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rI THE SALT JEA- E jjjjj -...

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THE J1ETALS Sliver S56c per ounce Copper He per pound Now York 100 pounds Load J3GO per ICO pounds THE SALT WEATHER TODAY FORECAST FOR SALT Probably Snow ESTABLISHED JUNE 6 1870 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17 1902 PRICE FIVE CENTS PAY UP OR FIGHT MENACE T JE A- fK E LAXB I d I 1 4 4 MUST fl UNCLE SAM I p I rI 1 jjjjj > < = FURTHER LITTLE Britain and Germany Determined the Cup of Humiliation Shall Be Drained to the Dregs United States Exemption inCase the Allies Carry Out Their Threat of Blockade V London Dec 16 At the foreign office this evening it was said that no decision had yet been arrived at In regard to Venezuelan arbitration Many difficulties have arisen in the way of arriving at a basis of what + can be arbitrated and what can be otherwise settled The outlook for- a pacific settlement of the dispute is not particularly bright Berlin Dec 16 Minister Bowens communication to Germany through the United States government In behalf of President Castro received here yesterday was a simple to arbitrate the questions In dls pute and was not accompanied by any conditions f Berlin Dec Hays note excepting American ships from certain restrictions of the Venezuelan blockade Is favorably received by the German government The foreign office treats the matter as not raising any essential as being within precedent since Sec retary Shermdn made a similar reservation in the Cretan blockade The precise status of American vessels under the blockade will be defined in an official notification London Dec 16 Replying to a question In the house of commons + + today Under Foreign Secretary Cranborne said ho attempt had been 4 made by Great Britain to refer the dispute with Venezuela to 4 Replying to a question in the house pf lords today Lord Lansdowne + the foreign secretary said that If the seizure of the Venezuelan gunboats + 4 did not produce the desirjed effect further coercive measures would be em + 4 ployed The matter had been considered in consultation with Germany 4 and it had been decided to resort to a blockade of the ports It was not + intended to land a British force and still less to occupy Venezuelan ter + + ritory i vZ t PUNISHMENT- FOR VENEZUELA- Great Will Claim 16Secretary 44 4i 4 4 4 + difficulty and arbitra- tion 4fr 4 4 I i 4 L A A a i A + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ + + ++ + ++ + + + + + +++++++ +++ +++ + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Dec 16 Judging from office the Venezuelan situation tonight does not appear- to be any nearer a settlement Ip to a late hour tonight no suggestion had been made that Great Britain could eventually see Its way to submitting Its claim to arbitration and the foreign office points out that Ven ezuelas offer to arbitrate is extremely vague President Castro in the com- munication in which he expresses his willingness to resort to arbitration of British subjects in Venezuela will respected pending the The foreign office declares that some mai- lers are to urbitrate in- stancing the disrespectful treatment of Mr Haggard British minister to Ven- ezuela To arbitrate the financial claims will meet with no opposition In official cir- cles in London nor is ther any desire to stir up opposition by continuing un jfessarlly the present armed compact rtith Germany but quoting from foreign dfflcfe at the same time thero Is not the slightest inclination to let Venezuela go unpunished for her re peated Insults and Injuries The to arbitrate comes verylate in the day Ve are not seeking a quarrel but we must insure ourselves against a recur- rence of the acts which led to the present situation The foreign office appears to be with dut official cognizance of the attitude of the Washington government although- it Is convinced unofficially that Wash- ington is anxious that further hostili- ties be avoided It to known that the foreign office has made Inquiry as to whether the United States would be willing to guarantee the fulfilling of Venezuelas pledges either at the cessation of the present Eu- ropean action or pending the award of arbitration This inquiry resulted in a direct negative from the United States With the guarantee of the United States the foreign office says arbitra tion In the Venezuelan matter would be an Immediate probability but with only the word of a government hitherto un- reliable arbitration Is difficult of ac- cepting even upon the points where in ternational relations admit of such a method of settlement GRIM GERMAN HUMOR Capture of the Venezuelan Ships Not a Measure of War Caracas Dec 16 The governor of Margarita island reports that British and German warships are oft that isl andMinister Bowen yesterday politely refused to have a monster patriotic parade pass before the United States gallon Every one here hopes that the arbitration proposed by Venezuela through Mr Bowen and Washington will be granted When the combined fleets seized the Venezuelan ships at La Guayra the cjerman commander delivered to the Venezuelan captains the following doc- ument By order of my sovereign and at command of the commodore of the German squadron In West Indian wa- tnrs I the commander of the Panther request you to lower yaur ships your crew within ten minutes This Is not a measure of war on the part of Germany but only with the object of making a provisional seizure of your ship in order to oblige the Venezuelan government to recognize our just de mands In case you disobey to defend your ship I will be obliged to prevent you from so doing by the dis- charge of arms Dec 1 SignedECKERMAN Commander Sinking of the Ships Further details f the sinking of the Venezuelan ships have been obtained LONDON given out by the proldes g ifrflJitee tfuttther1ght Q Ward imp the t Im- mediate t immediately and leave your ship with and wish offer J 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + > from an entry made in the book of the signalmen of the fortress of La Guayra It is as follows Tuesday Dec 9 130 night The ad jutant called me to see If I knew the steamer Retribution of the English navy was steamers Crespo and Totune of the national navy three or four miles north I had heard for cannon shots and said the two steam ers had disappeared and understood they had been sunk by the Vlneta and Retribution At the end of an hour the Retribution returned to the harbor alone Signed Signal Commander of the Forts The fact that the Retribution re turned tor La Guayra hoars after leaving with the was confirmed by English residentstOf La Guayra did not have conduct the Venezuelan1 ships to Curacao or Trinidad It Is now said that the object of the German cruiser Panther in sailing for Maracaibo is to capture the Venezuelan steamer Miranda formerly the Spanish torpedo boat Diego Velesquez and the remaining vessels of the Venezuelan fleet ONSLAUGHT OF ITALY Good Offices of Minister Bowen Again Requested Rome Dec claims of Italy- on Venezuela preferred by Foreign Foreign Minister Prinetti in the cham ber of deputies here yesterday com- prise losses sustained by Italian citi zensc during the recent revolution Most of 7618 Italian residents of Vene zuela have been heavy losers The Doggioll firm from Elba island is the greatest sufferer All Its property was sacked Other important losers are an engineer named Martlnettl and ex Deputy Fagi controller of the Mari cual mines which were invaded by the Venezuela troops who destroyed everything and obliged the Italian miners to flee from the country All the marble works in Venezuela besides other Industries were in the hands of Italians hence the aggregate of the Italian claims for damages is large Italys Instructions- The instructions transmitted to Cap tain Orslnl comamnder of the Italian cruiser Giovanni Bausan now at La Gunyra are to act In full accord with the British and German commanders in the blockade of the Venezuelan coast and any other measures which may be considered necessary in order to reach the desired object The Italian gov ernment however does not anticipate having to cooperate In a very serious action The Italian cruiser Elba is expected- to reach La Guayra Jan 4 N further orders have been sent to the Italian ormored cruiser Carlo Al berto to leave Canadian waters for Venezuela- It is said here that Signor Mayor Des Blanches the Italian ambassador at Washington has asked Secretary Hay to request Minister Bowen to assume the protection of the Italiansjn Vene- zuela If such a step became necesgary and Hay complied with the request WILL TRY AGAIN England and Germany Passed Up Mr Says Request Washington Dec 16 The Italian ambassador today called at the state department and advised Secretary Hay that Italy had joined the allies In the operations against Venezuela He re quested that Mr Bowen assume charge- of the Italian Interests in Venezuela and the secretary granted this request subject to the approval of Venezuela Italy enters the combination on the same plane as to abstention from ter ritorial seizures as Germany and Great Britain Failing to h ear from Europe as to Mr Bowns proposal to arbitrate the Venezuelan troubles Secretary Hay to towIng the lone time I I 16The that Mr twO captured vessels to ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ V ONLY REMAINS FOR THE SENATE TO ACT Washington Dec Bliss who was sent to Havana to aid Minister Squieres In drafting a reciprocity treaty between the United f States and Cuba reached Washington this morning and delivered to 4 Secretary Hay the treaty signed In Havana last week It provides for a 20 per cent reduction In the tariff charges on Cuban products entering the United States and heavy reductions on American exports to Cuba The document that was signed In Havana is a treaty pure and simple and as such will be forwarded to the senate by Secretary Hay Minister Quesada Initiated the proceedings here for his gpvernment but was f 4 unable towing them to a successful conclusion expected that It would + be necessary for him to sign a definitive treaty here but owing to the thoroughness with which General Bliss prosecuted his work nothing j f further remains to be done by the executive branch 16General ho + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++++ + ++++ + ++++ + + ++ ++ + ++++ + +++ + ++++ + + + day addressed a cablegram to the United States ambassadors at London Berlin and Rome instructing them to call the matter again to the attention- of the governments to which they are accredited with a view to securing an early expression of opinion from them GERMANY GOES TOO FAST Great Britain Not Disposed to Follow the lead Berlin Dec newspapers here today print long dispatches indicating that British public opinion is against the partnership with Germany in con- nection with the coercion of Venezuela and the papers are evincing a certain amount of pique They suggest that would have done better to act 16The Germany ¬ alone and say the German government must think twice on a future occasion before agreeing to act with Brtian PATTING US ON THE BACK Secretary Hay Doing Just What the Allies Wanted Berlin Dec 16rThe German govern- ment has not yet replied to President Castros1 offer of arbitration being still in correspondence with the British ernment on the subject It is intimated that Germanys reply is not likely to be ready for some days The opinion in the cabinet appears to be that President Castros proposals the merely a move in a game designed to see what Germany and Great Brlt I reat go ¬ and Great Britain was made after tak ing into account what the United States thought of it At the same time it is claimed that events in Venezuela are saving the United States many future complications by letting the Latin republics understand that the United States will not protect them from the effects financial delinquency- and internal disorder SCARE OF LA GUATBA Fort Commander Fully Expected to Be Bombarded- La Guayra Dec 16 The arrival of the British cruiser Charybdis and tor pedo boat destroyer Quail yesterday Continued ort Page 2 r ¬ ¬ TROUBLES ARE PILING UP FOR ASTRO Dec 16 The Italian mln Venezuela Signor de received orders from Rome to leave Caracas tomorrow morn ing He will go on board the Italian cruiser Giovannia Bausan at La Guayra Signor de Riva has been instructed- by his government to present to the government of Venezuela In the form of an ultimatum Italys demand for the immediate payment of 542000 to meet the Italian claims arising from former revolutions As it is known that the Venezuelan government cannot pay the CARACAS ¬ amount demanded the communication to the minister includes orders to leave Venezuela at once The ultimatum from Italy is couched- in stronger terms than those used In the ultimatums presented to Venezuela- by Britain and Germany Italy will take Dart In future demonstra- tions against Venezuela The interests of Italy in Venezuela will be placed in the hands of United States Minister Bowen The Italian colony in Cara cas is a very numerous one The Italian shield over the legation door will be removed from the building and instructions will be sent to all Italian Great m ¬ ¬ alit are now willing to do and as a test also of American public feeling The prevailing Idea here at present is that if is too late to arbitrate and that the acceptance of the offer to do so would place Germany in the position of having her hand to the plow and as look- ing backward The governments con- cern 4 the present moment is to guide the application of force so as to avoid what could be taken Internationally as a declaration of war resulting in the recognition of Venezuela as a belliger ent The conduct of the United States is regarded in diplomatic opinion here as being strong and dignified and the state departments handling of the is looked upon as establishing Eu ropes recognition of the Monroe doc trine because every step of Germany af- fair ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ consuls in Venezuela to renrove the shields over their consulates This stei taken in order that the rupture between Italy and Venezuela may beapparent Italys ultimatum had not been deliv- ered at oclock this afternoon The Venezuelan government was not aware at that hour that the Italian minister had received instructions to present an ultimatum and leave Caracas iA government official remarked to a representative of the Associated Press that the United States and France are the only powers which do not attack Venezuela Caracas Dec 16 Senor de Riva pre j will be 2 ¬ ¬ sented Italys ultimatum to Venezuela aJjS tfcloek this afternoon AND BELGIUM More Bill Shoved Under the Nose of Venezuela Caracas Spanish min- ister to Senor da and the Belgian charge daf faires M Vander Heyde have present- ed a joint letter to the Venezuelan min- ister of foreign affairs in which they aSk in case the of other foreign powers stre pafQ By Venezuela that the same treatment given these powers be accorded to Spain and SPAIN 16The Venezuela Gytan J ala Ins ¬ ¬ WHEN NEAR Tt 4 t- t s 4 CIIRIS 1MA S BRA WS + + + + + ++ + + + + ++ + + + ++++ + +++ ++ ++++++ + ++ + + + + ++++ + ++ + + +++++ + + ++ + + +++ + + ++ + + + + + + + + A Day in the Life of the Wise Boy t- t 44i4 1V f 4 + ++++ + + ++ + +++ + + +++ + + + +++++ + + + + ++ + +++++ ++++ + + ++ + ++++ + + + ++ + + + + ++ +++++ + + + + + + LATIN AMERICA ALARMED REBELS TO THE RESCUE I NEW YORK Decv reply to I addressed to Its in the most I South American and Central American republics asking for the po- sition of each government in the Vene zuela situation the Associated Press has received the following replies Lima Peru Dec newspapers- of Peru in favor of collective ac- tion in support of Venezuela by all the South American republics The Pe- ruvian government however is not disposed to take any action in the mat ter The students of the university here at a meeting taut night resolved- to address expressions of sympathy to the students of the University of Cara casLa Paz Bolivia Dec 16 While the Bolivian government is not prepared- to take any steps to assist Venezuela- in the present crisis the newspapers of Bolivia express themselves in favor of joint action on the part of all the republics of South America In support- of Venezuela against the allied powers No Action likely San Salvador Salvador Dec newspapers here are urging the South American republics to support Venezu- ela but the government of Salvador Is not likely to take any Guayaquil Ecuador Dec 16 The news of the bombardment of the forts at Puerto Cafaello has further excited the Ecuadorians who were already greatly incensed at the sinking of the Venezuelan warships More than 3000 Venezuelans paraded the streets last night carrying the Ecuadorian Mexican and various South American flags Many patriotic speeches were i favor of a LatinAmerIcan alliance Perfect prevailed The govern ment is not likely to take any action however The newspapers here con- tinue to protest at the action taken by Germany and Great Britain They fur ther assert that the Monroe doctrine is only used when it suits the United States to appeal to it Buenos Ayres Argentina Dec 16 The government of Argentina officially denies that it contemplates Intervention In the dispute between Venezuela and the allied powers The newspapers are protesting against the action of the fleets of the allies Chile Not Interested Santiago Cfile Dee 16 Owing to the great distance separating the two countries little Is known here regard 16In s cor prom- inent 16The are I 16The I I delivered- In ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ing the origin of the differences be tween Venezuela and the allied powers But the gov6rnment and people of Chile deplore the events which have led the sister republic into a serious situation The Chilean government however has decided on complete abstention from any action Chiles principle has al- ways been to pay her debts and it Is held here that Venezuela ought to do the same At same time general opinion Is frankly against Lho action- of the great powers in treating a weak country in such a manner- It is claimed that the queatlons in dispute should be submitted to arbitra- tion and It is held that the United States should intervene in an amicable mannerNo Friends in Colombia Panama Colombia Dec 16 On ac count of his having helped the republic revolutionists President Castro of Venezuela has no friends in the Colombian government Influential members of the government In Panama side with Venezuela in the present dif- ficulty and hope that the United States will not allow Europe to trample on that countrys rights Were this done it is believed that the future of Latin America would be endangered Gov- ernment officials here believe that the time for the application of the Monroe doctrine has arrived Rio Janeiro Brazil Dec Brazilian government absolutely in different in regard to the Venezuela troubles High officials and prominent- men here do not sympathize with Pres ident Castro w Up to the time of sending out these dispatches the reply of Nicaragua had not been received MURDER AT ASPEN Aspen Colo Dec Attorney Gray today began an in Hb 4 vestigatlon Into the murder of Coutts a pioneer of Aspen 73 years old who was found dead 4 last evening in Owen Thorns hay 4 grain and coal store f There was a dep gash in Mr Coutts head which appeared to have been made with ap ix or a 4 4 hay hook Thorn who is 70 years f 4 old has been arrested on suspicion of having killed Coutts to whom 4 It Is said he owed 700 which he 4 Colom- bian 16The 16District James borrowed several yearS ago 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + ++++ +++ + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ + + + +++ + + +++ LA GUAYRA Dec Ameri can steamer Merlda belonging to the Red D line of New York ar- rived here this morning at 730 oclock from On board the Merida were El Mocha general who was recently re leased by President Castro froni prison- at Maracaibo the streets and piers of La Guayra were filled with a great crowd await- ing the arrival of Iiil Mocho The peo pie were orderly El Mocho from the Merida at 9 oclock The train run by the harbor corpora tion from where steamers tie up to the pier to the custom house waited as usual for the Meridas passengers but General Hernandez preferred to cover the distance to the custom house on footAfter a short conference with the ad ministrator General Hernandez ap peared on the balcony of the custom house and delivered a short speech He said Hernandez Will Fight Fellow Citizens I have been re- cently released from prison and here I anf6nce more among you I was re- leased as you know to assist in the defense of our cherished and loved country I heartily thank you for the spontaneous demonstration of sympathy and welcome that you have given me Upon leaving prison I was informed of the great international question which confronts our country and of the grave danger of our being once more reduced to the yoke of dependence Im- mediately I put aside all party ques tions for in this hour of need against the aggressors our beloved country calls for the services of all her sons Fellow citizens 1 call on you all to put aside party feelings and rally to one flag When once we have succeeded in Vindicating our national honor we will all unite In a bond of unity we will forget past and we will try to bring about the spirit of peace We will work together for the advancement- of our country which Is a second Pol and the Poland of South America Greeted With Cheers After having delivered his speech El Mocho took aspeclal train to Macuto- a summer resort not far from La Guayra where he was followed by large crowds who continually cheered 16The Cura oa Hernandez the I I Long before the arrival of the Merida i I disem- barked W revo- lutionary lIe t1e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ him Later the revolutionary leader left for Caracas SCENE AT CARACAS Demonstration in Honor of the Revo- lutionary Leader Caracas Dec Hernan dez reached Caracas at 5 oclock this afternoon He was received at the railroad station with great enthusiasm by 15W of his partisans who tried to unharness the horses attached to his carriage and themselves draw the gen- eral in triumph At the generals ceased from this en- deavor After leaving the railroad sta- tion General Hernandez drove to Slira flores palace the residence of President Castro From his carriage the revolu- tionary leader addressed the president of the country President appeared a balcony of the palace and made an address in reply to El Mocho The greatest order prevailed throughout the demonstration given General Hernandez in Caracas The followers of El Mocho gave assurances that they will assist President Castro- to overcome the difficulties at present confronting Venezuela FOR 4 THE VENEZUELANS 4 Puerto Dec has + been learned here that during the + 4 bombardment of Puerto Cabello + 4 Dec 13 by the British cruiser + Oharyfcdls and the German cruiser 4 Vineta the Charytdis was struck 4 4 In the bow by at shot fired from a 4 4 cannon on the Plaza Brusuel The + 4 Vineta was struck twice by the 4 4 Venezuelan cannon fire 4 The report which has been in 4 4 circulation jiere that an officer of 4 4 the Vineta was killed during the 4 bombardment by a rifle bullet 4 4 fired from the appears now to be true left this 4 port suddenly although it was + supposed that she would stay here + to protect German Interests She + is at present at Willemstad Cura 4 cao where she arrived with her 4 4 flag flyjng at half mast It is 4 + the German cruiser 4 4 went t9WineiJistad for the pun 4 4 qf burying the dead officer 4 there 16General re- quest on FIRST LOOD Cab llo 16It spore t at e 4 4 e 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + > + + + + + + + + ++ + ++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + > + + +++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ + QUESTION interesting Executive Session at Which Several Leading Statesmen Expressed Their Views Warning of Stewart of Nevada Who Thought the United States r Might Expect an Attack at Any DISCUSSES THE VENEZUELAN Time f ASHINGTON Dec IS The Vene ztieiaa queutton occupied the at- tention of the senate in execu- tive ceMa today for almost an thaw The question came in formaKy almost immediately after i tlMNtaonr were closed Senator Teller dMifBring all intention of being crit aad saying he merely desired in- formation asked Senator Culloth chair- man of the committee on foreign rela- tions what information he possessed as trf the Venezuelan affair Mr Teller said that the situation was such senators felt that the Monroe doctrine- at any time might become involved if the complication should His Knowledge Limited Senator Cullom replied to the inquiry that he had no knowledge of recent events not contained in the house prints Messrs Bacon Hoar Lodge and Stewart all made remarks In none of their addresses was anything harsh or critical said The tone of all the speeches whether by Republicans or Democrats was that the attitude of this nation should be one of watchful ness There was a general agreement that while the means adopted by Great Britain and Germany for the collection of their aebts had been quite strenu ous they thus far had committed no infringement of the Monroe doctrine and therefore had done nothing to which the United States could take ex- ception Correspondence Quoted This was the position of Senator Cul horn as it was of other senators who spoke Mr Cullom said that micb light- as to the attitude of the administra tion had been obtained by oonsultlng the correspondence between the state department and the German ambassa- dor year ago He then called atten- tion to the fact that on flee 1901 the representative of Emperor William the mafcc of Venezuelas debts ahdher apparent U them to the attention of the secretary a The German ambassador in his letter gave the department com- plete information from the German standpoint of the position of his gov- ernment Venezuelas Default He said that for seven years Vene zuela has failed to pay interest on a debt to German citizens of about i 006009 contracted in the construction- of a railroad and in addition there were other debts amounting to about 709960 due to German citizens from Venezuela which it had proved impos sible to collect He added that every known peaceful means had been tried to secure the money and his govern- ment feeling that patience had ceased- to be a virtue had decided to use co ercive means It was decided l w 11 up J I tha- I I a 10 had roug t stat 1 continue- ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ iORT AU PRINC Hay ti Dec p 16 General Saint Fofx Colin minister of the interior and opponent of General Nerd in the contest for the presidency hal sought refuge in the United States There has been much firing in the city and a state of great excitement prevails All the military authorities who have been supporters of Seneque Pierres candidacy for the presidency and there- fore opposed to General Nord Bought refuge in the consulates General Nord is acclaimed president by the troops and seems master of the situation notwithstanding the fact SIX CHILDREN KILLED- The Mother Fatally plosion of a Glass Gas Tank at Fort Lee N J I Fort Lee N J Dec the ex plosion of a small glass gas tank to day the residence of John PuglugJiH was demolished his six children in stantly killed and his wifeso seriously injured that her recovery is despaired of The dead Ma Puslushli aged 14 years Tilly aged 12 years Ire aged 1 years Adelaide aged 3 years George aged 5 years cellar and supplied tile illuminating for the building I le- gation I I InjuredEx 16By R age The tank that OOd was In pas 6 Clorinda 22 the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ever he said that it should explior- Itty understood that whatever steig might be taken by his country there was no desire to encroach on or inter- fere with the Monroe doctrine explanation he thought was due to the United States as the only purpose of his government was to assist Its peo- ple in collecting debts due them Monroe Doctrine Not a Shield Secretary Hay replied Doc 16 1901 saying in effect that the Monroe doc- trine was not intended to shield any American nation from payment o its honest debts and that its purpose was to prevent the acquisition of terri- tory by old world nations To furth t elucidate the position of th Unit 1 States on the Monroe doctrine h quoted from the first annual m sage President Roosevelt which had been in the hands of congress for only a few daysWhen Senator Cullom had conclude1 Senator Lodge celled attention to th declaration attributed to Lord Lans- downe by todays dispatches that there- is no disposition or desire on the part of Great Britain to acquire any Vene zuelan territory No Party Division Senator Bacon of Georgia a leading minority member of the committee n foreign affairs said that on a question of this kind there was no party divi- sion that everybody would stand the administration in doing what was best for the There was no desire on the part of any one t j embarrass those who were in ml of affairs and upon whom devolved the duty of protecting American interests The maintenance of the Monroe Jr trine he added devolved on the whole people Senator Hoar said that thus tVr nothing had been done to cause apnrr hension and he expressed the opinion that for the present tile government o the United States could do nothir more than keep a watchful eye on the jsttuatten F Stewarf Warning Senator Stewart dwelt somewhat on the bomliardment of the Venezuelan forts and said that that incident should be accepted by our government as a warning of what this country might expect whenever excuse might offer He gave as his reason for his admoni tion the fact that our recent acquisi- tion of territory had aroused the jeal- ousy of all the European powers and that they might attack us at any time Not in two generations he could we build a navy equal to that of Great Britain but we can strength- en our coast fortifications and in view of Venezuelas experience it behooves us to do so As there was no formal question fore the senate the matter was dropped lie th of Wit l general good con e sail p This 1 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > General Nord Acclaimed President of the Troops and the Other Candidates SougHt Refuge in United i States Legation ft WS IN nAYT fit 0 OD 0 that the majority of congress is In favor of Senor Pierre It is beHevel General Nord will dissolve the chamber- of commerce and the senate will order other elections which will result in his favor ft Firing continued this afternoon in the streets but the foreign residents are in no danger Washington Dec following cablegram has been received from Vice Consul General Jerres from Port au Prince today General Nord arrived Sunday Great excitement Shooting in streets Sec- retary of interior with general of police- at legation Serious trouble expected ROMANCE IN SANPETE Young Lady Advertises For a Nice Young Man For Matrimonial Purposes and Gets Him Special to Th Herald Ephraim Dec IS The marriage of Mii Petersen of this place and Arthur of Chartettee Mich which took place in Salt Lake City last Saturday reveals a romance About two months ago Miss Petersen placed an advert ment in a Chicago matrimonial riling some nice man to corn with her Regular correspondence onsi between the contracting parties piv graphs were and last Sa t day they m t in Salt Lake Oity and T united in marriage are j r visiting in this city th gi sts i brides parents Mr and Mrs HxJ Petersen 16The Horn yot p Try t I paper ¬ > SAVED 1 San Francisco Dec 16 In a fire which destroye f at 511 Post street at an early hour this morning s t narrow escapee woman MrS Ray Stump- In jumping from a second story window Two R Gilbert were slightly burned in escaping from J Adele Redpath a visitor from Seattle was caught was rescued by firemen M Mrs Redpath surrounded by the flames whicM hair and licking her garments sat in the window cfl directed the firemen their efforts to reach her wfl ladder was finally placed within her reach Mrs f hand over hand from the burning building amll t r tators Only her coolness saved her from injury i death 1 A and one tens 0 In Qq I Q OF- fo WOi1ANS COOLNESS + 4 + 4 1 + + + = = + + + + + ++ + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + ++ = ++ ± + +
Page 1: rI THE SALT JEA- E jjjjj - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1902-12-17/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · THE J1ETALS Sliver S56c per ounce Copper He per pound


Sliver S56c per ounceCopper He per pound Now York

100 poundsLoad J3GO per ICO pounds THE SALT WEATHER TODAY


Probably Snow





4 4


p I

rI 1






Britain and Germany Determined the Cup of

Humiliation Shall Be Drained to the Dregs

United States Exemption inCase the Allies Carry Out

Their Threat of Blockade V

London Dec 16 At the foreign office this evening it was said thatno decision had yet been arrived at In regard to Venezuelan arbitrationMany difficulties have arisen in the way of arriving at a basis of what

+ can be arbitrated and what can be otherwise settled The outlook for-a pacific settlement of the dispute is not particularly bright

Berlin Dec 16 Minister Bowens communication to Germany throughthe United States government In behalf of President Castro receivedhere yesterday was a simple to arbitrate the questions In dlspute and was not accompanied by any conditions

f Berlin Dec Hays note excepting American ships fromcertain restrictions of the Venezuelan blockade Is favorably received bythe German government The foreign office treats the matter as notraising any essential as being within precedent since Secretary Shermdn made a similar reservation in the Cretan blockade Theprecise status of American vessels under the blockade will be defined inan official notification

London Dec 16 Replying to a question In the house of commons ++ today Under Foreign Secretary Cranborne said ho attempt had been4 made by Great Britain to refer the dispute with Venezuela to 4

Replying to a question in the house pf lords today Lord Lansdowne+ the foreign secretary said that If the seizure of the Venezuelan gunboats +4 did not produce the desirjed effect further coercive measures would be em +4 ployed The matter had been considered in consultation with Germany 4

and it had been decided to resort to a blockade of the ports It was not+ intended to land a British force and still less to occupy Venezuelan ter ++ ritory i vZ




Will Claim


44 4i4



+difficulty and


4fr 4


I i 4 L A A a i A


+ +

++ ++ +




++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++

+ ++

+ ++

+ +++ ++ +++

+ ++


+ +


Dec 16 Judging from

office the Venezuelansituation tonight does not appear-

to be any nearer a settlementIp to a late hour tonight nosuggestion had been made that GreatBritain could eventually see Its way tosubmitting Its claim to arbitration and

the foreign office points out that Ven

ezuelas offer to arbitrate is extremelyvague President Castro in the com-

munication in which he expresses hiswillingness to resort to arbitration

of British subjects in Venezuela willrespected pending the Theforeign office declares that some mai-

lers are to urbitrate in-

stancing the disrespectful treatment ofMr Haggard British minister to Ven-

ezuelaTo arbitrate the financial claims will

meet with no opposition In official cir-

cles in London nor is ther any desireto stir up opposition by continuing unjfessarlly the present armed compactrtith Germany but quoting fromforeign dfflcfe at the same time theroIs not the slightest inclination to letVenezuela go unpunished for her repeated Insults and Injuries Theto arbitrate comes verylate in the day

Ve are not seeking a quarrel but wemust insure ourselves against a recur-rence of the acts which led to thepresent situation

The foreign office appears to be withdut official cognizance of the attitude ofthe Washington government although-it Is convinced unofficially that Wash-ington is anxious that further hostili-ties be avoided It to known that theforeign office has made Inquiry as towhether the United States would bewilling to guarantee the fulfilling ofVenezuelas pledges either at the

cessation of the present Eu-ropean action or pending the award ofarbitration This inquiry resulted in adirect negative from the United States

With the guarantee of the UnitedStates the foreign office says arbitration In the Venezuelan matter would bean Immediate probability but with onlythe word of a government hitherto un-reliable arbitration Is difficult of ac-cepting even upon the points where international relations admit of such amethod of settlement


Capture of the Venezuelan Ships Nota Measure of War

Caracas Dec 16 The governor ofMargarita island reports that Britishand German warships are oft that islandMinister Bowen yesterday politelyrefused to have a monster patrioticparade pass before the United Statesgallon Every one here hopes thatthe arbitration proposed by Venezuelathrough Mr Bowen and Washingtonwill be granted

When the combined fleets seized theVenezuelan ships at La Guayra thecjerman commander delivered to theVenezuelan captains the following doc-ument

By order of my sovereign and atcommand of the commodore of theGerman squadron In West Indian wa-tnrs I the commander of the Pantherrequest you to lower yaur shipsyour crew within ten minutes This Isnot a measure of war on the part ofGermany but only with the object ofmaking a provisional seizure of yourship in order to oblige the Venezuelangovernment to recognize our just demands In case you disobeyto defend your ship I will be obliged toprevent you from so doing by the dis-charge of arms Dec 1


Sinking of the ShipsFurther details f the sinking of the

Venezuelan ships have been obtained

LONDON given out by the

proldes g ifrflJitee tfuttther1ghtQ







immediately and leave your ship with

and wish























from an entry made in the book of thesignalmen of the fortress of La GuayraIt is as follows

Tuesday Dec 9 130 night The adjutant called me to see If I knew thesteamer Retribution of the Englishnavy was steamers Crespoand Totune of the national navy threeor four miles north I had heard forcannon shots and said the two steamers had disappeared and understoodthey had been sunk by the Vlneta andRetribution At the end of an hour theRetribution returned to the harboralone

SignedSignal Commander of the Forts

The fact that the Retribution returned tor La Guayra hoarsafter leaving with thewas confirmed by English residentstOfLa Guayra did nothave conduct the Venezuelan1ships to Curacao or Trinidad

It Is now said that the object of theGerman cruiser Panther in sailing forMaracaibo is to capture the Venezuelansteamer Miranda formerly the Spanishtorpedo boat Diego Velesquez and theremaining vessels of the Venezuelanfleet


Good Offices of Minister Bowen AgainRequested

Rome Dec claims of Italy-on Venezuela preferred by ForeignForeign Minister Prinetti in the chamber of deputies here yesterday com-prise losses sustained by Italian citizensc during the recent revolutionMost of 7618 Italian residents of Venezuela have been heavy losers TheDoggioll firm from Elba island is thegreatest sufferer All Its property wassacked Other important losers are anengineer named Martlnettl and exDeputy Fagi controller of the Maricual mines which were invaded by theVenezuela troops who destroyedeverything and obliged the Italianminers to flee from the country Allthe marble works in Venezuela besidesother Industries were in the hands ofItalians hence the aggregate of theItalian claims for damages is large

Italys Instructions-The instructions transmitted to Cap

tain Orslnl comamnder of the Italiancruiser Giovanni Bausan now at LaGunyra are to act In full accord withthe British and German commanders inthe blockade of the Venezuelan coastand any other measures which may beconsidered necessary in order to reachthe desired object The Italian government however does not anticipatehaving to cooperate In a very seriousaction

The Italian cruiser Elba is expected-to reach La Guayra Jan 4

N further orders have been sent tothe Italian ormored cruiser Carlo Alberto to leave Canadian waters forVenezuela-

It is said here that Signor Mayor DesBlanches the Italian ambassador atWashington has asked Secretary Hayto request Minister Bowen to assumethe protection of the Italiansjn Vene-zuela If such a step became necesgaryand Hay complied with therequest


England and Germany Passed UpMr Says Request

Washington Dec 16 The Italianambassador today called at the statedepartment and advised Secretary Haythat Italy had joined the allies In theoperations against Venezuela He requested that Mr Bowen assume charge-of the Italian Interests in Venezuelaand the secretary granted this requestsubject to the approval of VenezuelaItaly enters the combination on thesame plane as to abstention from territorial seizures as Germany and GreatBritain

Failing to h ear from Europe as toMr Bowns proposal to arbitrate theVenezuelan troubles Secretary Hay to

towIng the






that Mr

twOcaptured vessels













Washington Dec Bliss who was sent to Havana to aidMinister Squieres In drafting a reciprocity treaty between the United

f States and Cuba reached Washington this morning and delivered to4 Secretary Hay the treaty signed In Havana last week It provides for

a 20 per cent reduction In the tariff charges on Cuban products enteringthe United States and heavy reductions on American exports to Cuba

The document that was signed In Havana is a treaty pure and simpleand as such will be forwarded to the senate by Secretary Hay MinisterQuesada Initiated the proceedings here for his gpvernment but was f

4 unable towing them to a successful conclusion expected that It would +be necessary for him to sign a definitive treaty here but owing to thethoroughness with which General Bliss prosecuted his work nothing

j f further remains to be done by the executive branch




+ +



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day addressed a cablegram to theUnited States ambassadors at LondonBerlin and Rome instructing them tocall the matter again to the attention-of the governments to which they areaccredited with a view to securing anearly expression of opinion from them


Great Britain Not Disposed to Followthe lead

Berlin Dec newspapers heretoday print long dispatches indicatingthat British public opinion is againstthe partnership with Germany in con-nection with the coercion of Venezuelaand the papers are evincing a certainamount of pique They suggest that

would have done better to act




alone and say the German governmentmust think twice on a future occasionbefore agreeing to act withBrtian


Secretary Hay Doing Just What theAllies Wanted

Berlin Dec 16rThe German govern-ment has not yet replied to PresidentCastros1 offer of arbitration being stillin correspondence with the Britishernment on the subject It is intimatedthat Germanys reply is not likely to beready for some days

The opinion in the cabinet appears tobe that President Castros proposalsthe merely a move in a game designedto see what Germany and Great Brlt





and Great Britain was made after taking into account what the UnitedStates thought of it At the same timeit is claimed that events in Venezuelaare saving the United States manyfuture complications by letting theLatin republics understand that theUnited States will not protect themfrom the effects financial delinquency-and internal disorder


Fort Commander Fully Expected toBe Bombarded-

La Guayra Dec 16 The arrival ofthe British cruiser Charybdis and torpedo boat destroyer Quail yesterday

Continued ort Page 2





Venezuela Signor dereceived orders from

Rome to leave Caracas tomorrow morning He will go on board the Italiancruiser Giovannia Bausan at LaGuayra

Signor de Riva has been instructed-by his government to present to thegovernment of Venezuela In the formof an ultimatum Italys demand for theimmediate payment of 542000 to meetthe Italian claims arising from formerrevolutions As it is known that theVenezuelan government cannot pay the



amount demanded the communicationto the minister includes orders to leaveVenezuela at once

The ultimatum from Italy is couched-in stronger terms than those used Inthe ultimatums presented to Venezuela-by Britain and Germany Italywill take Dart In future demonstra-tions against Venezuela The interestsof Italy in Venezuela will be placed inthe hands of United States MinisterBowen The Italian colony in Caracas is a very numerous one TheItalian shield over the legation doorwill be removed from the building andinstructions will be sent to all Italian





alit are now willing to do and as a testalso of American public feeling Theprevailing Idea here at present is thatif is too late to arbitrate and that theacceptance of the offer to do so wouldplace Germany in the position of having

her hand to the plow and as look-ing backward The governments con-cern 4 the present moment is to guidethe application of force so as to avoidwhat could be taken Internationally asa declaration of war resulting in therecognition of Venezuela as a belligerent

The conduct of the United States isregarded in diplomatic opinion here asbeing strong and dignified and thestate departments handling of the

is looked upon as establishing Europes recognition of the Monroe doctrine because every step of Germany





consuls in Venezuela to renrove theshields over their consulates Thisstei taken in order that therupture between Italy and Venezuelamay beapparent

Italys ultimatum had not been deliv-ered at oclock this afternoon TheVenezuelan government was not awareat that hour that the Italian ministerhad received instructions to present anultimatum and leave Caracas

iA government official remarked to arepresentative of the Associated Press

that the United States andFrance are the only powers which donot attack Venezuela

Caracas Dec 16 Senor de Riva pre


will be


sented Italys ultimatum to VenezuelaaJjS tfcloek this afternoon


More Bill Shoved Under the Nose ofVenezuela

Caracas Spanish min-ister to Senor da

and the Belgian charge daffaires M Vander Heyde have present-ed a joint letter to the Venezuelan min-ister of foreign affairs in which theyaSk in case the of other foreignpowers stre pafQ By Venezuela that thesame treatment given these powers beaccorded to Spain and


16TheVenezuela Gytan

J ala







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+ + + +

A Day in the Life of the Wise Boy t-

t44i4 1V f 4+++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + ++ +++ + + + +


NEWYORK Decv reply to I

addressed to Itsin the most I

South American and CentralAmerican republics asking for the po-

sition of each government in the Venezuela situation the Associated Presshas received the following replies

Lima Peru Dec newspapers-of Peru in favor of collective ac-

tion in support of Venezuela by all theSouth American republics The Pe-ruvian government however is notdisposed to take any action in the matter The students of the universityhere at a meeting taut night resolved-to address expressions of sympathy tothe students of the University of CaracasLa Paz Bolivia Dec 16 While theBolivian government is not prepared-to take any steps to assist Venezuela-in the present crisis the newspapersof Bolivia express themselves in favorof joint action on the part of all therepublics of South America In support-of Venezuela against the allied powers

No Action likelySan Salvador Salvador Dec

newspapers here are urging the SouthAmerican republics to support Venezu-

ela but the government of Salvador Isnot likely to take any

Guayaquil Ecuador Dec 16 Thenews of the bombardment of the fortsat Puerto Cafaello has further excitedthe Ecuadorians who were alreadygreatly incensed at the sinking of theVenezuelan warships More than 3000Venezuelans paraded the streets lastnight carrying the Ecuadorian Mexicanand various South American flagsMany patriotic speeches were i

favor of a LatinAmerIcan alliancePerfect prevailed The government is not likely to take any actionhowever The newspapers here con-tinue to protest at the action taken byGermany and Great Britain They further assert that the Monroe doctrine isonly used when it suits the UnitedStates to appeal to it

Buenos Ayres Argentina Dec 16The government of Argentina officiallydenies that it contemplates InterventionIn the dispute between Venezuela andthe allied powers The newspapers areprotesting against the action of thefleets of the allies

Chile Not InterestedSantiago Cfile Dee 16 Owing to

the great distance separating the twocountries little Is known here regard

16Ins cor



16Theare I














Ing the origin of the differences between Venezuela and the allied powersBut the gov6rnment and people of Chiledeplore the events which have led thesister republic into a serious situationThe Chilean government however hasdecided on complete abstention fromany action Chiles principle has al-ways been to pay her debts and it Isheld here that Venezuela ought to dothe same At same time generalopinion Is frankly against Lho action-of the great powers in treating a weakcountry in such a manner-

It is claimed that the queatlons indispute should be submitted to arbitra-tion and It is held that the UnitedStates should intervene in an amicablemannerNo Friends in Colombia

Panama Colombia Dec 16 On account of his having helped the

republic revolutionists PresidentCastro of Venezuela has no friends inthe Colombian government Influentialmembers of the government In Panamaside with Venezuela in the present dif-ficulty and hope that the United Stateswill not allow Europe to trample onthat countrys rights Were this doneit is believed that the future of LatinAmerica would be endangered Gov-ernment officials here believe that thetime for the application of the Monroedoctrine has arrived

Rio Janeiro Brazil DecBrazilian government absolutely indifferent in regard to the Venezuelatroubles High officials and prominent-men here do not sympathize with President Castro w

Up to the time of sending out thesedispatches the reply of Nicaragua hadnot been received


Aspen Colo DecAttorney Gray today began an in Hb

4 vestigatlon Into the murder ofCoutts a pioneer of Aspen

73 years old who was found dead 4last evening in Owen Thorns hay 4grain and coal store f

There was a dep gash in MrCoutts head which appeared tohave been made with ap ix or a 4

4 hay hook Thorn who is 70 years f4 old has been arrested on suspicion

of having killed Coutts to whom4 It Is said he owed 700 which he 4





borrowed several yearS ago

44 44













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++ ++++++

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can steamer Merlda belonging tothe Red D line of New York ar-

rived here this morning at 730 oclockfrom On board the Meridawere El Mocha

general who was recently released by President Castro froni prison-at Maracaibo

the streets and piers of La Guayrawere filled with a great crowd await-ing the arrival of Iiil Mocho The peopie were orderly El Mocho

from the Merida at 9 oclockThe train run by the harbor corporation from where steamers tie up to thepier to the custom house waited asusual for the Meridas passengers butGeneral Hernandez preferred to coverthe distance to the custom house onfootAfter a short conference with the administrator General Hernandez appeared on the balcony of the customhouse and delivered a short speech Hesaid

Hernandez Will FightFellow Citizens I have been re-

cently released from prison and here Ianf6nce more among you I was re-leased as you know to assist in thedefense of our cherished andloved country I heartily thank youfor the spontaneous demonstration ofsympathy and welcome that you havegiven me

Upon leaving prison I was informedof the great international questionwhich confronts our country and of thegrave danger of our being once morereduced to the yoke of dependence Im-mediately I put aside all party questions for in this hour of need againstthe aggressors our beloved countrycalls for the services of all her sonsFellow citizens 1 call on you all to putaside party feelings and rally to oneflag When once we have succeeded inVindicating our national honor we willall unite In a bond of unity we willforget past and we will try tobring about the spirit of peace Wewill work together for the advancement-of our country which Is a second Poland the Poland of South America

Greeted With CheersAfter having delivered his speech El

Mocho took aspeclal train to Macuto-a summer resort not far from LaGuayra where he was followed bylarge crowds who continually cheered


Cura oaHernandez the



Long before the arrival of the Merida i


















him Later the revolutionary leaderleft for Caracas


Demonstration in Honor of the Revo-lutionary Leader

Caracas Dec Hernandez reached Caracas at 5 oclock thisafternoon He was received at therailroad station with great enthusiasmby 15W of his partisans who tried tounharness the horses attached to hiscarriage and themselves draw the gen-eral in triumph At the generals

ceased from this en-deavor After leaving the railroad sta-tion General Hernandez drove to Sliraflores palace the residence of PresidentCastro From his carriage the revolu-tionary leader addressed the presidentof the country Presidentappeared a balcony of the palaceand made an address in reply to ElMocho The greatest order prevailedthroughout the demonstration givenGeneral Hernandez in Caracas Thefollowers of El Mocho gave assurancesthat they will assist President Castro-to overcome the difficulties at presentconfronting Venezuela


4 Puerto Dec has +been learned here that during the +

4 bombardment of Puerto Cabello +4 Dec 13 by the British cruiser +

Oharyfcdls and the German cruiser4 Vineta the Charytdis was struck 44 In the bow by at shot fired from a 44 cannon on the Plaza Brusuel The +4 Vineta was struck twice by the 44 Venezuelan cannon fire4 The report which has been in 44 circulation jiere that an officer of 44 the Vineta was killed during the4 bombardment by a rifle bullet 44 fired from the appears now

to be true left this4 port suddenly although it was+ supposed that she would stay here+ to protect German Interests She+ is at present at Willemstad Cura4 cao where she arrived with her 44 flag flyjng at half mast It is 4+ the German cruiser 44 went t9WineiJistad for the pun 44 qf burying the dead officer 4






Cab llo 16It


t ate


e 4









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+ +



+ +++++


++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + +


interesting Executive Session at Which SeveralLeading Statesmen Expressed Their Views

Warning of Stewart of Nevada Who Thought the United Statesr Might Expect an Attack at Any




ASHINGTON Dec IS The Veneztieiaa queutton occupied the at-tention of the senate in execu-

tive ceMa today for almost anthaw The question came informaKy almost immediately after

i tlMNtaonr were closed Senator TellerdMifBring all intention of being crit

aad saying he merely desired in-formation asked Senator Culloth chair-man of the committee on foreign rela-tions what information he possessedas trf the Venezuelan affair Mr Tellersaid that the situation was suchsenators felt that the Monroe doctrine-at any time might become involved ifthe complication should

His Knowledge LimitedSenator Cullom replied to the inquiry

that he had no knowledge of recentevents not contained in the houseprints

Messrs Bacon Hoar Lodge andStewart all made remarks In none oftheir addresses was anything harsh orcritical said The tone of all thespeeches whether by Republicans orDemocrats was that the attitude ofthis nation should be one of watchfulness There was a general agreementthat while the means adopted by GreatBritain and Germany for the collectionof their aebts had been quite strenuous they thus far had committed noinfringement of the Monroe doctrineand therefore had done nothing towhich the United States could take ex-ception

Correspondence QuotedThis was the position of Senator Cul

horn as it was of other senators whospoke Mr Cullom said that micb light-as to the attitude of the administration had been obtained by oonsultlngthe correspondence between the statedepartment and the German ambassa-dor year ago He then called atten-tion to the fact that on flee 1901the representative of Emperor William

the mafcc of Venezuelasdebts ahdher apparent Uthem to the attention of the secretarya The German ambassador inhis letter gave the department com-plete information from the Germanstandpoint of the position of his gov-ernment

Venezuelas DefaultHe said that for seven years Vene

zuela has failed to pay interest on adebt to German citizens of about i006009 contracted in the construction-of a railroad and in addition there wereother debts amounting to about709960 due to German citizens fromVenezuela which it had proved impossible to collect He added that everyknown peaceful means had been triedto secure the money and his govern-ment feeling that patience had ceased-to be a virtue had decided to use coercive means It was decided l w









had roug t



















iORT AU PRINC Hay ti Decp 16 General Saint Fofx Colin

minister of the interior andopponent of General Nerd in thecontest for the presidency halsought refuge in the United States

There has been much firing inthe city and a state of great excitementprevails

All the military authorities who havebeen supporters of Seneque Pierrescandidacy for the presidency and there-fore opposed to General Nord Boughtrefuge in the consulates

General Nord is acclaimed presidentby the troops and seems master of thesituation notwithstanding the fact


The Mother Fatallyplosion of a Glass Gas Tank

at Fort Lee N J

I Fort Lee N J Dec the explosion of a small glass gas tank today the residence of John PuglugJiHwas demolished his six children instantly killed and his wifeso seriouslyinjured that her recovery is despairedof The dead

Ma Puslushli aged 14 yearsTilly aged 12 yearsIre aged 1 yearsAdelaide aged 3 yearsGeorge aged 5 years

cellar and supplied tile illuminatingfor the building








R ageThe tank that OOd was In


Clorinda 22the






ever he said that it should explior-Itty understood that whatever steigmight be taken by his country therewas no desire to encroach on or inter-fere with the Monroe doctrineexplanation he thought was due to theUnited States as the only purpose ofhis government was to assist Its peo-ple in collecting debts due them

Monroe Doctrine Not a ShieldSecretary Hay replied Doc 16 1901

saying in effect that the Monroe doc-trine was not intended to shield anyAmerican nation from payment oits honest debts and that its purposewas to prevent the acquisition of terri-tory by old world nations To furth t

elucidate the position of th Unit 1States on the Monroe doctrine hquoted from the first annual m sage

President Roosevelt which had beenin the hands of congress for only a fewdaysWhen

Senator Cullom had conclude1Senator Lodge celled attention to thdeclaration attributed to Lord Lans-downe by todays dispatches that there-is no disposition or desire on the partof Great Britain to acquire any Venezuelan territory

No Party DivisionSenator Bacon of Georgia a leading

minority member of the committee nforeign affairs said that on a questionof this kind there was no party divi-sion that everybody would standthe administration in doing what wasbest for the There wasno desire on the part of any one t jembarrass those who were in mlof affairs and upon whom devolved theduty of protecting American interestsThe maintenance of the Monroe J rtrine he added devolved on the wholepeople

Senator Hoar said that thus tVrnothing had been done to cause apnrrhension and he expressed the opinionthat for the present tile government othe United States could do nothirmore than keep a watchful eye on thejsttuatten F

Stewarf WarningSenator Stewart dwelt somewhat on

the bomliardment of the Venezuelanforts and said that that incident shouldbe accepted by our government as awarning of what this country mightexpect whenever excuse might offerHe gave as his reason for his admonition the fact that our recent acquisi-tion of territory had aroused the jeal-ousy of all the European powers andthat they might attack us at any timeNot in two generations he

could we build a navy equal to thatof Great Britain but we can strength-en our coast fortifications and in viewof Venezuelas experience it behoovesus to do so

As there was no formal questionfore the senate the matter wasdropped




Wit lgeneral good
















General Nord Acclaimed President of the Troops and the OtherCandidates SougHt Refuge in United

i States Legation

ft WS IN nAYTfit 0OD 0

that the majority of congress is Infavor of Senor Pierre It is beHevelGeneral Nord will dissolve the chamber-of commerce and the senate will orderother elections which will result in hisfavor ft

Firing continued this afternoon in thestreets but the foreign residents are inno danger

Washington Dec followingcablegram has been received fromVice Consul General Jerres from Portau Prince today

General Nord arrived Sunday Greatexcitement Shooting in streets Sec-retary of interior with general of police-at legation Serious trouble expected


Young Lady Advertises For a NiceYoung Man For Matrimonial

Purposes and Gets Him

Special to Th HeraldEphraim Dec IS The marriage of Mii

Petersen of this place and Arthurof Chartettee Mich which took

place in Salt Lake City last Saturdayreveals a romance About two monthsago Miss Petersen placed an advertment in a Chicago matrimonialriling some nice man to cornwith her Regular correspondence onsibetween the contracting parties pivgraphs were and last Sa t

day they m t in Salt Lake Oity and Tunited in marriage are j rvisiting in this city th gi sts ibrides parents Mr and Mrs HxJPetersen



yot p

Try t






San Francisco Dec 16 In a fire which destroyef at 511 Post street at an early hour this morning st narrow escapee woman MrS Ray Stump-

In jumping from a second story window TwoR Gilbert were slightly burned in escaping from JAdele Redpath a visitor from Seattle was caughtwas rescued by firemen M

Mrs Redpath surrounded by the flames whicMhair and licking her garments sat in the window cfldirected the firemen their efforts to reach her wflladder was finally placed within her reach Mrs

f hand over hand from the burning building amll tr tators Only her coolness saved her from injury i

death 1


and onetens


In Qq














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