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FALL 2015

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YOUR LIFEBamboo-StrategySoul@Work30 Minute Serenity30 Minute Resilience30 Minute Humanity30 Minute Life Energy

YOUR SUCCESSFOOLED?Speak PlainlyLearning to lead with ResilienceThe Rhetoric TrapFrom Baby Boomers to Gen ZTrust in Sales30 Minute Communicating Effectively30 Minute Job Satisfaction30 Minute Compassionate Communication30 Minute Successful Communication30 Minute Effective Communication

YOUR BUSINESSThe Complexity TrapGoodbye McK... & Co.Leadership made in GermanyTopsellingValue-based Selling with the 9 LevelsEmotional Selling

Neo NatureThe Secret of Your Natural PowerChristo Foerster176 pagesRights sold to: Finland

Ready, Set, Go!5 Questions that will change your lifeCordula Nussbaum220 pages

Time is Life, Life is Time How to Bring Balance to your Life Lothar Seiwert168 pagesRights sold to: South Korea, Russia, China, Czech Republic

Success through WillpowerHow to get more of what you wantHans-Georg Willmann 192 pagesRights sold to: Thailand

Recently Published New Books Fall 2015

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GABAL Rights ListYour Success GABAL Rights List

Steffen KirchnerFOOLED? The End of the Motivation Lies and What REALLY Drives People370 pages, Hardcover

Pseudo-wisdom promises easy luck and quick success. To motivate yourself or others is in vogue – whether or not you understand anything about motivation. Steffen Kirchner argues for a renewed approach to motivation. And he criticizes the motivation lies that are presented to us every day. With refreshing lightness, the book examines the desires behind those lies and provides concrete alternatives and solutions that positively affect the personal joy of living.

Steffen Kirchner is a professional sports coach, and an expert in high demand at TV broadcasting stations Sky and ZDF. Furthermore, he is a columnist for the news magazine FOCUS and a lecturer on the topics motivation, performance, and leadership. His clients include companies like Adidas, Audi, Siemens, VW, and ThyssenKrupp. He works with many professional sports clubs and athletes – both in German-speaking countries as well as internationally. As a mental coach, he mentored the tennis player Sabine Lisicki and the German national team, pro-fessional gymnasts Fabian Hambüchen and Marcel Nguyen at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

“Germany’s most successful motivational coach” Bild der Frau

“The columns of sports expert Steffen Kirchner are an outstanding addition to our reporting and represent a clear added value for our readers.” Marco Plein, Head of Sport at FOCUS Online

“... Practical and entertaining, ... Kirchner stands for top performance – in sport, in life, at work.” DIE WELT

„Steffen Kirchner is the topexpert on motivation and top-class performance in the German-speaking world.” WirtschaftsBlatt Österreich

“... One of the leading German mental trainers and speakers on personal development in professional sports and in business.” Spox.com

“A serious representative of his profession and thus probably a rarity.” Südwest Presse

Goodbye Fast Food Motivation – Hello Meaningfulness

Motivation lie: “Program yourself to success.” – The lie that life is predictable

Motivation lie: “ Self-confidence is a prerequisite for success.” – The lie of born winners

Motivation lie: “ Hard work is the key to success.” – The lie of exceeding one’s personal

performance limits and the power of discipline.

Motivation lie: “Success will make you happy.” – The lie about happiness

In this book:

The book provides basic information and truths about motivation.

Learn to understand and be able to identify the difference between Kirchner’s ideas and the existing fast food motivation.

Whether it comes to positive thinking, happiness, perseverance, discipline, goal orientation, or self-motivation: It is time to expose the motivation lies and to really learn from them.

Learn to better deal with recognition, money, work-life balance, fun and our strengths and weaknesses – not only in business and in education, but also in competitive sports.

Learn to recognize charlatans and find good, honest coaches and speakers in the motivation industry – for your personal development and for that of your company.

This book is the beginning of an urgently needed revision of the common errors, misconceptions, and motivation lies in society.

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GABAL Rights ListYour Business GABAL Rights List

Complexity: Myth or Reality?

Everyone knows complexity because it characterizes our century and has changed our working world. The tasks are always increasing, turnover cycles are getting shorter, and the network continues to expand. But one thing is clear: we have no idea what complexity actually is, let alone how to master it. At the same time there are numerous errors within complexity, such as the call for simplification, for more information, and for better planning. The book informs the reader about these errors, provides relevant background knowledge, and is always focused on practical examples.

This book focuses on the most common misunderstandings in management when it comes to complexity. It teaches you about the origins of errors, such as the call for simplification, for more information, and for better planning. Along with each error are insights which can allow us to deal with increasing complexity in new and different ways.

The book introduces the concept of complexity and explains the main aspects such as dynamics, non-trans-parency, self-organization, and more. It summarizes what skills, attitudes, and competencies are necessary to cope with complexity. At the end of the book you will have learned what is necessary to succeed in a holistic sense as a manager and leader, despite or perhaps because of the complexity.This book is written for managers and executives who want to deal with the complexity of our world and who want to make decisions more successfully. It is written for people who are open to confronting their perspec-tives, stereotypes, prejudices, and beaten paths.


About the common errors of complexity

What complexity actually means and how to master it

How to further develop your leadership competency

Stephanie Borgert is a qualified computer scientist and has many years of technical and management experience in the IT industry. She gained a lot of experience by organizing complex dynamic projects; this experience has subsequently influenced her work and books. Since 2007, Stephanie Borgert has used her background in freelance work as a coach and trainer for executives and project teams.

Stephanie BorgertThe Complexity Trap8 Managerial Misconceptions and Why We Need a New Management System Illustrations by Carsten Oltmann260 pages, Hardcover

Complexity: Myth or Reality?

Complexity “in a nutshell”

The facets of complexity

Myth: simplification leads to success

Myth: Complicated equals complex

Myth: The experts will do it right

Myth: we must not make mistakes

Myth: Good planning is everything

Myth: More data provides clarity

Myth: Trust is good, control is better

Myth: Competition is good for business

Mastering complexity

The answer to complexity


Complexity Traps:

Complicated does not equal complex

Planning – responding to change is more important than sticking to a plan

Data provides a basis – it’s important to filter relevant information, otherwise information overload can occur; weak signals are more likely signifiers of opportunities and risks than trends based on numbers

Control – complex systems can’t be controlled

Competition is good for business – cooperation is the basis for networking

Leadership – hierarchical management prevents innovation and value creation, comes from the industrial era and is inappropriate for knowledge economy

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Challenges the Consultant of the Next Generation Will Face

Edgar K. Geffroy is an entrepreneur, business speaker, best-selling author and New Spirit Business Speaker. He is regarded as one of the most in-demand business experts with 2,100 lectures in front of more than 500,000 people. He is one of the 10 key business motivators (Wirtschaftswoche) and belongs to the 25 leading business speakers in Germany (GQ).

Benjamin Schulz is managing director of “Werdewelt,” Agency for Personal Marketing, and has many years of experience in personal branding and strategic positioning in the consulting and advisory business. In his work with consultants, speakers and other influential personalities, he combines his roles as companion and sparring partner with many years of marketing expertise.

There are plenty of good manuals for consultants. But none of these books can give an outlook with which challenges the consultant of the next generation will face. This is where this book begins, to arouse the understanding of consultants on how their industry will continue to develop over the next five, ten or even 20 years. The book shows consultants the secure entry into the knowledge economy and how they can be successful, even the day after tomorrow.


About the development of consultants in the knowledge economy

About the requirements consultants will need in the coming years and how they can become mentors and companions

How the industry will continue to develop over the next five to ten years

How to securely enter into the knowledge economy and how to be successful in the future

Thesis: Processes and structures in companies are extremely complex – a good consultant should understand this structure.

Thesis: Every business is an individual, living system, to which an adviser has to adapt.

Thesis: General management knowledge is no guarantee for success in consultant jobs.

Thesis: The “project problem” must turn into a “project customer.”

GABAL Rights ListYour Business

Edgar K. Geffroy, Benjamin SchulzGoodbye, McK ... & Co.The kind of consultants we need in the future. And those we do not.220 pages, Hardcover

Part 1: The consultant today – contract worker in a suit

Consultants and their roles – the critical perspective

The ‘classical’ consultant – a set of values

Customer demands are always growing

Chance: identity and understanding values

The consultant and his value system

Part 2: The consultant of the future

Flexible companions with a broad view

Approachability and emotional availability

The Art of Listening

Values: What will change?

Innovation and changing values

Values change over generations

Megatrends and their influence on the next generation of consultants

Opportunities for small business services

New types of customers

On the wave of the megatrend of connectivity

Pure Future: A typical consultant-day in 2025


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GABAL Rights ListYour Business

Dominic MultererSpeak Plainly!Why people lack clear words – and how to find them208 pages, Hardcover

Why is it so difficult for people to take a clear position and formulate it clearly? Why is there a lack of courage to one’s own opinions? Speaking plainly helps to point out shortcomings and difficulties. This results in the ability to make decisions and move on to new or different ways. The book is filled with countless practical examples, which are thought-provoking and which give fresh ideas to established structures. Multerer introduces people who have been brave enough to argue against the run-of-the-mill opinions. Therefore, he proves in his book that speaking plainly is also a question of attitude.Multerer teaches how to speak plainly and what you need to know about it. He passionately explains his principles about using clear words: How to sound clear, how to be passionate about it, and how to be brave enough to enunciate it while remaining honest and empathetic. Multerer will show you why the interplay of these factors is so fundamental to the concept of speaking plainly.

Learn: To take a clear position and formulate it clearly How to train yourself to speak plainly

Why and how speaking plainly can bring success

Why the interplay of clarity, honesty, courage, commitment and empathy is so fundamental to the concept of speaking plainly

"The art of speaking plainly is to be honest without hurting your counterpart." Thomas Anders, Singer and Songwriter

Dominic Multerer is an entrepreneur, marketeer and speaker. At age 16, the newspaper Handelsblatt named him one of Germany‘s youngest chief marketing officers. With his activities at universities, particularly the European Management School (EMS) in Mainz, he is also one of the youngest university lecturers in Germany. His clients include companies like BP Europe, Goodyear Dunlop, Arvato Bertelsmann, Vodafone & Co. among others. He also supports SMEs when it comes to strategic and practical brand and change management. Multerer represents speaking plainly, and compelling marketing expertise.


Chapter 1 – Can’t do without speaking plainly Chapter 2 – speak plainly consciouslyGuests are entitled to respect Chapter 3 – speaking plainly anytime Hartmut Mehdorn on speaking plainlyThe five principles of speaking plainly Chapter 4 – First principle: ClarityWinfried Czilwa about speaking plainly Chapter 5 – Second principle: Honesty

Oliver Stock on speaking plainly Chapter 6 – Third principle: CourageJochen Schweizer on speaking plainlyChapter 7 – Fourth principle: CommitmentArno Zensen on speaking plainly Chapter 8 – Fifth principle: EmpathyThomas Anders on speaking plainlyChapter 9 – Speaking plainly as a strategyTest: Do you speak plainly?

„Multerer speaks unmistakable plainly, and his words are, for anyone who can get enthusiastic about it, enriching.“ Handelsblatt Online

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Thorsten BoschLeadership made in GermanyA roadmap for the leadership of tomorrow280 pages, 4-color, with numerous illustrationsRights sold to: China, Taiwan

GABAL Rights ListYour Business

Dr. Thorsten Bosch is chairman of the consulting firm Bosch AG. For more than two decades he and his team have advised, trained, and developed managers at all hierarchical levels, including the CEOs and managers of small businesses to those of leading corporations. The keystone of his work is emotional and rational clarity in leadership, high personal responsibility, and the pursuit of quality.

The interview is the only factor that has a direct and continuously positive impact on the development of personalities, as well as the knowledge and skills of employees. This book is a pragmatic guide for managers at all levels whose priority is the development of their team to create highly motivated and efficient employees.


The first structured account of appraisal interviews

This book shows the specific approach for individual situations, including the risks

The interview techniques and approaches included in the book have been developed over a decade-long practice with thousands of executive

Picture Book for Leaders

Führung und die Chaos-ForschungWehret den Anfängen

Armin Hiltersberger Herr Hiltersberger ist leidenschaftlicher Gärtner. Immer wenn er

frei hat und das Wetter es zulässt, verbringt er seine Zeit im Garten. Aber manchmal

hat er so viel zu tun, dass er es nicht schafft, seinen Garten zu pflegen. Wenn er dann

morgens auf dem Weg in die Arbeit sieht, wie die Natur sich sein mühsam gehegtes

und gepflegtes Blumenbeet zurück erobert hat – überall Unkraut und die Schne-

cken haben seine Erdbeeren gefressen! – dann wird Herr Hiltersberger wütend. Am

liebsten würde er sich dann den ganzen Tag frei nehmen, um seinen Garten wieder

auf Vordermann zu bringen. Aber das geht leider nicht...er hat ja noch ganz andere

Pflänzchen, die es aufzupäppeln gilt – zum Beispiel seinen Herrn Möller, den man

auch manchmal zurecht stutzen muss. Mit dem Herrn Möller ist es ein bisschen wie

mit seinem Garten, denkt Herr Hiltersberger: Wenn er ganz ehrlich ist – manchmal

stutzt er ihn ein bisschen zu viel und düngt zu wenig.

Es liegt in der Natur der Dinge, dass sie dem Chaos entgegenstreben – sei es im Bezug auf den

Garten von Herrn Hiltersberger oder bei der Führung von Mitarbeitern. Selbst wenn man die richtige

Impulse gegeben hat, können Sie sich dennoch nicht zurücklehnen; Sie bleiben in einer beobachten-

den, aufmerksamen Stellung, um im richtigen Moment den nächsten Impuls – also bevor Ihr Mitar-

beiter von der Spur abkommt – setzen zu können.

In der Chaos-Forschung beschäftigen sich Wissenschaftler mit dynamischen Systemen, deren

Entwicklung nicht genau vorhersehbar sind. Ein Unternehmen ist so ein dynamisches System. Es

gibt so viele Faktoren, die Ihre Führungsarbeit beeinflussen – da ist es unmöglich, unter anderem

die Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter genau vorherzusehen. Wenn Sie keine zielgerichtete Energie – Ge-

sprächsimpulse – hinzuführen, strebt das System ins Chaos.





So verhält es sich mit jedem einzelnen Ihrer Mitarbeiter: Je weiter man sich vom gewünschten Zustand entfernt, desto beschwerlicher und energiereicher wird der Weg dorthin zurück.

223 222

Wie auf den letzten Seiten deutlich wurde, steht vor jedem gu-

ten Gespräch die richtige Haltung: Jedem Wirkungsgradverlust

geht eine emotionale Irritation voraus. Das heißt, die Voraus-

setzung für 100 Prozent Wirkungsgrad ist 100 Prozent emoti-

onale Klarheit. Sie können gesprächstechnisch – 100 Prozent

rationale Klarheit – alles richtig machen und dennoch bleibt ihr

Gespräch wirkungslos, wenn Ihre Haltung nicht stimmt.

In der Grafik rechts sehen Sie, was Sie emotional auslösen

können – im Guten wie im Schlechten: wenn im Gespräch Hal-

tung und Gesprächstechnik kongruent sind (orangene Felder)

und wenn Haltung und Gesprächstechnik auseinander klaffen

(graue Felder). Hier herrscht eine deutliche Asymmetrie zu Un-

gunsten des Erfolgs: Gesprächsführung ist gefährlich. Wenn ein

Gespräch schief geht, hat es Konsequenzen. Jeder hat schon

einmal ein misslungenes Gespräch erlebt und weiß, wie viel

Aufwand es sein kann, die Sache wieder ins Lot zu bringen.

Vielleicht werden auch viele Gespräche nicht geführt, weil die

Menschen Angst haben, dass sie ihr Gegenüber verletzen, ihm

Unrecht tun oder etwas Falsches auslösen könnten.

Die emotionale LandkarteIhre Haltung muss stimmen











geborgen verschlossen überrascht irritiert entrüstet erschrocken verletzt hasserfüllt

verwirrt kompetent irritiert verschlossen niedergeschlagen beunruhigt verärgert bestürzt

verlegen überrumpelt glücklich reserviert enttäuscht gekränkt verletzt rachsüchtig

unangenehm verunsichert reserviert selbstbewusst desillusioniert gedemütigt empört aggressiv

stirnrunzelnd indifferent verwirrt misstrauisch klar genervt ungehalten verbittert

befremdet desorientiert perplex argwöhnisch gelangweilt nachdenklich beleidigt wutentbrannt

paranoid blockiert gedemütigt verarscht versteinert angriffslustig betroffen missverstanden

rasend tyrannisiert verzweifelt wahnsinnig gequält feindselig streitsüchtig geklärt



Vorlage als Download unter www.fuehrung-made-in-germany.de

243 242

Peek Inside The Book

In Chapter 1, you will learn the importance of leadership in companies today, and why it is increasingly important to focus on a sustainable and successful staff development method.In Chapter 2, you will learn about the prerequisites for managers to be successful leaders.In Chapter 3, it becomes clear which Do’s and Don’ts are needed, and why the link between emotion and reason is so important.In Chapter 4 the main leadership tool is introduced: the interview. What structure and what emotional points must inter-views have in order to be efficient?Chapter 5 is all about active interviews, with which you can groom and develop your employees.Chapter 6 deals with the four reactive interviews you will lead if you feel that your employees no longer have the same goal as you.In Chapter 7, we deal with the differentiation of the eight interviews and the question of when you should have each of these conversations.In Chapter 8 it is, firstly, about the four possible results in the development of an employee, and secondly about securing the sustainability of motivation and performance of your employees.

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GABAL Rights ListWhitebooks GABAL Rights List

Resilient Managers – Resilient Employees

Katharina MaehrleinLearning to lead with ResilienceHow to navigate yourself and your team resiliently through pressure and crises 160 pages, Hardcover

Katharina MaehrleinSoul@Work240 pages, Hardcover

Monika A. Pohl30 Minute Serenity96 pages, Softcover

Ulrich Siegrist, Martin Luitjens30 Minute Resilience96 pages, SoftcoverRights sold to: Czech Republic, Spain, The Netherlands

Katharina Maehrlein is an expert on resilience and assertiveness, and has trained and coached 30,000 executives in the last 18 years. She advises, as a consultant, numerous renowned companies in the German-speaking world. Furthermore, she gives lectures and is the author of The Bamboo strategy. Master everyday pressure with resilience, which is already in its 6th edition.

Leadership has changed radically. The leaders of today and tomorrow have to deal with the tension between leading and following, trust and respect, power and compassion. This tightrope walk takes energy and creates pressure, which leaders need to concern themselves with. Today’s leaders must be resilient in order to be effective staff managers.

The first part of the book shows managers how they can meet the challenges of their jobs. It shows them how to mobilize sufficient resilience even under high pressure. In the second part, it’s about how you can develop a style of leadership that improves the resilience of your employees in order to keep them healthy and motivated.


How to stay resilient in a leadership position even under high pressure

How you as a manager / executive can meet the challenges of your job

How to develop the resilience of your employees by a promoting a healthy lifestyle

How to create a work environment that satisfies

How to show your human side as a leader and still be successful

Katharina MaehrleinBamboo-Strategy208 pages, Hardcover

“There are many titles on the topic of resilience in bookstores now. The Bamboo Strategy is undoubtedly one of the most pragmatic and most helpful texts when you want to pull up on your own bootstraps or learn to deal preventively with daily pressures. This book provides good tools to make your own behavior – professionally and personally – more stress-resistant.” Hamburger Abendblatt

“7 keys to more inner strength. There are people we admire – because they are brave, can’t be intimidated, and cope well with crises. Their secret: resilience. We too have this inner strength. And we can develop it.” My Way

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Your Business GABAL Rights List

Franziska Brandt-Biesler, Rainer KrummValue-based Selling with 9 Levels220 pages, Hardcover

Ingo VogelEmotional Selling

How to Wow Your Customer180 pages, Hardcover

The product is dead. Long live the seller!

Why are values important?

Values are the elements that constitute a culture. They define meaning and significance within a social system (group, society, etc.). The 9 Levels articulate the values. A value articulated within a culture helps shape how people understand and perceive the world, consequently serving as the basis for planning how people will act.

Today, customers and suppliers see themselves as a team and work together as partners on solutions. Customers have become markedly more demanding in recent years, both in B2C and B2B transactions. Customers expect suppliers to provide targeted needs assessment and tailor solutions accordingly.

9 Levels can help you better understand both your business customers and consumers. You will also be better able to determine which clients may be more receptive to your marketing and those who may be more resistant, and why. You will be able to identify those customers where success should be easy as well as those areas where you will have to adapt your methods to changes in the market or its customers.

Franziska Brandt-Biesler is a freelance sales and negotiation trainer, coach, speaker, and author with 20 years of sales background. She is a lecturer at the University of Lucerne and the winner of the International

German Training Prize 2012.

Rainer Krumm is a management trainer, consultant and author. Based on the developmental psychology of Prof. Clare W. Graves, he has developed an analysis tool, the model of the 9 levels. The 9 Levels Institute for Value Systems is a consulting institute that specializes in measurement and analysis of value systems for persons, groups, organisations and systems.

Ingo Vogel is a sales trainer and an expert in emotional selling. He worked for more than ten years selling consulting-intensive products and services. Since

1997, he has owned the company Ingo Vogel-Seminars. Throughout Europe, he trains managers, consultants,

and salespeople from well-known companies.

It gets increasingly more difficult to stand out in the market and to be noticed by customers. Only companies and retailers who manage to implement an emotional sales approach as an overall philosophy will survive in the market.

Ingo Vogel presents the latest expert know-how from sales psychology, neuromarketing, and brain research, talks about his personal experiences, and provides concrete ideas, tips, and solutions for how companies and retailers can implement the emotional sales approach.


How to adopt an emotional sales approach with your individual personality

How to use, foster, and develop your individual potential

Receive concrete ideas, tips, and solutions for how you can implement the emotional sales approach

1. The product is dead. Long live the seller!2. Customers Buy Emotions. No emotion, no deal!3. People love, trust, and buy brands.4. Customers buy the best emotional package.

5. The customer is not king, but partner.6. The personal customer approach is the USP of the future!7. The future is digital and emotional.

7 Theories from the Book:

“Rhetoric expert and bestselling author Ingo Vogel” ZDF

“Communication expert Ingo Vogel” 3SAT

“Ingo Vogel, the communications expert” Wirtschaftswoche

“Germany’s best sales rhetoric coach” Speakers Excellence

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GABAL Rights List

Klaus-J. Fink TopSelling

The Four Success Factors for Increasing Sales and Profits

200 pages, Hardcover

Klaus-J. Fink is a lawyer, an author for over 20 years, and an absolute top speaker on the topics of sales and customer acquisition. He is also a lecturer at Business Schools and Universities. The renowned keynote speakers received the award “Coach of the Year” twice. He is an Expert Member of Club 55, the Association of European Marketing and Sales Experts. In 2012 he was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the German Speakers Association.

What do outstanding salespeople do differently

and more “right”?

Good salespeople regard their customers as partners, not as advice-seeking laymen. They are able to convince a customer of an idea, offer solutions, and present the benefits of products and services. This is active selling, everything else is reactive advice. They see the people behind each deal and not just the business, bonus, or commission. The intention of Klaus-J. Fink is to prove to you that with the right attitude and strategy, everyone can be a top seller.


What are the expectations for a salesperson’s personality today?

What distinguishes the Top Seller from the rest of the group?

What attitude creates success?

How has the world of selling changed in the digital age?

Why is referral marketing the best road to new customers?

Which steps should be taken after closing a contract?

Whitebooks, Your Business

Lars SchäferTrust in Sales 5 Steps to Becoming a Trustworthy Salesperson 160 pages, Hardcover

Trust is by far the largest motivation in sales of our time

This book will teach you how to increase your trustworthiness in five steps and thus give your customers the necessary security that they need to be confident enough to buy from you. Only those who regard their customers as partners and treat them as such can stand out from the gray mass of retailers and establish a long-term customer relationship.

Lars Schäfer is speaker, trainer, and expert in “Emotional Selling.” He has 15 years of experience in sales, and has worked since 2004 as a self-employed sales and communi-cations trainer with the special topic of “customer loyalty through emotional selling.”

The importance of trust and securityWhy trust is so important for human relationsIf prejudice turns into distrustThe 7 key facts

1. The importance of knowledge for sales successDo you know your own personality?The 7 key facts

2. Create a trustworthy impressionTrustworthy body languageYour persuasive voiceThe 7 key facts

3. Authenticity: stand by your per-sonality and be honest with yourselfMindfulness: pay attention to the customer and ask questionsAdaptability: convince with flexible body language and well-chosen words The 7 key facts

4. Create liabilityJudge each customer according to his deeds, not his words Complaints: restore lost confidenceThe 7 key facts

Step 5: Repeat steps 1 through 4 Focus on your regular customersHow to ensure a good reputationThe 7 key facts

Building trust in the online worldWhy Amazon and Co. are successfulHow to apply the 5 steps to gaining trust in the online worldThe 7 key facts


How to increase your trustworthiness in five steps How to treat your customers as partners

How to rebuild lost trust About the importance of trust and security in sales


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Dorothee ZapkeThe Rhetoric Trap

Why Superficial Rhetoric Tips Do No Good And What Really Matters

160 pages, Hardcover

Martina MangelsdorfFrom Baby Boomers to Generation ZManaging different generations within the company160 pages, Hardcover

Successfully recruit, develop and motivate different generations

Martina Mangelsdorf is a thought-leading expert on generational differences in the workplace and the founder of GAIA Insights. She consults with organizations to increase employee engagement, reduce attrition costs, increase profitability and develop the next generation of leaders. As a facilitator and trainer, specialized in multi-generational workforce optimization, talent engagement and team effective-ness, Martina’s energizing moderation and personal style have touched and inspired hundreds of participants.

Baby boomers and Generations X, Y, and Z have different needs, values, and ideas about the working world. HR managers and executives are well trained to know the specific characteristics and preferences of different generations. Only those who can successfully brand themselves with an attractive employer, will be able to stay ahead in times of demographic change.

The book focuses on practical tips and recommendations so that the reader can put his newly acquired knowledge immediately into practice without much theoretical background. The core message of the book is that no generation is better or worse than the other, but that companies achieve the best possible results when teams collaborate effectively and complement each other.


Companies achieve the best possible results when teams collaborate effectively and complement each other

About the specific characteristics and preferences of different generations

How to brand yourself as an attractive employer


About the 12 common rhetoric traps and how to do better

How to find your personal and authentic expression potential

What really matters based on authentic case studies

Never cross your arms! Always smile! Stomach in, chest out! Such stereotypical attitudes are taught on a daily basis in touted charisma and rhetoric seminars in order to express authority and confidence. Forget it! You are not doing yourself a favor if you want to convince others with these standard gestures.

This is the first book that exposes superficial rhetoric tips and shows what really matters based on authentic case studies. In this book, Dorothee Zapke introduces 12 rhetoric traps and for each trap she includes an effective exercise. With these exercises, you can find your personal and authentic expression potential.

Dorothee Zapke is a vocal and speech coach, management coach, and lecturer at various universities. For more than twenty years, the voice and body language expert has shown innovative ways to communi-cate effectively. Among her clients are executives, managers, and companies such as Deutsche Telekom, TUI Germany, Volkswagen AG.

The first book that exposes superficial rhetoric tips

Whitebooks GABAL Rights List

Rhetoric trap:“Take a deep breath!”... and the voice sounds stressed

Rhetoric trap:“Speak lower, which seems more confident!”... this is just as exhausting as speaking monotonously

Rhetoric trap:“Put on a Poker Face, because masks protect!”... and everyone wonders: What does he/she have to hide?

Rhetoric trap:“Listen actively!”... your counterpart also attended this seminar

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More than 4 Mio copies sold in 15 languages: Our 30-Minute-Series

The books give you the tools to gain key competencies in a special field at an advanced rate – and leave you with skills you can keep on using.

30-Minute-Series GABAL Rights List

30 Minute Effective Communication

30 Minute Job Satisfaction

30 Minute Life Energy 30 Minute Humanity 30 Minute Compassionate Communication

30 Minute Successful Communication

This brief, yet comprehen-sive guide shows you, with many concrete examples, how successful communi-cation works, which basic communication strategies you can apply personally and professionally, and what effective tools you can use to ensure that your message reaches the recipient.

Job satisfaction is doable and the key to it lies within your grasp. In 30 minutes you can learn in a nutshell what your boss and what your expectations have to do with your job satisfaction, why it makes sense to first talk with the boss before you plunk down everything at your desk, and how you can break free from dependence on your employer.

More and more people feel rushed, driven, and exhausted, in short: People complain about a loss of life energy. The art of managing your life energy systematically is the key to more vitality, wellbeing, and health. 30 Minute Life Energy shows how to manage your energy intelligently, how to live in harmony with your biological clock, and which “bio-logical” laws you need to consider in order to have high energy and vitality at your disposal.

What can each of us do concretely to make life valuable? The aim of this guide is to raise your awareness of the many facets of humanity, to provide you with food for thought, and to help you reflect on your own orien-tation and values through targeted questioning.

Empathetic Communication can be applied in all areas of life. It is most helpful in those areas, where we would so much like to be empathic but often have the hardest time with it: in deal-ing with ourselves, in our relationships, in our families as well as in the workplace.

An argument is like a disease: the later it is treated, the more difficult it is to reach success. The book helps to minimize disputes, create room for discussions and reflection on successful strategies for conflict resolution. It helps to establish a culture open for debate, creat-ing less compromise.

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