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Richard Kivert (1958)

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RELEASED ON BAILOrdered held for the Livingston County Grand Jury on a charge of carnal abuse of a child, Richard Kivert, 18, of 167 Center Street, New Rochelle, was released on bail followng his arraignment before Genesee Police Justice Angelo Spezzano, Saturday.Chief Deputy Arthur Farrell arrested Kivert on a warrant after he surrendered himself to the custody of Sheriff H. Donald McColl. Assisting in the investigation were Undersheriff James Emery and Deputy Douglas Mills.See also: 512 F. 2d 1241 - Age of Majority Educational Corporation v. Preller Modern Social Education Inc, http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/512/
) r m ira i f- Ill \ 41 • f i •? t WJLJXIVIJER Gas and Oil Burners Operate an i25252525Z525Z525Z5Z52S25c the Fuel Cost Save Money! Install the Modern Type!| —and you can save money and lower costs if you plan now to install the modern type! COMPETE INSTALLATION-GUARANTEED RESULTS * Visit Our Salesroom and See For Yourself A Complete Display) WE CLEAN and SERVICE ALL MAKES OF Burners, Furnaces and Boilers —24-Hour Service— \ BARBER HEATING ENTE1 Phone Donsville 823 24 Franklin Street Donsville, N. Y. i \ < PERMANENT Wi TIME and EASTER So Be Here! We feature the following well known makes of Permanent*: ROCKETTE, Instant Wave ZOTOS DOUBLE, Instant Wave RAYETTE DU-ETTE, Instant Wove In our Beauty Salon you receive the best perman- ent wave technique, AND you will receive the latest haircut which lays the foundation for a good perman- ent. We have a price to fit every pocketbook. , . ./ -' We use the finest lanolin enriched cream lotion for all types of hair which leaves no chemical smell. JO & CHARLES BEAUTY SALON Specializing in—Haircufttaf, Hairstyling, firm Swat Waving and Jhe? Tinting 41 North Main Street Phone 578 Mt. Morris M If 1 t 1 ,1 I 1 ThtAteMnt Morris MAGIC" NAHS (S iSSEKTtAL TO PLANT GROWTH. SMALL AMOUNTS AV TH£ fOPM Of ZWC SULPNAT£,ZWC OJClO£, OR Z/NC CAP30NAT£ *ty CAN MAKE me Mf£0£NC£_3£rW££N A GQOC CfiOP ^ •*- RELEASED ON BAIL Ordered held for the Livingston Coun- ty Grand Jury on a charge of, carnal *bese of a child. Richard Kivert, 18, of 167 Center Street, New Roc he He, was re- leased on bail following his arraignment before Geneaco Police Justice Angeto Spezzano. Saturday. Chief Deputy Arthur Farrell arrested Riven on a warrant after he surrendered himself to the custody of Sheriff H. Don- ald McCotl. Assisting in tty investiga- tion were Undersheriff James Emery and Deputy Douglas Mills. Mount Ends Train Pvt. Gerald Mr. and Mrs. Mt, Morris, ri he eight-week 'he Army's 0 Proving Grou The course a! parts and welding. Turybttry is centra! rtign Toung rvian in Marvland Turybury, Clarence A. tly was graduated from tal working course at ance School, Aberdeen Md. ined him to repair met- ipment by forging and 1957 graduate of York i. DE$1LU HAS WRAPPED UP A DEAL to buy the RKO ** studio in Hollywood and the RKO-Pathe lot in Culver City. This gives the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz TV em- pire a total of 88 soundstages. This is four more than MGM and U more than 20th Century-Fox •.. A poll of TV GUIDE readers reveals that 96.6 per cen« of them were against any form of pay-TV. Only 84 out of every 1,000 ballots returned were marked "Yes" in favoring subscription TV. Ap- proximately 45,000 readers took part in the nation- wide poll. This is believed to be the largest sam- pling of public opinion on the subject ever taken in the country . . . Jane Russell and CBS are talking about Jane starring in a new TV series . . . Nat King Cole is leaving TV for more lucrative night club appear«*e*. ^ # # ****£**?£ THE L0NE RANGER. WHICH WILL be 25 .%. new Tv series? yea rs old next month, has been renewed for another three years and another 13,000,000 . . . Quiet Zone, to be filmed for Playhouse 90 by Screen Gems, will co-star Kim Hunter, Richard Kiley and Coleen Gray . . . Ann Sothern's projected new series for Desilu will be called Career Girl . . . Frank Sinatra is working on a new technique to perk up his slumping show. He will kinescope his musi- cal shows before a live audience and then run the finished product on the air. Incidentally, he plans to shelve several already completed shows. Sinatra's deal resulted from a frantic conclave with ABC and ad agency brass ... Despite early threats of many program cancellations in January, it now looks as though all present CBS shows will remain on TV. * * JACK PARR MAY BE HEADED for an hour- long, mid-evening show of his own on NBC next season, a la Steve Allen. So far Parr is resisting ail offers . . . Jos Hall has started the cameras roll- ing in Hawaii on U s new series, Malolo of the South Seas ... Shirley Temple will act as hostess and nar- rator on the Legend of Sleepy Hollow which will be **** £*** shown in February on NBC. At this time it has not • • « « W « SS been decided whether or not she will appear on i t . . . Hal March has been signed to conduct an orchestra for a new record album . . . Is there no end to these things? Rumor has it that there will be more Westerns on TV. CBS, for instance, is planning a new hour-long series for Gary Cooper. 'luiXr^ I January Report m ARE YOU PLANNING TO MODERNIZE OR BUILD A NEW DWELLING NOW? ^ We have completed many new homes throughout the Genesee Valley during the past several months— If you anticipate a new home or plan to mod- s ernize your present dwelling we are now in a posi- tion to save you money and at the same time render expert service . . . Let'us show you plans of modern homes that are sure to meet with your requirements and if you are interested in modernization of the kitchen or present home we can also be of great assistance. R. S. Crpston's Sons Warehouse—Corner of Genesee and Lake Streets Phone 186-M or 182-M Mt. Morris, N. Y. PROTECT YOUR CAR ^GAINST THE COLD WEATHER AHEAD! HI 11 mini * Expert Car Washing, Polishing Pete's Gulf PETER PAGANO, Man 93 Main Street Phone 269-W Rendered by Sheriff II. Donald McCoil Livingston County Sheriff ML Donald McCoil reports that the deputies in his department received and investigated a total of 190 complaints during the month of January. Automobile accidents again headed the list as deputies investigated 43, wherein 26 persons were injured. There were* no fatalities due to automobiles during the month. McCoil said that the Sheriff's Depart- ment received and investigated two burg- laries and 10 larcenies wherein $1,394,34 worth of property was stolen and deputies recovered $643.21 worth. Deputies also investigated six fraudulent check cases. Fourteen persons were reported as missing during the month and 12 were located. Deputies bandied traffic at eight functions, transported eight emergency blood shipments and provided traffic es- corts for three other functions. •555- -__^_ «*•*» You and Your Friends Are InvitecJpo Come In Today and Inspect The r|tw OLIVER FARM EQUIPMENT Which Includes The Latest and Most Modern Equipment for Farmers in the Valley! 3 8 >/j( a Complete Serviee is In addition to sales we are full vice all makes of Oliver farm equij stock parts for immediate repair or we also maintain a staff of exp ' which assures quick and efficient itured! uipped to ser- and have in ^placement . . mechanics rice at all times. If It's Sales or Service Call You Owe It To Yourself to Look Lovely at all Times We specialize in all types of beauty culture. Come in and we will help to make you look lovelier with a new permanent, facial, eyebrow arch and mani- cure. Open all day Wednesdays ANN'S Beauty Salon ANN SACCO, Proprietor Telephone 365-M 8 Spring Street Mt. Morris | The Livingston County Jaii had a high population of 19 prisoners and a low count for the month of 17 prisoners. The Bureau of Identification took 49 sets of fingerprints for pistol permits, 14 sets for civilian purposes and 33 sets were taken for criminal purposes. Four- teen photographs were taken of prison- ers and 16 photographs were taken of miscellaneous incidents. The Sheriff's night patrol found one door open at a business establishment in the county. < The Sheriff's Criminal Squad of Depu- ties made 65 arrests during the month. Of these, 43 were for violations of the Vehicle & Traffic Law as follows: 15 for speeding on the open highway, nine for speeding in restricted rones, five for pass- ing stop signs, four for parking to block a driveway, three for passing red tights, two for unlicensed operators and one each for permitting an unlicensed oper- ator, improper turn, reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident and an equipment violation. These violators were fined a total of $490. one was sentenced .o jail and six received suspended sea- fences. Violations of the Penal Law accounted or 20 arrests as follows: two each for Children's Court violations, issuing a fraudulent check assault in the third de- gree, disorderly conduct and petit lar- ceny. One each were for violation of pro- bation, wayward minor, burglary in the 3rd degree, abandonment of children and one miscellaneous charge. Two arrests were also made for assault in the 2nd degree and three arrests were made for public intoxication. Two arrests were also made for other departments, one for petit larceny and one for being a fugitive. These violators were fined a total of $90, two received suspended sentences, three held for county court, two held for Su- preme Court, two for Children's Court, one was sentenced to Monroe County ^Penitentiary and one was sentenced to Elmira Reception center. _ a. : —Chaffy and woody portions of corn- cobs are about equal to ground whole corncobs for use in wintering rations for beef steers. Hit0ld1>">*r "Success doesn't come from lying awake at night, but from keeping awake in the BUSH SALES & "YOUR OLIVER EQU1PME Shakers' Crossing Phone 214 VICE LER it -:Hh Mt. Morris NOTICE ALiJL lillli FARMERS IN THIS AREA I have moved my headquarters and resi- dence from York to Leicester where I have pur- chased the former F. Douglas Wheeler pro- perty, directly opposite the Presbyterian Church. I will conduct the livestock and auctioneer business from this location and will be pleased to greet my old friends and new acquaintances at the new address. Kenneth W. H>nna, Auctioneer Phone Leicester 7212 Leicester, New York ••./:.;:..;'.»; .; VS :'*:"W?\V:,'^ •, : .^..'V T tSiil^ipflp*/'*- ' • •'• **%mm& i . .' Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com I , I I \ \ , , \ ....... - .- . ''''Is-. - , Save Money! . BUI'Iler8 hutall the Operate on ' Modem Type! - -<lind you can save money a;'d lower costs if you plan now to i 'n stall the modern type! INSTALLATION-GUARANTEED RESULTS , Visit Our SaI4psroom and See For Yourself A Complete Display! WE QEAN and SERVICE ALL MAKES OF , Burners, Furnaces and Boilers -2 .... Hour Servic_ BAlmER . HEATING ENTERPRISES PhC!n ·. Dansvill. 823 franklin Street Dansville, N. y, . - - - - - - - - - , - - - ---- - I PERMANENT WAVE TIME and EASTER Will So Be Here! , We feature the following well known makes of Permanents: ROCKmE, Instant Wave ZOTOS DOUBLE, Instant Wave RA ymE DU-ETTE, Instant Wave . In our Beauty Salon you receive the best perman· ent wave technique, AND you will receive the latest haircut wh ich lays the foundation for a good perman- ent . W. have a price to fit every pocketbook. We use the finest lanolin enriched cream lotion for all types of hair which leaves no chemical smell. JO & CHARlES BEAUTY SALON .,lrS c , ... pte 7' .. aa., ... 'ancII' W ..... .. 11* ....... Phone 578 Mt . Morris - - -_. - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - _. -- - -=-==-=--------- ARE YOU PLANmNG TO MODERNIZE OR BUll.D A . NEW DWELLING NOW? , * We hcrv. completed many new homes throughout the Genesee Valley during the past several months- , .\ If you anticipate a new home or plan to .mod- ... na. your present dwelling we are no.w in a posi:. tion to lOve you money and at the same time rend.r expert service • -., . Let " us show you plODS of modern homes that are sure to meet with your requirements ••• ancllf you are Intet'ested in modernization of the kJtche- or preMnt home we can also be of ' 9 SO ns , . Warehou ..... comer of Ge , fIe_ and Lake Streets 'hone 1 B6-M or 182-M Mt. Morris, N. Y. , g,NC (:QnED /MIlS lIRE MIfII(; 11IIES II¥WY.' A l£fAIIC SMTr A(;I1I('UlTllRAl UPt"/illMENT STATION MCOMMHDI XJ lOoN) ZINC COIVTD Af6IU "OtI' 11NL. - SiNe P 1#1'""" TO NIOW11I. MIMI A.IKNNIIR lit TNI NJIN/II 01' ZNC' #1/II.1WA1I. ZIIK' P/f1I1E. 011 ZIIK' CAlI MNtIINI /WNINNC'E MTWRN A CAOP AND;lIO MOP AT AU. RElEASED ON BAIL - Ord.rod held for the Livin"ton Coun· ty 6rand Juty on a charge of . carnal . M6unt Me Encls Train - . . Young Man inMarylanci , . - , - IV ..... J)l'$"U HAS WJtAPPED UP A DEAL to buy the RKO It1IdIo In Holbwood aDd the RJ(O-Pathe lot In Culver City. TIalt Ji- the LudlJe BalI-Desf Arnaz TV em- pire Wa1 of II ....... tac-. This Is tour 1110'" UIIIII IIGII arid II _ UIIIII 10th Cent...,.-Fox ••• ,..u of TV GtJIl)E ........ .."eaIa that 96.6 per eerif of thea ..... qallllt an, tClJ')ll of pay-TV. Onl, U out of "., 1,000 ballota returnod were marked NY .. " In f ... luboeription TV. Ap. proximately 46,000 teaden took part In the nation- wide polL Thia is baHeYed to be the \argeat a.m- of publle opinIon on the aubjeet ever taKen in the COJIntr7 ., Ja .. a_II and CBS .... talking aboot J .... ' atarrinr In a n_ TV aert .. , •. Nat Xbor CeIe is leanq TV tor mort lucrative nigbt dub appeIII'aDCIL . • • J_ a-n 'rill: LONE wruca WILL be 25 ... - h -""',..,. oId ... 1tt ......... renewed for . nother - tIIne ,..,. .... a_ h = .,..,000 ..• QaIet Zone, to ba ftImed for 110 by 8cr_ a-. wiO eo _ KI. 1IaMer, .... «1 Kilo, and C.h. Grq- ••• Aa. ..... __ for DeaU" will be ailed eu- Girl • • • tra on • new tachnlqae to -" up bla . B. will kiwKo,. hI. muai· eaJ ....... bel ..... U ... audleMe ad then "'" the IInIs .... prooluct 011 the air. IndcIentall7, be plfao to abalft .. ,eraI aINM, eompleW aIIo-. Slaatra'. deal rtnIt.I frl> ... frantie 00",,1&.,. w\tII ABC and ad ... De)' braN •.• Deepite .... tr threat. of ...... , P ........ - .. -nat1ona in hna&r7 It ...... Ioob .. tbotll'h aU preaent CBB .how. win remain OD TV. • • o JAC¥. IIAY BE for an hour- ahow of hia 0 .... Oft NBC nut _, 0 " Ja 8_ A .... 80 far P .... is ... all .......... Ball baa atartacl the ............. 0. I ... Ia HawaiI ... bla ..... ...-I .. , 11&I0I0 of the 80ath lieu ' ••• IIIIIrIeF T_ple will act .. __ and nar- rator on the Lepnd of SI .. py Hollaw whlch will ba I ... Pur .hcnm In ".bruarJ on NBC. At thla time it baa not • .. _lie ... baien deelded whet.h. or not lbe will 011 It ••• H.I 1Iatd1 baa bean lIpod to eonduet an orchestra for a new ..... ,..d alllulll , . • b u..r. no end to these thlnp' Rumor baa It that there will be more W ........ Oft TV. CBS, for inaiaD ... fa pJanni ... a ne .. ..t .. for GU7 Ceoper. - b.se of a child. Richard Kiv.rt. 18 . of Pvt. G.rald Turybury, 19. son of J R rt I The Liviqsloo County Jail had • hi&h 167 Cenl.r N.'¥ Roch.n •. was ro- \fr o and Mrs. Clar.nce A. Turybury. anuary epo population o( 19 prUooel'l and a knr leased on bail (ollowin, hi! arraignment Mt. Monis. T«IIDtly was uaduated from R d ed h Sh riff oount for the month of 17 prisoners. hefor. a.DeleO Police Juslic. Angelo 'h •• ighl. week m.lal work i ng cou .... al en er y e' The Bureau of ldentificatioo _ 49 Spezzano. Saturday. ' he Army's O ..... nc. School, Aherdeen K1S o( linll"rprints for pistol permits, 14 Chief Depuly Arthur Farr.n arrestod Proving Grou Md. H. Donald McColl .... (or civiliao pUrposes and 3J sets Kivcrt on a wanant after be surrendered The course ined bim to repair met· were taken for criminal purposes. Four hims.lf'to lhe cuslod:,: of Sh.riff H. Don· II parts and ipment by forsing and 1 County Sherill H. Donald toen photographs were taken of prison· aId McColl. Assisr ' ng in th. inv.still.· we ldin,. . I, repo'" that th. d.puties in his I en and 16 photographs were tat.n of lion wert Undersheriff James Emery and Turybury is • 1957 araduate of York department received and investigated a m.iscellaneous incidents. loud of 190 complaints durin, the month The Sherilr. niehl patrol found one of J _Duary. door open at a busineas cstablUhment in Automobile IKXid.nts .pin headod the ""'Inly. the liS! as d.puties investiplod 4' , Th. Sherilr. CrimiIIaI Squad of Depu· wherein 26 penons w.re iojurod. There lies made 6' arrests during the month. PROTECT YOUR CAR GAINST THE COLD WEATHER ABEAD! -- * '- You ' ll Always Be Safe With Quality GULF PRODUCTS When 'You . *.- Experl Car Woshing, Polishing and Glazing ' Pete's Gulf S rVlce PETER PAGANO, Manaa-r 93 Main Street Phone 269-W t. Morris, N. Y. You and Your friends Are Invited To Come In . Today and Inspect The "lew OLIVER FARM EQUIPMENT , Which Includes The Latest and Most Modern Equipment for Farmers in the Valleyl , Service is Featured! In addition to soles we are fully to ser· vice all makes ot Oliver farm and have in stock ports for immediate repair or • • we ·also maintain a itaff of mechanic. which assures quick and at all times. , , If It's Sales or Service , BUSH ·SAljES & ''YOUR . OLIVER Shak.rs''Crosslng Phon. 214 Mt:·Morrl• . .. wero' DO fatalitie due: to automobiles Of lheK, 43 w.re for violations of the durin. the month. V.hicl. cl TrafIiI: Law as follows: I' (or McColl said thlt the Sheriff's Depart· spe<din, on the open hipway. nine for menl received and investiptod two barl' speodin, in restrictod woes.. five for pa<>- laries and 10 I.rcenies .. $1,394.34 ina stop .iJllS, (our for partin, to block worth of property was stolen and d.puties a driveway, throe for passing rod Ilgbts. recoverod $643.21 worth. Deputies also two for unlicensed operaton and 00. investipted sf1 fraudulent cbeet cues. each for pcrmiuina a,D unlicensed oper· Fourteen pcnoru were reported -u lIor. improper turn. reckless drivina.. mis in, durin, tbe month. and 12 weR: leayinl the scene of an accident and an located. Depu ties handled tnffic. at ciabt equipment violation. TheJe violators were functioas, u, .. ported ei"'t eJIICl1IC1ICY flood. total of $490, OM was sentenced blood and providod traIIIc... :0 i.i1 and su recclved suspended scn- com for th.... other functioas. f ences. . - You Owe It To Yourself to Look Lovely at all Times . We specialize in all types of beauty culture. Come in and WI! will help to make you look lovelier with a new permanent, facial, eyebrow arch and mani- cure. - Open all day Wednesdays ANN'S Beauty Salon ANN SACCO, .... , .... or ,"Spo .. ..... _ Morrll Violations of the Peul Law Iccountod "1' 01' 20 arrests as foJ»ws: two each for Court violations. issuing a fraudulenl cbeet lsuult in the third de· vee. disorderly cooducL and petit lar· ceny. One each were for violation of bation. WIIyward minor. burglarY in the 3n1 devee. abandonment of children and ODe JDiscellaneous chafF. T wo arrestJ were also made for assauh in the 2nd dcrree and three arrest5 made for public: intoxication. Two arrests o bo made for other departments. on. for petit larceny and one. for bein, a fugit.ive. These viol.lon were fined a total of 590. two received suspended sentences. three held for counlY court. two held '(or Su· pr.m. Court. two for Chilmn's Court, 00. was sent.nced to Monroe County I and 00. was seotenced 10 Elmira Reception ceatcr. Chlfy and woody portions of corn· cobs arc about equal to ground whole corncobs for usc in wintering rations for beef steen. "Succea doea't ..orne fro. Iyl n, awake at nIght, but from keepinl awake in the !" NOTICE TO All. THE FARMERS IN THIS AREA I have moved my headquarters ond resi- dence from York to Leicester where I have pur- chased the former F. Douglas Wheeler pro- perty, c:lirectly opposite the Presbyterian Church. I will con.duct the livestock and auctioneer business from this location and will be pleased to greet myoid friends and new acquaintances at the new address. Kenneth W. Hpnna, Auctioneer Phon. Leicester 7212 Leicester, New York
Page 1: Richard Kivert (1958)



m ira





41 • f i

•? t


Gas and Oil Burners

Operate an


the Fuel Cost Save Money! Install the

Modern Type!|

—and you can save money and lower costs if you

plan now to install the modern type!


Visit Our Salesroom and See For

Yourself A Complete Display)


Burners, Furnaces and Boilers —24-Hour Service— \

BARBER HEATING ENTE1 Phone Donsville 823

24 Franklin Street Donsville, N. Y.


\ <


So Be Here!

W e feature the following well known

makes of Permanent*:

ROCKETTE, Instant Wave

ZOTOS DOUBLE, Instant Wave


In our Beauty Salon you receive the best perman­

ent wave technique, AND you will receive the latest

haircut which lays the foundation for a good perman­


We have a price to fit every pocketbook. , . ./ -'

We use the finest lanolin enriched cream lotion

for all types of hair which leaves no chemical smell.

JO & CHARLES BEAUTY SALON Specializing in—Haircufttaf, Hairstyling, firm Swat Waving

and Jhe? Tinting

41 North Main Street Phone 578 Mt. Morris





,1 I


ThtAteMnt Morris



•* -

RELEASED ON BAIL Ordered held for the Livingston Coun­

ty Grand Jury on a charge of, carnal *bese of a child. Richard Kivert, 18, of 167 Center Street, New Roc he He, was re­leased on bail following his arraignment before Geneaco Police Justice Angeto Spezzano. Saturday.

Chief Deputy Arthur Farrell arrested Riven on a warrant after he surrendered himself to the custody of Sheriff H. Don­ald McCotl. Assisting in tty investiga­tion were Undersheriff James Emery and Deputy Douglas Mills.


Ends Train Pvt. Gerald

Mr. and Mrs. Mt, Morris, ri he eight-week

'he Army's 0 Proving Grou

The course a! parts and welding.

Turybttry is centra! rtign

Toung rvian

in Marvland Turybury,

Clarence A. tly was graduated from tal working course at

ance School, Aberdeen Md.

ined him to repair met-ipment by forging and

1957 graduate of York

i .

DE$1LU HAS WRAPPED UP A DEAL to buy the RKO ** studio in Hollywood and the RKO-Pathe lot in Culver City. This gives the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz TV em­

pire a total of 88 soundstages. This is four more than MGM and U more than 20th Century-Fox • . . A poll of TV GUIDE readers reveals that 96.6 per cen« of them were against any form of pay-TV. Only 84 out of every 1,000 ballots returned were marked "Yes" in favoring subscription TV. Ap­proximately 45,000 readers took part in the nation­wide poll. This is believed to be the largest sam­pling of public opinion on the subject ever taken in the country . . . Jane Russell and CBS are talking about Jane starring in a new TV series . . . Nat King Cole is leaving TV for more lucrative night club appear«*e*. ^ # #

****£**?£ T H E L 0 N E RANGER. WHICH WILL be 25 .%. new Tv series?years old next month, has been renewed for another three years and another 13,000,000 . . . Quiet Zone, to be filmed for Playhouse 90 by Screen Gems, will co-star Kim Hunter, Richard Kiley and Coleen Gray . . . Ann Sothern's projected new series for Desilu will be called Career Girl . . . Frank Sinatra is working on a new technique to perk up his slumping show. He will kinescope his musi­cal shows before a live audience and then run the finished product on the air. Incidentally, he plans to shelve several already completed shows. Sinatra's deal resulted from a frantic conclave with ABC and ad agency brass . . . Despite early threats of many program cancellations in January, it now looks as though all present CBS shows will remain on TV.

• • * * JACK PARR MAY BE HEADED for an hour-long, mid-evening show of his own on NBC next season, a la Steve Allen. So far Parr is resisting ail offers . . . Jos Hall has started the cameras roll­ing in Hawaii on Us new series, Malolo of the South Seas . . . Shirley Temple will act as hostess and nar­rator on the Legend of Sleepy Hollow which will be **** £*** „ shown in February on NBC. At this time it has not • • • « « W « SS been decided whether or not she will appear on i t . . . Hal March has been signed to conduct an orchestra for a new record album . . . Is there no end to these things? Rumor has it that there will be more Westerns on TV. CBS, for instance, is planning a new hour-long series for Gary Cooper.

'luiXr̂ I January Report



throughout the Genesee Valley during

the past several months—

If you anticipate a new home or plan to mod-s

ernize your present dwelling w e are now in a posi­

tion to save you money and at the same time render

expert service . . . Let'us show you plans of modern

homes that are sure to meet with your requirements

and if you are interested in modernization of the

kitchen or present home we can also be of great


R. S. Crpston's Sons Warehouse—Corner of Genesee and Lake Streets

Phone 186-M or 182-M Mt. Morris, N. Y.


•H I 11 mini

* Expert Car Washing, Polishing

Pete's Gulf PETER PAGANO, Man

93 Main Street Phone 269-W

Rendered by Sheriff II. Donald McCoil

Livingston County Sheriff ML Donald McCoil reports that the deputies in his department received and investigated a total of 190 complaints during the month of January.

Automobile accidents again headed the list as deputies investigated 43, wherein 26 persons were injured. There were* no fatalities due to automobiles during the month.

McCoil said that the Sheriff's Depart­ment received and investigated two burg­laries and 10 larcenies wherein $1,394,34 worth of property was stolen and deputies recovered $643.21 worth. Deputies also investigated six fraudulent check cases.

Fourteen persons were reported as missing during the month and 12 were located. Deputies bandied traffic at eight functions, transported eight emergency blood shipments and provided traffic es­corts for three other functions.

•555--__̂ _ «*•*»

You and Your Friends Are InvitecJpo Come In

Today and Inspect The r | tw

OLIVER FARM EQUIPMENT Which Includes The Latest and Most Modern

Equipment for Farmers in the Valley!

3 8



Complete Serviee is In addition to sales we are full

vice all makes of Oliver farm equij stock parts for immediate repair or we also maintain a staff of exp ' which assures quick and efficient

itured! uipped to ser-

and have in ^placement . .

mechanics rice at all times.

If It's Sales or Service Call

You Owe It To Yourself to Look

Lovely at all Times We specialize in all types

of beauty culture. Come in and we will help to make you look lovelier with a new permanent, facial, eyebrow arch and mani­cure.

Open all day Wednesdays

ANN'S Beauty Salon ANN SACCO, Proprietor

Telephone 365-M 8 Spring Street Mt. Morris

| The Livingston County Jaii had a high population of 19 prisoners and a low count for the month of 17 prisoners.

The Bureau of Identification took 49 sets of fingerprints for pistol permits, 14 sets for civilian purposes and 33 sets were taken for criminal purposes. Four­teen photographs were taken of prison­ers and 16 photographs were taken of miscellaneous incidents.

The Sheriff's night patrol found one door open at a business establishment in the county. <

The Sheriff's Criminal Squad of Depu­ties made 65 arrests during the month. Of these, 43 were for violations of the Vehicle & Traffic Law as follows: 15 for speeding on the open highway, nine for speeding in restricted rones, five for pass­ing stop signs, four for parking to block a driveway, three for passing red tights, two for unlicensed operators and one each for permitting an unlicensed oper­ator, improper turn, reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident and an equipment violation. These violators were fined a total of $490. one was sentenced .o jail and six received suspended sea-fences.

Violations of the Penal Law accounted or 20 arrests as follows: two each for

Children's Court violations, issuing a fraudulent check assault in the third de­gree, disorderly conduct and petit lar­ceny. One each were for violation of pro­bation, wayward minor, burglary in the 3rd degree, abandonment of children and one miscellaneous charge. Two arrests were also made for assault in the 2nd degree and three arrests were made for public intoxication. Two arrests were also made for other departments, one for petit larceny and one for being a fugitive. These violators were fined a total of $90, two received suspended sentences, three held for county court, two held for Su­preme Court, two for Children's Court, one was sentenced to Monroe County ^Penitentiary and one was sentenced to Elmira Reception center.

_ a. : —Chaffy and woody portions of corn­

cobs are about equal to ground whole corncobs for use in wintering rations for beef steers.


"Success doesn't come from lying awake at night, but from keeping awake in the


Shakers' Crossing Phone 214

VICE LER it -:Hh

Mt. Morris

NOTICE ALiJL l i l l l i


I have moved my headquarters and resi­dence from York to Leicester where I have pur­chased the former F. Douglas Wheeler pro­perty, directly opposite the Presbyterian Church.

I will conduct the livestock and auctioneer business from this location and will be pleased to greet my old friends and new acquaintances at the new address.

Kenneth W. H>nna, Auctioneer Phone Leicester 7212 Leicester, New York

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file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069











....... - ~r_ • .- . ''''Is-. ~---

• •


Save Money! . BUI'Iler8 hutall the

Operate on 'Modem Type! -

-<lind you can save money a;'d lower costs if you

plan now to i'nstall the modern type!


, Visit Our SaI4psroom and See For

Yourself A Complete Display!


Burners, Furnaces and Boilers -2 .... Hour Servic_


2~ franklin Street Dansville, N. y,

• . - - - - - - - - - ------:~ , - - - ---- -


Will So Be Here!


We feature the following well known

makes of Permanents:

ROCKmE, Instant Wave

ZOTOS DOUBLE, Instant Wave

RA ymE DU-ETTE, Instant Wave .

In our Beauty Salon you receive the best perman· ent wave technique, AND you will receive the latest haircut which lays the foundation for a good perman­ent.

W. have a price to fit every pocketbook.

We use the finest lanolin enriched cream lotion for all types of hair which leaves no chemical smell.


, ... pte 7' .. aa., ... 'ancII' W .....

.. 11* .......

Phone 578 Mt. Morris - - ~ -_. - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - _. -- -

-=-==-=--------- -~~-


. NEW DWELLING NOW? , * We hcrv. completed many new homes

throughout the Genesee Valley during

the past several months-, .\

If you anticipate a new home or plan to .mod­... na. your present dwelling we are no.w in a posi:. tion to lOve you money and at the same time rend.r expert service • -., . Let" us show you plODS of modern homes that are sure to meet with your requirements ••• ancllf you are Intet'ested in modernization of the kJtche- or preMnt home we can also be of gre~t ~. ' 9

It ·s~·erpston·'s- SOns , .

Warehou.....comer of Ge,fIe_ and Lake Streets

'hone 1 B6-M or 182-M Mt. Morris, N. Y.


g,NC (:QnED /MIlS lIRE MIfII(; 1ItK~"fl1IIM" 11IIES II¥WY.' A l£fAIIC SMTr


"OtI' ~ 11NL. -,,--~ -



RElEASED ON BAIL -Ord.rod held for the Livin"ton Coun·

ty 6rand Juty on a charge of . carnal

. M6unt Me Encls Train

- . . Young Man inMarylanci

, .


-IV .....

J)l'$"U HAS WJtAPPED UP A DEAL to buy the RKO It1IdIo In Holbwood aDd the RJ(O-Pathe lot In Culver

City. TIalt Ji- the LudlJe BalI-Desf Arnaz TV em­pire • Wa1 of II ....... tac-. This Is tour 1110'" UIIIII IIGII arid II _ UIIIII 10th Cent...,.-Fox ••• ~ ,..u of TV GtJIl)E ........ .."eaIa that 96.6 per eerif of thea ..... qallllt an, tClJ')ll of pay-TV. Onl, U out of "., 1,000 ballota returnod were marked NY .. " In f ... ori~ luboeription TV. Ap. proximately 46,000 teaden took part In the nation­wide polL Thia is baHeYed to be the \argeat a.m­pll~ of publle opinIon on the aubjeet ever taKen in the COJIntr7 ., Ja .. a_II and CBS .... talking aboot J .... 'atarrinr In a n_ TV aert .. , •. Nat Xbor CeIe is leanq TV tor mort lucrative nigbt dub appeIII'aDCIL . • • • •

J_ a-n 'rill: LONE IL\~GEa. wruca WILL be 25 ... - h -""',..,. oId ... 1tt .oa.~ ......... renewed for . nother

- tIIne ,..,. .... a_h = .,..,000 ..• QaIet Zone, to ba ftImed for P1a~"""" 110 by 8cr_ a-. wiO eo _ KI. 1IaMer, .... «1 Kilo, and C.h. Grq-••• Aa. 8~~F ..... __ for DeaU" will be ailed eu- Girl • • • tra • world~ on • new tachnlqae to -" up bla ~UJII"'" . B. will kiwKo,. hI. muai· eaJ ....... bel ..... U ... audleMe ad then "'" the IInIs.... prooluct 011 the air. IndcIentall7, be plfao to abalft .. ,eraI aINM, eompleW aIIo-. Slaatra'. deal rtnIt.I frl> ... frantie 00",,1&.,. w\tII ABC and ad ... De)' braN •.• Deepite .... tr threat. of ...... , P ........ - .. -nat1ona in hna&r7 It ...... Ioob .. tbotll'h aU preaent CBB .how. win remain OD TV. • • • o JAC¥. p~ IIAY BE BE~ED for an hour-Io~, IIll"-eftDI~ ahow of hia 0 .... Oft NBC nut _,0" Ja 8_ A .... 80 far P .... is ... 1.atIn~ all .......... ~_ Ball baa atartacl the ............. 0. I ... Ia HawaiI ... bla ..... ...-I .. , 11&I0I0 of the 80ath lieu' ••• IIIIIrIeF T_ple will act .. __ and nar­rator on the Lepnd of SI .. py Hollaw whlch will ba I ... Pur .hcnm In ".bruarJ on NBC. At thla time it baa not • .. _lie ... baien deelded whet.h. or not lbe will ap~ 011 It ••• H.I 1Iatd1 baa bean lIpod to eonduet an orchestra for a new .....,..d alllulll , . • b u..r. no end to these thlnp' Rumor baa It that there will be more W ........ Oft TV. CBS, for inaiaD ... fa pJanni ... a ne .. hour-lo~ ..t .. for GU7 Ceoper.

-b.se of a child. Richard Kiv.rt. 18. of Pvt. G.rald Turybury, 19. son of J R rt I The Liviqsloo County Jail had • hi&h 167 Cenl.r SI~.I. N.'¥ Roch.n •. was ro- \fro and Mrs. Clar.nce A. Turybury. anuary epo population o( 19 prUooel'l and a knr leased on bail (ollowin, hi! arraignment Mt. Monis. T«IIDtly was uaduated from R d ed h Sh riff oount for the month of 17 prisoners. hefor. a.DeleO Police Juslic. Angelo 'h •• ighl.week m.lal working cou .... al en er y e' The Bureau of ldentificatioo _ 49 Spezzano. Saturday. ' he Army's O ..... nc. School, Aherdeen K1S o( linll"rprints for pistol permits, 14

Chief Depuly Arthur Farr.n arrestod Proving Grou Md. H. Donald McColl .... (or civiliao pUrposes and 3J sets Kivcrt on a wanant after be surrendered The course ined bim to repair met· were taken for criminal purposes. Four • hims.lf'to lhe cuslod:,: of Sh.riff H. Don· II parts and ipment by forsing and 1 r.!I~~~':~~ County Sherill H. Donald toen photographs were taken of prison· aId McColl. Assisr 'ng in th. inv.still.· weldin,. . I, repo'" that th. d.puties in his I en and 16 photographs were tat.n of lion wert Undersheriff James Emery and Turybury is • 1957 araduate of York department received and investigated a m.iscellaneous incidents.

I ~De~PU~IY~Do~Ug~l~as=M:il:Is~.;;~~~~;;~Ce~n~tn~I~H~iah~:E~L~~~;;;;;;; loud of 190 complaints durin, the month The Sherilr. niehl patrol found one of J _Duary. door open at a busineas cstablUhment in Automobile IKXid.nts .pin headod the ""'Inly.

the liS! as d.puties investiplod 4', Th. Sherilr. CrimiIIaI Squad of Depu· wherein 26 penons w.re iojurod. There lies made 6' arrests during the month. PROTECT YOUR CAR GAINST


--*'-You' ll Always

Be Safe With Quality


. *.-Experl Car Woshing, Polishing and Glazing

'Pete's Gulf S • rVlce PETER PAGANO, Manaa-r

93 Main Street Phone 269-W t. Morris, N. Y.

You and Your friends Are Invited To Come In

. Today and Inspect The "lew

OLIVER FARM EQUIPMENT , Which Includes The Latest and Most Modern

Equipment for Farmers in the Valleyl


Complet~ Service is Featured! In addition to soles we are fully equippe~ to ser·

vice all makes ot Oliver farm and have in stock ports for immediate repair or • • we ·also maintain a itaff of mechanic. which assures quick and at all times.

, ,

• If It's Sales or Service ,


Shak.rs''Crosslng Phon. 214 Mt:·Morrl • .


wero' DO fatalitie due: to automobiles Of lheK, 43 w.re for violations of the durin. the month. V.hicl. cl TrafIiI: Law as follows: I' (or

McColl said thlt the Sheriff's Depart· spe<din, on the open hipway. nine for menl received and investiptod two barl' speodin, in restrictod woes.. five for pa<>­laries and 10 I.rcenies .. he~in $1,394.34 ina stop .iJllS, (our for partin, to block worth of property was stolen and d.puties a driveway, throe for passing rod Ilgbts. recoverod $643.21 worth. Deputies also two for unlicensed operaton and 00.

investipted sf1 fraudulent cbeet cues. each for pcrmiuina a,D unlicensed oper· Fourteen pcnoru were reported -u lIor. improper turn. reckless drivina..

mis in, durin, tbe month. and 12 weR: leayinl the scene of an accident and an located. Deputies handled tnffic. at ciabt equipment violation. TheJe violators were functioas, u, .. ported ei"'t eJIICl1IC1ICY flood. total of $490, OM was sentenced blood shi~nu and providod traIIIc... :0 i.i1 and su recclved suspended scn-com for th.... other functioas. fences. .

• -

You Owe It To Yourself to Look

Lovely at all Times .

We specialize in all types of beauty culture. Come in and WI! will help to make you look lovelier with a new permanent, facial, eyebrow arch and mani-cure. -

Open all day Wednesdays

ANN'S Beauty Salon ANN SACCO, ....,....or T~345-M

• ,"Spo .. ~io ..... _ ~ Morrll

Violations of the Peul Law Iccountod "1'01' 20 arrests as foJ»ws: two each for ~h.jldren·s Court violations. issuing a fraudulenl cbeet lsuult in the third de· vee. disorderly cooducL and petit lar· ceny. One each were for violation of ~ bation. WIIyward minor. burglarY in the 3n1 devee. abandonment of children and ODe JDiscellaneous chafF. T wo arrestJ were also made for assauh in the 2nd dcrree and three arrest5 we~ made for public: intoxication. Two arrests ~re obo made for other departments. on. for petit larceny and one. for bein, a fugit.ive. These viol.lon were fined a total of 590. two received suspended sentences. three held for counlY court. two held '(or Su· pr.m. Court. two for Chilmn's Court, 00. was sent.nced to Monroe County

I ~1>enil.n'tia.1' and 00. was seotenced 10 Elmira Reception ceatcr.

• Chlfy and woody portions of corn·

cobs arc about equal to ground whole corncobs for usc in wintering rations for beef steen.

"Succea doea't ..orne fro. Iyln, awake at nIght, but from keepinl awake in the ~""""'"e !"



I have moved my headquarters ond resi­dence from York to Leicester where I have pur­chased the former F. Douglas Wheeler pro­perty, c:lirectly opposite the Presbyterian Church.

I will con.duct the livestock and auctioneer business from this location and will be pleased to greet myoid friends and new acquaintances at the new address.

Kenneth W. Hpnna, Auctioneer Phon. Leicester 7212 Leicester, New York
