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Riffles September 2012 (2)

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  • 7/31/2019 Riffles September 2012 (2)



    PO Box 63016, Manukau City 2241

    http://www.aucklandfreshwateranglers.org.nz/ September 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Riffles September 2012 (2)


    cover:Chris Young on Whanganui, by Manuel Greenland

    This month:First Cast

    ytying challengeytying trophy

    Tongariro trip

    First cast

    Wow another year as president, thank you verymuch for the honour. Also a big thank you to thecommittee for their time and efforts into making2011/2012 a success.

    We will have quite a lot of focus on growth thiscoming year. Last years focus was setting upelectronic procedures. This has made our lives much

    easier for this year and also for the future.Thank you to our new committee for offering their

    time for this exciting new year ahead.Our regional competition is taking some structurebut we are still looking for volunteers. We are goingdown to the Ohinemuri River on Sunday, September23rd to do some clearing for access points. So,if you have some spare time please come joinus. Contact Chris Young for more information.

    This past months Ohinemuri River trip was

    cancelled due to the lack of support, this is thesecond year this has been poorly supported, we willbe taking the Ohinemuri off our next years trip list.Our next trip is to theTongariro River 28-30September, please register your interest on the

    website or [email protected]

    Your 2011/12 shing license is expiring soon.

    I purchased my licence online and they supplyan attractive, durable plastic card.The Plastic licen

    se normally gets mailed within ve working days ofbeing ordered. Its the most simple and convenientway to purchase your 2012/13 shing license. Thereare some new rules regarding Eastern region, pleaseensure you read the rules that comes with your newlicense. To help you get a good head start to theseason, the rst person to approach me at club nightand ask about my three best ies will win them!

    At ourAGM we got our full complement ofcommittee members. The committee is always open

    to new ideas and suggestions so please feel free totalk to me if you are interested in joining our greatteam or if you are interested in helping with someprojects.

    Septembers club night is going to be interesting, weare going to have Martin Staka from Incept MarineLimited, he will be talking to us about inatableboats. Garth Plank will also be joining us to talkabout all his widgets, silk lines, light weight rods andother interesting things I look forward to see youthere.See you on the Captains Corner.

    Tight LinesBrian (The Ohau stalker) Young

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 Riffles September 2012 (2)


    The club meets on the second Monday ofevery month (except January) at 7.30pm at

    Panmure Yacht & Boating Club, Kings Road,


    Turangi Club Lodge: 3 Te Hei Place, Turangi.

    Bookings & enquiries: Brian Young

    Puniu Club Hut: Newman Road, off Bayley

    Road, south of Te Awamutu

    Bookings & enquiries: Brian Young

    General inquiries to: The Secretary, Auckland

    Freshwater Anglers Club, PO Box 63016,

    Manukau City 2241. Ph 278 1528

    Classified Ads

    Members who wish to buy or sell any shing-related equipment can place an ad in Rifes.

    There will be no charge for members provided itis limited to 25 words or less. All ads should beplaced in electronic form and forwarded by emailto the Editor on or before the 25th of the month.


    The Editor would love to have members input intothe magazine.

    Have you been shing lately in an interesting spot,had a funny experience, learnt a new technique or

    just have a good story to share?

    Please email any contributions [email protected] or post them to the club mail

    box, P.O.Box 63 016, Manukau City 2241.

    All opinions expressed by contributors tothis newsletter are solely the opinion of thecontributor concerned and do not necessarilyrepresent the views of AFAC or its other members

    Hon Solicitor: Alan Jenkinson 1990-Past Patron:Michael Beddek 1973-96

    Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Hardie Boys GNZM GCMG QSO 1996-2008 Past Presidents:Hon Life Members: Robert Hunter 1972-74

    Brian Roland 1974-75David Lyon 1990 Brian Frankpitt 1975-78Dan Hartley 1997 Colin Kennedy 1978-81Derek Carter 2002 Ron Walters 1981-82Derek Eustace 2002 Colin Kennedy 1982-85Frank Ciochetto 2002 Alan Peak 1985-89Neil Hirtzel 2002 Scott Murray 1989-92Noel Osborne 2002 David McLellan 1992-93Chris Christianson 2003 Doug Rankin 1993-94George Lammie 2003 Brian Hetherington 1994-97Brian Hetherington 2004 Mike Batty 1997-2000Arthur Golding 2006 Virginia Duncum 2000-2002

    Ian Gibbs 2002-2005

    Hugh Hutchinson 2005-2008Doug Snell 2008-2011Brian Young 2011-

    Name Email Phone

    Brian YoungPresident [email protected] 021 225885909 829 0880

    Paul SharpSecretary

    [email protected] 029 2360360

    Mike BarkeTreasurer

    [email protected] 027 6208613

    Ian ReidClub Captain

    [email protected] 093023081

    Ian RodgerEnvironmental

    [email protected] 0272379441

    Sam Bourne


    [email protected] 027 242


    RobynArrowsmithTrip organiser



    021 899 279

    ManuelGreenlandBooking ofcer



    022 1848350

  • 7/31/2019 Riffles September 2012 (2)




    Flies: AMMONITE NYMPH # 8-14(curved caddis)ROYAL WULFF # 8-14DAMSEL RABBIT # 8-12

    CORIXA # 12 or14

    Flies are from NEW ZEALANDS BEST


    Rules: 1: There is one category only

    2: You must enter 1 y only of eachpattern, tied by yourself

    3: Entries will be numbered & judgedanonymously by a panel of 2 judges

    4: Entries will be displayed, & returnedto the entrants, on December prize-giving night

    Notes:1: Artistic presentation will not be a

    factor, y tying skill & accuracy onlywill be judged

    2: The materials specications for theies, with colour illustrations, will beavailable from me at the Sept & Octclub nights and on the Club web-site.


    Entries are to be handed to me on the Novemberclub night or may be posted, or delivered, to me to20 Fraser Rd Papatoetoe, Auckland, 2025 the nextday.

    Derek Eustace

    A F A C ~ 2012 Fly Tying Challenge

    July 2012 pattern: Red Setter (streamer)


    points total points to

    dateExperienced1st Brian Jones 4 12

    2nd Doug Snell 3 9

    Brian Young -- 3

    Paul Sharp -- 3Novice1st John White 4 12

    Attie Lues -- 6

    Judges general comments: Congratulations to the

    place-winners. All the ies entered would be quiteshable. The Red Setter (& its related Fuzzy Wuzzy)is a tricky y to achieve the nished equal-size bodysegments and the correctly sized, laid-back, hacklesand this was evident in the ies submitted.

    Derek Eustace

  • 7/31/2019 Riffles September 2012 (2)




    FLIES, materials available at ROD & REEL

    Ammonite Nymph

    Hook: # 8 14 curved Caddis hook

    Under-body: Tungsten beads, & lead wire on top

    of hook shank

    Abdomen: Olive Nymph Skin or equivalent

    Thorax: Hares ear fur (dubbed over thetungsten beads)

    Legs: Brown Partridge fibres

    Wing-case: Black Nymph Skin or equivalent

    Royal Wulff

    Hook: # 8 14

    Tail: Elk, Moose, or Deer hair

    Body: 2 equal sections of bronze Peacock herlseparated by an equal section of red floss

    ribbed with gold wire

    Wing Calf tail or synthetic equivalent

    Hackle Natural red cock hackle

    Damsel Rabbit

    Hook: # 8 12

    Tail: Golden Pheasant tippets

    Body: Olive floss ribbed with red copper wire

    Wing: Olive Rabbit strip tied-in Matuku style

    with the ribbing wire

    Eyes: Melted black mono-filament, or clear,

    painted black

    Head: Olive micro chenille or equivalent


    Hook: # 12 or 14

    Body: Primrose or light olive ultra chenille or

    equivalent ribbed with un-stranded grey

    embroidery thread or similar

    Legs: Fine round rubber

    Wing-case: Olive Wapsi Thin Skin or equivalent

  • 7/31/2019 Riffles September 2012 (2)



    1: There is one category only

    2: You must enter one fly only of each pattern,

    tied by yourself

    3: Entries will be numbered & judged

    anonymously by a panel of two judges


    1: Entries will be displayed, & returned to theentrants, on Dec prize-giving night

    2: Artistic presentation will not be a factor, fly

    tying skill & accuracy only will be judged

    3: This pattern sheet will be available at the Sept

    & Oct club nights & on the Club web-site

    Entries Entries to be handed to me on the Nov

    club night or posted, or delivered, to 20 Fraser RdPapatoetoe, Auckland 2025, the next day.

  • 7/31/2019 Riffles September 2012 (2)


  • 7/31/2019 Riffles September 2012 (2)


    Tongariro River Club Trip

    The next club trip is to be held on the weekend ofthe 28th September. The Tongariro is a very swiftowing river and has a good mixture of rocks, graveland sand. The Tongariro holds Brown and Rainbowsaveraging around 2Kgs and bigger!!! You will alsohave a wide range of other rivers around to sh as


    This is an excellent club trip to go on!


    Because of the distance we can try car pooling withother members, you will get the details of all thepeople attending once you sign up to the trip on the


    When & Where

    We are planning to use the Turangi houseaccommodation. If we have more than 8 people we

    will be using the Motel. So please get your bookingsin ASAP.

    What to Bring:

    Well other than the obvious shing gear you willneed to bring along your own bedding or a sleepingbag. As with every trip I would also like to encourage

    any y tiers to bring along your vice for someevening entertainment and pattern swapping.


    We will be providing a continental breakfast on theSaturday morning and a cooked breakfast on theSunday morning as well as supper on the Saturdaynight. Each angler will need to bring their own foodfor lunches and snacks during the days. And ofcourse, dont forget to bring your favourite drink forthe evening.

    Cost and Bookings:

    To book, just go to the website and ll out yourdetails.

    Cost is $70.00 and payment info can be found here,

    or on the website.

    Thanks and I hope you enjoy the trip.


    Brian [email protected]

    http://www.aucklandfreshwateranglers.org.nz/Club_Bank_Details.phpmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.aucklandfreshwateranglers.org.nz/Club_Bank_Details.php
