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Strategic Partnership: Add Currency Management to Your ServicesTake advantage of our strategic partnership concept where you can add currency management to your services and simply promote the business though your professional and social activities and outsource all the currency trading management operation to us and receive an attractive, ongoing, monthly profit share from all your clients managed accounts.  We offer a partnering concept and an outsourcing solution of currency trading management giving business partners the opportunity to offer active currency trading management while allocating capital to either a fund account or direct investment of their clients' funds into their own separately managed accounts.
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MARKET TREASURY SYSTEMS Currency Trading Management
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Currency Trading Management

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We provide currency management specializing in active management strategies utilizing differe nt strategies and trading approaches that profit from positions in the currency markets with direc

t and continuous transparency and online validation of the investment value of capital.

As financial services become more and more dominated by ever larger integrated banks and oth er large financial institutions, aiming to offer a wide scope of services, there is room for a small b

outique firm with a very high level of professionalism and integrity, and a major focus on high performance active currency trading management.

Our currency trading management is designed to match the needs of our clients worldwide, be t hey private or corporate.

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W e provide a high performance active trading management service built on competence, sound relationships and actions that endeavour to reflect each clients financial requirements over time.

In order to meet the needs of sophisticated individuals who seek a more direct involvement in th e management of their wealth, we encourage a collaborative relationship and facilitate a high lev

el of client interaction.

Our proprietary trading platforms enable us to compare trading opportunities across a combinati on of multi-faceted short term tradin g and longer term directional trading systems and manage t

hese opportunities with discretionary trading decision making and risk evaluation.

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Market Treasury Systems is a diversified strategy and trading systems allocation and risk manag ement program, based on our proprietary arbitrage trading systems and a composite portfolio of

multiple trading systems.

The trading managers investment approach encompasses currency allocation, system selection and portfolio construction, integrated with discretionary trading management and implementati


Proprietary tools allow the trading manager to test various portfolios, assigning weights tosystems with differentiated strategies , so as to maximize the consistency of returns and diversify

the level of risk.

Diversification is achieved through the construction of a portfolio of diverse systems which provide attractive returns and whose differences contribute to risk diversification.

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Our currency trading management is structured to be dynamic in nature, continually revised and updated and designed to deliver the optimal expected return for the client’s level of risk

tolerance and can be scaled to the risk profile selected by the client.

We are an independent and focused trading management operation. Plus, we are able to draw u pon considerable resources to offer a full complement of services.

We e mbrace the philosophy of working in partnership with other service providers who can provi de specific expertise and we continually search for the best talent across the full range of a netw ork of independent traders, analysts and trading systems worldwide and draw on our industry co

ntacts that provide investment ideas and perspectives from around the globe.

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The investment programs are a proprietary approach combining a unique blend of momentum, v olatility and trend identification components to enter and exit positions. In addition, a comprehen

sive risk management system is integrated within the program with the objective of reducing ove rall portfolio volatility and generating superior risk adjusted returns.

The trading manager aims to keep the portfolio as diversified and as consistent as possible. The t echnical trading strategies use price information to generate entry and exit points and follows de

cision making models to purchase, sell and establish profit and stop loss points. Intelligent and ef fective risk management is a core component of each strategy.

O ur portfolio system approach executes trades based on different parameters and market condit ions and provides the potential to better capitalize on differences in market movement - either o n the long or short side of the market. Some systems perform well during a market that is

trending, and other systems capitalize on trading opportunities during sideways or choppy markets.

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The trading manager takes an active approach, constantly evaluating market conditions to be ab le to dynamically allocate weightings between the multiple components contained within the por

tfolio by utilizing different trading approaches: breakout opportunities, range trading, momentu m trading and dynamic carry, and managing these components in short- term time horizons, whil

e using longer term systems to stabilize the short term volatility.

The trading manager selects the systems and individual strategies over different time frames so that ideally, we would have 5-20 strategies working in tandem, each performing very well on thei

r own, but in c ombination maximizing the return on the account while maintaining a minimum drawdown.

Our trading managers specialize in system selection, development and proper execution and are dedicated to the development and discovery of new systems, tracking existing systems and

selecting the most consistent, best performing systems available.

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The currency market is growing rapidly, increasing in volume over 600% in the last 10 years alone.

This rapid growth has fuelled a market where $3.2 trillion in volume is traded on a daily basis.

The Euro currency alone is traded at a level of over 5 times the entire NYSE.

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Separate managed accounts will be managed with absolute, systematic discipline and are specially designed to maximize use of capital and liquidity.

Strategies consist of the setting of risk parameters and the setting of per trade risk filters and an ongoing process of monitoring and responding to changing circumstances.

M anaged accounts are customized to deliver superior risk a djusted returns and positioned alongs ide our proprietary accounts and experience the same real- time portfolio monitoring and risk ma


Capital can even be considered as a liquid investment. It can be stated clearly that liquidity is not a risk factor in this investment. There are very few other investments that can boast such near

cash equivalents.

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  A typical trading account is spread across a diversified portfolio of global currencies and the prim ary focus is opportunistic investment trading, generating profits from both upswings and downtur

ns in the currency and precious metals markets. 

The trading managers will select from a range of systems, blend them and adjust them as require d to meet investment objectives.

The trading management specializes in system selection, development and proper execution an d is dedicated to the development and discovery of new systems, tracking existing systems and

selecting the most consistent, best performing systems available so as to diversify and improve o ur risk to r eward ratios and incorporate this technology into our proprietary trading and separate

managed accounts.

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No setup fees on funds submitted to opening an account.

No management fees on the account.

Account holder has 24/7 viewing on account.

Account holder has the ability to stop trading of the account.

Account holder has the ability to withdraw a portion or the total of the account within 24 hours (business days only) after notification.

A performance fee is charged only when a new net profit is realized.

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S eparate managed accounts are fully transparent.

H ighly liquid.

N o lock- in period – verbal 12 month commitment only.

Diversified - multiple strategies and multiple markets.

P rivate and secure - custody of investment funds with AAA banks and regulated brokers.

A udited accounts by independent accounting firm.

W ithdrawals can only be made by the investor.

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The objective of Market Treasury Systems (Diversified Program) is to generate attractive risk adjusted absolute returns through active positions, in a restricted universe of highly liquid


To deliver on this objective the currency programs achieve diversification by the use of numerous currency strategies each with different, but complementary, philosophies and


The aim of the programs is to capture medium term trends in the currency market as well as adding value in non-directional markets where short-term trends and trend-reversals can be

prevalent (an environment typically presenting traditional currency strategies with challenging trading conditions).

The currencies currently traded in these programs are USD, JPY, EUR, GBP, CHF, NZD, CAD and AUD.

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In our currency management clients have full transparency and can see their investment value and account performance online at all times.

Our account reporting provides clients with their updated statement when required.

Each client can request current, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual statements at any ti me through the trading system.

The statements are generated online and available for hard copy printout.

With separate managed accounts the owner of the account has the only authority and the compl ete control over withdrawals from the account and can view online statements at any time.

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Risk management is an essential part of our process and is rigorously applied both in the portfolio construction phase via risk diversification and through stop- loss rules.

Risk is monitored through a systematic policy of drawdown limits, risk analysis and applied leverage, and markets are constantly monitored in real- time in order to allow us to dynamically adjust

positions to reflect significant changes in market risk.

Risk from a macro perspective is limited to no more than potential gain on a monthly basis.

Because we allocate risk across a number of currency pairs and by overlaying and blending strategies using a portfolio of different philosophies and objectives, investors achieve greater diversification and we are generally able to provide higher returns with less drawdown than

other trading programs.

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 Market Treasury Systems f und m anager pl     atform allows the trading manager the capability to m anage multiple accounts on one platform with a percentage allocation scheme.

The trading manager can execute large orders and the profit or loss from the trade is allocated ac ross the accounts on a percentage basis that is the ratio of individual account equity to the total a

mount managed.

      Our percentage allocation platform enables clients to start with smaller account balances to parti   cipate in our professionally managed trading programs without having to commit large sums unti

 l they are satisfied with the performance.

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With our percentage allocation platform the client is able to participate in trades regardless of ac count size.

Each account gets a “piece” of the trade, and the profit and/ or loss realized from the trade is auto matically allocated to individual accounts based on the percentage of assets in the account relati

ve to the total combined assets in all the accounts.

With our percentage allocation platform clients get the benefit of combined trading power based on their cumulative equity, while retaining their individual accounts with no commingling of


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Security and custody of funds is provided by holding investment capital in separate accounts wit h regulated brokers in Switzerland or the clients’   choice of international private bank.

Clients are assured that our clearing brokers consistently meet the strictest standards of financia l stability and proper handling of client funds.

Our brokers based in Switzerland holding customers funds are obliged to adhere to the regulator y standards of the Swiss financial authorities and must follow precise due diligence procedures a

nd trading practices.  

Swiss regulation guarantees that brokerage accounts are audited to ensure solvency and propercapitalization, as well as proper handling of customer accounts. Our clearing brokers’ accounts ar

e audited by well r ecognized accounting firms. 

Our Swiss brokerage accounts are held with AAA rated banks; UBS, Credit Suisse, HSBC, etc.

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Robert Nash is the Head     of Trading Management and has been managing accounts for corporate and private clients, alternative investment funds and proprietary trading operations for the past

17 years.

In January 2008,   Robert left a Private Bank where he was the trading director of the managed cur rency portfolios of private banking clients to manage a private hedge fund for investment compa

ny Merysa SA and develop a separate account currency management operation for corporate an d private clients.

Prior to 2006, Robert spent seven years managing discretionary trading accounts with the Refco global brokerage firm, managing over USD 50 million. Clients included three hedge funds; Bluest

one Services Limited, Powerhouse Corporate Holdings LLC and Bond Securities Holdings Limited.

Between 1991 and 1999 Robert was the director of proprietary trading company CTP Capital Tra ding Pty Limited and trading manager for Capital Trading Partners.

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In many cases, we manage all or most of our clients money, which implies a high degree of trust. It also invests us with a greater fiduciary responsibility, one that emphasizes absolute rather than

relative performance.

We remain operationally independent and, therefore, have no conflicts of interest or no external pressure put upon us.

We seek to preserve and increase the value of our clients’ portfolios within agreed risk paramete rs and suitable timeframes.

In addition, experience has taught us that our best source of new business is referrals from client s and professionals who understand our values and investment perspective.

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Representatives are located in Geneva , London, New York, Dubai, Madrid, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Mexico City. The hub of our trading operation is managed from Singapore.

Investment Managers Office: Level 15 Prudential Tower 30 Cecil Street Singapore.

Call + 1-831-677-7951 and a local representative will call back.

Email: [email protected]
