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Rohtak Rocket launch

Date post: 21-Jan-2018
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Sir Chhotu Ram” – Great leader of Jat Community 2Km Altitude Sounding Rocket launch at Rohtak, Haryana.

“Sir Chhotu Ram” – Great leader of JatCommunity

2Km Altitude Sounding Rocket launch at Rohtak, Haryana.

Is a #SDNx Event in which we are launching few Rockets in different parts of India in upcoming 6 months. The purpose is Educational and Motivational to reflect the importance of Space.


On this auspicious program which will be first of its kind in Northern India we are Inviting Honorable Cabinet Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh and prominent personalities from ISRO & DRDO to kindle the Torch for the blessings of Goddess Saraswati & for The Great Leader Sir Chotu Ram. Following is the overview of program.

Inaugurating Ceremony : The Torch Lighting Ceremony Words of wisdom from the Chief guestsProgram Overview: PresentationDiscussion on Space Technology Commercialization and future Planning.2 Km Rocket LaunchingRobotics Technology DisplayRocket Display3D printing & its usage in Developing Space Technology.

Event Discussions:

Rohtak Rocket launching program will mark up as a great trigger point for initiating following Agenda’s:

Haryana as a Aeronautical & Aerospace Industry hub in IndiaAstronomical Research and Development, Observatories & research lab and Data mining hub in India.Education hub in the field of focused Rocket Science, Re-launch Able Vehicle, Vertical Take of and Vertical Landing, Astronomy, Environmental Technology Development, Commercialization of Space Technology Industry, Business Research hub.Promoting and uplifting initiatives such as Haryana as a Agricultural Technology, Green & Clean Haryana, Artificial Green Valley Building & Business Research. Employment & employable manpower generation initiative through Space Development Nexus skill development program.

2Km Altitude Sounding Rocket

launch at Rohtak, Haryana

Space is the final frontier for us Human beings, we are living in absolute uncertainty in this universe,

we are not realizing the capabilities human mind posses, we could survive the unstable universal

conditions forever, if we realize that almighty has provided us a great window and a chance to

explore and find multiversity of opportunities be it in AI, Robotics, Avionics, geology, planetary

atmosphere study, astrobiology, Astro-geology, mining minerals, metals, gems, as well as finding

new metal, so we must commercialize space industry in order to achieve resilience for human world

and its expansion.

-Sanjay Rathee

Sponsorship Opportunities

Asteroidians- The Rocketeers (an event of Space Development Nexus) is offering the

opportunity for your organization or business to be “out front” at the best international

gathering of professionals in the field of Space & Aerospace Technologies. As part of this

opportunity, Asteroidians- The Rocketeers in its 27 states Asteroidians- The

Rocketeers Rocket Launch program can provide:

•High-level exposure on the website and at the event in various settings

•Name recognition through sponsorship of key conference activities

•Unique advertising opportunities through inclusion of items in the conference tote bag

provided to all participants.

•Facilities of Rocket Advertising (Discount available on Selected sponsorship packages)

•Total TA Reach Approx 5-7 cr consumer base

•Social Media reach, Electronic and Print Media reach for over a month

•Unique Business opportunities with Space Development Nexus

If you are interested in any sponsorship level, please send an e-mail to

[email protected]

Title Event Sponsor- Rs 10 Lac •Personal sign with Company name and logo displayed throughout the conference

•Diamond Conference Sponsor identification with logo on List of Sponsors displayed on

www.spacedevelopentnexus.com website

•Public recognition at plenary sessions

•5 Free 3-day registrations included

•Exhibit Table included in prime location

•Full page ad in both preliminary and final Conference Program

•Diamond Sponsorship identification on List of Sponsors in program

•Diamond Sponsorship identification on List of Sponsors on website

•2 promotional items, approved by Asteroidians- The Rocketeers, added in tote bag

2 Associate Event Sponsor – Rs 5 Lac Each•Recognition at plenary session

•Platinum Conference Sponsor identification with logo on List of Sponsors displayed on signage and

in both programs www.spacedevelopentnexus.com website

•Exhibit Table

•Name and logo with link on www.spacedevelopentnexus.com website

•Half Page Ad in Conference Brochure

•Platinum Conference Sponsor identification on List of Sponsors in program brochure

•One promotional item provided by you and approved by Asteroidians- The Rocketeers, in tote

bag presented to conference attendees.

•3 Free 3-Day Registrations

1 Gold Event Sponsor – Rs 3 Lac•“Gold Conference Sponsor” recognition at plenary session and Business Meeting

•Gold Conference Sponsor identification with logo on List of Sponsors displayed on

www.spacedevelopentnexus.com website

•Exhibit Table

•Half-page ad in conference brochure

•Your logo and a link to your site on our web site

•Public recognition at second Keynote Address

•Gold Conference Sponsor identification on List of Sponsors in program brochure

•One promotional item, provided by you and approved by Asteroidians- The Rocketeers, in tote bag

presented to conference attendees

•2 Free 3 Day Registrations

1 Silver Event Sponsor – Rs 2 lac•Silver Conference Sponsor recognition at plenary sessions and Business Meeting

•Silver Conference Sponsor identification with logo on List of Sponsors displayed on

www.spacedevelopentnexus.com website

•Quarter-page ad in conference brochure

•Silver Conference Sponsor identification on List of Sponsors in program brochure•One promotional item, provided by you and approved by Asteroidians- The Rocketeers, in tote bag

presented to conference attendees

•1 Free 3 Day Registration

1 Bronze Event Sponsor – Rs 1 Lac•Quarter-page ad in conference brochure

•Bronze Conference Sponsor identification on List of Sponsors in program brochure

•Bronze Conference Sponsor identification with logo on List of Sponsors displayed on

www.spacedevelopentnexus.com website

Tote Bag Sponsor – Rs 50K•Logo on Tote Bag

•Half-page ad in conference brochure

•Identification on List of Sponsors in program brochure

•Identification on List of Sponsors displayed on website under Conference tab

•Exhibit Table

•One promotional item, provided by you and approved by Asteroidians- The

Rocketeers, in tote bag presented to conference attendees

We hereby Invite you to join hands with us & support us in whichever domains you can to brighten our collective future(in terms of ideation, technological, monetary, execution, resources or whichever is possible.

We will be honored to have you in this significantly eminent campaign please feel free to contact us personally on [email protected] for any further information. We are looking forward to meet you in person very soon.

Sponsorship Overview

Event Title Sponsors

Main Event SponsorPositions- 1Requirement- 10 Lakh/Sponsors

Associate Event SponsorPositions- 2Requirement- 5 Lakh/Sponsors

Media Title Sponsors

•Out of Home Media •TV•Radio•News Paper•Social media

•Food •Travel•Accommodation•Knowledge Partner

Miscellaneous Sponsors


•Motor Show•Aero modeling Show • Infra Show•College Project Show

In return for your sponsorship we would of course be willing to wear the your logo on our shirts and for you to be listed as our key sponsor on all our Publicity literature and monthly newsletter,, Taking you up to 2-5 Cr TA

Title Sponsor Logo

Associate Sponsor Logo
