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Robert E Lee Camp 1589 May Newsletter 2013

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  • 7/30/2019 Robert E Lee Camp 1589 May Newsletter 2013



    May 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    Adjutant/Treasurer Report

    ur checking account balance as of April 8th was $2,903.18. Attendance at the March meeting was 10embers and 7 visitors.

    onations raised at the April meeting were $51.00. Thank you to Matt Barrett who sent a donation of $25.0

    e Chesterfield County Confederate History and Heritage Day was held on Saturday April 6th. The camp

    sed $32.00 at our recruiting booth and presented our wreath at the ceremony. There were a good numbople in attendance which helps promote a positive image of our Confederate ancestors. Chaplain Don Pas the emcee. Also in attendance were Commander Bill Brown, 2nd Lt. Commander Tommy Clinger, Johenry Taylor and his wife, Darlene, Roy Brooks, Jimmy Ligon, Dennis Marshall, and myself. Thank you toho volunteered, including Susan Hathaway and the Virginia Flaggers. Also, thank you to Brent Tyree andfe who created and put together the latest addition to our recruiting tools, paper fans. They attached thendles themselves and brought them by the event. The fans proved to be quite popular and will be even as summer approaches.

    e camp has won the Virginia Division Outstanding Camp Award for the fourth year straight. Thank you teryone who contributed.

    ease remember the Confederate Medal of Honor Memorial Service to be held on May 11th, 2013 at Blandhurch in Petersburg. This is a major achievement for the camp and especially Mike Thomas and John Heylor. The service will be held at 4:00 pm. Please see me, John Henry, or Commander Brown to voluntee more who come to this the better, so please spread the word.

    espectfully submitted,

    air Perrowjutant/Treasurer/15/2013

    A camp member has donated $3,000.00 worth of flag staffs withccoutrements and $1,600.00 worth of handmade flags to the camp. These flagan be used by a formal color guard and as a formal flag display at any events te camp participates in

  • 7/30/2019 Robert E Lee Camp 1589 May Newsletter 2013



    May 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    013 Virginia Division Convention SummaryBy John Henry Taylor

    The convention was un-eventful this year. There was no voting on officers or by-lawanges. For the first time, that I can remember, there was a quorum present on the first calling - a good sign. Our s represented by Commander Bill Brown, Dennis Marshall and his lovely wife, John Henry Taylor and his wife,rlene. Reports were given by the Division archivist, and Division Commander Michael Pullen give the treasurers rthat the treasurer could not attend the convention. Reports were also given by all of the Brigade Commanders an

    s announced that a new camp had been formed. The heritage defense coordinator briefly touched on the subjecte heritage violations being committed in Richmond by the Virginia Museum of Fine Art and also on the vile andxcusable behavior of S. Waite Rawls III, Director of the Museum of the Confederacy in banning the battle flag, 2ndtional, and 3rd National Flags from exterior display at both the museum in Richmond and the new museum atpomattox Courthouse, Va. .

    e Sam Davis Youth Camp will be held again this year in Thaxton, Va. and all of the camps are encouraged to sponay for) a young person to attend the one week event. The cost for each child is approximately $500.00. This is arthwhile learning experience for southern young people to learn to be proud of their history, believe in God, and bea manner consistent with Southern Ladies and Gentlemen. Letters were written by some of these children attestinw their week at the Sam Davis Youth Camp had changed their lives for the better and made them proud to be ofuthern heritage.

    e President Jefferson Davis Memorial service will be held on June 8th at the Hollywood Cemetery at 9 A.M. Our ccommitted to help by being there around 7:30 to set up chairs and to run 3rd National Flags up and down the flag pe sale of these flags helps to fund the event. The Jefferson Davis Committee has never had to rely on any funds f

    e Va. Division SCV to put on this event. It is funded by donations from members and the sale of items there. Our gade Commander (and Va. Flagger) Everette Ellis along with Jim Cochrane of the Jeb Stuart Camp have been pus event on for years and they do an excellent job. It is an event that the entire family can enjoy and learn from. Oe speakers this year will be the great great grandson of President Jefferson Davis. There will be a marching bag pnd present, reenactors, artillery volleys, and musket volleys.

    was announced that the 2015 National SCV reunion will be held in Richmond, Va. (The Capital of the Confederacy

    e highlight of the convention was the awarding of the "Most Outstanding Camp Awards" of which our camp won fourth year in a row. This award was started four years ago and we have achieved this honor every year since. Theards are in the form of battle honors and are affixed to our camp flag staff. We also recieved many compliments f

    her camps on our Camp Flag - I must confess, it was the most beautiful of all the other flags on display. Saturday afternoon, the delegates and their families met at the Stonewall Jackson Cemetery at the grave of Genomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson where we celebrated the life and service of this great man of faith. On Saturening, we were entertained by Mrs. Kelly Adkins Hinson, who portrays Anna Jackson, the devoted wife of Generalckson. At the conclusion of Mrs. Hinson's portrayal, there was hardly a dry eye in the room.

  • 7/30/2019 Robert E Lee Camp 1589 May Newsletter 2013



    May 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    Confederate Medal of Honor Memorial service

    n Saturday, May 11, 2013, the General Robert E. Lee Camp # 1589 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans will be hos

    nfederate Medal of Honor Memorial service for Medal of Honor recipient, Pvt. Lawrence Berry of the Washington

    tillery (Louisianna), who was killed in action at the Battle of Fort Gregg, Petersburg on April 2, 1865. Fort Gregg

    came known as the "Confederate Alamo". The service will be held in the historic Blandford Church in the Blandfo

    metery Petersburg, Virginia promptly at 4:00 P.M. inside the church and will close at Pvt. Berry's grave site, whichw feet from the church. Speakers will be D. Michael Thomas, National Medal of Honor Committee, and Ms. Marth

    ann Atkinson, site manager of the Blandford Church. All are invited - uniforms & period dress are encouraged but quired. Those wishing to lay a wreath at the service may contact National Medal of Honor Committee Member Joh

    nry Taylor at Ph# 804-794-0704 or [email protected]. Don't miss this opportunity to honor othe few Confederate Medal of Honor recipients and visit the historic Blandford Church at the same time.

    amp personnel arrive at the church at 2 P.M. for briefing and duty assignments We will need many membparticipate in carrying out task (parking, wreaths, Programs Etc..) in this event, if you haven't already sigto help, please do.

    any months ago, our previous Camp Adjutant, Mike Thomas, did considerable research on a young solider named, P

    wrence Berry of the 3rd Company of the Washington Artillery (Louisiana) who was killed in action at the Battle of

    egg, Petersburg on April 2nd, 1865. Pvt. Berry was just a teenage boy when he enlisted in the Washington Artillerted his occupation as a barber on his enlistment record. Being a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, Pvt. Berry foun

    mself a long way from home on that fateful day in April 1865. Not too many months before, he found himself in a

    spital in Richmond suffering from a gunshot wound but as soon as he healed up, he was back in action at the lines

    ound Petersburg. General Lee knew that it was just a matter of hours before the union invaders would break the lintersburg and that Richmond would fall. His only hope was to evacuate the army west, but in order to do that, he ne

    ecious time. Pvt. Berry was one of only 334 Confederate defenders left to stand against 5,000 Yankee troops sent a

    eir position. The order of the day was to "Hold at all costs". There was little doubt in the minds of our troops that d

    what was expected of them. It was hoped that they could hold off the Yankee horde for at least two hours to enableneral Lee to evacuate and save the army. Out of eight Confederate cannons that began the battle two hours earlier,

    t. Berry and his six pounder remained in operation. Having just loaded his piece with double canister, Pvt. Berry st

    the open holding the firing lanyard when dozens of Yankee troops came swarming over the parapet. The enemy shhim to drop the lanyard or they would shoot. Pvt. Berry could easily have saved his life by dropping the lanyard, b

    tead, he replied to the invaders, "Shoot and be Damned!", as he pulled the lanyard inflicting heavy causalities on themy. Pvt. Berry was immediately shot down and his body riddled by musket balls. Compatriot Thomas, realizing

    tstanding heroism of this young soldier, compiled all of the records and paperwork necessary to submit a

    commendation to the National Sons of Confederate Veterans Medal of Honor Committee for consideration. Last Y

    e committee voted to award the Confederate Medal of Honor to Pvt. Lawrence Berry.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/30/2019 Robert E Lee Camp 1589 May Newsletter 2013



    May 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

  • 7/30/2019 Robert E Lee Camp 1589 May Newsletter 2013



    May 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    Next Meetingur next meeting is scheduled for TuesdayMay 7th , 2013 dinner at 6 P.M. and to

    llow with business and speaker at 7 P.M. at the Dolce Vita Italian Restaurant, 24

    olony Crossing Place Midlothian, VA 23112

    ed Chiesa is our speaker for the May meeting

    ed will take us on a comprehensive journey through all 7 issues ofonfederate currency, early printing challenges and, printing operations,e challenges of acquiring quality paper and printing equipment and thering and importation of the engraving firm of Keatinge & Ball. Asflation ran out of control the attempt was made to retire early issues ofrrency into bonds and tax remaining old issues out of existence. It is ascinating story. Stamps? Did I forget stamps? Get ready for anotherteresting story.ography:

    ed Chiesa is a native of Newport News and has been a very active member inveral area Civil War Associations. A member of the Portsmouth Civil War

    ound Table and Stars and Bars Order, Fred is instrumental in the efforts ofe Jefferson Davis Committee and has also served three times as the 1st Lt.ommander, and now as Commander of SCV Stonewall Camp 380. His father, Aldohiesa, was a founding member of the North South Skirmish Association, anded attended most of the Civil War Centennial Celebrations. An author ofveral local Civil War articles, Fred has become an acclaimed speaker on a

    de range of topics including the Jefferson Davis Monument in Richmond, theonfederate Monument in Portsmouth, the Grand Camp of Virginia with thearly Virginia Sons of Confederate Camp, Confederate currency, as well asonfederate stamps.

    ed Chiesa has worked for the Norfolk Naval Shipyard for 35 years andrrently lives in Yorktown with his wife Ginger Chiesa; they have three children.

  • 7/30/2019 Robert E Lee Camp 1589 May Newsletter 2013



    May 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    his is initial prototype for placement in the Chesterfield County Fair catalog for 2013.

  • 7/30/2019 Robert E Lee Camp 1589 May Newsletter 2013



    May 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    ery day, we are forced to wade through an internet filled with articles and information about the War Between the States fromrspective of those who would rewrite history to fit their Anti-Southern agenda. Va Flaggers Tripp and Jack Lewis had an idea t

    d do something about it and we are very excited to roll out their answer in the brand new searchginewww.confederatearchives.com

    e site is family friendly, and has fast, free access to facts and information that has been screened and streamlined to makearching for information about the War Between the States faster and more productive.

    y use confederatearchives.com instead of google or other search engines?

    We only index one topic: Southern History and Heritage from 1828 to present. Type "Lee" on google and see how many resme up for LEE JEANS instead of General Lee. Then try ours.

    We have quicker updates to our listed sites.

    We offer another place to locate information should google ever decide to censor the content in their search engine.

    We will allow only accurate information in our search engine. Hate pages, and sites with inaccurate and false information wimoved.

  • 7/30/2019 Robert E Lee Camp 1589 May Newsletter 2013



    May 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    2013 State Convention Pictures

  • 7/30/2019 Robert E Lee Camp 1589 May Newsletter 2013



    May 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    April 27, 2 pm lecture about "Extra" Billy Smithuthor Scott Mingus speaks at Confederate War Memorial Chapel(290rove Ave) in Richmond on Saturday, April 27th at 2:00 PM. His new

    ook on Gov. Smith is surely the most complete publication to date onhis true son of Virginia. This former governor of Virginia returned withis family from the gold fields of California to defend his native state.

    as to rise to generals rank in the Confederate Army and serve asovernor again through the end of the war. A memorial window in the

    hapel and a cottage on the grounds were donated by the Smith fami

    Please attend if you can. After the talk, go out and help support therginia Flaggers. Help Restore the Flag and Honor.
