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Roberts (2002)-Role of Computers in Restructuring

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    This thesis copy is a reading copy made available by the author.

    "In life we make the best mistakes we know how to make.

    Then, with luck, we go out and make new ones."

    Joan Oliver Goldsmith,How Can We Keeping from Singing? (Norton)

    The very aim and end of our institutions is just this:

    that we may think what we like and say what we think.

    Oliver Wendell Holmes

    It's not that I'm so smart it's just that I stay with problems longer.

    Albert Einstein

    "The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages

    are perpetuated by quotations."

    Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield (1804-1881)

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    This study explored how educators can more effectively use computer

    technology to meet the needs of 21st

    century students. David Jonassen proposes

    that the effectiveness of computers as instructional tools depends upon how they

    are used. An exploratory meta-analysis was performed to examine the relationship

    between instructional technique and computer use and their combined effect on

    student achievement. The results suggest that the instructional technique of

    collaborative learning, in conjunction with the use of computers as a tool,

    facilitates learning better than any other such combination of variables

    investigated. Additionally, the findings support Jonassens theory that the way

    computers are used in instruction determines the extent to which they affect

    learning. Further, computers used as MindTools had the largest effect on student

    achievement of all methodologies included in the meta-analysis. Finally, the

    findings suggest that computers greatest impact on student achievement seems to

    occur among students in grades 6 12.

    Robin Michael RobertsDecember 2002

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    Robin Michael Roberts

    A thesis

    submitted in partial

    fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

    Master of Artsin Education

    in the Kremen School of Education and Human Development

    California State University, Fresno

    December 2002

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    2002 Robin Michael Roberts

    All Rights Reserved

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    For the Department of Curriculum and Instruction:

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    Permission to reproduce this thesis in part or in its entirety must be obtained from

    the author.

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    This thesis has been what might be termed an exercise in actuality: doing

    what one is studying. Collaborative computing is both studied and practiced in the

    present study. One person cannot complete a study like this alone. Thus, I found

    myself collaborating with a number of peopleyet nearly always within the

    context of larger groups. In most cases, there we re three members in each group

    that participated with me in this endeavor. I would like to thank those individuals

    and the groups of which they were a part:

    First, my three thesis advisors deserve a great deal of the credit for bringing

    this thesis to its present form. Dr. Roy Bohlin and his wife Dr. Carol Fry Bohlin,

    and Dr. Susan Tracz provided encouragement, insight, and information when

    needed and pushed me to greater economy of prose and clarity of organization.

    Roy Bohlin, especially, has been a good friend and teacher for five years and

    shares with me whatever rewards accrue from the finished product.

    Secondly, three professors not on my thesis committee played important

    parts in the early development of this thesis: Dr. Susan Harris, Dr. Sharon Brown-

    Welty, and Dr. Ron Unruh. Each of them, in their classes, provided the

    opportunity, motivation, and training for much of what eventually became the

    review of literature. In addition, each also provided, in different ways,

    encouragement and support long after the last day I attended their class.

    Three projects provided financial and collegial support during the time I

    was engaged in writing and researching this study: The San Joaquin Valley

    History-Social Science Project, the Teaching And Leading for Educational Needs

    with Technology (TALENT) Project, both at California State University, Fresno

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    and the Teacher-Researcher Initiative Project (TRIP) at the University of

    California, Los Angeles.

    Collaboration also took place within more informal, social contexts. Three

    colleagues at Pioneer Middle School in Hanford acted as sounding boards for

    ideas, discussion partners, and emotional releases for the stresses inevitably

    associated with looming deadlines: Rich Callaghan, Principal of Pioneer Middle

    School provided encouragement and flexibility in scheduling that allowed me to

    physically meet many of these deadlines. Laurie Goodman, Literacy Mentor at

    Pioneer Middle School, read parts of the literature review and served as a peer

    evaluator and sounding board for many ideas. My classroom aide, Miguel

    Rodriguez, took on extra duties to allow me to work on portions of the meta-

    analysis and listened sympathetically when things werent working right.

    The Three Musketeers created a mutual support group for ourselves.

    Henry Placenti and Sopheak Real joined me in running the twin gauntlets of red

    tape and deadlines to finish our programs together. The time was more special for

    sharing it with these two good friends.

    My family provided support throughout the 5 years I spent pursuing my

    studies. During that time I spent far less time with them than they deserved, but

    still they managed to assist me in numerous ways. My wife, Sylvia, who has been

    through this process herself, served as the main collaborator for every idea that

    germinated whilst I pursued my degree program. My eldest daughter, Terra, has

    joined me at CSU, Fresnowhat fun to attend the same college as your child. Myyoungest daughter, Tamara, began her college career at West Hills during the last

    semester in which this thesis was completed.

    Lastly, three individuals who are not associated with each other also played

    small parts in the process leading to completion of my studies: Mark Cave, D.D.S.,

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    my best friend, was a good companion and leant his considerable intellect to the

    discussion of several key aspects of the study. My parents, Joe and Maureen

    Roberts, remained interested in my education even though they have long since

    fulfilled any responsibilities they had for it.

    Finally, I wish to thank Kathleen Vandermeer, of the CSUF Graduate Office

    for her knowledgeable and skillful editing of the manuscript. She went above and

    beyond to see that it was worthy of everyone above and of the university whose

    name is on the cover.

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    LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

    LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi


    1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    Relevance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    Purpose of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Design of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    2. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Causative Factors for the 21st

    Century Educational Imperative . . 8

    Characteristics of 21st

    Century Students . . . . . . . . 18

    School Restructuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    The Role of Computer Technology . . . . . . . . . 26

    Computer Use Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    Instructional Techniques Categories . . . . . . . . . 33

    Restatement of the Research Question. . . . . . . . . 33

    3. METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    Design of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    Limitations of t he Study . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

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    Chapter Page

    4. RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

    Individual Study Results . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

    Results of the Meta-Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 68

    5. DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

    Controlling for Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

    Accounting for Heterogeneity . . . . . . . . . . . 75

    What Effect Size Estimates Represent . . . . . . . . 83

    6. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

    Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

    Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

    Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

    Implications of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

    Recommendations for Further Research . . . . . . . . 97

    REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

    APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

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    Table Page

    1. Categories of Instructional Use of Computer Technology . . . . 34

    2. Computer Use (CU) Coding Guide . . . . . . . . . . 47

    3. Instructional Technique (IT) Coding Guide . . . . . . . . 47

    4. Included Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

    5. Number of Included Studies by Year of Publication. . . . . . 52

    6. Number of Studies per Subject Age Group . . . . . . . . 52

    7. Independent and Dependent Variables for Each Study . . . . . 53

    8. Study Independent Variable CU: Computer Use by Year . . . . 55

    9. Study Independent Variable IT: Instructional Technique by Year . . 55

    10. Notation and Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

    11. Complete Individual Study Statistics . . . . . . . . . . 67

    12. Meta-Analysis Overall and Sub-Group Statistics: Standardized MeanDifference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

    13. Binomial Effect Size Display (BESD) for Al l Studies and Sub-Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

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    Figure Page

    1. Intervention variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

    2. Interaction variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

    3. Interaction in the meta-analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 76

    4. Intervention in the meta-analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 77

    5. Multiple interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

    6. Graphic depiction of standardized mean difference . . . . . . 84

    7. Overall mean effect of computers . . . . . . . . . . . 84

    8. Mean effect of collaborative learning . . . . . . . . . . 85

    9. The overall mean effect of computers used as tools . . . . . . 86

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    Chapter 1


    In recent years, education has experienced an influx of computers into the

    classroom. The presence of this new technology has caused many to ask how

    computers might best be used to facilitate learning. Many studies have been

    conducted that have found that classroom computer use contributes to learning (de

    Jong & van Jooligan, 1998; Gerlic & Jarusovec, 1999; Ku & Sullivan, 2000;

    Kulik, Kulik, & Cohen, 1980; Shaffer & Hannefin, 1986). Other studies have

    found no significant computer-related effect on classroom performance (Barry &

    Runyan, 1995; Clark, 1983, 1994; McClure, 1996; Russell, 1999; Wilson, 1996).

    Some studies have found that computer use leads to poorer performance on

    measures of learning (Brook & Boal, 1995; Healy, 1998; Wenglinsky, 1998).

    These conflicting results make it difficult to assess the instructional value of


    A number of hypotheses have been developed to explain the range of

    findings obtained from studies of classroom computer use. One such hypothesis,

    developed by Jonassen (1996, 2000), suggests that it is not the computer itself that

    is responsible for differences in learning, but how the computer is used. While

    there is currently little empirical evidence to support Jonassens theory, it has

    received favorable attention from many educators.

    Relevance of the Study

    Beyond the presence of computers in the classroom, the advent of the 21st

    century has occasioned another series of questions about the best way to prepare

    students for this new century. A number of educators as well as political groups

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    have questioned whether the current American school system is meeting the

    educational needs of 21st century students (Carnegie Forum on Education and the

    Economy, 1986; Eastin, 1999; Institute for Learning Technologies, 1999; Layton,

    2000; National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983; Selfe, 1999; Smith

    & Curtin, 1998;). Among the reasons cited for this concern are the shift from an

    industrial age economy to a knowledge economy (Bowman, 1996; D'Agnese,

    2000; Perelman, 1992; Poster, 1990; The Secretarys Commission on Achieving

    Necessary Skills, 1991; Tapscott, 1996; Tapscott & Caston, 1993; Thornburg,

    1996), the effects of an emerging postmodern culture (Bell, 1973; Best & Kellner,

    1997; Kuhn, 1970), and new understandings of learning (Pinker, 1997; Sprenger,


    Recent attempts at restructuring schools to address these emerging needs

    have yielded mixed results, and the question of which restructuring strategies

    might meet those needs remains unresolved (Knapp & Glenn, 1996; Oblinger &

    Rush, 1998). This unresolved question is compounded by a lack of evidence for

    the best directions that school restructuring should take (Knapp & Glenn, 1996;

    Mehlenger, 1995; Oppenheimer, 1997; Perelman, 1992; Pogrow, 1996; Shouse &

    Mussoline, 1999).

    Some researchers have suggested that computers might be an important part

    of meeting the educational needs of students in the 21st century (Bohlin, 1997;

    Jonassen, 2000; Knapp & Glenn, 1996; Schlechty, 1997; Tapscott, 1996;

    Thornburg, 1996). A primary reason for this suggestion is the central role thatcomputers play in current and future economies (Gershenfeld, 1999; Kaku, 1997;

    OReilly, 2000; Patterson, 1996; Simon, 1999). This central role highlights the

    view of some educators that computers are not being used effectively in American

    education (Charp, 2002; Mayers & Swafford, 1998; Ulmer, 1995).

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    Purpose of the Study

    The purpose of this study was to explore ways in which educators can more

    effectively use computer technology to meet the needs of 21st century students.

    This can be partially accomplished by answering the following questions: Which

    use of computer technology leads to the greatest student achievement? Is there a

    particular instructional technique that, when applied to the use of computers in

    education, contributes to greater student achievement? Taken together, these two

    questions formed the guiding research question for this study: Is there one

    combination of computer use and instructional technique that appears to be most

    effective in maximizing student achievement? Along with answering this

    question, this study will add to the research base on Jonassens theories.

    Design of the Study

    In light of the large number of studies that exist that address either the

    effects of computers or instructional techniques on student achievement, it seems

    possible that the answer to the guiding research question posed above might be

    discovered among the results of those studies. Consequently, this study applied

    the technique of meta-analysis to a convenient sample of those studies gathered

    from the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) database to derive a

    preliminary answer to this research question.

    The studies comprising the sample were placed in sub-groupings based on

    computer use and instructional technique. The data from each study were

    subjected to statistical analysis to derive an estimator of effect size d, thestandardized mean difference (Cohen, 1977). Homogeneity ?

    2(Rosenthal, 1991a)

    for each subgroup was tested to measure the impact of influences other than the

    independent variables on the effect sizes. The fail-safe N (Orwin, 1983) was

    calculated to determine the adequacy of each sample subgroup. These results

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    Inclusion criteria (eligibility criteria): Conditions that must be met by a primary

    study in order for it to be included in the research synthesis (Cooper &

    Hedges, 1994, p. 534).

    Moderator variable: Any factor that influences the size of a particular relationship

    and is itself not a consequence of the relationship (Cooper & Hedges,

    1994, p. 537).

    Overall effect size: The effect size derived from statistically combining a sample

    population comprised of individual effect sizes from various single studies.

    Study population: The actual group of extant studies from which the study sample

    was selected.

    Study sample: The ensemble of studies that are used in the review and that

    provide the effect size data used in the research synthesis (Hedges, 1994a,

    p. 30). See between-studies sample size.

    Transformation: The application of some arithmetic principle to a set of

    observations to convert the scale of measurement to one with more

    desirable characteristics (Cooper & Hedges, 1994, p. 542).

    Universe: The hypothetical collection of studies that could be conducted in

    principle and about which we wish to generalize (Hedges, 1994a, p. 30).

    It can be thought of as a collection ofensembles of studies. Hunt (1997)

    differentiates between a universe of studies of a phenomenon and the

    universe of actual instances of that phenomenon. Since it is unlikely that

    every study ever conducted on a given phenomenon would be identicalwith the number of instances of that phenomenon, even a study sample (see

    above) comprised of every extant study of a given phenomenon represents

    only a sample of the actual instances of the phenomenon (p. 57). In

    addition, since the actual extant collection of studies on any given

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    phenomenon rarely remains static for long, the search for a comprehensive

    meta-analysis is an illusory one.

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    Chapter 2



    This review of literature falls largely within the bounds of a relatively new

    approach to evaluating the effects of information technologies upon human beings,

    particularly those human beings within a societal context. Called social

    informatics, Kling, Crawford, Rosenbaum, Sawyer, and Weisband (2000) define it

    as the interdisciplinary study of the design, uses and consequences of ICTs

    [information and communication technologies] that takes into account their

    interaction with institutional and cultural contexts. Perhaps the most

    comprehensive example of social informatics is the three-volume series by

    Castells (1996, 1997, 1998) entitled The Information Age: Economy, Society and

    Culture. Castellss work centers around the idea of the bipolar opposition of the

    Net and Self (1996, p. 3) as the organizing feature of a networked new century. In

    his view, social changes and technological changes are always intimately related

    by virtue of their interaction vis visproduction and development. As he puts it:

    A new society emerges when and if a structural transformation can be observed

    in the relationships of production, in the relationships of power, and in the

    relationships of experience (1998, p. 340).

    This literature review examines three causative factors that have combinedto help create a new educational imperative for schools, followed by an overview

    of recent studies on school restructuring and a similar look at the recent use of

    computers in schools. Finally, categories of instructional technique and computer

    use are derived for use in the meta-analysis to follow.

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    Causative Factors for the 21st CenturyEducational Imperative

    Moving From the Industrial Age

    to the Information Age

    The industrial economy of the 19th and early 20th centuries has

    transitioned into what has been called the Information Age (Lubar, 1993;

    Machlup, 1962). Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives

    said, upon taking office in 1995, that

    the most accurate analogy to what is happening to us now is to look at theperiod between 1770 and 1800, when America was changing from a ruralto a manufacturing society. What is happening to us nowthe transitionfrom the industrial era . . . is forcing us to ask very similar questions aboutourselves. (quoted in Tapscott, 1996, p. 2)

    A number of writers have suggested that the latter decades of the 20th

    century exhibited the characteristics of what Thomas Kuhn (1970) called a

    paradigm shift (e.g., Castells, 1996, 1997, 1998; Ronfeldt, 1996; Strackbein,

    2001; Toffler, 1991; Toffler & Toffler, 1993). Toffler (1991) argues that this

    period of time represents a third wavean information revolution which

    succeeds the agricultural and industrial revolutions as the next important wave in

    human history. Among the characteristics attributed to this new information age

    are the centrality of digital computing technologies (Negroponte, 1995), an

    increase in the pace of change (Drexler, 1987; Minsky, 1985), the information

    float (Thornburg 1996), information overload (Besser, 1995), and the network as

    metaphor for the age (Castells 1996, 1997, 1998).

    Negroponte (1995), in comparing the Industrial Revolution and theInformation Revolution, suggests that the former was a period in which society

    learned how to process, sort, rearrange, recombine, and transport atoms in

    unprecedented fashion (p. 5). The Information Age, on the other hand, processes

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    bits(data) rather than atoms. Negroponte goes on to point out that the atom is the

    fundamental unit of matter and the bit is the fundamental unit of information.

    One ramification of the move from atoms to bits is that groups of bits can

    generally be moved more quickly and easily than groups of atoms. Thornburg

    (1996) observes that this causes not just a change in speed but also a change in the

    rate of change (as the power of computing devices that control and move bits

    increase according to Moores and Metcalfs laws) (Drexler, 1987; Morovec,

    1988). Minsky, in his influential bookSociety of Mind(1985), calls it the law of

    accelerating returnsa phenomenon marked by technological change occurring

    as an exponential extension of Moores law. The resulting acceleration in the pace

    of change creates two phenomena that are unique to the Information Age: the

    volume of information doubles every 18-24 months; while the shrinkage or

    collapse of the information float(the time lag between a discovery and its

    application) decreases (Thornburg, 1996).

    The digital computer is the prime mover of these bits of information, but its

    ability to move them depends on being physically connected to other computers

    that is, networked. Dewar (1998) suggests that no invention since the printing

    press has had as profound an effect on world society as have networked

    computers: There has only been one comparable event i n the recorded history of

    communicationsthe printing press. It was the first true one-to-many

    communications medium, and no change since has been as dramatic as networked

    computers (p. 3).The importance of the networked computer is echoed by a number of

    theorists who suggest that the best metaphor for the information age is the network

    (Castells, 1996, 1997, 1998; Ronfeldt, 1996; Strackbein, 2001). Ronfeldt (1996)

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    sees the network as the next stage in the progression of societal forms that started

    with tribes and moved through hierarchies to markets.

    Postmodern Society

    The term Postmodernism is applied, generally, to the corpus of ideas

    surrounding a new philosophy which started as a movement within the art

    community in the early half of the 20th century. It may have its genesis in the

    rapidity and fecundity of technological innovation. Jean Francois Lyotard (1984),

    one of the leading theorists of the postmodern condition, opens his seminal

    book, The Postmodern Condition , by tying the causes of postmodernism to

    modern technology:

    Our working hypothesis is that the status of knowledge is altered associeties enter what is known as the postindustrial age and cultures enterwhat is known as the postmodern age. . . . the miniaturization andcommercialization of machines is already changing the way in whichlearning is acquired, classified, made available, and exploited. . . . Thenature of knowledge cannot survive unchanged within this context ofgeneral transformation. It can fit into the new channels, and becomeoperational, only if learning is translated into quantities of information.

    (p. 1)Hlynka (1995) agrees with Lyotard that technology is an integral part of the post-

    modern dilemma (p. 118).

    Johnson-Eilola (1998) believes that the 21st century transition from modern

    to postmodern has created a dichotomous culture formed from the last of the

    modern generation and the first of the postmodern generation:

    Those of us raised in the modernist first world tend to deride the second,

    postmodernist world as superficial, artificial, and dehumanizing . . . Wehave lived through the shift, and are unfamiliar and uneasy (at best) withwhat we experience. (pp. 185-186)

    The modern world Johnson-Eilola speaks of sees each generation as a link

    in a chain from past to present. The modern world orients itself by where it has

    been and sees the present as a preparation for passing the past on to the future.

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    The post-modern world, as Johnson-Eilola sees it, lives on the surface,

    constantly stimulated from multiple directions simultaneously, and orients itself to

    itself. It is characterized by the ability to process multiple streams of

    information simultaneously and the propensity to experiment in free-form, ill-

    defined problem domains (p. 191).

    For the post-modernist, there are no universal truths, no depth, and no

    differentiation between appearance and substance (Hlynka, 1995). Learning, then,

    is done on-the-fly, as needed, and then discarded, because without a temporal

    anchor (supplied by the past) there is no reason to retain it for the future.

    The Knowledge Economy

    Workers in an information age economy need skills that differ from those

    required by an industrial age economy (Benjamin, 1998; Castells, 1996). This

    emerging economy revolves around the manipulation of information rather than of

    objects, but even that structure itself is beginning to change. According to Brown

    and Duguid (2000) and Tapscott (1996), the information economy is in the process

    of becoming the knowledge economy. Drucker (1969), Demming (2000), and

    Senge (1990) have all advocated that the basic economic resource of todays

    economy is not labor or capital, but knowledge.

    The knowledge economy worker. The workers in a knowledge economy

    will need to be better educated than either their industrial age or their

    information age predecessors (Nax, 1996). They will need to be knowledgeworkers. A knowledge worker is a person who puts to use facts, ideas, theories,

    beliefs, and supposed forms of knowledge to produce a product" (Schlechty, 1997,

    p. 37). In other words, the worker in a knowledge economy uses information

    rather than possesses it. Unlike an industrial age worker whose primary task was

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    to contribute to the production ofsomething (a physical object), the knowledge

    worker produces an idea or the application thereof (Tapscott, 1996). This is not

    unlike what academicians and researchers do.

    Knowledge workers are the most vital resource in a 21st century company

    (Microsoft, 1999) but their productivity depends on how both they and the

    knowledge they use and create are managed (Gates, 1999). Computer technology

    is both the imperative for, and the instrument of, a successful knowledge

    economy. The ability to capture information, knowledge, and data has far

    outstripped peoples ability to absorb and analyze this information in a focused

    way (Gates, 1999, p. 2). This means that computers must take on much of the

    task of dealing with the overabundance. Keith Bogg, quoted in Gates (1999), says

    that people should use their intelligence to deal only with the exceptions [to

    repetitive, non-thinking work], letting computers make decisions about everything

    else (p. 223; see also Davis & Meyer, 1998). Tapscott (1996) suggests that this is

    as true for the educational world as it is for the business world.

    The learning organization. The foregoing suggests that 21st century

    students will need more than the traditional three Rs to be viable members of a

    knowledge economy. As future knowledge workers they will need to know how

    to learn whatever it is that is needed to apply analyzed information in useful and

    creative ways. Senge (1990) conceptualizes the 21st century company as a

    learning organization. According to Senge, learning is both an individual and a

    team effort and means, in the context of the learning organization, expanding the

    ability to produce results we truly want in life (p. 142). Integral to the success of

    the learning organization is the concept of creative tension (p. 154). It is what

    stimulates the learning and drives the productivity.

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    If knowledge management and learning organizations are to be hallmarks

    of business in the economic world of the next generation, it seems likely that those

    businesses will expect the schools to follow suit.

    Apart from the way societal changes wrought by information technology

    and the differing demands of a knowledge economy give rise to changes in the

    way 21st century students are educated, new understandings about the way people

    learn suggest that some past educational practices may not be as effective as

    previously thought.

    New Understandings of Learning

    Overview. The 21st century brings with it new understandings of

    knowledge and learning, deriving primarily from cognitive science and the study

    of the brain. The idea of brain-based learning seems redundant, as educators have

    known for quite a while that the brain was involved in learning, but scientific

    discoveriesmade possible by new technological developmentshave generated

    new thoughts regarding how that learning takes place.

    Cognitive science. In general, cognitive science is defined as the

    interdisciplinary study of the mind and intelligence which attempts to further the

    understanding of intelligent activities and the nature of thought (Audi, 1995).

    Theories within cognitive science can be classified into three broad categories

    (Lehrer, 1990): Connectionism, Symbolicism, andDynamism (Dynamical

    Systems). The first, Connectionism, uses a systems or network model in its

    approach to explaining cognition. The second, Symbolicism, uses a semantic or

    symbolic language processing model in its attempt to explain thinking processes.

    The last, Dynamical Systems, takes a mathematical view of cognitive behavior.

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    These broad categories all have at least two things in common: the recognition

    that cognition is a process, and an approach to the problem from the point of view

    of one particular discipline, i.e., computational systems, language processing, or


    Connectionism is a computational approach to understanding the function

    of the brain. It sees cognitive processes as consisting of interconnections which

    take place between nerve cells in a vast network. In this sense, it parallels the

    discoveries made by recent research into the physical functioning of the brain. It

    is based on the hypothesis that the mind is a type of computer whose functions can

    be reduced to algorithms (Bechtel, 1987; Bechtel & Abrahamsen, 1990; Cotrell &

    Small, 1983; Rumelhart, McClelland, & The PDP Research Group, 1986). Brain-

    based learning (Jensen, 1998; Pinker, 1997) is the instructional method most

    closely associated with connectionism.

    Symbolicism (Classicism) is a semantic modeling approach to cognition.

    Central to this model is the belief that symbolic language processing best explains

    the functions of the mind. It grew out of research in artificial intelligence (Minsky

    & Papert, 1969) and Chomskys (1957) ground-breaking work in syntactical

    structures for linguistics. Representative of this approach is the Physical Systems

    Symbol hypothesis of Newell and Simon (1976).

    The theory ofDynamical systems , the most recently developed of these

    categories, attempts to explain the behavior of the brain through treating it as a

    complex system and employs differential and difference equations to explain it.This approach had been used for analysis ofany complex system prior to its

    application to cognitive science. Van Gelder and Port (1995) have developed the

    view that natural cognitive systems are a kind of dynamic system and thus are best

    understood from the perspective of dynamics. In so doing, Van Gelder and Port

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    reject the validity of both the connectionist and symbolic schools of thought

    (which, in turn, reject the claims of dynamicism as well as the claims of the other).

    Functionalism is the view that the essential property of a component is its

    role in relating inputs to outputs and to other components. This is integral to any

    systems or network view. Ned Block (1980) recognizes three types of

    functionalism:Decompositional functionalism, Computation-representation

    functionalism, and Meta-physical functionalism.

    Decompositional functionalism, which is primarily a methodology

    (Eliasmith, 1996), explains any system in terms of the functionality of its

    components parts (i.e., the entire system is the sum of its parts, the parts'

    functionality, and the relationship of the parts to every other component).

    Computation-representation functionalism (Block, 1980) adheres to the

    mind-as-computer analogy. The mind is a computer and as such, mental processes

    are decomposable to the point where they are thought of as simply instantiations

    of a digital computer (e.g., the Turing machine). Computation-representation

    functionalism is a special case of decompositional functionalism and is more a

    theory of mind than a methodology.

    Meta-physical functionalism (Block, 1980) is a theory of mind which sees

    cognition as a mental state or a functional state. The actual physical

    implementation of the processes are irrelevant to what makes a mind; only the

    functional relations matter. In other words, understanding how the brain itself

    works is less important than understanding how the mindworksat least foreducators. However, recent discoveries regarding the way the brain physically

    functions suggest that there are some things that educators can do to facilitate the

    thinking that the mind does.

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    Brain research. In the late 19th century a connection between thinking and

    neurons was posited by Spencer (1872), Meynert (1884), James (1890), and Freud

    (1895). Later, researchers such as Lashley (1929), Rashovsky (1938), and others

    expanded on this earlier work. Modern brain research, in turn, builds upon that


    Brain research is concerned with thephysical processes that take place

    when the brain thinks or learns. Brain-based learning, on the other hand, is

    concerned with the instructional strategies that facilitate the way the mind learns

    by supporting the physical processes used by the brain (Sprenger, 1999).

    Physically, the brain is what might best be described as a neural-network (Pinker,

    1997). What happens chemically and electrically in the brain is only now being

    understoodprimarily as the result of newer technologies that allow scientists to

    observe the process. What is known suggests that the brain learns by creating

    electro-chemical connections that represent, in some way not currently

    understood, meaning and memory. These connections can be invoked, again

    through a process which is only beginning to be understood, so as to reproduce in

    the mind the meanings and memories stored in those connections (Jensen, 1998)

    According to Robin and Malkas (2000), the learning theory associated with

    brain research is based on the structure and function of the brain. Integral to this is

    the idea that as long as the brain is not prohibited from fulfilling its normal

    processes, learning will occur. The Core Principles of brain-based learning are the

    following (Robin & Malkas, 2000):1. The brain is a parallel processor, meaning it can perform several

    activities at once, like tasting and smelling.

    2. Learning engages the whole physiology.

    3. The search for meaning is innate.

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    4. The search for meaning comes through patterning.

    5. Emotions are critical to patterning.

    6. The brain processes wholes and parts simultaneously.

    7. Learning involves both focused attention and peripheral perception.

    8. Learning involves both conscious and unconscious processes.

    9. We have two type of memory: spatial and rote.

    10.We understand best when facts are embedded in natural spatial


    11.Learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by threat.

    12.Each brain is unique.

    Thus, people learn best when solving realistic problems (contextual learning), and

    the big picture cant be separated from the details (holistic learning). Because

    every brain is different, one implication is that educators should allow learners to

    customize their own learning environments. This suggests that teachers may want

    to design learning around student interests and make learning contextual.

    Educators should let students learn in teams and use peripheral learning. Learning

    experiences should be structured around real problems, encouraging students to

    also learn in settings outside the classroom and the school building (Blumenfeld,

    et al.,1991; Chard, 1998).

    There are the three instructional techniques primarily associated with brain-

    based learning: The first is orchestrated immersion in which learning

    environments are created that fully immerse students in an educational experience.Relaxed alertness, a second technique, tries to eliminate fear in learners while

    maintaining a highly challenging environment. The last, active processing, allows

    the learner to consolidate and internalize information by actively processing it

    (Robin & Malkas, 2000).

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    Characteristics of 21st Century Students

    Part of childrens attraction toand connection withcomputers may stem

    from the fact that computers interface with them via a screen (Johnson, 1997).

    Johnson calls them screen-agers (p. 7). Today's children are members of what

    might be termed the educational television generation: their first formal learning

    experiences are via TV. In many ways, it is more natural for them to learn from a

    screen than from an adult. Parents have often utilized TV for direct teaching. As

    a result, todays children might be more comfortable with TV instructors than they

    are with parental instruction or classroom teachers.

    Rushkoff (1998) believes that todays children are people of the future.

    They are, as he puts it, the latest model of human being. As such, they seem to

    be better equipped for life in the 21st century than their parents or even their

    teachers. Part of this difference lies in the fact that they seem to be intrinsically

    forward-focused. That is, they appear to have fewer ties to the past than to the

    future. This may be one reason why the children of today seem so ignorant

    concerning history: they perceive it as irrelevant. It may also be a mistake to

    assume that the current generation is a continuation of the previous one: Looking

    at the world of children, Rushkoff suggests, is not looking backwards at our own

    pastsits looking ahead. They are our evolutionary future (p. 2).

    Smith and Curtin (1998) believe that postmodern children differ from

    children of the past. They based this upon the fact that new forms of

    communication (such as that offered by computers) affect social relationships and,

    thus, psychological make-up. The shift in social relationships is, as they see it,

    from face-to-face to symbolic communities (p. 214).

    Tapscott (1998), in his recent book, Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the

    Net Generation, observes that for the first time in history youth are an authority

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    on an innovation central to societys development (p. ix). He calls todays

    postmodern children the N-Genthe Net Generation. They are different than

    the generation McLuhan (1964) wrote about which grew up as part of the post-war

    baby boom. Tapscott defines the Net Generation as children who, in 1999, will

    be between the ages of two and twenty-two (p. 3).

    If McLuhans children were the TV generation, shaped by the pervasive

    presence and influence of television, the N-Gen is equally likely to be shaped by

    the interactive nature of the Internet. A major difference between the two, and one

    that educational researchers seem to have over-looked, is that a computer screen is

    connected to an interactive programit is two-way communication. The

    television, on the other hand is one-way; it broadcasts to the viewer. Viewers'

    interactions with television are limited to changing channels or turning it off.

    For Tapscott, this difference is central: The shift from broadcast to

    interactive is the cornerstone of the N-Generation. They want to be usersnot

    just viewers or listeners (p. 3). From this it follows that teaching methods

    predicated on a broadcast naturewhether by television or lecturemay not

    connect with children of the post-modern N-Generation.

    The interactivewith the emphasis on activenature of the post-modern

    child, who is also a 21st century citizen facing a career in a globally-networked

    knowledge economy is something substantially different from that of previous

    generations. There is a kind of generation gap between the Net generation and

    all other generations currently alive. The difference is, unlike the Sixties, the gapdoesn't appear to be focused around cultural mores or societal values, but around

    technology and infrastructure. Todays parents deal with chat-rooms and web

    surfing rather than rock music and war as ignition points in the traditional battle of

    growing pains. The nature of the Internet as a legitimate tool of business and

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    government has blunted its potential as a device of teen protest. Hackers as they

    are sometimes incorrectly called, can still cause mischief and trouble, but it is hard

    for parents to deny their child access to something that has become an everyday

    tool for so much of the working world. This may explain why the N-Gens

    fundamental difference in world outlook and cognitive constructs are so often

    overlookedtheir manifestations are obscured by the more overt expressions of

    identity and protest.

    School Restructuring

    Recent attempts to meet the needs of 21st century students have resulted in

    a number of restructuring efforts that have met with limited success, possibly

    because they are based on Industrial Age principles. The effects of the transition

    from manipulating data to manipulating bits, of a networked world, and so on,

    suggest a new task for educationwhich, in turn, implies new methods and new


    School restructuring refers to the practice of using non-traditional structural

    practices at the local or district level. In general, traditional school structures are

    those that are identified by Lee and Smith (1994)as being fundamentally

    bureaucratic in nature while those considered "restructured" exhibited more

    "communal" tendencies. Using a list of 12 practices that they identified as

    "significant departures from conventional practices," Lee and Smith concluded

    that there was "solid" evidence that students in schools using non-traditional

    structures learned more than those in traditionally structured schools.

    Such a categorical statement is hard to accept without broad-based support.

    A follow-up study based on data from the National Education Longitudinal Study

    in 1988 and 1990 made by Lee, Smith, and Croninger (1995) not only confirmed

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    their earlier findings but included the further revelation that the positive effects of

    restructuring appear to be cumulative. Moreover, Lee, Smith, and Croninger

    identified three features common to more effective communal (or, as they termed

    them, "organic") schools: common academic curriculum, academic press (the

    expectation of high standards and maximum effort), and authentic instruction. It is

    important to note that both studies identified the significant role which the social

    component of restructuring efforts played in the positive findings.

    This social significance is the focus of a study by Andrew Coulson (1994),

    who argues that "the success of any human organization depends upon the

    unification of its participants' goals"which is fundamentally social in nature (p.

    31). Psychologically, this may be a manifestation of the "locus of control" effect

    whereby a person does not seek a goal that he or she believes does not fall within

    his or her sphere of control (Coulson, 1994). To support his contention that

    success in educational achievement derives from social factors rather than from

    organizational factors, Coulson surveyed a variety of studies on the effects of

    desegregation upon student achievement and found that there was no significant

    positive effect on student academic achievement to be gained fromforced

    desegregation, but that voluntary desegregation resulted in a few positive

    significant differences. Coulson believes that it is the shared goals of the

    participants who voluntarily chose to desegregate rather than the act of being

    desegregated itself that resulted in positive academic achievement. Shouse and

    Mussoline (1999) support Coulson when he notes that ". . . restructuring offers tomake school systems more collegial and participatoryindeed more democratic

    (p. 1).

    In their meta-analysis of studies on the effects of non-graded schools on

    student performance, Gutierrez and Slavin (1992) found that the preponderance of

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    evidence indicated that nongraded schools resulted in higher achievement, but that

    the conclusion was only valid for simple forms of non-grading and not for the

    more complex forms which exist. Further, they concluded that the effects of non-

    grading depend on the form that the nongrading strategy takes. Their analysis

    suggests that much of the benefits of nongrading accrue from two factors: flexible

    grouping and flexible timeframes. In other words, the effectiveness of the non-

    graded program stems from the increased amount of time for "direct instruction at

    the students' precise instructional level (p. 360).

    Elmore (1990) notes the emergence of a general agreement that

    restructuring is about at least three types of changes: teaching and learning in

    schools, the conditions of teachers work in schools, and the governance and

    incentive structures in schools. The first, teaching and learning in schools, is what

    he refers to as reforming the core technology of schools. He wonders what form

    schools would take if they were designed around the best available knowledge

    about teaching and learning. Hunter Moorman and John Egermeier (1992) add to

    this idea:

    Restructuring suggests the need to rethink the mission of education in lightof changing conditions and imperatives of the coming century, to exchangetraditional forms of schooling for pedagogical and organizational processesthat fit new missions, to shift from one set of guiding values and assump-tions to another, and, perhaps, to embark on an ongoing process of trans-formation instead of seeking static solutions to fixed problems. (p. 18)

    There is evidence that some restructuring efforts can be detrimental to

    student performance. In a study completed at Pennsylvania State University,

    Shouse and Mussoline (1999) said, ". . . our data show that it [restructuring] has

    been disruptive to student performance in poor school districts and especially the

    very poor. Even in affluent schools, it has had no empirical benefit (p.1).

    Shouse and Mussoline opined that the primary cause for these disruptions lay in

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    two areas: (a) the inherent complexity of most restructuring plans and (b) the

    demand on resources that such plans make on the institution being reformed. The

    more complex the plan, the more disruptive it became. In essence, the effort

    applied to making complex restructuring work offset any educational gain that

    might have accrued due to those changes. Secondly, restructuring is expensive.

    Many educators and members of the public believe spending money on

    educational reform of dubious value is a poor use of scarce monetary resources

    particularly when many schools are in such a state of disrepair that the GAO in

    1995 reported that one-third of the nation's schools were either unsafe or

    unsuitable for children (cited in Mehlinger, 1995, p. 51).

    Other researchers find that certain types of restructuring make no

    significant difference at all in student academic success. For instance, Childs and

    Shakeshaft (1986) and Alspaugh (1993), cited in Coulson (1994, pp. 14-15) find

    that there is no correlation between educational spending and student achievement.

    Frequently, educators and politicians look to increase funding as a remedy for

    education's ills (whatever those may be). The fact that simply spending money

    doesn't necessarily result in any measurable gains was addressed by Coulson who

    hypothesized that this was because money did not guarantee any alteration in

    instructional practices and often ended up being spent for noninstructional

    purposes. The similarity between Coulson's findings and those of Shouse and

    Mussoline is obvious: Many restructuring efforts seemed to get sidetracked in the

    implementation stage, thus adversely affecting the possibility of a positive result.There does not seem to be a consensus about what works in regards to

    restructuring. While the evidence presented so far seems to indicate that

    restructuring is a risky, but conditionally effective strategy for increasing student

    achievement, it is not conclusive for any one particular restructuring method.

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    Newmann and Wehlage (1995) suggest that the reason for this is that no single

    reform is sufficient to ensure ongoing success. Even in combination, restructuring

    methods do not always result in the desired increase in student performance.

    Newmann and Wehlage conclude from their study that:

    The quality of education for children depends ultimately not on specifictechniques, practices or structures, but on more basic human and socialresources in a school, especially on the commitment and competence (thewill and skill) of educators, and on students' efforts to learn. (p. 2)

    Potential Impacts

    Schlechty (1997) suggests that the reason reform has been tried so often is


    what the schools were designed to do is no longer serving the needs ofAmerican society . The schools were designed to ensure that all citizens willbe basically literate (able to decode words), and that most will be

    functionally literate (able to read well), and that a relatively small number(20 percent or less) will be able to meet reasonably high academicstandards. This goal has been achieved. (p. 11)

    In terms of a knowledge economy, it might be said that while computers

    may create the need for knowledge management and anchor business ability to

    put knowledge workers to effective use, it is learning that makes intellectual

    property, capital, and assets useable (Brown & Duguid, 2000) and learning is the

    business of schoolsor should be.

    Learning in schools, like profit in business, is what happens when schools

    do their business right. However, according to Schlechty (1997), learning is not

    the business of schools:

    The business of schools is to design, create, and invent high-quality,intellectually demanding work for students: schoolwork that calls onstudents to think, to reason, and to use their minds well and that calls onthem to engage ideas, facts, and understandings whose perpetuation isessential to the survival of the common culture and relevant to theparticular culture, group, and milieu from which students come and inwhich they are likely to function. (pp. 49-50)

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    In other words, learning is the business of learners.

    The business of schools, therefore, seems to be much the same as the

    business of business; i.e., knowledge management. In order for students to engage

    in the kind of activity Schlechty proposes, they need the same type of support that

    knowledge workers require. They are both doing what Microsoft CEO Bill Gates

    calls thinking work. Thinking work is what people do when they find, select,

    organize, and present information in a new way (Gates, 1999, chapter 13).

    Integral to thinking work is the ability to innovate and adapt in the face of

    change (Microsoft, 1999). The question is whether knowledge management is

    what todays schools are doing or what they were designed to do.

    Schlechty (1997) believes that todays schools are better at doing what they

    were designed for than they have ever been, but what they were designed for is not

    what is needed for the 21st century. The system emulated the prevailing 19th

    century thought about industrial management by being designed with an eye

    toward centralization of authority and funding (Lane & Epps, 1992). This 19th

    century structure serve d its purpose better than most give it credit for, but that

    does not diminish the fact that it is poorly suited for the 21st century task of

    knowledge management. As Schlechty (1997) points out,

    Americas schools are now being asked to do things they have never done[before] in an environment that is more hostile to supporting qualityeducation than has ever before existed. . . . What educators must do,therefore, is to invent a system of education the like of which has neverbeen seen anywhere in the world: a system of education that provides anelite education for nearly every child. (pp. 14-15)

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    The Role of Computer Technology

    Positive Effects of ComputerTechnology

    Perhaps the most comprehensive study concerning the use ofand

    potential oftechnology in education was completed in 1997 by the President's

    Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology. In its report on the use of

    technology to strengthen K-12 education in the United States, the committee

    found, in general, that the use of traditional computer-based learning systems

    resulted in superior performance by the students using them when compared to

    students who did not use them. Further, these same students were found to learn

    significantly faster and to have a more positive attitude toward their classes and

    toward computers.

    Such a blanket finding, particularly when based upon such a broad-based

    study (a meta-analysis of four meta-analyses encompassing a total of 172 studies),

    would seem to suggest that the use of computer technology, at least, is practically

    mandatory in the interests of effective and efficient education. However, some

    researchersincluding some on the committee itselfquestioned the validity of

    such a conclusion in light of what they term "serious problems" with both the

    meta-analyses and the studies upon which they were based (President's Committee

    of Advisors on Science and Technology, Panel on Educational Technology, 1997,

    p. 42). These problems focused on questions of methodology and interpretation of

    the results, typical problems faced in any area of educational research. The

    committee felt that these limitations merely spelled-out the need for more research

    rather than invalidating the results.

    Knapp and Glenn (1996) in a meta-analysis of research that represented an

    aggregate of over 120 studies on the effectiveness of computers in producing

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    positive educational outcomes, concluded that children favor computers over

    television because of the interactive nature of computers and that computer-

    assisted instruction (CAI) leads to higher academic gains. They noted that CAI

    primarily addressed lower-cognitive material and that research on the effect of

    computers on higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) was still "emerging. The one

    caveat Knapp and Glenn placed on their sweeping conclusions is that "computer

    applications alone do not achieve the results teachers and learners want."

    Effectiveness resides in CAI being a part of a total program (i.e., instructional


    The California Education Technology Task Force (1996) reported that a

    1995 survey of more than 100 studies showed that technology-based instruction

    "significantly improved student performance" in the core academic disciplines.

    The same study reported that the U.S. military found that computer-based

    instruction required 30% less time to achieve its educational goals than did

    traditional methods (see the executive summary).

    In a paper presented to the Conference on Teacher Education and the Use

    of Technology Based Learning Systems in 1996, J. D. Fletcher surveyed the bulk

    of research on the effectiveness of technology as a teaching tool and derived from

    that study ten commonalities regarding instructional technology use: (a)

    Technology can teachin other words technology is more effective than no

    instruction at all; (b) technology increases instructional effectiveness; (c)

    technology reduces the time required to reach instructional objectives; (d)technology promotes equity in achievement; (e) technology appears to be equally

    effective for knowledge and performance outcomes; (f) technology can be used to

    teach "soft skills" (social or interpersonal skills); (g) Interactivity is important (i.e.

    increased interactivity yields increased student achievement); (h) simulation

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    requires guidance; (i) students enjoy using technology; and (j) technology lowers

    instructional costs and appears to be cost-effective. Fletcher does note that

    "hardware alone does not define an instructional approachwhat is done with the

    hardware is what counts (p. 2). He also points out that a major problem with

    assessing innovative technologies is their very nature: because they are innovative,

    such technologies often have nothing with which they can be compared.

    Negative Effects of Computers onLearning

    Hawley and Duffy (1998) found that the benefits of computer simulations

    tended to be diluted when teachers either failed to coach students in problem-

    solving strategies or played too big a role in the actual discovery process. This

    coincides with one of the findings of Fletcher (1996) listed previously. The

    delicate balance required for optimal effectiveness seemed a difficult one to

    maintain by the majority of participating teachers.

    Hawley and Duffy's study illustrates a common problem with using modern

    technology in the classroom: new technologies are not always a good fit with

    traditional teaching methods, nor with traditional learning theories. In fact, new

    technologies used in traditional fashion have been shown to have a detrimental

    effect on academic achievement. Among the findings by Wenglinsky (1998) was

    the disturbing fact that the use of computers to teach lower-order thinking skills

    was negatively related to academic achievement and the social environment of the

    schoolat least for eighth grade students.One of the more high profile books to attack the use of computers in the

    classroom, Failure to Connect(Healy, 1998), finds fault with the educational use

    of computer technology, not the technology per se. Healy argues that (a)

    computers divert scarce resources from other, more sound, educational disciplines;

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    (b) computers are used in age-inappropriate waysespecially with younger

    children; (c) so-called edutainment software teaches children more about

    impulsive pointing and clicking than about thinking; and (d) some software may

    interfere with the childs natural impulse to learn.

    Much of the fault for these problems lies, according to Healy, not with the

    computers themselves, but with the fact that schools do not provide sufficient

    budgets for technical support or teacher training. These arguments parallel those

    which characterize school restructuring and are the type of deployment problem

    that social informatics tries to address (Kling et al., 2000). The similarity in the

    arguments against the use of computers and those against school restructuring

    suggest that the two may address the same core structures in modern education.

    Further, Healy does not contend that computers are bad for children, but that they

    are bad for children when used improperly. This is the converse of saying that

    computers are good for children when used appropriately. Again, Jonassens point

    that the way in which computers are used is of the greatest consequence is


    Like Healy, Oppenheimer (1997) believes that computers divert resources

    that might be better used for more verifiable change. Oppenheimer bases his

    belief not so much on what research shows, but on what it doesn'tshow and on the

    history of repeated failure of technological innovations to produce lasting change

    (see pp. 45-46). It is in the closing quote that Oppenheimer reveals the core

    argument behind his resistance to computers:

    The purpose of the schools [is] to, as one teacher argues, Teach carpentry,not hammer, . . . We need to teach the whys and ways of the world. Toolscome and tools go. Teaching our children tools limits their knowledge tothese tools and hence limits their futures. (p. 62)

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    Here again, as Jonassen has suggested, the problem is not with the

    computer, but how it is used. David Gelernter, professor of computer science at

    Yale, in a recent interview forMITs Technology Review, characterized the

    computer as follows:

    The PC isnt a Swiss Army knife. Its like a hammer. People dont want amillion tools. They want a single hammer that can do a million things,because its a tremendously flexible, elegant and powerful tool (quoted inTristram, 2001, p. 59).

    The Role of the Computer inSchool Restructuring

    Even granting that each of the major meta-analyses detailed above may

    have looked at some of the same individual studies, the scope of the total is

    staggering. The shear number of individual studies on the effectiveness of

    computer-based education says volumes about the preoccupation of both the

    academic world and the general public with this new technology. That in itself

    might be enough to recommend the use of computers in the classroom but, when

    combined with the generally positive results of those studies as regards the

    effectiveness of computer technology upon student achievement, suggests that

    educational institutions should do whatever is required to deploy that technology

    as quickly as possibleeven if that means radical departures from traditional

    organizational structures.

    In fact, it is the popularity of the computerparticularly among businesses

    and politiciansthat argues most soundly for adopting the computer as an

    instrument of restructuring. Because it has been shown to be an effective tool for

    learning and because it coincides well with the best guess about what students wi ll

    spend their careers using, the willingness of the power structures in education

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    which might otherwise resist other forms of restructuringto make computers

    available allows educators to better meet the needs of 21st century students.

    Computer Use Categories

    Theoretical Basis: Jonassen

    Jonassen (1996, 2000) categorizes computer use in education relationally,

    that is, according to the interaction between humans and computers. His analysis

    of existing computer use produced three such interactions: learning about

    computers (Computer Literacy), learningfrom computers (Computer Assisted

    Instruction or CAI), and learning with computers, what he calls Mindtools.

    The keys to understanding Jonassens differentiations is in the

    instrumentality accorded the computer and linked to the role of the learner. This

    notion of instrumentality focuses on the relationship between the user and the

    computer and the roles each plays in the learning process. The teacher, in this

    case, plays an external role, usually in terms of defining the instrumentality. That

    is, it is the teacher who, in his or her role as person in charge of the learning

    environment, determines how the computer is to be used, its instrumentality.

    Computer literacy (learning about computers). When students learn about

    the computer, how to use it, what the various constituent parts are called, and so

    on, they are not using the computer as a tool. The computer, in this case, is the

    objectof the learningit is what the student is learning. The relationship between

    the learner and the computer is completely one-sided: only the student is active

    and only to a certain extent. The teacher plays a more active role than does the

    student and the body of knowledge to be learned is set and static. While knowing

    how to use the computer is essential to using it in any other way there is little that

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    is required of the student in the way of higher order thinking skills (see Jonassen,


    Computer assisted instruction (CAI) (learning from computers). In

    computer assisted instruction (CAI)the computer takes on a significant portion of

    the teachers role and the student responds to the computers lead. Both the

    computer and the student are now involved in the learning process, with the

    teacher primarily demanding accountability. The computer is generally in

    charge and the body of knowledge that can be learned is, as before, pre-

    determined and static. The learner is active but not in charge of the learning.

    Mindtools (learning with computers). It is only in the last of the three

    interactions between students and computers that the role of the learner takes

    precedence. In fact, when used as a Mindtool, the role of the computer is reversed

    from that in CAI: It is the learner who is in charge and the computer that responds

    to the learner. The body of knowledge that can be learned is essentially unlimited,

    because the student uses the computer to discover or construct it. The teachers

    role becomes that of a designer of the learning environment, a problem poser, and

    a holder of accountability. Teaching takes on the role of the proverbial guide on

    the side so emphasized in constructivism. Jonassen (2000) elaborates on the

    basic concept of Mindtools:

    Mindtools are computer-based tools and learning environments that havebeen adapted or developed to function as intellectual partners with the

    learner in order to engage and facilitate critical thinking and higher orderlearning. (p. 9) . . . [A] Mindtool is a concept . . . [which] . . . represent[s] aconstructivist approach for using computers or any other technology,environment, or activity to engage learners in representing, manipulating,and reflecting on what they know, not reproducing what someone tellsthem. (p. 10)

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    Categories of Computer Use

    Using Jonassens three computer interactions as a basic model, and adding

    the defining elements of role of the learner, role of the computer, and locus of

    control (who is in charge), categories for computer use in the meta-analysis

    can be created. By creating categories based upon the above characteristics,

    instructional situations involving computers can be grouped with others of similar

    functionality, regardless of what label might have been placed on the use of the

    computer in the sample studies. These categories of computer use created appear

    in Table 1. These categories were later adapted for use in the meta-analysis and

    will be discussed in Chapter 3.

    Instructional Techniques Categories

    Unlike categories of computer use, where the categories were preselected

    and relatively limited in scope, the variety of instructional techniques that might

    appear in the sample studies is potentially so large that grouping them ahead of

    time would be counterproductive. Consequently, creating categories for grouping

    according to instructional technique was reserved until after the study sample was

    finalized and the actual techniques were inventoried. The categories for

    instructional technique, as finally used in the meta-analysis, will be introduced in

    Chapter 3.

    Restatement of the Research Question

    The educational needs of 21st century students are not being met and

    computer technology seems to hold some potential for meeting those needs.The

    purpose of this study was to explore how educators can more effectively use

    computer technology to meet the needs of present-day students. This can be

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    Table 1

    Categories of Instructional Use of Computer Technology

    Computer LiteracyLearning to use the computer

    hardware use, software use, networking, programming, etc.

    Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)Defined, static content


    Roleof the Computer

    Roleof the Learner

    Roleof the Computer

    Locusof Control

    Delivery Mechanism Passive Passive Third Party

    Tutoring Mechanism I Active Active Program control

    Tutoring Mechanism II Active Active Learner control

    Assessment Mechanism Testing tool: A special category of tutoring mechanism

    Computer as ToolSomething is produced

    Roleof the Computer Roleof the Learner Roleof the Computer Locusof Control

    Communications tool Active Passive

    Productivity tool Active Active Learner control

    Mindtool Active Active Learner control

    Living Tool Active Active shared control

    Note: These categories of computer use will be adapted for use on coding the studiesincluded in the meta-analysis (Chapter 4).

    aSee Loveless, A., DeVoogd, G. L., & Bohlin, R. B. (2001). Something old,

    something new . . . Is pedagogy affected by ICT? In A. Loveless and V. Ellis, (Eds.),ICT, Pedagogy and the curriculum: Subject to Change (pp. 71-77). New York:Routeledge/Falmer.

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    accomplished by answering the following question: Is there one combination of

    computer use and instructional technique that leads to greater student achievement

    than any other such combination? Implied within this question are two others:

    Which use of computer technology leads to the greatest student achievement? Is

    there a particular instructional technique that, when applied to the use of

    computers in education, contributes to greater student achievement?

    In light of the large number of studies that exist which address either the

    effects of computers or instructional techniques on student achievement, it seems

    possible that the answers to the question posed above might be discovered among

    the results of those studies. Consequently, this study will employ the technique of

    meta-analysis to a sample of those studies in an attempt to derive a preliminary

    answer to that question.

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    Chapter 3



    The purpose of this thesis is to explore how educators can most

    effectively use computer technology to meet the educational needs of 21st century

    students. The preceding literature review suggests that todays students have

    different educational requirements than students in the past and that those

    differences call for a change in the instructional milieu by which they are

    educated. It was suggested that the instructional milieu required of the new

    millennium be centered around the use of computers and brain-based educational

    strategies. Though it has been established that computers seem to facilitate

    learning under a variety of circumstances, these studies are somewhat isolated and


    Previous research syntheses have tended to focus on the effect of

    computers in relation to particular subject matter areas or the use of particular

    computer software types or functions. This thesis seeks a somewhat different set

    of data: the combined effect of the use of computers and particular teaching

    strategies or techniques on learning or student achievement.This study seeks to

    ascertain the effective use of computers as instructional tools, not merely the effect

    of the tools themselves.

    The assumption, based upon the Review of the Literature, is that

    computers, in general, have a positive effect on student learning, but that the effect

    is determined more by how the computer is used rather than simply that it was

    used. If this is, in fact true, then the resultant effect on measurement of student

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    achievement derived from the instructional use of computers will vary according

    to changes in the way they are used. This variance should be accompanied by a

    corresponding change in estimated effect size. By comparing the estimated effect

    size of various combinations of computer use and instructional technique, some

    idea of which such combinations are more effective on student learning can be

    estimated. Thus, this study used a convenient study sample (i.e., a convenience

    sample), derived from a finite study population, to explore the foregoing notion

    using the statistical technique of meta-analysis.

    A meta-analysis, according to Glass (1976, 1978b), compares the results

    of individual studies by translating those results into a standardized metric he

    called effect size. Briefly, an effect size is a proportion that compares the

    differences between the mean of two sample distributions as measured in standard

    deviations. The two distributions can be either a control group and a treatment

    group, also called an experimental group, or the pre-treatment and post-treatment

    performances of the same group. By comparing the difference or change between

    the mean of the two groups in terms of standard deviations, the effect of the

    treatment on the experimental or post-treatment group can be calculated. The

    advantage to this translation is that the resulting effect sizes can be used to

    compare studies that use different dependent measures. Effect size is calculated,

    according to Glasss (1976) formula, as follows:


    Mathematically this is expressed as (2):

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    Me Mc




    Where Me = Mean of experimental group, Mc = Mean of control group, and sdc =standard deviation of control group.

    Design of the Study

    The empirical research design of this study centers around the use of an

    exploratory meta-analysis as an analytic procedure to estimate the instructional

    effect that computers used under various instructional strategies have on student


    Outline of the Procedure

    Cooper and Hedges (1994) outline five major steps to conducting a meta-

    analytic research synthesis. With a few minor modifications, this is the procedure

    followed in the present study. The five steps are:

    1. Problem Formulation Stage: Primary research must exist consisting of

    a minimum of two hypothesis tests (p. 9).

    2. Data Collection Stage: Identify, locate, and retrieve all relevant study


    3. Data Evaluation Stage: Coding the literature; missing data will arise in

    every research synthesis (p. 11).

    4. Analysis and Interpretation Stage: Estimating the magnitude of aneffectthe degree to which the phenomenon is present in the population or the

    degree to which the null hypothesis is false (p. 11).

    5. Public Presentation Stage: Assembling and presenting the results of theanalysis.

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    Problem Formulation

    There is a body of extant research on many of the individual aspects of

    the problem addressed by this study and that reservoir of data, or universe,

    provides ample material upon which to conduct a research synthesis.

    Unfortunately, many of the studies forming this universe are in direct

    contradiction to other studies or involve dramatically different study populations.

    Both instances create difficulties for those looking for some point of consensus or

    mutual agreement. That, however, is what a research synthesis strives to locate:

    Any research synthesis should allow the researcher to see patterns across studies

    that are not apparent when studies are examined individually or serially" (Cooper

    & Hedges, 1994, p. 360). Such a research methodology exists: the meta-analysis.

    Research hypotheses. Light and Pillemar (cited in Hedges, 1994a)

    identify two types of questions or hypotheses that can be asked in a research

    synthesis: The Type 1 question refers to a precisely specified hypothesis posed

    in advance of the analysis, for example, On average, does this treatment work?

    The Type 2 question, on the other hand, asks a vague question intending to derive

    a more explicit hypothesis from the data gathered and analyzed. For example:

    Under what kind of conditions does the treatment work best? The Type 2

    question allows one to modify the research hypothesis as a greater understanding

    of the subject is developed in response to the information gathered. Normally, as

    Cooper points out, in primary research, [this] redefinition of a problem as a study

    proceeds is frowned on. In research synthesis, it appears that some flexibilitymay be necessary and may indeed be beneficial [italics added] (Cooper, 1984, p.


    Type 1 and Type 2 research questions should not be confused with Type I

    and Type II errors in statistical analysis. The data speak for itself" in this thesis.

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    In other words, a Type 2 question was posed, namely, Under what instructional

    strategies (conditions) do computers (the treatment) produce the best results?

    Data Collection

    Rationale for data selection. The most egalitarian sources of literature

    are the reference database systems such as PsychINFO, ERIC and MEDLINE.

    Still, these broad, non-evaluative systems exclude the unpublished and most recent

    literature (Cooper & Hedges, 1994, p. 10). The ERIC database provides an

    accessible, convenient, and replicable study population. By using the ERIC

    database with a defined time frame of studies to choose from, it becomes possible

    to compare the results of this meta-analysis with future meta-analyses composed

    of groups of studies which precede and succeed this one.

    Criteria for document selection. The criteria for document selection used

    in this study are shown below. Explanations for the establishment of the criteria


    Criterion 1: The report must have been published on the ERIC Document

    Retrieval Service (EDRS).

    Criterion 2: EDRS search criteria

    1. The word Computer must be found in the documents abstract.

    2. Only studies published since 1997 will be considered.

    3. Studies must be English language documents.4. Studies must be research documents.

    Criterion 3: initial screening of the documents returned by the search

    1. The use of computers was recorded.

    2. The instructional strategy was identified or inferred.

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    3. Student achievement was recorded.

    Criterion 4: Final stage of selection; required the study document to complete

    1. The study identified either a control group and a treatment group, or

    the study identified a Pre-test/Post-test assessment of a treatment

    group, and

    2. the necessary statistical data must have been reported (i.e., F, df, N,

    r, d,z, t).

    The ERIC database was chosen as the study population from which to

    extract the specific study samples. ERIC was chosen over PsychINFO and

    MEDLINE because it specializes in educational studies, including instructional

    technology, whereas PsychINFO is focused on psychological issues, of which

    learning is only a part, while MEDLINE is oriented around medical research.

    The search was limited to studies published since 1997 for two reasons:

    First, to take advantage of any advances in computer technology that might have a

    meaningful impact on its use in the classroom, and second, to allow for the

    possibility that with the passage of time, a larger number of educators will have

    become technologically literate, leading to a greater variety in the instructional

    milieu surrounding the use of computers in the classroom. The intent is to avoid,

    as much as possible, the limitations that earlier, less powerful computer

    technologies might have placed on instructional choices.

    Computing includes more than just computers; it includes such categories

    of computer use as distance educ
