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ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1933/1933-10-12.pdfROCKAWAY RECORD...

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ROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County', Namioi Weekly - Our Aim "A better community m which to live" XI.lV,No.l5 KOCKAWAY, \ . J., Till HSDAV, OCTOHhK 12, 1933 $1.00 PBR YEAB lockaway To Have Municipal Sewer --Result Of Enthusiastic Meeting! out 400 Taxpayers Favor Inn To Abolish Cesspools At Meeting Last Night L NY SPEAKERS HEARD ertram Mott, C. L. Milfard, Hugh Haddow, Arthur W. Fox, Councilman Lusardi, And Others Praise Project Stick 1 Em Up Two robbi'lli, d<:I.ei)lje.<; ;;\: <-/,- piTieiiieil cunm'-ii iliove lip Hi front ol a I'iiMilidr- lilliril' station Ol. llir (Stall' llll-hrli.V, JCmtc No. 10. liir.l Ijiilimiiiy nielli fit siUiul ]() i/rlnrji awl while I In- p;o)Jil< lot v/iil. pimipllif favilme tlitii thcll fiir ? m ]iri;,i-iJ l u i n hy n;i:hmr. H- vo]y<):: ;<n'\ oi-l'ijnr him l'i put up hi', lii'Ji'l'.. Aid) Utui' i n M : !!)<- (il'ipi if Uij ; buck room rlrnv.'cr Jor <•!/•:. pi- f;h mi hi Illl-V Vil Ml ll ln-liji) inli, '.li I I'll)!'- JN'Mri:, f.iio i:. invi/ meitiiilcjy lent oul the police tclrtypi- inimlier ill thi- i-ai rutjbi-ii; was not obt Allied )!' Jill ,h ;il;i)i)j bii ,.v:ti-lii. 'J l l ' ui.i-d hy the Miss Mildred Mills Married Yesterday Becomes Bride of Karl I.. Collins, Momslown Civil Hnginccr Fire Chief Chewey Tells About Fires IMtui* Statement Urging All To Observe I-ire Pre- vention Week Wedding at Church ( Warns of Hazards j Say* That Jiveryonc Should j Know I low lo Sound j Fire Alarm Couple Will Knjoy Trip Tlini N. Y. Slate Bride Is School Teacher - We d/oils of the opposition, to Ht Rockaway from constl'UCMnr: liciiial mvHl'.c- uy/item here thlf; -with the ulil <>( federal funds, The Friendship Club To Sponsor Show people. Hi. 1 Biikl that, ho Wat 1m- j partial iit tliii limit arid that he was |William .1. Richards. Jr., HI-IHII, Cum- Kdll.h MilJi anxious not to take sides he doubled if he would vote on the mlltee to Klasc "Tlic Wurlil'i, All Hindi" On'- of the pietl|,i,i v/i-ddiri^i. Ui lake place In Rockav/ay In many inoiilli.'; wiit. witnessed yci.lcrday ufI-— f-ruooli Jit 'i o'clock in the Methfidl/;t Kpiscopsi] Church when Mils; Mildred well known resident of Ilocknwiiy iiinl daiinhlei nl Mr. arid Mix. William I,, Mill:; of Wall street iof little. If imy, consequence, | question himself. Mayor Gerard ] . - . .(„.,.,,„,. ,)„. tjliljl, llt Kuri ; Colllm;, mass Hiettini! of local taxpay- then Introduced Councilman John J-' A committee rcprcscntim. 'IIn- |.,, n ,,j Ml ;lll ,j Mn; ]j,,,- M,, r | collin;,. 'Ill at, Lincoln Hll!h Bchool last,' IjU.'iitrdi. chairman of tin: newcrlm: l''i'lfjirl;;)ilp C,}ii\, )n;«lc| |, v William |. mm i,ti-..,-(, Morrli.lown, Ftcv, Warren lit which time an overwhelm-; commit to-. Cmmcllniun Lunardl In,' 1 ' Hlrlianli:, .Jr., «•:, iln-ji pi <*.i<l.-nt ]». HIH-ITI, \m,u,j ol the church, of- »ve of BcnfltiiMit In favor of, turn called upon Col. William A. ,""•' w "_ n a ri'iin-r.ciilidlvi- 0MI11- Unl- ndnli-il nl llx- ceremony which toject was plainly demoiwtrat- i crowd ot about 400 Intercut- As ii|x;uker after dm ol Installing a municipal je system and forever elimina- te ttnsatlsfiictory and iiroan- ctispooli; of Rockaway, the en- istic audience responded with applause and on one or occasions loud cheering burst from different sections of the otlum, W William Gerard, who pre- at the meetlni!, had appointed :cllers at the close to conduct ; by ballot on the Issue but be- tny definite stcpn could be taken Is direction the crowd shouted standing vote and Mayor Gcr- tllllngly abided by what oppnr- i the popular request with tsult that the crowd, with few itlons, jumped to it's feet in ig It'u favornblc nttitude to the The Issue was carried imd it Immediately the sewerlnR ilitec, composed of Councilman J. Lunnrdl, chairman, Councll- Jolm H. Crane, and Councll- Maimcl Scdano, were nurround- fitoups of citizens who con- lated them on their good Mayor Gerard was praised lie manner in which he con- Uic meetlni!, C. L. Mlllard, re head of the Four-One- tochlne Makers was hlishly for his favorable talk question. County Clerk E. »m Mott found himself rocclv- he ronuratulntlons of many citizens mho were much Im- * with his brief but straight 1 'Point address explaining why 'Cd the municipal sewering Hu 8h Haddow, enfflncer, tapaycr, and a prominent clt- 01 Hockawny, was another belinlf of the plan who p overlooked by the GmillnR n showing their appreciation the [n _ the most skeptical indlvld- of the Common ns the crowd millea * auditorium of the school ' ™. cannot have any, doubt "»' "tot the people of nocka- w ™ to have this municipal •ntcm. it mcang work _ _ _ "oniic fellow down and out [ » pport community and opportunity to nccompllsh ftlmoBt unbelievable thanks t0 the pcd| sral BOV- p lent n t0 the p '• "ur p cop , e arc wlth Ufl «a Council. w i n d 0 the rest. •Meting WaB ca]led to ordcr »Mln m t 1 thc "t the Pledge of the 'tot no time would the •* his term of office nt- ""' "ny vost amount of first consulting the Header. rcprei;enl.utlvc of the I'edeml v(rIi ' 11 ''""hielm: Omiiuniy of Full- niii-ml.-d |,y ,-,,•),.,•{ mii.herlnK, In- Bovernment. d'ol. Ileuder. who hud fil ' 1(l ' ] " w;t ' ""' world 1 ;; rreiitei.t i.pe- ,.ii 1( ||,,,, |,,, 7; ,,,,;,| (rleiidi; und reln- ttppolntmetit mid WH;; eon,- ' eliiliiil.ii In iimiileur proiliu-lliiii;; and live;:. Unit, nlled the elmreli to enpiie- leiitu lor the i.lut'ini' || V Ilniiuiiliil dei:orntloni; eompoi;ed ew mid dlllerent type , )( ;,, 1|,, m,, ),. m . h , lUtMltti, ;<ml othur icludl'im liomc of the hcnvlCBt j pclUid to uome extent to hurry Mn m ' llU ' "'""ineii ivttn In the BorouKh, lauded rnmnrUn, explained In a mo;;t clear i" a " » terly n ' .... . . 1., i i „„,...i,«,,,.u,,, ,„„„„„.. iii.i o" iilimteiir pro and comj)r«hcnslve manner Jtmt , h iiinatenr product km i-ntltlei) "The ,r.i:iv'.ittiuUi- fiowen, udorii'-d Hie altar what part the Federal government| w " l1(1 ' K A " J "'- )il " ' J 'hl'. production.,,, u,, : ,-hnrcli luriiliihlni/ an appro- would piny in ttidhif! Hockawa.v lo' lfl '•" '"' Ml "'' (l "" '"'"''er 2«tli and .,, r |, t i,. bnckuround for Ihi; oeeaiilon a tnutiiclpal newerlni: /iy«- 27th In l/lnroln (iciinol auditorium, 'jj,,. Grille WIIS clven in tetn. He wild that the Rovi.-nimejjt,' " ll "' World'i, All Ulnht" li, u i;en- j |, v j,,.,. fMm: Mn;. Hiirolrl l i . M n l - hntl created a fund of three billion, three hundred million of dollars to finance! municipal project;; which would furnish employment to both skilled and unskilled labor. He thuA there wan /loo much money tied up in hanks nnd that capital was too timid and therefore the government had offered a plan whieh he believed was the rnout lib- eral every heard of. He Haiti that Beweri; are iiomethlnK every com- munity eventually has to deal with. In ({ranting the loan and also the Blft of money to any municipality,. Col. Iteeder (said, the Rorernmcnt considered the project from a social, '•"•t'onal eiilertiilniiienl und |),|. w;i ,,li,yi-d thi- miirch iinil ns it hiifi heen wild yon will eheer un.ihf i,li>nli- iliw. j.ervlee win; ui.ed. Iwhen you i;ee "The World';; All 1 Ml™ Lillian Klevi-m; of Uoekiiwiiy, 00(n llit«lit." Thl/i production In « imi/,lea| ipr.j-onal friend of tlie bride, w.-cf, i)|e said | " hr >w wlth ll fil!il movlnt; plot. In ut- imaid-of-honor. Minn Bernice Mllli; terly different from miy other type ttll(j M)HI Vivian MillH, filiiterf, of Ihe of entcrUilnmcnt that ha;; ever been hrld(-, acted im bridesmaids. George produced In thin community. A | k . n ot Morrintown wa« the beflt The Htory of the production In laid man , Th( ., U(j, cr)i at the wcddlni! In a brondcustlnn studio und deuln werc MlirV | n Hoover and LeOrand with the eiforts of the announcer, Iaould, both of Mt. T»bor. Jimmy Wiiddcll and his secretary, Jane ROKCTH, to overcome all types of situations and Biune a big feature program. The audience Is actually taken buck staRC in the broadcastlnK studio where they me how the num- cnfilneerlnR, lcunl, and Btandpolnt. The Rift or free grant, he said, lo im oulnldc Rift with no strlnrfn attached to It and represents 30 per cent of the actual cost of the project, The Rockawny scwerlnR construction, it, Is estimated would cost $143,000.00 Including the 30 per cent free urant which would be ap- proximately $52,000). The loan from the covernment. Col, Rccder said, can be spread over a period of 30 years and the Interest does not bcRln until the fourth year. He UI-RCII that Rockaway take immed- iate; steps if it Intended to carry out It's plans for a municipal sewage system with Federal aid because the last dny applications may he receiv- ed for the free cnint or Joan in December 31, 1033. Col. Reeder was i di i l l k ( ' rB llre "tiffed before the mlcro- m , phone. Bill collectors threaten to clofic the Btudio, «oine of the talent refuses to appear because they huvc not been paid by (he announcer by (Continued on Page 5) The bride was attired In a «own of white satin with a »hort train. She wore an umbrella veil and other ac- cessories to match. Her bridal bou- quet was of white roses. The mald- of-honor wan dressed In blue (satin with pink acceiuorlcH. She carried pink roses. Mlt. Bernice Mtlh, one til the bridesmaids, wan drcuncd in Nile Krecn satin and yellow ncccusoricB. (Continued on Pane 4) ~* e applauded at the close of his dis- cussion. The next speaker wan Councilman Liisarcll. Reall/.lni; that he was fnc- Miss Mildred Whisner Retains Lead As Queen Marguerite Crane Climbs to Second Place - Rose Dona- j, Tliird D. Cordon Fit-liter Now inp an audience whose minds. In sown with Just about everylhliiR that, rould happen In Ujc wny of an upset in I hi. 1 ; bii 1 Kim: and Quern Ilallnween Cont.i'fit, tin n\K)iumri'(l hy the Bncle and Drum Corpi; of Rockden I'(«;t, American Ij'i'jon, Inn; taken place many ctisen, had seeds of doubt and mlsunderstand- Ini! reKardlni: the sewer project due to unfounded and mnlldouK rumors that have been current about the Boroufth for the pau< f( ' w <lliyB ' Councilman Lusardi delivered an nd- drcim that, has been described by hl« friends ns the ureatenl and moiit conscientious effort ever put forth In behalf of any coune hy any Coun- cilman to serve the Borounh of Rocknvwiy. »<• »»™ lv ( " l) "' cl th '""' whom lie chareed hud been nullttf of repeattnff "preposteroii» IICB" In or- der to dlBCourriRC the sewerlnu plan. He scored others for nssnclatlnB hln name with the mimiclpul covern- mont of Jercey City and mnltlni! In- sinuations that he vvns a part of the "Hnsuo machine." In u passionate appeal Councilmnn Liwnrdr asked his fellow citizens to believe him when he wild he wu/i n loy'd (Continued on roue 4> during the past week, according to the ollleial laliulalloii of volei; re- loiincd by the cominlltee In clinrne for puhhcatlon loilay. Ilere'K the hlKhllnhb.: Mi«i Mildred Whisner, a brunette of Hilli;l(le avenue, who delhnincd Mi 1 ,:; Marie l,il r ,iil(il of KilltHI Heights of the leadership last week, luu; CB- tubllshcd her;,rll more firmly nt the head of the ll,';t this week by polllni; W.i more vote, 1 ; over hint, week Klvlnn her a ciiuul total of 1142 votes. Miss MaiKiierite Crane- a blond, who liii-'i vvuiied a i;low but v.'innlni; uphill battle for n place in the flrut ilivlslon Blnee the content was ln- aumnated, polled 310 more votes in her favor this week Klvlnn her a total of 1142 votes and ennbllnR her In lio ahciul of Miss tunanll and Miss Rose Doniilonl and claim second place In the race. Minn Hone Donutonl, brunette, of the Dover rood, who at ode time wa/i second In the content, and later oc- cupied third position, coi llnuei-, t(i hold the latter position In the con- t(i:t on account of huvlriR a urand lotiil of ft/IB Kite;; pliic.liw her iiheiiii of Mlw; Luiiftrdl who collected only 114 volei; durlriK the piuit week her a total of '.ill'.', and listing her In fourth place In the race. Mli,i; Millie Kwayze him fid voteii for fifth po/;l- I tlon. Hall thi! Queen! What n rare hoys, what a race I And now for the Klnnii! V. Gordon Flchler leads with ii Ri'iind total of 3011 voteii. .John lliltz of Kii/it Flam:!.' ntreet In tralllnr; Fkliler by only two votes h)n total helni: 300. Bruce Ayren, Klni! for a day, no to /ipenk, ('ontinuen Id third pniiltlnn with a total of 127 votes. Joseph Kulley hiui (14 votes and fiii- vle Odlerno, Jr., him 41 voles. Howard MacKinnon him 40 votes to his credit, and Robert Gerard him been riven 30 votes, The committee announced (hi/, week that, hereafter any contestant not hiwlnis ten or more votes to their credit will be omitted from the list of name:; published each week In thin paper. Jt In a tremendous tank to col- i Continued on Pane 5) "iJinlni/ Fire I'li-veiitjun Wnk"| Chief Oeoi(/i. H. Ctn-wey of ||i,. Jtfick- awsty Fire IJi-parlinent, explained lo. day, "the Arrierl'-iiti put)!!,- h, in- i.trueled coucerulhn tin- haznrdi, of' fire and ioe;mi: of p n VI-HIIJIK (hein. ; There In another pha:.r- of Ihe fire' problem which 'honld be i.l.udied at ' the mini? lime . , . flic ',-wjliol nod ( extlii|/ul!,hhin." Chief Chewey (,ni<l t.hdt the (noKnt- I ludi' ol our iinniial flu- loi.n Ih due largely to our own failure to prepare lo (IKIII lire. Kvery fire, he said, no inatter how ismall IK the enemy of j))o^ie!;i- [ind every nri- r'-|»i'eiient,n a burden on i"/i'yy cltlZ'Ti of the com- murilly. "It would be eai.y to meiilloii hun- dredi, of uimcccu.aiy fire hazard.';," Chief Chewey I'otil.liniwl, "that with Illlle II any eflort If)l|:hl he ellinl- natcil. i-oi )iij,lanie let in; mention a tev.' 'dim'ti,' thni suv wmihy of at-! Icnllon nt itll timer, it you arc sin- cere in dolni: your pint to combat, Ihln hidden enemy . . . /Ire: I IJon'l keep matches where they are available to children , , , keep them out of their reach. Don't keep matches In a paper con- tainer . . . a metal container In Kttfcr. Don't smoke In any building or carry a lighted flame where Inflam- mable material can be easily Ignited. Don't nmokc In bed. Don't look for «a« leaks with a llRhted mutch or candle. Don't try to repair nan or electrical trouble yourself. Get an experienced workman to do the Job, Don't have an electric Iron or any other electric appliance connected when lcavlnn your work. Don't start urass, brush or rub- bish fires on a windy day or without a fire permit. Don't, hesitate to use your firemen whenever you have questions on fire hazards or preventions. It In well to make mire, that your match ends or nmoken nr<; out before you throw them away. If your base- ment, little or closets are filled with rubblih, waste paper, or other com- bustible mad-nuli, remove MH!I ac- cumulation at once. lJuri) your rub- bish In II safely coni,true-led Incliie- ratm' uiitl watch the fi/e. Inspect itnd clean oul stovei,. fiirniiee,'. and ninoke piped, and make f.iue they tire nol defective. If they are found lo lie- defecllve don't put II oil . . . have II done al once nnil play sate Mid'.e sure Ihul smoke pipes are not loo eliii.e to Ibe woodwork or other malc- rliili thai will burn en:,lly und hy nil mriin: do ;i«l run a r.iiiiu: pipe thru wood, heaver hoard or such oilier partitions made ol like imilerlal. Many flreii JIIC csiui;ed by dirty or defective chimneys and cmcilic plpei;. Have your clilmueyti and smoke pipes cleaned and kept, In repair regularly. Kcfraln from clcanlni; elol.hei; with Inflammiible Diinldi, and don't keep hrri^Jne, nuptha m i;ii/;oJ)no, i-l' 1 .. in your house, It Ii; diiniM'Miui,. II it Imperative that every member of. your family know how to i;cnd in a lire alarm. ]-'ln<l out about, f.hli, and If they do not know then InMrucI them at once. Make your home fire- proof as fur an puuilble; imc fire i;af( iiiiiliii!', fire nl.ops In all walli, anil partition/, und uiie li nuii-coiiibiiiillbli' i)u;;<iri< ill celllni!. Have your oil burner Installed properly, Inspected at. icituhir Interval!; and repaired when necessary. Equip! It. with up-to- date controls. Ill, worth It. Keep a (Continued on I'mic !u We Score One! UurlriK hlii addrew at the tux- payere warn meeting held In Lin- coln Hlith Hchool last night tor the iiuriHM: at determining whether or not nockaway will i-oniitrucf. n murilclpB) wwasfe sye- tern, Edwin J. Matthews, Prwrt- dc.nl of the Board of Education, i.taiefj thni although he hud read the report of the i.ewerini/ com- lOllle. iiv.;iy '•i' II iilcht. filijier 'Jhe p pmeiii Ini' Il run ii pllijlJUiefi I), cuid In.I v/i liji- Jtw-Ji- k in- hud y ini-ritifjn ot the elitl- Kpayer nl- ii'ii 1 in the piiji'-l i').-.( lo i iiefj f )' did ;,[ipi-ifi In Ihi- r'-port ,'iK. ii-ini iff liii- incHini? last 'Jlie \<,<,<Y;.\',;i>i If.ceord pub- lii'- i':|jfiit o! Ihe !,i-v;eriiiK liei- i;j ii:. co)npli-le form. uily ii, v/a;. tin- only news- in Ilir- "dillil/ llt <lu ttlls. int that. Mr Malt.hewn ap- ly did not notice In rcad- i- report I:, »r, followi,; "We ii'/iiiiilily ;,l!tte al Ihli; time that In our Judgment from the observation made m far that the crxirne will br iipjjioxlmutely $8 per yeai for a period of ten yeurf) or K2M per year tin a imlixl of 30 yean;." The Ilockawny Ileeurd feel* JtlH- tlfied In culling It); readers atten- tion to Itiln filiation in order to Irnprew; upon them that ll/i nt:wn ntorlei, pcilalnlfil! to any liiibject v/hatiioever are pi-ei;cr)(.ed In an Impartial und accurate manner. We hope that every person attend- ing the meetlni: Friday nlRht will miike It a point to rend iiKiiln the Jtoekaway llecind of liu,t week and convince t,heini;elve r ; thai the re- port of Die imvji'rliiK committee win; published In every detail. You mi: welcome to come to our office and read the paper of last, week Including the report of the sewcr- IriK committee. The Rockaway Record In honest and sincere In Its cflurbt to make thin ft better com- munity in which to live and it is willing and anxious to entertain criticism ul any time but It does feel that It is Justified In defend- Inic Itself from any Insinuation that mlnht have a tendency to create a false impression In the minds of Its readers. J Miss Mildred Bradley Married Last Sunday Become* llrld* of Alfred K. fllvrrtMfi To Mve In Ar- lington M«K Mildred Bradley, duunhler of I Raymond Uradley of Franklin avc- nue- ftockiiway, and Alfred E. Slvcrt- i,en. i,on of Mn;, Amanda Blvcrtscn,. |of Arilni'.ton, N. J., were united in |inarrlai:e liml. Kunday afternoon at Ihe pan.oniirie of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Kev. Warren P. Bhcen, jpimtor of tiie e.hureh, performed the (CHmony. 7'he weddliiff, a flulet af- fulr. wan followed by a reception at (he home of the bride. *l Mlu. Dnrolhy Lower, Itockaway, a coin,In ot the bride, was the mald- fjf-hoimr and Dumild Olelchmim of Arlliii'ton nctcil an best, man, The brKje WIL'; iil.Urvil In it ilri-nu ot ^'N'y liiiipi- with Unlit Kiev accessories to match. «hc wore a coniane of red rose hiirli,. MliiH Lower wore an out- fit ol blue. Her eonuiKC waf; of yel- low roM 1 buds. Following Ihi 1 .reception the brldi! mid t'.wmn wltli other inernbeni of the wcddlnii party Journeyed to a diiilclni! rcnorl. where they enjoyed the littt<-r part of the evening. Mr. and Mn;. Hlveitnen will reside ul Ailmi-ioii. AIXIMARY MHHTINfi Hodidcn I'oiil, Aineilf-'iiu Le(,'l(in Auxiliary, will meet on Oct. 1C in- stead of Oct. 17 an previously plan- ned. The installation of olllcerii will take place with the past county president, Mrs. Hubert' Muck In churiie. Mrs. Hacco of Chatham, the county president, will be a ijuest of the I'venlnit,
Page 1: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1933/1933-10-12.pdfROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County', Namioi Weekly - Our Aim "A better community m which to live" XI.lV,No.l5

ROCKAWAY RECORDMoms County', Namioi Weekly - Our Aim "A better community m which to live"

XI.lV,No.l5 KOCKAWAY, \ . J., Til l HSDAV, OCTOHhK 12, 1933$1.00 PBR YEAB

lockaway To Have Municipal Sewer--Result Of Enthusiastic Meeting!

out 400 Taxpayers FavorInn To Abolish CesspoolsAt Meeting Last Night

LNY SPEAKERS HEARDertram Mott, C. L. Milfard, Hugh Haddow,Arthur W. Fox, Councilman Lusardi,

And Others Praise Project

Stick 1Em UpT w o r o b b i ' l l i , d<:I.ei)lje.<; ;;\: <-/,-

p i T i e i i i e i l c u n m ' - i i i l i o v e l ip Hi

f r o n t ol a I'iiMilidr- l i l l i r i l ' s t a t i o n

Ol. l l i r (S ta l l ' l l l l - h r l i . V , J C m t c N o .

10. liir.l I j i i l i m i i i y n i e l l i fit s iUiu l

]() i/rlnrji awl w h i l e I In- p ;o ) J i l< lo t

v/iil. p i m i p l l i f f a v i l m e t l i t i i t h c l l

f i i r ? m ]iri;,i-iJ l u i n hy n ; i : h m r . H -

vo]y<) : : ;<n'\ o i - l ' i j n r h i m l 'i p u t

u p h i ' , l i i ' J i ' l ' . . A i d ) Utui' i n M : !!)<-

( i l ' i p i if Uij ;

buck room

rlrnv.'cr Jor

< • ! / • : . p i - f ; h

mi hi


Vil Ml

l l

ln - l i j i ) i n l i ,


I I ' l l)! '-

JN'Mri:, f.iio i:. invi/

meitiiilcjy lent oul

the police tclrtypi-

inimlier ill thi- i-ai

rutjbi-ii; was not obt

Allied) ! ' J i l l

,h ; i l ; i) i)j bii

, .v:ti-lii. 'J l l '

ui.i-d hy the

Miss Mildred MillsMarried Yesterday

Becomes Bride of Karl I..Collins, Momslown

Civil Hnginccr

Fire Chief CheweyTells About Fires

IMtui* Statement Urging AllTo Observe I-ire Pre-

vention Week

Wedding at Church ( Warns of Hazardsj

Say* That Jiveryonc Shouldj Know I low lo Soundj Fire Alarm

Couple Will Knjoy TripTlini N. Y. Slate Bride

Is School Teacher -

We d/oils of the opposition, toHt Rockaway from constl'UCMnr:liciiial mvHl'.c- uy/item here thlf;-with the ulil <>( federal funds,

The Friendship ClubTo Sponsor Show

people. Hi.1 Biikl that, ho Wat 1m- jpartial iit tliii limit arid that he was |William .1. Richards. Jr., HI-IHII, Cum- Kdll.h MilJi

anxious not to take sides hedoubled if he would vote on the

mlltee to Klasc "Tlic Wurlil'i,

All H ind i "

On'- of the pie t l | , i , i v/i-ddiri^i. Ui

lake place In Rockav/ay In m a n y

inoiilli.'; wiit. witnessed yci.lcrday ufI-—

f-ruooli Jit 'i o'clock in the Methfidl/;t

Kpiscopsi] C h u r c h when Mils; Mildred

well known resident of

Ilocknwiiy iiinl dai inhlei nl Mr. arid

Mix. William I,, Mill:; of Wall street

iof little. If imy, consequence , | ques t ion himself . Mayor G e r a r d ] . - . .(„. , . , ,„, . ,)„. tjliljl, llt Kuri ; Colllm;,

mass Hiettini! of local t a x p a y - t h e n In t roduced Counc i lman J o h n J-' A commi t t ee rcprcscnt im. 'IIn- | . , , n ,,j M l ; l l l , j M n ; ] j , , , - M , , r | collin;,.

'Ill at, Lincoln Hll!h Bchool last , ' IjU.'iitrdi. c h a i r m a n of tin: newcrlm: l''i'lfjirl;;)ilp C,}ii\, ) n ; « l c | | , v William | . m m i,ti-..,-(, Morrli.lown, Ftcv, War ren

lit which time an o v e r w h e l m - ; commit to-. Cmmcl ln iun Lunardl I n , ' 1 ' Hlrlianli: , .Jr., «•:, iln-ji pi <*.i<l.-nt ]». HIH-ITI, \m,u,j ol the church , of-

»ve of BcnfltiiMit In favor of, t u r n cal led upon Col. Will iam A. , " " • ' w "_ n a ri'iin-r.ciilidlvi- 0MI11- Unl- ndnli-il nl llx- ceremony whichtoject was plainly demoiwtrat-i crowd ot about 400 Intercut-

As ii|x;uker after

dm ol Installing a municipalje system and forever elimina-te ttnsatlsfiictory and iiroan-ctispooli; of Rockaway, the en-istic audience responded with

applause and on one oroccasions loud cheering burstfrom different sections of the


W William Gerard, who pre-at the meetlni!, had appointed:cllers at the close to conduct; by ballot on the Issue but be-tny definite stcpn could be takenIs direction the crowd shoutedstanding vote and Mayor Gcr-tllllngly abided by what oppnr-

i the popular request withtsult that the crowd, with fewitlons, jumped to it's feet inig It'u favornblc nttitude to the

The Issue was carried imdit Immediately the sewerlnRilitec, composed of CouncilmanJ. Lunnrdl, chairman, Councll-Jolm H. Crane, and Councll-Maimcl Scdano, were nurround-

fitoups of citizens who con-lated them on their good

Mayor Gerard was praisedlie manner in which he con-

Uic meetlni!, C. L. Mlllard,re head of the Four-One-

tochlne Makers was hlishlyfor his favorable talk

question. County Clerk E.»m Mott found himself rocclv-he ronuratulntlons of manycitizens mho were much Im-* with his brief but straight1'Point address explaining why

'Cd the municipal seweringHu8h Haddow, enfflncer,

tapaycr, and a prominent clt-01 Hockawny, was another

belinlf of the plan whopoverlooked by the GmillnR

n showing their appreciationthe[n_ the most skeptical indlvld-

of the Commonns the crowd millea

* auditorium of the school' ™. cannot have any, doubt"»' "tot the people of nocka-w™ to have this municipal•ntcm. it m c a n g w o r k _ _ _

"oni ic fellow down and out

[» pportcommunity and

opportunity to nccompllshftlmoBt unbelievablethanks t 0 t h e p c d |sral BOV-

plent n t 0 t h e p

'• "ur p c o p , e a r c w l t h Ufl

«a Council. w i n d 0 the rest.•Meting W a B c a ] l e d to o r d c r

»Mln m t

1 thc "t the

Pledge of the'tot no time would the•* his term of office nt-""' "ny vost amount of

first consulting the

Header . rcprei;enl.utlvc of the I ' edeml v ( r I i ' 1 1 ' ' " " h i e l m : Omi iuniy of Fu l l - niii-ml.-d |,y „ ,-,,•),.,•{ mii.herlnK, In-

Bovernment . d'ol. I leuder . who hud f i l ' 1 ( l ' ] " w ; t ' " " ' world1;; rreiitei.t i.pe- ,.ii1( | | ,,,, | , , ,7 ; , , , , ; , | (rleiidi; und reln-

ttppolntmetit mid WH;; eon , - ' eliiliiil.ii In iimiileur proiliu-lliiii;; and live;:. Unit, nlled the elmreli to enpiie-

leiitu lor the i.lut'ini' | | V Ilniiuiiliil dei:orntloni; eompoi;ed

ew mid dlllerent type ,)( ;,,1 |,,m,, ) , . m . h , lUtMltti, ;<ml othuricludl'im liomc of the hcnvlCBt j pclUid to uome extent to hurry Mn m'llU' " '""ineiiivttn In the BorouKh, lauded rnmnrUn, explained In a mo;;t clear i" a " » terly n' . . . . . . 1 . , i i „„,...i,«,,,.u,,, , „ „ „ „ „ . . iii.i o" iilimteiir proand comj)r«hcnslve manner Jtmt

, hi i inatenr product km i-ntltlei) " T h e ,r.i:iv'.ittiuUi- fiowen, udorii'-d Hie a l t a r

w h a t p a r t t he Federa l g o v e r n m e n t | w " l 1 ( 1 ' K A " J " ' - ) i l " ' J 'hl ' . p r o d u c t i o n . , , , u , , : ,-hnrcli luriiliihlni/ an a p p r o -

would piny in ttidhif! Hockawa.v l o ' l f l '•" ' " ' M l " ' ' ( l " " ' " ' " ' ' e r 2«tli and . , , r | , t i , . bnckuround for Ihi; oeeaiilon

a tnutiiclpal newerlni: /iy«- 27th In l/lnroln (iciinol auditorium, ' j j , , . Grille WIIS clven in

t e t n . H e w i l d t h a t t h e R o v i . - n i m e j j t , ' " l l " ' W o r l d ' i , All U l n h t " li, u i ; en - j | , v j , , . , . fMm: M n ; . H i i r o l r l l i . M n l -

hntl created a fund of three billion,three hundred million of dollars tofinance! municipal project;; whichwould furnish employment to bothskilled and unskilled labor. HethuA there wan /loo much moneytied up in hanks nnd that capitalwas too timid and therefore thegovernment had offered a planwhieh he believed was the rnout lib-eral every heard of. He Haiti thatBeweri; are iiomethlnK every com-munity eventually has to deal with.In ({ranting the loan and also theBlft of money to any municipality,.Col. Iteeder (said, the Rorernmcntconsidered the project from a social,

'•"•t'onal eiilertiilniiienl und |),|.w;i ,,li,yi-d thi- miirch iinilns it hiifi heen wild yon will eheer un.ihf i,li>nli- iliw. j.ervlee win; ui.ed.

Iwhen you i;ee "The World';; All1 Ml™ Lillian Klevi-m; of Uoekiiwiiy,

0 0 ( n l l i t« l i t . " Thl/i production In « imi/,lea| ipr.j-onal friend of tlie bride, w.-cf, i)|esaid | "hr>w w l t h ll fil!il movlnt; plot. In ut- imaid-of-honor. Minn Bernice Mllli;

terly different from miy other type ttll(j M ) H I Vivian MillH, filiiterf, of Iheof entcrUilnmcnt that ha;; ever been hrld(-, acted im bridesmaids. Georgeproduced In thin community. A | k . n o t Morrintown wa« the beflt

The Htory of the production In laid m a n , Th(., U ( j , c r ) i a t the wcddlni!In a brondcustlnn studio und deuln w e r c M l i r V | n Hoover and LeOrandwith the eiforts of the announcer, Iaould, both of Mt. T»bor.Jimmy Wiiddcll and his secretary,Jane ROKCTH, to overcome all typesof situations and Biune a big featureprogram. The audience Is actuallytaken buck staRC in the broadcastlnKstudio where they me how the num-

cnfilneerlnR, lcunl, andBtandpolnt. The Rift or free grant,he said, lo im oulnldc Rift with nostrlnrfn attached to It and represents30 per cent of the actual cost of theproject, The Rockawny scwerlnRconstruction, it, Is estimated wouldcost $143,000.00 Including the 30 percent free urant which would be ap-proximately $52,000). The loanfrom the covernment. Col, Rccdersaid, can be spread over a periodof 30 years and the Interest doesnot bcRln until the fourth year. HeUI-RCII that Rockaway take immed-iate; steps if it Intended to carry outIt's plans for a municipal sewagesystem with Federal aid because thelast dny applications may he receiv-ed for the free cnint or Joan inDecember 31, 1033. Col. Reeder was

i di

i l l k('rB l l r e "tiffed before the mlcro-m , phone. Bill collectors threaten to

clofic the Btudio, «oine of the talentrefuses to appear because they huvcnot been paid by (he announcer by

(Continued on Page 5)

The bride was attired In a «own ofwhite satin with a »hort train. Shewore an umbrella veil and other ac-cessories to match. Her bridal bou-quet was of white roses. The mald-of-honor wan dressed In blue (satinwith pink acceiuorlcH. She carriedpink roses.

Mlt. Bernice Mtlh, one til thebridesmaids, wan drcuncd in NileKrecn satin and yellow ncccusoricB.

(Continued on Pane 4) ~*


applauded at the close of his dis-

cussion.The next speaker wan Councilman

Liisarcll. Reall/.lni; that he was fnc-

Miss Mildred WhisnerRetains Lead As Queen

Marguerite Crane Climbs to Second Place - Rose Dona-j, Tliird D. Cordon Fit-liter


inp an audience whose minds. Insown with

Just about everylhliiR that, rouldhappen In Ujc wny of an upset inI hi.1; bii1 Kim: and Quern IlallnweenCont.i'fit, tin n\K)iumri'(l hy the Bncleand Drum Corpi; of Rockden I'(«;t,American Ij'i'jon, Inn; taken place

many ctisen, hadseeds of doubt and mlsunderstand-Ini! reKardlni: the sewer project dueto unfounded and mnlldouK rumorsthat have been current about theBoroufth for the pau< f ( 'w <lliyB'Councilman Lusardi delivered an nd-drcim that, has been described by hl«friends ns the ureatenl and moiitconscientious effort ever put forthIn behalf of any coune hy any Coun-cilman to serve the Borounh of

Rocknvwiy. »<• »»™lv (" l )"'cl t h ' "" 'whom lie chareed hud been nullttf ofrepeattnff "preposteroii» IICB" In or-der to dlBCourriRC the sewerlnu plan.He scored others for nssnclatlnB hlnname with the mimiclpul covern-mont of Jercey City and mnltlni! In-sinuations that he vvns a part of the"Hnsuo machine." In u passionateappeal Councilmnn Liwnrdr askedhis fellow citizens to believe himwhen he wild he wu/i n loy'd

(Continued on roue 4>

during the past week, according tothe ollleial laliulalloii of volei; re-loiincd by the cominlltee In clinrnefor puhhcatlon loilay.

Ilere'K the hlKhllnhb.:Mi«i Mildred Whisner, a brunette

of Hilli;l(le avenue, who delhnincdMi1,:; Marie l,ilr,iil(il of KilltHI Heightsof the leadership last week, luu; CB-tubllshcd her;,rll more firmly nt thehead of the ll,';t this week by polllni;W.i more vote,1; over hint, week Klvlnnher a ciiuul total of 1142 votes.

Miss MaiKiierite Crane- a blond,who liii-'i vvuiied a i;low but v.'innlni;uphill battle for n place in the flrutilivlslon Blnee the content was ln-aumnated, polled 310 more votes inher favor this week Klvlnn her atotal of 1142 votes and ennbllnR herIn lio ahciul of Miss tunanll and MissRose Doniilonl and claim secondplace In the race.

Minn Hone Donutonl, brunette, ofthe Dover rood, who at ode time wa/isecond In the content, and later oc-

cupied third position, coi llnuei-, t(ihold the latter position In the con-t(i:t on account of huvlriR a urandlotiil of ft/IB Kite;; pliic.liw her iiheiiiiof Mlw; Luiiftrdl who collected only114 volei; durlriK the piuit weekher a total of '.ill'.', and listing her Infourth place In the race. Mli,i; MillieKwayze him fid voteii for fifth po/;l-

I tlon. Hall thi! Queen! What n rarehoys, what a race I

And now for the Klnnii!

V. Gordon Flchler leads with iiRi'iind total of 3011 voteii. .John lliltzof Kii/it Flam:!.' ntreet In tralllnr;Fkliler by only two votes h)n totalhelni: 300. Bruce Ayren, Klni! for aday, no to /ipenk, ('ontinuen Id thirdpniiltlnn with a total of 127 votes.Joseph Kulley hiui (14 votes and fiii-vle Odlerno, Jr., him 41 voles. HowardMacKinnon him 40 votes to his credit,and Robert Gerard him been riven30 votes,

The committee announced (hi/,week that, hereafter any contestantnot hiwlnis ten or more votes to theircredit will be omitted from the listof name:; published each week In thinpaper. Jt In a tremendous tank to col-

i Continued on Pane 5)

"iJinlni/ Fire I'li-veiitjun W n k " |

Chief Oeoi(/i. H. Ctn-wey of | | i , . Jtfick-

awsty Fire IJi-parlinent, explained lo .

day , " t h e Arrierl'-iiti put)!!,- h, in-

i.trueled coucerulhn tin- haznrdi, of '

fire and ioe;mi: of pn VI-HIIJIK (he in . ;

T h e r e In ano the r pha:.r- of Ihe f i re '

problem which ' hon ld be i.l.udied a t '

the mini? l ime . , . flic ',-wjliol nod (

extlii |/ul!,hhin."

Chief Chewey (,ni<l t.hdt the (noKnt- I

ludi ' ol our iinniial flu- loi.n Ih due

largely to our own failure to preparelo (IKIII lire. Kvery fire, he said, noinatter how ismall IK the enemy ofj))o^ie!;i- [ind every nri- r'-|»i'eiient,n a

burden on i"/i'yy cltlZ'Ti of the com-


"It would be eai.y to meiilloii hun-

dredi, of uimcccu.aiy fire hazard.';,"

Chief Chewey I'otil.liniwl, "that with

Illlle II any eflort If)l|:hl he ellinl-

natcil. i-oi )iij,lanie let in; mention a

tev.' 'dim'ti,' thni suv wmihy of a t - !

Icnllon nt itll timer, it you arc sin-

cere in dolni: your pint to combat ,

Ihln hidden enemy . . . /Ire: IIJon'l keep matches where they are

available to children , , , keep themout of their reach.

Don't keep matches In a paper con-tainer . . . a metal container In Kttfcr.

Don't smoke In any building orcarry a lighted flame where Inflam-mable material can be easily Ignited.

Don't nmokc In bed.Don't look for «a« leaks with a

llRhted mutch or candle.Don't try to repair nan or electrical

trouble yourself. Get an experiencedworkman to do the Job,

Don't have an electric Iron or anyother electric appliance connectedwhen lcavlnn your work.

Don't start urass, brush or rub-bish fires on a windy day or withouta fire permit.

Don't, hesitate to use your firemenwhenever you have questions on firehazards or preventions.

It In well to make mire, that yourmatch ends or nmoken nr<; out beforeyou throw them away. If your base-ment, little or closets are filled withrubblih, waste paper, or other com-bustible mad-nuli, remove MH!I ac-cumulation at once. lJuri) your rub-bish In II safely coni,true-led Incliie-ratm' uiitl watch the fi/e. Inspect itndclean oul stovei,. fiirniiee,'. and ninokepiped, and make f.iue they tire noldefective. If they are found lo lie-defecllve don't put II oil . . . have IIdone al once nnil play sate Mid'.esure Ihul smoke pipes are not looeliii.e to Ibe woodwork or other malc-rliili thai will burn en:,lly und hy nilmriin: do ;i«l run a r.iiiiu: pipe thruwood, heaver hoard or such oilierpartitions made ol like imilerlal.Many flreii JIIC csiui;ed by dirty ordefective chimneys and cmcilic plpei;.Have your clilmueyti and smoke pipescleaned and kept, In repair regularly.Kcfraln from clcanlni; elol.hei; withInflammiible Diinldi, and don't keephrri^Jne, nuptha m i;ii/;oJ)no, i-l'1.. inyour house, It Ii; diiniM'Miui,. II itImperative that every member of.your family know how to i;cnd in alire alarm. ]-'ln<l out about, f.hli, andIf they do not know then InMrucIthem at once. Make your home fire-proof as fur an puuilble; imc fire i;af(iiiiiliii!', fire nl.ops In all walli, anil

part i t ion/ , und uiie li nuii-coiiibiiiillbli'

i)u;;<iri< ill celllni!. Have your oil

burner Installed properly, Inspectedat. icituhir Interval!; and repairedwhen necessary. Equip! It. with up-to-date controls. Ill, worth It. Keep a

(Continued on I'mic !u

We Score One!UurlriK hlii addrew at the tux-

payere warn meeting held In Lin-coln Hlith Hchool last night torthe iiuriHM: at determiningwhether or not nockaway willi-oniitrucf. n murilclpB) wwasfe sye-tern, Edwin J. Matthews, Prwrt-dc.nl of the Board of Education,i.taiefj thni although he hud readthe report of the i.ewerini/ com-



'•i' IIi i l c h t .


'Jhe ppmeiiiIni' Ilrun ii

pllijlJUiefi I),

c u i d I n . I v/i

liji- Jtw-Ji-k in- hudy ini-ritifjn

ot the elitl-

Kpayer nl-

i i ' i i1 in the piiji'-l

i').-.( l o i iiefj f

) ' d i d ;,[ipi-ifi In Ihi - r ' - p o r t

,'iK. i i - ini iff liii- i n c H i n i ? l a s t

' J l i e \<,<,<Y;.\',;i>i I f . ceo rd p u b -

l i i ' - i ' : | j f i i t o ! I h e !,i-v;eriiiK

l ie i - i;j i i : . c o ) n p l i - l e f o r m .

u i l y ii, v/a; . t i n - o n l y n e w s -

i n I l i r- "dillil/ llt <lu t t l l s .

int that. Mr Malt.hewn ap-ly did not notice In rcad-i- report I:, »r, followi,; "Weii'/iiiiilily ;,l!tte al Ihli; t ime

that In our Judgment from theobservation made m far that thecrxirne will br iipjjioxlmutely $8per yeai for a period of ten yeurf)or K2M per year tin a imlixl of30 yean;."

The Ilockawny Ileeurd feel* JtlH-tlfied In culling It); readers atten-tion to Itiln filiation in order toIrnprew; upon them that ll/i nt:wnntorlei, pcilalnlfil! to any liiibjectv/hatiioever are pi-ei;cr)(.ed In anImpartial und accurate manner.We hope that every person attend-ing the meetlni: Friday nlRht willmiike It a point to rend iiKiiln theJtoekaway llecind of liu,t week andconvince t,heini;elver; thai the re-port of Die imvji'rliiK committeewin; published In every detail. Youmi: welcome to come to our officeand read the paper of last, weekIncluding the report of the sewcr-IriK committee. The RockawayRecord In honest and sincere In Itscflurbt to make thin ft better com-munity in which to live and it iswilling and anxious to entertaincriticism ul any time but It doesfeel that It is Justified In defend-Inic Itself from any Insinuationthat mlnht have a tendency tocreate a false impression In theminds of Its readers.

JMiss Mildred Bradley

Married Last SundayBecome* llrld* of Alfred K. fllvrrtMfi

— To Mve In Ar-lington

M«K Mildred Bradley, duunhler ofI Raymond Uradley of Franklin avc-nue- ftockiiway, and Alfred E. Slvcrt-i,en. i,on of Mn;, Amanda Blvcrtscn,.

|of Arilni'.ton, N. J., were united in|inarrlai:e liml. Kunday afternoon atIhe pan.oniirie of the Methodist Epis-copal Church. Kev. Warren P. Bhcen,

jpimtor of tiie e.hureh, performed the(CHmony. 7'he weddliiff, a flulet af-fulr. wan followed by a reception at(he home of the bride. *l

Mlu. Dnrolhy Lower, Itockaway, acoin,In ot the bride, was the mald-fjf-hoimr and Dumild Olelchmim ofArlliii'ton nctcil an best, man, ThebrKje WIL'; iil.Urvil In it ilri-nu ot ^'N'y

liiiipi- with Unlit Kiev accessories to

match. «hc wore a coniane of redrose hiirli,. MliiH Lower wore an out-fit ol blue. Her eonuiKC waf; of yel-low roM1 buds.

Following Ihi1 .reception the brldi!mid t'.wmn wltli other inernbeni ofthe wcddlnii party Journeyed to adiiilclni! rcnorl. where they enjoyedthe littt<-r part of the evening.

Mr. and Mn;. Hlveitnen will resideul Ailmi-ioii.


Hodidcn I'oiil, Aineilf-'iiu Le(,'l(inAuxiliary, will meet on Oct. 1C in-stead of Oct. 17 an previously plan-ned. The installation of olllcerii willtake place with the past countypresident, Mrs. Hubert ' Muck Inchuriie. Mrs. Hacco of Chatham, thecounty president, will be a ijuest ofthe I'venlnit,

Page 2: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1933/1933-10-12.pdfROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County', Namioi Weekly - Our Aim "A better community m which to live" XI.lV,No.l5

E E C 0 K D

DENVILLEThe Democratic Club held a card

party last night.

William Eaglet of Denville andtv ot Newark hais returned after a

stay in Chicago,

Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Thiele ofC(d*r Lake observed their tenthwedding anniversary last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Creger of In-dian Lake had as week-end guests

Denville School Notes Montg™meHonor Boll for September

Grade 1—Frank Gancarcik,Moore. Valeric Hopler.

Orade 3—Charlotte Symonctte.Merit Boll for September

Orade 1—Conrad 6ammon, HughConnors. George Fredericks, BernardLars^n, Jay Button.

Headed by Professor Earl R. OlennJoe: J * *

in charge oi the science departmentof Montclair Teachers College, mem-bers of the Senior Class of the insti-tution who are majoring ln sciencevisited in Main street school at Den-ville Friday inspecting the elemen-tary science laboratory built up byOrade 2-Rose Marie Buehler. i f e u o f Qordm M . T E y i o r , T s y .

Henry Jenkins, Porter Higby, Al-p r i n c i p a , o f t h e

theberta Miller, Evelyn Lash. Florence lem.hel Qf m K[mce d a a s l a g t y e f t r

Peer, Victor Moldovan. Ronald l e c t u r e d a t Moritclalr on the workHomer, Walter McGrath, Eleanor; accomplished here. The ap-

Ur. and Mrs. Harry Cur) of HacketU- Clark. Grace Finley, Karl Thlel, Ray- t u s med i n t h e e l a s s e s has beentown. mond Parks, Alfred Blppel. Lewis!

c o n s t r u c t e d b y t h e s t u d e n t s and IsCougle, Marese Miller, Eleanor Flin- c o n a l d e r e d u n j q u e l n ^lence depart-

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crowthers of;ton, Robert Stafford. rnent work. The cost to the

Cabinet Installed

; m e n t w o r k Tbe

Jcrwy City epent the last week-end ; Grade 3-Dorts Smith. Oloria Zim-, Q{ E d u c a t l o n h B S ,*,,,, nothing thusat their summer bungalow on Prank- merman, Patricia Truex, Anita f a f Jn c a r r y l n g o n tm-s importantlin road. Straus. Donald King. w o r k i n t n e

. Orade 4—James Pond. Clare Ma-Mrs. George C. Rockefeller of Lakejloney, Elizabeth Ann Black, Vincent

Arrowhead In chairman of a Denville Van Syckle.urcup arranging to form a literary; Grade &—Yvonne Staflord, Lenore ; The new cabinet of the Juniordub. Condlt, Mary Esposlto, Harry Doll League of the Denville Community

Fred Deck, Robert Burns, Edmund church was Installed Wednesday aft-Mr. and Mre. George Hastings of Corey. Ricliard OH, Pauline Barnes, eriioon of la-st week during the chll-

Mmn street spent the week-end at Evelyn Leiser.Wilmington, Del. Mrs. Ella Lofland, Grade 7 Elsie Pascal.«<othtr of Urn. HaBtlniiit, returned McNally.with them. Percentw.e of attendanre of the

various cracli.'. for 8i-pl.<-mbfi :James E. Thompson and tiifi ton- Grade 7B, Houin II), Miss Woodlmll.

in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. OH t"< ci'iit; cnidr 5B. rouin 16, Mrs.

client; hour held at the church. TheFrances ,:libiiiet arid mtmbcrs for (he

year will bci Jean Griffith.';, pLouise Wie.sso, first vice president;Hobert Heckle, second vice president;Kathleen Nt-amc, third vice presi-dent, hnibiim Woodward, fourth

William C. Osbornr, all of Newark, lvnil, Ml! per cejii; i rade "A and tt.' vic.f; president; Betty Clacknu1, sec-fpent the week-end lit th«:lr Kstlinc room 10. Mr:1,. Condil. UK.'J, pel ( nit; | rotary; Harry Doll, Jr., treasurer;

nrade 6A, room 11, Miss Kousell, 1)7.7 ; Robert Thompson, publicity tiKcnt.P'-r cent; rrade li, room 17- Mr. Tiiy-jxiic Junior League is under the di-

I-iike camp.

Mils. Anna Nolan tit Hi-w YorkCity and Mr.'.. Mi-lvln Miller of Au-dovtr were week-end y.w.A: of (heirparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wlllimn .1Beam of Franklin road.

lor, 1)7.3 per cent; (trade (>E, room j rection of Miss Madeline Schrueder13, Mi.v Jie-.l, Ml.!) per cent; tirade | mid ii .staff of four teachers.4, rodiii 7, Mi.1.. Van Oie.scn. 'Jii.b per i ' "^ 'cent; cradf- 2. room 4, Miss Dear-[Mother of Assistantbom, OC.f) per cent; craric 3 and 4,

-. -.. room fi. Miss Chamberlain, 95.5 perA farewell surprise parly w;<s I'lvi-n eent; wade lili, room 14, Miss Howe,

nI il.'i per cent; cradc 1, room 3, Missof Talniudtfe. 94.1 per cent; wade 3,

Mr, {ind Mr*. A.Richmond Terraci

II. Birtelcv:Monday nlcht

Jatt week. They left (luiinr the )«l- room !)• Mm. KeeJIe, »3.5 per cent;ter part of the week for Florida. rrade 1 and 2, room 1, Miss Under-

wood, 01 per cent.

Chevrolet ShowsContinued Increase

Reported domestic retail sales by

Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Lutjen of Dia-'mond Bprlni! Park hiul as week-end(jUCSts Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Bahrand Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Neallyof East Orange: Mrs. Otto Mrjschen

Ally. (Jen. MinardDied Sunday Ni^ht

Mrs. G. Wesley Minard. Sr., thej mother of Assistant Attorney Gen-eral Dulone E. Minard, died lustSunday nii;ht at. her home in Den-

jvlllc road, Rockaway Valley, after aI lingering Illness. She was 74 yearsold.

Services wen; held from the latehome yesterday afternoon at 2:30o'clock. The Rev. Albert Manton andthe Rev. Robert Knapp officiated. In-terment was at Rockaway Valley

and son Robert of Upper Montclair; ', dealers of Chevrolet ears in Septem-Mru. Ernest Wlttnel of New Rochelle, ber of 58.140 cms and trucks were 115and Mr, and Mr*. William Snyder of \ Por cent more than the 26,000 «"it«' cemeLery.""Mrs" M.n7rd wasJersey City. ifl°W in the same month a year ago,'

« . |H. J. Kllricler, vice-president nnd(,'eneral sales manager announced to-

! day.| For the first nine months of thisyear. Chevrolet dealers sold 499 012;, „ „ . _. , , ., „,, , , ,. . , , . Icy; Dr. E. Leroy Minard of the Wo-units and n the next day passed the , . _ . . , . , ,, .. , _ .1 men's and Children s Hospital, East

Denville (Jirl WillMarry October 20

Mt. Olive, the daughter of Rev. JohnL. Hayos, an itinerant minister.Seven children survive her, Duanc E.Minard, Miss Marion Minard, Geo.W. Minard, Jr., all of Rockaway Val-

Friday, October 20, has been setlie the date for the marriage of Miss ihttIf m l l ] l o n mtllk- Nlnf- months satesDelphine Stratford, daughter of Mr.iind Mr*;, Edwin II. Btratford of Dia-mond Spring road, to Joseph Arm-f.tronn Ncven, Ron of Mrs, Joseph A.Nevin of Mountain Lakes. The cere-mony will be performed at 8 p. m.,at the Stratford home. Miss Marion th0BD f c r l h c 5 a m t ' Per)ocl a ye a r

Gould of Denville will be Miss Strat-ford's maid of honor while John L.Nevin will be his brother's best man.


were 31.9 per cent more than thefigure, 37(i,81l, sold In the full twelvemonths of last year. In the first ninemonths of 1!TO, 330,970 units weresold.

Sales to date for 1933 exceeded

Orange; Mrs. Charles B. Allen ofBloomrield; Mrs. Paul C. Nagel ofMaplewood, and Robert K. Minardof Chester.

. I Garter Snake and CatFinish in a Draw

by 163,842 units and for all of lastyear by 121,001 units. An automobile driver near Den-

Sales for September of this y e a r ' " ' 6 W I t n e s S e d * m o f u n u s " a l n g n t

were the largest for that month since ! b e t " E e n B . s m a 1 1 f " t e ' s n a k ^ a n l a

S ™ d u m slzed cat ast ™ek- ™ «1929. They were approximately 3 1 ,000 over September of 1932; 19,000 I

Mrs, Joseph Chappell of Highland j over September 1931, and about

bV &

Trail entertained at a luncheon andbridge last Monday afternoon Inhonor of Mrs. Ralph R. Doble ofLake Arrowheud, who Is moving thisweek to Cincinnati, Ohio, Guests In-cluded Mrn, L, K. Swartz, Mrs, Geo.Fiedler, Mrs. George C. Rockefelleriind Mrs. Alfred H. Zollcr of LakeArrowhead; Mrs. H. C. Kecfle, Mrs,Arthur Kopp and Mrs. P, W. Lcim-

of Indian Luke, and Mrs. Chas.Hoffman of Rndburn, High scoreswere mudc by Mrs. Kopp and Mrs,Lt'lmback,


The Junior Guild of the IndianLake-Club will hold a special meet-ing Friday night at the home of MissJosephine McManuu of Newark, tocomplete arrangements for u clubdunce at the Suburban Hotel, Sum-mit, the night of December 2.

5.000 over 1930,Business in the last 10 days of the

month showed the usual strength,22,832 units having been sold asngainet 35,314 units In the first 20days- Mr. Kllngler said.


The Democratic Club met lastTuesday night at Ford's Hall to makefinal plans for a card party anddance. Mrs. Cclla McGowan is thechairman of the committee for cardsand W. G. Lawyer has charge of thedance.


Mrs. Frank Gemmell of EstlingLake was hostess at the first of aseries of weekly card parties held atthe Women's Club last Wednesdayafternoon.

boy and soon there was a large num-ber of Interested spectators. Thespectators were attracted to thescene when a nundescript black catwas observed struggling franticallyin the street, turning and twisting onits back. The snake, which was blackand about seven inches long, couldnot be seen at first and it was be-lieved the cat was having a fit. Asmall boy first noticed the snakewound around the cat's neck. A truckproceeding down Main street, Butler,hit the combatants and the cat wasseriously injured when the wheelsran across its body. Paul Reardon, 13,of Bloomingdale, killed the snakewith a stick while it was still woundabout the cat's neck. It Is thoughtthe cat first attacked the snake inthe woods nearby and the snake de-fended itself by fighting back.

Subscribe for the Rockaway Recordtoday. One dollar brings you fifty-two copies. Subscribe today.

Gathering f riend» from ncqrby ploces for portiot is delightfully pononal ond inexpensively telephone

Coll 18 rnile» for 15cj 24 miles for 20c » Anywhoro in Now Jorsoy O NEW JERSEY BEUIELCPHONE COMPANY

Denville UndenominationalChurch

All services held in the P. O. S. ofA. Hall.

Denville CommunityChurch

Joseph M. Blessing, PastorSunday: Tbe Church School will

Church school classes for all ages j meet in the church at 9:30 a. m..Sunday Morning at 9: SO. If you are lin charge of the Departmental Sup-not now attending a church schoolyou are Invltend to Join one of our

Competent teachers inclasses,charge.

erlntendents. Two new teacherswill assume classes in the Seniorand Young People's . Department.Mrs. Wesley DeBaun will resume her

Sunday Morning Worship Searvice I class after an absence of more thanat 10:45. Rev. Noah C. Oause will a year, due to illness; and Mr. Pagepreach. Solo number. Children'snumber.sermon followed by a selection sungby the Children's Chorus.

Sunday Evening Worship Serviceat 7:45. Rev. Oause will again oc-cupy the pulpit. Soloist, Miss Edith

W. Powell will take charge of theYoung Men's Bible Class.

At the morning worship serviceof the church, held at 10:45, thesoloist will be Mr. Warren Morgan,of Morris Plains. Mr, Morgan was


Cook. I with u s about a month ago, and hasThe Church Committee will serve! consented to return for this service,

a clam chowder supper Thursday I The pastor will preach on "Theevening, October 26 ln the Hall. I Christ of Every Life and All ol Ute."Committee in charge: Messrs. E. R.JThis will be the regular "MissionaryFreeman, 8. R. Sofleld and B. M. Day" service.Hunt. The Epworth League and Bible

The Ladies' Auxiliary is sponsor- [ Forum will meet at the church ating a Halloween party. Committee, 7.00 p. m.

At the evening worship service,

Manager R. K. Whit^?"'**of final Pontiac ^ ^ »*last ten days of sw, ft|»lxcveaiea an increase r ^over the same ten day : ; '>against increases of \L, *units respectively for'ih "second ten-day period „ , > •

"Pontiac, now the .. t<m

straight eiBht in th.trlbuting strongly tgrowing trend towardciign," saia M r W uha exceeded its lajjdate by more thai

in charge: Mrs. B. R. Sofield, Mrs.Arthur Wiedmiii) and Mrs. WilliamHardman.

A fine meeting of the Ladies' Aux-

Uiethe pastor will 'preach on "TheThree Ages of Christendom."

Monday: The third session of theiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Dover Leadership Training SchoolWilliam Hardman Monday evening, j will be held in the First Methodist. husband, IJi-'d-ntifir't*Nev: officers elected for another Episcopal Church in Driver, at 7:45,. I'l fa. fin Mile OJ ,'„,,year were: President, Mrs. Morti- 1). m. The registration was swelledmer Hunt, Vice-President, Mrs. Rob- by three additional enrollments last!

crt Ford; Secretary, Mrs. S. R. So-i week, briiiRing the total for this'

I t t t u r n u b l e IJf-r- ,t|, ^Sr,t|, ^


Held. The Auxiliary will liold a j school to 18.Hostess Covered Dish Supper in the j Tuesday:near future. Plans are also under Hociul willway for the Animal Minstrel Showof the Auxiliary. One new memberwas added Monday evening.

Indian Lake Club FetesIts Retiring President

The State Pish and Game Com-mission has given the Board of Di-rectors of the Indian Lake Club per-mission to lower the water in IndianLake from October 15 to December1 for the purpose of repairing prop-erty along the shore. This was an-nounced nt the annual meeting ofthe club held Friday night at theBerwick Hole). Newark, where a fare-well dinner was given for John En-stice of East Orange who is retiringas president of the club after servingin that capacity for two years. Thefollowing officers were elected: Pres-ident, Arthur H. Strickland; vice-president, John Murray; treasurer,Henry Gawel; secretary, Kenneth L.Morrison.

The Epworth Leaguehe held at the church

at !i:0(» p. in.Wednesday: Primary and Junior

Leagues meet, at 3:30 p. m., followedby the Children's Hour at 4:15. TheJunior Choir Rehearsal will be heldat 7:00 followed by the MidweekStudy Hour at 8:00 p. m., in chargeof the pastor.

Friday: The first of a series ofChurch Nights will be held at 8:00p. rn., There will be no chargewhatever, and everyone in the con-gregation—young or old—is cordial-ly invited to enjoy this evening offellowship with the other membersof the church and organizationswithin its scope.

Saturday: Cottage Prayer meetingat 8:00 p. m.

By viiruc-orih,. a i Jof Fieri Farias in m'iexpose for /-ale mthe Court I,UUM. inon Monday, tl.i- 9thnext, A. I)., OT


to, „, y

Mr. and Mrs. Edward'Hartman ofNewark and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wil-kins of Nutley were week-end guestsof Mr. and Mrs. David Snyder ofDenville Gardens.

t h e r e a r i , , ; ^ ^of 12M. and .', ,,'doek P M ,*to say at, 2 o'clock in Hl(, j * :

All the following tract or i».of and and premie h ^ ;particularly dc.-.rribea, situs!"tand Iwing Jn the Township 0[ iville, m the County o( M'M *State oi Nnv Jeisey.

BEING known and desltniw.Lots Numbered Seven Hu,i(Wi..Sixty-three n63i and 5evai £dred and sixty-four ciwi mp,"V" on a certain map entitled 'Mtof Southwest Shore, Indiiir, I *surveyed July, 1924, by PrederkkeSmith, C. E., Moiristown,N J isaid map was filed In ihe'fcCounty Clerk's Office on Sep'emV5, 1924, as Map No. C5G.

The approximate amount one jthis execution is $1,6131! fcSheril 's feet.

Dated Sept. 11, 1933.WILLIAM K, BEACH,

SherJA d v e r t i s e d in The Banner and t

Rockaway Record.P. P. $16.38

Hie WorldHEALTH—Valerie Lonceeler, fenlured In Educational Comeiici,keeps fit by drinking one teaspoonful

'of Bait in a pint of water each morn-ing. It keeps the body regular. TheMil loollipantu developed by theWorcester Sail Company tcepi herteeth gleaming.

' EXPLORATION—Captain Tcrrcncc KeouBh, olthe Steamship Bear, which will carry the SecondUyrd Antarctic Expedition to Little America. Because salads contain \iinmins A and D necessaryto keep men hcallhy and fit in cold .climes, five>ons of dchjdralcd vegetables and many gnllont.Ol mayonnaise were taken alone.

f f

BUSINESS —One industryis on the upanil up — dryi c e ; report*Lewis C.C li n mbcilin,manager 0 fthe 6olid ,cnrtin- 6c.lid.cnr. I ji . «•*• -*—-Lon ihovide diMHon of ll» lliclnjin AjIv.ili Co., largr^t m il < r. n! ilr > c Tonsaloi of dry ice in L. •>. »ill "-^' I w '000,000 poiinrK, hi- pn .In I

'MJDISM—KC\ w ,,, )onr, mmncn- editor ofthe Nudist Mapn/mr-, nl,out whom n'-torm hn̂ r..R<.lImho Dutch Rcformol church ,,f O.,MJnll. ^ j .Photo .how. the .-.poMlc of .n. , „, |,,. „,,,.„ ^ r


SAFETY—Fire nlorm inc.!in schools plajs jnimc nmlissues directions fur exit,Photo ehows W. C, Linil-»cv, fire nutharitv, <lcini>n-ttratlng rocch mibin lateacher. The ilc»ice, whichi> being inslnllcJ in innnvschools, was perfected iiythe Carrlnon [ ire Delect*In* Sytlem, ot Ticw YorkCity.

The first public iltnion-tlration of this 'Voice ofSn.fcly" flrc alnnn nmlpanic nvolilcr wns rerriktlygiven in Newark, IN. J.When fire Blurts in anypart of the building themechanism acts oil march-ing music and clgiiol ligtu,directing pcrtons to ihr•trecl. • It nlio rings anAlarm at the CIIJ'B firehcnOquartcrt.

Page 3: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1933/1933-10-12.pdfROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County', Namioi Weekly - Our Aim "A better community m which to live" XI.lV,No.l5


At Left—FrankMurphy, v<t*ranproperty m a n•xp*aln» Impor-tance of tirgt aid

Bill Cuhn i i n

o« «upervlior.

fo Keep Camera* Grinding IsFirst Commandment


a we u n l a y * wtien • «la/ couifL u uiortuciluD aun »rnv« «L me

, level»i uuurs mie rtiie dl . fc

l l ' t o in-pailenuy » .turtle co«Ul u m e n n e w "luducuun .cuea1 , muciiuE supervisor. *n<J

clio ellitleiicy us»e at last put anO to Die iiioaisai «pci«ime u«eu nanouuieo willi iludlua liensfflmievti » Outs, Hullywowi

re, dot* onyumig uy uaivtt «,«eleiac clDl'/U. "teeij Uit cameras

" l l l b cameras grind,11 colict-iui" seem impervious lo

i tat unii inwiuveiiituce. even iclln »lii!0 BCCKleiitB uuppeu.

•I,1 u ollcu a amiittf oi wourfetynmn t>°w nil cuncmuuO!:i'" i e "» '" w l l e n ul l l i l l ( 't<f

'o thie

jeein t !

occur" maim Vi E. 4. l-Jiuiaayniouiineul piolesfilonal man Herevluitos ueaieo many in Hie movieolons1 I'liiyeiB aeem »<> ">teut u«

Hen parts tlial when nilnoi accidents du occui wblle Ibe cameiusare grlmliMB. P»"> '•' o n> Bee""» l o

is lotall) eicluiled troiu ttie mindsoi iboso involved, due peitiaps to

mental concentration."I IB on location, ratuei Ihar In

(be studios ibui most ol ine minoi,uneiiiecled unsliapa OCCIII and noniUei wliero Hie production unlljoes, a first aid kit goes along('limb Murpliy. 'oi example, H Itran prupcrtj man ot I'ltfanj BIDJlos lias a tliBl aid tit ttiat has Ira

leil many itioiiBaiuls ol miles.Wheu the cameraB grind on loca

lion In rough and tunihle sequencesHe percentage ol cuts, bruises andsinoi abrasions Is apt to run (jiRhud the latest offerings ol sciencelo mortem first aid, such as red;ros5 gauzo and cotton, "zo" andDrybak adhesive piasters andband-aid speed bandages bm


Can Your Vegetables AndLaugh At Increasing Prices

| 7 VEN though ilia bard days of tbe |de[>reaaioD are over and things

appear to be on the upswing, wehave a lot of catering up to do,and economy should still be ourwatchword, nays Emily BanKs, cuUnary expert of the Worcester SaltCo,, the world'a oldest refiner ofpure salt.

If you've bad a vegetable garden,don't let any of it be wasted, Hornscanned vegetables are a great boonto the housekeeper (or busy winterdays when coal and light andclothes btile mount and mount.

The most modern and simplestmethod is by the steam pressurecooker. Here's how;

Prepare your vegetable as for or-dinary cooking. Boil five minuteswith water to cover, adding a tta-Hpooti of Worcester salt for cactiQuart, Process in (steam pressurecooker for forty minutes.

If you do not havo a pressurecooker, you can inanufaciutb a tiulj ! • " " ~ ~sUtute. Use your wash boU*.*r or]jar;;, filling thf:mother large kettle. IJuy a wit a rack j adnin^ a t.<-a:.poi>n of i-.u

-valcr and. . . . , - . . . . I. fur each

I 1 ! . * ! . l ° S<:t r a n s > ° r d e v l 9 e 5 0 r a f c )<Jnart. Put cuvcr on jart; I, at do notrack Inkind of faine Lottom tr> fit. ymir I; el-

I tie. Glasii jars Fihould s<"t- at lt-ai;t| a quarter of an inch off the botloni.I . Prtipare your M'j^Ublc'i as ful-! iows: litaach or tjcald lub>'r vt;(-e-j tables, thai i», pour toiling waterI oter viH',f:i!itjU ,̂ let fiUuul a min-! ute or two, drain, pour cold wateri over them. LH stand two minutcB.

Bkitis may now \m removedQuarter or dice vegetable, pack Into jars in K

clamp down li^lit, put, or.bfiiifM1. I'our in t-uf>uf;li r.tto form titcam and prevt:from '̂oinfi dry. Cover IK.well fitting novc-r. HriiiKboil and litn'ii boil in j ; forItemove cover of boiler, •of j.-irs down tight andcool. Repeat BI earning piSf;coii'l and a tliirU day,

Vital Facts ConcerningPublic Transportation

Nine different points are em-phasised in the transportation sur-vey made recently by th« UnitedSLates Chamber of Commerce. The.survey covered the country fromcoast to coast and the nine pointsbrought out are here reprinted bythe New Jersey Public UtilityInformation Committee, as fol-lows:

Public transportation 1H a neces-sity. AM existing forms ot trana-purtation should be unetl to thefullest extent. The public »houl/iaid in gutting the transportationcompanies back to a healthy finaj)-cial basis. Managements shouldbe encouraged ta u.'-e the mostmodern operating methods*. Taxi--cab rales should be put .,n a soundand paying basis. Franchise.-; forriia.is transportation should holdduring good behaviour <*f the hold-ing companies, Companies shouldbe relieverl of burdensome tax».̂ .Property benertcd by n-'W Iranrit.improvements should pay part ofthfir costs. Traifir: regulationsshould b(? mad*; fur the benefit ofall users uf publi': streets andpreference should b(-' giveri tin1


| One means of identifying a flock of

1 coots taking flight from the water

| is the characteristic patterning sound

| their feet produce upon the surface

and the wake they leave behind.

I For one dollar you may have the

: Rockaway Record delivered at your

' home every week for one year—fifty-

' two copies—less than two cents each,1 A necessity you cannot afford to da! without.

nt builerliler withwater toan hotir.

clamp lidallow to

Mos* of minor mishaps occur wherproduction unit is on location

into use foi quick and efincMve repairs. Many or Mie cow buy B (innot her p I a y ere w h o la It e i> a n 11>wesiern, wai ami other sconce (>'actlun are Dunied urown oy tlieCalUortua suu and lui Lfieli use &ewell aa ti)i general public use mtftert CniSB Piurtuc(B Division 01.lohiiBnn and JobnBOn. lareest manufacturora of Uret aid jmnlucla nat'levlseil uu ailheslve [IIHHIPI that isnot only waterproof but alao (e (liecolor of suntftn.

The average player titay carry arabblt'a fool or otbei cbarui toward on danger, bul when a product Ion unit goea or location, q [UBInid ktl la also carried aa benffrt inHiirance, for Iho fjiniRraa mu.st keer

! H. K. WATSON 11,1,

j Harry H. Watson, piesidejit of the :

I Liondale Bleach, Dyi* and Print

j Works is ill at the IJresent time at

; his home in Main street. Mr. Wat- i

I son's condition is not reported as',

! serious but it is necessary that, he :

I refrain from active work at the 1

1 Liondale for the next few days. I

he Irish Free State entertainment

will tie levied on horse races.If your visitors are only stylish that

makes up for a lot.


The Girl Scouts of Troop No. 1

'Daisy Troop) have adopted the fol-

lowing aims for the coming year:

1—More Second and First ClassScouts.

2—Respects for right of others dur-

ing Scout meetings.

3—Carrying of the Girl Scout laws

over into every-day living.

4—Enlargement of Troop's com-

munity activities.

Helen Tigar, President.

Nation's Eili For SmokeReduced by das as Fuel'Hit! eo.-it of Miiitke 1'j tliL' Amer-

ican public t v r ry year run.-, ittiuan amazing number ol dollar.s. InNew York i'iiy ahtie it i.s (•sti-maU'd that ^i,fiOl),0()D is >p;-i;t an-nually for cleaning hijiJ.liij^s. A<\<1to that the cost of ]t;|)aintin^ in-teriors, roj)laciti^ drajH-iies, duni-ago to plants and flowfr.-; and tohuman health, and the tulal i.istaggering.

But there ha* uecn a change forthe botter in thy last decade tvunthough conditions m-f still deplor-able. The increasing jiojuilarity ofKas as a fuel is bas''d on its clean-liness—for it is indisputably thecleanest heat that can be obtained.Whether used in tin; home, theoffice or the fai'iory, i;as heat tfivesoff no smoko and can be pipedfrom the plant or holder into thevery center uf the most populouscities.


Morris CountySavings Bank


The ONLY Savings Bank in Morris County

A MUTUAL Savings Bank

We have no stock-holders except our de-positors. All earnings belong to them, whichis the meaning of a MUTUAL, Savings Bank.

Interest Dividends Payable Quarterly


Assets Over $16,500,000.00

D O V E R ' S M E T K O V O L I T A N S" i' O IC I "



Oct. 13 -14

Here are several short, short stories that Pack long, long savings during

Dover's NRA Sale DaysTwo Great Bargain Days at The Crown, S. Friedland & Co



Men's all-woolzipper jacketsthat are north4.95





Worth 2.00



With' Shades





EVERY PURCHASER in ourstore has the opportunity towin valuable gifts now on dis-play in the Schwalb Tire Co.window at 32 VV. ISlackwell St.




They're famous blankets.Fine teasle - combed allwool yarns. Solid colors.Satin bindings, 72x81 inches.They're H-orth 6.95.


The Better Kind of



1.19They're new sets,and have an ad-justable beading, sothey can be hungIn any one of fourlengths, withoutsewing. Regular 1.49.

Get Your New HatFREE

when you buy one of

these new fall


Sale Days




»"* 1ahS" y°i? 8et 0Iie ot

h»"i-i£i«h A ts y o u *« 'W»d iSt, E4 materials . . .k«j ' J " a l«ay« look wellUUoiin. Pr«s»—mateilals

Men's 55c Necktieswill be

35c3 for 1.00

1.55 Shirts


llrand new patterns, lustarrived! Many have thonew rounded cull andstarched collar. Too —tlicrc arc plain broadclothIn white, tan, ercy andb l u c _ collar attached.N,"kl>and styles In whiteand strl|>ts.

(]lo\csRegular to 69c

49cSome arc pull-ons.Others snap at thewrist. The newbrowns and blackarc In favor tillsfall,

Heavy weight Turkish Towels in

today's mode . . . solid colors. Green,

gold, orchid, peach,





Regular 1.39


Pure sltlt undergarment:;—silk cre|»e—with line hand-run laces . . . inflesh and tea rose.Philippine ROUTI*- Hund-madp andhand embrolden-j, White, flesh, tearose. Sixes Hi ::ml 17. Regular IM.On sate at ?9c.










Boys' 2.98

Heavy Cloth




"Bell"Blouses and

Junior Shirts

65cToday's Value


They're lined and rein-

forced. They have elastic-

knit bottoms. Sizes 3 to

IS. Today's prlca, 1.98.

Stockings2 pr. for 1.35Pure Silk . . . Gor-dons, that lie JiavfHad set asldo forsome time. \ t to-day's'niarket tlu-y'rcnorth l.dl).


for Tola

3 to 6





2.59Two sweaters !* short - sleeveilipover and :*long-sleeve coat.Fine grade of/urns. Brown,navy, wine, red,green, rust andjrange — andit) me two-cotori o in b t n atluns.SIZPK 34 to 10.[tegular 2.98.

Wool Scarfs—that we purchased monthsand months ago in order to sell them atthis low price. Snappy checks andplaids. Just the complement for thatnew fall sports outfit—5!>c.

38-42 W. Blackwell St.

2 5 t h Y E A R O F R E L I A B I L I T Y

'phone Dover





Dresses . 3.94A sper-lal iircsFiitntlon ol

»>. rabbits' wool :md trivrl-rffa tttilll sports ilri'sst'.^ forHA kiiarhiiliaiit or business

NJV wear. Itosular l.'jr..

'Wk Dresses . 6.94I S 1'alllL- sllks-rouch ITPIWS,Kjaj sand rrc|)cs, satins andysg9 satin iiiniljliialinns — aiiflt « all sorts ol IIPW wools.JOj f Each onr or thi-sp Is a

i* ) Colors: IEf«l. ru s t , irrr-ens,

Marks'. Iti'Biil.u l.M M d8.M.

Sport CoatsSwagger Suits18.74

tallorrd with new slut-vr:ind sliouliiisr Lrcalnirnls, JBke them an air at classi-cal smartness. And tluiy'iwso sensible and wtirin, t«o.Made to sell for 22.MI.




1 /i //i

Page 4: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1933/1933-10-12.pdfROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County', Namioi Weekly - Our Aim "A better community m which to live" XI.lV,No.l5


Rockaway Record;er*-4 J^jst CK1K<- H'JVkuv-u; N, J


OhCAR PEER. Managing EditorHOSSIl K. KINNKY, Local editor

Telepliime Connections:Ofllrf 220 (M-M Dover I a n c j

Oflirf: MAIN ST.. ROCKAWAY. N. t

" i ~ i, ' n i n but if you haven't that dollar it i»;have you m*de arr^gements to ha« R o d ^ ^ y S e W W ! ̂ Ully impossible 10 *pend Out *rf-!a float in this great spectacle. A; « i r w « i » « ; , IUUUIJ u i~»» hllrrt-n«

- decorated float serves two purposes) -Continued From Page 1, lur. We didrit I t a * * * ? * £ :it is good advertising and H also! of the Borough of Rockaway and bilk and cow ui »»« " .demonstrates the fact that the in- that he was doing all wlthto to tad momy and plenty of it we didn t

I dividual or company sponsoring the ] power to make it a better commun- worry about the tut rat*, tne eiec-float are public spirited to the ex-ilty. At the opening of his speech, trie light rate, the gat rate or tne.tent that they are willing to do any-1 he said in part: , w»ter. rate, we simply paid the billthing to boost Rockaway. Register j To me unwillingly has fallen the when it came because money w«your float now with Erwin Rodda, task of attempting to explain and , there to meet it. But now we talKchairman of the committee in charge, j clarify this sewer project and to give of burden* of tax rate, of water

assured of a good position in you the desired information, so that rate*, of electric light rate* and wethe parade.


Howard A. KesterSpeaks at M. E. Church

Speaking at the Methodist ChurchWednesday evening, Mr. Howard A.Kester of the Fellowship of Recon-ciliation, held his audience fascin-ated while he relentlessly diagnosedthe evils which are eating at life to-day. "Civilization today is governedby the rule of the jungle—he who Isstrongest survives." Mr, Kester said,no one could be unconcerned as pic-ture after picture was drawn of in-tense suffering in all pails of thecountry: ami us the speaker pointedout the ways in which private in-terests, for the sake of profils. do nothesitate to bring .sulIcruiK uponwhole mttion.v W'- have the inuni-tion.s manufacturers of Hit: world tnthank for the present disturbancein tin1 Near Mast: iiml for Hie con-flict in .South America I lie liisl yearand a half. "'**

Then- i.'r I'oiiii: on a world drifttoward fascism, which the speakerdescribed a:; .'in "all.ew»t on thepart of those who have to save what-ever is left lo stabilize ca.iiiiali.sm:in which the exploitation of themasses will continue and we will con- itiniie to exist in l.hi;. jungle we callcivilization and in which privateproperty and pjolH:; are pit! first, be-fore human personality.

Next week's feature- a moving pic- |t.ure, "Behind the .Scenes in the Ma- Ichine Age" will set forth in vividfashion some of the ways in whichhuman life is brim: wasted in in-dustry today.

First Presbyterian ChurchEldred C. Kuizengu. Minister

Church School at 10 A. M.Morning Service at U:00. We

are happy to sec that with the re-turn of the fall weather, the churchattendance of Sunday morning In-creasing. Next Sunday morning weshall speak on "The' Coming of theKing". The early Christians greeteach other with the cry, "Maran-atha". This means the Lordcomcth.

Christian Endeavor Society nt6:30.

Young People are starting somevery line activities. Mrs. ArthurLlnce, Miss Mildred Lawrence, MissElizabeth Crampton will be discuss-ion leaders. The following officers

were recently elected, PresidentCatherine Crans, Vice-President,Orr, Ass't Secretary, Helen Tiger,and Treasurer, George Bronson.

Evening service at 7:30. Sub-ject "Give Us This Lay Our DallyBread./' Investments and Specu-lations, what Is right and what Iswrong.

Session will meet Friday evening,7:30 at the Manse.

The Missionary Society Is request-ing that all broken and old jewelryhe donated for their melting pot,"This Is to help them raise theirquota for the work on foreign fields.Contributions should be sent to Mrs.T. H. B. Davey and Mrs. GeorgeB. Wiggins.

Monday, October 23rd, will beVisitation and Donation Day at thePresbyterian Home, at Belvldere.The people of the church are In-vited to visit the home and anydonations of fruit, vegetables ormoney will be greatly appreciated

Methodist Episcopal ChurchWarren P. Sheen. Minister

Sunday; Church School at 10. LastSunday showed a fine increase inattendance. Let's keep It up.

Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Ser-mon by the Rev. Paul G. Dennis, dis-trict superintendent. Subject: "TheImperishable Values."

Senior Young Peoples' Group at6:30. Evening worship at 7:30. Ser-mon by the pastor: "Where the BlueBegins."

Tuesday: Girl Scout Troop meets.High School Young Peoples' Groupat 8 o'clock. A special Invitation isextended to those who have enteredhigh school this year.

Wednesday: The second in ourlorum series. The discussion grqupswill begin their meetings this week.The feature at 8:15 will be a movingpicture, "Behind the Scenes in theMachine Age."

Friday: Friendship Club meeting atS o'clock,


The time Is drawing near for RocU-away's big Halloween Parade to bestaged here Tuesday night, Oct. 31.As a business establishment, organi-zation or manufacturing concern.


The taxpayers of the Boroujhof Rockaway, at lost 400 atronf,united lant nirht at a publicmeeting in favorinf one of themost Important issues to evercome before the people of ourcommunity . . . a municipal sewersystem. This system will be con-structed in Rockauay throughthe aid of Federal funds provid-ed for the purpose. Columnscould be justly written in itsfavor. The idle will be given

you can intelligently and with an scrutinize each bill that comes to usopen mind draw your own conclu-! because the dollar isn't coming tosions. i us as it did in 29. Work has stop-

Very unfortunately and might fjped, industry as a whole has beensay rather unfairly so, petitions have i paralized, men are out of work, thebeen circulated about this town a»k- '< dollar 1» no longer in circulation anding people to sign their names to of necessity we have no surplus ofthem, thus voicing their objections j dollars to spend. But by the con-to the construction of a Municipal j struction of this project we willSewer System. 1 say unfairly so. j again be in a position to start cir-because this very meeting was called j dilating that dollar again and withby the Mayor and Council for the I the circulation of that dollar the'specific purpose of explaining anddiscussing this Sewer Project so that

spending power will again return ;and our bills promptly met. If we ;

the people would be in a better pos- j can create the circulation of moneyition to judge for themselves which j by means of useful work I can as-;

! course they would take and the least ] sur you that $2.60 or $2.80 each year •jobs, the unsanitary cesspools, | the sponsors of these petitions could i i« certainly not going to be a burden ! ;long an eye-sore to this uoroueh. | have done was to have waited un-1 on the shoulder of any one Individ-1 !will be forever eleminated, (lietaxpayers will not be burdenedby excessive taxation, the eom-mimity will benefit in gi'nrral,anil in fact there is no InKiciilargument (li.it can be presentediiKUimJ tills sptrmiki tmdntal;~inc.

The m<-s-*tin;; lust nifjht «asmint* than a innr «.\iHi-ssinlt i*tfuvuratilf- opinion on the miinioijjal M-wer svstitii. It served an-other in/ipose . . . fully as im-portant . . . that of dcmoiistrat-inir flic t a d that tlie taeiiavciTiof Itorkavvav have reached apoint where tlu-y realize theneei'iisity of fiointf forward iii-sU-iid M{ it'iiiaininir dormant andtrying to aliiite by tlie advice ofthose who are unable, or perhapswr should say unwilling, to ?raM>the idea that we are living in an-other generation. The adoptionof this wonderful plan to giveRockaway its much needed sewersystem was a magnificent ges-ture of true civic-inindedncssand patriotism on the part ofour citizens. In our humble waywe are proud to be a party tothis noble undertaking. We havealways supported the seweringissue. We have encountered con-siderable opposition and not alittle criticism but now we havereaped our reward . . . the con-solation of knowing1 that suchprominent citizens and taxpay-ers' as C. !-. Millard, Arthur W.Fox, E. Bertram Mott, HughHaddow and II. R. Watson shareour opinion in this matter as wellas many smaller taxpayers whosesupport is of most vital import-ance to this newspaper andwhose cooperation has alwaysbeen deeply appreciated.

Rockaway is going forward andno street corner gossip can fur-nish obstacles of sufficientstrength to block our path. We,as a community, arc doing noth-ing more or less than support-Ing the plans of the President ofthese United States In availingourselves of this golden oppor-tunity to install a municipalsewer system here with the as-sistance of the government. TheRockaway Record offers itsheartiest congratulations to everytaxpayer who favored this pro-ject last night. We believe ourmunicipal governing body, espe-cially the sewering committee,should be extended a vote of ap-preciation from the people ofthis community for its manyhours of hard work and effortin preparing to submit this issueto the public for consideration.Rockaway is going forward . . .Hail Rockaway!

! til after this meeting no that the j ual in this community. We a t least| people would then have been in a I are living In the hope that the de-betier ixjsition to decide on what ' pression will not exist forever,to do. Ah things now .stand. piuph

' have allowed their name:; to t'o on! record us iir:;nn.st the .sever when devoid of v/urk for the past year or iliicy knew nothim; about lln- pro- two, but it will also relieve this bor-1ji-ct, tnew nothing a'jtjii' I he mode oiiifli of the en/weiicy relief ac- j

.of liiiancm,". but iv lied upon the count which will average 5BO0 per;liiisl'-adili;. .stories as I old tht-m tloin month.









o! some of the. stories. "The Gov- opportu; eminent do.-s not intend to K'IV (his Ami bymunicipality any such Urnis; ;

| I'.ift »1 MY, of material and labor aieWhich according to our presrnl csti- ablij mate is $52,000.00." "Thai the CJII-

•n in f'eni-rai are not i :k-rlole, all they ask is an

i.o earn a. decent living.• ro/isli \u tioii of Mich a

Ijioject. that, decent liviin: thataie looldn:: for will IJC mutlf, avail-

to them.We will never again have the op-

eosl jjortunity to construct this projectrate

.struction of this ;;ev;er will$200,000.00." "That the tax late at such a leasonaUe cost. If thiswill jump $4 to $5 over your present itnroiwh would never have to sewerrate." "That you are going to loose I would be the last to mention ityour house and. lot over tin: tremi.-n- at till:, time. There arc: some peopledou:> cost of this project." "That in this municipality who arc not ina man with a 50 foot lot will have lavor of the construction of a sewerto pay $150.00". Such are .some for these reasons. When their cess-uf the stories that are being clr- pool:; become filled up, In the wee

MOM. - Tl/KH— >oubi*SLIM HVHiMtHVHAA, in

"Her First Mate"

Miss Mills(Continued From Page 1)

She carried yellow roses' The otherbridesmaid, Miss Vivian Mills, worepink satin and blue accessories andcarried a combination bouquet ofpink and blue flowers. The groom,the best man, and the ushers, allwore dark blue clothes. Mrs. WilliamL. Mills, mother of the bride, wasdressed In brown, and Mrs. HerbertCollins of Morristown, mother of thegroom, was attired in a gown ofblack.

Following the wedding a reception,attended by 00 guests, was held inhonor of the bride and groom at theArrowhead Tavern at Denville.

The bride has always made herhome In Rockaway where ,^he at-tended and was graduated from thelocal high school. For some time shehas been engaged In teaching schoolat Mt. Tabor, The groom is a civilengineer and Is employed In Morris-town. The bride's father, William T.Mills, la clerk of the Rockaway Bor-ough Board of Education.

Following their return from a wed-ding trip by motor through New YorkState, Mr, and Mrs. Collins will moketheir home In Morristown.

Wednesday, Oct. 18, Rebekah curdparty at Odd Fellows Hall,

culated. ami little do 1 wonder thatpeople are against this project whenthey are told such preposterous lies.

I hope that by the close of thinmeeting I will have been able to atleast given you the true facts per-taining to this project, and that Iwill at least straighten out some ofthese distorted stories."

After reading the complete report,which was published in full In theRockaway Record last week and isavailable for inspection at our olflceat anytime. Councilman Lusardlcontinued:

"You people can readily under-stand that this committee could notsubmit a report on this project giv-ing the exact estimate of cost rightto the dollar without making a mi-nute survey, and to do that requiredmoney, and that is what we hadthe least of, so we did the next bestthing. We asked two of the mostoutstanding Sanitary Engineers inthe East if they would be kindenough to make a general surreyand submit their report as to costof construction, which they so kind-ly did. And to show you that thefigures I stated to. you are as nearlyright as Is humanly possible to getthem, there was only the differenceof $1000 in the two estimates andthe figures ran together throughoutthe whole plan. May I say that oneof the engineers who submitted anestimate had all the minute sur-veys and maps of this Borough dueto the fact that when' the JerseyCity trunk was constructed he sur-veyed this municipality for JerseyCity and his figures should have beennearly exact. So in regards to es-timates I am fully convinced thatthe figures stated are as nearly cor-rect as possible. Bear this in mindthroughout this discussion that theestimates given In this report areall maximum costs. In other wordsthe construction of the Sewer willpositively be within the boundsstated but we can assure you thaton final estimate the coat will bereduced. So much for that—

The amount of labor is the mostImportant part of this project asidefrom the sanitary aspect.

I wonder If we stop long enoughto grasp the significance of this partof It. Approximately 200 men Inthis Municipality going to work forpractically a year, each man earn-ing at least $15.00 per week with atotal weekly payroll or nearly $4000and this amount Is low because with-in that figure we have not takenInto consideration the skilled labor,that Is the foreman,. Inspectors, etc.

The proper figures would be near-ly $4500 per week.

Now everyone In thin town Is go-Ing to reap the benefit of that payroll and that some one Is going tobe none less than the butcher, gro-cer and business In general. Howunder the sun can we expect thelandlord and the taxpayer to meethis taxes if work is n9t.prcat.ed af-fording him tho opportunity of col-lecting money for his rents? Itsonly plain horse sense that If youhave a dollar you can spend a dollar

hours of tlie night they uncovertheir pool and simply ball out thecontents on their own property orsome one else's property with theresult that no expense Is ever In-curred in maintaining their cesspool.

Other people arc already connect-ed to the sewer and care nothingabout the other fellow, why shouldthey worry, their trouble:) as faras ccr.spoolu are concerned arc over.But. please let us for once talk Interms of the Borough of Rockawaya:; a whole and not In terms of In-dividuality if tlw; town Is to prog-ress it must be by means of thewhole rather than in part.

There are other people who willnever have trouble with there cess-pools because of a permanent out-let on some body else's property.

Now lets boll thin whole questiondown to this: What are the ad-vantages and what are the disad-vantages, and on that point let ussee which side overbalances theother.

Advantages:<A) Sanitary aspect which Is par-

amount In any community.(B) The economy of construction,<C> The employing of 260 men for

a period of a year with a weeklypayroll of $4000.

<E> Stimulation of business Ingeneral which will go toward thewelfare of all in this community.

<Pi Will be an added attractionfor people to consider Rockaway asa future home site and factory site.

<G) Will surely Increase the valueof real estate and the Increase willbe greater than the cost.

<H> Will save this borough $800per month for the unemployed.

Disadvantages:<A1 The only thing that I can

truthfully see that you could clans-Ify as a disadvantage if such youcould term It is the co.it to each tax-payer and I am sure that with theadvantages just stated $2.88 a yearsurely can't be a disadvantage toany citizen of his municipality whofeels nnd believes that the time hascome for us all to emerge from theflthy and unsanitary conditions ofthe cesspool Into the brighter andmore sanitary conditions of a sewer.

Waves of tremendous applausesounded through the auditorium atthe close of Councilman Lusardl'nspeech and although it war, early Inthe meeting It could easily be seenthat the crowd had been won overby Councilman Lusardi's open andfrank discussion and that the sew-ering plan was rapidly gaining fav-or,

The next speaker was C. C. Vcr-mule, of East Orange, who workedwith Mayor Clyde Potts, of Morris-town, when the two engineers madea tentative survey of the BoroughIn preparing the report that wasfiled with the Council on the newerproject by the committee. Mr. Vcr-mule, considered one of the out-standing engineers of the East andwho was consulting engineer forNewark on the Wanaque water pro-iMkjravejininteresting dencrlption

< Continued "oiirpaio~0)'

Prevention Week, Oct. 9Let's Also Make It Clean-Up Week

E. J. Matthews & SonsMain Street Phone 146 Rockaway

NOTICEEffective October 1, 193.1, interest will he credited on SIT-

Ings Accounts »l rate of 3% per annum, i rcditfil terni-anim!-ly, In compliance with refutation of tlie Federal R»«mHoard.

"Kefulation: No member bank nhall pay interest, accriilitafter October 31, 1933, on any time deposit or any vuittttwta t a rate In excew of three per cent per annum, compttniMseml-annually."




Complying with President Roosevelt's r*quest, the Beauty Shops of Dover and vicinity,wish to announce that they have unanimouslyadopted the code covering their profession.

Arrow Beauty Shop, 3 Bonth Sussex Hired, "over, ". y

Chippy's Beauty Salon, 38 W. Blacliwcll Street, Dover.Grace's Beauty Parlor, 68 N. SUMCX Hlrwt, »»vcr.Harriet Williams Beauty Shop, 0 Soutb Morris StIda's Beauty Salon, 50 E. Blachwell Mreet, I">verKatherlne's Beauty Shop, V/i E. Blackwcll Stri-i*. "»«'•Marcel Bhop, 53 Jackson Avenue, Itockawiiy.MIBS Martin Beauty Slioppe, 39 W. Blacltwcll Street, »««•Mayflower Beauty Salon, 12 E. Blacliwfll Street. Dover.

Unit of Morris County Hairdresser's . ^


Free Dancing and TurkeyAT THE


Music Furnished by "Ches" Rlanchtrf*Radio Entertainers

Page 5: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1933/1933-10-12.pdfROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County', Namioi Weekly - Our Aim "A better community m which to live" XI.lV,No.l5



(-.•iiiijoi). Jr., of Ann |

... .,,..«<; were in Newton, . : JII3BI(! a parade.

.„;,,. Thomas Hannon of','v, avenue are at AtUn-

,,, j Oscar Joluuon ofavenue entertained at.Ssuirday night..,,rie Decker 0/ Mfc. Hope

lfl. .tiiied in honor of her' la-! Saturday night.

«.,,; has returned from•y.,'c ii«: spent two day» vlslt-^ ,,,„„,. of his brother.

f,,l)u.s, Jr., a Senior atjl,gt whu recently visited his'here has returned to Yale., i i r v Beam of Rockaway ave-fo r WhHtaker, Calif., to visit

her-in-law, Horatio Beam.IWodorc Marshall of Mar-

, rtrweriiiK from a severe„, mtMtion in the eyes. Dr.,er is attenflinK her.


Rockaway Seweri Continued on Page l>

of hi*" work thus far in RockaWay

rrvsf»vor of ttie lewer pro)«ct both w | Weekly ForumPresident of ttv HMitt* B~..A —^President of the Health Board anda* an individual. AJS President ofthe Heath Board he described de- '

At RockawayA weekly forum dealing with



and cited numerous reasons why the i plorable conditions that had beenborough should install a municipal j called to his attention where cess %X°n ' " a CTian«'n« World"sewage system. He said that the | pools had over-flown cellars had l n m a t e d a t t h * Methodic Epieewers in hi* town had been installed! been filled with waste water and C h u r c h Wednesday a w l W]I1

45 years ago and they were good for ' health was seriously threatened As l°' ihK<i m ° r e W e d n * M j a y eveat lea*t 100 years. He aUo stated, an individual, he said he accepted THf " " ^ tW!" 7 : 3 ° Uj 8 : 1 0 "'t h a t t h e engineer ing plans to sewer I the repor t of the commi t t ee a s t r u e a*V0U*i Ui d l M J U A d " n <>'

Rockaway provided for increased j and that he believed all citizen* of f " t h o < ™ ' " a &***"* World," withpopulation four times over the pres- i the Borough should havf enough , J J o I i e p h l n e L MehaHey a:, theent population. Mr. Vermule crept pride and patriotism to see the Z>- tu'r, *"" ' E * t h i " k i n ( * Mission.."away from his subject for a momentto explain in an interesting mannerwhy he had a personal interest InRockaway. Brig. Gen. William

pride ana patriotism to see the jus-tification of the sewering project.

"I am in favor of it," he concludedand the crowd applauded

with Rev. v/arren P. Sheen, the pas-tor, as leader

A motion picture, "Behind theScenes in a. Machine Ai?e," will be

! C. h, Millard was the next speaker. Bhowh next Wednesday, October 18Wind*, of Revolutionary War fame,, In a voice that held the careful at- professor Norman Guy of Drew Uni-he said, is buried at the rear of thejention of the audience Mr. Millard : yerslty will speak October 25 onPresbyterian cemetery in Rockaway. told of the benefits his company -wha t Do We Mean by Capitalism,Oen. Winds, he said, commanded a ] would derive from the municipal j Socialism and Other Isms?'1 Rev.post on a plantation owned by his sewer and why he was in favor of I Dorr F. Diefendrjrf of h.'- Univer-

t the plan -W ld b d l d jy

great great grandfather in Plian-field during the war. On this ac-count, Mr. Vermule said, he has al-ways had an interest in Rockawayand always will have.

1 onthe plan. -We would be delighted j sjty will talk November 1 unto have this sewer Installed", hp,' Religion Make Any Difference?"said, "and we are most heartily infavor ol a sewer in Rockaway." Mr;Millard was loudly applauded as he

Edwin J. Matthews was the next | spoke his closing words.speaker. He said he had a1 petition j The next speaker was E. Bertram

Molt, Clerk ol Morris County, Itock-away taxpayer, and one of the most



liri(( h

an(: »>.. Btanley Tutt lc and(Jf [forth Arlington visited a t :

o.'cr the week-end.C. Kuizciwa a l l ( i

f.t.r<-F-t have re-of Chun


-.i:,it at Muskeeeon

,|1 lain/ iiii'l family tin mov-;

visitor in Rockj- ;

flrj .Vlil I " ' " ' ' l l l i ' flll'»'l>"'( ; l "

7 ; , * < • • ' • •

t.|t .loliri.-.oii- i;on of Mrs. An-j"jr,|]iison of Keilar avenue, irs |

il,i. World's I'ali' i t 'Jhl-f,.[)lv>i4arlvi: of the ''m:-

jlic Company.(.av;a7 H«:l)'*ali LodKe will holdid parly Oct. 18 at the ThreeTemple Plans have been com-for the annual masquerade

Halloween in Odd Fellows Hull.. senior King's Daughter Circlehold their annual meeting Fri-Oct. l'J, a l 3 : ! 0 o'clock in thebylerian Church. Election of of-

wlll take place and a socialwill follow.pasty sale will be held in themail 0' the Methodist Church,jesday, Oct. 18th. All orders re-al up to 10 o'clock. The Bale is

sponsored by the Ladles' Aidit/ of the church.

Oct. 15. at 3:30 (it Moontzlonist Church, Dover, Rev. Elder C.3iatman, evangelist healer, willth and heal to whom healing Isfed II they will come to thercti.

Miss Whisner'Continued on Pflfje

and tabulate the votes each weekIt Is due to this fact that the|nlltce finds It necessary to ellm-

all names that cannot get tenne votes to their credit. Allnames In the contest, of course,

|appear each week In the Rock-Record.

King und Queen Contest willilly close Wednesday, Oct. 25,lidnlght. All votes must be Inballot boxes before that hour.coupon In this paper entitles0 three votes for your choice'•H or Queen. Vote for only

[not for both. At the ballot boxes'• a penny In the envelopeSou will find near the boxes

the name of your selectionor Queen on the line pro^

'or the purpose on the enve-n the name In voting for the»ut use a separate envelope.

an vote for only one personone envelope and you must

r sufficient money In the envc-j'» cover the desired number of"hlch you request your favor-lolce to receive at the rate of:«it a vote. Business establlsh-*hcre the ballot boxes are dls-flll filadly Instruct you how"nil your confidence will be


Kl"«! and Queen will ride inMe at the BiRantlc Halloween

Tuesday niBht, Oct. 31.™ ilso lead the Grand March

le °*1 Fellows Hall where a"«» Ball will be hold imme-' "*wlni r the pnrade. Dressedmy costumes the King and™ 'it In state at the ball™ evening. They will be pho-

'"M "tin to make a long story™ King nnd Queen of Hal-"[ Rockaway this year will"" ^e posnlble honors that^om upon them by the,! a i v c y o u r 'avorlte your

' I w the lists:

I..,. 41311


, 18



The ca.t ot construction for 17mill's of sewers in the boroughof Roe.kaway will he approximate-ly tl!)S,9»».'J0. The fm- Kirmt of30 per cent of the i:(jr.t trom theUntcfl ,'jliile;; Oovernliii.lit. will

a m o u n t to $52,000 innkiiii: tin- m-l

I:(J;X hi t:int!:irurlUiti v> ! h f p ' o { i l ' -

of Itockaway. SH:i,(IB!i.riO. 'I'lieitnnual co'.t iiifludim: ihi '-rcj,iiiiikiiu; fund "to cure for tin:bond:; or debt to the coveriiincritiand all fjpi:i;tiinii "'^pi'n:.'::. of UH:•,;v.vi<-r will he aplirnximatdy s,]I,-B02.09. A.'; far a;; can be <](.-tcr-mined hy the committee u.\ thi.'il-iinr: a cftl>-,f:n v/itli the avej'as;":f)0 foot, lot with his home will heii.'i.';e.';sfd approximately SB.00 jii-ryear for 10 years; oi1 about $2,50for !J0 y<;arf; if that longer periodof time i.'i agreed upon to retirethe debt. This will be the cntin;co:;t for the construction of theMunicipal fiewer System. Fur-thermore, the Kovcrnmcnt Informsus, Itockaway will not have tocommence to pay either Interestor mi the. principal of th<: uov-ermnent'fi loan for a period ofthree years after the contract Isofficially adopted. The interestlate will be 4 per cent. Now canwe afford to recommend the con-tinuation of the present unsani-tary cesspool system of sewagedisposal In Rockuway and by sodoing pave the way for the StateBoard of Health to force us tosewer In the future at a tremen-dous cost . . . and the money willnot be forthcoming from the Unit-ed States government at 4 percent.

highly respected arid admired offi-

cials of tin' County.

Mr. Moii.1, lalK was brief but left

iiiithiui' to ije t;ue.v;cd at by the a u d -

icii'1'1. " ' t 'hr bf::,!. ar tnnnent I h a 1 *

lii-nrd." 11" :.a;d in closing, "is t h a t

v.i' V.'OM'I ba'.e to pay for thf-i- years .

J jnii '.'!-) V Ijearulv 111 tdvor ol tills

prnji-t-t" 'I'hc demons! rat ion 0! a p -

p l a u v civi-n Mr. Molt .'.liov.id j i laui-

iv I hut. many prl.'.f.n:, 111 (in- r rowd

•.'.'(•I e hipihlV pi>-a.V:d Irj iji-ai 111:

•.Mil- hiciily pleased 10 here I.

I- Y.i,Kill

WANTKll.-To jjIlt'mlhH UJ 0 muM-

t" Mcrll i , Hii/olel"""»• W. .) } ' . o

O I J 1 I 1 -


wlth several names attached of per-sons who could not see how Rock-away could afford a sewering sys-tem at this time. Mr. Matthewstouched on various matters which hesaid was of vital importance to thetaxpayers. He called attention tothe unpaid taxes of 1932 and also

'Continued on P;ti;e 11devei iiiiiiersoiiation keeps i|,e pro-i'l'am inoviiu' and his olfice hoy, Joi1

saves the day by sl»i;ini! Ihe smashnumber, "The Harlem inch .Step-pers."

InLe. iper;;ed throui;hout. the showare such sensational scenes a.r; theTiny Tot Parade, usini: 100 childrenfor the story hour. The Vested Choir,the Quartette, the Hill Billy Kraieand tlie .Stars1 and .Stripes Itevue.Each of these are outstiuidlni! num-bers and are deftly woven into theplot, so they become an actual partof the show.

"The World's All Itliiht" is a better costumed production than an.,that lias been fitsKed in this com-munity in a IOIIK time. A great manycostumes are used in this production.Many different songs are used in thefitajjiiu: of this production. You arcsure to cure your "blues" when yousee "The World's All Might." Wher-ever tbi.1; .show has been staged it hasbeen a sensational success and prom-ises to be the high spot of entertain-ment in Rockaway this season, Noone can afford to miss attending "TheWorld's All Right," on the 26th and27th. Watch for particulars In re-gard to the cast and other details.

Plain, practical,

busmcss-iiien . . .

- I hat tiedirector1,.

cribes our hoard of

These men v/eie chosen, notbecause their names would givea flaw; glamour to our Institu-tion, but rather for their ability,unselfishness and honesty Inrunning a building and loanassociation.

Our directors are thi; kind ofmen who know what $50 meansto Mary Jones, the schoolteacher, and what $350 meansto John .Smith, the machinist.

It is their sacred duty to.Kuard small sums in every waypossible ,0 promote and main-tain safety.

Rockaway Building& Loan Ass'n

(jeorge E. Fisher. Secretary


SAT. smd MOW Tl KS. and WKD.




Miss Lucy Burrows of Union streetand Miss Sarah Dalman of Doverhave returned from Georgia.

The annual supper of the HlbernlaMethodist Church will be held Sat-


dwelled briefly on the seriousness of urday, Oct. 21. Roast beef and porkthe local school problem. Mr. Mat- • will be served,'hews ;aicl that he had read thecommi t ee.-; , i«j<i i 'ti (hi; Rurkaivay

Record but In doing so he had nntseen any mention as to th? tost to!the Individual taxpayer If the sew-ering system was Instilled. 'Note:Ths cost referred to by Mr. Mat-thews apparently escaped his noticeinasmuch as the report was publish-ed In detail exactly as read at thismeeting).

William Richards, Jr., inquired thecost of connecting a house with thesewer lines and wanted to know Ifthe government would pay for thatpart of the work. He was told byVermule that the house owner wouldhave to pny It and It would costabout twenty cents a foot for thepipe.Other questions were asked at thispoint at the opposite side of theroom but were not audible to thepress due to the noisy conversationthat was taklm: place at the time.

The next speaker was Hugh Had-dow. Mr. Hnddow won high favorwith his listeners by his jovial man-ner of speaking when ho referredto conditions 50 years ago iind in-quired If anyone wanted to RO backto that age simply because it, wasgood enough for jthelr grandpar-ents. He stressed the Importance ofa sanitary sewage system citing hisown personnl experience In the ser-vice an an example. "There can beno question," Mr, Haddow said, "butwhat we need sewers here."

"Mr, Matthews refers to delin-quent taxes," Mr. Hnddow concluded,"and I agree with him but why methese taxes unpaid? Because themen hnvon't got work. Lets have alittle patriotism and lets get backof our government nnd say here'sthe labor for these men. If thatdon't help us pay taxes then nothingwill."

E. Arthur Fox. president of theRockaway Board of Health, spoke In

• " ' F R E E

Every Sat. EveningCLAM CHOWDER



Li. Snook"The Ideal Market"

Round Steak or Sirloin RoastPrime Rib RoastLean Plate BeefFresh Killed Fowl - 3 to 3'/2 Ib. aver.Home Made Sausage .....Smoked Cali HamsFall Leaf Asparagus TipsFall Leaf ApricotsRed SalmonJoy Boy Vegetable Soup(Jallon of VinegarIvory Flakes

1b. 28cIb. 19clb. 6cIb. 18clb.22cIb. 10c

can 21clarge can 19c

tall can 20ctall can He

39clarge package 21c



O. P. DICKERSONTelephone 307



Cheaper Than CoalBurns Range Oil - 8-9c gal.

ClearerNo ashes - - No dirt.

HotterMore heat than Coal.

Cooler KitchenTurn off when not in use.

Hits right in your kit-chen range, hot waterheater, parlor stoveor garage heater.We Install and Guarantce_HIn use and on display at our

store — dime in and letus show It to you




CouponThis Coupon Entitles You to Three Votes



QueenWrite the name of your selection for either King or

Queen opposite the title designated on the coupon. Vote foronly on* . . either the King or the Queen . . . but this coupondoes nut permit you to vote for more than one, The coupon,worth three votes, will appear in the Rockaway Record eachweek until tlfe close ol the contest. Extra papers always onsale at the Rockaway Record ofnee.

War and its epidemic of moneycraze is over. Forget it. Let's paint out theblues of depression and get back to normaltimes at normal prices.

WILLIAM H. MANNINGPractical Painter and Decorator

Many Years Experience in All Its BranchesBest of MATERIAL - WORKMANSHIP - KEFERENCE


But . . . when you do paint hire a practicalpainter not a street sweeper . . . it costs nomore.


Chief Chewey1 Continued on Page li

fire extinguisher in your home and

CARD OF THANKSWe wish to express our sincere

thanks to our many friends for theirmany kind favors, and expressions ofsympathy durini; tho recent illness

don't, hesitate to call your firemen ' and death of ray mother, Ella Hun-whenever you have Questions on fire j non Hunt, and especially to thosehazards nnd preventions. Fire, you j who sent [lowers mid donated theirshould remember, takes a toll of10,000 lives and $500,000,000 everyyear. Your life and your property de-pends on your firemen . . . help usto help you . . . Fire Prevention Week !

cars; Mr. George B. Whitham for thevery capable and sympathetic man-ner In which he handled the funeral,and the Rev. Joseph Hewetson forill he did for us.

Oct. 5 to 14. I Thomas J. Hannon and Family.

Page 6: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1933/1933-10-12.pdfROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County', Namioi Weekly - Our Aim "A better community m which to live" XI.lV,No.l5


Sheriff SelectsPanel of Jurors

Grand and Petit Juries Drawn forOctober Term of Morris


Church DedicationSermon Continues

Has Preached by the R*v. BarnabuKing to Presbyterians in

Year 1832


•DOCTRINE OP ATONEMENT"!, will be the subject of the Leason-Sei•- \Imon in all Churches of Christ, Scien-1tist, on Sunday. October 15. 1933. i

The Golden Text la: "All things jare of Ood, who hath reconciled us Ito himself by Jesus Christ, and hath jgiven to us the miatstry of reconcil-

III Corinthians 5:18).the cita ions which corn-

is the fol-

Morristown—October Urm grand I Editors note: This is the eighthand petit jury panels were drawn be- i of a series of installments relating i a t i o n -fore Common Pleas Judge Albert H. I the early history of the Presbyterian A n

Holland Tuesday of last week by j Church in Rockaway which was dedi- p r i s e

Sheriff William N. Beach and Jury j cated Sept. 6. 1832 This installment l o w i n g I r o m the Bible: 'Therefore!Commissioner George Richter. Two |continues with the sermon preached I,. „ . . w, ,„ m,H.i h a (« a npwlpanels of petit jurors were chosen Ut the dedication of the church bywith 175 persons selected. Court will iR c v - Barnabas King, then pastor ofopen October 10, with convening ofthe Grand Jury. The lists included:

Grand Jury: Mrs. Bertha Budd,Mt. Olive; Prank Brown, MadisonBorough; Clifford W. Emmons, Ches-ter Twp.;bury;

the church

"Mr. Carle was a popular preacher,and was instrumental in collecting arespectable congregation: but prob-

William M. Sequine. Rox- j ably did more to promote the tempo- | b y M a r y Baker Eddy: -The atone! ral than the spiritual interests of the

if any man be in Christ, he is a newcreature: old things ahe passed away:behold, al] things are become new"HI Corinthians 5:17).

The Lesson-Sermon also includesthe following passage from the Chris-tian Science textbook, "Science andHealth with Key to the Scriptures"

jment of Christ reconciles man toDeWayne Weaver, Morristown:Alvah M. Briant, Dover; Edward I church. At the commencement of his I Q ~ ; n Q t Q o d ^ m a n f o r t h e d l v i m |Camusat. Chatham Borough; Prank jministry, a church session was form-1 ̂ ^^^ ol Christ i s O o d a n d h o w 'E. Swain, E. Hanover Twp.; Manuel ;p d D a v l d Beaman. John Clark a n d j c ( m O o d p r o p i t l a t e Himself? Christ

Dominick Cos-[J»b Allen were chosen elders, and L T m t h w n l c h r e a c i ] e s I 1 0 . h i g h e r

. Cofley. Mr. Beaman was at the same t i m e l y ilselt r h e f o u n t a i n c a n r i s e

Sodano, Jr.. Butler:tanzo, Morristown: Patrick J.Chatham: William A. Closter, Flor- appointedham Park; Preston Burroughs. Madi-son; Edward Gilligen. Morris Twp.:Mrs. Louise Longstrcet. Montvillc;John H. Crane. Rockuwuy Borough:Palmer C. Dawson. Boomon: JohnGallagher. McniwUnvn; John C.Smith. Butler: John Treloar, Kox-bury: Jacob Allerir.itii. Binler: EmilRilk, Morristov.-n: Ai'ken Gn*or,Madison: James Anurev.:,. RandolphTwp.; Henry O. B:d:<-r Dover; Ehr-sell Dixoii. Boontoi.: Mis. LauraMarquard. Mint Hill; Geori'e T. Kel-lam. Roxbury: Nathaniel Dickeison,Denvilie: William G. Bade'.-ley, Chat-ham Borough: Mrs Elsie F RomainMorristown; Stephen Whitney. Jr.,Morristown: Mrs. Am.a Wechheck.Butler; Mrs. Helen Heator. ChathamBorough; Richard P. Ward. Dover.

Petit Jury (First Panel) Washing-ton, Amos AlpaUf?h. James B. Sar-gent; Randolph, Ivan Ford, StephenZipko; Chester, Mrs. Dora sturzen-egger; Jefferson, Mrs. Carrie VanOrden; Mt. Olive, William Diehl;Dover, David Jenkins, Mrs. CarolineK. Pope, Michael Mullen; Mine Hill,Nihcolas Drury, Mrs. Lena Paquette.Danna Oakes; Wharton, AlbertFapp; Rockaway, Louis Decker, nan-iel O'Brien,Trowbridge;George Lyons. John Kelly; Roxbury,

deacon. Afterwards Wil- j n o h l g h e r t h a n j [ s s o u r c ( .j

Christ,ham Ross. David Peer and David j T r u l h " c o u l d c o n cuiate no natureGuniques were chosen elders. During (above his own, derived from theMr. Carles ministry, a period of eight eternal Love. It was thereforeyears eleven persons were received (Christ's purpose to reconcile man toto the communion of the church on a o d n o t G o c i to man" (p. 18).examination: three were received bycertificate, and four were restored:who were not in regular standing. InApril. 1801. Mr. Carle was dismissed'v/ith a \i(iw to u setMr.'fiem i;i Con-,necticut. From that tii, tlie conure-'<faiion uas .supplied in part hy Pre.s-byi'-ry, utul sometimes by prearhersol other denominations, and some-times by preachers of si range, doc-trines, until October. 1807. Then yourpi'ey,<-nt p.'i.stoi". who was a licentiate

Seventh Day Adventist

"Ai'f- Better Times Cuminfi?" willbe ihc topic of Mudy at the eleveno'clock service given by S. II. Dicker-.son, the local elder.

Our lives influence tend either foror against a glorious future.

Sabbath School at U:45 a., m. willstudy health and temperance.

Tlie quarterly business session willbe held ut y p. m. Wednesday after

meeting.himself under tl • care of the NewYork Presbytery, commenced preach- j PrayerinK here half of the time for one jyear. He received a call from the A coupon entitling you to vote forcongregation to become their pastor, your favorite choice for either KingSeptember 25, 1808, and was or-1 or Queen of Hallowe'en will be founddained and installed in December fol- j elsewhere in this paper. Clip it out,lowine On careful inquiry it was follow instructions, and help yourfound that the church consisted of favorite receive this distinguishedthirty-five members at the time he title,


Better than a lettereach week and muchcheaper(To your friend or relative out of town . . . . The Rockaway

Record delivered every week at their door for one year for one

dollar . . . . more thorough, more interesting, and more prompt,

than the weekly letter.)

The Rockaway Record"A Better Weekly Newspaper"

commenced preaching; twelve ofwhom were widows, and only threeof the thirty-five now remain. Be-tween that time and September 9,

James May. Ailhur ! 1832> t h e r e h a v e b e e n a d d e d t 0 t h e

Rockaway Township j c n l " ' c h on examination. 479; on cer-tificate, 49; suspended, 17; entered

Mrs. Bertha Ward, Daniel Maniero. the ministry, 2; dismissed from otherSamuelSeals.

Petit Jury

T. Bryant. Mrs. Jeannette \ churches. 103; died, IT, removedwithout dismission- 26; now in com-munion, 331. Other men have labored.(Second Panel! Ran-

dalph, Howard Lawrence, Mrs. MaryBrotherton, Harry Cooper; Ml. Olive,Robert J. Stephens; Jefferson. Jo-seph Pittenger; Washington. Mrs.Margaret Miller; Mt. Arlington, Har-ry Lowerre; Dover, Russell Anderson,Thomas Griffin, Mrs. Sadie Petty;Wharton. F. Stanley Wellington, Jo-seph Kohler, Mrs. Florence Acker-son, Mrs. Louise Andrews; Mine Hill,John Yensea; Roxbury, Louis Pheifer,John Osmun, John Forsythe.

Third Order MeetingAt Rosary Shrine

(Special to Record)Sunday, Oct. 15 is the regular

meeting day lor the Third Order ofSt. Dominic at Rosary Shrine.

This meeting will follow imme-diately after the usual PilgrimageServices which take place at 3:30p. m. The Director has a very specialmessage for Tertiaries on that daya message that will be of keenest in-terest to those concerned. An un-usually large attendance is antici-pated.

An army doctor writes that Fili-pinos have no racial immunity as yetagainst tuberculosis, and deaths fromthat disease increase among them.


and we have entered into their la-bors. In reviewing the past, we seethat an important glory has beenshed around the former house. Itmay be said, this and that man wasborn here. It may be considered ashaving been the birthplace of manyiouls. Living waters have issued as

from the door of that house whichmay yet cause the dead to live. Afoundation is laid for the instructionof the rising generation. Many havecome forward as Sabbath Schoolteachers, and ahe communicating in-structions with commendable zeal tomore than 300 children. Some are onmissionary ground, among the lostsheep of the House of Israel; twoare employed in preaching the gospel;and three others are attending pre-paratory studies. Many have goneinto new settlements and are em-ployed in building up other churches.Surely the former house has been dgreat blessing. No property was everbetter invested than that which hasbeen spent in erecting it, and in fur-nishing it with the instituted meansof grace. Not one now regrets havingdone so much. No, if the contribu-tors were even lost .they would notregret that they had left so importanta means of preventing their posterity

from comingment.

to that place of tor-

Notice is hereby given that the Dis-trict Boards of Registry and Electionin and for the Borough of Rockawaywill sit between the hours of oneP. M. and nine P. M. (StandardTime) for registration purposes onTuesday, October 17, 1933, and finallyon Tuesday, November 7th, 1933, be-tween the,hours of seven A. M. andeight P. M. for the purpose of con-ducting a General Election forTwo Members of the General As-

sembly.County Clerk.One Member of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders (For Three Years).One Coroner.Mayor (For Two Years).Two Councilmen (For Three Years).

Voters may also register and voteon the day of the General Election,November 7, 1933.

Polling places and brief descriptionof Election Districts are as follows:

District No. 1—Russell Miller'sGarage, Stickle avenue, 100 feet offUnion street. District comprises allnorth and northeast of the countyline of the following streets: MottPlace from Rockaway River to Mapleavenue thence an air line to the cen-ter of Academy street to Boroughlimits.

District No. 2—Old Town Hall, cor-ner Wall and Church streets. Districtcomprises all west and southwest ofthe above described Rockaway River,Mott Place and Academy street.

District No. 3—Cuneo BrothersStore, East Main street. District com-prises nil East ol Rockaway River.

JAS. B, MAY., Clerk of the Borough of Rockaway.(October 12,1933)

Every state in the United Statesexcept New Mexico maintains underthe law public institutions for thecare of the sick. Some states havea hospital for every single county.


Notice is hereby given that theDistrict Boards of Registry and Elec-tion in and for the Township ofRockaway will sit between the hoursof one p. m. and nine p. m. (Stand-ard Time) for registration purposeson Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1933, and finallyon Tuesday, November 7th 1933, be-tween the hours of seven A. M. andeight P. M. for the purpose of con-ducting a General Election forTwo Members of the General As-

sembly.County Clerk.One Member of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders (For Three Years).One Coroner.One Assessor (For Three Years).One Townshin Committeeman (Por

Three Years).Voters may also register and vote

on the day of the General ElectionNovember 7, 1333.

Polling places and brief descriptionof Election Districts are as follows:

Western District—In the auditor'ilum of Public School House, situatedon the Dover-Mt. Hope road, at Mt,Hope.

Southern District—In Public Schooloil Dover-Mt. Hope road.

Northern District — At AbrahamHoffman's Store, Hlbernia.

P. J. HOWELL,Township Clerk,

(October 12,1933)

You'll believe what you seeand here it is





TWENTY-FIVE of our customers, bi lk .elected .1 random,have used this Automatic Gas Water Heater, operated bythermostat, at an average cost of 1,23 each per month, lotthe sai it coniumed . . .That i t a startling statement, but it iiproved by the 15 bi lk we published lait week and the 10more we add today.

Moreover these are not one month'i bills. We begantelling the Penfield Automatic Water Heater No. 30 inApri l under a $4.50 a month consumption suarjnUe, andin the tabulation below we have averaged the bills lot >n<full time these heaters have been in vie... We Kill con-tinue the $4.50 monthly guarantee because under the moitunfavorable circumstances the heater might burn that muchgas in supplying at 140 degrees the 1,080 g.llonsol w«t«which Is the minimum it wi l l furnish per month, but in «ctuilpractice, the average cost in 25 households, has been onl/$f .23 per month, a price almost anybody can well afford andprobably save money with. What doe. YOUR hot water «*r






Vint 19 bllU glvin Inloit WHIC'I advertisement

*16th Consumer . .17th Consumer . ,18th Consumer . .19th Consumer , .20th Consumer . ,

21 st Consumer 4,3522nd Consumer . . ,23rd Consumer , . .24th Consumer . . ,25th Consumer , . ,


ost of



$ . 6 7 ".23


$1.37 a Month





Column (1) at led Amcustomers average montmyg « bi l l before U.in3 I"Au tomat i c Gas WaUiHe.fer,(2)MOnlbly.v«;age after u . in 3 , ( )D»« 'ence between »he two,caused by using Ihe heater.

(**)This one saved amountshown, due to lower rat«

meJThelai l f iveWeameJ-.ThelailfiveWone size larser healer th«n

the No. 30.

Ask Your Cwn Plumber about this Automatic W a t o r Heator or A»k 0»

Page 7: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1933/1933-10-12.pdfROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County', Namioi Weekly - Our Aim "A better community m which to live" XI.lV,No.l5


a) High School^Opening Game

,way High School, with a

•"" ",!,' "ulsr first defeat of the

St. Cecilia'sBowling Notes

Bt. Cecilia'i Holy Name team de-feaUd the Navy team of Lake Den-mark In three straight gam** jjuitweek. The Public Servtc* t*am willbe the

lu. .jcals did K00*1 i n t n *.*lr!t'y w ored one touchdown!,:aS,e. The game wa* played

•I-IV Field.

* L . p-uods of play whichmated by the Bernardsvllle

J" fourth P«iod opened up(V ready to do or die.

a fumble in midfleld thee(l i i,t ball down to the

jll(, j o u , yard line, only to.'toll «» d"w"6- Bernardnvillemuted out of danger the ball

on t)yt « yard stripe. The.gain carried the ball to the.d !(,„• only to lo«e It again.

),ne tin- Bimaidsvtlle kickoutid for "lily 20 yard*. Bock-ras not to I)'- denied. With ai'lnlr't" no Bpcrone heaved a,',, (|J fjrliii'i'lt. who scored for

jcal team Ihoui'ii KMilly out-„ played u remarkable gamewt(1|,lei,l.vof fight. They lost,,,i,n! the spirit was there to





Mai'Kcruni... Moscdfile


M, KeeficM. Ryan .


HE MlkoQB Hoirio.'iliowiikyHB Botlsta

..HB SeeFB Krause

13 0 13 0—260 0 0 0-- 6

Itutions: Bernardnvflle, Rlley,Oarrett, Itamaja/,, Crozelll,olsky, Palmer, Clla/iser, Bulsa-Rockaway, Clardl, Massel-Arnhclter, Leonard, Howcll,

•ee-Gray, Villa Nova.a, Lafayette.

Linesman Morrison.

I'stoMeetLivingstone TigersBunday at Liberty Field theay A. C. eriudcrs will meet aailed the Livingstone Tigers,me will be culled at 2:30.Livingstone aggregation haut reputation in and aroundand arc headed for what they

i "sticks" to get In some proc-he A. C's however have beenI diligently and Mike Oulii,ich, has been working the boysnd whipping them into greatMike predicts the A. C's willgame Sunday for their flrBt

the season,locals were disappointed lastwhen the Kearney Kresents

to appear for their scheduledThe fans, disappointed, also,ed to attend this coming gameA. C's were not a t fault Jn!-oMown team not showing

Johnny Gula. and Capt. Geo.announce that the followingMl represent the A. C's thisr. E. Holkmay, left end; 8.nd, left tackle; M. Chlpko, leftP. Flehter, center; J , Bctz,uart; G. Jayne, rioht tackle;lz, left end; G. Arkie, left halfP. Green, full back; C. Green,ill, back; L. Heath, quarter-

iollowlns reserves will also seeWigRlcr Kavallc, O. Hollo-

'p»t" Henderson, Ed Covert,*, Buddy Kuymond, L. Isher-

Oula annnunccd today that''• 5 the A. c'n will meet the•"• C, at Dover, on the Salem' This will be the big gam«

the locals.

Rogers Is "DoctorNull" in Latest Film

RoBers comes to the Play-"icatrc next week In MsMure tor F O X Film, "000-

' • If )s the screen presi.ma-the famowi novel by Ji\me»wz2cn«, "The Last Mam,"

:llcr Wd recent Book-of-the-1 Wwtlon.

story concerns a physician°T t o w n who, in addition toW]jis to the health of the

W. acts an Its unofficial

Oct. 5 -

. Cromlen ...., Kepler

J. PapleckM. McCabe ....

Reese MS 120 128T. Burrows 83 110 114J. Martlh 118 113 118Fr. J. Hewetson ...112 112 108J. Gallagher 144 133 180

616 588 648

Oct. 7 — No. 3 VH. No, 8No. 3

. Smith 173 lflfl 137E. Glnder 12S 125 126J. KJely 118 142 108T. Chlraella 156 135 103G. Gallagher 13fi lf!7 Kill

wnfessor, N o n e 0 ,

escapes him.theHe

' Inner life of every one"habitau B u t , t b n o t M

1 ^at he finds h l m s o U , n t e r .'" w private lives of thelom * '" " n i e I I o w gentlemanInJ"erwnc"» reactions, ore

eetln« Wt of human docu.

T " ^ * " n o t p r c 6 e n tu"6 chariK'tn* TII._ i,,tcof the Ro

with manyof its k i n d .


ke StateRogers screen


l*arn, mtmbr.n o[ th« Dover

thl« week.Lta«u«:

Oct. 2-

. HeweUon

- 5 and 7 TeamNo. &





Rockaway TeamIn Dover Loop

"Dtt:" Mult'c, Rrx:k»Wity bowling •

city1<>rrw:r)y 'it t h t L

now UippllriK the pin* in!pptheir cM futhloned way. Tin: lenmenare pluyed al (he r(/)yal Arcanumalley*. "Lx*" ulso watitu it, known'that hir can still pick > m , he railing',the turn that th* oiant* would win!four (.tralKtil i

Next Monday nlifht th* Ro<:kaw&y:Umn mueth Cook'* Laundry. j


80 M. Keller




. YuieeckoChewey ...Chfrwey .


Norman127: Buchanan164 11. Oreen1261401411

October 2ndimiCULKH





104147 !164!16B

HM 843 j



No. 4170

. UiU173145125



704 ]

133144 j141 ;8mlth120 Itudlrifsky

»lhHMITH'H Oil Ci


769 77» 6(13

No. 2 v«. No. 6No, 2



133I l l




GulaCheweyNormiinBuchananII. Green

J. Ryan 160 171 170

767 790 660

147l f ,K


















171 jJ03100!105 i177

.. . i

020 I


fi l l ' ,






Nation's Tobacco BillExceeds Annual Costof Electricity in HomeIV(,l*l,Iy t t i i r* a i r no twr, jri-

tluttrii-r. in tin- l.'mlwl Stati-Bthat , in .point ,,f ,iuirihiT« i,[<uf.U,m<n, miTnl t h e e l e c t t i e

liKlit bn'l jiiiner iruluHtry anilIfii; U>),uu;, nuliKti/. At the endof 1!)8U I h i r e w e r e l!),Mf,,54&

tlhmiftit: 1-b'Hnt ru-.Uimrn inDm i v i u n t r y . ilucir.jf VMZ t h e

l f

W.i.VM.W- I.H'I.K awl thtM»l«t tit I'lyans n f f f i l c d4,'.n.fl.lllfi,7r>4.

Allll liIMr (K thf- IJttlJI Ll'llll!

c o n l n m ! , riitmrku t he N e w J e r -sey I'i;l,!;.': U t i l i t y li.fi.j n ia t jonCommittee. At ton rente upack for the ni;nretten and livt-r<Tii» K d i fur Hi., r i i- i ir i ' , t h enation la^t year t pent, morethan |77'!,77.'i,OOO for tobacco,not ini'luilmK >irmkinland chew-iri|/ Uiliiiero. Hut tlm totalamount t pent foi' ilome^tie tint*of r l i i ' t r i n ty liy the mil ion lant>(iir wfm tW(l,l!)!P,70O, which inJ!)0,()fl(i,()OO l-t". I him war. f | , rntlor tol,licr-o.

ifomOttrEnivfflerAucu»t Thursday. April 14, 1927

Bill Hbrriktm wa* 68 lakt ThutMlay. In many towns a preiruum is paidI on LthiKh Coal. In E<K;kaway. ourdealer, oniy ch&rw.h you the priceusually disked for other coal.

I Bardool liiwn imrtihh at 6 aarc fafihiomiUe.

PhilllpHburK bicyclists will hold a Bprlnn i.s well under way now, a*parade on Friday. ! w e noticed O. P. Dicktrson'n Radio

. J and Electric Shop broademiting theThirty-three loU have been sold | n m baeeball game of the wanon on

In I.iondiilt Park thus far. |Tuesday

Orace piernon of Morrlntown ha s ' Dr c j Gaddi«, secretary of thebeen viniting Bud)« Bruen. ; American Osteopathlc Society, spoke

; ~ f to the student* Tuesday morning a t] Blcycli-m Bhould k t tp to the right Lincoln High School on "Playing theof the road. Never neglect this. | oame of Life."

Rockaway Hi ReadyFor Game Saturday

MaloneyMcNflHyBcottenO'LearyMcKenna ....


No. 8



735 71)2



631 750 723

High average for weekJ. Ryan no

High score for weekT. Chlarella 193


A final meeting In called by thepresident, Joseph Lcczko, of theLackawanna Bowling LCIIKUC, for to-night at Jack Rudlnuky'd bowling al-leys, Dover at 8:30 P. M. for the pur-pone of starting the LnckawunnnLeaeue of MorrlH and Hiwnex Coun-ties. Entries will be accepted.

from thi-lr dirlent nt thehandn of }if:i'iUi\'tinviUt: MH'.U llthtiti]

laiit Bitlurdiiy. the Mai'don imd Whitefootball machine of icickitwuy Ilinh,will danli with War.hliiKton HlKhSchool next flultirrtny afternoon ntLiberty Meld v/llli the urlm deter-minutlon to v/lu. Wkfililn^ton wonlf.fi flriit. i<amc of the /:eit/ion ln«tHitturday over Kiiutoti HlKh (ic.hool,of Eaiiton, I'II., and will nlve Korkn-way a fitlff Ijattli; Ihrounliout theafternoon. Couch (Jtephen Ilorwicoriald today that ht: wnfi not dlficotir-AKcd with llint Hiitill'duy'ii i.ettiack.The team uplrll. l/i runolrw al n IIIHIIpteh, Coach IIornHco nuld, and heIn convinced that the local elevenwill show openly of finht In thegame Saturday. Coach Hora/tcoplans to tttnrt the same lineup thatappeared In the Bcrnurdnvllle gnmcan all the player* cmerKed from thecontent without Injuries I t l« pos-sible, he added, ttmf. fliilllvmi willbe put back. In the line and tb.nlThompson will play a fullback de-fensive pooltlon. The firemen willhave charge of the game and ttlno/>uperv)»e the mile of tickets.

It In CNtlmalcd that over 1,000 ut-tended the Bernnrd/jvlU« (rnmo hero]n«t Saturday and another largecrowd In expected to be on handthin week to nupport the local eleven.

Try our Job printing departmentfor anything In printing at any time.

More Water AvailableWhen Waste is Reduced' ! } ,<


»,f l | , f . n i l I n - f*-r t\tU-i-f-r / ( i j i ( • ( ' ( ' " is I ' l l , , - ,my.

The resourced of the New Jer«ey D r . T heodore Coursen, aged 701 National Banks are 189,438,601.91. jyear», a llfeionx resident of Je«er«on

Township, died Monday from pneu-j Mr. and Mre. A. Q. Broadwell spent m o n ) a a l hlH h(me l n O a k R l d g e ^, Tuesday at Lake Denmark. ^^ htttn 111 a week

' Lulu BuliH of EriKlewood Is the, J o e areenberg, of the Denville|Kuei,t of her sinter, Mra. M. L. Hoag- |Shaek. has returned from his winter

l a I l t L Iroadstiind bunlneKs at Hlleah, Pla.,- - - - 1 and may now be found at the Shack

Jou.- Thompson i-pi-nt her vaca- ] ,„ JJMJVI]],., which u, preparing tolion with Bertha Gordon ut Luke • upr-n tor hiiiJiii'i/

iir. p n v n l f t y

, y : t iUuvi- f o n r i r l t l i i i t j . j i n -

i n t f , < ; m i l y ' . v i i y U, ii

fa i i l y JiiHJ ( I f i - ' i n i l l v nn<l to inn h e

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T\n- f l i n m i i i t i n n of v , ; i< i r , , ,nl

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p l y ic d u e nf t h e \>'\yycv.\ pK.blcrrni

thfit v / n t ' T foiii|tJtfii(T. h a v e t o r o u -

te ml v.'ilft, a n d n o u i i e n lini', t h e

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i - n i n j ' f)f Id ' - uf.c o f w a l ( T fo r Iry.i-

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f w p p l y f ivni lnr i lc f o r TifTf«nitl<?« o f

l i fe hi\K u i a in l i y i n c r c n w f l ,

New Jersey Prominentin Voice Communication

The State <>f New J e r w y ha»plnyeil a prouiiiii'nl. pur t in tliuileveliiprncnl of modern cornrniini-eation fneilitie^, Mmiy uf tlie rnoi'.tVHIIIHIIII- i:iin(rifiiitifMi!i to voiceeommiiriieation nn it now i;erventh i r ty nntiorm liave lieen evolvedIIIKI jif.M'fected here. Jiy incline oftiiif. rcfiffiirh work tiny I'lilmf-rihcrof liie Ni w Jeriu-y licll Telefiholii'(<if«|mny hn/t fiecn rfiahliij toohtiiifi c/inlnct will) juiinlfi in nl-rrKff.t tvfiy \mrt tit the civilized•world.

The find njmrt-tntve Irnnn-oreimlc cirrui t wan |mt into ime litDeal llcnch, Hbip-to-xhore rnillotelephone ncrvicc, nlno developedfit lJen] Heftfb, IN now providedfrom Ocean Gate. Netcong andI.awienccvillc are nln'> famoun uta-tionH, nnd Whippany IK noted,iimonK nt her thlnim, an the upotwhere nviatlon radio trlephanocommunication wan (kvebped.

Anuii Buck of Uovej i.poil. , ' juuduy

with t i l l : i : l e j , Mil:. Win. i i un l , J i . !


C u n n i n g l i i ' l d i K!, iiil o v e r Mollllj

j . lei . ' .ey ai•• i ui i i i lnH Jill) l i u n d c d , w i l l 1

lull, (il v.r i ik .

i M n ; . I 'Jtealji-lli H i n d of JJOVCJ upe i i t

it p o r l K m ol f j umlay w i t h h e r i o n1 W i l l i a m , l i e n .

J. Oriim, G. Hoacland, K. Oramand C, Beach have returned from aweek's outlriK at Orecn Pond.

Mr. and Mm. Molten of Newarkfipent Saturday and Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. Edward Diivcy.

The annual reunion of the Cranefamily will take place on Monday,Aug. 31, at Pine Brook Grove.

Have you voted for your King orQueen ln the big Halloween Celebra-tion to be ntaged here Tuesday night,Oct. 31, If not, why not? Vote nowand help your friend to win thecoveted title,

A bargain . . , one year's nubscrlp-tlon to the Rockuway Record for onedollar.

A prominent cycle dealer said thatthe only channe he expected to seeIn the 1807 wheel wan the cushionframe.

Mr. nnd Mrs, W. Williams and Miss jI He Willliims of Ntwiirk are vlsit-

Crninly Clerk E. B. Molt anilfamily.

Lust week n number of men werelaid o(I nt the Richard Mine at Hl-berrilH, and It looks as thouifh asmany more would receive the namefate.

deo. Stickle of our town, andHenry Mind of Dover are making aten days tour of Niagara Falls, Sara-toga, Thousand Islands, Torontoand Quebec.

The Kifrkiiwwk PrniueK.'iive Clubof ftoefiawii.y wlil hold fi covered dishliiiichi-nn In their room on Church:;tiret on We(lne:,(l(iy I'Venini/. PlentyIn cut lor all.

Monl'i County forest No. 2, TallCedars of U'biinon, held I heir Springceremonial ut MOOM; Hull, JJover, onMonduy evening. A eAui/.i of 25 fcap-UnKH were Inltliiteii, u noodly num-ber belnif from Koekaway. Did theyhave a good llmeV You bet!

The Easier moniliin i*rvlce of theMethodist ctiurcli will be ln chargeof Rev. Chuiles K. Hunt, the newpastor. The Busier tervicc will beginat 11 o'clock. An Busier service ofstory and BOIIK, "The Dawn Im-mortul," will be niven l)y the choirIn the evening.

A monster celebration and cere-monial will be held Thursday even-Inn ut Somcrvllle, liy Ho-ua-Bo For-est, Tall Cedars of Lebanon. MorrisCounty Forest hut; been Invited, andthe Rockawiiy members are urged toattend, fitreet parade;, initiation andii show. Don't inltiii It.

Miss Awies Bnyder and linymondPnlmer of Rockaway wereSaturday, April Oth. by Rev.Hubach of Dover at the MethodistChurch purnonaB'!. The bride is agranddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Redmond of Main street, Rocka-way. The newly married couple areliving with the bridegroom's par-ents.

There will be a bicycle carnival atPlalnfleld on the afternoon of Satur-day, September 5th, There will be 21prizes* aKgrcgatlng It Is said In value$1,000.

The Hunterdon County Bible So-ciety held its annual meeting at An-nandnlc on Tuesday.

Mrs. Mary H. Beach, wife of Clar-ence H. Beach of Main street, pass-ed away Saturday, April 9th' at theBeach homestcd. Mrs. Beach hadbeen III for several months. She wasfifty-five years of age. The funeralservices were held Wednesday after-noon at the house, conducted by theRev. E. Kulzenita of the PrcBbyterlanChurch. Burial was made ln theBench plot in the Presbyterian ceme-tery.

fREG'LAR FELLERS Puddinhead Is On The Defense By Gene Byrnes

> |H THE /ft //

Oul for Lunch, Perhaps By RING LAKDNERYOU KNOW ME, Al,DIO Vbu HPftf? / SORE.

(\K1YTMW G Of-- A I WUKJT CX/T To' l CWWCTtl. \ THEJ B t ) To set HIM


HE. W^S> ALLf?|«t-|T, I GOGS*.?.UfSMTUO To ULC: P

y U1ITM HIH— Hilt A M


lH / \





Page 8: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1933/1933-10-12.pdfROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County', Namioi Weekly - Our Aim "A better community m which to live" XI.lV,No.l5


DOVERDr. and Mrs. William F. Costello

cf W. Elackwell street are at Chicagowhere the Doctor is attending thesessions of the American College ofSurgeons. They will visit the Centurycf Progress Fair before their return.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glick ofJ.lase avenue are the proud parentsof a baby boy born last Saturday atihe Dover General Hospital. Mrs.Glick was formerly Miss Evelyn Flch-ter of Rockaway.


Mrs. William H. Rule of Loseytlreet is visiting her brother-in-lawand sister. Mr. and Mrs. HowardNiles in Orange.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Fine havemoved from Mt. Hope avenue toOrchard street.

The C. I. C. Class of the First M.E. Church were entertained last nightat the home of Mrs. Herbert Thorpe,€0 Berry street. The hostess was as-iisled by Mrs. Lloyd Whitesell andMrs, Arthur Treibk1.

Mrs. Martha A. Spared and daugh-ter Elizabeth of South Morris streetare spending the week with Mr. aridMrs, George K. Stephen.1- (if WestPhiladelphia.

Mrs. Nona Earlt and (jiitifiiti-rNona of West McFarlsui ctm't, ac-companied by Mr. and Mi^. HerbertSalmon of Nt'lcong, un; t'lijovhu; atrip to Williamsbtiri;. C'»ii!ida.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert II. Ely accom-panied by the former's father, Chns.K. Ely of Hinchman avenue are en-joying a motor trip to Chicago, wherethey will visit the Century of Prog-ress Fair.

,Dave Coctaran,Andrew KluskiejOgden Collins:Fred JamesJBIU Dyer|Hobert Swayze'Francis RaymondiFred StoneJ. Horasco

; Kenneth Stevens 6!Jack Epstein 5(Frank Chewey 3George Armstrong 3

jJoe Amato 2S Harold Collins 2iWm. Richards •. '*: 2Joe Lusardl - 2

'Dick Malone 1L, Snook 1

jHarold May 1JTom Baliman 1jJack Mutchler 1I QueensjMildred Whisner 842(Marguerite Crane 698iRose Donatoni 588j Marie Lusardi 562Millie Swayze - 86Nellie Vimdermark 35

] Anna Fenone 34I Hal si Walling 34Vivian Mills 26

i Miit jorie yayie 19

: Anna Auf!U(.t 18Jennie Collins 16

,Lucjt-tia Nichols 11iJune Kinney 9Nancy Floyd 8

i Gladys. Lattig 5I Beatrice Beck 4, Mildred Bradley 3j Beatrice Clark 3| Helen Collins 3\ Marian Schoffield 3Ruth Hall 2Dorothy Curtis - 2Betty Grower 2

And the shades of night were falline.The moon was in the sky,You don't have to tell tales out of

school.To be a regular guy.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Jenkins ofBaker avenue have returned fromtheir wedding trip to Washington, D.C, and various points of interest inthe South. Mrs. Jenkins was former-ly Miss Marion Phclps of Mine Hill.

Miss Ruth Hull has recovered froma recent illness.

Every state in the Union as wellas federal territory has a nationalguard 6r its equivalent.



No Admission Fee


Used Cars With An "O. K. That Counts"



StudebakerCoupe $245

AND MANY OTHERS FROM $35.00 UP(Ask About Our New Low G. M. A. C. Finance Plan)


Telephone 133 Rockaway, N. J.




or "Awake"

All Branches of Dentistry Practiced at Extremely Loir PricesPLATES THAT FIT AND LOOK NATURAL

Broken Piates Repaired Loose Plates Kf lined to Fit T/ffhttyTel. Morrlstown

4—429177 Park place

DENTIST .Except Tucs.

and I'll.9 a. m. to 6 p. m.

Free ExaminationsVou may be sure t h a t Dr. Fcrell Plate will be as comfortable as It

In life llhc In appearance

Morrlstown, N. J . I- Next to Lyons


No Appointments Necessary

Coal Prices are Advancing


Egg, StoveChestnutPea


STRAIT & FREEMAN COAL CO.Telephones: 216 and 12 Rockaway, N. J.

Rockaway Day by Day

Just don't know how to get startedthis week. My operatives (whatwould I do without 'em) have beenreporting plenty to the old master.For instance I am informed all abouta certain party (supposedly promi-nent business man) who would Rivehis right eye to see me put underwater lor Me, locked up with thekeys thrown away, or electrocuted ina chair filled with tacKs,. I-or hisbenefit allow mv to .say thai his al-titude just don't count in my opin-ion and if he h plaiijiinc <») spend-ing the cash that 1 hear ahout Iran)my operative h« miKht be intm-.'.tedto know that there i:rc- others whocan match his douch dollar fur dol-lar and when Hit- time arrives tho.sepersons will be present and lur'her-more they are real, honest, sincereand Christian people who believe inone of the first laws of mankind,"live and lot live." Not the kind who.camouflaged as lomethini; else, de-vote their time and effort in under

[mining a struggling individual, who.despite the fact that his opinion maydiffer on various questions from thatof others, is attemptine to earn anhonest living.

But why waste time on that blahpallies, let's get going:

It's Pire Prevention Week and re-member that it's better to prevent afire than put one out . . . Dr. Hubertintends to see more exciting hockeygames at the Garden this winter."Doc" comes from a country wherethey take their hockey seriously, be-lieve you me . . . Mr. Gerard has anew electric clock in his store . . .Ethel (Dcnville Herald) Boyd islearning to drive a car . . . R. N.Rowc has sold his paper route . . .The biccest thrill I get out of NewYork is getting back to Rockaway. . . So you don't care about mythrills, hey? . . . Two local grocerystores had a similar experience withthe same shoplifter last week . . .Preston Reed had another birthdayTuesday . . . Mrs. George Tonkin hasfound a Rockaway Record dated1896. She still reads the paper andI hope she enjoys it. Congrats Mrs.Tonkin, Congrats . . . The kids havediscovered a new wrinkle. They wavetheir hands at Public Service busesand when the bus stops they beatit. The drivers are all wise now andthe fad is dying a natural death . . .What is this about a new store locat-ing in the Rockaway House in theroom formerly occupied by the Ep-stein Confectionery Store . . . Whohedged on a fifty cent world seriesbet . . . Bowser Kinney will be oneyear old next month. Send the lada card . . . Lack of space preventedme from thanking you for your verykind letter last week, Mr. HughArcher of R. P. I., but Just the samewe are all appreciative . . . Next Sun-day Billy Coleman will complete 22years as a, resident of Rockaway . . .For the love of Mike pals, no matterhow sore you get, speak to the oldmaster anyway. Remember mates, hehides a big heart in his bosom!

icon, together with the remarkableexhibition displayed by the old mas-ter, more than assured defeat for theRockaway Record Rascals, as wehave been playfully called. Since thatbowling game the old master feelsas if he had been tackled by EmieSmith 'Southern California), Som-erfelt (Army), and clipped from be-hind by Ernie Nevers (Stanford), aswell as having Notre Dame gang upon me on the five yard line. Iflameness was water I'd own theocean. Joe Henderson rolled a clevercame for the newspaper laddies. Hethrew, what would be termed inSweden as a "yurnp ball" and what1 mean pullies it "yumped" down tljc-alley like a grasshopper. The nexttune Joe bowls the proprietor of theplace is nonig to place pillows at dif-ferent sections in the alley to savethe floor Irani ravine through. Op-dc-n ,S. Collins, just Jiijolhrr one oilho;,< tf-rron- from the Ror-Kaw»yRecord turiH d in un exhibition o?bowline that with lully as K'IOO a:,any fume ever bowied by LytiktPinkham, Kir Francis Drake, or Kilif!Looey the Thoid. "O|<|>:" did manageto score sufiick-mly to keep thescorckc'iier from i;oinp Ut i.lcep amifalling off the stool. I am too tnnd-e:;t to mention flic record establishedby the old master last Monday night.All 1 can say mates is that when 1am scheduled to bowl you had betterkeep your itid.s off the streets foryour Kttess is as t:ood as mine as towhere the ball will finally land afterI heave it. Remember, I am not re-sponsible for any debts contracted. . . I mean I am not responsible forany actions executed by any bowlingball after said ball has left myhands on said alleys and said . . .Blah! This chap named Rossi, anewcomer to the Rockaway RecordRascals, is a real he-man bowler andmake no mistake about that. Histotal for the three games looked likean automobile license number. Minewas about like my age, Joe Lusardi,that careless, carefree, unconcerned,disinterested bowler, delux (whateverthat means) has made good with theRockaway Record Rascals and it islikely that he will be signed to acontract before next week. Like theother bowlers on the team, Joe hasbeen swamped with offers to joinmany leading bowling clubs such asthe Internatinal CorrespondentSchool, the Home for the Aged andFeeble, the Institution of ArmlessWonders, the Alexander HamiltonInstitute, and hundreds of others.That will do Mr. Kinney . . . kindlytake your seat.

Now 'way down there In Dixiecomes word from Centre Collegewhere Chas. T. Nichols, son of Mr.and Mrs. Morris D. Nichols, 24 Kel-ler avenue, is a Freshman, that youngNichols has been appointed sportswriter on the "Cento" college publi-cation. Glancing: over a couple ofCharlie's yarns one is easily con-vinced that he Is capable of the job.Centre College, located at Danville,Kentucky, is one of the leading in-stitutions of education in the Southand Charley can feel proud of click-ing on the editorial staff of his paperin such a short period of time afterentering school.

To the extreme we will go 'way upNorth at Middlebury, Vermont, whereJack Steele has been making a namefor himself. Jack, according to anews flash' has been appointed as-sistant editor of the "Campus," apublication of Middlebury University.

Great going lads. Your progress isgood for the old master's eyes. Iwould appreciate copies of yourschool papers and don't forget thatthe Rockaway Record also appre-ciates your kind words and yourloyal spirit/ May you continue men,may you continue!

Just In case you haven't heardabout the calamity it might be men-tioned that the Kockaway Recordbowling team rolled its first game

I of the season Monday against theFour-One-Box Machine Makers. Theydidn't win. Fred Camp did much towin the victory that wasn't hod bynot showing up for the game. His

You are not interested, of course,but last week my grandfather ob-served his 89th birthday. A veteranof the Civil War, running away whenonly a small boy and joining theUnion forces as a drummer boy, heserved in plenty of battles. Promotedto a corporal in the cavalry . . . hehad a horse shot out from under him. . . was wounded in the leg . . . andswears to this day that General

Sherman was the greatest militaryleader the world has ever known. Ofcourse you are not interested in thisarticle, I wrote it for my grand-father . . . he will read the paper . . .and perhaps he will recall one ofhis grandchildren that has . . . andalways will . . . love him. I'll see younext summer Grandpa, don't forget!

"If you print any more jokes aboutScotchmen I shall cease borrowingyour paper," writes a fellow from Hi-bernla.

In a local store this week. Theprop had finally became disgustedafter showing his tiny customer anumber of different candies shemight buy for one cent.

"See here little girl," he blurted,"I can't spend all day showing youpenny candies. Do you want theearth with a little red fence around

| it for a cent?"'I don't know. Jet's see it?" was

the calm reply.

A good political story:John: "What do you think of the

two candidates?"Jack: "What do I think of them?

Well, when I look at 'em both I amgrateful that only one can be elect-ed."

And pals let me say this. If I hadthe ability to express myself likeCouncilman John J. Lusardi did atthat moss meeting last night I wouldhave all my creditors hiding in door-ways when they spotted me coming

jdown the street. As it is, and so beit with all of us, you and I arc thebirds that have to keep an alert eyeopen for an available doorway justin case. . .

Next week: "Rebecca of Sunny-brook Farm."


UNION FOOD STORhm MAIN ST., cor Beach St.. Kockaaay


w . bottle6 jars2

l lb. carton 1^1 6 °z. jar 15c

, ^ t ?" can 19c

>-1 size can \}?& H &. m bulk 2jc

. . r"fc. oc

reg. size cans Ifcl a r£est can lfo. Pgs. 2Sclarge pkji. \%

•' pounds Htpound llic

[/2 lb. bar 19C

*4ki-'tt- size can lfo

1 lb. pkg. ft•itkes 23c lb

2 lbs. 27C1>IF — 1 package regular size DIF Hand t leaner ftft

FREE with 'i Packages ><f

BABBITT'S LYKKAI>AI> OH.llro Hop Flavored MALT SVRUPDeo Jeney White Leghorn EGGSClcarview EGGS — SelectedSpecial Fancy Sliced BACON1

l'URE 1./IRI) From Tub, round 8c — 1

tan lit1(' «• ins I5i

«n 4it12 to tartan 3J(

donn !itI wo ' . , -U pk8s j],

Prices in effect from Oct. lUh Ui Oct. ISdi Inclusive


ROUND ROAST — Pound L jCHome Made SAUSAGE lh. 23cS h o u l d e r S p r i n g L a m b - 4-5 lb. aver. lb. 13cFRESH HAMBURG lb i&CHUCK STEAK lb \\FRESH FOWL - 4-4'/2 lb. aver. lb. \kFancy Roasting CHICKENS lb. 23cGRAPEFRUIT 6 for 25cS W E E T P O T A T O E S .4 lbs. 10c

Prices Effective Friday and Saturday

Business DirectoryGEO. B. WHITHAM

FUNERAL DIRECTORGuslav stobcr, J r . Licensed Lady

Licensed Ass't EmfealmerTuneral Home Branch Offlce1G Kcllar A l t . 33 Droadwaj

HocVaway, N. 3. Dcnville, N. i.Tel. Rockanav IS Tel. Rockanay 67

Absolutely no expense connectedwith the use of our Modern

Funeral Home

I N D I A N SPRING WATERAnalyzed as the Purcit Sfrlnl Wproduced. Taken from a Dollint W»More stimulating and rtlresMo!»»other waters.

GEOIIGE F. TONKMTelephone 2:5 RortoW



Wall Street Rockaway, N. J.


STOVE C O M P A N YWest Alain St. Rockanay, N. J .





Shop & Residence 268 W. Main St.Telephone 555 Roekiiway


AND BUILDER— lobbing a Specialty —

Shop: l l - l ] Manic M e .Residence: 141 Ilalscy Avc.

TEL. 46 ROCKAWAV, ft. 3-

At EPSTEIN'S"That Fine

Sunday Dinner"Wall Street Rockaway, N. J.

J . H . BLANCHAUD & Co.Manufacturers of

TtOCKAWAY HAND MADE AXE9Wltn or Without Handles

All Kinds of Edge Tools and LawnMowers Sharpened

[UNION STREET Phone Bocl-jnay 70

GEO. F. MORANFurniture Repaired


Church Si Rockaway, N. J.

J O S E P H DONOFRIOMoving — Truckhi



Fisher Can Save Von 20% onManuel Kates on Vmi

. AUTOMOBILE WSimAKCIThis Is an A No. 1 Stock CompW

(no liability;Example, Rate $41.00 l«* » «

J32.50 lor One Year's lnstra»«

Fisher Insurance A«j31 Wall St. Tel. 363 nockaM!,11



Phone Jlorluwaj » "ROUIE No. 6 ROCKMMf,


Why Not Call at

A. MEYERS0NSportlnf Goods -

Tel. 390-W

Qual l t ;CLEANING, !/•. - .

Tallorine I" AH « ' » » « 'New low I * "

Rockaway Reliable


Newark News, P " ^Star Eagle, l>« w«

makes his work stana •Guaranteed Work «i« ^

WILLIAMM e m b e r of N E ^ f j

T e l . 0 5 1 S " - -


