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  • 7/30/2019 Robbinsville 1212


    www.robbinsvillesun.com DEC. 12-18, 2012 FREE

    Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11Editorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    INSIDE THIS ISSUESports complex nixed

    After residents voice opposition,

    plans canceled. PAGE 3

    Student wins anti-bullying art contestBy KATIE MORGAN

    The Robbinsville Sun

    Lara Cauwels likes to do theright thing.

    The Robbinsville High Schooljunior is the president of the In-teract Club, a community serviceorganization. She is also heavilyinvolved with the SpecialOlympics, and jumps at every vol-unteer opportunity that comesalong.

    When she heard about the anti-bullying art contest being spon-sored by the Mercer County Pros-ecutors Office, she felt compelledto enter.

    I heard about the contest onthe announcements, and wentright to the Guidance office tofind out more, she said. I madevideos for my friends all the time,so I thought Id use my ability andmy technology in a positive way.

    Cauwels anti-bullying publicservice announcement is justover a minute long, but highlightsa broad spectrum of bullying in-stances.

    I wanted to show that thereare so many types of bullying,Cauwels said. Its not just verbaland physical. I wanted to put ineverything you read and hearabout in the media to illustratethat bullying isnt just someonebeing pushed down the stairs. Itcould be anything that makes aperson feel bad.

    Cauwels enlisted friends to starin the video, which she filmed at

    Robbinsville High School. Stu-dents deliver short lines that il-lustrated instances of bullying.

    The boy you made fun of forhis ugly shoes? He works everynight to support his family, NirajNayak says, looking seriouslyinto the camera.

    The video culminates with the

    students delivering lines ingroups.

    Never put someone down tomake yourself feel better, threestudents say. You think youknow them, but guess what? Youdont.

    Cauwels submission won firstplace in the contests high school

    category, and she attended anawards ceremony at the MercerCounty Prosecutors office onNov. 30.

    Im really so honored,Cauwels said. Its an amazingfeeling. Making the video I didntreally think about winning, I justwanted to represent my school in

    a good way.Alexander Cauwels, Laras fa-

    ther, said he was very proud of

    his daughter.I think her video stood out be-

    cause it emphasized why bullyingshould never happen, he said. Itwas very diverse. It was very likeher. Shes an all-around person.

    Alexander is a member of theRotary Club and believes hisdaughters interest in communityservice may stem from watchinghim volunteer.

    Maybe she takes a little afterme, he said. I think she growsup in a house where communityservice is not something you justtalk about. You actually do it.

    Cauwels consulted the friendswho helped her create the videoabout what to do with the $100prize money, which she plans todonate to the Sandy Relief Fund.

    Instead of splitting it betweenall of us or me keeping it all,which felt wrong and selfish, wedecided that we would donate it,she said. We were originallygoing to buy toys for kids at the

    hospital, but then Sandy hit andwe thought the money could helpthose people more.

    Cauwels video will be shownat schools throughout MercerCounty as part of a campaign tostop childhood and adolescentbullying.

    I just hope they take the samemessage away from it that I did,

    Special to The Sun

    First Assistant Prosecutor Angelo J. Onofri and Detective Natischa Clark of the Mercer County Prosecu-tor's Office pose with anti-bullying contest winners. Contest winners are (from left) Kellie Hodson andLara Cauwels, Robbinsville High School; and Jillian Hauer, Rose Alebus and Benjamin Shaffer, RobinsonElementary School.

    please see CAUWELS, page 4

  • 7/30/2019 Robbinsville 1212



  • 7/30/2019 Robbinsville 1212


    DEC. 12-18, 2012 THE ROBBINSVILLE SUN3


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    By KATIE MORGANThe Robbinsville Sun

    The requests of Robbinsvilleresidents opposed to a plan to con-struct a large sports complex intown have been answered.

    Sharbell Development part-nered with Elite Showcase Com-plex to propose the project, whichwould have included 22 sportsfields, parking for more than 2,100cars, an 8,000 square foot buildingfacility and five concession build-ings.

    After a meeting with residentsat the Sharbell offices in the TownCenter Lofts on Nov. 26, the devel-oper decided to cancel all plans tobuild the complex in Rob-binsville.

    Were not going to tilt at wind-mills here, said Sharbell Princi-pal Thomas Troy. We dont wantto fight unnecessary battles.

    The proposed site for the com-plex was a stretch of land bor-dered by Robbinsville EdinburgRoad and Line Road commonly

    known as the Thompson Tract.The land was purchased by thetownship with Open Spacemoney, and it is considered pre-served farmland.

    Township Engineer Tim Mc-Gough said the land is subject toGreen Acres regulations, and thetownship would have been able tolease the land to a developer to beused for recreational purposes.

    When Sharbell first broughtthe idea to Council, I told themthey would need to speak to theresidents, McGough said. Itsvery close to a residential neigh-borhood.

    I didnt think it was legal toput a commercial venture onfarmland preserved property,

    said resident Al Lombardo. Myunderstanding of recreationalpurposes is fields built for theuse of the local community, not acompany that comes in to make aprofit. Could you build YankeeStadium there?

    The Nov. 26 meeting at theSharbell offices promptedprotests from residents who hadconcerns about light and noisepollution and increased traffic is-sues.

    They were talking about put-

    ting up 16-foot berms because ofthe lights, said Lombardo. Itmakes you feel like youre livingin a hole. I get claustrophobicwhen the corn across the street

    gets up over six feet and theywanted to put a huge berm in myback yard.

    Troy said Sharbell has notgiven up on the project entirely,and the developer will continue tolook for a nearby location for thecomplex.

    It will likely be somewherenearby, he said. Were surethere are other places that wouldwelcome the project, so thatswhere were going to look.

    Lombardo said he would wel-come development of the Thomp-

    son Tract in a less intrusive ca-pacity.

    If they made it into park land,and they put fields for the localcommunity, I would like that, hesaid. They could put in walkingtrails, make it a nice communitypark. Id have no objection to hav-ing that in my back yard.

    Plans for sports complex canceledResidents opposition leads to change in development plans

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  • 7/30/2019 Robbinsville 1212


    4 THE ROBBINSVILLE SUN DEC. 12-18, 2012

    Santinos Pizza and RestaurantOld world, homestyle Italian dining can be found at Santino's Pizza &

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    reservations are required seatings at 5pm through 6pm.

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    The restaurant open daily, offers weekly specials, a children's menu

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    Cauwels said. Bullying is a bigthing, but its a perspective thing.The smallest comment can ruinsomeones day. But the littlestthing can also make a change.Even if you make a small differ-ence to someones day, thats spe-

    cial.Cauwels is considering pursu-

    ing broadcast journalism in col-lege, and says her dream school isthe University of Southern Cali-fornia. She plans to continue to

    join as many service and out-reach organizations as possible.

    Ill help my community in anyway I can, she said. No commu-nity is perfect, so no matterwhere I end up Ill find a way tohelp.

    CAUWELSContinued from page 1

    Cauwels plans to alwayshelp her community

    Visit us online at www.robbinsvillesun.com

    The Mercer County Symphon-ic Band will present its annualWinter Concert at 8 p.m. onWednesday, Dec. 19, at MercerCounty Community CollegesKelsey Theatre.

    The theatre is located on thecolleges West Windsor campus,1200 Old Trenton Road. Admis-sion is free.

    Under the direction of Dr. LouWoodruff, the Mercer CountySymphonic Band is celebrating

    its 32nd season with 60 participat-ing musicians, with ages span-ning seven decades.

    Dr. Woodruff, who is complet-ing his twelfth year as the bandsdirector, will share the podiumwith Gary Suabedissen, a flautistwho has earned a regional repu-tation as an outstanding per-former, educator and conductor.

    The 2012 Winter Concert pro-gram includes a variety of sea-sonal favorites, contemporary,classical and pops selections, andtraditional marches. Includedare Pictures at an Exhibitionby Moussorgsky, selections fromthe movie E.T., works by con-

    temporary composer CliftonWilliams and pops composerLeroy Anderson, and a swingmedley from Benny Goodman.

    The evening ends with the bandstraditional seasonal sing along.

    The Mercer County Symphon-ic Band is supported by the Artsand Communication Division ofMercer County Community Col-lege, with funding from the Mer-cer County Cultural and HeritageCommission, through a grantfrom the New Jersey State Coun-cil on the Arts.

    The Mercer County Symphon-ic Band is open to all interestedmusicians without audition. Theband performs at communityevents, holiday celebrations,MCCCs graduation ceremony,and other venues open to the pub-

    lic. For more information, con-tact Dr. Woodruff at (609) 947-4040,email [email protected], orvisit www.MercerBand.org.

    County Symphonic Band performs on Dec. 19

    Parents Anonymous/

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  • 7/30/2019 Robbinsville 1212


    DEC. 12-18, 2012 THE ROBBINSVILLE SUN 5



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    Robbinsville Basketball starts off seasonThe Robbinsville Basketball

    Association began playing gamesin the first week of December.

    Sweetwater Constructionpulled off a thrilling victoryagainst Donmar Business Servic-es in week one of RBA 5-6 Girlsplay. The double overtime victorywas secured with a successfulfoul line shot by Toni Jo Escuardoto put Sweetwater up 17-16. Thescore was just one of six for herin the game. Brooke Torringtonand Jennifer Booth each supplieda couple baskets, while Julin Pan-cari added her own to close outthe scoring.

    Gloria Nielson Realtors defeat-

    ed Pump it Up to begin their sea-son with a 1-0 record. For GloriaNielson, the offense was led byGrace Maslak, Amanda Godfrey,and Clara Martin, supplying sixpoints each. Other scorers in-cluded Abigail Vernon and Aash-mi Mathew, who supplied a cou-ple of points each to support theirteam. The defensive effort wasled by Elizabeth Margedtes andGillian Carr.

    A solid effort by all playershelped The Bank to their first vic-tory against Aztec Graphics inBoys 5-6 play. The balanced scor-ing was supplied by Amir Basma,Chris Conti, Tyler Merrantiniand Ryan Kasper. The defensesstellar play was led by AnthonyManna, Alex Margeotes, Chin-may Savanu, Christian Shimkoand Rahul Savant.

    Central Perk and Bagel tookhome a victory against TriangleCopy with a commanding per-formance. Anthony Palaganoand Joey Barnaba produced a ma-

    jority of the offense, each puttingin eleven points. For Triangle

    Copy, Eli Winn, Gerard Takewaand Chad Brunner all con-tributed on offense.

    Timothys played an excellentoverall game to secure a victoryover Fairway Independent Mort-gage. Adam Boccanfuso put in sixpoints and pulled in eight re-bounds while Heath Reyes put infour points and grabbed several of-fensive rebounds. Rohit Nair reg-istered a solid performance on de-

    fense for the team. For FairwayIndependent Mortgage, Nick Zan-grilli led the team with fourpoints. Zangrilli was followed byJoe Panzone, who put in his owntwo points. Their defense was sup-plied by Matt Fox and Will Sharp.

    The Wounded Warrior Projectplayed a fantastic game to defeatTake 5 Gourmet in Girls 7-8 play.Both Courtney Karagjozi and Ne-nagh Sheehan put in ten points tolead the scoring for WoundedWarrior Project. Their defensewas supplied by VictoriaMyshowolsky.

    Fairway Independent Mort-gage put up a strong win against

    Ruserts Deli. Ruserts playedwell, however, with a balanced at-tack with scoring from RianeWalsh, Danielle Heulitt, EmilyTufford, and Natalie Perna. Thewhole team gave a great effort.

    Donmar Business Servicecame away with a tight 4-pointvictory over Pump it Up. ForDonmar, Talia Paveese put ineight points and Kellie Hoffmanhad seven points.

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    Visit us online at www.robbinsvillesun.com

  • 7/30/2019 Robbinsville 1212


    As 2012 winds to a close, The

    Sun has a special edition


    The special edition will be on Jan. 2.

    It will be a look ahead to 2013, and its

    where we invite you to help us with

    our coverage.

    Our associate editors are lining upinterviews with local leaders, such as

    mayors and school superintendents.

    Were preparing a list of questions re-

    garding the new year. The idea is to

    give the leaders an opportunity to dis-

    cuss upcoming issues.

    Do you have any questions for your

    local officials? If so, please send an

    email to us. Our email address fornews submissions appears on this

    page and throughout the paper.

    Now, were not asking officials to

    break out a crystal ball and offer their

    prognostications for 2013. No one can

    anticipate everything that will happen.

    Hurricane Sandy is a prime example.

    The storms impact will be felt well

    into 2013 and, in some places, even


    But it is possible to set a basic agen-

    da for the new year. There may be

    some lingering issues from 2012 thatwill be wrapped up. There may be

    some opportunities or challenges that

    already are on the schedule for the up-

    coming year. Taxes, for example, al-

    ways will be a major topic of discus-

    sion. Hopefully, local governing bodies

    already are working on plans to make

    efficient use of your tax dollar, and

    perhaps leaders can share some of

    those ideas.Other possible issues include the use

    of open space, making a municipality

    more sustainable and planning for


    Our editors want to be as thorough

    as possible when interviewing local

    leaders. They dont want to miss a

    question that is on your mind, which is

    why were asking for your input.Send us your questions, and well do

    our best to get answers from your local


    6 THE ROBBINSVILLE SUN DEC. 12-18, 2012

    20 Nassau Street, Suite 26A

    Princeton, NJ 08542


    The Sun is published weekly by ElauwitMedia LLC, 20 Nassau Street, Suite 26A,Princeton, NJ 08542. It is mailed weekly toselect addresses in the 08691 ZIP code. Ifyou are not on the mailing list, six-monthsubscriptions are available for $39.99. PDFsof the publication are online, free of charge.For information, please call 609-751-0245.

    To submit a news release, please [email protected]. For advertis-ing information, call (609) 751-0245 or

    email [email protected] Sun welcomes suggestions and com-ments from readers including any infor-mation about errors that may call for a cor-rection to be printed.

    SPEAK UPThe Sun welcomes letters from readers.Brief and to the point is best, so we look forletters that are 300 words or fewer. Includeyour name, address and phone number. Wedo not print anonymous letters. Send lettersto [email protected], via fax at

    609-751-0245, or via the mail. Of course,you can drop them off at our office, too. THEROBBINSVILLE Sun reserves the right toreprint your letter in any medium includ-ing electronically.

    PUBLISHER Steve Miller




    MANAGING EDITOR Mary L. Serkalow





    ART DIRECTOR Tom Engle



    VICE CHAIRMAN Michael LaCount, Ph.D.


    CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Dan McDonough, Jr.

    VICE CHAIRMAN Alan Bauer

    in our opinion

    Looking aheadQuestions about 2013 for your local leaders? Send them to us

    Whats on your mind?

    The Sun will be asking leaders abouttheir plans for 2013. We want to includeany issues that are on your mind. If youhave a question for your mayor orschool superintendent, email it to us,and well do our best to get an answer.

    The deadline to apply for an Administra-tive Assistant position with the Townshiphas been extended to Dec. 20.

    Robbinsville Township is currently of-fering a part-time position of Administra-tive Assistant, working for the Director ofEconomic and Community Development.Interested applicants must have at leastthree years of office experience.

    Ideal candidates will have some experi-

    ence in Community Development, Plan-ning or Zoning or other related experience.

    Must be proficient with the MS Office

    Suite and be detail-oriented and organized.Responsibilities include preparing and co-ordinating mailings for Planning and Zon-ing Boards; assist in processing and main-taining land use application and zoningpermit files; assist in maintain minutebooks; scanning documents; proofreading;

    assisting with simple billing; ordering of-fice supplies; and any other administrativework as required.

    Interested applicants should send coverletter and resume to: Tim McGough, Direc-tor of Economic & Community Develop-ment, Robbinsville Township, 1 Washing-ton Boulevard, Robbinsville, NJ08691. Nophone calls please. Robbinsville Townshipis an Equal Opportunity Employer.

    Township extends deadline for assistant position

    Send us your Robbinsville news

    Have a news tip? Want to send us a press release or photos? Shoot an interesting video? Drop us an email at [email protected] us at (856) 427-0934. Call the editor at (609) 751-0245.

  • 7/30/2019 Robbinsville 1212


    DEC. 12-18, 2012 THE ROBBINSVILLE SUN 7

    Your valuables can collect dustor you can collect

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    Robbinsville Township held acommunity Christmas tree andMenorah lighting on Dec. 1. at theholiday tree on The Greenes at

    Foxmoor.Community members and

    Township officials were in atten-dance to participate in the treelighting countdown.

    The Robbinsville High SchoolChorus performed a selection ofholiday carols and Santa visited

    with local children.Kona Ice sponsored free hot

    chocolate for the crowd.Thanks was extended to Coun-

    cil members Ron Witt, Chris Ciac-cio, Sheree McGowan, DaveBoyne, Recreation Director JoeBarker, Mayor Dave Fried, B.A.Joy Tozzi and Constituent Rela-tions Specialist Danielle Huddle-ston in a post on the TownshipFacebook page.

    Special to The SunSanta visits with children at the Robbinsville Township tree andMenorah lighting on Dec. 1

    Robbinsville holds communitytree and Menorah lighting

    Visit us online at www.robbinsvillesun.com

  • 7/30/2019 Robbinsville 1212


    Special to The Sun

    The JV Bears Football team came in second place in the Hight-stown East Windsor Youth Football League Super Bowl. The ma-jority of the team members are from Robbinsville, East Windsor,Cranbury and Millstone. Pictured: Head Coach Andy Surtz andassistant coach Frank Marra are both from Robbinsville. Play-ers standing are Joseph Salesi, Suraj Mukkamala, Brandon Pat-terson, Nate Leonard, Tyler Shumsky, Frank Marra, Ty Hawk,Michael Surtz, K-shawn Schulters, and Justin Calvo. Not pic-tured is Brett Christianson.

    DEC. 12Toddler Story Time: Ages 2 to 3,

    accompanied by an adult. 10 and11 a.m. at Robbinsville Branch

    Library. Registration required.Call (609) 259-2150.

    Preschool Story Time: Ages 4 to 5.2 p.m. at Robbinsville BranchLibrary. Registration required.Call (609) 259-2150.

    Robbinsville Township ZoningBoard meeting: 7:30 p.m. at theSenior Citizen Center, 1117 U.S.Route 130. For more information,visit www.robbinsville-twp.org.

    DEC. 13Toddler Story Time: Ages 2 to 3,

    accompanied by an adult. 10 a.m.at Robbinsville Branch Library.Registration required. Call (609)


    Preschool Story Time: Ages 4 to 5.11 a.m. at Robbinsville BranchLibrary. Registration required.Call (609) 259-2150.

    Robbinsville Township Council:7:30 p.m. on the second andfourth Thursdays of the month.Visit www.robbinsville-twp.org formore information.DEC. 14

    Sing Along with Miss Amy: Allages, with an adult. 10:30 a.m. atRobbinsville Branch Library. JoinMiss Amy for a rocking singalong. Online registrationrequired.

    DEC. 15Kids Movie Matinee: Watch Arthur

    Christmas at 10:30 a.m. at Rob-

    binsville Branch Library. Onlineregistration required.DEC. 16

    Calvary Chapel Mercer County

    worship service: 11 a.m. everySunday at Robbinsville PondRoad Middle School. Contempo-rary and non-denominationalChristian service. Visit www.wel-cometocalvary.org for moreinformation.

    Lifetree Community Church: 10a.m. every Sunday at Sharon Ele-mentary School, Robbinsville.Visit www.lifetreecc.com.

    Robbinsville Seventh-day Adven-

    tist Church: Sabbath school at9:30 a.m. Worship service at 11a.m. 2314 Route 33, Robbinsville.DEC. 17

    Robbinsville Township LibraryAdvisory Committee meeting:7:30 p.m. at the RobbinsvilleBranch Library, municipal com-plex, 1117 U.S. Route 130. For moreinformation visit www.rob-binsville-twp.org.

    Robbinsville Township Open Space

    Committee meeting: At thecourt facility, 1117 U.S. Route 130.For more information visitwww.robbinsville-twp.org.

    CALENDARPAGE 8 DEC. 12-18, 2012


    To have your meeting or affair listed in the Calendar or Meetings,information must be received, in writing, two weeks prior to thedate of the event.

    Send information by mail to: Calendar, The Sun, 108 Kings HighwayEast, Haddonfield, NJ 08033. Or by email: [email protected]. Or you can submit a calendar listing through our website(www.robbinsvillesun.com).

    20 Nassau Street | Princeton, NJ 08542609-751-0245 | [email protected]




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