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R.I.'s 1207th FSC January 2011 Newsletter

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The latest news from the 1207th - Hero of the Month, 300 Club and soldier profiles.
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1 TF 1-182 C CO (1207TH FSC) January, 2010 Check us out on Facebook “182nd Field Artillery” On December 28 th , Charlie Companies own PFC Paul Charette was selected amongst more than 450 Task Force soldiers as the Task Force 1-182 Hero of the Month. For his accomplishments, PFC Charette received a Certificate of Achievement by Area Support Group – Kuwait Commander COL Robert C Cheatham and Command Sergeant Major David Pierce. The certificate reads: For exceptionally meritorious service while assigned to TF 1-182. Your ability to successfully perform any and all missions has made you in invaluable member of the team. Due to your exemplary performance of duty and rive to succeed, you are therefore recognized as the ASG-K Hero of the Month, 1-31 DECEMBER 2010 During the presentation, Task Force Command Sergeant Major Kevin Day read the following statement before the collective crowd gathered at the ASG-Kuwait Headquarters: “TF 1-182, Charlie Company, would like to recognize PFC Paul Charette as the Hero of the Month. PFC Charette displays the Army Values in his personal time and while on missions as a member of the Camp Arifjan Quick Reactionary Force. The Army Value most notably associated with PFC Charette is that of Selfless Service. On the civilian side, PFC Charette is a personal trainer and nutritionist. While deployed, he can be seen daily passing on his knowledge to other members of the company during his down time. Many of our Soldiers have adopted PFC Charette's training regiment, and work out with him as mission allows. PFC Charette provides them with encouragement, motivation and most of all guidance and direction on the proper techniques during physical training. PFC Charette has taken it upon himself to work with Soldiers in a remedial PT program, and thus far all 5 of his trainees have made improvements in their APFT scores and weight control efforts. PFC Charette began these programs without any direction from leadership, and does all of this on his own time. His continued support of Charlie Company Soldiers separates him from his peers and has earned him the distinction of being the Hero of the Month.” On behalf of the entire unit, I would like to congratulate and thank PFC Paul Charette for his outstanding performance and dedication to the soldiers of Charlie Company. Brian Fielder CPT, SC Hero of the Month PFC Charette receives the Hero of the Month award
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TF 1-182 C CO (1207TH FSC)





Check us out on Facebook “182nd Field Artillery”

On December 28th, Charlie Companies own PFC Paul Charette was selected amongst more than 450 Task Force soldiers as the Task Force 1-182 Hero of the Month. For his accomplishments, PFC Charette received a Certificate of Achievement by Area Support Group – Kuwait Commander COL Robert C Cheatham and Command Sergeant Major David Pierce. The certificate reads:

For exceptionally meritorious service while assigned to TF 1-182. Your ability to successfully perform any and all missions has made you in invaluable member of the team. Due to your exemplary performance of duty and rive to succeed, you are therefore recognized as the ASG-K Hero of the Month, 1-31 DECEMBER 2010

During the presentation, Task Force Command Sergeant Major Kevin Day read the following statement before the collective crowd gathered at the ASG-Kuwait Headquarters:

“TF 1-182, Charlie Company, would like to recognize PFC Paul Charette as the Hero of the Month. PFC Charette displays the Army Values in his personal time and while on missions as a member of the Camp Arifjan Quick Reactionary Force.

The Army Value most notably associated with PFC Charette is that of Selfless Service. On the civilian side, PFC Charette is a personal trainer and nutritionist. While deployed, he can be seen daily passing on his knowledge to other members of the company during his down time.

Many of our Soldiers have adopted PFC Charette's training regiment, and work out with him as mission allows. PFC Charette provides them with encouragement, motivation and most of all guidance and direction on the proper techniques during physical training.

PFC Charette has taken it upon himself to work with Soldiers in a remedial PT program, and thus far all 5 of his

trainees have made improvements in their APFT scores and weight control efforts.

PFC Charette began these programs without any direction from leadership, and does all of this on his own time.

His continued support of Charlie Company Soldiers separates him from his peers and has earned him the distinction of being the Hero of the Month.”

On behalf of the entire unit, I would like to congratulate and thank PFC Paul Charette for his outstanding performance and dedication to the soldiers of Charlie Company.

Brian FielderCPT, SC

Hero of the Month

PFC Charette receives the Hero of the Month award

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Two Guidon Ceremonies

Two ceremonies regarding the guidon carried by C co. TF 1-182 were held recently. The first was held at Fort McCoy and orchestrated by the battalion Command Sergeant Major, to coincide with the daily ceremony of Retreat. The second was held here in Kuwait at Camp Patriot.

The Fort McCoy ceremony was a process for TF 1-182 to reconcile their guidons with their new organization. The Task Force changed its Batteries to companies and recreated itself from a Field Artillery Battalion to a Task Force.

The second ceremony which took place in Kuwait was the Transfer of Authority. This ceremony or TOA is in a way a form of changing of the guard. It is a public pronouncement of one party’s relief of duties and another’s acceptance of duties.

These ceremonies are passed down from one generation of Soldiers to another. The guidon itself, which is the centerpiece of unit pride and esprit de corps, not only holds the units honor but the personal honor of their commanders.

- PFC Steven W. White

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CAMP ARIFJAN, Kuwait – Some of our Charlie Company Soldiers on Camp Arifjan got a visit from the United States Ambassador to the State of Kuwait, Dec. 16.

Ambassador Deborah K. Jones shook hands and chatted with Soldiers with the 197th Fires Brigade about their security and operations missions in the small desert country. Additionally, Soldiers gave her tours of some of the armored vehicles that are critical to brigade’s operations in Kuwait.

As she addressed both 197th and Third Army Soldiers, she thanked them for the professionalism they show as they operate and represent the United States in Kuwait. “In your own way, you are all ambassadors,” Ambassador Jones said.

She also expressed the State Department’s commitment to supporting service members here. “It’s our number one priority to sustain your operating environment,” she said. The country is a thoroughfare for logistics convoys that transport equipment and fuel in support of the U.S. drawdown from Iraq and Operation New Dawn.

As she ended her visit, Ambassador Jones told Soldiers she has “tremendous confidence” in their dedication and capabilities. “I appreciate everything you do,” she said.

Courtesy of Brigade Public Affairs Office

Meeting with the Ambassador

CongratsIn a ceremony on December 10th 2010, three Soldiers of Charlie Company were acknowledged for their diligence and technical skills. SFC Chad Wilson, SFC Michael Eddy and SGT Michael Stahl, were each recognized for the hard work which made our Mobilization and PRE-Mobilization training as successful as it was. These men showed themselves to be model NCO’s as well as true leaders. Each was awarded the Army Achievement medal by Captain Fielder for their hard work and dedication to mission success. - PFC Steven W. White

SPC Hewitt, SPC Loren,SPC Martineau, SSG Barroso, Ambassador Jones

SSG Barroso with Ambassador Jones and Lt. Gen. Webster

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A sit down with the PL First Lieutenant Michael Bobroff is such a well-known and integral member of our team that it seems odd to write about him. Some of our family members back home, however, might enjoy learning more about this young lieutenant. Hence I have recently decided to sit down with him.

To start off, LT Bobroff is not a native Rhode Islander but he has made up for this handicap with hard work and a positive attitude. At age 24, LT Bobroff is the same age, if not much younger than many of his platoon members. This is one of the reasons for his unique ability to lead his platoon with such ease. His genuine enjoyment of working with Soldiers is apparent every day, whether it is preparing for daily patrols, training with his troops, or playing on one of the company sports teams.

Originally from Katonah, New York, LT Bobroff is a graduate of Johnson and Wales University with a degree in financial planning. Along with a commission in the Quartermaster corps, he earned a deep admiration for all things Rhode Island.

His 3 years in the Army have given him many memorable moments. Not the least of which was training with his men at the Fort McCoy machine gun ranges, and leading his men on the mounted/dismounted gunnery ranges.

When asked how and where he intended to spend his two week leave, LT Bobroff ’s adventurous nature took hold as he described his hope to visit Spain. He talked about some of the cultural attractions in the capital of Madrid, as well as the nightlife in

Barcelona and the city of Seville with its distinctive cuisine.

Though he is enjoying this deployment, LT Bobroff is setting his sights higher upon return. He hopes someday for a Company command or to serve as a Battalion/Brigade S4 (logistics) officer.

With his troops forever on his mind, LT Bobroff has an ample supply of good advice for his Soldiers:

- Utilize your time wisely take advantage of the facilities available, like the MWR and gym.

- Pursue your education, be it military schools or a Civilian education. Work towards getting an associates or bachelors degree or perhaps even further while you are here. After all, as a National Guardsman it is practically free.

- AND FINALLY…. Don’t do anything stupid!!-

- PFC Steven W. White

1LT Mike Bobroff

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Defensive DrivingHere on Camp Arifjan, all C Company Soldiers were given defensive / tactical driving lessons. The lessons include such maneuvers as evading vehicles, quickly changing lanes, getting back on the road after leaving the roadway and exercises in combined throttle and brake work.

One course instructor was fond of saying “We aren’t going to take you to your comfort level, were going to take you beyond it.” Skid control, off-road recovery and speedy reverse to avoid danger are some of the other tactics taught.

Students who have taken the course range from teenagers to Master Drivers, yet everyone was enthusiastic and hoping for more. One of the senior NCO’s who took the course was impressed with the skill and professionalism of the instructors “These guys really knew their stuff, I want to do more, it’s really fun.”

High speed tactical driving is just one of the types of training Charlie Company is involved in on a day to day basis. Other training covers the spectrum from individual nutritional courses to involvement in simultaneous worldwide ballistic missile drills.

- PFC Steven W. White

This past month, the deployed Rhode Island National Guardsmen received holiday gifts from many generous and thoughtful people back home.

Members of Charlie Company TF 1-182 / 1207th FSC received on multiply occasions, gifts, intended both for every individual in the unit and large parcels filled with items for everyone to share. On the 22nd of December after a brief formation where Captain Fielder explained where and whom these gifts are from, the appreciative Soldiers accepted them whole-heartedly and in the Army way with the most junior Soldiers first.

The first batch of packages were delivered by Lieutenant Colonel Baumann and Command Sergeant Major LaFond. Both men, apparently on a detail from Santa himself, personally delivered large boxes of bounty. Inside was one stocking for each and every member of our small family. Additionally, numerous packages containing the comforts of home and treats for soldiers away during the holiday season.  These gift boxes were donated by Dominion Power's Soldier Support Group and The West Warwick Teachers Alliance.

A second batch of gifts were sent from the "Operation Holiday Cheer" project run through Rhode Island Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Roberts Office. One large care package per soldier was sent to show their support of deployed Soldiers of the Rhode Island National Guard.  Many were packaged up by our own family support group!

Boxes contained everything from books and DVD's to toiletries. Many had some type of RI delicacy in them. Dunkin Donuts coffee and Autocrat coffee syrup were among the favorites. It was a great remembrance of our homes, which for this Christmas remain far away. Next all we need is Olneyville's New York System to deliver about 500 hot wieners "All the Way!"

It is with the efforts of individuals, businesses and civic groups thatour men and women can remain so steadfast, knowing that their homecommunities not only recognize their service but also support them wholeheartedly. Thank you all so very much!

SFC Chad "Rocky" Wilson

Operation Holiday Cheer

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!1207th Soldiers at KNB pose in front of the Post Christmas Tree.

Noah Patrick Fielder, Fort Familyroom, RI

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Family Readiness GroupIf you need assistance while defending the

home front, please feel free to call the Family

Assistance Center.

Family Assistance Center

1051 North Main St

Providence, RI 02904

(401) 275 4194 or (877) 440 7994

Credits:• Author: PFC Steven White• Design: 2LT Shane Hoover• Photography: PFC Steven White• Photography: 2LT Shane Hoover• Photography: SGT Aaron Staley

Any Questions or Concerns:Please e-mail the PAO officer at:

[email protected]

TF 1-182 C CO (1207TH FSC) Currently Reporting From:

Camp Arifjan, Kuwait

Promotions & Announcements

Congratulations to the following Soldiers on their Promotions

To PFC: Elijah Brown

To SPC: Kyle Sanville and Israel Gonzales

300 ClubWhile conducting annual Army Physical Fitness Tests, several Soldiers stood out amongst their peers. The maximum score possible is three hundred (300); any Soldier who achieves 270

points while scoring a minimum of 90 in each of the three categories (push-ups, sit ups, 2 mile run) is entitled to wear the coveted army physical badge. The Soldiers who earned the right to wear their badge are Specialists Gregory Mata, Bjon Hewitt, Justin Dasilva, Steven Berube, Gabriel Morales and Gerald Knight. Special kudos to SPC Dasilva who scored a 300. Well done gentlemen.

- PFC Steven W. White

With Great Sympathy

It is with great sympathy and heavy hearts that we extend our sympathy to fellow 1207th Soldier, SPC Juan Morel. SPC Morel and his family suffered a great loss last month with the passing of his mother, Mrs. Andrea Abreu Delgado. Our deepest condolences go out to Juan and his family.

Congratulations to SFC Deborah Neylon, who is a recent graduate of Camp Arifjan’s Equal Opportunity (EO) and Deployed Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (DSARC) training.

In a ceremony held on 18 December in the Zone 1 chapel, SFC Neylon and other members of her class were honored and presented with certificates of completion of their EO and DSARC training.

This training is mandatory for at least one member of each unit here on Arifjan. SFC Neylon, once again stepped up to the plate and we commend her for her outstanding achievement.

- PFC Steven W. White

More Congrats
