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Church Services. SUNDAY, APRIL 9b». Woodcocks 11 a.m. Kaipaia Flats, 2.30p.m. St Oolumba'* 7 p.m. PBESBYTERIAN CHUKGH Rer Poole ReT Poole Rev. Poole ('Phone No. 49.) METHODIST OHTIRCH. Warkworth, 11 am. M* 9!" 1 Warkworth, 7 pm. ■■ Mr Miller Dome Valley, 11 a.m. Mr N. Phillips Pome Valley 7 p.m. Mr Phillips Mullet Point 2.30p.m Mr Moore Pakiri 11 a.m. ><«▼" Eichards Pakiri 8 p.m. K»t. Eichard* J>igh, 230 p.m. Ker. hichards WARKWORTH MAILS TIME TABLE. -Subject' to necessary alterations on and after 2«th Sept., mails will close at Wark- wvrth Post Office as under:— For Auckland, HelenßTille, Kaipara,. Flats and Stwamlandf* per coach on Tuesdays, .Thursday) and Saturdays, 11.30 a.m., and Fridays 8 ».m. k F«r Woodcecks on Tuesdays- and Thurs- d»ys, 11.25 a.m. F«r Leigh, Matakana,Big Omaka, Whan- gateau, Mullet Point and Lower Hatakana, Fridays, 1.80 p.m. For Waiwhiu on Tuesdays 10 a,m., and Fridays 1.30 p.m. For Pohuehue onFridays, 1.20 p.m. For Auckland Waiwera, and Mahurangi, per steamer half an hour before adrertised time of sailing, up to 5 p.m. If steamer Bailing alter 7 p.m.. or before 8 a.m. mails will close at 7 p.m. Registered letters and parcel mails close half »n hour before advertised time of clos- istr mail. .; - L. FLOWER, Postmaster. Warkworth, September 19th 1921. The Rodney and Otamatea Times Terms of Subscription—Twelve Shillings and Sixpence per annum, in advance. Advertisements received without the number of insertions being stated will be continued and charged for until ordered out, except in the case of announcements where the date con- veys the limit to the number of insertions. Casual advertisements are inserted at the rate of 4s per inch per insertion. Quotations for standing advertisements may be obtained on application. The rates are very, liberal. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Wednesday, April 5, 1922. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Archdeacon Hawkins will hold ser- vices at Christ Church, Warkworth, on Easter Sunday, 16th inst. A grand Catholic concert and dance will be held in the Town Hall at an early date—probably toward the end of April. Everything is being ar- ranged to make it a success, and per- formers of note new to the Wark- worth stage are to appear. The funds are in aid of debt on St. Joseph's, Warkworth. Prices for admission aie 28 6d for concert, and Is for the dance to follow. Mr and Mrs Tiplady paid a short visit to Warkworth last week. The N.B-8. Co. time-table has been revised, and appears in to-day's issue. are to have two boats a week in future to Warkworth. The bank premises have been smartened up by a much-needed coat of paint. The Education Board have just completed very necessary improve- ments at our local school. Mr J. Hanson,;:7the Board's builder, had chargeof the work, which was carried out to the entire satisfaction of the local sch00l committee. Mr Walter Chessum, of Waimiha (Main Trunk), has purchased Mr Just's property across the river, and will take possession shortly. The N.A. Farmers' Co.-op. negotiated the sale. A piece of 7ft. corrugated iron and a 3ft. 6in. in length of lining board with scrim and tape attached was nicked up on Mr John Wecb's farm (Weuh's Hill, on the road to Puhoi.) They v\ ere found on* the portion of the farm on the far side of the hill, and as there is a tall belt of pine trees along the top, the wreckage must have attained a high altitude ere coming to earth, and shows the force of the cy- clonic storm that wrought such dis- aster at Wellsford at the Martin^ homestead in Warkworth. There is no doubt that it was a portion of the latter's'house that the. materials had been torn from. Annual meeting of Rodney Agri- cultural Society in Library on Friday night for election of officers and com- mittee for ensuing year. The Eltham " Argus" is coutinu, ally hearing pf cases in which people holding mortgages on farming Sands are endeavouring to help those mort- gagors who have too heavy a load to pull through. In one case the interest has been reduced from 6 per cent, to 3 per cent., aud at the end of .a certain peiiod the position will again be re- viewed. The disruption of the telegraphic service by reason of last week's elec- tric storm has caused serious concern to the department. Advice received by the Whangarei Post Office officials, cays the Advocate, was to the effect that-the hr«»»k was one of the worst that had occurred lor some yearn The tangle of fractured poles and wires for some distance between Te Arai mid Warkworth presented a difficulty which the gang of employees found very hard to rectify. Mr M. H. Rodney, Big Omaha, has a 9 h.p. Tangye engine and boiler foi sal*. From Ist May next Messrs Warm and Henderson announce their inten- tion uf charging cash for all -work do&«. ,'-:^-r':; .. ■'■■: "'..... .;'.■■'■.■ ■:' ■■■..■: JE.ockey meeting: on' Friday; 'April 7th at'7.3o'p.m'., at Bridge House. The shooting season opens on Ist May. : St. Leon's Circus in Wark worth next Saturday. ' The boys who collected injurious bird's eggs for the Show may be in- terested i:i. a report from Hastings where a prize was offered for biggest collection of eggs of blackbirds, thrushes and minahs. The winning youth had a collection totalling 1145, aud the second entry totalled over 800. One would think that this ought to re- duce the bird census next year. - " There have been many tali stories told of the effects of the cyclone last week, one of the best being that on a certain farm on the outskirts of Warkworth, twenty-three cows were seen in the air at. once being lifted from one paddock to another ! The Wanganui sub-provincial exe- cutive of the Farmers' Union carried Ihe following resolution: "That the Government be asked to appoint a commission of business men to inquire into the present extremely unsuccess- ful working of the railways, especially as to excessive staffing and expendi- ture, and as to the fact that high rates of freight are driving the traffic on to the roads, thus, at the same time, de- creasing railway revenue and increas- ing the charges on county councils for the up-keep of roads," The snow scenes in " The Valley of Doubt," are probably the most beauti- ful ever shown on the screen. The extent of the 1 camera's art has rarely been more manifest than in this pro- duction. The spirit of the great snow country of the. North-West has been caught and will be accurately repro- duced, at the local picture theatre on Saturday evening next. For Bronchial Coughs, take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. LEIGH. (Our Own Correspondent.) CRICKET MATCH. A cricket match between Omaha and Matak ana wan played on Saturday, 25th March, at Whangateau Domain for the Rodney Challenge Cup, which resulted in a win for Matakana, the challenging team. The weather was all that could be desired, and great interest was taken in the game. Omaha has held the cup for several years, but on this occasion succumbed to the splendid bowling of J. Mat- thew, who took a wicket for less than 4 runs* and to the splendid fielding good generalship of Captain Knaggs. Now that the cup is held by another club perhaps-greater interest will be taken in cricket another season. . NEW GAME. A new indoor game has been. evol- ved by Mr ICE. Wyatt called «' Cannon." It is like hockey, played with hockey sticks and a football, goals being chalked on the floor each end of the hall. The game has 44 caught on," and is well patronised by-players and onlookers, ladies also taking part in the game. Music and .songs form a part of the evening's entertainment, finishing off with a plain supper. Meetings are held.in Leigh Hall every Thursday evening. The subscription for the season is very reasonaWe, the proceeds being for the benefit of the hall. CRICKET. The following team has been se- lected; to represent Rodney Cricket Association at Easter in matches for ,the Walker Saield, competed for by country elevens, and the Suburban Cricket Association of Auckland:—- A. Dunning, A. R. Dunning, W. Dun- ning, E. Wyatt, J. Torkington (Oma- ha), J. Matthew, D. Kmiggs (Mata- kana), E. Kenealy (Whangaripo), L. Scott: (Kaipara Flats), H. Langridge and A. J. Shepherd (Warkwoith.) Keeorves :—C.^ 0. Gubb (Kaipara Flats), Bell, senr. [ Whangaripo.) Anyone unable to make the trip will please notify Mr A ; J. Shepherd at thd earliest .opportunity. Matckesoommenoe on Good Friday, and continue "on Easter Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. RODNEY COUNTY COUNCIL. The ordinary monthly ■meeting, of the .Rodney-County Council was held' in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, March 21st, Cr. Morison in the chair. All Councillors were present except Cr. Thompson, from whom an apology was received. Accounts amounting to £1,757 6s 6d " wore passed for payment, the princi- pal item in this amount being: the half-yearly levy from the Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board which accounted for £1,098 5a 2d. Cr. Hooper wished to explain an item of £10 for replacing a temporary f bridge over the Araparera stream. This bridge had been put up by Mr Parker pending the erection of the permanent structure, plans for which had been under way for about 3 years. The temporary bridge was apparently well and firmly built, but a flood came and lifted one end and swung it down stream. As the matter was urgent Cr Hooper said he had got Parker and^ his team of bullocks to work and re- placed it.—Action approved, the chair- man remarking that Cr. Hooper had earned the thanks of the Council for his prompt action. Some time was spent in discussing the provisions of the Local Bodies' Finance Act. which provides that from the end of this financial year each local body will have. to keep its yearlj : ex* penditure within its yearly income,, that is, at the. and of the year it can have no more overdraft at the bank than th« amount of uncollected fates. Provision is made for" paying off pre- pent overdraft by special loan, covered by special rate. It was estimated that ';' the County overdraft at the end of the year (March 31st.), would be about £5,500, and if a loan were raised at 5| per cent, to pay this off it would - mean a special rate over all the County of £d in the £ on the unimproved value.—Decision ai to actual procedure was held over to next meeting. Correspondence was read from :— Auckland Hospital Board, stating that Nurse Wilson was to remain at Wellsford under the Board. Also, in reference *to medical man at Wark- worth hospital, that Board could not appoint a man, but would subsidise if a man could be induced to come. From Minister of Internal Affairs, notifying that special relief work* were exempt from paying award rates. From Napier Borough Council ask- ing support for legislation compelling Banks to balance loan credits against district account debit. . ~ From Baxter and Shrewsbury, re old roads through property formerly White's now Obeli's, at Pakiri,—-De- ferred for search. . - From Wark worth Town Board agreeing to accept, without prejudice, £5 worth of Leigh metal for repair of road damaged by County lorry.—En- gineer authorised to deliver same to Board. From J. H. Mason, applying for license for slaughterhouse. Applica- tion not being in proper form, was de- ferred to next meeting. From Matakaua branch of Farmers* Union asking why loau money was not being spent on Warkworth-Leigh road, and also asking for two scow loads of metal in addition to that al- ready used on Township road. They offered free labour. The chairman explained in regard to loan money, that it was the wish of the ratepayers as expressedat a "public meeting,-that no loan money should be spent until the subsidy was assured, and that up to the present there bad been no chance of getting a subsidy. The rate had been struck over the loan area to secure the loan,, but could, 'not be sptrtit on anything else but paying in- terest anot sinking fund on the loan. From Public Works Department, pointing out that expenditure, on road and bridge work was proceeding top- rapidly, and that they would only pay subsidy on urgent work, each work being considered on its merits; only iu-exceptional cases wii! subsidy be paid on metal, as formation was held to be more necessary than metal. From J. Ayreß, asking for remitting penalty on rates and asking for re- pairs to bridge near 6. Edwards'; alto from 8. Edwards re same bridge.—Tho matter was left with the riding mom- be? to look iotoV .;;■"■■"-.■ - From D. Knaggs and others, off«r: Wednesday, April 5, 1922 THE RODNEY AND Of AMATEA TIMES Northern M|^?||e ai m s hi p~Cb. Time^Table for April. (Weather andother circumstances permitting.) S.M. Smiiti, FOR OREWA, WAIWERA, MAHURANGI AND WARKWORTH. Leaves Auckland : Leaves Warkworth: Fri Mar 31st, 2 p.m. Sat Apr. Ist, 7 a in. Mon 3rd, 6.0 p.m. Tues 4th, 11 a.m. Fri 7th, 8 a in. Fri 7th, 3 p.m. Mon 10th, 11 a.m. Mon 10th, 5 p.m. Thurs 13th, Noon Thurs 13th. 8 p.m. Tues 18th, 7.15a.m. Tnes, 18th 1 p.m. Sat 22ud, 10 a.m. Sat 22nd, 3.30 p.m. Wed '26th. 11 a.m. Wed 26th, 6 p.m. Mon May Ist, 3 p.m. Mon May Ist, 10.0 p.m. S.S. Kawau FOR KAWAU, LEIGH AND MANGAWAI. 1 eaves Auckland : Leaves Mangawai: Mon 10th, 9 a;m. Tues 11th, 6 a m. Mon 17th, Midnight Tues 18th, Noon Mon 24th, 9.30 a.m. Tues 25th 5.30 a.m. FOR LITTLE AND BIG OMAHA KAWAU ISLAND, TE Pt. AND TAKATU. Leaves Auckland : Leaves Omaha : Wed sth, 11 a.m. Thurs 6th, T. Wharf I p.m. Thurs 6th, Leigh 2.30 p.m. Tues 11th, Midnight Wed 12th, T. Wharf 7 a.m. Wed 12th, Leigh 8.30 a.m. Wed 19th, II a.m. Thurs 20th, T. Wharf 1.30 p.m. Thurs 20th, Leigh 3 p.m. Wed 26th 10-a.m. Thurs 27th, T. Wharf, 6 p.m. Thurs 27th, Leigh 7.30 p.m. S.S. Kttiti. AND MULLET POINT. Leans Auckland: Leaves M*t*kan* : Mon 3rd, 2 p.m. Tues 4th, 11 a.m Wed 12th, 11 a.m. Wed 12th,7 p.m. Wed 19th, 5.0 p.m. Thurs 20th, 11 a.m. Wed 26th, 10 p.m. Thurs 27th, 6 a.m. PUHOI. L**:*t Auckland : Ltav«* Puhti : "Thurs 13th, 2p.m. Fri 14th, 7 a.m. "Thuw 27th, 2 p.m. Fri 28th, 7 a.m. "CalhatTiriTiri. Many papers record all the world's Sews : otoly onejchronicles your district "flairs. You need that one, for it is ÜBPfttisfactory to be dependant upon gopsip— or an occasional read of your neighbor's paper—for information as to Stock sales, what tke local governing bodies are doing, and the hundred and fne matters of local interest that at* printed from time to time. On a year's - pubhcriptiou it coats only twopence h«Wpenny a wee^ c se provided : that is what it pans out. Postage is free and so is delivery. Woods' GreatPeppermint Cur«, .For Coagfiß and Colds, iiever.failfl Receipt books, tiiidesnaen'ai bill- book«, lfcturheads, billheadM, and all printing can be turned out at tlio J<, |t O. limks office.
Page 1: RODNEY COUNTY COUNCIL. M|^?||e The Rodney

Church Services.


Woodcocks 11 a.m.KaipaiaFlats,2.30p.m.St Oolumba'*7 p.m.


('Phone No. 49.)


Warkworth, 11 am. M* 9!" 1Warkworth, 7 pm. ■■ MrMillerDome Valley, 11 a.m. Mr N.PhillipsPome Valley 7 p.m. MrPhillipsMullet Point 2.30p.m Mr MoorePakiri 11 a.m. ><«▼" EichardsPakiri 8 p.m. K»t. Eichard*J>igh, 230 p.m. Ker. hichards

WARKWORTH MAILS TIME TABLE.-Subject' to necessary alterations on and

after 2«th Sept., mails will close at Wark-wvrth Post Office asunder:—

For Auckland, HelenßTille,Kaipara,. Flatsand Stwamlandf* per coach on Tuesdays,.Thursday) and Saturdays, 11.30 a.m., andFridays 8 ».m.

k F«r Woodcecks on Tuesdays- and Thurs-d»ys, 11.25 a.m.

F«rLeigh, Matakana,Big Omaka,Whan-gateau,MulletPoint and Lower Hatakana,Fridays, 1.80 p.m.

For Waiwhiu on Tuesdays 10 a,m., andFridays 1.30 p.m.

For Pohuehue onFridays, 1.20 p.m.For Auckland Waiwera, and Mahurangi,

per steamer half an hour before adrertisedtime of sailing, up to 5 p.m. If steamerBailing alter 7 p.m.. or before 8 a.m. mailswillclose at 7 p.m.

Registered letters and parcel mails closehalf »n hour before advertised time of clos-istr mail.

.; - L. FLOWER,Postmaster.

Warkworth, September 19th 1921.

The Rodneyand

Otamatea TimesTerms of Subscription—Twelve Shillings

and Sixpenceper annum, in advance.Advertisements received without the number of

insertions being statedwill be continued andcharged for until ordered out, except in thecase ofannouncements where the date con-veysthelimit to thenumber of insertions.

Casual advertisementsareinserted at therate of4s per inchper insertion.

Quotationsfor standing advertisements may beobtained on application. The rates arevery, liberal.


Wednesday, April 5, 1922.

LOCAL AND GENERAL.Archdeacon Hawkins will hold ser-

vices at Christ Church, Warkworth,on Easter Sunday, 16th inst.

A grand Catholic concert and dancewill be held in the Town Hall at anearly date—probably toward the endof April. Everything is being ar-ranged to make it a success, and per-formers of note new to the Wark-worth stage are to appear. The fundsare in aid of debt on St. Joseph's,Warkworth. Prices for admissionaie 28 6d for concert, and Is for thedance to follow.

Mr and Mrs Tiplady paid a shortvisit to Warkworth last week.

The N.B-8. Co. time-table has beenrevised, and appears in to-day's issue.

are to have two boats a week infuture to Warkworth.

The bank premises have beensmartened up by a much-needed coatof paint.

The Education Board have justcompleted very necessary improve-ments at our local school. Mr J.Hanson,;:7the Board's builder, hadchargeof the work, which was carriedout to the entire satisfaction of thelocal sch00l committee.

Mr Walter Chessum, of Waimiha(Main Trunk), has purchased MrJust's property across the river, andwill take possession shortly. TheN.A. Farmers' Co.-op. negotiated thesale.

A piece of 7ft. corrugated iron anda 3ft. 6in. in length of lining boardwith scrim and tape attached wasnicked up on Mr John Wecb's farm(Weuh's Hill, on the road to Puhoi.)They v\ere found on* the portion of thefarm on the far side of the hill, andas there is a tall belt of pine treesalong the top, the wreckage must haveattained a high altitude ere coming toearth, and shows the force of the cy-clonic storm that wrought such dis-aster at Wellsford at the Martin^homestead in Warkworth. There isno doubt that it was a portion of thelatter's'house that the. materials hadbeen torn from.

Annual meeting of Rodney Agri-cultural Society in Library on Fridaynight for election of officers and com-mittee for ensuing year.

The Eltham " Argus" is coutinu,ally hearing pf cases in which peopleholding mortgages on farming Sandsare endeavouring to help those mort-gagors who have too heavy a load topull through. In one case the interesthas been reduced from 6 per cent, to3 per cent., aud at the end of .a certainpeiiod the position will again be re-viewed.

The disruption of the telegraphicservice by reason of last week's elec-tric storm has caused serious concernto the department. Advice receivedby the Whangarei Post Officeofficials,cays the Advocate, was to theeffectthat-the hr«»»k was one of the worstthat had occurred lor someyearn Thetangle of fractured poles and wiresfor some distance between Te Araimid Warkworth presented a difficultywhich the gang of employees foundvery hard to rectify.

Mr M. H. Rodney, Big Omaha, hasa 9 h.p. Tangye engine and boiler foisal*.

From Ist May next Messrs Warmand Henderson announce their inten-tion uf charging cash for all -workdo&«. ,'-:^-r':; .. ■'■■: "'....■ . .;'.■■'■.■ ■:' ■■■..■:

JE.ockey meeting: on' Friday; 'April7th at'7.3o'p.m'., atBridge House.

The shooting season opens on IstMay.

: St. Leon's Circus in Warkworthnext Saturday. 'The boys who collected injuriousbird's eggs for the Show may be in-terested i:i. a report from Hastingswhere a prize was offered for biggestcollection of eggs of blackbirds,thrushes and minahs. The winningyouth had a collection totalling 1145,aud the second entry totalled over 800.One would think that this ought to re-duce the bird census next year. - "There have been many tali storiestold of the effects of the cyclone lastweek, one of the best being that ona certain farm on the outskirts ofWarkworth, twenty-three cows wereseen in the air at. once being liftedfrom one paddock to another !

The Wanganui sub-provincial exe-cutive of the Farmers' Union carriedIhe following resolution: "That theGovernment be asked to appoint acommission of business mento inquireinto the present extremely unsuccess-ful working of the railways, especiallyas to excessive staffing andexpendi-ture, and as to thefact that high ratesof freight are driving the traffic on tothe roads, thus, at the same time, de-creasing railway revenue and increas-ing the charges on countycouncils forthe up-keep of roads,"

The snow scenes in " The Valley ofDoubt," are probably the most beauti-ful ever shown on the screen. Theextent of the1 camera's art hasrarelybeen more manifest than in this pro-duction. The spirit of the great snowcountry of the. North-West has beencaught and will be accurately repro-duced, at the local picture theatre onSaturday evening next.ForBronchial Coughs, take

Woods' GreatPeppermint Cure.

LEIGH.(Our Own Correspondent.)

CRICKET MATCH.A cricket match between Omaha and

Matakana wan played on Saturday,25th March, at Whangateau Domainfor theRodney Challenge Cup, whichresulted in a win for Matakana, thechallenging team. The weather wasall that could be desired, and greatinterest was taken in the game.Omaha has held the cup for severalyears, but on this occasion succumbedto the splendid bowling of J. Mat-thew, who took a wicket for less than4 runs* and to the splendid fieldinggood generalship of CaptainKnaggs.Now that the cup is held by anotherclub perhaps-greater interest will betaken in cricket another season. .

NEW GAME.A new indoor game has been. evol-

ved by Mr ICE. Wyatt called«'Cannon." It is like hockey, playedwith hockey sticks and a football,goals being chalked on the floor eachend of the hall. The game has44 caught on," and is well patronisedby-players and onlookers, ladies alsotakingpart in the game. Music and.songs form a part of the evening'sentertainment, finishing off with aplain supper. Meetings are held.inLeigh Hall every Thursday evening.The subscription for the season isveryreasonaWe, the proceeds being for thebenefit of the hall.

CRICKET.The following team has been se-

lected; to represent Rodney CricketAssociation at Easter in matches for

,the Walker Saield, competed for bycountry elevens, and the SuburbanCricket Association of Auckland:—-A. Dunning, A. R. Dunning, W. Dun-ning, E. Wyatt, J. Torkington (Oma-ha), J. Matthew, D. Kmiggs (Mata-kana), E. Kenealy (Whangaripo), L.Scott: (Kaipara Flats), H. Langridgeand A. J. Shepherd (Warkwoith.)Keeorves :—C.^ 0. Gubb (KaiparaFlats), Bell, senr. [ Whangaripo.)

Anyone unable to make the tripwill please notifyMr A; J. Shepherdat thd earliest .opportunity.

Matckesoommenoe on GoodFriday,and continue "on Easter Saturday,Monday and Tuesday.


The ordinary monthly ■meeting, ofthe .Rodney-County Council was held'in the Council Chambers on Tuesday,March 21st, Cr. Morison in the chair.All Councillors were present exceptCr. Thompson, from whom an apologywas received.

Accounts amounting to £1,757 6s 6d "wore passed for payment, the princi-pal item in this amount being: thehalf-yearly levy from the AucklandHospital and Charitable Aid Boardwhich accounted for £1,098 5a 2d.Cr. Hooper wished to explain an itemof £10 for replacing a temporary f

bridge over the Araparera stream.This bridge had been put up by MrParker pending the erection of thepermanent structure, plans for whichhad been under way for about 3 years.The temporary bridge was apparentlywell and firmlybuilt, but aflood cameand lifted one end and swung it downstream. As the matter was urgent CrHooper said he had got Parker and^his team of bullocks to work and re-placed it.—Action approved, the chair-man remarking that Cr. Hooper hadearned the thanks of the Council forhis prompt action.

Some time was spent in discussingthe provisions of the Local Bodies'Finance Act. which provides that fromtheend of this financial year each localbody will have. to keep its yearlj : ex*penditure within its yearly income,,that is, at the.and of theyear it canhave no more overdraft at the bankthan th« amount of uncollected fates.Provision is made for" paying off pre-pent overdraft by special loan, coveredby special rate. It was estimated that ';'theCounty overdraft at the end of theyear (March 31st.), would be about£5,500, and if a loan were raised at5| per cent, to pay this off it would -mean a special rate over all the Countyof £d in the £ on the unimprovedvalue.—Decision ai toactual procedurewas held over to next meeting.

Correspondence was read from :—Auckland Hospital Board, stating

that Nurse Wilson was to remain atWellsford under the Board. Also, inreference *to medical man at Wark-worth hospital, that Board could notappoint a man, but would subsidise ifa man could be induced to come.

From Minister of Internal Affairs,notifying that special relief work*were exempt from paying award rates.

From Napier Borough Council ask-ing support for legislation compellingBanks to balance loan credits againstdistrict account debit. . ~

From Baxter and Shrewsbury, reold roads through property formerlyWhite's nowObeli's, at Pakiri,—-De-ferred for search. . -

From Wark worth Town Boardagreeing to accept, without prejudice,£5 worth of Leigh metal for repair ofroad damaged by County lorry.—En-gineer authorised to deliver same toBoard.

From J. H. Mason, applying forlicense for slaughterhouse.—Applica-tion notbeing in proper form, was de-ferred to next meeting.

From Matakaua branch of Farmers*Union asking why loau money wasnotbeing spent on Warkworth-Leighroad, and also asking for two scowloads of metal in addition to that al-ready used on Township road. Theyoffered free labour. The chairmanexplained in regard to loan money,that it was the wish of theratepayersas expressedat a"public meeting,-thatno loan money should be spent untilthe subsidy was assured, and that upto the present there bad been nochance of getting a subsidy. Theratehad been struck over the loan area tosecure the loan,, but could, 'not besptrtit on anything else but paying in-terest anotsinking fund on the loan.

From Public Works Department,pointing out thatexpenditure, on roadand bridge work was proceeding top-rapidly, and that they would only paysubsidy on urgent work, each workbeing considered on its merits; onlyiu-exceptional cases wii! subsidy bepaid on metal, as formation was heldto be more necessary than metal.

From J. Ayreß, asking for remittingpenalty on rates and asking for re-pairs to bridge near 6. Edwards'; altofrom 8.Edwards re same bridge.—Thomatter was left with the riding mom-be? to look iotoV .;;■"■■"-.■ -From D. Knaggs and others, off«r:

Wednesday, April 5, 1922THE RODNEY AND OfAMATEA TIMES

■ NorthernM|^?||eai m ship~Cb.

Time^Table for April.

(Weather andother circumstances permitting.)


AND WARKWORTH.Leaves Auckland : Leaves Warkworth:

Fri Mar 31st, 2 p.m. Sat Apr. Ist, 7 a in.Mon 3rd, 6.0 p.m. Tues 4th, 11 a.m.Fri 7th, 8 a in. Fri 7th, 3 p.m.Mon 10th, 11 a.m. Mon 10th, 5 p.m.Thurs 13th, Noon Thurs 13th. 8 p.m.Tues 18th,7.15a.m. Tnes, 18th 1 p.m.Sat 22ud, 10 a.m. Sat 22nd, 3.30 p.m.Wed '26th. 11 a.m. Wed 26th, 6 p.m.Mon May Ist, 3 p.m. Mon May Ist, 10.0p.m.


MANGAWAI.1eaves Auckland : Leaves Mangawai:

Mon 10th, 9 a;m. Tues 11th, 6 a m.Mon 17th,Midnight Tues 18th, NoonMon 24th, 9.30 a.m. Tues 25th 5.30 a.m.FOR LITTLE AND BIG OMAHAKAWAU ISLAND, TE Pt. AND TAKATU.

Leaves Auckland : Leaves Omaha :Wed sth, 11 a.m.■ Thurs 6th, T. Wharf I p.m.

Thurs 6th, Leigh 2.30 p.m.Tues 11th, Midnight

Wed 12th,T. Wharf 7 a.m.Wed 12th, Leigh 8.30 a.m.

Wed 19th, II a.m.Thurs 20th, T. Wharf 1.30p.m.Thurs 20th, Leigh 3 p.m.

Wed 26th 10-a.m.Thurs 27th, T. Wharf, 6 p.m.Thurs 27th, Leigh 7.30 p.m.


Leans Auckland: Leaves M*t*kan* :Mon 3rd, 2 p.m. Tues 4th, 11 a.mWed 12th, 11 a.m. Wed 12th,7 p.m.Wed 19th, 5.0 p.m. Thurs 20th, 11 a.m.Wed 26th, 10 p.m. Thurs 27th, 6 a.m.

PUHOI.L**:*t Auckland : Ltav«* Puhti :

"Thurs 13th,2p.m. Fri 14th, 7 a.m."Thuw 27th, 2 p.m. Fri 28th, 7 a.m.


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