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Robbers On

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  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New Digital World

    of Area Planning

    EPA tools and resources

    CDR Bill Robberson, P.E.

    US EPA Region 9San Francisco, California

    [email protected]

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Planning Defined:

    Four letter word

    Door-stop No one uses it Unfunded Mandate There are those who

    do and those who plan The Meek will inherit

    the Earth!

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Yesterdays BrokenPromises of Technology

    Software and hardwaretoo costly Accurate Data Difficult toobtain

    Advanced Trainingrequired Data limited to in-house

    Except for The Jetsons!

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Increased softwareoptions available

    Compact and inexpensivedata acquisition

    Easy to use interfaces

    Systems are portable andflexible network interface

    Products more complex

    Web Accessible (ArcIMS,

    Google Maps, Google Earth,Open Source WebGIS)

    Todays Technology Delivers!

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Public Policy is beingPublic Policy is beingshaped by theshaped by theavailability of highavailability of high--quality geospatial data.quality geospatial data.

    This increasedThis increasedemphasis is driving ouremphasis is driving ourneed for multineed for multi--agencyagencycoordination,coordination,

    collaboration and ancollaboration and anenterprise approach toenterprise approach toGIS data management.GIS data management.

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    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    EPA is transform-ing the way dataand imagery are

    incorporated intoArea Plans

    This includes tools

    and applications tocollect, publish andshare informationwith responders

    and stakeholders.


  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Hazards in the Area? Facilities Transportation


    All Hazards? Vulnerabilities/Natural Resources inthe Area?

    What do you want to

    protect? How do you want toprotect it?

    Who will respond..? With what resources?

    Stakeholders? Who needs to be

    Notified, by whom?

    Value of an Area Contingency Planis largely based on the questions itanswers

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Digital Approach toArea Planning

    What-if scenariosmore easily created

    and visualized More potential

    outcomes areexplored

    Plan morphs into aresponse decisionsupport tool

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Information flowsmore easily intothe response

    Supports more

    informed and timelydecisions

    Greater detail,customization andspecificity arepossible

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    GeodatabaseGeodatabase EmergencyEmergency

    Response Support:Response Support:

    A GISA GIS--based commonbased commonoperating picture providesoperating picture provides

    continuous data updates.continuous data updates.

    In thisIn this SoCalSoCal exercise,exercise,understanding hospitalunderstanding hospital

    occupancy levels helpsoccupancy levels helpsofficials direct emergencyofficials direct emergencymedical service crewsmedical service crewstransporting new patients.transporting new patients.

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    TheThe GeodatabaseGeodatabase A Comprehensive Approach toA Comprehensive Approach to

    Modeling and Managing Spatial DataModeling and Managing Spatial Data Container of spatial and attribute dataContainer of spatial and attribute data

    Enables users to store many different types of GIS data, fromEnables users to store many different types of GIS data, from

    satellite and aerial imagery to modeling datasatellite and aerial imagery to modeling data



    EnterpriseEnterprise GeodatabaseGeodatabase: large: large--scale ARCGIS Server Enterprisescale ARCGIS Server Enterprise

    WorkgroupWorkgroup GeodatabaseGeodatabase: small: small--medium ARCGIS Server WGmedium ARCGIS Server WG

    DesktopDesktop GeodatabaseGeodatabase: small teams or single user: small teams or single user

    SingleSingle--useruser FileFile GeodatabaseGeodatabase

    MS Access personalMS Access personal geodatabasegeodatabase

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    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources


    PullPull--up realup real--



    data ondata onlocations oflocations of


  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    OverlayOverlayFEMA 100FEMA 100and 500and 500year Floodyear FloodPlainsPlains

    PullPull--upuprealreal--timetimephotos ofphotos of


  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources



    data at yourdata at your


    For planningFor planningrecon,recon,



    or observingor observingresults ofresults of



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    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources



    data ordata or





    If you areIf you are

    willing towilling to

    collect it,collect it,create it,create it,

    find it,find it,

    share it,share it,

    buy it,buy it,etc.etc.

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    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Data Collaboration ConsiderationsData Collaboration Considerations

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    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Data Collaboration Considerations AppliedData Collaboration Considerations Applied

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    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Data Collaboration AppliedData Collaboration Applied

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    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Data Sharing Lessons LearnedData Sharing Lessons Learned

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    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources


  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources



    mentment andand




  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources


    ResponseResponseManageManage--mentment andand


    AreaAreaPlans inPlans inGeopdfGeopdf

    Th B N 'Di it l' W ld f A

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources


    ResponseResponseManageManage--mentment andand


    AreaAreaPlans inPlans inGeopdfGeopdf

    Th B N 'Di it l' W ld f A

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources


    ResponseResponseManageManage--mentment andand


    AreaAreaPlans inPlans inGeopdfGeopdf

    Th B N 'Di it l' W ld f A

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources


    ResponseResponseManageManage--mentment andand


    AreaAreaPlans inPlans inGeopdfGeopdf

    Th B N 'Di it l' W ld f A

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources


    ResponseResponseManageManage--mentment andand


    AreaAreaPlans inPlans inGeopdfGeopdf

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources


    ResponseResponseManageManage--mentment andand


    AreaAreaPlans inPlans inGeopdfGeopdf

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New Digital World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources


    ResponseResponseManageManage--mentment andand


    AreaAreaPlans inPlans inGeopdfGeopdf

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New Digital World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    EPA WebEPA Web--







    Earth ProEarth Pro

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New Digital World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Emergency ResponseEmergency ResponseAnalyzerAnalyzer


    Secure, internal applicationSecure, internal application

    Enables EPA HeadquartersEnables EPA HeadquartersEOC or RegionalEOC or Regional EOCsEOCs totoquickly visualize impacts fromquickly visualize impacts fromenvironmental emergencyenvironmental emergencysituations like chemical or oilsituations like chemical or oil

    spills, chemical plant fires orspills, chemical plant fires orexplosions or other eventsexplosions or other events

    ERA also supports analysis ofERA also supports analysis ofthe effects of the emergencythe effects of the emergency

    situation on vulnerablesituation on vulnerablepopulations or environmentalpopulations or environmentalresources.resources.

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New Digital World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Clean Air Mapping and Analysis ProgramClean Air Mapping and Analysis Program ViewerViewer

    Environmental protection is inherently geographic in nature. TheEnvironmental protection is inherently geographic in nature. The Clean AirClean AirMarkets Division is using geographic data to assess the environmMarkets Division is using geographic data to assess the environmentalentaleffectiveness of the Acid Rain Program. Ceffectiveness of the Acid Rain Program. C--MAP is a Geographic InformationMAP is a Geographic InformationSystem (GIS) assessment tool being used to better understand andSystem (GIS) assessment tool being used to better understand andcharacterize the benefits of national and regional pollutant emicharacterize the benefits of national and regional pollutant emissionssionreduction programs. Creduction programs. C--MAP consists of two primary areas: the Map GalleryMAP consists of two primary areas: the Map Galleryand GIS Data Download.and GIS Data Download.

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New Digital World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Cleanups in My CommunityCleanups in My Community http://iaspub.epa.gov/Cleanups/http://iaspub.epa.gov/Cleanups/ Cleanups in My Community is a mapping and listing tool that showCleanups in My Community is a mapping and listing tool that shows sitess sites

    where pollution is being or has been cleaned up throughout the Uwhere pollution is being or has been cleaned up throughout the UnitednitedStates. It maps, lists and provides cleanup progress profilesStates. It maps, lists and provides cleanup progress profiles for:Sitesfor:Sites,,facilities and properties that have been contaminated by hazardofacilities and properties that have been contaminated by hazardoususmaterials and are being, or have been, cleaned up under EPA's Sumaterials and are being, or have been, cleaned up under EPA's Superfund,perfund,

    RCRA and/orRCRA and/or BrownfieldsBrownfields cleanup programs. Federal facilities that havecleanup programs. Federal facilities that havebeen contaminated by hazardous materials and are being, or havebeen contaminated by hazardous materials and are being, or have been,been,cleaned up under EPA's Superfund and/or RCRA cleanup programs.cleaned up under EPA's Superfund and/or RCRA cleanup programs.

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New Digital World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Tribal Windows to theTribal Windows to theEnvironmentEnvironment


    The Tribal Windows to theThe Tribal Windows to theEnvironment (TWE) systemEnvironment (TWE) systemwas developed for EPAwas developed for EPAss

    American IndianAmerican IndianEnvironmental Office (AIEO).Environmental Office (AIEO).TWE identifies and maps theTWE identifies and maps themajor facilities regulated by,major facilities regulated by,or of environmental interestor of environmental interestto, EPA and other federalto, EPA and other federalagencies that lie within theagencies that lie within theboundaries of a tribe. TWEboundaries of a tribe. TWEmay be used to launch amay be used to launch awider query and datawider query and dataextraction fromextraction from EnvirofactsEnvirofacts,,EPAEPAs data warehouse ofs data warehouse ofintegrated environmentalintegrated environmental


    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New Digital World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    EPA/USCG JurisdictionalEPA/USCG JurisdictionalBoundary ApplicationBoundary Application


    Developed by the Region 9Developed by the Region 9GIS Center, this applicationGIS Center, this applicationdisplays the jurisdictionaldisplays the jurisdictionalboundary between the EPAboundary between the EPA

    and USCG. This tool allowsand USCG. This tool allowseasy searching for placeseasy searching for placesthroughout Region 9 and isthroughout Region 9 and isoften used for basicoften used for basicorientation. A useful additionorientation. A useful additionto this application is that itto this application is that it

    contains every USGScontains every USGStopographic quad map attopographic quad map atscales of 1:24,000, 1:100,000scales of 1:24,000, 1:100,000and 1:250,000.and 1:250,000.

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New Digital World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources


    Assessment ToolAssessment Tool


    The EnvironmentalThe EnvironmentalJustice GeographicJustice GeographicAssessment Tool,Assessment Tool,

    provides information forprovides information forpreliminary analysis ofpreliminary analysis ofEnvironmental JusticeEnvironmental Justiceareas of concern.areas of concern.Assessment variablesAssessment variablesinclude demographics,include demographics,such as persons persuch as persons persquare mile, per capitasquare mile, per capitaincome, and percentincome, and percentbelow the poverty line.below the poverty line.The EJ Assessment toolThe EJ Assessment toolprovides the ability toprovides the ability toreview these assessmentreview these assessmentvariables and others withvariables and others withrespect to several typesrespect to several typesof regulated facilities.of regulated facilities.

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New Digital World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Window To MyWindow To MyEnvironmentEnvironment


    "Window To My"Window To MyEnvironment" (WME) is aEnvironment" (WME) is apowerful webpowerful web--based toolbased toolthat provides a widethat provides a wide

    range of federal, state,range of federal, state,and local informationand local informationabout environmentalabout environmentalconditions and features inconditions and features inan area of your choice.an area of your choice.This application isThis application is

    provided by U.S. EPA inprovided by U.S. EPA inpartnership with federal,partnership with federal,state and localstate and localgovernment and othergovernment and otherorganizations.organizations.

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On


    The Brave New Digital World of Area

    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Online TrackingOnline Tracking

    InformationInformationSystem (OTIS)System (OTIS)Google Maps ToolGoogle Maps Tool


    An environmentalAn environmental

    enforcement andenforcement andcompliance analysiscompliance analysisand reportingand reportingresource forresource forgovernment agenciesgovernment agencies

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On



    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    Air Quality IndexAir Quality Index(AQI)(AQI) AIRNOWAIRNOW

    http://http://airnow.govairnow.gov// AIRNOW providesAIRNOW provides

    the Air Qualitythe Air QualityIndex (AQI)Index (AQI)

    forecasts as well asforecasts as well asrealreal--time AQItime AQIconditions for overconditions for over300 cities across300 cities acrossthe US. Also, thethe US. Also, the

    application providesapplication provideslinks to morelinks to moredetailed state anddetailed state andlocal air quality Weblocal air quality Websites.sites.

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On



    Planning - EPA tools and resources




    TheThe EnviroMapperEnviroMapper forforEnvirofactsEnvirofacts tool combinestool combinesinteractive maps and aerialinteractive maps and aerialphotography to displayphotography to display

    facilityfacility--based informationbased informationfrom thefrom the EnvirofactsEnvirofactsWarehouse.Warehouse.

    There are now sixThere are now sixgeographically basedgeographically basedselection options to helpselection options to helpyou zoom into areas ofyou zoom into areas of

    interest. Each optioninterest. Each optionessentially does the sameessentially does the samething, offering maps andthing, offering maps andaerial photos that can beaerial photos that can beused to locate EPAused to locate EPAregulated facilities.regulated facilities.However, two options, "ByHowever, two options, "By

    Address" and "By Facility"Address" and "By Facility"have the potential to zoomhave the potential to zoomto a point closer to orto a point closer to orexactly on your facility.exactly on your facility.

    The Brave New 'Digital' World of Area

  • 7/26/2019 Robbers On



    Planning - EPA tools and resources

    EnviroMapperEnviroMapper for Waterfor Water


    r/r/ EnviroMapperEnviroMapper for Water isfor Water is

    a weba web--based Geographicbased GeographicInformation System (GIS)Information System (GIS)application thatapplication thatdynamically displaysdynamically displayswater quality and otherwater quality and otherenvironmental informationenvironmental informationabout bodies of water inabout bodies of water inthe United States. Thisthe United States. Thisinteractive tool allows youinteractive tool allows youto create customizedto create customized

    maps that portray themaps that portray thenation's surface watersnation's surface watersalong with a collection ofalong with a collection ofwater quality related datawater quality related datafrom the national levelfrom the national leveldown to community level.down to community level.


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