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Chapter 1 Dynamic Social Studies: The Subject You Will Teach Maxim Dynamic Social Studies for Constructivist Classrooms, 8 th  Edition Copyright ©200 by !earson "ducation# $nc% &pper Saddle 'i(er# )e* +ersey 0,-./  ll rights reser(ed%

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Chapter 1

Dynamic Social Studies:

The Subject You Will Teach


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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What $s Social Studies

Social Sciences: 'eers to se(eral

multiaceted disciplines that see3

3no*ledge about societies and the

relationships o indi(iduals *ithin societies

Social Studies: $s the title or the school

subject that pro(ides or a systematic

study o the social sciences in acoordinated# integrated ashion


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The Social Sciences

1. Geography: The study o people and

places# the natural en(ironment# and the

capacity o the earth to support lie

2. History: The systematic research#

analysis# and interpretation o the past

3. Civics (Political Science! The study o

the origin# de(elopment# and operation o

political systems and public policy


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The Social Sciences# con4t

". #nthropology! The study o people to ind outabout their physical# social# and culturalde(elopment

$. Sociology! The study o society and socialbeha(ior by e5amining groups and socialinstitutions such as the amily# go(ernment#religion# business# or school

%. &conomics! The study o the production#distribution and consumption o goods andser(ices


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Why $s Social Studies $mportant

6 )"4s 171 initiati(e: helping prepare

youth or constructi(e participation in


6 !articipatory Citi8enship

6 !reser(ation o Democracy


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9ajor oals o "lementary Social


6 'alues and elie)s: help children

understand the core ci(ic principles

6*no+ledge! help children constructmeaning by connecting ne* learning to

pre(ious e5periences

6 ,hin-ing S-ills: help children ac;uire and

process inormation to in(estigate

problems and ma3e inormed decisions


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Dynamic Social Studies

!lacing children in a classroom en(ironment

that encourages<push them to redisco(er

the young social scientists *ithin

1% =unctional content

2% Constructi(ist teaching practices

>% $ntrinsic moti(ation

-% Cross?curricular integration

.% 'espect or di(ersity


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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=unctional Content

Curriculum Scope and Se;uence

&xpanding &nvironment Curriculum6 *indergarten! Mysel) and thers6 1st grade! School and /amily

6 2nd grade! 0eighorhood6 3rd grade! Community6 "th grade! egion and State6 $th grade! nited States and Close 0eighors

6 %th grade! &astern Hemisphere6 4th grade! 5estern Hemisphere6 6th grade! ,he nited States History


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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=unctional Content

)CSS Curriculum Standards

6 Culture6 ,ime7 Continuity7 and Change6 People7 Places7 and &nvironment

6 8ndividual 9evelopment6 8ndividuals7 Groups7 and 8nstitutions6 Po+er7 #uthority7 and Governance6 Production7 9istriution7 and Consumption

6 Science7 ,echnology7 and Society6 Gloal Connections6 Civic 8deals and Practices


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Constructi(ist Teaching !ractice

6 $nstruction that is child?centered in

approach and ocuses on 3no*ledge

construction# not 3no*ledge reproduction

6 "mphasi8es <Stressing that students

interpret ne* objects and e(ents by trying

to alter or modiy e5isting mental

structures that had ormed as a result otheir pre(ious lie e5periences


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$ntrinsic 9oti(ation

 n internal impulse that pro(o3es us to

action or 3eeps us absorbed in certain



6 8nterest

6 Pleasure6 Competence

6 Sel):determinationMaxim

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Cross?Curricular $ntegration

6 See3ing *ays to bring together the (arious

subject areas and relating the content to a

central theme

6 Wor3ing *ith ob(ious connections

bet*een the arts# humanities# and physical



Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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'espect or Di(ersity

6  dapting instruction to meet the special

needs# talents# and interests o all


6 @een a*areness and consideration o

each youngster as a distinct indi(idual

(different with else)


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Chapter 2

Young Aistorians:

Coming =ace to =ace *ith the!ast


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What $s history

6 Aistory is a narrati(e o the past

6 Aistorical method:

1% Bocate pertinent inormation Aeuristi32% "5amine sources or accuracy


>% Frgani8e inormation into narrati(e



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Sources o Aistory

6 !rimary Sources: *ritten and non*ritten

clues produced at the time o the e(ent

6 Secondary Sources: e(idence rom

someone at another time *ho didn4t

*itness the e(ent


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Why Aistory $s $mportant

6 Gy studying the past# young citi8ens *illbe better prepared to judge the presentand uture

6 “Without history, a society shares nocommon memory of where it has been, ofwhat its core values are, or of what

decisions of the past account for our present circumstances  )ational Centeror Aistory in Schools 177


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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Ao* Should Aistory Ge Taught

6 Aistorical )arrati(es: Chronicles o reale(ents that tell a story

1% Aistorical iction Aistorical roman

2% Giographies

>% =ol3 literature =ol3lore

6 Aistorical narrati(es ha(e the po*er to

e(o3e emotion6 Children must also ha(e opportunity to

*rite their o*n narrati(esMaxim

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Aistorical =iction

6 Aistorical =iction: 'ealistic story set in the past

6 i(es children opportunity to (icariously

e5perience history

6 Selection uidelines1% $t must tell an interesting story

2% $t should be accurate and authentic

>% $t should relect the spirit and (alues o the times-% $t should contain authentic language

.% $t should pro(ide insight into today4s problems


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6 Giographies: Tell the stories o the li(es oreal people

6 Giographies o e5emplary heroes pro(ide

superb models o citi8enship6 Gest biographies characteri8e the main

character as true to lie

6 Should recogni8e indi(iduals as realhuman beings *ith both strengths Hand*ea3nesses ?


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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=ol3 Biterature

6 =ol3 literature: =ables# myths# legends# andol3tales

6 Stories handed do*n by storytellers or

generations6 They relect those cultures4 belies# (alues#

liestyles# and histories

6 They help children understand a culture4s past

through its (alues# belies# and customs6 Careully research the story content and place

the story in conte5t *hen using it


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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"lements o a )arrati(e

6 Setting: described early in the storyI helps

reader create picture o distincti(e times

6 Characters: the physical and emotional

attributesI loo3# dress# eel6 !lot: se;uence o e(entsI the actionI contains

three parts?

1% problem# conlict# or diiculty

2% 'oadbloc3s

>% Solution


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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!rimary Sources

6 Connection *ith the past

6 !o*er to arouse interest

6 Written e(idence (ersus non*rittene(idence

1% Written e(idence: anything *ritten do*n thatgi(es historians clues about people and paste(ents documents# diaries# letters# songsetc%

2% )on*ritten e(idence: artiacts photos#paintings# coins# urniture# tools# etc%


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Children4s Simulated Aistorical


6 Children should ha(e opportunity to create

simulated *ritten documents

6 Teacher should re(ie* components o the

*riting process beore creating simulated



Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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Fral Aistories

6 Someone telling stories o personal

e5periences related to particular places or


6 Children can also create simulated oral


6 $nter(ie*s: Conducting inter(ie*s is a

superb *ay to introduce children to the

process o collecting oral histories


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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)on*ritten Sources: rtiacts

6  rtiacts: photos# paintings# coins#

urniture# tools# clothing# dishes# etc%

6 Aelp historians reconstruct the story o

human lie

6  ssemble a collection o artiacts and

documents related to a historical topic or



Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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Aistorical $n;uiry

6 Children should engage history the *ay

historians do

6 9eaningul historical in;uiry comes rom

personal ;uestions

6 Children in(estigate historical problems#

oten e5pressed in the orm o ;uestions


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6 The *orld outside the classroom is a

po*erul learning e5perience

6 $n(estigate museums *ithin your



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6 Students demonstrate that they

understand chronological organi8ation o

history *hen they can organi8e e(ents

and people into major periods o time ande5plain relationships bet*een those

people and e(ents

6 &se e(ent chains and graphic timelines


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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Chapter >

Young eographers:

$n(estigating the !eople<!laceConnection


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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What $s eography

6  n integrati(e discipline that brings

together the physical and human

dimensions o the *orld in the study o

people# places# and en(ironments

1% "arth4s surace and processes that shaped it

2% 'elationships bet*een people and

en(ironments>% Connections bet*een people and places


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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Why Study eography

6 i(e comprehension<Strong grasp ogeography e;uips people to ma3e better?inormed decisions about ho* to use "arth4s

resources6 $n(estigates the *ays by *hich our land has

inluenced the *ay people li(e

6 Children learn ho* to describe places# e5plainho* these places came to be# and appreciatethe delicate bond relation bet*een humansand their physical en(ironment


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Why Study eography

1% "5istential reason: need to understand

the nature o our home

2% "thical reason: 3no*ledge o ho* to care

or the ragile nature o the "arth

>% $ntellectual reason: 3no*ledge o

interesting people# places# and things

-% !ractical reason: people are better

e;uipped to sol(e issues and problems


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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=i(e Themes o eography

1% Bocation: !osition on the "arth4s surace

 bsolute Bocation: speciic position on the "arth

'elati(e Bocation: place respecti(e to other landmar3s

2% !lace: !hysical and Auman Characteristics>% 'elationships *ithin !lace: Aumans and


-% 9o(ement: Aumans $nteracting on the "arth.% 'egions: Ao* They =orm and Change


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Si5 "ssential "lements o


1% World in spatial terms

2% !laces and regions

>% !hysical systems-% Auman systems

.% "n(ironment and society

% &se o geography


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Ao* Should eography be Taught

6 oal: students *ho are 3no*ledgeableand sensiti(e to ma3e *ise judgmentsabout their en(ironmentI caring citi8ens

6 Si5 !hase o eography $nstruction1% Fbser(ing

2% Speculating

>% $n(estigating-% "5tending and reinorcing

.% "(aluating


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6 Geginning o geographic in;uiry

6 &se direct obser(ations

6 !rimary grades use multiple resourcesphotos# (ideos# maps# globes# atlases#

charts# inormation boo3s#

periodicals<ne*spaper# te5tboo3s# (irtual

ield trips


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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Jirtual =ield Trips

6 Geneits

1% Aands?on learning permits students to interact *ith

real things

2% Students de(elop a greater appreciation or theen(ironment

>% "5amples obser(ed in the ield can be related to

other classroom *or3

6 !rocess1% Ta3e ield notes and ma3e s3etches

2% Discuss obser(ations


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6 Fbser(ations lay the oundation or more

comple5 understandings

6 Boo3 or clues direction in the pictures

and during the ield trips

6 De(elop inerences that *ill be tested



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6 athering inormation about locations and

human characteristics o those places

6 $n early elementary grades# use literature#

(ideos# resource persons# $nternet sites or

other suitable resources

6 $n middle and upper grades# use other

in(estigati(e acti(ities such as ield *or3

or library research


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"5tending and 'einorcing

6 &se indi(idual or small?group *riting


6 Construct models

6 9a3e maps

6 Study tables# charts# graphs

6 "5amine all types o literature6 &se stimulating data?gathering acti(ities


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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6 9a3ing personal judgments about the


6  s3 children to support personal opinion

*ith sound reasons


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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'eining 9ap S3ills

6 9ap symbols

6 Direction

6 Scale6 The globe

6 Batitude and longitude


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Chapter -

Young !olitical Scientists:

=uture Citi8ens in ction


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What $s Ci(ics

6 Study o the political and legal system

6 Study o our rights and responsibilities

6 Study about ho* our go(ernment *or3s


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Why $s Ci(ics $mportant

6 oal o public education: prepare eecti(e


6 "5pand ci(ic 3no*ledge

6 De(elop participation s3ills

6 Support the belie that in a democracy the

actions o a person ma3e a dierence


Dynamic Social Studies forConstructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

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Ao* Should Ci(ics Ge Taught

6 $normation e5periences: include all the

strategies teachers use to establish a cohesi(e#

supporti(e# democratic classroom

6 =ormal e5periences: content?based instructional

strategies that oster critical thin3ing


Dynamic Social Studies for

Constructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

Copyright ©200 by !earson "ducation# $nc%

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=ormal Ci(ics $nstruction

6 oal is to de(elop a greater insight andappreciation or ci(ic lie

6 Ci(ic 3no*ledge must ha(e rele(ance to the

students4 li(es6 Children understand ci(ics more by participatingin the processes they are learning about K "lections and (oting

 K Ci(ic responsibility K Ci(ic dispositions and (irtues

 K Critical thin3ing


Dynamic Social Studies for

Constructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

Copyright ©200 by !earson "ducation# $nc%

&pper Saddle 'i(er# )e* +ersey 0,-./ ll rights reser(ed%

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Ci(ic 'esponsibility

6 oal: producing citi8ens *ho are committed to ci(icparticipation

6 Bearning to do< "ngage students in community ser(iceprojects

6 @ids round To*n model1% @no*ing the local go(ernment

2% Choosing a local issue to e5plore

>% 'esearching the issue

-% naly8ing the issue

.% Sol(ing the problem

% Ta3ing action

,% ssessing the project


Dynamic Social Studies for

Constructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

Copyright ©200 by !earson "ducation# $nc%

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Ci(ic Dispositions and Jirtues

6 $n elementary grades# ci(ic dispositions areintroduced *hen students e5perience lie indemocratic classrooms

6 Center or Ci(ic "ducation identiies: K $ndi(idual rights to lie# liberty# and happiness K !ublic or common good K +ustice K ";uality o opportunity

 K Di(ersity K Truth K !atriotism


Dynamic Social Studies for

Constructivist Classrooms, 8 th Edition

Copyright ©200 by !earson "ducation# $nc%

&pper Saddle 'i(er# )e* +ersey 0,-./ ll rights reser(ed%

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6 Biterature is a good source or learning

about character 

6 =i(e themes o citi8enship

1% Aonesty

2% 'esponsibility

>% Compassion

-% 'espect

.% Courage<!atriots


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