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"" RMIS View/Print Document Cover Sheet"" This document was retrieved from the Documentation and Records Manaqement (DRM) ISEARCH System. It is intended for Information only and may not be the most recent or updated version. Contact a Document Sewice Center (see Hanford Info for locations) if you need add iti o n al retrieval i n fo r mati o n . Accession #: Dl95066657 Document #: SD-SNF-CSDD-001 TitlelDesc: 105K EAST ION EXCANGE & CARTRIDGE FILTER RESTART COMPUTER SOFWARE DESIGN DESCRIPTION Pages: 43
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"" RMIS View/Print Document Cover Sheet""

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Accession #: Dl95066657

Document #: SD-SNF-CSDD-001


Pages: 43

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WHC-SO-SNF-CSDD-001, Flev. 0


DS SCHERMERHORN Westinghou!,e Han fo rd Co., R i c h l a l i d , WA 99352 U.S. Depart,ment o f Energy Contra8::t DE-AC06-87RLlO930

E.BT/I:(:N: ti05807 UC: 6805 Org Code, 2GOOO Charge (Code: LD043 R&R Code ~ EW3135040 T o t a l Pages: 40

key Words: Computer So f tware De*,ign D e s c r i p t i o n I o n Exchanger C a r t r i d g e F i l t e r Rf?s':art:


IRADEMARK O I S C , A l H E R . Reference herein *o an) speci f ic c o m r c i a l product, process, or serv~ize by trade name. tradenark, mnufacturer , o r orhe-wise. does not necessarily const i tute o r impl'f ,its endorsement, recnrmendation. or favoring by the United States Goverrmenr OF any agency rhereof or irs ContractorE or sutx:ontractors.

Pr inted in the Unired !States cf America. l o obtain copies of t h i s docunent, confact: UHC/BCS m c m r C o n t r o l Serv.c:es, P.C. Box 1970. Mal $.top H6-08. Richland UA 99352, Phone ( 5 0 9 ) 3 7 2 . 2 4 2 0 ; Fax ( 5 0 9 ) 376-4989.


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- WHC-SD-SNF-CSCID 001 115 K East I o n [xi l imge and Car t r idge F i l r e r c Restdr t Computer S c f t d a r t ? Design Desci- ipt lon Rev 0


Rev. 0

105 k: East Ion Exchange and Cartr idge F i l t e r Restart Computer Software Design Descript ion

Author D ' i Schermerhorn Date: llet ember 8, 1995

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_- -- 105 K East Ion Ex'::nange and Car t r i dge F i 1 t e r

Cesign Descr- ipt ion. - Rev 0 -


; I . 1 Ilodul e Decor~::~tri; I ti 8:ri

Figure i p w d ides 3 bro,3d ou' : . i i c i o f t h e hardware idecc'mpositiori I. 1 s ted belolc iirt? t i e sof twar t i nodules. Each sof tware riodule i ' 3 i:iisctisied i r t h i i ; riocument i t ) 3 l a t e r sec t io r i .


2 3 4 3


8 9

1 1 1

I Liidtler Lcgi 1 MZCILI~.! 2 P ' a t m Detec' ior Module .? ipec i a l Funct isr i Moduie

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I~HC-SD-SNF-CS[)D.OOI. lo!; K E a s t Ion Exchanqe and Car t r i dqe F i l t e r 11 F'ase 11 - k j r t Computer Software Design Desc r ip t i on Rev 0 11 m39J

The I :(I4 screen ci!nt<i I IS analog ins t rumentd t~ ic8n display:; fcr. p a r m e t e r s assnc ia t t x ' d i t h t h e I X M ' s . Each parameter c , i s i i l a : ~ cart be a c t i w t e d t o d i s p l a y inore d e t a i l e d inf:irmdi:iori, see thi? i verv iew screen d e s c r i p t i o n fc ' r iiiore i n f .irmdi: i or I

The b a s i n screen !:on:jins analog ins t rumenta t ion displi iys f o r p<warnet:ers ai , io i . : iated w i t h t h e bas in . Edch parameter c , i s : 1 1 ~ ~ cart be ai:t,iwted t o d i s p l a y inore d e t a i l e d i n f ) r r n < j t : i x i , see thi-! we rv iew screen d e s c r i p t i o n fc ' r iiiore i nf m d t ; i xi

7 ~ k owrv ic iw s8:rwn 8:snt.ains ins t rumenta t ion readol;ts ass-)c id:ed w i t ? the ,)asin. Each readout i s used f o r c I i s : : i ~ d : ~ - ng t h e pararnN?ters value and associated e n g i n w r i n g t i n i t s . ::f t h e 3ar.ami.icer alarms, t,he readouf w i l l f l a s k 1 rec arid Y V 1 . 1 Llecome bwl red when t h e a l a r m 1:; acknowledciec?.

C.1 I .k in<] 31' toJctr in i I 3 readout w i l l a c t i v a t e a windoir t h a t c l i s ~ ~ ! , ~ , y : ; p e r t i i e n t I i f o rma t ion associated w.ith t h e al;lrrn furii.:l: ions of t,ie re, . i ' iout . For example H I / L O a 1 a r m c,et;)oini:.s, instrumei,it range e t c See A l a r m Contro l Scr'een f cx W t h e i ' i nforrna.1. i on

A l a r m s can be ack.now1edged on t h i s screen by press ing t h e FICK bu t ton o r by prIi?ssirig t h e ACK bu t ton loca ted on -the i n a v i (dual A1 arm Coi.1 t r o l Screens

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WHC-SD-SNF-CSDO-001 L O 5 K E a s t Ion 1Ixc:tiange and Car t r idge F i l t e r Rest,art Computer SofLware Design De:;c:i,iption. Rev 0

T t i t a l i i r m screen i s t o r d i s p l a y i n g t.he bas in annunci i i tor ,aI,lrmis Each annurici t i tor a l a r m o r i g i n a t e s from the b a s i n Iiorieywe'l ~ recorder

Tht, a l i i r i n summary a r t 1 a l a r m h i s t o r y screen cdn be ,dccr?sseiJ frm thi:. screen

,/vi, a lar r r i on t .h is s:r'een i s acknowledged by press ing 1,he Xt t x t tc in

5.1 .9 '1 1 Ease ' j t a t t i s

I h 6 , t xse s ta tus x : r w n d isp lays the s ta tus o f t h e IPL, a n d .Dlays the :,tat. t is of each 1/0 car83 . in t h e IPLC ba:;f

.4ri t.l-ii P,( t: I iut tor i

aldrin or1 t.hi;, s ( r'een can be acknowledged by press ing

T t io al,jrrii contml s ( reen 1 ; a "pop-.rp' w.inCow t h a t appear; 2 r i . J t i n ie , i n anii lcy rl;t,ameter d i s p l a y .!; c l i c k e d by ti-e u s e r .

Thtl sci-een provi,&: range in fo rmat ion on t h e analog Ddr'ame~,er- p lus i t , F i rwides a l a r m in fo rmat ion

b ,~rogrammer passwot d al lows changinq o f any parametw on t i i i ~ i i l d ~ w

Thi, t.iirie delay pai-meter should no t be s e t excess ive ly h igh bei:au:,e the setpuir i l . d i r e c t l y a f f e c t s t h e parameter scan t i w t r ~ i r :' d3proximatt?' seconds

I t i s recommcirided t h a t t h e delay be s e t no hiciher

T t i ' , KiC iu t to r i c r i t t i i ; screen acknowledges o n l y t h e di > p l dy'e3 pardmcter

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lo!; K East Ion Exchange and Car t r i dge F i l t e r Page Design Desc r ip t i on Rev 0 11 o f 39

The 1,otd l i rers simp anc m:iirnu a te t h e t i t a l

t h e associated f l ow once every i i i i r iute

A L, ipe,-v isor pas..wo.'j. a'llows access f o r changing t h e :,tirial numw and f o r rpsel t i n q t h e t o t a l i z e r

l h e Ai:< bu t ton prov jes a l a r m acknowledgment f o r ariy i low re1 i1.i.d a l d r m 3n th i> screen

l-he t - i d tbme t rend ;creen(s) a re l i v e trends, o f var ious clatci lp:~irts assoc:ial:?d w i t h t h e bas in . The t rends c:an not. be ::oiit.i-cl'Ied b y t h ' i operator

l h i - > i:i"eeti d i sp cdy'l t rend ing o f data back i n t ime for. J5 ddy', The t rend : :m 3e c o n t r o l l e d by t h e operator

1b s i i w n provide,, a c e n t r a l l o c a t i o n f o r l i s t i n g 3 I d 1 d r . m ~ t h d t hdve been d isab led by t h e superv isor

: i . 1 15 L.oc On ' k r e e n

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l b r t Computer Sof tware Design Desixpt ion. Rev 0 -

Fig i l l -e 1 Block Diagram o f System

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-- - WHC-SD-SNF-CSDD-001 105 k E a s t Ion Exchange and Car t r i dge F i l t e r Res tar t Computer Software Design Desc r ip t i on Rev 0

Figure 2 Main Screen

T h i s screen display:; I S t he cen t ra l p o i r t from which t h e f i l t e r I X M a n c X S ~ I I I sc-eens are accessed


............... _ _ I


. *f+ r - . I V

.......... ig-b- : E m 2 + I ......... ,

................................. 1 ................................................................................

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WHC-SD-SNF-CSDO-001 105 K L a s t Ion Exchange and Car t r i dge F i l t e r Res tar t Computer SoAwar? Design Desc r ip t i on Rev 0

Figure 3 F i 1 ter Screen

This screen d i sp lays , i ' l i inforrnat.ioi a s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e bas in ( ca r t r i dge f i l . t e t - s

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- - m S D S N F - 0 0 1 K E a s t Ion bchange and Car t r i dge F i l t e r I F G a IRes ta r t Computer SofLware Design Descr - ip t ion . Rev 0 11 17 03

Figure 4 I X M Screen

This si:rnen displays 111 t h e analog -iri:l,rumentation associated !wi th t i e I X M ' j .

,_.._...._... I ...........~ j r--- o.oa us I 0 . 0 0 us I ~

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- WHC-!jD-SNF-CSDD-001. 105 K East I m Ex1::iange and Car t r i dge F i l t e r Res ta r t Computer, Software Cesign Desc-iption. Rev 0 18 O f 39

f'igure 5 E i c i s i n Screen

. . T h i ; :;c.reeri d i s p dy5 2 I the analog in; t rumentat ion f o r t h e b a s i n


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- - -ID-001 :05 K East Ion Exchange and Car t r i dge F i l t e r 1 I R e s t j r t Computer Sottware Design Desc r ip t i on Rev 0 11 19

F igure 6 Overview Screen

This jc reet i dispiay:; a n o w r v i e w o f andlog ins t rumenta t ion f o r t h e bas i r i


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- -_ 135 K East Ion Ex1::iange and Car t r i dge F i l t e r

Design Desc - ip t i on . Rev 0 20 o f 39

f i g u r e 7 Sump ( G Skimmer Screen

Thi j *,creer\ dic,p ays t'ie i n s t r u m e n t o t i ~ ) i readouts for t he sump znd skimmc>t-

Backwash Flow

Sump C P-6

Skimmer Pump

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WHC-SD-SNF-CSI)D-001 105 i( East Ion Excbange and Cartridge Fi l ter Page Restart Compu:e.- S o f t w a r ? Design Description Rev 0

Figure 12 A1 arn i !Summary Screen

12/07/95 O R : 0 1 : 3 3 ALM PLC-COI

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- - WHC.,SD-SNF-CSDO-OOl 105 K E a s t Ion Exmange and Car t r i dge F i ~ l t e r Res tar t CornpLiter Software Design Uesc::-ipt.ion. Rev 0 -

_ . -1gure 17 I og On Screen

Enter Your Name

Enter Your Password

Change Your Passward

. ..

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WHC-SD-SNF-CSDD-001 135 1 F d s t Ion Exchange and Car t r i dge F i l t e r c Restar t Computer Software Design Decc r ip t i on Rev 0 cf 39

Table 1 Instnmentati on Ranges

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)I!Reirt Computer Scftdar-e Design Descr - rp t ron Rev 0

1 7-


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looerator Interface IDDE IPLC I

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WHC-SD-SNF-CSDD-001 05 1: F a s t :on Resta-t Computer S o f l w a r e Design D p x r p t i o n Rev 3 c

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- - r-'jD-SNF-CSIm 001 105 K East Ion Exchanye and Car t r i dqe F i l t e r IIPaa I)k r t Computet. S o f t r i a r e Design Desc r ip t i on - Rev 0 11 38 oi 39 11

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100 K Area Frocess E n g i n e e r i n g TO

D i s t r i b u t i o n

Project T i t l e iwork Order 105 K Eas t Ion Exchanile and ( h r t r i d g e F i l t e r R e s t a r t P r o j e c t



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Date 12/7/135 EDT No. 605807 ECN No. MA

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X X X X X X (ORIG t 2 ) X

A-6000-135 <111/~?3) UEFI167
