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rI OCTOBER Io I ttell Jrt - Chronicling AmericaTHE SUN WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1900 Io 7w-r 1 Tr T trI +...

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THE SUN WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1900 Io r 1 Tr T t 7w- rI + PUNCHED A REPUBLICAN IIVXTLKI- Ilped Under IUp bUc n County Cctnmlteoa eompalii- ftmimuir fiftH i tl r Hnllkln- WM I trt t IW StondT nteM when It ta OiwiUrtr lllm day e miy up dU year oil knock of ChwIUiAcilor- Thcr will I colonlatlon In till district yew tlia dfc nt t011 hero cu llelp- ea What dat shouted Oreftiborif and nc- oordli to a nurnb of bystander who wero- In c urt yewtrrttoy to twtlty h followed thin ut by luttlM HiUtkta WWI his il t In Ui mouth bnltkln fe U and It IB nlle l that lritibwk- lukvii him ou th ld wiUk UnwnborK was lockml up In the Hdrldtf itrixt atallon- Thn cae was called lute yusUrclay afternoon Mid tlw room WHM tilled with K UUcluM- of de them Awniblynwn Cohn EAVKnjlpJack McMom hend barkevper In Mnlurks Huldde Hall PU on Miller of the Stanton Street Cadet Cohen IrtMldout of the Allen fctre t Ubrerr Club Benfiman Charles iecknnllly proprietor of hail JHnok BIIPHP Loaf Stsry luou Reach Keotfoii Dude Edwards Spider Joe IlwtdlUht Joe IJttle Duck Hap DrlncoU Henry J Goldsmith the lion Phil WUwljr Dave annuiMart Envd- Micrvtnry Benjamin llciuw hliiw President of Democratic Club Jetty Short ChiUM Altwr Snltkln lund told hli of UmnMnult- reenb r declared that had assaulted hint first without Den I hit an knocked him Renee It iras on inn port unit 1 not a whole lot of w1tne w6 out dere ter prove It A Ko ftlsky crom xamlned Oreenberu a hILT If you say so replied Green ber DId you pier employ a number of youn women your cnfo questioned Youre a damn liar shouted MfurbtrAtw Pool banged travel mid Mild to Caw that man beforn the a n aln t him for contempt of There wo In the when none too trcntly oil the bridge The Magistrate threatened to clear the stood near Creenb rif whn the clerk won drawing tho complaint turned to him and oath If you cnll me a llchthouie llkn Snttkln did I punch your head ff too Veror Honor thIs Is a danaeroua man I ask e protected from him preserved wild tho Magistrate Thi went for the crowd who wero OrecnbertJ with tears In his eres then ap to Pool for lenity I was exelted Judee an mean I et excited nbotit politics I am Oreenberff was then allowed to mnke an to the Court and o Dowilskv and tho contempt charge wa dl ml ed The other oa was artjourne until When Oreenber went ott ldo was meted with cheers the Encplte who bore him away In triumph nTH nEAcn COPS ACCVSED Roth Cbirxed With fltrallne a Salt CMC end IMwardi With tiring Drank Chiuffei have been mnda to tho Police Com- missioners atfolnct Policeman Morris Roth and Chnrlen Edward of Hath Hench by John lllmusen of Hay Eleventh street nenr Ilenson avenue On Wednesday night Mr and Sirs WIlhauoMs diuahtnr Ml Mary WHhnuwn was mirrl d to Thomas Ilrnnn of West Ilrook lyn and Policemen nnd Edwards wero detailed to duty at the houw Thy left the police station with the midnight srjund nnd Bhortly after arriving at th house they wero Invited to the weddlne festivities Ono of the truest Miss Prepn Ivnox was about to euvi for her Manhattan when Mrs Wit hausen happened to think that she hnd forsott ti- to some wcildlnir rake Calllnir her attention to tim tat Mrs Wilhatisen rn- nuested her to come Into thin hmi for It Ml Knox left suit cn o contalnlnc a wilt Mlb dres twri nnd some jewelry on the when she return l n few lltes hter It hid nred The pollr meli- hnrl ATOMe nlso Mia Knnx reported hr l s to Mr Pftnerr who legrnlne from Mrs Vilhin Ti hint Itoth lived irltli liU In Hay Tcnh tr et went to hIt hntre tn Inquire If there He- met Hnth nt Informed hint of tim th ft Th Intter according to Pllucer Raid he wonld Investlnti the nutter and returned with him to tho hou o After n senrrh of the had been mnle Roth he believed the colored servant knew something about the nil sln ense and that It would be well to watch her Roth afterward complained of brine sleeiiy and went home Iflucer acmln went to liomn anti Hiinirlsed to- o i him stnmllne on th pli ra ne r the stoop what to cn e was at I fit but when Pfluger npproarhed Hnth eav It a kick nnd sent It under nn irtn- chalr Idtitrr asked him to tmk unoiiirI- nvixtliratlnii nfl r some hesitation consented Trunk Vlllnu i n a ii of Mr- llhnu en nmde hU appear in e with on f the brldeimaliU yming Wit hmisen to enifaife Roth In eonversiitlon while he won to bouse lie found the suit rase on the iliiTiza where nth unit klrked it on returning to th home the Wllliiusen IflugiT accused Roth of havlnu committed the theft Roth on seeing the suit ease left home without ntt iiii tlnc tr explain Mr ilhaHen wis told of the tieft find rer orte l the matter to Police man Fdwarch Is oliarced with being uonr INDIRECT TAXKS cotircrrn An of Nrsrlr WSBOOOOO This State tn the I it Fiscal Tear ALDAVT Oct 2 An Increuso of nearly two nnd million dollars In the receipt under the Corporation Inheritance and Liquor Tax laws for the fiscal year nndeil Sept so li shown In a statement Issued today by Stile Comptroller Theodorn P Illlmnn The prin- cipal receipt from Indirect nources rrere 1 BP jooo Til on corporations K268MO 6J4 p Tax on of corporations 474fl 7 2104012- Llrrnse ltd tot wUe of liquors 4J8II7 1 4314104 19167209 JIJ8517J 0107 MR Inheritance tax Is the larcost over collected Tim annual nvpmc previously wn M4MVXV Most of the sum n cnl was secured throiich the of the State In following u the itntt N of non- resident l for aswtn could h transferred from the jurisdiction of the Stnto court Tho enormous Increow of receipt from In direct sources shown nbove itnto- innnt furnishes an object lion which should Im Irrtt nt this time The payment of the ililiantloas bv from pourcort has been ndrocated bv rmnptrillers for some time and ihe possibility c f Its iiclildvemcnt would neem to mar nt hand when It Is twn what can accomplished tho careful which urn In thnmw lv nf rleorous and OH Hie statute of other Stntos Letter Carrier HnEllsh John H EnRlish a letter 140 Third treet Long Island City was arrested yester- day by Deputy United States Marshal Caldwell Iostmn r nipmrcer declared that Kniriikh had trutiK in room piece of llrtrlTs innil ipattcr which tie hul i eilver nl o HOIIIK Minnni nnd third riii t er KnclUli w H liefon i cum nr Ilenli n nnd Juld In II Ml fnr lie pleaded not Trot 4 omtort llrrorerlng After an Operation Prof Comfort formerly dan of ho tif ArtMof Syracuse Inlvemltv to convnle cui8 after n severn Hiirglcal Ira tlon nt i sew York it llu wife lit M Conilort has been lib him KWIIU C1lltBK ID Court Dad t HallJclnrb him foll bat Col of rut Oyrr on- o th tarth1 ErieI A rflnl1Cue M ox A Alarkt Of of tl JIpuhllean dJtrIt arid ono ut the L known forth OR M fId tW tf I I our CrM Eyed I lIla Hold orT biO I lad ro Trw o cur curt cur Pool curt up their cr Home of them wtre pJrl Ihl othr 8uhldM nled rhurdn h b nth d hi n th I W I I n th roll I T n 4Z 71- TolaL Intra n n h lot I lot Arced In a hi I 1 I tin AY VTKIX I1OI- YCurud Threneen a fhI CptemptVao- iInsIIUU th AaauII Chirg George oc1Atiofl VtettAT iuauItLt 1jiWyt HnIt kin n mr nrgnzIy4tkJ- ot th Ibth n8kln 1AA4ilT and Oroiberg hi big aIit a wajklna Ufll2Id itnet with thebtutflhl out fllHdU 4 belay Joe I CoUtni and hoakrd Tout V JnsaIkT hIM rnxuce it Ihp Mniirate tot t ou nd order must h trig and cnin hands t Gr onhrg bodily arid any- thIng J Innx b aild app ard I Rot hi I hit ht piI Tan F on tut rorupt rihler hit Ii ibrnoklI s u ii lIst Ion ore nit i ° < ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = TIVOLI AcKitdx reiTtftra The lIly Kfrper N jt Somtri Ilia Partner lint Hiimrri at Alt ChnrliM K Ackron nt Tlvoll fnme Is on trial In lonrml H MOIIH on nn Indictment for grand larceny wan plnuc on thin wltncoo yesterday James T Conway treasurer of thn- llrooklyn Chair Company who nmd tho com- plaint In tho 010 told at the morning ho camit to lot fifteen doren chairs go to without attaching n Hiring to them and ho had vulnlv tried toget money for them after the t mbcch A llet Droning Com mn forcclosed the inortcatrn which It took on tho chairs the day were dellvprixl- Ackrnn ho bud conspired with George K Yutrlnkton Itnonn to time pollen as- Jen Kwkwoll and denied all the other stnt- ment which Ynrrlngton had math tho day l e fore of a nature Incriminating to Ackron Ho said that he had actad In no camclt forSonuint tho reputed owner of theTlvoll but thud r f man tutor and was not nwaro of the latter bitslnehs- scbemen lie MirprUixl firo ecutlon by declaring lluu the William Hall arrwte I In Atlantic nt the samo time he n strut Idem I flod as Homers by an employee if llrooklyn Chair Compnn was not rinmrrx ut nil Ho Mid that he hail nmvr seen tin1 prisoner before Ackron tc d that his mother luid bought Um- Tlvoll for him I found afterward he thin were a number of porsonn who hail clalniB ftho plnco I callod n meeting of then and wecamntonnngrecmont aatonnoltlcmetit The daIwa wero for things bought by Somers I paM them alt and have receipts for benldes that some of the claimants tine toftlfy I nor know of th llrooklyn Clialr- Companys claim No bill for the chnlrs camo to my attention so was why Mr Conwny was not notified to present with the rest of the creditors Asked a to the receipts of the pliu e Ackron cln the old Tlvoll thev were about 140 a day for thee llrst few days until got adver- tised n lltllii It hotter ailvertlwxl now tltlmately the nlly receipts ran up to M73 and whun 1 ini ve l Into t t nw a ooiiplw of door nearer Hroodwuy they were somewlia- tjuiMtionodbyhUlawyerS Akron Yes I ronvirted of forgery lt h third degretj 1 nlgni l n check In th n ti of A o elother for whom 1 worked Idfordir- OoII senteiicid me to veir nnd ten month 1 wrd lrtivn month Iud wn pardoned by for Morton I a convicted ing Hieck In and did three tor I vns guilty In that cam but was not guilty In the oa on before Recorder Werent ou of Pelt hirceny In Svrnoi asked Mr Walsh I was born and brougUt up there hut was never cinvirtod The cast to which you refer U that of another family named Ackroii but not related to I inn only black Ackron sold that after the death of his father his mother married Dr tioorge Archbold n- rhrniist who draws n salary of a ycar In Toronto sneaking of IncIdenw ac- companying of the Tlvoli Ackron I didnt know hint Somers WOH golnp to skip- I saw him on th Saturday night the iilaco clo ed and I have never ern him since When I went to the Tlvoll the nej or on Monday I found a fur mo which he hail ent In inc Kiiger It contained Bonier nld that he was going t be none tOt ten d v or so and that there were soim claims agnlnst kIn lie wanted me to a memorandum of the claims and I them I clid tint know where the cam from did not know SnnvrVs whereabout mid have npr f n him since then The man put in prison with when I was arrested on n warrant on this Indictment In Atlantic Is not Somers I hind never seen him wfninm II lloiighton te tlllcvl hut he hind leiid tin Tlvoll to Somer In W nnd that he M i In ntlrw it and Inn on the retaurant ip talr The rentnl wo to n our Pete tlve tftled that he at rrxed Souiept and A kron In Atlantic Clt and that Potrer went under the tuine of Ilall and ran a bathing hou e titer Time cae wan adJouriKxl until toworrov- rjKKsrr rvitr nttntKnrC- ndertnker Who Last Ilamme Salt So AJ- Ifges toil rm nils a New Trial An action Ion begun In tho Supreme Court of New or9 y to set aside a verdlot In a damage suit on the ground that tho Jury bribed The suit was brought by Under- taker Samuel Armstrong of Inlon 11111 against the North Hudson County nana Company- to recover tTVivn for personal damage Arm- strong was run by a trolley car whim driving a wngon nlong li rgnuun liven rnloti 11111 la liinuary nnd an arm trial of hl damage nult lastMi tliro Tho- Jurr atr heir liours abscniw returned a verdict fir the defendant Six plnkirton dt ctlviH were afUnrard- enn lyed by lawyer Warren Dlxon the coon M iir rm trig to shadow the Jurors They cultivated Wil n who serve on many mid reportil to Olxon that llwm hail ald In his iips that he nivlved no from an ag nt ot th to decide Cur tin defendant Application wn then made bv Armstrong lawyer to v ltpplncott trlid fur i irder to Rhino causn why hi verdlit h ulii aside A rIm ht been grsnl d mad retirnul le at November t Tin 1 the supreme and tho taking of testimony bolore i- coinmis lnner In y city fewda- jAiiiongthrenin Mr Armstrong s lawyers In their for a reversal of nod nn order for n now trial lot shown by the n n rd t 01 thin Court In Trenton this clause HftliTlmt the WHS Induced I render the verdlet which die by improper and illegal Influenro brought to heir tiprn by the said de- fendantrt or th lr agents urnoni or cottjtEncK ornxs Studrnts Already In New Department of Xew Cnlrrrsltj- Ttu New York tnlversltjr School of Com inirce Account and Klriance ls opened for tin first term IM night nail tho fifty student nlnidv rnrollid bard n I rture on History nf by Prof Charles lint dean of the new school of n preliminary address of welcome 10 tho lean HnwklriM said The establishment of this unique depart- ment of a gnnt centro nf learning In answer nbld harmony with the present call lur the Chancellor and overal of tho Ittrree to Timer Trtttmnny In the Mr Stlby- IilTorcr Snlt new stilt which Julia r brought for nn absolute dlvorco against Norman Helby a Kid McCoy Justice Fr d man of the Supreme Court yesterday with ronxcnt of ird rcd n referenro and named Inrilel P Ingralinm oi rofun A II 1 llofTtiiiin riprernt Selby i lthor counsel would give on whirl hue suit In based It wru saul to be a rase that would bring abut a dlvm without clii t nniitig their Irittid us tlelr previous counter faults for nhMiluto dlvnrrn hind done with several Krivolidiiita niilnol on ench hide The Wrathrr- ThundrMorms occurred yrirtfrilny tn MlnnrtntA- MlrhlEnn anti Wl mnsln and sliowrrs In Maryland Drlawnrr Snow Ifll In Montana Klsfwhcrr Ito ufathrr was fair wns wirr drtrlorimrnt In this dna of low t r- cuttNutho 1loitlfi biitltlltnio lblr nny untIe nr storm mnvrmrnt Illch prrmiitc cnvrrrd the Northern Stales T hr kmprrnturt y brlow Irrrtlnir In Montana but the clung ai- fllcht in nnj n the St lfn In II I ir iis iv tall wind fresh norlhtrly- irrrAKf liumldlty 71 prr r ntt rnmttrr rorrtctrd- to read to sea Ml A M 3 M 3040 The tcmiirralurr at rrron d by the uftlrlnl thfr- raomrtrr and Clan by Tnf SlSs thrrmoraftrr at this Ictrl N ihowa In tbr aiinrird table oncM tunf otrttol suni U99 I0o 1809 19IIU- OA MRfl 4S IS r M7I 40 8 52 R P M M 45 87 3 P M72 4V Mld i 42 8- ITASinXOTO1 FOIIKTAST Foil TOI1AV ANn TO UOKIUIW- For Nrw rnrland tilt lod j and tomorrow elmer In the Intnlr o day light to fresh norlhrait- lnds txcumlni htt k it the south roast Per rtulrrn Xtti Iort tw lirity anil Helairarr- Itnrrallv lair liav r normif rtrfpt dimity and hrratming alone u Iufi tnrhnta irndi- Tor rastrrn rrniisyhniiU pfrtlj rloudy to lay Hid tomorrow light lo winds lnr wfntrrn IVnii h nla crnrrally fair today nd to mnrrvr wnrmrr In smitli portion tight o fresh iwuitlirtAi winds For wrstfrT Vrw Rrnrrally fair today with tImer In rtlrrme runt portIon tomorrow fair light o fresh mutbeaat winds Form wh lon tow ho 1 VeT denl I the 1 thor taI r J I hro hiM r In rmi family fOIIt dl Zoo lip nI not ell I ont f hA- H ha dIn WII a I t 1 Io in II prhlet IlIr url Irl tho Imlr Rl neitibors uf tilt university facility spoko Inn Selby ball Ullpu l1I known I 11I1II1I1I11I1Iellr for lrs mind t II IIU on the coot of rril to nil aUght 3114 I I I II ep- tz M se 70 IZ and r fresh tr dIY edna hub ill tIm CIt w s Iii Viet tutu ida OIPtrm WJ mali uara molT iuiln I lie 4heT bOilt lie mm i a was toil rIm h I Ii I 1 the I hilt tim rift the but noLan n1d uhiiq I tic CoUTsi alao iIhii tharime X klci I n lflnla and here locate was I Is cit level reel I Dill 9ie lie nor I hiwt murk ¬ > > < > ¬ < ¬ > ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > > < < > < RSAt KSTATK NKWH No 4 Wont Ninetysecond utroet a li tor elevator npiirtiiitmt hou c 4SXHJIX100 line bee sold nt tliinooo by HabIt c Ilnumann for Bom la Hophlo who gives In payment nt the threoiUiry and base merit dwelling inHxMxito No 134 West O- Ustroot Title passed yesteriliiy Charles Orimth Mown t llro haft sold foi lion II Drnyer to Rudolph Taubner thi- throoHtory brick hotiso nnd HtAblo on a 28x100 on tho east silo of Port Wnnblnjtot- I nvenito l1 feet north of Depot lane Joseph A Farley has soul tho fivestory- j American brwimcnt dwelling 23x83x100 No 311 incth Btreot Tho buyer I o stock- broker Thn prlo1 Is saul to have been In nelghborhoiHl of ASOCO I J Phillips A Co were till broker McCalTerty V Iliiclcley have sold No lit i East Seventyseventh wtreet a thrwj tory prlvatn stable on a lot 2SXI02S to Edward R Wharton Francis MoMulken has soul No ISO Rut Twentyseventh street A threertory and booenmnt brick dwelling on a lot 20x999 The Wllklo estate has sold the two lots OB tho Miith side of 131th street 8W feet west of lxnox avenue S0xl2slif220t 3 William lllcxxlgood line sold No 335 Woe Eightyninth street a Ivostory American btueinent dwelling on lot 22xS 1 Hdenr enycraft was tho broker In the l of the apartment house No sni Ilrowlwny for llnnn l Kennelly reported yesterday j 11 C F T Harry have sold for Daniel n- Prewlman No 770 Malison avenue n four irtory brown rtono dwellinir 10x00 James It Torrance ban lx en appointed ref- eree by Justice Andrews of tho Supreme Court to thoClIU building NOS u and IS Maiden Inne on the application of Adams A Allen attorneys for Frederick Ayer In A suit brought against Frank N dill and others to foreclose a w eond innrtrngn of U33om made on Dec 12 isss The proimrty to bo sold Is subjwt to a prior mortgage of XiO iO held by tho Mutual Iiiiiranr Compnriy- Cornelius Vandorbllt line rontetl thn Collls P lluntlngton resldeniM at the southepst corner of Fifth avenue and FlftyHeventh strait It Is II fourstory granite building on a plot 75xli with an I on thin street occupied by a Mr lluntlngton bought the six lots at tho southeast corner of Fifth nvcnuo and Fifty Vfiith s reet In S5 from Hubert for 4fAf x He Hubseqiicntly added iv ton foot strip along the southerly line bought from W W Astor last year and No 8 Kant Fiftyweventh strist bought from James T Woodward in isno This Is a fourstoryb- rowtwtono house on a lot 21x1005 und has stood vacant since Tho other Fifth avenuo kits ext llng to Fiftysixth street are owned by W W who bought theta from Ilobert- IJonner and the Homier e tat In nndisn and has since Improved them The northerly Antor house adolnlns the lluntlngton prop- erty has t vri leased to Marcus Daly for term years at Hlooo per year Thin Huntlngton house when completed Is said In ruivo ont eiclusivo of tint land nearly llawooa Mr Iluntlngtorl occupied It to the tim of hits deittli Mr Vamlcrbllt Is said to pay about oOl W for It furnished for the seiuton- McVlcar t Co have sold for Mrs Minn Hrltol the fntirtory brownstone dwelling No itW Fast Thirtyeighth street 3xM- Herlwrt R Rexcr bus sold for a client lime two llvevtory doubt flatn Noa 21S and 240 East IZsth rent on a lot fi2xogII- J Rnmilnn Rrown A Co yesterday re- moved from No S9 West Thirtythird to No Al West Thirtythird street Auction Sales TIT WltUAM KEXNEIXY Sixteenth street No 243 north fide 283 cast of 20x100 threestory lund basement brick none tat voluntary sale to T K- Hnnlon 111400- nr SAMCKI ooMiHTinsm ftrevt Nos iBnnd 21 north Klde sin ixut of Fifth avenue ox- IIK u i brick tints Edmund Coffin vs Joieph W Kltrst et al duo on i udgmefi J 12 12i 27 ul Ject to I30f and to taxes Ac 37205 to plulitlir 143310- nv iiiuntiiT A BIIFJIMAN Grand rtrert No 00 north stile 125 feet west uf Wooster ntre t 3Sxl i fen story brick Ptor Thomas I Watt vs W Kllpatrlik et al due on Judgment Jovi54t to prior mortgage JSiono and t tiixiti 1000 and water rents 132 to plfdntln 145000 bulb iiret So f22 south 2BJ feet west of Amsterdam avenuo tbrtnv iory Ktonofronl dwelling Amerl cnn Misvlonury Association vs Eben et due on Judgment 1- 25il I Ubject to taxes Ac U 2 S- Itn M S 12MO- J4Jth street o 524 south side 21 toot west of Amsterdam tlirifatorv fi ma from dwelling Mimo- v same dle on jtidginunt f l24dS- subjCt to Ac I102M to the plaintiff 12073- 14UtIi street No MO south side 20J fet wpt of Amterdnm avenue isxwll stoiio trout MIIIIO- M Mime due on Judgment 2V 773 subject to taxi Vc llttZHI to M S- tirlflrnhngeii 12 0- UBth Xo 5iO south 2SO fe t- wwtt of Amsterdam avenue I5x9ftl- lthr tory tono front dwelling Wll- llurn and flint her trustoM- Ai vs due on Judgment 113 8n33B subject to taxes tc J182S1 to th 14000 nv PKIKKP MKVIR A c- Ilrook nventii No 41 eeict ide is foot olltl I4th stnet Jilxldi Iwo iriiin st in utid dnellint with niif mid tun story tramii extomtons linn nxeiutor 4i Riacna Kmii v Aililo lleithort et al du judgment i4U4ui to tales Af 2S4 19 to Jacob Ruppcrt IC10Q- St AlinH ttveiuit No OOit eint hid MS I feet north of MOth street iuloxl0210x- 108x1055 threestory frame Mon ind- tonetiient Anna Olfwn vc Irorgx Helm fflr et al dun on judgment subject to Inxen tO to- W II Kirchhof 6400 joel north of 149th street 1010x102lOx- 1B8XIW10 threestory frajno Uiro arid Ulmnvuit Htuno vs HIIIIV duO on Judgraeiit jsnt23 subject to mort- gage ltono and to taxes Ac lao to C O Iluhnert tsoI- rBiikfnrt strot No 20 went Hid llfi3 font south of 202xnx innment unit More with fourstory lirirk tenement on nlIr Muniil Uh liiMirmm vs Ciustaru Liiwrinceet alwithdrawnK- eventy4lghth stn et No 101 outh side innI fett ivvt filuniliiiH avenue- ISiixlftVixIftxliiiM fourstory tone front dw ex- ecutor Ac vc II Farmer et al adjourned to Nov 9- nv unvAX npxsKMT- FlftveUhth No south ski 40 H feet ont of Aveiiun A runs ooutb 2iix enst 4 Sx south Ox east Otlx- Houlb 22x east 7 2x north 4 to street x w t 2 ll fourstory brick storo anti reminetit l uN ICcrrmrins vs- ieflno M Kcirnarens and as exfOUtilT et al partition to tIc plnlnliff 15000- ni rut 11 r A Firth avenue No 79 east side 100 feet nortb of Fifteenth Mro t runs east 12 x north 3IT easl 84X north 30Ox- i l is4 to nvenne x south 34 four Mon tone front building Abra- ham ioldMnlti v Oiotnv A Ilrnrk Icy et ul ndloiirned to Oct 10 Today Auction Silrs- BT PKTKIl F WETFR CO riuffolk street No ISO east side 120 feet outh of Houston street 24x100 rick tenement with stores with livestory brick building on rear MnrLi vs F V uschntaliiakenbu h A William II Illrsrh referw on Judgment I3VKI50 and ground rent from May I inoo at lvo i or year Ktibect to tOM Cherry street No 374 northwest orbIt llouvirneiir strict 21 72 x23Sx72S live utorv brick teiwmeit with tints Well lirock vs i hr II Willbrnrk it nl N Henry W Siliiitt attnrney Thonnis r due on judgment 2tll3rS subject lo firior mortgno iivm mil tn Ac 510 Sixth aveiiut MPI rust side 400 feet north of Thlrfvllflli trivt i xini four Irk tore niid tiiiement loiiM liold- Itlclmrd eblvr VB XV Young et nl- M 1 Early nttornev J Tlnsdale rtfcn e the on Judgment 3n32Y Seventh nvonue 2474 southwest corner imh Btrcot 2411x75 nveat ry brick atoro and I II roll part ION lot WIt thA- i Marl lIrlt II lit I I I lion nor S Astor I street WTl tleofor 11 II l n tax 11I0 1I1I11f drool Illnllllll > 11 JlII n t 67 1J3 t t 81 AIm 32111 trI 2x 104 I IxItltr f L street 41 lI till four Muller Wi tax 1101111 Join 0 limit hioltz k sell thr story stat lIlt feet mort- gages tim l5tP t aide Ni iks natplde Wthhintn I Mitt 1111 I vilIutill A e I ins 5 sites itt bitt ¬ > > ¬ > < ¬ ¬ > < ¬ < > > > > Jackson avenue No 819 feet north of lftth IHX75 throootory frntnn flat No 2I 18x75 Hat No 18x75 flat No r 5- 201x75 thmoatory frame fist Robert A Treni per VH James A el nl lUOves T A H Rollln M Morgan nforeen due on Judgment I2M2H2 to mortgaeo 13750 agaltut each parcel subject to taxes Ac IT01M biT nnVAN L KtNVKIIY stroet soutJiwent corner of Park avenue 40x1022 sevensuiry brick Mat Jacob v Iv el Plat7ck A- B ttorn i Edward K MrCnll referee dun Judgmont 13110305 subject to prior mort I140MX and to taxes Ao I2ld stroft No 110 south side Ino fe t Mat of Park avenue 20xiuoll nnd base- ment lint sale to close thu estate of John OMenlHu deceased street Ho 117 north ilde 2044 foot east of Inrk nvonue 2ix9SO four story front dwelling Y M A vs Rich srI I Harris et al Harrison John E Ward referee due on judgment 28 20271 subject to taxes 1121 Street No 543 north side 3340 feet lIt of 406J9011 threestory brick dwelling James II Lnlng exectitor to of Ell F R vs David II et al Stunt to 1331S4 nr n pnnwix LVOHAIIAM street No 634 south side 323 feet east of Eleventh avenue 25x02 building and vacant J Middle brook vs JninoM R et al H attorneys O orgn E Morgan refeive duo on 5t3323- TwentyUnit trI No 639 south sldo SC- Ofcnt east of avenue 25x922 two and oneKtory frame building August llmbert trustee vs same vnrnn nttorneys E O- Whltaker referee duo on Judgment 1383121- nv nriitnpnT A KIIKIIMA- NI47lh street north side SSOfot east of ern loxioo frame dwell- ing onestory frame building and vacant Pnrflttvs Oeorgi HtoIz and another Edwin C Ward altornoy Roger A rrfiTc duo on Judgment 22 7 03 subject to taxes Ac 101 01- IIT oKonni n nrAt street No 316 southwest stile 250 8 mst of Second venue runs south- east along street 21 2 X Miiithweot 5 7 to side of Susan street now closed x east 2x hoiitlnvest x northen s leasehold brick tenement Norm Cooper vs Murk Aaron et nl Alexander A Jr Thomas F Keogh referee duu on Judgment 1287000 nubjctt to taxes Ac 1101 22 Ural Estate Transfer ftouth ot tourtrtntfi Clinton M 24A 30tx7lnx2Uinx71lt- Da ld Silt 30000- Montomrr m in 2uu2 llrrntinrd Mayer anti IOHAH Sell to Aaron Adlrr 33000 ISth st 1M W 22xtoln Catharine OPonntll to Jrnnlr Hlrnk r a 12250 1100 Stanton M IOV110 WUZ6 flnmuM Mandrl ft a In Morris How and lion 72825 nt liw 20i 0Thoni i i Summers to John nnd Vary Clancy 7500 Cannon t es n Stiitoi st 2Sxl9IO- Molllr Or isn to Annlf Until rs l 1 Clinton H w itorcf II rrlnj- rt al to Julia U 20000 Watt of fliUt ar bnvrtn Fowrtwnlfl and llWft ill 1M M 216 B 25x1022 Ixinls V Pall to Split TaaMlc J160O- OMthUs 17lw Arr H 25x1022 Jamband- Ullllam and Klludrlh llrtsrh lo icotze- Krhlf rr th mtcc looo r a a j Avenue 200 s 26xl2 S WllbflmlncHoth antler to H Mt rn and ano r IS mire 62d si SIR ilf niry Kellus to Itulda Winner r s I2sn i- SOth st 1S7 K 2iix9ftD Mary K Duran to Kslhrr 11 XVnlff r s l- 10I t st HIS w Parknv 23x100 Clarence I Jones to Maty C Lawrence rs ISan mtz- Jtf0011 27 w Sd af 22fli inog Stephen A Palmer and ano to John 24 too WRST SIDE lEst ol Filth OT brtvrrn FourHtnth and llOfl rtt 92d t 125 w Central Park 45x- inos Hose Coshland to SopBle llolholt 1100000 TUI si ns 121 K ar Ux922 rote 118000 r siia uoooA- mnKrdam AT ea 7710s 103d st 11x100- llarlfoid M tlr is Thomas Henry QC if j StIlt 332 W 2uxlonS R Hoyt and nub exrrs Ac to Wallace 22300 22d t 262 W 25x S Uarret Wright loO ln Kanner 18500 XV l rxiO S Ellta A Conner B2d at 125 w West End AT USx tux I 171 lifetiMe Hide Co to Helen U- drl oarrln et al rs i3 mtirc t35ooo 7th S 5 n r cot ilal M SSOx 60 Thomas L Fellner rrlree to Catharine Ofttfer r I431HII Same prop Oeorze MundorfT nero lo same 82d 250 n Weal Knd av 25x103 Ix 21x1 105 ItlTtrldf Ding Co lo Helen M del lards ft M mlur llooou r i- JtOd West st 12S xl252x lx2A HUerilde Hide Co to linen M drldatcla IS mige J80000- 4th st n s 150 T West End av t022- Kd ar I n tfln and ano to Flora II HoMsinAil r al u West End av wa 7S s asd st 236x100- xlrrei Corn A S dl HMIU Savorinan and onolo Chailea E Wlllrox r s lloo West fldnr I w ror 92d t 123 0x125 2x- 1171x125 P2d at liSrWet Enda- rMxll4tsin U1I7I s s 250 w West nail AV 25xlOoU23xllOS WtMtl Alexander Chl olm lo Helen del Chains et al resene Vj Interest In net Income north Of it- IJMh at 122 K lSBxBHil Catherine Mr- Henim and ano to Uerlrude H Ilyder r mtire 76XI- 3M t 596 W 25x0911 Max ICntre la- Llhhy H WAlcnff r a 16 mice 117500- 2Mh st ItO C 2Sx99ll Michael J e ry- lo William Kelly rats mIre IHKX 147th at MB K 26X100 I47UI at SIS E 23x 100 John J Dell to William II Weihfr r s IO mtire 126000- rtobblns ar n e nit 152d at runs r llltt n vsI Ix n w 7911 lo WeitrhiMter nv x s- 76n lo Itohblns ar x a 3 William II holmes and ano to Statltiew busily r a II mtite jsiiuo- Ilsth M 14 V 17x10011 James C Craw font tn llerliert I Heier r n 1750 mtire 114010 until st s a 290 w 6th Ar 16sxOBil Sophia IlnihoU to llyman Sonn and ano 167th st n s 1203 w llth ar 191IHW410- leorre C to Louisa C Trede r a 1250- Isnnx AT n e ror 110th l 73ix5 Thomas If eojh refrrfe to heat tate Co- 133d al na 10 w Madison ar lOxtQUto 134th at 134th st na 10 w Madlwn ar- 10x10910 to ISSIh at Edward J Mnlough- ney to Ida M Maim that at a a 1996 w 7th ar John llussell lo Henry Onvase- 117th at 320 W Julia I Sheirell- U WIllamAMartl mtKvllssoo- SI MfliolAS ar a w ref 114th st tB2xl076x- 505x760 John 11 I lth and nno to John J Hell trustee r a mlge lioono Bib AT 2764 a e nor I47lh St 2AUMA llob ill K lleyo reteiee lo Samuel Crouthers ra 11350 lloroujt of TV 71rt tir Prospect ar w s 175 n I5Mh t 252xl4310 tieoue Satner to Italian P Wright r s SI mice 17too ellI ar a w ror lirib t 2axino Samuel lyvy rftene lo Jacob Dawson st IKft 25xli 0 UtiAbetb lo Klluiltu gulnn ra 14 mter 7tfK- illalhlfate nv r cot I7th M 6dex9X6x- 6aaxV13 IairlrV to Harry c Hart ij part Creston AV f a wldrnfd 1406 a UiI t 26t- x6tix3x nA Marrlft A Wimdall to Peter C Munn and wile Ixrt isii map 370 lots McOmw estate John to lInn Knlilrmnu- Iawi m st n s I7S e Ilfarh ar 0x1 no Dawson st ns 1676 e Pouch AT 20x100 William II and Ano to Mary A MrNamaia all Urns ra II St Anns av 314 123x90 Wehr hahn to Hannah fllirfjer r a I6rn mite illOOd A a s lot 22 new rltlajr nf Ifr noun 23xlf l Mamas Nathan ti Joseph Tesoro r a SOt Il on amendil limnxwood Park Jams J M and l th W Maiulre r s 12 tntre 20oo- parrels I tn 5 1 1S 29 In 16 also plots 6 7 19 to 22 17 thW SO r 51 68 lo 71 1 61 BS lo B5 40 S 9 54 10 69 4 tn S7 72 10 75 B6 to 99 23 10 26 40 to 42 10 27 21 43 to 47 66 In 91 IOn In 113 60 tn n 76 in 79 And 125 tn 117 retKM map iTAn homestead John II Jud e lo peter J Shields r a 123 miff 190000 Waslilnirton nr e a 193 from monument At cor Mid av ant road lo Uest Farma runs n e a e 75xlOOi7S fleer sic I Cnrwln to William II Carpenter r a ww- natheate ar 2O70 w a 212x 66x2axS16 Charles P Hallnek tn Susnn Hnean r a IS mIce 13200- 3d ar s w ror Talmailire t I006x642 2n73x- 6S6 niln LlletilierdlnlsaarN Hebbrrd n e nor retard si I25X1OI leir- Is i Morris tn iMwr N llebberd- llnslon ar a w ror Summit pi n 27xlir 6x- IH4X11H6 unfit II Johnston to city ol Vork twirl property liolxrt U Johnston exrr to same part r a 14W SlIm prnprrtv Itoherl II Johnston exrr to same u pout AV tr a m2 a 173d si AOxtUS minion H HnrrU to Anna Iuttenchlaie- rra5 mIle Ki Vaahttietnn ar e s 2 K n 164th 28xln- 5NathanHHohntoAdolphO nil mice 116000 flat Claretios et I ttell will If J MonU vs charIot Morvan AI Cory A W reter on to till 1 2 23 2 I nr WILLIt nVM4 ton C alt OJI IJI r Randolph T on subject to taae t r 1llooln n 1 112 n alllrnp nOWST1IN And minim to Cttrr 12 1 I rAST IntlY a I I IPx lOll I lId a Sarah C to lJlanna I odrllCuu rib at to Opptnhelmtr r III mite bOO I a t 43000 I a t pnrL I End cor Q2d I 17 alto I ioo II lId sl It 1- HAIiLlty I IS I 3000 100 I leooo I I CII 28eoo I I agoo ill 1 I 3300 nR01l X Ii Wlllr ese 11000 OOO tint Ze3 t t- A nile 100 mar rOof In 411 zeooo 100 I I I 1 I I I 40 4230 Ilalh lIp Ali alii tiny iatAl c at uittorzieya Johbi subject slit street threostor ill slog M IUift referet l7laoho oIIcstor liowonie south- West mnhumn at 1 fruIt 2 lances 4 e Itt iOii P t a est Vet I Newman exer- t JulIus 3Ie s tog I a t isv a w ci untaeIiO500 I a- Li U Fred S Curie Eli exrh to I- finIin lie New rime I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < > > UadUnn old line 17 n from lot 104 map Central MoriUanla 276x64 27 xMi I McCarthy to Mnmuel Mcfatthy And wile 170- llerurdril Arrnue A 1361 Henry Mtrutlnr lo Varlar- Helchioan a yra UJ- 4UIUM0WJ Ux 1105 Tnulffscf Colum- bia to Umfttiiiel tlultu 21 yra 7- 1Itnhnr 3i Jeaiidtii Werllielni to wllllani muss 6 90096 film nv 6K Marie Wltthaus In Vllllnm H 3 712 6ooo700i- HrnailHay 2 l Dally A arIsen lo Samuel io yra i2ooitix6- 4th al 302 Otntte II ChrlMman to J and J O Wallaeb 6 240- Id ar 12HI llrorne II OirlMman to J 6712 r 2COC- MatHson I 2i 6 Holomun M Hebattkln to 1 vra 600 Prince tl lIt William M Martin to Minnie 1 412 yr COOJiO- fHtnnloiitt IM8IIO II e cor ludlow at totitisia e Waebt 4 646 al 322 n e cur Cortck at Uiuli- UppmaimloMltonlnaon I yr 27 OOWNTOWN South ol it Where no Intereat stated teed 5 per cent 1 Mulberry at 117 Maria to haul Kldkuaky arid soy fl pet ont 9a Cherry t John Clancy and to 5 r 4S permit 110 Ludlow t n c ror N tan ton st Morris HUM club atom to Samuel Mandrl ft nl InstalLs 6 per cent al 246 llenlo HIM to Henry Meyer 3 6 per tent Union at 244 same to same a yrs e per- cent ISth si 136 W Jennie Klenk to Catharine ODunnell 6 yrs 4 4 per cent Montgomery it w A 73 s st Aaron to Well and 10 yrs t per- cent Montgomery M w 9 loo a Madison t cams to same demand 6 rent Bth si s s 1773 e University pi lenrie Suth- erland and James McNeil to Anne S Ma 1st AV e K 761 II nth at John Ebrllrh to Vollmer 1 yr o per cent 100 al 136 Mark to James and Ano trustees 5 yra 19000 Cannon si 102 Arnn WelsberBn to Trustees Conirrecallon Sbearlth tired 4 i per cent 23000 KAST smr- Kast of Fllln ar Mtrttn Fourteenth and 0th ill 3ith st 137 B lather II Wolfe lo Mary K Dun- can 2 yrs 12300- 8lth st l 2sl 8 v Annul A William Volk t i WIIHmn Volk guardian Ac I yr 4 per- cent 400- 64th ft si 173 w Avenue II leorse Srhlereth 1 yrs 2500- 39lh at 221223 K William to l mbert- Huydam I yr oiier rent 25000 Avenue A lIlt tn Man- hattan Consumers llrewinK Cu de- mand 6 per rent 350- B2dsi ns 278 3dnv John Xsgeldlncerto- Henry OrubenNrher 3 yra 4V percent slst is Life Assurnnre Society of the V lilted States 4i yrs rrenl 23000- WKST ol Filth at Mvttn Fourtimlh and HOtn Ux Central Patk ttest n H ror 69lli 6t James D Matthews and too to Henry oppuihrlmer due AM pet toad 12500- 7Clh tt ns r 07 w fib ar Joseph Altschul to Henry Albchul due on death ot Joseph 10000 I lilt ar 660 1lllle V Waters and Irene H Stew- art to Ullle II Ulle nthol MM 4 r cent 4500- 66lh st 112 W Wallace Stiiait lo llanlel W Smith and ann earls 5 yrs 4 cent 14000 Central Paik West n w nor mth st James D Matthews ant Kdirar I HppenMein to Ilrndley Currleitu t C rent 13500- 3lth st A s 20 e 10th ar James M llanlty to James A hrenney I vis 6 tent 3000 49th t 60 w lentelmlri Kmnnurl S Hutro to Mnry N Mnvo A yr 100OO- 22d M 262 W uslas Knnner to Joseph L Put Icnwleser demand n pet rent 32300 7th AV 363 Catharine GfUefr to Frederlka- Meuscr 3 yri 4 merit 12000 107lh st ss w Central Park West PatrIck HcMnrrow to EqultAble Ilfe Awuranre Society i yr 10000 64th M 311 Flora It Housiran to Oottlleb- K Hnttranft 3 yrs 4 per rent 13000 84th si ns 117 v West Krnl AV alsa 64th at n s 167 w West End AT Kdiinr I stein eMit James 1 Matthews lo Henry Op penhetmpr 1 6 tier rat 2500- 84th st 117 ir West End ar James D Mat- thews and Edear I Kppensieln to the tier mania Ilfe Ins Co 5 20000 64th si n s 131 v Weal End nr same to same 3 yrs 20000- 84th sins 167 w West End AT Mine to same 5 yrs 20000 64th st n s 1SS w West End av MIne to vane 3 yr 20000 84th at na 11 w West End ar filth ft II a 167 w West End ar snme lo llradley A- Currier Co yr 6 per rent 13800- IIAIILM Manhattan Island norTh of llfifh ft Fort Washington bUlge road w a 00376 n mom a a 135th st extends to Iloulerard Lafayette Ac Jonas M and Frederick A Llbbey tn S Dennelt et al excrs- Ac 2 yrs 119000- 132d st fc a 918 w 7th ar John M Meehan- Jr to Annie Grace 3 yrs 6 per rent 4000 17 h st a s 95 e Aiidubon ar same to same 5 yrs C per cent 3000- HMh st 140 W Herbert n fliRt lo James C Tawford Initalls 8000- Ulst st s t IBIs w 7th nr widened Henry tirasse In Frederick nmws yr 6 per rent 1000 fob Ar 2762 Samuel Crnuthera to Harlrm Stings Hank I yr percent 20000 Tth ar a e ror 114th si John H Jsllh and Cfcarles uSeful to Henry lOcale 2 duos n per cent 20000 fl oirpft of Th liront- Woodycrest ar w a 1387 n 163d st Alex- ander J and lfe lo Edward n- lllack demand Sane propeity same to same 3 yrs Creatonares 1408s ISIstst Peter CMunn and wife tn Martha A Itoby 3 yrs 6 per- cent Hall nl ws H9ll s 167th al James Parley tn Mary J Archer 3 yrs Topping at 1776 David L Woodnll lo Har- lem Dank t yr- ToppuiT it 17KO same V same I rr Lots map 370 lots MrOrar estate Kate Flintier lo Srlii and wife 6 jrs Dawson ct n wa 375 s w J nswood ar Klli- Abeth QuInn to EMzabetli Rlppel I yr 6 per- cent nathrate Ar 2079 Smun Hagen in Charles V- Hallock I Jr 6 per rent MadLwn ar w f IH27 s Talmndce at snme to Title Ouaratilee and 3 yrs 3d ar n e cor Tremonl nr or 177th al John P Frlcdhnft to Frederick Wlemann 2 yrs 6 per cent Jackson Ar ea 60 n Columbus AT Uariraret S- toKathailne Fneleri 3 yrs 6 torrent Asslcnvient nf llortjasesr- wirouth I1eAl otnittsonPutre tappet Adam In Frledrlih Sflbel lame loanrne- Uermnn American Iltal ClIche lithe Ouar ante Co toKnlckerbockf Trust Co- Iutlensrhl rer Anna In Clinton hurtle Fttpatrlck Mary H tn Albert J Whtteman trustee Happel Adam to Jacob Marks Samuel ft nl tn Harris Mandflbaum and ano- OConnor Danlfl to City Real Estate Tnul- Co 51e m n to nenjamln Mordeent- Haxton tlrrnard F eta excrs Ac to Mary A Saxton Title Uunrnnte end Tnist Co In John Jr anti Amanda flossing Thuriton Strojbcrf 219- AHshuli ilenry Altshul- Lnwenfrlri and Ann w RtAle Hank Stern ltllr K to Wllhelinlnn Hoth eiller tenor Ae I role tant Church of St Marks In the llnirery In Mutual Ilfe Ins Co- Hummel F P lo Minnie Htoese- Wlcoj Ilarrlft II tn JesMe M Aletnuder- Mrlniiehn y Jennie A In Theresa C Curran- lllnkel plel Heclne to Title lunmntee and Tru t i Slerhnnlcs Men 45th si 137119 Wt Stlckney Heating Co rs- Wroxeterlleall Co 1167500 Jerome uv e N 150 n 17Ctb t 100x100 CM Ixmleiix vs llroker A Schroeder and J A SHIIUier 4500- 8Ui ar n e ear I32d st 30x100 Snlratore- Dl Vita vs John Fnrrrll chit Matk K Slot eiison 84S500- llroad t a r cor Ilrlmnce pi nn6x23itIl Harry K Seal slid coo TS Ilrond Cxchanite foetal 2700000- Invid ay n e cor 112th at 100x125 Mlchele- Dl Pasqimle r lienrce E Wilton and Nicholas 61500 M 117139 W William Parker rs Wrox tIC r Realty Co ft 1 6464- erorae av a e nor Mount Hope pi 232x11- 6Irnnk McOulre T William K Itrooker- Chatles II Hchrrilfr and heat Oivello 6450 titer si ll s 67J e Forsyth at 226x761 Urns rs Isaac Marx and l iKrence 1 Hire 7600 Cest lIOn nr n w cir Slat at 129x107 Wal- ter H Dlncham VB Jobn W Imane and M- rrlertbetg 24000 14th st W L ImenheIn A Co rs Knth- ertne A A II Sllrerman 1360 lIon ar 736756 John r Mason rs Theresa Kramer and Hylrettet Kramer 60000 SatlsHed Ilerhantrs Me n- 36th at n 3996 e St nr x Joseph Ilolofim ra Ilot ert H Hamilton Sept 26 1900 134463- ame same Sept23 190O 34430- i me property U Krelscher 4 Ron TS same Sept 22 14700 inc property The Mueller and Construction Cots same Sept 21 IINHI 32400 st an 166 wist av 123x10115 Mills Matbach vs Isaac lioldsteln and ann AuK 22IBOO 3000 Iorrclosnre SUit I6MI1 st aa 1168 e anderblltar 118x100 EMell- eItossltfr calls At va John A Knnx et al ally N I I AH ton 150th t n s w Amsfrdam ar ISxiia II 2 actions I llayard Smith trustee va IMwIn II KnoKlea- et kttyt Urnnnell A 12Sth at na lUll e 2d nr 23x9011 Francis W Nu hoer and ann trusteea ra Margaret A KUoojM- et al ally U A Raymond A1 H n Wtiif S and- J I Hnar and au Rltll 111I Ueocorded 3bortjagip cur 11 la MeSt4nifl and 11 a lIeu etOO eOO 7tOO arm tOO Inr 3 IS 6 loa 1 3tOO Itr it AldrIch errs to Urlh Saltier ruII n tease II 12000 I to 4 Treat loa c r It 31 tan Leases ii s bIllIe arid nlio 31of tie ti MinIm tilt site Iliomlia I hiibiilneti ta 730 edit s ti per the Id Situ t l Mao 4t niuoex 500 7Ovo 1000 too 2500 1500 2500 400 Trutm Co 3500 10000 301 horn 33010 30015 7Seq Ilk 000 noIl 3000 co 333 1400 13 Rat I horn 25k 0001 124 3151 a iaooo hat tbs a licriow and I 5 Ann same vs ill l tim > > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ < Lot 81 man Section A Vf catch 24th ward Jen rite Wood Toflberr et nltya Clocks Vandewater al n of Syhanus F Jenkins 16 lire A Mnrnn Irusle va tlrotc- W l al ally H I Mihitma- VAleiilliie av e t lot M mnp oulliirn farm n- Ielcr ronlhani tile Mutual Hank t Francis w Klitr el nl attIc MrTrea N A T- Idiblilns nv n e cur Itoih at I ud Meyer aim tit f a Henry IliiMimann et al ally E 1 IIt Iendent2- 2d st 141 E Edward A nnd aim rs Mary HlfKfrald et Al lo vt Aside derd Ac Ally Dan A R Ilnlldlng Loan 97th at n a 125 w Ilmadnny 73x10011 Cltl tens Savings Hank Cecelia McCar- thy norxx- riani rued for New IlnlldlngiD- OW1TOWS South et Fourttmtli it- U st 232234 K Improremenl tn dwelllnr and hell uioai it owners Horenbuteer ASIraub arcMlects cost 1600- WHST Mill tr rt ol ar tttuvtn Fourteenth and tlOta ill 6th ar arid 3Vh si ne Cur Improtemfnt to bold Senior 419 ar oHiitr Julius F eltnrr 1224 Fulton av nrchl tact cost ISO imnNt- Horoush ol Tht Ilrontl 180th st ns 20 e A Fnntalnear thffethree story tenemeiils Nellie liter n6 e 144th si- ouner W C Dlrkerson I49lh t arid 3d nv Architect cost 11650 Union pi 114 threestory duelling Cath- erine Schmlilt 112 Inlnn H imtier W A OShea Voodycrest AV architect cost 475- 14tth st n Ml c al one alory sued Franr MatlTof 141th al and Hlver av- oniier A Arrtander 362 Alexander av architect cost 17 Hirer av and I4uth st n e cur to 140th st n s too n litter AT factory and direl line aaroe owner arid archllfit cost 130- Veres ar e s 100 w 2Vd st Impiorement to rreenhouae Hobert es owner J0 babcock premises architect cost 100- 1nuarM Manhattan talon norf1 ot HOtn if Pleasant ar 333 tmprnrement tn tenement and store AntonioAillM premises owner CA Mlllner sow 116th at cost Clllj glral CjJtntc Agonts a o it lit Auctionoors REAL ESTATE Head Office 60 Car St Dear Nassau Branch 1 Madison Aye 23fl SI Brokers Appraisers Borough of Manhattan Jjnlo or Rent 1 llh StBth AT to Nortb RIver WEST C8TH STREET EAH CENTIIAI PAIIK- Firestory American basement dwelling 10 feet wide with dining room extension three baths and thorougnly modern LOW KENT E H LUDLOW CO 115 Broadway Borough of HrooUlyn Sulo or Rent F on SAIEElegant fourstory brownstone house 258 JrCerson ar between and Nostraa- darv llrooklyn New York In rard wood 21 mirrors tn the house marble Mils lo m flixirs electric buttons with paHng tune connected with annunctat r in kllchen and alarm open gr f stilt large micron beau- tiful hot And cold water on liner decorated In the most artisticmtunrr A A WEEKS New York llolSESTwoitorr and baseiaea- ii stone fronts Just completed all houses on LOCK stone 9 Decatur st between Howua and Saratoga Hrs OTTO SINUEIt Uutlde- rglcnl StUMt ia ffxrlianrjc VII HAS California property tn exchange for i 123ooo equity In earner apArtment house this till Sun Francisco or Los Angeles Send particulars II box 130 Sun uptown once 1248 ED Set for Qwintw gutpojscjJ SPINNING WHEEL BUILDING 3 5 7 W Twentysecond Street FLOORS FOR RENT HEADY FOR OCCITANCT About October 1 1900 THE sptXXIJfO WHEEL IltILDINO the latest addition to Sew Yorks commercial structures Is ten stories high and thoroughly fire- proof Situate on tlie Nonh stile of Twentysecond l Jii feet West ot Klflh Avenue It Is In the heart of the nits one block fr rn the June lion of Fifth Arenue Ilroadway and Twenty third Street tho busiest spot III New York No expense wilt be spared to make this bulldln perfect In erery detail On each of the r floors are windows nfltrdlng a bountiful of llsbt tad air Separate entrance ore for the freight and servIce both of which will be the very all under the charge of uniformed of the building Tenants will find In location ap- pointments and serrlce all that Is lo day considered most desirable The Store and Hasement of the building will be occupied by JAMES A the of third Street The remaining nine floors are now offered for rent Site 62x069 feet Plans end alt Information ran b had at the office of the agent for the building F W SHARP Agent On the premises taw and g pirtmrufS to grt iRt- tfurnlshnl A bore V th St Heat Side ARDSLSY HALL The finer apartment house on the West side Situ uated on the southwest corner of 92d slreM stud Cen- tral 1atk West Alt modern cnntenlenees full light- ing heating and refrigerating plants and many unique and conrenlences features much os private telephone and rafe In A siclal and new feature will be n srtesof special en trttolnment rnoms Imndsociely and fur- nished for large receptions of the tenants of the building The house will be fully ready for occupancy on Oct 15 191X1 for full Information and fuitbrr particulars apply to or cuba WM H SMITH Ardtler lIeu 3d St ond Crntrnl Park West CJO TO ISOLarge floors of six rooms wash t stand Ac see Janitor nth aror J EDUAll Hway con AV 222 Apartnrnts with serrlce- ICO ocio ion Ilroadway- CTII AV 14 Third apartment nine rooms and hath i O UtlDN Kid Ilroadwa- yM ntul partmcnt6 IVnntnll- TANTHDFlats and npartmenK furnished and unfurnished In alt tans of tile city alt prices lust bate you fur Innnis I1S5 Ilroa- dijitrnishril HOUUDS inntnl V ANTHDSmAll fully furnished house for fatuity ol three adults from Oct 16 until May t next must he Irtween 42d crud 72d Sixth rs Addieas with full patUculais 0 T N 11 roadway New York uraij8hrd llooraSsV 3 partmcutj to rt- r EX1NOTON AV furnished room rn suite or singly open pluuibnc all Improve f KMNOTOX AV inComfortabTFfurnished I Urge and small rooms haIti tint and cold water refrenecH reiulrnl NT 2i4 KAST taitiTeihA i I large cheerful worn clean also Mnall- lym prlrate house only gentlemen I NT IVI EASTHandvimely furnished I rooms large arid small for gentlemen f Tll ST lOP EASTVacancies large small to MwlrnoTa iM dlon Square e t much Charles ii lstentine tiii I Ill an I lot wp It Julie loath d Fifth 5 701 tJ Van IL Ceo R Read Abe II bold at twOat ref best earti liperime Ills iJAtCltOtT t Cl 44th at- Tn I rt OItK iStOltittTlOCL S ste Ismat Stile Ito ewiy 4 eat reference xchangil nht eTll 31 < > < ° < > > ffurnlialifil Hoomu S prtrat t0 to Jrt West Hide Tit H IIINl- 5We l2lith t riKims en suite or singly mesh oiioml excrptliMially giwd home a la carte luiiriipiiii Mftril foi Iroin 12 lo s rtfrrrncei llenllemen prrferre leuphnne 1IS1 Ill ST 17 WIWT In lamr i sunny front halt room welt furnished ample rmrenunres quid n Irnnce references fourth ST 1ST 21 and single room lo let In delightfully oldfashioned mndernlied surroundings iileasatit and rttlnel bachelor only relerciirea- JT I HT morn nicely fuinhhed for t Mill NT 40 WKHT A suite with lalh for two or three genllrmeu good servIce ret mInces U1ST 0 WRSTElegant l entlemen i t single nod en suite special er month or season V 0 ST Vis i i and liick parlor good oppmiunl- ITU ST ll WE3TTwi ffrll fWnlihtV- ii flrstciass attendance references v- Til ST 55 WEST i II Comfortable rooms tot gentlemen valet vrrli breakfast opilonnl ST 7 WESTTirge back room second floor bath all other room reference 4s UKHT rooms it I ion harheiors excellent servIce breakfast op tional special fates for eason one small room VODST 220 WEST Large and fiirnlshnl homelike surroundings hot and cold running water bath gem or couple prices moderate It A Til WEST newly fufnisbe- iut rooms large small Oral ClaM liouse and nelebburlioot slimmer rates apKilntmenUllrstclasv hall boy attendance Ilraoklyn AV 432Newly hit and lunge square room every convenience I iTenllf men ILINTON ST V furnished ronms home comfurla breakfast If dolrtd Kenllemrn- prfffrrrd reference NT 16s Large small ulneleand en suite all Ininroreiiients moderate AV floor hall room furnished nil conveniences quiet rellnrd only ill AV i5Ui furnished and rooms breakfast oMlonal gi nilirnen preferreJ 1 tri SKI ST 66 liandMHiTdr rote square and hall rooms breakfast optional near cars gentlemen preferred YEIISON ST 256 near IV furnished rooms singly en suit families gentle men refeiences ST lutnlshed rooms for ladies or gentlemen Terms reasonable IllSINESS MEVCentral location rooms and suites elevator telephone special cuisine and ktrrlce S Kbox Unit SlOe 143 near 2d slLarre second II floor rooms references a few table runts ao- commodated AV 87Desirable rooms aleam heated 111 open plumbing superior board locatlor cen- tral AV 163 135 187Handsome suites mind single rooms with board for gentlemen references ST ALIIANSII IT PR FOREST PHOP B 7 and 9 EAJt alst St Onlral location desltabli rooms prlraf parlor dining room suite with board also table boarders refer- ences required TASIHVOTON PIACK 117 near 6tn arLarga pleasant rooms to party of gentlemen good hoard jllt ST 39 VKSTHoons with board trait slents talen central location three doors from Ilroadway parlor dining room Til ST 20 furnished rooms I with board hoiSt large andamall also table board ST 237 WESTHsndsom to room hot and cold water large closet bath parlor diningroom tupertor table and ser- vice gentlemen references 40TII SI 1 WKST Handsomely furnished rooms singly en suite prlrale baths every convenience exceptional servIce table and appointments iTH ST 63 WESTIlosrd handsomely fur J nlshid hack suite with bath fourth story rooms large and small nrooklrn 331ALarge room also V trout lngle beds ample closets board reference CLINTON ST 341Nlcely furnished large and singly or ea suite with board table board HEIGHTS lIt list ViewLarge small rooms well heated superior board couples or gentlemen reference AV 2S9FufnIsheil or unfurnished back parlor private home excellent table doc- tor preferred or two gentlemen HANCOCK ST or gentlemen for lovely hone can be accommodated with owner EsnvST 96 minutes Bridge furnished rooms excellent board 1516 weekly HICKS ST 178175 floor private bath others excellent table re fined people moderatft- iTOXHOE PLACE 27 iJ large double n oms 2 good table references TlLASI l ST7 furnished alcove tuiuare and hall room substantial board gentle convenient Wi cars PLACE294Newly furnished or nn- fiirnl hed rooms ererrronrenlence good hone board gentlemen preferred reference SIDNEY PLACE 20Cholce of decorated every convenience board Included refer fore requited Branch Offices of THE SUN Ibftfotticf wtfff tt rrtr wlllta thai ClMUrtKl tka aulm fillet NEW YORK CITY lJ15IlrciKlwiT LONO rsunD an N Y 11 Dordts Ar K H Dan BOSTON MASS M Wa4klnrtoi T P nurkna NEWARK N J 7 4 Droa St r Somnut CHICAGO ILL o stoo Rxehaoc Handing 0 J KOr TTENTliiN OLD DH OH1NDLR C1IIADUATB A VMVrHSri Y CIK TUB CITY OKNKW YORK MKDIi AL uriAHTUKVT S3 tSAR A Spit IAIJST IN IHdEAShKur MEN OLD tins trrii longer and has had more exiwrlence than any other adiertlslng clly prove fnder his sclentlQe system o- tirritmil blood and sklndl as s pain In re- ffnit wire tiiriMt anil mouth ulcers swell- Ings kidney arid IJaddcr complaints scalding In rammstlnn underrluped organs weak beet lust rltaIiy lIP swedlly permanently cured Men taut ti marry go to old ever 15 yearsat lit West 12th sL- Ixlmrrn Rh and th nrs removed SuReirrs do net Baste tIme consulting less skilful riu a- ircvid fur marTcllxut cutes Uedldne- ll Hours nt i Sundays 9 to3- Ollt nn CltrV 45 rears a spextallst tn ill MM n mm mlr Qulelirst permanent curs rusianteed In all tile diseases ti men blood skirt diseases kidney and blsddei trouble nesknra nerr us debility rrrurs ot youth bad dieanw uiiderelnxd Impediments tn roar Ac Ciinkiilt old Oi y the old eM antI the loneest In practice ot any stxilallst In clly offlrc men as years at Semi 17th st rIcAn Inton Mijuiie hours 9 to 9 Sun- days ti to a treatment advice free Mall 5i reels No charge unless cured 4 gflfKKST PEIIM MAT CtItp In dIseases rl turn relief at once Ihxr dealrlng first rlm rrlentine treatment Khoiild call lIlt ItONSCIlUR1- 41i West 21st t U to 1 t tu 9 Sunday to ADli roNHADS SANITARIUM TBsta- fV 166111 Dl eavi of women newly cad coin equipped 127 W 47th it lain 1171 Coo Hour 99 Send fur booklet Tel 912J6stb- t DH IIIINNS SANATORIUM 163 We l 47th M e labll hed 18S5 dUeava of women tIe lone 279 31 AND MltS AMES oldest and snecMi hit specialists tn female Irregularities estab shed 3 years dentine treatment Imme In most obstinate ais prlralf Anllirlum regular dan r in uliMlon mnfldruUM iiH ie I uf Thrstr- eDll AMI MUS Mll1ti skilful ni ndenll l treatment strictly rirnlr Ea i k ri Olt liriMIAIlD rirnlar t hy lelan pnsttlretr- currs emilr Irngiil irlits single married cwt Identltl sate lure We t 4Sd si iMlaiui 2ft r ars l l Ullea nmndenilal treatment private aim 137 Ea l 6Hli WEST 49TII ST Dr Crowe cures tii- O ties at one wIthout pain or aedlelntl JW lit is C house wti j Stilts in tt tsi hail gentlemen h rooms is r 1 tThl II t MTII SIT small neatly 1 i sr lIZ 1 SF Itti furnished bouqe- Ii I single or en suIt C lEItMONT 5 its if cofltnterit all t5u iS ItiIxtl SI Second euar gentlemen 1 near Tompkins tatkNewty tT fit I I and small 1 tIcct aitrd- 0R 5 Alt elba 12 1 ST ST 17 RASTLagrcoms Li a eatSId S I > 2 lit Tlt room 4ress tag Ibird earl llINTON 1ST btimMl1lA I I0EINP whIm H floor runnIng watefl I men T tAll rS J AdverfJstnenes adsuhserlpfncemayb jeflst a hose at 1l0Wsst135tufl 26 Dli GRIN ILl thIs liyslians 1511 ba AdvIce ilni olson lug that tie Sln tilt rue 1 iltinteriti ease otetIed rI orwnialiL tot IcIcle t most 1 elm tell eti I tree 544 WeaIZd t Eli female 4l I its FIlM years tao 4 < > > > > > ¬ > ¬ > > > + > < >






    Ilped Under

    IUp bUc n County Cctnmlteoaeompalii-

    ftmimuir fiftH i tl r Hnllkln-

    WMI trt t IW

    StondT nteM when It ta

    OiwiUrtr lllmday e miy up dU year oil

    knock of ChwIUiAcilor-

    Thcr will I colonlatlon In till district

    yew tlia dfc nt t011 hero cu llelp-

    eaWhat dat shouted Oreftiborif and


    oordli to a nurnb of bystander who wero-In c urt yewtrrttoy to twtlty h followed thin

    ut by luttlM HiUtkta WWI his il t In Ui mouthbnltkln fe U and It IB nlle l that lritibwk-

    lukvii him ou th ld wiUk UnwnborK

    was lockml up In the Hdrldtf itrixt atallon-Thn cae was called lute yusUrclay afternoon

    Mid tlw room WHM tilled with K UUcluM-

    of de them Awniblynwn CohnEAVKnjlpJack McMom hend barkevper

    In Mnlurks Huldde Hall PU on Miller of theStanton Street Cadet Cohen IrtMldoutof the Allen fctre t Ubrerr ClubBenfiman Charles iecknnllly proprietor of

    hail JHnok BIIPHP Loaf Stsryluou Reach Keotfoii Dude

    Edwards Spider Joe IlwtdlUht Joe IJttleDuck Hap DrlncoU Henry J Goldsmith thelion Phil WUwljr Dave annuiMart Envd-Micrvtnry Benjamin llciuw hliiw

    President ofDemocratic Club Jetty ShortChiUM

    Altwr Snltkln lund told hli of UmnMnult-reenb r declared that had assaulted

    hint first withoutDen I hit an knocked him Renee

    It iras on inn port unit 1 nota whole lot of w1tne w6 out dere ter prove It

    A Ko ftlsky crom xamlned Oreenberu

    a hILT If you say so replied Greenber

    DId you pier employ a number of younwomen your cnfo questioned

    Youre a damn liar shoutedMfurbtrAtw Pool banged travel mid Mild to

    Caw that man befornthe a n aln t him forcontempt of

    There wo In the whennone too trcntly oil

    the bridge The Magistrate threatened toclear the

    stood near Creenb rifwhn the clerk won drawing tho complaint

    turned to him andoath

    If you cnll me a llchthouie llkn Snttklndid I punch your head ff too

    Veror Honor thIs Is a danaeroua man I aske protected from him

    preserved wild tho Magistrate Thiwent for the crowd who wero

    OrecnbertJ with tears In his eres then apto Pool for lenity

    I was exelted Judee an meanI et excited nbotit politics I am

    Oreenberff was then allowed to mnke anto the Court and o Dowilskv and tho

    contempt charge wa dl ml ed The otheroa was artjourne until WhenOreenber went ott ldo was meted withcheers the Encplte who bore him awayIn triumph

    nTH nEAcn COPS ACCVSEDRoth Cbirxed With fltrallne a Salt CMC end

    IMwardi With tiring DrankChiuffei have been mnda to tho Police Com-

    missioners atfolnct Policeman Morris Rothand Chnrlen Edward of Hath Hench by Johnlllmusen of Hay Eleventh street nenr Ilensonavenue On Wednesday night Mr and SirsWIlhauoMs diuahtnr Ml Mary WHhnuwnwas mirrl d to Thomas Ilrnnn of West Ilrooklyn and Policemen nnd Edwards werodetailed to duty at the houw Thy left thepolice station with the midnight srjund nndBhortly after arriving at th house they weroInvited to the weddlne festivities Ono of thetruest Miss Prepn Ivnox was about to euvifor her Manhattan when Mrs Withausen happened to think that she hnd forsott ti-to some wcildlnir rake Calllnirher attention to tim tat Mrs Wilhatisen rn-nuested her to come Into thin hmi for It MlKnox left suit cn o contalnlnc a wiltMlb dres twri nnd some jewelryon the when she return l n fewlltes hter It hid nred The pollr meli-hnrl ATOMe nlso

    Mia Knnx reported hr l s to Mr Pftnerrwho legrnlne from Mrs Vilhin Ti hint Itothlived irltli liU In Hay Tcnh tr et wentto hIt hntre tn Inquire If there He-met Hnth nt Informed hint of timth ft Th Intter according to Pllucer Raidhe wonld Investlnti the nutter and returnedwith him to tho hou o After n senrrh of the

    had been mnle Roth he believedthe colored servant knew something aboutthe nil sln ense and that It would be wellto watch her Roth afterward complainedof brine sleeiiy and went home Iflucer acmlnwent to liomn anti Hiinirlsed to-o i him stnmllne on th pli ra ne r the stoopwhat to cn e was atI fit but when Pfluger npproarhedHnth eav It a kick nnd sent It under nn irtn-chalr Idtitrr asked him to tmk unoiiirI-nvixtliratlnii nfl r some hesitationconsented Trunk Vlllnu i n a ii of Mr-

    llhnu en nmde hU appear in e with on fthe brldeimaliU yming Withmisen to enifaife Roth In eonversiitlon whilehe won to bouse lie found the suitrase on the iliiTiza where nth unit klrked iton returning to th home the WllliiusenIflugiT accused Roth of havlnu committedthe theft Roth on seeing the suit ease left

    home without ntt iiii tlnc tr explain MrilhaHen wis told of the tieft find rer orte lthe matter to Policeman Fdwarch Is oliarced with being

    uonr INDIRECT TAXKS cotircrrnAn of Nrsrlr WSBOOOOO This

    State tn the I it Fiscal TearALDAVT Oct 2 An Increuso of nearly two

    nnd million dollars In the receiptunder the Corporation Inheritance and LiquorTax laws for the fiscal year nndeil Sept so lishown In a statement Issued today by StileComptroller Theodorn P Illlmnn The prin-cipal receipt from Indirect nources rrere

    1 BP joooTil on corporations K268MO 6J4 pTax on of

    corporations 474fl 72104012-

    Llrrnse ltd tot wUe ofliquors 4J8II7



    19167209 JIJ8517J0107 MR

    Inheritance tax Is the larcost over collectedTim annual nvpmc previously wn M4MVXVMost of the sum n cnlwas secured throiich the of the State

    In following u the itntt N of non-resident l for aswtn could h transferredfrom the jurisdiction of the Stnto court

    Tho enormous Increow of receipt from Indirect sources shown nbove itnto-innnt furnishes an object lion which should

    Im Irrtt nt this time The payment of theililiantloas bv from

    pourcort has been ndrocated bvrmnptrillers for some time and ihe possibilityc f Its iiclildvemcnt would neem to mar nthand when It Is twn what can accomplished

    tho carefulwhich urn In thnmw lv nf rleorous and OH

    Hie statute of other Stntos

    Letter Carrier HnEllshJohn H EnRlish a letter 140 Third

    treet Long Island City was arrested yester-day by Deputy United States Marshal CaldwellIostmn r nipmrcer declared thatKniriikh had trutiK in roompiece of llrtrlTs innil ipattcr which tie hul

    i eilver nl o HOIIIK Minnni nnd thirdriii t er KnclUli w H liefoni cum nr Ilenli n nnd Juld InII Ml fnr lie pleaded not

    Trot 4 omtort llrrorerlng After an OperationProf Comfort formerly dan of

    ho tif ArtMof Syracuse Inlvemltvto convnle cui8 after n severn Hiirglcal Iratlon nt i sew York it lluwife lit M Conilort has been lib him


    ID Court Dadt HallJclnrb him foll bat Col

    ofrut Oyrr


    o th tarth1 ErieIA

    rflnl1Cue M oxA

    Alarkt Ofof tl JIpuhllean

    dJtrIt arid ono ut the


    known forthOR


    fIdtW tf



    CrM Eyed

    I lIla Hold



    I ladro

    Trw ocur curt



    curtup their

    cr Home of them wtre pJrl Ihlothr 8uhldMnled





    hi nth









    T n

    4Z 71-




    n h





    In a hi







    a fhI CptemptVao-

    iInsIIUU th AaauIIChirg

    Georgeoc1Atiofl VtettAT

    iuauItLt 1jiWyt HnIt

    kin n mr nrgnzIy4tkJ-ot th Ibth

    n8kln 1AA4ilT and Oroiberghi big aIit


    wajklna Ufll2Id

    itnet with

    thebtutflhl out






    CoUtni and






    Ihp Mniiratetot

    t ou nd order must h

    trig and cnin hands t Gr onhrgbodily arid






    app ard I

    Rot hi

    I hit ht





    tutrorupt rihler



    ibrnoklIs u ii lIst Ion

    orenit i










    =TIVOLI AcKitdx reiTtftra

    The lIly Kfrper N jt Somtri IliaPartner lint Hiimrri at Alt

    ChnrliM K Ackron nt Tlvoll fnme Is ontrial In lonrml H MOIIH on nn Indictment forgrand larceny wan plnuc on thin wltncooyesterday James T Conway treasurer of thn-llrooklyn Chair Company who nmd tho com-plaint In tho 010 told at the morning

    ho camit to lot fifteen doren chairs go towithout attaching n Hiring to them

    and ho had vulnlv tried toget money forthem after the t mbcch A llet Droning Commn forcclosed the inortcatrn which It took on

    tho chairs the day were dellvprixl-Ackrnn ho bud conspired with

    George K Yutrlnkton Itnonn to time pollen as-Jen Kwkwoll and denied all the other stnt-

    ment which Ynrrlngton had math tho day l efore of a nature Incriminating to Ackron Hosaid that he had actad In no camclt forSonuinttho reputed owner of theTlvoll but thud r f mantutor and was not nwaro of the latter bitslnehs-scbemen lie MirprUixl firo ecutlon bydeclaring lluu the William Hall arrwte I InAtlantic nt the samo time he n strut Idem Iflod as Homers by an employee if llrooklynChair Compnn was not rinmrrx ut nil HoMid that he hail nmvr seen tin1 prisoner beforeAckron tc d that his mother luid bought Um-Tlvoll for him

    I found afterward he thinwere a number of porsonn who hail clalniB

    ftho plnco I callod n meeting of thenand wecamntonnngrecmont aatonnoltlcmetitThe daIwa wero for things bought by SomersI paM them alt and have receipts forbenldes that some of the claimants tinetoftlfy I nor know of th llrooklyn Clialr-Companys claim No bill for the chnlrs camoto my attention so was why Mr Conwnywas not notified to present with the restof the creditors

    Asked a to the receipts of the pliu e Ackron

    cln the old Tlvoll thev were about 140 a dayfor thee llrst few days until got adver-tised n lltllii It hotter ailvertlwxl nowtltlmately the nlly receipts ran up to M73and whun 1 ini ve l Into t t nw a ooiiplwof door nearer Hroodwuy they were somewlia-

    tjuiMtionodbyhUlawyerS Akron

    Yes I ronvirted of forgery lt h thirddegretj 1 nlgni l n check In th n ti ofA o elother for whom 1 worked Idfordir-OoII senteiicid me to veir nnd ten month1 wrd lrtivn month Iud wn pardonedby for Morton I a convicteding Hieck In and did three tor

    I vns guilty In that cam but was not guiltyIn the oa on before Recorder

    Werent ou of Pelt hircenyIn Svrnoi asked Mr Walsh

    I was born and brougUt up there hutwas never cinvirtod The cast to which yourefer U that of another family named Ackroiibut not related to I inn only black

    Ackron sold that after the death of his fatherhis mother married Dr tioorge Archbold n-rhrniist who draws n salary of a ycarIn Toronto sneaking of IncIdenw ac-companying of the Tlvoli Ackron

    I didnt know hint Somers WOH golnp to skip-I saw him on th Saturday night theiilaco clo ed and I have never ern him sinceWhen I went to the Tlvoll the nej or

    on Monday I found a fur mo whichhe hail ent In inc Kiiger It containedBonier nld that he was going t be none tOtten d v or so and that there were soim claimsagnlnst kIn lie wanted me to

    a memorandum of the claims and Ithem I clid tint know where the camfrom did not know SnnvrVs whereaboutmid have npr f n him since then Theman put in prison with when I was arrestedon n warrant on this Indictment In Atlantic

    Is not Somers I hind never seen him

    wfninm II lloiighton te tlllcvl hut he hindleiid tin Tlvoll to Somer In W nnd thathe M i In ntlrw it and Inn onthe retaurant ip talr The rentnl wo to

    n ourPete tlve tftled that he at

    rrxed Souiept and A kron In Atlantic Cltand that Potrer went under the tuine of Ilalland ran a bathing hou e titer Time cae wanadJouriKxl until toworrov-

    rjKKsrr rvitr nttntKnrC-

    ndertnker Who Last Ilamme Salt So AJ-Ifges toil rm nils a New Trial

    An action Ion begun In tho SupremeCourt of New or9 y to set aside a verdlot Ina damage suit on the ground that tho Jury

    bribed The suit was brought by Under-taker Samuel Armstrong of Inlon 11111 againstthe North Hudson County nana Company-to recover tTVivn for personal damage Arm-strong was run by a trolley car whimdriving a wngon nlong li rgnuun livenrnloti 11111 la liinuary nnd an armtrial of hl damage nult lastMi tliro Tho-Jurr atr heir liours abscniw returned averdict fir the defendant

    Six plnkirton dt ctlviH were afUnrard-enn lyed by lawyer Warren Dlxon the coonM iir rm trig to shadow the Jurors Theycultivated Wil n who serve onmany mid reportil to Olxon that llwmhail ald In his iips that he nivlved no froman ag nt ot th to decideCur tin defendant Application wn then madebv Armstrong lawyer to v ltpplncott

    trlid fur i irder to Rhino causnwhy hi verdlit h ulii aside ArIm ht been grsnl d mad retirnul le atNovember t Tin 1 the supreme and thotaking of testimony bolore i-coinmis lnner In y city fewda-

    jAiiiongthrenin Mr Armstrong slawyers In their for a reversal of

    nod nn order for n now trial lotshown by the n n rd t 01 thin CourtIn Trenton this clause HftliTlmtthe WHS Induced I render the verdletwhich die by improper and illegal Influenrobrought to heir tiprn by the said de-fendantrt or th lr agents

    urnoni or cottjtEncK ornxsStudrnts Already In New Department of

    Xew Cnlrrrsltj-

    Ttu New York tnlversltjr School of Cominirce Account and Klriance ls opened fortin first term IM night nail tho fifty studentnlnidv rnrollid bard n I rture on Historynf by Prof Charles lint

    dean of the new schoolof n preliminary address of welcome 10 tho

    lean HnwklriM saidThe establishment of this unique depart-

    ment of a gnnt centro nf learning In answernbld harmony with the present calllur the

    Chancellor and overal of tho

    Ittrree to Timer Trtttmnny In the Mr Stlby-IilTorcr Snlt

    new stilt which Julia r broughtfor nn absolute dlvorco against Norman Helby

    a Kid McCoy Justice Fr dman of the Supreme Court yesterday withronxcnt of ird rcd n referenroand named Inrilel P Ingralinm oi rofunA II1 llofTtiiiin riprernt Selby i lthor counselwould give on whirl hue suit Inbased It wru saul to be a rase that wouldbring abut a dlvm withoutclii t nniitig their Irittid us tlelr previouscounter faults for nhMiluto dlvnrrn hind donewith several Krivolidiiita niilnol on enchhide

    The Wrathrr-ThundrMorms occurred yrirtfrilny tn MlnnrtntA-

    MlrhlEnn anti Wl mnsln and sliowrrs In MarylandDrlawnrr SnowIfll In Montana Klsfwhcrr Ito ufathrr was fair

    wns wirr drtrlorimrnt In this dna of low t r-cuttNutho 1loitlfi biitltlltnio lblr nny

    untIe nr storm mnvrmrnt Illch prrmiitc cnvrrrdthe Northern Stales T hr kmprrnturt

    y brlow Irrrtlnir In Montana but the clung ai-fllcht in nnj n the St lfn

    In II I ir iis iv tall wind fresh norlhtrly-irrrAKf liumldlty 71 prr r ntt rnmttrr rorrtctrd-to read to sea Ml A M 3 M 3040

    The tcmiirralurr at rrron d by the uftlrlnl thfr-raomrtrr and Clan by Tnf SlSs thrrmoraftrr at this

    Ictrl N ihowa In tbr aiinrird tableoncM tunf otrttol suniU99 I0o 1809 19IIU-

    OA MRfl 4S IS r M7I 408 52 R P M M 45 87

    3 P M72 4V Mld i 42 8-ITASinXOTO1 FOIIKTAST Foil TOI1AV ANn TO


    For Nrw rnrland tilt lod j and tomorrowelmer In the Intnlr o day light to fresh norlhrait-

    lnds txcumlni htt k it the south roastPer rtulrrn Xtti Iort tw lirity anil Helairarr-

    Itnrrallv lair liav r normif rtrfpt dimity andhrratming alone u Iufi tnrhnta irndi-

    Tor rastrrn rrniisyhniiU pfrtlj rloudy to layHid tomorrow light lo winds

    lnr wfntrrn IVnii h nla crnrrally fair todaynd to mnrrvr wnrmrr In smitli portion tighto fresh iwuitlirtAi winds

    For wrstfrT Vrw Rrnrrally fair today withtImer In rtlrrme runt portIon tomorrow fair lighto fresh mutbeaat winds













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    No 4 Wont Ninetysecond utroet a li torelevator npiirtiiitmt hou c 4SXHJIX100 line beesold nt tliinooo by HabIt c Ilnumann for Bom

    la Hophlo who gives Inpayment nt the threoiUiry and basemerit dwelling inHxMxito No 134 West O-Ustroot Title passed yesteriliiy

    Charles Orimth Mown t llro haft sold foilion II Drnyer to Rudolph Taubner thi-throoHtory brick hotiso nnd HtAblo on a28x100 on tho east silo of Port Wnnblnjtot-

    I nvenito l1 feet north of Depot laneJoseph A Farley has soul tho fivestory-

    j American brwimcnt dwelling 23x83x100 No311 incth Btreot Tho buyer I o stock-broker Thn prlo1 Is saul to have been InnelghborhoiHl of ASOCO I J Phillips A Cowere till broker

    McCalTerty V Iliiclcley have sold No liti East Seventyseventh wtreet a thrwj tory

    prlvatn stable on a lot 2SXI02S to EdwardR Wharton

    Francis MoMulken has soul No ISO RutTwentyseventh street A threertory andbooenmnt brick dwelling on a lot 20x999

    The Wllklo estate has sold the two lots OBtho Miith side of 131th street 8W feet west oflxnox avenue S0xl2slif220t 3

    William lllcxxlgood line sold No 335 WoeEightyninth street a Ivostory Americanbtueinent dwelling on lot 22xS

    1 Hdenr enycraft was tho broker In thel of the apartment house No

    sni Ilrowlwny for llnnn l Kennelly reportedyesterday

    j 11 C F T Harry have sold for Daniel n-

    Prewlman No 770 Malison avenue n fourirtory brown rtono dwellinir 10x00

    James It Torrance ban lx en appointed ref-eree by Justice Andrews of tho Supreme Courtto thoClIU building NOS u and IS MaidenInne on the application of Adams A Allenattorneys for Frederick Ayer In A suit broughtagainst Frank N dill and others to foreclosea w eond innrtrngn of U33om made on Dec12 isss The proimrty to bo sold Is subjwtto a prior mortgage of XiO iO held by thoMutual Iiiiiranr Compnriy-

    Cornelius Vandorbllt line rontetl thn ColllsP lluntlngton resldeniM at the southepstcorner of Fifth avenue and FlftyHeventhstrait It Is II fourstory granite buildingon a plot 75xli with an I on thin streetoccupied by a Mrlluntlngton bought the six lots at thosoutheast corner of Fifth nvcnuo and Fifty

    Vfiith s reet In S5 from Hubertfor 4fAf x He Hubseqiicntly added iv tonfoot strip along the southerly line boughtfrom W W Astor last year and No 8 KantFiftyweventh strist bought from JamesT Woodward in isno This Is a fourstoryb-rowtwtono house on a lot 21x1005 und hasstood vacant since Tho other Fifth avenuokits ext llng to Fiftysixth street are ownedby W W who bought theta from Ilobert-IJonner and the Homier e tat In nndisnand has since Improved them The northerlyAntor house adolnlns the lluntlngton prop-erty has t vri leased to Marcus Dalyfor term years at Hlooo per yearThin Huntlngton house when completedIs said In ruivo ont eiclusivo of tint landnearly llawooa Mr Iluntlngtorl occupiedIt to the tim of hits deittli Mr VamlcrblltIs said to pay about oOl W for It furnishedfor the seiuton-

    McVlcar t Co have sold for Mrs MinnHrltol the fntirtory brownstone dwelling

    No itW Fast Thirtyeighth street 3xM-Herlwrt R Rexcr bus sold for a client lime

    two llvevtory doubt flatn Noa 21S and 240East IZsth rent on a lot fi2xogII-

    J Rnmilnn Rrown A Co yesterday re-moved from No S9 West Thirtythirdto No Al West Thirtythird street

    Auction SalesTIT WltUAM KEXNEIXY

    Sixteenth street No 243 north fide 283cast of 20x100

    threestory lund basement bricknone tat voluntary sale to T K-Hnnlon 111400-

    nr SAMCKI ooMiHTinsmftrevt Nos iBnnd 21 north

    Klde sin ixut of Fifth avenue ox-IIK u i brick tints EdmundCoffin vs Joieph W Kltrst et al duoon i udgmefi J 12 12i 27 ul Ject to

    I30f and to taxes Ac 37205to plulitlir 143310-

    nv iiiuntiiT A BIIFJIMANGrand rtrert No 00 north stile 125 feet

    west uf Wooster ntre t 3Sxl i fenstory brick Ptor Thomas I Watt vsW Kllpatrlik et al due on

    Judgment Jovi54t to priormortgage JSiono and t tiixiti 1000and water rents 132 to plfdntln 145000

    bulb iiret So f22 south 2BJ feetwest of Amsterdam avenuotbrtnv iory Ktonofronl dwelling Amerlcnn Misvlonury Association vs Eben

    et due on Judgment 1-25il I Ubject to taxes Ac U 2 S-Itn M S 12MO-

    J4Jth street o 524 south side 21 tootwest of Amsterdamtlirifatorv fi ma from dwelling Mimo-v same dle on jtidginunt f l24dS-subjCt to Ac I102M to theplaintiff 12073-

    14UtIi street No MO south side 20J fetwpt of Amterdnm avenue isxwllstoiio trout MIIIIO-

    M Mime due on Judgment 2V 773subject to taxi Vc llttZHI to M S-tirlflrnhngeii 12 0-

    UBth Xo 5iO south 2SO fe t-wwtt of Amsterdam avenue I5x9ftl-lthr tory tono front dwelling Wll-llurn and flint her trustoM-Ai vs due on Judgment 1138n33B subject to taxes tc J182S1 toth 14000

    nv PKIKKP MKVIR A c-

    Ilrook nventii No 41 eeict ide is footolltl I4th stnet Jilxldi Iwo

    iriiin st in utid dnellint withniif mid tun story tramii extomtons

    linn nxeiutor 4iRiacna Kmii v Aililo lleithort et aldu judgment i4U4ui totales Af 2S4 19 to Jacob Ruppcrt IC10Q-

    St AlinH ttveiuit No OOit eint hid MS Ifeet north of MOth street iuloxl0210x-108x1055 threestory frame Mon ind-tonetiient Anna Olfwn vc IrorgxHelm fflr et al dun on judgment

    subject to Inxen tO to-W II Kirchhof 6400

    joel north of 149th street 1010x102lOx-1B8XIW10 threestory frajno Uiro aridUlmnvuit Htuno vs HIIIIV duO onJudgraeiit jsnt23 subject to mort-gage ltono and to taxes Ac lao toC O Iluhnert tsoI-

    rBiikfnrt strot No 20 went Hid llfi3font south of 202xnx

    innment unitMore with fourstory lirirk tenement onnlIr Muniil Uh liiMirmmvs Ciustaru Liiwrinceet alwithdrawnK-

    eventy4lghth stn et No 101 outh sideinnI fett ivvt filuniliiiH avenue-ISiixlftVixIftxliiiM fourstory tonefront dw ex-ecutor Ac vc II Farmer et aladjourned to Nov 9-

    nv unvAX npxsKMT-FlftveUhth No south

    ski 40 H feet ont of Aveiiun A runsooutb 2iix enst 4 Sx south Ox east Otlx-Houlb 22x east 7 2x north 4 to streetx w t 2 ll fourstory brick storoanti reminetit l uN ICcrrmrins vs-

    ieflno M Kcirnarens andas exfOUtilT et al partition to tIcplnlnliff 15000-

    ni rut 11 r AFirth avenue No 79 east side 100 feet

    nortb of Fifteenth Mro t runs east12 x north 3IT easl 84X north 30Ox-

    i l is4 to nvenne x south 34 fourMon tone front building Abra-ham ioldMnlti v Oiotnv A IlrnrkIcy et ul ndloiirned to Oct 10

    Today Auction Silrs-BT PKTKIl F WETFR CO

    riuffolk street No ISO east side 120 feetouth of Houston street 24x100

    rick tenement with stores with livestorybrick building on rear MnrLi vsF V uschntaliiakenbu h AWilliam II Illrsrh referw on JudgmentI3VKI50 and ground rent from May I inoo atlvo i or year Ktibect to tOMCherry street No 374 northwest orbItllouvirneiir strict 21 72 x23Sx72S liveutorv brick teiwmeit with tints Welllirock vs i hr II Willbrnrk it nl N HenryW Siliiitt attnrney Thonnis r

    due on judgment 2tll3rS subjectlo firior mortgno iivm mil tn Ac

    510Sixth aveiiut MPI rust side 400 feet

    north of Thlrfvllflli trivt i xini fourIrk tore niid tiiiement loiiM liold-Itlclmrd eblvr VB XV Young et nl-M 1 Early nttornev J Tlnsdalertfcn e the on Judgment 3n32Y

    Seventh nvonue 2474 southwest cornerimh Btrcot 2411x75 nveat ry brick atoro and


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    Jackson avenue No 819 feetnorth of lftth IHX75 throootory frntnnflat No 2I 18x75 HatNo 18x75 flat No r 5-201x75 thmoatory frame fist Robert A Treniper VH James A el nl lUOves T A H

    Rollln M Morgan nforeen due onJudgment I2M2H2 to mortgaeo13750 agaltut each parcel subject to taxesAc IT01M

    biT nnVAN L KtNVKIIYstroet soutJiwent corner of

    Park avenue 40x1022 sevensuiry brick MatJacob v Iv el Plat7ck A-B ttorn i Edward K MrCnll referee dun

    Judgmont 13110305 subject to prior mortI140MX and to taxes Ao

    I2ld stroft No 110 south side Ino fe t Matof Park avenue 20xiuoll nnd base-ment lint sale to close thuestate of John OMenlHu deceased

    street Ho 117 north ilde2044 foot east of Inrk nvonue 2ix9SO fourstory front dwelling Y M A vs RichsrI I Harris et al HarrisonJohn E Ward referee due on judgment 2820271 subject to taxes

    1121 Street No 543 north side 3340 feet lItof 406J9011 threestory brickdwelling James II Lnlng exectitor to of EllF R vs David II et al Stunt

    to 1331S4nr n pnnwix LVOHAIIAM

    street No 634 south side 323feet east of Eleventh avenue 25x02

    building and vacant J Middlebrook vs JninoM R et al Hattorneys O orgn E Morgan refeive duo on

    5t3323-TwentyUnit trI No 639 south sldo SC-Ofcnt east of avenue 25x922 two

    and oneKtory frame building August llmberttrustee vs same vnrnn nttorneys E O-Whltaker referee duo on Judgment 1383121-

    nv nriitnpnT A KIIKIIMA-NI47lh street north side SSOfot east of

    ern loxioo frame dwell-ing onestory frame building and vacant

    Pnrflttvs Oeorgi HtoIz and anotherEdwin C Ward altornoy Roger ArrfiTc duo on Judgment 22 7 03 subject totaxes Ac 101 01-

    IIT oKonni n nrAtstreet No 316 southwest stile

    250 8 mst of Second venue runs south-east along street 21 2 X Miiithweot 5 7 to

    side of Susan street now closed xeast 2x hoiitlnvest x northen s leasehold

    brick tenement Norm Coopervs Murk Aaron et nl Alexander AJr Thomas F Keogh referee duuon Judgment 1287000 nubjctt to taxes Ac1101 22

    Ural Estate Transfer

    ftouth ot tourtrtntfiClinton M 24A 30tx7lnx2Uinx71lt-

    Da ld Silt 30000-Montomrr m in 2uu2 llrrntinrd Mayer

    anti IOHAH Sell to Aaron Adlrr 33000ISth st 1M W 22xtoln Catharine

    OPonntll to Jrnnlr Hlrnk r a 12250 1100Stanton M IOV110 WUZ6 flnmuM Mandrl

    ft a In Morris How and lion 72825nt liw 20i 0Thoni i i Summers toJohn nnd Vary Clancy 7500

    Cannon t e s n Stiitoi st 2Sxl9IO-Molllr Or isn to Annlf Until rs l 1

    Clinton H w itorcf II rrlnj-rt al to Julia U 20000

    Watt of fliUt ar bnvrtn Fowrtwnlfl and llWft ill1M M 216 B 25x1022 Ixinls V Pall toSplit TaaMlc J160O-OMthUs 17lw Arr H 25x1022 Jamband-

    Ullllam and Klludrlh llrtsrh lo icotze-Krhlf rr th mtcc looo r a a j

    Avenue 200 s 26xl2 S WllbflmlncHothantler to H Mt rn and ano r IS mire

    62d si SIR ilf niry Kellus to ItuldaWinner r s I2sn i-

    SOth st 1S7 K 2iix9ftD Mary K Duran toKslhrr 11 XVnlff r s l-

    10I t st HIS w Parknv 23x100 Clarence IJones to Maty C Lawrence r s ISan mtz-Jtf0011

    27 w Sd af 22fli inog Stephen APalmer and ano to John 24 too


    lEst ol Filth OT brtvrrn FourHtnth and llOfl rtt92d t 125 w Central Park 45x-

    inos Hose Coshland to SopBle llolholt 1100000TUI si ns 121 K ar Ux922

    rote 118000 r siia uoooA-mnKrdam AT e a 7710s 103d st 11x100-

    llarlfoid M tlr is Thomas Henry QCif j

    StIlt 332 W 2uxlonS R Hoytand nub exrrs Ac to Wallace 22300

    22d t 262 W 25x S Uarret WrightloO ln Kanner 18500

    XV l rxiO S Ellta A Conner

    B2d at 125 w West End AT USxtux I 171 lifetiMe Hide Co to Helen U-drl oarrln et al r s i3 mtirc t35ooo

    7th S 5 n r cot ilal M SSOx60 Thomas L Fellner rrlree to CatharineOfttfer r I431HII

    Same prop Oeorze MundorfT nero lo same82d 250 n Weal Knd av 25x103 Ix

    21x1 105 ItlTtrldf Ding Co lo Helen Mdel lards ft M mlur llooou r i-JtOd

    West st 12S xl252xlx2A HUerilde Hide Co to linen M

    drldatcla IS mige J80000-4th st n s 150 T West End av t022-Kd ar I n tfln and ano to FloraII HoMsinAil r al u

    West End av w a 7S s asd st 236x100-xlrrei Corn A S dl HMIU Savorinanand onolo Chailea E Wlllrox r s lloo

    West fldnr I w ror 92d t 123 0x125 2x-1171x125 P2d at liSrWet Enda-rMxll4tsin U1I7I s s 250 wWest nail AV 25xlOoU23xllOS WtMtlAlexander Chl olm lo Helen del Chainset al resene Vj Interest In net Income

    north Of it-IJMh at 122 K lSBxBHil Catherine Mr-

    Henim and ano to Uerlrude H Ilyder rmtire 76XI-

    3M t 596 W 25x0911 Max ICntre la-Llhhy H WAlcnff r a 16 mice 117500-

    2Mh st ItO C 2Sx99ll Michael J e ry-lo William Kelly rats mIre IHKX

    147th at MB K 26X100 I47UI at SIS E 23x100 John J Dell to William II Weihfrr s IO mtire 126000-

    rtobblns ar n e nit 152d at runs r llltt nvsI Ix n w 7911 lo WeitrhiMter nv x s-76n lo Itohblns ar x a 3 William IIholmes and ano to Statltiew busily r aII mtite jsiiuo-

    Ilsth M 14 V 17x10011 James C Crawfont tn llerliert I Heier r n 1750 mtire114010

    until st s a 290 w 6th Ar 16sxOBil SophiaIlnihoU to llyman Sonn and ano

    167th st n s 1203 w llth ar 191IHW410-leorre C to Louisa C Trede r a

    1250-Isnnx AT n e ror 110th l 73ix5 Thomas

    If eojh refrrfe to heat tate Co-133d al n a 10 w Madison ar lOxtQUto

    134th at 134th st n a 10 w Madlwn ar-10x10910 to ISSIh at Edward J Mnlough-ney to Ida M Maim

    that at a a 1996 w 7th ar Johnllussell lo Henry Onvase-

    117th at 320 W Julia I Sheirell-U WIllamAMartl mtKvllssoo-

    SI MfliolAS ar a w ref 114th st tB2xl076x-505x760 John 11 I lth and nno to JohnJ Hell trustee r a mlge lioono

    Bib AT 2764 a e nor I47lh St 2AUMA llobill K lleyo reteiee lo Samuel Crouthersr a 11350

    lloroujt of TV 71rt tirProspect ar w s 175 n I5Mh t

    252xl4310 tieoue Satner to Italian PWright r s SI mice 17too

    ellI ar a w ror lirib t 2axino Samuellyvy rftene lo Jacob

    Dawson st IKft 25xli 0 UtiAbetblo Klluiltu gulnn r a 14 mter 7tfK-

    illalhlfate nv r cot I7th M 6dex9X6x-6aaxV13 IairlrV to Harry c

    Hart ij partCreston AV f a wldrnfd 1406 a UiI t 26t-

    x6tix3x nA Marrlft A Wimdall to PeterC Munn and wile

    Ixrt isii map 370 lots McOmw estate Johnto lInn Knlilrmnu-

    Iawi m st n s I7S e Ilfarh ar 0x1 noDawson st n s 1676 e Pouch AT 20x100William II and Ano to Mary AMrNamaia all Urns r a II

    St Anns av 314 123x90 Wehrhahn to Hannah fllirfjer r a I6rnmite illOOd

    A a s lot 22 new rltlajr nf Ifrnoun 23xlf l Mamas Nathan ti JosephTesoro r a SOt

    Il on amendil limnxwood ParkJams J M andl th W Maiulre r s 12 tntre 20oo-

    parrels I tn 5 1 1S 29 In 16 also plots 67 19 to 22 17 thW SO r 51 68 lo 71 161 BS lo B5 40 S 9 54 10 69 4 tn S772 10 75 B6 to 99 23 10 26 40 to 42 10 2721 43 to 47 66 In 91 IOn In 113 60 tn n76 in 79 And 125 tn 117 retKM map iTAnhomestead John II Jud e lo peterJ Shields r a 123 miff 190000

    Waslilnirton nr e a 193 from monumentAt cor Mid av ant road lo Uest

    Farma runs n e a e 75xlOOi7S fleersic I Cnrwln to William II Carpenter r aww-

    natheate ar 2O70 w a 212x 66x2axS16Charles P Hallnek tn Susnn Hnean r a ISmIce 13200-

    3d ar s w ror Talmailire t I006x642 2n73x-6S6 niln LlletilierdlnlsaarN Hebbrrd

    n e nor retard si I25X1OI leir-Is i Morris tn iMwr N llebberd-

    llnslon ar a w ror Summit pi n 27xlir 6x-IH4X11H6 unfit II Johnston to city ol

    Vork twirlproperty liolxrt U Johnston exrr to

    same part r a 14WSlIm prnprrtv Itoherl II Johnston exrr to

    same u poutAV tr a m2 a 173d si AOxtUS

    minion H HnrrU to Anna Iuttenchlaie-rra5 mIle Ki

    Vaahttietnn ar e s 2 K n 164th 28xln-5NathanHHohntoAdolphO nilmice 116000

    flat Claretios et I ttell will IfJ MonU vs charIot Morvan AICory A W reter

    on to till1 2

    23 2


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    UadUnn old line 17 n from lot 104 mapCentral MoriUanla 276x64 27 xMiI McCarthy to Mnmuel Mcfatthy And wile 170-

    llerurdrilArrnue A 1361 Henry Mtrutlnr lo Varlar-

    Helchioan a yra UJ-4UIUM0WJ Ux 1105 Tnulffscf Colum-

    bia to Umfttiiiel tlultu 21 yra 7-1Itnhnr 3i Jeaiidtii Werllielni to wllllani

    muss 6 90096film nv 6K Marie Wltthaus In Vllllnm H

    3 712 6ooo700i-HrnailHay 2 l Dally A arIsen lo Samuel

    io yra i2ooitix6-4th al 302 Otntte II ChrlMman to J and

    J O Wallaeb 6 240-Id ar 12HI llrorne II OirlMman to J

    6712 r 2COC-MatHson I 2i 6 Holomun M Hebattkln to

    1 vra 600Prince tl lIt William M Martin to Minnie

    1 412 yr COOJiO-fHtnnloiitt IM8IIO II e cor ludlow at

    totitisia e Waebt 4 646al 322 n e cur Cortck at Uiuli-

    UppmaimloMltonlnaon I yr 27

    OOWNTOWNSouth ol it

    Where no Intereat stated teed 5 per cent 1Mulberry at 117 Maria

    to haul Kldkuaky arid soyfl pet ont 9a

    Cherry t John Clancy and to5 r 4S permit 110

    Ludlow t n c ror N tanton st Morris HUMclub atom to Samuel Mandrl ft nl InstalLs6 per cent

    al 246 llenlo HIM to Henry Meyer3 6 per tent

    Union at 244 same to same a yrs e per-cent

    ISth si 136 W Jennie Klenk to CatharineODunnell 6 yrs 4 4 per cent

    Montgomery it w A 73 s st Aaronto Well and 10 yrs t per-

    centMontgomery M w 9 loo a Madison t cams

    to same demand 6 rentBth si s s 1773 e University pi lenrie Suth-

    erland and James McNeil to Anne S Ma

    1st AV e K 761 II nth at John Ebrllrh toVollmer 1 yr o per cent 100

    al 136 Mark to Jamesand Ano trustees 5 yra 19000

    Cannon si 102 Arnn WelsberBn to TrusteesConirrecallon Sbearlth tired 4 iper cent 23000

    KAST smr-Kast of Fllln ar Mtrttn Fourteenth and 0th ill

    3ith st 137 B lather II Wolfe lo Mary K Dun-can 2 yrs 12300-

    8lth st l 2sl 8 v Annul A William Volkt i WIIHmn Volk guardian Ac I yr 4 per-cent 400-

    64th ft si 173 w Avenue II leorse Srhlereth1 yrs 2500-

    39lh at 221223 K William to l mbert-Huydam I yr oiier rent 25000

    Avenue A lIlt tn Man-hattan Consumers llrewinK Cu de-mand 6 per rent 350-

    B2dsi ns 278 3dnv John Xsgeldlncerto-Henry OrubenNrher 3 yra 4V percentslst isLife Assurnnre Society of the V lilted States4i yrs rrenl 23000-


    ol Filth at Mvttn Fourtimlh and HOtn UxCentral Patk ttest n H ror 69lli 6t James D

    Matthews and too to Henry oppuihrlmerdue AM pet toad 12500-

    7Clh tt n s r 07 w fib ar Joseph Altschul toHenry Albchul due on death ot Joseph

    10000I lilt ar 660 1lllle V Waters and Irene H Stew-

    art to Ullle II Ulle nthol MM 4 r cent 4500-66lh st 112 W Wallace Stiiait lo llanlel W

    Smith and ann earls 5 yrs 4 cent 14000Central Paik West n w nor mth st James

    D Matthews ant Kdirar I HppenMein toIlrndley Currleitu t C rent 13500-

    3lth st A s 20 e 10th ar James M llanlty toJames A hrenney I vis 6 tent 3000

    49th t 60 w lentelmlri Kmnnurl S Hutro toMnry N Mnvo A yr 100OO-

    22d M 262 W uslas Knnner to Joseph L PutIcnwleser demand n pet rent 32300

    7th AV 363 Catharine GfUefr to Frederlka-Meuscr 3 yri 4 merit 12000

    107lh st ss w Central Park West PatrIckHcMnrrow to EqultAble Ilfe AwuranreSociety i yr 10000

    64th M 311 Flora It Housiran to Oottlleb-K Hnttranft 3 yrs 4 per rent 13000

    84th si n s 117 v West Krnl AV alsa 64th atn s 167 w West End AT Kdiinr Istein eMit James 1 Matthews lo Henry Oppenhetmpr 1 6 tier rat 2500-

    84th st 117 ir West End ar James D Mat-thews and Edear I Kppensieln to the tiermania Ilfe Ins Co 5 20000

    64th si n s 131 v Weal End nr same to same3 yrs 20000-

    84th sins 167 w West End AT Mine to same5 yrs 20000

    64th st n s 1SS w West End av MIne to vane3 yr 20000

    84th at n a 11 w West End ar filth ftII a 167 w West End ar snme lo llradley A-Currier Co yr 6 per rent 13800-

    IIAIILMManhattan Island norTh of llfifh ft

    Fort Washington bUlge road w a 00376 nmom a a 135th st extends to IloulerardLafayette Ac Jonas M and Frederick ALlbbey tn S Dennelt et al excrs-Ac 2 yrs 119000-

    132d st fc a 918 w 7th ar John M Meehan-Jr to Annie Grace 3 yrs 6 per rent 4000

    17 h st a s 95 e Aiidubon ar same to same5 yrs C per cent 3000-

    HMh st 140 W Herbert n fliRt lo JamesC Tawford Initalls 8000-

    Ulst st s t IBIs w 7th nr widened Henrytirasse In Frederick nmws yr 6 per rent 1000

    fob Ar 2762 Samuel Crnuthera to HarlrmStings Hank I yr percent 20000

    Tth ar a e ror 114th si John H Jsllh andCfcarles uSeful to Henry lOcale 2 duos n percent 20000

    fl oirpft of Th liront-Woodycrest ar w a 1387 n 163d st Alex-

    ander J and lfe lo Edward n-lllack demand

    Sane propeity same to same 3 yrsCreatonares 1408s ISIstst Peter CMunn

    and wife tn Martha A Itoby 3 yrs 6 per-cent

    Hall nl w s H9ll s 167th al James Parleytn Mary J Archer 3 yrs

    Topping at 1776 David L Woodnll lo Har-lem Dank t yr-

    ToppuiT it 17KO same V same I rrLots map 370 lots MrOrar estate

    Kate Flintier lo Srlii and wife6 jrs

    Dawson ct n w a 375 s w J nswood ar Klli-Abeth QuInn to EMzabetli Rlppel I yr 6 per-cent

    nathrate Ar 2079 Smun Hagen in Charles V-Hallock I Jr 6 per rent

    MadLwn ar w f IH27 s Talmndce at snmeto Title Ouaratilee and 3 yrs

    3d ar n e cor Tremonl nr or 177th al JohnP Frlcdhnft to Frederick Wlemann 2 yrs6 per cent

    Jackson Ar ea 60 n Columbus AT Uariraret S-toKathailne Fneleri 3 yrs 6 torrent

    Asslcnvient nf llortjasesr-wirouth I1eAl otnittsonPutretappet Adam In Frledrlih Sflbellame loanrne-Uermnn American Iltal ClIche lithe Ouar

    ante Co toKnlckerbockf Trust Co-Iutlensrhl rer Anna In Clinton hurtleFttpatrlck Mary H tn Albert J Whtteman

    trusteeHappel Adam to Jacob Marks

    Samuel ft nl tn Harris Mandflbaumand ano-

    OConnor Danlfl to City Real Estate Tnul-Co

    51e m n to nenjamln Mordeent-Haxton tlrrnard F eta excrs Ac to Mary

    A SaxtonTitle Uunrnnte end Tnist Co In John Jr

    anti Amanda flossingThuriton Strojbcrf 219-AHshuli ilenry Altshul-Lnwenfrlri and Ann w RtAle HankStern ltllr K to Wllhelinlnn Hoth eillertenor Ae I role tant Church of

    St Marks In the llnirery In Mutual Ilfe InsCo-

    Hummel F P lo Minnie Htoese-Wlcoj Ilarrlft II tn JesMe M Aletnuder-Mrlniiehn y Jennie A In Theresa C Curran-lllnkel plel Heclne to Title lunmntee and

    Tru t i

    Slerhnnlcs Men45th si 137119 Wt Stlckney Heating Co rs-

    Wroxeterlleall Co 1167500Jerome uv e N 150 n 17Ctb t 100x100 CM

    Ixmleiix vs llroker A Schroeder andJ A SHIIUier 4500-

    8Ui ar n e ear I32d st 30x100 Snlratore-Dl Vita vs John Fnrrrll chit Matk K Sloteiison 84S500-

    llroad t a r cor Ilrlmnce pi nn6x23itIlHarry K Seal slid coo TS Ilrond Cxchanitefoetal 2700000-

    Invid ay n e cor 112th at 100x125 Mlchele-Dl Pasqimle r lienrce E Wilton andNicholas 61500

    M 117139 W William Parker rs WroxtIC r Realty Co ft 1 6464-

    erorae av a e nor Mount Hope pi 232x11-6Irnnk McOulre T William K Itrooker-Chatles II Hchrrilfr and heat Oivello 6450

    titer si ll s 67J e Forsyth at 226x761Urns rs Isaac Marx and l iKrence

    1 Hire 7600Cest lIOn nr n w cir Slat at 129x107 Wal-ter H Dlncham VB Jobn W Imane and M-rrlertbetg 24000

    14th st W L ImenheIn A Co rs Knth-ertne A A II Sllrerman 1360

    lIon ar 736756 John r Mason rs TheresaKramer and Hylrettet Kramer 60000

    SatlsHed Ilerhantrs Me n-36th at n 3996 e St nr xJoseph Ilolofim ra Ilot ert H HamiltonSept 26 1900 134463-

    ame same Sept23 190O 34430-i me property U Krelscher 4 Ron TS same

    Sept 22 14700inc property The Mueller andConstruction Cots same Sept 21 IINHI 32400

    st an 166 wist av 123x10115 MillsMatbach vs Isaac lioldsteln and ann AuK22IBOO 3000

    Iorrclosnre SUitI6MI1 st a a 1168 e anderblltar 118x100 EMell-

    eItossltfr calls At va John A Knnx et al allyN I I AH ton

    150th t n s w Amsfrdam ar ISxiia II 2 actionsI llayard Smith trustee va IMwIn II KnoKlea-et kttyt Urnnnell A

    12Sth at n a lUll e 2d nr 23x9011 Francis W Nuhoer and ann trusteea ra Margaret A KUoojM-et al ally U A Raymond



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    Lot 81 man Section A Vf catch 24th ward Jenrite Wood Toflberr et nltya Clocks

    Vandewater al n of Syhanus F Jenkins16 lire A Mnrnn Irusle va tlrotc-W l al ally H I Mihitma-

    VAleiilliie av e t lot M mnp oulliirn farm n-Ielcr ronlhani tile Mutual Hank tFrancis w Klitr el nl attIc MrTrea N A T-

    Idiblilns nv n e cur Itoih at I ud Meyeraim tit f a Henry IliiMimann et al ally E 1

    IIt Iendent2-2d st 141 E Edward A nnd aim rs Mary

    HlfKfrald et Al lo vt Aside derd Ac Ally DanA R

    Ilnlldlng Loan97th at n a 125 w Ilmadnny 73x10011 Cltl

    tens Savings Hank Cecelia McCar-thy norxx-

    riani rued for New IlnlldlngiD-OW1TOWS

    South et Fourttmtli it-U st 232234 K Improremenl tn dwelllnr

    and hell uioai it ownersHorenbuteer ASIraub arcMlects cost 1600-

    WHST Milltr rt ol ar tttuvtn Fourteenth and tlOta ill

    6th ar arid 3Vh si n e Cur Improtemfnt tobold Senior 419 ar oHiitrJulius F eltnrr 1224 Fulton av nrchltact cost ISO

    imnNt-Horoush ol Tht Ilrontl

    180th st n s 20 e A Fnntalnear thffethreestory tenemeiils Nellie liter n6 e 144th si-ouner W C Dlrkerson I49lh t arid 3d nvArchitect cost 11650

    Union pi 114 threestory duelling Cath-erine Schmlilt 112 Inlnn H imtier W AOShea Voodycrest AV architect cost 475-

    14tth st n Ml c al one alory suedFranr MatlTof 141th al and Hlver av-oniier A Arrtander 362 Alexander avarchitect cost 17

    Hirer av and I4uth st n e cur to 140th st n stoo n litter AT factory and direlline aaroe owner arid archllfit cost 130-

    Veres ar e s 100 w 2Vd st Impiorementto rreenhouae Hobert esowner J 0 babcock premises architectcost 100-

    1nuarMManhattan talon norf1 ot HOtn if

    Pleasant ar 333 tmprnrement tn tenementand store AntonioAillM premises ownerCA Mlllner sow 116th at cost

    Clllj glral CjJtntc

    Agontsa o it lit



    Head Office 60 Car St Dear NassauBranch 1 Madison Aye 23fl SI

    Brokers AppraisersBorough of Manhattan Jjnlo or Rent

    1 llh StBth AT to Nortb RIverWEST C8TH STREET

    EAH CENTIIAI PAIIK-Firestory American basement dwelling 10 feet

    wide with dining room extension three baths andthorougnly modern

    LOW KENTE H LUDLOW CO 115 Broadway

    Borough of HrooUlyn Sulo or Rent

    Fon SAIEElegant fourstory brownstone house258 JrCerson ar between and Nostraa-darv llrooklyn New York In rard wood 21mirrors tn the house marble Mils lo mflixirs electric buttons with paHng tune connectedwith annunctat r in kllchen andalarm open gr f stilt large micron beau-tiful hot And cold water on linerdecorated In the most artisticmtunrr A A WEEKS

    New York

    llolSESTwoitorr and baseiaea-ii stone fronts Just completed all houses on LOCK

    stone 9 Decatur st between Howuaand Saratoga Hrs OTTO SINUEIt Uutlde-

    rglcnl StUMt ia ffxrlianrjc

    VII HAS California property tn exchange fori 123ooo equity In earner apArtment house this

    till Sun Francisco or Los Angeles Sendparticulars II box 130 Sun uptown once 1248

    ED Set for Qwintw gutpojscjJ


    3 5 7 W Twentysecond Street


    About October 1 1900THE sptXXIJfO WHEEL IltILDINO the latest

    addition to Sew Yorks commercialstructures Is ten stories high and thoroughly fire-proof Situate on tlie Nonh stile of Twentysecond

    l Jii feet West ot Klflh Avenue It Is In theheart of the nits one block fr rn the June lion of FifthArenue Ilroadway and Twenty third Street thobusiest spot III New York

    No expense wilt be spared to make this bulldlnperfect In erery detail On each of the r floorsare windows nfltrdlng a bountiful

    of llsbt tad airSeparate entrance ore for the freight and

    servIce both of which will be the veryall under the charge of uniformed

    of the building Tenants will find In location ap-pointments and serrlce all that Is lo day consideredmost desirable

    The Store and Hasement of the building will beoccupied by JAMES A the

    of third StreetThe remaining nine floors are now offered for rent

    Site 62x069 feetPlans end alt Information ran b had at the office

    of the agent for the building

    F W SHARP AgentOn the premises

    taw and g pirtmrufS to grt iRt-tfurnlshnl

    A bore V th St Heat Side

    ARDSLSY HALLThe finer apartment house on the West side Situ

    uated on the southwest corner of 92d slreM stud Cen-tral 1atk West Alt modern cnntenlenees full light-ing heating and refrigerating plants and manyunique and conrenlences features muchos private telephone and rafe In Asiclal and new feature will be n srtesof special entrttolnment rnoms Imndsociely and fur-nished for large receptions of the tenants ofthe building

    The house will be fully ready for occupancy on Oct15 191X1

    for full Information and fuitbrr particulars applyto or cuba

    WM H SMITHArdtler lIeu 3d St ond Crntrnl Park West

    CJO TO ISOLarge floors of six rooms washt stand Ac see Janitor nth aror JEDUAll Hway conAV 222

    Apartnrnts with serrlce-ICO ocio ion Ilroadway-

    CTII AV 14Third apartment nine rooms and hath

    i O UtlDN Kid Ilroadwa-

    yM ntul partmcnt6 IVnntnll-

    TANTHDFlats and npartmenK furnished andunfurnished In alt tans of tile city alt prices

    lust bate you fur InnnisI1S5 Ilroa-

    dijitrnishril HOUUDS inntnlV ANTHDSmAll fully furnished house for fatuity

    ol three adults from Oct 16 until May t nextmust he Irtween 42d crud 72d Sixthrs Addieas with full patUculais 0 T N 11

    roadway New York

    uraij8hrd llooraSsV 3 partmcutj to rt-

    r EX1NOTON AV furnished roomrn suite or singly open pluuibnc all Improve

    f KMNOTOX AV inComfortabTFfurnishedI Urge and small rooms haIti tint and cold water

    refrenecH reiulrnlNT 2i4 KAST taitiTeihAi I large cheerful worn clean also Mnall-

    lym prlrate house only gentlemenI NT IVI EASTHandvimely furnished

    I rooms large arid small for gentlemen

    f Tll ST lOP EASTVacancies large smallto MwlrnoTa i M dlon Square

    e t

    much Charlesii


    tiii I IllanI lot wp It







    tJ Van IL

    Ceo R Read


    I I bold at




    earti liperime

    IllsiJAtCltOtT t Cl 44th at-



    rt OItK iStOltittTlOCL



    Ismat Stile

    Ito ewiy4eat reference xchangil









    ffurnlialifil Hoomu S prtrat t0 to JrtWest Hide

    Tit H IIINl-5We l2lith t riKims en suite or singly meshoiioml excrptliMially giwd home a la carteluiiriipiiii Mftril foi Iroin 12 lo s rtfrrrnceillenllemen prrferre leuphnne 1IS1

    Ill ST 17 WIWT In lamri sunny front halt room welt furnished amplermrenunres quid nIrnnce references fourth

    ST 1ST 21 and single room lo letIn delightfully oldfashioned mndernliedsurroundings iileasatit and rttlnel bachelor onlyrelerciirea-

    JT I HT morn nicely fuinhhedfor

    t Mill NT 40 WKHT A suite with lalhfor two or three genllrmeu good servIce ret

    mIncesU1ST 0 WRSTElegant l entlemeni t single nod en suite special er month orseason V

    0 ST Visi i and liick parlor good oppmiunl-

    ITU ST ll WE3TTwi ffrll fWnlihtV-i i flrstciass attendance references v-

    Til ST 55 WESTi II Comfortable rooms tot gentlemen valet vrrlibreakfast opilonnl

    ST 7 WESTTirge back room secondfloor bath all other room reference

    4s UKHT roomsit I ion harheiors excellent servIce breakfast optional special fates for eason one small roomVODST 220 WEST Large and

    fiirnlshnl homelike surroundings hot andcold running water bath gem orcouple prices moderateIt A Til WEST newly fufnisbe-iut rooms large small OralClaM liouse and nelebburlioot slimmer rates

    apKilntmenUllrstclasv hallboy attendance


    AV 432Newlyhit and lunge square room every convenience

    I iTenllf men

    ILINTON ST V furnished ronmshome comfurla breakfast If dolrtd Kenllemrn-

    prfffrrrd referenceNT 16s Large small ulneleand en suite

    all Ininroreiiients moderateAV floor hall

    room furnished nil conveniences quietrellnrd only

    ill AV i5Uifurnished and rooms breakfast

    oMlonal gi nilirnen preferreJ

    1 tri SKI ST 66 liandMHiTdrrote square and hall rooms breakfast optionalnear cars gentlemen preferred

    YEIISON ST 256 nearIV furnished rooms singly en suit families gentlemen refeiences

    STlutnlshed rooms for ladies or gentlemen

    Terms reasonable

    IllSINESS MEVCentral location roomsand suites elevator telephone special cuisine and

    ktrrlce S KboxUnit SlOe143 near 2d slLarre secondII floor rooms references a few table runts ao-

    commodatedAV 87Desirable rooms aleam heated

    111 open plumbing superior board locatlor cen-tral

    AV 163 135 187Handsome suitesmind single rooms with board for gentlemen


    B 7 and 9 EAJt alst St Onlral location desltablirooms prlraf parlor dining room

    suite with board also table boarders refer-ences required

    TASIHVOTON PIACK 117 near 6tn arLargapleasant rooms to party of gentlemen good

    hoardjllt ST 39 VKSTHoons with board trait

    slents talen central location three doorsfrom Ilroadway parlor dining room

    Til ST 20 furnished roomsI with board hoiSt large andamall also table

    boardST 237 WESTHsndsomto room hot and cold water large closet

    bath parlor diningroom tupertor table and ser-vice gentlemen references

    40TII SI 1 WKSTHandsomely furnished rooms singly en suite

    prlrale baths every convenience exceptional servIcetable and appointments

    iTH ST 63 WESTIlosrd handsomely furJ nlshid hack suite with bathfourth story rooms large and small

    nrooklrn331ALarge room also

    V trout lngle beds ample closets boardreference

    CLINTON ST 341Nlcely furnished large andsingly or ea suite with board tableboard

    HEIGHTS lIt list ViewLargesmall rooms well heated superior board couples

    or gentlemen referenceAV 2S9FufnIsheil or unfurnished

    back parlor private home excellent table doc-tor preferred or two gentlemen

    HANCOCK ST or gentlemenfor lovely hone can be accommodatedwith owner

    EsnvST 96 minutes Bridgefurnished rooms excellent board 1516


    HICKS ST 178175 floorprivate bath others excellent table refined people moderatft-

    iTOXHOE PLACE 27iJ large double n oms 2

    good table references

    TlLASI l ST7 furnished alcovetuiuare and hall room substantial board gentle

    convenient Wi carsPLACE294Newly furnished or nn-

    fiirnl hed rooms ererrronrenlence good honeboard gentlemen preferred reference

    SIDNEY PLACE 20Cholce of decoratedevery convenience board Included referfore requited

    Branch Offices of THE SUN

    Ibftfotticf wtfff tt rrtr wlllta thaiClMUrtKl tka aulm fillet

    NEW YORK CITYlJ15IlrciKlwiT

    LONO rsunD an N Y11 Dordts Ar K H Dan

    BOSTON MASSM Wa4klnrtoi T P nurkna

    NEWARK N J7 4 Droa St r Somnut

    CHICAGO ILLo stoo Rxehaoc Handing 0 J KOr


    IAIJST IN IHdEAShKur MEN OLDtins trrii longer and has had more

    exiwrlence than any other adiertlslngclly prove fnder his sclentlQe system o-tirritmil blood and sklndl as s pain In re-ffnit wire tiiriMt anil mouth ulcers swell-Ings kidney arid IJaddcr complaints scalding Inrammstlnn underrluped organs weak beetlust rltaIiy lIP swedlly permanently cured Mentaut ti marry go to old

    ever 15 yearsat lit West 12th sL-Ixlmrrn Rh and th nrs removedSuReirrs do net Baste tIme consulting less skilful

    riu a-ircvid fur marTcllxut cutes Uedldne-ll Hours nt i Sundays 9 to3-

    Ollt nn CltrV 45 rears a spextallst tnill MM n mm mlr Qulelirst permanent cursrusianteed In all tile diseases ti men blood

    skirt diseases kidney and blsddei troublenesknra nerr us debility rrrurs ot youth baddieanw uiiderelnxd Impediments tn roar

    Ac Ciinkiilt old Oi y the oldeM antI the loneest In practice ot anystxilallst In clly offlrc men as years at Semi17th st rIcAn Inton Mijuiie hours 9 to 9 Sun-days ti to a treatment advice free Mall

    5i reels No charge unless cured4 gflfKKST PEIIM MAT CtItp In dIseases

    rl turn relief at onceIhxr dealrlng first rlm rrlentine treatmentKhoiild call lIlt ItONSCIlUR1-41i West 21st t U to 1 t tu 9 Sunday to

    ADli roNHADS SANITARIUM TBsta-fV 166111 Dl eavi of women newly cad coin

    equipped 127 W 47th it lain 1171 CooHour 99 Send fur booklet Tel

    912J6stb-t DH IIIINNS SANATORIUM 163 We l 47th

    M e labll hed 18S5 dUeava of women tIelone 279 31

    AND MltS AMES oldest and snecMihit specialists tn female Irregularities estab

    shed 3 years dentine treatment ImmeIn most obstinate

    ais prlralf Anllirlum regulardan r in uliMlon mnfldruUMiiH ie I uf Thrstr-eDll AMI MUS Mll1tiskilful ni ndenll l treatment strictlyrirnlr Ea i k riOlt liriMIAIlD rirnlar t hy lelan pnsttlretr-currs emilr Irngiil irlits single married cwtIdentltl sate lure We t 4Sd si

    iMlaiui 2ft r arsl l Ullea nmndenilal treatment private aim137 Ea l 6Hli

    WEST 49TII ST Dr Crowe cures tii-O ties at one wIthout pain or aedlelntl JW lit




    wti j Stilts

    in tt tsi hailgentlemenh




    tThlII t


    small neatly1 i

    sr lIZ

    1 SF Itti furnished bouqe-Ii I single or en suIt

    C lEItMONT


    itsif cofltnterit all t5uiS ItiIxtl SI Second euar

    gentlemen1 near Tompkins tatkNewty


    fit I I and small1

    tIcct aitrd-



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