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Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

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Richard Pinney Execu0ve Director California Des0na0on Imagina0on
Page 1: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

Richard  Pinney  Execu0ve  Director  California  Des0na0on  Imagina0on  

Page 2: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

   Individuals  or  Teams  

  Work  on  A  Project    Report    Research    Process    Product    Program  Proposal    Computer  Code    .  .  .  .  .  .  .  

  Using  Course  Knowledge  and/or  Resources    Evalua0on  is  based  on  what  is  produced  and  the  process  by  which  it  is  produced  

Page 3: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

   What  is  Crea0vity?   What  is  the  Crea0ve  Problem  Solving  Process?   How  Does  the  Crea0ve  Problem  Solving  Process  Relate  to  Project  Based  Learning?  

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What  is  it?  

  Can  Crea0vity  be  Defined?    The  process  of  having  original  ideas  that  have  value.  (Sir  Ken  Robinson,  August  2014)    It’s  Process    Original    Value  —  In  Context    

Page 5: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

Crea0ve  Problem  Solving  

  Imagina0on  to  Innova0on    Recognize    Imagine    Ini0ate  &  Collaborate    Assess  Evaluate  and  Celebrate  

  Crea0ve  Thinking  is  Work!      

Page 6: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

  You  must  have  passion  and  determina0on    Failure  is  not  bad  

  It  took  Edison  3000  ideas  on  ligh0ng  before  the  he  had  success  with  the  light  bulb    Shakespeare  wrote  154  sonnets.    Some  were  masterpieces  and  some  no  be`er  than  any  of  his  contemporaries    Picasso  executed  over  20,000  works.    Not  all  were  great.  

From  Michael  Mikalko    (Thinkertoys)  

Page 7: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

Recognize    Becoming  Aware  of  a  Challenge  or  Opportunity  

 Possibility  Thinking,  Problem  Finding  

 Maintaining  a  Healthy  State  of  Mind  

 Fully  Understand  all  the  Issues  or  Points  of  the  Challenge  

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Imagine    Applying  Thinking  Skills  to  Develop  Ideas  and  Solu0ons  

  Learning  to  think  flexibly  between  divergent  and  convergent  processes  

  Learning  Fluency  and  Future  Thinking  

Page 9: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

Ini0ate  and  Collaborate    Using  Design  and  Process  Thinking  

  Taking  Risks  and  Learning  to  Control  Behavior    

 Working  in  a  Collabora0ve  Manner  

  Learning  a  Prac0cing  Interpersonal  and  Leadership  Skills  

Page 10: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

Assess  Monitoring  Progress    

 Some0mes  requires  star0ng  over  and  admieng  failure  

 Does  it  or  does  it  not?  

Page 11: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

Evaluate  and  Celebrate    

  Reflec0on  on  the  experience    Resources      Teamwork  

  Celebra0ng  the  Solu0on  

Page 12: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

  Crea0ve  Thinking  —  Imagine      (Genera0ng)    Ideas    Possibili0es    Op0ons  

  Cri0cal  Thinking  —  Focusing  &  Selec0on    Evalua0on  the  strengths  and  weakness  of  each  op0on    Make  Selec0on  based  on  the  best  projected  outcomes  

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  Fluency  —  as  many  op0ons  as  possible    Flexibility  —  looking  at  ideas  and  objects  diversely   Originality  —  unusual  and  ingenious   Use  Idea  Crea0on  Tools    Elabora0on  —  expanding  or  stretching  ideas  or  op0ons  (as  discussed  in  Rick  Wormeli’s    “Fair  Isn’t  Always  Equal:  Assessing  &  Grading  in  the  Differen0ated  Classroom          

Page 14: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

 Organizing  and  analyzing  possibili0es    Refining  and  developing  promising  possibili0es    Ranking  and  priori0zing  op0ons    Choosing  or  deciding  on  certain  op0ons   Using  idea–directed  tools  to  aid  in  the  op0on  selec0on  process    

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 Build  the  highest,  free  —  standing,  tower  using    10  sheets  of  paper   Points  will  be  given  for  the  height  of  the  tower  in  inches.  

Page 16: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

 A`ribute  Lis0ng    Brainstorming    Force  —  Fieng   Morphological  Matrix    SCAMPER  

Page 17: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

  Remain  Open    State  and  document  all  ideas    Volume  Counts   Hitchhike  on  the  ideas  of  others  

Page 18: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

  Speed  Wri0ng   One  Liners  on  s0cky  notes   Generate  as  many  ideas  as  possible   Defer  Judgment   Mul0ple  Rounds  —  First  few  ideas  a  probably  ordinary  but  don’t  throw  them  away  


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  Subs0tute    Combine   Adapt   Modify    Put  to  other  uses    Eliminate    Reverse/Rearrange  


Page 20: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

 Advantages,  Limita0ons,  Overcome,  Unique  (ALoU)    Evalua0on  Matrix  (Rubric)   Hits  and  Hot  Spots    Paired  Comparison    Sequencing  (S-­‐M-­‐L)  

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  Stay  Posi0ve    Be  Thoughmul    Consider  Uniqueness    Stay  on  Path  

Page 22: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

  Smart  Phone    Advantage    Limita0on    Overcome    Unique  

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  Choice  Where  to  Go  For  Vaca0on    (A)Paris,  (B)London,  (C)New  York,(D)  New  Delhi    3=  very  easy  choice,  2  =fairly  easy,  1=  very  close  

  A/B                A/C            A/D                                 B/C            B/D                                                           C/D  

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  Choice  Where  to  Go  For  Vaca0on    (A)Paris,  (B)London,  (C)New  York,(D)  New  Delhi    3=  very  easy  choice,  2  =fairly  easy,  1=  very  close  

  A/B  =    3            A/C    =  3        A/D  =  1                                           B/C    =  3          B/D  =  3                                                                                 C/D  =  2    A  =  0        B=  3        C  =3        D=6    

Page 25: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

  Project  Based  Learning:    A  Challenge    Find  possible  solu0ons    Chose  Possibili0es    Iden0fy  Resources  already  in  hand  and  where  to  get  Resources  that  are  not  at  hand    Create  A  Plan  to  produce  a  solu0on    Execute  the  Plan    Evaluate    Present    Outside  Evalua0on    

Page 26: Richard(Pinney( Execu0ve(Director( CaliforniaDes0naon ...

 This  presenta0on  deck  along  with  resources  can  be  found  at:  www.caldi.org/?p=2180  

 Dick  Pinney  [email protected]  www.caldi.org  

