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Road to Revolution Part II From 1 st Continental Congress to Declaration of Independence CH 6...

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Road to Revolution Part II From 1 st Continental Congress to Declaration of Independence CH 6 Sections 3-4
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Road to Revolution Part II From 1 st Continental Congress to Declaration of Independence CH 6 Sections 3-4 Slide 2 Slide 3 The First Continental Congress What?= Meeting of delegates or representatives of the American colonies When? 1774 Where? Philadelphia Why? Discuss ways to respond to the conflicts with England/ British threat Intolerable Acts Slide 4 The First Continental Congress A congress is a formal meeting at which delegates/representatives discussed matters of concern The First Continental Congress lasted 7 weeks Slide 5 The First Continental Congress What do they decided during this meeting/ Plan of action They sent a letter to the king stating: Petition asking King to have their rights back Boycott- not buying British goods Militia - Creation of a militia troop of volunteers ( minutemen) to defend themselves Slide 6 The First Continental Congress Kings reaction = The king refused to meet their demand and decided to use force In 1775 there were two battles at Lexington and Concord The war has begun! More and more people were talking about independence. Slide 7 Fighting begins Lexington & Concord 1775 fighting broke out between American colonies & Great Britain British troops to Lexington & Concord ( Massachusetts) Hidden guns & weapons First shoot heard around the world Paul Revere & The midnight ride The British are coming Slide 8 American Revolutionary War Who? American colonies Vs. England ( mother land) When? 1775-1783 What? War for independence Why? Colonists thought that they were not being treated fairly, and their rights were not being protected, so they rebelled and fought for their right to create a new & independent government. ( social contract & Rousseaus warning) Why? Colonist were not happy with the British government Slide 9 The Push for Independence Independence means self reliance and freedom from outside control; self government DependentIndependentInterdependent Slide 10 The Push for Independence Second Continental Congress War still going Representatives met in Philadelphia in 1775 Second Continental Congress Thinking about independence Not everyone thought it was a good idea. Why??? colonists were divided Slide 11 Colonists were divided Colonists were hoping to avoid war They were British citizens, most wanted to resolved the situation Colonists divided into 2 groups ( in favor or against Independence) Patriots V. Loyalists Patriots = colonists who wanted independence (favor of independence) Loyalists= colonists who were loyal to the King & to England ( against independence) Slide 12 Patriots Vs. Loyalists For Independence Blood has been spilled Wanted new kind of government Against Independence Felt British Loyal to the King Slide 13 Common Sense Colonists were divided ( loyalists V patriots) Beginning 1776 Most colonists wanted to avoid break with Britain Common Sense Pamphlet By Thomas Paine Propaganda supporting Independence Sold more than 100,000 copies King as a tyrant Parliament does not work alone/ without consent of King Helped convince many Americans that they need INDEPENDENCE from England Slide 14 Second Continental Congress The Congress decided in favor of independence. A committee was formed to create a document that would announce our independence. Slide 15 Declaration of Independence Slide 16 The Declaration of Independence Committee of 5 delegates Main author was: Thomas Jefferson It said all Americans had the right to be independent. Slide 17 The Declaration of Independence & The Enlightenment Not al the ideas came from Jefferson. Enlightenment ideas all man are created equal, they are endowed by their creator by unalienable rights( Life, liberty & pursuit of happiness) Slide 18 The Declaration of Independence Social Contract The Declaration of Independence argued that the British government did not look after the interests of the colonies nor protect their rights. For this reason, the British government was no longer the rightful government. Slide 19 Declaration of Independence What? Document drafted by Continental Congress Who? Thomas Jefferson committee- When? July 1776 Why? To explain the reasons why the colonies decided to declare independence from Britain & summarize their ideas about government The document has 4 parts: Preamble :Introduction - explains why the Continental Congress drew up the Declaration. Declaration of Rights: states that people have certain basic rights and that government should protect those rights. ( Enlightenment ideas) List of Grievances: colonies complaints against England & the King Resolution of Independence: declares that the colonies are Free and Independent States Slide 20 The Declaration of Independence Congress approved the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The colonies were independent in theory. The war with Great Britain continue Slide 21 Process Declaration of Independence Read the Declaration of Independence ( Page 183-185) 1) Find as many passages/thoughts as you can that refer to Enlightenment thinker's philosophical views. (Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau) 2) List several grievances the colonists have with England as written in the Declaration of Independence.Enlightenment thinker's philosophical views 3) Decide what was the worst (most valid) grievance. Tell what it is and why you chose it as the worst. Give at least three reasons your grievance is the worst, and compare it to at least one other grievance.
