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Riverina Environmental Education Centre

Date post: 03-Oct-2021
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2021 Term 2 Weeks 4, 5, & 6 Principal: Owen Gill Phone: (02) 6924 5227 Educating, Enriching and Empowering Students Fax: (02) 6924 5224 Eurongilly Public School Email: [email protected] Eurongilly Road Website: www.eurongilly-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Eurongilly NSW 2663 Riverina Environmental Education Centre
2021 Term 2 Weeks 4, 5, & 6 Principal: Owen Gill
Phone: (02) 6924 5227 Educating, Enriching and Empowering Students
Fax: (02) 6924 5224 Eurongilly Public School
Email: [email protected] Eurongilly Road
Riverina Environmental Education Centre
Phone: (02) 6924 5227
Email: [email protected] Eurongilly Road
2021 Term 2 Weeks 4, 5 & 6 Newsletter
Term 2, Week 8
Term 2, Week 9
Friday 18 June Canteen Day
Term 2, Week 10
Excursion to Riverina Environmental Education Centre
(REEC) ............................................................................................ 3
......................................................................................................... 4
Year 3-6 excursion to Sydney .............................................. 5
P&C News ........................................................................................ 5
Gill) ...................................................................................................... 5
A message from Mr Gill
Excursion to Riverina Environmental
Last Friday, all K-6 students ventured out to the Riverina
Environmental Education Centre (REEC), south of
Wagga Wagga, to take part in fun and engaging hands
on field study activities. Our K-2 students participated in
‘Dinosaurs and More’, with the highlight being students
putting on an archaeologist’s cap and digging up their
own dinosaur bones.
throughout the grounds of the campus learning about
Wiradjuri culture by interacting with the plants and trees
and Aunty Joycelan sharing her knowledge. All of our
students were highly engaged, whilst our teaching staff
also learnt a lot. I hope you enjoy reading more about
our excursion through the student writing samples
shared in this newsletter.
On Monday 10 May, our students took part in Life
Education lessons. This year, Healthy Harold didn’t travel
to the school in his van but instead engaged with the
students through video conferencing. Students were
divided into three stage groups and spent a session with
the facilitator, Michelle and Healthy Harold, engaging in
interactive content and deep conversations, covering
topics including safety rules, body systems and
functions, peer pressure and medicines and drugs.
Student feedback showed they took a lot from the
experience, whilst we look forward to having Healthy
Harold visit on site in the future.
NAPLAN is an annual assessment for all students in
Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It tests the types of skills that are
essential for every child to progress through school and
life. The tests cover skills in reading, writing, spelling,
grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. Angus,
Cooper, Stanley, Scarlett, Willow, Archer and Jesse have
now completed their assessments for 2021. All 7
students took the assessments in their stride, showing a
mature, calm and focused effort.
Eurongilly Public School
Reconciliation Week
National Sorry Day is held on May 26 and is a time to
remember the past policies of forced child removal, and
reflect on the sad and painful stories of the Stolen
Generations. It is a time to recognise the resilience of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the
power of saying Sorry.
to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and
achievements, and to explore how each of us can
contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The
week runs from 27 May to 3 June every year. This year’s
theme is ‘More than a word’. Reconciliation takes action,
urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and
more impactful action. Students will participate in
classroom activities specifically related to reconciliation
over the next week.
cross country at Bongongo. All students performed
extremely well in their respective age groups. Sam
finished 2nd in the 12 years boys and Lily finished 5th in
the 10 years girls. Both students will participate in the
Riverina cross country on Thursday 10 June. Eurongilly
Public School was also presented with the Champion
Cross Country School Handicap Shield.
Kitchen and staffroom upgrade
kitchen and staffroom facility. On entry, students, staff
and parents have been amazed with the transformation
of the space. The upgrade, which was part of the
Regional Renewal infrastructure program, now presents
as a great space for student cooking sessions, additional
opportunities for canteen days and a much more user
friendly space for catering for community events. A
massive thank you to the P&C for their contribution to
the upgrade, the students of today and the future are
sure to get plenty of value out of it. Students opinions
of the upgrade were collected and have been presented
in a Wordle.
Eurongilly Public School
Athletics Carnival date confirmed
Our small school’s athletics carnival rescheduled details
have now been finalised following its cancellation earlier
in the year due to wet weather. The athletics carnival for
all students will now take place on Wednesday 14 July
at Illabo Showground. This is the first week back to
school following the winter break. A reminder that we
are the host school and will be relying on parent and
family members to support making it a successful event.
A meeting, facilitated by the P&C will take place on
Wednesday 23 June (following our whole school
afternoon assembly) to organise catering requirements.
Year 3-6 excursion to Sydney
Details of our Year 3-6 excursion, combined with Illabo
Public School, have been sent home this week. The
excursion has been booked for the last 3 days of Term
3, Wednesday 15 September to Friday 17 September.
Thank you to our hard-working P&C for making this an
affordable opportunity for families. The outlined
activities look fantastic. Miss Dickey and Mr Gill will be
the supervising teachers for this excursion.
P&C News
supplier for our 2021 pie drive. Our pie
collection date is set as the 16th of July.
More details and order forms to come in
the next few weeks!
If you are interested in purchasing a Eurongilly school
beanie for your child please let Di Cusack know. If we
have sufficient interest we will put an order through.
Clothing pool
As we mentioned at the P&C meeting, the school has
quite a few uniforms available in the clothing pool so if
you are looking for some more uniforms for your kids
please let us know, we might be able to help you out!
Fi Rankin
Science and Technology (Mr Gill)
Science is one of the 6 key learning areas (KLA’s) taught
as part of the NSW primary curriculum. The study of
Science and Technology in K–6 enables students to
explore scientific and technological concepts and
develop knowledge and understanding of the world;
enabling them to inquire, plan, investigate and develop
solutions to problems. Through the application of
Working Scientifically, and Design and Production skills,
students develop an interest in and an enthusiasm for
understanding nature, phenomena and the built
syllabus with Mr Gill. This semester, both K-2 and 3-6
groups have focused on the Material World content
within science. Next semester, both classes will explore
Earth and Space, whilst Physical World and Living World
content is covered during even years (2022) as part of
the school’s scope and sequence.
In K-2, student’s main inquiry and focus questions
How do the properties of materials determine their use?
Highlights for students have included investigating
natural and manmade items in our environment,
changing materials by bending, twisting, stretching,
heating and cooling and experimenting with mixing
things together, including making playdough. Last
week, students tested the insulation quality of different
fabrics and materials, supporting reasoning of when and
where they wear different types of clothing.
Eurongilly Public School
How do materials change when heated and cooled?
How do you decide upon which material to use for a
particular purpose?
Why are the characteristics of materials important when
designing and producing?
honey as a liquid or solid? Why? Students have
investigated and experimented what happens to
materials when heat is added or taken away. Students
have investigated the properties of different materials,
including gold, reasoning the value of materials and why
particular materials are used in design and production.
This week students investigated the properties of
materials used to make modern bicycles.
REEC Excursion
At Riverina Environmental Education Centre (REEC), I
really enjoyed when we went to the Salt Tree with our
elders Darren and Aunty Joyce. They told us to pick a
leaf from the Salt Tree and lick it with our tongues. It
tasted salty, but it didn't taste like real table salt that we
use in our food. Some people spat it out because it did
not taste nice at all! In my opinion, it was not the best
leaf I've ever had. However, we tried other plants and
they tasted nice. While we were learning activities out in
the bush, we were strictly told not to take objects home
(like sticks and rocks) without permission because they
are sacred and it is disrespectful in our indigenous
culture to take this home if they do not belong to us. If
you do accidentally take something home, you need to
make sure you return it back to where you found it. I
really enjoyed my day at REEC.
By Levi
On Friday the 21st of May, we went with Illabo Public School
to REEC (Riverina Environmental Education Centre). It was so
fun! We did loads of things like learning about what's in a
tree and what the word “yindyamarra” (respect) meant. We
tried the fruit from a ‘Lilly Pilly’ tree. Some of the fruit made
your mouth go really, really dry and the seed in the middle of
the Lilly Pilly tasted a little bit like wood! Aunt told us a dream
time story in front of the cave and then we got to go inside
the cave. I saw that the cave had a ‘day’ side and a ‘night’
side. At the end we got to wear a huge possum cloak that
Aunt stitched together piece by piece. The cloak was very
fluffy and warm and it also had carvings of stories printed on
the skin.
By Malee
at the Riverina Environmental Education Centre in
Wagga Wagga. We went and learnt how to use
resources in the bush to survive. We had to be respectful
and if we weren’t respectful, Aunty Joycelyn would yell
out “yindyamarra!” (which means respect) really loud
and we would have to be quiet. We went to a sacred
place, saw Humpies and we grinded the ends of sticks
to make spears. Afterwards, we went back to have recess
and then we went and sat around a floor mat and learnt
about the uses of coolamons, animal skins and many
more traditional and cultural resources.
By Jesse
