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Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph...

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Gerald Steinbauer Institute for Software Technology 1 Advanced Robotics - ROS Advanced Robotics Robot Operating System (ROS) Gerald Steinbauer Institute for Software Technology
Page 1: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Advanced RoboticsRobot Operating System (ROS)

Gerald SteinbauerInstitute for Software Technology

Page 2: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Robot Operating System (ROS)

• framework for the development of robot software

• provides OS-like functionality• originally developed by Stanford AI Lab

(SAIL)• meanwhile maintained by Willow Garage

and Open Source Robotics Foundation• open source robotics framework• used by several leading robotics labs• provides a lot of functionality on various


Page 3: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

runs on several robot platforms

Page 4: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

provides a lot of functionality

• many research groups provide their results as open source ROS packages:• motion planning and navigation• localization• exploration and mapping• arm navigation and object manipulation• 3D perception and object manipulation• high-level control and knowledge representation• …

Page 5: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Design Principles of ROS

• peer-to-peer– several independent processes and hosts

• multi-lingual– communication is based on XML-RPC– supports C++, Phyton, Octave, LISP– defined data types, proprietary message definition files

• tool-based– Linux philosophy with small building blocks

• thin– functionality is packed in stand-alone libraries, also 3rd party– uses its own build system

• open-source

Page 6: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS





Web Browser


File System Scheduler Drivers


NavigationTask Executive

Simulation Manipulation


Page 7: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

ROS - Operation

• ROS is definitely on the operation side• supports message transport

• publisher/subscriber (nodes, messages, topics)• client/server (services, action-server)

• runtime execution• threads and related techniques• configuration

• supports development• reusable classes and libraries• definition of interfaces• debugging, logging and visualization tools• build system

• …

Page 8: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

ROS Eco-System I



robot centric


Page 9: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

ROS Eco-System II



navigation, arm, grasping




apps fetch beer

tf, pcl, opencv, bullet, eigen

rxgraph, rostopic, roslaunch

rosmaster, roscpp, rosbuild

Page 10: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Beer Me (Bottom Up)






Page 11: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Beer Me (Top Down)


Open FridgeDelivery

Face Recognition




navigation OpenCV SMACH

arm navigation web interface collision space

roscpp common_msg rospyrosmasteractionlib

Page 12: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

ROS Versions• ROS Box Turtle (March 2010)

• ROS C Turtle (August 2010)

• ROS Diamondback (March 2011)

• ROS Electric Emys (August 2011)

• ROS Fuerte Turtle (April 2012)

• ROS Groovy Galapagos (December 2012)

Page 13: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

File Organisation in ROSa package is an organization unit in ROS

the goal is to provide functionalityit can contain a node, a library, data,

configurations …

a manifests provide metadata about a package, including its license information and dependencies, as well as language-

specific information such as compiler flags

stacks are collections of packages that provide aggregate functionality, such as a

"navigation stack"

stack manifests provide data about a stack, including its license information and

its dependencies on other stacks

a bag is a file format in ROS for storingROS message data

repositories are collections of stacks, usually the common code base of an


Page 14: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Building Blocks of ROSa node is an executable that uses ROS to communicate with other nodes and does


nodes can publish messages to a topic as well subscribe to a topic to receive

messages (many-to-many communication)

messages are ROS data type used when subscribing or publishing to a topic

a service is a node with one defined input and one defined output message type

the master is a node that is the name service for ROS

it helps nodes find each other nodes

rosout is the decentralized ROS equivalent of stdout/stderr

the parameter server provides and manages parameter across the network

roscore is master + rosout + parameter server













Page 15: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Naming in ROS

• hierarchical naming structure• used for all resources

• nodes• parameter• topics• services

• nodes may have a name space/node_name/topic_name

• parameter are hierarchically organized as well/p3at/odometry/frequency

• can be used like a Linux file system (relative, global)

Page 16: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Navigation the ROS File System

• a number of command-line tools makes live easier• changing into a package directory

• roscd package_name

• building a package• rosmake (package_name)

• Running a node• rosrun package_name node_name

• running a larger project• roslaunch launch_file

Page 17: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Publisher – Subscriber Communication

Page 18: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Synchronous Service

Page 19: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS


Page 20: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Action Interface






from client

from server

action protocol relies on ROS topics to transport messages

Page 21: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Messages• simple data structures that are passed between nodes• defined in package-name/msg/*.msg files, sent over topics• basic data types:

• int{8,16,32,64}• float{32,64}• string• time• Duration• array[]

• Example: Point:msg• float64 x• float64 y• float64 z

• used in ROS services, defined in package-name/srv/*.srv Service = Request msg + Response msg

Page 22: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS


• have unique names• can represent primitive data types:

• integers• floats• boolean• dictionaries• maps, etc

• can be set and remapped at runtime• stored on the parameter server• dynamic reconfiguration – notify nodes about

parameter changes

Page 23: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Parameter Setting

• nodes can set parameters on the server• any other nodes can read them• also command-line tool

Talker Listener

ROS Master

Page 24: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Working with Topics

• the command-line tools rostopic makes live easier• list all available topics

• rostopic list

• showing messages on a topic• rostopic echo topic_name

• showing message type of a topic• rostopic type topic_name

• …

Page 25: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Computation Graph

robot laser imu map



Page 26: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Tools in ROS

rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph

client library supports the development of nodes

allows easy access to topics, paramter, …C++ & Phyton

rviz is a 3d visualization toolit is online configurable and is able to

display sensor data, point clouds, paths, coordinate systems

ROS is able to record and playback all topics in an transparent way and in the

proper timing

Page 27: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

ROS - Function

• ROS supports the functional view to some extend• behavioral control

• local path planner• obstacle avoidance• trajectory generation

• executive• global path planner• SMACH – state machine for task-level control

• planning• Cognitive Robot Abstract Machine (CARM) by TUM• Knowledge Processing for Autonomous Personal Robots

(KnowRob) by TUM

Page 28: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Launch Files

• it’s a pain to start up larger project form scratch at the command-line

• the tool roslaunch allows to script start up procedures• allows to specify nodes, configurations, renaming …• follows a XML-syntax<launch>

<param name="foo" value="$(optenv NUM_CPUS 1)" /><param name=“foofile" value="$(find foo_pkg)/foo.xml" /><node name=“foo" pkg=“foo_pkg" type=“foo.py" />


Page 29: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS


• robots usually have a number of data (2D and 3D senor data, poses, …) in various static and variablecoordinate systems

• data in ROS are relative to a coordinate system called “frame”

• data stay in their producing frame• data are transformed in a target

frame on purpose only• the tf library and a set of tools take

care about transformations

Page 30: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Transformation Basics







right hand ruleroll, pitch, yaw

Euler angles

Page 31: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Transform Chains

• frames can build transformation chains• tree-like structure• transformation between any frames automatically

calculated by tf – if connected by a tree (forest is possible too)

[Andreasson et al. 2008]

map kinectframe





Page 32: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Transformation Tree

odom base_linklaser_base_link







map plate_link

Page 33: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Transformation Transport

Page 34: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

tf tools• in program code

• instantiate a transform listener• retrieve transformation for particular frames and time stamps• transform data

• tf_echo• command-line tool to display transformation messages for particular frames

• tf_monitor• command-line tool to display all transformation messages

• rviz• graphical tool to visualize all kind of data and robots

Page 35: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Useful Features in ROS

• coordination transformation with tf– manage several reference frames– automated conversion

• unified data types for similarsensors and actuators– e.g. point clouds for laser scanner– e.g. velocity_command for robot


• remote access from other hosts– transparent network

Page 36: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Supported Hardware

• ROS provides a huge and continuously growing set of standard nodes for robots und sensors– Willow Garage PR2– Pioneer Robot Family– Aldebaran Nao– Lego NXT– Festo Robotino– Sick Laser Scanner Family– Hokuyo Laser Scanner– GPS (NMEA)– Katana Arm– Cameras with various interface– Microsoft Kinect– ….

Page 37: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Functions in ROS• mapping (gmapping)

– based on the free gmapping– simple generation of 2d maps

• navigation– complete navigation stack– allows autonomous navigation

• arm navigation based on OMPL

• organization of behaviors– standard templates for behaviors


• decision making– finite state machine (SMACH )

Page 38: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Additional Information

• Ros wiki (http://www.ros.org/wiki/)• Ros answers (http://answers.ros.org)• Ros tuorials (http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Tutorials)

Page 39: Robot Operating System (ROS)Tools in ROS rxgraph display a visualization of a ROS computation graph client library supports the development of nodes allows easy access to topics, paramter,

Gerald Steinbauer

Institute for Software Technology


Advanced Robotics - ROS

Questions?Thank you!
