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Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.

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  • 7/27/2019 Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.



    November 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    et us follow the advice of Jefferson Davis when as a soldier fighting in the War with Mexico he said - "Stand Fast Our Heritag

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fr i Sat

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    OVEMBER is Battle Flag Month. In November of 1861 the first official battle flags weresued to General Beauregards troops. This flag is referred to as the "Southern Cross".

    eeting Tuesday November 5th -Past Commander John Henry Taylor will be speaking on "The Sons ofnfederate Veterans - Who We Are, What We Do, and Why".

    onday, November 11, 2013, 2:00 PM, Chesterfield County Veterans Day Ceremony, at thehesterfield County Historical Courthouse green within the Veteran's Wall. A wreath will be lain onhalf of the camp. Please make plans to attend this meaningful Ceremony for "all of our


    at/Sun Nov 16-17, 2013 annual 'Capitol Of The Confederacy' show, Richmond Raceway Complexur Camp will have a recruitment table, Volunteers needed!.

    agging VMFA 2nd,9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th. Noon til 4pm

  • 7/27/2019 Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.



    November 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    et us follow the advice of Jefferson Davis when as a soldier fighting in the War with Mexico he said - "Stand Fast Our Heritag

    Commander's Corner

    reetings Compatriots and Friends,

    November is now upon us, which means, Beautiful Colors, Hunting Season, Football and

    hanksgiving. The time of year we give, Thanks, for the Blessings, we have received over

    ast year. But, November is also the month that we Honor and say Thank You to theeterans that have served this country in time of war and peace. We are fortunate to hav

    any Veterans among our membership. I/we cant say enough, Thank You, for all that

    ave done for us. The camp once again this year will take part in the annual ChesterfieldNovember 11th at 2:00 pm, atthe. The camp wreath will be laid in honor of our Confederate Veterans

    eir ancestors and decedents.

    We had a great turnout at last month's meeting! Thank You All! Its great when we can f

    e room. We had a great speaker, Lisa Denton, from Henrico County, giving heresentation on the Dabbs House. The camp once again awarded the SCV Ladies

    ppreciation Medal to Ms. Ruby Pugh. We have done this several times over the past few

    ars and its a real honor and pleasure to do so to these deserving Ladies.

    Our Camp membership is increasing! We reinstated and welcomed back into our

    embership, Ernest Cosby and Marion Humphreys. Its great to have you both, Home Ag

    so, Paul Coleman and Layton Humphreys submitted their applications for membership

    nd approved. And last but least, Barry Isenhour and George Wilson, have transferred int

    e camp. Its great to have you all with us. Let's try and have this many new members eonth.

  • 7/27/2019 Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.



    November 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    et us follow the advice of Jefferson Davis when as a soldier fighting in the War with Mexico he said - "Stand Fast Our Heritag

    ivil War Show

    VA 23222please contact, 2nd Lt. Commander Tommy Clinger

    The slate of Officers for 2014-15 has been prepared and will be presented at our Novem

    eeting for voting. Remember, nominations from the floor will be accepted. The new

    ficers will be sworn in at our December meeting and will take office January 1, 2014. T

    llowing is the slate of candidates,

    ommander Bill Brown

    djutant/Treasurer Blair Perrowt Lt. Commander Tommy Clingerd Lt. Commander Barry Isenhour

    haplain Don Priceolor Sergeant John Henry Taylor

    We are on the lookout for someone to take over the duties of the Camps Newsletter an

    ebsite. Tommy Clinger has done an outstanding job with both of these tasks for the cam

    ver the years. He would like for someone new with maybe some fresh ideas to step up a

    ve it a try. If you would be interested in either one of these please contact Tommy or me

    I dont see you on November 5th, have A Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!


  • 7/27/2019 Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.



    November 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    et us follow the advice of Jefferson Davis when as a soldier fighting in the War with Mexico he said - "Stand Fast Our Heritag

    Adjutant/Treasurer Report

    tendance at the August meeting was 14 members and 14 visitors.

    st call for dues, after October 31st, the member must pay a $5 additional reinstatement fee to VA Divisionational. Please call me with any questions.

    e camp awarded the SCV Ladies Appreciation Medal to Ms. Ruby Pugh.

    ew compatriot Gary Riffle was sworn in.

    tes were taken to admit to membership Mr. Paul Coleman and Mr. Layton Humphreys. Both passed witys.

    . Barry Isenhour has submitted his request to transfer to the camp. It has been sent to National HQ.

    camp officers meeting was held on October 9th at Dolce Vita restaurant. The slate of officers for the nex

    ars has been prepared for voting at the next meeting, November 5th.

    amp members, John Henry Taylor, Bill Brown, Tommy Clinger, Will Adams, and Blair Perrow attended thevision Leadership Training and the Division Executive Council meeting on October 13 th

    hn Henry Taylor and Tommy Clinger helped with the VA Division booth at the State Fair.

    e camp has applied for a table at the Capital of Confederacy Civil War Show on November 16 th andhn Henry Taylor has donated the $85 fee for this plus an additional $15 for a future Ladies Appreciationedal.

    e camp wreath will be presented at the Chesterfield County Veterans Day Observance. Please attend ifssible.

    espectfully submitted,

    air Perrowjutant/Treasurer


  • 7/27/2019 Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.



    November 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    et us follow the advice of Jefferson Davis when as a soldier fighting in the War with Mexico he said - "Stand Fast Our Heritag

    e Robert E Lee camp # 1589 resolution to Expel Waite Rawls form The SCV has been forwarded to Natiovision. The Virginia Division believes they must have their blessing or they are spinning our wheels. Waiteade a lot of people irritated, Personal feelings don't count, only facts. We must call and email The SCVneral Executive Council to keep the resolution in motion and have it gain support. It is important that weep pressure on this issue , so that those that dishonor the Confederate Soldiers good name cannot use oganizations as cover, while they commit atrocities against our ancestors. Please Contact them today.

    r Emails Click the Officers name after clicking this linkhttp://www.scv.org/about/directories/gec.php

    ommander-in-Chiefobert Michael Givens1 Park Square Southeaufort, SC 2990731-442-1831

    . Commander-in-Chiefharles Kelly Barrow21 Forrest Aveiffin, GA 30224


    hief of Staffharles L. Rand III07 Rochelle Ave

    onroe, LA 7120118-387-3791

    djutant-in-Chiefephen Lee Ritchie

    905 N Cr 500 Wuncie, IN 4730465-759-8038

    Judge Advocate-in-ChiefRoy Burl McCoy5910 Winchester RdLexington, KY 40509859-294-0300

    Chaplain-in-ChiefMark W. Evans20 Sharon DrGreenville, SC 29607864-235-6471

    Chief of Heritage DefenseEugene G Hogan II

    1962 Trimbleston PlMt Pleasant, SC 29464843-971-9114

  • 7/27/2019 Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.



    November 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    et us follow the advice of Jefferson Davis when as a soldier fighting in the War with Mexico he said - "Stand Fast Our Heritag

    hen contacting the GEC, you can refer to any or all of the following charges....

    awls was invited to the DEC meeting in Lexington, Virginia in March 2007. The purpose was to ask him poank if he had ever made a statement that he was willing to change the name of the Museum of theonfederacy and to delete the word, "Confederacy" from the name. At first Rawls tried to change the subjet was instructed to answer the question - yes or no - Rawls responded that he had never made that

    atement. He was then shown the morning Lexington newspaper that quoted a member of the Lexington ouncil as saying that Rawls had offered to change the name of the museum and to delete the word,onfederacy" from the name if the City Council would allow him to put a pilot museum in Lexington. This

    ould constitute "dishonesty" and conduct unbecoming a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

    e next incident would be the placement of a life size photograph of a female impersonator dressed in aonfederate Battle Flag in the doorway of the new museum at Appomattox. This was removed only after iscovered and photographed by a Virginia Flaggers and put on the internet. This would constitute conducbecoming a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans by showing gross disrespect for the Confederaldier's Flag.

    e next incident involved S. Waite Rawls III refusal to fly the National Flag of the Confederate States ofmerica in a superior position in front of the Appomattox museum. The Museum of the Confederacy shouljoy the honor of being a Memorial to the people of the Confederacy - Many of the old veterans and theirmilies have donated their precious family relics to the museum to act as a memorial to their service to ouruntry.

    e next incident involved Rawls' statement that he was placing the union occupation flag in a superiorsition over the State Flag array in front of the Appomattox museum and calling it the "Reunificationomenade". Thus suggesting that our ancestors voluntarily and willingly reunited with the very same vile rrupt government that they had lawfully seceded from - the same government that had committed numer

    ar crimes against the southern people and had oppressed the southern people long after the war had endis insulting and false statement is not consistent with the Charge of the Sons of Confederate Veterans annstitutes dishonesty and contempt for the southern people.

    other incident involves Rawls refusal to fly the 2nd National, 3rd National, or Battle Flag from the exterio

    e Richmond museum or the Appomattox museum.

    ease take a few minutes and give the resolution your support. We must sn this, our Confederate ancestor's artifacts, and the Confederate Whiteouse are still in the hands of some that do not care if they cease to exist.

  • 7/27/2019 Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.



    November 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    et us follow the advice of Jefferson Davis when as a soldier fighting in the War with Mexico he said - "Stand Fast Our Heritag

    CV Press Release on Plan by Museum of the Confederacy to Break-

    istoric CollectionMuseum of the Confederacy's future threatened

    by de-consolidation plans

    he Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond holds the world's finest collection of

    onfederate art and artifacts; it's future is in serious doubt. If rumored changes come to pe MOC's collection as well as the historic White House of the Confederacy which it ownsanages, may simply cease to exist.

    ght now, some in the MOC leadership have cooked up a plan to distribute the MOC'scredible collection among several different Richmond-area groups. Included in that list e Virginia Historical Society and the historic site at Tredegar Iron Works. Neither of thesn be considered Confederate-friendly.

    he Museum of the Confederacy holds an important trust as the repository of the world'snest collection of Confederate memorabilia. Recent reports from well-informed sources

    dicate that the museum's leadership is rapidly moving forward with a plan which, inddition to dispersing the collection, will also sell its building in downtown Richmond.

    nce the collection is relocated and the building sold, the now-nearby White House of theonfederacy will be isolated in an urban canyon surrounded by the Virginia Commonwealtniversity School of Medicine and virtually lost to tourist traffic. To think that it will be basustain itself financially in that condition is difficult to imagine.

    m writing to you because we need to act quickly.

    he SCV strongly opposes this plan and is actively urging the Museum of the Confederacyoard to reconsider. While no doubt well-intentioned, this course of action will seriouslyopardize the integrity of this collection which is so important to our Southern heritage.

    enerations of Southerners, including many of the veterans themselves, contributed a kinnsom to the Museum of the Confederacy in the form of priceless antiques, family

    eirlooms, and relics of the Confederate cause of incalculable value. They made these

  • 7/27/2019 Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.



    November 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    et us follow the advice of Jefferson Davis when as a soldier fighting in the War with Mexico he said - "Stand Fast Our Heritag

    ntributions with the express intent that these antiquities would be carefully preserved onorably displayed. That's how the Museum of the Confederacy's collection grew to beetrustee of the single largest collection of the treasures of the late Confederacy. To scaese precious treasures across several venues and organizations will permanently diminis


    he Museum of the Confederacy is technically owned by the Confederate Memorial & Liteciety and is a private organization. They are under no obligation to listen to the SCV or ke advice from anyone. But, we believe they are reasonable people who by and large wdo the best they can under the circumstances .

    have been calling everyone connected with the MOC but I would like for them to hear fru as well.

    ease contact these folks today and POLITELY let them know how important it is that theuseum of the Confederacy's collection remain intact as a permanent tribute to those proldiers.

    ease urge your Compatriots and anyone who shares our view of this important issue to leeir voices be heard so that the Museum of the Confederacy can return to being the home Confederacy's most important artifacts.

    chael Givens

    ommander in Chief

  • 7/27/2019 Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.



    November 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    et us follow the advice of Jefferson Davis when as a soldier fighting in the War with Mexico he said - "Stand Fast Our Heritag



    Twenty years after Gen. Robert E. Lee rode into Appomattox and surrendered his tattered arm

    ding the War Between the States, a memorial chapel was built in Richmond in memory of the0,000 Confederate soldiers who died during the conflict. The Pelham Chapel Confederate War

    emorial is designated a National Historic Landmark by the U.S., and has been granted the status o

    nfederate Monument by the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    The organ in the chapel was donated by a group of Union veterans from Lynn, Mass. One of t

    ntributors to the soldiers' home that surrounded the chapel was Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. And a Uni

    ivate from Massachusetts donated his annual pension to support the home.Confederate flags had flown over the grounds since the opening of the Old Soldiers Home in

    ose flags did not trouble the Union soldiers who donated the organ to the chapel; nor did they tr

    ysses S. Grant. They were placed there by Confederate Veterans, to memorialize the Confederatead, and honor the living.

    Fast forward 150 yearson the eve of the Sesquicentennial Commemoration of the War Betw

    e States, June 1st, 2010, Confederate Battle Flags were forcibly removed from the Confederate Wa

    emorial by a restriction in the lease renewal, at the insistence of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

    This is in direct violation of Virginia law, which clearly states: it shall be unlawful for the

  • 7/27/2019 Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.



    November 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    et us follow the advice of Jefferson Davis when as a soldier fighting in the War with Mexico he said - "Stand Fast Our Heritage

    thorities of the locality, or any other person or persons, to disturb or interfere with any monumen

    emorials so erected, or to prevent its citizens from taking proper measures and exercising proper

    eans for the protection, preservation and care of same. For purposes of this section, "disturb or

    terfere with" includes removal of, damaging or defacing monuments or memorials, or, in the case

    e War Between the States, the placement of Union markings or monuments on previously design

    nfederate memorials or the placement of Confederate markings or monuments on previously

    signated Union memorials. ( 15.2-1812)

    citizens of Virginia and descendants of Confederate soldiers who gallantly answered Virginias cafend her, we demand that the VMFA remove these blatantly prejudicial restrictions and allow the

    nfederate Battle Flags to once again fly on the Confederate War Memorial.

    hat can you do to help?


    ALL (804) 340-1500 and/or email the director at [email protected] Tell them to

    turn the flags to the Confederate Memorial Chapel!


    ncel any planned visit to the VMFAand tell them why!

    scontinue any donations and supportand tell them why!

    IN US

    read the word. Tell your family, friends, and neighbors that the VMFA has violated the law and

    shonored American Veterans.! Become a Flagger and stand with us!

  • 7/27/2019 Robert E Lee Camp @ 1589 Newsletter November Sons Of Confederate Veterans.



    November 2013ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    et us follow the advice of Jefferson Davis when as a soldier fighting in the War with Mexico he said "Stand Fast Our Heritage

    ovember Speaker- Past Commander John Henry Taylor will be speaking on "Theons of Confederate Veterans - Who We Are, What We Do, and Why".

    ecember Meeting- Christmas Celebration with George Winn and The Bluegrasartners / Installation of Officers

    anuary- No Speaker/Business Meeting

    ebruary- Camp Auction/ This has, historically, been one of the most fun meetin

    at we have ever had. Besides being a lot of fun, it accounts for a portion of th

    oney our little treasury gets each year. We need a big turnout of members,

    iends, and families there with money in hand and ready to "do battle" in the

    dding process. We ask that you bring items to donate for the auction, please

    earch through your houses, garages, basements, and attics for those items that

    ou no longer use or need and are marketable to our members. Such items asooks on the War Between the States, relics, militaria, reenactors equipment,

    shing equipment, hunting gear, camping gear, edged weapons, pictures, etc. I

    ave never seen anyone turn down a homemade cake or pie

    Next Meetingur next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday November. 5th , 2013 dinner at 6 P.M. a

    follow with business and Speaker at 7 P.M. at the Dolce Vita Italian Restaurant,

    401 Colony Crossing Place Midlothian, VA 23112
