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Robert P. and Eugenie Sedlock House 4228 Norfolk Terrace San Diego, California 92116 Report Prepar ed By: Kathleen Flanigan May 2002 41 -8

Robert P. and Eugenie Sedlock House

4228 Norfolk Terrace San Diego, California 92116

Report Prep ared By: Kathleen Flanigan

May 2002

4 1-8

State of California - The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION

Primary #·---------------


Page 1 of 5 P1. Other Identifier:

HRI# _____________________________ _

Trinomial NRHP Status Code 581

Other Listings--------------------------Review Code Reviewer Date May 2002

*Resource Name or#: (Assigned by recorder) Robert P. & Eugenia Sedlock House

*P2. Location: o Not for Publication rn Unrestricted * a. County: san Diego and (P2b and P2c or P2d. Attach a Location Map as necessary.) *b. USGS 7.5' Quad La Mesa Date: 1975 T...l..§.§_; R_fyj__ '< of Sec; B.M.: c. Address: 4228 Norfolk Terrace City --"'s2acen'-"D"i"'e""'o'--------Zip: 92116 d. UTM: (Give more than one for large or linear resources) Zone; Me/ mN e. Other Locational Data (e.g., parcel#, directions to resource, elevation, etc., as appropriate):

APN # 465-070-11, Kensington Point, Lot D

*P3a. Description (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries):

This two-story, multi-level, 1, 900 sq. ft., redwood frame and stucco Spanish Ec.~ectic style house was built in 1930 in Kensington Point, the smallest K"ensington subdivision, comprised of the one block cul-de-sac east of ~ymer Drive. The Spanish/Mediterranean architectural theme which dominated Kensington Heights to the northwest, heavily influenced this development between 1926 and 1930. This structure, which rested on a concrete foundation, featured a variety of low pitched Mission tile gabled, hipped, and shed roofs, some with squared redwood rafter tails underneath, (See Continuation Sheet)

*P3b. Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) Single Family Property - HP-2; Women's Property - HP-38

P4. Resources Present: t81 Building

0 Structure 0 Object 0 Site b District 0 Element of District 0 Other (Isolates, etc.) P5b. Description of Photo: (View, date, accession#) South facing facade. 3 23-02 #17 *P6

1• Date Constructed/Age and

Sources: 12:1 Historic 0 Prehistoric

0 Both_-'1'-'9'-'3'-'0'----'a;cc"'c"'o"-r"'. de_J"'·.nc;qc;_ _ _c,t"'o information in a mechanic's lien filed against the property on 2 26-31 *P7, Owner and Address: Lawrence and r.e.slie Zwissler 4228 Norfolk Terrace San Diego, CA 92116 *PS. Recorded by {Name, affiliation, and address): Kathleen Flanigan 1927 Chicago Street, Unit B San Diego, Californi"a 92110 *P9. Date Recorded: May 2002

L---------------------------------' *P1 0. Type of Survey: (Describe) None

*P11. Report Citation (Cite survey report and other sources, or enter "none", Dona.ldson & Stiegler, "Historica.l Greater Mid City San Diego Preservation Strategy Survey," 1996 4228 Norfolk Terrace considered a historical house and cont.r.:ibutor to a proposed historic Kensington Talmadge District

Attachments: ONONE OLocation Map 0Sketch Map 0Continuation Sheet 0Building, Structure, and Object Record

0Archaeotogical Record 0District Record DLinear Resource Record OMilllng Station Record DRock Art Record

0Artifact Record 0Photograph Record 0 Other (List):

DPR 523A (1/95) *Required Information

State of California - The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION

CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# _______________ __:_ ____ _ HRI# _________________ _

Trinomial ____________________ _

Page _2_ of_5_ *Resource Name or# (Assigned by recorder) Robert P. & Eugenie Sedlock House

*Recorded by Kathleen Flanigan Date May 2002 181 Continuation D Update

*P3a. (Description)

and a parapetted flat roof with tile vents above the second story and on gabled house portions. A one-story off-center tower provided the entrance. The fenestration included a multitude of squared three- and four-paned wood sash casement windows, a small round window to the left of the front door, an east facing large arched fixed window which offered a great canyon view from the living room, and a rectangular yellow and white bottle bottom window that admitted light to the interior staircase on the east side of the second story. A dominant arched focal vdndow, surrounded by decorative tile, shaded by an awning, highlighted the west wing of ohe structure, and a two-car garage extended from the southeast side. Wrought iron grilles decorated some front facing windows and formed part of the light fixture to the right of the front door. A shed porch extended from the west facade which provided a kitchen entrance,. and a wood door at the r·ear led to a basement. An off-center Andalusian style stucco chimney, affixed to the rear or north facing facade, enhanced the Spanish Eclectic theme. '

Entrance to the house was through a redwood, panelled with central bottle bottom glass opening embellished with a turned wood grille. Original bronze hardware formed the door knocker, latch, and lock. The Spanish Eclectic styling continued into the interior (which is not to be designated)which featured delicate wrought iron stair railings and decorative pieces, along with original sconces and light fixtures.

The house, deemed by Milford Wayne Donaldson and Ione Stiegler in their 1996, ~rlistorical Greater Mid-City San Diego Preservation Strategy Survey" as both a structure worthy of individual historical designation and a contributor to a Kensington-Talmadge historical district, stands in 2002 as a splendid example of the Spanish Eclectic architectural style.

DPR 523L ( 1 /95) *Required Information


Page _ _,_3 __ of -5"-----

Primary# HRI#

* N R H P Status Cod e. -;-;--:-:c'5-"S'='1';-,:-,.,-..,., *Resource Name or# (Assigned by recorder) Robert p. & Eugenie Sedlock House

81. Historic Name: Robert P. and Eugenie Sedlock House 82. Common Name: Robert P. and Eugenie Sedloc:< House 83. Original Use: Single-family residence 84. Present Use Single-family residence *B5. Architectural Style: _-::-'*S'_I?:§aL.nl!;iJ:sL.h!,!E.,;c'jl~e~cc;t~i:¥c~===-=:.-:;=::-::-:;-:=-::-:c-:----;---------------­*B6. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alterations)

This two-story Spanish Eclectic style house, built in 1930, is intact with the exception of the garage door which was changed after 1996.

*87. Moved? 18J No o Yes o Unknown *88. Related Features:

B9a Architect· u k n nown B9b Builder· . . u k n nown *81° ~'· -"'·

:~-;l'i' with Tois house is sianificant od,,r r -~ R I ic !i.'J'idua.Ls I fnr it.~

<r his .mr

·_n orqaniza Lon ' mown as "Tl oe her lc care.er wi tl the Son Hecm wh: '_le

le w: :he Na· aJ .d was one c a nava . d Lve the rs lear irine :he Nau

E' ar, ;re ln the sme: Kens' Area:

Period of Significance --'loC9c,3u0LJ&'-'loC9c,5c;5c:-e!loC9cs6,_,0c__Property Type sirigle-Family Residence Applicable Criteria B & C

(Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context· as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity.)

Fred Cave, a tile worker, purchased this property in Kensington Point from J. F. Thomas on April 7, 1930. Cave, and his wife, Dorothy, lived at 4334 39th Street in a modest bungalow and probably decided to build their \\dream house" here which corrunenced construction in May 1930 according to a plumbing lien filed against the propert'\ in February 1931 by Daniel Deacon. No building permit was filed, and Cave obta1ned building materials from West-King-Peterson Lumber Company, as well as a construction loan. The plumbing lien claimed the house was completed in January 1931, and that same month the property reverted to the West-King-Peterson Lumber Company for non-payment of debt by Cave. No Notice of Completion was filed on the house and for some strange reason, no Residential Building Record was ever created as attested to by Kathy Romero and Vickie Moore, both tenured assessors at the San Diego County Assessor's Office. (See Continuation Sheet)

B 11 .Additional Resource Attributes: {List attributes and codes HP38 - Women's' Property

*812. References: (See Appendix)

Bl3. Remarks:

*814. Evaluator: Kathleen Flanigan

Date of Evaluation:_..cM'"a'-"---'2'-'0'-'0'-'2'-----------

(This space reserved for official comments.)

DPR 5238 11/951

N 11'

(Sketch Map with north arrow required.)

State of California - The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION

CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#----------------'------HRI# _________________________________ __

Trinomial ____________________ _

Page_4_ of_S_ *Resource Name or# {Assigned by recorder) Robert P. & Eugenie Sedlock House

*Recorded by Kathleen Flanigan Date May 2002 1:&i Continuation D Update

*B10 (Significance)

A water permit was secured by the West-King-Peterson Lumber Company on December 18, 1931, almost a year after the house was built. By 1933, the West-King-Peterson Lumber Company had transformed into the Peterson Lumber Company, the same year the business rented the dwelling to Benton Van Scott, U.S.N., and his wife, Nina. The address during this time was 4268 Norfolk Terrace, and remained as such until 1939 when it was changed to 4228 Norfolk Terrace.

Emil E. and Ida Reinhart, who resided at 4262 Altimirano Way, bought the house in 1935 and rented it to George N. Lynch, manager of the Sears Roebuck Company, and his wife, Arlene. The Reinhart couple continued to utilize the home as a rental through 1946 to: Paul W. Neuman, the district manager for the Southern Service Company, from 1939-40; Lynn A. Childress, who operated a meat market at 4319,University, in 1942; and from 1943 to 1945 to Arthur F. Butler, assistant manager and cashier of the East San Diego Branch of the First National Trust and Savings Bank.

The property was conveyed to Gorman ~. and Ann Holman Burnett in July 1946 who owned it through November 1947. During that time, the Burnett couple 'lived here with Arthur F. Butler, now the assistant vice-president of the First National Trust and Savings Bank.

Cmdr. Edgar M. Brown, U.S.N., and his wife, Ethel, purchased the house from the Burnetts in November 1947. Brown, a veteran of WWII and -the Korean War, survived the attack on Pearl Harbor, and was credited with saving the life of a ·fellow officer when his battleship, California, was bombed. As chief paymaster, he rescued the payroll and records of the ship before it sank. Apparently, the Browns never resided at this address.

In April 1949, Pacific Telephone and Telegraph engineer, Richard W. Wheatley, and his wife, Sarah, bought the residence. They lived here until September 1955 when Robert P. and Eugenie Sedlock assumed ownership. According to an interview on March 26, 20-02, with Robert P. Sedlock, Jr., his father worked as the production manager in charge of tool cribs at the Naval Air Station, and also invented a number of patented tools, used by the Navy during the Korean War and later in its shipyards. Mr. Sedlock received awards from the Navy for his improvements in organizational and supervisory activities. He retired from civilian service in 1966 to pursue his interests in local investment properties.

Eugenie Sedlock, nicknamed "The Admiral" for her journalistic career as Navy editor for the San Diego Evening Tribune, received numerous accolades for her writing expertise. Her account of life aboard the San Diego based submarine, Catfish, in 1957, while she lived at this address, elicited a response from Capt. J. E. Lee, the commodore of a San Diego based flotilla. He said, "I would like to have the story read by the parents of every young man who enters in the submarine service. It was the finest story of its kind I've ever read." Reprints of her article were subsequently sent t.o every graduate's parents of the Navy's submarine school.

In 1953, Mrs. Sedlock toured naval bases in Honolulu as one of fifteen women guests of the Secretary of the Navy. Dispatches followed daily in the Tribune. She was one of a handful of civilian women to dive off the coast of San Diego in 1958 in the first nuclear submarine, the Nautilus. By the time she decided to retire from the newspaper in 1960, her career had spanned four decades.

The daughter of pioneering San Diegans, Mrs. Sedlock's parents, William and Karoline Seifert, moved to San Diego in 1890. She grew up in Sherman Heights next door to the Villa Montezuma. Mrs. Sedlock graduated from San Diego High School and studied journalism at the San Diego Normal School, the predecessor of San Diego State College. She first worked as a reporter for the San Diego Independent, and in public relations

DPR 523L (1/95) *Required Information

State of California - The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION

CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# ___________________ _ HRI# _________________________________ __

Trinomial----------------------Page_5_ of_5_ *Resource Name or# (Assigned by recorder) Robert P-. & Eugenie Sedlock House

*Recorded by Kathleen Flanigan Date May 2002 181 Continuation D Update

*81 0 (Significance)

for the Hotel del Coronado. In 1929, she became the society and club editor for the San Diego Evening Tribune. She left the Tribune in 1935 but returned in 1945 to write a Navy social column. During the 1940s and 1950s, she also wrote other columns, "Good Afternoon" and "Homemaking Today" for the Tribune, which featured "slice of lifestyle" insights into her family and fellow San Diegans, as well as feature articles on notable people. Among the public figures she interviewed and profiled were first ladies, Bess Truman and Patricia Nixon.

During her retirement, Eugenie Sedlock served on the boards of directors of the Horne of Guiding Hands and Edgemoor Geriatric Hospital. She resided at this address until just before her death at Mercy Hospital in June 1998.

The children of Robert P. and Eugenie Sedlock lived in this house through the 1950s and early 1960s. Robert P. Sedlock, Jr. attended college in the 1950s and became a stock broker in the early 1960s. His sister, Carolyn, attended college in the early 1960s before becoming a school teacher in 1962.

This two-story house in 2002 is an excellent example of Spanish Eclectic architecture and includes all the expressive elements of that style, including: stucco exterior, multi-level gabled, hipped, and shed Mission tile roofs, a front focal window surrounded by lovely decorative tile, wrought iron grilles over some windows, a stucco Andalusian style chimney, and a one story tower entrance. In 1996, the horne was deemed individually worthy of historic designation based on its Spanish Eclectic style and considered a contributor to a proposed Kensington-Talmadge historic district, by preservation architects, Milford Wayne Donaldson and Ione Stiegler.

DPR 523L (1/95) *Required Information

Title Search

Sedlock House APPENDIX

San Diego City & County Directory Research

City of San Diego Water Permit

West-King-Peterson Lumber Company References

2002 Photographs

Donaldson & Stiegler "Historical Greater Mid-City San Diego Preservation Strategy," 1996

Cmdr. Edgar M. Brown Reference

Robert P. Sedlock Reference

Eugenie Sedlock References

Sanborn Fire Maps


Kensington Point, APN # 465-070-11

Book Page Date

1771 135 4-7-30

1840 365 1-8-31

30 236 2-26-31

1879 112 3-19-31

14 146 7-18-31

461 337 11-8-35

Prob.# 27282 4-11-40




3168 40 4-6-49

5841 80 9-27-55


TITLE SEARCH 4228 Norfolk Terrace

San Diego, California 92116

Lot D

Grantor Grantee

Thomas, J.F. & Evelyn Cave, Fred

Cave, Fred & Dorothy West-King-Peterson Hood Lumber Co.

Deacon, Daniel A. Vs. West-King-Peterson Lumber Co.

West-King-Peterson Notice of Default Lumber Co.

Union Trust Co. of S.D. West-King-Peterson Lumber Co.

. Remarks

Quit Claim

Trustees Deed

Peterson Lumber & Reinhart, E.T. & Ida B. Joint Tenants Finance Co. (West-King-Peterson Lumber Co.)

Reinhart, Emil Trodder Inventory Deceased

Reinhart, Emil Reinhart, Ida Bibb

Reinhart, Ida Bibb Burnett, Gorman R. & Joint Tenants Ann Holman

Burnett, Gorman & Ann Brown, Edgar M. & Joint Tenants Ethel

Brown, Edgar & Ethel Wheatley, Richard W. Joint Tenants & Sarah E.

Wheatley, R.W. & Sarah Sedlock, Robert P. & Joint Tenants Eugenie

Sedlock, Eugenie Estate Zwissler, Lawrence & Joint Tenants Leslie



















SAN DIEGO CITY AND COUNTY DIRECTORY RESEARCH Residents of 4268/4228 Norfolk Terrace

San Diego, CA 92116

Not Listed

Benton Van (Nina) Scott, U.S.N., 4268 Norfolk Terrace

Franklin S. (Marian G.) Steinwachs, U.S.N., 4268 Norfolk Terrace

Not Listed

George N. (Arlene B.) Lynch, mgr. Sears Roebuck & Co., 4268 Norfolk Terrace

*(Address changed to 4228 Norfolk Terrace) Paul W. (Edith E.) Neuman, dist. mgr. Southern Service Co. (Owners: Emil E. & Ida Reinhart resided at 42b2 Altimirano Way)

Paul W. (Edith E.) Neuman, dist. mgr. Southern Service Co.


Lynn A. (Beula F.) Childress, meats 4319 University

Arthur F. (Mabel S.) Butler, asst. mgr. East San Diego Branch of First National Trust & Savings Bank

Arthur F. (Mabel S.) Butler, asst. cashier, 30th & University, First National Trust & Savings Bank

Arthur F. (Mabel S.) Butler, asst. v-pres. First National Trust & Savings Bank Gorman L. (Ann)Burnett, no occupation

Richard W. (Sarah E.) Wheatley, engineer P.T.& T. Co.

Robert P. Sedlock, emp. Naval Air Station Robert P. Sedlock 1 Jr. 1 laborer Day & Night Plumbing & Heating Mrs. Eugenie Sedlock 1 society reporter, Union-Tribune Publishing Co.

Robert P. Sedlock, supvr. NAS Robert P. Sedlock, Jr. 1 student Eugenia Sedlock 1 emp. 1 Union-Tribune

Robert P. Sedlock, supvr. NAS Caroline Sedlock, student Robert P. Sedlock 1 Jr. 1 stock broker, Woolrych Currier & Carlson

Robert P. Sedlock, supvr. NAS Robert P. Sedlock, Jr., rep. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co. Caroline Sedlock, student

Robert P. Sedlock, emp NAS Carolyn Sedlock, teacher Robert P. Sedlock, Jr. 1 rep. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co.

City of San Diego Water Permit

West-King-Peterson Lumber Company Peterson Lumber and Finance Company


. ~" ld-.;a~. · Fronl'· .· . __ , . . .. . . i.

"THE'HOME ·QF IUU.~ · *' .. .. Vialt "'our, .Buridera' ·. 'Hiirdw;.n; ,; ·

. (>;.

Departmen't,.-See ·the · J,.at~at· De' ',. ,, .. . velopmt:nt• .... iJ.!:'"+~:p-il_ti,ncti~~ ·· Har.d• wate ~nd Budt,,l' I:~t\1!"'· · . . ..

· ~•••""•• ·:Modern ~iJ~t~B~-::. .... ' -·· . . -- - .

San Diego Union, February 19, 1933.

OPE·N· .T. OD :.-·~, .. .. '.' •. ) .·• .. ~...1.-~-

. , . . . 19:3~ TO 5:00, . . · . ·lllEAS FOil .TU.;)T N!~W HOME OF: .\'OL!RS. PLANNI.Nill _


... Thl-'J:W~;;"'Of-'=~"""""-. .:c.

,~;;::;~~~!t:~~ .. o•:.· ·.!;~::'···· . ·,- .·cqN~~1~ LONG 3EA"CU_QO.AKE-A~EA:. ·

···West:-J{(mg_~Petersonl~'tUilber:Co-~:·· WEST A'i:l,ANTJC ST. . ._> OJ'POS~-&l:NE .BA.81 -VbU lb~:~ '·uDmt •·/§he~o;-1\.!:lN~~::-_1 :Munl<'ipal Fl~r-":pc-U _l'·U .. ·

. --·'

San Diego Union, April 9, 1933.

San Diego Union, September 17, 1933.

2002 Photographs

Original fmnt door and light fixture. Front focal window which features decorative tile.

Rear stucco chimney and abundance of rectangular three- and four-paned paired casement windows.

2002 Photographs

The main living room window, looking in and out.

Glass bottle bottom window and decorative wrought iron lool<ing down staircase into living room.

Delicate wrought iron used in staircase and in hanging light.

*Resource Name or#: ---;A~P:!:N'-24~6"-5-~0'--17'-'0c-,_11._ ___________________________ _ P1. Other ldentlfie<: --~I!>S!.:-~D~-:!K~ean~s"in"goct'-'o"'n'-----------------,:---;::-:----------------

*P2. Locatitm: D Not for Publication ll§ll Unrestricted a. County San Diego b. USGS 7.5' Quad -,-,,-.,-,,--=--------Date ___ T __; R _______; __ 1/4 of _1/4 of Sec__; _____ ,B.M. c. Address 4228 Norfolk Terrace City San Diego Zip ___ _

d. UTM: (Give more than one for larg.e and/or linear feature) Zone _______ .mE/ _____ ,mN

e. Other Locational Data: (e.g. parcel #, legal description, directions to resource, elevation, additional UTMs, etc. as appropriate)

Assessor's Parcel Number: 465-070-11..

*P3a. Description: (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, conditio·n, alteratiOns, size, setting, and boundaries.)

Condition: Good


*P10. Survey Type:(Describe) Architectural Reconnaissance Survey C--Comprehensive Survey

*P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey report/other sources or "none") Historical Greater Mid-City San Diego Preservation Strategy, Architect Milford Wayne Donaldson. FAIA, Inc .. & IS Architecture, 1996.

*Attachments: 0 NONE 0 Location Map 0 Archaeological Record 0 District Record

0 Sketch Map 0 Continuation Sheet rnl Building, Structure and Object Record D Linear Feature Record D Milling Station Record 0 Rock Art Record 0 Artifact Record

0 Photograph Record 0 Other: (List) -----------------------------------

DPR 523A (1/951 *Required information



465-070-10 4220

465-070-11 4228

465-070-13 4210

465-230-04 4244

465-230-07 4270

465-230-11 4165

465-230-17 4229

465-230-18 4237

465-230-20 4149

Architect Milford Wayne Donaldson~ F AlA, Inc. IS Architecture RNP/Roesling Nakamura Architects, Inc.






















Page 5







· .


• •••


. SF


••• SF





.. ·.




• 530 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101 • (619) 239-7888 • 4191 Stephens Street, San Diego, CA 92103 • (619) 296-1195

• 363 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101 • (619) 233-1023

Cmdr. Edgar M. Brown Reference

Rites· Schedu-le-d -For. E~~-M.· Brow-n

home since 1912. 1954 .after 3,1 years in the, including duty in world War · and the Korean War,

-Enlisting at 15, Brown worked •. up through all Navy rateli and . ranks except chief petty uwlc~'--1 At 24, -he was one of the-gest men promoted to Wa[rant · o.fficer. , .

Serving on the battleship Cali~ fornia 'when Pearl Harbor bombe(j, in: 1941, Brown

il\Wtl~~-zi1?e;irxit~e-Jhihe was hit in tne attack.

As . chief paymaster, recovered .the payroll--and -:~.~'"l~~~~: .. ~two ·daughters, .including ords of the ship before jt . of San Diego. lnterment

Brown is survived by his military honors will be ow, Lynne; two sons, Edgar M~~~~be:i~nl~f.A;~r-~li~ngton (Va.) Na. and George,. all of San diego, ti•

San Diego Union, January 26, 1968.

Robert P. Sedlock Reference

Robert P. Sedlock Hob(~rt Paul Sedlock, 8(), a retired <:ivilservice supervi­

sor at tlw North Island Naval Air Station, died Tllesll'ay at . a loe<\1 hospital. · . ' . ~"'-·. · · . ·F Prjvate gravtfuide. services were held at '·Greenwood.

Cemetery. ·. . . . .. · . Irorri )'ii Dupbnt, Penp:, ML. Sediock Was a San Diego

• . resident sin('e 1921. tie resided in the Kensington area .. · . He served in t:!Je, ]\javy lor nine y,~a~s. -princi:eally .· aboard the de~troyer. tender Melville. ·:: · · ·

Mi·: Sedlock invented a number of patented devices . used by th,e Navy during the Korean War and later in its :.:j;ltiflyard:t:-W!rile irrth(n::ivil serv1e<t ile received awards • from the Navy .for. his improvements in organizational

and supervisory acfivities. . . . . . He retired from civil service work in 1966 t_(_lJ>ursue his

_ tnferests_Xri~[i)'caljflygs_trium[proi;iiiies.~--..:..:;--····-··· · ---~Sedlo<:LV\fas 'L!!l~!llber of the Natwna! F edera+

Supervisors 1\ssociation, Nati<>nal_ Assq.ciation of'Jfetil'eo. Federal Em:plovees, alld .Grace Luthera1i Cnurcn. ··

He is survived by his. wife, Eugenie Sedlock, a former ~taff member of the Evening Tribune; a son, Robert P­

,#ledlock Jr. of San Diego, and a daughter, Carolyn S. ·.Jlentto.oi:sanDiego; and four grandchildren ..

San Diego Union, August 7, 1981.


Eugenie Sedlock·;jourilalist nicknamed 'The Admiral' ? . . .

!'>'lack Williams -- ered adniirable by military sources, . man who enters in the Submarine "She absolutely loved the experi- for the Tribune, "Good Afternoon," STAFF WRITER toO~ ' Service. It was the finest story of ence and-wasn't at all apprehensive which featured slice-of-lifestyle in-

For· her dtl_ties aboard Navy ves- Mrs. Sedlock's accounf in The its kind I've ever recid!' about the ,dive," said her daughter, sights into her family and fello:?' San sels. Eugenie S. Sedlock received a Evening Tribune of life aboard a Mrs. Sedlock who retired from Carolyn Rentto. Diegans. salll:te ~om her newspaper c-ol- subJ.Ilarine at sea in-1957 elicited The Evening Tribune ]an 1. 196~ _ The daughter of pioneering San She also contributed columns on leagues in_th~,f~rm of-a nickname: _this response from Capt. }.E. _L. ee, died Sunday at_ Mercy Hospital af-"",DieganS, Mrs. Sedlock waS born food_and_grooming, along with fea-lhe Admiral. the commodore of a San Diego- ter a stroke. She was 91. and raised next door to the the ture ~rticles on notable people.

The ·ship-to--shore lines she dis- based flotilla: R . t . f M s· dl k' historic Villa Montezuma in Sher- Am~ng the public figures she inter-! bed · ' · li ha "! uld lik t h h -· epnn s 0 rs. e oc s · d d fil d f t pa c. m a JOUina sm career t . t L wo e o ave t § story stories aboard the San Diego.:tlased man ~eights. v1e:"e an pro e were 1!:'

spanned four decades were cons1d- read by the parents of·every young submarine C3.tfish Were mailed to . "Her_ Qarents, William and_ Kar?- ~~: Bess Truman and PatnCla-the parents of each graduate of the line Se1fert, moved to San Diego m Duri . Mr Sedl

1 Navy's Subma- 1890 and developed the re~t of that 1

ng redtrrement, . 8·~ OCKd

rine School. block," Rentto said. v~ unteere _on committees a~ For Mrs. Sed- Among the family's holdings With the Thrift Shop of ~t. Pauls

I · were the San Diego Salt· Factory Eptscopal Cathedral. She also ock, 1t was one . se:rved on the -boards of directors of

of many opportu-- and the San Dtego Brewery. h H f G .din -· H d d .. . · te omeo m g ansan mtles as a JOur- Mr~. Sed~ocK graduated fn:m Edgemoor Geriatric Hospital: nalist . to bring ~an D1~0 High Scho~l and studied Mrs. Sedlock lived in Kensington San. Dtego read- JOUrnalism at San Dtego No~ for the last 4-0 years and traveled ers closer to the School, the ~red~cessor of-San Die- throughout the world into her 80s. sailors who d~- go State Umvers1ty. - Robert P. Sedlock, Whom- ~e fended thetr She was a reporter for the for- married in 1931 died 3Y2 months shores. mer San Diego Independent and after the coupl~ celebrated their

In 1953, as a Eugenie S. worked in public relations for the 50th anniversary. guest of the sec-~lock , Hotel del Coronado. Survivors include . a daUghter, reta:r:y oithe.Na;.::- , ------ - -- ---She---w-as-hired-<in-1-929--as-d· .. soei- --"G-arelyn,--£---Rentto-; -and-a·son,-·Reb~-

___ Y:J,_ ~_was am_oug.: JS __ wowes to et¥---and-Glu~b-y,t~edteelr]I., lJeth-ef--Ktnsin~" tour_ naval bases in HonolUlu. Dis- which merged in 1992 with The four grandchildren; and a great-patches followed daily in the Tri- San Diego Union to form The San grawl.daugbter. · . bune. Diego Union-Tribune. She left the Private services were scheduled.

She alsO was among a h2.n.dful of Tribur!H in 1935 but returned in -Donations were suggested- to the­civilian women in 1958 to di"ve off 1945 to write a Navy social column. St.-Paul's Cathedral Building Fund, the coast of San Diego in the fiTst During the 1940s and 1950s, 2728 Sixth Ave.; San Diego, CA · nuclear submarine, the Nautilus. Mrs. Sedlock wrote another column 92103.

San Diego Union, June 18, 1998.

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Eugenie Sedlock Reference San Diego Evening Tribune Column

"Navy, Marine Set"


c~~~~-$9~1~f __ ... --.. -----·---~--­At Social' Events on~ Depot

. . ... -By .. EUG'ENJE 8EDLOdK ranged a mother·daughter cof. Mr1. James S. Copley, who will

MAj.' Gen. Edward W. Snede· fee tomorrow morning !n her entertain 'n their La J o 11 a ker, u•l•tant chid o! ·staff, home to_ honor _her mother. home. Marine Corps headquarters, Mrs. Oolller·nostesB The Carsons will leave Feb. arrives tomorrow at the Ma- A luncheon ·will be hosted 1, toll owing the o1ficer'1 de· rlne--Recrult Depot for threo 'l'u.esd!l,y·ln .A.dm, Kldd Of!l· tachni'ent,. for a !yl~xlcan tour days of conferences. He. will cers' Club by ~8. R. NeUe and a visit to Front Royal, Va.

_ 't!_e a~gQ!!)Jl:~!l:~.~d N. Lt. Col. W. Canter, mother of Col. Charle_s He wnl take com!lland. ot Car­LJ'rates ;)"f, . -- -- · ···--··.D. Rob"ert.s,···Jn:rn·<:n Hr·g Mrs. rier Division 7 ln. :Alameda in

They leave Sunday :for·Camp Smith. Pla-ces will be tor l4 Ma1·.ch. ' Pendleton: guests. , · . .Guests. Will be VAdm. and

-'--Whfle here, cen.--SReEl obe ts a d Mrs. A. M Pdde VAdm. and w.IU .. be~.,th_hou,!"e gues~ of Brig .. goodby Monda_Y"-trrthelr son, Mrs .. c. F. :Esp_e.~. VAdm •. and

... Gen.._«.rui.._¥rs .. A. L. "Bowser; Miirl:ne·· .. capc C:---'O.~OberJ.s Mrs-; ··R. ···L. Dennison, Maj .

.. who.. . ..wllLhonor.:.Jifiii:::af-ditmer·J·l;'-1)-h~:-.-wlfe and ... two .. chlb;iren,,. Gen. and Mrs. T. A. Wornham, . Saturday ln their quarten. who ~eft for San Francisco to VAdm. and Mrs. G. R: Hen;

· M"n:j;··Gen;··Thnma·a--A-;-·Worn: awa.f.t'-8-l·P·transportatlon to-liOn· derson, VAdm .. and. Mrs. Wll· bam, __ depot_ comm!lndtng offi- olulu. The young officer willllam R. Munroe; VAdm. and ~er,:...:=a~~rrtll.'a:nr~'hnve -have-duty....th~~~-·. . Ml's, W, Do·.-:-Baklffo.~RA.g·m.,~d askad..some....oLGen..Bne.deke~a 8/ ·k T • D • .. . . ~rs. C. C. Hartman, :RAdn'l., close trlends ·to ifeet him at . ae ."O""rle-- tnnef" .. -·-·- <i.rld Mrs. c:-·c;···w<fOQ~··RA{IifC-cockto.ils Friday afternoon ip Set for Tonight . and Mrs. "L. _H. Hunte, ;Lt.

Jhelr.quarteu. ·:----- · e:-#&g-me-5~-val--Am~ Gen,_, !!•nnd<Uill:!•UUUI'a!IM:t!...-/ ~ · Weelbend hi North · . ph!blous Bas~_,, wlll be ••tung Knowlans Visit

The Wornbami Ieavb Satur. loi- the black tie dinner which , , day -to attend the. Los Angeles VAdm. and Mrs. Carl ·F. Espe ServiCe Ft~ends Na.Vy Ball l'ind will be weeknd host tonight for.a group of clv. Brig. Gen. Joseph R. l(now· house guests .of Mr. and Mrs. Ulan and service friends. 1 USMCR t d M Henry Duque ln the northem Guests·include Mr. and Mrs. an, • re ·• an rs, city. . ··: · · · ·· Frank Forward,_ Mr~ and Mrs. Knowlan:-endedtheir·San·"D1ego

Mrs. Wornham gave a lunch: Harold B. Starkey, Mr. and visit Monday with· departure ,ol),_.t9¢!!J.YJP .h~r.._qg_aJ'.te~s .hQD~ .~rs.: ... Don_al~-~· Jian~or~---~_r~ ... tQ.r t!w.ir.J:w.tnaJn.EhUadelPhla~. orlng Mrs. Carroll 0. Smith o! John W. Roper, Lt. G"en, and They had been house gueSts

c.€ono:v:~;::N;:·.C~;,·:::w-ho:·:..is::::v.isitlng Mr.s.::Albert .P~".Coo_!~Y ~A.dm_ -··-·. .--·· ··- ··-·· ···-·· -··-· -·"·-··-·· ···-­her !lon-ln-laW and daughter and Mmes. Oscar A. Weii"ei\ ot'-Mf1r1ne--€o1:;--and -M-rso·-Pattl Marine Col. . and Mrs, Alberi Ralph W. D. Woods, Beverly Russell In, La Jolla since New .I\eller, until Jan. 22 .......... ..,. -··--· R. Harrison, Qharle~t. R"_Allen, Year's Day.

Guests were m o·t hers and Joseph M, Carson, G r 0 v e r The KnoWt'ans flew west es· their daughters. Budd H. Hall, and William N. peclally to attend the Tourn'a-

Cot Julia Hamblet, director Nation. · ment of Roses and Rose .Bowl of Women Marines, will be -the c arsons Inspire -· .. gam~· in Pasadena, came. hflre warnhams' guest when she ar- - ·- - to look up old service friends rives. Monday on &n Inspection Farewell Party They were honored .ai a trip, They will honor he.r at RAdm. Joseph · M. CarSon, smaU cocktail party Saturday cocktails Tuesday afternoon in Comairpac . chief ot StaU, and by Col. and Ml'S, Albert Keller their quarters. Mrs. Carson Will be honored at and at a dinner .Friday.hosted

Fete-Netherlander cocktails Jau. 16 by Mr. and by the Russells. v ·

In compliment to Col. ;r. G. M. Nass~ ot the· Royal Nether- San Diego Evening Tribune, January 9, 1957. an .s ar n r s,. , a


on the depot t9:. cocktails in their qu~rters ~onday e v e. n!ng.

Gen. Bowser---commands-the Rectuit Training Command at the depot, The visiting offi. cer is touring U. S .. Marine COrps Installations to observe ~H!ng lm:thods alid h.lcH.\tle .

He left toda.y.A;o~b':Eor.o::oM ~-= rliJe Air Station.

Eugenie Sedlock Reference San Diego Evening Tribune Column

"Navy, Marine Set"


Collector Visits At Pamperin Home 1

'. Hy-EUGIGNIJ<;'SEDLOCK Coronadoans lwve

mitted ''shell maniae" midst: a"uthOr l-it' len ·K.

·tween 'Btudy, .She hRs bookS as the result Of1ho 1•111"'··'

] geraniuri1s. · Gar~eri Huok' ol 195~·

The ,Garden Gi.11ld Book C.Jub, i.15ald. Mrs. J(rauss, chO.se I 1

'book on· 'as the

tributes fo • . · !fdUt' a;Hi" a half million dollal;.s The Krau$s shell collection, to a·d(l a- .;vurg:-sa·.that more.

1 accor.c,Ung. to. its·· owner, w~s womrn studen.t~ _ r.an h~ · at­exhibited .. at th; Academy of accepted;" she said. "We now Sciences ln Philadelphia last havl:'. about 5.0 . .'>tudeJll~> and a iall. · .- ,·350 bed hospital" ·

''It's n.ot :just shell~.·· ,l;<!:ld; .. : · ......... -•..... shf;l, '"but what <·im 'be· done with them: I nlalte deep sea San Diego Evening Tribune,, February 1, 1957. marfna pictures,_ shadow boxes, i Ct;'nte.rpieces,, , · · . 1 · OnJy.NatU:t·al Color:'f . i As. wauy as 58 .sh-el)fr-+1'1~

be needed to make- one flower. . "I, use only_ their ·l'tfl:tural c o 1- or s. OM bouquet,_ quite. small, l value .at $250. N!>ne ·of

·my ·compositions goes fo~:less~ than$50." · · .:--·· I

FOr this wor!{, Mrs. i{raussl brings a- bacJ!:gt·owid of ear!yl art training. "I ust•d to do 1 painting years ago·,". Shei

· explaihe"d. · . I 1\irs. KrausS expects to addl

tp her shells 1i1 Hawaii. ".Every. one tells me I'll. be disap-· pointed," · she s_aid., .'·'ln.tt II won't. 1 ne.ver am!"

\Vomen's I'!Iedki!l Cullt~ge , Mrs .. Krauss, gt·Hndm~lllPt'i

twice,· has one other in-t~1·i.>st, which is close 1"0 her· hl:>at"t the \V'bmen's Medieal College 1

atH\ HospltaJ ot'""rennsylvania, I founded 107 yenrs· <"!go and which, .she .r.;ald, "is ihe. onl/ women's medical t•ollr~ge in Ow! westem heml!iphere. ''

In 1948, she slfl.l'ted nn a.ltxiJi.·l• ary of 20, r1ow numbering :mo, 1.o suppoi·t the t•ollege. IvlaB1!lel };JsenhoWf'l' _is llOilOI'ary_ ij,·esi'· dent ot the national l'Ommit­tee; Prinees~ f;J'I:H'e of Monaco! ls a board l~mber and her~ rriotlwr ls an active wot.ker. I _:_~Y!_ e' re ~ ~-t!:_r::!~~-~~~~_!~~-~~~:_,

Eugenie Sedlock Reference San Diego Evening Tribune Column

"Homemaking Today"

ny JI.UHJ'.Nu:,;!lmr.ocK Who says bzwheloi·s can~!

l1n~p hous~J ' · AU~11 A. Arlhm·, thQ;. new CX·

e\'l!!lVe )nanager ol ,lhe. C~)l: 'vcnlion n'I.Hl 'rotn·Jst Blll'Juu, IS

11 ha~helor who l1ecps hbllse, give~ P!ll'li~.~. n'n1i doc~n'Lmlnd

; lt~lllng ]Hill" be dot\.~ lt. "Bil[ I'm 110t. I he. do!UCR(Ic

~ Jype," hll• warn~d Yl'R\enlay·Jn hi~ Poln~ Lom11 npm•rnwnt,

; whh'h J\a~n'l \'(H'OV.H(>~l trnm 'his Tllc~nt mm•e lroin Lu.• An­geles und ,shows It hy plrlut·l'~ on tl_m floor, • • ,.

Will Chnng(l 1~1'<'1',\'lhln,; "l•:Vo:>n]IIRJiy,_ this,_", S\\"l'l'plng

an ~~-m townrrLthi' wall~. "will all tiP llnl.•br.d. J hn\'e 11 ·~<mtl ll'll'ntl· who'.~ a deeornlor. 1-\hP wll.l l'P•tll't'llllgr et·rrythlng· und! t>hllll!:ll lll!l l'OIOI'S (O Of/•ll"hl(('' ll!!rl"l'OI'Oil, '

''! h~llm·~ In h"!llinl( '111<1!>1,.: whn lmnw 1ln S111'h llilngs w .. 1

do ln'lnl."ilw~s •. ynu knGw.'' 'J')H' ]III~HI~ (If U.'ell I

whidl 11\<1~1 ln(l•\gtl!'.~ 11 .h.•l 'Alll'll l.~ l'niHI-illliinf(. I 111:'~ Wlil'l\l'fl Out ll ~ysll'ln I • femlnln<' pnrJ~··r,lvnrs ('tnllllll<• to ndvunltq:::e.

San Diego Evening Tn'bune, February 5, 1957.

Eugenie Sedlock Reference San Diego Evening Tribune Column

"Homemaking Today"


Women Too Shy . ln. Money· Matters,

By EUGENIE SEDI.OCJ\ ''Sure women l11i'ildle finances

liS \vell as men. All they 1\C!.'d Js the OJJportunHy."

It's Miss . Edna Elchl(!r spealdng. Miss E!t•hler Is ns­!'istant manager of the La Mesa brallt'h o! a San Diego bani! and she's been in banl<­lg_g !or 16 years.

'Trouble Js," ,she con. ttrlUed, "mo~t women, as JJomemnkers, 11hy away !J'om 11nancial"tleaHngs. or--course, thry h a n (!! e · househoJ(J money. But what I mean, t]1ey are afraid o[ financial matters J!!>e lQans.'' ·-.

Sometimes Are Togot-lltlr Somc1imcs, couples upply

lilgtthcl' !or bank loans, but --most often, aecortling to Miss Eichler, the 'husband comes alone.

It's a good thing, su!d the . woman banker, for wives to Jearn abOut ilnru1clal transac­tions,' They're more under-. standing· of the husband's probleJTtS ·and are prepared to take over ln ''ase of his deat!J,

National stal!stfcs indicate that women eontrol the bull' of. U.S. money, through in­heritances, family corpom­tions, arl<! tbe like. but wom­en Rl'Cn't in the fore as tar as San Diogo IS concerned, l\Ilss Elrhlet• dechlred.

Eager to Le~tnl "Most loans are lor home

Jinuncltlg, which Is normal in areas of rapid gt•owth Slkh as this,- and are arranged by men. Btlt San Diego woill· en are eager to learn how to handle money.''

Attractive blue·eyed Edna Eichler Is group chaltman o!

the San :Diego Area, Nat!on· al Assoe!at!on.-of-Bank Wom­en, an organization of wom­en bank executives,

Asked why she'd gone into banking, she thought tor a moment, then bur~rt. into a laugh. "1 reRll,l' don't know why I chose it." 5he !mid, "but I'm glad I did.

-li.JJSS EDNA EICHLER The lady is a bank~r

An Opening l•'lelcl "I'd reCommend' 1t as an

'opening' field for· Women. It's st!ll, I must admit: a predominantly m a 1-e field but more opportunllles are beginning to open to capable wometf. ·

"Many banl1s now have training programs lor wont' en employees; pt•eparlng them tor mu.re responsibility and higher paid jobs.".

Miss Eichler says she never to work out

ing plans for banlt patron~. "You can't," she states. ''Eal'h family has to do that Jor itself, It's essential, o£ course, that husband and wile

· work together in hand!lng their fu11ds.

"I don't thlnl\ parcentage type budgets are much good fot· mo.st iamili.es, but thcl'e a couple ot percentages that you cah~e as guides.

"Keep your Investment In a home to two and hal! times your nnnual Income. Hold your monUtly ·house pay. menls to one-fourth of your

take home , in-

eluding, In addition to prJn. · cipal and interest,' taxes, in­

sul'ance, utilities ·and overall maintenance.

"And save at least 10 per cent of your monthly .earn­ings. Wh.(lt you. _spend on food, clojhlng, recreation, etc., Js a matter of individu­al decision. Some spend more on one, less ori ailOth­er."

Miss Eichler's parting word on the women she deals with Is tlli~: "They're good man­aget·s, Given the opportu. nil)', they're good)!nanciers, too."

San Diego Evening Tribune, ,July 8,1957.

Sanborn Fire Maps


I 1956

Sedlock House Bibliography

Donaldson, Milford Wayne and lone Stiegler. "Historical Greater Mid-City San Diego Preservation Strategy, Architect Milford Wayne Donaldson, FAIA, Inc., & IS Architecture, 1996.

McAlester, Virginia & Lee. A Field Guide to American Houses. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, · 1986.

Sanborn Fire Maps, 1940 and 1956.

San Diego City and County Directories.

San Diego City Water Permit Department.

San Diego County Assessor's Office.

San Diego County Recorder's Office.

San Diego Evening Tribune, January 9, 1957, February 1, 1957, February 5, 1957, July 8, 1957.

San Diego Union, December 8,1929, February 19, 1933, April9, 1933, September 17, 1933, January 26, 1968, August 7, 1981, June 18, 1998. '

Sedlock, Jr., Robert. Interview March 26, 2002.
