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Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical...

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Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich [email protected] This is joint work with R. Almgren (Bank of America Securities, on leave from University of Toronto)
Page 1: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions

Julian Lorenz

Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich

[email protected]

This is joint work with R. Almgren (Bank of America Securities, on leave from University of Toronto)

Page 2: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Execution of Financial Decisions

Portfolio optimization tells a great deal about investments that optimally balance risk and expected returns

Markowitz, CAPM, …

But how to implement them?

How to sell out of a large or illiquid portfolio position

within a given time horizon?

Page 3: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Price Appreciation, Market Impact, Timing Risk

Price appreciation,

Timing riskMarket impact

trade fast trade slowly

We want to balance market risk and market impact.

Market risk Market impact

We have to deal with …

Page 4: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Benchmark: Arrival Price

Benchmark: Implementation shortfall

Other common benchmark: Market VWAP

= „value of position at time of decision-making“

- „capture of trade“

Goal: Find optimized execution strategy

This benchmark is also known as „Arrival Price“ (i.e. price prevailing at decision-making).

Arrival price Average price achieved

Page 5: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Discrete Trading Model

• Trading is possible at N discrete times

• No interest on cash position

• A trading strategy is given by (xi)i=0..N+1 where

xk = #units hold at t=k (i.e. we sell nk=xk-xk+1 at price Sk)

• Boundary conditions: x0 = X and xN+1 = 0

• Price dynamics:

Exogenous: Arithmetic Random Walk

Sk = Sk-1 + (k+), k=1..N

with k i.i.d

Endogenous: Market Impact

- Permanent

- Temporary

Page 6: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Permanent vs. Temporary Market Impact

Simplified model of market impact:

Page 7: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Permanent vs. Temporary Market Impact

• Permanent market impact

with k i.i.d

• Temporary market impact

with k i.i.d

(„Quadratic cost model“)

Simplest case: Linear impact functions

Page 8: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Shortfall of a Trading Strategy

The capture of a trading strategy (xi)i=1..N is

with nk=xk-1-xk.

Assuming linear impact, the implementation shortfall is

In fact, permanent impact is fairly easy tractable. Hence, we

will focus on temporary impact.

Page 9: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Mean-Variance Optimization

¸ 0 is the Lagrange multiplier or can be seen as a measure of risk aversion by itself.

In the spirit of Markowitz‘ portfolio optimization, we want to optimize

The Lagrangian for this problem is

Page 10: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Efficient Trading Frontier

Similar to portfolio optimization, this leads to an efficient frontier of trading strategies:

Page 11: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.


• This is the model as first proposed in

R. Almgren, N. Chriss: "Optimal execution of portfolio transactions", Journal of Risk 3, 2000.

• It was extended in a series of publications, e.g.

Konishi, Makimoto: “Optimal slice of a block trade”, Journal of Risk, 2001.

Almgren, Chriss: "Bidding principles“, Risk, 2003.

Almgren: "Optimal execution with nonlinear impact functions and trading-enhanced risk", Applied Mathematical Finance, 2003.

Huberman, Stanzl: “Optimal Liquidity Trading”, Review of Finance, 2005.

Page 12: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Response of Finance Industry

Neil Chriss and Robert Almgren pioneered much of the early research in

the field... [The] efficient trading frontier will truly revolutionize financial

decision-making for years to come.

Robert Kissell and Morton Glantz, „Optimal Trading Strategies“, 2003

Almgren's paper, […] coauthored with Neil Chriss, head of quantitative

strategies for giant hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors, helped lay the

groundwork for the arrival-price algorithms currently being developed on

Wall Street.

Justin Shack, „The orders of battle", Institutional Investor, 2004

The model has been remarkably influential in the finance industry:

Page 13: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Optimal Static Trading Strategies (I)

Almgren/Chriss brought up arguments, why in this arithmetic Brownian motion setting together with mean-variance utility, an optimal trading strategy would not depend on the stock price process.

They therefore considered the model, where xk are static variables.Then

Page 14: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Optimal Static Trading Strategies (II)


convex minimization problem in x1,…,xN with solution

becomes a straightforward

But is xk really path-independent?

Page 15: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Binomial Model (I)

Consider the following arithmetic binomial model:

(S0, X)

sell (X-x1)

(S0 - , x1)

sell (x1 - x2


sell (x1 - x2


(S0+, x1)

(S0 – 2, x2-)

(S0, x2-)

(S0+2, x2+)

(S0, x2+)

sell x2+

sell x2+

sell x2-

sell x2-

Then we have the shortfall

Page 16: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Binomial Model (II)

A trading strategy is defined by (x1,x2+,x2


For the variance we have to deal with path dependent stock holdings x2 and with covariances, e.g. .

One calculates (with and )

The path-independent solution forces = 0 with optimum

For < 0, first order decrease in variance ( ) and only second-order increase in expectation.


Path-independent solution is non-optimal.)

Page 17: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Binomial Model (III)


Suppose price moves up:

How to compute optimal path-dependent strategies?

In fact, „Optimal Execution“ can be seen as a multiperiod portfolio optimization problem with quadratic transaction costs and the additional constraint that at the end we are only allowed to hold cash.

• Less than anticipated cost (investment gain)

• Sell faster and allow to burn off some of the profit

• Increase in cost anticorrelated with investment gain

Page 18: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Continuous Time

Continuous-time formulation:

Strategy v(t) must be adapted to the filtration of B.


We would like to use dynamic programming, but variance doesn‘t directly fit into „expected utility“ framework.

Page 19: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Mean-Variance and Expected Utility



Page 20: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Dynamic Programming (I)

Hence, mean-variance optimization is essentially equivalentto minimizing expectation of the utility function .

Value function at t in state (x,y,s)

Terminal utility function

{ Force complete liquidation

There is only terminal utility, no „consumption“ process.

Page 21: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Dynamic Programming (II)

The HJB-Equation for the process

leads to

with the optimal trade rate .

With =T-t we get the final PDE that is to be solved for >0:

Page 22: Risk-Averse Adaptive Execution of Portfolio Transactions Julian Lorenz Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich jlorenz@inf.ethz.ch This is.

Further Research Directions

• Find explicit analytic solutions for strategies • Multiple-security portfolios (with correlations), „basket trading“• Nonlinear impact functions• Other stochastic processes for security e.g. geometric Brownian motion• …

Ongoing work:

Summary:• We showed that the path-independent trading strategies given by Almgren/Chriss can be

further improved.• Using the dynamic programming paradigm, we derived a PDE which characterizes optimal

adaptive strategies.
