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RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL · Congratulations Torah Hintz. Ohh-arr-matey! Avast ye be finishing ye...

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Principal’s Message 1 Same Day Student Absences Notification 2-3 Student Awards 4 Student of the week 4 P & C News 6-7 What’s on at Richmond State 8 Free Prep Vision Screening 9 Student Birthdays 10 ANZAC Day Under 8’s Day 11 Position Vacant at Richmond SS 12 Position Vacant at Richmond Early Childhood Centre 14 Business Advertisements 15-16 RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL 27TH MARCH 2019 ISSUE 6 2019 Michael Sutton A/Principal (07) 4768 6333 (07) 4768 6300 [email protected] Robyn McMaster [email protected] VOLUME 2018 Dear Parents and Community Members School Focus Firstly, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. Remember if the Bunny is happy enough to share Easter eggs with you, maybe you should pass it forward and share with your siblings. This will definitely make it a peaceful holiday for your parents. Parent interviews This term parent interviews are coming up. Please take the me to meet with your child’s teacher and work with them to set some direcon and shared goals for next term. ANZAC Day ANZAC day will be upon us soon aſter the holidays. The school service for ANZAC day will be in week one. In addion, we will be again parcipang in the communi- ty commemorave service on the 25 th . NAPLAN Dates The 12 th , 13 th , and 14 th of May are the three days this year for NAPLAN. The pur- pose of the tesng to provide schools with a feedback around the curriculum with- in the school, and the areas of strength and needs for improvement. Our teachers will be working with the years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students to support their understand- ing of the assessment tasks, and the most efficient and effecve way to work through these. Swimming Carnival This terms School Swimming Carnival is on this Friday 27th March 2019. Spelling Our Spelling program is following the Soundwaves program. The program uses the 44 Phonemes to drive the spelling of words. Each of the Phonemes will have a range of possible Graphemes that are used to represent the sound and join to make a word. Students will have access to Soundwaves online and will be able to log in and do some acvies and related to the Phoneme of the week. The use of the sounds (phonemes) is a lile different to tradional spelling but many of skills and ideas are a part of the broader program. The need to understand how adding ‘ed’ ‘s’ and ‘ing’, as well as suffixes and prefixes are but a few of the concepts included. The English language is a complex language to learn how to spell. The context or origin of the word can change the meaning or spelling. If we look at the word wind, is it, the wind is blowing or, I will wind up the clothesline? The sounds are different, but the Graphemes, or symbols that represent the different sounds are the same. Another example is the ‘ir’ in bird, is the same as the ‘ur’ in slurp, the graphemes are different for each word, (ir, ur) but have the same phoneme. It all sounds a lile complex, but it follows many of the principles researched through cognive psychology on how language is learned.
Page 1: RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL · Congratulations Torah Hintz. Ohh-arr-matey! Avast ye be finishing ye another novel study on ’Captain Abdul’s Pirate School!’ In total ye have read 60


I S S U E :

Principal’s Message 1

Same Day Student

Absences Notification


Student Awards 4

Student of the week 4

P & C News 6-7

What’s on at

Richmond State


Free Prep Vision



Student Birthdays 10


Under 8’s Day


Position Vacant at

Richmond SS


Position Vacant at

Richmond Early

Childhood Centre






2 7 T H M A R C H 2 0 1 9 I S S U E 6 2 0 1 9

Michael Sutton


(07) 4768 6333

(07) 4768 6300

[email protected]

Robyn McMaster

[email protected]


2 0 1 8

Dear Parents and Community Members School Focus Firstly, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. Remember if the Bunny is happy enough to share Easter eggs with you, maybe you should pass it forward and share with your siblings. This will definitely make it a peaceful holiday for your parents. Parent interviews This term parent interviews are coming up. Please take the time to meet with your child’s teacher and work with them to set some direction and shared goals for next term. ANZAC Day ANZAC day will be upon us soon after the holidays. The school service for ANZAC day will be in week one. In addition, we will be again participating in the communi-ty commemorative service on the 25th. NAPLAN Dates The 12th, 13th, and 14th of May are the three days this year for NAPLAN. The pur-pose of the testing to provide schools with a feedback around the curriculum with-in the school, and the areas of strength and needs for improvement. Our teachers will be working with the years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students to support their understand-ing of the assessment tasks, and the most efficient and effective way to work through these. Swimming Carnival This terms School Swimming Carnival is on this Friday 27th March 2019. Spelling Our Spelling program is following the Soundwaves program. The program uses the 44 Phonemes to drive the spelling of words. Each of the Phonemes will have a range of possible Graphemes that are used to represent the sound and join to make a word. Students will have access to Soundwaves online and will be able to log in and do some activities and related to the Phoneme of the week. The use of the sounds (phonemes) is a little different to traditional spelling but many of skills and ideas are a part of the broader program. The need to understand how adding ‘ed’ ‘s’ and ‘ing’, as well as suffixes and prefixes are but a few of the concepts included. The English language is a complex language to learn how to spell. The context or origin of the word can change the meaning or spelling. If we look at the word wind, is it, the wind is blowing or, I will wind up the clothesline? The sounds are different, but the Graphemes, or symbols that represent the different sounds are the same. Another example is the ‘ir’ in bird, is the same as the ‘ur’ in slurp, the graphemes are different for each word, (ir, ur) but have the same phoneme. It all sounds a little complex, but it follows many of the principles researched through cognitive psychology on how language is learned.

Page 2: RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL · Congratulations Torah Hintz. Ohh-arr-matey! Avast ye be finishing ye another novel study on ’Captain Abdul’s Pirate School!’ In total ye have read 60



Same Day Student Absences Notification The safety and wellbeing of students are the highest priorities for the department. Parents need to know if their child hasn’t turned up for school, schools need to know when and why a child is absent

State schools notify parents on the same day that any student is absent without an explanation. If you don’t answer the phone a message will be left for you to contact the school as soon as possible.

If your child/ren are absent from school it is imperative that you contact the school before 8.30am.

School phone 4768 6333 or Email [email protected]

Reciprocal Teaching (Reading). The reciprocal teaching (reading) program has started in earnest. Discussions with students has highlighted to them that the skills required for the program will take time and are a long term program for success. The purpose of reciprocal teaching (reading) is to develop the skills we already use when reading a book, making them more overt. Students already do many of the tasks identified through the reciprocal teaching program, but are not fully aware of them. Working with the students has been a “light bulb” moment for many of them as they have realised that they have been doing many of the pre-reading skills but were not aware of it. They also are learning how to better develop these skills and doing so with their peers in a group setting. Reciprocal teaching is as the words suggest, giving back to the group, reciprocating. The focus is on all as-pects of reading as a skill, of decoding and comprehending as well as the sharing of ideas. This aspect is the most important part of the program, we learn by doing and by watching and listening to others. Each group is not left to their own devices but will need to have a facilitator to support the learning. The knowledge that the facilitator brings is invaluable to the process. The ideas, the attention to what is important and the ability to focus on the successes of the groups is key to motivating the students and building their understanding of the reading process. Reciprocal reading is but one of many aspects of a reading program. The need to develop decoding skills (translating the symbols on a page into ideas, the comprehension (understanding) and the awareness of how a text type will dictate the way it is used are all taught through guided reading, QAR (Question Answer Relationship) and other programs. The most important part is the sharing of ideas and learning from each other. School review We still do not have a date for our school review, but when we find out we will let parents know. The review is a part of the school planning phase and is instrumental in setting the school improvement agenda for the next 4 years. Grounds officer We are still advertising for a Grounds Officer so please help out and pass on the information to anyone you feel could be a good candidate. Positive Behaviour 4 Learning The focus for this week is show good sportsmanship Kind regards Michael Sutton A/Principal

Page 3: RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL · Congratulations Torah Hintz. Ohh-arr-matey! Avast ye be finishing ye another novel study on ’Captain Abdul’s Pirate School!’ In total ye have read 60


Reading Challenge commences 16/05/19

and finishes on 28/08/19 student recording

sheets must be handed into the class


Prep—Year 2, Read or experience 20 books

Years 3-4, Read 20 books

Years 5-9, Read 15 books

A book list is available from the school for

this reading challenge.

Students will be rewarded with a

certificate for participating in this


Please note: With all the illness over the past few weeks. Please read the “Time Out” leaflet keeping your child and other kids healthy as to when they should return to school.

Absences So our records can be kept accurate please let the office know of any change in your circumstances. If you have changed your address, telephone number, guardianship or place of employment, please come to the school office and update your child’s details.

Parents must let the school know by

8.30am if their child or children will be absent or late for


Tel: 4768 6333

Our students working hard at their spelling and writing. Way to go!

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Monday 18/03/19 Prep Certificate of Recognition presented to Jesse Lumb. Happy Voucher Award. Congratulations! You are having greater

success following our three school rules. Certificate of Recognition presented to Harley O’Keeffe. Happy Voucher Award. Congratulations! You are having greater success following our three school rules.

Year 1-2 Certificate of Recognition presented to Varlah Evans. Positive Behaviour Award, for her eagerness to learn and participation in whole class learning. Well done Varlah! Keep up the good work.

Years 3-4 Congratulations Kody Kuhl you have finished your novel study on ‘Dragon Masters, Flight of the Moon Dragon!’ In total, you have read 96 flaming-hot pages and 5211 roaring words. Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. Congratulations Torah Hintz. Ohh-arr-matey! Avast ye be finishing ye another novel study on ’Captain Abdul’s Pirate School!’ In total ye have read 60 sea-worthy pages and 4271 buccaneering words. Today a reader tomorrow a pirate leader.

Year 4-5 Certificate of Recognition presented to Jadzzia Evans. Class Award, for using adverbs and descriptive language in your complex sentences. You are a ’Word Study Wizard!’

Year 6-7 Certificate of Recognition presented to Kody Thun. Skills Award, for applying detailed scientific investigation strategies when testing furniture fabrics.


Term 1, Week 7 Hannah Anderson - Year 6-10 For consistent and dedicated work in the assessment phase of all your subject areas.

Term 1, Week 8 Lane Hintz - Year Prep For working so hard to always follow our three school rules. Way to go Lane!

MONDAY 25/03/19 Prep Certificate of Recognition presented to Ellie Hughes. Happy Voucher Award, you have been working very hard to learn

your sight words. Well done. Certificate of Recognition presented to Rylann Fields. Positive Behaviour Award, you are experiencing greater success with following teacher direction to improve your learning.

Year 1-2 Certificate of Recognition presented to Morgan Lawry. Skills Award for trying her hardest with her narrative writing and being an enthusiastic young author. Well done.

Year 6-7 Certificate of Recognition presented to Chloe Edwards. Skills Award for positive attitude towards learning in English, Science and History.


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Each family has received a Cookie Dough order form, if not please see

the school office to get yours. There are 10 flavours of cookie dough

to choose from and they are priced at $15 or $16 per tub. Each

student that places an order with at least 1 tub is eligible to choose a

prize and the more tubs you sell, the more prizes you can claim (and

the more the P&C raises for the school!). The tubs can be ordered

online before Monday 1 April or on the paper order form by Friday 5

April. Don’t forget to order your prizes too. Online prize ordering is

from 1 April to 8 April and paper form prize orders are done on the

back of the order form by 5 April. Orders and money can be returned to the school office. Tubs must

be paid for at the time of ordering. If you have any questions, please see one of the P&C Committee.

Easter Raffle – all students have received a booklet of 5 tickets to sell

for the P&C Easter raffle. More books are available from the office.

The more tickets you sell, the better your chance of winning a prize

for the most books sold. All students who return their book of tickets

sold to the school office by Wednesday 3 April go into the draw to

win a prize. Tickets are $1 each and the raffle will be drawn on Friday 5 April at the

Easter Bonnet parade. Good luck and thank you for your support!

Caravan Park Dinner The first caravan park dinner is being

organised by the P&C and will be held on

Thursday 18 April from 6pm. This is the

day before Easter, so if you are available

and can cook a dish or help serve on the

night, please let Suzanne know ASAP.

Richmond SS P & C Association Meeting will be held:

When Monday 13 May 2019 Time 6.00pm Where School Library President Suzanne Johnson Vice-President Jane Green Treasurer Jamie McLaughan Secretary Karen Kennedy Everyone is welcome we are looking for fantastic school parents to help our wonderful P & C. See you there :-)

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Swimming Carnival Tuckshop – Friday 29 March The P&C will be operating a tuckshop at the swimming carnival and your support is greatly appreciated. We will have the following food and drinks available for sale. Roast Chicken Roll $6 Sandwiches: Hot Dog $4 -- Vegemite $2 Sausage Roll $3 -- Salad $4 Spaghetti Hot Pot $3 -- Ham/ Chicken & Salad $5 Large Pie $4 Assorted cakes, biscuits & slices $2 Small Pie $2 Popper $2 Water $3 Tea/ Coffee $2 Donations of cakes, biscuits and slices are greatly appreciated. Please drop off to the swimming pool canteen at 8:30 on Friday 29 March. For parents that may not want their child to have money in their bag, pop their money in a zip lock bag with their name on it and drop it to the pool canteen in the morning if possible and we can hold it in the canteen and then arrange for any change to go home with your child.

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RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL NEWS What’s on at Richmond State School 2019


29 ☺ Swimming Carnival


5 ☺ Easter Bonnet Parade

5 ☺ School finishes

19 ☺ Good Friday

22 ☺ Easter Monday

23 ☺ School Resumes

24 ☺ ANZAC Day at school

25 ☺ ANZAC Day


6 ☺ Labour Day Public Holiday

15 ☺ Under 8’s Week

14-16 ☺ NAPLAN

16 ☺ Premiers Reading Challenge commences


13 ☺ Taking schoolwork to the tent for Field Day

14 ☺ Richmond Field Day

15 ☺ Richmond Turf Club Field Day Races

TBA ☺ Athletics Carnival

28 ☺ School Finishes


15 ☺ School Resumes 8.25am


28 ☺ Premier’s Reading Challenge finishes


6 ☺ White Balloon Day

20 ☺ School finishes 2.30pm


7 ☺ Queens Birthday Public Holiday

8 ☺ School resumes

20-26 ☺ Queensland State Schools Education Week

☺ Queensland State Schools P & C Week/day


25 ☺ Day for Daniel

☺ World Teachers Day

27 ☺ Grandparents day at school

T3W3 ☺ Cross Country Carnival


11 ☺ Remembrance Day

20-26 ☺ Queensland Education Week

21 ☺ Awards Night

28 ☺ Year 10 Dinner / Year 6 Graduation

29 ☺ Year 10 finishes School at 2.30pm


4 ☺ End of year school concert

6 ☺ Richmond SS finishes school for the 2019 year

School Newsletter


Term 1—27/03/19 today

Term 2—24/04/19, 08/05/19, 22/05/19, 05/06/19, 19/06/19

Term 3– 1707/19, 03/08/19, 14/08/19, 24/09/19, 11/09/19

Term 4- 09/10/19, 25/10/19, 06/11/19, 20/11/19

All items need to be in by 10.30am on the Monday before the

newsletter date.

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School & Sports Uniforms are available at the school on

Thursday Mornings between 8.00am to 8.30am

School Shirts $25 School Shorts $15 School Hats $10

Sports Shirts Short Sleeve

$30 Sports Shirts Long Sleeve





Lost Property

A Lost Property Box is positioned near the student port racks. Any items found are placed inside this box and parents are encouraged to check this box regularly if their child is missing items such as hats, lunch boxes, clothing and shoes. At the end of each term, unclaimed lost property will be given to the Red Cross. The best way to ensure that all of your child’s possessions are easily identified, and so returned, is to

Richmond State School Swimming Carnival 2019

Our swimming carnival is this Friday 29/03/19. The P & C will be running a tuckshop information for this is on the P & C page 5 of this newsletter. Students are asked to bring money if they are having tuckshop otherwise bring there lunch. Student are also asked to bring their water bottles, sun shirt (to put on between races) and sunscreen. It would be fantastic if they could come in there house colours and know their war cries. Points are given for war cries. We look forward to an amazing day of swimming so parents, grandparents and community members are most welcome. See you there!

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On Monday 18/03 during parade, we

started a birthday recognition of our

students. The students who had

birthdays over the holidays were read

out to our students, staff and parents.


28 Talon Evans



Uniforms available

Thursday mornings

Keep safe over this

holiday period. We look forward to you

returning to school ready to learn.

School Holidays School finishes on Friday 05/04/19 at 2.30pm

Good Friday 19/04/19 Easter Monday 22/04/19

School resumes on Tuesday 23/04/19 at 8.25am


☺ Teenagers need around 9¼

hours of sleep each night. They also need time to just

‘chill out’.

☺ Constant stimulation and

activity can set up a

pattern of needing to be constantly entertained, and

not feeling comfortable with

time for quiet reflection.

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No phone orders for Tuckshop delivery will be accepted by the café. If you order this way, you must pick the order up and deliver it to the

school in person. Parents please put your tuckshop order in brown paper bag with child's name, order and money enclosed. There will be a supply of brown paper bags at school or at Moonrock or you can purchase your own. Remember only items on this menu are available with the tuckshop orders. Break 2 Food order on a separate brown paper bag. (NO HOT FOOD WILL BE AVAILABLE) Some foods are only available on certain days. Change will be placed in lunch bags. Please Note:- ICE COFFEE FLAVOURED MILK WILL NOT BE SUPPLIED IN YOUR CHILD’S TUCKSHOP LUNCH.

A coloured newsletter is available on our school web page [email protected]


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Page 15: RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL · Congratulations Torah Hintz. Ohh-arr-matey! Avast ye be finishing ye another novel study on ’Captain Abdul’s Pirate School!’ In total ye have read 60



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Colleen Rae

Shane Stafford

P.O. Box 1061

Townsville QLD 4810

[email protected]


Tel: 0427 221018 Fax: 0747 243839
