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rHér Hip. ''· ,. Dlreotfrom to May Baths SOAP...

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BADLY HURT BY A FALL Mr*. Alaria II. Kearney Loses rHér Balance and Kalis, Break¬ ing Her Hip. HIGHWAYMAN ARRESTED Citizens' of Prince George Coun¬ ty May" Ship .Wild Water, Fowls Out of State. (Hpeclnl to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) Plckett Cnmp decided unanimously lest PETERSBURG,, yA,;. l«\ob., D.-Mrr*. Maria II. Kcnrney, nn aged lady residing in Market Streot, yesterday fell and brOKe ; her hip. »Mrn. Koiirrley, who nome time ego was paralyzed, attempted to open a door end in reaching forward, lost her baloneo rtnd fell heavily forward. The cano of »Marriott ve. Davis, wns argued to-day In tho Corporation Court, a Jury being waved. Judge Mullen will render his decision later. Marriott erect¬ ed a wind mill for A. L. Davis (who hnd tho contract) ht Coggln's Point, Prince George county, on David Dunlop's prcm· Ises. Davis claims that tho mili wíir not erected according to contract and refused to pay Marriott, and the latter brought suit. Mr. R. H.Mann represents tho plaintiff, and »Messrs. Bartlelt Roper, Jr., and Carl Davis, the defendant.' Virginia Passenger and Power Company engineers wero engaged· to-dny In sur¬ veying for "cross-overs" at the corner of Sycamore unti Washington Streets. Ot.her Improvement« along the line will be made. ? negro named Julian Deo has been ar¬ rested on the charge of highway rob¬ bery, his alleged victim being another negro, named Lewis Alken. Alken while walking along Sycamore Street early Sun¬ day morning wns accosted by a nogro, who without wurnlrig struck him a terri. , ble blow on the head which rendered him unconscious. When ho revived ho dis- ' covered that he hud beon relieved;· of about $10. Pour dollars of the stolen monoy wns found on Lee after hie ar¬ rest. Henry Oliver, a roepected negro,, while at work about the Norfolk and Western depot yesterday, fell, l-ttaklng his right hip and fracturing his right knee. James W. Jackson, who had been tem¬ porarily In charge of the National Ceme¬ tery at City Point for several months, has received notice that E. R. Fondu. Su¬ perintendent of the Milla Springs National Cemetery, In Kentucky, will arrive in'a few days to assume charge. MAY, SHIP. WATER FOWL, j Tho Prince George county board of su« porvisora havo agreed to allow any citi¬ zen of the county to ship wild water fowl out of the State. Tho power to authorize citizens to ship game out of the State la vested by the recent law In the board of the county' supervisors. A meeting of tho voting stockholders of the Seaboard Air Lino Railway Com¬ pany will be held to-morrow at tho gen¬ eral oflices of tho company In Petersburg for the purposo of considering the Blalr- Coolldge-Ryan syndicate loan bond Issue. A pétition Is being circulated in Prince George county requesting the delegate from that county, Dr. Powell, to Intro¬ duce .in", tice Legislature1 a':btll to allow non-residents Who own real estate In t..o county to hunt on their lands without paying a licenso required by law. L. Emmctt Badger, who recently went to Florida in the hope of regaining his health, has greatly improved In the South. Police Oltlccr Carter left this morning for Portsmouth, with two young sailors who deserted· from the navy, and who wore arrested In Petersburg a few days ago. The Petersburg Savings and Insurance Company liad ??,??? insurance on buildings In Baltimore; and. of this, the -only » mount on buildings Which burned w.as K.W, carried by Daniel, Miller & Co. Miss Ida D'Alton and son. Mr. Frank D'Alton, will leave for Florida on Thurs¬ day, DR. /HUNLBY'S FUNERAL. A Great Outpouring to Honor Memory of Favorite Physician. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch. JI.AÏHE.VS, VA., Feb. y..Never before in the memory of any person now living his such a vast concourse of peoplo gaUiered In this county to. pay the last sad tributo of love and respect .to the dead aa that which assembled at the L'entrai M. 15. Church, at this place, Sunday morning at the fonerai services of the late Dr. Luther B. Hunloy. Dr. IC-'iiloy was a physician of wide repute, nnd up to tbo time of his last illness waa engaged In nn immonso and exacting practice, and tlie love and esteem In \vh»cli ho was huid by the people was evidenced by tho presonce of hundreds of his friends from nil pavts of this and pot linns of the atljolnlng tounty, as .veil n*j by tlie universal sorrow manifested at hi», dea'th. Too order ol Odd-Follows and the Royal Aicnnuni. of which tho ¦deceased was a member, in a body attended tho services, Whloh wero conducted by tho Rev. John O. .Moss. Dl*. Ilunley died in tlin forty-eighth year of his Ufo, and leaves a widow and two children surviving him. The remains were interred in the com¬ ete·;.· at Trinity Cliurch. The following gentlemen acted ns pull-bearers: Active-John E, Miller, C. E. Miller, Robert Miller, Thomas «Miller, J. Vf. Di-.wr. nnd J. ¿U. Push. Honorary.Drs, C. M. Raines. J. W. D. i-J.aynes, Thomas B. Lane and S. E. Rich¬ ardson, and Messrs, G. K. T. Lane and Leslie C. Garnett. NEW STEAMER LINE. Boats. to Ply Between Urbanna and Baltimore. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch. HEA'l'HiiVILLE, VA., Feb. 0..It |s re- parted on go;.-] authority that a new lirio of steamers will ne established to begin business In the spring to ply be¬ tween Uj bannn, in Lancaster county, end Baltimore. Nc»t since 1899 has the Cheeapeako Bay been so blocked with ice as It was during tho recent freeze, Ah farx down »s Cedar Point ice was piled up, some .nf ü being eight feet \,\ thickness. A narrow channel, which would cement over «¡very nlghi, was barely ktpt open by the big liners, the lea machines nnd tugs. The Wocms steamers ure 4inons the few boats that attempted to koop running. Be.unun Ma-sonlc Lod^e, at Warsaw, rha tered by the last Grand Lodge, was intututed, and the oftleers Installed to¬ day worshlpfuls R. T. Douglass and W. McD. Leo were appointed to assist Die« trlct Deputy Grand Master II, Vf, Hard¬ ing In the ce:emonlep. f-alen Smith, of King George, is contemplating tlio erection of a steam« biat wharf nt iho old "Uottngo" landing WIH, POSITIVELY CURE | Kidney an»J Liver Disease, Rheumatism, ¡Sic··-·, Headache. Erysipelas, Scuofuln, Cu· turril. Indigestion. Neuralgia, jtfervQua· lies,«, Dyspepsia. Syphilitic Diseases. Con Btiratio». r2,'¿&a,630 peoplo wer* treated J«m« 'Ho. ,V drvggLj.3. Speedily Cured with Baths of CUTICURA SOAP and gentle A- nointings with CUTI¬ CURA OINTMENT when all else fails. near the P-nssnpatanzy Crook, and nbnut 2 1.-2 miles· above Stiff's wharf, on tho Potomac River. A good wharf at (hat pclnt will greatly Improve tli»» shipping facilities for a large .portion of. King «Rorgo and lower Stafford. Rev. and Mrs, J. XX'. 3. ..Robins, of Martinsvllle, Henry county have Issued invitations (o tho marriage of their daughter, Miso Lena Mae. and Dr. erarlos T. Womack, the oornmony to tako place at Martlnsvllle February 17th. After the marriage Dr. and Mrs. Wpmack will visit Lancaster and N'urthumbnrland col.ntlcH. whsre' Rov. Mr. Robins was parlor for eight years. [ii* *,·'·'.':' -' » QUIET WEDDING. Richmond Man Marries Miss Mc- Gormick at Nottoway. (Special to The Times-Dispatch:). NOTTOWAY C. II.. Feb. 9,-Thls vll- lagu was the scene of a very quiet wed¬ ding, which took placo tule morning at 10.3'J o'clock at the residence,of Colonel Robert H. Beverly. The contracting" par¬ ties were Margaret Beverly. MçCormlen0 Rnil Mr. Eugene Cralgh/3dd Caldwcll. ok Richmond, Va. <* On "account of the very recent death ot Air. D. P. McCormlck". father of the bride, the marriage was witnessed by onlv tbo members the family and a few very Intimate friends. The ceremony was performed by Dr. T.» F. Epc-s. the bride's pastor. Among those present were Mr. .'Juldwoi!, brother of the groom, and Mr. Tuylor, of Rich¬ mond; Mrs. Daniel P. .McCormlck. of Crowe; .Mrs. Lizzie M. Jackson, of Black- stone; Mr. nnd Mrs. .larry Standard Boyerly of Blnckstone; Mrs. William Archer Robertson. Misses Mary and Mar¬ ina. Epos, Miss Bessie Walker. Robertson, Mr. George Southali Robertson. .Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell left Immediately afte- tbo ceremony for Richmond.' their tuiure home. INCENDIARY FIRES IN TOWN OF FRANKLIN (Socclâl to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) SUFFOLK. VA.' Feb. n.-Franklin. Va., Is having a- series-of Incendiary fires. Last week there was an attempt to burn the Franklin. Military Academy, which since then has been guarded all night by armed. student«., To-day thoro. "were two fires -In Franklin, one. clear'··.- of Incendiary origin. D. A. Holland's barn was burned by a fire-bug. The kitchen of. Elmo Eley caught fire, and It was battered to pieces In order to save his residence.- BURNED TO DEATH IN MOLTEN METAL (Special to Tho TJmes-Dlspateli.) PULASK1. VA., Feb. !)..A piece of tb«i Jacket of the Dora furnace gurst off· this morning ait 5 o'clock, allowing about"two car.'rtads of molten metal to escape. Wll- ber Smith, an employe, was caught in tho stream of metal and burned to death 1?1- etantly. No one else was seriously In¬ jured. One colored man was burned slightly. The damage to the furnace and appli¬ ances wlï reach several thousand dollars. NEGRO DIES AT AGE OF . HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) CLARKSVILLE, VA.. Feb. 9.-Nelson Townes, a very highly respected'darky, who roslded three miles from hero, died yesterday, having reached the age of one hundred and' fifteen (115) years, perhaps bolng the only man In Mecklenburg coun¬ ty ever to have attained this age. Beforo the war he belonged to Colonel William Townes, owner of the "Occoneecliee" plantation, and ono of the largest Biave owners in tho county. LEFT SHOES BEHIND IN HIS GREAT HURRY (Snodai to The. Tlmes-Dlspatch.) FARMVILL-IC, VA.. Feb. D..Thero Is no clue so far to tho negro who was dis¬ covered 'after midnight Sunday In the bed- room of Mrs. 8. XV, Watkins. The negro was evidently thoro for robbery. He stole a new suit of clothes belonging to Cap¬ tain Watkins, and In his husty oxlt through ono of tho windows loft a pair of shoes which ho had removed before searching tho house. Hume.Brown. (Special to The Tlmcs-D|spatch.) RACCOON FORD, VA. Feb. 9,-Tho residence of iM.rs, Harrisons, at No. 223 East Capitol Street. Washington, D. C, was the scene Wednesday nfternoon at 5 o'clock of a pretty marriage, when Miss Bessie W, Brown, of Rappahannock county, Va,, became the bride of Mr. David F. Hume, of Orange, Rev, Georgo E. Maydwell, pastor of Waugh Methodist Episcopal Church, in that city, officiated. An elegant dinner was served. The bridal party was met at the Penn¬ sylvania station by Miss· Lena Brbwn end Mr. Waltor R. Hume, sister and brother of the bride nnd groom, respec¬ tively, who had mado ??G necessary ar¬ rangements. Mr, and Mrs, Hume spent some time visiting prominent places In the city, after which they boarded a train for North Oarden, Albemarlè'coun» ty, Va., where they will make tholr fu¬ ture home. Thieves in Farmville, (Speoinl to The Tlmes-Dlspatch«) FARMVILLE, VA., Fob. 9.-A thief en¬ tered tho bed chamber of Cnbtaln Samuel Watkins Sunday night, where he and his family were asleep, and succeeded In stealing a pair of trousers, also a pair of shoes and valuable Jewelry. Mrs, Watkins discovered thnt son-e on« was in the room and gave tho .alarm. The thief at once made good his escapo. The police arc ut work on tho cas» to-day. «- While ftlr. Aubrey Wlngo, a conductor on the Frederloksburg and Potomac rorçd was returning homo last night, i>q dis¬ covered Q negro )n tho back yard ol Mr. D. L. Traylor. The negro was In .the act of raising the window. Mr. Wi'ngo called to him to stop, when.he replied;:,") don't think I shall." and eloar|ng th« fence, made good 1,1s escape, MITE BOX IS STOLEN Joe Kelioe Under Arrest on Suspicion of Having Taken Orphans' Money. ALTERING THE GALVESTON Will be More Formidable Than Was Intended When Her Keel Was First Laid. (Special to Tho jimes-DlBDtttcfi.) NORFOLK, VA., Feb. D.-Joo Kehoe is under arrest, suspected of having robbed the Masonic Orphanugo mite box at the Temple, In this city. He had been sent to tho building to put up fire escapes and afterwards the box, which was full, was found to have been stolen. /rhe Pastoral Committee of tho Free¬ mason Street Baptist Church has unani¬ mously recommended that Rov. Vf. M. Vines, of Ashcvllle, N. C;, be called to the pastorate_of tho congregation. Alterations J that are now being made In the plans of the cruiser Galveston will make her when completed a much more formidable warship than was intended when she was laid down at, the Trigg ship-yards, at Richmond. The Cleve-' land, a sister ship to tho Galveston, Is being slmllarlly altered at this navy- yard now. FIGHT THE BILL. The county of Norfolk will fight hard against the bill Introduced in the Legis¬ lature, and· designed to distribute prò- rata between oil tho counties they tra¬ verse, the taxes' on the rolling stock of railway system. Captain Richard C. Mar¬ shall, representing the county, left to¬ day for Richmond, to oppose the bill.· The battleship Missouri to-day report¬ ed to the commandant of this station irei return to Hampton Roads, from her sea trial; It Is stated that the Mis¬ souri's record at sea surpassed that of her sister ship,·the new Maine. 'The: Republican office-holders In this city say that they, are not at all cort- Jcerned because of-the movement against tliem by certain Republican politicians. They declare that the desire to take the control of the party in Virginia out of the« hands of the. office-holders Is dic¬ tated by those who merely wish to hold office. MEMORIAL SESSION. Resolutions of Respect for Judge Hancock Adopted. (Special-to The TÍmes-Dlspátch. Chiit>l'ER.Fil3LD. VA.·, Feb. 9..The first work of the new Circuit .Court for Chtsterlield county was t:ausacted to-day. Judge Walter A. Watson on last wBek made the arrangement with Judge Clop- to.·} for the lattor to hold the whole ot th-»· present term of court here for 1dm. A long docket was ready to be called at the opening of court, and the setting': of cases for trial occupied the court until mid-day. Following this a memorial to ? Judge Beverly A. Hancock, who died on tim 21th of January, before having entered upjii the work of his now judicial circuit, occupied tlie court for two hours. Speech after speech followed the reading of the resolutions. Mr. Wells paying: the llrst tribute of loyc and respect to tlie honored dead. ' Mr. David L. Pulllam. Mr. P.. V. Cogbill, Mr. Isaac Diggs, -Judge J.'M. Gregory, Mr. Willis B. Smith and judge L. P. Pool, each In tne order named, tole» of .some characteristic of the good man -who was gone, or -if some personal kindness received, which caused the mem¬ ory of Beverly A. Hancock to be revered* by him. The resolutions will do engrossed with the minutes of to-day on'the court record. The- trial of the colored boy Berkley Wbito for murder, which has been con- tlrued for several terms of court, will be begun on Wednesday,, tho tenth. Some mlftiiemeanor cases havo been ilxed for tne day following. Mr. Edward S. Hazen on last Satur¬ day qualified before the clerk of the Circuit Court as administrator of his orcther. Mr. James S. Hazen. The dece- dcr.t's estate was valued at $5.000. BON AIR BITS. The Village Has Gone Into Win ter Retirement. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.). BON AIR, VA., Feb. 9.-Bon Air has*·, noi been so lively, socially, this winter es in former days. So many families have moved away that those who are left almost need to whistle, to. keep them¬ selves from getting lonesome. Mr.. Adamson'fl' family is spending the Winter in Richmond. Mr. Cronshaw also packed up and moved ovir last'week. As tho most recent departures, thoso add to tho. long list of thoso who are conspicuously absent.greatly missed. But In a quiet way, the social lite of Bon Air finds a great deal in the \\-ay of pleasure and enjoyment. Tho Chautauqua holds Its meetings regularly each week and also the Bon Alt Glee Club, with Mr. Harvle Blair fis conductor. Also there are bi-weekly meetings of ¿he Library Society. These, with an occasional "at home" and' so¬ dai* "teas," with all the church-going blessings and privileges of a church- going people, mnke life well worth tho living. TOBACCO GROWERS. Perfect Organization of Protec¬ tive Association. (Speclnl to The Tlmes-Dispatoh.) DANVILLE, VA., Feb. 9.-The tobacco growers of Plttsylvanla in an adjourned meeting here to-day perfected the To¬ bacco Growers' Protective Association of Plttsylvanla county by tho election of H. C. Allen as president; E. T. Moorefleld. secretary; W. T, Wilson, vice-president, nnd John McCormick, county organizer. ,A number of speeches were made by visitors.· Included in this list waa one by President S. C. Adams, of the Inter¬ state Association. The farmers proposed to" organise clubs in every section' of the county, and President Adams and Or¬ ganizer McCormick leave on a trip in the morning for this purpose. Nearly two hundred planters attended the meet¬ ing. SMALLPOX SITUATION CAUSING ALARM (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) MEHERRIN. VA.. Feb. 9,-At a meet¬ ing of the county board of supervisors yesterday at Lunenburg Courtlioueo the board reorganised and elected Mr. W. C. Wlnn to succeed himself as chairman. The most important business before the board was the smallpox situation in Meck¬ lenburg county, near Chose City. Several ietterà from prominent citizens who re¬ side near tlio line'were read, requesting Immediate action, in order that the dis¬ ease might not got into .this county. Tho chairman of the board issued a call for a meeting to he held on Friday next, when tho mailer will be taken up. Kennedy's'new plea« Raises the Point That the Sheriff Has No Jurisdiction. (Special to Th? TlniîS-DIspatc... LEXINUTQN. VA·. Fâb. i.-John Ken¬ nedy, under sentence u> be hanged at ¿Hauiitoj*. μ«1 Friday «for wrecl$lnff » WHISKEY OR BEER HABIT CtijlBD TO STÁ'Vlíl)' CtlHBD BT WHITE RIBBON REMEDY No taste,--No odor. Csn be given In water, tea» coffee or food .without patient's >ñowledde, ,. ¦': .·' ''"· '" '*·¦· ¦* ¦*¦ " ¡fil' uílnB my TVIílt« . ftlbbon Remedy nny dtubkartl or tiny one .-tWhç.jJs a. .victim, of in» toelcatlni? 'drinks, llp- plijr or con rmed In» -.Hfiain. con be cured. Any onn can givo ihn .«tieni Whlto Ribbon Remedy In tea, water nr food, without ihn drunkard's ever know- In·* it. Whlto tllbbon Itemcdy does Its work .w) swiftly and surely thnt while the devoted wile, sinter, mother or daughter looks on, ilio drunkard Is cured even against his will. I oil- Mrs. A. M, TOWNSENDvlse every person who hits a loved on.· who Is a slave to the drink evil to give ih m Wh.te Ribbon rtemedy at once, it has made many thousands of permanent cures, ani In ad ltltn restores the victim to normal health. steady- Ins the nerve». Increasing tho will power and, determination to resist, temptation. The Only Remedy for Drunkenness In¬ dorsed by Memberé of_W. C T. u. GUARANTEE OF CURE. ? We agree to refund the purchase price of I the large package, of White Ribbon Rom- I i-riv if it anen not effect cure* ? y (Hlgngd) TBAqLE.MEDICINE_CO._l «old by druggists everywhere or by mall. Price, _ 50c. and, $1.00 Trial Package free by writing or'calling on MRB. A. AI. TOWNSJ3ND «or years.Secretary of a Woman's Christian Tempérance Union), 218 Tromont SU, Boaton, Ata.·,«;. All letter* destroyed as soon as answered. Everything private. Sold and recommended by epo.lal agent In Richmond, Va. iRnGLiù DUG CO.. 817' East Broad Street. Mall Orders Filled. train near Greenville somo months ago. was brought to LexinRton to-day under a writ of habeas corpus. His counsel, J. R. Tucker, had associated with him sev¬ eral lawyers of Staunton, who asked Judge Letcher. of. the Circuit Court, a etayloi sentence on tlie ground of a ques¬ tion of Jurisdiction, claiming that the sheriff of the County Court of Augusta waï no longer ß? officer, since the court had been abolished. Judge Letcher declined to Interfere and tho prisoner was remanded to Jail to await .exécution. NEW INSURANCE COMPANY IN. TAZE'W.ELL COUNTY (Special to The -Tlmes-Dlspatch.) TA-EW'ELL, VA.. Feb. S..The Domin¬ ion Fire Insurance Company is the name of a new fire Insurance company which has been recently organized here by F. D. Kitts and others. The capital stock of the companv will .be 5100,000, with a cash surplus of $20,000. A charter was granted the company by the Stato Corpo¬ ration. Oommlsaif·.·' ojt.tho 20th day of January. The charter members of the company are R. L. '.Bruce, W. H. Bond. M. L. Stallard. of Wise county: S. L. Aston and V. B. Gllmer. of Russell coun¬ ty, and K. D. R. Harman, M. L. Peory, W. L. Moore, R. A. Ilarman and F. D, Kitts.' Of Tazewijll, and'John M. Newton, of Pocahontas. ;'¦ «I''/.-·, ¦¦¦'. ,. . Mr. Frank D. Kltts. It Is said, will bo general manager of the company, and ex- Senator Bruce, of WIso, will be president. The directors of the company will meet In a'short-while, and'officers will then be elected. The company proposes con¬ fining its business principally to the two Virginias. ..-..-. t.- .- » «t* . THROWN OUT "OF PARTY. Winchester Republicans Oust Gibbens and Elect Hpltseman. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch. WINCHESTER. VA.t Fob. 3..The Re¬ publicans of this city, .List night practi¬ can»· threw C. M. Gibbens out of the party and endorsed Charles T. Holtseman as Mr. Glbbens's successor on the State committee. Mr.-Glbbens was for many years treas¬ urer of Winchester, but Is not supposed to be In harmony with the majority, ¿resident Roosevelt's administration was endorsed. ¦ Demaine.Lyles. (Special to The Ttrnps-TDlspatch."! ALEXANDRIA, VA., Fob. 9..Miss An¬ nie Lyles, daughter of Mr. Richard H. Lyles, and Mr. Windsor W. Demaine, of ihis city, were married this morning at the parsonage of St. Mary's Catholic Church, the pastor, Rev, Father H. J. Cutler, officiating. The bride was attended by-her sister, Mrs. H. D. Luckett, as matron ot hon¬ or, while Mr. H. D. Luckett acted as best man. After the ceremony, the cou¬ ple loft for an extended tour, after which they will reside In this city, ¦ Smallpox .Scare. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) SÀXB, VA., Feb. 9.-Mr. F. I. Carrlng- ton, a Justice of thn peace, and Mr. W. H. Owen, a constable; aro hero to-day and hope to got all who have been ex¬ posed to smallpox and carry them to tho pest-house, so that others after to-day may come to this place with perfect safety. - « Endorse Roosevelt. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) WINCHESTER. VA., Feb. î)..Tho Re¬ publicans of Winchester assembled In convention last night and elected dele¬ gates to tho Seventh District Convention at Luray on the 23d. Tho meeting en¬ dorsed President Roosevelt's attitude, and recommended that ho again be nominated. DISASTROUS FIRE SWEEPS GATE CITY The Main Portion of the City Had a Very Narrow Escape. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) GATE CITY, VA., Feb. 9,.One of tha most disastrous fires In the history of Gate City occurred about 6 o'clock this morning. The largo department and gen¬ eral stores of Bowling Head and Sloan were burned with tho exception of con¬ siderable goods saved. The loes is esti¬ mated at about twenty thousand dollars, with $9,000 insurance. The general store of Vf. D. Davidson was reduced to ashes. A few goods were Haved; Joss about $16,000, with about «{12,000 Insurance, The fire was the result of a defective flue In Davidson's suiro, By heroic of¬ ferts tha fire company and citizens pre¬ vented the further spreading of tho flames to tho Myrtle Hotel and other adjacent buildings which would havo burned up the principal portion of tho town. The case of tho Commonwealth vs. J. H. Catron and J. ?. BarrieU, charged with killing J. W. Aushurn and I E. Niokpls on election day at Falrview was to-day transferred to Jonesvllle, Loo county, by Judgo H. A. W. Skeen, to «lie tried there on February ?2d because the court thought that a qualified jury ????? not be had Jn this county, VOICES HER SYMPATHY The City of Fredericksburg Ex- presses«Jts Soffow for Bal¬ timore's Affliction. REMEMBER FORMER KINDNESS Battimore People Helped Vir¬ ginia Town,'Which Was Left Desolate by the War. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) FREDERICKSBURG, VA., Fob. 9.-/U a called meeting of the City Council held to-day, Colonel E, D. Colo, presiding, the following resolution wan passed: Resolved: While in this hour of dire destruction to Baltimore, the whole coun¬ try stands appalled at tho financial and commercial affliction of that city; the peoplo of Fredericksburg remembering tho sympathy of the people of Baltimore and their material assistance at the close of the war. which left Fredericksburg In ruins, especially desire to express their profound sorrow for Baltlmoro In this, Jt· almost inexpressible trial, .and through their Common Council to tender Its suf¬ fering people their heartfelt sympathy and any assistance w»..-.n their power, X\ Is «ordered that the above minutes be en¬ tered on tho record of the Common Coun¬ cil, and that a copy of the sa m ti he for¬ warded to Mayor McLAne, of Baltimore, by the Mayor of this city by telegraph. Fredericksburg-«is more closely Identi¬ fied with Baltimore than any city In1 tho United States, and while the above is th« expression of the public officials, It voices the heartfelt'feelings of every citizen, as there is not a. business .house In the town which does not do business In some con¬ nection'with Baltimore merchants. NORFOLK WANTS TO AID BALTIMORE (Special to The Tlmes-Dispatoh.) NORFOLK, VA., Feb. 9..Mayor Balrd, of Portsmouth, tó-day > Wired the sympathy of that city to the Mayor of Baltimore. The business organizations of Norfolk and Portsmouth will, offer- the burned out merchants temporary quarters at this port with all its fino shipping facilities. The. suggestlcn comes from David Lowenborg, direi' or-general of the Jamestown Exposition... ., Offer Aid to Baltimore. (Special to Tbo Times-Dispatch.) LTNCHBURG, VA. Feb. 9..The Ex¬ ecutive Committee of the Virginia Real Estate Association, which-met here to¬ night, adopted a resolution extending sympathy to Baltimore sufferers and cor¬ dially offering aid. Two New Trains. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ROANOKE. VA., Feb. 0..A new sched¬ ule will go Into effect'on the Norfolk and Western Railroad· Sunday.· .by which two now aassenger trains will be put on to run between Briptol and Norfolk. PREACHER EXPIRES IN HIS PULPIT (Special to Tlie Timea-Dlspatch.) RALEIGH, N. Ci Feb. 9..Rov. J. A. Kuykendall, pastor of Corinth Church, Buncombe county, had just announced his text from Genesis, chapter 41: "I will go and see him before I die," when ho suddenly reeled and fell dead In the pul¬ pit. . Frederickburg's Claim. The city, of Fredericks burg Is making a game. light to secure the proposed new State Female Normal School, and Alessrs. T. McCracken. H. H. Wallace and A. P. Rowe. Jr.» were here yesterday urging the adoption of that location. Tho Council of the city has passed res¬ olutions pointing out the advantages of Fredericksburg, and those who are ad¬ vocating that location set out that no othor point in the First Congressional District is asking the honor. Colonel Chesterman Named. Governor Montague yesterday named Colonel W. D. Chesterman. of this city, as his own successor on the board of directors of the penitentiary for a term of four years. OBITUARY. Mrs. Mary Bartlett. Mrs. Mary 'Bartlett. widow of John M. Bartlett, died yesterday at Qulnton, Va., In the sixty-third year of her age. Tho funeral will take place at 10 o'clock this morning from the Sacred Heart Church, of Atanchoster. Funeral Services. The funeral of Mr. James P. Flgg took place at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the Pine Streot Baptist Church. The funeral of Mr. Alfred L. Cornwall will take place at 11 o'clock this morn¬ ing. The Interment will be made in Chos- torfleld county. Mrs. Martha Francis Lacy. ("Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) SCOTTOBURG, VA. Fob. O.-Mrs. Mar¬ tha Francis Lacy, an estimable lady, and mother In Israel, died In Scottsburg, her homo, on Saturdny. Sho had been In bad hoalth for several years, and was at¬ tacked with a severe cose of la grippe about the 1st of January, and In spite of the best nursing and the closest medical attention, sho riuietly passed away at tho age of sevnnty-three. Mrs, Lacy, whose maiden name was I- . :. OPERATIONS A FAD, Public Gradually Awakens to the Fact, The latest fad In operations« has been tho appendicitis fad; before that the fad for rectal operations (piles, etc.) held sway. Hundreds of patients were fright¬ ened and hurried Into hospitals, operated upon and robbed of their last dollar, when tho trouble was a simple case of hemorrhoids, or piles only, easily cured at homo with a simple remedy costing but fifty cents a box, "1 procured ono fifty cent hox of Pyr¬ amid Pile Cure of my druggist, with the Intention of buying a larger box later, hut was happily surprised when I found that I was cured, and still have six 'pyramids' left out of the first and only box. I have not had the least sign of piles since I used this one box, which has hoen about two months! previous to using Pyramid Pile Cure I had tho worBt kind of bleeding and protruding pilen for over thirty-one years, and no one knows, ex¬ cept those who have hnd the piles, tho pain and misery I suffered. "I am a poor man, but have often said I would givo a fortune, if I had It, to he cured of the piles, and now I havo been cured for fifty cents. I should ho very ungrateful If I did not thank you and give you every privilege to use my name and this letter, when I know there are so many who suffer as I did." J. A. WeismWer, 1100 Bladensburg Road, Wnuli- Ington, D. C. The Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich., publish a llttlo book on the causes and cure of piles.,which they will be glad to mall free to any applicant, and we advlso all sufferers from this painful disease to ..»Tito to them fee it, Uncle Sam all right it'· Uneie Sttn, In tbe Person of ten of his roverntnent officiais, le fttwnrsla cherté of nrmf department of our distillery, Durlnu tho entire process of distillation, niter the whlstM» le Rtored in barrels In our -warehouses, during the seven yoara It remains there, from UM very grain we buy to tho whiskey you net, Undo Sam is constantly on the watch, We dart not tako a gallon of our own whiskey from our own warehouse unless he nays It's all riant And when ho does say so, that whlskoy noes direct to you, with all Us original strength, tie»· tiess and flavor, carrying o UííITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER'S QÜABAM· TEB of PURITY and AGE, ami saving the dealers' enormous profits. Thot'e wW HAYNER WHISKEY le tho best for medicinal purposor. That's why it is preferred tor other uses. That's why we have over a quarter of a million satisfied customers, TbM'a Why YOU ihould try it» Your money back If you're not satisfied. Dlreot from our distillery to YOU Savit Diilirs' Profili I ?rivinti Adulterati·· I HAYNER WHISKEY PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE 4 FULL $0:20 EXPRESS QUARTS O PREPAIO We will send you FOUR FULL QUART BOTTLES of HAYNER'S SEVEN« YEAR-OIjD RYE for 13.20, and wo -will par the express charges. Try it and If you don't Und it all right oad as good as you over used ->r con buy from anybody else at any prlco. send it back at our expense, and your $3.20 will bo returned to you by next mall. Just think that offer ovor. How could It bo folrerf If you aro not porfeotly satisfied, you aro not out ß cent. Better le» ue send you a trial order. If you don't wont four quarts yourself, get.» friend to Join you, We ship in a plain sealed case, no marks to show what's Inside. ..;...·...,· Orders for Ariz., Col., Col., Idaho, Mont., Nov., N.Mex., Ore., Utan, Wash. or Vfso. must be on the basis of 4 Quart·» {or M.OO by Kxpreea Prepaid or ftO quarts tor »1T.?? by Freight Prepaid. Write our nearest office and do it NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY ATLANTA, Oft,, DAYTON, OHIO. ST, LOUIS, MO, ST, P-UL. MINN. 153. DlflTILLBHT, TBOT, O. ESTABLISHED 18M Expert Service in the adjustnient'of spectacles and.eyeglasses · for the improvement and preservation of the eye-sight. We have every facility to render· such service, and we look both to the appear¬ ance and comfort of our valued patrons. Avoid Charlaton and ===Pretenders *f^=| for the eyp-sight is too precious to be triffled with We garantes satisfaction and lowest charges in all cases. Superior Artificial Eyes carefully inserted. Complete manufacturing plant on the premises. Prescription .work our specialty. ^SGaleski Optical Go. Southwest Corner Eighth and Main Streets, Greenwood, married Mr. Melcajah F. Lacy in November, 1S53, and had passed her fiftieth marriage anniversary. She was blessed with nine children, all of whom she lived to see grown and married except one. Mrs. Mary Eliza Owoh, hor daughter, preceded her .mother to tlie grave. There survive flvo sons.the Hon. J. T.. H.W., J. M., R. S. and E. A. Lacy- all thrifty, honorable men, and thoro aro threo daughters.Mrs. Nannlo Powell, Mrs. Bettle Roberts and Miss Mattie Lacy, Miss Leita Irvine. (Snodai to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) FARMVILLE, VA., Fob. 9..Miss Leita Irvlno. ono of tho young- lady students of tho State. .Normal School, at this place, died suddenly this morning of congestion of the brain and lungs. Sho was at her classes yesterday In ap¬ parent good health. Yesterday afternoon, shortly after 3 o'clock, she was taken suddenly ill with pain. In tho head, and soon- thereafter fainted. Sim never re- gained consciousness for moro-than a mo- mont at a timo, .and, died this morning at an early hour. This was her first year In the school. Her remains wero. prepared for burial and sent to her homo In Augusta to¬ night, accompanied by her twin slstor, who also wiiH a student .of-tho* Normal School, arid Dr. Jarnian, presldent'of tiio Institution. Thero were no classes to-day in the.-school on, account of tho ¡death of Miss Irvlno. Mrs. R. Thomas Brurriback. (Special to Tho TlmW-Dispatch. l.URAY, VA., Fob. 9,-Mis. R. Thomas Bruin back, one of tho nio.u popular wo¬ men In Pago county, died suddenly at her home, near Rlloyvllle, ten miles north of Lmay, last night about 10 o'clock. M*'s, Rrumbnek had beoti ¡>lck for several weeks, though on tho day of her death remarked that sho felt better than for soin« timo. Sho retired a'· on early hour anj soon became .very*ill. Sho aroso and wan seated on a chair, when sho sudden- ly foil -forward and expired in u fow minutes. «Apop.cxy was tho cause of death. The deceased was about fifty- two years ot age. Mrs. Harriet Dispanet. (Special 'to The Tlmes-Dlspatch,) WINCHESTER, VA., Fob. 9..Miss Har¬ riet Dispanet died yesterday at tho homo of her only son, Charles, in this cl.y, Sho was born near Mountain Paliti sevo .ly- four years ago, and was th.i dau^ht r of the lato John D spanci. Her a .custom were, among lho lirsl seniors of tho Vai« ley of Virginia, and her great grand a»' massacred by the Indians at Mounts n Falls. Besides the' one son tho deceased I* survived by one brother, josepa lliiyileli, and ono sister, .Miss Relicc-ci, oi Star Tannery. G. Nash Foster. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) "ROANOKE. VA., Fob. 9..Mr. G. Nash Foster, member of the merchant tailoring firm of Foster and Hensel, died this morning from consumption, a god rorty- two voars. He was a native or Pennsyl¬ vania, hut had been residing in Roanoko for fourteen years. Ho was a member of the ?ß?????a fraternity and Knights Templar. Ho Is survived by his wife and ono child. T. B. Wood. (Special to The Tlnies-DIspateti., AMHERST. VA., Feb. 9,-Thtí body of T. B. Wood, who was killed at Monroe Sun¬ day night, wus burled In tho cemetery at this place this morning. The corpse wus brought over on the train from Monroe, and a nutnber of railroad employes at¬ tended tho burial. fyirs. John D. Duffey. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch. KKYSVlliUO, V-A'i .>' V'-^r. i"·1» D. Dutrcy, of Keysvtlle, dted to-day ad the Memorial Hospital. Richmond afta» a short, but desperate, Ihness. Her re·» mams will be brought home and be In¬ terred In the cemetery ?G Ash Cama Haptlst Church on Wednesday morning» Miss Madge Peery. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch') WINCHESTER, VA., Feb. 9..Mis» Madge Peery, daughter of Mrs. Nanni· Ir,ry .'d-ea yesterday at her home, m M.dd etown. She was 20 years of age and the sister of Charles Peery, who died sevi eral months ago at tlie hospital In thim city. Commodore William Bazzelle. ··. (By Associated Press.) PF.NÖACOLA, FLA., Fob 9.-After a?» Illness of one weelt's durutlor. Cominodor· William Razzolio died here tp-nlght " pneumonia, contracted wi'uio on duty thn bar during last week. Ho waa près« lilent of tho Florida Bar Pilots' Associa·» "' tlon having been Instrumental In th· V organization.of that association and had '¦"· Held tho presidency for a number ot year·*. ít',',,^.l¿,,.ft Mason. Knight of Pythias and. ; uciii-i" eiiow. Herbert Rose. (Special to Tho Timea-Dlspatch. l'KTlûRSBURG, VA.. Feb. 9.-A tele- gran: received hi Petersburg announce· the death «in Shennndoah, Pa.. of Mr. l-U'i-Uert Rose, a former resident of tht- city. He was a brothor of MossrH. Robori and Howard Rose, of Pclorsburg, and had been traveling for a nunibor of year* Funeral, of Mr, Roberts. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ( LYNÇHIWRG, VA. Fob. \ 9.-Th« funeral services of tho latu Mr. Jam 5 Alexander Roberts, whoso death ocourre« ; .Sunday night, took placo this artornooit ·. from Grace Episcopal Church. Mr. Rob¬ erts was born In Petersburg, but ca.n·' here io reside thlrty-ilvo years ago. Ho wa*» widely known and was a iUeo.i. ¦'- V Knight Templar, and a member of tin. V' tlVr'i;.* Odtl-mws. antl I"de"0"-Jent Orr DEATHS. DMAN¿~5lr')l Xïfîl?3r; January 9th, at 3 P. M., SARAH DEAN (colorid), beloved nur»· of Mr. und Mm. AVIIllam 0. (.¡watkln. Funeral notice later. PEORAM..Entered Into rest at the Soldier·' Home Ho-umul. Mr. JOHN T. pEORAM, in tho sixty-seventh yeur uf his age, Tuesday evening at 7 P. M. He leave* V wife anil three children.Mis» Nannlu 8. Pegrani. WIN Ham T. Pogrom and Mra. Edward J. Kcl.y. l'unernl arrangement« will ho announced In Uin evening paper. Petersburg papers please copy. "WAI.KER.-JOHN AI.LB.V WALKER, aged seventy-nix years, passed away January Î3, 1!)01, nt the hontu of his son-in-law, R. XV. Dunn, Mecklenburg county, Va. Ho was ft grout sufferer, which he .höre with patten u. He leaven three children and nine grandchil¬ dren, to which he wu« devoted, He belonged to Ihe Methodist Church M, & £. FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHIUAOBI^ ?1??, one of tho oldest Fire Inaurane« Companies In America.losses paid near- ly .flU,000,ui», XV. XV. Hardwlcko, Agent. TELEPHONE I,..,...,,-,. ? S'fOP,'* Don't let him sell you any» I thing else. W* guarantee, It te bruì I up the worst roi.DS |n î» hour», ¦ ur money t«ack If It (alls. ¦ Prie« 25c. I POLK MILLER DRUG CO. H-_WI-M--_-B_HHI


Mr*. Alaria II. Kearney LosesrHér Balance and Kalis, Break¬

ing Her Hip.


Citizens' of Prince George Coun¬ty May" Ship .Wild Water,

Fowls Out of State.

(Hpeclnl to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)Plckett Cnmp decided unanimously lestPETERSBURG,, yA,;. l«\ob., D.-Mrr*.

Maria II. Kcnrney, nn aged lady residingin Market Streot, yesterday fell and brOKe

; her hip. »Mrn. Koiirrley, who nome timeego was paralyzed, attempted to open adoor end in reaching forward, lost herbaloneo rtnd fell heavily forward.The cano of »Marriott ve. Davis, wns

argued to-day In tho Corporation Court,a Jury being waved. Judge Mullen willrender his decision later. Marriott erect¬ed a wind mill for A. L. Davis (who hndtho contract) ht Coggln's Point, PrinceGeorge county, on David Dunlop's prcm·Ises. Davis claims that tho miliwíir not erected according to contract andrefused to pay Marriott, and the latterbrought suit. Mr. R. H.Mann representstho plaintiff, and »Messrs. Bartlelt Roper,Jr., and Carl Davis, the defendant.'Virginia Passenger and Power Company

engineers wero engaged· to-dny In sur¬veying for "cross-overs" at the corner ofSycamore unti Washington Streets. Ot.herImprovement« along the line will be made.? negro named Julian Deo has been ar¬

rested on the charge of highway rob¬bery, his alleged victim being anothernegro, named Lewis Alken. Alken whilewalking along Sycamore Street early Sun¬day morning wns accosted by a nogro,who without wurnlrig struck him a terri.

, ble blow on the head which rendered himunconscious. When ho revived ho dis-

' covered that he hud beon relieved;· ofabout $10. Pour dollars of the stolenmonoy wns found on Lee after hie ar¬rest.Henry Oliver, a roepected negro,, while

at work about the Norfolk and Westerndepot yesterday, fell, l-ttaklng his righthip and fracturing his right knee.James W. Jackson, who had been tem¬

porarily In charge of the National Ceme¬tery at City Point for several months,has received notice that E. R. Fondu. Su¬

perintendent of the Milla Springs NationalCemetery, In Kentucky, will arrive in'afew days to assume charge.

MAY, SHIP. WATER FOWL, jTho Prince George county board of su«

porvisora havo agreed to allow any citi¬zen of the county to ship wild water fowlout of the State. Tho power to authorizecitizens to ship game out of the Statela vested by the recent law In the boardof the county' supervisors.A meeting of tho voting stockholders

of the Seaboard Air Lino Railway Com¬pany will be held to-morrow at tho gen¬eral oflices of tho company In Petersburgfor the purposo of considering the Blalr-Coolldge-Ryan syndicate loan bond Issue.A pétition Is being circulated in Prince

George county requesting the delegatefrom that county, Dr. Powell, to Intro¬duce .in", tice Legislature1 a':btll to allownon-residents Who own real estate In t..ocounty to hunt on their lands withoutpaying a licenso required by law.L. Emmctt Badger, who recently went

to Florida in the hope of regaining hishealth, has greatly improved In theSouth.Police Oltlccr Carter left this morning

for Portsmouth, with two young sailorswho deserted· from the navy, and whowore arrested In Petersburg a few daysago.The Petersburg Savings and Insurance

Company liad ??,??? insurance on buildingsIn Baltimore; and. of this, the -only» mount on buildings Which burned w.asK.W, carried by Daniel, Miller & Co.Miss Ida D'Alton and son. Mr. Frank

D'Alton, will leave for Florida on Thurs¬


DR. /HUNLBY'S FUNERAL.A Great Outpouring to HonorMemory of Favorite Physician.

(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.JI.AÏHE.VS, VA., Feb. y..Never before

in the memory of any person now livinghis such a vast concourse of peoplogaUiered In this county to. pay the lastsad tributo of love and respect .to thedead aa that which assembled at theL'entrai M. 15. Church, at this place,Sunday morning at the fonerai servicesof the late Dr. Luther B. Hunloy. Dr.IC-'iiloy was a physician of wide repute,nnd up to tbo time of his last illnesswaa engaged In nn immonso and exactingpractice, and tlie love and esteem In\vh»cli ho was huid by the people was

evidenced by tho presonce of hundredsof his friends from nil pavts of this andpot linns of the atljolnlng tounty, as .veiln*j by tlie universal sorrow manifestedat hi», dea'th.Too order ol Odd-Follows and the Royal

Aicnnuni. of which tho ¦deceased was a

member, in a body attended tho services,Whloh wero conducted by tho Rev. JohnO. .Moss.

Dl*. Ilunley died in tlin forty-eighthyear of his Ufo, and leaves a widowand two children surviving him.The remains were interred in the com¬

ete·;.· at Trinity Cliurch. The followinggentlemen acted ns pull-bearers:Active-John E, Miller, C. E. Miller,

Robert Miller, Thomas «Miller, J. Vf.Di-.wr. nnd J. ¿U. Push.Honorary.Drs, C. M. Raines. J. W. D.

i-J.aynes, Thomas B. Lane and S. E. Rich¬ardson, and Messrs, G. K. T. Lane andLeslie C. Garnett.


Boats. to Ply Between Urbannaand Baltimore.

(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.HEA'l'HiiVILLE, VA., Feb. 0..It |s re-

parted on go;.-] authority that a newlirio of steamers will ne established tobegin business In the spring to ply be¬tween Uj bannn, in Lancaster county,end Baltimore.Nc»t since 1899 has the Cheeapeako Bay

been so blocked with ice as It wasduring tho recent freeze, Ah farx down»s Cedar Point ice was piled up, some.nf ü being eight feet \,\ thickness. Anarrow channel, which would cement over«¡very nlghi, was barely ktpt open by thebig liners, the lea machines nnd tugs.The Wocms steamers ure 4inons the fewboats that attempted to koop running.Be.unun Ma-sonlc Lod^e, at Warsaw,

rha tered by the last Grand Lodge, wasintututed, and the oftleers Installed to¬day worshlpfuls R. T. Douglass and W.McD. Leo were appointed to assist Die«trlct Deputy Grand Master II, Vf, Hard¬ing In the ce:emonlep.f-alen R· Smith, of King George, is

contemplating tlio erection of a steam«biat wharf nt iho old "Uottngo" landing

WIH, POSITIVELY CURE |Kidney an»J Liver Disease, Rheumatism,¡Sic··-·, Headache. Erysipelas, Scuofuln, Cu·turril. Indigestion. Neuralgia, jtfervQua·lies,«, Dyspepsia. Syphilitic Diseases. ConBtiratio». r2,'¿&a,630 peoplo wer* treatedI» J«m« 'Ho. ,V drvggLj.3.

Speedily Cured withBaths of CUTICURASOAP and gentle A-nointings with CUTI¬CURA OINTMENTwhen all else fails.

near the P-nssnpatanzy Crook, and nbnut2 1.-2 miles· above Stiff's wharf, on thoPotomac River. A good wharf at (hatpclnt will greatly Improve tli»» shippingfacilities for a large .portion of. King«Rorgo and lower Stafford.Rev. and Mrs, J. XX'. 3. ..Robins, of

Martinsvllle, Henry county have Issuedinvitations (o tho marriage of theirdaughter, Miso Lena Mae. and Dr.erarlos T. Womack, the oornmony to takoplace at Martlnsvllle February 17th. Afterthe marriage Dr. and Mrs. Wpmack willvisit Lancaster and N'urthumbnrlandcol.ntlcH. whsre' Rov. Mr. Robins wasparlor for eight years. [ii* *,·'·'.':'-' »


Richmond Man Marries Miss Mc-Gormick at Nottoway.

(Special to The Times-Dispatch:).NOTTOWAY C. II.. Feb. 9,-Thls vll-

lagu was the scene of a very quiet wed¬ding, which took placo tule morning at10.3'J o'clock at the residence,of ColonelRobert H. Beverly. The contracting" par¬ties were Margaret Beverly. MçCormlen0Rnil Mr. Eugene Cralgh/3dd Caldwcll. okRichmond, Va. <*On "account of the very recent death ot

Air. D. P. McCormlck". father of thebride, the marriage was witnessed byonlv tbo members oí the family and afew very Intimate friends.The ceremony was performed by Dr.

T.» F. Epc-s. the bride's pastor. Amongthose present were Mr. .'Juldwoi!, brotherof the groom, and Mr. Tuylor, of Rich¬mond; Mrs. Daniel P. .McCormlck. ofCrowe; .Mrs. Lizzie M. Jackson, of Black-stone; Mr. nnd Mrs. .larry StandardBoyerly of Blnckstone; Mrs. WilliamArcher Robertson. Misses Mary and Mar¬ina. Epos, Miss Bessie Walker. Robertson,Mr. George Southali Robertson..Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell left Immediately

afte- tbo ceremony for Richmond.' theirtuiure home.


(Socclâl to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)SUFFOLK. VA.' Feb. n.-Franklin. Va.,

Is having a- series-of Incendiary fires.Last week there was an attempt toburn the Franklin. Military Academy,which since then has been guarded allnight by armed. student«., To-day thoro."were two fires -In Franklin, one. clear'··.-of Incendiary origin. D. A. Holland'sbarn was burned by a fire-bug. Thekitchen of. Elmo Eley caught fire, andIt was battered to pieces In order tosave his residence.-


(Special to Tho TJmes-Dlspateli.)PULASK1. VA., Feb. !)..A piece of tb«i

Jacket of the Dora furnace gurst off· thismorning ait 5 o'clock, allowing about"twocar.'rtads of molten metal to escape. Wll-ber Smith, an employe, was caught in thostream of metal and burned to death 1?1-etantly. No one else was seriously In¬jured. One colored man was burnedslightly.The damage to the furnace and appli¬

ances wlï reach several thousand dollars.


CLARKSVILLE, VA.. Feb. 9.-NelsonTownes, a very highly respected'darky,who roslded three miles from hero, diedyesterday, having reached the age of onehundred and' fifteen (115) years, perhapsbolng the only man In Mecklenburg coun¬ty ever to have attained this age. Beforothe war he belonged to Colonel WilliamTownes, owner of the "Occoneecliee"plantation, and ono of the largest Biaveowners in tho county.


(Snodai to The. Tlmes-Dlspatch.)FARMVILL-IC, VA.. Feb. D..Thero Is no

clue so far to tho negro who was dis¬covered 'after midnight Sunday In the bed-room of Mrs. 8. XV, Watkins. The negrowas evidently thoro for robbery. He stolea new suit of clothes belonging to Cap¬tain Watkins, and In his husty oxltthrough ono of tho windows loft a pairof shoes which ho had removed beforesearching tho house.

Hume.Brown.(Special to The Tlmcs-D|spatch.)

RACCOON FORD, VA. Feb. 9,-Thoresidence of iM.rs, Harrisons, at No. 223East Capitol Street. Washington, D. C,was the scene Wednesday nfternoon at5 o'clock of a pretty marriage, when MissBessie W, Brown, of Rappahannockcounty, Va,, became the bride of Mr.David F. Hume, of Orange, Rev, GeorgoE. Maydwell, pastor of Waugh MethodistEpiscopal Church, in that city, officiated.An elegant dinner was served.The bridal party was met at the Penn¬

sylvania station by Miss· Lena Brbwnend Mr. Waltor R. Hume, sister andbrother of the bride nnd groom, respec¬tively, who had mado ??G necessary ar¬rangements. Mr, and Mrs, Hume spentsome time visiting prominent places Inthe city, after which they boarded atrain for North Oarden, Albemarlè'coun»ty, Va., where they will make tholr fu¬ture home.

Thieves in Farmville,(Speoinl to The Tlmes-Dlspatch«)

FARMVILLE, VA., Fob. 9.-A thief en¬tered tho bed chamber of Cnbtaln SamuelWatkins Sunday night, where he and hisfamily were asleep, and succeeded Instealing a pair of trousers, also a pairof shoes and valuable Jewelry.Mrs, Watkins discovered thnt son-e on«

was in the room and gave tho .alarm. Thethief at once made good his escapo.The police arc ut work on tho cas»

to-day. «-

While ftlr. Aubrey Wlngo, a conductoron the Frederloksburg and Potomac rorçdwas returning homo last night, i>q dis¬covered Q negro )n tho back yard olMr. D. L. Traylor. The negro was In .theact of raising the window. Mr. Wi'ngocalled to him to stop, when.he replied;:,")don't think I shall." and eloar|ng th«fence, made good 1,1s escape,


Joe Kelioe Under Arrest on

Suspicion of Having TakenOrphans' Money.


Will be More Formidable ThanWas Intended When Her

Keel Was First Laid.

(Special to Tho jimes-DlBDtttcfi.)NORFOLK, VA., Feb. D.-Joo Kehoe is

under arrest, suspected of having robbedthe Masonic Orphanugo mite box at theTemple, In this city. He had been sentto tho building to put up fire escapesand afterwards the box, which was full,was found to have been stolen./rhe Pastoral Committee of tho Free¬

mason Street Baptist Church has unani¬mously recommended that Rov. Vf. M.Vines, of Ashcvllle, N. C;, be called tothe pastorate_of tho congregation.Alterations J that are now being made

In the plans of the cruiser Galveston willmake her when completed a much moreformidable warship than was intendedwhen she was laid down at, the Triggship-yards, at Richmond. The Cleve-'land, a sister ship to tho Galveston, Isbeing slmllarlly altered at this navy-yard now.


The county of Norfolk will fight hardagainst the bill Introduced in the Legis¬lature, and· designed to distribute prò-rata between oil tho counties they tra¬verse, the taxes' on the rolling stock ofrailway system. Captain Richard C. Mar¬shall, representing the county, left to¬day for Richmond, to oppose the bill.·The battleship Missouri to-day report¬

ed to the commandant of this stationirei return to Hampton Roads, from hersea trial; It Is stated that the Mis¬souri's record at sea surpassed that ofher sister ship,·the new Maine.'The: Republican office-holders In thiscity say that they, are not at all cort-

Jcerned because of-the movement againsttliem by certain Republican politicians.They declare that the desire to take thecontrol of the party in Virginia out ofthe« hands of the. office-holders Is dic¬tated by those who merely wish to holdoffice.

MEMORIAL SESSION.Resolutions of Respect for Judge

Hancock Adopted.(Special-to The TÍmes-Dlspátch.

Chiit>l'ER.Fil3LD. VA.·, Feb. 9..Thefirst work of the new Circuit .Court forChtsterlield county was t:ausacted to-day.Judge Walter A. Watson on last wBekmade the arrangement with Judge Clop-to.·} for the lattor to hold the whole otth-»· present term of court here for 1dm.A long docket was ready to be called

at the opening of court, and the setting':of cases for trial occupied the court untilmid-day. Following this a memorial to ?Judge Beverly A. Hancock, who died on

tim 21th of January, before having enteredupjii the work of his now judicial circuit,occupied tlie court for two hours.Speech after speech followed the reading

of the resolutions. Mr. Wells paying: thellrst tribute of loyc and respect to tliehonored dead. ' Mr. David L. Pulllam. Mr.P.. V. Cogbill, Mr. Isaac Diggs, -JudgeJ.'M. Gregory, Mr. Willis B. Smith andjudge L. P. Pool, each In tne order named,tole» of .some characteristic of the goodman -who was gone, or -if some personalkindness received, which caused the mem¬ory of Beverly A. Hancock to be revered*by him.The resolutions will do engrossed with

the minutes of to-day on'the court record.The- trial of the colored boy Berkley

Wbito for murder, which has been con-tlrued for several terms of court, willbe begun on Wednesday,, tho tenth. Somemlftiiemeanor cases havo been ilxed fortne day following.Mr. Edward S. Hazen on last Satur¬

day qualified before the clerk of theCircuit Court as administrator of hisorcther. Mr. James S. Hazen. The dece-dcr.t's estate was valued at $5.000.

BON AIR BITS.The Village Has Gone Into Win

ter Retirement.(Special to The Times-Dispatch.).

BON AIR, VA., Feb. 9.-Bon Air has*·,noi been so lively, socially, this winteres in former days. So many familieshave moved away that those who areleft almost need to whistle, to. keep them¬selves from getting lonesome.Mr.. Adamson'fl' family is spending the

Winter in Richmond. Mr. Cronshaw alsopacked up and moved ovir last'week.As tho most recent departures, thosoadd to tho. long list of thoso who areconspicuously absent.greatly missed.But In a quiet way, the social lite of BonAir finds a great deal in the \\-ay ofpleasure and enjoyment.Tho Chautauqua holds Its meetings

regularly each week and also the BonAlt Glee Club, with Mr. Harvle Blair fisconductor. Also there are bi-weeklymeetings of ¿he Library Society. These,with an occasional "at home" and' so¬

dai* "teas," with all the church-goingblessings and privileges of a church-going people, mnke life well worth tholiving.

TOBACCO GROWERS.Perfect Organization of Protec¬

tive Association.(Speclnl to The Tlmes-Dispatoh.)

DANVILLE, VA., Feb. 9.-The tobaccogrowers of Plttsylvanla in an adjournedmeeting here to-day perfected the To¬bacco Growers' Protective Association ofPlttsylvanla county by tho election of H.C. Allen as president; E. T. Moorefleld.secretary; W. T, Wilson, vice-president,nnd John McCormick, county organizer.,A number of speeches were made by

visitors.· Included in this list waa oneby President S. C. Adams, of the Inter¬state Association. The farmers proposedto" organise clubs in every section' of thecounty, and President Adams and Or¬ganizer McCormick leave on a trip inthe morning for this purpose. Nearlytwo hundred planters attended the meet¬ing.


(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)MEHERRIN. VA.. Feb. 9,-At a meet¬

ing of the county board of supervisorsyesterday at Lunenburg Courtlioueo theboard reorganised and elected Mr. W. C.Wlnn to succeed himself as chairman.The most important business before the

board was the smallpox situation in Meck¬lenburg county, near Chose City. Severalietterà from prominent citizens who re¬side near tlio line'were read, requestingImmediate action, in order that the dis¬ease might not got into .this county. Thochairman of the board issued a call fora meeting to he held on Friday next,when tho mailer will be taken up.

Kennedy's'new plea«Raises the Point That the Sheriff

Has No Jurisdiction.(Special to Th? TlniîS-DIspatc...

LEXINUTQN. VA·. Fâb. i.-John Ken¬nedy, under sentence u> be hanged at¿Hauiitoj*. µ«1 Friday «for wrecl$lnff »


WHITE RIBBON REMEDYNo taste,--No odor. Csn be given In water,

tea» coffee or food .without patient's>ñowledde, ,. ¦': .·'''"· '" '*·¦· ¦* ¦*¦ " ¡fil' uílnB my TVIílt«

. ftlbbon Remedy nnydtubkartl or tiny one

.-tWhç.jJs a. .victim, of in»toelcatlni? 'drinks, llp-plijr or con rmed In»

-.Hfiain. con be cured.Any onn can givo ihn.«tieni Whlto RibbonRemedy In tea, waternr food, without ihndrunkard's ever know-In·* it. Whlto tllbbonItemcdy does Its work.w) swiftly and surelythnt while the devotedwile, sinter, mother ordaughter looks on, iliodrunkard Is cured evenagainst his will. I oil-

Mrs. A. M, TOWNSENDvlse every person whohits a loved on.· who

Is a slave to the drink evil to give ih m Wh.teRibbon rtemedy at once, it has made manythousands of permanent cures, ani In ad ltltnrestores the victim to normal health. steady-Ins the nerve». Increasing tho will power and,determination to resist, temptation.The Only Remedy for Drunkenness In¬

dorsed by Memberé of_W. C T. u.


We agree to refund the purchase price of Ithe large package, of White Ribbon Rom- Ii-riv if it anen not effect n» cure* ?y (Hlgngd) TBAqLE.MEDICINE_CO._l«old by druggists everywhere or by mall.

Price, _

50c. and, $1.00Trial Package free by writing or'calling on

MRB. A. AI. TOWNSJ3ND «or years.Secretaryof a Woman's Christian Tempérance Union),218 Tromont SU, Boaton, Ata.·,«;. All letter*destroyed as soon as answered. Everythingprivate. Sold and recommended by epo.lalagent In Richmond, Va.

iRnGLiù DUG CO..817' East Broad Street.

Mall Orders Filled.

train near Greenville somo months ago.was brought to LexinRton to-day undera writ of habeas corpus. His counsel, J.R. Tucker, had associated with him sev¬eral lawyers of Staunton, who askedJudge Letcher. of. the Circuit Court, a

etayloi sentence on tlie ground of a ques¬tion of Jurisdiction, claiming that thesheriff of the County Court of Augustawaï no longer ß? officer, since the courthad been abolished.Judge Letcher declined to Interfere and

tho prisoner was remanded to Jail toawait .exécution.


(Special to The -Tlmes-Dlspatch.)TA-EW'ELL, VA.. Feb. S..The Domin¬

ion Fire Insurance Company is the nameof a new fire Insurance company whichhas been recently organized here by F.D. Kitts and others. The capital stockof the companv will .be 5100,000, with acash surplus of $20,000. A charter wasgranted the company by the Stato Corpo¬ration. Oommlsaif·.·' ojt.tho 20th day ofJanuary. The charter members of thecompany are R. L. '.Bruce, W. H. Bond.M. L. Stallard. of Wise county: S. L.Aston and V. B. Gllmer. of Russell coun¬ty, and K. D. R. Harman, M. L. Peory,W. L. Moore, R. A. Ilarman and F. D,Kitts.' Of Tazewijll, and'John M. Newton,of Pocahontas. ;'¦ «I''/.-·, ¦¦¦'. ,. .

Mr. Frank D. Kltts. It Is said, will bogeneral manager of the company, and ex-Senator Bruce, of WIso, will be president.The directors of the company will meetIn a'short-while, and'officers will thenbe elected. The company proposes con¬

fining its business principally to the twoVirginias. ..-..-.

t.- .- » «t* .


Winchester Republicans OustGibbens and Elect Hpltseman.

(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.WINCHESTER. VA.t Fob. 3..The Re¬

publicans of this city, .List night practi¬can»· threw C. M. Gibbens out of theparty and endorsed Charles T. Holtsemanas Mr. Glbbens's successor on the Statecommittee.Mr.-Glbbens was for many years treas¬

urer of Winchester, but Is not supposedto be In harmony with the majority,¿resident Roosevelt's administration wasendorsed.


Demaine.Lyles.(Special to The Ttrnps-TDlspatch."!

ALEXANDRIA, VA., Fob. 9..Miss An¬nie Lyles, daughter of Mr. Richard H.Lyles, and Mr. Windsor W. Demaine, ofihis city, were married this morning atthe parsonage of St. Mary's CatholicChurch, the pastor, Rev, Father H. J.Cutler, officiating.The bride was attended by-her sister,

Mrs. H. D. Luckett, as matron ot hon¬or, while Mr. H. D. Luckett acted as

best man. After the ceremony, the cou¬

ple loft for an extended tour, after whichthey will reside In this city,


Smallpox .Scare.(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

SÀXB, VA., Feb. 9.-Mr. F. I. Carrlng-ton, a Justice of thn peace, and Mr. W.H. Owen, a constable; aro hero to-dayand hope to got all who have been ex¬

posed to smallpox and carry them to thopest-house, so that others after to-daymay come to this place with perfectsafety.- «

Endorse Roosevelt.(Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.)

WINCHESTER. VA., Feb. î)..Tho Re¬publicans of Winchester assembled Inconvention last night and elected dele¬gates to tho Seventh District Conventionat Luray on the 23d. Tho meeting en¬dorsed President Roosevelt's attitude, andrecommended that ho again be nominated.


The Main Portion of the CityHad a Very Narrow

Escape.(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

GATE CITY, VA., Feb. 9,.One of thamost disastrous fires In the history ofGate City occurred about 6 o'clock this

morning. The largo department and gen¬

eral stores of Bowling Head and Sloanwere burned with tho exception of con¬

siderable goods saved. The loes is esti¬mated at about twenty thousand dollars,with $9,000 insurance. The general store

of Vf. D. Davidson was reduced to ashes.A few goods were Haved; Joss about$16,000, with about «{12,000 Insurance,The fire was the result of a defective

flue In Davidson's suiro, By heroic of¬ferts tha fire company and citizens pre¬vented the further spreading of thoflames to tho Myrtle Hotel and otheradjacent buildings which would havoburned up the principal portion of thotown.The case of tho Commonwealth vs. J.

H. Catron and J. ?. BarrieU, chargedwith killing J. W. Aushurn and I E.Niokpls on election day at Falrview was

to-day transferred to Jonesvllle, Loocounty, by Judgo H. A. W. Skeen, to «lietried there on February ?2d because thecourt thought that a qualified jury ?????not be had Jn this county,


The City of Fredericksburg Ex-presses«Jts Soffow for Bal¬

timore's Affliction.


Battimore People Helped Vir¬ginia Town,'Which Was Left

Desolate by the War.

(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)FREDERICKSBURG, VA., Fob. 9.-/U

a called meeting of the City Council heldto-day, Colonel E, D. Colo, presiding, thefollowing resolution wan passed:Resolved: While in this hour of dire

destruction to Baltimore, the whole coun¬

try stands appalled at tho financial andcommercial affliction of that city; thepeoplo of Fredericksburg rememberingtho sympathy of the people of Baltimoreand their material assistance at the closeof the war. which left Fredericksburg Inruins, especially desire to express theirprofound sorrow for Baltlmoro In this, Jt·almost inexpressible trial, .and throughtheir Common Council to tender Its suf¬fering people their heartfelt sympathyand any assistance w»..-.n their power, X\Is «ordered that the above minutes be en¬tered on tho record of the Common Coun¬cil, and that a copy of the sam ti he for¬warded to Mayor McLAne, of Baltimore,by the Mayor of this city by telegraph.Fredericksburg-«is more closely Identi¬

fied with Baltimore than any city In1 thoUnited States, and while the above is th«expression of the public officials, It voicesthe heartfelt'feelings of every citizen, as

there is not a. business .house In the townwhich does not do business In some con¬nection'with Baltimore merchants.


(Special to The Tlmes-Dispatoh.)NORFOLK, VA., Feb. 9..Mayor Balrd,

of Portsmouth, tó-day > Wired thesympathy of that city to the Mayor ofBaltimore. The business organizations ofNorfolk and Portsmouth will, offer- theburned out merchants temporary quartersat this port with all its fino shippingfacilities. The. suggestlcn comes fromDavid Lowenborg, direi' or-general of theJamestown Exposition... .,

Offer Aid to Baltimore.(Special to Tbo Times-Dispatch.)

LTNCHBURG, VA. Feb. 9..The Ex¬ecutive Committee of the Virginia RealEstate Association, which-met here to¬night, adopted a resolution extendingsympathy to Baltimore sufferers and cor¬dially offering aid.

Two New Trains.(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

ROANOKE. VA., Feb. 0..A new sched¬ule will go Into effect'on the Norfolk andWestern Railroad· Sunday.· .by which twonow aassenger trains will be put on torun between Briptol and Norfolk.


(Special to Tlie Timea-Dlspatch.)RALEIGH, N. Ci Feb. 9..Rov. J. A.

Kuykendall, pastor of Corinth Church,Buncombe county, had just announcedhis text from Genesis, chapter 41: "I willgo and see him before I die," when hosuddenly reeled and fell dead In the pul¬pit.


Frederickburg's Claim.The city, of Fredericksburg Is making

a game. light to secure the proposed newState Female Normal School, and Alessrs.T. McCracken. H. H. Wallace and A. P.Rowe. Jr.» were here yesterday urgingthe adoption of that location.Tho Council of the city has passed res¬

olutions pointing out the advantages ofFredericksburg, and those who are ad¬vocating that location set out that noothor point in the First CongressionalDistrict is asking the honor.

Colonel Chesterman Named.Governor Montague yesterday named

Colonel W. D. Chesterman. of this city,as his own successor on the board ofdirectors of the penitentiary for a term offour years.

OBITUARY.Mrs. Mary Bartlett.

Mrs. Mary 'Bartlett. widow of John M.Bartlett, died yesterday at Qulnton, Va.,In the sixty-third year of her age.Tho funeral will take place at 10 o'clock

this morning from the Sacred HeartChurch, of Atanchoster.

Funeral Services.The funeral of Mr. James P. Flgg took

place at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoonfrom the Pine Streot Baptist Church.The funeral of Mr. Alfred L. Cornwall

will take place at 11 o'clock this morn¬ing. The Interment will be made in Chos-torfleld county.

Mrs. Martha Francis Lacy.("Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

SCOTTOBURG, VA. Fob. O.-Mrs. Mar¬tha Francis Lacy, an estimable lady, andmother In Israel, died In Scottsburg, herhomo, on Saturdny. Sho had been In badhoalth for several years, and was at¬tacked with a severe cose of la grippeabout the 1st of January, and In spite ofthe best nursing and the closest medicalattention, sho riuietly passed away at thoage of sevnnty-three.Mrs, Lacy, whose maiden name was

I- . :.

OPERATIONS A FAD,Public Gradually Awakens to the Fact,The latest fad In operations« has been

tho appendicitis fad; before that the fadfor rectal operations (piles, etc.) heldsway. Hundreds of patients were fright¬ened and hurried Into hospitals, operatedupon and robbed of their last dollar,when tho trouble was a simple case ofhemorrhoids, or piles only, easily curedat homo with a simple remedy costing butfifty cents a box,"1 procured ono fifty cent hox of Pyr¬

amid Pile Cure of my druggist, with theIntention of buying a larger box later,hut was happily surprised when I foundthat I was cured, and still have six'pyramids' left out of the first and onlybox. I have not had the least sign ofpiles since I used this one box, which hashoen about two months! previous to usingPyramid Pile Cure I had tho worBt kindof bleeding and protruding pilen for overthirty-one years, and no one knows, ex¬cept those who have hnd the piles, thopain and misery I suffered."I am a poor man, but have often said

I would givo a fortune, if I had It, tohe cured of the piles, and now I havobeen cured for fifty cents. I should hovery ungrateful If I did not thank youand give you every privilege to use myname and this letter, when I know thereare so many who suffer as I did." J. A.WeismWer, 1100 Bladensburg Road, Wnuli-Ington, D. C.The Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich.,

publish a llttlo book on the causes andcure of piles.,which they will be glad tomall free to any applicant, and we advlsoall sufferers from this painful disease to..»Tito to them fee it,

Uncle Samall right


Uneie Sttn, In tbe Person of ten of his roverntnent officiais, le fttwnrsla cherté of nrmfdepartment of our distillery, Durlnu tho entire process of distillation, niter the whlstM»le Rtored in barrels In our -warehouses, during the seven yoara It remains there, from UMvery grain we buy to tho whiskey you net, Undo Sam is constantly on the watch, We dartnot tako a gallon of our own whiskey from our own warehouse unless he nays It's all riantAnd when ho does say so, that whlskoy noes direct to you, with all Us original strength, tie»·tiess and flavor, carrying o UííITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER'S QÜABAM·TEB of PURITY and AGE, ami saving the dealers' enormous profits. Thot'e wWHAYNER WHISKEY le tho best for medicinal purposor. That's why it is preferred torother uses. That's why we have over a quarter of a million satisfied customers, TbM'aWhy YOU ihould try it» Your money back If you're not satisfied.

Dlreot from our distillery to YOUSavit Diilirs' Profili I ?rivinti Adulterati·· I



We will send you FOUR FULL QUART BOTTLES of HAYNER'S SEVEN«YEAR-OIjD RYE for 13.20, and wo -will par the express charges. Try it andIf you don't Und it all right oad as good as you over used ->r con buy fromanybody else at any prlco. send it back at our expense, and your $3.20 will boreturned to you by next mall. Just think that offer ovor. How could It bofolrerf If you aro not porfeotly satisfied, you aro not out ß cent. Better le»ue send you a trial order. If you don't wont four quarts yourself, get.»friend to Join you, We ship in a plain sealed case, no marks to show what'sInside. ..;...·...,·

Orders for Ariz., Col., Col., Idaho, Mont., Nov., N.Mex., Ore., Utan, Wash.or Vfso. must be on the basis of 4 Quart·» {or M.OO by KxpreeaPrepaid or ftO quarts tor »1T.?? by Freight Prepaid.

Write our nearest office and do it NOW.



Expert Servicein the adjustnient'of spectacles and.eyeglasses ·

for the improvement and preservation of theeye-sight. We have every facility to render·such service, and we look both to the appear¬ance and comfort of our valued patrons.

Avoid Charlaton and===Pretenders*f^=|

forthe eyp-sight is too precious to be triffledwithWe garantes satisfaction and lowest chargesin all cases. Superior Artificial Eyes carefullyinserted. Complete manufacturing plant on

the premises. Prescription .work our specialty.

^SGaleski Optical Go.Southwest Corner Eighth and Main Streets,

Greenwood, married Mr. Melcajah F.Lacy in November, 1S53, and had passedher fiftieth marriage anniversary. Shewas blessed with nine children, all ofwhom she lived to see grown and marriedexcept one. Mrs. Mary Eliza Owoh, hordaughter, preceded her .mother to tliegrave. There survive flvo sons.the Hon.J. T.. H.W., J. M., R. S. and E. A. Lacy-all thrifty, honorable men, and thoro arothreo daughters.Mrs. Nannlo Powell,Mrs. Bettle Roberts and Miss MattieLacy,

Miss Leita Irvine.(Snodai to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

FARMVILLE, VA., Fob. 9..Miss LeitaIrvlno. ono of tho young- lady students oftho State. .Normal School, at this place,died suddenly this morning of congestionof the brain and lungs.Sho was at her classes yesterday In ap¬

parent good health. Yesterday afternoon,shortly after 3 o'clock, she was takensuddenly ill with pain. In tho head, andsoon- thereafter fainted. Sim never re-

gained consciousness for moro-than a mo-mont at a timo, .and, died this morningat an early hour.This was her first year In the school.

Her remains wero. prepared for burialand sent to her homo In Augusta to¬night, accompanied by her twin slstor,who also wiiH a student .of-tho* NormalSchool, arid Dr. Jarnian, presldent'of tiioInstitution. Thero were no classes to-dayin the.-school on, account of tho ¡death ofMiss Irvlno.

Mrs. R. Thomas Brurriback.(Special to Tho TlmW-Dispatch.

l.URAY, VA., Fob. 9,-Mis. R. ThomasBruin back, one of tho nio.u popular wo¬

men In Pago county, died suddenly ather home, near Rlloyvllle, ten miles northof Lmay, last night about 10 o'clock.M*'s, Rrumbnek had beoti ¡>lck for severalweeks, though on tho day of her deathremarked that sho felt better than forsoin« timo. Sho retired a'· on early houranj soon became .very*ill. Sho aroso andwan seated on a chair, when sho sudden-ly foil -forward and expired in u fowminutes. «Apop.cxy was tho cause ofdeath. The deceased was about fifty-two years ot age.

Mrs. Harriet Dispanet.(Special 'to The Tlmes-Dlspatch,)

WINCHESTER, VA., Fob. 9..Miss Har¬riet Dispanet died yesterday at tho homoof her only son, Charles, in this cl.y, Showas born near Mountain Paliti sevo .ly-four years ago, and was th.i dau^ht rof the lato John D spanci. Her a .customwere, among lho lirsl seniors of tho Vai«ley of Virginia, and her great grand a»'

massacred by the Indians at Mounts nFalls.Besides the' one son tho deceased I*

survived by one brother, josepa lliiyileli,and ono sister, .Miss Relicc-ci, oi StarTannery.

G. Nash Foster.(Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.)

"ROANOKE. VA., Fob. 9..Mr. G. NashFoster, member of the merchant tailoringfirm of Foster and Hensel, died thismorning from consumption, a god rorty-two voars. He was a native or Pennsyl¬vania, hut had been residing in Roanokofor fourteen years. Ho was a member ofthe ?ß?????a fraternity and KnightsTemplar. Ho Is survived by his wife andono child.

T. B. Wood.(Special to The Tlnies-DIspateti.,

AMHERST. VA., Feb. 9,-Thtí body of T.B. Wood, who was killed at Monroe Sun¬day night, wus burled In tho cemetery atthis place this morning. The corpse wusbrought over on the train from Monroe,and a nutnber of railroad employes at¬tended tho burial.

fyirs. John D. Duffey.(Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.

KKYSVlliUO, V-A'i .>' V'-^r. i"·1»

D. Dutrcy, of Keysvtlle, dted to-day adthe Memorial Hospital. Richmond afta»a short, but desperate, Ihness. Her re·»mams will be brought home and be In¬terred In the cemetery ?G Ash CamaHaptlst Church on Wednesday morning»

Miss Madge Peery.(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch')

WINCHESTER, VA., Feb. 9..Mis»Madge Peery, daughter of Mrs. Nanni·Ir,ry .'d-ea yesterday at her home, mM.dd etown. She was 20 years of age and '·

the sister of Charles Peery, who died sevieral months ago at tlie hospital In thimcity.Commodore William Bazzelle. ··.

(By Associated Press.)PF.NÖACOLA, FLA., Fob 9.-After a?»

Illness of one weelt's durutlor. Cominodor·William Razzolio died here tp-nlght " ?ßpneumonia, contracted wi'uio on duty o«thn bar during last week. Ho waa près«lilent of tho Florida Bar Pilots' Associa·» "'

tlon having been Instrumental In th· Vorganization.of that association and had '¦"·

Held tho presidency for a number ot year·*.ít',',,^.l¿,,.ft Mason. Knight of Pythias and. ;uciii-i" eiiow.

Herbert Rose.(Special to Tho Timea-Dlspatch.

l'KTlûRSBURG, VA.. Feb. 9.-A tele-gran: received hi Petersburg announce·the death «in Shennndoah, Pa.. of Mr.l-U'i-Uert Rose, a former resident of tht-city. He was a brothor of MossrH. Roboriand Howard Rose, of Pclorsburg, andhad been traveling for a nunibor of year*

Funeral, of Mr, Roberts.(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)


LYNÇHIWRG, VA. Fob. \ 9.-Th«funeral services of tho latu Mr. Jam 5Alexander Roberts, whoso death ocourre« ;.Sunday night, took placo this artornooit ·.

from Grace Episcopal Church. Mr. Rob¬erts was born In Petersburg, but ca.n·'here io reside thlrty-ilvo years ago. Howa*» widely known and was a iUeo.i. ¦'- VKnight Templar, and a member of tin. V'

tlVr'i;.* Odtl-mws. antl I"de"0"-Jent Orr


DMAN¿~5lr')l Xïfîl?3r; January 9th, at 3 P.M., SARAH DEAN (colorid), beloved nur»·of Mr. und Mm. AVIIllam 0. (.¡watkln.Funeral notice later.

PEORAM..Entered Into rest at the Soldier·'Home Ho-umul. Mr. JOHN T. pEORAM, intho sixty-seventh yeur uf his age, Tuesdayevening at 7 P. M. He leave*V wife anilthree children.Mis» Nannlu 8. Pegrani. WINHam T. Pogrom and Mra. Edward J. Kcl.y.l'unernl arrangement« will ho announced In

Uin evening paper.Petersburg papers please copy.

"WAI.KER.-JOHN AI.LB.V WALKER, agedseventy-nix years, passed away January Î3,1!)01, nt the hontu of his son-in-law, R. XV.Dunn, Mecklenburg county, Va. Ho was ftgrout sufferer, which he .höre with patten u.

He leaven three children and nine grandchil¬dren, to which he wu« devoted, He belongedto Ihe Methodist Church M, & £.

FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHIUAOBI^?1??, one of tho oldest Fire Inaurane«Companies In America.losses paid near-

ly .flU,000,ui», XV. XV. Hardwlcko, Agent.

TELEPHONEI,..,...,,-,.? S'fOP,'* Don't let him sell you any»I thing else. W* guarantee, It te bruìI up the worst roi.DS |n î» hour»,¦ Y« ur money t«ack If It (alls.

¦ Prie« 25c.

