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Robert Black aka: smelly bob! Candice Marshall. Just some info: M/o he would kidnap them, rape them,...

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Robert Black aka: smelly bob! Candice Marshall

Robert Blackaka: smelly bob!



Just some info:

• M/o he would kidnap them, rape them, and then strangle them and drop them off miles form where he kidnapped them.• All the victims where young girls between the age of 5

and 11


• He is a kidnapper, child molester, rapist, and a serial killer.

How it all got started

• When his foster mother died he had to go to an all boys home. When he was 16 yrs old his time was up in that home, whit the help of the police he got a job as delivery boy and he got a room to stay in. when he would go on the delivery's he would stop and talk to this little girl and he would try to touch her and that is how all this came about.

His first attempt…

• He approached a little 6 year old girl in the parking lot at his worked and he asked her if she wanted to go see some kittens with him… he was now 17 years old. The little girl trustingly followed him into a abandon building. He threw her on the ground and raped her when he was done he left her knocked out. The police finally found her still in the abandoned building bleeding and crying.

When he left.

• He left Greenock and went back to Grangemouth to start over. He got a new job at a builders company and rented a room at a local hotel.• He met his first real girlfriend then too. Pamela Hodgson

Number of victims and who they are

• He killed 4+ children• The dates of his killings: 1969-

1990• Susan Maxwell – 11 • Caroline Hogg-5 • Sarah Harper- 10• Jenifer Candy- 9• They actually said that they

found Susan and Caroline 24 miles apart form each other.

More about the victims:

• All the victims were young girls • Bare legged, wearing white ankle socks • All where taken from a public place• Susan and Caroline were both abducted on hot July days • All where abducted in a vehicle of some sort • After he was done with them he would take them miles to the south to drop

them off• None of them suffered any bruising or broken bones• Both Susan and Sarah had been unclothed and reclothed • They all had there shoes removed • No real attempt was made to hide the bodies• All the bodies had been dumped in what become known to police as “Midlands

triangle” this was a 26 mile area.


• The first victim is Susan Maxwell • She was only 11 years old.• She was from the village of Cornhill on July

30, 1982• She went to go play a game of tennis, a lot

of locals said they seen her until she crossed the bridge over the river. • No one saw him take her.• He raped and strangled her and then

dumped her body about 250 miles away from where she was abducted.

Victims cont.…

• The second victim is Caroline Hogg • She was only 5 years old.• She was from Portobello • She went out to play for a few min and never returned

on July 8,1983• Many witness says that they saw a scuffing looking man

watching a little girl.• Her body was found 10 days later in a ditch around 300

miles from her home.

Victims cont.….

• The next victim is Sara Harper• She was abducted three years later

on March 26,1986 • She was only 10 years old• She went missing after leaving her

home to go to the corner store to buy a loaf of bread.• Her body was found dumped in the

river near Nottingham 1 month later.


• A neighbor saw him kidnapping a 6 year old girl when someone saw him and called the police, the police chased the van for a little while and finally they got him they arrested him July 4,1990. The next month Black was convicted of kidnapping the girl and given life in prison.

Second trial

• Robert Black was arrested the second time in the spring of 1994. • They suspected that he murdered Susan Maxwell, Sarah

Harper, and Caroline Hogg. • He denied all the charges but the police where able to

place him in the situations saying that he was a van driver and that he could drive all around just like the killer of the girls did. • The jury found him guilty on May 19 of every charge. • They sentence him to 35 years this kept him in jail until

2029 this would make him 82 when he got out if he was still alive.

Background info…

• Foster parents• Dob: April 21,1974• He got involved in petty crimes when he was younger• He did not have a mother she died when he was 11 (I

think)• When he was 12 he made his first attempt at rape!! He

was at the children's home and he would always have fantasies about girls but one day he decided to rape someone. He was moves several times.

The young violence..

• When he was living with his foster parents at the age of 8 he developed a sexual self - awareness • He told the police that when he

was younger that he would stick things up his butt. He done this into adulthood.• He also had a interest in other

kids gentles when he was younger he use ti have kids take off there close and compare them.


In July 1994 a meeting was held about more murders that they think he done…9 yr old Christine Markham 196913 yr old genet Tate 197314 yr old Suzanne Essex 197816 yr old Patsy Morris 1990

Search for justice

• The abduction of Mandy Smith made him a prime suspect for all the other murders. The police said that when black looked up at him he got a feeling in his gut and just knew it was him. He just knew that he was the one that had killed all these girls!


• Murderpidia.com• Crimelibary.com• Dailymail.com• Thegaurdian.com• Spoke.com• Thefullwiki.org• Mysturisandmurder.com• Crimezzz.net• Allvoices.com• Serial-killerfindthedata.com


1. Crimezzz.net said that he got 10 years in prison and then murderpida said that he was sentence to life in prison.

2. Daily mail said that his span of murders where 1960-1980 and murderpdia said they where from 1969-1990.

3. Crime library said that he did not know his mother that she left him when he was little and murderpida said that she had died.

4. Daily mail also said that he would dump the bodies in water and murderpida said that he would just put them on land.

5. Daily mail said that he was also charged with another girls murder and murderpida said that he was only charged with 4 girls.
