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Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

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Where Does Mass come from? Massive quarks in lite QCD? (u,d) Chiral (R-L) Symmetry  Massless quarks! So Where does mass come from? Massive quark?
Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002
Page 1: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Richard SetoUniversity of California, Riverside

RHIC/STAR WorkshopBejing, PRC

August 29-31, 2002

Page 2: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.


Page 3: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Where Does Mass come from? Massive quarks in

lite QCD? (u,d) Chiral (R-L)

Symmetry Massless quarks! So Where does mass

come from?Massive quark?

Page 4: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Massless quarks

The Vacuum: Source of Mass

Start at high Temperature with massless quarks

Page 5: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Massless quarksT>Tc

The Vacuum: Source of Mass

Start at high Temperature with massless quarks

Assume a background field = - goo of quarks and gluons

Similar to the higgs field for E-W theory

Couples to quarks(massless for now) and gluons

Potential term for has special Temperature Dependence





Page 6: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Massless quarksT>Tc

The Vacuum: Source of Mass


As Temperature Cools past Tc





Page 7: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

The Vacuum: Source of Mass As Temperature Cools

past Tc Spontaneous symmetry

breaking (I.e. chiral) quark condensate at low

Temperature generates hadron masses







Page 8: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Weird!The idea that empty space should be full of complicated material is wilder than many crackpot theories, and more imaginative than most science fiction…

F. Wilczeck in Physics Today (April 1998)

Page 9: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

The HOTHOT QCD vacuum Can you create it?

YES! AT RHIC RHI collision leaves

a region of excited qq and gluons – ie hot vacuum

Page 10: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

What is the hot hot vacuum like? How hot is it? (Temperature) How sticky is it? (Energy Loss – aka Jet

quenching) How much energy can it store? (Latent heat) What is its equation of state? What is (are) the phase transition(s) to a

cold vacuum like? 1st, 2nd order, cross over?

How does it generate mass? How/why does it confine? What interesting properties does it exhibit? …

Page 11: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Why it is timely Theory + Experiment = Understanding Theory + Experiment = Understanding

Theoretical Calculations Theoretical Calculations in regions probed by experimentexperiment

Experiments Experiments in regions calculable by theorytheory

New era of Precision (almost) Precision CalculationsCalculations Precision Measurements Measurements

Precision Detectors Redundancy of measurements (4 detectors!) AA, pA (dA), pp, eA

Page 12: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Phases of Nuclear Matter TWO phase transitions!

The deconfinement transition - particles are roam freely over large volume

The chiral transition - masses change

All indications are that these two are at or are very nearly at the same TC



Page 13: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Lattice Calculations



(F. Karsch, hep-lat/9909006)



Lattice Results Tc(Nf=2)=1738 MeVTc(Nf=3)=1548 MeV

0.5 4.5 15 35 GeV/fm375

• Transition – Sharp Crossover at RHIC• That’s OK – 1st order for all practical


Lattice Calculations:Tc = 170 15% MeV critical ~ 0.6 GeV/fm3

Critical point

1st order

Sharp Crossover

Page 14: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Stages of the Collision

Various stages Must be described using different physics

Hard Soft

Detectors see sum of all phenomena Importance of hard probes Keep an open mind –no single idea (or theorist) can

explain everything

Page 15: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Data 4 detectors

STAR – Large acceptance PHENIX – photons, leptons PHOBOS – small, low-pt BRAHMS – small, high y

Runs 130 GeV run 200 GeV run – results from recent QM

Page 16: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Is it like the Vacuum?

Page 17: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Quantum Numbers of the Vacuum?

Baryon number = zero?





√s [GeV]

PHENIX preliminary

STAR prelim 1.0


p/p ratio


~0.05STAR 200


Note: Thermal fitB~30 MeV

Worlds dependence

Page 18: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

How Hot is it? Is it Hot enough?

Page 19: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

dET/dy ~ The Initial Energy Density

PHENIX: Central 200 GeV Au Au





Thermalization time ?

High Initial energy High Initial energy density-density-Its “HOT “enough!Its “HOT “enough!

Bj~ 5.2 GeV/fm3

Bj~ 26.0 GeV/fm3





1 1 ~TBjorken

dE Edy VR

~6.5 fm

Remember, from the Lattice T = 170 MeV ~ 0.6 GeV/fm3

Page 20: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

You said theory was getting better. Can you make reliable calculations of the initial conditions?

Page 21: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

QCD - Notoriously hard to calculate Regime where QCD simplifies:

High Gluon Densities at low-x gluons ~ x- ,i.e. there are more of

them as you go to lower x They begin to overlap Gluons saturate

Classical Approx (McLerran, Venogopolan etc) Robust calculations in QCD using

“renormalization group” methods Depends on a single scale

The Colored Glass CondensateA layman’s view



High x

low x

QS2=(1/R2)(dNgluon/dy) ~ 2-D gluon density

At RHIC, QS~1-2 GeV

Page 22: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

The Approximation The Approx

Non-perturbative (high density)

Small coupling

Requires S(QS) to be “small”

Expected to fail for QS small

Low energy Peripheral High y


S RHIC 130central

At RHIC, QS~1-2 GeVS(QS)~0.3 –0.4

Running of S

Page 23: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Calculations dN/dy for s, centrality, y, A energy in terms of

one variable: QS. Set QS at a single point

Predict dN/dy for all other s, centrality, y QS larger – more central, higher energy, mid-rapidity

A constant C=CLCMult must be set CL is gluon liberation coefficient – probability that a virtual

gluon becomes “real” upon collision (can be calculated on the Lattice) Cmult is the gluon multiplication coefficient from final

state interactions We would like this to be >1, otherwise thermalization

produces no new particles One to one correspondence between gluons and

final state particles (I.e. entropy conserved)

Page 24: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Does it work? (post-diction)Saturation models can predict the scaling with centrality and rapidity!

Kharzeev & Levin, nucl-th/0108006Schaffner-Bielich et al, nucl-th/0108048







energy density~18GeV/fm3

Does this explain why dN/dy is less

than we might have thought?

Page 25: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

QS depends on Npart, S, y

If S did not run, there would be no dependence!

Dependence on NpartS, y

/ Constant0.5* ( )


part sS

dN dyN Q

Page 26: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Prediction at 200 GeV

Not bad!





Page 27: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Prediction at 22 GeV Do we expect it to work?

At low energy QS becomes small S large

Expected to fail first for Peripheral High y



0200 400300



Fails (worst for peripheral, high y)

All data PHOBOS Preliminary




Page 28: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Is it thermalized? When?… it better be early, before hadronization, if you are interested in a QGP…

Page 29: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Azimuthal anisotropy: v2 “Elliptic flow”

Late equilibration i.e. free streaming in early stages causes almond shape to become spherical

Strong elliptic flow Early thermalization

2 2

2 2 2 cos 2x y

x y

p pv

p p

Momentum space: final asymmetry

multiple collisions (pressure)





Coordinate space: initial asymmetry

Page 30: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Elliptic Flow

Hydrodynamical model (Kolb et al)Good pt<2, more centralRapid thermalization

0 ~ 0.6 fm/c~20 GeV/fm3

(possibly later if some comes from CGC?)

RHIC: Very strong elliptic flow

Page 31: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

What about Chemical and Thermal Equilibrium? (at freezout)

Page 32: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Thermal model fit-Chemical Freezout

Model assuming Chemical Equilibration describes yields Pretty well s ~ 1

From yields, 130 GeVTch freezeout=177 MeVBaryon=36 MeV

Particle Ratios

Central events

Page 33: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Thermal Model fit - Kinetic Freezout

Tthermal freezout ~ 130 GEV ~AGS/SPSradial increases to ~ 0.5

From inverse slopes

As at SPS Strange particlesFreeze out earlierOmegas freeze-out differently? Explosive radial expansion

high pressure

130 GeV


STAR 200

Page 34: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

You’ve talked about the initial state, and the final state. What about the stuff in the Middle? Do you have a QGP?

Page 35: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.



Beams of colored quarks

Hard Probes, aka Jet quenching

Deep Inelastic Scattering of the QGP?

“hard” probes Formed in initial collision penetrating sensitive to state

dE/dx by strong interaction

jet quenching

Jets by Jets by leading particles Look forLook for a suppression a suppression

of high pT hadron of high pT hadron production.production.

Page 36: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Scaling from pp to AALow pT•Thermal •Hydro(Flow)•Exponential in MT Npart Scaling

High pT•Jetlike•Jet frag (No flow)•Pwr law in pTNbin Scaling

Transition ~ 2 –4 GeV?

Nbinary at high pT

Npart at low pT

Page 37: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

pp effects Intrinsic kT

pp to pA effects “Cronin effect”, initial state quark

scatteringi.e. pT broadeningEnhances higher pT

Nuclear shadowing Gluon shadowing

is not measured large role at RHIC

Models – scaling pp to AA

Measure pA at RHIC!

Page 38: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

pp 0 spectrum


Consistent with Nbin scaling


Nbin =975±94

Consistent with Nbin scaling?

NO Central:

Consistent with Nbin scaling

Scale up with Nbin=12.3

70-80% PERIPHERALNbin =12.3 ±4.0

Consistent with Nbin scaling




Scaled pp


Page 39: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

RHIC – Run 2 200 GeV) 5!

Nuclear Modification Factor

Effect of nuclear medium on yieldsRun 2 Data Shows a manySigma Effect!

SPS – shows Cronin Effect

RHIC – Run 1 (130 GeV)


(dE/dx)initial~7 GeV/fm15x Cold matter (Hermes)

PHENIX Preliminary

binary scaling



central binary centralAA T


Yield NR (p )


RHIC central -Suppressionperipheral – Nbin scaling

Page 40: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.



Centrality Dependence of RAA

Smoothly varies with centrality



Smoothly varies with centrality

Dependence changes with pt?peripheral central

Page 41: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

How does Jet energy loss depend on energy, path length etc?

Page 42: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

What can we learn? Types of energy loss

Constant (probably not physical)

QCD motivated Bethe-Heitler (BH) type

dE/dx~E LPM type

dE/dx~ L ~E gluon coherence>MFP or Egluon> Ecr~pT,gluon

2 MFP 5 GeV at RHIC (?)

Static and Expanding plasma considered

Can learn about Energy loss mechanism Density of gluons ~ gluon L dependence …




01 expansion static




Page 43: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Phase transition from quench? Calculate qhat from

QGP, pion gas Jet quenching

sensitive to energy density

NOT phase transition?

But this calculation does not have confinement, chiral symmetry restoration…

2ˆSE qL

Massless pion gas

Ideal QGP

Nuclear Matter

Phase Transition?

Energy Density (GeV/fm3)Ener

gy L

oss C




2 /fm


Page 44: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Vitev: GLV, nucl-th/0204019, PRC 65 (2002) 041902Comparing to 130 GeV theoryLPM type, Static Source

Theory Comparisons for RAA – GLV

Page 45: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Theory Comparisons for RAA –BH type

Compare to B-H type loss (dE/dx~E)

Static source RAu/ ~6

Assumes independent scattering

dE/dx ~ 6%E

dE/dx~0.03E GeV/fm (BH)

dE/dx~0.06E GeV/fm (BH)

dE/dx~0.10E GeV/fm (BH)

dE/dx~L (LPM)

dE/dx~0.3 GeV/fmConstant

Jeon, Jalilian-Marian, Sarcevic nucl-th/0208012

Phenix Preliminary

Page 46: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

What about charged particles?

Page 47: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Charged particles: Central to Peripheral Ratio





Suppression seen in 3 independent measurements

Difference in 0/charged h ratio particle composition

(A variation on RAA)

Page 48: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Single Particle Spectra (0-5 %) Jet Fragmentation?

PHENIX Preliminary

Au+Au at sqrt(sNN) =200GeV

proton/antiproton contribution above pT > 2 GeV dominates charged spectra !

Page 49: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Particle Composition at high pT

0/(h++h-)/2 ratio ~ 0.5 up to 9 GeV/c do protons

continue to make up a large fraction of the charged hadron yield?How far in pt is hydrodynamics (flow) applicable?Is some other physics responsible?

Page 50: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Are there other ways to Look at “jet quenching”?

Page 51: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

v2 “Elliptic flow” from jets energy loss?

2 2

2 2 2 cos 2x y

x y

p pv

p p

Momentum space: final asymmetry

multiple collisions (pressure)





Coordinate space: initial asymmetry

distance of fast parton propagation

(energy loss)

Jet 1

Jet 2

Page 52: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

V2 Non-flow component? Methods of

extracting v2 Momentum vs

Event plane Correlations

4th order cumulant Sensitive only to


~20% of v2 from non-flow components Jets?

Page 53: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Azimuthal Asymmetries - Elliptic Flow

saturation of v2 observed hydrodynamic flow

increase with pT

non-equilibrium contribution jets (unquenched) decrease with pT

asymmetric energy loss

increase of v2 saturation from interplay models necessary

to disentangle effects

Adler et al., nucl-ex/0206006

Page 54: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Can you look at Di-jets?

Page 55: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

2-Jet-Events in pp in the STAR TPC

p+p dijet from 200 GeV run

D. Hardtke, STAR

Page 56: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Two-particle azimuthal correlations Identify jets on a

statistical basis Trigger particle with

pT>pT(trigger) associate particles

with pT>pT(associated) C2 is probability to find

another particle at (,)

pT(associated)>2 GeV/c pT(trigger): 4-6 GeV/c,

3-4 GeV/c, 6-8 GeV/c ||<0.7 ||<1.4


1 1( , ) ( , )


C NN Eff


Away side Jet

Page 57: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Trigger jet shows little centrality dependence

Away side-Jet Suppression

Away side-jet strong suppression

with centrality jet quenching?



Away side -jet

Centrality dependence similar to quenching of neutral pion spectrum!

Page 58: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Stages of the CollisionWhat can we say?

Page 59: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

0.1 1


gy D


y (G


3 )

10Time (fm)



Stages of the Collision

Simulation and model byK. Geiger, …. From L. McLerran

modified by R.Seto

Page 60: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

0.1 1



gy D


y (G


3 )

10Time (fm)



Stages of the Collision

t~0 Nuclei are Lorenz

contracted White – quarks Green – gluons

large number of (low x) gluons in the center of the nuclei

Page 61: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Stages of the Collision

0.1 1



gy D


y (G


3 )

10Time (fm)



Initial State t~0.1-0.6 fm ~20-30 GeV/fm3

Hard processes – PQCD Soft Processes – CGC(?) Early Thermalization(?) Flow (elliptic) starts to


Page 62: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

0.1 1



gy D


y (G


3 )

10Time (fm)



Stages of the Collision

QGP??? t~0.6-2.0 fm ~2-3 GeV/fm3

Q#’s of vacuum Parton energy loss

~10 GeV/fm Chiral Symmetry?

Page 63: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Stages of the Collision

0.1 1



gy D


y (G


3 )

10Time (fm)



Mixed Phase? t~2-5 fm Phase Transition? Latent Heat? Chiral Condensate

Develops? Mass develops?

Confinement sets in?

Page 64: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

0.1 1



gy D


y (G


3 )

10Time (fm)



Stages of the Collision

Freezeout Chemical

T~175 MeV B~30 MeV S~1

Thermal T~130 MeV ~0.5

Page 65: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Finally – What do we know? Have we created a very high energy density – greater than

needed for a QGP “yes” Does it have the Quantum numbers of the vacuum? “yes” Initially what is it? “gluons-Very strongly Interacting

Init cond-Colored Glass Condensate? “tentatively” (dA, eA, theory)

Does it thermalize? “tentatively” (theory needed?) When? “ tentatively early t=0.6 fm/c”

Is there jet quenching? “probably(almost certainly)” (dA needed)

Do quarks thermalize? “probably – final hadrons seem thermalized”

Is the system in equilibrium at freezout “yes” Have we got it? (the QGP) … “maybe” Is there deconfinement?, chiral symmetry restoration?….WE HAVE COME A LONG WAYS,


Page 66: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.
Page 67: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

pT (GeV/c)



PHENIX Preliminary

hydro model including the1st order phase transition with Tf=120MeV (*) pion proton


Au+Au at sqrt(sNN)=200GeVr.p. ||=3~4min. bias

(*) P.Huovinen, P.F.Kolb, U.W.Heinz, P.V.Ruuskanen and S.A.Voloshin, Phys. Lett. B503, 58 (2001)

v2(pt) of identified hadronsproposed scenario: flavor dependence

Baryon production by a non-perturbative mechanism (junctions or hydro)

M. Gyulassy, I. Vitev, X.N. Wang and P. Huovinen, Phys. Lett. B 526 (2002) 301-308



Page 68: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

RHIC – Run 2 200 GeV) 5!

Nuclear Modification Factorcentral binary central

AA Tpp

Yield NR (p )


Effect of nuclear medium on yieldsRun 2 Data Shows a manySigma Effect!

SPS – shows Cronin Effect

RHIC – Run 1 (130 GeV)


(dE/dx)initial~7 GeV/fm15x Cold matter (Hermes)

Page 69: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Nuclear Modification Factor

RHIC central -Suppressionperipheral – Nbin scaling

PHENIX Preliminary

binary scaling

central binary centralAA T


Yield NR (p )


Effect of nuclear medium on yields• Comparison of peripheral to central



Page 70: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Hidden slides

Page 71: Richard Seto University of California, Riverside RHIC/STAR Workshop Bejing, PRC August 29-31, 2002.

Connections…“The experimental method to alter the

properties of the vacuum may be called vacuum engineering. An effective way may well be to to use Relativistic Heavy Ions… If indeed we are able to alter the vacuum, then because the vacuum is ever present and everywhere, our microscopic world of elementary particles would become inextricably connected to the macroscopic world of the cosmos.”T. D. Lee in Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory (1981)
