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RMIT - Landscape Arch - Semester 1, 2012 - Upper Pool Studios

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  • 8/3/2019 RMIT - Landscape Arch - Semester 1, 2012 - Upper Pool Studios



    Upper Pool Studios - Semester 1, 2012

    Friction - Rosalea Monacella Future Hanoi - Graham Crist Kerb - Rosalea Monacella Maribor 2012AI - Cath Stutterheim PLOTting - Kate Church Terra Lander - Craig Douglas

  • 8/3/2019 RMIT - Landscape Arch - Semester 1, 2012 - Upper Pool Studios




    tutor Dr Rosalea Monacella, OUTR Research Lab

    time Thursday 12-6 (note: class commences week 05)

    room 88.5.14

    Lake Eyre is the largest ephemeral lake in the world. It is a pluvial lake that

    experiences significant increase in depth and extent as a result of increased

    precipitation and reduced evaporation. It exists within the Lake Eyre Basin

    which is a drainage basin that covers one-sixth of all Australia. It is one of

    the largest internal drainage systems on Earth, and covers 1,140,000 square

    kilometers. At15m below sea level, it is the lowest point in Australia, and on

    the rare occasion that it fills, it is the largest lake in Australia. This coupled

    with the fact that the basin is an endorhic one that does not allow outflow to

    other bodies of water such as rivers or oceans exemplifies the landscape as a

    dynamic medium in a constant state of flux.

    The concept of wetness and its relationship to migrational patterns of both

    man and nature will be the key design generator in forming new habitats for

    this itinerant landscape.

    The design studio will look at the life of the lake from the point of view of the

    landscape as a shifting, living, material phenomenon, and a re-mapping of it.

    This is explored through mappings, drawings, aerial photography, and models

    that explore a meaning for the landscape that suggest both landscapes and the

    way we construct them through representation are constantly evolving.

    Particular to this studio investigation of re-making the landscape through

    representation will be the employment of the various territorial scanning

    devices and rapid-prototyping technologies that interrogate the nexus between

    physical and virtual modeling.

    The work produced in the studio will be submitted into the student IFLA

    competition 2012

  • 8/3/2019 RMIT - Landscape Arch - Semester 1, 2012 - Upper Pool Studios


    speculations onspeculations onan RMIT Vietnaman RMIT Vietnamcampuscampusuture HanoiFuture HanoiUpper Pool Studio with Graham Crist and the office of antarctica.Wednesday night 6pm in 8.12.36, with an intensive in Vietnam at mid-semester

    Future Hanoi is offered to students of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.It is possible to take this studio without travelling; preference will be given thoughto those who will travel.For more information contact Graham: [email protected]

    This design studio project will examine speculative ideas for an RMIT University campus in Hanoi.The designs will aim to test a campus as a model for good urban design (an ideal piece of the city), andenvironment which is responsive to the particular climate of Hanoi, and be conducive to innovative learning.We will ask the question: How can architectural design contribute to a university environment which isurbane, innovative and sustainable.

    Specifically, how can this design studio provide useful testing of potential outcomes for a real project?We will produce urban scale designs, and zoom in to examine the architectural and landscape spacesof the campus and its learning environments.Future Hanoi is part of a larger set of questions: RMIT Universitys presence in Vietnam and the region,the nature of Asian urbanism, and the nature of sustainable urbanism.

  • 8/3/2019 RMIT - Landscape Arch - Semester 1, 2012 - Upper Pool Studios


    image: Animal Superpowers by Chris Woebken and Kenichi Okada


    tutorDr Rosalea Monacella

    timeWednesday 10am-5pm

    class commences Wed 7th March


    credit36 credit points

    (equivalent to 1 Design Studio + 01 Eelctive)

    vol 20

    speculative storiesnarrative in landscape architecture

    publication launch 30.08.2012

  • 8/3/2019 RMIT - Landscape Arch - Semester 1, 2012 - Upper Pool Studios






    Studio Leaders

    Professor Cath Stutterheim(RMIT University / SAALA)

    Dr Charles Anderson(RMIT University / SAALA)

    Times:Fridays9.30am 1.30pm

    Place:B45 D

    SAALA has been invited by the School ofArchitecture & Design to conduct a practice ledstudio to develop one of the Universitys projectproposals for Maribor 2012Ai, a global design

    research and exhibition project conducted aspart of the 2012 European Capital of CultureProgram. The outcomes of this studio will beincluded in the Australian Pavilion at the VeniceArchitecture Biennale 2012 and in a largeexhibition and symposium in Maribor, Slovenia.

    The SAALA studio will explore the potentials ofcomputational design techniques and tools forgeneratingmeaningful landscape architecturaland urban design propositions for the City ofMaribor. Through an engagement with variousdynamic modeling methods the studio aimsto effectively model future scenarios whichrespond to the ambitions of the Maribor 2112Aibrief.

    Of particular focus for this studio will beecological urbanism, patterns of growth, andthe exploration of various spatial and temporalorganizational strategies through which athriving and resilient city of the future mayemerge and evolve.

    Throughout the semester there will be anemphasis on experimentation, testing, designthrough making, and the production of rich andbeautiful drawings and models.

    This studio will navigate its way throughfour interrelated and overlapping phases:

    Phase 1 : Tools & Techniques

    A series of mini workshops exploring dynamicspatial organisation and systems modeling.

    Phase 2 : Urban DreamingInvestigation of the rich history of future visionsof the city from from utopias to dystopias, fromprehistory to the 21st Century and beyond.

    Phase 3 : Data PoolingGleaning information about the various historicaland contemporary forces which constitute Maribor.Through data accumulation, readings and analysiswe will generate a pool of relevant base material toenable a close engagement with both the existingconditions of Maribor as well as its predictedfuture scenarios.

    Phase 4 : Design PropositionsGeneration of design provocations / proposals/ visions for the city of Maribor in the year 2112.NB: All design work will be developed in groups.

    SAALA is assembling an interdisciplinaryconsultation team for this studio. Participantsinclude Roland Snooks (RMIT / Kokkugia), TimSchork (Monash / MESNE), Jerome Frumar (RMIT/ MESNE) and Clark Thenhaus (RMIT / Endemic).Additional guest presentations by a range ofdesign professionals will run through the course ofthe studio.

    RMIT UniversityLandscape Architecture Program

    Upper Pool Design StudioSemester 01 2012

  • 8/3/2019 RMIT - Landscape Arch - Semester 1, 2012 - Upper Pool Studios


    plot (n)the order of events in a narrative

    or any other type of story

    A measured piece or parcel ofland

    plot (v)to plan secretly a scheme to

    accomplish some purpose

    to make by drawing

    PLOTTINGFictions, fabrications + horticultural hijinks

    Narrative is typically used in relation to LA as a way of

    re-telling the story of a site either through the lens of

    an earlier time (ie: history) or through other eyes (eg:

    indigenous, migrant). This studio explores the potentialof narrative structures to be spatially generative and

    temporally projective to suggest futures, possibilities

    and alternate realities.

    Plotting is a speculative, scenario-driven studio that usesnarrative devices to generate formal design outcomes. As

    its name suggests the studio employs drawing to both drive

    the plot and unravel the resultant narrative; revealing a

    subterranean cartography and hoarded specimens of the


    Kate Church

    Thursdays 12.30-4.30pm

    room 45D

    The Collector of Natural Curiosities is glimpsed

    fossicking around the urban fringe - trailing his mobile


    The Yarras depths are plunged once more,

    deposits of dredged waste transform a half-

    forgotten artificial island into a sublime landscape

    of silted knolls and grottos.

    From this, a parallel landscape imaginary


    Yet nothing is quite as it seems.


  • 8/3/2019 RMIT - Landscape Arch - Semester 1, 2012 - Upper Pool Studios


    terra lander

    erra frma, is the Latin phrase meaning solidearth, reers to the dry land mass on the earthssurace and is used to dierentiate rom the sea orair.

    erra Australis (southern land), hypotheticalcontinent appearing on maps rom the 15th to the18th century.

    tutor Craig DouglasOUR rseaerch lab

    time thursday 4-8pmclass will commence in week 02

    room 88.6.14

    Tis studio will explore design as theemergence o ideas through the activityo making. We will be considering siteand the design response to, and through,site as a complex and dynamic set omaterial and corporeal relationshipscontinually constructed and destroyedthrough the time and space o drawingsand models.

    Te laboratory through which this designresearch will be conducted is Victoriascoal mining and energy production heart,the La robe Valley. Te project brie isthe design o the Hazelwood cemetery

    through a negotiation o a collection o

    ... I thought they were with you!

    seemingly disparate, yet intrinsicallyrelated adjacent programs that include- to name a ew - the Hazelwood opencut coal mine, the power station, thesteaming cooling ponds (pictured), acamping ground, a boat shed, powerlines, an Anzac memorial, etc

    Making, as a design approach, is tochallenge our ideas and understandingthrough the act o their becoming, andenable the generation o ideas and theirdevelopment through the translationsaected when moving rom one mediumto another.

    erra incognita, unknown land, or regions thathave not been mapped or documented.

    erra nullius, land belonging to no one, nobodysland, empty or desolate land.

    erra pericolosa, dangerous land, or regionsbelieved likely to put travelers in jeopardy.
