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mRKB ftND IRflDt REVIEW. Seattle. Waah., May 4, 1900. ?Khar? at the Seattle. Tacrma, Spokane and bo'UM todajr writ: <lcarancca. Balances. |t l r &:iio, too <hi f<in,»Hii no JV . 11»,5» 00 24,002 (A 3a1 '746 00 te.SW 00 % % % TUK IBATTLK MARKETS. %rw r * w««tablea Jrtwm"" tT(Wn <4 " n Pranct * co induced a larger Mint In ,hir rnilf,lfcts *n( * trade waa brisk all « in these products, however, notwithstanding J/lfti*9 demar,-l, remained steady and unchanged. JtjErrteji were less plentiful and sold during the JfTtfl the «aj !£?r to he lower tomorrow. i ' f oranges and banana* have also been LSTLtd the fruit market is well stocked. *Efv_ $l (, changm in t>ther markets to record. . contfrjuW g steady and prices Arm. This apply, however, to wheat, which is little £1 tha# nominal. n«>r to wool and hides, which *Te*<u f'.itll aftd Inactive. *«,, grr.ii ! a? k **l >t nrTn inl »'-tl»e. both JS.I *nil It otdtr» frenr. the north nn<l th, tllM! 'I 10 thf Phlllpplnp, *!ji. DOOM'- m i:; '\u25a0 7P I Irntifn], Imt the 'Vnmntl U «1 thci» n aocumalatlon of >tf«lc«. P?' , nI j htstUr CMitlttK, Arm nt the price, 15Ij uid »h«" no (i,m. «» J«t. of chan,e. rt-RCHASIKO rnicci. lh, lrx->l for rtclif.rir In rouud lot, TjL dmk ?"'! i" H" 1 ,>r ?? VSn-0«t«. IIV. -D, barley. *l6 50: wliMt. rblrkM li6rt.al6.M: brnn, 110: *bort.. 11l fc,-Pn«it »">mrl. saof'.l; K«-.ten> THhlßfton Mil Sif«!7: r ''' !*? ?««. L utrl'tlr fr«h l>»Hc. ? Etrr pfh nvli, Iftn 3>r- ; rr»«rr»ry. Me. Elttrv l.iro chicken,, 19< . live turkw,. Me; Mm I3c; «»e«. IV. dufki. K Xmt. |5, rtn. *-«'het'e (»c( rattle. row«. «*«|c: atem, Jm c chain (l.eep Wit; food hoj,, U»e. »4c; K, 'dr«. r -d, M l '; cahe*. dre..fd, l,r,e. 6c; imall, r - eilres. lire, larpe. tc; «mall, Bc. 154,,. pelt, and wnrM -Heatr aonnd anJted ateeri, otr w'lb*. H> : medium .crtind, per lb, 7k; ri under to IK "4< ; eow«, aound, all weinht*. ttaf* and 'ten. V waited klpa. 7e: mltm per lb, : treen hldea, le le« than aaltcd; M kidaa, per lb, 12c; dry culls, one-third lea,; Miiser Iff per lb, winter d.er, dry, AKct K< uperr deer. 12®llk; dry elk, cr.en elk. lile \u25a0beep pelts. i&eWMto. shearling*, bun Waahlnttun Hool, *»l2c; Weatem Waah- Mtoii wool, 19c.; dirty or timber burned. U#lte; miio - %% % IOIIRIKU dHOTATIOIII, Jsfcbiog quotations todsy were as fotlowes ? Sngar. Floor and Coffee. gnftr- Oolden C. in bbla. 4.824< ; extra C In bbls, tfik' best sngar, 5.15 c; powdered, 5.524 c; dry granu- |(sd. 1.22k; In bWs. higher; cube. 5.724 c; spot V Paten* Kv-pli.";*. %?? SB; Novaltt A. |. California brands. !<; corn meal, yellow, fl.ol 0 Mkl lbs. In U> its sack-.; ioni meal, white, SL7O m W ihs. In 10 lb i \u25a0 - 1i- Kwheat flour, pure. J4 per W lbs. in f-lb cracked wheat, t2 2S w liJO lbs, in 10 1b sacks; l .-ir.a, $2.85 per 100 lba, ,14-10 sacks, fsrlna. V' per m lU, in 51b sacks; 1 aarkages ftincy rolled c;i'». $2 50 per bbl in Hb Hb, e*irti meal, yellow. «20 per bbl. In tt-lb \u25a0to, corn atsai, white. }\u25a0'\u25a0 H per bbl. In 50 lb aacks; fckel.'Ht flour, pure (7 ft ;«r bbl. In 50-lb sacks; IBrfes'i wheat, $1 p< i bbl, hi » lb sacks; steel cut Btawai, J"'t bbl. in '4-lb sacks; graham flour, gn per bbl in 50- It. «ncks; whole wheat flour, |l fm bW, in W-lb ra< rye meal, I? 7b per bbl. la tfr M rks; rye flnnr. 4) per bbl; fancy rolled oata, Hllo net bbl-. 15 20. fancy rolled oata, 90 1b aacks, **; fsnry toiled '-at*, per case. |2.66; rice, domae- gr Jsp, W 75; Carolina. $6 75. Catfee-Oreen Mocha, per lb. SMMUc; Java, per ft, HM2SK: <"csta Hica. choice, per lb. io*><re Arbnrkle'a, in 1001b cases. »er ewt, $1125; Slb ii&m. per <wt. fll .16, J»lk ises, per cWt. fit4i Jara. 6Mb tins, per lb, flHc;'a.cka, 34|c; Aden ll"ha, »?. f'aracola, 324 c; tJuatemaia. 214 c; ground fAgw, i«kWc, Lion, 100s, $13.25. 60b, $13.31; 80s. ma Hatter, (lease, Kggi aad f'oaltrr* Butter fto up; fsncy dairy, in aguaraa. Mlttr; Wn hlngton creameries. 1-lb and 2 prtuta, WH'Qc', Eastern creamery, 22v»"Rc that* ,\Atne Wasbii gton, >MlOc; Eastern. \\m fls: hslf ll(ril.V. K»pi-Strictly fra h Tgnch, I6c; Eastern. t'cinb houey Califoa.ia ccink. U&S 13c, \u25a0trained, chickens. IftSUc; Mra turkeys, lle» taaad tqrk*y». lloyiec; ducks. par doaea; |NM. 4tc. Rata. Walnut*. ier th, ?acta, lk«tl4c; EAstarn Mack waW at<, i> pecans, 14c; AUierta. 144o; Braalla. 12c; fertxi-li, lantA *cft ahell, 16c; almonds, No. 2, Iftc; HMkts *»?. pine, 15<-; hickory, 10c; cocoanuta, par Mn K>e. chistnuta, tc; Italians, 12c, popcorn, to flay, firnlii and Fe«d. rt.i I 1". «aund. n»r ton. fluff fa; Eastern Waak- ken,i t Mctliy. $l- 'l9; allalfa, sl2. ptls I'er ten. s£. Ikr*'- 'MM. fKkfftl. On \\ in I $2.1; cracked, $23; feed meet, per ,*>»' I' 4"' tit: oil cake meal, S3O; middlings Hp; bran. sl2; short a, IU; ehc.pp.rl |iuT|i Wry dnvM feed, |1? Poultry Food. ta.ol.ißl rr-i-f .Irili. llf I»r tan: (ra.ul.tM ?kMK tii* prr tun; bona meal, |r» per ton; MSktao lie, V- per ton; hulled oata i«A n«r J«;L * U poultry fed $25 per ton; beef Meal, MWp.r l," tn.nl. luh. »li ,? r tall . F<) par ton h«»ef n craps. 100 a, S4B ner tOu ? ?a rests' grit, $27 per ton. ' Rents, rrtoialuua and Flnlt. Ijik m-sU Cow beef To per lb «tear hmmi Ja It. mutton wr'hera. Tk- per' Ik; pork Ts * tfal - per lb. small. I per (k ftww. u, rai lA,ge, 124« small, lie break- l-' «l rr salted sides, <4e ' Dr * #B^ per lb. t4e; White Star ta ta.,,1 n . . UM mmp.umd. tleroi *jr « ( w«d iu., «, \u25a0 ,r \u25a0 f*krui, II,Ub,It. . .1..1hv.,l Mimon 1(w - K. -mt.u. gf MMms, 3mJ4c, avie*. 4 rc< k Slav *hri*n, ' *£& u ir r lS?k K ? In* 1 ? »»**<*'> Hpw ... i tire uk fcf < i. . " ' ???*?«. II w in ,* \u25a0 " ''"" ' ir' l salm>n, V it. l nink ta kSiiirs 'Vr r"." ,lr, \u25a0 B-wSiLH. Alaska ke>iiMg. hhls £> .i 5 vw *wiin, l»«. p.f bu, Mr t, *!? . ***«? tw. ll.'a, rj«.r fek, *s*' Sakiwl !«|[i kosas. He; cod roll# 44, e> ' *i*. t|N. * °* l « "Mnsn Veteiablea, Nltes? loos!. s!'.»* 15 pe r ton; faklnj* tiA,%> r^. ** w- IST »« k »>if*tiag« 60* n*r .. I . * r;;7' ; rr : ' - la. 4r> ~ , t'»iavuas ioa4!,.H Rk CO . to** naa a, . ... * v>'*mnkt»,» Ue.S: tfcafitb " ' «P«M«V Kroit., I*," ' 1,,. *" "** " lUTfU. f. I'MteH ,-.v...v1, V,', -t. ' ««Wll!« eer :? jn »» ? " , a ' r, T r «?I * Mtn. si «> \u25a0 So ... t ke ? * W ..I* \zr Rv -v" "" '*\u25a0 tew »; mSm.Tt per lb, w<sJ ? K - .Itauas. U4#l4«- TT Sinaskr teatrfcige \u2666 #a Hey imin jy r ' ? a#ltc, aevuriii ' * pw t- -V l.wtirr ami llulldlii« Material.. i.««- .j. ?:« «...?. M N.> 1 fir. L.f t r , h*etA* » ftv | S. 1 .. ® b \i I. , c-asn- «n. , i , sktafU U Us. L ! \ ' * C'o n.i k firUh, tiwf, .4 r,T. " ' ip.i>f. «M«. nidc E.', -Hth. S.V X-T M L U ~ ~ , ' , " II <"tl.'«l (tlili |t t .. \ t.-t, . >\u25a0"'<>>« »»» f h 1..t \ ' »?"»? 14 h * Mil; J ?'*'<» 1"..'-,. s , , f »tiwfc flnl.lt ! ~ .tdlßi. P. , I ! S I .*...\u25a0\u25a0 f** : Hf '. «o4 up. 11l ~C .. ~'s I! ,T.? ? <lll"«l* II ». |. !> , , ?' .' tltt<k (talJi. «?(> lii '*'** '\u25a0 *> » W lot. Ct#M. i < K o ikiJi 1 Ml Ik I V "' * ?* K H4| U"1 Hub"' SS; Sui Jwu. |l !*? b.rr.l, St A ; ,1 , ?,,, , : I. ' r«" w I ua« *»Mri.t; WHEAT MAIIHICT. V l ' 1 "»K Bkt N.V 1 Wu«t«a. . ? ng. No. 1 club, S»J«; Uuesteir, S44c. ice a PORTI \\n WHKVT sARKET. l l r ' 4. Qu utiona in th« lo- t remsln the uuaa as yesterdsj. _? * Ut ** nominal, acme of the eaporters declaring themselTes out of the market al lT* tT W,,U w»"«. "<?; Valley, KMSJc; blu«- stem. 56c. % % % tacoma wheat market. TAf°MA. Ma; 4 ?Wheat- Market qTliet and prices unchanged Bltieatem. 55c; club, 52c. % % % *** FHAWISCO MAIIKBTB. BrendatnffH. Mner. »p«t. quiet, Oat,, qulat »jwt quotations N°' '\u25a0 95c: chni, 'e ' milling, l»«rle*-rood. riUf> 73|c; brewln*. mrK^. uWr" 07 '" ll2,: « ,M » Reeelpls, dr?XJ!'" n Z "*?£\u25a0 , T" : r ' nu1 *- «?«: ««tsl». 2.2*0; bran., sick,. %.y- ?«'\u2666«'« 3M; Potatoes Mcfct, JO.tll; mid. .5 h.l I l .'. "eks, t'>n». lir?; wo4, hales, 174; hide*. 225. Prodnre, Trait, Rtc. - per ton. ii.Vi wheat and oat, Vkfa: be*t striw £i SiJIF' roni P^ 3?0» 10; straw, per bale. O04O". b.nto'lSwTS' 0"*°» Bur. Vete»aMe.--Tuni m bera. r«TV: freen i*m, 75<i»tl; string beans, &*<? per pound; tomatoe*. f1.2y«178* asparagus, tl 00.32.25. h mits "Applen, choice, 11.25; common. 7Bc: oranges. Mwrt«* n !l»«a. #.#*»4.»; com- E'JLE - "I" 1 * ,emon "- tl; chafc* California lemons, II 50; bananaa. $1.50r^loo; pineapples, f2 sflm4 00. Butter Fancy creamery. lT<ai7*c; aeconda, lmttc; fanry dairy ISiColfr-; seconds. Ittflsc. Cheeae New. Young America, 9tft9Jc; East- ern. \tyHYic. Eggs store, 14019 c; fency ranch, ITc; Eastern, 16 rMr I»o»iltry Turkey gobblers. Itfctfc; tnrkey hens. 13 ®l4c; old r*K*tcit young r.»oaters. 9KA7: small broiler*. ?2 0®(»3 00; large broilen«. iI!W»4 00; fryera, |S.O«*SBO; hens, $4 flor<»s 50 ; old dnc|» 94 50(9 5 56; geese, $1 .SOfifl.TS. Wool and Hop*. Wool Spring Nersda. Eastern Oregon. 12 flh«r; ralley Oregon. Fall Northern mown tain lamb«, 10^12*-: mountain lambs ft* n P, * ,n''' 10r: Hnmbri,dt #nd Mendociiy, Hops-Crop of 1«W, ll^lSc. Closing Quotations. Wheat- No sales; caah 96c. Barley?No sales Corn-Large yellow, 91 KWM 20 % % % *RW YORK WtAKKfBTi. General NEW YORK, May 4. Flour- Receipts. 15,121 bar- rela; eiporta, JP.950 barrels; market, steady; Minne- sota patent. t&MtfAff); winter straights $3 VkftS 50 Wheat ?Receipts, 271.025 bushels Hpot, strong; No. 2 red. f. n . K, 77|c elerator Options were quiet snd rather weak up to the last hour. large seaboard clearances of flour and chinch bug report* from Tennessee caused lore] covering and a rally. Early depressions w< re Impelled by weakrires abroad, lojrge Argentine shii*. fslrly «'>od home weather news. Closed firm at a partial Ac advance; May, 72 7-19n, closed 7So; July, 72 11-1f1w7215-16c, closed 731< : September, 73|f»74c, closed 74«. Wool Dull. Hops- Quiet. Coffee- Options closed quiet with prices unchanged to 5 points lower; sales, 2.750 bags. Including July, 5.70 c; August. g.75c; September. 5,*5c; October, 5.90 c; December. 7.15 c; spot. Rln, steady; No. 7 invoice. 7|c- mild, quiet; Cordova, H<9lsc. Sugar Haw, Arm; refined, ateady. % % % CHICAGO MARKETS, The Board of Trade. f HICAGO, May 4. WhMt npfrwd lower on weak cables. For a time the trade *ll dull and pries* Arm, receding a bit. from find fl«nr<-« At the de- cline the caah demand showed up in encouraging form, Chinch hug* wtr» reported from Tetuieaaee and Texaa and corWderntioa wan given the libera! \u25a0Me of clcarancea, both weekly and for today. Un- der the impulse derir»'l from ihean conalde rations the market rallied and the rinse wan Arm The de- mand for May placed thai option at 1* discount under July. July closed 4c higher. «t 67k"fi74c. ftorn waa ea«y to begin with and decidedly weak during the middle of the session. Cable* were lower and freer <xmntry offering* were reported. Business in the pit waa fairly active. Later in the »esston the wheat strength had some effect, and thi«. combined with baying by an influential bull, caitaed a rally, the clone being firm Keports con- earning the ahlpping demand were conflicting. some claiming that it waa made, others to Uiu contrary. July cloned 4c up. OAta were QOtet within narrow limita, affected throughout, In a modest way. by the corn fluctua- tions. July closed a shsde down Provisions maintained their tlrmneaa. but made no particular gain in price*. Trade was dull the greater part of the session. Julv p«wk cloeed 24c higher and ribs 24c down. Tlie leading fnturea ranged a* follow*: Wheat, No. Opening Highest. (Closing. May M40M91 Gfi 65tffl&k July tt*frW| 67* M| 67|<AfC4 Corn. No. % Mar ».104 *4 » Joljr 40*0404 .194 to* September 401<ff40# 40| 104 «« Oata, No. % - May 22| 2* 224 22*«*a| July 3544>23| 23 (a' 234 ®4<*tS| kfsss Pork, per barrel May Sll 96 112 OR sll 96 sl2 0) July 12 124 Hl' 4 MO6 12 15| Lard. p#r WO pound * - May ? 90 July 7 00 7 024 fl 324 AM fteHemlwr ....... TOO TOO 6 96 6 « Khort RiU. per 100 pounds- May ft 6*4 *TO rt 674 «TO J?ly «« « ftO 6 September 6 75 6 M 170 6 75 (ash limitations. Flour- Essy Wheat -No. 3 Mgtfc; No 2 red. 7QofO4c. fVwn? No 2. 3§*c; No 2 yellow **\u25a0. Oata No. 2. Mi244c. No. 2 white, No. ) white. Rye No 2 Barley -Good feeding, .164 c, fair to ckftlce malting, flfe<t«4c flaxseed No 1. $1 *0 Heed Prim* Timothy. $2 40 Mesa i»ork Per barrel, sll Ofcu 12.16. Lard Per too amnds. w:i '6 974 rtidae Hb<ort rib», loose HAM*.to Hluwlder* l>ry isltsd. »w»*ed 1* Wi«67f. fiidr* Hb'Ht clear. bo*ed. $7 IW7 W Whi-kv flasls of hln:< wine $1 2&4- t'loser 4'ontiscted gtsde. $Tft» Kecei|i(s Riul <lil|iuten(a. Article* Receipts Shipments Flour, barrels 10.000 VMS Wheat, lusheta WOOD H.o* (\>m baahcls *B.OW tSI.OOI Oata. buahels M.Ottt Itl MP Rte. huahel* fcJJJ Parley. buaheia 24. <W> 24 »«S Dairy Prodncia. On the produce exchange today the butter muket sa« Arm Oram, I44ntt*c ( - dairy, l.V*lt*o r»,«e J mil Ml 14<\u2666. Kgga Steady. freab. 10|c % % % UVR STOCK MARKETS. Chicago. CHICAGO Mar 4 Re*r4ptii VOOO Steers itf»R« to tucker I' M, hers st.wk at rang aa.d a<Jtl?e Na- tivea. gu«"i t' I 'lßt' atecra, Ji Tk#S 5; P<>or to me- diUSt. $4 « aelertrd filers ch«ecr. afeady to «tr<w»g *4 .*S» >or mixed afockera steady to *V»w, IStMMlfl cm* heifer* I'WK; ean* acta, tt SMltt: b«dl ?t'-ady. S2 23. caiw Arm. vtirtl V TVs »s 1 «?* Tn atrweg t«» 5(V' fcigh*:, It Receipt* tixla-r It tomorrow, 13 ft» 1 "ft ?r l.fc*' \t fire VV btghrf: fct.,l > Mtchers' $S lk#*s t0 <2 1 to rhote* keary, $& J5 #8 474; r«Migh bea«> $SkW* 3), ltght Sttt«a6S!4i b»'!k ? > f sales. fc»2V.«*3k -S'-er l Ske«p atr>ng: lamb* strong t , v hYgber <Wod to rk.4., <a-IW. r, ? > ckSra mued «l * W-Mmj sheep » * \6«- car ling- lamia. sfc«taT *?; W?«strni lambs. (tmnlia. UMAIIA Mat 4 OaU4e~Receipt* I.M kead; m \u25a0 <n# Native t>eef aleer* S4.iUM V c*«« am*, hfif. V- *> 4 IP. cennara tI.2M4Lw «tork<"a *l,l feed \u25a0« I? TM3 »; cabrea. $3 tftfToC. hull* and stag- r. y H<v» Kr eiiita ft wo head: wiarke* kfaSk- higher: kesst v . 'Ti -r-.xrl tS 3WJ 9 Wght, tS SWI IIU cf aaW SS.2MA94 »«* . : * - fair to hoica We<tm»t. $5 nul oh.H.e #he#p. lambs. $6 96. KX)RII(.N MiBKKTS. VI r en da tuff a. LONDON. Ms* 4 Wheat carr>'a on paaaage. Nxy- at> indepaskVnt. parav-m 3d lower, N: I atanvLird ralif«>mU. 'Sta tki. WslU Walla. 2Sa td. Ki^lUk v'Wintn market viuiet. tIVKRPOOL. Ma; 4 Wheat \a 1 etand- art I'aUfMnk 4* 4d Wkeat at. ' fl. -ir In Pxria quleL Fremh country market* steady. % % % M \HI\I: \K\\ s. HONOLI'Lt* Arrived, April 14, hkta Skagit, from Pan Oamble. April 21. bktn J. M Griffith, from Port Tawa*cnd: April Zi. bkta J«ka SiuUL. frwm Seattle; ST. bk O. D. BrjaaL frv«& rHE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER. SATURDAY. MAT 5, 1900. Sailed. April IT, bt Palmyra, far Port Towrwwnd; bktn Echo, for Port Town send; schr Maria E, Smith, for Port Tf/wnwod, April 18. Br ah Hlldton, for Port Town sendf April 20. sh Dashing War®, for Port Townsend; April 23. *chr Lottie Bennett, for Port Townsend; April 24. s«br Pioneer, for Port Townsend; April 25. schr Charles R Wilson, for Port Townsend. nAX PRANCISCO?Arrired. May 4, Btr Progreao. from Tacmna. Sailed. str Areata, for Coo* bay; sh (Jlory of the Heaa. for Comox. ASTORIA?SaiIed. May 3. Br atr Braemer, for Hongkong. FALMOUTH?Arrived, May 4, Qer sh Nerelde, from Portland. NANAIMO, B. C -Sailed, May 4, Robert Adam- son. for Sau Fraaciaco. OYSTER BAT- Sailed. May 4, Warfleld, for San Francisco. MARINE MOVEHEITB. The Merchant*' Exrb&ngo reporta the following movements of trwrli: SEATTLE?SaiIed May 4, atr Umatilla, for San Francisco. Arrived, May 4. schr Falcon, from San Franciaco. SAN FRANCISCO Arrived, atr Progreso. from Tacoma. Sailed April J, str Matteawan. for Tar (?OB». PORT TOWN SEND Arrired May 4, atr Tacoma, and pr<xeeded to Tacoma, R a. m. PORT CRESCENT, May 4 -Cloudy; light west wind in strait*. Passed out, two four-malted achoon- era in tow of Wanderer, 7:45 a, m.; a acbooner and barkentine. in tow of Tacoma, IJO i. m.; a achooner in tow of Boyden, t i. in. STEAMSHIP at'RKX ARRIVES. Itrtnjr* 314 Pasiienffers and I,HOO Tons of General i'argo. Steamship Queen arrived from B«.n Francisco yesterday. Leaving flan Fran- cisco she had 314 passengers for Puget Sound and British Columbia ports and 1,800 tons of cargo. Of this number 191 wore destined for Seattle, 91 for Victoria, 13 for Tacoma and 10 for Alaska. What- come got three, Everett four and Port Town«en<l four. By first-class passen- ger n were; Seattle- iaO. B. Millett and wifa. A. J. Watson. Mrs. 11. J. Lumbcrt. T. J. Plnmmer. S. faircroaa and wife. Wm. Law and wife. D W. Jay. wife and ch. H. Jankes. C. M. Fanner. H. J HUnwood. Nellis Farmer. C. Miller. I). W. Fales. C. T Forsythe. \V. p. Hanch. Mrs. Gale. I>. G. Warner and wife. Miss L. Howard. Miss B. Baldwin. Miss M. Mansfield. F. Pr> nech Mrs. J. F. Mlnnock. Julia Veum. Mrs. B. E. Canfirld and Victoria, B C.? child. Mies A. Waterman. F. Kelly. 11. f^ber. C. F. Halmlnf. A H. 'lregaon. E. B. Schereer. A McCann. A. Carlson. Miss Grady. Mrs. E. K. Sargison and Mrs. A H. Bechtold children. and children. Miss N. Moffltt F. Jonea. Mm. S. Deminf. F. W. Heaslona. A. B. Korn. O. Lommell. Mrs. Anberlin. O. C. Howell. J. P. Hudson. Mrs. Howell and child. If. Hempel. Mlsa D. Dean. W. Neville. Miss A. Deroy. C. H. Smith. Miss Woods. W. H Vincent G. Stanley. Mrs. E. H. Reynolda and S. J Emmanuel, son. W. B Bell. iSliw Kellngc. Mis. Bell and children. M. Elliott and wife. It. MrNutt A. Leonard. .1, Hunt. W. Keya. J, K RattKhman. Mrs. J. Thurhan. L. Day. Fimncia Brora. Mlaa M. Hurtle. Mr". J Hilghni. Mi** T. !>*-*eJ. Mra. Krani' l and rifflitr. Turoma - Mrs It. Uliker and ch. S (i. Warla. J. York. Mra. H ' i Miner H. G. For. M. Frledeman. T> Donohue. Mlaa Stuaaer. W. L. Stephenson. 11. Rlacke. <l. L. Rtt*phenaon. J. Murray t'. I. Wenller, wife and H. William,. child. Mra. William and child. J. R. Dillard. Port Townaund F. Berkcr. C. W. Lan,. It. Scott and wife. C. Raekua. Dr. H. C. Wllkinaoo. Alaaka- T. J. Bingham. F. H. Johnson. T. 3chrier. Mm F R. Johnson. L. Pray heck. (j M. Ward. O. H, Hteele W. W. CatJiti. W N McFarland. ti, Ctiin. Mrs. W N McFatland. New Whatcom? Mra. Jackaon. J Itichardaoo and wifa J. W. liorack. C. Heho. UMATILLA AOI Til HOI'XD. MUM V ran Ml. OF C. D. LASK'S U*B ARRIVES AT SEATTLE. Several LaeomMlTn Are Alio Here ?Alt Are Diminutive, kit Iter, leaves for San Franciaco Willi 120 Faaaengera, InelnHlng SO Japs. SteaniHhin Umatilla. Capt. Coualna, Railed for Ban Franciaco at 7 o'clock luat night with 120 p«B*onKftr«, Including 20 Japanese. She cargo. Her passengers, exclusive of the Japanese tx>n.tlngetatk are; T Fnmta. D. W. Kunsell. Tom Jerman. H It \rm*tronf. Tom IhtTia. H. V Theohald. B. E. Meredith. O. J. Kullaim. A. S Heinmau. <Tha». McOoiuld. A. Johnaon. Mm. J. F Knight. R. Burton. J V Knight. Theo. t'n>wth«. May <lahi>rey. H. O'ConnelL t trace Hurd. (ieo. Ihinu. i*. H. Wu<xlingham. A. Bennetto. C. H Minto. Ham Steinberf. A. Cooper. C. kanan. I). A. llernheim. (i. l>a*ia. Mm. R. P Benton. Thoa. Edward. J. O. IV>asman. P. *4chlckMng. M. Hume. I». P. Sinuiui. E. T. Rosenthal. Mra. R. L. Drum. W. J. Tully. Wm. Sbeunan. J. Anderaon. i apt. Oarid Clark. Margaret EUk John Rosene. Ifoward .1 L<<a. J. O. t»a*ia. Mrs. Marie l<aa. <4. B. Nuhols. H. R. Bvram. «' E UrifPlth. C. H Smith. W. H Hall* J. Mcflahey W. It Hoping. J. .!. Ncmmuux. M. Thomipaon. A. J. Menda. John T Bibb. John Ruaavll. K Cardiu. N. A. Leete. E Oeorge. J. H. Hah. John Itc-selL C. Aagelo. John NavrtK <"hn* Nit-lsen. N E Mrtensen. J Heller. Mrs O .lennatad. t'. Wrdhrrba. E. Johnson. A. Dailrtaou. J W Thompson. T Weather baa P. Frawl. H Limlig. Mra. l> FrareL W. S Rentl I> Jr. Tlxs M^Kinley. L IticharOeon. Mis. L .Shay. John Andtra-".i John Md^offrey. Mrs A &. AUecu L Larson 1 W Knight Ml* O Jermetvd. Mrs A. Yntrjg. A E Morten sen. A S. Allen P J Priti hard. Res J O. Its via. E. Johnaon W. H. Kdwanls. Thoa. Da via. B W. W iloama. \\ F netcher. F <J. 11 Baker. Mr* L s. hannelL M. P. Jonea. E. Lint ham. THIS W BATHER. FORBCAST FOR SATURDAY. Portland, Of.. May 4. 1900 Threat entng, with «.iask>aal akower*. stati*Joary tempamtosa. CNITBD STATUS DEPARTMENT or 401 V CL'LTCRE. F. ATIIKIt Rl RCAO. DAILT Brl-LETIN. (\u25a0rrnt Power?Shipment Attracts Much Attention tn Railroad Yards Standing on the sidetracks of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific railroads, near the coel-bunkers, at Sec- ond avenue south, are several freight cars, the cont.nts of which have at- tracted much attention for the past two days. They are loaded with diminutive llatcars, boxcars, railway trucks and locomotives, all In "knock-down" condi- tion. The consignment consists of the rolling stock for a Cape Nome railroad to be built by C. D. and other well-known wealthy ATnskn mining men. On the outside of the cars are flam- ing banners bearing the inscription, ? these cars are for shipment to Cape Nome," and giving the name of the manufacturer. They ape small and ourlous-looklng things, from a railroad man's stand- point. They are about two-thirds as long and wide as an ordinary railroad flatcar. The wheels ars about equal in size to the trucks of a yard engine, while the springs might well be used to prevent the lumbering of a farm wagon on a country road. They are built, however, much aftjer the fashion of the ordinary tar, and most substan- tially hound with heavy Iron. The locomotives are also in "knock- down" sh«pe. These are in sealed cars and can only be seen from the end opening. They are, however, built after the fashion of the regular steam loco- motive, and are somewhat largvr than a falr-slxed Puget Sound sawmill boiler. They are so constructed as to give the mo power, and are capable. It is said, of pulling a load much larger In com- parison to their slae than the regular locomotive used In railroad service. Within a few days a consignment of steel rails will arrive here, and all will be shipped North to Cape Nome from Seattle. Mr. Lane's rallrosd is to he built this summer from Port Clarence to Nome. The former place has a splendid har- bor, and it Is expected will be most extensively used by vessels bringing heavy cargoes of freight for all that section of country. The new road will derive its revenuri from hauling this freight inland and to Nome. LICK*SCSI TO WRD. Li cm»68 tn wM w*re lamMS vr*terdar at tha county auditor'« office for Pilaa C. Roll (SB) and Sadie A. Bate* (28K both of Seattle, and far Hurry B I.iun- oreui (25*. of Sapho, and Maggie M. Rumbaugh (19), of Fairharen HOTRL ARHIVUS. The Butler. F. J White. Vancouver. C. W. raring, V. TT. ft. K. G. Anderaon. N. Y G. S Pillman. San Fran. L. L. Lorkhart, T/>a Ang. C. E. Jol naton. Taooraa. Mn. Lorkhart, do. \. M. l«ach«. Omaha. It. A rrtekson. Grand KY ,!#nrv « 'artar, ctty. MM. M W. Myer and A. P. I hillipa. Roaton. daughter Victoria. A. L. Amnh, Oaacade. B HodwaH, Victoria. R. DoMtfna. !<owall. Mam. J. J Palmar, Toronto. G. Haatie, Mt. Vernon. K, 11. Palmer. P. F. T. M. Vaoca, Olympia. T. K. Marahall, ClavoqwotA. MrOulre, Superior. J C l.indaev. Portland. S. Bruce. Mrs. C W Hunt. Spok. L. H. Moore. Philadelphia Mra. J. G. I.ong, do. L. Applftfovd, Mpla. Mr*. L. S. Soter. do. p rjoroby, Superior. J. p O. Young, Pt.. T. Ed Powell. Spokftne. C. It ftturgeaa. |;. M inter htmaer, N. T. V. H White, Redmond. Mrs.. Peddatl. Waah. J. liellnrria. Portland. <* Entzeworth, ftt. L It. E. Moody, do. F. Sweet, Mtnneapolia. M {\u25a0 Muni*, do. P. O. Graham. Sj»okaoa. \V. n Elridge. Van. C. Whltlock. Chicago. Mr* Elridge, do. F. M. ft. Kinner, BJrerett. E. Hardin. San Fran. Mr*. Manafleld. 8. F. L. 11. faming C. Roaenfleld, Portland. II T. Htillttoid. Portland E O. Ifotler, Mont. S. P. Gaoher, .Stanford. M. B. Hotter, do Capt. Yorke, Victoria. F. Wilkottm, Hamilton. T '/ Tmlleutine. F. R. Mclntyrt, ft. F. B. Goodwill, Han Fran. T P. Carturright, Omaha. W Uf'tlw, Canada. M A. Cohen, N. Y. T. Peitrmon, I*ake Park. 11. Werkalbaurna, do. C. W lido. Taooaa. Mra. G N. Miller, Walla W. Butte, do. W. Barigg, Dulttth. J. S. Rolling, city. M. Gogino, do. Peiry. H. C. Hi liraan, Spokane. P. Haltey, do. The Rronawlck. I VV Me vera, Deadwood.R. R. ftrhelrer, fit. T/vnla W. Delaney. do. W. ft E*an». B ozena an. A. Wi*e, do. A. Honck, Alaaka. Joe Small, do. J. C. lludaon, Toronto. W F. Hnlop. Traeyton. If, R. IWk. city. Tfcoa. Ita«. Tacoma. E. C. O'Brien, ftt. PaaL T. W. M<Grath, %wkaneC. M. O Neil. ftt Paul. W. II Taft, iVvrUand. J William#, do. C. L. Love, Ogden, I'tahH. Burch, Minn. F. ft. Wataon, Salt Lake.F. F. Hopkins Tarcm* K. Jone*. do. ft. I. fttone. Helena. It. M. Edmunds, do. I»r Irw Stone, do. J. L. lUndall Mont. Mil* Ethel Frankliu, do. E. IV Watetnan, Snlt L. F. Nclmki. Wkbt, Mont. J. W John* n. do. I». McLenn, I>eadwood. P. Root, David. I'tah. T. Pennvman, Port Alt. s J Kenned*, do. J M Hhort. Wont Sup. 11. Smith, do. W M. Gee*e, city. F E Fiah, do. M. J. Thompaon, f*tl<L W AlHtander. Snaho'oa. Mra. Thornp»»n. do. J. Lo*«grren. Edmnuda. D. Wagoner, ftt. Louia. K. R. Et-ddy, city. The ftenttie. H Wttllama. s. F. E. fl M< Heavy Fninn. J F Minnc k. <1«. C H. New, Pr*tiand- Mra J. F Mlnnork. do. .1 W. Ijiwrfnrr. ftt. PaoL I». G. Warner. Mont Mra llariington Mra. Warner, do H. N. Pritrhard It V.. Portland E E. Krehm. W llkaao*. W fl Jay. Ft Flagler. J. V. Holton, Itutta. M. G Muttly, P" 'land H. Mr« F. W. Wlalraan, C. ft. Khauk. <ity B"rtingt"«i E T M<mk and wift 4 do. ft Ra*worth). Portland J. K Kst«aa, H. F J M And family, J Kr&MHtial and «oa. L«otiworth C- Whltloek, <'hi«-ago J K Manaflald C P RratnoU-r. <7lear L. H J I.ee, Edi<on. M. C Haley. Port Stuaa. Mra H J I-rc. do. G W. Ixiggir. Whit >m. (ipt Yorke B H. KUtredfrr. S F. E P Kiii**burr. Olrm. E T- Maite*. J P rnllei Tactn* W E Ht<cker. Roby. D. MclnnU. V- Flagler. I'Ur Nrw KngUnd, J York, elty Cha* Ileta. Kent. C Kellgren, Rlk t>»»d Hm, VMMWa fhan flrott Hvr Geo Duru*. citjr. W h Walah Belfaat K H rnum-"law. Wm Kelly, '- 'y R Idaho. Tnm (Voujh. lo I; n.»U. I' rUArtl f)?, ft»rr(.c :i <*> K»-l Et.iw. fl t o*4 »r S Bf do. J B Smith, P. «e, 'da. r Pakbrt«ke*. do. O A liranigan Mi'h. } fthuf-t. <*o A. R. M T»m\«!d. Pa. \V r Bowie*, Minn An'* TMihne. Rati* H i Tlngraa. do. A fuain.iog? Pu«W«i t Rrfk l|<ai E Johnaon. Dtatw. J* J.<>r?*a!> do. B Roberta, ftt Loofc Alet Miller, do. | The miler. I> Jay and family W. P Sheltoo, trliutot Wi 4 Uam«. Ari« ft. ftefciJiirt. Pt No-rt. r»irarroa*. I> K 0. Herefm. MndMk S Ornham, OlymtAa John Emaraan. do, R H T. vaaend. tndet A Ff«eab«rrf. Ptrwtan. N H#g -W u do Mr* P»»«hfTt. do ATW iWntr.eer Arltng'n Ta^waa. J. A ?Smith do. J H llufford, I* -rtlaad. Mra U Mm' *«' G rmrrtllii Mil" G W hitlar. P»«r* 1 F M. Skinner. Eraratt. F \ ftheft* \u25a0?? ?-. ' W J H< *e« da. Mr% wi'h Var.- flvn* Miller ity E 1 Y ?«i Oltk , » F. R R.i. k. ''hlragot A. C. Joftaa. Barton Fur l.tid I**» and («entlr mra. The !n the bufldlnr of omoking or llbrmry tgra tor the uae «r men In hardly ?lflihWegg after al! If# merely "«ae of evolution, thea#» prc» »*ln*. 90 m*ny ftn*er-po«ig lem&irig up to tr.e atrlctiy modarn. electrkj Ufhted ob- -crvatlon inch as hag been placed in T "' railway, whert e\ory convenience and comfort for >orh \adle« and gentlem«n ;a provided. L e. f vrJtinif and In* room. «-ar..l and smok- ing room*, hath room, barber shop, toilet rooms, etc. Mrsttle, \Va«h . Msy 4. |W| I I [j|f| ~ i [.? r s a 1 " § f- < : S 'if!® « up J F *1 j I ; : 5 : I ' i? ! : I ' 1i ! ? ; -t s?l?l J?? ?: . \u25a0 \u25a0 A«"«f!a « W «! T'Ckmdr Oty Stt «t « 8W Lt T Oondy B »;» 9tt ¥\u25a0 W HW\ * T (toady K ti 0 Si KW U Mi Bain H»> "1 J9 « > * W » to Osar Helena 9t «'2 Tl ft, U] V'Cloudl 2* "0 TfJ Sli; Li W-'tTlnady \ ii. v 0 \\\ ft « ? Vu.li PiVStelld ? 'I ft ( 14 T«V«dy p. r? rrscent it H Mi NW Lij Ulain |\utiand at 1 NW t.r T'drmdy R,.' BP.zff St « SK * itPtt^dy it. , t .' f 29 "i S6 ?:.» NT Lt 14 Rsm fcuTamento ? \u25a0» tl »«T-n»ds Sau Kranctaco .. Jt S4. V '<«, S L< .36 Ooi.djr Seattle 29" J * *W U T'Okwidy "pokaae :e NK Lt ll^Ckwdy Walls Waßa » 3*' * IH Hdy . a S> i + w ra- N » U Maximum tempera \u2666ure, defrees. nur.imum. S3: 1 meaa Of Isvk of rain f«*ll during the paat Jl ! hours moetly doi-.d: *tth light *c«t to «outh west *n/da Tlninderstixm .??'ported earl) this mom iug at latm «.E»» N SALlftßmr. ftei'tton IMrector. Bureau. RKD Haven Splits Monogram whisky. ! Milwaukee beer, wholesale and re- tail at Hufgerty ft. 100 Second avenue ?cuth. THE reaaon phyalclana always recorn- mend Je.*?*© Moore "AA" whiskey Is be- -1 caufcc ibejr know el Us abeoluia uuriLr. 0 >p»>; Cmmh for ttoi4 Inut. tf» -Msg* or Q tro*il «oaailt*M. Fuji ms*>- viiU4 Nt 6 l urc U?+* In I*W. $1,000,0*0.00. ? JOSEPH HAYtt 6 BROS. O AMAYRfU»R<l R R KIN KRD * *l® «. herry s»t, Wuk 1 w-giac»wra3off«iwfttw^^ 2 X guaranteed to f cure your Catarrh \ JJs» 3 «< ur home, for 2 % gl <* -r oentsaday; that cures \u25a0» t j -r tha worst cases in 2 to 4 \ g j| -r months, or money refunded, is J ji that ereat soientifio discovery *L 1 / DR. MACKENZIE'S \ §E I < ENGLISH (AIARRH CURE, > | The only positive cure for Catarrh ever X jfc T, dlsoovered. Call in for a X t \ FREE TRIAL TREATMENT. < 5 Send for Ciroular. J" 5 \ 0. a GUY, Ph. G., / S 3g \ LEADING DRUOGIST. X jMiiHUMama Is as necessary as a pick. ? No miner should be without one- Unaffected by extreme L or heat mowismi Jtmmmmmm ays reliable, sold everywhere* Send ic and address on a postal card for -page Illustrated catalogue. It is free. Winchester Repeating Amis Co., NEW HAVEN. CONN. <iß Market Street, San' Prancinco. Cat. t ' ' i I 1 * * i l !\u25a0 i \u2666 i i » |. »..* + WANT A SITUATION? Try a Small Want Ad. in the P.-I. f 9 Every Heart That flutters, palpitates, skips beats, pains, or tires out easily, causing shortness o! breath, smoth- ering, oppression in the chest, bad dreams, fainting or sinking spells, is weak or diseased, and treatment should not be postponed a single day. The safest, best and most economical remedy for weak hearts Dr. Miles' Heart Cuce. "My heart would palpitate so that 11 seemed It was Koine to Jump out of my mouth, and extreme weakness with nerv« ous sensations would follow these speila. 1 would have sinking (polls whan I cuold not speak above a whisper. Whan doc tor» failed me Dr. Miles' Heart Our* saved my life, cured my heart trouble and restored my health." MRS EMMA HALT,. Mlddleton. Pa_ Dr. Miles* Heart Cure la sold at all druggists on a positive guarantee. Write for free advice and booklet to Dr. IBm Wlwlfa HMMwt, Mkm BEAUTY IS BLOOD DEEP p. |M DiiMkil Rjkikaa# L »"'®l DIW9U ivWwilsS DvVlllt fill ClMliptexlM. lntMthMl Mkrab? hlui Mn Wii< Wlm tha Iwwliera CoMtipatad. DfK« Hmm Out by Making the Uvsr Uv«ly. "Baauty 1* skin deep." That Is wronff. Beauty Is Mood deep. A parson constipated, with a lasjr liver, WlloUs Mood, stomach, haa plau plea and liver spots and a sola leather cum. iileslon No one with a furred tonrue, a bad breath, a Jaundiced eya, can be beautiful, no matter how t>*rfect are form and fea» turea. t To be beautiful, to become beautiful of to remain beautiful, the blood must ba kept pore and dean. free from bll<*, ml« orobea, disease germs and other Impuri- ties. Caararets Candy Cathartic will do It for you quickly, surely, naturally. Thsy nevav grip nar gripe, but tnake the ilver lively, prevent sour stomach, kill disease terms, tone up the bowels, purify the Mood and make all thdnffe right, as they should ba. Then beauty comes of lisalf and to atay. Buy and try Caaoareta today. It's what they do, not what wa say they do, thai will please you. All drucglsts, 10°. So, Mo or mailed for price. Band for booklet and tree sample. Address Sterling Kemndy Co., Chicago; Montreal. Canada, or New fork. _ This Is the CABCAKKT tab- /_ a A let. Every tablet of tha only I (T frr I genuine Caacaret" bears tha I v!» IS, tt» I magic Mtera "COP." l.ook at Ki A tha tablet* Wore you I<uy. and N r beware of frauds, Imitations and subat ltutsa. IpKSg rwA u Mtftiti*t. ms. MM ? .. ?\u25a0 \u25a0CHRMM [ 6ENEBDUSIV 6DOD | &ENEHQUSLV GOOD| GENEROUSLY 6QoD||^ Blv good BflßMwffl3wEßßEMM 6EwEßo| Kr*i ["gENEROiBBMH GOOljn H The GEO. W. CHILDS 5c cigit is known everywhere throughout America at the BB^I \u25a0 cigar that it always rooi at all timet and under all condition!, no matter where or w hen l-ff k « .^m you buy H. Firat look and tee if the name it stamped on the cigar in order to be sure it H Eai^J \u25a0 is a CHILDS. II the nam CHILDS is there you can gamble on it that it is the best sc. fl il ? 1 H cigar that can be had. H | j Thotofcaootbce-dgM like it in quality; there is no other cigar like it in popularity. KjQlf* jft LANG & CO., Portland, Distributers. I
  • mRKB ftND IRflDt REVIEW.Seattle. Waah., May 4, 1900.

    ?Khar? at the Seattle. Tacrma, Spokane andbo'UM todajr writ:

    ther markets to record.. contfrjuW g steady and prices Arm. This

    apply, however, to wheat, which is little£1 tha# nominal. n«>r to wool and hides, which*Te*r ??VSn-0«t«. IIV.-D, barley. *l6 50: wliMt. rblrkM

    li6rt.al6.M: brnn, 110: *bort.. 11lfc,-Pn«it »">mrl. saof'.l; K«-.ten> THhlßftonMil Sif«!7: r ''' !*? ?««.L utrl'tlr fr«h l>»Hc. ?Etrr pfh nvli, Iftn 3>r- ; rr»«rr»ry. Me.Elttrv l.iro chicken,, 19< . live turkw,. Me;

    Mm I3c; «»e«. IV. dufki. K Xmt.|5, rtn. *-«'het'e (»c( rattle. row«. «*«|c: atem,

    Jm c chain (l.eep Wit; food hoj,, U»e. »4c;K, 'dr«. r -d, Ml '; cahe*. dre..fd, l,r,e. 6c; imall,r - eilres. lire, larpe. tc; «mall, Bc.

    154,,. pelt, and wnrM -Heatr aonnd anJted ateeri,otr w'lb*. H> : medium .crtind, per lb, 7k;

    ri under to IK "4< ; eow«, aound, all weinht*.ttaf* and 'ten. V waited klpa. 7e:mltm per lb, : treen hldea, le le« than aaltcd;M kidaa, per lb, 12c; dry culls, one-third lea,;Miiser Iff per lb, winter d.er, dry, AKctK< uperr deer. 12®llk; dry elk, cr.en elk.lile \u25a0beep pelts. i&eWMto. shearling*,bun Waahlnttun Hool, *»l2c; Weatem Waah-Mtoii wool, 19c.; dirty or timber burned. U#lte;

    miio-%% %


    Jsfcbiog quotations todsy were as fotlowes ?Sngar. Floor and Coffee.

    gnftr- Oolden C. in bbla. 4.824< ; extra C In bbls,tfik' best sngar, 5.15 c; powdered, 5.524 c; dry granu-|(sd. 1.22k; In bWs. higher; cube. 5.724c; spot

    V Paten* Kv-pli.";*. %?? SB; Novaltt A.|. California brands. ! its sack-.; ioni meal, white, SL7Om W ihs. In 10 lb i \u25a0 '» - 1i- Kwheat flour, pure.

    J4 per W lbs. in f-lb cracked wheat, t2 2Sw liJO lbs, in 10 1b sacks; l .-ir.a, $2.85 per 100 lba,,14-10 sacks, fsrlna. V' per m lU, in 51b sacks;1 aarkages ftincy rolled c;i'». $2 50 per bbl in Hb

    Hb, e*irti meal, yellow. «20 per bbl. In tt-lb\u25a0to, corn atsai, white. }\u25a0'\u25a0 H per bbl. In 50 lb aacks;fckel.'Ht flour, pure (7 ft ;«r bbl. In 50-lb sacks;IBrfes'i wheat, $1 p< i bbl, hi » lb sacks; steel cutBtawai, J"'t bbl. in '4-lb sacks; graham flour,gn per bbl in 50- It. «ncks; whole wheat flour, |lfm bW, in W-lb ra< k« rye meal, I? 7b per bbl. latfr Mrks; rye flnnr. 4) per bbl; fancy rolled oata,Hllo net bbl-. 15 20. fancy rolled oata, 90 1b aacks,**;fsnry toiled '-at*, per case. |2.66; rice, domae-gr Jsp, W 75; Carolina. $6 75.

    Catfee-Oreen Mocha, per lb. SMMUc; Java, perft, HM2SK: »' I' 4"' tit: oil cake meal, S3O; middlingsHp; bran. sl2; short a, IU; ehc.pp.rl |iuT|iWry dnvM feed, |1?

    Poultry Food.ta.ol.ißl rr-i-f .Irili. llf I»r tan: (ra.ul.tM?kMK tii* prr tun; bona meal, |r» per ton;MSktao lie, V- per ton; hulled oata i«A n«rJ«;L * U poultry fed $25 per ton; beef Meal,MWp.r l," tn.nl. luh. »li ,? r tall .FHpw ... i tire ukfcf < i. . " ' ???*?«. II win ,* \u25a0 " ''"" 'ir' l salm>n, V it.l nink

    ta kSiiirs 'Vr r"." ,lr, \u25a0B-wSiLH. Alaska ke>iiMg. hhls £> .i 5vw *wiin, l»«. p.f bu, Mr t, *!? .***«? tw. ll.'a, rj«.r fek, *s*'Sakiwl !«|[i kosas. He; cod roll# 44, e> '*i*. t|N. * °*l « "Mnsn

    Veteiablea,Nltes? loos!. s!'.»* 15 pe r ton; faklnj* tiA,%> r^.** w- IST »« k »>if*tiag« 60* n*r .. I . *r;;7' ;rr:


    la. 4r> ~ , t'»iavuas ioa4!,.HRk CO . to** *»naa a, . ... * v>'*mnkt»,»

    Ue.S: tfcafitb" ' «P«M«V


    I*," ' 1,,.*""** " lUTfU.

    f.I'MteH ,-.v...v1, V,', -t. ' ««Wll!«a» eer :? jn »» ?


    ,a ' r, T r «?I *Mtn. si «> \u25a0 So ... tke ? *W ..I*

    \zrRv -v" "" '*\u25a0tew »; mSm.Ttper lb, w 1 fir. L.ft r ,h*etA* » ftv | S. 1 .. ®b \i I. , c-asn- «n., i , sktafU U Us.L ! \ ' * C'o n.i k firUh, tiwf, .4r,T. "


    ip.i>f. «M«. nidcE.', -Hth. S.V X-T ML U ~ ~ , ' , " II » W lot. Ct#M.

