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ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION NEWS February 2015 Hello from Roland Evans, Chairman, Rocky Mountain Region When I was tested in as regional chairman, I was prepared for a bit of a slog: administrative work has never been my forte. Strangely, I find the job far more enjoyable and satisfying than I imagined—and it has forced me to reexamine my view of the purpose and possibilities of Subud. The latihan has always been the center of my life. Subud organization and all those oddly named committees have seemed somewhat unimportant, far out there on the periphery of my experience. It is essential for my well-being and growth to do latihan regularly, but that has been the extent of my Subud involvement. Now, six months in as chairman, I begin to see things differently. What if Subud is about much more than my own personal experience? What if it is also about cultivating love for others and making a difference in the world? Where better to start than in our local groups and in our region. Are our hearts big enough to accept each other as we are? Can we renew our intention to work together to make a difference? These are the questions that keep coming to me.
Page 1: ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION NEWSsubudrockymountain.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/RMR...ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION NEWS February 2015 Hello from Roland Evans, Chairman, Rocky Mountain Region


Hello from Roland Evans, Chairman, Rocky Mountain Region

When I was tested in as regional chairman, I was prepared for a bit of a slog: administrative work has never been my forte. Strangely, I find the job far more enjoyable and satisfying than I imagined—and it has forced me to reexamine my view of the purpose and possibilities of Subud. The latihan has always been the center of my life. Subud organization and all those oddly named committees have seemed somewhat unimportant, far out there on the periphery of my experience. It is essential for my well-being and growth to do latihan regularly, but that has been the extent of my Subud involvement. Now, six months in as chairman, I begin to see things differently. What if Subud is about much more than my own personal experience? What if it is also about cultivating love for others and making a difference in the world? Where better to start than in our local groups and in our region. Are our hearts big enough to accept each other as we are? Can we renew our intention to work together to make a difference? These are the questions that keep coming to me.

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Music . . . the Universal Language: David Schepps’ Recent Visit to Cuba

Long-time member of Subud Albuquerque, cellist David Schepps joined the University of New Mexico faculty in 1999 and has become prominent in the region’s rich musical life. He has played in the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival and Santa Fe Opera Orchestra, as concerto soloist with the Santa Fe Symphony, Chamber Orchestra of Albuquerque, and UNM Symphony. He has been a recitalist and chamber musician with prominent southwest musicians in concert series throughout the state and at UNM, and is a member of the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra. David has been a soloist and chamber musician for National Public Radio’s Performance Today show and Lincoln Center’s Bruno Walter Auditorium (NY) among other prominent venues, and is a member of the prestigious Grand Teton Music Festival in Jackson, Wyoming. He gave a concert/master class tour of Taiwan, replacing cello professor Alan Harris of the Eastman School of Music, and was a master class teacher at the Seventh American Cello Congress at Arizona State University. As a member of the internationally acclaimed American Sinfonietta Chamber Orchestra, David played in their Bellingham, Washington summer festival and was Assistant Principal for their European tour. The list goes on.

Following is an article in Alborada, the Cuban

newsletter, written by Laura Daranas.

During the two weeks following the Cuban National Congress, David Schepps, Subud member and Associate Professor at the Arizona State University of New Mexico, stayed in Havana. David has been a cello teacher for over 30 years and has made an impressive curriculum for himself. He speaks little Spanish but his Subud brothers and sisters helped him communicate, although David, by means of his affable nature and his desire to know and to be useful, soon knew how to make himself understood and got about pretty well on his own. He was also able to confirm an old truth: music is a universal language. David exchanged with other professional musicians from the Camerata Romeu (a female-only, very famous Cuban orchestra), with students from the Orquesta del ISA (the orchestra of the Cuban University of Arts), from the Lyceum Mozartiano (founded and supported by the Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg) and from the luthier shop in Old Havana. As a culmination to these experiences, several Subud members, summoned by David, attended a beautiful concert by the Orquesta del ISA in the

old chapel of San Felipe Neri, now a concert hall. David also participated in the community project led by Munirah in the Canal neighborhood. David worked until the last

minute, since only a few hours before taking the plane back to the States he played the cello for the kids of the “Hands, imagination and movement” workshop. This is a project led by the brother José Eduardo Yanes in the Retazos dance company headquarters in Old Havana and sponsored by Susila Dharma International through Marini, the Cuban Representative. It was a very beautiful experience for the kids and for the adults (Subud members and the parents present), which combined music, dance and visual arts. After a truly hectic couple of weeks, David went back to Albuquerque with a warm feeling in his heart towards Cuba. Before he left, he received an invitation from Eugenio Chávez, Coordinator of the Havana in Movement Festival to join the next edition of said festival, one of the most colorful and massively attended arts events in Old Havana, gathering more than a thousand participants from 20 countries. So, who knows, maybe David will sign on and we will have him here again in no time.

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Words from Bapak

[As for the nature of the desires Bapak is talking about] there are four kinds and this is how they work: the desire that causes a person to want to have power, want to be clever, want to win and want to be well-known, is the desire people usually call greed. Second, there is the desire that makes you want only to pursue something for your own gain, and causes you not to care about friends or other people. It also makes you want to ruin others, so that you yourself come out in front, or get a name. Moreover it makes you want to create trouble for other people, with the intention that you yourself will be happy forever. That desire is usually called ruthlessness. There is another desire; the one that makes you want things. You see an object like this and you want to have it. You see an object like that and you want to possess it. It also makes you follow only your desire to achieve what you want. It is the same when you want to become good at something or receive more quickly; it means that you want to progress faster than others. The fourth is the desire called the desire of wanting to do the right thing. It is the desire to give in, the desire to be simple and humble. And this desire is really useful for you, because although it is a desire, it is one that wants to be simple and wants very much to worship God in the right way. Of these four desires, the ones the low forces most often use and manipulate are the first three. The low forces almost never use the last one, the desire of wanting to do the right thing, because when that is in your heart you will mostly remember God’s greatness, and you will have faith in God. You will also feel compassion for your fellow beings. This arises by itself, so you feel the compassion to guide people who are stupid and to give to people who are poor. It would be appropriate and fitting if each of you would feel that way, because that is the kind of feeling you need to accord with what you receive in the latihan. For it is God’s will that you really love one another. Do not keep using the desire that wants to triumph over others because that could lead to divisions in the Subud group.

Talk #19 from "Bapak's Talks Volume 8", The Complete Recorded Talks Of Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo Copyright © 2007 the World Subud Association. All rights reserved.

The Rocky Mountain Region Council will meet next by phone on Sunday, February 8th at 5:30 pm. The Council is made up of our chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer, regional helpers, and all members who wish to be involved. We will be

deciding on the times and dates for our 2015 regional gatherings, so please help with your input. Join us by calling (605)475-4350, Access code 142-1582.

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Welcome to Our New Member, Trish Singelyn, Boulder

Patricia Singelyn, known to everyone as Trish, started life in Michigan. School years were spent in Catholic institutions until partway through college when she transferred to the University of Michigan. There she majored in painting with a minor in design. In addition she earned a Masters degree in art education, with which she taught art in elementary and middle schools for over 30 years. During this time she was married, had a wonderful son, and was divorced. When early retirement was offered to her, she took it. She moved away from Michigan to the small town of Yarnell in Arizona, where the artist in her blossomed, and she grew a lot. The move was a true turning point in her life. She transformed her house with mosaics on the walls, inside and out, and on sidewalks as well. For Trish this burst of expression was a joyful experience. And she loved the silence of the small town and the brilliance of the stars where there were no street lights. But then, in following her journey, it was time to move again. In March 2012 she went to Boulder and found Subud. Of course, it wasn’t quite so simple, and there were a couple reasons. One was medical, a need for a larger town with good hospitals and care. The other was that her teachers in a personal and spiritual growth community had settled there. In their readings they had discovered Subud. They found the practice so beautiful that they encouraged their students to join as well. Trish says that before she was using meditation and her love of nature to feel in touch with higher sources, but with Subud she feels the direct connection with God. Now, with the latihan, she has “conversations with God” and she gets clear answers or directions. There is clarity and what a beautiful experience! In a sense this experience was enhanced when she went to Puebla for the World Congress in August. She had no idea of the expanse of Subud in the world, parts of the organization that dealt with all aspects of life, culture, humanitarian and social. So now Trish is looking for a house in Longmont where she has already started making a place for herself in the world of art. She says that although she loves to travel and is always up for new adventures, she loves the people in the Boulder group and is ready to put down roots in Longmont.

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Kejiwaan Day in Albuquerque . . . transformative On Sunday January 18, the Albuquerque group hosted a kejiwaan day. In addition to 13 local members, 7 other members from the region attended, from as far away as Longmont, CO, Tucson and Flagstaff, along with Lianne Card and Marius Herald, National Helper Representatives (see next page) to the Rocky Mountain Region. Our time together began on Saturday with dinner at a neighborhood restaurant, graced with children from ages 6 to 15. We met on Sunday morning for breakfast at the home of Latisha and Salomon Chavez followed by an opening circle where members shared a little about themselves and their Subud experiences. Latihan and testing followed with a focus on our personal growth. We broke for lunch with food provided by the Albuquerque members; it was especially nice as several partners and friends joined us, including an applicant. Following lunch, we gathered once again in a circle to share our wishes for the rest of the afternoon. At this time, we felt tremendously grateful to be with one another. That afternoon, the testing centered on better understanding the nature of the RMR region and our centers, and how to meet their challenges and grow. Very meaningful testing also took place around understanding forgiveness and guidance around how we can communicate with one another in a surrendered state.

Mora MacCloud, Lianne Card Latisha Chavez and Victor Wuamett Almut Zieher and Halima Christy

Trish Singelyn and Micaela Siedel

Max Zieher with sons Marius Harold, Sofia Nicoletti, Simon Shima and Rohanna Muth Sepha and Alexi Lillea Wuamett and Victor Wuamett

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National Helper Representatives to the Rocky Mountain Region

Marius Harold

I was opened in Portland, Oregon, with my wife Hilda around the time the group bought the Subud house. We found a book on Subud in Juneau, Alaska, and that brought us to Portland. I served as a local helper and regional helper for Subud PNW Region a couple of times. A few times I was Vice Chair of the region. I have been very lucky and extremely grateful to have been able to do latihan for some years with my brothers and sisters in Subud. Very happy to serve when I can and I do dishes too.

“My visit to Albuquerque was wonderful. It was so great to see you all...old friends and new. There is that sense of comfort that I felt with you all that is becoming the hallmark of my experience in Subud. It is a tremendous sense of gratitude that I feel...gratitude that you all let me join you in the latihan and that everyone there has continued to be with me in latihan for all these years. I can't really express the deep feeling of security that you all gave me when I joined you...our common bond through the latihan... just such a miracle that I never would have imagined was possible when I started this journey years ago. Thank you again for your generous spirit and love. And the food...oh how delicious it was!”

Lianne Card I was opened in Montreal, Canada after reading Towards

Subud by J.P. Barker. My careers as a researcher, librarian, writer, editor, teacher and publisher have all been book-oriented except for being a waitress plus working in a mining office in Northern Ontario during college. Since moving to California in 1979, I served both in committee and helper roles including a stint as regional helper from 1997 to 2001. My husband Doug and I are now members of Subud Palo Alto. My varied and busy life balances afterschool care for grandson Isaiah (age 5) with several book and discussion groups and keeping a household running. Occasionally I write poetry, essays and memoir when I can steal time at a local café.

“It was a great privilege to participate in the recent kejiwaan gathering hosted by Subud Albuquerque Sunday, January 18th. Our time together began with members and their families and visitors enjoying a savory dinner Saturday night at the Norteno restaurant. Traditional red and green chili sauces and mole warmed our tastes and feelings. Salomon and Latisha Chavez graciously shared their home for the Sunday kejiwaan. After breakfast and coffee, we formed a circle with Salomon as facilitator. We shared brief bios of how we came to Subud. Simon Shima astounded us with details of his earliest Subud life as a young man in Tokyo more than 50 years ago. We spent the morning in latihan and testing. Beginning with questions about our connection to Almighty God and our inner selves, we then explored aspects of the Rocky Mountain region, the state of New Mexico, the nature of the forces in Albuquerque and how to work with these in the right way. We ended the morning receiving about potential in our individual groups and our roles in reaching that potential. We then broke for a sumptuous buffet lunch. The afternoon session included general testing about forgiveness as well as personal testing for those who requested it. Many members expressed their gratitude for feeling the strength of a larger latihan. There was consensus that what is needed for Albuquerque is to have a consistent, uplifting place to do simultaneous latihan. The next step is for everyone to be alert, aware and vigilant about finding a new venue. As Marius has expressed, we were deeply grateful and touched by the wide feelings of our time together.”

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About Our Rocky Mountain Regional Helpers

Salomon Rachel Ruslan Lawrence Joanna

Salomon Chavez I was opened in Subud Mexico in 1977, after Maemunah mentioned the name "Subud". I had been blessed all these years thanks to Almighty. Subud changed my life for good. I came to the U.S. thanks to an IT job offer in 1999, arriving in Washington D.C. in January 4th. Subud Washington gave me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people, among them my lovely wife Bonnie (Latisha). We have three girls: Amy (11 years old), Rosaline (9 years old) and Katherine (my step daughter, 20 years old). After moving for so many years around the country, due to my wife's military commitment, we decided to settle in Albuquerque, NM. Now I'm serving as a Regional Helper for the Rocky Mountain Region. May Almighty God bless us all. Rachael Amos I was opened in '72, am 72 years old and have been a helper since '82. I have long had a conflict between group life, its prospects and getting my "own stuff" done. I am a visual artist by inclination and education, and am still practicing. Although I have no children I appreciate my sister’s children and her grandchildren too. I hope that this group of regional helpers can be of benefit to individual people and groups. Reynold Ruslan Feldman Ruslan was opened in Chicago in 1961. At 21, he had just graduated from Yale with a B.A. in English. After getting his masters and doctorate in English, he went on to a career as an English professor, dean, and academic vice president. After retiring from higher education, Ruslan worked as a foundation consultant, professional fundraiser, nonprofit executive, high-school teacher, tutor, and editor. The author of nine books, he is currently working on a tenth: TERRANAUTICS 101--THE BASICS FOR NAVIGATING AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE. He has been a helper for over four decades, including regional helper in three other regions, and now the RMR. Ruslan served as a U.S. Committee Counselor, NA Zonal Counselor, Subud USA Treasurer, chair and treasurer of several groups as well as a regional chair, national and regional congress chair, and assistant translator of Bapak talks into English. In 2012 he and his wife, Cedar, were volunteer teachers at the Subud School (BCU) in Indonesia. He has been on the RMR Council for the last four years. Lawrence Pevec I was opened in Columbus, Ohio in 1969, and became a helper in Subud Denver in 1975. I lived in Albuquerque before and after my year at Wisma Subud in Cilandak, Indonesia. I went there for the 1971 World Congress and stayed for just under a year. Upon returning to Albuquerque, as Regional Chair, I helped organize a camping retreat where I met my future wife. We were married and moved to Denver shortly thereafter. We bought a house in Aurora, CO and started our family. In 1981 we were offered work in Vancouver, BC, so with four children and one on the way, we resettled in the Pacific Southwest. I returned to this region in 2005 because all but one of my children moved back to Colorado, were married, and starting families; all of them practice the latihan as well. I operate a small residential and commercial service business and practice various artistic activities as time allows. This is my first kick at the RH can so I have a lot to learn. I'm confident we will work together well with the Regional Organization and serve the membership well.

Joanna Dokson I was introduced to Subud by Vivana Brodey while doing a semester abroad in Spain, in 1974. In August of that year I was opened in NYC. Returning to college in Kentucky, I attended latihan in Cincinnati as often as possible, usually weekly. The following year I moved to Marin CA, worked at Dharma Trading and married Eli. I’ve been blessed to be a member of Subud LA, Santa Cruz and Bellingham/Skagit Valley in the Pacific NW before moving to our present location in Crestone in 1995 where we still live, to help with the Atalanta Project.

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From IBU Rahayu’s Recent Talk to Helpers . . . I encourage the helpers, as you carry out your spiritual duties, do not have doubts, but have faith that you are doing God’s work for humankind. But since that is so, in order that you will have a true content or spiritual weight, follow this latihan wherein it is God’s power that educates and accompanies you. As you perform your duties as helpers, you must be clean – do not use your position for anything that deviates from the advice that God has given. Remember, as you carry out your duties, as you live your lives in this world, our lives here are but a dream. It is indeed hard to be a helper. No helper – local, regional, all the way to the international helpers – can escape the fact that God witnesses what you do. For that reason we must truly surrender. To surrender does not mean that you do something special, but rather that you work within the limits of your capacity. The important thing is not to dirty the space within you where you worship God. As we know, God, God’s essence, is ever-present within human beings. It is called the Roh Ilofi. What we need, the basis we need to be able to attain the path that God wills, is that we must

get along with each other and we must be honest. And, since God decreed that we are human beings, fill your soul and body with human behaviour. Indeed this has been God’s will since the time of the prophets given that we are human beings: fill yourself with a human content.

Ibu Rahayu’s Talk to Helpers PAMULANG 1 November 2014. Recording 14 PAM 4 Final Translation by Raymond Lee. Copyright © 2014 by World Subud Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

We are hoping to add another Regional Helper

to the women’s dewan. Dear Sisters,

The Rocky Mountain Regional Helpers would love to add another woman helper to

our group. If any current helper has a feeling that this might be a good fit for them

over the next term, please contact one of us. We are happy to discuss our vision of

our roles and responsibilities to help you decide and encourage you to pretest with

your local helpers. If you are a regional member we can arrange testing. Thanks so

much for considering serving our region in this capacity.

Joanna Dokson, for the Regional Helpers

[email protected] or

Rachael Amos

[email protected]

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Rocky Mountain Young Folk

Jonathon holding Cousin Mykel, son

of Adine Wolfgang, and sitting with

Mom Glorijana Wolfgang

To the young people in the Rocky Mountain

Region and the parents of young people.

Hey everyone! I am writing to you because we are putting together a page dedicated to young people in the region. This page will include all kinds of projects such as art, photography, short stories, poems, photographs of your family and drawings. Or anything else! Please include a little bit about yourself and your age and send your submission to [email protected]. Thank you!

Jonathon Larki

Contributing Youth Editor

Chalk on cement drawing by Sepha and

Ragi Zehrer, 2008

C halk on

cement drawing

by Seph

a an

d ,


i Siede

l , done in


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Do You Buy Products through Amazon? If you buy products online through Amazon, you can help Subud USA. Instead of the usual amazon.com URL, you will use

the one for AmazonSmile: smile.amazon.com. The shopping experience is identical to amazon.com, the same

merchandise at the same cost, with the added benefit that the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your

purchase price to the charitable organization you select. When first visiting AmazonSmile, you are prompted to select a

charitable organization from their list. Please select Subud United States of America. Then proceed to make your

purchase. Other options are to click on the URL on the Subud USA website (http://smile.amazon.com/ch/95-2572582);

Subud USA is already selected. Or you could go to the Subud USA website (www.subudusa.org); AmazonSmile is on the

very top right hand side. Thank you. (Reprinted from the Subud USA Website)

From Cedar Barstow, Regional Vice-Chair Your Rocky Mountain Regional Committee is preparing a fundraising campaign that will be simple and

straightforward. The focus will be to inspire and encourage Subud members to make annual or monthly financial

pledges. Possibilities being considered include quarterly letters, silent auction at the RMR website, and small "gifts

or rewards" to be given to people who pledge. The details will be discussed and worked out at the February

Conference Call. Stay tuned.


Helpers’ Gathering in Sacramento

Welcoming All Helpers and Candidate Helpers

A special weekend gathering for Candidate Helpers and Group, Regional, National and International Helpers from throughout the United States (and beyond) will gather and learn with each other about our roles as Subud Helpers in Sacramento, March 6 – 8. This gathering is being hosted by Subud Sacramento and the USA National Helpers and California Regional Helpers. The international Helpers will be attending on their way back from their conclave in Indonesia. Time together will begin on Friday evening with dinner and latihan, and will continue through to Sunday afternoon. The meeting will take place in the community rooms of the Sacramento PBS station, KVIE at 2030 West El Camino Ave., Sacramento, CA 95833. A discount rate of $69 is being offered at the Best Western Sandman Hotel at

236 Jibboom Street (916) 443-6515. You can find more

information for the event and register at:


Newsletter Is Available in Print

You are encouraged to request a hard copy of the newsletter if you do not use a computer. We

are trying to reach everyone with this message, so please share it with anyone you know who

needs to receive the newsletter in the mail. You might even print out this issue and provide them

with a copy. We are currently mailing to those known members without email addresses.

Because of expense, the newsletter will only be mailed to those unable to access it online. You

can send requests to [email protected] or mail to Rohanna Muth, 3704 Ladera NW, #111, Albuquerque, NM 87120.

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Rocky Mountain Regional Gathering

At the next regional meeting to be held by phone at 5:30 p.m. on February 8, the Regional Council will hold further discussion to determine the location and dates for our next regional gathering. Crestone and Albuquerque are currently the potential venues under consideration. You are welcome to join the meeting by calling (605)475-4350, Access code 142-1582. Please join us and share your suggestions. You can also send in your comments to [email protected].

This is the second edition of the new Subud Rocky Mountain News. The newsletter is distributed electronically and is available in hard copy to those without computer access. It is also accessible on the website at http://subudrockymountain.org/. You are invited to send in your news, stories, spiritual experiences, creative pieces, center news and anything else you wish to share. And photos, especially photos! Send your submissions to [email protected] or mail to Rohanna Muth, 3704 Ladera NW, #111, Albuquerque, NM 87120.

Scarlet Gilia Fairy Trumpet

Subud Rocky Mountain Region News is a publication of the Subud Rocky Mountain Region (SRMR). Rohanna Muth is the Editor and Laura Lathrop is the Contributing Editor. The opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the Editors, Subud USA, Subud Rocky Mountain Region or those of its membership. Submissions, comments, questions about the newsletter or its editorial policy, as well as change of email or postal address, may be addressed to: [email protected] or mailed to Rohanna Muth, 3704 Ladera NW, #111, Albuquerque, NM 87120. SUBUD USA is a tax-exempt non-profit corporation under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible. The name Subud® and the Seven Circles Symbol are registered marks of the World Subud Association, Inc.

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Subud Rocky Mountain Region Roland Evans 948 North Street #5 Boulder, CO 80304
