARA HEART HEALTH FORUM, PLENARY SESSIONS & INTERPROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONS AND SUPPORT – ID 32-6 ORGANISATION Western Australia Centre for Rural Health, University of Western Australia PROJECT TYPE Continuing Professional Development, Interprofessional learning PROJECT DURATION 4 th and 5 th September 2015 plus 1.5 days online TARGET AUDIENCE General Practitioners, Overseas Trained Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professionals, Aboriginal Health Workers/Practitioners DESCRIPTION Funding for the development of resources and program developer for Pilbara Heart Health Forum – 4-5th September 2015 plus 1.5 days online. 1. Plenary component: speakers for plenary sessions, cardiac related- training workshop for 4 groups of general practitioners, nursing, allied health, Aboriginal health workers & practice managers. The plenary session will augment the streamed disciplinary-specific input. 2. Streamed concurrent sessions - 3 multidisciplinary case studies and complementary teaching materials (Forum workbooks with case studies & patient journey framework), video recording of both plenary sessions and the Aboriginal Health workforce stream of the Forum. The aim of this project: The proposed project is the plenary component of the Pilbara Heart Health Forum. There will be substantial Aboriginal content in the program although this content will also have broad applicability. The plenary session will: provide a combination of inter-professional learning activities and problem solving using 3 case studies based on local issues for rural cardiac patients. Additionally, the individual disciplinary stream course material will be applied to the same local case studies. be video recorded for online distribution to current practitioners unable to attend and future students, ensuring sustainability. They will also video the Aboriginal Health Worker stream. The project activities include: There are three categories of activity: 1. Local, state and inter-state speakers and facilitators for the plenary sessions. 2. Case study content and complementary teaching materials for both plenary session discussion and for application to discipline specific learnings. 3. Production of video including recording and editing of plenary sessions and the Aboriginal health workforce stream for vodcasts to be used in an online training package. For more information, contact Phone:0414450134 Website: http://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/key-resources/conferences?cid=2040 and http://www.ruralhealthwest.com.au/professional-development/conference/2015/02/16/pilbara- heart-health-forum Email: [email protected]
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RHCE2 ROUND SIX PROJECTS 2015 as at 28th May 2015


PROJECT TYPE Continuing Professional Development, Interprofessional learning

PROJECT DURATION 4th and 5th September 2015 plus 1.5 days online

TARGET AUDIENCE General Practitioners, Overseas Trained Doctors, Nurses, Midwives,

Allied Health Professionals, Aboriginal Health Workers/Practitioners


Funding for the development of resources and program developer for Pilbara Heart Health Forum – 4-5th September 2015 plus 1.5 days online.

1. Plenary component: speakers for plenary sessions, cardiac related- training workshop for 4 groups of general practitioners, nursing, allied health, Aboriginal health workers & practice managers. The plenary session will augment the streamed disciplinary-specific input.

2. Streamed concurrent sessions - 3 multidisciplinary case studies and complementary teaching materials (Forum workbooks with case studies & patient journey framework), video recording of both plenary sessions and the Aboriginal Health workforce stream of the Forum.

The aim of this project: The proposed project is the plenary component of the Pilbara Heart Health

Forum. There will be substantial Aboriginal content in the program although this content will also

have broad applicability. The plenary session will:

provide a combination of inter-professional learning activities and problem solving using 3 case studies based on local issues for rural cardiac patients. Additionally, the individual disciplinary stream course material will be applied to the same local case studies.

be video recorded for online distribution to current practitioners unable to attend and future students, ensuring sustainability. They will also video the Aboriginal Health Worker stream.

The project activities include:

There are three categories of activity: 1. Local, state and inter-state speakers and facilitators for the plenary sessions. 2. Case study content and complementary teaching materials for both plenary session

discussion and for application to discipline specific learnings. 3. Production of video including recording and editing of plenary sessions and the Aboriginal

health workforce stream for vodcasts to be used in an online training package.

For more information, contact Phone:0414450134

Website: http://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/key-resources/conferences?cid=2040 and



Email: [email protected]

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PROJECT TYPE Continuing Professional Development, Inter-professional Learning

PROJECT DURATION Training dates 1.6.15 to 30.9.15

TARGET AUDIENCE General Practitioners, nurses, midwives, overseas trained doctors, Aboriginal health practitioners/workers and allied health professionals (including Ambulance Officers/Paramedic, Health Promotion Practitioners, Social Work) DESCRIPTION Funding for:

clinical advisor activities;

coordination & liaison with stakeholders to deliver 5x6 hours face to face Blood Borne Virus & Sexually Transmitted Infections training courses in outer regional & remote areas, to be accredited by the RACGP QI&CPD program & by ACCRM Professional Development Program.

The education proposed will address the priority areas of the National Strategies on Hepatitis B, C,

HIV and STIs by increasing the skills of the healthcare workforce, to increase testing and improve

clinical management across BBVs and sexual health. ASHM will work in partnership with the relevant

Medicare Locals/Primary Health Networks and the stakeholders in each location to determine

priorities for information delivery and case study discussion. Local presenters will be engaged

whenever possible and provided support by ASHM clinical advisors.

The aim of this project is to:

This project seeks to reduce the burden of Blood-Borne Virus (BBV) and Sexually Transmitted

Infections (STIs) in rural and remote areas of Australia by providing training to multi-disciplinary

primary care teams in RA 3 (Outer regional) and RA 4 (Remote) areas of Australia. ASHM training

courses and associated resources have been proven in their effectiveness to enact clinical change,

reinforce clinical best practice, increase the knowledge levels of participants and their confidence to

prevent, identify and treat these conditions. Each of the courses is designed to be tailored to the

specific context of each new delivery location in partnership with local medical professionals and in

response to the area's BBV and STI priorities and epidemiology.

The project has three main foci: 1. increasing the rates of testing for those at risk, appropriate management, including treatment and referral as necessary; 2. reducing rates of BBV/STI through prevention; and 3. building the capacity of primary care providers in outer regional and remote areas to continue the on-going delivery of this training in their area, as needed.

The project activities include: .

A total of 4 courses of six hours learning duration will be delivered in outer regional and remote areas that have high rates of particular STIs and /or BBVs but are not currently well-served with educational opportunities.

o These localities will be identified initially using epidemiological data sources, then confirmed by approaching the local/regional Medicare Locals/Primary Health Networks and STI/BBV related tertiary sevices to assess local interest and need.

o Course content will be modified to address local issues identified through stakeholder

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consultation. o Course delivery format will be based on local context, it may involve a one day course

or three two hour updates over time. o The face-to-face courses will be provided at local venues found to be acceptable to

the local primary care providers because of location, travel options and


Education activities will be complemented by easy to use resource/reference materials and online learning to reinforce education and ensure activities are sustainable.

The establishment of an ongoing relationship with specialists in the closest centres for referral to each location where training is held will improve access to specialist services through better interprofessional communications. Facilitation of these relationships through initial face-to-face training will support ongoing collaboration.

ASHM is a registered training organisation with expertise in the development and delivery of programs focusing on HIV, viral hepatitis and sexual health. ASHM is an accredited RACGP CPD provider with a proven record of providing effective training in rural and remote Australia. The content of the courses is developed under the guidance of expert reference groups with multi-disciplinary clinical representation, in addition to input from the affected community. These courses are accredited by relevant professional bodies, and participants are eligible for CPD points (GPs, nurses and AHWs).

For more information, contact

Phone: 0282040762

Website: http://www.ashm.org.au/training

Email: [email protected]


PROJECT TYPE Continuing Professional Development, Inter-professional Learning

PROJECT DURATION 25th August 2015 to 13th October 2015

TARGET AUDIENCE Allied Health Professionals – Speech Pathologists, Dietitians


Funding for community speech pathologists and dieticians working with clients with Huntington's

Disease in Southern Tasmania to attend a face to face interactive workshop & a teleconference 6

weeks later, presented by specialist staff from Huntington's Disease Service, Westmead Hospital


This project aims to:

increase staff knowledge and skills working with this population, and to build professional links locally and with an interstate Centre of Excellence in Huntington's disease.

improve delivery of services to clients with Huntington's disease in RA2 & RA3 areas.

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Tasmania has a high rate of Huntington's disease (Pridmore, 1990) - current cases in Southern Tasmania are approximately 30.

Current issues working with this population: Speech pathologists and dieticians working with this population currently do not have specialised training in the area, or access to specialist clinicans. They report ongoing difficulty managing the cognitive and psychiatric symptoms of Huntington's disease, and managing the impact of these symptoms on ability to follow through with advice around communication and swallowing.

The project activities

Participants will:

attend a one day workshop, presented by specialist staff from NSW Huntington's service. The workshop will be based on 3 case studies, provided by course participants. This will allow for an interactive, problem based approach, and will create connections for future support.

participate in a follow up teleconference to discuss application of knowledge and skills and to foster ongoing links. Discussion of new learnings from the workshop will then form an agenda item for team meetings, to facilitate ongoing application of learning.

attend the workshop, to increase multidisciplinary team collaboration and local support networks.

For more information, contact Phone: 03 6222 8434 Website: https://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/



ORGANISATION Family Planning and Welfare Northern Territory (FPWNT)

PROJECT TYPE Continuing Professional Development

PROJECT DURATION 27th July 2015 to 9th October 2015

TARGET AUDIENCE Aboriginal Health Workers, Nurses, Midwives

DESCRIPTION Funding to: - adapt training activities & materials to meet the needs of Aboriginal health workforce in their practice, post-training. - develop, deliver and evaluate ‘HLTAHW027 - provide information and strategies in sexual health for women’ in Katherine (June 2015) and Tennant Creek (October) in partnership with AMSANT. (Partnering with AMSANT to deliver the training in Katherine and Tennant Creek will mean that the unit meets the needs of the local communities and the health professionals attending the course). - develop marketing resources to promote unit & recruit participants. Estimated participants: 30.

The aim of this project is to:

Participants will develop the required skills, knowledge and confidence, to deliver health promotion activities and sexual and reproductive health services to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people living in remote communities .Learning outcomes are mapped against the performance criteria under HLTAHW027 Provide information and strategies in sexual health for women (WWHU).

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FPWNT proposes delivering two additional HLTAHW027 units in Tennant Creek and Katherine in the Northern Territory. Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health workers and practitioners will be prioritised and the course material will have a focus on culturally sensitive health promotion.

The project activities include:

The course will be delivered in a mixed mode style with 3 days theory based learning including group

facilitated activities, presentations and interactive education delivery plus 2 days optional clinical

practice. (Clinical Practice focuses on skills to offer cervical screening & STI screening in community

settings). At the completion of the course participants will be confident to deliver sexual and

reproductive health services including Cervical Screening and screening for sexually transmissible

infections to clients.

The course is assessed throughout the 5 days and participants are asked to submit a theory workbook

and clinical workbook (optional) within 6 months of attending the training. Family Planning Welfare

NT is a registered training organisation. This unit is on FPWNTs scope of practice. All trainers are

experts in the field of sexual and reproductive health and qualified to deliver adult learning.

For more information, contact Phone: 08 8948 0144

Website: http://www.fpwnt.com.au/pages/Training-Courses-and-Education.html

Email: [email protected]


Alice Springs Hospital

PROJECT TYPE Continuing Professional Development

PROJECT DURATION Training dates 23.3.15 to 1.4.15

TARGET AUDIENCE Physiotherapists

DESCRIPTION Funding for: course fees, airfares, accommodation for the Senior Physiotherapist of Alice Springs Hospital to attend a Level 1 Lymphoedema Management Course for 9 days at Royal Women’s Hospital in Brisbane; and- complete a 40 hour online education package before commencing the course. The major learning outcome for this project is to upskill in the assessment and management of

patients with Lymphodema. By completing the course she will become one of just two accredited

therapists in Alice Springs Hospital that can assess and treat patients presenting with Lymphodema.

This will enable Alice Springs Hospital to sustain this service to public patients in Central Australia

suffering from Lymphodema. 7 NT Physios will be educated & up-skilled by this Physiotherapist after

attending the course.

The project activities include:

Attending a 9 day internationally accredited Lymphoedema Management Course.

This course consists of lectures, tutorials and practicals.

Completing a 40hour online education package prior to physically attending the course.

By attending this course she will have coaching and networking available, as required, during and

after the course from the Course Coordinators at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Brisbane.

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She is currently working as one of two senior physiotherapists at Alice Springs Hospital and provides

supervision and training to all junior staff in the hospital. By attending this course she can significantly

impact the education and skill levels of the physiotherapy team at Alice Springs Hospital in providing a

high standard of care to patients suffering from Lymphodema in Central Australia

For more information, contact Phone: 0438462344

Website: http://www.health.nt.gov.au/Hospitals/Alice_Springs_Hospital/Services/index.aspx

Email: [email protected]


PROJECT TYPE Continuing Professional Development

PROJECT DURATION Training Days: during the period of 20/6/15 to 24/6/2015

TARGET AUDIENCE Physiotherapist DESCRIPTION Funding for: flights, accommodation, transport and course fees to attend Women’s Health Training Association (WHTA) Introduction to Women’s Health Physiotherapy intensive course (5 days of training) in Sydney. The developer of this training program is Taryn Hallam, Physiotherapist and Primary Lecturer at WHTA. The Objective of training is to gain a basic understanding of conditions and treatments of women's

health problems to enable her to determine which treatments are the most suitable and culturally

appropriate for her Indigenous, rural and remote patients. Local health professionals (community

midwives and health nurses) and regional health professionals (physiotherapists from Derby and

Kununurra) contact her for advice and opinion on women’s health clients. The course unit regarding

treatment of women's health conditions in a diabetic patient will help her with the treatment and

management of her pre/post-natal diabetic patient.

The project activities include:

This course provides a comprehensive information on all aspects of women’s health. The course will take place in Sydney and will comprise of the following theory and practical sessions

over five days:

Assessment & Diagnosis of the Pelvic Floor patient,

Treatment Options for Women with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction,

Understanding Birth and its impact on the Pelvic Floor,

The Postnatal Pelvic Floor Patient eg perineal trauma, bladder injury,

Anatomical and Physiological changes of Pregnancy,

Morning and Midday Sessions - Pregnancy Related Back & Pelvic Pain,

Other Pregnancy Conditions seen in Outpatient setting, (Breast conditions, abdominal conditions, varicosities, bone disorders, neural disorders etc),

Exercise Guidelines for Pregnancy, including Contraindications and Precautions,

High Risk Pregnancy and Exercise Prescription (including Gestational Diabetes). For more information, contact Phone: 0407 477 836

Website: http://www.ruralhealthwest.com.au/docs/outreach-in-the-outback-docs/kimberley-


Email: [email protected]

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PROJECT TYPE Multidisciplinary Team, Inter-professional Learning

PROJECT DURATION Training dates: 19.9.15 to 23.9.15

TARGET AUDIENCE physiotherapists, occupational therapists, audiologists & medical


DESCRIPTION Funding for course fees, travel and accommodation for 3 applicants. RDH is the only Centre of Excellence offering a multidisciplinary vestibular treatment approach in the Northern Territory and other Top End regions.

This course is accredited by the Australian Physiotherapy Association and AAP Education.

Susan Herdman is an internationally expert on Vestibular Rehabilitation, offering a 5 day intensive evidence-based course for multidisciplinary professionals.

Currently RDH offers a monthly outpatient multidisciplinary vestibular clinic with Physiotherapy, Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) and Audiology. Crossover referrals exist between these departments; but effective and efficient management of this patient population will improve with multidisciplinary clinics approach. The allied health professionals who participate in this course make a commitment to Train the Trainer to educate relevant staff expanding the effectiveness and quality of care.

The aim of this project is to:

demonstrate assessment skills to a facilitator including: oculomotor examination with emphasis on the identification of nystagmus and canal involvement; and balance and gait, fall risk and functional assessments.

o Participants will be expected to demonstrate appropriate treatment procedures for BPPV affecting posterior, anterior and horizontal canals for both cupulolithiasis and canalithiasis, for unilateral and bilateral peripheral vestibular disorders, and for central vestibular disorders including traumatic brain injury and stroke.

o Emphasis will be on utilising assessment results to develop an effective treatment plan.

The project activities:

o Data collection of vestibular epidemological with a view to use data collected to publish a journal paper.

o Organising and establishing quality resources for vestibular assessment & rehabilitation in the Top End for multi-disciplines and patients.

o Train the trainer within RDH and remote staff across the Top End o Ongoing multidisciplinary vestibular clinic - currently running x1/month at RDH with

ENT and Audiology (and possibly Neurology).

Method(s) of delivery of training. lectures, tutorials, practicals with exam & assessment.

The participants will be enabled to support each other and train and mentor further multidisciplinary staff to achieve a sustainable practice.

The course can be utilised to establish funding for additional staffing and resources for the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) clinic and vestibular rehabilitation at RDH.

For more information, contact Phone: 0429678615

Website: http://health.nt.gov.au/Hospitals/Royal_Darwin_Hospital/Services/index.aspx

Email: [email protected]

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109. FALLS PREVENTION IN OLDER PEOPLE IN RURAL, REMOTE AND INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES ID 76-6 ORGANISATION National Ageing Research Institute Limited, Royal Melbourne Hospital and

Kimberley Aged and Community Services

PROJECT TYPE CPD, Multidisciplinary Team, Knowledge Transfer, Interprofessional Learning

PROJECT DURATION Courses 13 July 2015 to 13th September 2015

TARGET AUDIENCE allied health professionals, nurses, aged and community care Care

Coordinators, Aboriginal health workers, HACC workers, and support staff

who currently work with older people

DESCRIPTION Funding for:

the development of a new course, course materials & presentations, learning guides, evaluation tools; and

delivery and evaluation of 2 interactive workshops on falls prevention in older people in rural, remote and Indigenous communities.

The aim of this project: The course content will be developed using the current Falls Prevention

Workshops conducted by NARI, complemented and combined with material delivered and feedback

received from the participants of The Kimberley Healthy Adults Project conducted in Broome and

Kununurra in 2013 (Almeida et al., 2014).

A comprehensive learning guide will also be developed. The course will comprise teaching materials

adapted so that they are relevant to each location and to participants' training needs, both as

individuals and a multidisciplinary team.

Participants will be able to use the course information to help implement Standard 10 of Preventing

Falls and Harm from Falls of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards or the

Australian Aged Care Quality Agency Standards, depending on their service setting.

The project activities include:

During 13.7.15 -13.9.15 courses will be conducted in three locations -Broome and Kununurra, WA (RA4), and Berrigan, NSW (RA3).

Learners will participate in either one full day workshop, one half day workshop, or both, depending on their training needs. The workshops will be face-to-face and conducted in the local area. Workshop facilitators will include experts in the area of falls prevention, clinicians with decades of clinical experience and presenters with local knowledge and experience in working with local cultural groups (including health and social care practitioners and clients).

Training materials will be adapted so they are relevant to each location and to the participant’s training needs. Case studies will be used to apply learnings to the real world.

Participants will be taken through a process of screening, assessment and care planning, including how to conduct a comprehensive falls assessment, writing an action plan and developing strategies for implementing and evaluating an action plan.

For more information, contact Phone: Landline(03) 8387 2305

Website: http://www.nari.net.au/, http://www.nari.net.au/education/2015-workshops

Email: [email protected]

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ORGANISATION Far West Area Health Service

PROJECT TYPE Individual Continuing Professional Development

PROJECT DURATION Semester One 2015

TARGET AUDIENCE Allied Health Assistant

DESCRIPTION Funding for NSW TAFE Fees for one semester of Cert IV course in Nutrition & Dietetics Support. The aim of this project: Participant will gain specific skills and knowledge to assist in her role as

Nutrition Assistant within the Broken Hill Health Service. She will complete 6 pre-requisite units and

at least two elective units in various areas of food safety, food handling and patient care in relation to

delivering nutrition and dietetic education.

The project activities include:

Support via TAFE for duration of course (phone, email) and supported/mentored by the Dietitians in the Broken Hill Dietetic Department,

resources from course can be kept for future reference and used to provide education to

other Allied Health Assistants. For more information, contact Phone: 0409228572 Website: http://www.fwlhn.health.nsw.gov.au/

Email: [email protected]




ORGANISATION Department of Rural Health, The University of Newcastle PROJECT TYPE CPD, Multidisciplinary Team, Knowledge Transfer, Inter-professional Learning PROJECT DURATION Training dates: 1.6.15 to 2.10.15 TARGET AUDIENCE occupational therapy, speech pathology, nutrition and dietetics & physiotherapy DESCRIPTION

Funding for:

Project Officer/website manager

Academics presenting at webinars & contributing to discussion

hosting of website

IT Support pack


The aim of this project:

The purpose of this project is to provide interdisciplinary education to rural and remotely based health clinicians in the area of paediatrics. The focus of the project is the assessment & management of preschool & primary school age children with developmental issues. The project activities: The Interdisciplinary Child Development Online workshops are specifically designed to allow participants to learn over a 10 week period from their place of work, reducing the issues regarding access to education due to the cost and distances required to travel.

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The website combines lecture-style teaching with interactive mediums, so that participants are both

increasing their knowledge but also interacting with their allied health peers to further develop their

inter-professional & clinical skills in the area of paediatric practice.

The education program will be delivered in an online format via the website www.ahitlearning.edu.au using the mediums of pre-recorded videos, live webinars and online discussion boards.

The structure of this project allows clinicians from a wide range of geographical areas to access the education.

The program is delivered in an interdisciplinary format by academic clinicians from the disciplines of occupational therapy, speech pathology, nutrition and dietetics and physiotherapy.

The format allows the delivery of the program to health clinicians regardless of discipline as it is flexible enough to incorporate the views and clinical management of any health discipline.

For more information, contact Phone: 0417464031 Website: http://www.newcastle.edu.au/

Email: [email protected]

112. LIMITED X-RAY LICENCE REFRESHER ONLINE COURSE AND EXTENDED RADIOGRAPHY EXAMINATIONS FOR NON-RADIOLOGISTS ID 130-6 ORGANISATION Department of Rural Health, The University of Newcastle PROJECT TYPE CPD, Multidisciplinary Team, Knowledge Transfer, Inter-professional Learning PROJECT DURATION Training Dates: 1.9.15 to 30.10.15 TARGET AUDIENCE Nurses, GPs, Allied Health Professionals (Radiographers) DESCRIPTION

Funding to develop educational resources (that is: writing Module 7 – Extended Radiography

Examinations, online publishing & launch, video production and captioning of Module 7) for web

based delivery to build on materials & successful Limited Licence Xray Operators project developed

with 2014 RHCE2 grant.

The proposed new materials will address the continuing education needs of licensees and target

examination types that are covered under clause 4 of the NSW licence conditions as well as extended

licences that are issued in other States, such as in Queensland and South Australia.

The aim of this project is to:

the resources created for on-line delivery will be enduring well beyond the duration of the project. They will be made available via the on-line continuing education platform [Medical Radiation Online (MRLO)] of the professional body that is responsible for the supporting medical radiation practitioners, the Australian Institute of Radiography.

The project activities include:

In relation to the structure and method of delivery of the continuing education, the plan is to be able to offer both the initial training to obtain a limited x-ray licence as well as the follow-up, refresher training via the same site, thus creating continuity.

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Direct participation in the project will involve 40 to 50 radiographers and limited licence x-ray operators who will be invited to participate in accessing and evaluating the web-based materials on MRLO. Recruitment will be via the AIR's Rural and Remote Practitioners' Advisory Panel (RRPAP) and existing State-based networks. It is intended that the use of these networks will lead to the dissemination of the materials across the limited x-ray operators workforce.

Participants will be able to visit the site repeatedly over extended periods if they wish to refresh their knowledge and skills and will be able to access both the NSW Limited Licence Radiography Course material and Limited X-ray Licence Refresher material.

While the licensing course material is particularly relevant to those GPs and RNs seeking to get a limited x-ray licence in NSW, it also has relevance to those who already have a licence in NSW or in any other Australian State . It is hoped that this initiative will further encourage interstate communication and collaboration in this field. It is intended that the material will be available nationally to those with a limited x-ray licence

For more information, contact Phone: 0466440037

Website: https://www.mrlo.org/index.php/membership/air-members/,



Email: [email protected]



PROJECT TYPE inter-professional learning (IPL), multidisciplinary teams working in primary

care settings

PROJECT DURATION Training Dates: 30.6.15 to 30.9.15

TARGET AUDIENCE Aboriginal Health Workers, GPs, nurses and allied health professionals including physiotherapists, podiatrists, pyschologists, credentialled diabetic educations, social workers and pharmacists. DESCRIPTION Funding for:

Project Officer & Project Manager,

review existing CFOC program,

develop new e-learning modules,

modify/simplify access to e-learning materials, and

delivery of Caring for our Colleagues (CFOC) 2015 CPD program using face to face and virtual resources.

The aim of this project: The program will be run in 5 primary health care centres in SA, NT and WA. CFOC 2015 will build on the previous 2014 RHCE2 project and contribute to the national roll out of the program in 2016-17. The 2015 project will:

deliver education and training for general practitioners, allied health workers, Aboriginal Health Workers and nurses who work in rural and remote locations in SA and NT that will provide essential skills and resources to confidently identify and assist unwell colleagues.

develop appropriate modules of education adapted from the previous CFOC program for a multidisciplinary team.

provide the education program institu and use innovative multimedia technologies i.e. webinars.

develop this program into a model that can be applied throughout rural and remote Australia.

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The following activities will occur in a group setting involving all health professionals in each primary

health care centre:

On line multidisciplinary case-based learning sessions.

Interactive online learning modules for each topic identified in the needs assessment.

Collective online research using additional resources and links.

On line and interactive seminars, group discussions/problem solving and case study review with expert presenters and facilitators.

Group and individual evaluation and feedback will occur after each education session.

For more information, contact Phone: 0408 089 423

Website: http://www.doctorshealthsa.com.au/


PROJECT TYPE Inter-professional learning, multidisciplinary team

PROJECT DURATION Training Dates: 1.4.15 to 30.9.15

TARGET AUDIENCE oral health professionals Dentist, therapist, or hygienist Nurses, Aboriginal

Health Workers


Funding for four rural and remote registered oral health professionals (Dentist, therapist, or hygienist)

at Charleville, Mount Isa and Cairns Hospital and Health Services Qld to complete Cert IV TEA Training

and Assessment.

The purpose of this project is to: offer four rural and remote registered oral health professionals the

opportunity to complete Cert IV TEA Training. The training will be offered on-line, in their local area

and supported by their employers and Queensland Health. Access to this training will also provide CPD

points and opportunities for career development. This Project is supported by RFDS, ADAQ, Office of

the Chief Dental Officer (OCDO), relevant Hospital and Health Services (HHS) and Medicare Locals to

encourage participation.

The project activities include:

Offer 4 funded Certificate IV TEA Training & Assessment opportunities for oral health professionals (Dentist, therapist, or hygienist) at Charleville, Mount Isa and Cairns Hospital and Health Services Qld to deliver competency workshops.

Participate in the VSS training provided by OHS NT via videoconference and supported by Australian Dental Association Queensland and the Office of the Chief Dental Officer (Queensland Health).

Local oral health services will continue to develop the work force to obtain relevant

qualifications to support the Healthy Smiles Program. The training provides an opportunity for Queensland Health Aboriginal Health Workers, RFDS nurses, QH nurses and midwives and key stakeholders and partners to be involved, to participate in the competency workshops, deliver a preventive oral health program and improve working relationships. Working in partnership with oral health professionals, clinicians and health workers will continue to

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provide health promotion and early intervention for oral health care to children in Indigenous rural and remote communities as part of their clinical practice.

For more information, contact Phone: 0458 300 609

Website: http://www.flyingdoctor.org.au/About-Us/Our-Bases/OB-QS/Brisbane-Base/

Email: [email protected]



ORGANISATION Boab Health Services

PROJECT TYPE Continuing Professional Development


TARGET AUDIENCE Aboriginal Liaison Officers DESCRIPTION Funding for:

travel and accommodation of Jason Wornock, Podiatrist from Queensland ;

the customisation of culturally appropriate resources for educating and training Aboriginal Liaison Officers (ALOs), to further their understanding of the High Risk Foot. o Diabetic Lower limb amputation rates in the Kimberley are 3 times higher than the National

Average. o Australia wide, Indigenous Australians represent a disproportional rate of diabetic foot

complications than non – Indigenous Australians. There are many contributing and confounding factors that predispose to this scenario, ultimately affecting management strategies.

The aim of this project is to:

to educate ALOs on current and appropriate information pertaining to Podiatry and the High Risk Foot.

to develop appropriate resources – DVD and written documents – in consultation with Jason Wornock, local Indigenous Health Workers, an Indigenous Health Adviser and using information from Indigenous & High Risk Foot Conference’s live lectures, videoconferencing & discussion style presentations from experts (Pete Lazzarini from Queensland Health and Mr David Armstrong from Arizona USA).

The Conference provided practical demonstrations & facilitated problem solving with facilitators in group settings on:

o diabetes and high risk foot epidemiology, o high risk for management, o Hansens disease, o foot ulcer pressure offloading, o multidisciplinary foot care teams,

o health promotion.

The project activities include:

1) Learning through knowledge transfer in the lecture setting - via "live" lecturing and Video Conferencing with International presenters. 2) Practical demonstrations of various wound management techniques as well as pressure offloading strategies will be demonstrated by trained and experienced demonstrators. Delegates will then be guided through the techniques under supervision of the demonstrators.

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3) Facilitated problem solving where facilitators will outline various hypothetical (based on real life)

scenarios. Within groups, delegates will use knowledge gleaned from a) prior presentations, and b)

their own common sense to identify practical and efficient solutions to the presented scenario.

Referral and access to tertiary diabetic foot clinics is difficult in many cases due to remoteness. Having

skilled workers on the ground in remote areas is vital for best outcomes in our remote communities.

For more information, contact Phone: 0429913824

Website: http://boabhealth.com.au/the-region/broome/

Email: [email protected]


ORGANISATION St John of God, Osborne Park, Western Australia

PROJECT TYPE Continuing Professional Development, multidisciplinary team, inter-

professional learning

PROJECT DURATION Training Dates: 1.6.15 to 16.10.15

TARGET AUDIENCE Aboriginal health workers, nurses, midwives, maternal and child health

nurses, social workers, allied health professionals, psychologists and medical

practitioners working with Aboriginal families in rural and remote


DESCRIPTION Funding for:

- development Aboriginal specific resources, interactive multimedia (DVDs, web-based resources); and

- delivery of 4 training programs within local area, train the trainer packages including psycho-educational handouts, short video).

The aim of this project:

The Aboriginal Attachment Project training program will enhance Aboriginal health workers and other

health professional’s knowledge and understanding of parent-infant attachment, within an Aboriginal

cultural and historical context. It is well known that secure parent-infant attachment has positive long

term health outcomes for children and families.

The online training program will support health professionals to undertake early intervention and

promote parent-infant attachment for Aboriginal and other families. In recognition of some of the

participant’s prior learning in the parent-child attachment area, they will deliver a flexible training


The training is designed to:

1. Provide participants with a brief overview of the parent/child attachment area; 2. Introduce the Circle of Attachment principles from a culturally sensitive perspective; 3. Introduce the Aboriginal attachment resources developed by SJGHC, with a view that participants will subsequently:

have confidence to use these resources with their families/clients;

have confidence to talk about and share the underlying messages contained in the resources

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with their colleagues. The training program will be developed and delivered at four sites in rural and remote Northern

Territory and Queensland.

The training will be delivered by St John of God Health Care, the trainers/facilitators will include a

clinical psychologist/project officer, midwife/project officer and Aboriginal health project officer.

For more information, contact Phone: 0423 824 529 Website:


Email: [email protected]



ORGANISATION CRANAplus PROJECT TYPE inter-professional learning, continuing professional development PROJECT DURATION Training Dates: 2.7.15 to 30.10.15 TARGET AUDIENCE Aboriginal Health Practitioners, Remote area nurses & midwives, General Practitioners, Allied Health Professionals DESCRIPTION Funding for

planning & development of project - project officer costs;

Resources - art therapy materials, hard copy handouts;

delivery of CRANAplus Bush Support Services Through the Looking Glass: Reflective Practice in the Bush

- 3 x 2 day evidence-based best practice workshops in remote Western Australia to build resilience in remote area health workers using positive psychology, reflective practice (core component of workshops) and creativity.

- Creation of peer support networks, telephone counselling service, ongoing support and mentoring from BSS psychologists.

The aim of this project: The core component of the proposed workshops is reflective practice. “Self-reflective practice” is not only a tool for building resilience. It is a framework to critically examine clinical practice, explore areas of challenge safely in an inter-professional context and to develop and strengthen collaboration and partnerships. One of the goals of the reflective practice workshops is to ensure that learnt strategies are sustainable and transferable. Feedback from the workshops previously run by CRANAplus Bush Support Services (BSS) indicated that participants could see flow on benefits to the families and young people with whom they engage. The project activities include:

three 2 days workshops in remote Western Australia to allow remote area health workers the opportunity to explore the personal and professional issues that impact on their coping and retention in workforce in safe, reflective and creative ways.

Psycho-educational modules: Resilience, the Brain & Positive Psychology, Introduction to mindfulness, Sleep, Exercise & Mental Health, e Experience of Rural & Remote Health Practice, Self-awareness & Staying Safe in the Workplace Reflective Practice, Reflective Practice: Pulling it all together, Self-Care Project: Reflection in practice, Art Therapy Modules: Practice in Reflection.

The project will be overseen by the BSS Director of Support Services and BSS Senior Clinical Psychologist who will also provide professional supervision to the team members and clinical consultation. The lead facilitator of the workshops is a trained, experienced and registered

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psychologist. Adherence to the Australian Psychological Society's code of ethics will be paramount. As well, supervision will be provided to both facilitators before and after each workshop. Participants who wish to pursue psychological/ emotional issues that may arise as a result of workshop material can access to the BSS 24/7 support line or appropriate referrals will

be made. For more information, contact Phone: 0448011956

Website: https://crana.org.au/education/nationally-accredited-training/courses/

Email: [email protected]



PROJECT TYPE Individual Continuing Professional Development

PROJECT DURATION Training dates 3-5th July 2015

TARGET AUDIENCE Indigenous Optometrist DESCRIPTION Funding for airfares, accommodation, car hire, conference fees to attend the Optical Distributors & Manufacturers Association (ODMA) 2015 Brisbane Convention on 3-5th July 2015. Refer to www.ODMA-2015.com.au. The aim of this project:

intense 1 day, 30 point CPD course involving internationally renowned lecturers delivering, remote-oriented, clinically based, with Indigenous- based lecturers, followed by 2 days of cutting edge clinical exhibitions and demonstrations, and networking opportunities with colleagues and mentors.

The project activities include:

New practical approaches to Indigenous ophthalmology clinics, dry eye treatments, uses of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT).

Deeper understanding of minimally invasive glaucoma surgeries, uveitis, pterygia surgeries and induced astigmatism, monitoring macular degeneration, macular hole and epiretinal membrane and retinopathy in prematurity, specifically in a remote clinical setting.

The optical dispensing master classes will give more expert knowledge on the dispensing of spectacle lenses.

For more information, contact Phone: International +672350815

Website: http://www.norfolkisland.com.au/things-to-do/shopping/norfolk-island/norfolk-optical

Email: [email protected]



ORGANISATION Queensland Health

PROJECT TYPE Inter-professional Learning, Continuing Professional Development

PROJECT DURATION Training Dates 1.6.15 to 31.8.15

TARGET AUDIENCE Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health practitioners, allied health

professionals, nurses, midwives


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develop new course content in consultation with multiple stakeholders.

conversion of oral health training material to online delivery system including development of lecture material, webinars, online learning assessment system, tele-mentoring & evaluation systems.

delivery and assessment of Oral Health blended-learning program for remote primary health personnel.

The aim of this project:

This training program builds on the RHCE2 Stream 5 project (ID 40-5) which developed, implemented

and evaluated multi-day face-to-face oral health training workshops for very remote Aboriginal Health

Workers, nursing personnel and their colleagues in Cape York

This project’s web-based training is using Queensland Health's 'Pathways to Rural and Remote

Orientation and Training' (PaRROT) Program and is supported by 1 day workshops conducted in remote

clinics and regional centers.

The project activities include:

The major learning outcomes for the participating organisations will be:

the joint development of an integrated, sustainable and effective web based training program in oral health for remote area Indigenous Health Workers and nursing personnel;

the development of an associated web-based learning assessment system; the development of an associated web-based training review and evaluation system;

the development of web-based mentoring system to support remote health personnel taking up an oral health role; and

greater understanding of the factors influencing the sustainability and scalability of training programs for remote health personnel.

While this training will be available to remote health personnel in general, this training project takes a

team approach to training supporting inter-professional learning. The training program has a focus on

continuing professional development for whole clinics (e.g. the Kowanyama and Pormpuraaw clinics)

and whole teams (e.g. the Apunipima Cape York Health Council Maternal and Child Health Team and

the Queensland Health's Cape York and Torres Strait Maternal and Child Health Teams) to support

sustainable change in health personnel and health service practice.

For more information, contact Phone: 0408647025

Website: ………………………………………….

Email: [email protected]


ORGANISATION Rural Clinical School of Western Australia (Albany) UWA PROJECT TYPE Multi-disciplinary team, inter-professional learning PROJECT DURATION Training Dates: 1.7.15 to 31.8.15 TARGET AUDIENCE General Practitioners, nurses, allied health, social workers, Aboriginal health workers, multi-cultural liaison workers DESCRIPTION Funding for:

Employment of senior nurse to develop & tailor training materials, organise venues and

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promote & schedule training, facilitate follow up mentoring.

Printing 120 training resources & workshop packs.

Consultancy fees for partner organisations who are assisting in developing/tailoring resources for specific cultural populations.

Developing online ACP survey.

Embedding e-simulation training into temporary web platform for use by participants following training workshop to embed learning.

Presenter’s fee, travel & accommodation, logistics and administration. The aim of this project is to:

Multi-modal Advance Care Planning (ACP) training workshop for health professionals in rural WA (Mt Barker, Denmark, Kojonup, Katanning, Walpole) for multi-disciplinary group of rurally-based generalist health professionals (General Practitioners, nurses, allied health, social workers, Aboriginal health workers, multi-cultural liaison workers).

ACP is a process of discussion between patients, family/carers and health professionals, to identify goals and values that will inform a patient's future healthcare, in case they lack capacity to make healthcare decisions.

The proposed project includes the following components:

the development and adaptation/tailoring of existing resources, to suit a multi-disciplinary group of rurally-based (RA3/RA4) generalist health professionals (General Practitioners, nurses, allied health, social workers, Aboriginal health workers, multi-cultural liaison workers). These resources include innovative, evidence-based ACP training tools - both locally developed and adapted with permission from the 'Next Steps' ACP program (Detering et al BMJ S&PCare 2014;4(3):313-321), delivered in a multi-disciplinary workshop format.

a senior nurse (experienced in ACP delivery) travelling to five small rural towns (RA3/RA4) across the WA Country Health Service Great Southern and South West regions, to deliver half-day workshops to participants

a senior nurse (with support from other clinicians/researchers in the team) will provide follow-up mentoring for workshop participants

The resources include innovative, evidence-based ACP training tools, mentoring and train the trainer. Evidence-based training resources will be developed within the Rural Clinical School of WA and by the Next Steps ACP training group. The training is designed with sensitivity to specific cultural communities prevalent in each of the relevant communities, with input from Aboriginal Health Services and Cultural Liaison Officers. For more information, contact Phone: 0400 536 987 Website: http://www.rcs.uwa.edu.au/.

Email: [email protected]

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Project name:

Health Area

Organization Group



GST excl




GST excl



Developing &


GST excl


Location Postcode of


RA Categories of




Nos of



Pilbara Heart Health Forum –

4-5th September 2015 plus 1.5

days online

Plenary component: speakers

for plenary sessions, cardiac

related- training workshop for 4

groups of general practitioners,

nursing, allied health, Aboriginal

health workers & practice


Streamed concurrent sessions -

3 multidisciplinary case studies

and complementary teaching

materials (Forum workbooks

with case studies & patient

journey framework), video

recording of both plenary

sessions and the Aboriginal

Health workforce stream of the


Emma Haynes

West Australian Centre for Rural


The University of Western Australia


35 Stirling Highway

Crawley WA 6009

Ph 08 93467911

[email protected]

41,050.00 WA 6530 4-5 GPs OTDs


Midwives, AHPs



5x6 hours face to face Blood

Borne Virus& Sexually

Transmitted Infections training

courses in outer regional &

remote areas, to be accredited

by the RACGP QI&CPD program

& by ACCRM Professional

Vanessa Towell Anna Roberts Level 7 46-56 Kippax Street SURRY HILLS NSW 2010 LMB 5057DARLINGHURST NSW 1300

Ph 02 8204 0710 [email protected]

38,108.18 NSW 2010 2-5 GPs OTDs


Midwives, AHPs



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Development Program

ASHM will work in partnership

with the relevant Medicare

Locals/Primary Health Networks

and the stakeholders in each

location to determine priorities

for information delivery and

case study discussion

Training dates 1.6.15 to 30.9.15

Interactive workshop for

community speech pathology

and dietetics working with

clients with Huntington's

disease in Southern Tasmania

presented by specialist staff

from Huntington's Disease

Service, Westmead Hospital.

The Speech Pathology and

Dietetic team, the specialist

Huntington's nurse case

manager will attend this

workshop, to increase

multidisciplinary team working

and local support networks.

Tracey Graney Tasmanian Health Organisation (South) Level 4 Telstra Building 70 Collins Street HOBART TAS 7000 Email: [email protected] http://www.huntingtonsnsw.org.au/ac


3,950.00 TAS 7000 2-3 Speech





Develop, deliver and evaluate ‘HLTAHW027 - provide information and strategies in sexual health for women’ in Katherine (June 2015) and Tennant Creek (October) in partnership with AMSANT, delivered in a mixed mode style with 3 days theory based learning including group facilitated activities, presentations and interactive education delivery plus 2 days clinical practice. Training dates: 27.7.15 to 9.10.15

Genevieve Dally ManagerEducation & Workforce Development Family Planning Welfare Association NT PO Box 503 NIGHTCLIFF NT 0814 Ph 0989480144 Email: [email protected]

32,872.50 0814 2-5 AHWs,




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Attend a Level 1 Lymphoedema

Management Course for 9 days

at Royal Womens Hospital in

Brisbane; and complete a 40

hour online education package

before commencing the course.

Seven NT Physios will be

educated & upskilled by this

Physio after attending the

course. Training dates: 23.3.15

to 1.4.15

Fiona Coyle Senior Physiotherapist Central Australian Health ServiceDepartment of Health Alice Springs Hospital PO Box 2234 ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871 Ph 08 89517781 [email protected]/health

4,200.00 NT 0871 3-5 Physiotherapist 1

Attend Women’s Health

Training Association (WHTA)

Introduction to Women’s Health

Physiotherapy - intensive

course (5 days of training) in

Sydney. The developer of this

training program is Taryn

Hallam, Physiotherapist and

Primary Lecturer at WHTA.

The course unit regarding

treatment of women's health

conditions in a diabetic patient

will help her with the treatment

and management of pre/post-

natal diabetic patients.

Local health professionals

(community midwives and

health nurses) and regional

health professionals

(physiotherapists from Derby

and Kununurra) contact her for

advice and opinion on women’s

health clients. Training Days:

20/6/15 to 24/6/2015 .

Annie Taylor Physiotherapist Kimberley Population Health PO Box 4020 BROOME WA 6725 Email:

[email protected]

[email protected]

3,793.63 WA 6725 3-4 Physiotherapist 1

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Susan Herdman an

internationally expert on

Vestibular Rehabilitation is

offering a 5 day intensive

evidence-based course for

multidisciplinary professionals.

Currently RDH offers a monthly

outpatient multidisciplinary

vestibular clinic with

Physiotherapy, Ear Nose and

Throat (ENT) and Audiology.

Crossover referrals exist

between these departments;

but effective and efficient

management of this patient

population will improve with

multidisciplinary clinics


The allied health professionals

who participate in this course

will make a commitment to

train the trainer to educate

relevant staff expanding the

effectiveness and quality of

care. Training dates: 19.9.15 to


Prasha Sooful Audiologist (Fund holder) Sue Wallace Senior Physiotherapist Royal Darwin Hospital Top End Territory Health Network NT Government Floor 5 Building1 Rocklands Drive TIWI NT 0812 Ph 08 89228338 [email protected]

11,400.00 NT 0812 3-5 Physiotherapist



Interactive workshops on falls

prevention in older people in

rural, remote and Indigenous


During 13.7.15 -13.9.15 courses

will be conducted in 3 locations

-Broome and Kununurra, WA

(RA4), and Berrigan, NSW (RA3).

The face to face courses will

target individual health

professionals and MDTs

Maree Daly Debra O'Connor Executive Manager Deputy Director National Ageing Research Institute Ltd Box 2127 Royal Melbourne Hospital VIC 3050 Ph 03 9387 2305 (Maree Daly) [email protected]

39,352.50 VIC 3050 2-5 AHWs, AHP, GP,




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working with older people in

the community, hospitals and in

residential care. Participants

will be taken through a process

of screening, assessment and

care planning, including how to

conduct a comprehensive falls

assessment, writing an action

plan and developing strategies

for implementing and

evaluating an action plan.

Nutrition Assistant at Broken

Hill Health Service to do Cert IV

course in Nutrition & Dietetics

Support – delivered via distance

education at NSW TAFE – which

is relevant to her current role,

to improve her confidence,

knowledge & scope of practice.

Training dates: During 2015

Stacey Evers Nutrition Assistant Allied Health Thomas Street BROKEN HILL NSW 2880 Ph 08 80801397 [email protected]

1,800.00 NSW 2880 3-4 Nutrition



Assessment & management of

preschool & primary school age

children with developmental

issues. Online program via


The Interdisciplinary Child

Development Online workshops

allow participants to learn over

a 10 week period from their

workplace. The website

combines lecture-style teaching

with interactive mediums, so

that participants are both

increasing their knowledge but

also interacting with their allied

health peers to further develop

their inter-professional &

Katrina Wakely Lecturer Occupational Therapy The University of Newcastle Department of Rural Health 114-118 Johnston Street TAMWORTH NSW 2340 Ph 02 6755 3500 [email protected]

9,607.00 NSW 2340 2-5 GP,

Physiotherapist, Child Health Nurses


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clinical skills in paediatric

practice. Training dates: 1.6.15

to 2.10.15

Develop educational resources (that is: writing Module 7 – Extended Radiography Examinations, online publishing & launch, video production and captioning of Module 7) for web based delivery to build on materials & successful Limited Licence Xray Operators project developed with 2014 RHCE2 grant. The proposed new materials will address the continuing education needs of licensees and target examination types that are covered under clause 4 of the NSW licence conditions, as well as extended licences that are issued in other States, such as in Queensland and South Australia. Training Dates: 1.9.15 to 30.10.15

Assoc Prof Tony Smith The University of Newcastle Department of Rural Health 69A High Street TAREE NSW 2430 Ph 02 6515 1912 [email protected]

29,545.00 NSW 2430 2-5 GPs Nurses



Caring for our Colleagues

(CFOC) 2015 CPD program will

be run in 5 primary health care

centres in SA, NT and WA.

CFOC 2015 will build on the

previous 2014 RHCE2 project

and contribute to the national

roll out of the program in 2016-


The 2015 project will deliver

education and training for

general practitioners, allied

health workers, Aboriginal

Health Workers and nurses who

work in rural and remote

Dr Roger Sexton Doctors Health SA 327 South Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000 Ph 0408089423 [email protected]

50,860.00 SA 5000 2-5 GPs Allied



AHW, Nurses,



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locations in SA and NT that will

provide essential skills and

resources to confidently

identify and assist unwell

colleagues; and develop this

program into a model that can

be applied through rural and

remote Australia. Training

Dates: 30.6.15 to 30.9.15

4 rural and remote registered

oral health professionals

(Dentist, therapist, or hygienist)

at Charleville, Mount Isa and

Cairns Hospital and Health

Services Qld to complete Cert

IV TEA Training and

Assessment, on-line, in their

local area, supported by their

employers, Medicare Locals

(Primary Health Networks) and

Queensland Health.

Building on RHCE2 Round 5

Healthy Smiles project. Online

web based training modules

will exist post this project, to be

available to all remote workers

for ongoing refresher training..

Training Dates: 1.4.15 to


Margaret Dawson Nurse Manager - Child & Family Health Training RFDS Queensland Section 12 Casuarina Street BRISBANE AIRPORT QLD 4008 Ph 0458 300 609 [email protected]

28,854.54 QLD 4008 2-5 AHP, AHW



Development of culturally

appropriate resources for

educating and training

Aboriginal Liaison Officers

(ALOs), to further their

understanding of the High Risk

Foot using information from

Indigenous & High Risk Foot

Jenny Kitchen

Boab Health Services

PO Box 1548


Ph 0429913824

[email protected]

3,500.00 WA 6752 3-5 AHP, AHW, GPs 90

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Conference for podiatrists,

Allied Health workers & medical

staff at Broome 26th-27th

March 2015. Sessions include

live lectures, videoconferencing

& discussion style presentations

from experts (Pete Lazzarini

from Queensland Health and

Mr David Armstrong from

Arizona USA); practical

demonstrations & facilitated

problem solving with

facilitators in group settings.

SJoGHC Aboriginal Attachment

Project will:

- enhance Aboriginal Health

Workers, health professional’s

knowledge & understanding of

parent-infant attachment

within an Aboriginal cultural &

historical context.

- Support health professionals

undertake early intervention &

promote parent infant

attachment for Aboriginal &

other rural/remote families.

- Incorporate train the trainer

component to enable transference of knowledge & expertise in working with Aboriginal families. Training Dates: 1.6.15 to 16.10.15

Jane Leung

Early Years Project Officer

St John of God Health Care

10/454 Scarborough Beach Road


Ph: 086103 5654

[email protected]

41,890.00 WA 6017 2-5 AHW, AHP, GPs,

OTD, Nurses,



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Through the Looking Glass:

Reflective Practice in the Bush

project includes 3 x 2 day

evidence-based best practice

workshops in remote Western

Australia to build resilience in

remote area health workers

using positive psychology,

reflective practice (core

component of workshops) and

creativity. Also creation of peer

support networks, telephone

counselling service, ongoing

support and mentoring from

BSS psychologists.

Training Dates: 2.7.15 to


Christopher Cliffe (CEO) Colleen Niedermeyer Director of Support Services CRANAplus Bush Support Services PO Box 7410 CAIRNS QLD 4870 Email [email protected]

55,520.00 QLD 4870 3-5 GPs, OTD, AHP,

AHW, Nurses,



Funding for Indigenous

Optometrist’s airfares,

accommodation, car hire,

conference fees to attend

Optical Distributors &

Manufacturers Association

(ODMA) 2015 Brisbane

Convention on 3-5th July 2015


John Kelly Norfolk Optical PO Box 373 Norfolk Island, South Pacific NSW 2899 Ph: Intl+6723 22522

Email: [email protected]

2,699.00 NSW 2899 5 Optometrist 1

Develop new course content in

consultation with multiple

stakeholders and converting

oral health training material to

online delivery system including

development of lecture

material, webinars, online

learning assessment system,

telementoring & evaluation

systems. The web-based

training is using Queensland

Dr David Walker

Post-doctoral Fellow

Population Oral Health

Sydney University

Apunipima Cape York Health Council

PO Box 12045

Westcourt QLD 4870

Ph: 0408647025

Email: [email protected]

36,363.63 QLD 4870 4-5 AHW, AHP 100

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G:\RHCE\2015 Round 6\Communications 2015\Website\RHCE2 ROUND SIX PROJECTS 2015 - TO GO ON WEBSITE - draft 28.5.15.docx

Health's 'Pathways to Rural and

Remote Orientation and

Training' (PaRROT) Program and

is supported by 1 day

workshops conducted in

remote clinics and regional

centers. Training Dates: 1.6.15

to 31.8.15

Multi-modal Advance Care

Planning training workshop for

health professionals in rural WA

for multi-disciplinary group of

rurally-based generalist health

professionals. The resources

include innovative, evidence-

based ACP training tools,

mentoring and train the trainer.

The training is designed with

sensitivity to specific cultural

communities prevalent in each

of the relevant communities,

with input from Aboriginal

health services and Cultural

Liaison Officers. Training Dates:

1.7.15 to 31.8.15

Dr Craig Sinclair

Rural Clinical School of WA

University of Western Australia Science

Building M701

35 Stirling Terrace


Ph 08 98420829

email: [email protected]

36,229.00 WA 6330 3-4 General


nurses, allied

health, social



health workers,


liaison workers

