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Rochester NY Union & Advertiser 1873 grayscale -...

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v. s er me orol..<:«** Baceed, »a oe*»y*iry.; I NEW IBFBRTRgflg.VTS. •ii . i ^ _ * !• O. O. F. UK order, * a TXOSOWTO r/>rw*it *r> woo» SHOW every House to Rent. h, 1 *** *** *• *BQ*-A7«r STarA-y. **»e* or tke orie- nted ike eoallnoed ts.th.oaly *so< au**ao*tsx- rairtHM^ prtT«i« :, aowAaeat. sotr" Ot a Ctir* tkaa with ir, a pete vsaetahk* >Mn«laraiMH abs.saa*. Sold by 1 minute. « theCtay Hail oa Wedn*j*d*y ereoiB^aelu.'? »a*i *fA««*rrers~C1tr Coa*entloa to * . £5 lif fST'Z?*- 9% ska avenue of Ika BWk *»» torea/tk* «V»ii EB*-»>1X.TH W A 8 P , - T ! » f »am»auu k—^Z* Br ***** of Wsrj Co««i« Tnt .tWABBv-.Tke ©•saoerarte iTZ" VaC.*. .-BIF in French Plate art Cnslal Glass, TflK JTBEf PATBST AQCiRIUll. ' .iMtlt aTOS, SsUasrtaedarer, JV-MWOO- ear. Coast sad «wta»««ata.. £?£t£S*"»« °*"* > e»* ••* ** seallcattoa. an" CAMERON, .PfrtTT fcflUCE, t u o ' i u U ASS STa-rsir. t n « t i " tf SAGINAW LIJIIIBER Jfcatk spools: T-n . MMNMCttr aaa •« avaanuc. D*iea**«* m tty HaU oa ih. 3W h. By order of Ward Coa»»it>, a<WaSlOoaaWttU«. Mikta*!..** tearless a* City Cea«eatJoa < Hr-GATTW. - Th* Osevaeratle Towaer ©ate* oa lryteay. Sept. MA, at* o'clock P. I peaaaf ekaoMwitTa Delesate* tatte kry BlBTlUS D**e«Tatle Coo-mat!o« te j;« htet eat. and to transact seek oU •say eesae befoT* thent wWt BroHMrarTgiMiOaskwma*. Ceted Oeeea. Saat.nJ. XT|fD>l>!Sf» ABl> AXKITBmAST Oirta—*e» G XOUKMCA1.ftTOWIBS-Asera* at aatoMmm*. fSagra ckroWoarleal ortet. kj B. C. Tartar: fesaneJe. T RB DBA1> «4A{KJt:aK-A Kip. «UAor A»iw>n*, aftd M « . H ekose-atnfan'.iia. B*aiaa4Klata0a- )jU»»». m.. l« LfT»*T >TT TUTO »»• o» >»<r»*oatloa. any (k)oM coni»»ct- nja.-.rotuoj keroa ^>la doova, kt^ lack* | 8a(a. aotalrtkaltoa p». * * » Mala rt. T.\Tr -rrwErr a'Blook. A»ptf U arrjfi aataa. be apcl coke color*: m wacko* «oo4»a- - B y romp GJIDert Amerteaa Xoral. ky AtPAtkOltt. kfa* IJUa a a * ekarek^B)o*Jl£.t>ooic U rewt/tar 3Pi«lMta. ABith a»^ tyeUatraaai.Boekaater^ R._«. ,.c.o*«»oa. » » y » "• apU Apply ta-). g <MtA»»-" v "- BRETOHR, COSS & COa, 03 »TAT* STREET. UPHOLSTEREKS, »a» jt*»»r*«TC»«aa FUtLOE * CE1XBEE FCRXITURE, vb 4 M , Ata^Ua, Faya* Hkftflnffa, . Ilatlik—•• Ac. CHILD & BACKUS, Bdwartl B»ckn»P»*aat Oonablned Sisam Heater and Cooking Stove. «J»T> IXDMaath GOOD*. 93 IfCHAKfil »*«»lf. exaeitaaliaa. r; *•« >Wn ti > \ wsy. •a Q . n / 4 -Jw^WBaja" a»»aaai ]a*< lacatrak. J2H. ^Vri t V5M5K*r*co-.. Liot.hMi.XK Hi; VBD (X Tine DA TIME roa J awa «tsa a taatarai If ka Ur«a la itttM ik»»o»>aia'aa*r-a« tk' »*<« Wairr a toknaao- ^aarara' ktoet Book ttore. For Sale. fig A Sf v t BOt* ; ASO LOT. SO. ai Pl-VTT Vr^KKr. A «r»«t Oar«alB U ear.ed tar aoea. UWB * BffBSt*, . ((49 Ul V >.» Maav ova- 'real > treat. Waite i Wanted. rf^trjtSTr f IK»T-<t. . i » W AtTBRS WASTK» AT \. AaptytaJ. W. Mt>SKl4- 'VnKwiw. k»fera « o'ataWt "kS* MY, Brack at 1 Beat* i b u r K., .«!. I»rf rtkrtewaak'a want ORTHSIW Ot*. ivrftaaa t aaekaoai JL aawraaee. ef ta« Coaaty afTfoaraa. ai i State l aaMrtea. lam taaoka. tadaad a kaakrapt «ooa k»«*a petition by.Ute Dutrtet JOH3T BXW?rx, Aoalfnee, * e . •TATB» DIXTRICT COVItT- Matatci of few fork. 1: E8fc>aa« r-Afssss^r » OK&AX. wrw, to, rood MeHaa— * A » Kata atreet. tlTfO la •*u -. eap-eclaUr oa«4 BMMkir*/ Scarlet, am* ! art a> hmBttl- J k e r a * p r l c « a . k MAKX&CO. 5upr»» of eraaftara^ af Jtyr* aoeacater, JCT..*• tkaak a. « . . fee tka aatyaaaa kMattoaa/t la tka.. «of tat Act ot CaarraM. aspronSlaarak »$, *moarrtaaairBm Am Baaferapt Act. AM! yea are alaa aotttted (kat a cktrt aeaarat a*et- taeof UiaeradMoraef taaaboee aaaiad aaakmpt win aakeWattkattaaa aad plaee adaraeaM. for UM MT- •eati&oeJ »tke Mtk aaeUva or taut t u t rap* elk S a c k t , *t k»*t» tkoatavre ••art* m B>»**" 3. MA!CT*.00. t « S . S e , eqtatatl tat take aur. . tYv-t&ipreavt aea> win «*ke •*>** t aj »*<#.' S. MANN ACX». icaJt .Hii.ain tautt sure av» •* *>i* dt« C*ataa- * klfana tfalata;, BUktaMB«eA mm A at* »au tr«d(*. re>c«lw*«t tlala tx> k x i t t e r Una . »af Oaetka . " 'iffatiMMiTlkia>?affr "Sfe*K-J1^1 Haafcaaa*. r«a areCeraky aotiaaolaai a •ecoadaeaara] »e«iMc aaacraat wttl " w,rr«a?«rfthe Beet l o r C H F R C H K S , U O T C L 9 . KTOB»W,COL,I.BG»SHOt;!»»W,*C. Atteady, taaaaakaat." / IHifii; ABII & Co, aOtlJU.V'.-rACTt;KKJB ASOrATKSIKE*. !.'•«• Ike Urgeit itoek to M!*«« fru . i. s-^.r 48 Exc»*ng» St*, EwtJxester, K. \. aaad (a* Catato«ae. Likaral Uroai to A«aau. Aaayo* win rartker take aoejea. tkatatt>»e oaTeeaf tke aaUBecleter, oa tke lOk aayof Oetokee^a. »i jk a. kt„ toe ttaderaktaeeT. fver«w IT. Tknaaa. Atatastaa of etltl Baa«wa«a» wrtJ aanatH aaA " ^^2k^'lV?tOl^ •aM l to law aott oraetire 'X Cotrt. oaoaea w. THOMA». DIL. Caiiirajiuaa. Attotaey tor Anitaa*. Beat a a . i«» —apMAaet* l»o« XMati, i.-arewaJarwIiwa kadTlB VTark •awl.twre aad Taatttatara. TBB oiVD iin aiaspozvBrsx'Q D. LEABY^S STUM DYEING AND CLEANSING i>?\m.|iii»ir.vT, rwo m u i D XtkMso xorrn oa > n t o n csaJntaA •Aiuto*» parorr, O* Mll.l. aTKKKT. CORXia PLATT. ' |BJtOWW'» RACZ.>ROCKK»TKR. !». T. The reaauaaaaf tkla Dye Hea*e etoee l«M. kat In- aaS?' Wanted to Rent. _ Tnrra. A r s a uv act. A •MAUU, BKATLT frtraUfcfA koaaa oa Ike wett «de of uw rtnr. Beapakatkfepakty. ftajt.tpay. Addrea. C. W. B.. lirawer W, f. O. r a w BOAKDKKB CAX BX >aid " r ACCOM«r>DATKr> attk FVeaent Kooeoe aid Good *>».-! .t n Rt<w •treat. Atao, i aoia Boeruer* takea. ep4udJt* Strayed i Stolon l&tt 5o^ewr»a*y w M ^ l ^ w i l K a ^ l ^ S rw ri yj^rr^w, .M » ie^ W W ae*ra at eaa ec < \i*Haf. Wkawaer wta ratara kcr to tke taav •l.itkal aatrratifmaailuu W!»»TW »h* faayki- teaad, wM»k«waMkly rawantti. KOaKttT MCKKAi . *Ba>' s Oreaard ttrwrt. etkaftlanaalMfeH ear rtaaa, ekeekaaad ooai- taweara, tad area U»e oat ot oar iHtiHtoa. to a>U.eod WITH AST HLMUiAU K3. taXTTB la tb« ©oentiy. Toa Aa 40 aireeUy wltk me, at the t a o . \X>er <w u tad rtetd kkawM, asd an •taoe cleariederjikoat la- mas* aad murrLB M KM 'B •M or Colored without M V t a a S ! t S . lLt7Q*SrS.-e:.«wat or dyed. , Weal er Coftea Ooeda of eewry daecrlptloa kraiaaaaao. aad laaked attk kaataan aol du- a»»* f«aMnMM wl Oaw*f VHUTM ^ . tJ_ _ tpaidvedoHLa ap aoaoartalaa. •M ratnraed ky Bxpraaa. t»-so eosntacruw TABLUHMZaT^aa there BOA »oorh«tataa' tkraarki .Ctaaa, Ake.>ta*rtn mes in XA9 mix tt ec. snna Prize M t % flfc> ' ?•_ K1MBAV.*- TO VAN1TV.FAIP SMOKINC. RocaaaTXR, a. T., SEPT. 23, isa ike atavaa«1alMiaaftoa~'rBi..OoT«rao oaeat aant !*• Caaaklara. AI.»'-HO*E «• L l a l w Xajre>axal nade B r i l l *ta IttBkriikwt. t*ata,t p r i c e , ft. XASN A CO. 1K »r lake Bri.t IaX£.a*>»« ia*> » a»«, 4draa>l« Mi aa-mele iVlaaa oa Ttmrti, J i e*r j> sur kkj other watt jr«dk4t. .. 3. MAN.M A CO. Batl "• ,m t* 'ATKSIVT'.. A** PLABTa-By At OtftVh -0 Uiii J"Sf S T . HVHBB C ^ o d a w OLg ft SllOpg at. *»w ?A«~T9WT s>» 1, aoxt iheroBere edfer !RT ky a* at as SHIKIS We invite th-e Pablic gen- erally to call and examine oar large and eilen«lraa»- aortrnent of Hhirt* and Un- derwear* CORE, IBM k TOE 6 Main St Bridge. Valnabie Mauufacniring Prepertf CART J'OR rrort it* T "" ' ».' t ey, to oatrkgeouB enough la lUeU; ««* wben tt to added that the Lord'* **J «U detecrated by tke nefjotUUoa, Ittounnwceaaarj to seek for a lower deep. We hate pren elaewhere conkiderkble space to the expresklonk ot leadh* eastern jonntalk OB the Bttuatlon, aad h a w ro»erTe4 the rolce of the w«E a. uttered by the Ch.eaKO ffg^ appUcatlOB to thKpotat, and P ^ ° U " ott Un - of th7we.tera fanner, and ba.tnea. eommuii ty '* Water* farmer or nurthant to enablt him to ••pHeV»<>««r' A,, « a *" r *™ W- *'-' >om a / « ° *>•<** * vrtettfcom er'dry good* F A few WO'ks aBO, •' the price of corn fell 10 cents a bushel. The "stock In the country affected by that fall was .*• many millions ot bushels. It vnCs an euor- " rnotis loss sustained In an ordinary and lc^iti- "matc busrnees. By what right would the " Secretary of the Treksury have Interposed to " lend the national money to the losers to eoa- " ble them to wait until the prtco should aaaln "advance? • * To use the money In the " National Treasury—taken from the.people by '* taxation—to make good the losses ot the "bulla or bears of Wall street, or even the "losses of legitimate business, Implies an t* entire misundertlanditig of the legitimate func- " Hon* and purpose* of Government. * * "To take this money from the Treasury and M place It In New Tone to relieve the specu- "totorsand losers In 'Western Union,' and '••Brie,' and •Northwestern,' i* not merely to " violate law and deeeney, M to encowrage the - very practiee* uhieh have brought about the " prevent eottap**. * • » • • The pretense that these insolvent bro- » hers and speculators are the ' country,' aid " that to save them is to save the ' country' " from nnaneial rotn, la «*» impudent lie. It " they go down, the loss is confined to th^m- " aervos and their dnpes, and It la hotter t'jat " It should be tans limited, even If the loss be " repeated every week for a year, than that the " National Treasury shall become k mere " branch of the Stock Board ot New York, and " t>e Secretary ot the Treasury a mere dla- « count clerk for any speculator who seeks to " push a fancy stock or bond upon the mar. " kat." These are the words of the West, and should be rung out by the people everywhere whose first great duty to themselves and their posterity Is to rescue their government from the hands of the mercenary adventurers —of the bankrupt brokers ot St. Louis, Philadel- phia and New Tork, Into which It has fallen. wee i i A silly Qaratloo and a Legal Faroe. Why doa't the Democratic paper* turn their batter- lea on Mr. Krarle? Mot Ion* aero they ponnocd upoa Senator Conriliur for karlac the temerity ae a Uwrer to become eoonaei m a talc for the Contra! Railroad. Bat now Mr. Xvart* u at Hartford optKulatr the Gov- ernment la Ike areat Credit Mof'tar anlta, and defend- ing tboie whom lllatrjloy to make dl»forfe.-[Alb. Krcntatc Joaraat. Evert* Is an eminent lawyer, holding no of- fice or commission at the hands ot the peoplo and undvr no pay from their treasury, but le- gitimately perforating the duties of hta profes" slon. Cookllog is not an eminent lawyer, but a notorious office holder and party tricketer—a man who is in the employ of the people and re- ceives from them $23 a day for service as U. S. Senator; and he has hired hlmseit out to the Cen- tral Road to recover for It $500,000 from the people to whom It has been paid at a tax upon dividends. It If hardly to be expected that the Evening Journal -'an discover any difference be- tween the positions of the two men. Xvatta Is nndoutteply defending his clients, bat It is not strictly correct tossy that ho is de- fending those Whom the government Is trying to make dlsgorre; far the government ia not seriously trying to make any one disgorge. The Credit MoblUer suits on the part ot the government are a sham aud will come to naught. Mark the prediction. In any event the result would be to benefit the Union Pa- cific Company by causing the Credit Mobliier Company to disgorge, or an application of the hair of the dog to cure his bite. But even this Iresult will not be obtained. It appears that by mlamanagemeut of the case, purposely made on the part of the government, the Union Psclflc and the Credit Mobliier have been al- lowed to unit.c In the defense so aa to prevent the expose of still hidden Wilsons, Colfaxes. Btnttbitms and other high officers of govern- ment. i ••! a s s "" f y The Syracuse Journal says " the reslgns- " tion of Sum. TUden, Chairman of the Dem- "oerstlc State Committee, to indicative of a " consciousness of coming defeat.'.' The Jour- nal of coarse apcaks for Itself and Its party. When Mr. TUden learns what an effect hi* ret- igaatlon has had upon the Republican brethren he will be sorry that he had not resigned be- fore/ » T Tie 'M 1' AiiEistra- r Vivo*. **.«»«* Taa aei*s«t* are eeaacsros aew.aad. a m mass l a e e e / / aamoelaw. faef »V tVee-«oVy kr«ekita» s»*v, s u r e raoi. •tUkMeant', wttk r~ -faaiijtaraa, ij^ ifcwjsafcjc\ rVtkdakj.^^ajra. w y , eaeauy sew. J Skaps wiS oaraid* ' Tj^i&2rnnlS£.rJHrm wertBhT oraar *mi at* .a »p*r«»loa. aftaaj; as- taaat«.aat«- *»' hridxe at a > '•• \ •tee/ef. *F »* it. oa wast, a»PwaaWA> aRaweattaalRr Iwawat twaaayaam 5 0 wfcAte afU he rest- years. B# to rear, wKkavwar. «1U street. dUecwy so mmum umtttm. tm !»lSkVV» s. atreaa Pianos. 5 .S-w-» r-aa.rter «Swr» »n taswotsa r*ttvr- tkwf ^^BtiSET k. JOHN M. FBENCH, J»,, -ifain .street. nm n EVER AMI> THEM. w»aaattkavefor ,^1f , akaa*'kTS east ii»r leaaa I W««teraBeaj f g i j taawleieas Bav.' Ski keep* read au I as a aae twnk ail ill 'mt**. of Koalcet ttoask. DKAJ.i» ;»• STOVES, TW WARE fe STONE ?eJ?rsSatraSairaf** eJiestar, S. Y. I Hon»e F^raixhla? Good*. aap A careful survey of the flnaaclat field as pre- wated by the Joaraato of New York and the salt, srdsn approximate count of the killed. veasded and missing litvolved In the fallnre ot Iks Admiolstrstlon brokers, shows that while t-eaest bankmg aad honest business of every kind may be pressed aad emharrssaed for a tiar. :be chief mischief has baea done aad Is tv'.ui to the great railroad and stock gara- ' . asd those closely connected with them. IsraOy rpeaktcg, Rochester is without cause to tlsrm. Rigid twralry fails to discover a *«sk spot amoag ovr moneyed Institutions, issiik? a* savings. Had there existed such a spot .t woald have been uncovered before this. U ikmnttaab) who habttasUy gamble by tele- B»ph have had their fingers blttea they keep <hBB rlorai, and grta and bear It. The geaatal aspect of the crash at the money ftstres hr uharetofore presented—the direct ""•-It of alakstatensas hi public life sad prostl- intion f.f »*arament M nicrcenary ends. Sa- mfieUl obaertanregard It aaa purely tmanclal .»Sarf,s*^ t j, t j k » am , oW4l)1<s , ne j < j eB j ^ )ef ^ aM ai'ataBiaaab they simply see an effect, bat JWI ^hfel*akmpreheadths>eattstw They «0 s^BarfrrktAStfthat from the unholy eoaeeo- '.Waof the scheme of ptander known as the -fortarm Paclae. Rallwaj In Use naad of the aaaaaktratlon firm of brokert. Jay Cooke St Cs.,rhe disaster baa come. The New Tork ISket, the swaaa-in-ehiet of the AtlialnlAtrv- J!too,\tUs the whole atory In the course of aa f*srste irtlcie on Setarday. la a few words: '"t*» lead grant wsa the richest ever 'mseVs le> pay company by the Catted •Stales. » . a J< r , c^j^ naidOttbt- '^Wy erperted s govennaeafa«»ataia>v grant | men t« tXe Union aad Central Paetfie Rait- 1 roads Bad received; and he »out4 ungveetton- '*6r>ASM ttuutd u at the last seaaloaof ^CceMtreas bat tor the Credit MobiHer scao- 1^;" Theeaposareof the rottenness of the "•"•rtratJoB leaders—Colfax, Witeoa. t**t- , Dawta, Ooeper, Ames, Ke.lr, uarfleld, Bingham, aoi the rest, pre. P*J«lhe money robbery, whieh, buttorit, •Sew Tork TJmes declares would unajnea- 'oaaWy hare bean oltalned. The" "peopled ^***7. sireadj MtiJIed with, over M*,U0O,a0O ^^^Saaosa ee aeeoaat of the Paeiflo ^«*s, WM protected from the raid Ot ths ""•Crayon Brokers by the Union Pacific "resarej «nd ^ pmnderera, aaabte to realtoo "thrempbeef pubHe domala they hadob- •' B *w. com. to merited jjrjef; and in coming to J* *»d it is hoped they have broaght the peo- \ •«totheir eavsea. « rrrtafo, were V^rfjtetoa^wsattnf; to abow ^eeeevtwtyp* r>ekte«at Qraot In this boat. r^'k ^~^" ri * ) * t4,>T «*M»taaee» that 'rseental^ T ^ J? ^ ^ a grand ^ J? , *-"°»**» , k BsaaM«7«T Chetton BIB." near PhiUdajp^ On Tu t . r the failure ot Jay Cooke ft Co. W1- «d. On Prtday the m u d e r p h i a ?re«*. Bounced President Graat as srrived »t the neoUl Betel la that city, having " the atamrt sympathy with the Messrs. Cooke.'* Saturday Mr. Grant arrived at the Tifth AT- oe Hotel, New Tork, the headquarters of the •***» ef Wall street. Oa Aawfea-Haafk, on »At-^3trktlaB XepubUeans, on TOAT, yesterday, he met andconaultod the J^S**^ v>w *«> «*t*ht beat use the taxes «ax»d from the people to put them oa their ^l 04 ** 11 them again. One dispatch dated A £^ 7} *7 w *Ht. "*J»» " Preatdeat Orant ojieervtary Bkhardson have been la consol- « * w « the mfthAfanua HOJUI slaee noon [•**-i«neda 7 > with prominent eapttauats," 'i*~1v7T* > * r: " Pwj * de « S«at, Secre- "2** kM * w ».Senator Hortoa and Oen " W war, ready before noon OuudsyJ.to" LT? Yl9wt * » • Ba^raWtiOPS,'' dW. ThU *,«»• -^toat of the UaUcd St.tee , - *** to, «» OT » to the poot oy the rattrosl * ^ l » « i b l e n kt the PlffhfAvenue Hotel, » Tork. to aid them with ths/peopIeVraoal The Crime Of Gorcinmsntai Ex- travagance and Associa- tion with Reckless Gamblers! The Mercenarine** of Mod- ern RepnbUeanlftm lilsaatrated! .. > . i : BOT MBRCaAMTB BOT SUiBWJRS AXD IDLIBS. Vrom the Bew tor* Journal of Comiaeree. flade. pandeat sad I.eadlaa CoauaevctsI paper of the • ' Coontry.) In the first plaee then, by negatives, Ittonot the mercantile Interest last ha., precipitated the catastrophe. - • ' ,f The disasters are chledy among the operators la the securities thos carried on "borrowed capital, and those who have been connected directly or indirectly with ttsese operations. It la true that our mer- chants who have been eBgaged only to legiti- mate trade have some ot them been sharply cornered, sad have had soma diftcullT In meot- log their maturing obligations; bat a mere pres- sure for money Is not disastrous, and thus far we find no real trouble In mercantile circles. When merchants have gone outside of their le- gitimate business, and nave dabbled in stocks, or leat their name aad means to build railroads, and develop, patents, aad open mines, they have been caught with their new associates, and have paid too penalty of their rashness and folly. * . • The sharper* and idler* who have Kssrf by mere speculation, gra*.ptug at alt the available funda ©ffetirirf for loan, paying more for tho use of money than its fair market value •iid diverting It from the channels of legitimate business to swell their galas by employing it In haasrilnin ojHsratlons, will be awB)>t out Of the way with the debrH at the rain they bava caus- ed, act, will IssaM the field dear for that proper SAT terprUeiehlchaloneetm advance the na'.nnilproi- J*r*y.' VTIB our.AT JOB o r e a a ADMrBisvreATtox BBO* j aae THAT BSOVWIT ms viusu. .' from tke Bow York Joan** ef Cawusere. (Indo- peadeat sad l«sdln« eomtnercial paper Of eke country.) •"' XSpecWMy we Were opposed to the lavish patronage bestowed by govornuent upon the road. In the case ot the Central and'17ntou Pacific, the government reserved to itself the Domlnai rhrtJt U» take poosesaioa and reimburse itself If the sehetao tolled, Tfcat Ritordsd a plausible excusetorthe money aid whleb It rendered. But the national gift* to the North- era •Pacific were ovtrlgt. The. government part«d with ita ownership of *7,000,000 acres. li.'i'Si soaare miles, and upon that vast tract apany executed a mprtgi nt ot bonds not exeeedla baste to be rich. Thoy cannot confine them- selves to the quiet and plodding ways which are the only secure road to wealth. If they wore able-to pay as they go they would feel that they, are not doing the business of which-thoy are', capable, and they consequently undertake much more than they can accomplish. * * The houses whose failure Is in the mouths ot every- body ore all comparatively new ia business cir- cles. * » Jay Cooke ft Co. were buSt up through the favoritism of Mr. Chate in the early, day* of the tear, and people hod come to regard them as In every way aa sound as the govern- ment bonds, the negotiation of which gave them their financial sbtndirg before the coun- try. * * The men in Wall street, whetner they bo bankers or curbstone speculators, who buy and sell, and enter into sencmes to make money out of fictitiously created values, or by taking the money of unwary and simple minded people on a false pretence of values, are not a u.'tit better than professional gambler*. The men who deal at faro and the proprietors and touters of gambling bouses arc scarcely pursuing a worse or mom demoralising business. The gilding which the names of bankers and brokers and the sir of respectability give does riot make the of- fence less immoral. II a man goes to his neigh- bor making false representations knownlngly and through the Influence of his assumed re- spectability and cunning argumonts Induces him to buy stocks or bonds that have not the value pretended, wherein docs ho differ from the moek auction men f If a banker takes tbo deposits of his confiding customers and invests them in very doubtful schemes to promote his own interests or to bolster up his bankrupt con- dition Is there much difference between his conduct arid that of a.robber who picks one's Docket 7 Many ot the Wall street speculators arc no better than faro gamblers, and though the law may not re»ch them, they systemati- cally rob the unsuspecting. Need we wonder, then, at the frauds, defalcations and general demoralization thai prevail in the community'» ADMINISTRATION INTCIlfEKENCK A ritlMK : CAVBB OF TBB PANIC. From the Kew Tork Tribune (Ind ) ' , * * * A few observations on the miscon- duct of the last LWO ckCreUrlos ot the Treas- ury. Secretary Boulwell's lntcrfcrcn.ee with W all street a year ago, which even at the time was conspicuously more adva)dageou* to certain '.'friend* qf Government" among the. tpeculator* in gold and ttock* than to inert enqageain legiti- mat* business, is ONB or TUB PBIMB CAUSES OP TUB PRrssNT PANIC. Another prime cause Is the power claimed by the Treasury Department to reissue the forty-lour millions of greenbacks which have been ca'led In end canceled—a claim morallv as base, practically as menacing to the national credit, and legally as III founded as General Butler's scheme to pay the Interest on the bonds In greenbacks, indeed, we consider the latter the mora respectable proposition of the two. The consequences of these fatal blunders ot Messrs. U unwell aud Richardson are easily traced. EVKN "BBLI01ON " PROSTITUTED TO TUB USBS or TUB OAMBi.cns. From the New York Tribune. (Ind.) , The system of popular loans which received such an extraordinary development from Mr. Jay Cooke's success with the Uovernment war loans, has facilitated a kind of financiering that Is bsrdly honest. Prominent banker* be- come the advertising sgonts of dubious enter- prises, and lend their rcputatlou at a percent- age, to Induce the unwary to make dangerous investments. They risk no money of their own; but ihcy pledge tbetr word that the securities are good, and when they havo sold tliem they .stand from nndcr. . Tbe crash comes; the rubbish ts cleared .away, and then wofindthe respectable bankrrs looking on, unhurt, while poor men,—tbo r customers, who have tskca tht-ir word about their warijs,—are' writhing uu- dcr the ruins. It Is a strange fact that in pushing railway bonds, Of any character or no character, li.uik- iDg houses can always couut upon tho aid of a large portion of the religion* prett. A majority probably of the denominational papers, are ready at any time not merely to open their ad- vertblug columns for this purpose, but to sell editorial corniucndetloDS^and turn the sanctum Into a broker's office. Say, teueral of the r#%- iou* paper* hav*i/on* to far aslo ;.;.;.' railroad bund* among their subscriber*, for a comminiQn— and w« bope they and their victimised subscrib- ers sre both satisfied with the developments Of the current week. TUB OfllBtr Or ATlMTXtSTU tTIOX riSANCIAt. P"l ! l I :•!••-• I >... from the AIIMLUJ Amu. tOeat.) The bubble which exploded in Wall street on Thursdsy ass first Inflated In the early p»rt of the war, when a pamphlet was written to prove, " A National Debt a National Blessing," and It was deemed a patriotic duly to Inculcate the doctrine. Naturally, that which was deemed good for the nation was esteemed beneficial for corporations and Individuals; and the aggre- gate national, tt.it, , municipal and business indebtedness ot the country to-day is tearfully alarming. But of all forms of credit, that upon which the business of Wsll street Is built Is tbe most ruinous and Inexcusable. There ts no apology for It; and the sooner it la buried beneath tho mlns of every firm and every Individual engaged iu it tr«e better. To n«, ibe ruin or Wall street Is an auspicious st^n. We can see no hope for the country until gambling Is universally recog- nized to be as daegcron* as It is demoralizing. That only is prosperity which Is based upon actual savings honorably earned and securely invested. The country Ls not prosperous be. canse It has borrowed thousands of millions of dollars of future generations, and has mort- traged Itself beyond redemption for payment; while It* public lands hsvo been seized by spec- ulators, and taxes hjvc been piled mountain high by political spendthrifts. Ws trust that the government irtlt Jbrn hand* off in thi* crisis. The only effect of interference wtu be to bolster up Institutions which are un- sound and uuwortUyof confidence, to tbe detri- ment ot the enduring interests of the country. Speculators and speculative .Institutions, gam- blers and gambllDg bouses, sre linked togeUter. iJt than tutMe in a eotnmon rtitn. On tho other baud, (sound, banking institutions and wise business firms are equally associated. There can lie no run upon them, Tbeyare «tabie,.*od fully able to cope with the difficulties of spy the eompAuy executed'amort'/agc to Seodro the payment ot bonds not exceeding .50,000 a mil*. We denounced the unprecedented looseness of this transection st the time. It virtually gave to a few individuals the absolute control of a terri- tory of iucalou I able future value; and the loaders In the speculation natteredlhemselve* that tuey would eventually become the richest irteatothe world—a delusion now suddenly and cruelly ex- ploded. The inner hlstsry of (Ala czf/o</r4i,4- axy *ehtm* may tomettmn be kmvm, future investigation may unriddle it; but nam it i* 2 deep ntytlery. We Only hare at present tbe moral evidence to make as Bg- UKVK TBAT STOCKS AND BONDS AND LADD GRANTS WKKK fRKCLr DUrtiltt- C1XD AMONG MJCMBERS OJr* CONGUKcH AND ALL PERSONS IN POSITION:} OF INFLUENCE WUO WOULD ACCEPT TBB BRiBKS. One thing Is certain—the road WAS never askedtorby the American people, or any considerable number of them. No public meet- inirs were held in the great cities to approve Of it ami to recommend it to Cougresslotul favor, " was almost universally cried do wn as a piece of consummate folly and unbridled exirava- g»»ce. But in defiance of public oplnlou it w<» croteoVd through by the unscrupulous mean* tkcU "^ havenatned. a- . • # Another great truth, now enforced with, more Impressivoncss than ever, Is that the government commit* a mon- Uro>uvr<mg andpn. tgr-mou* f„'.bj when it aim MM«sj to railroad*, f be people are suffWlBLr tue penalty of this wrong to every Instance where government funds have been advanced' to railroads. Ail those'subsldies, whether In money or lands, are practically dead losses to tbe people, although we do not deny that ra- dlrect public advantages result front the con- struction ot roads thus sided. Bui tbe prin- ciple it unsound, and cannot be practiced with Impunity. No more railroad subsidies—that must be the cry now, and Conarsas must be made to hear and respect it t ' jtk.it Coosa « co. wr.ts Aooraawra xwo at>- va>T«Bx«A, ... -, ',' ••.;'., Vreet the a. T, Herald, aad.) .. . : 'ib^ Too many htwWicaa business men «re la gre*' \ situation. A .financial storm can only sweep away the rotten rubbish of an unsound system of national finance. L»t the storm blow. It cannot affect the institutions nor Individuals who conduct their business properly. There Is no occasion for a general business panic, and there will b» none- The agricultural Interest Is the only real Industry not making adequate earnings. Ourestabiiabt-d railroads a. c thriving. Our manufacturers sre getting rich off from prU ces propoed up by tbe govcrnmeut. It is only hot-boose enterprises which are wlthsrlng un- der the storm. And the country cannot afford to protect them. -TA* gomnvnent should Utvr bu*. inn* to tnke it* natural court ; to fall when It Is not wisely conducted, as wc'l as to succeed when it is. It should have no favorites, and not interfere In any case. When it Is thus guid- ed real prosperity will be promoted. IU policy rosy be wisely changed, but partial Intervention tor thci benefit .of speculators will bo unwise . Whatever It can do to protect legitimate busV ' ness, however, shoald be dorm. •, . « e . . The absorbing power of tlie peoplo ha* iieeu overtaxed. Under the srtl.ficlai stfmu'us of the false financial system mslntalned by the Federal Government, a tboionghly delusive coodrtlon ot jil.ilrs has prevailed since the war, aud Ib- vrstmebts have been made In these speculative enterprises to the detriment ot the productive cnergii-z of tbo people. Had a sound financial po Icy prevailed at Washington ths earnings of the peopi. would have been retained In their baud, and gone toward tbe building up of local Industries, instead of being recklessly placed to railroads having but small chauce to succeed, under iny other than a hotbed procesw, -• AbMlNillTUATlON INCOhrreTKNOT IN VINANCSS AT TUB ItOTTOM OB IT."* "• i. v " *' . j » - , . . . a : • jBrorn the Troy Times, (Admin. Hep.) It Is a notorious fact that for a number of years past the people ot the United States, ai- most'universally, have been suffering under'an attack ot rsllroad monomania. The presence of an enormously inflated and Irredeemable cur- rency has had much to do with the propagation of tbe disease. It has produced unreal.stan- darda of value, and an undue and dangerous expansion of oredit; and these two conditions Invariably lead to extravayant expenditures and a rage tor apt»alattOB. * "• * If It be true 1 that the Secretary of the Treasury Is about to purchase ten million ot five-twenty bonds, aad also to pay as many government bills aa poesl- I ble, Immediate relief will be afforded,' but *• confes* that we would prefer some othtr. I my out of- theptneh: for, in our Judgment, any interference by (heifovernnurfit]*yr the purpose of rectifying the financial mUtakes'of the business coflimunitytoto be deprecated, and fthoald be Indulged In only aa a last resort. The necessities ot tho 'moment may sertaM a pnnlst Justifjcatlorvtor such'a step, though we would fain have It avoided, as 41* effect it always to confirm imprudent habit* in •the ootiduct of monetary affair*. Business tnen should always be taught to keep out, of trouble, Instead ot being encouraged to court danger under tbe expectation that when confronted by It the resources of the national treasury will be-placed at their disposal. And. above i«li, we do bono that the peril ot to-dar will serve as a 'farntnp that the fundamental princi- ple* qf finance and economic science cannot for*v*r' to violated tvi'h impunity ; that an Irredeemable currency Is not a safe basis of trade ; irnd that an unlimited extension qf credit Is the certain precursor of universal Insolvency. —It Will be scon by our dispatches to-day that the panic In Wall street, continues, with even aggravated symptoms. Tbe brokers and gam- biers' are crazy with apprehension, and soma strong and perfectly solvent concerns have' adopted the expedient of: temporarily; cloaiug their doors rather than submit to a ruin- ous taorttice of tbe securities to their hands. We are confidently fixed lb tbe opinion that tho real business Interests of tbe country are aats, despUd this flurry on " the street." Aayet no- body i« hurt except dealors in stocks and rail, road bonds. T i n I.*™so* oa tna BAT. some reality, ai a n •then rorhtolop. hai reached its level it kin stop. Butaupposothat the crlsto Inaugurated a few days ago goes on— ot which there see: is, we are glad to say, no present danger—w tea shaU.we reacJiAUch a foundation In our i worthless currency that men will be satisfied thi t they are on safe ground T Not until the pari! has worn Itself away by the utter hopelessness of Its victims and their re- fusal to straggle U |ger. Qur duty is to resume epeclepayment, 8.4,to,hoI4 corporations to their own resource il Millions of acres ot land grunted In a wilt country to a corporation which will build a •allroad and mako it of great future value to I be country, results In the straining of every i orve by banking houses to complete the work that t h e lands may add to their wealth, and he result Is that like the house of Jay Cook ift'Co., they overreach their supplies and tbe i ountry Is' thrown, into the dsnger that now st rrounds us. Ifad there been no government *ulndkt, in <A« wry of public lands, then the efffl ts to complete the Northern Pacific road would have only kept pace with the salcsof bonds,; ind the trouble of to-day would not have be< n. ' '* '*" TEMPOKABT EXPB HENT8 WTLt NOT DO.— AD- MINIBTBATION FINANCIAL rOMCT TVS- DAME ITAM.T WRONG. From the Hal ford (Ct.J Times (Dcm). a a a Now comes the announce- ment from Waahls (ton that tbe entire amount of the Treasury n serves—*t4,000.000—will bo used in the same vay, to atop the panic. U makes but little < lfference, praeticnlly. It ts all irredeemable, u constitutional currency; and this wild crash In I lonctary circles ls but a part of the entire great e ror of finking the V. S.gov- , emment with our bo ike, and connecting the Trvus- uryvrith }YaU*tree, fluctuation*,.. fit'ii >IED. On Bandar, the 'iid lost . KI.1ZADKTH KVTlIKi'- 1NK. only child ot J. Ueawlck and Fanny U.CaatphcU. seed 1 year and » mo ths. trryunersl from t e residence, Olbbt street earner seldcn, to-morrow ( *nesdsy) sfternoon,.at» C'oloek. In this city, JdUS !Y COSQSOTE, aged 7 years aad I months. KW-Fureral from t >a rasldsaee of the psrrnU, eor. tysllsnd Maano all . at 'J o'olook P. M., Tuesdsr, Sept. ad, lirrs. T o rematus will ho oonvoyed to Greece, U. T., fort termkat. InFaw Paw. V»n Bnron Co., Mich . Sept. 15th. UKSUY FITCH, foi «eri» of this cltv. aa id > years Decessedwssa bropor ot Mrs. Almlrs Phllllpi. ot lleurletis. FALL 3XHIBITION NOW ©PKi*. rrcoOallory. Pirot-clase Works oi Art Jepths's llsogntor, lassoldorf, Porcelain, S») W liu»<ii.|iln M«n» Mui Ich Psintlna .'Vi m Van taasa's Ituilson Hirer Bcene lie oo Outdo•» Aurf.rs, Mi. alisn Kiiaravlou.... ,...i... 71 CO Ml>»flesrr»Sew r uiilleco, Hoaers" Nsw cironps; Knarsvlnas ID E1CH» it F'ami:} ; We » Chrorao*, Poreo- lalns, Uronies, ae., te. Choice Klrst-el»H Ooods HuliabI far Wedding fills-. Weddlna Klatlonon ,fcnarnvedor printed la t)!rt mah- ner liy New York Ki sravers. Couie with your I lends and visit the Gallery ot Art. .t I'l.W-KV's, Ar.ntle Hull. , ..... - •!,)„„ i..i).j, ~r- •.- rOKEICrir NEWS BYCABlaBs sain Wit. A Telegraph Cable Repaired. BEHTH OF AN EMIHEHT FRENCH i PHYSICIAH- The Disorders in Spain. 'it sBsaasatoaaaaBk Late Advices from MsxicD and Cuba. JEIOM:E: IVEPTV». ft. HSJ > - '- ' The Financial Situation in New York. What o.imiodore Tander- bllt Say*. The Defalcation in the Union Trust Company. Condition of the To-day. Banks - THE STOCK EXGH.TOE CLOSED. STILL The Eevordy Johnson Latter. Goidiia. CLOSING OF THE GOLD EXCHANGE. A Bun on the Seamen*s Savings Bank. Miaoellan 11*9. -^_ <able rsesea. AND OSassware. .tl.Ml. IN LAMPJ., CUTLERY, , A.M» Silver Plated Ware. Ovrlas te tfct UliKAT KIOL'CTION w have aaado In irlcea on the attav. named ko»a.. aad.HUI Kit ion f}l v l.l TV, -or ware weaell.ear aals hn»e tweu laraclr I" creawd nurtuatho heai 4 teras. W. akall. eaatlaa* the ansae IX»W HICKHih. .aest stz ty dara. W'r h a y . a larai aaaatltr •!*;*>•*»'•*'* ar...Mi lu.rll.ll I.IIW Mtll K- LVill.tlo 11. Yan fie ;s<V 51 S TATE ST. Dress Goods, Burke, FifeSisaDS, loss & Co. Al Z OPKS1SC YOU Falla Winter Trade MILKrs, l'<i r i , i » s , <;.i«Ki.v HAlit C1.0THM. aaa a variety el VVOOl.UN ITA. HltlfH la CA IUMKKKH aad DIAUUNAI. rtTRirita astlt iMe r.r OttlWMBH aad RfcV DIMGOTK* la ahaaee KyuuACiNO the new darker Itata at: led) iijir i^iBi-E^e laH!l.H are the HOVT tilto. OKAI1H la flu. uad mval, SS Kcjw I e< DARK <UtKY*, TDltfO COlll KAIJ.nnil KMMtl.. HRIIWKS Hl.At K, Hlti N/.r.. HAOK, m V'HTI.l! and MOMriuuKKN 11 riti'Nic, l'Lv.n.ind rrcr. islsrs I aloe. B LUKMakd Hl'.A TINT, HIVAI.. LOW aad IT. COCK .aaaes, <w maiNUiii that mu.1 kest ra t. b.rally aparnclated. Black Drc is Gooda Suitable for Mourning. * II A W I. ft ilKGBRaTViKreTV TBLROHAPH CiUI.1 art-AlRSD. I.i.-mis, fcrtpt. 31.—The broken end of the Bruullaii cable, Utlwreu Ibis city and M tdetls, has been recovered. It is expected that tele, graphic .•minimi.i,-atmn with the island will be opened to-tnoi row. OEBMANY. Hi:m is, bep*. 2J.—The KApcror of Germany has fordisity rrcuxulxcd ibe stains ef Buhop tUeukcas as Bishop ot ihc Calhullc Church. rBABCB—DB, BBLATO* VBaO. 1'ABiS, Sept. 51.-I>r. yelalott died last ntgUt. SPAIS—TUB SATlOttii. CklSlS. MADBIP, Sept. 81—A- U—The C.wta. was In seialon all bamie.y ulatit drhatlna Merayto's inoUou that the .•••.-• !•,.:. : ii... In<f House t...i not yrt sdjoumeu. liuiiiO'li.i'." o alter pronnfatlon th« iroveru- mer.l will |iir>claltn Mt>aln In a stste of ktejre. The E|>o.-acompla)M bitterly <B? Use deteu- tioo of It/surefut ir<>n<:l,s>ls by the llri'i'h, an I 4lctlart.'S ihit Ki..;i i:.J Is aha<!of her p'lWsr In not dcUNcrlnic tbetc ujito theTjaadriJ <ovcrn- nirnl. It 1* nunornl that the Cablact hsr. deter- tniiini to retell Pleltala, Car/tala-ucnerat of Cuba. alaiiBU). Sept. 21.—The end of the Insurrect- ion at Cnf.tiascrnk la approechlua !>" bite brtikrn out among thefos'nrzeetdnThe Gorernment has nflcred tenar which <be lead- ers are willlnit to accept, bu' tear their follow, era. The llbenlcd convicts threaten to aaasss. ere all alio talk of peace. ACSTKIA—ran BOTAI. VISITOB. Vte.wXA, Sept. -1.— Ttir>':rip-r...-!,•.• »•:—• •>:• ed King Victor Rtnmauuet honorary L j ; ni| I ot an Austiian Koglnarnt. ^- Arratas ix suivs. , it. FaTlkNtlBao.e«pt. at.—tiemrsl K.*unT- tnan reports that Khiva conllnuea peaceful and he has ordered tbe. withdrawtl of two d-"laeh- rocnts et the Russian forces .> .-up<:n,- the city.' VBXIAX rVBBBAI. '. Dt'auw, Sept. 81.—The funeral at (he Fenian Colonel Leonard at Droithcds, /eslriiljv, was alUudotl by to.OOO persons. rokaiUM MABBBTB. Ijoiifiw, Sept. 92; 1 p ra.—Consols— Moacy, WWfaoajjT: for account. fcUitifWX. U.'d. tcu-fottf bonds. ia)>i ; new arcs, »1,Y- Eric opened at ii%, nee Ibfi, I.-.M...N. Sept. -"-'.. 1 p. m.—Erle.45>f. FnABKroBT, Sept. 23—U. 8. 'C2 bonds, »7JeJ. I.ivBkroot., Sept. 33,1 p. m.—Cotton steady. LVanda, 0d; Orleans, Wd. Sales 13,00) bales, lu iieiii'; S.wO for speculation and Export. AaitlVETt OTT. Quaroisrows, Sept. ia.—Arrivod, the Baltic from New York. '' * LrranpooL, Sept. 15.—Arrived, tltc Canadian mill I'm- ..HI from Montreal. action of the bank officers Saturday made them doubly etrone. * - Ttiurlotv Weed visited 'Wall street durinic the height of the excitement Saturday. He said that we were no* simply paying one of the penalties ot our eyaat-war; that tbe usury laws Instead of being repealed should be made ten times stronger and inoro effective; that those a-ho have combined to - look up money should be imprisoned wherever found; that be Is not a director, but atarely a stockholder of the Onion Trust C. •/,...<; NEW Toax, Sept. 33.—Carlton, the default- er, was largely interested In Western Union. Envelopes picked up In the office showed that he also speculated in Union Pacific and Othtsr fancy stocks. Moat of.hi s losses are supposed to have resulted from tbe crash la the market lust week, John V. L. Pruyn, one of the Union Trust Company's Directors, la reported by the Tri- bune as saylni; that the securities ottered by Commodore Vanderbllt oaSalurday to the com- pany tor the loan made to the Lake Shore,wertf not by any means sufficient to cover the loan. Senator Morton said yesterday: " Assuming that the forty-rour million of greenbacks were Issued, tho question was bow to aet them Into circulation. The government could act as a purchaser ot IU own bonds, hot could not come into the market as a lender. Kisk d. Hatch hope to resume thU week It the panic does not continue. The Times says: "There were no ground* for predicting, aa did a Sunday paper, that the Na- tional lid Insurance Co. of wanblafton, of which Jay Cooke la a Director, would collapse. The New York agent of the company says: * That for every loan now existing the compa- ny bold collaterals which are worth doable the amount loaned.' " Naw Yoaa, Sept. 33-10 A. M.—The follow- ing notice Is posted on tbe door of the tnioa Trust Co.:'. " ThU Institution ts in the handa el a Re- ceiver. A statement ot lu aflalr* la betaa prtr pari-d and will soon be made puMtc. Deposit- ors are cautioned agatnet sacrificing their ac- counts." The feeling on the street Is better, and hopes are expressed, that the .'panic will spend itself to-dsy: still everything Is involved, la oncer' talnty. , ' NEW YOBK, Sept. 23-10:10 a. m.-Tbe fol- low lot; notice has just been Issued: "The New York Stock kUchaa** will rctailn closed to-day. A Baeettog of the eovtrning committee will be held U>-sBvrrow rtMrula* at halt-post nine o'clock. _ (Signed) U. G. CttAr-AA*, Tttstt." The statement that the gowning committee would meet this morning was Incorrect. The Sua says: Yesterday afternoon Messrs. Opdyke. Selistmvi, Clew* and a dutea otrurs wer. at the conference at which the letter un- der Kcverdy JoUu.oti's dictation WAS written to the President, it recited la brief the a*U<-at points of tU.. .tuergeacy, want of untie,?, atvl the opinion of the best dnanvkra of the CwOatry thai a draft upon the currency reserve would remedy the difficulty. Tbe IwgaUty of st»':h a step might be questioned, bat the situation be thought Was »Uck, that sli t-XsMseot the aU' prime law of pablic safety wa* amply warrant- ed. Tu< letter recited the two graat lostao.v-s of violation of the Rajr.H*b •-ousti.uu-'n t» ••**«•* of rlmlUr em*rgem:y, naia«iy, the su»i*u»i«i» of the habeas corpus and the r> pt currvney art. An ioslance of fat>ie modern date was also gt*. en, that ot the Issue of *o,0UU,tft)!i during it*- Uaek Fiwlay paaie, bv order et rSealdent Giant. "The .people Warranted yon in this Stretch of power by a rs-elartloi u'maralellrd In the hMtswy of SteiW'i'.i;," said th« l«U«r la conclusion. Interview* *re pal>i*sl*«4 this' morelac with presidents O* sarin t* baaaa la which they are generally i»prwa««V*J aa ea- pftasiiiK cotwtivnte ia Uea somty te eeather the *Uem. . Naw Yoaa, Sept. 33-10:30 a. m.-G^li oj'cr.'-d at l i t , smta ••>:»><• etc,'..-m •::'.. 1«» ••>> s. at.—The Gold Kacheaae has yast closed the sate a as Htoek Cschaase, U2 has tsMtt cstabUshcd as the weal* of. aettlsxneut. Th. rate of- intatest waa axei at seven p;r cent far carry lag. Ntw Yoaa, aVpt. *»-l»:«> e» .»,—Ttsere la a ran on the tsteasea'a sesrasMt* fca^k ta aTail tUttl. AaSUVAL. : jstw Yoaa. Sept. aa.—Arrive*: Ton. Rjvpt frttu Uverpeol. . sss •••— «t le*.li.M«**ea, aa- OLD fABaaaaa aaaTB/iTep. ljo*Bi.t*Mas*. Sep. 33.—Anaactrat desfltat prx t-auiy tie. hundred veers eld, raited " Tae Mansion ttotisa," ».ul!t so as te sHord prot--' - Goo ataiaat Indian alfaeks and alteated near the Mprrimar wi»len ntflta, Drscnt, wa* 9rr4 snd burned yralevdsy. Lose f*i,i.sV»; insured in Wsekwatev roaspsey of Wttertowa, 31, Y.. rortl.wJO. Mayor Ktmrv, the owner, oflees AM« rrwsrd for the detection of the IneendSary. .1.1 JL ..-J..J •ggHaaagiip i iiii^u TRADE AND FINANCE wassmoBSBsss Wer«r*e«t« itoAUU o* TitaDA aaroawi ., aataasiraiu as*j*esskav aa tta. riUJt'K-htarkat aj»eas»»ed. BsJS* ef MM VH» at •:.M ror ssrtaat W*M to* ssaasr wiatsy t t*M for wtu* winter, sad »WJ* tor duaflls tiilrs. VTB KW)l.'U-sUraal^aUt at »3J« for Slty araasA, WiTXAT-atarlun dall and kSSkUsl St »l.*> (or MM- wwakaeeiabt n.5u*tAe terasakcr wtatsr, aad al jaaj in tot wmia wvatar.sa-xirthast ta lesuity. OATt - Msrkst aackaaaaa aa <ieaki iu* HkM, . tM>R»-M*rsw^««>Ka4aaaescts«l4«He. . COBK slKAl^saluaa at M - f t f kesasd. aad BUS tat aakenea. MiiX raaa-Mara, saerui tUMMklliU tut BatutoAO rttBiaata iSaaa t. Aie*ar. tret aad acaaaswiadi Ca; te Kew Tera sas. aad SB Bosiea. ttartioed sad *.w HavaasS*. imr* . *vreasrseCot^rsseakises»asS,sssaw*aW.* Tke-ennr* ajBaj sa mat sswetry W aew awms»*sw.aee we swUsaaie tke eaauiy at teUeams ••w tera......... Al wtse«.atis sswtl»»a ... I IMswr Waiitswa s***e*; ^ V. ' Teta*^ .IMBSJBW ^^•sVwiM far go.-i it. vrtms fc. fas sees as«e. v MMbMS cisaaaldW •B^sB V eat **B sajRaV aa PwajaO *aa^*a^Bpa\ srtahs Assanasas at eta. wvem *ak Jahwaal TV. BLsiras'. w atatassfce ale. areeata ana. " arises. Irsda' Kew TerSr*. ereanam, ^srtaas.a»*«<a35». tWts*. gea»»k WrS-jii- , OafsWaJaaa. ava**ta tea... ,..,.,_ .. rraat t.uKt*t w«u» - » wswaW sssewS" sass*etae> TaUffsassiwe*t*e*1»esaase tarer' i waC. rffaww v'tM *w*aat»»si»»j>a !•> faauav •$ j Ssssrin.a« %***» asawsdi twwyr* - - um saaSsavrajf«4*sa«wdMashrV^» aar. tsk*«.iaska ErsseT*» m. Vir» tern !««*-- •mn, ksia.iiir. a*a Waerte-i: aTjw*r»«we*w*J->" *•. jtaarksf ..*»•*».• Atsar a>atg #r»«wsa aeasaasw «t Bayssi' U aa.Jl, .Tkla ssswasS- ta Mawaskl wtek I ' t * ?t ytjyaatja..#*fcVsa«ah_> J UMM•'latWH#B» aaaM *t^-aaWWaT*spsw Waam raxed, eiuaa. Baa sseaty a»a» tkeea Is «u iiaaw.iws asaaii. traa, tea .wnimii' as WU ^L^^mf aaaaykrsaumea.avi h>a»»eaekai»S^rVrws*#W&a» taaasekrja.' «aa~'*Me'traaa trass ttee*a««»A*»r*ii<»lt^y at -Usssasakt. sasa.jss.sai u au* at risasfsVi.e»seasw» paskasjjiis kj> ear Sassr" aad •essr^iaaWB. Bhskkh Uava »**ey ta k. aaase •*» a«nn, sea ike*. «sa *»•* natwatk twe*«w a--*.. 4Va«sU<*s. -»S*4 k* r.seHt asaasa>»kta. u*. aaaka wkts wyS. sta**r« » a 9. t * fSvw. *•*--'> .-I i-o **a eaa atsiktusef taekaserta. -tost U..» araatvn m sdrTi «t|LMk»ta «r# tfca 9rs* **&.— Vra.. «ea*'«itaa«< tee Sag*; k'sssB kstekssa ssltss. asaf. a»» PJ . i ««*r.ty aae*,. . aa*k mskstsatT. j*y***sd U* tea V a**a esaVAASawsases.^ wr* n,4Mu\Z*»**» *. trap. BJ. ssr^weasMssa, •*• aware a-W <*a, aa. awrrksai- et tkis ass, ear.sseaghjfjs^s**., *>*» ^AaBfa BBaaaf <aaBBBaaBB**a BBBBBBBBBBB% vswl^ai^wS BBBBBBBBaBBa BBBf SBBBW dBBBBaV -y^hj^SAT^^Ba la»l taJs-^T** '• ' " ,l " >.••• saws* LATER ADVICES BY CA1UE 1kel.oR4oR Mock MarkiM Tbo Monetary Crisis. Sa-a Vsaaa»aaa»k W a t At J. a a*wwpr a w ^B7*aw^^traajjaaai a**B ^aa .awaw-s ^Paj ' swyjesaa. AITCTION SALES. iTVTrmrTzrrrti tw •» s«**\ n i BO- - Jlh.t J&ttOOl&JB 9 A**t*»* Haiwi 11* aadala at* !•> wossi, aa»tssa>iat ru .: aahaB- aBWaBBBBat- BBBBBBVB. 1 jpByr.^aaVswj^^ewa aaewwe^ aa av k^OaBBB aaiaaatM aaa . ErJ '.'. -.- iWwsWBPBaJJ »iJ^Ba*w"i Bw*r. , **a •»•'«.» *• --A.S|.t|«a.i tsALJ HHA FBTM^PH, tM Asctsas *% Cimajsstoa a.aa?«. aarai a«a«aVaa |H" T * i. K f*-a. « W - law ^-^jAjaTaBaa^aaaBBBBBBaajBaaBaai ^uFZZZ* aaaes t^.7waa*»rdaV^ i*<C^T^* ata BBBBBBaBBBMa>wSk BBBdf»aBKSBByaBl rfTfbaV Bf KlWs • - »» l.IWf» 41 atUllfIS, firrriinn I fn—i i lirw MnrrHmTi t. -—---v •>*•- waT'aw/aBBBBBBBBBBaaWWBWaaapaBa Bssweraaraj -aarww^Bwara *araBr aaVlay ^r»JPnvwl*wJW^ '***"" 'I••iipssaatswaBsv ***** ***^^%:f** m * m aWaWiNR- w*aal%, fta eWat*. »WJswaaaai^sPPBaS **•) iss.isiiiii.ine.ki 4 opw ,«*»!»»>, •. i.*..skM^sahMakM a. as.nt. rueSa**» a* Tk« Vational Bank Coaibt. , nation. Ui aftita. o< Pitt CcsSte ui Hug'i !^c- Calicch. An l nplraean. Hnrprl**f->r aw*aaa^aiBSWe*^a*' ^BBB/"WB*" ^PSF*BflPf^ay*^BWa^BW*W• waaaar CASH 0 I T - - M W* «T0Cl«f IV THX STEateST. ___ - m Teas, Coffees. Spices, Al •*»*>» I '=*rsrt»ai2£it; i »«*''«ae> at' lS l !»Us.a* , * t»sU.B-..«vsaa-.aWaah*viY<Msn sad Sieisasrf asaa* ^5 BAietjiat a,<**«lfc» » .... i.itx IHM vwttm***** as* W«* A* ten *>ert*»a s*fn alii eessa svesa a ' sa» x._cv*et. a»-4* wTwaa- inttti B IMI* t*t at wa»f I kVc^ss* *>*V#* asMS' I f. e BTKr.Mt aaiiSSshSa.aasaassU " ataMM* aissi ' **Jr• iwm-HU.rist*.^ swdksssrr. . » a aaasakake )»aw* *««« u.,*m >i«at b a s e * MMtt U i « * » r t Waaaaa awaae.es>* dtaasi, iW-^ 1 '- _ J si aav, seffcs-.hi.ri... a»vj aadsiiasasdr ayarey, Hse/e** ttSS t-tfi\}'*.<«as—rara—^a*aarew'raaea^eafl. ".alaa , »»:. .'S.1..-..4 '•-- ••« a-« s***k. saf-a—a* '•>• ST**.-'.';*'*! J,Sk« vat fair i Jaw*na*.'asaA al.-wWe.fA* le>*rsyd R«ga* tM«A* *a» aaa mammm * S £ t * £ a W aaaeeu tapakst of sB tke U. . eaVT.*B*»ry- a* *JNS4*a MRyBss^s^kaTaaBBwjt 4wat \ aaaBBBBBBBBBBSSwS BBB\ adtjll «.«*&•.> •*5ajaTwapajaTy SH a»»*»r .wajiaw (^nPJvV *»WJwBfW^^*e7 Wa* ^SyT^Rl VaaTa af i ffctjaBBBBBBBBBB* faBBBBBBBB«at 'aBr*B%BwLaBi BBBBBBBBV SBBBV I 4f ajaiy *aBSt"A^weT^B^aa wfajBBBBBBjBj e^flBBBa) ay ASaBWvw ™^^J •^*fWMfcaBB»«!BB»J •i'l sat he efsWl A BBBBBtaTaBB^BBV BB>af a ^ tJaYfadBBBaaaa % wOfmti^W taw*»ea|aw'wfwey m «•« *w— aaak. sa- e-BW . •> sea MJtasti EfK m :nr*£* .reek seat*, sad «-»•"•» POLITICAL NOTICES. •Jiiuiimlli from: BtfXlro. BOCTTA itrnxt.s. MATAMOBA*, Sept. 23.—It Is reported from Moutcrkv that Oencral UM lu had pronounced sgalnst the government and Arusld and Colcdo were scut to relieve him., —•• i ' as*- ' l'rora Cuba, aioaa nbirrrMo. HAVANA, Sent. 30,—A dispatch from Santiago dr Culm reports a alight skirmish bclwewi a Spanish column and a body ot Insurants mini- tiering 180. Tbe same dispatch atates that the Spanish troops surprised an encampment of In- surgent*, kitling throe and UkioK twelve pria- Ollfi . I . . M.paMtraa ktata C^asea- ll Ml. Tk. OsatatrsUe aeystkBeaa KiteUenv* .ass»a**'*f slew Tevk, aad alt etkef* wan fsvwr ifca SSJaaaBBlBk a far* aad **«Beiatcal {Uevataasttn^. M«ai«<.at. atata, sad radrraU aad wk« eaedewa m-Mt^aaly akd reaira*. isMltm.arerak»ssssSlt.**a«*aaa l>iwas'» fraea«a«k A*—ahatf nuinct to a Stat* CvavswUeat. a. k*Wt at litlraes W*ntft**der. tke t'.t day ot u « jksf a**t. st twrlr* t'clutk i v n. to aoaaaace ceBdtAates f->- »t*>* efilce*. aad to trsaaaet suck otkar Sastani as ssay areptrty tome vet- r< Iks Cueveariaa. Aixaac.iyaACa, Ckairass ate BBB>, airwt DUtrlct < oatvaattou. il H'Aii.ittmn-t, - . 3, 06 aid 67 Main Street, . SJVH > L . s t d A I > a aMfOMSI, 1, 5, f,.7 SR I 9 iV'ortli St. .Paul street. 3 1C XJIIKHTBK, N . Y . 1* H-A SPEC IXh WOTICK. \' Prom ttio Troy Press (Dora.) -> •» The tudden and complete destruction that has overtaken many largo and hitherto stsble houses; during the past few days is an Indica- tion Of the dangerou* foundation that Judical financial idea* hav* laid for v*. The vast vol- ume ot irredeemable paper curroncy, the huii« debt that hangs like' a black cloud over tiio prosperity of the nation; tbe nughty powers exorcised by the great corporation* that haiu stolen, through legislative or congressional action, the. light* of thepeojyU until they teem to control the destinies of (fit country, have united to build up ip the popular mind an undefined but ever, present fear, that, whenever a time ot panic comes, renders men unable to think. It l* not wan holding his own against man, but Individ- ual endeavors to escape from the combined capital of groat organizations. It Is this that raakes'Wall street wild to-tfayand add* rulu ; upon ruin to awetl tho vast nurabor of tlrais that luve*ipme down ttrhustnesfi .The first duty of the people themtaires And-the ir should teach them that tbe aim .. ht course advised by Oi).n >. polscy'ls tie true wsy to remedy tola'evil. D a n >.:r ii i c. Pi- present danget i pic snd straight uollcy is the trai- ner money offers no security that can bo appw-: ciatW by auods excited as they hs** bonai the past 'few days. A stsWe curacy"« hi! '. W 13M1 : . \ GKAWD OPENING ; :'of\, i; .,--.,-." FINE FURS i i»Jf.-ifi-.i'iw, us..; •. 'it, .-,,- • . -•,- . ••> |-_ -Li X '. "_.. '•' ' On !Moi day, Sept. t&thy We shall instalment to greater v I'ruw WanUluitou. "TUB IXBPABTMBBT BSTIUATBB. % *V<I Naw'YonK. Sept. 23.—A Waahltigteo dls. t-ttteb ; uv.,: The dupsrtmeot* are considerably ficblnd with their estimates for tbe next tttcsl year, the War Department being tho only one that baji completed this work and sent th^O re- sult to I lie Treasury. The delay appears In most cuseu 10 ruivc beni tin:ivoidable. fOUSTKKl'BlTRBS ARUBSTBO. A family named Walker, consisting, of father, motner, son and daughter, living In Treruont, -N. Y., waaarroated jvealerday oil tho charge of ciitinleifelling U. S. enrrcnoy and in'car-il reve- nue staniua. A large <pu.mtlly of counterfeit money and a complete set of machinery and tools for tlie niuimfnelore of Imitation b.lls sUtd ti-Vfiitii stamps were found In tho house. _ »•• *s a As*, ill!.!, Tke I wraecreik Rawrtors of ta* several T.we* *a*a . posisg u>« rim A.*»tnwr oi.mcs er ta. caaaty *r atot.ro* are repaired towed ft*. Oelacat*. treat ta'k Towa :•? s District CnSTsatloa to k. k*M st ti. Yum- stx Hotel ta ta* viiisa. of nttsion. <*a Batarasr. tb« riikday orskptsotiar irtt. al 3e''*4e«st.f,'st, (*t th.- purpoteof eaesalaaaae dslegatato reorsseat tk* Irturtet al Iks 1'emocraUr B.iat* Ceartatlaa te b* iituist tticaoa tke irtrBtdsief oe tab*. rk**i. »» OHliKll o r TBK niSTRIcT COMMlTTKB. i. .-••, i saaea i n s a— SB) saavJsWaW • i m.i smna en i in . Tltlrd Aa»cts»bly Dlatrlrt S'etavemtloa. ' In eoidornity to ths call of tke Daikecrstlc Btsta 1 ConimlQe*. tb. CMocralfc t>f. .'>! sa BlectMS ot OiaTtalld AasSSShty Iintrtctar* re^'is.tedto seed firs Delegate* from sack Town ta meet al t. W. Usoda's Howl, •peseerport. oa eaSstrasr. Ik* titk last., as U o'clock A. M n for the purpose at apfelauae, ou- Dsn- crate to represent la* Dtstrlrl la tbe Mala C«*v*a- tloosi Vties,on la. Orsl day of OtisMr, tit), at U o'clock, at. II v oin>aiii>r uwTiticr COttMif raa. Psted Sept. t«k, isa.-s;.ij Ileiaoerade atepnkUcaa «;ity fou- VCHH..U. T 11K PKMOOKATIO HEt'UiU.ICAK KLXCTOBA otthe t.'ll]r of ttocks.lar. sad sii ••<.-.« ftrot «f so bou«-*t aad eeosoialaal wlail*l.u-*'lus of d.V- crLii.enl --Nstiuasl. Kt.tc and Municipal-wo*»?pi>»«4 So csnlrslUsUiio sod all .fortas or corraptiif wiiich ar>. eonsisutlr >J*\U* oapoaed la po'.lu tetlrs, sraee- Ba*sl**jte*jaa tea S.ksaas. rrou esea Ward i) n- tend* Olt) Coaveatten. to b« held st City IUU.OS T I l l l t k O A * KVKNINO. the-ASsa las*.. At TH O'Clock. to st>pol»< oe* Delegate to atUad th* Btate Ctarca. tloaat t.'i'.i* <>i t. 1st, aad toiratueet suek o-psr bast aeassu eisr pro*«rly cotoc betore tke Ooaveavloa. It Is rrcumiarade<f th*s Watd reeailofi forer»otei- tB|t (be Iir.liaa M be held at lu* usiul iitscss oa <v„ j- HEiiliA V K^PSINO. the Jlth lo.t. )i> oi«cr of inn utr u •• r.i cauiuiltt**. SKO. TAYLuit. CksUmsa. Osa»-»»*»s« K *m> t^saetew I'.aas has* *.<*. ay.; u -it-.m east. **>> *, «)»*»* -aa** a*r swr awt»J«. t*.,4>49)^ Sasakr l«'a**W vsu fihssie -a. SVSSf alas* i*i.t*r». Wal?*» - »» e,. "jtrjtjt. BA*sA#.-*krara*s: esses. fatsau. astes a> ».*.'i*' fas *r*ft^a. _ r^tawt^OSi'*a»s*.at *j>-e tsr araaS.aai •*** t., i* i -ae*** «s fS.asaS -"A. USA SB* H- Vv.>i 'i faw iwS'nM*i ahwat 1Hn!*»>, A.r». vsd Sbetssasa* ^ak* I. a».*f t *m<S'^%*e%0*\ U asar* s**S»» aad *Vr*h, JB*B* af twx'l e** '• JM-^^aaaaahadela^.aaaeaatw) •***. ***t le&aae as Mad*. •i utis aaaatn*. »t'»rAt»>, aawt- au-f*a aw—«»»a»i«»y aad rm~ ant. '-.-:««. -I B..ie«ssaj sdatr* in BW» V ***/aad * BBy^BSBaeBBBBa. !• i MB/—-•- •W^Ba^ajnTlp a>laaa T aB*r*W.' tvut . sWsm iiad*. 4 »**». '* IIH a* a • . s . M * * • n'ada. «««*•* *>• Bes* B*. i n s s i u a . aadi - TAesdMr artMMM IT» «*>.,*. t «.-»t r, < j£a«'a/»;ir*sa» i aakaai* **» rawiasal a.Btks <wa k****i as** fne **»**» at******, cara^shrav^a.. a '-. seaMB, ****•» art** aa* a i Weaas.Laf,iS>raa(8y at .1 at asTa* " imirxsi&miL ft af<B* wait* »:»<*.. V«ra,-**t tar tal kit* X*. t aad 'tis aa fa* at**. *****. rtratSJPaa skeXJf*' •* *»*• 's»»av 7afi^W^a*a?1a-a*r*r*!S!i ' .-tlawtky S*js»e*si>, «uWaa-TAar. ftst* I: -a«t-»* KUI r**a—Ai r 'Ji»>*t»JB tw rye M.eaasHy. t ^ r w U . aa* at l»e» rvtasl aad * E ak*»re* : atn |iL8. aaa aaa BBasTaBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBa^aBBBaiJBB. aBBBkdBBW 3*r *t*m**s^*m atsrn* *RaV BPaV tat Baa* Bfafca Btvawl, .JSk-'n—vmr*- saaaaBaWjpr.t ^a^^sasB^, ^^^B- sp^a i..^^e^^a i*ll*ll*»»S»»»SS Ml I'll,.,I em «HH>aaaB BOOT*. .VXOXS, 0 ATTEAS, «U. •uniimiMHia isiiiii'i n'rtaeiar' 41^ep|BJ^ W aillfBBBa •^•"^ *|BB"BBf^BB^*)a*lsi eajj aBJawJeaT BJBBwBaTe"' B«P*. a»-»tat* a. a.—st * Barrlr^PW'^^W'w eBW 1 aB^jasp a^aTpaaaastaavjayJa* aa ajWerA - * Row Tsaw. eaa*, av-U A. «,-T»aa **»*. T>**a*Mtte*>i ha* lissaawt te^aasJRf Ok Vaato. U n a eraerea *»* ssaaMsai ke •**%• >aw T"ee. Bs*>**4*df at site rtwsvs i a a a « waa awsrided ke «**piiaiai»lra',ity eaten* at t*s« a* isada* AH SsawaBBB' Se»i' at. 's»et he pet** aaea*e ttdr** daf*\ as Mm eaa*rww. AX1O*S. t-«is*»*oa, esya*. « - * . * * f M,^aVMaa* elm, fwt«a*e f*ssr> «.* YnCk *•*»*• S *^a*.,l*Skr t*wUa« ta teVSftossA MeSsMd. staaLatlratA uswaaata I a'aieh wait« *u*d turn seaatw «.*«»•• ' ffaa^^y. BBa^B*aBBBWaay aBBBB^Maa*aBB^Mhda BBBBBB aBBBB>*aaaaiaa^ai daeB BBBV SBV^BI BTnaVflieABBjBJBBBnBBB*. . ddBBBB^BB*jRB>BBBBBt sW*W CBBBBI BBA^AdBBBaBBB** I •"'AsB* akBBBB-BBBBBBBBaBBBBp ^BBsaBBa^aeBBBSBBaTwt •'. **•»**» *B»»^BaW*^BBBW * aBSF- aawurd sea i Man ** ***!»•• *«*Aae n isatssaj i u* aeaVae a geaeret B^tar-tSaifewthe p**e». Raw Yvsaa. **|t. S3. —Mr. CesBp, ef •(CtoarMte HeWaa; aakie. aaOt «R t*.- - *V.m* - liu<!*i'a*—Meaty ***** tatk vV'-t'-sit at. a*Aseen a ee ai'; KsJ:-,*«. tjsid fa <l*nr, n»*fcaVaTtB***» awl taW a*, aasar.vtired kaea*. saskas, M'tti *a- *•• .u ****** ea-aa skjaataW. was' - oa us-aa-aol. H» **W*>*4l Uyaa*fcac*Ce «aaaal. t% Wa>J,n ret tb* Wpt.J,y-MoU* t eta* ia B***- . nn», * r.isn»*.a-t lae* ,iaaaaaa*.*Hr*>. »»*ir«s*.k i-lSi. Bew 1 e r a - wa*** «**" rt*. eare i'->***, or* vi *t*. aat* »>,«. aa****, aiise*.** ajartata, Aids-y-.; :.a**r*i.« ic aaaes **a*a»«lisklka*«•**••»' e*4 :»*, A"ha. SSM eauaadJier V%*^»^»»si«yjS*%*» .-:»-. X.a«sy W||. ||. TKACY. B«c' Boch.iiicr, nept t«b ts-S.-i spi*: BOARDING. From Nesr 1 ' ' ."i Vorli. place on sale the flrst if the Fiuest Furs, and quauiillcs than it has ever been i nr privilege to display to oar man patrons ta this vicinity. These ?<( ods consist of all the leadtofr, Fui I that have been adopted as the most Fashionable for Fall and Witter Of 1 (73 and '71, such as Rus- sia and Hudson Bay Sables, New Tork* Mai le an* Western Blink, Royal Erin nc, South Sea, Shetland and Alaska Seal, Sen and Land Otter, Alaska Sa le, Astrachan, French andBe.jr.ai Coney, and many other most elefai t Furs that lack of space will not pe mit ns to mchtlon. - Wf shall sell these goods very- close and lav c adopted the same rule as last ear in regard to alloW- iRf our pat ous the privllcgo of so. lcctiDR g«o is and paying In lastaf- ments. •ivnolea it. and ReMil Hal am« ra .--. '. Fur House, * '•.*•'; ."• IOO ill. STATE STREET. TITB VOBBTAKT OaiBUt ' ~ N*w, VOUK—7:*i a. ux. — Ah' oMclal state- meut U inudothls'morning that tbo Assistant Treasurer will continue to purchase5-31) bouds. In accordance wltb his notice ot-rlaturday, pay- ing foil them In currency at tho nvorago prices or the kales on that day. BcCrotary Richardson mild la|t night, that he did not Soe how he had the power to do any morn than tmv bonds, aud all iKindrt oiiered will bo bought without duiny or red tape. " Tho Government," tho Secretary eddod^ " la not e-truat oompany or.loan Institu- tion, and It Is doubtful whether Congress'would sanction any such construction of my power." Tho labguage, " this Is nowo ot mjr t^u(«al, , - , which WHS attributed -to 8oere*ary Rlohaadsor. last livening, 'aecmu'tWa morning te have been Wade l)y a leather marchant who was present at the conference, and ( who waa'asked to oute. briefly tuovlows of tho Secretary of the Treas-r, urv. Iu mii, wer to his quustlouux. thu merchant said : V The Secretary as much asnald this was none of his fuueral. aud lie did not feel Inehucd toad." • / 7 ,':- The following Is tho substance of an lnturvluw with Commodore Vanderb)lt last night : He had during the day enjoyed a very" agrecabler 1B-, torvtew with the President.' He had no»mnd«a formal!proposition to the presldont^aa.had buou. eoar to. Oabnru llosa* j>i» otr Persons KICK Al'ARTttl!>lT». WITH HOAIfD, «d si No- d Mm .! Tarui. rsasuaabia. hwaak> aattraad > Wirhta-^t'a'raaagi d rs^ra. •* hs.». eau. *,••«*» kaski karwy. ri* l-..•.. basU.-itoatitr. ' . AI.StM IIAKKI.T. Al R AN Y. beat at,-r»ao» aad a*at-tkarweaseaset durioa th* past il Ao%r» eamhrr l(*/ki: Iteer t,yr.tl '"k* * " Ate .l.s-« keeni »u-l •' ta* «.*i*a>> u •<•«'» a»eei ras* aad n s kaara** .****». Rre doarU'.atst at S'. JhaOva C,«aA.*(.*ar^si siAwauMj.t«r euara* Mjttm ».ssv a. T:.l* btac^b oflbe tr. I* «*< c«-»nl*Sr!y »*g led. 4 Wrday orbarl^y. That bUt-aer* are eaursty eat et aasetnad aad prick* n IO-[111 Nil i>. . van b» scci.minadsted st So. •* Stort:ator slreel. al i For 8ale. La" PJ.fiABANT ItirstrrKN-OK . OW XAKB .VKNUKI LotsSbylSJ. 'lernis 'easy. Api mien mi i hi prrinues, Ko.ni , I.»su *VCBI 'iiawnautt .. i i WAJSTTB. Clrt Wanted, octiriK AS'U mbtt-A ooop i t ace IroaA iieisble tJlrL Apply tramsdtaiely at _ apis trJi'idB* Bo.aioiuivaaTiaiET. T r i Wanted I . UW),O<KJ under certain conditions, but had more- ly soldi In conversation with the President and eevoral other gentlemen, thst something should be done to mako money easier and he would willingly loud his old to tliatond. Ho had thon annouoecd Informally that if U»e Oovornraout or other parties could; in auv way furnish «40,- OUOiKXl or that amount or securltlds to tha. banking Institution, bo would bo ono to furnish Sio (KsTooo. As to whether his oflor woutd, bo accepted or not, or whether tho Government would take any stops in the matter, he was Ig- norant! but hoped something would certainly be done to make: money easier until tho orlsfs WHS punt. ''•'' 'The Tribune asserts editorially: "thatto- day Open* wltb gloomy prospectalslmmedlato. ly due to tho failure of Commodore. Vanderbllt, President Of. the Lake Show R » » W * to pay when called up. a call loan of «l,T&0,000 nego- tiated with the tlnlou Trust Company..whereof his Bou-rn-law-, the lato Horace- V. Clark, was President. " , :' ! ', -^.'i " : ' ' •'•'. «;•. ; NaW tOBK, Sept. ®--~Bp t to i midnight the dctocUvosbttd not arrested defaulting Soorotsry Carlton, of the Union, Tvu»t f ^ y w ^ t - j f l l s d o . falcatlbus are ascertained to be., tully^,<Wd. : Martin Bros, istobe hddedto thejlst of «tt»J pendod broker firms. , ..'-<~. NBW Yoniw, ^ijpti B3-«:4r> A. M.—It In in,. llcved that ujttniT the;fcHock Kxc,hange nor the banks twill op*a tula morning. On tho other band Mr. Cumi>.. general manager ot thoClearr terHfUABjSrli'ln an tntorvlowM fOo'otcSk last n^W,^h*ttt'*7 clleokJplAscd In the rc S . uUrWay throBgh ,l'ie CloaiSng. Uouso wjll oe paid. Thu bank* oro In no danger, and there la Jio'thought ot their.suspension. Thny wore ever iitrdngor than they are to*d*y,nad the TJV A YOOKO LADT-TWO rOHNISIIKJ) ni>0>4H JJ * wan tlOAHD. lu n prlvtto fsmi i. IdtcaUok Mil trsl. dddross tur one week, »iii7,uw O. li.rSlUalveMty areouo. _ ,j, \ * ( v,;,- ; Wanted. I' KlliaTibAli^.lUBACkKn BAKKB-Oond wave. V. an* stc.dy ejuploymeat will be rlva by s«<tre«. it-; nr li) |>, nun, C. J. UK I,AMI. ip)5dtf-T. -_ rstrport, N. V. .-' ,.1, 1., .1,1 I ..n •—. -— ! ........ I Wanted. A T,* 4 ricfrD f!ANVAl»ar.trS-On rhe Urst Bund. -r.» i utu.trsted Bubscnptlon J Nil. J.MCUOWA] Bi State street, Up Bi i t i juj, }Ifjj:iii; a Worl£.,_ Apply to 1,1 The most simple and efMctlv* Press or Barrel Header ever brtiuijbl to tho notice of the public—Just the tblag lor pec km it Apples nn<t To u toes. The levpr force* tke barrel down evsnly oa• allsldes, and Mttut worked by the toot, leaves the baud* of the operstnr (roe tor hsndllnj,- and drlrmg tbe boon*. , , HAMILTON & MATHEWS, ,,••'! ' IIAlt!)WAKK DKALKIta, aiA-a3Wesi.«iiln«troct. Horses and Wagon for Sale. jjfl TK.VM Ot WOBK BOnaXS, AKD K"liliiti'iii.l\( V Ml'\iIi«T 1 Any clau'WUUIBB .Xo pnrcAMS, , » ^ y i T ^ W 124Northbt, Pauls.. Mewl-fanoa. V ~ •aaOBttWopp iihfiUl Au. KOIINO coRtrKits, XIV. csrvsd Uta. rkkh. and ektaattr fuUshed tnstro- tui'i.U. £fBl£ ! 1 ^ oc ^^ioti>«r.^B7 , 5iai; aateot* manufso ..lira*.. . 2iv a JH Main street. it-. NKwaoOKa anvKKTiaxpcan aiwaya Mrtbias rrr*.n*4 hi wurat, r>a, tHM* leaty uu.aa.as>aacaautau*u ataar. v Jour*»l. . . . ' CttlCAOd 11AUKKT. riUCAOo »>irf*aj , «»*' »e-a r. a-near--s»srk*t a dull aud UOUIUJLI. aarkcU i.tajo—Wheal ktAttet daU, lo*rr. Sal** of Nj. I C'.ibuo fi-rips at NuribwMtera spnoe at si.iJti.ti). Be. » .onus al SI *'.*••*!.S*H tyssu ut mtlmt <wss«es>M*. ctaa- m* *u*d!«r st ihr out. Mr prtre, So. I ibic*sr> *prtk< 3 t ai.uo. aad rt|*rt»i si.miiuu. C w s - a u k n rales all. mi cttii.'. ate prleei lower, wit* coa<id*f*BI* rt- cltetot al. ra.** at Be * aus*d at ssaa>**H e *•* toT i.«ui»r. wv.c lor rr**b, sad r«jwi.d»t aaAsae-' Oat* »S*rk*l rUr* dall sud *r»oMas. as)** of Be. I et SSkc cwk, »r.a rwlectod as k*H<e**C- Hr*—MarfcM .. dan aad frluss.httle lower. »*!»« of Ito. I at Dd sstl*. HHSiry—Maravt rvle* dall wtib a lair eeaMad. Kslr* of No. i t*ll si Si.ZVelJW. sad Me. S seriaa at fiesai.te,. Ftoiiaioos -klsrket It quirt and unebsajred. PorX— BakMst , 1 , UM cash. Lard-atarBst I* dtuM aad BA- cJbsDevd at SvBSke cart. WM.U) M.ikni dull sail nominal at «HC. Fseiaats—To BoflVlo tmini**!. a*e.lats--S,MobeMB<rar, ae.OM bosk wkasi. iri.ooo I'Uiiiioiu, ii.isxi eusn nets, * jaw bask rye. «*.**» buM b Vn'pcsrn|.-t ,'ieo bbl.flour.*?!.»» bash w*ieat.7|9,(*Vr besk^orb. M.UO ktuk est*. Wad easfe t>*. ".UAI M*k "srley.; . : .... , . . j mlLWAUH KB M AKH KT. ktltWAUKAs:, twincwberair-* i*. JS^-lflokr-:; .r- kt 11* ejuat aiiu.w«*S, uHL-Lm Or.in—wneea—Msrfcwt role* Snti wtth a fair dr-riitd. Bale, ot N«. I Milwaukee at Sl.lS.aad'No. 3 Uitu -.«« st*l.l»coak or seller Ixt lotulwr. ual*—a*rkr steady.i balesofNo. 1 al 3Be, aud S o 1 stWXc —Msik«t rale, dull soil price* a ahsd* low. r. I £ 0. B nixed at «>e. My* MarSat. Is >i i»aa,c7 B e . I at fflc. jB«lay-is^artreI price* lowar. kale, of Ko. » tnrlnC st *Jl*>^f"aaial ^_~ *w* aaa*W aj^RWffajpw*jy aaaayaasaiar •aawe^*)«aKaBalfaiay laaaW fWft. MW$ iQQrWQHr flafaw '*«MawfW PMajjrWtjf * f M I MMse Side of t a . teera t**aa«aa •* 0«a*aAsaaV^jaat#aHh l*aV«l rn*i.mm Speoiaiues. a " MOSELLE" lift c* JTk. BfUatt CUaUf 9fed*eHfSa-l-*i w*>a|iwii»li(ettf l*w flint* mm tmi-i an; a__ saH-staja f AfVrlsraafr Caaeaat, tT*aA*ai fcrl ^fti.«a-iii of the •*l*ta*f* . rices* ef wast, aad Uw at* Oa*s of »ae hnajisBi already fuiA eat aadwbak Ky *—M*r V .• 1 |S .1 ule I Jtarley-a* . r*7oTs rprtnL take rraiatt*—Wkeat to Baaslo issi and to osweae rules duU aud i rt*. crfr-tA—S.CCO btil. flour, ami TcVWi bash wheat, .uu-i.oi.obbl* flour, sad 30s,009 bush wueat, TOLEIHI M A UK KT. TOVKDO. Sept. XO-4 l*. M.-Klour-M.rlulru'.o. duUand unrhsaaed. «r»ln— Wkeat—Market !• doll aad prlefi IU**} lower. -- Nu. s white Wabash at U.UM: No.-l while at SI .SI; srilbrr MlehlKSU HI |l,it esutl nr .(ill- *.«1 NO " Bauav o* Nu. B wbito Wabash at at.; Mtchb/su at Si.si; anibcr Miehl^sa ai i mepituibur: No. 1 r.tl nluicr at .. Sl.»H*ash| Bu. Jiad st II.Sp: Ko. Setnbvr lliluols at HAT. ai.d No. 5 *prltur at KM. Com-Tdwket m i d fijay.'aM tto.S sprib,"at"KM dull sud price, s *n*de lower. Bale* of kt«b Bilked id white at 6oe. Osu- uiicli-ngud. Salos at ho. 1 at i:c. Dktl. Wheat to Buffalo «Tj»).o, snd l«t SOHC. sad white acasni S cokstr, low mUi_ srketls<)uUt sa> •ntf J o . , s t » * c lake ytvlalita- , iteoelbW--S2w hhit aour,M.u03 bush wheat. J5JM1 bush corn, ti,h>obuih OS's. hblpiuenu—i.ooo libl. flour, 3>,U» bosk wkeat, .,090 bush cum, and s.OSO besbest*, ,, »T. I d V I l |WJ|«ai.«RS ' •T. LOUtS, Biptember SJ>» I*. H. -floor Msrtepi* •inul aad weak, with only a malted JObbloa detnand. ii rain- W heat - Msrket dajl aadjartask lower. Ssles of No.SredjLsVl «t SI Mi No. .ran wlatsr at «I.MI,,» 1,98, snd No. v upMDK at SI.OS. Corn—Market it doll, ll.iland ,.| lce» sre lower. Bats* of No. > mired " uosetued and d East Ht. ajreod de- ii. «l - le. I at HH as, ooo bosh wheal) MH oaUi l.OOJ bush rye, and '.,<s>j Haricot closing .le, closing st th* lasted M Wrusky-fcUrkct rule* Orro Keeetpis—1,(W blita Souri bush rurai *V bush barley bosh A l . l U K V M T I WTOOK. WARKKT. ALHANY. Bepleteber ax-Heevet—On, l'njay market opouad rather suspiciously, there bi' aitvbdsnrc ot deatat*. In values there was aatl rather saipu-tously eatscs. in vsiites there wss no' .. provement afceept oa the third «rsd« of c»n>, Oxire brtujf u a-ood ijoeroiport- hlch were rather scarce sod. kafcaa to lwo live wetabt advauoe, the tasrkv-, stroke on allgtade*. The msrkst opeaad with pleassat Wssthcr this morn- lDfsed oroveri anlfeuuMpd,a lively trade, but up te noon ttteyhad bean disappointed. The stUindaucc was not so lsroe sa they amieipated. A leadina and asaalry i heavy d "-" who. crsl uruuiiU'iDl New Yo ^havikars-- 1 troely sl'lreui too , tho rasrlcat, ho weY.or .ruiuif pteusat w****.- "M ilnted. Tho tlpated. A lea was uototuyslm-ni. tmtaav- IWa1«fSl stesrst atarae krll a lar*0 porUoB o l l k o host tad an anfsrorable effect, and welfelt. ,._Jt week's! a sold down toBH rokoe. *k(*JHc as li awn Hi, wu liy a lai bad an ahtaverabli I wsl felt, sud ual) botlapa* was doas st last week '• rullna |>ru. butchtuB steers sold down m.saSKo^oinoloo Csoi «,V»4kc. tJheroki»es*l((«5Ho7aadTeswi *JJO#l.il Teas* were drawn deweby.a lata. aa|>nJj.et.oo»n»?e / ,,dr^.odh«d;^on.;^rn l i ,, ir^«^ re supplyot sutlers^ t»owo5f Ot Seasoat-*"'^ werefoTocdi; r w of stli .... , uuou I he market aad sold st drawbacks to the ...ireiy lo'wprioe*. The drawbacks to the traa* oav*LM<* Stm.^WdAoro.w^^ upon The S , m.^.s a, otHhe , ^n^t« Mteken- H!!»?S2S^HgI Itccrc. Mierp... Uo«s.... Thi* wee*...i ; ' .tastwaak. ;rt«votn '•i>Mi±Suc tatajD as ««««** sat tu daitf ttw staled taas a asspamy ef a .aha ana tab* kdvantBde ef tivHr eharter * W k eddera tk**B treat teittj M waty deye Uaa*. staradjauwiL a*pt. a.-Tar nnaavtskUi awake have U e . n a e *A>U<oa *<th rsjtrt v J ;*»«- tea cs^uU-atea ta tke place Of tsKal tsretlar* fur sstUiaetitst th«cl***r1n« hoaie*. Taf aasaftB are ia good wt-tfJ. a sod 'ssjek arttaa m de*«a~ rd unr*r<essary. Third «*r**t very eats* add tae *«i.| r-eslott* sre repeirted. Raw Tt>aa. (Wrd. ». —Roda.,—Ted «B«n«SMi *M haads hate Weee t*arclafck*dl ky Ika RtaR- TrsaaarrT a ptotkla twar. Th* D s - m a j tlosaat leaa ieeasBlt*i»i Ikaea fe- asted tw« mitnoe Bad a half at lean «*«rat-at*s Wt t Ceeke'aad Hugh StXaWae* %m awrlved by tar tjrypt aad atlfix la Wad atraet by aaa eVleek. Wsawuteetiw, Aspt. t*—td * A. kt -a^tdaa* artjytssv-re* Us* real at Meadey. tar Mew ftaabad and Use afidd** fAalea tai&esr aiisaas irr, iklig teeaperatur*. soutttrasterly wtatA, aad partly i loudly wr**Aaer; *eaf*rt* waade aad par fv c'taiity weather for th* Laws*- Lohke region, soatbrastarty wlada, l eettast to acath- wtai. auk Oarudji Waatisar and pussib.y llftkt Ucal ralat. Raw yo«a\a*spt. Rk-lS^l.-Tke MaUaaal Ranks ar* ptosaptty kseeting ail demsod*. TVrPeainea Baak* are ne^asUhalty la a *t«U ef suaptassoasaereiy a* arettef to th* Rettoaal*. Raw Yost** Sept. «.—Arrtwd, the Ctty <A Montrtal aad tke City of Raw Xerk tresa Uv- *T5aw Teaa, kept.at—1 **» i. M.—The Ciear- Ina House .uu-ount ha* been made i*bilc,kad all the lank* have baea claarad aaUsfaetssrtlv. The fcrllag smonc ail clasec* of i»«>*pk-1* one of treat relief. There are no rua* oa any of the batiks. There are ae more than tke average cr.vw.l* oa Wall aad Broad streets al this hour, aad Use, G eneral expteseioa ia one of avotaentary frow- g cokuiieaii*. A toaref ike RaUsaal aad Oavlcars hanks ot Brooklvo. devetopa tae fact that there is taeee tksn ttio ordinary quiet there and Ihenr Is no dlnuibaoce of tbe channels ef financial or ot ber business in the dry. Kxcttrd erewd* still throng Wail, Broad, New, Raasau and otlier atrreu In the vicinity of the stock Gold Rx- chant-e. The report published that aranon th* Sav- ings Batiks would be wad* today was rather prssasture. A tour around tke Xa*t Side at noon found rierything quiet and more drpols- ias than drafts were being mad*. The bank.* are generally ayalUuK thotaaalwa ot iheprovia- loas ot their cSVrUr, which empowers them to compel sixty days notice from depositors desir- ing Co wllharaw their ecrounU. WsSJtiSfiTort, 8ept. ft).—Preatdeat Grant,sc- eeeaeanled by Gen. Babcock, returned to Wash-, mgton this morning. In the coarse ot the morning the President called at the Treasury Department and had a conference with Secreta- ry lili bardson, and the result of It may be In- ferred from tae fact thst subsequroU* toe 8ec- retarv stated to the agent of the New Tork As- sociated Press that the President wttl do any- thing within tho law, but lu no particular will be go beyond clear legal authority. He will mslutsln the safetyof the Treasury Department and protect the credit of the United States from tho influences of the presentfinancialcm- uarmBimeiT*. In answer to Inquiries nothing was elicited to strengthen ih* report that action wIU he taken In regard to plaejuif a part of the legal reserve At tbe disposal of th* 'New Tork city banks. The Treasury hss'a sufficient amount of curren- cy on hand to meet all legitimate demand*. Much excitement exists throughout Wash- fngtoii consequent on the news from tbenoctb. The banks here do not teem to be a* yet seri- onslv allected by it, Tffgw Toast, Sept. ai-a.15 P.M.-Onlr .WAV' 000 worth of bonda have been bought at the Bub-Tressury since ia o'clock. There is a con- siderable falling ott In tbe number of aollers. The following cash bids were made on the Strvct: Central ttt, Wabash »0, Kock laUvttd SS to 00, Wostcm Union Telegraph W. Naw TOKK, 8cpt.'93.-There Is coasiderahl* Inquiry tor stoelts on the street, Invcstora with •creeabacks In bund seeking to purchase, but STprehlbittoa of the Stock BxcuAnge ptr^de* transactions.' __. PttitAOs5.HlU, «cPt, «3.—The ffnanclal frarry ha* subsided, tbe run of the savings banks ceas- ed and the national banks experience nor unu- sual demand for capital. Naw Yoaa, &ept, 83.<— The National Banks are pailng all demands made upon them Out looks like legitimate business In greenbacks, but anything tike a run is paid In oerttAcd chicks, which must pass through the Clearing House. Naw To»j£. Bept.' HJ.—No meeting Of 'Jay- Cooke's creditors Wltl beheld until statements have W n received trota the various branch of- ticca throughout the country. *aSweBBBBB*BBB-BBeWBBB*BBBBTBSW^ CTjonva a^Baswaa w^BflB^a* 1 LITEST Lir0lTlTi9.\s. e* >..•*»* aaai a4*J China, Class, V ^w Cutlery arvd l-lated Ware. -* •• WI83XJa> ft PAIsMawat, a —~—— Panils, ClUrei & Frieifis, Music a By Bayla* .a a a d f e l l ah ' liCai.'.. Malign Fla t 2.60 t 10.00 t 25.00 $100.00 .' •v.' jmsvan t*el*>cstarai a a - ! _ a _ . , • . aVoata* U aa a Quarter, u Tear. !• OlffVreatt >** •a. MUKIE 1 CO. v..,.. v. Bell Treble Pianos, •OT la tr Is a r e sa> aaiaia*)W«*> tm l*iH<se). wTsatrU s i r . **> aaaedterale la* f r i e r , r t a t e Is* n a l s h , P s t r * * , B r l l l t a s s t e . ayaaif*«a*a*Btlc sua* Rteapoastvc tm TOB»,W1U sUtacssa KUu*da« Xenacfcu tTarraatrd lor ***** yesir*. W i l t a t aad. a m y c l t n a a t c a a i d a n*. MiB«Cfl.BBllTr.lPiaB i H ' . Usuwoa ibe Ulgkesl Apprarat ai* fi|l nkiadail.saaiiiel MeMietssssa* A rat*t* ***s4 R|*«kis*jatc>a, sfkar Iwrfcr-^taTiia'aT^wnuR *»B»»I nnx- l » E R | 1 0 l k l T i r t a t . w e a r y r * * t * a d . AttTRst MtXCHMB *&>-**&*» * «Ara Tim raient Bell Treble, . , ^r>r>*ywtt»ro Tia rowRR or loirt.i ts) nddIItor. tscrerr ktaefml tasaproveaaeni. Wholeaaleand Retail CUrnvwr^fta aw invited te Addyo* IX. S. ML^OKCIIHA, rorOrtuiar. erexaralaata* Variety an* Wee* at tke WAajUKMMSa, S2 STATE STREET* BRWABt diF'^£^?^*Sras .t:,H •>ym ' OjU /SpBI MAOAZIMW-Atlanlte, tooaa FtrlkSi -^rter«)a.iied»y,*a.. p^araw-g. ii'.i >' n 1 ; I i i I*. i . "' ... I.A» sotaaok BtotnaLt-ifer BX i£^2^utt'M r ime, lm . rfTal iL^L aauitul aad d««*p»r»as di.«-Mei to tSta^sAfthesBaTea^ Thejvso*. TXJT S^SSSvmlveaad enr* <jt\ sstpety ill an of the ^^^r^ssLdJ^ni ^oS.^KSstln th* SCn^u!u,1?«**Os' ^«*Tik.W*?aresOld»t most draa- stores. tm» ifVou"«rti»^C*haH)t*t»r^rh*aaKffi*n. touj oe l^iuaSrdtSse^sa**a» eeastartalt or b»o< article the pack*** sa* Mtsr.li ana aslMy. usat by ratalu «*- J.. —if In trrtlim. Palpli*- wtU effect a eare sacked, ta i^siajw«**aar* wutThe soot -.ji^assT i ••^ : »'«~ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: Rochester NY Union & Advertiser 1873 grayscale - 092599838324918736498176394817639847623987641982638461983749127349817239841723984719832741982734918723412341234

v s er me orolltlaquo Baceed

raquoa oeraquoyiry I

NEW IBFBRTRgflgVTS bullii i ^ _


bull O O F

UK order


TXOSOWTO rgtrwit rgt bull

w o o raquo S H O W


House to Rent

h1 bull BQ-A7laquor STarA-y

raquoe or tke orieshynted ike eoallnoed

ts th oaly

solt auaotsx-rairtHM^ prtTlaquoilaquo aowAaeat

sotr Ot a Ctir iraquo tkaa with

ir a pete vsaetahk gt M n laquo l a r a i M H abssaa Sold by

1 minute

laquo theCtay Hail oa Wednjdy ereoiB^aelu raquoai fAlaquolaquorrers~C1tr Coaentloa to pound 5 lif fSTZ-9 ska avenue of Ika BWk raquoraquo

toreatk laquo V raquo i i

EB-raquogt1XTH W A 8 P - T raquo f raquoamraquoauu kmdash^Z

Br of Wsrj ColaquolaquoilaquoTnt

tWABBv-Tke copybullsaoerarte iTZ



in French Plate a r t Cnslal Glass

TflK JTBEf PATBST AQCiRIUll i M t l t a T O S SsUasr taedarer

J V - M W O O - ea r Coast sad laquo w t a raquo laquo laquo a t a

pound pound t pound S raquo laquo deg gt e raquo bull bull seal lcattoa a n

CAMERON PfrtTT fcflUCE bull t u o i u U ASS STa-rsir t n laquo t i tf


spools T-n MMNMCttr


bulllaquo avaanuc bull Diealaquo m tty HaU oa ih 3W h By order of Ward Coaraquoraquoitgt

a lt W a S l O o a a W t t U laquo

Mikta tearless a City CealaquoeatJoa lt

Hr-GATTW - Th Osevaeratle Towaer copyate oa lryteay Sept MA at oclock P I peaaaf ekaoMwitTa Delesate tat te kry BlBTlUS DelaquoTatle Coo-matolaquo te j laquo htet eat and to transact seek oU bullsay eesae befoT thent

wWt BroHMrarTgiMiOaskwma

Ceted Oeeea SaatnJ XT|fDgtlgtSfraquo ABlgt AXKITBmAST Oirtamdasheraquo

GXOUKMCA1 ftTOWIBS-A sera at aatoMmm fSagra ckroWoarleal ortet kj B C Tartar

fesaneJe TRB DBA1gt laquo4AKJtaK-A Kip laquoUAor Araquoiwgtn aftd M laquo H

ekose-atnfaniia Baiaa4Klata0a-

)jUraquoraquoraquo m


llaquo LfTraquoT gtTT TUTO raquoraquobull oraquo gtraquoltrraquooatloa any (k)oM coniraquoraquoct-nja-rotuoj keroa

gtla doova kt^ lack | 8a(a aotalrtkaltoa praquo raquo Mala rt

TTr -rrwErr aBlook Araquoptf

U arr j f i


be apcl coke color m wacko laquooo4raquoa-

- B y romp GJIDert

Amerteaa Xoral ky

AtPAtkOl t t

kfa IJUa aa ekarek B)oJlpoundtgtooic U rewttar


ABith araquo^ tyeUatraaaiBoekaater^ R_laquo

c o laquo raquo o a raquo raquo y bull raquo bull

apU Apply ta-) g ltMtAraquoraquo-v- mdash


U P H O L S T E R E K S raquo a raquo j t raquo raquo r laquo T C raquo laquo a a oraquo

FUtLOE CE1XBEE FCRXITURE v b 4 M Ata^Ua F a y a Hkft f lnf fa

I l a t l i k mdash bull bull A c

CHILD amp BACKUS Bdwartl B raquo c k n raquo P raquo a a t Oonablned

Sisam Heater and Cooking Stove laquoJraquoTgt IXDMaath GOOD

93 I f C H A K f i l raquo laquo raquo l f

exaeitaal iaa r bull laquo gtWn ti

bull gt wsy

bulla Q n 4 -Jw^WBaja araquoraquoaaai ]alt lacatrak

J2H ^VritV5M5Krco-

LiothMiXK Hi V B D (X Tine DA TIME roa J awa laquotsa a taatarai If ka Urlaquoa la itttM

ikraquoraquooraquogtaiaaar-alaquo tk raquoltlaquo Wairr a toknaao-

^aarara ktoet Book ttore

For Sale

fig A S f v t BOt ASO LOT SO a i Pl-VTT

Vr^KKr A laquorraquolaquot OarlaquoalB U eared tar aoea U W B BffBSt

((49 Ul V gtraquo Maav ova- real gt treat

Waite i Wanted rf^trjtSTr f IKraquoT-ltt i raquo W AtTBRS WASTKraquo AT

AaptytaJ W MtgtSKl4-VnKwiw kraquofera laquo oataWt

kS MY Brack at 1 Beat i b u r K laquo Iraquorf rtkrtewaaka want


ivrftaaa t aaekaoai JL aawraaee ef talaquo

Coaaty afTfoaraa ai i State l aaMrtea lam taaoka

tadaad a kaakrapt laquoooa kraquolaquoa petition byUte Dutrtet

JOH3T BXWrx Aoalfnee e

bull T A T B raquo DIXTRICT C O V I t T -Matatci of few fork 1 E8fcgtaalaquo


raquo OKampAX wrw to rood MeHaamdash A raquo Kata atreet

tlTfO la bull u - e a p - e c l a U r o a laquo 4 BMMkir S c a r l e t a m art agt hmBtt l -Jkera p r l c laquo a k MAKXampCO

5uprraquoraquo of eraaftara^ a f J t y r

aoeacater JCT bull tkaak a laquo fee tka aatyaaaa kMattoaat la tka

laquoof tat Act ot CaarraM aspronSlaarak raquo$ moarr taaairB m Am Baaferapt Act

AM yea are alaa aotttted (kat a cktrt aeaarat aet-taeof UiaeradMoraef taaaboee aaaiad aaakmpt win aakeWattkattaaa aad plaee adaraeaM for UM MT-

bulleatiampoeJ raquo t k e Mtk aaeUva or taut t u t rap

e lk S a c k t t

kraquotraquo t k o a t a v r e

bullbullart m B gt raquo

3 M A C T 0 0

t laquo S S e eqtatatl t a t t ake a u r


aeagt w i n laquoke

bullgtt aj raquo lt S MANN ACXraquo

icaJt Hiiain tautt sure avraquo

bull gt i d t laquo C a t a a -

k l f a n a t fa lata

BUktaMBlaquoeA mm A

at raquoau trlaquod( regtclaquolwlaquot t l a l a

txgt k x i t t e r U n a

raquoaf Oaetka iffatiMMiTlkiagtaffr SfeK-J1^1 Haafcaaa

rlaquoa areCeraky aotiaaolaai a bullecoadaeaara] raquoelaquoiMc aaacraat wttl

wrrlaquoalaquorfthe Beet lorCHFRCHKS UOTCL9 KTOBraquoWCOLIBGraquoSHOtraquoraquoWC Atteady taaaaakaat

I H i f i i ABII amp Co aOtlJUV -rACTtKKJB A S O r A T K S I K E

bulllaquobull Ike U r g e i t i t oek t o M laquo laquo fru i s-^r raquo

48 Excraquongraquo St EwtJxester K aaad (a Catatolaquoae Likaral Uroai to Alaquoaau

Aaayo win rartker take aoejea tkatattgtraquoe oaTeeaf tke aaUBecleter oa tke lOk aayof Oetokee^a raquoi jk a ktbdquo toe ttaderaktaeeT fverlaquow IT Tknaaa Atatastaa of etltl Baalaquowalaquoaraquo wrtJ aanatH aaA

^ ^ 2 k ^ l V t O l ^ bullaM

l to law aott oraetire X Cotrt o a o a e a w THOMAraquo

D I L Caiiirajiuaa Attotaey tor Anitaa Beat aa ilaquoraquo mdashapMAaet

lraquoolaquo X M a t i i-arewaJarwIiwa kadTlB VTark bullawltwre aad Taatttatara

TBB oiVD i i n aiaspozvBrsxQ


i gt m | i i i raquo i r v T rwo m u i D XtkMso xorrn oa gt n t o n csaJntaA

bullAiutoraquo parorr O Mlll aTKKKT C O R X i a PLATT

|BJtOWWraquo RACZgtROCKKraquoTKR raquo T The reaauaaaaf tkla Dye Heae etoee llaquoM kat In-


Wanted to Rent _ Tnrra A r s a u v act A bullMAUU BKATLT frtraUfcfA koaaa oa Ike wett laquode of uw rtnr

Beapakatkfepakty ftajttpay Addrea C W B lirawer W f O

r a w BOAKDKKB CAX BX gtaid

r ACCOMlaquorgtDATKrgt a t t k FVeaent Kooeoe a i d Good gtraquo- t n Rtltw

bull t rea t Atao i aoia Boeruer takea ep4udJt

Strayed i Stolon

l amp t t 5o^ewrraquoay w M ^ l ^ w i l K a ^ l ^ S rw r i y j ^ r r ^ w M raquo ie^ W W aera at eaa ec lt i H a f Wkawaer wta ratara kcr to tke taav bulllitkal aatrratifmaailuu WraquoraquoTW raquoh faayki- teaad wMraquoklaquowaMkly rawantti KOaKttT MCKKAi

B a gt s Oreaard ttrwrt

etkaftlanaalMfeH ear rtaaa ekeekaaad ooai-taweara tad area Uraquoe oat ot oar iHtiHtoa to agtUeod


taXTTB la tblaquo copyoentiy Toa Aa 40 aireeUy wltk me at the t a o Xgter ltw u

tad rtetd kkawM asd an bulltaoe cleariederjikoat la-mas aad murr LB M KM B bull M or Colored without M VtaaS tS lLt7QSrS-elaquowat or dyed

Weal er Coftea Ooeda of eewry daecrlptloa kraiaaaaao aad laaked attk kaataan aol du-

araquoraquo f laquo a M n M M w l Oawf V H U T M ^ tJ_ _

tpaidvedoHLa ap aoaoartalaa bull M ratnraed ky Bxpraaa

t raquo - so eosntacruw TABLUHMZaT^aa

there BOA raquooorhlaquotataa tkraarki Ctaaa


mes i n

XA9 mix tt ec


s n n a P r i z e M

t flfcgt bull_ K1MBAV-


RocaaaTXR a T SEPT 23 i s a

i k e atavaalaquo1alMiaaftoa~rBi OoTlaquorao oaeat aant bull Caaaklara

A I raquo - H O E laquo bull

L l a l w Xajregtaxal

n a d e B r i l l ta

I t t B k r i i k w t

tatat p r i c e

ft X A S N A CO

1K raquo r lake B r i t

I a X pound a gt raquo laquo iagt

raquo a raquo laquo 4draagtllaquo

Mi aa-mele iVlaaa

oa Ttmrti J i er jgt

sur k k j o t h e r

watt jrlaquodk4t


Bat l bull m t


At O t f t V h

-0 Uii i JSf S T HVHBB C^odaw

OLg ft Sl lOpg

at raquo raquo w Alaquo~T9WT sgtraquo 1 aoxt iheroBere edfer

RT ky a at as

S H I K I S bull W e invite th-e Pablic genshy

erally to call and examine oar large and e i lenlaquolraaraquo-aortrnent of Hhirt and Unshyderwear

CORE I B M k TOE 6 Main S t Bridge

Valnabie Mauufacniring Prepertf CART J O R rrort i t T

raquo t ey to oatrkgeouB enough la lUeU laquolaquo wben tt to added that the Lord J laquo U detecrated by tke nefjotUUoa It to unnwceaaarj to seek for a lower deep We hate pren elaewhere conkiderkble space to the expresklonk ot leadh eastern jonntalk OB the Bttuatlon aad h a w roraquoerTe4 the rolce of the w laquo E a uttered by the CheaKO ffg^ appUcatlOB to thKpotat and P ^ deg U o t t U n -

of th7wetera fanner and batnea eommuii ty

Water farmer or nurthant to enablt him to

bullbullpHeVraquoltgtlaquolaquorAlaquoartradeW--gtom a laquo deg gtbulllt bull vrtettfcom erdry good F A few WOks aBO bull the price of corn fell 10 cents a bushel The stock In the country affected by that fall was

bull many millions ot bushels It vnCs an euor- rnotis loss sustained In an ordinary and lc^iti-matc busrnees By what right would the Secretary of the Treksury have Interposed to lend the national money to the losers to eoa- ble them to wait until the prtco should aaaln advance bull To use the money In the National Treasurymdashtaken from thepeople by taxationmdashto make good the losses ot the bulla or bears of Wall street or even the losses of legitimate business Implies an t entire misundertlanditig of the legitimate func- Hon and purpose of Government T o take this money from the Treasury and M place It In New Tone to relieve the specu-totorsand losers In Western Union and bullbullBrie and bullNorthwestern i not merely to violate law and deeeney M to encowrage the - very practiee uhieh have brought about the prevent eottap bull

raquo bull bull The pretense that these insolvent bro-raquo hers and speculators are the country a i d that to save them is to save the country from nnaneial rotn la laquoraquo impudent lie It they go down the loss is confined t o th^m- aervos and their dnpes and It la hotter tjat It should be tans limited even If the loss be repeated every week for a year than that the National Treasury shall become k mere branch of the Stock Board ot New York and tgte Secretary ot the Treasury a mere dla-laquo count clerk for any speculator who seeks to push a fancy stock or bond upon the mar kat These are the words of the West and should be rung out by the people everywhere whose first great duty to themselves and their posterity Is to rescue their government from the hands of the mercenary adventurers mdashof the bankrupt brokers ot St Louis Philadelshyphia and New Tork Into which It has fallen

w e e i i A s i l l y Q a r a t l o o a n d a L e g a l F a r o e

Why doat the Democratic paper turn their batter-lea on Mr Krarle Mot Ion aero they ponnocd upoa Senator Conriliur for karlac the temerity ae a Uwrer to become eoonaei m a talc for the Contra Railroad Bat now Mr Xvart u at Hartford optKulatr the Govshyernment la Ike areat Credit Moftar anlta and defendshying tboie whom lllatrjloy to make dlraquoforfe-[Alb Krcntatc Joaraat

Evert Is an eminent lawyer holding no ofshyfice or commission at the hands ot the peoplo and undvr no pay from their treasury but leshygitimately perforating the duties of hta profes slon Cookllog is not an eminent lawyer but a notorious office holder and party tricketermdasha man who is in the employ of the people and reshyceives from them $23 a day for service as U S Senator and he has hired hlmseit out to the Censhytral Road to recover for It $500000 from the people to whom It has been paid at a tax upon dividends It If hardly to be expected that the Evening Journal -an discover any difference beshytween the positions of the two men

Xvatta Is nndoutteply defending his clients bat It is not strictly correct tossy that ho is deshyfending those Whom the government Is trying to make dlsgorre far the government ia not seriously trying to make any one disgorge The Credit MoblUer suits on the part ot the government are a sham aud will come to naught Mark the prediction In any event the result would be to benefit the Union Pashycific Company by causing the Credit Mobliier Company to disgorge or an application of the hair of the dog to cure his bite But even this Iresult will not be obtained It appears that by mlamanagemeut of the case purposely made on the part of the government the Union Psclflc and the Credit Mobliier have been alshylowed to unitc In the defense so aa to prevent the expose of still hidden Wilsons Colfaxes Btnttbitms and other high officers of governshyment bull

i bullbull a s s f y The Syracuse Journal says the reslgns-

tion of Sum TUden Chairman of the Dem-oerstlc State Committee to indicative of a consciousness of coming defeat The Jour-nal of coarse apcaks for Itself and Its party When Mr TUden learns what an effect hi ret-igaatlon has had upon the Republican brethren he will be sorry that he had not resigned beshyfore raquo bull


Tie M 1 AiiEistra-r

Vivo laquoraquolaquo Taa aeislaquot are eeaacsros aewaad a m mass laeee aamoelaw faef raquo V tVee-laquooVy krlaquoekitaraquo sraquov s u r e raoi bulltUkMeant wttk r~ - f a a i i j t a r a a i j ^

i fcwjsa fcj c

r V t k d a k j ^ ^ a j r a w y eaeauy sew

J Skaps wiS oa raid

Tj^iamp2rnnlSpoundrJHrm wertBhT oraar mi a t a raquoprlaquoraquoloa



taaatlaquoaatlaquo-raquo hridxe at a

gt bullbull

bullteeef F raquo it oa w a s t araquoPwaaWAgt aRaweattaalRr Iwawat twaaayaam

50 wfcAte afU he re s t -years

B to rear w K k a v w a r laquo1U street d U e c w y s o

mmum umtttm tm

raquolSkVVraquo s


Pianos 5


r-aarter laquoSwrraquo raquo n taswotsa


^^BtiSET k

JOHN M FBENCH Jraquo 7copy -ifain street




^1f akaakTS east iiraquor leaaa

I WlaquolaquoteraBeaj f g i j taawleieas Bav Ski keep read au I as a aae twnk

ai l ill mt of Koalcet ttoask

D K A J i raquo raquobull

STOVESTW WARE fe S T O N E eJrsSat raSa i ra f

eJiestar S Y I Honraquoe F^raixhla Good aap

A careful survey of the flnaaclat field as pre-wated by the Joaraato of New York and the salt srdsn approximate count of the killed veasded and missing litvolved In the fallnre ot Iks Admiolstrstlon brokers shows that while t-eaest bankmg aad honest business of every kind may be pressed aad emharrssaed for a tiar be chief mischief has baea done aad Is tvui to the great railroad and stock gara-

asd those closely connected with them IsraOy rpeaktcg Rochester is without cause

to tlsrm Rigid twralry fails t o discover a laquosk spot amoag ovr moneyed Institutions issiik a savings Had there existed such a spot t woald have been uncovered before this U ikmnttaab) who habttasUy gamble by tele-Braquoph have had their fingers blttea they keep lthBB rlorai and grta and bear It The geaatal aspect of the crash at the money

ftstres hr uharetofore presentedmdashthe direct bull-It of alakstatensas hi public life sad prostl-intion ff raquoarament M nicrcenary ends Sa-mfieUl obaertanregard It aaa purely tmanclal raquoSarfs^ tj tjkraquoam oW4l )1lts nejltjeBj ^ )ef^aM

aiataBiaaab they simply see an effect bat JWI^hfelakmpreheadthsgteattstw They laquo0 s^BarfrrktAStfthat from the unholy eoaeeo-Waof the scheme of ptander known as the -fortarm Paclae Rallwaj In Use naad of the aaaaaktratlon firm of brokert Jay Cooke St Csrhe disaster baa come The New Tork ISket the swaaa-in-ehiet of the AtlialnlAtrv-

JtootUs the whole atory In the course of aa fsrste irtlcie on Setarday la a few words traquo lead grant wsa the richest ever mseVs legt pay company by the Catted bullStales raquo a Jltr c^j^ naidOttbt- Wy erperted s govennaeafalaquoraquoataiagtv grant | men tlaquo tXe Union aad Central Paetfie Rait-1 roads Bad received and he raquoout4 ungveetton-6rgtASM ttuutd u at the last seaaloaof CceMtreas bat tor the Credit MobiHer scao-

1^ Theeaposareof the rottenness of the bullbullrtratJoB leadersmdashColfax Witeoa tt-

Dawta Ooeper Ames Kelr uarfleld Bingham ao i the rest pre

PJlaquolhe money robbery whieh but tor i t bullSew Tork TJmes declares would unajnea-

oaaWy hare bean oltalned The peopled ^7 sireadj MtiJIed with over MU0Oa0O

^^^Saaosa e e aeeoaat of the Paeiflo ^laquos WM protected from the raid Ot ths bullCrayon Brokers by the Union Pacific resarej laquond pmnderera aaabte to realtoo thrempbeef pubHe domala they hadob-bullBw com to merited jjrjef and in coming to J raquod it is hoped they have broaght the peo-

bulllaquo to their eavsea laquo rrrtafo were V^rfjtetoa^wsattnf t o abow

^eeeevtwtyp rgtektelaquoat Qraot In this boat r^k ^ ~ ^ r i ) t 4 gt T laquoMraquotaaeeraquo that

r s e e n t a l ^ T ^ J ^ ^ a grand ^ J -degraquoraquo k BsaaMlaquo7laquoT Chetton BIB near PhiUdajp^ On T u bdquo t r the failure ot Jay Cooke ft Co W 1 -

laquod On Prtday the muderphia relaquo Bounced President Graat as srrived raquot the

neoUl Betel la that city having the atamrt sympathy with the Messrs Cooke Saturday Mr Grant arrived at the Tifth A T -

oe Hotel New Tork the headquarters of the bullraquo ef Wall street Oa Aawfea-Haafk on raquoAt-^3trktlaB XepubUeans on TOAT yesterday he met andconaultod the

J ^ S ^ v gt w laquogt laquotht beat use the taxes laquoaxraquod from the people to put them oa their ^ l 0 4 1 1 them again One dispatch dated A pound ^ 7 7wHt Jraquoraquo Preatdeat Orant ojieervtary Bkhardson have been la consol-laquo w laquo the mfthAfanua HOJUI slaee noon [bull-ilaquoneda7gt with prominent eapttauats

i~1v7Tgtr P w j d e laquo S laquo a t Secre- 2 k M w raquo S e n a t o r Hortoa and Oen W war ready before noon OuudsyJto

L T laquo Yl9wt raquobull Ba^raWtiOPS dW ThU laquo raquo bull - ^ t o a t of the UaUcd Sttee -tolaquoraquoOTraquo to the poot oy the rattrosl ^ l raquo laquo i b l e n kt the PlffhfAvenue Hotel raquo Tork to aid them with thspeopIeVraoal

The Crime Of Gorcinmsntai Exshytravagance and Associashy

tion with Reckless Gamblers

T h e Mercenarine of Modshyern RepnbUeanlftm

lilsaatrated gt bull i

BOT MBRCaAMTB BOT SUiBWJRS AXD IDLIBS Vrom the Bew tor Journal of Comiaeree flade

pandeat sad Ieadlaa CoauaevctsI paper of the bull Coon try)

In the first plaee then by negatives It to not the mercantile Interest last ha precipitated the catastrophe - bull f The disasters are chledy among the operators la the securities thos carried on borrowed capital and those who have been connected directly or indirectly with ttsese operations It la true that our mershychants who have been eBgaged only to legitishymate trade have some ot them been sharply cornered sad have had soma diftcullT In meot-log their maturing obligations bat a mere presshysure for money Is not disastrous and thus far we find no real trouble In mercantile circles When merchants have gone outside of their leshygitimate business and nave dabbled in stocks or leat their name aad means to build railroads and develop patents aad open mines they have been caught with their new associates and have paid too penalty of their rashness and folly bull The sharper and idler who have Kssrf by mere speculation graptug at alt the available funda copyffetirirf for loan paying more for tho use of money than its fair market value bulliid diverting It from the channels of legitimate business to swell their galas by employing it In haasrilnin ojHsratlons will be awB)gtt out Of the way with the debrH at the rain they bava causshyed act will IssaM the field dear for that proper SAT terprUeiehlchaloneetm advance the nannilproi-Jry VTIB ourAT JOB or e a a ADMrBisvreATtox BBO

j a a e THAT BSOVWIT m s v i u s u from tke Bow York Joan ef Cawusere (Indo-

peadeat sad llaquosdlnlaquo eomtnercial paper Of eke country)

bull bull XSpecWMy we Were opposed to the lavish patronage bestowed by govornuent upon the road In the case ot the Central and17ntou Pacific the government reserved to itself the Domlnai rhrtJt Uraquo take poosesaioa and reimburse itself If the sehetao tolled Tfcat Ritordsd a plausible excuse tor the money aid whleb It rendered But the national gift to the North-era bullPacific were ovtrlgt The government partlaquod with ita ownership of 7000000 acres

liiSi soaare miles and upon that vast tract apany executed a mprtgi nt ot bonds not exeeedla

baste to be rich Thoy cannot confine themshyselves to the quiet and plodding ways which are the only secure road to wealth If they wore able-to pay as they go they would feel that they are not doing the business of which-thoy are capable and they consequently undertake much more than they can accomplish The houses whose failure Is in the mouths ot everyshybody ore all comparatively new ia business cir-cles raquo Jay Cooke ft Co were buSt up through the favoritism of Mr Chate in the bull early day of the tear and people hod come to regard them as In every way aa sound as the governshyment bonds the negotiation of which gave them their financial sbtndirg before the counshytry The men in Wall street whetner they bo bankers or curbstone speculators who buy and sell and enter into sencmes to make money out of fictitiously created values or by taking the money of unwary and simple minded people on a false pretence of values are not a utit better than professional gambler The men who deal at faro and the proprietors and touters of gambling bouses arc scarcely pursuing a worse or mom demoralising business The gilding which the names of bankers and brokers and the sir of respectability give does riot make the ofshyfence less immoral II a man goes to his neighshybor making false representations knownlngly and through the Influence of his assumed reshyspectability and cunning argumonts Induces him to buy stocks or bonds that have not the value pretended wherein docs ho differ from the moek auction men f If a banker takes tbo deposits of his confiding customers and invests them in very doubtful schemes to promote his own interests or to bolster up his bankrupt conshydition Is there much difference between his conduct arid that of arobber who picks ones Docket 7 Many ot the Wall street speculators arc no better than faro gamblers and though the law may not reraquoch them they systematishycally rob the unsuspecting Need we wonder then at the frauds defalcations and general demoralization thai prevail in the communityraquo


From the Kew Tork Tribune (Ind ) A few observations on the misconshy

duct of the last LWO ckCreUrlos ot the Treasshyury Secretary Boulwells lntcrfcrcnee with W all street a year ago which even at the time was conspicuously more adva)dageou to certain friend qf Government among the tpeculator in gold and ttock than to inert enqageain legiti-mat business is ONB or TUB PBIMB CAUSES OP TUB PRrssNT PANIC Another prime cause Is the power claimed by the Treasury Department to reissue the forty-lour millions of greenbacks which have been caled In end canceledmdasha claim morallv as base practically as menacing to the national credit and legally as III founded as General Butlers scheme to pay the Interest on the bonds In greenbacks indeed we consider the latter the mora respectable proposition of the two The consequences of these fatal blunders ot Messrs U unwell aud Richardson are easily traced


From the New York Tribune (Ind) The system of popular loans which received

such an extraordinary development from Mr Jay Cookes success with the Uovernment war loans has facilitated a kind of financiering that Is bsrdly honest Prominent banker beshycome the advertising sgonts of dubious entershyprises and lend their rcputatlou at a percentshyage to Induce the unwary to make dangerous investments They risk no money of their own but ihcy pledge tbetr word that the securities are good and when they havo sold tliem they

stand from nndcr Tbe crash comes the rubbish ts cleared away and then wo find the respectable bankrrs looking on unhurt while poor menmdashtbo r customers who have tskca tht-ir word about their warijsmdash are writhing uu-dcr the ruins

It Is a strange fact that in pushing railway bonds Of any character or no character liuik-iDg houses can always couut upon tho aid of a large portion of the religion prett A majority probably of the denominational papers are ready at any time not merely to open their ad-vertblug columns for this purpose but to sell editorial corniucndetloDS^and turn the sanctum Into a brokers office Say teueral of the r-iou paper havion to far aslo railroad bund among their subscriber for a comminiQnmdash and wlaquo bope they and their victimised subscribshyers sre both satisfied with the developments Of the current week

TUB OfllBtr Or ATlMTXtSTU tTIOX riSANCIAt P l l I bull bull bull - bull I gt

from the AIIMLUJ Amu tOeat) bull The bubble which exploded in Wall street on Thursdsy ass first Inflated In the early praquort of the war when a pamphlet was written to prove A National Debt a National Blessing and It was deemed a patriotic duly to Inculcate the doctrine Naturally that which was deemed good for the nation was esteemed beneficial for corporations and Individuals and the aggreshygate national ttit municipal and business indebtedness ot the country to-day is tearfully alarming

But of all forms of credit that upon which the business of Wsll street Is built Is tbe most ruinous and Inexcusable There ts no apology for It and the sooner it la buried beneath tho mlns of every firm and every Individual engaged iu it trlaquoe better To nlaquo ibe ruin or Wall street Is an auspicious st^n We can see no hope for the country until gambling Is universally recogshynized to be as daegcron as It is demoralizing That only is prosperity which Is based upon actual savings honorably earned and securely invested The country Ls not prosperous be canse It has borrowed thousands of millions of dollars of future generations and has mort-traged Itself beyond redemption for payment while It public lands hsvo been seized by specshyulators and taxes hjvc been piled mountain high by political spendthrifts

Ws trust that the government irtlt Jbrn hand off in thi crisis The only effect of interference wtu be to bolster up Institutions which are unshysound and uuwortUyof confidence to tbe detrishyment ot the enduring interests of the country Speculators and speculative Institutions gamshyblers and gambllDg bouses sre linked togeUter iJt than tutMe in a eotnmon rtitn On tho other baud (sound banking institutions and wise business firms are equally associated There can lie no run upon them Tbeyare laquotabieod fully able to cope with the difficulties of spy

the eompAuy executedamortagc to Seodro the payment ot bonds not exceeding 50000 a mil We denounced the unprecedented looseness of this transection st the time It virtually gave to a few individuals the absolute control of a terrishytory of iucalou I able future value and the loaders In the speculation natteredlhemselve that tuey would eventually become the richest irtea to the worldmdasha delusion now suddenly and cruelly exshyploded The inner hlstsry of (Ala czfoltr4i4-axy ehtm may tomettmn be kmvm future investigation may unriddle it but nam it i 2 deep ntytlery We Only hare at bull present tbe moral evidence to bull make as Bg-UKVK TBAT STOCKS AND BONDS AND LADD GRANTS WKKK fRKCLr DUrt i l t t -C1XD AMONG MJCMBERS OJr CONGUKcH AND ALL PERSONS IN POSITION OF INFLUENCE WUO WOULD ACCEPT TBB BRiBKS One thing Is certainmdashthe road WAS never asked tor by the American people or any considerable number of them No public meet-inirs were held in the great cities to approve Of it ami to recommend it to Cougresslotul favor was almost universally cried do wn as a piece of consummate folly and unbridled exirava-graquoraquoce But in defiance of public oplnlou it wltraquo croteoVd through by the unscrupulous mean tkcU ^ havenatned a- bull Another great truth now enforced with more Impressivoncss than ever Is that the government commit a mon-Urogtuvrltmg andpn tgr-mou fbdquobj when it aim M M laquo s j to railroad f be people are suffWlBLr tue penalty of this wrong to every Instance where government funds have been advanced to railroads Ail thosesubsldies whether In money or lands are practically dead losses to tbe people although we do not deny that ra-dlrect public advantages result front the conshystruction ot roads thus sided Bui tbe prinshyciple it unsound and cannot be practiced with Impunity No more railroad subsidiesmdashthat must be the cry now and Conarsas must be made to hear and respect it t

jtkit Coosa laquo co wrts Aooraawra xwo atgt-vagtTlaquoBxlaquoA - bullbull

Vreet the a T Herald aad) ib^ Too many htwWicaa business men laquore la gre

situation A financial storm can only sweep away the rotten rubbish of an unsound system of national finance Lraquot the storm blow It cannot affect the institutions nor Individuals who conduct their business properly There Is no occasion for a general business panic and there will braquo none- The agricultural Interest Is the only real Industry not making adequate earnings Ourestabiiabt-d railroads a c thriving Our manufacturers sre getting rich off from prU ces propoed up by tbe govcrnmeut It is only hot-boose enterprises which are wlthsrlng unshyder the storm And the country cannot afford to protect them -TA gomnvnent should Utvr bu inn to tnke it natural court to fall when It Is not wisely conducted as wcl as to succeed when it is It should have no favorites and not interfere In any case When it Is thus guidshyed real prosperity will be promoted IU policy rosy be wisely changed but partial Intervention tor thci benefit of speculators will bo unwise Whatever It can do to protect legitimate busV ness however shoald be dorm

bull laquo e bull The absorbing power of tlie peoplo ha iieeu

overtaxed Under the srtlficlai stfmuus of the false financial system mslntalned by the Federal Government a tboionghly delusive coodrtlon ot jililrs has prevailed since the war aud Ib-vrstmebts have been made In these speculative enterprises to the detriment ot the productive cnergii-z of tbo people Had a sound financial po Icy prevailed at Washington ths earnings of the peopi would have been retained In their baud and gone toward tbe building up of local Industries instead of being recklessly placed to railroads having but small chauce to succeed under iny other than a hotbed procesw -bull


i v j raquo -

bull a bull jBrorn the Troy Times (Admin Hep) It Is a notorious fact that for a number of

years past the people ot the United States ai-mostuniversally have been suffering underan attack ot rsllroad monomania The presence of an enormously inflated and Irredeemable curshyrency has had much to do with the propagation of tbe disease It has produced unrealstan-darda of value and an undue and dangerous expansion of or edit and these two conditions Invariably lead to extravayant expenditures and a rage tor aptraquoalattOB bull If It be true

1 that the Secretary of the Treasury Is about to purchase ten million ot five-twenty bonds aad also to pay as many government bills aa poesl- I ble Immediate relief will be afforded but bull confes that we would prefer some othtr I my out of-theptneh for in our Judgment any interference by (heifovernnurfit]yr the purpose of rectifying the financial mUtakesof the business coflimunity to to be deprecated and fthoald be Indulged In only aa a last resort The necessities ot tho moment may sertaM a pnnlst Justifjcatlorvtor sucha step though we would fain have It avoided as

41 effect it always to confirm imprudent habit in bullthe ootiduct of monetary affair Business tnen should always be taught to keep out of trouble Instead ot being encouraged to court danger under tbe expectation that when confronted by It the resources of the national treasury will be-placed at their disposal And above ilaquoli we do bono that the peril ot to-dar will serve as a farntnp that the fundamental princishyple qf finance and economic science cannot forvr to violated tvih impunity that an Irredeemable currency Is not a safe basis of trade irnd that an unlimited extension qf credit Is the certain precursor of universal Insolvency

mdashIt Will be scon by our dispatches to-day that the panic In Wall street continues with even aggravated symptoms Tbe brokers and gam-biers are crazy with apprehension and soma strong and perfectly solvent concerns have adopted the expedient of temporarily cloaiug their doors rather than submit to a ruinshyous taorttice of tbe securities to their hands We are confidently fixed lb tbe opinion that tho real business Interests of tbe country are aats despUd this flurry on the street Aayet noshybody ilaquo hurt except dealors in stocks and rail road bonds

Tin Itradeso oa t n a B A T bull

some reality ai

a n

bullthen rorhtolop hai reached its level it k i n stop Butaupposothat the crlsto Inaugurated a few days ago goes onmdash ot which there see i s we are glad to say no present dangermdashw tea shaUwe reacJiAUch a foundation In our i worthless currency that men will be satisfied thi t they are on safe ground T Not until the pari has worn Itself away by the utter hopelessness of Its victims and their reshyfusal to straggle U |ger Qur duty is to resume epeclepayment 8 4 to hoI4 corporations to their own resource il Millions of acres ot land grunted In a wilt country to a corporation which will build a bullallroad and mako it of great future value to I be country results In the straining of every i orve by banking houses t o complete the work that t h e lands may add to their wealth and he result Is that like the house of Jay Cook iftCo they overreach their supplies and tbe i ountry Is thrown into the dsnger that now st rrounds us I fad there been no government ulndkt in ltAlaquo wry of public lands then the efffl t s to complete the Northern Pacific road would have only kept pace with the salcsof bonds ind the trouble of to-day would not have belt n


DAME ITAMT WRONG From the Hal ford (CtJ Times (Dcm)

a a a Now comes the announceshyment from Waahls (ton that tbe entire amount of the Treasury n servesmdasht4000000mdashwill bo used in the same vay to atop the panic U makes but little lt lfference praeticnlly It ts all irredeemable u constitutional currency and this wild crash In I lonctary circles ls but a part of the entire great e ror of finking the V Sgov-

emment with our bo ike and connecting the Trvus-uryvrith YaUtree fluctuation


gtIED On Bandar the iid lost KI1ZADKTH KVTlIKi-

1NK only child ot J Ueawlck and Fanny UCaatphcU seed 1 year and raquo mo ths

trryunersl from t e residence Olbbt street earner seldcn to-morrow ( nesdsy) sfternoonatraquo Coloek

In this city JdUS Y COSQSOTE aged 7 years aad I months

KW-Fureral from t gta rasldsaee of the psrrnU eor tysllsnd Maano all at J oolook P M Tuesdsr Sept ad lirrs T o rematus will ho oonvoyed to Greece U T fort termkat

InFaw Paw Vraquon Bnron Co Mich Sept 15th UKSUY FITCH foi laquoeriraquo of this cltv aa id gt years Decessedwssa bropor ot Mrs Almlrs Phllllpi ot lleurletis


r r c o O a l l o r y P i ro t - c la se W o r k s oi A r t Jepthss llsogntor lassoldorf Porcelain Sraquo) W liuraquoltii|iln Mlaquonraquo Mui Ich Psintlna Vi m Van taasas Ituilson Hirer Bcene lie oo Outdobullraquo Aurfrs Mi alisn Kiiaravlou i 71 CO MlgtraquoflesrrraquoSew r uiilleco Hoaers Nsw cironps Knarsvlnas ID E1CHraquo it Fami We raquo Chrorao Poreo-lalns Uronies ae te Choice Klrst-elraquoH Ooods

HuliabI far Wedding fills- Weddlna Klatlonon fcnarnved or printed la t)rt mah-ner liy New York Ki sravers

Couie with your I lends and visit the Gallery ot Art t IlW-KVs Arntle Hull

- bull ) bdquo bdquo i i ) j ~r-


rOKEICrir NEWS BYCABlaBs sain Wit

A Telegraph Cable Repa i red


The Disorders in Spain it sBsaasatoaaaaBk

Late Advices from MsxicD and Cuba

J E I O M E I V E P T V raquo ft HSJ gt - -

The Financial Situation in New York

What euro oimiodore Tander-bllt Say

The Defalcation in the Union Trust Company

Condition of the To-day

B a n k s




The Eevordy Johnson Latter

G o i d i i a


A Bun on the Seamens Savings Bank

Miaoellan 1 1 9 - _

lt a b l e rsesea


OSassware t l Ml IN


A M raquo

Silver Plated Ware Ovrlas te tfct Ul iKAT KIOLCTION w

have aaado In irlcea on the attav named koraquoa aadHUI Kit i o n fl v ll TV -or ware weae l l ear aals hnraquoe tweu laraclr I creawd nurtuatho heai 4 teras W akall eaat laa the ansae IXraquoW HICKHih aest stz ty dara Wr h a y a larai aaaatltr bullgtbullraquobull ar Mi l u r l l l l IIIW Mtll K- LVilltlo 11

Yan fie sltV 51 S TATE ST

Dress Goods Burke FifeSisaDS loss amp Co


Falla Winter Trade MILKrs llti r i i raquo s lt i laquoKi v H A l i t

C10THM aaa a variety el VVOOlUN ITA Hlt l fH la CA I U M K K K H aad DIAUUNAI rtTRirita astlt iMe rr OttlWMBH aad RfcV DIMGOTK la ahaaee KyuuACiNO the new darker Itata at led)

iijir i^iBi-E^e l aH l H are the HOVT t i l t o OKAI1H la

flu uad mval SS Kcjw I elt DARK ltUtKY TDl t fO COlll KAIJnnil KMMtl HRIIWKS HlAt K Hlti Nr HAOK m VHTIl and MOMriuuKKN 11 ritiNic l Lvn ind r r c r i s l s r s I aloe B LUKMakd HlA TINT HIVAI L O W aad I T COCK aaaes ltw maiNUiii that mu1 kest ra t b ral ly aparnclated

Black Drc is Gooda Suitable for Mourning

I I A W I ft i l K G B R a T V i K r e T V

TBLROHAPH CiUI1 art-AlRSD Ii-mis fcrtpt 31mdashThe broken end of the

Bruullaii cable Utlwreu Ibis city and M tdetls has been recovered It is expected that tele graphic bullminimii-atmn with the island will be opened to-tnoi row

OEBMANY bull Him i s bep 2JmdashThe KApcror of Germany has fordisity rrcuxulxcd ibe stains ef Buhop tUeukcas as Bishop ot ihc Calhullc Church

rBABCBmdashDB BBLATO VBaO 1ABiS Sept 51-Igtr yelalott died last ntgUt

SPAISmdashTUB SATlOttii CklSlS M A D B I P Sept 81mdashA- UmdashThe Cwta was

In seialon all bamiey ulatit drhatlna Meraytos inoUou that the bullbullbull-bull bull ii Inltf House ti not yrt sdjoumeu

liuiiiOlii o alter pronnfatlon thlaquo iroveru-merl will |iirgtclaltn Mtgtaln In a stste of ktejre

The E|gto-acompla)M bitterly ltB Use deteu-tioo of Itsurefut irltgtnltlsgtls by the llriih an I

4lctlartS ihit Kii iJ Is ahaltof her plWsr In not dcUNcrlnic tbetc ujito theTjaadriJ ltovcrn-nirnl

It 1 nunornl that the Cablact h s r deter-tniiini to retell Pleltala Cartala-ucnerat of Cuba

alaiiBU) Sept 21mdashThe end of the Insurrectshyion at Cnftiascrnk la approechlua gt bite brtikrn out among the fosnrzeetdn The Gorernment has nflcred tenar which ltbe lead-ers are willlnit to accept bu tear their follow era The llbenlcd convicts threaten to aaasss ere all al io talk of peace


VtewXA Sept - 1 mdash Ttirgtrip-r-bullbull raquobullmdashbull bullgtbull ed King Victor Rtnmauuet honorary L j ni| I ot an Austiian Koglnarnt ^ - Arratas ix s u i v s i t FaTlkNtlBaoelaquopt atmdashtiemrsl KunT-

tnan reports that Khiva conllnuea peaceful and he has ordered tbe withdrawtl of two d-laeh-rocnts et the Russian forces gt -upltn- the city

VBXIAX rVBBBAI Dtauw Sept 81mdashThe funeral a t (he Fenian

Colonel Leonard at Droithcds eslri i l jv was alUudotl by toOOO persons

rokaiUM MABBBTB Ijoiifiw Sept 92 1 p ramdashConsolsmdash Moacy

WWfaoajjT for account fcUitifWX Ud tcu-fottf bonds ia)gti new arcs raquo1Y-

Eric opened at ii n e e Ibfi I-MN Sept -- 1 p mmdashErle45gtf FnABKroBT Sept 23mdashU 8 C2 bonds raquo7JeJ IivBkroot Sept 331 p mmdashCotton steady

LVanda 0d Orleans W d Sales 1300) bales lu iieiii SwO for speculation and Export

AaitlVETt OTT Quaroisrows Sept iamdashArrivod the Baltic

from New York bull LrranpooL Sept 15mdashArrived tltc Canadian

mill Im- HI from Montreal

action of the bank officers Saturday made them doubly etrone -

Ttiurlotv Weed visited Wall street durinic the height of the excitement Saturday He said that we were n o simply paying one of the penalties ot our eyaat-war that tbe usury laws Instead of being repealed should be made ten times stronger and inoro effective that those a-ho have combined to - look up money should be imprisoned wherever found that be Is not a director but atarely a stockholder of the Onion Trust C bull bull lt

NEW Toax Sept 33mdashCarlton the defaultshyer was largely interested In Western Union Envelopes picked up In the office showed that he also speculated in Union Pacific and Othtsr fancy stocks Moat ofhi s losses are supposed to have resulted from tbe crash la the market lust week

John V L Pruyn one of the Union Trust Companys Directors la reported by the Trishybune as saylni that the securities ottered by Commodore Vanderbllt oaSalurday to the comshypany tor the loan made to the Lake Shorewertf not by any means sufficient to cover the loan

Senator Morton said yesterday Assuming that the forty-rour million of greenbacks were Issued tho question was bow to aet them Into circulation The government could act as a purchaser ot IU own bonds hot could not come into the market as a lender

Kisk d Hatch hope to resume thU week It the panic does not continue

The Times says There were no ground for predicting aa did a Sunday paper that the Nashytional lid Insurance Co of wanblafton of which Jay Cooke la a Director would collapse The New York agent of the company says That for every loan now existing the compashyny bold collaterals which are worth doable the amount loaned

Naw Yoaa Sept 33 -10 A MmdashThe followshying notice Is posted on tbe door of the tn ioa Trust Co bull

ThU Institution ts in the handa e l a Reshyceiver A statement ot l u aflalr la betaa prtr pari-d and will soon be made puMtc Depositshyors are cautioned agatnet sacrificing their acshycounts

The feeling on the street Is better and hopes are expressed that the panic will spend itself to-dsy still everything Is involved la oncer talnty

NEW YOBK Sept 23-1010 a m - T b e folshylow lot notice has just been Issued

The New York Stock kUchaa will rctailn closed to-day A Baeettog of the eovtrning committee will be held Ugt-sBvrrow rtMrula at halt-post nine oclock _

(Signed) U G CttAr-AA Tttstt The statement that the g o w n i n g committee

would meet this morning was Incorrect The Sua says Yesterday afternoon Messrs

Opdyke Selistmvi Clew and a dutea otrurs wer at the conference at which the letter unshyder Kcverdy JoUuotis dictation WAS written to the President i t recited l a brief the aUlt-at points of tU tuergeacy want of untie atvl the opinion of the best dnanvkra of the CwOatry thai a draft upon the currency reserve would remedy the difficulty Tbe IwgaUty of straquoh a step might be questioned bat the situation be thought Was raquoUck that sli t-XsMseot the aU prime law of pablic safety wa amply warrantshyed Tult letter recited the two graat lostaov-s of violation of the RajrHb bull-oustiuu-n traquo bullbulllaquobull of rlmlUr emrgemy naialaquoiy the suraquoiuraquoilaquoiraquo of the habeas corpus and the rgt pt currvney art An ioslance of fatgtie modern date was also gt en that ot the Issue of o0UUtft)i during it- Uaek Fiwlay paaie bv order e t rSealdent Giant T h e people Warranted yon in this Stretch of power by a rs-elartloi umaralellrd In the hMtswy of Ste iWi i said thlaquo llaquoUlaquor la conclusion Interview re palgtisllaquo4 this morelac with presidents O sarin t baaaa la which they are generally iraquoprwalaquolaquoVJ aa ea-pftasiiiK cotwtivnte ia U e a somty t e eeather the Uem Naw Yoaa Sept 33-1030 a m - G ^ l i ojcr-d at l i t smta bullbullgtraquogtltbull etc-m bull

1laquoraquo bullbullgtgt s atmdashThe Gold Kacheaae has yast closed the sate a as Htoek Cschaase U2 has tsMtt cstabUshcd as the weal of aettlsxneut

T h rate of- intatest waa axe i at seven pr cent far carry lag

N t w Yoaa aVpt raquo-lraquolaquogt eraquo raquomdashTtsere la a ran on the tsteaseaa sesrasMt fca^k ta aTail tUt t l

AaSUVAL jstw Yoaa Sept aamdashArrive Ton Rjvpt frttu Uverpeol

s s s bullbullbullmdash laquot le l i Mlaquoea

aa- OLD fABaaaaa aaaTBiTep ljoBitMas Sep 33mdashAnaactrat desfltat

prx t-auiy t ie hundred veers eld raited Tae Mansion ttotisa raquoult so as te sHord prot-- -Goo ataiaat Indian alfaeks and alteated near the Mprrimar wiraquolen ntflta Drscnt wa 9rr4 snd burned yralevdsy Lose fiisVraquo insured in Wsekwatev roaspsey of Wttertowa 31 Y rortlwJO Mayor Ktmrv the owner oflees AMlaquo rrwsrd for the detection of the IneendSary

11 JL - J J

bullggHaaagiip i iiii u TRADE AND FINANCE

wassmoBSBsss W e r laquo r e laquo t laquo

itoAUU o TitaDA aaroawi aataasiraiu asjesskav aa tta

riUJtK-htarkat ajraquoeasraquoraquoed BsJS ef MM VHraquo at bullM ror ssrtaat WM to ssaasr wiatsy t tM for wtu winter sad raquoWJ tor duaflls tiilrs

VTB KW)lU-sUraal^aUt at raquo3Jlaquo for Slty araasA WiTXAT-atarlun dall and kSSkUsl St raquolgt (or MM-

wwakaeeiabt n5utAe terasakcr wtatsr aad al jaaj in tot wmia wvatarsa-xirthast ta lesuity

OATt - Msrkst aackaaaaa aa ltieaki iu HkM tMgtRraquo-Mrsw^laquolaquogtKa4aaaesctslaquol4laquoHe COBK slKAl^saluaa at M - f t f kesasd aad BUS

tat aakenea MiiX raaa-Mara

saerui tUMMklliU tut BatutoAO rttBiaata iSaaa t Aiear tret aad

acaaaswiadi Ca te Kew Tera sas aad SB Bosiea ttartioed sad w HavaasS

i m r vreasrseCot^rsseakisesraquoasSsssawaW

Tke-ennr ajBaj sa mat sswetry W aew awmsraquoswaee we swUsaaie tke eaauiy at teUeams bullbullw tera Al wtselaquoatis sswtlraquoraquoa I IMswr Waiitswa se V


^ ^ bull s V w i M far go-i it vrtms fc fas sees aslaquoe v

M M b M S cisaaaldW

bullB sB V eat B sajRaV aa PwajaO aa a Bpa

srtahs Assanasas at eta wvem ak Jahwaal

TV BLsiras w atatassfce ale areeata ana arises Irsda

Kew TerSr ereanam ^srtaasaraquolaquolta35raquo t W t s gearaquoraquok WrS-jii- OafsWaJaaa avata t e a _

r r a a t t uKtt wlaquouraquo -raquo wswaW sssewS sassetaegt

TaUffsassiwete1raquoesaase tarer i waC rffaww vtM waatraquoraquosiraquoraquojgta bullgt faauav bull$ j Ssssrinalaquo raquo asawsdi twwyr - - um saaSsavrajflaquo4salaquowdMashrV^raquo aar tsklaquoiaska ErsseTraquo m Virraquo tern laquolaquo-- bullmn ksiaiiir aa Waerte-i aTjwrraquolaquowewJ-gt bull jtaarksf raquobullraquobull Atsar agtatg rraquolaquowsa aeasaasw laquot Bayssi U aaJl Tkla ssswasS- ta Mawaskl wtek I

ttytjyaatjafcVsalaquoah_gt jraquo J UMMbulllatWHBraquo aaaM t^-aaWWaTspsw Waam raxed eiuaa Baa sseaty araquoaraquo tkeea Is laquou iiaawiws asaaii traa tea w n i m i i as WU ^L^^mf aaaaykrsaumeaavi hgtaraquoraquoeaekairaquoS rVrwsWamparaquo taaasekrja laquoaa~Metraaa trass tteealaquolaquoraquoAraquoriiltraquolt y at -Usssasakt sasajsssai u au at risasfsVieraquoseaswraquo paskasjjiis kjgt ear Sassr aad bullessr iaaWB Bhskkh Uava raquoey ta k aaase bullraquo alaquonn sea ike laquosa raquobull natwatk twelaquow a-- 4ValaquosUlts -raquoS4 k rseHt asaasagtraquokta u aaaka wkts wyS starlaquo raquo a 9 t fSvw bull--gt -I i-o a eaa

bull atsiktusef taekaserta -tost Uraquo araatvn m sdrTi laquot|LMkraquota laquor tfca 9rs ampmdash Vra laquoealaquoitaalaquolt tee Sag ksssB kstekssa ssltss asaf araquoraquo PJ i laquolaquorty aae

aak m s k s t s a t T

jysd U tea V aa esaVAASawsases

wr n4MuZraquoraquo trap BJ

ssr^weasMssa bullbull aware a - W lt a a a awrrksa i - et tkis ass earsseaghjfjs^s gtraquo

^ A a B f a BBaaaf ltaaBBBaaBBa B B B B B B B B B B B

v s w l ^ a i ^ w S


- y ^ h j ^ S A T ^ ^ B a laraquo l


bull l gt bull bull bull s a w s


1 k e l o R 4 o R M o c k MarkiM

Tbo Monetary Crisis

Sa-a Vsaaaraquoaaaraquok W a t At J a awwpr a w B7aw^^traajjaaai aB ^aa awaw-s ^Paj


AITCTION SALES iTVTrmrTzrrrti tw bullraquo slaquo n i BO- -

Jlht JampttOOlampJB9

Atraquo H a i w i 1 1 aadala at

bull gt w o s s i a a raquo t s s a gt i a t r u

aahaB- aBWaBBBBat- B B B B B B V B 1 jpByr^aaVswj^^ewa a a e w w e ^ a a bull

a v k ^ O a B B B a a i a a a t M a a a

ErJ --iWwsWBPBaJJ raquoiJ^Bawi Bwr

a bullraquobulllaquoraquo bull - - A S | t | laquo a i

tsALJ HHA F B T M ^ P H t M Asctsas Cimajsstoa aaalaquo

aarai alaquoalaquoaVaa

| H T i K f - a laquo W - l a w ^ - ^ j A j a T a B a a ^ a a a B B B B B B a a j B a a B a a i

^uFZZZ aaaes t^7waaraquordaV^ iltC^T^ a t a

BBBBBBaBBBMagtwSk B B B d f raquo aBKSBByaBl

rfTfbaV Bf KlWs bull -raquoraquo l IWfraquo 41 atUllfIS

firrriinn I f n mdash i i lirw MnrrHmTi t - mdash - - - v bullgtbull- waTawaBBBBBBBBBBaaWWBWaaapaBa Bssweraaraj -aarww^Bwara araBr

aaVlay ^rraquoJPnvwlwJW^


^^fmmm aWaWiNR- waal fta eWat raquoW Jswaaaai sPPBaS bull)


4 opw laquoraquoraquoraquogt


i skM^sahMakM a asnt rueSaraquo a

Tklaquo Vational Bank Coaibt nation Ui

aftita olt Pitt CcsSte ui Hugi ^c-Calicch

A n l n p l r a e a n Hnrprlf-gtr awaaa^aiBSWe a ^BBB WB PSFBflPf ay BWa BWWbull waaaar

CASH 0 I T - - M W laquoT0Cllaquof IV THX STEateST

_ _ _ -


Teas Coffees

Spices Al


I =rsrtraquoai2poundit

i raquolaquolaquoaegt at lS l raquoUsa traquosUB- laquovsaa- aWaahviYltMsn s a d Sieisasrf

asaa 5 BAietjiat altlaquolfcraquo

raquo iitx IHM vwttm as Wlaquo A ten gtertraquoa sfn alii eessa svesa a saraquo x_cvet araquo-4 wTwaa-inttti B I M I bull tt

at waraquof I kVc^ss gtV asMS I f e BTKrMt aaiiSSshSaaasaassU

a t a M M aissi Jrbull bull

iwm-HUrist^ swdksssrr raquo a aaasakake )raquoaw laquo laquo laquo um gtilaquoat base MMtt U i laquo raquo r t Waaaaa awaaeesgt dtaasi iW-^1 -

_ J si aav seffcs-hiri araquovj aadsiiasasdr ayarey Hsee

ttSS t-tfiltlaquoasmdashraramdash^aaarewraaea^eafl alaa raquoraquo S1-4 bull-- bullbulllaquo a-laquo sk saf-amdasha bull

bullgtbull S T - J S k laquo vat fair i

J a w n a a s a A al-wWefA

legtrsyd Rlaquoga tMlaquoA araquo aaa mammm S pound t pound a W a a a e e u tapakst o f sB tke U bull eaVTBraquory-

a JNS4a MRyBss s kaTaaBBwjt 4wat

aaaBBBBBBBBBBSSwS B B B a d t j l l laquo laquo amp bull gt

bull5ajaTwapajaTy SH araquoraquoraquor wajiaw ( ^ n P J v V raquoWJwBfW^ e7 Wa ^SyT^Rl

V a a T a a f i ffctjaBBBBBBBBBB faBBBBBBBBlaquoat aBrBBwLaBi B B B B B B B B V SBBBV I 4 f a j a i y a B S t A ^ w e T ^ B ^ a a wfajBBBBBBjBj e^flBBBa) a y ASaB Wvw trade ^ ^ J


bull i l sat he e f s W l A BBBBBtaTaBB^BBV BBgtaf

a ^ t J a Y f a d B B B a a a a wOfmti^W tawraquoea|awwfwey m

laquobulllaquo wmdash aaak sa- e-BW bullgt sea MJtasti EfK m

a laquo nrpound

reek seat sad

laquo - raquo bull bull raquo

POLITICAL NOTICES bull J i i u i i m l l i

f r o m Bt fXlro

BOCTTA itrnxts bull MATAMOBA Sept 23mdashIt Is reported from Moutcrkv that Oencral UM lu had pronounced sgalnst the government and Arusld and Colcdo were scut to relieve him

mdashbullbull i a s - l rora Cuba

aioaa nbirrrMo HAVANA Sent 30mdashA dispatch from Santiago

dr Culm reports a alight skirmish bclwewi a Spanish column and a body ot Insurants mini-tiering 180 Tbe same dispatch atates that the Spanish troops surprised an encampment of Inshysurgent kitling throe and UkioK twelve pria-Oll f i I

M p a M t r a a ktata C ^ a s e a -l l M l

Tk OsatatrsUe aeystkBeaa KiteUenv assraquoaf slew Tevk aad alt etkef wan fsvwr ifca SSJaaaBBlBk a far aad laquoBeiatcal Uevataasttn Mlaquoailaquoltat atata sad radrraU aad wklaquo eaedewa m-Mt aaly akd reaira isMltmarerakraquossssSltalaquoaaa lgtiwasraquo fraealaquoalaquok Amdashahatf nuinct to a Stat CvavswUeat a kWt at litlraes Wntftder tke tt day ot u laquo jksf at st twrlr tclutk i v n to aoaaaace ceBdtAates f-gt- raquotgt efilce aad to trsaaaet suck otkar Sastani as ssay areptrty tome vet- rlt Iks Cueveariaa

AixaaciyaACa C k a i r a s s a t e BBBgt

airwt D U t r l c t lt o a t v a a t t o u

il H A i i i t t m n - t -

3 06 a i d 67 Main Street SJVH gtLs tdAIgta aMfOMSI

1 5 f7 SR I 9 iVortli St Paul street

3 1C X J I I K H T B K N Y

bull 1 H-A


Prom ttio Troy Press (Dora) -gt bullraquo The tudden and complete destruction that

has overtaken many largo and hitherto stsble houses during the past few days is an Indicashytion Of the dangerou foundation that Judical financial idea hav laid for v The vast volshyume ot irredeemable paper curroncy the huiilaquo debt that hangs like a black cloud over tiio prosperity of the nation tbe nughty powers exorcised by the great corporation that haiu stolen through legislative or congressional action the light of thepeojyU until they teem to control the destinies of (fit country have united to build up ip the popular mind an undefined but ever present fear that whenever a time ot panic comes renders men unable to think It l not wan holding his own against man but Individ-ual endeavors to escape from the combined capital of groat organizations It Is this that raakesWall street wild to-tfayand add rulu upon ruin to awetl tho vast nurabor of tlrais that luveipme down ttrhustnesfi The first duty of the people t raquo themtaires And-the

ir should teach them that tbe aim ht course advised by Oi)n gt

polscyls t i e true wsy to remedy tolaevil Dan gtr ii i c

Pi -

present danget i pic snd straight uollcy is the traishyner money offers no security that can bo appw- ciatW by auods excited as they hs bonai the past few days A stsWe c u r a c y laquo h i

W 13M1

GKAWD OPENING bull o f i - - -

FINE FURS i iraquoJf-ifi-iiw us bull it -- bull -bull-

bullbullgt | - _ -Li X _ bull

On Moi day Sept tampthy We shall

instalment to greater

v I r u w W a n U l u i t o u

TUB IXBPABTMBBT BSTIUATBB V lt I NawYonK Sept 23mdashA Waahltigteo dls

t-ttteb uv The dupsrtmeot are considerably ficblnd with their estimates for tbe next tttcsl year the War Department being tho only one that baji completed this work and sent th O reshysult to I lie Treasury The delay appears In most cuseu 10 ruivc beni tinivoidable

fOUSTKKlBlTRBS ARUBSTBO A family named Walker consisting of father

motner son and daughter living In Treruont -N Y waaarroated jvealerday oil tho charge of ciitinleifelling U S enrrcnoy and incar-il reveshynue staniua A large ltpumtlly of counterfeit money and a complete set of machinery and tools for tlie niuimfnelore of Imitation blls sUtd ti-Vfiitii stamps were found In tho house _

raquobullbull s a

A s i l l

Tke I wraecreik Rawrtors of ta several Twe aa posisg ugtlaquo r im Araquotnwr oimcs er ta caaaty r atotro are repaired towed ft Oelacat treat tak Towa bull s District CnSTsatloa to k kM st t i Yum-stx Hotel ta ta viiisa of nttsion lta Batarasr tblaquo riikday orskptsotiar irtt al 3e4elaquostfst (t th- purpoteof eaesalaaaae dslegatato reorsseat tk Irturtet al Iks 1emocraUr Biat Ceartatlaa te b iituist tticaoa tke irtrBtdsief oe tab rki

raquoraquo OHliKll o r TBK niSTRIcT COMMlTTKB i - bull bull i saaea i n s amdash bull bull SB) saavJsWaW bull i m i smna bull en i in

T l t l r d Aaraquoctsraquobly Dlatr lr t Setavemtloa

In eoidornity to ths call of tke Daikecrstlc Btsta 1 ConimlQe tb CMocralfc tgtf gt sa BlectMS ot OiaTtalld AasSSShty Iintrtctar re^istedto seed firs Delegate from sack Town ta meet al t W Usodas Howl bullpeseerport oa eaSstrasr Ik titk last as U oclock A Mn for the purpose at apfelauae ou- Dsn-crate to represent la Dtstrlrl la tbe Mala Claquova-tloosi Vtieson la Orsl day of OtisMr tit) at U oclock at

II v oingtaiiigtr uwTiticr COttMif raa Psted Sept tlaquok isa-sij

I l e i a o e r a d e a t e p n k U c a a laquoity f o u -V C H H U

T11K PKMOOKATIO HEtUiUICAK KLXCTOBA otthe tll]r of ttockslar sad sii bullbulllt-laquo ftrot

laquof so boulaquo-t aad eeosoialaal wlaillu-lus of dV-crLiienl --Nstiuasl Kttc and Municipal-woraquopigtraquolaquo4 So csnlrslUsUiio sod all fortas or corraptiif wiiich argt eonsisutlr gtJU oapoaed la polu tetlrs sraee-Basljtejaa tea Sksaas rrou esea Ward i ) n-tend Olt) Coaveatten to blaquo held st City IUUOS

T I l l l t k O A KVKNINO the-ASsa las At TH OClock

to stgtpolraquolt oe Delegate to atUad th Btate Ctarca tloaat tii ltgti t 1st aad toiratueet suek o-psr bast aeassu eisr prolaquorly cotoc betore tke Ooaveavloa

It Is rrcumiaradeltf ths Watd reeailofi forerraquootei-tB|t (be Iirliaa M be held at lu usiul iitscss oa ltvbdquo j -HEiiliA V K^PSINO the Jlth lot

)igt oilaquocr of inn utr u bull bullbull ri cauiuiltt SKO TAYLuit CksUmsa

Osaraquo-raquoraquoraquoslaquo K mgt t saetew Iaas has

lt ay u -it-m east gtgt laquo)raquoraquo -aa ar swr awtraquoJlaquo t4gt49)^ Sasakr llaquoaW v s u fihssie -a SVSSf alas iitrraquo

W a l raquo - raquoraquo e jtrjtjt BAsA-kraras esses fatsau astes agt raquo i fas

r f t ^ a _ r ^ t a w t ^ O S i a raquo s a t j gt - e tsr a r a a S a a i bull

t i i -ae laquos fSasaS -A USA SB H- Vvgti i faw iwSnMi ahwat

1Hnraquogt Arraquo vsd Sbetssasa ^ak I araquof tmltS^e0 U asar sSraquoraquo aad Vrh JBB af t w x l e bull JM-^^aaaaahadela^aaaeaatw) bull t leampaae as Mad

bulli u t i s aaaatn raquotraquorAtraquogt aawt- au-fa awmdashlaquoraquoraquoaraquoilaquoraquoy aad rm~

ant - - laquo laquo -I Bielaquossaj sdatr in BWraquo V aad

BBy^BSBaeBBBBa bull i M B mdash - bull -bullW^Ba^ajnTlp agtlaaaTaBrW

tvut laquo sWsm iiad 4 raquo raquo I I H a a bull s M bull nada laquolaquolaquobull gtbull Bes B i n s s i u a aadi -TAesdMr artMMM I T raquo laquogt t laquo-raquot r

lt jpoundalaquoaraquoirsaraquo i aakaai raquo

rawiasal a B t k s ltwa ki as fne raquoraquo a t cara^shrav^a a - seaMB bullraquo a r t a a a i WeaasLafiSgtraa(8y at 1 at a s T a imirxsiampmiL ft afltB

wait raquoraquolt Vlaquora-t tar t a l kit X t aad

t i s aa fa at

rtratSJPaa skeXJf bull raquobull sraquoraquoav 7afi^W^aa1a-arrSi -tlawtky Sjsraquoesigt

laquouWaa-TAar ftst

I -alaquot-raquo

KUI ramdashAi r JiraquogttraquoJB tw


MeaasHy t ^ r w U aa at lraquoeraquo rvtasl

aad E akraquore atn | i L 8

a a a a a a BBasTaBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBa^aBBBaiJBB aBBBkdBBW 3r tms^m atsrn RaV BPaV

t a t Baa Bfafca Btvawl



^a^^sasB^ ^^B- sp^a i^^e^^a

illllraquoraquoSraquoraquoraquoSS Ml I l l I e m



bulluniimiMHia isiiiiii n r taeiar

4 1 ^ e p | B J ^ W a i l l f B B B a bull ^ bull ^ |BBBBf^BB^)alsi e a j j aBJawJeaT BJBBwBaTe

BlaquoP araquo-raquotat a amdashst B a r r l r ^ P W ^ ^ W w eBW1 aB^jasp a^aTpaaaastaavjayJa a a ajWerA-

Row Tsaw eaa av-U A laquo-Traquoaa raquo TgtaMttegti ha lissaawt te^aasJRf Ok Vaato U n a eraerea raquo ssaaMsai ke bullbull

gtaw Tee Bsgt4df at site rtwsvs i a a a laquo waa awsrided ke laquopiiaiairaquolraity eaten at tslaquo a isada AH SsawaBBB Seraquoi a t sraquoet he pet aaeae ttdr daf as Mm eaarww AX1OS

t-laquoisraquooa esya laquo - f M^aVMaa elm fwtlaquoae fssrgt laquo YnCk bullraquobull S ^alSkr twUalaquo ta teVSftossA MeSsMd

s t a a L a t l r a t A

uswaaata I aaieh waitlaquo ud turn seaatw laquolaquoraquobullbull f f a a ^ ^ y BBa^BaBBBWaay aBBBB^MaaaBB^Mhda B B B B B B aBBBBgtaaaaiaa^ai daeB B B B V S B V ^ B I

BTnaVflieABBjBJBBBnBBB ddBBBB^BBjRBgtBBBBBt sWW C B B B B I BBA^AdBBBaBBB I bullAsB akBBBB-BBBBBBBBaBBBBp ^BBsaBBa^aeBBBSBBaTwt bull bullraquoraquo Braquoraquo^BaW^BBBW aBSF-

aawurd sea i Man raquo bull bull laquoAae n isatssaj i u aeaVae a geaeret B tar-tSai few the peraquo

Raw Yvsaa | t S3 mdashMr CesBp ef bull(CtoarMte HeWaa aakie aaOt laquoR t- -

Vm -

liultiamdashMeaty tatk vV-t-sit at aAseen a ee ai KsJ-laquo tjsid fa ltlnr nraquo fcaVaTtB raquo

awl taW a aasarvtired kaea saskas Mtti a-bullbull u ea-aa skjaataW was -

oa us-aa-aol Hraquo Wgt4l

Uyaa fcac Ce laquoaaaal t WagtJn r e t

tb WptJy-MoU t eta ia B- nnraquo risnraquoa-t lae iaaaaaaHrgt


i - l S i

Bew 1 era-wa laquo rt eare i-gt or vi t aat raquogtlaquo aa aiise ajartata Aids-y- arilaquo ic aaaes aaraquolaquolisklkalaquobullbullbullraquo e4 bull raquo bull Aha SSM eauaadJier V ^ raquo ^ raquo raquo s i laquo y j S raquo - raquo -

X a laquo s y

W|| | | TKACY Blaquoc Bochiiicr nept tlaquob ts-S-i spi


F r o m Nesr 1 i bull

Vorl i

place on sale the flrst if the Fiuest Furs and quauiillcs than it has

ever been i nr privilege to display to oar man patrons ta this vicinity

These lt( ods consist of all the leadtofr Fui I that have been adopted as the most Fashionable for Fall and Witter Of 1 (73 and 71 such as Russhysia and Hudson Bay Sables New Tork Mai le an Western Blink Royal Erin nc South Sea Shetland and Alaska Seal Sen and Land Otter Alaska Sa le Astrachan French andBejrai Coney and many other most elefai t Furs that lack of space will not pe mit ns to mchtlon -

Wf shall sell these goods very-close and lav c adopted the same rule as last ear in regard to alloW-iRf our pat ous the privllcgo of so lcctiDR glaquoo is and paying In lastaf-ments

bullivnolea it and ReMil Hal amlaquo ra -- Fur House bullbull bull IOO i l l STATE STREET

TITB VOBBTAKT OaiBUt ~ Nw VOUKmdash7i a ux mdash Ah oMclal state-

meut U inudothlsmorning that tbo Assistant Treasurer will continue to purchase5-31) bouds In accordance wltb his notice ot-rlaturday payshying foil them In currency at tho nvorago prices or the kales on that day BcCrotary Richardson mild la|t night that he did not Soe how he had the power to do any morn than tmv bonds aud all iKindrt oiiered will bo bought without duiny or red tape Tho Government tho Secretary eddod^ la not e-truat oompany orloan Institushytion and It Is doubtful whether Congresswould sanction any such construction of my power Tho labguage this Is nowo ot mjr t^u(laquoal-

which WHS attributed -to 8oereary Rlohaadsor last livening aecmutWa morning te have been Wade l)y a leather marchant who was present at the conference and (who waaasked to oute briefly tuovlows of tho Secretary of the Treas-r urv Iu mii wer to his quustlouux thu merchant said V The Secretary as much asnald this was none of his fuueral aud lie did not feel Inehucd t o a d bull bull 7 -

The following Is tho substance of an lnturvluw with Commodore Vanderb)lt last night He had during the day enjoyed a very agrecabler 1B- torvtew with the President He had noraquomndlaquoa formalproposition to the presldont^aahad buou

eoar to Oabnru llosa jgtiraquo otr

Persons KICK AlARTttlgtlTraquo WITH HOAIfD

laquod si No- d Mm bull Tarui rsasuaabia

hwaakgt aattraad gt Wirhta-^taraaagi d

rs ra iraquo bull bull hsraquo eau bullbulllaquoraquo kaski karwy

ri l-bull basU-itoatitr A I S t M IIAKKIT

Al R AN Y beat at-rraquoaoraquo aad aat-tkarweaseaset durioa th past i l Aorraquo eamhrr l(ki Iteer tyrtl

k Ate


keeni raquou- l bull ta laquoiagtgt u bullltbulllaquoraquo araquoeei ras aad n s kaara raquo

Rre doarUatst at S JhaOva ClaquoaA(ar^si siAwauMjtlaquor euara Mjttm raquossv a

Tl btac^b oflbe tr I laquolt claquo-raquonlSry raquog led 4 Wrday orbarl^y That

bUt-aer are eaursty eat et aasetnad aad prick

nIO-[111 Nil igt

van braquo scciminadsted st So bull Stortator slreel

al i For 8ale

La PJfiABANT ItirstrrKN-OK OW XAKB VKNUKI LotsSbylSJ lernis easy Api mien mi i hi prrinues Koni Iraquosu VCBI


i i


Clrt W a n t e d octiriK ASU mbtt-A ooop i t ace IroaA

iieisble tJlrL Apply tramsdtaiely at _ apis trJiidB bull BoaioiuivaaTiaiET T r i Wanted

I bull bull

UW)OltKJ under certain conditions but had more-ly soldi In conversation with the President and eevoral other gentlemen thst something should be done to mako money easier and he would willingly loud his old to tliatond Ho had thon annouoecd Informally that if Uraquoe Oovornraout or other parties could in auv way furnish laquo40-OUOiKXl or that amount or securltlds to tha banking Institution bo would bo ono to furnish Sio (KsTooo As to whether his oflor woutd bo accepted or not or whether tho Government would take any stops in the matter he was Igshynorant but hoped something would certainly be done to make money easier until tho orlsfs WHS punt bull

The Tribune asserts editorially t h a t t o shyday Open wltb gloomy prospectalslmmedlato ly due to tho failure of Commodore Vanderbllt President Of the Lake Show R raquo raquo W to pay when called up a call loan of laquolTamp0000 negoshytiated with the tlnlou Trust Companywhereof his Bou-rn-law- the lato Horace- V Clark was President - ^ i bullbull laquobull

NaW tOBK Sept reg--~Bpt to i midnight the dctocUvosbttd not arrested defaulting Soorotsry Carlton of the Union Tvuraquot f ^ y w ^ t - j f l l s d o falcatlbus are ascertained to be t u l l y ^ lt W d

Martin Bros is to be hddedto thejlst of laquottraquoJ pendod broker firms -lt~ bull

NBW Yoniw ^ijpti B3-laquo4rgt A MmdashIt In in llcved that ujttniT thefcHock Kxchange nor the banks twill opa tula morning On tho other band Mr Cumigt general manager ot thoClearr terHfUABjSrliln an tntorvlowM fOootcSk last n^W^htt t 7 clleokJplAscd In the rcS uUrWay throBgh lie CloaiSng Uouso wjll oe paid Thu bank oro In no danger and there la Jiothought ot theirsuspension Thny wore

ever iitrdngor than they are todynad the

TJV A YOOKO LADT-TWO rOHNISIIKJ) nigt0gt4H JJ wan tlOAHD lu n prlvtto fsmi i IdtcaUok Mil trsl dddross tur one week

raquoiii7uw O lirSlUalveMty areouo

_ j (v-Wanted I KlliaTibAli^lUBACkKn BAKKB-Oond wave V an stcdy ejuploymeat will be r lva by slaquolttrelaquo it- nr li) |gt nun C J UK IAMI ip)5dtf-T -_ rstrport N V - 1 1 11 I n bullmdash -mdash

I Wanted bull A T 4 ricfrD fANVAlraquoartrS-On rhe Urst B u n d


i utu trsted Bubscnptlon J Nil JMCUOWA]

Bi State s treet Up Bi i t i juj Ifjjiii

a Worlpound_ Apply to


The most s imple and efMctlv Press or Barrel Header ever brtiuijbl to tho no t i ce of the publicmdashJust the tblag lor pec km it Apples nnltt To u toes

The levpr force tke barrel d o w n evsn ly oabull a l l s l d e s and Mttut w o r k e d by the t o o t l eaves the baud of the operstnr (roe t o r hsndllnj- and dr lrmg tbe boon HAMILTON amp MATHEWS

bull bull IIAlt)WAKK DKALKIta a i A - a 3 W e s i laquo i i l n laquo t r o c t

Horses and Wagon for Sale jjfl TKVM Ot WOBK BOnaXS AKD Kliliitiiiil(VMliIilaquoT1Any clauWUUIBB

Xo pnrcAMS raquo ^ y i T ^ W 124Northbt Pauls

Mewl-fanoa V ~ bullaaOBttWopp iihfiUl A u KOIINO coRtrKits XIV csrvsd Uta rkkh and ektaattr fuUshed tnstro-


poundfBlpound 1^oc^^iotigtlaquor^B75iai

aateot manuf so lira

2iv a JH Main street bull

it- NKwaoOKa anvKKTiaxpcan aiwaya

Mrtbias rrrn4 hi wurat rgta tHM leaty uuaaasgtaacaautauu ataar

mdashvJourraquol Ctt lCAOd 11AUKKT

riUCAOo raquogtirfajlaquoraquo raquoe-a r a-near--sraquosrkt a dull aud UOUIUJLI aarkcU

itajomdashWheal mdash ktAttet daU lorr Sal of Nj I Cibuo fi-rips at NuribwMtera spnoe at s i i J t i t i ) Be raquo onus al SI bullbullSH tyssu ut mtlmt ltwsslaquoesgtM ctaa-m udlaquor st ihr out Mr prtre So I ibicsrgt prtklt

3t aiuo aad rt|rtraquoi simiiuu C w s - a u k n rales all mi cttii ate prleei lower wit coaltidfBI rt-

cltetot al ra at Be ausd at ssaagtHe bull toT

ilaquouiraquor wvc lor rrb sad rlaquojwidraquot aaAsae- Oat raquoSrkl rUr dall sud rraquooMas as) of Be I et SSkc cwk raquora rwlectod as kHlteC- HrmdashMarfcM dan aad frlusshttle lower raquoraquolaquo of Ito I at Dd sstl HHSirymdashMaravt rvle dall wtib a lair eeaMad Kslr of No i tll si SiZVelJW sad Me S seriaa at fiesaite

Ftoiiaioos -klsrket It quirt and unebsajred PorXmdash BakMst 1 UM cash Lard-atarBst I dtuM aad BA-cJbsDevd at SvBSke cart

WMU) Mikni dull sail nominal at laquoHC FseiaatsmdashTo BoflVlo tmini aelats--SMobeMBltrar aeOM bosk wkasi iriooo

IUiiiioiu iiisxi eusn nets jaw bask rye laquoraquo buM bVnpcsrn|-t ieo bbl flour raquoraquo bash wieat7|9(Vr besk^orb MUO ktuk est Wad easfe tgt UAI Mk srley

j mlLWAUH KB M AKH KT ktltWAUKAs twincwberair- i JS^-lflokr- r-

kt 11 ejuat aiiuwlaquoS uHL-Lm OrinmdashwneeamdashMsrfcwt role Snti wtth a fair dr-r i i td

Bale ot Nlaquo I Milwaukee at Sl lSaadNo 3 Uitu - laquo laquo s t l l raquo c o a k or seller Ixt lotulwr ualmdash arkr mdash steadyi b a l e s o f N o 1 al 3Be aud S o 1 s t W X c mdashMsiklaquot r a l e dull soil price a ahsd low r I

pound0 B n i x e d at laquogte My MarSat Is gti iraquoaac7 B e I at fflc jBlaquolay-is^artreI

price lowar kale of Ko raquo tnrlnC st bull

Jlgt^faaia l ^ _ ~ w a a a W a j ^ R W f f a j p w j y a a a a y a a s a i a r bull a a w e ^ ) laquo a K a B a l f a i a y l a a a W

fWft MW$ iQQrWQHr flafaw laquoMawfW PMajjrWtjf bull bull f M I MMse

Side of t a teera taalaquoaa


0laquoaaAsaaV^jaataHh laVlaquol rnimm Speoiaiues a

MOSELLE l i f t c

J T k

BfUatt CUaUf 9fedeHfSa-l-i

wgta|iwiiraquoli(ettf lw flint

mm tmi-i an a__ saH-staja f

AfVrlsraafr Caaeaat tTaAai

fcrl^ftilaquoa-iii bull

of the bullltaf rices ef

wast aad Uw at Oas of raquoae hnajisBi

already fuiA eat

aadwbak Kymdash Mr V bull 1 |S 1 ule I Jtarley-a

r7oTs rprtnL take rraiattmdashWkeat to Baaslo issi and to osweae

rules duU aud i r t

crfr-tAmdashSCCO btil flour ami TcVWi bash wheat uu-ioiobbl flour sad 30s009 bush wueat

TOLEIHI M A UK KT TOVKDO Sept XO-4 l M-Klour-Mrlulruo

duUand unrhsaaed laquorraquolnmdash WkeatmdashMarket bull doll aad prlefi IU lower

-- Nu s white Wabash at UUM No-l while at SI SI srilbrr MlehlKSU HI |lit esutl nr (ill-

laquo1 NO

Bauav o Nu B wbito Wabash at at Mtchbsu at Sisi anibcr Miehl sa ai i mepituibur No 1 rtl nluicr at SlraquoHash| Bu Jiad st IISp Ko Setnbvr lliluols at HAT aid No 5 prltur at KM Com-Tdwket mid fijayaM ttoS spribatKM dull sud price s nde lower Bale of ktlaquob Bilked

id white at 6oe Osu-uiicli-ngud Salos at ho 1 at ic

Dktl Wheat to Buffalo laquoTjraquo)o snd

llaquot SOHC sad white acasni Scokstr low mUi_

srketlslt)uUt sagt bullntf J o s t raquo c lake ytvlalita-

iteoelbW--S2w hhit aourMu03 bush wheat J5JM1 bush corn tihgtobuih OSs

hblpiuenumdashiooo libl flour 3gtUraquo bosk wkeat 090 bush cum and sOSO besbest

raquoT I d V I l |WJ|laquoailaquoRS bull T LOUtS Biptember SJgtraquo I H - f loor Msrtepi

bullinul aad weak with only a malted JObbloa detnand ii rain- W heat - Msrket dajl aad jartask lower Ssles

of NoSredjLsVl laquot SI Mi No ran wlatsr at laquoIMIraquo 198 snd No v upMDK at SIOS CornmdashMarket it doll

lliland | lceraquo sre lower Bats of No gt mired uosetued and

d East Ht ajreod de-

ii laquol -le I at HH

as ooo bosh wheal) MH oaUi lOOJ bush rye and ltsgtj

Haricot closing le closing st th lasted M

Wrusky-fcUrkct rule Orro Keeetpismdash 1(W blita Souri

bush rurai V bush barley


A l l U K V M T I WTOOK WARKKT ALHANY Bepleteber ax-HeevetmdashOn lnjay

market opouad rather suspiciously there bi aitvbdsnrc ot deatat In values there was aatl

rather saipu-tously eatscs in vsiites there wss no

provement afceept oa the third laquorsdlaquo of craquongt Oxire brtujf u a-ood

ijoeroiport-hlch were rather scarce sod kafcaa

to lwo live wetabt advauoe the tasrkv- stroke on allgtade

The msrkst opeaad with pleassat Wssthcr this morn-lDfsed oroveri anlfeuuMpda lively trade but up te noon ttteyhad bean disappointed The stUindaucc was not so lsroe sa they amieipated A leadina and asaalry i heavy

d - who crsl uruuiiUiDl New Yo


troely sllreui too tho rasrlcat ho weYor ruiuif pteusat w- M ilnted Tho

tlpated A lea was uototuyslm-ni tmtaav-


stesrst atarae

krll a lar0 porUoB ollk o host tad an anfsrorable effect and welfelt

_Jt weeks a sold down toBH rokoe k(JHc as li awn Hi wu liy a lai

bad an ahtaverabli I wsl felt sud ual)

botlapa was doas st last week bull rullna |gtru butchtuB steers sold down msaSKo^oinoloo Csoi laquoVraquo4kc tJherokiraquoesl((laquo5Ho7aadTeswi JJOlil

Teas were drawn dewebya lata aa|gtnJjetooraquonraquoe dr^odhlaquod^on^rn li ir^laquo^ re supplyot sutlers^ traquoowo5f Ot Seasoat-^

werefoTocdi rw of stli

uuou I he market aad sold st drawbacks to the mdash

ireiy lowprioe The drawbacks to the traa oavLMlt S t m ^ W d A o r o w ^ ^

upon The

S m ^ s a o t H h e ^ n ^ t laquo Mteken-HraquoS2S^HgI

Itccrc Mierp Uolaquos

Thi weei tastwaak

rtlaquovotn bulligtMiplusmnSuc

tatajD as laquolaquolaquolaquo sat tu daitf ttw staled taas a asspamy ef a aha ana tab kdvantBde ef tivHr eharter W k eddera tkB treat teittj M waty deye Uaa

staradjauwiL apt a-Tar nnaavtskUi awake have U e n a e AgtUltoa ltth rs j tr t v J raquolaquo-tea cs^uU-atea ta tke place Of tsKal tsretlar fur sstUiaetitst thlaquoclr1nlaquo hoaie Taf aasaftB are ia good wt-tfJ a sod ssjek arttaa m delaquoa~ rd unrrltessary Third laquort raquo very eats add tae laquoi| r-eslott sre repeirted

Raw Ttgtaa (Wrd raquo mdashRodamdashTed laquoBlaquonlaquoSMi M haads hate Weee tarclafckdl ky Ika RtaR-TrsaaarrT ap to tkla twar

Th D s - m a j tlosaat leaa ieeasBltiraquoi Ikaea feshyasted twlaquo mitnoe Bad a half at lean laquolaquorat-ats

Wt t Ceekeaad Hugh StXaWae m awrlved by tar tjrypt aad a t l f i x la Wad atraet by aaa eVleek

Wsawuteetiw Aspt tmdashtd A kt -a^tdaa artjytssv-re Us real at Meadey tar Mew ftaabad and Use afidd fAalea taiampesr aiisaas irr i k l i g teeaperatur soutttrasterly wtatA aad partly i loudly wrAaer eafrt waade aad par fv ctaiity weather for th Laws- Lohke region soatbrastarty wlada l eettast to acath-wtai a u k Oarudji Waatisar and pussiby llftkt Ucal ralat

Raw yolaquoaaspt R k - l S ^ l - T k e MaUaaal Ranks ar ptosaptty kseeting ail demsod

TVrPeainea Baak are ne asUhalty la a tlaquoU ef suaptassoasaereiy a arettef to th Rettoaal

Raw Yost Sept laquo mdashArrtwd the Ctty ltA Montrtal aad tke City of Raw Xerk tresa U v -

T5aw Teaa keptatmdash1 raquo i MmdashThe Ciear-Ina House uu-ount ha been made ibilckad all the lank have baea claarad aaUsfaetssrtlv The fcrllag smonc ail clasec of iraquolaquogtpk-1 one of treat relief There are no rua oa any of the batiks

There are ae more than tke average crvwl oa Wall aad Broad streets al this hour aad Use

General expteseioa ia one of avotaentary frow-g cokuiieaii A toaref ike RaUsaal aad Oavlcars hanks ot

Brooklvo devetopa tae fact that there is taeee tksn ttio ordinary quiet there and Ihenr Is no dlnuibaoce of tbe channels ef financial or ot ber business in the dry Kxcttrd erewd still throng Wail Broad New Raasau and otlier atrreu In the vicinity of the stock Gold Rx-chant-e

The report published that a ran on th Savshyings Batiks would be wad today was rather prssasture A tour around tke Xat Side at noon found rierything quiet and more drpols-ias than drafts were being mad The bank are generally ayalUuK thotaaalwa ot iheprovia-loas ot their cSVrUr which empowers them to compel sixty days notice from depositors desirshying Co wllharaw their ecrounU

WsSJtiSfiTort 8ept ft)mdashPreatdeat Grantsc-eeeaeanled by Gen Babcock returned to Wash- mgton this morning In the coarse ot the morning the President called at the Treasury Department and had a conference with Secretashyry lili bardson and the result of It may be Inshyferred from tae fact thst subsequroU toe 8ec-retarv stated to the agent of the New Tork Asshysociated Press that the President wttl do anyshything within tho law but lu no particular will be go beyond clear legal authority He will mslutsln the safetyof the Treasury Department and protect the credit of the United States from tho influences of the present financial cm-uarmBimeiT

In answer to Inquiries nothing was elicited to strengthen ih report that action wIU he taken In regard to plaejuif a part of the legal reserve At tbe disposal of th New Tork city banks The Treasury hssa sufficient amount of currenshycy on hand to meet all legitimate demand

Much excitement exists throughout Wash-fngtoii consequent on the news from tbenoctb The banks here do not teem to be a yet seri-onslv allected by it Tffgw Toast Sept a i - a 1 5 PM-Onlr WAV 000 worth of bonda have been bought at the Bub-Tressury since ia oclock There is a conshysiderable falling ott In tbe number of aollers

The following cash bids were made on the Strvct Central ttt Wabash raquo0 Kock laUvttd SS to 00 Wostcm Union Telegraph W

Naw TOKK 8cpt93-There Is coasiderahl Inquiry tor stoelts on the street Invcstora with bullcreeabacks In bund seeking to purchase but STprehlbittoa of the Stock BxcuAnge p t r ^ d e transactions __

PttitAOs5HlU laquocPt laquo3mdashThe ffnanclal frarry ha subsided tbe run of the savings banks ceasshyed and the national banks experience nor unushysual demand for capital

Naw Yoaa ampept 83ltmdash The National Banks are pailng all demands made upon them Out looks like legitimate business In greenbacks but anything t ike a run is paid In oerttAcd chicks which must pass through the Clearing House

Naw Toraquojpound Bept HJmdashNo meeting Of Jay-Cookes creditors Wltl beheld until statements have W n received trota the various branch of-ticca throughout the country aSweBBBBBBBB-BBeWBBBBBBBTBSW^


a^Baswaa bull w^BflB^a1

LITEST Lir0lTlTi9s bull

e gtbullraquo aaai a4J

China Class bull V

^ w

Cutlery arvd l-lated Ware

- bull bull

W I 8 3 X J a gt ft P A I s M a w a t

a mdash~mdashmdash

Panils ClUrei amp Frieifis bull

Music a By B a y l a a

a a d f e l l ah

liCai Malign Fla bull

t 260 t 1000 t 2500 $10000

bullv jmsvan bull


a a bull - _ a _

bull bull aVoata U aa a

Quarter u Tear bull O l f f V r e a t t


bulla M U K I E 1 CO



Bell Treble Pianos bullOT la t r Is a r e sagt aaiaia)Wlaquogt t m liHltse) wTsatrU s i r gt a a a e d t e r a l e la f r i e r r t a t e Is n a l s h Ps tr B r l l l t a s s t e ayaaiflaquoaaBtlc s u a R t e a p o a s t v c t m T O B raquo W 1 U sUtacssa KUudalaquo Xenacfcu t T a r r a a t r d l o r y e s i r W i l t a t a a d a m y c l t n a a t c a a id a n


i H

U s u w o a i b e U l g k e s l A p p r a r a t ai f i | l n k i a d a i l s a a i i i e l MeMie t s s s sa A r a t t s4 R|laquokisjatcgta sfkar

Iwrfcr-^taTiiaaT^wnuR raquoBraquoraquoI nnx-l raquo E R | 1 0 l k l T i r tat w e a r y rtad


MtXCHMB ampgt-ampraquo laquoAra Tim

raient Bell Treb le rgtrgtywttraquoro Tia rowRR or loirti t s ) n d d I I t o r t s c r e r r k tae fml t a s a p r o v e a a e n i

Wholeaaleand Retail CUrnvwr^fta aw invited te Addyo

I X S M L ^ O K C I I H A

rorOrtuiar erexaralaata Variety an Wee at tke WAajUKMMSa

S2 STATE STREET B R W A B t d i F ^ pound ^ ^ S r a s


bullgtym bull bull



MAOAZIMW-Atlanlte tooaa FtrlkSi -^rterlaquo)aiiedraquoya p^araw-g iii gt n 1 I i i I i

I Araquo sotaaok BtotnaLt-ifer BX

ipound^2^uttMrime lm rfTal iL^L aauitul aad dlaquolaquopraquorraquoas dilaquo-Mei t o t S t a ^ s A f t h e s B a T e a ^ Thejvso TXJT S^SSSvml veaad enr ltjt sstpety ill an of the ^ ^ ^ r ^ s s L d J ^ n i ^oS ^KSst ln th

SCn^uu1laquoOs ^ laquo T i k W a r e s O l d raquo t most draa- stores tmraquo ifVoulaquortiraquo^ChaH)ttraquor^rhaaKffin touj oe l^iuaSrdtSse^saaraquo eeastartalt or braquoolt article

the pack sa Mtsrli ana aslMy

usat by ratalu laquo-


mdashif In bull trrtlim Palpli-wtU effect a eare

sacked ta i^siajwlaquoaar wutThe soot -ji^assT

i bull bull bull ^ raquo laquo ~

Untitled Document

fileC|Documents20and20SettingsAdministratorDesktophellohtml2182007 110103 AM

Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

