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Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color

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  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


    This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


    Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color

    Global and Local Oriented Edge Magnitude PatternsXue Yuan, Xiaoli Hao, Houjin Chen, and Xueye Wei

    AbstractMost of the existing traffic sign recognition (TSR)systems make use of the inner region of the signs or the local fea-tures such as Haar, histograms of oriented gradients (HOG), andscale-invariant feature transform for recognition, whereas thesefeatures are still limited to deal with the rotation, illumination,and scale variations situations. A good feature of a traffic signis desired to be discriminative and robust. In this paper, a novelColor Global and Local Oriented Edge Magnitude Pattern (ColorGlobal LOEMP) is proposed. The Color Global LOEMP is aframework that is able to effectively combine color, global spatialstructure, global direction structure, and local shape informationand balance the two concerns of distinctiveness and robustness.

    The contributions of this paper are as follows: 1) color angularpatterns are proposed to provide the color distinguishing infor-mation; 2) a context frame is established to provide global spatialinformation, due to the fact that the context frame is establishedby the shape of the traffic sign, thus allowing the cells to be alignedwell with the inside part of the traffic sign even when rotation andscale variations occur; and 3) a LOEMP is proposed to representeach cell. In each cell, the distribution of the orientation patternsis described by the HOG feature, and then, each direction ofHOG is represented in detail by the occurrence of local binarypattern histogram in this direction. Experiments are performedto validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach with TSRsystems, and the experimental results are satisfying, even forimages containing traffic signs that have been rotated, damaged,altered in color, or undergone affine transformations or images

    that were photographed under different weather or illuminationconditions.

    Index TermsHistogram of oriented gradient (HOG), localbinary pattern (LBP), rotation invariant, traffic sign recognition(TSR).


    AT PRESENT, intelligent transportation system technology

    is developing at a very rapid pace. Traffic problems, such

    as driving safety, city traffic congestion, and transportation

    efficiency, are expected to be alleviated through the application

    Manuscript received February 25, 2013; revised July 17, 2013, October 8,2013, and December 14, 2013; accepted January 6, 2014. This work wassupported in part by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Programof Higher Education under Grants 20110009120003 and 20110009110001, bythe National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61301186 and61271305, and by the School Foundation of Beijing Jiaotong University underGrants W11JB00460 and 2010JBZ010. The Associate Editor for this paper wasS. S. Nedevschi.

    X. Yuan is with the School of Electronics and Information Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China, and also with the ChineseAcademy of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing 100830, China(e-mail: [email protected]).

    X. Hao, H. Chen, and X. Wei are with the School of Electronics andInformation Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China.

    Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITS.2014.2298912

    of information technology and the intelligent transportation of

    vehicles. As an important subsystem in intelligent transporta-

    tion system technology, traffic sign recognition (TSR) systems

    based on computer vision have gradually become an important

    research topic in the field of intelligent transportation system

    technology [1][10].

    Traffic sign images are generally obtained from outdoor

    natural scenes by means of cameras installed on vehicles, and

    then, the images are input to a computer for processing. Due

    to the many types of complicated factors present outdoors,

    outdoor environments are much more complex and challengingthan indoor systems. The main difficulties of TSR systems are

    how to extract the robust descriptor with rich information in

    accordance with various lighting conditions, shape rotations,

    affine transformations, dimension changes, and so on.

    Through in-depth study of traffic sign data sets, some com-

    mon characteristics of traffic signs may be observed, such as the

    following, for example.

    1) Some traffic signs have the same local features but differ-

    ent background colors [see Fig. 1(a)].

    2) Some traffic signs have the same local features and back-

    ground colors but different distributions of global shapes

    [see Fig. 1(b)].

    3) Some traffic signs share the same components but have

    different meanings [see Fig. 1(c)].

    The proposed system consists of the following two stages:

    detection performed using maximally stable extremal regions

    (MSERs) and recognition performed by the novel Color Global

    and Local Oriented Edge Magnitude Pattern (Color Global

    LOEMP) features, which are classified using a support vector

    machine (SVM). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first

    paper that adopts local binary pattern (LBP)-based features

    for TSR, which are more discriminative and robust in han-

    dling shape rotations, various illumination conditions, and scale

    changes from traffic sign images than the existing systems. The

    remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,we review previous work and describe our improvements.

    Section III presents the traffic sign detection algorithm, and

    Section IV details the Color Global LOEMP feature extraction.

    Recognition based on SVMs is presented in Section V. The

    experimental results are presented in Section VI. Finally, a

    conclusion is presented in Section VII.


    In recent years, research with regard to TSR has grown

    rapidly due to the significant need for such systems in future

    vehicles. The most common approach consists of two main

    1524-9050 2014IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.htmlfor more information.

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  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


    This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


    Fig. 1. Examples of traffic signs. (a) Traffic signs with the same localtexture patterns, butdifferentbackgroundcolors. (b) Traffic signs with the same localtexturepatterns and background colors but, different distributions of global geometrics. (c) Traffic signs that share the same components but, have different meanings.

    stages: detection and recognition. The detection stage identifies

    the regions of interest and is performed mostly using color

    segmentation, followed by some form of shape recognition. The

    detected candidates are then either identified or rejected during

    the recognition stage. The features used in the recognition

    stage are the inner components of traffic signs, Haar, and HOG

    features. Classifiers such as SVM [1][3], neural networks [4],

    and fuzzy regression tree frameworks [5] were reported on

    recent papers.

    In the detection stage, the majority of the systems make

    use of color information as a method for segmenting the

    image. The performance of color-based traffic sign detec-

    tion is often reduced in scenes with strong illumination,

    poor lighting, or adverse weather conditions. Color models,

    such as huesaturationvalue (HSV), YUV, YCBCR, and

    CIECAM97, have been used in an attempt to overcome issues.

    For example, Gaoet al.[6] proposed a TSR system based on theextraction of the red and blue color regions in the CIECAM97

    color model. References [1] and [2] extracted color information

    for traffic sign detection in the HSV color model. Reference

    [4] detected potential road signs by means of the distribution

    of red pixels within the image in theY CBCR color model. In

    contrast, there are several approaches that ignore color informa-

    tion entirely and instead use only shape information from gray

    scale images. For example, Loy [7] proposed a system that used

    local radial symmetry to highlight the points of interest in each

    image and detect octagonal, square, and triangular traffic signs.

    Recently, Greenhalgh and Mirmehdi [3] have proposed a traffic

    sign detection algorithm using a novel application of MSERs;

    the authors validated the efficiency of the MSERs method.

    In the recognition stage, the majority of the systems make

    use of the inner region. For example, Fleyeh and Davami

    [8] extracted the binary inner component of traffic signs for

    recognition. They processed the size and rotation normalization

    before recognition in order to reduce the effects caused by

    shape rotation, affine transformation, and dimension changes.

    Then, they used the principal component analysis algorithm to

    determine the most effective eigenvectors of the traffic signs.

    Escalera et al. [9] indicated that a sign is the sum of a color

    border, an achromatic (either white and/or black) inner com-

    ponent, and a shape. They proposed a method that computes

    color energy, chromatic energy, gradient energy, and distanceenergy. They also proposed two techniques for determining the

    minimum as traffic sign regions in the energy function, namely,

    simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. Maldonado-

    Bascnet al. also proposed a TSR system using gray images

    of inner regions [1], [2], in which the gray images were nor-

    malized and the contrasts were stretched and equalized before

    recognition to reduce the effect of illumination variations.

    Some recent systems have made use of HOG, Haar, and

    scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) features for TSR. For

    example, Rutaet al.[5] extracted Haar and HOG features from

    traffic sign images. Greenhalgh and Mirmehdi [3] proposed

    a TSR algorithm using HOG features. Takaki et al. [10] and

    Ihara et al. [11] proposed a TSR method based on keypoint

    classification by SIFT. In their system, two different feature

    subspaces are constructed from gradient and general images.

    Detected keypoints are then projected onto both subspaces,

    and SIFT is a local descriptor, which remains unchanged

    for images of different scales and small rotation angles.Abdel-Hakim and Farag [12] proposed a traffic sign detection

    and recognition technique by augmenting SIFT with the ad-

    dition of new features related to the color of the keypoints.

    In [13], Yuan et al. proposed a context-aware SIFT-based

    algorithm for TSR. Furthermore, a method for computing the

    similarity between two images is proposed in their paper, which

    focuses on the distribution of the matching points, rather than

    using the traditional SIFT approach of selecting the template

    with the maximum number of matching points as the final

    result. However, some issues still remain when illumination

    and rotation variations occur. For example, the performance of

    inner-region-based TSR is often reduced in scenes with various

    illumination conditions, rotation, and scale variations and that

    have undergone affine transformations. HOG [14] is very effec-

    tive in capturing gradients, long known to be crucial for vision

    and robust to appearance and illumination changes. However,

    images are clearly more than just gradients, and traditional

    HOG is still limited to performing the rotation variations. SIFT

    is proposed to solve these problems, which is robust to various

    illumination conditions, shape rotations, and scale changes.

    However, the dimension of the SIFT feature is dependent on

    the number of detected keypoints, and the number of keypoints

    is always different among the images. Due to the fact that the

    dimensions of the features are different, it is difficult to design

    a suitable classifier for classification based on the SIFT feature.In this paper, an LBP-based feature, which is robust to shape

  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


    This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


    Fig. 2. Examples in the process of traffic sign detection. (a) Original images. (b) Normalized red/blue images. (c) MSERs (each level of the MSER is painted adifferent color). (d) Borders of the MSERs. (e) Detection results.

    rotations, various illumination conditions, and scale changes

    from traffic sign images, is proposed. Furthermore, the LBP-

    based feature is more suitable for combining with common


    Ojala et al. first proposed the concept of LBP [15], which

    may be converted to a rotational invariant version for applica-

    tion in texture classification. Various extensions of LBP, such as

    LBP variance with global matching [16], dominant LBPs [17],

    completed LBPs [18], and joint distribution of local patterns

    with Gaussian mixtures [19], have been proposed for rotational

    invariant texture classification.

    To the best of our knowledge, there have been no public

    report of using LBP for TSR; it is due to the fact that the

    following issues remain in traditional LBP.

    1) LBP is unable to provide color information.

    2) LBP only focuses on local textures while ignoring the

    distribution of global shapes.

    3) The rotational invariant version of LBP proposed in [15],namedLBPriu2, has a very small size, and such a small

    size of this feature cannot effectively represent a complex

    traffic sign image.

    In this paper, a novel traffic sign descriptor is proposed,

    known as Color Global LOEMP, which is robust to illumination

    conditions, scale, and rotation variations and balances the two

    concerns of distinctiveness and robustness. The main contribu-

    tions of this paper are as follows.

    1) The proposed color angular feature is able to exploit the

    discriminative color information derived from the spati-

    ochromatic texture patterns of different spectral channels

    in a local region, which can respect the abundant color

    information of traffic signs.

    2) A novel context frame is established to provide global

    spatial information. The context frame is established by

    the shape of the traffic sign, thus allowing the cells to be

    aligned well with the inside part of the traffic sign, even

    when rotation and scale variations occur.

    3) A novel descriptor known as LOEMP is extracted fromeach cell, which is robust to lighting conditions and

  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


    This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


    Fig. 3. Flow of the proposed TSR system.

    rotation variations. We apply the concept of calculatingboth the HOG-based structure, to describe the distribution

    of the holistic orientation of the local shape for each

    orientation, and the LBP-based structure, to describe the

    distribution of the local shape for each orientation.

    Comparative experiments were performed to test the effec-

    tiveness of the proposed Color Global LOEMP. The public

    traffic sign data sets used were the Spanish traffic sign set [20],

    the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB)

    data set [21], and an image data set captured from a moving

    vehicle on cluttered China highways. The experimental results

    show that the proposed Color Global LOEMP feature is able to

    yield excellent performance when applied to challenging traffic

    sign images.


    This paper uses the MSERs method and shape information

    to extract traffic signs. First, the candidate regions of the traffic

    signs are detected as MSERs [see Fig. 2(c)], each MSER level is

    painted a different color, which are regions that maintain their

    shapes when the image is thresholded at several levels. Then,

    the border of each MSER is extracted [see Fig. 2(d)]. Finally,

    elliptical, triangular, quadrilateral, and octagonal regions are

    located as the candidate regions for further recognition [see

    Fig. 2(e)]. Examples of this traffic sign detection process areillustrated in Fig. 2, and each step is presented in detail as


    Greenhalgh and Mirmehdi [3] proposed a traffic sign de-

    tection algorithm using a novel application of MSERs, and

    they proved that the MSERs were robust to both variations in

    lighting and contrast. In this paper, MSERs are adopted for

    detecting the traffic sign candidate regions. For each pixel of the

    original image, values are found for the ratio of the blue channel

    to the sum of all channels and the ratio of the red channel to the

    sum of all channels. The greater of these two values is used as

    the pixel value of the normalized red/blue image, i.e.,

    = max

    RR + G + B

    , BR + G + B

    . (1)

    MSERs are found for the image [see Fig. 2(b)]. Each imageis binarized at a number of different threshold levels, and the

    connected components at each level are found. The connected

    components that maintain their shape through several threshold

    levels are selected as MSERs [see Fig. 2(c)].

    An efficient ellipse detection method [22] is adopted to locate

    the ellipses from the MSERs borders, and the general regular

    polygon detector method proposed by Loy [7] is adopted to

    detect the triangular, quadrilateral, and octagonal regions.

    It should be noted that detected traffic sign candidate regions

    contain a lot of noise blobs; the recognition system is used to

    judge whether a candidate region is a traffic sign. Examples of

    extracted traffic signs are shown in Fig. 2(e).


    The flow of the proposed TSR system is illustrated in Fig. 3.

    First, the input color image is divided into three color compo-

    nents, and the color angle patterns are computed as chromatic

    information. Then, a context frame is used to divide the traffic

    sign region into several cells, in order to describe the global

    spatial structure of each color angle pattern. After that, the

    LOEMP is extracted from each cell, and the LOEMPs extracted

    from all the color angle patterns and cells are combined as the

    final descriptor. Finally, an SVM is used as the classifier.

    A. Global Feature Extraction

    1) Color Angle Patterns: For the purpose of extracting the

    discriminative patterns contained among the different spectral

    bands, the ratio of the pixels between a pair of the spectral-

    band images is calculated (see Fig. 4), using a method pro-

    posed by Choiet al. [23]. This directional information may be

    useful for extracting discriminative color angular patterns for


    The ratio of the pixel values between the spectral bands is

    defined as

    i,j = vjvi+

    , fori < j, i= 1, . . . , K (2)

  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


    This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


    Fig. 4. Illustration of extracting the color angular patterns from pixel C

    obtained from three color bands.

    Fig. 5. Traffic sign detection and establishing the context frame.

    where vi andvj are the elements of color vector c associated

    with theith andj th spectral bands of the color image, respec-

    tively. Note that is a small-valued constant used to avoid

    a zero-valued input in the denominator term. The color angle

    between theith andj th spectral bands is computed as

    (i,j) = tan1((i,j)) (3)

    where the values of(i,j) fall between 0 and 90. Note that,

    as shown in Fig. 4, represents the value of angle computed

    between the axis (corresponding to the ith spectral band) and

    the reference line, which is formed by projecting C onto the

    plane associated with theith andj th spectral bands.

    2) Global Spatial Structure: In this paper, a novel context

    frame is established, which is robust to image rotation and scale

    variations, to provide the information of a global spatial struc-

    ture. In order to establish a more robust context frame, a frame

    of overlapping cells is built with polar coordinates. As shown in

    Figs. 5 and 6, the proposed context frame divides the images intoM Ncells in polar coordinates [Fig. 4(a2)(c2) shows the

    Fig. 6. Context frame model. 0 is the initial angle of the context framemodel.

    examples of 2 4 cells, and Fig. 6 shows the example of 3 8 cells], where M is the number of the cells divided on the radial

    coordinate, and N is the number of the cells divided on the

    angular coordinate. The proposed implementation is not exactly

    a logarithmic polar coordinate, since the radial increment is 0.

    It should be noted that the cells overlap each other on both the

    radial and angular coordinates in this paper, the overlapping

    rate on the radial coordinate named Loand the overlapping rate

    on the angular coordinate named Ao. The initial0 is used to

    build the context frame, which is equal to the horizontal angle

    between one border of the quadrilateral, the octagonal, or the

    triangular and thex-axis [see Figs. 5(a2) and (c2) and 6]. The

    context frame is established by the shape of the traffic sign, thus

    allowing the cells to be aligned well with the inside part of thetraffic sign, even when rotation and scale variations occur.

    B. Local Feature Extraction

    Ojala et al. [15] proposed the rotation invariant LBP in

    2002. In order to build the rotation invariant features possessing

    distinctiveness for each cell, the authors propose applying

    the concept of calculating both the HOG-based structure, to

    describe the distribution of the holistic orientations, and the

    LBP-based structure, to describe the distribution of the local

    shape for each orientation. Then, the sequence of the bins

    of the holistic HOG is adjusted, and all histograms originatefrom its principal orientation. Based on the result of this step,

    all identical traffic sign images may be considered to be on

    the same rotation. Finally, the LBP codes of each orientation

    are integrated based on the distribution of the holistic edge


    The image gradient is computed in one cell, and the gradient

    orientation of each pixel is evenly discretized across 0180.

    Then, a HOG is formed from the gradient orientations of the

    image. As shown in Fig. 7, the HOG has K bins covering the

    180 range of orientations. Each sample added to the histogram

    is weighted by its gradient magnitude. The maximal bin of the

    HOG is assigned as the principal orientation main. Then, all the

    bins of the histogram are shifted until the principal orientationshifts to the first position.

  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


    This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


    To optimize the performance of the linear SVM classifier,

    an appropriate value for the cost of a regularization parameter

    Chas to be selected. A cross correlation of the training set is

    performed, and the value ofC that produces the highest cross-

    correlation accuracy is used. In this paper,Cis set to 1.2.


    In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method,

    a series of comparative experiments were performed using

    several traffic sign data sets. The experiments included two

    components, namely, traffic sign detection and classification.

    A. Databases

    We illustrate the effectiveness of the detection module by

    presenting experiments on two traffic sign data sets: the Spanish

    traffic sign set and the authors data set. The effectiveness of our

    recognition module is illustrated by presenting experiments on

    two traffic sign data sets: the GTSRB data set and the authors

    data set.

    1) Spanish Traffic Sign Set [20]: Many sequences on dif-

    ferent routes and under different lighting conditions were

    captured. Each sequence included thousands of images.

    With the aim of analyzing the most problematic situations,

    313 images selected from thousands of 800600 pixel imagesextracted several sets in [20]. The images presented different

    detection and recognition problems, such as low illumination,

    rainy conditions, array of signs, similar background color, and


    2) GTSRB Data Set [21]: The GTSRB data set was created

    from approximately 10 h of video that was recorded whiledriving on different road types in Germany during the day-

    time. The sequences were recorded in March, October, and

    November. The testing set contains 12 630 traffic sign images

    of the 43 classes, and the training set contains 39 209 training


    3) Authors Data Set: The authors collected a data set by

    capturing images on different roads and under different lighting

    conditions. The camera images have a resolution of 1024 768 pixels. Each sequence included several thousand frames,

    among which more than 5000 frames were analyzed. Visibility

    status included occluded, blurred, shadowed, and visible. In

    order to evaluate the effectiveness of the recognition module,the traffic signs were divided into two sets, known as testing

    set and training set. The testing set contains 4540 actual traffic

    signs and the training set contains 4605 actual traffic signs in

    41 classes; the training images were captured on different routes

    with the test images.

    It is important to note that all the aforementioned data

    sets are unbalanced, and the number of images representing

    different classes varies. Examples of the test images in the

    aforementioned detection databases are shown in Fig. 8(a) and

    (b), and examples of the test images used in the recognition

    database are shown in Fig. 9. As shown in Figs. 8(a) and (b)

    and 9, these images varied in their different rotation angles,

    geometric deformation, occlusion, and shadows, according todifferent weather and light conditions.

    Fig. 8. Examples used in the experiments for traffic sign detection.(a) Examples on the Spanish traffic sign set. (b) Examples on the authorsdata set.

    Fig. 9. Examples used in the experiments for traffic sign recognition.

    B. Experiments for Traffic Sign Detection

    All the elliptical, triangular, quadrilateral, and octagonalregions were detected from the borders of MSERs. The traffic

    sign regions in the two data sets were all manually labeled by

    the authors; the sizes of the traffic signs varied between 15 15and 156193 pixels. The manually labeled traffic sign regionswere used to evaluate the efficiency of the detection system.

    The accuracy of the traffic sign detection was evaluated by

    observing the outputs of both the detection and recognition

    modules. If the final result was identified as a traffic sign,

    then it was considered a detection. If the algorithm failed

    to detect a sign that was present in the test image, then it

    was a miss. Finally, if the system detected a non-road-sign

    object and classified it as a traffic sign, then it was a false

    alarm. Tables I and II summarize the results generated duringthe detection processing of the two data sets and include the

  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


    This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.





    following information: 1) the total number of traffic signs that

    appear in the test sequence; 2) the number of detections of

    traffic signs that have been correctly detected by both the

    detection and recognition modules; 3) the number of false

    alarms in the output of the system; and 4) the number of misses.

    After the traffic sign detection step was completed, the traffic

    sign candidate regions were input into the recognition module

    for further classification.

    C. Experiments for Traffic Sign Classification

    Several comparative experiments were performed to validate

    the effectiveness of the proposed approach in TSR systems.

    Accuracy rate is computed in each comparative experiment

    with the given formula

    Accuracy rate= nm


    wherenm is the number of accurate classified images, andntis the number of the test images.

    1) Comparison With the LBP-Based Features: For

    comparison purposes, the following comparative experiments

    using nine sorts of LBP-based features (LBPu2P,R, LBPriu2P,R ,

    Color + LBPriu2P,R , Global LBPriu2P,R , Color + Global

    LBPriu2P,R , LOEMP, Color+LOEMP, Global LOEMP, Color+Global LOEMP) were performed to confirm the effectiveness

    of the proposed features, where the parameters in LBP R and

    Pwere set to 2 and 8.

    Additionally, in order to obtain the global spatial structure,

    the context frame was used to divide the whole image into

    M Noverlapping cells in polar coordinate, where M wasthe number of the cells divided on the radial coordinate, and N

    was the number of the cells divided on the angular coordinate.

    On the other hand, in order to build the LOEMP feature, the

    HOG had K bins covering the 180 range of orientations.The number of cells (M N) and the number of HOG bins

    (K) are two parameters that impact the performance of theproposed method. Fig. 10(a) and (b) shows the recognition rate

    by varying the number of cells and HOG bins. As expected,

    a too large or a too small cell size results in a decreased

    recognition rate because of the loss of spatial information or

    sensitivity to local variations. A smaller size of HOG bins

    loses the discriminative information, and a larger one increasesthe computational cost. Considering the tradeoff between the

    recognition rate and the computational cost, in the following

    experiments, the traffic sign images were divided into 3 12cells in polar coordinates, where the overlapping rate on the

    both the angular and radial coordinates (L0, A0)was set to 0.5.The number of HOG bins was set to 14.

    The comparison features are presented as follows:

    LBPu28,2: Extraction of the feature ofLB Pu28,2 (uniform

    LBP) and computation of the occurrence histogram from

    the whole traffic sign region as the final descriptor for

    classification. The length of the feature vector LBPu28,2was 59.

    LBPriu28,2 : Extraction of the feature ofLBPriu28,2 (uniform

    rotation invariant LBP) and computation of the occurrence

    histogram from the whole traffic sign region as the final

    descriptor for classification, resulting in feature vectors of

    length 10.

    Color+ LBPriu28,2 : Extraction of the feature ofLB Priu28,2

    and computation of the occurrence histogram from each

    color angle pattern of the whole traffic sign region. After

    that, the combination of the occurrence histograms of

    all the color angle patterns as the final descriptor for

    classification. The length of the feature vector Color+

    LBPriu28,2 was 210= 20. It should be noted that only

    two color angle patterns (RG andBG) were used in this


    GlobalLBPriu28,2 : Division of the traffic sign region into

    several cells by the context frame and then extraction of

    the feature of LBP and computation of the occurrence

    histogram from each cell and each color angle pattern.

    Combination of the occurrence histograms of all the cells

    as final descriptor for classification. The length of the

    feature vector GlobalLBPriu28,2 was 360.

    Color+Global LBPriu28,2 : Division of the traffic signregion into several cells by the context frame and then

    extraction of the feature ofLB Pand computation of theoccurrence histogram from each cell and each color angle

    pattern. Combination of the occurrence histograms of all

    the color angle patterns and cells as the final descriptor for

    classification. The length of the feature vector was 720.

    LOEMP: Extraction of the feature of LOEMP and compu-

    tation of the occurrence histogram from the whole traffic

    sign region as the final descriptor for classification, result-

    ing in feature vectors of length 1410= 140. Color+LOEMP: Extraction of the feature of LOEMP and

    computation of the occurrence histogram from each color

    angle pattern. Combination of the occurrence histograms

    of all the color angle patterns as the final descriptor for

    classification, resulting in feature vectors of length 1402= 280.

  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


    This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


    Fig. 10. TSR rates with different parameters. (a) TSR rates with different cell numbers. (b) TSR rates with different HOG bin numbers.



    Global LOEMP: Division of the traffic sign region into

    several cells by the context frame and then extraction of

    the feature of LOEMP and computation of the occurrence

    histogram from each cell. Combination of the occurrencehistograms of all the cells as the final descriptor for

    classification. The length of the feature vector was 14036= 5040.

    Color+ Global LOEMP: Division of the traffic sign re-gion into several cells by the context frame and then ex-

    traction of the feature of LOEMP and computation of the

    occurrence histogram from each cell and each color angle

    pattern. Combination of the occurrence histograms of all

    the color angle patterns and cells as the final descriptor

    for classification. The length of the feature vector context-

    awareLBPriu28,2 +Color was 10 080.

    Table III presents the recognition results of the comparisonexperiments for LBP-based features on the authors data set. As

    shown in Table III, the proposed Color Global LOEMP attains

    the highest recognition rate for all LBP-based feature extraction


    2) Comparison With Other Features: For comparison pur-

    poses, the following comparative experiments using 1) candi-

    date traffic sign regions (64 64 and 32 32 pixels) [1],[2], 2) two sorts of HOG (set1 and set2) [3], [5] and 3) color

    histograms were performed to confirm the effectiveness of the

    proposed Color Global LOEMP.

    Candidate traffic sign regions: The recognition stage in-

    puts were candidate traffic sign regions that were scaled toa size of 6464 and 3232 pixels in gray scale images.





    HOG descriptors: Based on the gradients of the color

    images, different weighted and normalized histograms

    were calculated, first for the small nonoverlapping cells

    of multiple pixels that cover the whole image (set 1) and

    then for the larger overlapping blocks that integrate over

    multiple cells (set 2). Two sets of features from differently

    configured HOG descriptors were used. To compute the

    HOG descriptors, all images were scaled to a size of 128128 pixels. For sets 1 and 2, the sign of the gradient

    response was ignored. Sets 1 and 2 used cells the size of

    16 16 pixels, a block size of 4 4 cells, and anorientation resolution of 8.

    Color histograms: This set of features was provided to

    complement the gradient-based feature sets with color

    information. It contains a global histogram of the hue

    values in HSV color space, resulting in 256 features per


    The experimental results of the comparisons with other fea-

    tures are listed in Tables IV and V. The most ideal results are

    marked in bold font. As shown in Tables IV and V, the proposed

    Color Global LOEMP attains the highest recognition rate for all

    feature extraction methods.

    Additionally, in Fig. 11, the confusion matrix shows therecognition rate of the 41 classes in the authors data set. The

  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


    This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


    Fig. 11. Confusion matrix obtained for a 41-class traffic sign problem.

    values on the x-axis represent the individual traffic sign classes,

    and the values on the y-axis represent the predictions made

    by the classifier. In Fig. 11, most of the confusions occurred

    between very similar images, for example, some triangular

    signs.3) Comparison With Other Systems: In [1], Maldonado-

    Bascn et al. adopted the inner region of the traffic sign

    normalized into 31 31 pixels as the descriptor, and the linearSVM was adopted as the classifier. Using their method, the

    accuracy rate on the GTSRB data set was 85.7869%. In [13],

    Yuan. et al. proposed a context-aware SIFT-based algorithm

    for TSR. Furthermore, a method for computing the similarity

    between two images is proposed in their paper, which focuses

    on the distribution of the matching points, rather than using the

    traditional SIFT approach of selecting the template with the

    maximum number of matching points as the final result. Due

    to the fact that the dimensions of the SIFT features are different

    from each other, it is difficult to design a suitable classifier for

    classification based on the SIFT feature; template matching is

    used in their system. Using the context-aware SIFT method, the

    recognition rate on the GTSRB data set was 79.2381%.

    The results of GTSRB Competition Phase I were listed on

    [21]. The experiments made use of the inner region of signs,

    Haar, or HOG features for recognition. In the recognition

    stage, classifiers such as convolution neural network (CNN),

    convolutional networks, and subspace analysis were proposed

    for traffic signs recognition. The CNN-based method attained

    the highest accuracy rate for all comparison experiments. In

    this paper, a novel feature of a traffic sign was proposed; in the

    recognition stage of our system, the linear SVM was adopted asthe classifier. The best accuracy rate based on the linear SVM


    classifier was 95.89% on the results list of GTSRB Competition

    Phase I.

    The proposed approach with the accuracy rate of 97.2581%

    on the GTSRB data set was greater than all the aforementioned

    feature extraction methods of the traffic recognition systems.

    4) Processing Time: Running on a 2.93-GHz Intel Core Duo

    CPU E7500 central processing unit with MATLAB 7.0, where

    the frame dimensions were 1360 1024, and Just-In-TimeAccelerator was used to speed up our programs. The system

    speed was around 4 frames/s. The average processing time of

    each part is listed in Table VI.

    D. Discussion

    As shown in Table III, the recognition rates increased by

    about 8% when the color information was combined, due to

    the fact that some traffic signs have the same local features

    but different background colors. Combining with the color

    information was able to provide the richer image features that

    are robust to illumination variations.

    The recognition rates increased by about 23% when the

    global spatial structure information was combined, due to the

    fact that some traffic signs had the same local patterns andbackground colors but different distributions of global shapes.

  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


  • 8/12/2019 Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color


    This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


    Xiaoli Hao received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D.degrees from Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing,

    China, in 1992, 1995, and 2010, respectively.In 1995 she joined the School of Electronics and

    Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong Univer-sity, where she has been an Associate Professorsince 2002. In 2006 she was a Visiting Scholarwith University of California, San Diego, CA, USA.

    Her research interests include optical imaging, signalprocessing, and machine vision.

    Houjin Chen received the B.E. degree fromLanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, China, in1986, and the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from BeijingJiaotong University, Beijing, China, in 1989 and2003, respectively.

    In 1989 he joined the School of Electronics andInformation Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong Univer-sity, where he became a Professor in 2000 and iscurrently the Dean of the School of Electronics andInformation Engineering. In 1997 he was a VisitingScholar with Rice University, Houston, TX, USA,

    and in 2000 he was a Visiting Scholar with the University of Texas at Austin,

    Austin, TX. His research interests include signal and information processing,image processing, and the simulation and modeling of biological systems.

    Xueye Weireceived the B.S. and M.S. degrees fromTianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 1985 and 1988,

    respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Beijing In-stitute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 1994.

    He is a Professor of electronics and informationengineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing.His research interests are in the theory of automaticcontrol.
