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Robust Model-Based Monocular Pose Initialization for ...

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Robust Model-Based Monocular Pose Initialization for Noncooperative Spacecraft Rendezvous Sumant Sharma Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Jacopo Ventura Technische Universität München, 85748 Garching, Germany and Simone DAmico Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 DOI: 10.2514/1.A34124 This work addresses the design and validation of a robust monocular vision-based pose initialization architecture for close-range onorbit-servicing and formation-flying applications. The aim is to rapidly determine the pose of a passive space resident object using its known three-dimensional wireframe model and a single low-resolution two-dimensional image collected on board the servicer spacecraft. In contrast to previous works, the proposed architecture is onboard executable and capable of estimating the pose of the client without the use of fiducial markers and without any a priori range measurements or state information. A novel feature detection method based on the filtering of the weak image gradients is used to identify the true edges of the client in the image, even in presence of the Earth in background. The detected features are synthesized using simple geometric constraints to dramatically reduce the search space of the feature correspondence problem, which is solved using the EPnP method. This approach is proven to be an order of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art random sample consensus methods. A fast NewtonRaphson method that minimizes the fit error between corresponding image and model features is employed to refine the pose estimate and to resolve pose ambiguity. The proposed methodology is tested using actual space imagery collected during the PRISMA mission at about a 700 km altitude and a 10 m interspacecraft separation. I. Introduction T HE onboard determination of the pose (i.e., the relative position and attitude) of a noncooperative client spacecraft using a monocular camera is a key-enabling technology for future onorbiting servicing and debris removal missions such as PROBA-3 by ESA [1], autonomous nanosatellite guardian for evaluating local space (ANGELS) by the U.S. Air Force [2], and Restore-L by NASA [3]. The knowledge of the current pose of the client spacecraft during proximity operations allows real-time generation of the full-degree- of-freedom approach trajectory and control update [4]. This aspect is crucial in noncooperative maneuvers because the kinematic characteristics of the client are unknown before the launch of the mission; therefore, the rendezvous and docking trajectory must be generated on board using the current state estimates. In contrast to other state-of-the-art systems based on light detection and ranging (LIDAR) and stereo camera sensors, monocular navigation ensures rapid pose determination under low power and mass requirements [5]. Therefore, monocular pose determination is also the natural candidate as a navigation system in small spacecraft such as CubeSats for future formation flights missions [6,7]. Due to these advantages, navigation systems employing monocular cameras have been proposed in order to enable rapid pose estimation and tracking in close range: up to a few centimeters to the target using limited mass and power resources [815]. Typically, these systems employ an image processing subsystem that identifies the visible targets features in the monocular image followed by a dedicated pose solver and an extended Kalman filter. This routine is executed in a closed loop for pose tracking during the rendezvous maneuver. In general, the pose solver is an iterative algorithm that minimizes a certain fit error between the features detected in the image and the corresponding features of a known reference three- dimensional (3-D) model. All of the aforementioned navigation systems also require a priori information of the pose to kick start the pose estimation and tracking. In the presence of a poor initialization, these systems may converge to a local minimum, resulting in incorrect pose solutions. Existing work on pose initialization for spaceborne applications aims to directly apply terrestrial robotic navigation algorithms to the space imagery [1618]. However, these techniques are 1) too computationally expensive to implement on board CubeSats, 2) require extensive offline training, or 3) require the presence of known fiducial markers on the client spacecraft. The problem of determining the pose of an object using a monocular image and the objects 3-D model has been extensively addressed in the research field of computer vision, typically for terrestrial applications. One of the first solutions to this problem is due to Dhome et al. [19], who proposed a closed-form solution to solve for the pose, given the correspondences between the edges detected in the image and the line segments of the 3-D model. To solve for the correct correspondences, it follows an exhaustive predictive and verification step by matching all possible sets of three 3-D model line segments with three two-dimensional (2-D) image edges. To avoid an exhaustive search for the feature correspondences, authors have used soft assign [20,21]; however, its accuracy depends on manual tuning of parameters and it has been shown to be slower than random sample consensus (RANSAC) [22]. Following the work of Dhome et al. [19], numerous algorithms for finding the objects pose from the image and model feature correspondences have been proposed [2327]. Although these algorithms do not require a priori pose information, they produce a correct pose solution only if a number of correct feature correspondences are provided. Notably, this aspect limits the real-time application of these algorithms for pose initialization. In regard to solving the problem of pose initialization for spacecraft applications, Kanani et al. [18] and Petit et al. [28] Received 23 October 2017; revision received 12 March 2018; accepted for publication 18 March 2018; published online 27 June 2018. Copyright © 2018 by Sumant Sharma, Jacopo Ventura, and Simone DAmico. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. All requests for copying and permission to reprint should be submitted to CCC at www.copyright.com; employ the ISSN 0022-4650 (print) or 1533-6794 (online) to initiate your request. See also AIAA Rights and Permissions www.aiaa.org/randp. *Ph.D. Student, Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 496 Lomita Mall. Research Engineer, German Space Operations Center, Space Flight Technology, Münchner Strasse 20. Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 496 Lomita Mall. Article in Advance / 1 JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS Downloaded by STANFORD UNIVERSITY on July 2, 2018 | http://arc.aiaa.org | DOI: 10.2514/1.A34124
Page 1: Robust Model-Based Monocular Pose Initialization for ...

Robust Model-Based Monocular Pose Initializationfor Noncooperative Spacecraft Rendezvous

Sumant Sharma∗

Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305

Jacopo Ventura†

Technische Universität München, 85748 Garching, Germany


Simone D’Amico‡

Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305

DOI: 10.2514/1.A34124

This work addresses the design and validation of a robust monocular vision-based pose initialization architecture

for close-range onorbit-servicing and formation-flying applications. The aim is to rapidly determine the pose of a

passive space resident object using its known three-dimensional wireframe model and a single low-resolution

two-dimensional image collected on board the servicer spacecraft. In contrast to previous works, the proposed

architecture is onboard executable and capable of estimating the pose of the client without the use of fiducial markers

and without any a priori range measurements or state information. A novel feature detection method based on the

filtering of the weak image gradients is used to identify the true edges of the client in the image, even in presence of the

Earth in background. The detected features are synthesized using simple geometric constraints to dramatically

reduce the search space of the feature correspondence problem, which is solved using the EPnP method. This

approach is proven to be an order of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art random sample consensus methods.

A fast Newton–Raphson method that minimizes the fit error between corresponding image and model features is

employed to refine the pose estimate and to resolve pose ambiguity. The proposed methodology is tested using actual

space imagery collectedduring thePRISMAmissionat about a 700 kmaltitude anda 10m interspacecraft separation.

I. Introduction

T HE onboard determination of the pose (i.e., the relative position

and attitude) of a noncooperative client spacecraft using a

monocular camera is a key-enabling technology for future onorbiting

servicing and debris removalmissions such as PROBA-3 byESA [1],

autonomous nanosatellite guardian for evaluating local space

(ANGELS) by the U.S. Air Force [2], and Restore-L by NASA [3].

The knowledge of the current pose of the client spacecraft during

proximity operations allows real-time generation of the full-degree-

of-freedom approach trajectory and control update [4]. This aspect

is crucial in noncooperative maneuvers because the kinematic

characteristics of the client are unknown before the launch of the

mission; therefore, the rendezvous and docking trajectory must be

generated on board using the current state estimates. In contrast to

other state-of-the-art systems based on light detection and ranging

(LIDAR) and stereo camera sensors, monocular navigation ensures

rapid pose determination under low power and mass requirements

[5]. Therefore, monocular pose determination is also the natural

candidate as a navigation system in small spacecraft such asCubeSats

for future formation flights missions [6,7].

Due to these advantages, navigation systems employing

monocular cameras have been proposed in order to enable rapid

pose estimation and tracking in close range: up to a few centimeters to

the target using limited mass and power resources [8–15]. Typically,

these systems employ an image processing subsystem that identifiesthe visible target’s features in the monocular image followed by adedicated pose solver and an extended Kalman filter. This routine isexecuted in a closed loop for pose tracking during the rendezvousmaneuver. In general, the pose solver is an iterative algorithm thatminimizes a certain fit error between the features detected in theimage and the corresponding features of a known reference three-dimensional (3-D) model. All of the aforementioned navigationsystems also require a priori information of the pose to kick start thepose estimation and tracking. In the presence of a poor initialization,these systems may converge to a local minimum, resulting inincorrect pose solutions. Existing work on pose initialization forspaceborne applications aims to directly apply terrestrial roboticnavigation algorithms to the space imagery [16–18]. However, thesetechniques are 1) too computationally expensive to implement onboardCubeSats, 2) require extensive offline training, or 3) require thepresence of known fiducial markers on the client spacecraft.The problemof determining the pose of an object using amonocular

image and the object’s 3-D model has been extensively addressedin the research field of computer vision, typically for terrestrialapplications. One of the first solutions to this problem is due toDhomeet al. [19], who proposed a closed-form solution to solve for the pose,given the correspondences between the edges detected in the imageand the line segments of the 3-D model. To solve for the correctcorrespondences, it follows an exhaustive predictive and verificationstep by matching all possible sets of three 3-D model line segmentswith three two-dimensional (2-D) image edges. To avoid an exhaustivesearch for the feature correspondences, authors have used softassign [20,21]; however, its accuracy depends on manual tuning ofparameters and it has been shown to be slower than random sampleconsensus (RANSAC) [22]. Following the work of Dhome et al. [19],numerous algorithms for finding the object’s pose from the imageand model feature correspondences have been proposed [23–27].Although these algorithms do not require a priori pose information,they produce a correct pose solution only if a number of correct featurecorrespondences are provided. Notably, this aspect limits the real-timeapplication of these algorithms for pose initialization.In regard to solving the problem of pose initialization for

spacecraft applications, Kanani et al. [18] and Petit et al. [28]

Received 23 October 2017; revision received 12March 2018; accepted forpublication 18March 2018; published online 27 June 2018.Copyright©2018by Sumant Sharma, Jacopo Ventura, and Simone D’Amico. Published by theAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission.All requests for copying and permission to reprint should be submitted toCCCat www.copyright.com; employ the ISSN 0022-4650 (print) or 1533-6794(online) to initiate your request. See also AIAA Rights and Permissionswww.aiaa.org/randp.

*Ph.D. Student, Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 496 LomitaMall.

†Research Engineer, German Space Operations Center, Space FlightTechnology, Münchner Strasse 20.

‡Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 496Lomita Mall.

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presented a pose initialization architecture based on a dedicatedoffline learning approach where a hierarchical model view graphusing prototype views of the 3-D model was built. The view graphwas then explored during the online phase to find the prototype viewfor which the contour corresponds themost with the detected contourin the image. This approach is inspired from template matchingapproaches where the input monocular image is searched for specificfeatures and/or image sections that can be matched to an assignedtemplate [29]. However, in the absence of a large database ofprecomputed renderings of the target, these approaches tend to bevery limiting because small changes in the target orientation andposition may greatly affect its appearance. Grompone [10] proposedan initialization scheme that employed the Harris algorithm [30] forfeature detection, together with a linear eight-point algorithm to solvefor the pose. However, the scheme only provided relative distanceinformation based on background subtraction and Gaussian blobdetection algorithms. Tests on the actual images of the Soyuz andOrbital Express spacecraft showed that themethodologywas capableof correctly determining the region of interest (ROI) in the image.Finally, D'Amico et al. [31] proposed to solve the pose initializationproblem through perceptual organization of the client’s true edgesdetected in the image using the Sobel and Hough algorithms [32].Preliminary tests on actual images from the PRISMA mission [33]showed the capability to determine the precise relative position andattitude of the target vehicle without a priori state information.However, tests alsodemonstrated twokey limitations of this technique:first, the initial pose is dependent on a computationally expensiveiterative view-space discretization not suitable for real-time execution;second, the image processing lacks robustness to illumination andbackground conditions.In summary, the existing state-of-the-art methods show promising

progress toward solving the problem of pose initialization forspaceborne applications; however, they suffer from two mainchallenges. First, the image background, the high reflectivity of thetarget’s surface materials, and the absence of sunlight during theorbit pose significant problems in detecting the key features of anoncooperative spacecraft. The second challenge is posed by the largesearch space for the correct feature correspondences between the 3-Dmodel and the image. An exhaustive prediction and verificationprocedure is too computationally expensive for spaceborne hardware,especially on smaller platforms such as CubeSats.To address these challenges, this paper presents the design and

validation of the Sharma–Ventura–D’Amico (SVD) architecture forrobustmonocular vision-based pose initialization.With respect to thestate-of-the-art techniques, the proposed architecture is 1) robust tothe background in the images; 2) requires no a priori knowledge of thetarget spacecraft’s attitude and position; and 3) is computationallyefficient, i.e., an accurate pose can be initializedwithin a few seconds.To ensure robustness to background, this paper introduces the weakgradient elimination (WGE) technique. WGE detects and eliminatesthe regions of weak gradient in the image and highlights the regionsof the strongest gradients. In this way, only the strongest edges in theimage are used for feature extraction using the Hough transform [32].The extracted features are then organized into geometricallycomplex groups to dramatically reduce the search space of thefeature correspondence problem. Possible hypotheses for thefeature correspondence are used to efficiently solve the perspective-n-point (PnP) problem. The architecture is validated through actualspace imagery collected during the PRISMAmission [33] at about a700 km altitude and a 10 m interspacecraft separation.The paper is organized as follows: Sec. II introduces the pose

initialization problem and an overview of the proposed architecture.Sections III and IV describe the technical design details of the imageprocessingandposedetermination subsystems, respectively. SectionVpresents four tests that compare the proposed architecture againstthe state-of-the-art techniques for monocular vision-based poseinitialization. These tests use synthetic imagery as well as imagerycollected during the PRISMA mission. Section VI elaborates on theconclusionswith a discussion on the applicability of this architecture ina monocular vision-based navigation system for onorbit servicing andformation flying missions.

II. Problem Statement and Architecture Overview

The schematic representation of the noncooperative poseinitialization problem from a 2-D image and a 3-D model is shownin Fig. 1. In particular, the pose initialization problem consists ofdetermining the position of the target’s center of mass tC and theorientation of the vehicle’s principal axes RBC with respect to thecamera frame C. It is assumed that the 3-D model of the target isdefined in the body-fixed coordinate system B, and it is aligned withthe target’s principal axes with its origin at the center of mass. Theorientation is defined by the direction cosine matrix RBC from thecoordinate system of B to C.LetqB be apoint of the3-Dmodel expressed in coordinate systemB.

By employing the standard pinhole camera model, the correspondingpoint p � �u; v�T in the rectified image can be obtained using the3-D/2-D true perspective projection equation:

rC � � xC yC zC �T � RBCqB � tC (1)

p ��xC

zCfx � Cx;


zCfy � Cy


where rC represents the point of the target spacecraft expressed incamera frame C according to the current pose: tC and RBC. Althoughfx and fy denote the focal lengths of the camera, �Cx; Cy� denotes theprincipal point of the image. Without loss of generality, it is assumedthat direction C3 is pointed along the boresight of the camera and thatdirectionsC1 andC2 are alignedwithdirectionsP1 andP2 of the imageframe P, respectively. The unknown coefficients in the 3-D/2-D trueperspective equations are the three components of the client position tC

and the three parameters that define the rotation matrix RBC of thetarget orientation. To solve this system of equations, at least threeimage points and corresponding model points are required. However,at least six correspondences between the image and model points arerequired to obtain a unique solution with a general configuration ofpoints [34].Figure 2 illustrates the proposed architecture to solve for the initial

pose of a noncooperative client. The key features of this architecture are1) the fusion of theWGEtechniquewith theSobel edge detector and theHough algorithm for feature detection; 2) the use of feature synthesis toreduce the search space for feature correspondences between the imageand the 3-D model; and 3) the combination of the EPnP solver and the



Image Frame P

Camera Frame C

Object Frame B




r C

t C






Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the pose estimation problem using amonocular image.

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Newton–Raphson method for pose determination. The architectureconsists of two subsystems:1) The image processing subsystem accepts a single 2-D image as

its input. It distinguishes the target spacecraft from the background,detects the target spacecraft’s edge features, and then synthesizesthem into geometric groups.2) The pose determination subsystem accepts the feature groups

detected in the image processing subsystem and the 3-D model as itsinput. It pairs the 2-D and 3-D geometric groups to create multiplecorrespondence hypotheses. For each hypothesis, the endpoints ofthe line segments forming the geometric groups are used in solvingthe 3-D/2-D perspective Eqs. (1) and (2). Of the multiple resultingpose solutions, the top five are iteratively refined and the best isselected using a reprojection error as the confidence metric.With respect to the state-of-the-art image processing, the key

innovation of this subsystem is the use of the WGE technique toefficiently distinguish the target spacecraft from the background. Thesame technique is used to boost the output of off-the-shelf edgedetection techniques to provide a robust identification of the small aswell as large edges of the spacecraft. Second, the key innovation inthe pose determination subsystem is the use of geometricallycomplex feature groups detected in the image to solve the featurecorrespondence problem. This use of feature groups overcomes thechallenge of pose ambiguity while still being more computationallyefficient than the state-of-the-art methods such as the pose-space gridsearch or RANSAC. Lastly, the pose solution output is accompaniedby its reprojection error, which denotes the quality of its fit with thedetected image features. Therefore, if the reprojection error iscalculated to be higher than a threshold, the solution can be classifiedas a “low-confidence solution.” In case none of the features or a lownumber of features is detected in the image, a coarse relative positionsolution is output using the ROI detected by the WGE technique.In this manner, the SVD architecture can be used iteratively on asequence of images until a “high-confidence solution” is available.

III. Image Processing

The goal of the image processing subsystem is to extract the mostsignificant features of the target spacecraft in the input image.Subsequently, the extracted features are organized in geometricallycomplexgroups inorder to performanefficient feature correspondencesanalysis for pose determination.Pose initialization is assumed to be executed at the beginning of the

close-range procedures, ideally before the pose tracking that leads tothe capture of the client. Because the distance from the target is stillconsiderable (30 m in the case of the PRISMA mission [33]), smalldetails in the client’s surface are not visible from the acquired imageand only the most significant features such as the endpoints of thebody edges, antennas, and solar panels can be distinguished. For thisreason, the image processing subsystem solely focuses on extractingedges or straight line segments. Furthermore, as opposed to featuresbased on color gradients, textures, and optical flow, edges are lesssensitive to illumination changes [35].Robust image processing is one of the main challenges in vision-

based pose estimation. In fact, illumination conditions in space mayeven vary during a single orbit, and therefore may cause inaccurateand unreliable features detection. This is mainly due to the high-contrast illumination and low signal-to-noise ratio. Moreover, thepotential presence of the Earth in the image background affectsthe image processing due to the presence of additional features of theplanet’s surface and the high reflectivity of oceans and clouds.

State-of-the-art techniques for straight line segment detection such asthe Canny edge detector [36] followed by the Hough transform [32]may be biased if applied directly to the image because thesealgorithms are gradient based and do not distinguish the foregroundfrom the background. These methods also require the definition ofnumerous hyperparameters, which are difficult to tune for broadapplicability because the imaged scene and the illumination conditionsare constantly changing throughout the orbit. Finally, current methodsfor image segmentation [29] are computationally expensive, andtherefore not suitable for onboard spacecraft applications.To effectively and rapidly detect the client’s edges, even in the

presence of the Earth in the background, a hybrid image processingsubsystem is proposed in Fig. 3. With respect to the off-the-shelffeature detection techniques, the key innovation of this subsystem isthe introduction of the WGE technique and its fusion with the state-of-the-art edge detection techniques to provide an efficient and robustidentification of the true edges of the spacecraft. As demonstrated inSec. V, theWGE technique identifies a more accurate and robust ROIin the image as compared to the state-of-the-art techniques, such asmaximally stable extremal regions (MSERs) [37]. The ROI detectionmakes the subsystem robust to the background, aswell as allows for anautomated selection of hyperparameters required for the Houghtransform. Hence, the subsystem not only finds straight line segmentscorresponding to the large features of the spacecraft but it also detectsstraight line segments corresponding to smaller features such asantennas. Even though the current image processing subsystem relieson detecting straight line segments, it can be easily extended to includecylindrical, spherical, and circular features through the formulation ofseparate Hough transforms. The edges corresponding to these featurescan then be classified as additional feature groups within the proposedarchitecture. In the following sections, the proposed feature detectionand feature synthesis procedures are described in detail.

A. Feature Detection

The feature detection procedure aims at identifying a robust set ofline segments in the rectified input image corresponding to the mostsignificant true edges of the client spacecraft. Some line segmentscorrespond to the spacecraft’s large features (such as the contour ofbus and solar panels), whereas others correspond to small featuressuch as antennas. In particular, small features are important forresolving geometry-related ambiguity in pose determination. Thisaspect will be discussed in more detail in Sec. IV.Figure 3 shows the intermediate steps of the feature detection

procedure. The input raw image is assumed to be rectified, i.e.,corrected for lens distortion [38]. The Gaussian filter is applied to theinput image in order to attenuate the image noise. The filtered image isthen subjected to two parallel streams. In the first stream, the WGEtechnique is applied in order to distinguish the spacecraft from thebackground. A Hough transform is then applied to find smaller edgesthat can correspond to features such as the antennas. In the secondstream, the Sobel algorithm is used for edge detection, followed byanother Hough transform to extract long edges that can correspond tofeatures such as the solar panels. The line segments obtained fromthese two streamsare finallymerged,whereas duplicates are discarded.

1. Weak Gradient Elimination

The weak gradient elimination technique was conceived todistinguish the target spacecraft in the foreground from thebackground. The size of the resulting ROI enabled the automatedselection of hyperparameters required for the detection of both small

2-D Image Feature Detection

Spacecraft 3-D Model

Feature Synthesis

Perspective Equation Solutions

Pose Solution

Feature CorrespondenceImage Processing

Pose Determination

Pose Refinement

Fig. 2 Proposed pose initialization architecture with inputs of a single 2-D image, a 3-D model, and an output of the pose solution.

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Page 4: Robust Model-Based Monocular Pose Initialization for ...

and large features of the spacecraft. State-of-the-art algorithms basedon the Hough transform rely on a single set of manually tuned

hyperparameters, and therefore tend to either detect long linesegments only (as these get more votes) or fuse the short line

segments with one of the proximal longer line segments.Moreover, ifthe image has the planet in the background, line segments belonging

to clouds or coastlines bias the output. The WGE technique solves

both of these problems.The first step of this technique is the calculation of the image

gradient G�u; v� at all pixel locations by using the Prewitt operator[39]. In particular, two 3 × 3 kernels are convolved with the originalimage to calculate approximations of the horizontal and vertical

derivatives. If we define the input image asA, the approximation ofthe horizontal derivative at each point in the image as Gx, and the

approximation of the vertical derivative at each point in the image asGy, then

Gx �

264−1 0 �1

−1 0 �1

−1 0 �1

375 �A Gy �

264−1 −1 −10 0 0

�1 �1 �1

375 �A


where � denotes the two-dimensional convolution operation. At each

point in the imageA�u; v�, the resulting gradient approximations canbe combined to give the gradient magnitude using

G�u; v� ������������������������������������������G2

x�u; v� � G2y�u; v�


Figure 4a shows thegradient of a test image that has theEarth as the

background. Due to the presence of the planet, it is difficult to

distinguish the spacecraft’s true edges from the background clearly.

To detect the spacecraft, the histogram of the gradient is obtained by

sorting G�u; v� in 100 uniformly spaced bins. As can be observed in

Fig. 4b, most of the gradient intensities are weak and correspond to

the features in the background or on the spacecraft’s surface.

The obtained histogram can be approximated by an exponential

probability distribution function (PDF), as in Fig. 4b. The weak

gradient pixel locations are then classified by thresholding the PDF fit

to the gradient histogram. More precisely, the bin corresponding to

the cumulative distribution of 0.99 is found by calculating the area

under the curve of the PDF. All pixel locations corresponding to bins

below this are classified as “weak” and their gradient value is set to

zero. Figure 4c shows the result of this technique; the pixel locations

corresponding to the background and reflective surfaces have been

eliminated, leaving behind pixel locations corresponding to the most

prominent features of the spacecraft.Algorithms relying on the Hough transform require the tuning of

hyperparameters such as the expected minimum length of line

segments and the expected maximum gap between two points to be

considered in the same line segment. This makes these algorithms

unsuitable for broad applicability because these parameters need to

Fig. 4 Steps of weak gradient elimination: a) gradient detection of original image, b) histogram of normalized gradient values and exponential PDFapproximation, and c) output filtered image gradients.

Merge StreamsGaussian Filter

Hough Transform Merge Edge Segments

Weak Gradient Elimination

Hough Transform

Feature Detection

AntennasFeature Synthesis

Open Polygons

Parallel Triad

Toward Pose


Fig. 3 Main steps of the image processing subsystem with a single 2-D image as the input and feature groups as the output.

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Page 5: Robust Model-Based Monocular Pose Initialization for ...

be varied for different imaging scenarios [40]. To overcome this

challenge, theWGE technique allows for an adaptive computation of

these hyperparameters through the detection of a rectangular ROI

around the target spacecraft in the image. The limits of the rectangular

ROI are determined independently in each of the two axes of the

image. To build the ROI, the cumulative distribution function (CDF)

of the filtered image gradient obtained from the WGE is determined

along the two image axes, as seen in Fig. 5. Assuming the filtered

image gradient is normally distributed, the coordinates of the ROI are

determined by axes positions corresponding to CDFs of 0.025 and

0.975 (therefore, only the central 95% of the normal distribution is

considered).To extract line segments corresponding to small spacecraft features,

the Hough transform is applied to the binary image of the filtered

gradient. The required hyperparameters of the Hough transform

(namely, the expected minimum length of the line segments lmin;Hough

and the maximum gap between two points to be considered in the

same line segment λHough) can be calculated as scalar multiples of the

diagonal length of the ROI lROI:

lmin;Hough � κ1 � lROI λHough � κ2 � lROI (5)

The outputs of short line segments are stored and later mergedwith

the line segments belonging to large features. The scalars κ1 and κ2can be empirically estimated in a simulation on ground before the

mission or can be estimated on board using prior knowledge of the

interspacecraft range based on an angles-only navigation phase [41].An innovative feature of theWGE technique is its ability to provide

a coarse relative position solution even before the pose determination

subsystem. Figure 6 shows that the knowledge of the diagonal

characteristic lengthLC of the spacecraft 3-Dmodel and the diagonal

length of the detected ROI lROI can be used to obtain the position ofthe target spacecraft relative to the camera frame tC. In particular, therange to the target spacecraft from the origin of the camera frame is

ktCk2 ���fx � fy�∕2�LC


where fx and fy denote the focal lengths of the camera. Azimuth and

elevation angles �α; β� from the origin of the camera frame C to the

origin of the body-fixed coordinate systemB can be derived using the

principal point of the image �Cx; Cy� and the center of the ROI

�Bx; By�:

α � tan−1�Bx − Cx



β � tan−1�By − Cy



Finally, the coarse relative position solution is given by

tC �

2664Cα 0 −Sα0 1 0

Sα 0 Cα

377526641 0 0

0 Cβ Sβ

0 −Sβ Cβ





3775 (9)

2. Sobel and Hough

The second stream of the feature detection procedure consists ofthe application of the Sobel operator and theHough transform (S&H)technique [32] to the rectified image. The objective is to easily extractline segments corresponding to the silhouette of the large componentsof the spacecraft. Any line segment for which themidpoint lies outsidethe ROI detected from the WGE technique is rejected. The Houghtransform hyperparameters are calculated as

lmin;Hough � κ3 � lROI λHough � κ4 � lROI (10)

Note that, instead of manually tuning the Hough transformhyperparameters for each image separately, the hyperparameters areadaptively computedbasedon the scalarmultiples κ3 and κ4.Due to thisformulation of the Hough hyperparameters, the proposed straight linesegment extraction is largely robust to the interspacecraft separation.The hypothesis is that, as the target spacecraft gets closer to the camera,the expected lengths of its edges in the imageplane are expected to growproportionally to the size of the detected bounding box. Hence,

Fig. 5 ROI detection process: a) cumulative population of strong gradients along the two image axes and b) output ROI.

Fig. 6 Calculation of a coarse relative position solution using the WGEtechnique.

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the determination of parameters κ3 and κ4 needs to occur just once: forexample, in an offline phase before the mission.

3. Merging Edges

The output line segments from the Hough transform often

correspond tomultiple and truncated edges. In Fig. 3, edge 4 and edge5 obtained from theHough transform correspond to the same true linesegment. To resolve this issue, similar line segments aremerged into asingle line segment. For example, consider two line segments, l1 andl2, expressed in the polar form as shown in Fig. 7a:

l1:ρ1 � x cos θ1 � y sin θ1 (11)

l2:ρ2 � x cos θ2 � y sin θ2 (12)

The condition of similarity is that jθ1 − θ2j < θthresh andjρ1 − ρ2j < ρthresh. Furthermore, the Euclidean distance between thefarthest pair of endpoints of the two line segments must be less thandthresh. The parameterdthresh is adaptively computed for each image as

half of the mean length of the detected edge segments, whereas theparameters θthresh and ρthresh are set equal to the resolution of θ and ρin the Hough space. If the similarity condition is verified, the two linesegments are replaced with l3, which is the line segment defined bythe farthest pair of endpoints of the line segments, as shown in Fig. 7b:

l3:ρ3 � x cos θ3 � y sin θ3 (13)

4. Merging Streams

The final step of the feature detection procedure is tomerge the linesegments detected with the WGE and S&H techniques. Only uniqueline segments are output from each of the two streams beforemerging. This uniqueness check resolves the issue of detectingrepeated edges as encountered in previous work [31]. Pairs of close

and similar line segments are detected in the output of both thestreams separately, and only the longer line segment from the pair ispreserved. Using the example of the pair of line segments l1 and l2from Eqs. (11) and (12), the longer line segment is retained if

jθ1 − θ2j < ~θthresh, jρ1 − ρ2j < ~ρthresh, and the Euclidean distancebetween themidpoints is less than half of the length of the longer line

segment. The parameters ~θthresh and ~ρthresh can be tuned to a certainthreshold or expressed as functions of the size of the ROI.The results of the two streams are combined, taking into account

the cases where short line segments detected from the WGEtechnique overlap or intersect with the large line segments output

from the S&H technique. Pairs of line segments from the two streamsare compared, and we check whether they intersect. If they dointersect, then assuming the shorter line segment is divided into twoportionswith lengthsL1 andL2 (whereL1 < L2), only the longer linesegment is preserved if L1∕L2 > 0.25.

B. Feature Synthesis

The objective of feature synthesis is to organize the extracted linesegments into higher-level features to reduce the search space of

the correspondence problem, i.e.,matching features of themodel to thefeatures in the image. Given n points in the image andm points in the3-Dmodel, the number of possible correspondences and, equivalently,the number of hypothetical pose solutions are given by�




Note thatweneed at least six correspondingmodel and image pointsto guarantee a unique solution of the PnP problem [34]. However,more constraints can be generated using the knowledge of the 3-Dmodel and by organizing the points into higher-level groups. Forexample, if four of these image points belong to a polygonal featuresuch as a solar panel, then a unique solution can be found usingjust four correspondences. This drastically reduces the number ofpossible correspondences to 8mplanarnplanar, where mplanar and nplanarare the numbers of four-sided polygonal features of the 3-Dmodel andthe image, respectively. Therefore, the key idea is to solve thecorrespondence problem using just a small number of higher-levelfeature groups instead of using a large number of feature points.In this implementation of feature synthesis, the detected line

segments are organized into fivegroups, namely, parallel pair, proximalpair, open polygonal triad, parallel triad, and closed polygonal tetrad.These groups are built using relations that are preserved over a widerange of camera viewpoints [42], thereby adding robustness to theproposed architecture. Moreover, these groups can be easily andquickly found from the detected line segments by examining just a fewgeometric constraints, as observed in Fig. 8. For example, twosegments compose a proximity pair if they satisfy the condition

d12 ≤ dmax (14)

where d12 is the shortest distance between endpoints, and dmax is athreshold value in pixels. Similarly, two segments compose a parallelpair if they satisfy the condition

θ12 � kθ1 − θ2k ≤ θmax (15)

whereθ1 andθ2 are the line segment slopes, andθmax is a thresholdvalueindegrees. If twogroupsofproximity pairs share a line segment, theyarecategorized as an open polygonal triad if they satisfy the condition

�P1a − P3a� ⋅ �P1b − P3b� > 0 (16)

This ensures that the endpoints of the noncommon line segments lieon the same side with respect to the shared line segment. If two openpolygonal triads are foundwith two shared line segments, then they arecategorized as a closed polygonal tetrad. Similarly, if two parallel pairsare found with a shared line segment, they are categorized as a paralleltriad. Finally, any line segments that were detected through the WGEtechnique feature detection streambutwere not detected from the S&Hfeature detection stream are classified as antennas if the length of thesegment is less than one-third of lROI. This particular threshold can beeasily tuned before the mission as the 3-D model of the targetspacecraft is assumed tobe available.As for the 3-Dmodel of the targetspacecraft, the same groups can be precomputed using the sameconditions before the mission. Figure 9 shows the results from theapplication of feature synthesis routine on some actual space imageryfrom the PRISMA mission.

IV. Pose Determination

The position and attitude of the target spacecraft are determined bysolving the 3-D/2-D perspective projection equation for RBC and tC.Because this requires corresponding image and 3-Dmodel points, thedetected feature groups must be first matched with the correspondingfeature groups of the model. Notably, several possible combinationsbetween the image and correlated model features must be consideredbecause the exact correspondences are unknown. The 3-D/2-D trueperspective projection equation is then solved for each combinationof feature correspondences using the EPnP method [26]. The bestpose candidates are refined through a Newton–Raphson algorithm in




l 2 l3





a) b)









l1 l1

Fig. 7 Merging of two truncated edges: a) original edges, and b) outputmerged edge.

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Page 7: Robust Model-Based Monocular Pose Initialization for ...

order to output a single pose solution. Figure 10 presents the pose

determination subsystem, and the following subsections discuss its

main steps in detail.

A. Feature Correspondence

The correspondences between the image points and the 3-Dmodel

points are obtained by pairing each feature group detected in the

image with each analogous group of the 3-D model of the target

spacecraft. For eachmatching feature group pair, the endpoints of theline segments in the image are hypothesized to correspond with theendpoints of the 3-Dmodel’s lines through simple combinations. Forinstance, a closed polygon identified in the image is coupled withevery closed polygon of the model. This provides eight differentcombinations of the point correspondences between the closedpolygon detected in the image and the closed polygon of the 3-Dmodel. This approach is applied to all the feature groups consideredin the feature synthesis in Sec. IV.



a) b) c)

d) e) f)




5 7





1 2






Fig. 9 Intermediate results from synthesis of detected line segments into higher-level features: a) proximal pair, b) open polygonal triad, c) closedpolygonal tetrad, d) parallel pair, e) parallel triad, and f) antennas.




a) b) c)












P 2b












d) e)




Fig. 8 Synthesis of detected line segments into higher-level features: a) proximal pair, b) open polygonal triad, c) closed polygonal tetrad, d) parallel pair,and e) parallel triad.

Image Processing Feature Groups

Match Matrix Using Point


PnP Problem Using EPnP

Reprojection Error

Pose Refinement with NRM

Spacecraft 3-D Model Feature Groups

Fig. 10 Main steps of the pose determination subsystemwith feature groups from the image and the 3-Dmodel as input and a single pose solution as theoutput.

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The point correspondences between the image and the 3-D modelare stored in the so-called match matrix, which is then input to theEPnP method [26]. The rows of the matrix represent the differenthypotheses for feature correspondence, whereas the columns storethe corresponding 3-Dmodel and 2-D image points.EPnP requires atleast six point correspondences to guarantee a unique pose solution fromEqs. (1) and (2) [43], whereas a single feature group typically providesless than six (seeTable1).Therefore, thepoint correspondences fromthefeature groups are combined with the point correspondences providedby the antennas feature group to form at least six point correspondences.Note that the decision to combine point correspondences from complexfeature groups with point correspondences from the antennas featuregroup is a design choice because the Tango spacecraft has fiveprominent antennas visible from most viewing angles. For otherspacecraft where antennas are either not present or prominent, pointcorrespondences from other complex feature groups may be used toform at least six point correspondences. The feature groups are rankedaccording to their geometric complexity as follows (in descendingorder): closed polygonal tetrad, open polygonal tetrad, parallel triad,proximal pair, and parallel pair. To build the match matrix, only themost geometrically complex feature group detected in that image isconsidered. Table 1 shows the number of rows in the matchmatrix for atypical scenario where at least three antennas are detected. Buildingthe match matrix in this manner has two main advantages: first, theprobability of an accidental detection of the higher geometriccomplexity group is less than that of the lower geometric complexitygroup [42]; and second, the higher the geometric complexity of thefeature group, the lower the number of possible correspondencesbetween the image and the 3-D model features.Unlike most previous algorithms to hypothesize feature

correspondence, not all possible featurematches are treated identically.Instead, a small set ofmatches is hypothesized and thenverified. This isin stark contrast to view-based approaches where image features werecompared with precomputed 2-D views of the object to determine theobject pose [44–47]. These approaches tried to deal with the fullgeometric search space by clustering the views. None of these arepractical for the constrained space-hardened hardware due to theirextremely large geometric search space.


Each combination of feature correspondences stored in the matchmatrix is employed to solve the 3-D/2-D perspective equation usingthe EPnPmethod [26]. Notably, EPnP is chosen among state-of-the-art algorithms because it ensures rapid convergence and robustness toimage noise and feature outliers [43].The key concept of the EPnPmethod is its use of four noncoplanar

unknown control points: cC1 , cC2 , c

C3 , and c

C4 . Let n be the number of

correspondences between the image andmodel features. Eachmodelpoint can be expressed in the camera coordinate system C as a linearcombination of the control points according to

rCi �X4j�1

γijcCj i � 1; 2; : : : ; n (17)

In the ideal case, each feature point qi � �ui; vi� detected in theimage coincides to the corresponding model point pB

i projected ontothe image. Notably, this yields to

ui �xCizCi

fx � Cx i � 1; 2; : : : ; n (18)

vi �yCizCi

fy � Cy i � 1; 2; : : : ; n (19)

where rCi � �xCi ; yCi ; zCi � is the model point written in the cameracoordinate system and obtained from pB

i using Eq. (1). Bysubstituting Eq. (17) into Eqs. (18) and (19), we obtain the followinglinear equations for each pair of features:


γijfxcCxj �


�Cx − ui�γijcCzj � 0 i � 1; 2; : : : ; n (20)


γijfycCyj �


�Cy − vi�γijcCzj � 0 i � 1; 2; : : : ; n (21)

This linear system of 2 × n equations is solved for the 12 unknownparameters that are the components of the control points cC1 , c

C2 , c

C3 ,

and cC4 . Therefore, at leastn � 6 correspondences between the imageandmodel features are required to obtain the solution. The pose of thetarget is then retrieved using Eqs. (1) and (17).The EPnP algorithm is applied to each combination of feature

correspondences defined in the match matrix. The reprojection error

is the Euclidean distance between image features and correspondingmodel points projected onto the image, which is mathematicallyexpressed as

E2D � 1



������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ui −


fx � Cx


��vi −


fy � Cy




Notably, rCi � �xCi ; yCi ; zCi � is computed from the model feature

point pBi using Eq. (1).

C. Pose Refinement

The best five pose solutions in terms of their solution error[Eq. (22)] are used for pose refinement. The first step of this procedure

is to solve the 3-D/2-D perspective projection equation using theNewton–Raphsonmethod (NRM) [31] using each pose solution as thefirst guess. For each feature correspondence, the following fit errorbetween the detected image feature and the projected model point is


Ei ��ui −


fx �Cx

�; vi −


fy �Cy

��i� 1;2; : : : ; n


where rCi � �xCi ; yCi ; zCi � is obtained frompBi usingEq. (1).The fit error

in Eq. (23) has six unknown parameters of x � �tC; θBC�, where θBC isthe Euler angles sequence that defines the rotation matrix RBC.

Table 1 Expected number of rows in the match matrix (column 5) based on the most geometrically complex featuregroup detected in the image (column 1)

Feature groupNumber of pointsper feature group

Number of featuregroups in image

Number of featuregroups in 3-D model

Number of rowsin match matrix

Closed polygonal tetrad 4 ϕa ϕ 0a 8ϕaϕ



Open polygonal tetrad 4 ϕb ϕ 0b 8ϕbϕ



Parallel triad 6 ϕc ϕ 0c 24ϕcϕ


Parallel pair 4 ϕd ϕ 0d 8ϕdϕ



Proximal pair 3 ϕe ϕ 0e 2ϕeϕ



Antenna 1 ϕf ϕ 0f ——

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Because each feature correspondence provides two conditions, at leastthree matches between detected corners and projected features arerequired to solve the system of equations defined by the fit errors. Letn ≥ 3 be the number of correspondences between the image andmodelfeatures. The system of 2 × n equations that must be solved for x isgiven by

Es �



: : :


3775 (24)

TheNRMsolves this systemof equations by iteratively updating thesolution as

xk�1 � xk − �JTJ�−1JTEs�xk� (25)

whereEs�xk� is evaluated using Eq. (24) at xk, andJ is the Jacobian ofthe system:

J � ∂Es






: : : : : :





377775 (26)

The partial derivatives in Eq. (26) are obtained fromEqs. (1) and (2)and are given by the following:



0 −fxx







37775 (27)


∂tC� RBCpB (28)


∂tC� ∂RBC

∂θBCpB (29)

The iterative routine stops when either the improvement of thesolution achieves the tolerance or the number of iterations reaches themaximum number. By applying the NRM to each of the selected bestsolutions generated byEPnP, new pose solutions are obtained. This setof solution candidates is used to project the 3-D model using thepainter’s algorithm. A nearest-neighbor search is employed to matchthe endpoints of the line segments detected in the image with theendpoints of the projected model’s line segments. The output posesolution is the one that minimizes the reprojection error [see Eq. (22)].Because the reprojection error is a measure of how well the posesolution “fits” the detected image features, it can be used as aconfidencemetric.A “high-confidencepose”will generally have averylow reprojection error as compared to a “low-confidence pose.” Thisallows the proposed architecture to be run on successive images until athreshold reprojection error is met.

V. Validation

The SVD architecture and its constituent subsystems areindependently tested on the imagery collected during the PRISMAmission [33] to evaluate their performance and quantitatively comparetheir strengths and weaknesses against the state-of-the-art methods.The 3-D wireframemodel used in this validation effort is illustrated inFig. 11. This model is derived by reducing a high fidelity computer-aided design model of the Tango spacecraft [31] to only contain a lownumber of features. The set of features present in this model is selectedto reduce possible pose ambiguities (by maintaining geometricasymmetry) and to reduce the number of feature correspondence

hypotheses during pose determination. It consists of a polygonrepresenting the solar panel (560 × 750 mm) and a convex polyhedronrepresenting the spacecraft body (560 × 550 × 300 mm). Fiveadditional segments (204 mm) represent the radio-frequency antennas.The origin of the body frame is located at the center of the bottom faceof the spacecraft body. The model is input in MATLAB as astereolithographic file fromwhich information about surfaces and edgesis generated. Notably, the same feature synthesis groups introduced inSec. IV can be extracted from the 3-D model using the same conditionchecks and functions. We detected 16 proximal pairs, 18 parallel pairs,12 parallel triads, 6 closed polygonal tetrads, 6 open polygonal tetrads,and 5 antennas from the 3-D model.In the tests that used datasets containing PRISMA imagery, flight

dynamics products from the PRISMA mission [48] have been usedfor performance evaluation. Specifically, onground precise relativeorbit determination based on theGlobal Positioning System (accurateto about 2 cm 3-D rms) [48] is used as the “true” relative position,and an onboard coarse attitude estimate from the sun sensors andmagnetometers (accurate to about 3° 3-D rms) [31] is used to calculatethe true relative attitude.The accuracy in the estimated relative positionis evaluated by the following translation error:

ET � jtCtrue − tCestj (30)

which represents the elementwise absolute difference between theposition tCtrue of the client obtained from the flight dynamics productsand the position tCest provided by the pose solution. Similarly, theaccuracy of the attitude solution of the target vehicle is evaluatedthrough the Euler angle representation of the rotational error

ER�Rdiff� � �ϕ; θ;ψ� (31)

where Rdiff is a direction cosine matrix representing the relativerotation between the true value and the estimate value of RBC:

Rdiff � RBCest �RBC

true�T (32)

Geometrically, ϕ, θ, and ψ represent the errors in the estimatedattitude about the directionsC1,C2, andC3, respectively. As shown inFig. 1, the directionC3 is pointed along the boresight, whereasC1 andC2 are aligned with the image frame P. Lastly, the reprojection errorE2D, of the final pose estimate is calculated using Eq. (22) and isreported in pixels. The reprojection error quantifies how closely thefinal pose estimate recreates the features detected in the image. Table 2presents the purpose, the image datasets, and themethods used duringthe four tests conducted as part of the validation effort. The followingsubsections present a detailed account of these four tests.

A. Test 1

This test compared the performance of state-of-the-art featureextractors with that of WGE using a dataset of 142 images fromthe PRISMA mission (referred to in Table 2 as PRISMA-142).

z y x






X [mm]


Z [m






Y [mm]


-400 -600

Fig. 11 3-D wireframe model of the Tango satellite.

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The image processing subsystem is required to output pixel locations

of edge endpoints that correspond to line segment endpoints of the

3-D model. This can be achieved either through 1) coupling edge

detectors such as Sobel [32], Canny [36], and Prewitt [39] with the

Hough transform; 2) using corner detectors such as features from

accelerated segment test (FAST) [49]; or 3) using key-point detectors

such as binary robust invariant scalable keypoints (BRISK) [50]. The

true positive rate (TPR) and positive predictive value (PPV) were

calculated for each image in PRISMA-142 as

TPR � Number of true positives

Number of true positives� Number of false positives⋅ 100


PPV � Number of true positives

Number of true positives� Number of true negatives⋅ 100


The ground truth for the edge endpoints were manually annotated

on the images. A pixel location outputwas classified as a true positive

if it was within a Euclidean distance of 5 pixels from a true edge

endpoint. All output pixel locations outside this rangewere classified

as false positives. Any true edge endpoint that remained undetected

(i.e., none of the pixel locations output by the feature extractor were

within a Euclidean distance of 5 pixels) was counted as a false

negative.Figure 12 shows that the WGE achieved a true positive rate of

32.8%, which is the highest among all feature detectors tested,

followed closely by Canny (31.2%) and Sobel (30.4%). However,

WGE has a precision of 21.6% as compared to 1.6% for Canny and

4.6% for Sobel. Moreover, this performance comes at an order of

magnitude less computational time as other edge detectors because

the weak gradient elimination process reduces the number of pixel

locations considered by the Hough transform during feature

extraction. The performance ofWGE is, therefore, far superior to the

feature extraction methods based on edge detection. The mean PPV

value of the WGE in this test was lower than BRISK and FAST;

however, there were zero images where WGE failed to produce a

single true positive as compared to 30 for FAST and 11 for BRISK.Figure 13 shows that both FASTand BRISKwere a magnitude faster

in comparison to WGE. However, that was expected because WGE

not only detected pixel locations of endpoints but also provided line

segment information (i.e., which endpoints fall on the same edge).

B. Test 2

This test compared the ROI output of the WGE on the PRISMA-

142 dataset with that of the maximally stable extremal regions [37].

The MSER is a blob detector that outputs a list of pixel locations,

whereas the WGE provides a bounding box in the image plane.Therefore, the pixel location list output by the MSER is first

converted to a list of bounding boxes. Following that, a single (or

multiple in some images) ROI is obtained by applying nonmaximum

suppression (NMS) [51] to the list of bounding boxes. The output ofMSER+NMS and WGE is compared against the ROI ground truth

obtained throughmanual annotation of the images. The PPVandTPR

for each ROI are calculated by classifying their bounded area and

using Eqs. (33) and (34). Figure 14 shows the definitions of the true

positive, false positive, and true negative regions in the image.

Table 2 Description of the tests conducted for the validation and comparison of the SVD architecture against the state-of-the-art methods

Test name Test purpose Image datasets Methods

Test 1 Extraction of line segment endpoints PRISMA-142 FAST [49], BRISK [50], Sobel� Hough [32],Canny�Hough [36], Prewitt�Hough [39], WGE

Test 2 Detection of region of interest PRISMA-142 MSER [37], WGETest 3 Solution of perspective equations PRISMA-5,

Synthetic-5EPnP [26], ASPnL, LPnL-DLT, LPnL-LS, LPnL-ENull [24],

Ansar and Daniilidis [25],Mirzaei and Roumeliotis [23]

Test 4 Pose initialization with unknownfeature correspondences





FAST BRISK Sobel Canny Prewitt WGE




Fig. 12 Mean and standard deviation of the true positive rate andpositive predictive values of the feature extraction algorithms on thePRISMA-142 dataset.

FAST BRISK Sobel Canny Prewitt WGE




l tim

e [m


Fig. 13 Mean and standard deviation of the computational time requiredby the feature extraction algorithms on the PRISMA-142 dataset.

Fig. 14 Class definitions of the area bounded by the region-of-interestoutput by WGE andMSER�NMS.

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Figure 15 shows some of the results obtained using WGE and

MSER� NMS on the PRISMA-142 dataset. The mean values of the

TPR and PPVacross all 142 images for WGE were measured as 90.59

and 85.98%, respectively. These values are superior to those measured

forMSER� NMS (meanTPR� 89.45% andmeanPPV� 81.77%).

The mean computational time for MSER� NMS, as measured using

tic-toc on MATLAB running on a 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 machine,

was 0.4867 s; whereas the mean computational time for WGE was

0.0878 s. Moreover, as seen in Fig. 15,MSER� NMS had a tendency

to producemultiple ROIs per image; conventionally, amachine learning

Fig. 15 Region-of-interest output by WGE andMSER�NMS on a set of four images from the PRISMA-142 dataset.

Noise Standard Deviation = 0 pixels Noise Standard Deviation = 1 pixel

Noise Standard Deviation = 2 pixels

3 4 5 6 7 80



0.6Noise Standard Deviation = 3 pixels

Fig. 16 Average success rate of pose solvers as a function of the number of line correspondences. Plots generated using five random poses and differentlevels of noise in the projected image.

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algorithm is required to classify whether the ROI contains the object ofinterest.However,multipleROIsper imagecouldbeadesirablepropertyif more than one satellite were present in the image. Figure 15 alsoexhibits a failure case for WGE, where the curvature of the Earth ispresent in the image. The output of WGE is biased because the horizonrepresents a sharp change in image intensity.

C. Test 3

This test compares the output of several perspective equationsolvers to select one that is both accurate and computationally fast.In particular, the attitude and translation output of several PnLalgorithms (ASPnL [24], LPnL [24], Ansar and Daniilidis [25], andMirzaei andRoumeliotis [23]) is compared againstEPnP [26], whichis a PnP solver. The test only considers a single PnP solver becauseEPnP has been shown to have superior performance in comparison toother PnP solvers [43]. This test employs the use of two datasets. Thefirst dataset contains five synthetic images that are generated byprojecting the 3-D model of the spacecraft (see Fig. 11) onto theimage plane using randomposes. For each image, the PnL solvers aretested on different combinations of line correspondences. To createthe combinations, several sizes of combinations are consideredandeachsolver is tested on all possible combinations of line correspondences ofthat size. Unique line segment endpoints are selected from the linecorrespondences as input for theEPnP. The seconddataset contains fiveactual images of the Tango spacecraft acquired during the PRISMAmission [33]. Line correspondences between the image and the 3-Dmodel are manually selected, and each algorithm is tested on severalcombinations of correspondences. To compare the output of the pose

Table 3 Accuracy and computation runtime ofthe pose outputs from EPnP and LPnL-ENull

Algorithm kETk2, m kERk2, deg Runtime, ms

EPnP 0.23 2.7 3.0LPnL-ENull 0.30 8.1 3.5

03 4 5 6 7 8






Fig. 17 Average success rate of the pose solvers as a function of thenumber of line correspondences. Plots generated using five images fromthe PRISMA mission. DLT: direct linear transform.

Fig. 18 Pose initialization results using the SVD architecture.

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Page 13: Robust Model-Based Monocular Pose Initialization for ...

solvers, a success rate based on the number of “correct” pose outputs is

calculated. In particular, the success rate is the fraction of pose outputs

that have kETk2 < 30 cm and kERk2 < 10 deg.Figure 16 shows the success rate of the pose solvers tested on the

dataset of synthetic images. Measurement noise due to the image

sensor characteristics is simulated by adding Gaussian noise with

zero mean and varying levels of standard deviation to the input of the

pose solvers. EPnP was found to have the highest success rate for

every size of input correspondence and noise level. The reason of the

poor performance of perspective-n-line algorithms (PnL) solvers isthat these solvers require a large number of line correspondences to

solve the PnL problem and they are very sensitive to noise, especially

when few correspondences are provided. This result is not surprising

because other authors have only demonstrated satisfactory results of

PnL solvers with at least 10 line correspondences [24]. However,

the performance of EPnP also degenerates with increasing levels of

measurement noise.

Figure 17 shows the performance of the pose solvers tested on thedataset of five real images from thePRISMAmission.Similar to the testcases of the synthetic dataset,EPnPwas again found tohave the highestaverage success rate for all sets of feature correspondences. Note thatthe failure cases of EPnPwith three- and four-feature correspondencesare due to the fact that coplanar point correspondences may leadto multiple pose solutions [52]. In cases where both EPnP andLPnL-ENull produced a correct pose solution, their accuracy (usingkETk2 and kERk2) and computational runtime (using MATLABcommands tic and toc) weremeasured for comparison.As summarizedin Table 3, EPnP offered a superior performance in terms of both poseaccuracy and runtime. For these reasons, EPnPwas chosen as the posesolver in the proposed pose initialization architecture.

D. Test 4

This test compares the pose estimate of the proposed poseinitialization architecture based on the use of feature groups, with one

Fig. 19 Pose initialization results using the RANSAC architecture (showing the 3-D model projected on the image plane using the pose solution).

Table 4 Accuracy of the pose solutions provided by SVD and RANSAC on the PRISMA-25 dataseta

SVD solution type Number of images Method ER, deg ET , m

High-confidence pose 5 SVD (−0.57, 0.59, −1.37) (0.14, 0.06, 0.51)

RANSAC (29.84, 7.52, −17.87) (0.46, 0.52, 1.94)

Low-confidence pose 7 SVD (−23.56, −0.67, 16.78) (0.18, 0.005, 0.75)

RANSAC (75.66, 2.18, −22.16) (0.28, 0.35, 1.13)

Relative position only 13 SVD —— (0.07, 0.03, 0.51)

RANSAC (−10.04, −2.11, 23.41) (0.24, 0.48, 1.38)

aValues of ER and ET are mean values computed across the different images belonging to the particular solution type.

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based on the use of RANSAC [34]. In particular, the test highlightsthe advantages and disadvantages of handling unknown featurecorrespondences through feature synthesis as compared to randomhypotheses. RANSAC randomly samples three edges from the imageand three line segments from the 3-D model, and their provides theirendpoints to EPnP for a pose solution. This pose is then verifiedby projecting the 3-D model on the image plane and counting thenumber of “inlier” edges that agree with it, i.e., the number ofdetected edges that are closer than a predefined threshold to thecorresponding projected edges. The pose solution with the highestnumber of inlier edges is output after k randomhypotheses. Thevalueof k is governed by

k � log�1 − p�log�1 − �w∕mn�6� (35)

where p is the probability of randomly drawing a correct sample ofcorresponding 3-D model and image feature points,w is the numberof detected image feature points that correspond to at least one 3-Dmodel point, and m and n are the total number of 3-D model andimage feature points, respectively. In case two pose solutions have thesame number of inlier edges, the solution that has a lower medianEuclidean distance between the inlier edge endpoints and theircorresponding projected edge endpoints is chosen. For a consistentcomparison of RANSAC with SVD, both architectures used pointfeatures from the same image processing subsystem. A dataset of 25images from the PRISMAmissionwere used in this test, and the poseestimates from the two architectures were compared against thePRISMA flight dynamic products to calculate ER and ET .Figures 18 and 19 visualize the pose solutions computed by SVD

and RANSAC, respectively; whereas Table 4 presents the attitudeand translation accuracy of the solutions. In particular, Table 4presents the mean and standard deviation of ER and ET for the threeclasses of pose solutions provided by SVD. As seen in Fig. 18, SVDproduced high-confidence pose solutions for images 1–5, lowconfidence solutions for images 6–12, and relative position solutionsonly for images 13–25. For images 6–25, Fig. 18 also shows the ROIdetected byWGE. The architecture using RANSAC produced a posesolution for all 25 images; however, the accuracy for these solutionswas lower as compared to SVD.As seen in Fig. 19, the pose solutionsby RANSACwere successful in aligning the detected edges with theline segments in the 3-D model, producing meter-level relativeposition accuracy. However, in general, this alignment of edges doesnot guarantee a correct relative attitude solution, as is visible inFig. 19 and Table 4. In contrast, the SVD architecture provided ahigh-confidence pose solution for five images, a low-confidence posesolution in seven images, and only a relative position solution for 13images. The SVD high-confidence pose solutions had decimeter-level relative position accuracy and degree-level relative attitudeaccuracy. In comparison, the relative attitude accuracy for the SVDlow-confidence pose solutions was poor due to the geometricambiguity resulting from the low number of attitude distinguishingfeatures detected. For example, due to the geometry of the Tangospacecraft, it was impossible to distinguish between two attitudesolutions that were mirrors of each other if only a single polygonaltetrad and an antenna were detected. In these cases, the correctattitude solution was found to always be part of the set of top five

solutions input to theNRMduring the pose determination subsystem.However, after theNRM, the reprojection error of the correct solutionwas almost equal but slightly lower than the output solution. Lastly,SVDdid not produce an attitude solution for 13 images because theseimages resulted in a pose solution with a high reprojection error. Acommon characteristic of these images was the detection of partialedges, duplicate edges, and the detection of edges that were absent inthe 3-D model. Figure 20a shows spurious edges that were detecteddue to the presence of the horizon,which did not get eliminated by theWGE technique due to its sharp intensity gradient; Figs. 20b and 20cshow the detection of duplicate edges as well as edges detected fromparts of the spacecraft absent in its 3-D model. For both RANSACand SVD architectures, the highest uncertainty in relative positionand attitude solutionswas in theC3 direction, whichwas alignedwiththe camera boresight. The test was run on a 2.4 GHz Intel Corei5-4570T processor and made use of vectorized implementation ofthe SVD pose initialization architecture inMATLAB. TheMATLABcommand tic was used to start a stopwatch timer when the imageprocessing began, whereas the command toc was used to stop thetimer when the pose solution was output. For the 12 images in whichSVD produced a pose solution, it required 8.2163 s on average. Amajorityof the runtimewas spent in solving the feature correspondenceproblem, which was to be expected because the architecture did notrely on an a priori guess of the pose. In comparison, RANSAC requiredan average of 13.464 s for the same set of 12 images where SVDproduced a pose solution.

VI. Conclusions

This paper described an architecture for robust model-based poseinitialization of noncooperative spacecraft to enable autonomousproximity operations. The detailed description of the proposedtechniques was accompanied by a thorough validation effort usingsynthetic images as well as actual space imagery from the PRISMAmission to show the functional applicability and the accuracypotential. The proposed architecture improved upon the state of theart by introducing a hybrid approach to image processing by fusingthe WGE technique with the Sobel operator followed by Houghtransform to detect both small and large features of the targetspacecraft. The hyperparameters of the Hough transform wereexpressed as scalar multiples of the size of the ROI determined fromthe image processing subsystem, thereby alleviating the problem ofmanually tuning them for each imagemanually. The scalar multiplescould easily determined using onground simulations or onboard using a prior knowledge of the interspacecraft range fromangles-only measurements. Comparisons with independent flightdynamics operational products have shown pose accuracy at thelevel of 1.5968 deg (3-D rms error) and 0.5322 m (3-D rms error).Notably, the errors in the translation and attitude in and alongthe boresight direction were the largest. On average, the SVDarchitecture required 8.2163 s to produce a pose solution whenimplemented in MATLAB on a 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5-4570Tprocessor. Notably, up to 92% of the runtime was contributed byEPnP calls to determine the correct feature correspondencesbetween the image and the 3-D model. Therefore, there would bemerit in further developing techniques to detect complex feature

Fig. 20 Example images where the image processing subsystem output contained spurious edges.

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groups; for example, separate Hough transforms could be employedfor each complex geometric shape.Future work will exploit features from subsequent images to

estimate the pose if a complex feature group is not detected in the firstimage. Additionally, the determination of the initial pose at closerange can be aided by the estimation of the relative orbit throughazimuth and elevation angle measurements made at far range.Moreover, once the pose is determined for the first image, it will beused as an initial guess for the pose in subsequent images. This willlead to a dramatically lower computational runtime for these imagesbecause the expensive step of determining the feature correspon-dence between the image and the 3-D model does not have to berepeated. Output of the feature detection is processed to merge anypartially detected line segments, and this has vastly improved thequality of edge detection as compared to previous work; however,further improvements must be made because it is still susceptible toproducing spurious edges. This leads to the architecture producing norelative attitude solution for 13 out of 25 PRISMA images. Hence,methods for image processing using alternative features types mustbe explored to make it more robust. Finally, future work willincorporate the use of simulated test imagery and hardware-in-the-loop experiments to train and evaluate the SVD pose initializationarchitecture.


The authors would like to thank the King Abdulaziz City forScience and Technology Center of Excellence for Research inAeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University for sponsoringthis work. The authors would also like to thank OHB Sweden; DLR,GermanAerospace Center; and the Technical University of Denmarkfor the PRISMA images used in this work. The authors would like tothank Joshua Sullivan of the Space Rendezvous Laboratory for hisintellectual discussions regarding the weak gradient eliminationtechnique.


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