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Rit.es For Rites on IJ7 Mr.Woodward, 90,He,d F J D...

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Filla Rit.es For FunerarServices Rites on Friday ~Final Rites loi IJ7 Mr. Woodward, 90, He,d Tuelsday for F J D ~ . S -. · Held, Blackstock Dr. Williford 78 . or .. _.WIlson T. B. Waifs,64, . emces Held .. . ..' . Jesse David WIlson, 66, of cO-H Id T d - WIlham .Bar~ett Woo.dward, 90, Dr. John L. ~ill1ford, ?8, died lumbia, died Wednesday, No- e on. ues ay F M" W lk ;of Columbia, died at hIS home on on Sunday at hls home III Cam- vember 14, in a Columbia hos- . . I q '7~ . or lSS ae Friday. 1 '11.3 den. 1'17.:3 pital, following a long eriod of Final nt:s were "held for Ta.I- . Born in FaiJrfield Oounty, he was Born in Winnsboro, he .was a illness. 1'1 n ~ad?e Brian w,atts on :ruesda~ Tues Apr·1-117 a son of the late William B.. and son of the late Quay and Addle Rob- He was born in Fairfield m ZIOn Methodist Chur ch near •, . Fiorella Brice Woodward. He was inson Wil1Mord. Dr. Williford was County, a son of the late Flern- Blythew?od, ~onducted by the M' AI' A-' f I W ld W I·t dhd. d 1" Rev. BIlly Wmburn and the ISS ICe merica Beau 0 a former mayor of Blackstock and a oral' ve eran an 'a mg an A Ice WQlson.He was a . . .',' . , . a retired farmer practiced dentistry in Camden member '0,£t!he Church 0.£Jesus Rev.. w. _H.Abercrombie, BUllal ~alke~ ?led Sunda~, April .t S .:' .. since 1930 . IChrist of Latter Day Saints 1\1r was 10 the church cemetery. 111 Ealrfield Memorial HOSPIt B u~v.1V~ng. a;e ;w~t}ns" Wll~m SurVivin~ are a son J L Willi Wilson was a retired employ~ Mr. Watts, 64, 0;£ Ridgeway, after a period of deelinin 0'0 war 0 orence,a., ford J fL..il·K . d of Uniroyal Inc died in Fairfield Memorial Hos- health. . 1973 and Edward M. Woodwatrd of Co- .' r., 0 OUlSV'! e, y.; an ..".. . pital on Sunday. ' ..... ., lumbia: and two sisters Mrs Lila (1 SIster, Mrs. S. iR. McMaster of Surviving are hIS WIdow, Mrs. H b ~ . F' 'f' ld C She was born In WInnsboro B II f' C I b' d M' 'M Winnsboro Lepearless Tanner Wilson; ate was DInm an ie oun- a daughter of the late Davij e 0 0 urn ia an rs. ary· ... daught Mlr G . Y on october 4, 1908 a son of d V . . Hall 0.£York. Services were held on '.Duesday . er, s'. enev!ev~ th I t Willi A' d R _. CI ere deVerille and Alice B .K F al Morrds of Columbia: three S011S e a e 1 lam . an e ehanan Walker and edti Graveside services were held III o~neg,a! uner ~ome chap- J. L. Wilson ofC'ol~mlbila, DaV!icl becca Joyner Watts. iHe was a cat ", .' .. was Sunday afternoon in the Black- e1, with Itnterment!lll Quaker L W·l. f Oh 1 ,t d retired farmer and member 'Of ed at Mt. ZIOn,.and the O? . '.' Cemeterl . I son 0 ar es 00 an. . . lege for Women In Columbi stock Presbyterian Cemetery 111 .!!. Theron F. Wilson of Wmnsboro: ZIOn Methodist Church. d th Blackstock WOW 69 t .t M . 'SJIrviving are four sisters an e New York Conservatorl F - l'R- f·· Y re, ., - w f °c sisd ers , drsM' Martie Nelson ~rs Sarah Lattimore of West of Music .. She taught piano na t o. am en an rs. A ma Fer- . Ch' 11 lIeS or Dies in Chester guson of Winnsboro; and four Columbia, Mrs. Mary Mattox I . lC?ra Co~ege, an? .also. hat . . _ . IQ7.3 brothers, Oliver H. and Eddie and Mrs. Mattie Bass of Ridge- a pnvat~ plano StudlQ III Wmn .Mrs. WylIe' Held Walter Owens Wylie 69 of Wdlson of Winnsboro, Preston way and Mrs. E.thel Keefe of b.oro. MIS.SWalke'r was at on . . .Chester, died March 20 in a Will"in of Ridgeway and Joe Elloree; and two brothers, AI- time vassistant manager of 1 FrI -day. June 9th Charlotte, N. c. hospital: Wilson. of Camden. _ bert Wlatts ?f Rid?eway and Olin l~'ge real estate office in Mll I Born in Chester, he was a son Services were held on Friday Watts. of Columbia. . ville, N. C~ .She was a me.ill . -/11~ o~ the late .Tamt;S 1M ,""d Nan- in The Church of Jesus Christ Active pallbearers were Roger bel' of Sion P.rcS'bytenal !VIrs.Evelyn Newsome,:,ylle, .58, me Owens Wylie, and was. a of Latter Day Saints, Columbia, Branham, Larry Watts, Buddy Church, the Thomas WoOdWa'l w}fe of John Wade Wylie, died iMasonand owner of Wyhe conducted by Bishop Keith Jen- Watts, Richard Watts, Howard Chapter 0{ the Daughters 0'£ t'bt Wednesday, ,Ju.ne 7, at her home Lumob~r.Compan~. . sen. Burial was in Greenlawn .Mattox and H€8ard. Mattox. American Revolution, Soutl after a :year s Illness. SUrV1V1l1g are hISwld.o'W,Mrs. Memodal Park. - •• Caroliniana Society, the S. Born In Blackston, Va., on May Etta Mae Collins WylIe, form- S C W"I 75 BIll Watson 52 Hugenot Society of Ohall"lestO 20, 1914, she was a daughter of the erly of Winnsb0ro' a daughter 1 es, , " d th F' f' "d . late Henry and Emily Docherick . ". 'D· CI · W" b N'" .an. earr K'il county HI Newsome. She was a legal secre- Mrs. Wallace L.. ~eIl101d, Jr.'leS, :01 umbia InnS oro ative torical Soc~ety. t f M It ' DD 1 of Columbus, OhIO, two sons, 14,"'2. -. I She was interested in the his ary or ou ne . oug as at- " f . I --" D ' torney, and was a member of'Sion W.. ? .wyl. Ie , Jr., 0 Novat?, IF-inal rites were held on I" es era A ·h tory of Fairfield .County, am Presbyterian Church. California and Rob~rt E. WylIe Wednesday in St. Paul's Luth. -_. ss nc or wrote many papers concerninl Surviving are her husband; a of Chester; four. SIsters, "M~·S. eran Church, Columbia, for Ambrose "Bill" Watson, 52, of it. She had written articles f daughter, Mrs. Mary' Jane Stew- Ed Westbl1~okOf·, R9. ck . HIl~,Samuel G. Wiles of iRichtex, Cross Anchor, died Sunday at his newspapers and magazines, ant art of Winnsboro; a sister, Mrs. Mr~. Al FIfer of C111cI~natl; conducted by the Rev. Leroy home, a~er a su~den i.llness. I q 13 was a" writer of poetry. Mis Margaret N, IS!I'a,el1of Newport g~~Ot Mrs. Sam Mc~ur!qr~ Q! C. Trexler and the Rev.nr. H~ was born m Wnmsboro on Walker was active in civic a~ News, Va.; and three brothers, es er and Mrs. Louise HIck- John L. Yost. Burial was in.A~r~l 28, 1920, a son of the late fairs. Arthur Newsome of Venice, F11a.,ma~ ~f Savannah,Ga. _ M~. Greenlawn Memorial Bacl'k. Mr. William .D. and Kati~ Tidwell Wat- Survivinga,re a Ralph Newsome of Newport News Wylie IS also survived by hIS Wiles 75 died Md' son. Hie was a retired staff ser- Virgil G Kinniard . , th .1 " on ' on ay Hl d. t ith the U . . .Va., and Henry Newsome of Jen- ~o er-111- ,aw,. Mrs. W. C. Col- the Providence Hospital . gean WI e U. S. Air Force and Ky.; and several sin Beach, Fla. 1ms, brothers-in-law Purvis W. . was a member of the Cross Anchor nephews Carlton, . Tommy Mann, .Way~; Collins and Oscar L. Collins, I Born January 20, 1'898, in Mason!c. Lodge. . '. Gary, and Frank Easterling. and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Char- Calhoun County, he was a son Su,r,:vmg are two sisters, Mrs. Gravesido services l\fagistl'ate 40 Years les S. Shirley of Winnsboro, of the late Jefferson Martin and Ned LIttle of Kelton. and' Mrs. Os-?n Tuesday in Sion Presbyte Services were held on Thurs- Agnes Jones Wiles. He was re- car Cooper of .Mobile, Ala.; and Ian Church cemetery, conducte] Rites Conducted day, March 22, in Bethel Metho- tired plant manager for Rich- tw~o bro:hers, John T. W.atson o~lby Dr. R. K Smith. dlst.C~urch, . Chester, with .Iarrd Shale Products Company ~~~:b~fs~a a~lif' D. Watson of Active palloearers were Frl -day for D. G. bur,lal ,111· Chester Memorial and a member of St. Paul's Lu- Services ;'ere h~ld on Wednesda W. .Stephenson, III, Woody Ho] Gar dens,.. . ther~n Church, where h; wa:s a, in' the Yarborough's Chapel MetIi-lliS, R. ~. Foster, R. M. Har M Y member of the Men s BIble odist Church, with burial in the. ilton, J.- R. White and T. iV a ·. rhorough, 83 r. ongue 63 Class. H~ was 'a mem~er andchul'ch cemetery, with MaS~nic'MC'Dona'ld, Jr. ! 1 . , '. t past president of the Wmnsborodtes. , . . n" S t 16th Lion'j, Club,' member and past, Ch h R~t f ,The honorary escort was co DaYJd .G. Yarborough, 83, of leS ep. ... JIiD master of Pomaria Lodge No. . . ure . I es or posed of Dr. J. C. Buchana Jenkinsville, .died on .March 22, W.illiaomWylie Yongue,.63, of 15 A.F.M. in Peake, and was a M' W _.65 Jr., W. W. Lewis, G. M. Ketch in Forest Hills Nursing -Home, 10?9 .F1rancis Marion Drive, member of the York Rite Ma- rs. ertz J , in, Palmer Brice, Henry John Columbia. 1'11:3 Wilmington, N. C.; died sud- sonic Bodies of Columbia. son, W. H. Madie, T. W. Ruff He :vas b~l'l~ on October 29, denly Sunday, September 16. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Held Here Sunday'; H. Jennings, R. C. Harring 1889, m F;alr~Ield County, son H~ was horn at Blackstock'i Mae 'Bass Wiles; two daughters, ton, George Douglass, M. D of the late W~ley T. and Char- S. C. 'and was the son o.fthe la!e'Mrs. Fred (Alice) Holtzclawot Final rites were held Ior Mrs.Douglas, T. K. McDonald, Dr: lotte Foster Yar?or~ugh, .and Ned Yongue and Sallie Austin Greenwood, Mrs. Horace (Pol. Virginia B. Wertz on Sunday, in the J · B. Floyd, Dr. W. S. ~y~es: was .a member o.f Little River yongue. Mr. Yongue was a mag_II ) W ts n .f T kerr Ca.: t First Baptist Church here con"T. H. Jones and H. G. Phillips, Baptist Church. He had served istrate at the Ne~ Hanover, y a 0 0 .uc er, a., ,":0 ducted b the Rev J P Hawse Jr. as magistrate for over fort County courthouse, a member of sons, W. W.. WIles of Columbia . y .' r: '. y •• M.---..;.----·W=-.---;~=----:~-·~ years; and was a retired fan: the Sunset Park Baptist Church, and .J. oM.WIies,6f Blythewood; a,Il~1the ~ev.. H?lace. Hammett. rs ar::r 58 er. He was a member of the Blackstock Lodge No. 180 A.F. a SIster, Mrs. Maybank ('Bes· l\1~ s .. Wertz, 65, ?ted Friday ~n the ~. U, , Peake Masonic Lodge., 1:M;., the N. C. Magistrates Asso- sie) Scurry of Jacksonville, Pt,OVlclence!i0s~ltal, Columbia, af- Of Hid Surviving are his widow, Mrs. .ciation and a Veteran of World Fla.; a half sister, Mrs. Lizzie '" a lingering Illness. 1913 1 geway I Maude Nimmons Yarborough; War II. Mack of Sumter; two brothers, She was born in Chester County n- A -110 a daughter, Ml's, Robert cagl~ Surviving are his wife, the for- F. M. Wiles of St. Matthews on August 12, 1907, a daughter of IeS prI· of Rockingham, N. C.; and twoImer Mabel Or? 0'£ Great Falls; and S. A. Wiles of Winnsboro. the late Thomas and Marian Cros- /41'7 sons, F. Hall Yarborough of; one dBJughter,. Mrs. Wanda Also, 22 grandchildren and ·24 by Boulware, and was the widow Mrs. Mary, Elizabeth Ward Orangeburg and D. Glenn Yar-,Ann Irving of Wilmington, N. great-grandchildren survive. of ,]01111 A. \Vertz. She was a memo 58,0£ Columbia, died April Ie borough of Lancaster; three C., two brothers, H. Curtis Yon- Active pallbearers were ~\l- bet' of t.he First Baptist Church in She was the widow of Jame stepdaughters, Mil'S.J. W. Hend- gue of WJinnsboro and E. Austin vin Enloe Julian Dukes Wiles WillllsbOl·u. Mrs. Wertz had reo P. Ward. erson of W. Columbia,.~l's.:~ong,ue of Bl,ackstock; three Joijm Matthews, Shealy Wiles: tired in Atlgust, 1?72, as house di· Born in Ridgeway, she was, J'ames Rtauch of JenkmsvIlle SIsters, Mrs. Thomas A. Ja~k- Jr., Jack Mayo and Talmadge recto!: aL the Umverslty of Sou.th da.ughter of the late Mr. ant and IYIrs.J. M. Knotts of W. Co- son of Great Falls, Mrs. Bnce Boulware C<lrOIUla, where she had workeo :M!ts. Thomas Howard Jones lu~nbIa; an~ a stepson, James McDonaold,Blackstock and M1rs. D T - W· d for twelve y-ears. She was a m~mber of Lon.g DIX?ll of ~atawba. . . W. T. Blakeley Of. Ora; and one ~ • om 00 S . Surviving are five sisters, Mrs. to.'..vnPFesbyienan Church 11 Rites were held on Fir!day 111granddaughter MISS Wende 11'-. "'II' W. G tt fC 1 b' Mrs Ridgeway. . . L 'ttl' . . of W'l . t 0 'W d d .,~ a Hae an 0 0um Ia . .. 1 e. River Baptist Church vm . 1 mmg on. .• y.. ~,r T d M M'ild d SUfvlvmg alf·ea dauOlhter Ml's , . 'IeS e nes a ,V.Lanc uener an 1's re . "', conducted by the Rev. Reid F.uneral serVlces were COll-, , .0 . Hr' b M' Atl t Malfga~'et Crumpton Sees of Co .1 - .d t d' t T' d I 1~"l'own01 vy mns oro rs. an a , . Buna was 1.11 the church ceme- uc e a 11 a.m., 'lIes a.y, L kid FI -.., . . 1'1 d. M l.umbta; a son, J-ames Oumlmg tery. \September 17, from the chapel; a e an a B~n!ey of .'~ontl~e ~a,n . rs: ham Ward of Columbia; tW( Active pallbearers were Henry of the Burk-e-Yopp Fiuneral ,. Mary ThrailkIll of .Ridge Sprmg, brothers, T. -HJones of Winns· Yarborough, Howard Yar- tHome. The Rev. Joe B. Zim-. D. T. (Tom). WOQdsof L8Jke-and a brother, Curtts Boulware 0: boro and J.' C. Jones of Ridge· borough, David Jeter, James A. merman officiated alnd inter- ,land,. Fla._ ?led Wednesday Spartanburg. A numbel: of l1Jece~way. .. . Rauch James W Dixon and men.\; was in the Green Lawn morml1g .at 'lus home after an and nephews also surVIve. - WilliaI~ T. Glenn' III Memurial Park WilminQ'ton 'ex,tended ililness. I 173;:y .... ;h"'u t7, T tiObby !Brown, Ray ,. . ,_ '<! 'Cw.UVi:fl U e' oqy ;;,mh and ommv Burley.
Page 1: Rit.es For Rites on IJ7 Mr.Woodward, 90,He,d F J D …fairfieldgenealogysociety.org/Members_Only/Obituaries...Chester, died March 20 in a Will"in of Ridgeway and Joe Elloree; and two

Filla Rit.es For FunerarServices Rites on Friday ~Final Rites loi IJ7Mr. Woodward, 90, He,d Tuelsday for F J D ~ . S -. ·Held, Blackstock Dr. Williford 78 . or .. _.WIlson T. B. Waifs,64, . emces Held

.. . ..' . Jesse David WIlson, 66, of cO-H Id T d -WIlham .Bar~ett Woo.dward, 90, Dr. John L. ~ill1ford, ?8, died lumbia, died Wednesday, No- e on. ues ay F M" W lk

;of Columbia, died at hIS home on on Sunday at hls home III Cam- vember 14, in a Columbia hos- . . I q '7~ . or lSS a eFriday. 1 '11.3 den. 1'17.:3 pital, following a long eriod of Final nt:s were "held for Ta.I- .Born in FaiJrfield Oounty, he was Born in Winnsboro, he .was a illness. 1'1n ~ad?e Brian w,atts on :ruesda~ Tues Apr·1-117

a son of the late William B.. and son of the late Quay and Addle Rob- He was born in Fairfield m ZIOn Methodist Chur ch near • , .Fiorella Brice Woodward. He was inson Wil1Mord. Dr. Williford was County, a son of the late Flern- Blythew?od, ~onducted by the M' AI' A-' f

I W ld W I·t d h d . d 1" Rev. BIlly Wmburn and the ISS ICe merica Beau 0a former mayor of Blackstock and a oral' ve eran an 'a mg an A Ice WQlson.He was a . . .',' . , .a retired farmer practiced dentistry in Camden member '0,£t!he Church 0.£Jesus Rev ..w. _H.Abercrombie, BUllal ~alke~ ?led Sunda~, April .tS .:' .. since 1930 . IChrist of Latter Day Saints 1\1r was 10 the church cemetery. 111 Ealrfield Memorial HOSPIt

B u~v.1V~ng.a;e ;w~t}ns" Wll~m SurVivin~ are a son J L Willi Wilson was a retired employ~ Mr. Watts, 64, 0;£ Ridgeway, after a period of deelinin• 0'0 war 0 orence,a., ford J fL..il·K . d of Uniroyal Inc died in Fairfield Memorial Hos- health. . 1973

and Edward M. Woodwatrd of Co- .' r., 0 OUlSV'!e, y.; an ..".. . pital on Sunday. ' ..... .,lumbia: and two sisters Mrs Lila (1 SIster, Mrs. S. iR. McMaster of Surviving are hIS WIdow, Mrs. H b ~ . F' 'f' ld C She was born In WInnsboroB II f' C I b' d M' 'M Winnsboro Lepearless Tanner Wilson; ate was DInm an ie oun- a daughter of the late Davije 0 0 urn ia an rs. ary· . . . daught Mlr G . Y on october 4, 1908 a son of d V . .Hall 0.£York. Services were held on '.Duesday . er, s'. enev!ev~ th I t Willi A' d R _ . CI ere deVerille and Alice B

. K F al Morrds of Columbia: three S011S e a e 1 lam . an e ehanan Walker and edtiGraveside services were held III o~neg,a! uner ~ome chap- J. L. Wilson ofC'ol~mlbila, DaV!iclbecca Joyner Watts. iHe was a cat ", .' .. was

Sunday afternoon in the Black- e1, with Itnterment!lll Quaker L W·l. f Oh 1 ,t d retired farmer and member 'Of ed at Mt. ZIOn,.and the O?. '.' Cemeterl . I son 0 ar es 00 an. . . lege for Women In Columbistock Presbyterian Cemetery 111 .!!. Theron F. Wilson of Wmnsboro: ZIOn Methodist Church. d thBlackstock WOW 1° 69 t . t M . 'SJIrviving are four sisters an e New York Conservatorl

F- l' R- f·· Y re, ., - wf°c sisd

ers, drsM'Martie Nelson ~rs Sarah Lattimore of West of Music .. She taught piano

na to. am en an rs. A ma Fer- . Ch' 11lIeS or Dies in Chester guson of Winnsboro; and four Columbia, Mrs. Mary Mattox I . lC?ra Co~ege, an? .also. hat. . _ . IQ7.3 brothers, Oliver H. and Eddie and Mrs. Mattie Bass of Ridge- a pnvat~ plano StudlQ III Wmn.Mrs. WylIe' Held Walter Owens Wylie 69 of Wdlson of Winnsboro, Preston way and Mrs. E.thel Keefe of b.oro. MIS.SWalke'r was at on

. . . Chester, died March 20 in a Will"in of Ridgeway and Joe Elloree; and two brothers, AI- time vassistant manager of 1

FrI-day. June 9th Charlotte, N. c. hospital: Wilson. of Camden. _ bert Wlatts ?f Rid?eway and Olin l~'ge real estate office in MllI Born in Chester, he was a son Services were held on Friday Watts. of Columbia. . ville, N. C~ .She was a me.ill

. - /11~ o~ the late .Tamt;S1M ,""d Nan- in The Church of Jesus Christ Active pallbearers were Roger bel' of Sion P.rcS'bytenal!VIrs.Evelyn Newsome,:,ylle, .58, me Owens Wylie, and was. a of Latter Day Saints, Columbia, Branham, Larry Watts, Buddy Church, the Thomas WoOdWa'l'1

w}fe of John Wade Wylie, died iMasonand owner of Wyhe conducted by Bishop Keith Jen- Watts, Richard Watts, Howard Chapter 0{ the Daughters 0'£ t'btWednesday, ,Ju.ne 7, at her home Lumob~r .Compan~. . sen. Burial was in Greenlawn .Mattox and H€8ard. Mattox. American Revolution, Soutlafter a :year s Illness. SUrV1V1l1gare hIS wld.o'W,Mrs. Memodal Park. - •• Caroliniana Society, the S.Born In Blackston, Va., on May Etta Mae Collins WylIe, form- S C W"I 75 BIll Watson 52 Hugenot Society of Ohall"lestOl

20, 1914, she was a daughter of the erly of Winnsb0ro' a daughter • • 1es, , " d th F' f' "d .late Henry and Emily Docherick . ". 'D· C I · W" b N'" .an. earr K'il county HINewsome. She was a legal secre- Mrs. Wallace L .. ~eIl101d, Jr.'leS, :01umbia InnS oro ative torical Soc~ety.t f M It' D D 1 of Columbus, OhIO, two sons, 14,"'2. - . I She was interested in the hisary or ou ne . oug as at- " f . I --" D 'torney, and was a member of'Sion W.. ? .wyl.Ie, Jr., 0 Novat?, IF-inal rites were held on I"es era A ·h tory of Fairfield .County, amPresbyterian Church. California and Rob~rt E. WylIe Wednesday in St. Paul's Luth. - _. ss nc or wrote many papers concerninlSurviving are her husband; a of Chester; four. SIsters, "M~·S.eran Church, Columbia, for Ambrose "Bill" Watson, 52, of it. She had written articles f

daughter, Mrs. Mary' Jane Stew- Ed Westbl1~okOf·, R9.ck. HIl~,Samuel G. Wiles of iRichtex, Cross Anchor, died Sunday at his newspapers and magazines, antart of Winnsboro; a sister, Mrs. Mr~. Al FIfer of C111cI~natl;conducted by the Rev. Leroy home, a~er a su~den i.llness. I q 13 was a" writer of poetry. MisMargaret N, IS!I'a,el1of Newport g~~OtMrs. Sam Mc~ur!qr~ Q! C. Trexler and the Rev.nr. H~ was born m Wnmsboro on Walker was active in civic a~News, Va.; and three brothers, es er and Mrs. Louise HIck- John L. Yost. Burial was in. A~r~l 28, 1920, a son of the late fairs.Arthur Newsome of Venice, F11a.,ma~ ~f Savannah,Ga. _ M~. Greenlawn Memorial Bacl'k. Mr. William .D. and Kati~ Tidwell Wat- Survivinga,re aRalph Newsome of Newport News Wylie IS also survived by hIS Wiles 75 died Md' son. Hie was a retired staff ser- Virgil G Kinniard. , th . 1 " on ' on ay Hl d. t ith the U . ..Va., and Henry Newsome of Jen- ~o er-111-,aw,. Mrs. W. C. Col- the Providence Hospital . gean WI e U. S. Air Force and Ky.; and severalsin Beach, Fla. 1ms, brothers-in-law Purvis W. . was a member of the Cross Anchor nephewsCarlton, . Tommy Mann, .Way~; Collins and Oscar L. Collins, I Born January 20, 1'898, in Mason!c. Lodge. . '.Gary, and Frank Easterling. and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Char- Calhoun County, he was a son Su,r,:vmg are two sisters, Mrs. Gravesido services

l\fagistl'ate 40 Years les S. Shirley of Winnsboro, of the late Jefferson Martin and Ned LIttle of Kelton. and' Mrs. Os-?n Tuesday in Sion PresbyteServices were held on Thurs- Agnes Jones Wiles. He was re- car Cooper of .Mobile, Ala.; and Ian Church cemetery, conducte]Rites Conducted day, March 22, in Bethel Metho- tired plant manager for Rich- tw~o bro:hers, John T. W.atson o~lby Dr. R. K Smith.

dlst.C~urch, . Chester, with .Iarrd Shale Products Company ~~~:b~fs~a a~lif' D. Watson of Active palloearers were

Frl-day for D. G. bur,lal ,111· Chester Memorial and a member of St. Paul's Lu- Services ;'ere h~ld on Wednesda W. .Stephenson, III, Woody Ho]Gar dens,.. . ther~n Church, where h; wa:s a, in' the Yarborough's Chapel MetIi-lliS, R. ~. Foster, R. M. Har

M Ymember of the Men s BIble odist Church, with burial in the. ilton, J.- R. White and T.

iVa·.rhorough, 83 r. ongue 63 Class. H~ was 'a mem~er andchul'ch cemetery, with MaS~nic'MC'Dona'ld, Jr.!1 . , '. t past president of the Wmnsborodtes. , .. n" S t 16th Lion'j, Club,' member and past, Ch h R~t f ,The honorary escort was coDaYJd .G. Yarborough, 83, of leS ep. . .. JIiD master of Pomaria Lodge No. . . ure . I es or posed of Dr. J. C. Buchana

Jenkinsville, .died on .March 22, W.illiaomWylie Yongue,.63, of 15 A.F.M. in Peake, and was a M' W _ . 65 Jr., W. W. Lewis, G. M. Ketchin Forest Hills Nursing -Home, 10?9 .F1rancis Marion Drive, member of the York Rite Ma- rs. ertzJ, in, Palmer Brice, Henry JohnColumbia. 1'11:3 Wilmington, N. C.; died sud- sonic Bodies of Columbia. son, W. H. Madie, T. W. RuffHe :vas b~l'l~ on October 29, denly Sunday, September 16. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Held Here Sunday'; H. Jennings, R. C. Harring

1889, m F;alr~Ield County, son H~ was horn at Blackstock'i Mae 'Bass Wiles; two daughters, ton, George Douglass, M. Dof the late W~ley T. and Char- S. C. 'and was the son o.fthe la!e'Mrs. Fred (Alice) Holtzclawot Final rites were held Ior Mrs.Douglas, T. K. McDonald, Dr:lotte Foster Yar?or~ugh, .and Ned Yongue and Sallie Austin Greenwood, Mrs. Horace (Pol. Virginia B. Wertz on Sunday, in theJ· B. Floyd, Dr. W. S. ~y~es:was .a member o.f Little River yongue. Mr. Yongue was a mag_II ) W ts n .f T kerr Ca.: t First Baptist Church here con"T. H. Jones and H. G. Phillips,Baptist Church. He had served istrate at the Ne~ Hanover, y a 0 0 .uc er, a., ,":0 ducted b the Rev J P Hawse Jr.as magistrate for over fort County courthouse, a member of sons, W. W.. WIles of Columbia . y .' r : '. y ••M.---..;.----·W=-.---;~=----:~-·~--years; and was a retired fan: the Sunset Park Baptist Church, and .J. oM.WIies,6f Blythewood; a,Il~1the ~ev.. H?lace. Hammett. rs ar::r 58er. He was a member of the Blackstock Lodge No. 180 A.F. a SIster, Mrs. Maybank ('Bes· l\1~s .. Wertz, 65, ?ted Friday ~n the ~. U, ,Peake Masonic Lodge., 1:M;., the N. C. Magistrates Asso- sie) Scurry of Jacksonville, Pt,OVlclence!i0s~ltal, Columbia, af- Of HidSurviving are his widow, Mrs. .ciation and a Veteran of World Fla.; a half sister, Mrs. Lizzie '" a lingering Illness. 1913 1 geway I

Maude Nimmons Yarborough; War II. Mack of Sumter; two brothers, She was born in Chester County n- A -110a daughter, Ml's, Robert cagl~ Surviving are his wife, the for- F. M. Wiles of St. Matthews on August 12, 1907, a daughter of IeS prI·of Rockingham, N. C.; and two Imer Mabel Or? 0'£ Great Falls; and S. A. Wiles of Winnsboro. the late Thomas and Marian Cros- /41'7sons, F. Hall Yarborough of; one dBJughter,. Mrs. Wanda Also, 22 grandchildren and ·24 by Boulware, and was the widow Mrs. Mary, Elizabeth WardOrangeburg and D. Glenn Yar-,Ann Irving of Wilmington, N. great-grandchildren survive. of ,]01111 A. \Vertz. She was a memo 58,0£ Columbia, died April Ieborough of Lancaster; three C., two brothers, H. Curtis Yon- Active pallbearers were ~\l- bet' of t.he First Baptist Church in She was the widow of Jamestepdaughters, Mil'S.J. W. Hend- gue of WJinnsboro and E. Austin vin Enloe Julian Dukes Wiles WillllsbOl·u. Mrs. Wertz had reo P. Ward.erson of W. Columbia,.~l's.:~ong,ue of Bl,ackstock; three Joijm Matthews, Shealy Wiles: tired in Atlgust, 1?72, as house di· Born in Ridgeway, she was,J'ames Rtauch of JenkmsvIlle SIsters, Mrs. Thomas A. Ja~k- Jr., Jack Mayo and Talmadge recto!: aL the Umverslty of Sou.th da.ughter of the late Mr. antand IYIrs.J. M. Knotts of W. Co- son of Great Falls, Mrs. Bnce Boulware C<lrOIUla, where she had workeo :M!ts. Thomas Howard Joneslu~nbIa; an~ a stepson, James McDonaold, Blackstock and M1rs.D T - W· d for twelve y-ears. She was a m~mber of Lon.gDIX?ll of ~atawba. . . W. T. Blakeley Of. Ora; and one ~ • om 00 S . Surviving are five sisters, Mrs. to.'..vnPFesbyienan Church 11Rites were held on Fir!day 111granddaughter MISS Wende 11'- . "'II' W. G tt f C 1 b' Mrs Ridgeway. . .

L'ttl' . . of W'l . t 0 'W d d .,~a Hae an 0 0 um Ia . . .1 e. River Baptist Church vm . 1mmg on. . • y ..~,r • T d M M'ild d SUfvlvmg alf·ea dauOlhter Ml's, . 'IeS e nes a ,V.Lanc uener an 1's re . "',conducted by the Rev. Reid F.uneral serVlces were COll-, , .0 . Hr' b M' Atl t Malfga~'et Crumpton Sees of Co. 1 - . d t d' t T' d I 1~"l'own01 vy mns oro rs. an a , .Buna was 1.11 the church ceme- uc e a 11 a.m., 'lIes a.y, L kid FI -.., . . 1'1 d. M l.umbta; a son, J-ames Oumlmgtery. \September 17, from the chapel; a e an a B~n!ey of .'~ontl~e ~a,n . rs: ham Ward of Columbia; tW(Active pallbearers were Henry of the Burk-e-Yopp Fiuneral ,. Mary ThrailkIll of .Ridge Sprmg, brothers, T. -HJones of Winns·

Yarborough, Howard Yar- tHome. The Rev. Joe B. Zim-. D. T. (Tom). WOQds of L8Jke-and a brother, Curtts Boulware 0: boro and J.' C. Jones of Ridge·borough, David Jeter, James A. merman officiated alnd inter- ,land,. Fla._ ?led Wednesday Spartanburg. A numbel: of l1Jece~way. . . .Rauch James W Dixon and men.\; was in the Green Lawn morml1g .at 'lus home after an and nephews also surVIve. -WilliaI~ T. Glenn' III Memurial Park WilminQ'ton 'ex,tended ililness. I 173;:y ....;h"'u t7, T tiObby !Brown, Ray

,. . ,_ '<! • 'Cw.UVi:fl U e' oqy ;;,mh and ommv Burley.
