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Richmond Dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1885-09-20. · Wcare tho " PpSB

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THE RICHMOND WHOLE MTMRRH. 10.678. RICHMOND, VA., SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1885. THREE CENTS PER <X>PY. A Strange Story, but TRUE. THERE ARE IN THIS NINETEENTH CENTURY PREJUDICED PEOPLE! nOPlJ WHO WILL NOT BU THE LIGHT ! ¦IOU! WHO ARF. AFRAID OF THE TRUTn ! PEOPLE WHO ARE ASLEEP IN TM DAYTIME! PKOPLE Wno ARE SLOW TO SEE THEIR ADVANTAGES! IF YOI' ARE ONE OF THESE, WHY STAY UNDER WATER LONGER? TRI TH DAWNS ON YOU | HERE ARE TUE FACTS ! MARK WHERE WE STAND! /round our bus rr ss rep-itat on we have drawn a circle within whose bounds no footprint or deceit or double-dealing can bc seen. Wc are tho " Pp SB< Up " Merchants of Richmond. We itake our reputation and our good name on our acts and actions! We con¬ duct our businns on principia ll at are ss e'ernil as the rock-ribbed hills 1 We have never made a promise or a proposition to the public that wa have not fulfilled to tbe letter. We hive always given the people mBettei Value foi tic 77lo>ney> tlej have spent with us than they cou'd have obtained at any competing house in the State. ,\.-,t doods are rolling int Case after cose of Clothing, Iht ls, ('a/is, ti ur/ Furnishing Goodsfin Fall Weights and Styles, ht¦///_/ hourly dumped ai our door. This eool weather ma'cs it n eessary ror BOmething heavier and warmer thin you have bein wearing. Now is your time. Ste What We Have Prepared for You! O^elcaatd'. A brand-new stock in everv conceivable style. All tho shades in Corkscrews Whipcords, Diagonals, Worsteds, Miltons, Watts-Proof Top-Coatings, fte, livery Coat Warranted Corr .-ct in Style. Durable ia Make, and RIGHT IN PRICE. Men's Fall Suits. Assort in en t (Complete I \ arieties Endless I Outil if it s Unexcelled I Prices the Lowest! MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF BOYS CLOTHING. Words cannot describe the beauty of our styles of BOYS' CLOTHING. Although it is comparatively carly in the season, we are busy in this depart¬ ment. MOssBOTl have long since found out that our house is the only place in thc city to sec a innmmoth assortment of the best styles of the best makes. Wc cannot tot stronirly praise our assortments. As to price, it is a fact that fOU (AN SANK ONS THIRD ol .'OUR MONEY by trading with us. . BBB WM f* .* m I ff I j^al^.saU i.facA ^o-mplete! All the new shapes in Stiff IL.ts in all qualities. Never in the history of oar house have we BUBB enabltd to announcj the receipt of such a magnificent supply in anticipation of dom- a roaring trade Ciis season. We have heaps of Yin, not a single one of which is any other than of a completely new style. It is a very certain fact that Every One Can Be Thoroughly Pleased. Soft Hats of all colors, shapes, and qualities. We positively guarantee that our prices are 2b to 4(i per ctnt. lower than what are charged by delusive hat- dealers. men's and boys' fixings department I.S fl LL. FALL-WEIGHT 1 ROU.WIAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NI SPANKERS, AND ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS. DON'T F/IL TO VISIT HEADQUARTERS. STJtiCTl) a va- mice mexs outfitters, i oi j Main street. Opposite Post-Office. W. K. fainplt'S ind iules fur telf-Bieaiure-uent sent on application, at 20 CITY AND SUBURBAN. THE BRIDGEPORTS WIN. Tb* Tlralalas Ucl B*aica - is i la Bis ls- ¦las*. The U rid pc po rta found but little diffl- colty in carrying off the honors in the game with the Virginias yesterday after¬ noon, which was witnessed by only .bout 200 people. Glenn was oat of place on account of a sore hand, aid Greenwood a sore knee, but their posi¬ tions did not suffer in the hands of Swan and Parker. Both clubs were right reach demoralized in the first few innings, and errors were numerous, but latsr the playing was better and »B* r-natant more interesting. The visitors found no difficulty in batting Pyle all over the field ; but he was relieved in tbe fifth inning by Tomney, whose delivery was much more puzzling, and the indications were when the game was called, at the end of the sixth inning, the score then standing X to 5 in the BridgeporU' favor, that had a full game of nine innings been played the result would have been entirely different, as the visi¬ tors were not hitting Tomney, while the Virginias were batting Conly quite freely. Except the heavy batting by Flanagaa, Peak, and Galligan. the gama was featureless. The crowd ex¬ pressed considerable dissatisfaction when the game was called at C o'clock, but it was so cloudy that the darkness made it difficult for the fielders or catchers to see the ball. Below is the seor* : YIBOIfflAB. A.H. R. RM. P.O. A. B. Mwan.l. f . 4 0 0 loo Larker, s s.. ll'.' 0 4 0 Hurford, r. f.,c. -Ol 111 l-allimii.il.. SOO fl 1 1 Hlmttns. 2d b. 8 0 1 3 1. ffaTajan, »¦f. a _ :i a i o Tomney. 3r]b, p... all 0 a 1 Tab-, c. Sd i>. ail aao Pyle, p., r. f.. sol 0 ft 0 Total.-* ft io *17 io I IIRIIMiF.ro HT*. A.ll. R. R.I 1. P.O. A. Jf. KvBH. c. f.. 4 ll 2 2 o li Beecher, I. f. 4 2 - 1 0 o mun- ,I- 1st I. .. 4 1 3 7 ll Wilson. ¦. . 4 I' 0 ft 2 " Cooney, r. f 3 0 0 I 0 (> Shannon, ad I. _ o o 110 Morrison, s. B--.... I 1 0 n t t i'..-.k ia h. ana IS] Colily, p .... 1 1 ll 1 2 1 Total.'-7 h io in i. a INNINGS. 1 . 3 4 ft fl Total. Hiidgeis.ria..3 2 " t o o H Virginias .1 1 0 (> 1 2_B_ .Morrison declared out for not touching thini ban. rained rniis-Hrld.e|>or'.«. Bj Virginias I, Tr.u-l.nsc lilts.Kian. 1; Beecher. I, Flan-Ban, I; r> uk, i; (iniiigan. .; Tom¬ ney, i. Three-base bile. Flanagan, -j. l-.il on luise-Bridseporta, 6: Virginias, ti. stine, out mi Conly. 1: <"i Pyle. .: un Tolimey. 1. Lases un Isills -Off Colily. I; ott Tomney, 2. Halters i, t ny pyle, 2. Passed bala Wilson. ¦; 1Mb, 2. wild" pHchea Coaly, _: Tomnev, 1. Time "i gallie. 1 hour mill IO minutes. Umpire. Mn. li. The Virginias will play at Hampton Monday and Tuesday, and will play the Ncwarks here next Friday, Satur¬ day, and Monday. Greenwood sud I'xle have bad nu offer from the man¬ agement of the Ncwarks. and said yes- tciday afternoon that they would lean- for that plan- on thc 7:15 train, but of this Manager Simmons knew nothing last night. in* Bull A.-iiisi .Hrs. Tunstall. In the snit of John M. Hall, assignee, against Mrs. Jane Tunstall, in thc City Circuit Court, tho declaration has bean tiled, but it discloses no fae ls except the claim that the defendant is indebted to C. H. F. Deuring " for the price and value of goods, sold and delivered," Ac.really for detective services ren¬ dered by l>euring to Cluvcrius. The following i.s Deuring's bill anti assign¬ ment Mrs. .laim I'. Tunstall, comer Fifth ami Leigh streets, Dr. Av., lo C. IL F. Den- (lug. Dr. For services rendered fruin Harch .T.th. iiim-iy-flve dais, af 1.1 i*-r day. M7I oe fat un.- o|>eiator, ninety days, at r:i per day. .70 00 \ Foroseonratoi sixty-flvednyB.at ta per day. .... ins 00 Tomi. .imo 00 Hy citati on account. loo 00 Balance tin.- 1840 Ol) The above is endorsed on the back as follows: For value received. I, the within-named C. H. K. Deuring, do hereby assign, transfer, anti set over, and by these presents doth bargain, sell, assign, transfer, and set over unto the said John M. Hall, his executors, administrators, and assigns, all my right, title, aad interest whatsoever in .nd to the within account, claim, and demands against Mrs. Jane Tunstall. Witsetl my hand and seal this 3d day nf August, 181*5. [Signed] C. H. E. Dkthinc [Seal]. Dem ing, who was for a time a mem¬ ber of the police force here, claims that Mrs. Tunstall employed him in the in- tereat of Cluvcrius. Hence his bill and his suit. ll. .lu rt tl lli'ilul. Thc following has been issued : Richmond, Va., Sept. 19, 1885. The undersigned, having cxamiaed he results of the votes cast for the lomination of two senators for the dis- iict composed of Richmond city and be nunty of Henrico, lind that of the otes cast in Richmond city Henry A. Xtkiiiscii. Jr., received 2.827, J. Tay- or Ellyson received 8,868, William ..ovenstein received 2,Noli; and of the otes cast in Henrico county, Henry \. Atkinson, Jr., received 271, J. lax lor Ellyson received 526, William ....!.stem received 470.making a otal of 1,100 received by Henry A. \tkiiison, Jr., 3^89 received by J. ("aylor Ellyson, 3,3.10 received by Wil¬ lam Lovciistein ; and they hereby de- lare that J. Taylor Ellyson and Wil¬ lam Loxenstein, having received the argest number of votes, are the nomi- iees of the Democratic party for the listrict. John B. Caky, upi-riiitendeiil City Central Commit¬ tee; Jamks R. l.l'.SSK.LL. 'hairniati Henrico Democratic Com¬ mittee. Tb* ll 11 *i 111 a* Coo rt. The September term of the Hustings 'ourt will commence to-morrow. The allowing grand jurors have been sum- uoned for this term : Alexander Hier- lolzer, John W. William, Thomas M. 1 lfriead. John II. Rose, Abner Cooley. L H. Ilalte, George B. George, M Hess- erg, Isaac D. Briggs, C. A. Berrian, ohn W. Beveridge, 0. M. Stewart. T. 1. lacy. Thomas Potts, Charles T. 'axis. J. M. Estes, Henry Bruening, oseph C. Dickerson, J. II. Smith, annie! P. lathrop, V. A. Favier, C. immer. W. W. Timberlake, and Wil- am A. Boswell. AH cases of persons delinquent in the ayment of their income taxes for'the ear 1X85 will be considered at this ?rm of the court. 4 apliol Bates. The Governor yesterday removed the olitical disabilities of the following i-i sons : Joshua Williams, convicted in 870 in th* Hustings Court of Rich- lond of pocket-picking »nd sentenced > eight years in the penitentiary; ackson Iee, convicted of grand Ur¬ ra? in 1880 in th* County Court of loyd and lenteuced to two yean in the penitentisry; John Sanders, of vTythe county, convicted of petit larceny. Halrles W. Corvin, of Wy the count v, who wss convicted in January, J885. of felony, and sentenced to eighteen months in the State's prison, baa been pardoned. Mr. Julina D. Droller, has been ap¬ pointed a member of the Board of Trustees of the State Normal School, st Farmville. in place of Judge J. V. Watkins, deceased. rn a-Le* Banal** tlnb. At a meeting- of the above clnb last night tbe following officers were elected Chief, George II. Poindexter; Assist¬ ant*!. Dr. A. S. George, Richmond Lewis, Powhatan E. Dupuy, Dr. Jud. B. Wns.1, and E. B. (irvines. ArnoDg the i>»-n*a, enrolled are the following: Charles L. T0dd. W. F. Dunford, Cyrus Bossieuz, T. ii. r'llett W. Mile*. Csry, R. G. Love, E. B. Moori, F. B. Deane, II. M, Doykin. Warner Moore, W. E. Christian, R. T. Airey, W. M. Tompkins, O. S. Allen, R. L. Noel, J. M. Fox, W. I). Suther. land, J. B. Beaseley, John P. George, Lewis F. Bill, Dr. L. M. Cowsrdin. W. 0. Skelton, Charles E. Bolling, Jackson Bolton, Charles Solden, John II. Whit¬ lock, E. R. Palmer, E. S. Bate:., G. II. Palmer, James Talley, Dr. O.^rge Bea. Johnston, Parker Conrad, C. E. Wortham, Jr., E. II. Spence, C. E. Buek, R. II. Wren, J. !*fc*#Vren, 0. H. Woodward, W. L. Syirnbr, W. Fred. Ul. sssrits. Isaac Davenport, Fred. W. Scott, and W. B. Bowie. Those who have already and Jpiose who contemplate joining the club will please leave their names with A. Saks A Co. for the club hat during this week. The hat will be furnished at a trifling cost, the club having arranged with Messrs. Saks A Co. to furnish them very cheap. Democrats who desire to join this club will hand their names to the Chief or one of his assistants. Notice of further meetings will be published in the daily papers. Mallroed Accident. A ti accident happened on thc Rich¬ mond and Alleghany east-bound pa* ¦eafljOT train Friday night, which de¬ layed Ohe train about five hours, but which resulted in no serious .Ifiuiafe. When thc train was about two and a half miles east ol' Scottsville one-of the pide-iods connecting the two driving vs heels broke, one end of which Hew up and struck the cab. knocking the fireman from his *ent. Ifc flOtTefod right much for a short while from the shock. I. it a t. tegrBffl received here yesterday morn¬ ing announces that he is all right. No one elie was hurt. Thu engine lo a freight ti sm which was at Bronte Binti', about tight miles from the place of the acei- ilerit. was taken up, which brought the train to Richmond, it arrirtng yesterday ¦"terning at '2 o'clock. r- connia and it. h Colonel Charles R. Joass, editor of the Charlotte (N. C." Ohierrer, was in ihe city yesterday. Tbe Cat-kill (N. V.) Examiner says: 'Mr. Frank ll. Willard, flfisiltant .di¬ or of thc Country Gent!, man, and vii-- Minnie II.Staples (Peachyi, (lamb¬ er of the Dev. M. VV. Staples, of Cats¬ kill, (formerly of Richmond, Va..) were Harried at the resilience of the bride's larcnts last Wednesday afternoon. The eriniony was performed by the bride's ather, assi.-ted by the Kev. Dr. How- ird snd the Kev. Mr. Bit!hy, of De- and, Florida." The collections of internal revenue or thc Second district for thc week nding Friday, September 18th, rere : Saturday, f 4,l*4t'.5h ; Monday, 6,623.52; Tuesday. 15,117.93; Vednesday, $0,000.4* ; Thursday, 5,229.39; Fridav, fJ6.945.75.total. 34,1G°.C5. HlRrln-UtT "Volar*. The materials for building the street ailwsy having been put in place, the fork of laying the track will com- lence to-morrow. The work will be ushed with all due speed until its ompletion. The Free bridge will be closed to- ioitow except to foot passengers. It rill be closed forty or possibly "dktj »J* A meeting of the Committee of Ar- angements sppointed by the City De¬ mocratic Committee will be held at the ] Isyor's Court-room to-morrow night > srrnnge for a mass-meeting to be eld here at an early day. A regular meeting of the Missionary ' rjCMrty of the Bauibridge-Street Usp- st ohurch will be held at 4 o'clock ' iis afternoon. The City Beoool Boord meets Tues- ty night at 8 o'clock. i Tho Hustings Court meets to-mor- | , mr. Henries I'omuIj Court. The Henrico county grand jflry. in -sion yesterday, through their fore- an, Thomas Joh;.:: ton. made the to¬ wing presentments : Joseph Bently. Not s trtic bill. Western Inion Telegraph Company, r ..l.-triicting the roads of the county, true bill. II. C. Adams. A true bill in two iscs for perjury. Lewis Quarks, for shooting Junie* 'ilkinson. A true bill. Lewis Quarles, for shooting his wife a society meeting. A true bill. John King, for an assault upon a ree-year-old child. A true bill. The grand jury was discharged for e term. Sfeehanlea* Institute. At a meeting of the Board of Man¬ ers of the Virginia Mechanics' Inuti¬ le, held at the Builders' Exchange riday evening, the Committee on ihools was directed to engage compe- . nt teachers, secure rooms, and make r, 1 necessary arrangements for the open- t g of the second session of the night- hool of technics by the 1st of Octo- :r, if possible. A Palates Berleasly llnrl. Yesterdsy a painter named Charles ells fell from a porch, on which he is working, at No. 407 north Elev- ith street, and received injuries from hich he is apt to die. The city am- ilance was called, and he was taken bia home, on Thirtieth street. liv¬ id concussion of the brain in addition other injuries. Coat I.)nile. To-morrow evening Miss Ada Grar, ith a lull support, will appear in the ghly-emotional play of M East Lynne ; , The Elopement,"en entirely new ver- jii, in five ai ts, Adapted from saflB 'ood'i famoui itory. Tuesday evening Miss Gray will sp¬ ar in her latest success, entitle I " Bor- ¦BA*'1 Henrico i ountjr Beflesl Ballera. Tho Bacon's Quarter Branch school ill not open on Monday (to-morrow), e new building not being completed, ue notice will be given when ready r occupation. The following appointments have en made : For the Bleckaburg Col- He, Master Reade Robins, of Verina strict, and Misti Emma G. Taurman, of Turkahoc district, for the State Nor¬ mal School at Farmville. Invited So aleta mon*!. R. E. l-ee Camp, Confederate Vete¬ rans, have passed unanimously a reso¬ lution to invite Seward Post, Grand Army of the Republic. Auburn, N. Y., to return, at their convenience, tbe risit made to that city on the 4th of July last by the R. E. Lee Camp. ..lille* loan. The following cases were disposed of yesterday : Mary Tyler (colored), fighting. Fined $10.50. William Howard, drunk. Eined $2.50. George Smith, fighting. Caae con¬ tinued, McLain Pleasants, drunk. Fined $2.50. Harriet Jenkins, assault. Eined $11.50. Appealed to the Hustings Court. AGAINST PROHIBITION. Tbe P**iti*a Takra by Same Obis Brrsbll- raa l~-_ltlaii,t l anrtiilai... Cincinnati, September 18..The Cincinnati Volksblatt (Independent) re¬ cently sent to each of the thirteen Re¬ publican candidates for the State Legis¬ lature from this county these thic- questions, requesting explicit answers thereto : I. Are you for or against prohibi¬ tion? II. Are you for or against tho sub¬ mission to the people of a prohibitory amendment to the Constition } III. Are you for or against the li¬ cense of the li.iuor traffic ? The candidates thas addressed heida meeting for the purpose of deciding upon their answers to these questions, and unanimously .greed to return to the Volksblatt the following replies: I. That Ihe declaration of every can¬ didate present was against prohibition. II. That every candidate present pledged himself to vote against the sub¬ mission nf a prohibition amendment. III. That each candidate present de¬ clared himself in favor of a reasonable license. IV. That all candidates present agree that such a license must include also legal protection of the tratlic. These answers embody thc exact po¬ sition of the Volksblatt wai the Qemisti clement un the liquor question, and will probably intuit tht full <ierman vote for the Republican ticket, which means that this county will be carried by the Republicans by a handsome ini- joiitv. Bot tbt position which these candidate! have tims ititimed differs from that ol their party fur tb.* patt two >ears, in that they take ground against the lubtniation of a prohibitory ann iiiliiiciit to the people. The posi¬ tion of the Republican party has been that ile question of prohibition is not a political question, and should mit be io treated, but should be decided by tht submission of a prohibitory amend¬ ment to thc people, to bc roted upon niilrpeiidently of political questions or patty tickets. Tins position bas held within the Republican ranks at previous State elections a porti tn of the vote which under other circumstances would haxe been gitan to tht Prohibition can¬ didates. 'I be danger n-.w is tb.it the action of the Hamilton county legisla¬ tive candidates, while it is likely to in- sure a favorable result here, will ai.- (agonize tht mild Prohibitionists in the interior Of the State and cause so heavy . vote to bc cast fur the Prohibition licket as to defeat thc Republican State ti.ket and give the Legislature again to tba Democrats. l.i alu. lt -I I ll ri trail t. Chilliest.m iXX'.-st Va.) Htar. A few days ago workmen began dig¬ uing a well upon tbe premises of Mr. C. P. Fisher, on the opposite side ol' thc river, expecting to lind a supply of water at a reasonable depth, but in this Ihcy were mistaken, but thur labors have been partially rewarded by some interesting geological curiosities. After blasting through eighteen feet of hard sandstone the men encountered a vein :>f soapstone, then a timi vein of very tiard coal. The soapstone when split revealed hundreds of fern leaves, large ind small, as perfect n< though they sere to-day growing on the hillsides. riiese leaxes had become petrified and sere black, showing that the vegetable natter had by time Income changed nto coal. 1 hese curiosities were found wfSliy-fbtir feet from the surface of the ;roie>d, and can be seen at the jcwelry- tore of Mr. Fisher, on Capitol street. Augustus L. Heckler, of the Dra- nc.tic News, was yesterday presented vith a gold medal by the I.ife-Saving lenexolent Association of New York, n recognition of his bravery in saving r.-m drowning Miss Kate lludcner and rhomas H. Morris, of Baltimore, on august lli.h, at Asbury Park. Sara Bernhardt, after selling her ewels. hoi furniture, and her villa, and iving up a large share of her salary egularlv, still Badi herself 1150,000 n debt.' She hopes to clear |250,000 m her coming American tour, s,-> as to atisfy a'l her creditors and set herself ip ready to run in debt again deeper han ever. .um - Thc Inn.).<¦ Pianos. Their tune combines the greatest 'oasihle Mumt and richness, together cith that beautiful '"ttl refitted swat- ess and puriig, and remarkable Ur IS extraordinary prolongation and mging i/iiality and perfect evenness hroughout the entire scale. Tm rn of the greate.it lightness, lasticity, and pliancy, enabling the erformer to control the instrument crtectly and create all nuamet in tone, rom punissitno Ut fortissimo, by the mich ulone. Catalogues free. Manly B. Bauds' Music-House. Boneless Codfish, in five-pound oxes; New Est Mackerel, in live-pound tins ; Ham Sausage, in one-pound and tive- (illll'i tills Evaporated Vegetables, in one-pound scksges.is an economical and excel- iiit article for soup ; Curried Fowl, in 50c, cans ; Shrimp and Tomato Sauce ; Ripe Figs, in Cordial; Asparagus-Tips, in cans; Finest Teas and Coffees ; Delicious New Nutter, and a large ariety of goods, are for sale by JotsF.i'ii M. BLAHS, Grocer. IM Main street (Pace Block). Branch store, Second and Broad Heels. _ l,_l»-*l Popular Books. When the Violets Rloom Again, MiH Fogarty'* Christmas Cake, White Wings, Pretty Pond Lillies, Dark Days, Hush, Little Baby, Don't You Cry : Who'll Buy My Pretty Flowers/ My Little Side-Door, Bring Back My Love O'er the Sea, Miss Mulligan's Homemade Pie. M. B. RAMOb' Nkw Stoke, 'J03 Main itreet. A latter from Cele.I T4 lilians E.Tao- *et*. PresiOsat er IB* Mesaar* Asse- etaUssi. Afcssrs. Walter D. Motet lr Co., 014 jVai* strtet, Richmond, Va.: f'entlemen..Having now given the large upright Hardman piano pur¬ chased of your house a fair and thor¬ ough test, I can speak confidently as to its merits, and I do not hesitate to say it much exceeds my expectations. The tone is full, sweet, brilliant, and even. The action is said by all the pianists who have tried it to be even and per¬ fect, and the instrument holds its tune ss well ss any I have over seen. Being located in my library, this piano is played upon nearly all day, as the room is much used by my family ; but notwithstanding this, it does not need tuning any oftener than does my con¬ cert grand.the magnificent initru- ment located in my music-room. And although the case does not add to or take from the musical value of a piano, I would say that the cabinet work in this instrument is as exquisite as any I have ever seen. You can refer to me al I'Icbmiic. Truly your friend. William E. Tanner. 4 limpid. I* Batlsnett! Who is? The man who after trying in vain to stop chills on himself and family buys a box of Owens's Anti- Chill Pills and follows the directions found on the inside of each box, and so will every one be who has suffered with chills and buys a box of these Pills. Price. 50 cents. OwfnsiV Mi.nob. Druggists. Richmond, Va. Proressor llas.rl.tr This gentleman will soon reopen his school. He is a wonderfully success¬ ful teacher of French aad German. Those who learn under him will got the best pronunciation by the easiest methods. The Young ladies' Journal. New York Da/aar, and the Season, KAT Octo¬ ber, with the latest fall fashions, have been received from N. Leonard, news¬ dealer, '.Hi"* Main street. I r. <l. Johnston's Hook*. Received from C. F. Johnston : frank leslie's Popular Monthly for October, JOc.: ¦. The Flower of Doom and Other Stories," by Mr. Hertham Edwards, 25c. .. In Sunny Lands.Outdoor Lite in Nassau and Cuba," 25c.; Harper's Da/.aar, I Oe. ..tearer. VJ*/ tittil, lo thee *' Music l>y Bernard. Thia Boag bis been i ul.lishe.I by me. Price 35 cent-, DOB!paid. Manly D. Ramos. n*sv store. '.M.2 Main street." tlall-llernratlnu*. John Reonavlt Elli adm, No. 5 north Ninth street, *..v Piero Hu.', f.il.i,-n..I whether new or old,cen be hadst Wel¬ ter D. Mo-es ,\ Co's., ill Maru street. At thifl season no person subject to ..(.lulls and fevers" or living in " malarious place* " ibonld be without Vegetal.le Noliitiiliiio XXX. Where quinine and arsenii have laili-) Nol.in- dine has rared. .itaiiilitril fiske I'lsno. Biroo. Square or I'pright. Walter D. Moses a Co.. 014 Main street. Noir is the time to buy your Ladies' Kui.I.ers. All sises lor 25c. per pair. Booton Boot, Sum:, am. Tm br House, 903 east Droad street. ¦BOAB BflBfl Oman. A40. Walter D. Mo-es J Co., 014 Msin street. vt. .1.Mut BBjaaotafla. Sig our new line of Silver and Quat rtiplc-I'latcd Hoods selected for prc-mts. GODDABDB Moses, 920 Main street. I'lscOer lprlchl I'la..... moo. Looks like new. Walter I). Moses A I'd., 014 Main street. 11.*» Lollies of Virginia ire ofH red the opportunity, through ihe Richmond Exchange for Woman's Work, of exhibiting the finest speci¬ mens of their work at thc Exposition it New Orleans. See their advertise- ¦ont in another column. as-, l. uni...11 tlreau for faun. 1'sed three months. Walter I), affjani A Co.. 014 Main street. - m-.- Npvelal I nd (icemen la io cash buyers of Doots. Shoes. Trunks, Bid Satchel*, at Williams .v. Ford's, :orner of Fourth and Droad streets. aige and fresh stock, bought for cash. lao I* ital..- I prlaBl Pianos, a Ino Slightly used. Walter D. Moses X 'o.. 011 Main street. lt u I lilia n ru tl ona. John Reonavlt Ei.lyson. No. 5 north Ninth street. I sll-» lt li- Kasir,. n endless vari ty, received daily at ioddard A Moses", 0^0 Main street. Misses' Straight Goat Button Boots spring heel), li's to 2's, for $1.50 s .air, at the Boston Boot, Shoe, and Tri nk HorsK, 903 casi Prosit street. 4 blekerln* fiann. g.tO. Walter I). Moses .Vi Co., 014 Main treet._ NOW Hean!, Our stock of Suitings is now com- Jct.-, embracing many novelties in new tesigns of French and English Suitings. Vn early call solicited. E. B.Spence A Son, Merchant Tailors. li. .sv fi '..sii'i s int" cured and pre v. ute-1 ,y Ut ivy's fr kb Malt VViirskBr. Kecom- ueoeled Ly leading physician* Hold by Irugiflats and ifrocers. BMOXMTaixT Clo ste. A fkaukaht Bkbath isalwayas pleasure .nd you san have lt by nain*- Mkau* A Iakrk's delicious ('AKiiout: Mocrii- WSXtt. lt destroys t he oITeusl ve odor csused iy dlsessed gums sud decsyed teeth, snd peedlly rrstoree them to s healthy ooudi- lon. ft I' e. lift v ennis a botUe. BMOXX TSUXT OIOABS. MEACTirrLLT Whits Tbbtii BMHCRID it the use of Mbaiik A ll vs rn s Hapomimb lititTirKicB, which wlllspeedlly remove In- Ipleut tartar and scurL frlos, flftjr cents a tax. _ BaoKB Tatxr du abs._ -BB -1 ..-.-5 41ITIII.1 BAIXB MONDAY. IBOB0B H. VABHON A SON, IM P. M., seven pieces of sood-sayini properly oo Byrd snfl Canal linet*, t C. UABKIBoN, Hiflh Constable, ll A. M.. one white hon*. I A. THICK, ll M.. at (Jourhland l.'ourt- house, horses, mule* sheep. Ac. iEOROE W. MAYO, chewlng-lobeeoo, wales, tarnUitre, Av., at 10,', A. M. A NEW FEATURE IN OUR BUSINESS. ise 20-Su, Uti ORS lil I. AST, RICHMOND DECORATIVE-ART HCHOOL, its Main siaa.r ...er C. r'. Joli liston s.' The coming .ssslna will open WBDNBB- AY Sspteniber _8d. Tbs patrons ot Bra. ri. XV. I'i.uinjauii and all other* desiring lu- trucllon InOll-Psliitliig and other Deco alive Art are respectrully invited to rall. ae .0-eod«t« Miss ADD1K M. WOOD. STUDIO..MISS MINNIE MORRIS -3 will open a mTI'UIo on tbe alar 8EP- KMHFR at Nu. a east Cary street, wbere he alli give Psi ut mg ead Drawing Leeaeos rom nature Nilli LIB, Decorative Work .nd Portraits, In oil, wttir color, crayon. harmal. Ac Will also give lessons si Mr. *owell'B Ki. Iniiusil sienilnsrv. Order* fur Kiri rai Uaolii-: tad. Leaaons tu Ham me rad liesa._aa IO-lt* JEID WHEAT. We ba ve la stock the following kinda all elected and recl.-aned: 4BDITBBBABEAB HVHRID-the most ?roUflc wheat in ouluvslioo: "8 PROLIFIC the re ls bra tel lone- berry wheat grown eiteoalvely lu tbe Valley: iF.RMAN AMBKRaud FDLTZ. Send tor u tiotst ions snd sam pies. T. Vf. XX lM )D S HON. Seeslsmen. No. 10 suulb Fourteenth street. se .C-lt aa PRICE S CO. We have made arrangements with Mr. E. Obumbach, an EXPERT Fl'RR I ER (but recently corni o«r from Berlin), to establish a For Manufactory UNDER OCR OWN ROOF. Mr. GbiMBAcii's father it a large shipper and manufacturer of skint in thc city of Dresden, snd hts selected for us a tine assortment of the mitt superior grsde of SEAL snd ASTR.V- CUAN SKINS to be had. We therefore, w.th much se'isfac- tion, inform you we ere now prepared to fill your orders oi the shortest no¬ tice for St nish in Cloak*, SeaIshin Sac fins. St ti I sh in Cttps. St ttlsh in Tri ni in in Q's, St o Ish in Oof mons, St a I sh in Muffs. St ii Isl; in Col In us, OF EVERY DKSCRII'TloN. AsTfjACHAN Cloaks, Collars, AND sV v I /Ti 77s I i . » « . Full stock of BEAVER.dyed ana natural.lor Capes, Mull's, and Trim¬ mings. Handsome effects in CHINCHILLA MUFFS and COLLARS. LY NI .dyed and natural.for Mni's, Collars, and Ti un mn s. Full stock of the cheaper grades of skins for imitation effects. Mr. GBUABACB is an experienced and capable floak-.Makcr as well as I urrit r, and will cut snd fit FLUSH snd VELVET WIAI'S on the neweflt and most stylish models. f)F.P/\lipG DEPAtITMEtvT. This department will rec ive csp ciel attention, and all work intrusted to ug for Repairing will be promptly and. carefully done. RENOVATING SEALSKINS. The brat Sealskin Cloak will chance color after four or live years' wear. For $25 or $30 wo can thoroughly re¬ novate it end restore ita original rich¬ ness and lustre. WAFj THE MEMORIAL VOLUME OW TUB DIOCESE UK VIKUINlA, i-i ni i.iiro ar ACTHOKITV OK THE L.AJJT KflMCOfAL COl'NCIl.. and containing the sddrsssrs then daily. eird and other Illta-rrsllua uiatter. 1* MOW r.-silr forssir sn 1 .lelirery. We hare lassa appointed ascii »for the ssir of Ulta booO Ul the state of VirKiula, sud rrapectfultjr la* vite early order* frora the clergy ead laity, snd ibe public generally. BouJk*SBB*S Bs ..i.e. i--a,'.i rsare rr>.ueated te coot atMOl- rate with us. Ordsrs will bs fllied ta BOW ot tty of date. Price ll. BECKWITH 4 PARHAM. te 10-41_K1.-Bmood. Va 11ES1DES ALL THI .SCHOOL- ** KiK>Ks. wshsrs. st lowartes* BAIML BTKAfB. S1.ATKH. al'uNOEH. Ll'NCB- BOXES and HABKETM. COPT-and COM. PlMlTIOS-BOoRB. fENCILB I'MAYOMw, Bl'I.IB, PENS sod HOLDERS. DRAW- INU-HETB Ar. old booka bou*la. ao!tf or ri elis tated. JO tO_J.W.BANia 'Tt'lf AKNllLIJsB. CCHOOI.-BOOKS, NEW ASH k >OLD>- -Wshavssl. t hr sftlsMlL- Boo EH used la Ibe aubils and pt * tit Babool* af IB* stet* wbteh ws offer et the prteea Hied Br tbs Board of Kdu*-*u.«i. " ol.D BOOKS TAKEN I fl KXi'HV.MiiB*. a* SO eodA w BAtCK W1TM 4 I A RU AM.


A Strange Story,but TRUE.




MARK WHERE WE STAND!/round our bus rr ss rep-itat on we have drawn a circle within whose

bounds no footprint or deceit or double-dealing can bc seen.

Wc are tho " Pp SB< Up " Merchants of Richmond.

We itake our reputation and our good name on our acts and actions! We con¬

duct our businns on principia ll at are ss e'ernil as the rock-ribbedhills 1 We have never made a promise or a proposition to the

public that wa have not fulfilled to tbe letter. Wehive always given the people

mBettei Value foi tic 77lo>ney>tlej have spent with us than they cou'd have obtained at any competing house

in the State.

,\.-,t doods are rolling int Case after cose ofClothing, Iht ls, ('a/is, ti ur/ Furnishing

Goodsfin Fall Weights and Styles,ht¦///_/ hourly dumped ai

our door.

This eool weather ma'cs it n eessary ror BOmething heavier and warmer thinyou have bein wearing. Now is your time.

Ste What We Have Prepared for You!

O^elcaatd'.A brand-new stock in everv conceivable style. All tho shades in Corkscrews

Whipcords, Diagonals, Worsteds, Miltons, Watts-Proof Top-Coatings, fte,livery Coat Warranted Corr .-ct in Style. Durable ia Make,


Men's Fall Suits.Assort in en t (Complete I

\ arieties Endless IOutil if it s Unexcelled I

Prices the Lowest!

MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF BOYS CLOTHING.Words cannot describe the beauty of our styles of BOYS' CLOTHING.

Although it is comparatively carly in the season, we are busy in this depart¬ment. MOssBOTl have long since found out that our house is the only place inthc city to sec a innmmoth assortment of the best styles of the best makes.Wc cannot tot stronirly praise our assortments. As to price, it is a fact thatfOU (AN SANK ONS THIRD ol .'OUR MONEY by trading with us.

. BBB WM f* .* mI ff I

j^al^.saU i.facA ^o-mplete!All the new shapes in Stiff IL.ts in all qualities. Never in the history of

oar house have we BUBB enabltd to announcj the receipt of such a magnificentsupply in anticipation of dom- a roaring trade Ciis season. We have heaps ofYin, not a single one of which is any other than of a completely new style. Itis a very certain fact that

Every One Can Be Thoroughly Pleased.Soft Hats of all colors, shapes, and qualities. We positively guarantee thatour prices are 2b to 4(i per ctnt. lower than what are charged by delusive hat-dealers.

men's and boys' fixings departmentI.S fl LL. FALL-WEIGHT 1 ROU.WIAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES,



STJtiCTl) a va-mice mexs outfitters,i oij Main street. Opposite Post-Office.

W. K. fainplt'S ind iules fur telf-Bieaiure-uent sent on application, at 20


Tb* Tlralalas Ucl B*aica - is i la Bis ls-

¦las*.The U rid pc po rta found but little diffl-

colty in carrying off the honors in thegame with the Virginias yesterday after¬noon, which was witnessed by only.bout 200 people. Glenn was oat ofplace on account of a sore hand, aidGreenwood a sore knee, but their posi¬tions did not suffer in the hands of Swanand Parker. Both clubs were right reachdemoralized in the first few innings,and errors were numerous, but latsrthe playing was better and »B* r-natantmore interesting. The visitors foundno difficulty in batting Pyle all over thefield ; but he was relieved in tbe fifthinning by Tomney, whose delivery was

much more puzzling, and the indicationswere when the game was called, at theend of the sixth inning, the score

then standing X to 5 in the BridgeporU'favor, that had a full game of nineinnings been played the result wouldhave been entirely different, as the visi¬tors were not hitting Tomney, while theVirginias were batting Conly quitefreely. Except the heavy batting byFlanagaa, Peak, and Galligan. thegama was featureless. The crowd ex¬

pressed considerable dissatisfactionwhen the game was called at C o'clock,but it was so cloudy that the darknessmade it difficult for the fielders or

catchers to see the ball. Below is theseor* :

YIBOIfflAB.A.H. R. RM. P.O. A. B.

Mwan.l. f . 4 0 0 looLarker, s s.. ll'.' 0 4 0Hurford, r. f.,c. -Ol 111l-allimii.il.. SOOfl 1 1Hlmttns. 2d b. 8 0 1 3 1.ffaTajan,»¦f. a _ :i a i oTomney. 3r]b, p... all 0 a 1Tab-, c. Sd i>. ail aaoPyle, p., r. f.. sol0 ft 0

Total.-* ft io *17 io IIIRIIMiF.ro HT*.

A.ll. R. R.I1. P.O. A. Jf.KvBH. c. f.. 4 ll 2 2 o li

Beecher, I. f. 4 2 - 1 0 omun- ,I- 1st I. .. 4 1 37 ll

Wilson. ¦. . 4 I' 0 ft 2 "

Cooney, r. f 3 0 0 I 0 (>Shannon, ad I. _ o o 110Morrison, s. B--.... I 1 0 n t ti'..-.k ia h. ana IS]Colily, p .... 1 1 ll1 2 1

Total.'-7 h io in i. a

INNINGS.1 . 3 4 ft fl Total.

Hiidgeis.ria..3 2 " t o o HVirginias .1 1 0 (> 1 2_B_.Morrison declared out for not touching

thini ban.rained rniis-Hrld.e|>or'.«. Bj Virginias

I, Tr.u-l.nsc lilts.Kian. 1; Beecher. I,Flan-Ban, I; r> uk, i; (iniiigan. .; Tom¬ney, i. Three-base bile.Flanagan, -j.l-.il on luise-Bridseporta, 6: Virginias, ti.stine, out mi Conly. 1: <"i Pyle. .: un

Tolimey. 1. Lases un Isills -Off Colily. I;ott Tomney, 2. Halters i, t ny pyle, 2.Passed bala Wilson. ¦; 1Mb, 2. wild"pHchea Coaly, _: Tomnev, 1. Time "igallie. 1 hour mill IO minutes. Umpire.Mn. li.The Virginias will play at Hampton

Monday and Tuesday, and will playthe Ncwarks here next Friday, Satur¬day, and Monday. Greenwood sudI'xle have bad nu offer from the man¬

agement of the Ncwarks. and said yes-tciday afternoon that they would lean-for that plan- on thc 7:15 train, but ofthis Manager Simmons knew nothinglast night.

in* Bull A.-iiisi .Hrs. Tunstall.In the snit of John M. Hall, assignee,

against Mrs. Jane Tunstall, in thc CityCircuit Court, tho declaration has beantiled, but it discloses no fae ls exceptthe claim that the defendant is indebtedto C. H. F. Deuring " for the price andvalue of goods, sold and delivered,"Ac.really for detective services ren¬dered by l>euring to Cluvcrius. Thefollowing i.s Deuring's bill anti assign¬mentMrs. .laim I'. Tunstall, comer Fifth amiLeigh streets, Dr. Av., lo C. IL F. Den-(lug. Dr.

For services rendered fruin Harch.T.th. iiim-iy-flve dais, af 1.1 i*-r

day. M7I oefat un.- o|>eiator, ninety days, at

r:i per day. .70 00 \Foroseonratoi sixty-flvednyB.atta per day. .... ins 00Tomi. .imo 00

Hy citati on account. loo 00

Balance tin.- 1840 Ol)The above is endorsed on the back as

follows: For value received. I, thewithin-named C. H. K. Deuring, dohereby assign, transfer, anti set over,and by these presents doth bargain,sell, assign, transfer, and set over untothe said John M. Hall, his executors,administrators, and assigns, all myright, title, aad interest whatsoever in.nd to the within account, claim, anddemands against Mrs. Jane Tunstall.Witsetl my hand and seal this 3d daynf August, 181*5.

[Signed] C. H. E. Dkthinc [Seal].Dem ing, who was for a time a mem¬

ber of the police force here, claims thatMrs. Tunstall employed him in the in-tereat of Cluvcrius. Hence his bill andhis suit.

ll. .lu rt tl lli'ilul.

Thc following has been issued :

Richmond, Va., Sept. 19, 1885.The undersigned, having cxamiaed

he results of the votes cast for thelomination of two senators for the dis-iict composed of Richmond city andbe nunty of Henrico, lind that of theotes cast in Richmond city Henry A.Xtkiiiscii. Jr., received 2.827, J. Tay-or Ellyson received 8,868, William..ovenstein received 2,Noli; and of theotes cast in Henrico county, Henry\. Atkinson, Jr., received 271, J.lax lor Ellyson received 526, William....!.stem received 470.making aotal of 1,100 received by Henry A.\tkiiison, Jr., 3^89 received by J.("aylor Ellyson, 3,3.10 received by Wil¬lam Lovciistein ; and they hereby de-lare that J. Taylor Ellyson and Wil¬lam Loxenstein, having received theargest number of votes, are the nomi-iees of the Democratic party for thelistrict. John B. Caky,upi-riiitendeiil City Central Commit¬tee;

Jamks R. l.l'.SSK.LL.'hairniati Henrico Democratic Com¬mittee.

Tb* ll 11 *i 111 a* Coo rt.The September term of the Hustings

'ourt will commence to-morrow. Theallowing grand jurors have been sum-uoned for this term : Alexander Hier-lolzer, John W. William, Thomas M.1 lfriead. John II. Rose, Abner Cooley.L H. Ilalte, George B. George, M Hess-erg, Isaac D. Briggs, C. A. Berrian,ohn W. Beveridge, 0. M. Stewart. T.1. lacy. Thomas Potts, Charles T.'axis. J. M. Estes, Henry Bruening,oseph C. Dickerson, J. II. Smith,annie! P. lathrop, V. A. Favier, C.immer. W. W. Timberlake, and Wil-am A. Boswell.AH cases of persons delinquent in the

ayment of their income taxes for'theear 1X85 will be considered at this?rm of the court.

4 apliol Bates.The Governor yesterday removed the

olitical disabilities of the followingi-i sons : Joshua Williams, convicted in870 in th* Hustings Court of Rich-lond of pocket-picking »nd sentenced> eight years in the penitentiary;ackson Iee, convicted of grand Ur¬ra? in 1880 in th* County Court ofloyd and lenteuced to twoyean in the

penitentisry; John Sanders, of vTythecounty, convicted of petit larceny.Halrles W. Corvin, of Wythe count v,who wss convicted in January, J885.of felony, and sentenced to eighteenmonths in the State's prison, baa beenpardoned.Mr. Julina D. Droller, has been ap¬

pointed a member of the Board ofTrustees of the State Normal School,st Farmville. in place of Judge J. V.Watkins, deceased.

rna-Le* Banal** tlnb.At a meeting- of the above clnb last

night tbe following officers were electedChief, George II. Poindexter; Assist¬ant*!. Dr. A. S. George, RichmondLewis, Powhatan E. Dupuy, Dr. Jud.B. Wns.1, and E. B. (irvines.ArnoDg the i>»-n*a, enrolled are the

following: Charles L. T0dd. W. F.Dunford, Cyrus Bossieuz, T. ii. r'llettW. Mile*. Csry, R. G. Love, E. B.Moori, F. B. Deane, II. M, Doykin.Warner Moore, W. E. Christian, R. T.Airey, W. M. Tompkins, O. S. Allen,R. L. Noel, J. M. Fox, W. I). Suther.land, J. B. Beaseley, John P. George,Lewis F. Bill, Dr. L. M. Cowsrdin. W.0. Skelton, Charles E. Bolling, JacksonBolton, Charles Solden, John II. Whit¬lock, E. R. Palmer, E. S. Bate:., G.II. Palmer, James Talley, Dr. O.^rgeBea. Johnston, Parker Conrad, C. E.Wortham, Jr., E. II. Spence, C. E.Buek, R. II. Wren, J. !*fc*#Vren, 0. H.Woodward, W. L. Syirnbr, W. Fred.Ul. sssrits. Isaac Davenport, Fred. W.Scott, and W. B. Bowie.Those who have already and Jpiose

who contemplate joining the club willplease leave their names with A. SaksA Co. for the club hat during this week.The hat will be furnished at a triflingcost, the club having arranged withMessrs. Saks A Co. to furnish themvery cheap. Democrats who desire tojoin this club will hand their names tothe Chief or one of his assistants.

Notice of further meetings will bepublished in the daily papers.

Mallroed Accident.A ti accident happened on thc Rich¬

mond and Alleghany east-bound pa*¦eafljOT train Friday night, which de¬layed Ohe train about five hours, butwhich resulted in no serious .Ifiuiafe.When thc train was about two and ahalf miles east ol' Scottsville one-of thepide-iods connecting the two drivingvs heels broke, one end of which Hew upand struck the cab. knocking the firemanfrom his *ent. Ifc flOtTefod right muchfor a short while from the shock. I. it at. tegrBffl received here yesterday morn¬

ing announces that he is all right. No one

elie was hurt. Thu engine lo a freightti sm which was at Bronte Binti', abouttight miles from the place of the acei-ilerit. was taken up, which brought thetrain toRichmond, it arrirtng yesterday¦"terning at '2 o'clock.

r- connia and it. h

Colonel Charles R. Joass, editor ofthe Charlotte (N. C." Ohierrer, was inihe city yesterday.Tbe Cat-kill (N. V.) Examiner says:

'Mr. Frank ll. Willard, flfisiltant .di¬or of thc Country Gent!, man, andvii-- Minnie II.Staples (Peachyi, (lamb¬er of the Dev. M. VV. Staples, of Cats¬kill, (formerly of Richmond, Va..) wereHarried at the resilience of the bride'slarcnts last Wednesday afternoon. Theeriniony was performed by the bride'sather, assi.-ted by the Kev. Dr. How-ird snd the Kev. Mr. Bit!hy, of De-and, Florida."The collections of internal revenue

or thc Second district for thc weeknding Friday, September 18th,rere : Saturday, f 4,l*4t'.5h ; Monday,6,623.52; Tuesday. 15,117.93;Vednesday, $0,000.4* ; Thursday,5,229.39; Fridav, fJ6.945.75.total.34,1G°.C5.

HlRrln-UtT "Volar*.The materials for building the street

ailwsy having been put in place, thefork of laying the track will com-

lence to-morrow. The work will beushed with all due speed until itsompletion.The Free bridge will be closed to-

ioitow except to foot passengers. Itrill be closed forty or possibly "dktj»J*A meeting of the Committee of Ar-

angements sppointed by the City De¬mocratic Committee will be held at the ]Isyor's Court-room to-morrow night> srrnnge for a mass-meeting to beeld here at an early day.A regular meeting of the Missionary '

rjCMrty of the Bauibridge-Street Usp-st ohurch will be held at 4 o'clock 'iis afternoon.The City Beoool Boord meets Tues-ty night at 8 o'clock. i

Tho Hustings Court meets to-mor- | ,mr.

Henries I'omuIj Court.The Henrico county grand jflry. in-sion yesterday, through their fore-an, Thomas Joh;.:: ton. made the to¬wing presentments :

Joseph Bently. Not s trtic bill.Western Inion Telegraph Company,r ..l.-triicting the roads of the county,true bill.II. C. Adams. A true bill in two

iscs for perjury.Lewis Quarks, for shooting Junie*'ilkinson. A true bill.Lewis Quarles, for shooting his wifea society meeting. A true bill.John King, for an assault upon a

ree-year-old child. A true bill.The grand jury was discharged fore term.

Sfeehanlea* Institute.At a meeting of the Board of Man¬ers of the Virginia Mechanics' Inuti¬le, held at the Builders' Exchangeriday evening, the Committee onihools was directed to engage compe- .

nt teachers, secure rooms, and make r,1 necessary arrangements for the open- tg of the second session of the night-hool of technics by the 1st of Octo-:r, if possible.

A Palates Berleasly llnrl.

Yesterdsy a painter named Charlesells fell from a porch, on which heis working, at No. 407 north Elev-ith street, and received injuries fromhich he is apt to die. The city am-

ilance was called, and he was takenbia home, on Thirtieth street. liv¬

id concussion of the brain in additionother injuries.

Coat I.)nile.To-morrow evening Miss Ada Grar,ith a lull support, will appear in theghly-emotional play of M East Lynne ;

, The Elopement,"en entirely new ver-

jii, in five ai ts, Adapted from saflB'ood'i famoui itory.Tuesday evening Miss Gray will sp¬ar in her latest success, entitle I " Bor-¦BA*'1Henrico i ountjr Beflesl Ballera.Tho Bacon's Quarter Branch schoolill not open on Monday (to-morrow),e new building not being completed,ue notice will be given when readyr occupation.The following appointments haveen made : For the Bleckaburg Col-He, Master Reade Robins, of Verinastrict, and Misti Emma G. Taurman,

of Turkahoc district, for the State Nor¬mal School at Farmville.

Invited So aleta mon*!.R. E. l-ee Camp, Confederate Vete¬

rans, have passed unanimously a reso¬lution to invite Seward Post, GrandArmy of the Republic. Auburn, N. Y.,to return, at their convenience, tberisit made to that city on the 4th ofJuly last by the R. E. Lee Camp.

..lille* loan.The following cases were disposed of

yesterday :

Mary Tyler (colored), fighting.Fined $10.50.William Howard, drunk. Eined

$2.50.George Smith, fighting. Caae con¬

tinued,McLain Pleasants, drunk. Fined

$2.50.Harriet Jenkins, assault. Eined

$11.50. Appealed to the HustingsCourt.

AGAINST PROHIBITION.Tbe P**iti*a Takra by Same Obis Brrsbll-

raa l~-_ltlaii,t l anrtiilai...

Cincinnati, September 18..TheCincinnati Volksblatt (Independent) re¬cently sent to each of the thirteen Re¬publican candidates for the State Legis¬lature from this county these thic-questions, requesting explicit answersthereto :

I. Are you for or against prohibi¬tion?II. Are you for or against tho sub¬

mission to the people of a prohibitoryamendment to the Constition }III. Are you for or against the li¬

cense of the li.iuor traffic ?The candidates thas addressed heida

meeting for the purpose of decidingupon their answers to these questions,and unanimously .greed to return to theVolksblatt the following replies:

I. That Ihe declaration of every can¬didate present was against prohibition.II. That every candidate presentpledged himself to vote against the sub¬mission nf a prohibition amendment.

III. That each candidate present de¬clared himself in favor of a reasonablelicense.

IV. That all candidates present agreethat such a license must include alsolegal protection of the tratlic.

These answers embody thc exact po¬sition of the Volksblatt wai the Qemisticlement un the liquor question, andwill probably intuit tht full <iermanvote for the Republican ticket, whichmeans that this county will be carriedby the Republicans by a handsome ini-

joiitv. Bot tbt position which thesecandidate! have tims ititimed differsfrom that ol their party fur tb.* patttwo >ears, in that they take groundagainst the lubtniation of a prohibitoryann iiiliiiciit to the people. The posi¬tion of the Republican party has beenthat ile question of prohibition is nota political question, and should mit beio treated, but should be decided by thtsubmission of a prohibitory amend¬ment to thc people, to bc roted uponniilrpeiidently of political questions or

patty tickets. Tins position bas heldwithin the Republican ranks at previousState elections a porti tn of the votewhich under other circumstances wouldhaxe been gitan to tht Prohibition can¬didates. 'I be danger n-.w is tb.it theaction of the Hamilton county legisla¬tive candidates, while it is likely to in-sure a favorable result here, will ai.-

(agonize tht mild Prohibitionists in theinterior Of the State and cause so heavy. vote to bc cast fur the Prohibitionlicket as to defeat thc Republican Stateti.ket and give the Legislature again totba Democrats.

l.i alu. lt -I I ll ri trail t.

Chilliest.m iXX'.-st Va.) Htar.A few days ago workmen began dig¬

uing a well upon tbe premises of Mr.C. P. Fisher, on the opposite side ol'thc river, expecting to lind a supply ofwater at a reasonable depth, but in thisIhcy were mistaken, but thur laborshave been partially rewarded by some

interesting geological curiosities. Afterblasting through eighteen feet of hardsandstone the men encountered a vein:>f soapstone, then a timi vein of verytiard coal. The soapstone when splitrevealed hundreds of fern leaves, largeind small, as perfect n< though theysere to-day growing on the hillsides.riiese leaxes had become petrified andsere black, showing that the vegetablenatter had by time Income changednto coal. 1 hese curiosities were foundwfSliy-fbtir feet from the surface of the;roie>d, and can be seen at the jcwelry-tore of Mr. Fisher, on Capitol street.

Augustus L. Heckler, of the Dra-nc.tic News, was yesterday presentedvith a gold medal by the I.ife-Savinglenexolent Association of New York,n recognition of his bravery in savingr.-m drowning Miss Kate lludcner andrhomas H. Morris, of Baltimore, on

august lli.h, at Asbury Park.Sara Bernhardt, after selling her

ewels. hoi furniture, and her villa, andiving up a large share of her salaryegularlv, still Badi herself 1150,000n debt.' She hopes to clear |250,000m her coming American tour, s,-> as to

atisfy a'l her creditors and set herselfip ready to run in debt again deeperhan ever.

.um -

Thc Inn.).<¦ Pianos.

Their tune combines the greatest'oasihle Mumt and richness, togethercith that beautiful '"ttl refitted swat-ess and puriig, and remarkable UrIS extraordinary prolongation andmging i/iiality and perfect evenness

hroughout the entire scale.Tm rn of the greate.it lightness,

lasticity, and pliancy, enabling theerformer to control the instrumentcrtectly and create all nuamet in tone,rom punissitno Ut fortissimo, by themich ulone. Catalogues free.

Manly B. Bauds'Music-House.

Boneless Codfish, in five-poundoxes;New Est Mackerel, in live-pound tins ;Ham Sausage, in one-pound and tive-

(illll'i tills

Evaporated Vegetables, in one-poundscksges.is an economical and excel-iiit article for soup ;Curried Fowl, in 50c, cans ;Shrimp and Tomato Sauce ;Ripe Figs, in Cordial;Asparagus-Tips, in cans;Finest Teas and Coffees ;Delicious New Nutter, and a large

ariety of goods, are for sale byJotsF.i'ii M. BLAHS, Grocer.IM Main street (Pace Block).

Branch store, Second and BroadHeels.


l,_l»-*l Popular Books.When the Violets Rloom Again,MiH Fogarty'* Christmas Cake,White Wings, Pretty Pond Lillies,Dark Days,Hush, Little Baby, Don't You Cry :

Who'll Buy My Pretty Flowers/My Little Side-Door,Bring Back My Love O'er the Sea,Miss Mulligan's Homemade Pie.

M. B. RAMOb' Nkw Stoke,'J03 Main itreet.

A latter from Cele.I T4 lilians E.Tao-*et*. PresiOsat er IB* Mesaar* Asse-etaUssi.

Afcssrs. Walter D. Motet lr Co., 014jVai* strtet, Richmond, Va.:f'entlemen..Having now given the

large upright Hardman piano pur¬chased of your house a fair and thor¬ough test, I can speak confidently as toits merits, and I do not hesitate to sayit much exceeds my expectations. Thetone is full, sweet, brilliant, and even.The action is said by all the pianistswho have tried it to be even and per¬fect, and the instrument holds its tuness well ss any I have over seen. Beinglocated in my library, this piano isplayed upon nearly all day, as theroom is much used by my family ; butnotwithstanding this, it does not needtuning any oftener than does my con¬cert grand.the magnificent initru-ment located in my music-room. Andalthough the case does not add to ortake from the musical value of a piano,I would say that the cabinet work inthis instrument is as exquisite as any Ihave ever seen. You can refer to meal I'Icbmiic.

Truly your friend.William E. Tanner.

4 limpid. I* Batlsnett!Who is? The man who after trying

in vain to stop chills on himself andfamily buys a box of Owens's Anti-Chill Pills and follows the directionsfound on the inside of each box, and sowill every one be who has sufferedwith chills and buys a box of thesePills. Price. 50 cents.

OwfnsiV Mi.nob. Druggists.Richmond, Va.

Proressor llas.rl.trThis gentleman will soon reopen his

school. He is a wonderfully success¬ful teacher of French aad German.Those who learn under him will gotthe best pronunciation by the easiestmethods.

The Young ladies' Journal. NewYork Da/aar, and the Season, KAT Octo¬ber, with the latest fall fashions, havebeen received from N. Leonard, news¬dealer, '.Hi"* Main street.

I r. <l. Johnston's Hook*.Received from C. F. Johnston : frank

leslie's Popular Monthly for October,JOc.: ¦. The Flower of Doom and OtherStories," by Mr. Hertham Edwards,25c. .. In Sunny Lands.Outdoor Litein Nassau and Cuba," 25c.; Harper'sDa/.aar, IOe.

..tearer. VJ*/ tittil, lo thee *'

Music l>y Bernard. Thia Boag bisbeen i ul.lishe.I by me. Price 35 cent-,DOB!paid. Manly D. Ramos. n*sv store.'.M.2 Main street."

tlall-llernratlnu*.John Reonavlt Elli adm,

No. 5 north Ninth street,

*..v Piero Hu.', f.il.i,-n..I

whether new or old,cen be hadst Wel¬ter D. Mo-es ,\ Co's., ill Maru street.

At thifl season no person subjectto ..(.lulls and fevers" or living in" malarious place* " ibonld be withoutVegetal.le Noliitiiliiio XXX. Wherequinine and arsenii have laili-) Nol.in-dine has rared.

.itaiiilitril fiske I'lsno. Biroo.

Square or I'pright. Walter D. Mosesa Co.. 014 Main street.

Noir is the time to buy your Ladies'Kui.I.ers. All sises lor 25c. per pair.

Booton Boot, Sum:, am.Tm br House,

903 east Droad street.

¦BOAB BflBfl Oman. A40.Walter D. Mo-es J Co., 014 Msin


vt. .1.Mut BBjaaotafla.Sig our new line of Silver and

Quat rtiplc-I'latcd Hoods selected forprc-mts. GODDABDB Moses,

920 Main street.

I'lscOer lprlchl I'la..... moo.

Looks like new. Walter I). Moses AI'd., 014 Main street.

11.*» Lollies of Virginiaire ofH red the opportunity, throughihe Richmond Exchange for Woman'sWork, of exhibiting the finest speci¬mens of their work at thc Expositionit New Orleans. See their advertise-¦ont in another column.

as-, l. uni...11 tlreau for faun.

1'sed three months. Walter I),affjani A Co.. 014 Main street.- m-.-

Npvelal I nd (icemen la

io cash buyers of Doots. Shoes. Trunks,Bid Satchel*, at Williams .v. Ford's,:orner of Fourth and Droad streets.aige and fresh stock, bought for cash.

lao I* ital..- I prlaBl Pianos, a Ino

Slightly used. Walter D. Moses X'o.. 011 Main street.

lt u I lilia n ru tl ona.

John Reonavlt Ei.lyson.No. 5 north Ninth street.

I sll-» lt li- Kasir,.n endless vari ty, received daily atioddard A Moses", 0^0 Main street.

Misses' Straight Goat Button Bootsspring heel), li's to 2's, for $1.50 s

.air, at theBoston Boot, Shoe, and

Tri nk HorsK,903 casi Prosit street.

4 blekerln* fiann. g.tO.Walter I). Moses .Vi Co., 014 Main

treet._NOW Hean!,

Our stock of Suitings is now com-Jct.-, embracing many novelties in newtesigns of French and English Suitings.Vn early call solicited.

E. B.Spence A Son,Merchant Tailors.

li. .sv fi '..sii'i s int" cured and pre v. ute-1

,y Ut ivy's fr kb Malt VViirskBr. Kecom-ueoeled Ly leading physician* Hold byIrugiflats and ifrocers.

BMOXMTaixT Clo ste.

A fkaukaht Bkbath isalwayas pleasure.nd you san have lt by nain*- Mkau* AIakrk's delicious ('AKiiout: Mocrii-WSXtt. lt destroys t he oITeusl ve odor csusediy dlsessed gums sud decsyed teeth, sndpeedlly rrstoree them to s healthy ooudi-lon. ft I' e. lift v ennis a botUe.


MEACTirrLLT Whits Tbbtii BMHCRIDit the use of Mbaiik A ll vs rn s HapomimblititTirKicB, which wlllspeedlly remove In-Ipleut tartar and scurL frlos, flftjr cents atax. _

BaoKB Tatxr duabs._-BB -1 ..-.-5


IBOB0B H. VABHON A SON, IM P. M.,seven pieces of sood-sayini properly ooByrd snfl Canal linet*,

t C. UABKIBoN, Hiflh Constable, ll A.M.. one white hon*.

I A. THICK, ll M.. at (Jourhland l.'ourt-house, horses, mule* sheep. Ac.

iEOROE W. MAYO, chewlng-lobeeoo,wales, tarnUitre, Av., at 10,', A. M.






BUSINESS.ise 20-Su,

Uti ORS lil I. AST,


its Main siaa.r ...er C. r'. Joli liston s.'The coming .ssslna will open WBDNBB-AY Sspteniber _8d. Tbs patrons ot Bra.

ri. XV. I'i.uinjauii and all other* desiring lu-trucllon InOll-Psliitliig and other Decoalive Art are respectrully invited to rall.ae .0-eod«t« Miss ADD1K M. WOOD.

STUDIO..MISS MINNIE MORRIS-3 will open a mTI'UIo on tbe alar 8EP-KMHFR at Nu. a east Cary street, wberehe alli give Psi ut mg ead Drawing Leeaeosrom nature Nilli LIB, Decorative Work.nd Portraits, In oil, wttir color, crayon.harmal. Ac Will also give lessons si Mr.*owell'B Ki. Iniiusil sienilnsrv. Order* furKiri rai Uaolii-: tad. Leaaons tu Ham me rad

liesa._aa IO-lt*

JEID WHEAT.We bave la stock the following kinda allelected and recl.-aned:4BDITBBBABEAB HVHRID-the most

?roUflc wheat in ouluvslioo:"8 PROLIFIC the re lsbra tel lone-

berry wheat grown eiteoalvely lu tbeValley:iF.RMAN AMBKRaud FDLTZ.

Send tor u tiotst ions snd sam pies.T. Vf. XX lM )D S HON. Seeslsmen.No. 10 suulb Fourteenth street.

se .C-lt aa


We have made arrangements with

Mr. E. Obumbach, an EXPERT

Fl'RR I ER (but recently corni o«r

from Berlin), to establish a

For ManufactoryUNDER OCR OWN ROOF.

Mr. GbiMBAcii's father it a largeshipper and manufacturer of skint in

thc city of Dresden, snd hts selected

for us a tine assortment of the mitt

superior grsde of SEAL snd ASTR.V-

CUAN SKINS to be had.

We therefore, w.th much se'isfac-

tion, inform you we ere now preparedto fill your orders oi the shortest no¬

tice for

St nish in Cloak*,

SeaIshin Sac fins.

St ti Ish in Cttps.St ttlsh in Tri ni in in Q's,

St o Ish in Oofmons,

St a Ish in Muffs.St ii Isl; in ColIn us,


AsTfjACHAN Cloaks,


sV v I /Ti 77s I i . » « .

Full stock of BEAVER.dyed ana

natural.lor Capes, Mull's, and Trim¬

mings.Handsome effects in CHINCHILLA


LYNI.dyed and natural.for Mni's,Collars, and Ti unmn s.

Full stock of the cheaper grades ofskins for imitation effects.

Mr. GBUABACB is an experiencedand capable floak-.Makcr as well as

I urrit r, and will cut snd fit FLUSHsnd VELVET WIAI'S on the neweflt

and most stylish models.

f)F.P/\lipG DEPAtITMEtvT.This department will rec ive csp ciel

attention, and all work intrusted to ug

for Repairing will be promptly and.

carefully done.


The brat Sealskin Cloak will chancecolor after four or live years' wear.

For $25 or $30 wo can thoroughly re¬

novate it end restore ita original rich¬ness and lustre.



DIOCESE UK VIKUINlA,i-i ni i.iiro ar


and containing the sddrsssrs then daily.eird and other Illta-rrsllua uiatter. 1* MOWr.-silr forssir sn 1 .lelirery. We hare lassaappointed ascii »for the ssir of Ulta booO Ulthe state of VirKiula, sud rrapectfultjr la*vite early order* frora the clergy ead laity,snd ibe public generally. BouJk*SBB*S Bs..i.e. i--a,'.i rsare rr>.ueated te coot atMOl-rate with us. Ordsrs will bs fllied ta BOWot tty of date. Price ll.

BECKWITH 4 PARHAM.te 10-41_K1.-Bmood. Va

11ES1DES ALL THI .SCHOOL-** KiK>Ks. wshsrs. st lowartes* BAIMLBTKAfB. S1.ATKH. al'uNOEH. Ll'NCB-BOXES and HABKETM. COPT-and COM.PlMlTIOS-BOoRB. fENCILB I'MAYOMw,Bl'I.IB, PENS sod HOLDERS. DRAW-INU-HETB Ar.old booka bou*la. ao!tf or ri elis tated.JO tO_J.W.BANia 'Tt'lf AKNllLIJsB.CCHOOI.-BOOKS, NEW ASHk >OLD>--Wshavssl. t hr sftlsMlL- BooEHused la Ibe aubils and pt * tit Babool* af IB*stet* wbteh ws offer et the prteea Hied Brtbs Board of Kdu*-*u.«i. "

ol.D BOOKS TAKEN I fl KXi'HV.MiiB*.a* SO eodA w BAtCKW1TM 4 I ARUAM.
