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ROLEPLAYING IN THE WORLD OF FAITH HUNTERDark Mortals 53 Dark Human 53 Dark Mule 54 Blackheart 55...

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The following is designated as Product Identity, in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Gaming License, Version 1.0a: all character names; the following racial names: neomage, kylen, seraph-touched, and second unforeseen; references to events in the Rogue Mage setting; all artwork and images; and all fiction. The following text is Open Gaming Content: all material not declared Product Identity. OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty- free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a, Copyright 2001, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document, Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Modern System Reference Document, Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker. Advanced Player’s Manual, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing: Author Skip Williams. From Stone To Steel, Copyright 2003, MonkeyGod Enterprises LP Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson. Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson. Nyambe: African Adventures, Copyright 2002, Trident Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games; author Christopher W. Dolunt. Occult Lore, Copyright 2002, Trident Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games. Silver Age Sentinels d20, Copyright 2002, Guardians of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C. Mackinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble. Rogue Mage RPG Game Master’s Guide, Copyright 2014, Christina Stiles & Faith Hunter. Published by Misfit Studios; Authors Christina Stiles, Faith Hunter, Raven Blackwell; Editing & Additional Material by Spike Y Jones. AUTHORS: Christina Stiles, Faith Hunter, Raven Blackwell ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: Spike Y Jones FICTION: Faith Hunter QUOTE GATHERING: Daniel Davis EDITING: Spike Y Jones DEVELOPMENT: Christina Stiles, Spike Y Jones LAYOUT: Emily Mottesheard, Christina Stiles, Peter Bradley COVER ART: Peter Bradley INTERIOR ART: Jacob Blackmon, Peter Bradley, Scott Harshbarger, Rick Hershey CARTOGRAPHY: Jeffrey Tadlock PROOFREADING: Carla Hollar Playtesting: Raven Blackwell, Melissa Braunschweig, Brad Kane, Bruce Kenoyer, Marc Buckley, Randy Mac Kay, Charlene Mac Kay, Bleys Massey, Misty Massey, Todd Massey, Robert McDonnell, Ted Owens, Dawn Reed-Burton, Christina Stiles; Above Board Games 2008 (Fort Mill, SC): Jimmy Ashley, Joe Creech, Ryan Jackson, Areeta Kneelberg, Lori Mason, Rich Morrison; Mace West 2011: Cudgel Con (March 25-27, 2011; Hickory, NC): Jimmy Ashley, Heath Medlin, Mike McCauley, and members of the Appalachian State Gaming Club (Taylor Edwards, Ben Allred, Haley Pickrell); ConCarolinas 2011 (June 3-5, 2011; Charlotte, NC): Group 1—Stephen Bobby, Franck Bouvot, Joe Creech, Jason Morris, Rhiannon Raggi, Andrew Riebe; Group 2—Dennis DeBalso, Phil Gunsaules, Michael McCormick, Amber Lee Pearce, Sara Schneider, Jodi Smith; Mace 2011 (November 11-13, 2011, High Point, NC): Group 1—Jimmy Ashley, Alok Baikadi, Dawson Berry, Becca Hudgins, Keith Hudgins, Katie Kriska; Group 2—Kyle Ballard, Alisa Hilton, Frankye Mace, Pete Mace, Haley Picksell, Logan Rice; Mysticon 2012 (February 24-26, 2012; Roanoke, VA): Rich Lombardi, Kevin Oelgoetz, Marie Sherman, Adam Thomas, Dan Thomas, Robert Ward; ConCarolinas 2012 (June 1-3, 2012; Charlotte, NC): D.J. Gilcrease, Carla Hollar, Beth Bostic, Larry Hefner, Jo Koster, Mindy Mymudes; GenCon 2012 (August 16-19, 2012; Indianapolis, IN) Matthew Wayne Stinson, Aaron Phelps Mike Wice, Blake Senn; Mysticon 2013 (February 22-24, 2013; Roanoke, VA) Robert Ward, Marie Sherman, Dan Thomas, Rich Lombardi, Adam Thomas Copyright 2014 Faith Hunter and Christina Stiles. PDF edition published by Misfit Studios. First printing: December 2014. Hardback ISBN 978-1-62268-091-7. Paperback ISBN 978-1-62268-092-4. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever, except as provided for in the Open Game License. For more information contact Misfit Studios, 41 Trinnell Blvd, Toronto ON, Canada, M1L 1S4, or online at www.misfit-studios.com. Bella Rosa Books and its logo are trademarks of Bella Rosa Books. Misfit Studios and its logo are trademarks of Misfit Studios. The Rogue Mage Roleplaying Game and its logo are trademarks of Faith Hunter and Christina Stiles. Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper. THE ROGUE MAGE RPG GAME MASTER’S GUIDE ROLEPLAYING IN THE WORLD OF FAITH HUNTER OGL Sample file
Page 1: ROLEPLAYING IN THE WORLD OF FAITH HUNTERDark Mortals 53 Dark Human 53 Dark Mule 54 Blackheart 55 Dark Mage 57 Aclara Nightshade 59 Daywalker 60 Blood Succubus 62 Nightwalker 63 Spawn

The following is designated as Product Identity, in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Gaming License, Version 1.0a: all character names; the following racial names: neomage, kylen, seraph-touched, and second unforeseen; references to events in the Rogue Mage setting; all artwork and images; and all fi ction.The following text is Open Gaming Content: all material not declared Product Identity.


The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.

1.Definitions:(a)”Contributors”meansthecopyrightand/ortrademarkowners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”DerivativeMaterial”meanscopyrightedmaterialincludingderivativeworksandtranslations (including into other computer languages), potation,modification,correction,addition,extension,upgrade, improvement,compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing workmay be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means toreproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display,transmitorotherwisedistribute;(d)”OpenGameContent”meansthegame mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processesandroutinestotheextentsuchcontentdoesnotembodytheProductIdentityandisanenhancementoverthepriorartandanyadditionalcontentclearlyidentifiedasOpenGameContentbytheContributor,andmeansanyworkcoveredbythisLicense, includingtranslationsand derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludesProduct Identity. (e) “Product Identity”means product and productline names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress;artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematicelements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs,depictions,likenesses,formats,poses,concepts,themesandgraphic,photographicandother visualoraudio representations;namesanddescriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities,teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations,environments,creatures,equipment,magicalorsupernaturalabilitiesoreffects,logos,symbols,orgraphicdesigns;andanyothertrademarkor registered trademark clearly identifiedasProduct identityby theowner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes theOpenGameContent;(f)“Trademark”meansthelogos,names,mark,sign,motto,designsthatareusedbyaContributortoidentifyitselforitsproductsortheassociatedproductscontributedtotheOpenGameLicensebytheContributor(g)“Use”,“Used”or“Using”meanstouse,Distribute,copy,edit,format,modify,translateandotherwisecreateDerivativeMaterialofOpenGameContent.(h)“You”or“Your”meansthelicenseeintermsofthisagreement.

2.TheLicense:ThisLicenseappliestoanyOpenGameContentthatcontainsanoticeindicatingthattheOpenGameContentmayonlybeUsedunderandintermsofthisLicense.YoumustaffixsuchanoticetoanyOpenGameContentthatyouUse.Notermsmaybeaddedtoor subtracted from this License except as described by the Licenseitself.NoothertermsorconditionsmaybeappliedtoanyOpenGameContentdistributedusingthisLicense.

3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content YouindicateYouracceptanceofthetermsofthisLicense.4.GrantandConsideration:InconsiderationforagreeingtousethisLicense,theContributorsgrantYouaperpetual,worldwide,royalty-free,non-exclusivelicensewiththeexacttermsofthisLicensetoUse,theOpenGameContent.

5.RepresentationofAuthority toContribute: IfYouare contributingoriginal material as Open Game Content, You represent that YourContributionsareYour original creationand/orYouhave sufficientrightstogranttherightsconveyedbythisLicense.

6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHTNOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of theCOPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying,modifyingordistributing,andYoumustaddthetitle, thecopyrightdate,andthecopyrightholder’snametotheCOPYRIGHTNOTICEofanyoriginalOpenGameContentyouDistribute.

7.UseofProductIdentity:YouagreenottoUseanyProductIdentity,including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expresslylicensed inanother, independentAgreementwith theownerof eachelementofthatProductIdentity.Youagreenottoindicatecompatibilityor co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark inconjunction with a work containing OpenGame Content except asexpresslylicensedinanother,independentAgreementwiththeownerofsuchTrademarkorRegisteredTrademark.TheuseofanyProductIdentityinOpenGameContentdoesnotconstituteachallengetotheownershipofthatProductIdentity.TheownerofanyProductIdentityusedinOpenGameContentshallretainallrights,titleandinterestinandtothatProductIdentity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You mustclearly indicatewhichportionsoftheworkthatyouaredistributingareOpenGameContent.






14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to beunenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extentnecessarytomakeitenforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0a, Copyright 2001, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document, Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of theCoast,Inc.;AuthorsJonathanTweet,MonteCook,SkipWilliams,RichBaker,AndyCollins,DavidNoonan,RichRedman,BruceR.Cordell,basedonoriginalmaterialbyE.GaryGygaxandDaveArneson.

Modern System Reference Document, Copyright 2002-2004,WizardsoftheCoast, Inc.;AuthorsBillSlavicsek,JeffGrubb,RichRedman,CharlesRyan,EricCagle,DavidNoonan,Stan!,ChristopherPerkins,Rodney Thompson, and JDWiker, based onmaterial by JonathanTweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison,BruceR.Cordell,JohnTynes,AndyCollins,andJDWiker.

Advanced Player’s Manual,Copyright2005,GreenRoninPublishing:AuthorSkipWilliams.

From Stone To Steel,Copyright2003,MonkeyGodEnterprisesLP

Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing;AuthorSteveKenson.

Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing;AuthorSteveKenson.

Nyambe: African Adventures,Copyright2002,TridentInc.d/b/aAtlasGames;authorChristopherW.Dolunt.

Occult Lore,Copyright2002,TridentInc.d/b/aAtlasGames.

Silver Age Sentinels d20,Copyright 2002,Guardians ofOrder, Inc.;AuthorsStephenKenson,MarkC.Mackinnon,JeffMackintosh,JesseScoble.

Rogue Mage RPG Game Master’s Guide, Copyright 2014, Christina Stiles & FaithHunter.PublishedbyMisfitStudios;AuthorsChristinaStiles,FaithHunter,RavenBlackwell;Editing&AdditionalMaterialbySpikeYJones.

AUTHORS:ChristinaStiles,FaithHunter,RavenBlackwellADDITIONAL MATERIAL:SpikeYJonesFICTION:FaithHunterQUOTE GATHERING: Daniel DavisEDITING:SpikeYJonesDEVELOPMENT:ChristinaStiles,SpikeYJonesLAYOUT:EmilyMottesheard,ChristinaStiles,PeterBradleyCOVER ART:PeterBradleyINTERIOR ART:JacobBlackmon,PeterBradley,ScottHarshbarger,RickHersheyCARTOGRAPHY:JeffreyTadlockPROOFREADING: CarlaHollar

Playtesting:RavenBlackwell,MelissaBraunschweig,BradKane,BruceKenoyer,MarcBuckley,RandyMacKay,CharleneMacKay,BleysMassey,MistyMassey,ToddMassey,RobertMcDonnell,TedOwens,DawnReed-Burton,ChristinaStiles;Above Board Games 2008 (Fort Mill, SC):JimmyAshley,JoeCreech,RyanJackson,AreetaKneelberg,LoriMason,RichMorrison;Mace West 2011: Cudgel Con (March 25-27, 2011; Hickory, NC):JimmyAshley,HeathMedlin,MikeMcCauley,andmembersoftheAppalachianStateGamingClub(TaylorEdwards,BenAllred,HaleyPickrell);ConCarolinas 2011 (June 3-5, 2011; Charlotte, NC): Group 1—StephenBobby,FranckBouvot,JoeCreech,JasonMorris,RhiannonRaggi,AndrewRiebe;Group 2—DennisDeBalso,PhilGunsaules,MichaelMcCormick,AmberLeePearce,SaraSchneider,JodiSmith;Mace 2011 (November 11-13, 2011, High Point, NC): Group 1—JimmyAshley,AlokBaikadi,DawsonBerry,BeccaHudgins,KeithHudgins,KatieKriska;Group 2—KyleBallard,AlisaHilton,FrankyeMace,PeteMace,HaleyPicksell,LoganRice;Mysticon 2012 (February 24-26, 2012; Roanoke, VA):RichLombardi,KevinOelgoetz,MarieSherman,AdamThomas,DanThomas,RobertWard;ConCarolinas 2012 (June 1-3, 2012; Charlotte, NC): D.J.Gilcrease,CarlaHollar,BethBostic,LarryHefner,JoKoster,MindyMymudes;GenCon 2012 (August 16-19, 2012; Indianapolis, IN)MatthewWayneStinson,AaronPhelpsMikeWice,BlakeSenn;Mysticon 2013 (February 22-24, 2013; Roanoke, VA) RobertWard,MarieSherman,DanThomas,RichLombardi,AdamThomas


Hardback ISBN 978-1-62268-091-7. Paperback ISBN 978-1-62268-092-4.








Page 2: ROLEPLAYING IN THE WORLD OF FAITH HUNTERDark Mortals 53 Dark Human 53 Dark Mule 54 Blackheart 55 Dark Mage 57 Aclara Nightshade 59 Daywalker 60 Blood Succubus 62 Nightwalker 63 Spawn



Fiction: “The Magnificent Seven” 5Introduction 6 Page References 6 ANoteonGameBalance 6Creature Profile Format 6 AbouttheAuthors 7 Christina Stiles 7 RavenBlackwell 7 FaithHunter 7 SpikeYJones 7


Fiction: “Set In Stone” 9The Light 9TheMostHigh 10Major Powers of the Light 10 Cherub 10 Holy Amethyst 12 CherubicWheels 12 Major Seraph 12 Cheriour, Angel of Punishment 14 Raziel, Revealer of Rock 15 Zadkiel, Chieftain of Michael 16Minor Powers of the Light 17 Minor Seraph 17 Herald 18 Raven 20 Seraphic Spirits 21 Flame 21SeraphicItems 22 SeraphicAmulets 22 SeraphicLocatorBand 23 Seraphic Visa 23 WardingAmulet 23 ConcealmentAmulet 23 Seraph Stone 23 Seraphic Artifacts 24 Seraph Steel 24 Seraphic Chains 24 SuppressionRing 24 Seraph Feathers 25 SeraphBones 25TheRealmsOfLight 25 Kylen 25 KylenAndTheRealms 26 KylenAndWar 26 Kylen,First-Generation 26 Kylen,Second-Generation 26 Kylen,Third-Generation 26


Fiction: “Beauty And The Beasts” 31The Darkness 32 CursingtheDarkness 32Dragons 32 Dragon 32 Azazel, the Aqua Dragon 34 Semjaza, the Black Dragon 38Major Powers 39 Forcas 40 Reshep 41 Lamashtu 43 SuccubusQueen,Mature 45

Minor Powers 46 Fallen Minor Seraph 46 SuccubusQueen,Immature 48 Incubus/Succubus 49 Lilit 51 BenReshep 52DarkMortals 53 DarkHuman 53 DarkMule 54 Blackheart 55 DarkMage 57 Aclara Nightshade 59 Daywalker 60 BloodSuccubus 62 Nightwalker 63Spawn 64 Devil-Spawn 64 Shadow-Spawn 65 Dragonet, Lesser 66 Dragonet, Greater 67InfernalItems 68 DemonIron 68


Fiction: “Wings On Site” 70Neutrals 72TheUnitedStatesGovernment 72 U.S.Military 73 Line Soldier 73 Special Forces 73 LawEnforcement 74 HandoftheLaw 74 Thaddeus Bartholomew 75 TheAdministrationoftheArchSeraph(AAS) 76 AAS Enforcer 76 AAS Investigator 77 Captain Elliot Durbarge 78 AASInfiltrator 79 Eli Walker 80The Orthodoxy 81 TheKirk 81 KirkElder 81 Elder Shamus Waldroup 82 Elder Ignatius Culpepper 82 Elder Jasper Youngbear 83 Postulants 84 Orthodox Warrior 84Ordinary People 85 Jacey Brooks 85 Derrick Culpepper 86 Sennebel Schwartz 87 Deadminers 87 Audric Cooper 88Seraph-Touched 90 The Stanhopes 90 Lucas Stanhope 91 Rupert Stanhope 91 Ciana Stanhope 92Enclaves 94 EnclaveInhabitants 94 Enclave Life 95 Neomages 95 EnclaveNeomage 95 BattleMages 96 Enclave Priestesses 97




Page 3: ROLEPLAYING IN THE WORLD OF FAITH HUNTERDark Mortals 53 Dark Human 53 Dark Mule 54 Blackheart 55 Dark Mage 57 Aclara Nightshade 59 Daywalker 60 Blood Succubus 62 Nightwalker 63 Spawn


Lolo 99 Assassin Mages 100 Cheran Jones 100 SecondUnforeseenWarrior 102 EnclaveHumans 103 HumanEnclaveWarriors 103OutcastsandRogues 104 Bandits 104 BanditLeader 104 TheEarthInvasionHeresy(EIH) 106 EIHAgitator 105 EIHSoldier 106 EIHSpy 107 RogueDaywalkers 107 RogueDaywalker 108 Malashe’el 108 RogueMages 110 Thorn St. Croix 110 Rose St. Croix 113Watchers 114 Watcher 114 Armos 116 Barak 117


Fiction: “Lions And Tigers And Monkeys, Oh My” 120Animals 121 Alligator 121 Bear,Black 121 Cat,Big 122 Cat,Domestic 123 Cattle 123 Deer 123 Hawk 124 Horse 124 Primates 125 Rat 126 Snake 126 Wolf 127


Fiction: “Sons” 129Game Mastering Advice 130Running the Rogue Mage Game 130The Core Mechanic 130 OpposedandUnopposedChecks 130 ConditionalModifiers 131 Taking1,10,and20 131 Playing Close to the Vest 131 FudgingIt(a.k.a.GM’sfiat) 131TimeInARogue MageGame 131 RealTimeVs.GameTime 131 TimeInOtherspaceAndHellholes 132 CountingTheSeconds 132BringingtheWorldtoLife 132 TheRoleofNon-PlayerCharacters 132 SocialInteraction:Rollplayingvs.Roleplaying 133 Sex-FreeCampaigns 133Rogue MageandGameBalance 134 DealingwithHigh-PoweredNPCs 134 MakingMistakes 134The GM As God 134 Death Of A Character 135Creating Adventures 136 TheElementsofaGoodStory 136 ThePlotThickens 136 Encounters 137 GoingOutWithABang 137

Dangling Threads 137AdventureIdeas 137 Traditional Fantasy and Science Fiction 138Rewarding Players 138 In-StoryRewards 138 Awarding Character Points 138 AwardingLuckPoints 139 UsingLuckPoints 139Cultures in the Rogue Mage World 140HumanGovernments 140 HumanGovernment-BasedCampaigns 140NomadicTribesAndFrontierDwellers 140 TribalCampaigns 140NeomageEnclaves 141 EnclaveCampaigns 141RealmsofLight 141 RealmsCampaigns 141Hellholes 141 HellholeCampaigns 141Single-Race Campaigns 141 TouchedByTheSeraphim 142High-Powered Campaigns 142Early-GenerationKylenAdventures 142 CreatingAnEarly-GenerationKylenPC 143 SeraphSteelAndRealms-BasedPCs 144 Kylen(First-Generation)RacialTemplate 144 Eldratos 144 Kylen(Second-Generation)RacialTemplate 145 Clemons 146


Fiction: “Stone Walls A Prison Make” 149Introduction 150PCImprovement 150 Trinity, Carolina 150 Lawrence Decker 150AdventureSummary 150 What’s Really Going On 151SceneOne:Decker’sGirl 151 Character Information At A Glance 151SceneTwo:AidRequest 151 JacobinYates 152SceneThree:OntheRoadtoLarnes 153SceneFour:All’sQuietinLarnes 153SceneFive:ChurchActivities 154Map 1: Larnes Kirk 155 Nightfall 156SceneSix:IntoTheMines 156Map 2: Larnes Mine 157 Playing The Angles 158 Turning Tail 158Kochab,FallenMinorSeraph 160LandriustheSeraph 162ConcludingtheAdventure 162 FutureAdventures 162Elder O’Shea’s Letter Handout 163Supply List Handout 164Character Profiles 165 Brother Leon Hope 165 Jesse Holder 167 Killian 169 Lizbeth James 171 Michael Eagleheart 173 Reasha Zhane 179


Index 196Rogue Mage Fiction Chronology 199Kickstarter Backers 200Dedication 201




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“You who would be champards, I offer you my protection, such as a battle station in the midst of a war with Darkness can proffer: safe haven, healing after battle, and a home where you will be valued and loved.” I lifted the necklace of amulets and held the visa high.

“I am yours to call, in wind and hail, in storm and lightning, in injury and healing, in this life, for as long as you will have me. I will meet your needs, dress your wounds, and when you die at the end of a long and glorious life, I will dress you for battle and send you to the Most High for his blessing and reward. Will you have me?”

“We will,” they answered.—Thorn&Champards, Host




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THE MAGNIFICENT SEVENamah and the other five of the second unforeseen stood in a clearing surrounded by stunted trees. Each of the five were battle mules, the best of the best – heavily armed and ready to fight. Each was sworn to her, well-trained and prepared for war,

groomed to be bonded to a battle seraph. Eliab, Abinadab, and Shammah were all jacks. Simone, Kaylie, and Ramah were all jennys. Together with a seraph, they would make a troop of seven, the perfect number for defeating Darkness. For four months since Ramah had been bonded to the seraph Yarashiel, they had trained together, working day and night to become the perfect fighting unit, to purify themselves, and to prove themselves acceptable to the seraph.

Now, a cold wind blew off the ocean and whistled through the twisted myrtles. They waited with Ramah for her liege seraph to appear. Together they chanted the Scripture they had chosen as their battle mantra. It was longer than most, but they’d agreed that it was perfect for their cadre. “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield. But I come to thee in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.”

Yet Yarashiel still did not appear. The tide came in and began to recede. The Moon rose to brighten the darkest part of night. Still they chanted. And still they were alone. Ramah knew he would come. Her dream had been too intense, too sharp, and too foreign to be just her own imaginings, yet she was beginning to worry -- to wonder. Had she imagined it all? Had it all be her own longings, and not a true call to battle? Was that possible?

The dream had been one of gore and the stink of spawn blood, rank with death and the stench rotting meat. Swords had flashed. The boom of weapons had been deafening. And Yarashiel had stood beside her, his wing behind her, flight feathers touching her back, fighting shoulder to shoulder.

A light brightened the sky and Simone pointed. Excitement filled the small group, swirling around them like mist.

“Yarashiel comes,” Kaylie said, a thrill in her voice. She drew her two-handed longsword, huge and well-balanced, perfectly suited to her bulk. “He comes.” The rest swept weapons free, battle-ready the instant the seraph appeared, yet all still chanting their mantra.

The light grew in the sky, brighter than the moon, and Yarashiel swept over them, his wings the bright yellow of a bunting but far more fierce, the tips of the flight feathers edged in black, with wide scarlet triangles at the nervure. His down covered the underside of his wings, his chest, stomach, and along his arms and legs. His fighting armor was translucent, revealing his black and yellow vestments and downy flesh.

The cadre had, many times, viewed the ancient video of the battle seraph fighting, and the magnificence of Yarashiel rivaled even Michael, the Archseraph. Now he dropped into the midst of them, touching down lightly, bare feet visible through clear battle boots, his wings folding with a soft snap. His eyes sought out Ramah and

he smiled. Simone sighed, holding her weapons across her body; almost a protection. Abinadab, who was known to prefer the touch of male flesh to that of female, fell to his knees, staring with near rapture. Kaylie fell back, staring. Their chant fell into silence; the hiss of surf and the whistle of wind were the only sound.

With eyes only for Ramah, Yarashiel cupped her chin. “You are well and strong,” he whispered. The seraph’s scent filled the clearing, dancing on the breeze, the top note of yellow roses, buttercups, and rich cream, the almost-bitter base note of lemon mint.

Ramah pulled in the fragrance, remembered from her healing. “Yes. Thanks to you.”

“I am pleased. And you bring warriors to fight with us?” Ramah kissed his palm. Yarashiel dropped her face, walking in a small circle, studying each of them -- a long, probing evaluation. When he reached Shammah, the seraph frowned and cocked his head to the side. “You are not well. You have torn shoulder muscles and scaring beneath your shoulder blade. Do you desire healing?”

Shammah’s eyes went wide. “I have had pain here.” He lifted his left arm over his right shoulder and patted his back. “I thought it only a pulled muscle. Yes, heal me, Holy One.”

“I am not holy,” the seraph said, “but I give what I have.” Shammah dropped to his knees beside Abinadab, and when the seraph touched his shoulder he quivered as if by an electric shock and fell to the ground, twitching.

Yarashiel looked at Abinadab. “You will be his wing mate, fighting at his side.” To Simone he said, “You will fight near Eliab. Kaylie will fight to my left. And my chosen one, Ramah, will fight at my right side. We battle in the name of the Most High. We have been charged to find a seraph taken captive by a Darkness whose name shall not be spoken. And the Most High has gifted us with transportation. He has provided ophanim.”

Overhead there was a clap of sound and light like lightning and thunder in a terrible storm. The concussion threw them to the ground. When they raised up, above them, sitting serenely in the sky was an ophanim -- a wheels, the fabled ship of the cherubim. A lion’s head bent over the gunwale, perilously close to the spinning rotors that circled the ship like the rings on a gyroscope. The ship was the yellow of citrine, flashing with light and holiness.

“She will take us to the hellhole,” Yarashiel said. “There now fight a contingent of the second unforeseen and mages, part of the human army. And they have discovered a seraph, chained to the wall on the sixth level and shorn of his wings. The Most High tells me that they are soon to call mage in dire. We will assist with the battle and rescue Schachlil, an angel of the Sun’s rays. Gather your gear.” Looking up, Yarashiel shouted, “We mount up with the wings of angels!”

In an instant the cadre of mules was aboard the ship, dumped onto the deck like so much cargo. And with g-forces dragging their skin back, forcing them to the floor of the wheels, they were in flight.





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CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONThe Rogue Mage Roleplaying Game consists of two books:this Game Master’s Guide (GMG), and a Player’s Handbook (PH)availableseparately.

The PH contains the Rogue Mage RPG rules,andthegamegroupneedsatleastonecopyofthatbookinordertoplay.The GMG has advice to Game Masters on creating andrunningRogue Magecampaigns,anintroductoryadventure,and creatures -- lots and lots of creatures, includingcompletewriteupsofnamedcharacters(goodandevil)fromthe Rogue Magenovels,aswellasnewvillainsandmonsterstoensurethegamecanprogressbeyondtheeventsalreadydepicted in the novels.

The Game Master should have a Game Master’s Guide, but it’s not necessary for other players to have their owncopies.Still,ifthegroup’sGMdoesn’tforbidit,somenon-GM players may enjoy the fiction and other Rogue Mage backgrounddetailsfoundhere.

Thedescriptionsofcharactersandcreatureshereincludeagooddealofinformationontheeventsofthenovels.Thosewhowantto fullyenjoytheseriesshouldfinishedreadingBloodring, Seraphs, and Host before reading the Bestiarychaptersofthisbook.

CREATURE PROFILE FORMATCreaturedescriptions in the following fourchapters followasetprofile:


Size: The size of the creature. See PH page 51 for moredetails on the effects of size.

Speed: How far the creature can move in a single moveaction. Default movement is ground movement, but fourotherkindsofmovementmayalsobelisted:

Burrow:Thecreaturecanburrowthroughearth and stone atthisspeedeachroundasastandardaction.Thetunnelitcreatescollapsesbehinditasitmoves.Byusingafull-roundactioninsteaditmaystabilizethetunnelbehinditandallowothers to follow.

Climb:Thecreaturecanmoveonslopedsurfacesasiftheywere level ground. Normal Climb skill checks and speedrestrictionsapplytoclimbableverticalsurfacesorhangingupside-downfrombranches.


• Poor:Thecreatureisanawkwardorunsteadyflyerandloses half its Dodge defense in the air.

• Good: The creature flies smoothly, retaining its fullDodge defense in the air.

• Perfect:Thecreaturecanacceleratetofullflightspeedor change direction instantly, and can hover in place. +1 to Dodge defense when in the air.

Glide:Thecreaturecan’ttakeofffromtheground,butifitlaunchesitselfintotheairfromaheight,itcansoaronaircurrentsalmostlikeflying.Itmovesatthelistedrateasamoveactionortwicethatasafull-roundaction.Itusesthesamemaneuverabilityranksascreaturesthatcanfly,butitcannothavethePerfectrank.IfithasPoormaneuverability,itlosesaltitudeequaltohalfthedistanceittravelsunless(attheGM’sdiscretion,orthroughuseofconjureslikeBurst of Wind)therearewindsandthermalupdraftssufficienttoallowittogainaltitude.


See PH page50formoreonmovementrates.

Ability Scores:Thecreature’sabilityscoresarelistedhere.See PH Chapter 4 formoreonabilityscores.

Saving Throws:Thecreature’ssavingthrows.Talentsthathave consistent effects on saves (e.g.,Tough)areincludedinthesetotals,butthosethathavevariableeffectsorthatonlyaffectsavesundercertaincircumstances(e.g.,Strong-Willedagainstmind-alteringeffects)aren’t.SeePH pages 50 and 208formoreonsavingthrows.

Talents:Thecreature’stalents.SeePH Chapter 6 formoreon talents.

Drawbacks:Thecreature’sdrawbacks.SeePH Chapter 6 formoreondrawbacks.

Skills: The creature’s skills. The associated ability scoremodifier is already included in each skill’s rating.SeePH Chapter 5 formoreonskills.


Anycross-referencesinthisbookthatdon’tspecifyabooktitlerefertotheRogue Mage RPG Game Master’s Guide. Cross-references to the Rogue Mage RPG Player’s HandbookincludePH.



ThechallengeformortalsconfrontingthefullmightoftheDarknessisnotdefeatingit,buttryingtofindawaytoinvolvethe seraphsagainst it or toat least escapewith their lives.For themostpart,player characters should encountertheservantsofthegreaterpowers(suchasdevil-spawn,daywalkers,andDarkmortals),aswellasmortalopponents(politicalorreligiousrivals,bandits,etc.)duringtheiradventures,savingconfrontationswithevenlesserpowersoftheDarknessfortheclimaxofanadventure.SuchaclimacticconfrontationshouldbecarefullychosenandthePCsshouldhavetheopportunitytogatherhelpbeforehandfromfellowmortalwarriors,alliedwatchers,orevenseraphs.




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• Initiative: The creature’s initiative score, includingalways-ontalentslikeImprovedInitiative.

• Attacks: Detailed information about the creature’smost frequently used attacks, including the attackbonusanddamageandanyspecialdamagetheattacksmaycause.Abilities thatalwayshave thesameeffect(e.g., ability score modifiers, Combat Focus (melee),andacreature’ssizemodifier)areaddedintotheattacktotalsforappropriateattacks.Thosethataren’talwaysused(e.g.,BattleRage)andthosewithvariableeffects(e.g.,AccurateAttack)aren’tincludedinadvance.

• Defenses:Thecreature’sdefensevalues.Abilitiesthatalwayshavethesameeffect(e.g.,abilityscoremodifiersand a creature’s size modifier) are added into theappropriatedefense totals.Thosewithvariableeffects(e.g.,DefensiveAttack)aren’tincludedinadvance.

See PH Chapter 11 formoreoncombat.


• Base Creation Energy:Thecreature’sBCE.

• Maximum Creation Energy: The creature’s MCE. Ifacreaturehastalentsthatgive itapoolofadditionalCE(likeVesselofDarkness/Light),itsMaxCEislistedas,say,45+15,indicatingalimitof45CEbasedonraceandConstitutionplus15fromitsTaintscoreandtalent.

• Base Potency: ThebasePotency of any conjures thecreature knows. If the creature has more than oneElementalAffinitywithdifferentbasePotencies,they’relisted separately.

• Conjures Known:Thespellsknownbythecreature.

See PH Chapter 7 formoreonmagic.

Luck Points: The creature’s maximum luck point total,including luckpoints from theExtra Luck talent. SeePH page169forusesofLuckPoints.

Virtue/Taint:Thecreature’sVirtueorTaintscore.SeePH page167fordetailsaboutVirtueandTaint.

Allegiance: The creature’s allegiance: Light, Neutral, orDarkness.SeePH page 168 for the effects of Allegiance.

Wealth:TheWealthscoreofamortal;non-mortalshavenoneed of this score. See PH pages 169 and 178 for details aboutWealth.

Equipment:Equipmentnormallyfoundwiththecreature.The GM may add to or subtract from this list. See PH Chapter 10 formoreonequipment.





GM Notes:AnyadditionalinformationtheGMmayneedinordertorunthecreature.

Variants: Common variants (if any) of the creature aredescribedhere.


Christina Stiles

Christina Stiles is a freelance game writer/editor/developer/publisher—full-time as of April 2014—livinginSouthCarolina.Shealsowritesabitoffiction.SheisamemberofMisfitStudiosandRogueGeniusGames,andshepublishesPDFsunderherowncompany,ChristinaStiles Presents.Her game-writing credits includeworkforGreenRoninPublishing,MisfitStudios,OpenDesign,KoboldPress,Kobold Quarterly,TrollLordGames,PaizoPublishing,RogueGeniusGames,SuperGeniusGames,andWhiteWolf Studios. She sends her thanks to theconvention crews of ConCarolinas,MACE, andMACE:WestinNorthCarolinaforallthegreatgamesandthewonderful venues in which to playtest Rogue Mage. SpecialthankstoallherplaytestersandRonMcClungandJeffSmith,conorganizersextraordinaire.Christinamaintainsawebsiteatwww.christinastiles.com.

Raven Blackwell

Raven Blackwell was appointed the cultural attachéof the Darkness after the successful assassination ofthe last person to hold the post. Now representing the diplomaticinterestsofthedarkmastersoftheuniverse,Ravenoftenindulgesinrole-playinggamestorelaxafterlongperiodsofrulingwithanironfist.Ravenhasbeenagamemasterfornearlytwodecades,engaginginsuch

decadent appetites as Dungeons & Dragons (every version to thefirstboxedset),Conan, Star Wars (all versions), Ars Magica, the original World of Darkness, Warhammer Fantasy Role Playing (all versions), and even thenow-orphaned Middle Earth Role Playing (Oh,howwemissye). Rogue Mage isRaven’sfirstprofessionalpublication.

Faith Hunter

AnativeofLouisiana,FaithHunterspentherearlyyearson the bayou and rivers, learning survival skills andthewomanlyarts.She likedhorses,dogs,fishing,andcrabbingmuchbetterthangirlythings.Shestilldoes.

In grade school, she fell in love with fantasy and science fiction,readingfivebooksaweekandwishingshecould“write that great stuff.” Faithnow sharesher lifewithher Renaissance Man and their dogs in an enclave of their own.


Spike Y Jones

A freelance game writer and editor for almost threedecades, over the past 13 years Spike hasworked ondozens of magazine articles, short stories, and booksforoveradozencompanieswithChristinaStiles.Eachprojectseemedbigger than theonebefore,sohecan’timaginewhat’sgoingtocomeafterRogue Mage.




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“Who are you?” I shouted back, pulling the Flame-blessed blade. It sizzled brightly and sang a note of welcome to the sky. The note vibrated my hand and up my arm into my heart. “Who are you who comes to the Battle Station Consulate without proper greetings? Without proper protocol?”

“You draw a weapon against us?” Raven One demanded. “We are messengers from the Most High.”

“We are the peacemakers. The long arm of his holy will,” Raven Two said.

“We bring death and destruction to the human world,” the third Raven said.

“And did the Most High tell you to let humans bleed and die today?” I shouted.

“There is yet no blood,” Raven One said. “No mage in dire.”

“No danger,” Raven Two said.

“We watch,” Zadkiel said. As one, their wings beat and they climbed higher in the sky.

— Thorn & Seraphs, Host





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SET IN STONEoly Amethyst reared back in the cockpit of her wheels, her eagle face forward, beak raised in screaming challenge. Her hands gripped the arms of her chair, talons scoring deep runnels in the gold. Her mate, Zadkiel, was taken. She saw it

as it happened, a vision strong and true.

She felt the darkness as it slithered across his wings, burning, scorching deep. Zadkiel screamed in agony. The Aqua Dragon and his minion, Forcas, swept forward, leathery wings beating the air, throwing dark lightning, dark energy so dense it covered the seraph scent like a flood. Her vision of Zadkiel, her awareness of him was… gone. Never since they mated had he been so far from her that she couldn’t sense him. The space in her mind that he had occupied was an empty chasm.

She whirled to the throne of the Most High and screeched a prayer. The Light of the throne, the holy Shechinah, the cloud of glory, rested on its sapphire base, pulsing with power, with incredible might, hanging above the singing throng. She knew the Most High felt Zadkiel’s pain. She knew he could help him. Yet he let her mate suffer.

She screeched in agony, howling above the song of the gathered seraphs. The other three cherubs stared at her across the holy Shechinah. Their singing fell silent. Below them, the throng that sang to the glory of the Most High fell silent. Disquiet filled the holy square. A hush seeped through the smoke of the holiness.

Amethyst screamed again. “Help him,” she prayed. “Assist him,” she begged. “Save him!” she demanded. The Light did nothing—did not even seem to hear her—as he had not listened to their pleas in long years.

Amethyst powered up her wheels, the rings speeding into smooth rotation, one rolling east to west, another north to south, and the others from Heaven to Earth in oscillating harmony. “Holy Amethyst, no! Wait,” Holy Citrine screamed. With a final screech, Amethyst powered her wheels away from the throne—away from the Host—away from the Light of the Most High.

With a roar of power, she dropped through the golden streets, scattering seraphs, and pointed the nose of the ship down, aiming for the River of Time. Calculating the descent and the angle of impact, she hit the river and cut through the glowing water. And out the other side, into the atmosphere of Earth with a boom of displaced air.

The scent of battle whipped by her, smoke and blood and death. She rotated, bringing her lion face to the fore. Sniffing. It had been long and long since she’d scented battle, not since the battle when Michael and his lieutenants, and the wheels to which they were bound, fought the Red Dragon and defeated him.

She pointed the wheels at the Earth, at the mountain that appeared just below. This close, she could sense Zadkiel once again. And she could smell humans—human blood. She blasted the rock with light, exploding granite away, revealing a chamber of a hellhole. She dove the wheels down, into it, screaming her mate’s name, burning the spawn of the hellhole to vapor.

The rock closed over her as she bored deeper, dust flying. From a tunnel a dragon appeared, wings spread, the Aqua Dragon, his body scaled and glistening with dark energies. And he cast a sparkling net of dark power over her. A trap.

Instantly, she reversed the wheels and strained against the energy net. Below her, she felt the shift of power. A human had offered his life for Zadkiel; had poured his own life-blood over the demon iron that trapped her mate. And Zadkiel was free!

Amethyst called to him. But the energy net caught the energies of the summons and bounced them back to her. Zadkiel and his seraphs flew from the hellhole, alive and free. Sending power to the wheels, Amethyst tried to draw on the might of the Most High, but it was as if she had been cut off from the Heavens. The net: a weapon of great darkness or a judgment against her?

The dragon laughed and threw himself at her, landing on the deck of her wheels. “You are mine, now,” he said. “And you will mate with me. And your power and your wheels will be mine. And I will sit on the throne of the Most High.” He reached out a hand and brushed her many breasts.

Amethyst screamed as the feathers and flesh beneath his fingers blistered and smoked. But her shriek was a ploy, and her hands shifted the keys of the cockpit chair. In a single instant, the wheels rotated upside down and reversed. The dragon was tossed against the floor of the rock chamber. The wheels opened up with the light, the purple lasers blasting an outlet. An incantation of protection was contained in a single word, and Amethyst spoke it as the wheels shot for the surface of the mountain. The navcone tore through the energy net the dragon had cast around them.

The wheels hit the atmosphere and exploded with the power of protection. But in that instant, the net dragged over the cockpit chair and snared Amethyst. Pain erupted through her. She was jerked from the chair, down into the chamber, hard against the dragon’s chest. The wheels pulsed once, and they were gone.

The dragon wrapped his net tight around her, anger vibrating through him. “Your mate is free, but you are mine. And soon, your ophanim—your wheels—will be mine as well. Your energy is mine. Your essence is mine. With you I will create new life.” His claws raked her through the energy mesh. “Call the wheels back. Now!”Amethyst reached for Zadkiel—reached for the wheels—reached for the Most High. No one and nothing answered. She was a prisoner of the Darkness.

THE LIGHTSincetheyarrivedonEarthanddeliveredthejudgmentoftheMostHigh against humanity, the forces of Light havedominated the world. They’ve built Realms of Light oneverypopulatedcontinent,fromwhichtheyissueedictstohumanity and send forth parties to seek out and destroytheDarkness. They alsomonitor the activities of thenewsupernaturalbeingsof theworld,especially theneomages





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CHAPTER 2they’re sworn toprotect, and thenew race of the seraph-touchedthathasrecentlycometotheirattention.

TheprincipalmotivationsoftheLightarethebattleagainsttheDarkness and carrying out thewill of theMostHigh;the protection the Light provides humanity seems almostincidental.TheLightrepresents themostpowerfulunifiedforce on Earth, but its actions are driven by unrevealeddesigns, and the forces of Light can be as dangerous tohumanityastheDarkforcestheyoppose.

THE MOST HIGHBackground: Beyond the seraphs, cherubs, and othermanifestationsoftheLight,thereistheircreator,theMostHigh.TheMostHighisassumedtobecapableofmanifestingdirectly in thematerial world but there are no confirmedreportsofanysuchmanifestationduringtheLastWar.TheEIHusesthislackofevidencetoclaimthattheMostHighdoesn’texistorthattheseraphsareimposterstakingformsfromhumanmythology.TheorthodoxyandtheAAS,though,saythattheMostHighwon’tappearuntiltheverylastbattleoftheApocalypseorwhenhumanityprovesworthyofbeinginthecreator’spresence.Ifanyonehasaskedtheseraphsfor an explanation and received one, he hasn’t repeated it to the world at large.

Something powers the processes of calling on faith and using Scripture in battle, and strange and terrible powerhasmanifestedthroughseraphsandholymenandwomen.WhatevertheMostHigh’struenature,itcertainlyisreal.

Appearance: The Most High hasn’t directly appeared onEarthsincehisreturn.PeoplepossessedbytheMostHighhavemanifestedanimbusofethereallightaboutthemthatisdetectablebyMageSightandMagicalAwarenessandonrareoccasionsisvisibletothenakedeye.

Personality: Humanity has spent millennia trying tounderstand the Most High and now, in what could bethefinalmoments of theworld’s existence,humans seemnocloser to thatgoal.TheMostHighsent theseraphs todestroy90%ofthehumanrace,butdefendstheremainderagainst the dragons and theirminions; a seraphwill riskhis immortalexistencetoprotectachild fromdanger,butslayanadult forasinglespokenprofanity; theMostHighprophesiesthebattlesbetweenmortalsandtheDarkness,butwithholdsdirectassistancefromEarth’sdefenders.

Statements fromseraphssuggestthattheupcomingFinalWarwillbetheMostHigh’stestofmortals—perhapsatesttodestruction.

MAJOR POWERS OF THE LIGHTBeneaththeMostHigharethemajorpowersof theLight.


Although the seraphim of the Rogue Mage universe arepatterned on Judeo-Christian traditions, these angels donotendorseanyoneexplanationoftheMostHighoveranyother.Duringthereligion-fueledbattlesthatbeganshortlyaftertheirarrival,theseraphskilledallparticipantsintheviolence, whether theywereChristian,Muslim,Hindu, orother. They have become guardians of mortals’ right toworshiptheMostHighinanymannertheywish;worshippersof theDarknesshavenosuchprotection.Theiropinionofatheists,agnostics,andmembersof religionsalignedwithneitherLightnorDarknessisn’tknown.



Speed: 50 feet, Fly 180 feet (Poor)

Str 24 (+7) Dex 22 (+6) Con 30 (+10) Int 32 (+11)* Wis 32 (+11)* Cha 32 (+11)*

Saving Throws: Fortitude +15, Reflex +12, Will +20*,Toughness+10

Talents: Abiding Faith, Additional Limbs 1, Awareness,Awe, Battle Scripture, Bestow Luck, Conjure Focus (pick10) 2, Conjure Scripture, Counter Conjure, Craftsman,Darkvision, Diehard, Determine Allegiance, DivineBeing, Divine Communion (Lesser and Greater), DivineSource (Greater), Elemental Affinity (Stone) 15, ElementalAffinity (all others) 12, Energy Strike 15, Extended Sense(Darkvision, Mage Sight, Magical Awareness, Mind Skim,Mindspeech) 8, Extra Luck 8, Far Caster, Fast Caster,Favored Environment (Otherspace) 4, Favored Opponent(dragons) 4, Fearsome Presence 5, Grace, Healing Touch,Immunity (Awe, disease, fear, poison, Voice), KnowledgeFocus (theology and philosophy: Scripture, seraphim),Mage Sight,Magical Awareness,Mind Skim,Mindspeech,OmnidirectionalVision,OtherspaceMovement,OtherspaceTransport,PerfectVessel,PositionalSense,Pounce,RapidRecovery*, Rejuvenation, Regeneration, Seraph-Blooded,Seraphic Artificer, Silent Caster, Soul Bond (Greater)(toseraphmate)*, Spiritual Projection, Still Caster, SummonFlame5,Teamwork5,TrueFaith,UltimateSkill(Knowledge(arcane lore), Spellcraft), Veracity, Vessel of Light, Voice

Drawbacks:Duty 1 (to theMostHigh), Noticeable (multi-dimensional form, supernatural), Spatial Disorientation,Weakness(unholy)

Skills:Concentration+21*,Craft(artistic)+21*,Diplomacy+16*,Dodge+15,Intimidate+16*,Knowledge(arcanelore)+21*, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +16*, NaturalWeapon (bite) +11, Natural Weapon (claws) +12, NaturalWeapon (ranged)+23,Notice+16*,Perform(singing)+21*,RangedWeapon(magic)+22,Search+16*,Spellcraft+21*



Attacks:EnergyStrike+21(upto+15holyenergydamage),bite+9 (+11holypiercingdamage), or claws+10 (+9holyslashingdamage)

NOTES: Using theMostHigh directly in a campaignmustbedonelightly,ifatall.HavingakirkelderseizedbythepoweroftheMostHightodeliveraprophecyinadesperatemomentisingenre.Havingaboomingvoicecryoutfromtheskyisnot.

Inmostcases,theMostHigh’swilliscarriedoutthroughthe seraphs and other servants of the Light, and on veryrareoccasionsbyLight-alignedmortals.TheMostHigh should remain a mysterious, unseen presence:somethingmore powerful, wise, and dangerous thanthePCscancomprehend (seeThe GM As God, page 134).




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BESTIARY: CREATURES OF LIGHTDefenses:Dodge23(11whenflying),Parry8






Luck Points: 9

Virtue/Taint: +25

Allegiance: Light

Equipment: Cherubs are the pilots of the ophanim: thegreat cherubicwheels (seepage12).Cherubs are capableofcreatingpowerfulseraphicamuletsandmayhaveoneormoreforpersonaluse,butrelyalmostcompletelyontheirown wheels.

*Thisprofileincludestheeffectofthecherub’sGreaterSoulBondwithamajorseraph.Ifthisbondissomehowremoved,reduceherIntelligence,Wisdom,andCharismaby2(aswellas all skills based on them), and her base Potencies andherWillsavingthrowby1.AlsoremoveherRapidRecoverytalent.Due toherSpatialDisorientationdrawback, if thisbondisremovedthecherubbecomeshelplessin the physical world and cannot performanyactionoruseherwheels.

Background:CherubsarethefoundationofthethroneoftheMostHigh;higherspiritsofLight than the seraphim themselves. WithinOtherspace they are powerful enough tochallengedragonsinsinglecombat,butcherubswere never meant to operate in mere three-dimensionalspace.Itssoulbondtoamajorseraphspiritualmatehelpsacherubinthisregard,butsheisstillweakerinphysicalrealitythaninOtherspace.Cherubs only normally manifest in the Realms ofLighttoleadgreatritualsofpraisefortheMostHigh.

Therewere once four cherubs in service to theMostHigh; Holy Amethyst, Holy Citrine, Holy Sapphire,andHolyRuby.Sapphire fell fromgraceandbecamethedemoness Lamashtu, andHolyEmeraldwas createdbytheMostHightoreplaceher.

Appearance: Cherubs in Otherspace cantransmogrify into multiple forms. Amongtheirreported forms isa femaleversionofaseraph,ahumanbeing,alioness,anox,anda giant eagle. In the physical world, they’re restricted to acompositeofalltheirotherforms.Thisformhasfourfaces,oneoneachquarterofthehead;forexample,HolyAmethyst’s formhas the faces of a seraph, human, cat,andbirdofprey.


Personality: Cherubs are the handmaidens of the MostHigh and are normally serene when in the Most High’spresence,littletouchedbyeventsinthephysicalrealm.Their understanding of time goes beyond the linearconceptionofmortals.Thebirthanddeathofstars

arebutasingleblinkofaneyetothem,sothelifeanddeathofmortalsisamomentaryphenomenon,almostimpossiblefor them to individually note or understand. There is onerecent and notable exception to this viewpoint (seeHoly Amethyst page 12).


Cherubstendtooverlookmortalcasualtiesintheirconflicts,sometime even destroying entire human communities intheirzealtodestroytheDarkness.Intheireyes,mortalslivesuchshortlivesthatsendingthemtotheirfinalrewardafewyearsordecadesearlyisofnoconsequence.

Cherubsarealwaysmutuallysoulboundtopowerfulmajorseraphs who act as their partners and protectors.

NOTES:AswarriorsofOtherspace,cherubsdon’tventureinto the physical realm often, where they would bevulnerabletotheDarkness.WiththepossibleexceptionofHolyAmethyst,playercharacterswilllikelyneverseeone.UntilThornSt.CroixencounteredHolyAmethyst,she’dassumedthatcherubswereaBiblicalmyth.




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CHERUBIC WHEELSThesepowerfulconstructsaretheepitomeofseraphicamulets.Theyarethemassiveshipsofthecherubs,designed to act as transport, as vast reservoirs of creation energy, and as weapons. Although usuallytotallyobedienttotheircherubicriders,theophanim(wheels) are self-aware and may act of their ownvolition,possiblyevencontrarytotheirriders’wishes.

There are fourwheels, one for each cherub.Those ofHolySapphireweredestroyedbytheMostHighwhenshefellfromgraceandbecamethedemonessLamashtu.

A cherubicwheels appears as ahollow spherewithrotating external rings, both made of its creator’snamesakestone.Thecherubherselfrideswithinthesphereandrarelycomesoutofthewheels.Inadditionto the cherub, the wheels can hold eight Medium-sizedcreatures.Ifthecherubisabsent,anadditional16Medium-sizedcreaturescanfitinside.Thewheelsmaycreatedoorsasdesiredbyitoritspilot,orusetheTeleporttalenttomovepeopletoandfromitsinterior.

A wheels is almost never encountered withoutits cherub, but it’s capable of sending a spiritualprojection (that manifests as a snake made of itscomponent stone) into the physical world. Such aprojectionfromHolyAmethyst’swheelsbondedwiththeomegamageThornSt.Croix.

Type:ConstructSize:GargantuanSpeed: Fly 240 (Perfect)

Str 50 (+20) Dex 20 (+5) Con 50 (+20) Int 8 (–1) Wis 20 (+5) Cha 20 (+5)

Saving Throws: Fortitude +20, Reflex +5, Will +5,Toughness+40

Talents: Awe, Combat Focus (ranged) 5,DetermineAllegiance, Divine Being, Divine Source (Greater),Elemental Affinity (Stone) 20, Elemental Affinity(all others) 15, Energy Strike 50, Extra Luck 4,Immunity (Awe, disease, poison, Voice), KnowledgeFocus(theologyandphilosophy:Darkness,Scripture,seraphim),LifeSupport,MarkofPower,Mindspeech,Otherspace Movement, Rapid Replenishment, SpiritForm,SpiritualProjection,Teleport8,Translation

Drawbacks:Duty2(toitscherub),Hunted(Darkness),Limbless, Noticeable (extra-dimensional construct,supernatural),Weakness(unholy)

Skills: Dodge +10, Knowledge (arcane lore) +8,Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +4, NaturalWeapon (ranged) +12, Notice +10, Ranged Weapon (magic)+15,Search+10,Spellcraft+10


Initiative:+5Attacks: Energy Strike +13 (up to +50 holy energydamage;ifthewheelshaveapilot,thepilotmayusehisNaturalWeapon (ranged)skill tofirethewheel’sEnergyStrikeasastandardaction),orbyconjureDefenses:Dodge6(+1whenflying),Parry6


Cherubic wheels are technically seraphic amulets,abletostore100,000CEandusetheirDivineSourcetalenttorechargethemselves.


Luck Points: 5Virtue/Taint: +25Allegiance: Light

HOLY AMETHYSTAlthoughidenticalinmostways,HolyAmethystisdifferentfromtheothercherubsinafewrespects.Duringhercaptivityin the Trine hellhole, she was exposed to its infernal energies fordecadesandbegan tobehaveerratically.For example,sheisjealousofherwheels’attachmenttoThornSt.CroixandevenrefusedtoletthemattackthedragonAzazelathercommand.Asaresult,herVirtueisonly+15andherCEis150 + 90.



Speed: 50 feet, Fly 120 feet (Perfect)

Str 25 (+7) Dex 25 (+7) Con 25 (+7) Int 25 (+7) Wis 25 (+7) Cha 25 (+7)

Saving Throws: Fortitude +15, Reflex +15, Will +15,Toughness+15(+25witharmor)

Talents:AbidingFaith,AccurateAttack,AdditionalLimbs1,Ambidexterity,AnimalEmpathy,Attractive4,Awareness,Awe,BattleRage2,BattleScripture,Benefit(Rank:PrinceofLight),BestowLuck,BloodHealing,CombatFocus(melee)4,ConjureFocus(pickthree)2,ConjureScripture,CounterConjure, Darkvision, Defense Focus (melee) 4, DefensiveAttack,Diehard,DivineBeing,DivineCommunion (Lesserand Greater), Divine Source (Greater), Elemental Affinity(Air)10,ElementalAffinity(anyone)12,EnergyStrike10,Extended Sense (Darkvision, Magical Awareness, MageSight,MindSkim,Mindspeech,Scent)6,ExtraLuck4,FarCaster, Fast Caster, Fast Track 2, Favored Environment(sky) 4, Fearless, Fearsome Presence 8, Grace, Immunity(Awe,disease,poison,FearsomePresence,Voice),ImprovedDefense 2, Improved Initiative 4, Inspire 5, Interpose,Knowledge Focus (theology and philosophy: Darkness,Scripture,seraphim),Leadership,LifeSupport,MageSight,Mage Speed 4, Magical Awareness, Manifestation, Mind Skim, Mindspeech, Otherspace Movement, OtherspaceTransport, Perfect Vessel, Positional Sense, Power Attack,RapidAttack2,ReflexiveParry,Regeneration,Rejuvenation,Scent,SeraphicArtificer,SerialImmortality,SilentCaster,SpiritForm,StillCaster,SummonFlame4,TakedownAttack2, Teamwork 4, Tough 8, Translation, Transmogrification(humanform),TrueFaith,Veracity,VesselofLight,Voice,Weapon Specialization (sword)


Skills: Acrobatics +15, Concentration +15, Craft (artistic)+15,Diplomacy+15,Dodge+15,Intimidate+15,Knowledge(arcane lore) +15, Knowledge (tactics) +15, Knowledge(theology and philosophy) +10, Martial Arts +15, Melee Weapon(blades)+15,NaturalWeapon(ranged)+15,Notice+15, Parry +15, Perform (singing) +15, Ranged Weapon(magic)+15,Search+15,SenseMotive+15,Spellcraft+15,Survival+15



Attacks:seraphsteelblade+21(+17holyslashingdamage),Energy Strike +15 (up to +10 holy energy damage), orunarmed+19(+7holybludgeoningdamage)




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Defenses: Dodge 25 (+1 when flying), Parry 25 (+5 withshield,+4againstmeleeattacks)






Luck Points: 5

Virtue/Taint: +25

Allegiance: Light

Equipment:Everymajor seraphcanmaterialize a seraphsteel sword, shield, and armor. Hemay also have one ormoreseraphicamulets.Hemayenterbattlewithhisseraphsteelswordpossessedbyaflame,increasingitsdamageby+5andaddingthefiredescriptor.

Background: Major seraphs are the primary servantsof theMostHigh onEarth, the princes of theHighHost,

and the greatest of the heavenly warriors. They rule humanity, usually through edicts tomortalgovernments that brook no refusal. Their aimsaren’t human and their secrets are kept tothemselves.TheyrarelyleavetheRealmsofLightunlessonmissions fortheMostHigh,todeliveredicts, to respond to mage in dire pleas, or toanswerprayersofferedtotheMostHighthathavebeendeemedworthy.


Appearance: Major seraphs appear as tall humanswithwide,featheredwings,eitherrobedinwhitesilkorarmoredinseraphsteel.Theireyes,hair, and wings can be of any color from purestwhite to deepest black. Their voices peal with the


A seraph in spirit form appears as a glowing ball ofunearthlyradiance.

Personality: Proud and serene, major seraphs are alooffrom mortal concerns. They never explain themselves ortheirmotivationstomortalsandoftenspeakinwhatseemlikecrypticriddles.

Violence,swearing,andimpiousbehaviorstirtheirwrathandoftenresultinthedeathoftheonewhoperformedtheactionandjudgmentbeingrenderedonanyothermortalsnearby.Seraphsarerequiredtoprotectneomagesandtheinnocent from human aggression or the Darkness, and


While useful to have around when the forces ofDarknessthreatentooverwhelm,seraphicscrutinyofapersoncanbeaslethalasthefangsofdevil-spawn.Theyruthlesslypunishthosewhobreaktheircodesofmorality.

If summoned by amage in dire call, amajor serapheliminates all Dark creatures present, and then allpossiblethreatstotheneomage(includingpossiblythemage’sallies),beforetendingtothewoundedhefeelsdeserve to live.Hemaychoose tostayand judge themortalspresentorleavewithoutawordofexplanation.

Amortalwhoearnsamajorseraph’sgratitudemightbegrantedaselflessboon.Majorseraphsneverresurrecta deadmortal as a boon but other requestsmay beacceptable. Those mortals who earn a seraph’s ireusuallydiewithinseconds.

Major seraphs can be reasoned with, but it takes agreatdealoftactandwisdomtosteerone’smindawayfromacourse it’sset itselfon. IfoperatingonordersfromtheMostHigh,thereisnoreasoningwiththematall:Theywillfulfilltheirdutywithoutfail.

Major seraphs are greatly interested in the activities of magic-wieldingbeings,especiallykylenandneomages.Theyseektobindthemostpowerfulmagesandsecondunforeseentotheirserviceforthepresentandforthefinalbattles.Manyconsideritthegreatesthonortobebondedtoamajorseraph.Othersseeitasslavery.




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CHAPTER 2willdosounlessgivenagreatertaskbytheMostHigh.SeraphsattackallDarkcreaturesonsightandfightthemtothedeath.

The desires and duties of all seraphs overlapto a great degree, but they are not mindless,interchangeable slaves of the Most High.Differenceofopinioncandevelopamongthemajorseraphs,butthisisunlikelytogrowbeyondsternwordsorcallingontheMostHighforarbitration.

Each seraph has a specific task given to himbytheMostHigh,andintheabsenceofdirectordersfromtheMostHighorotherduties,heattendstothistaskasheseesfit.

Combat: Major seraphs are not subtlecombatants. Against the forces of Darkness,they simply charge in attacking leaders,swords blazing and voices booming, usuallymaking use of Scripture in combat (see PH page 87). Against mortals on whom theyarepronouncing judgment theysimplyuseDeath conjures.

Attacking or even hinting at attacking amajorseraph is likelyadeathsentence foramortal. ThosewithVirtue get awarningfirst;everyoneelseissimplykilled.

Human Form: A seraph can choose to appearinanyhumanform.Seraphsdothistospyonmortals,tobetterjudgethem,ortotestthem.Hisformisflawlesstotheeye,buthisstiffmodeofbehaviorandspeech,plushisinability to lie or curse, canmake himmoreobviousthanherealizes.

Theprofileisthesameashisseraphformwiththefollowingchanges:removehisflyingabilityandtheNoticeabledrawback.ForpurposesofpassingasahumanhehasaneffectiveDisguiseskill of +12. A seraph can attempt to disguisehimselfasaspecificindividualandisn’tboundbygender.Scriptureindicatesthatseraphscantaketheformofanimals,clouds,boltsoflightning,andotherevenstrangerforms.


MorepowerfulseraphshavemoreElementalAffinitytalentsat their command. The greatest of all seraphs, such asMichaelandRaphael,haveallofthem.


CHERIOUR, ANGEL OF PUNISHMENTAsMajorSeraphbutwiththefollowingchanges:

Str 26 (+8) Dex 24 (+7) Int 24 (+7) Wis 26 (+8) Cha 23 (+6)

Saving Throws: Increase Will to +16.

Talents: Add All-Out Attack, Assessment, Bully, ConjureFocus (Death, Detect, Mark) 2, Determine Allegiance,ElementalAffinity(Fire)12,FavoredOpponent(fallenseraphs)4,ImprovedObjectAttack,KnowledgeFocus(civics:seraphiclaw),UltimateSave(Will),andWeaponBind.IncreaseExtraLuckto5ranksandSummonFlameto8ranks.

Skills: Increase Knowledge (theology and philosophy) to+13,MeleeWeapon (blades) andParry to+17, Intimidate,MartialArts,andSenseMotive+16.AddKnowledge(civics)+11.ReducePerform(singing)to+14.


Attacks:seraphsteelblade+23(+17holyslashingdamage),Energy Strike +15 (up to +10 holy energy damage), orunarmed+20(+8holybludgeoningdamage)

Defenses: Dodge 25 (+1 when flying), Parry 27 (+5 withshield,+4againstmeleeattacks)




Luck Points: 6




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BESTIARY: CREATURES OF LIGHTEquipment: Inaddition tohisseraphsteel shield,armor,andblade,Cheriourhasaseraphicamuletuniquetoangelsofpunishment.ThisgoldsigilhangingonachainaroundhisneckhastheMarkspellatPotency30,whichheusestomarkplacesandpeoplewiththesealoftheMostHigh.ItalsoallowsCheriourtobeinthepresenceofaneomagewithoutsuccumbingtomageheatforuptoanhourata time.Hemayhaveotherseraphicamuletsat theGM’s discretion.

Background: Cheriour is dispatched from theRealms of Light to judge mortals and deliverseraphic justice. Like all angels of punishment,Cheriourismorefearedthanloved,andcanbeasdangeroustomortalsastheforcesofDarkness.

CheriourwassenttoevaluateThornSt.Croixand answered her mage in dire call whenMineral City was attacked by the fallenseraph Forcas. He was also one of the sixseraphspresentatthefinalbattleofMineralCity.

Appearance: Cheriour’s feathers are alustrous teal, edging to black along theends, with smoke-gray down. His skinis dusky, unlike the normal pure whitecommonly associated with the seraphs. Hishair iscurlydarkgraywithawidow’speak,andhiseyesmatchthetealofhisplumage.He smells of lemon, mint, and sage. Hisarmor,sword,andshieldresemble lustrous,glowingmother-of-pearl.


Personality: Cheriour is conservative evenfor a seraph. Upon detecting any sin of any nature by a mortal, Cheriour reacts swiftly.Cheriour rarely listens to pleas, explanations,orexcuses.Onlyappealingtohimthroughholywrit can influence him. Characters trying tomodifyCheriour’sattitudemustuseScripture(Knowledge(philosophyandtheology))insteadoftheDiplomacyskillandwitha–5penalty.

Cheriour, likeallseraphs, isboundbythewill of the Most High, which can overridehis usual tendencies. Thorn’s place in theprophecy of the Most High regarding thebinding of Azazel prevented Cheriour fromreturning her to the New Orleans Enclaveas seraphic law demanded. Cheriour’saccidental revelation of Thorn’s nature as aneomageseemstoindicatethatCheriourisabitobliviousto the consequences of his actions among mortals. It isunknown what, if any, effect Cheriour’s near fall due tolustwillhaveonhismindset.

Combat:CherioursummonsflamesbeforeabattleagainsttheDarkness andhas one possesshis blade to increaseitspower.HeusesotherflamestocornertheleaderoftheDarkness and then engages him in combat. As an angelofpunishment,he is capableofdefeatinganything shortof a dragon. Once the leader is disposed of or driven off, Cheriour turns his attention to the next most powerfulcreatureofDarknessandproceedsdown the ranksuntilthebattleisover.

Afterthebattle,Cheriourturnshisattentiontoanymortalsremainingandbeginsjudgingthem.Ifhefindsanytobeguilty of sin, he casts Death on them one at a time. If

threatenedorattackedbyinnocentalliesofthosejudged,Cheriour gives one regretful warning. If the warning isignored, Cheriour slays any who stand against him. Ifappealed to throughScripture andhis attitudemoves toIndifferentorbetter,heleaves.

RAZIEL, REVEALER OF ROCKAsMajorSeraphbutwiththefollowingchanges:

Str 24 (+7) Dex 26 (+8)

Saving Throws: Increase Reflex to +16. Decrease Will to+14.

Talents: Add Conjure Focus (Detect Minerals, Geothermal




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CHAPTER 2Control, Mindshield) 2, Craftsman, Determine Allegiance,ElementalAffinity (Stone)12,FinesseAttack (blades),andKnowledge Focus (theology and philosophy: Scripture,seraphim, world religions). Increase Attractive and ExtraLuckto5ranks.DecreaseBenefitto(MinorPrinceofLight).

Skills: Add Craft (artistic) +17, Craft (structural) +17,and Knowledge (Earth sciences) +18. Increase Acrobatics,Concentration, Dodge, Knowledge (tactics), Martial Arts,MeleeWeapon(blades),andRangedWeapon(magic)to+16.Increase Knowledge (arcane lore), Perform (singing), andSearch to +18.



Attacks:seraphsteelblade+22(+17holyslashingdamage),Energy Strike +16 (up to +10 holy energy damage), orunarmed+20(+7holybludgeoningdamage)

Defenses: Dodge 26 (+1 when flying), Parry 25 (+1 withblades,+5withshield,+4againstmeleeattacks)




Luck Points: 6

Equipment: Raziel can materialize a seraph steel sword,shield,andarmor.HehadoneseraphicamuletthathegavetoCianaStanhope.Hemighthaveothersforhisownuse.

Background: Raziel, Revealer of Rock, Chief of SupremeMysteries,SeraphofSecretReligions, isaminorprinceoftheLight.HeiscreditedwithgivingAdamtheBookofRaziel,butit’snotknownifthisactuallyhappenedorisametaphorofsomekind.InthebattlesoftheLastWar,RazielfoughtunderarchangelMichael.

Raziel responded to a mage in dire call when Thorn St.Croixandher friendswereunderattackbyForcas’sDarkminions.Afterrescuingthem,heformedasoulbondwithAudricinordertopreventhisdeathbypoisonandgavetheseraph-touchedchildCianaStanhopeaseraphicamulet.Helater rescuedThorn’s ex-husband from theTrinehellhole,rescuedThornandheralliesfromanotherattackbyspawn,andrepliedtoanothermageindirecallfromThorn.HewasoneofthesixseraphswhoparticipatedinthefinalbattleofMineral City.


Appearance:Razielhasorange-redhair,scarletwings,andruby-red eyes—even his exposed skin reddens when he’sfighting or excited. He smells of honey and chocolate. Atpeacehewearsred-goldrobes.Inbattlehewearsacrimsoncloakandseraphicarmorofred-goldoverlappingscalesthatcatchandreflectrainbowsofcoruscatinglight.


Personality:Foraseraph,Razielhasasubtleanddeviousmind.ItseemshisintentionistobindThornSt.Croixashisown and rise in seraphic society when he adds her power tohisown.Tothisendhehassoulbondedherbestfriend

and guardian, Audric, looks after her adopted daughter,Ciana,andrespondsquicklywheneverThorncallsmageindire.HehasevenpointedouttoThornthatallomegamagessuccumb to the lure of power, fall, and are killed by theHost,afatethatcouldbeavoidedbybondingtohim.

Combat: Raziel is not themightiest normost powerful ofthe Host, but he doesn’t lack courage. He rescued LucasStanhope fromthedepthsof theTrinehellhole,and facedoff against the fallen seraph Forcas, the dragon Azazel, and hordesofDarkcreatures.Razieldoesn’tmakeuseofflamesorScriptureinbattleoften.Unlikeotherseraphs,Razieliscontentwithdrivingoff the forcesofDarknessandsavingmortals rather than pursuing spawn and letting mortalsfendforthemselves.

ZADKIEL, CHIEFTAIN OF MICHAELAsMajorSeraphbutwiththefollowingchanges:

Str 27 (+8) Dex 26 (+8) Con 26 (+8) Int 31 (+10)* Wis 30 (+10)* Cha 30 (+10)*

Saving Throws: Fortitude +20, Reflex +20, Will +22*,Toughness+20(+30witharmor)

Talents: Add Assessment, Conjure Focus (Bliss, Cure, Elemental Blast, Ignite, Protection, Sunray) 2, ElementalAffinity (Earth) 10, Elemental Affinity (Fire) 12, ElementalAffinity(Sun)12,ElementalAffinity(Stone)10,Endurance2,FavoredOpponent(dragons)4,ImprovedCritical(sword)4, and Soul Bond (Greater)(to Holy Amethyst). IncreaseAttractiveto6ranks,ExtraLuckto7ranks,SummonFlameto 8 ranks, and Tough to 12 ranks. Remove KnowledgeFocus(theologyandphilosophy:Darkness).

Skills: Change skill list to Acrobatics +16, Concentration+18*, Craft (artistic) +18*, Diplomacy +20*, Dodge +16,Intimidate +18*,Knowledge (arcane lore) +20*,Knowledge(tactics) +18*, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +13*,Martial Arts +16, Melee Weapon (blades) +17, NaturalWeapon (ranged) +16, Notice +18*, Parry +16, Perform(singing) +18*, Search +18*, Sense Motive +18*, Spellcraft +20*,Survival+16.



Attacks:seraphsteelblade+23(+18holyslashingdamage,critical 15-20), Energy Strike +16 (up to +10 holy energydamage),orunarmed+20(+8holybludgeoningdamage)

Defenses:Dodge 26, Parry 26 (+5with shield, +4 againstmeleeattacks)

NOTES: Raziel is likely to remain a major presenceinThornandherEnclave’s future,despiteher risingresentment.


As the Revealer of Rock and a Seraph of Mysteries,Razielhasanaffinity forStonemages;anywhocallsmage in dire may well get him in response. Raziel’sconnectiontoreligionsmayalsocausehimtorespondtoprayersofthefaithfulmoreoftenthanotherseraphs.




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Conjures Known: Zadkiel knows all General, Air, Earth,Fire,Stone,andSunconjures.

Luck Points: 8

*ThisprofileincludesthebenefitsofthesoulbondbetweenZadkiel and the cherub Holy Amethyst. If the bond isremoved,reducehisIntelligence,Wisdom,andCharismaby2andhisInt-,Wis-,andCha-basedskills,basePotencies,andhisWillsavingthrowby1.

Background: Zadkiel, Seraph of Gentleness and Solace,Right Hand of the Archangel Michael, Guardian ofInvocation,SeraphofTransmutation,isoneofthehighest-rankingseraphsonEarth.HeisacommanderoftheHostandsoulmateofthecherubHolyAmethyst.



Appearance:Zadkiel’swingsarewhiteandpurple,withpalelavenderdown.Hisskinbeneaththefeathersisapurplesobright it seems toglow.Hesmellsofpepperandmint. Inpeace,hewearsrobesandacapeofdeeppurple.Inwar,hewearsaseraphsteelsword,shield,andarmorofthesamehue.


Personality:Zadkiel is somewhatmore remote thanmostseraphs, likely a result of his high position in the Host.He had little direct contact with mortals until recently,and despite the title Seraph of Gentleness and Solace, he seems littlemovedby their livesanddeaths. IfZadkiel ispresentwithlesserseraphsunderhiscommand,hewon’tcommunicatewithmortalsdirectly,speakingonlythroughhissubordinates.

Zadkielseemstobeconstantlythinkingofthebiggerpictureandcanoverlooksmalldetails,likethelivesofthousandsofmortals, in thepursuit of thosegoals.Of late,hehasbeenconcernedwiththeerraticbehaviorofAmethyst.

Combat:Zadkielisnotsubtleincombat.Whenfacedwithlesseropponents, likespawnorDarkmortals,hesimplyreducesthemtoashwithpowerfularea-effectspells likeElemental Blast, Ignite, and Sunray.Whenfightingmajorpowersordragons,hechargesintobattlewithwhateverseraphicforcesareavailable.

Zadkiel’s one weakness of late has been his mate. IfAmethyst is present, his first priority is to secure hersafety, which can hamper his tactics. Amethyst’s needto be with her mate is more distracting to him thanusefulmosttimes,althoughherassistanceinbattles inOtherspaceisinvaluable.

MINOR POWERS OF THE LIGHTThe minor powers of the Light don’t act independentlyor communicate directly with theMost High, but insteadreceiveandobeyordersfromthemajorseraphs.



Speed: 45 feet, Fly 120 feet (Good)

Str 20 (+5) Dex 20 (+5) Con 20 (+5) Int 20 (+5) Wis 20 (+5) Cha 20 (+5)

Saving Throws: Fortitude +10, Reflex +10, Will +10,Toughness+9(+19witharmor)

NOTES: Zadkiel is a seraph of high rank and oneunlikelyto interactwithmortalheroesdirectly.Thereare two exceptions to this: If the PCs run afoul ofAmethyst’serraticbehavior,theyarelikelytogainthisPrince of Light’s attention; and in a battle involvingmajor Dark powers Zadkiel might lead whateverseraphic forces arrive to do battle, although he maychoosenottodirectlyassistanymortalforcespresent.




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Talents:AbidingFaith,AccurateAttack,AdditionalLimbs1,Ambidexterity,AnimalEmpathy,Attractive2,Awareness,Awe, Battle Rage 2, Battle Scripture, Bestow Luck, BloodHealing, Combat Focus (melee) 3, Conjure Focus (picktwo) 2, Conjure Scripture, Counter Conjure, Darkvision,DefenseFocus(melee)3,DefensiveAttack,Diehard,DivineBeing,DivineCommunion(Lesser),DivineSource(Lesser),ElementalAffinity (Air) 8,ElementalAffinity (any one) 10,Energy Strike 8, Extended Sense (Darkvision, MagicalAwareness, Mage Sight, Mind Skim, Mindspeech, Scent)4,ExtraLuck2,FastTrack2,FavoredEnvironment (sky)4, Fearless, Fearsome Presence 3,Grace, Immunity (Awe,disease, poison, Fearsome Presence, Voice), ImprovedDefense 2, Improved Initiative 4, Inspire 4, Interpose,Knowledge Focus (theology and philosophy: Darkness,Scripture, seraphim), Life Support, Mage Sight, MageSpeed 3, Magical Awareness, Manifestation, Mind Skim,Mindspeech,OtherspaceMovement,OtherspaceTransport,PerfectVessel,PositionalSense,PowerAttack,RapidAttack1, Reflexive Parry, Regeneration, Rejuvenation, Scent,SeraphicArtificer, Serial Immortality, SilentCaster, SpiritForm, Still Caster, Summon Flame 2, Takedown Attack2, Teamwork 3, Tough 4, Translation, Transmogrification(humanform),TrueFaith,Veracity,VesselofLight,Voice,Weapon Specialization (sword)


Skills: Acrobatics +12, Concentration +12, Craft (artistic)+12,Diplomacy+12,Dodge+12,Intimidate+10,Knowledge(arcane lore) +12, Knowledge (tactics) +12, Knowledge(theology and philosophy) +7, Martial Arts +12, Medicine +12,MeleeWeapon(blades)+12,NaturalWeapon(ranged)

+12,Notice+12,Parry+12,Perform(singing)+12,RangedWeapon (magic) +12, Search +12, Sense Motive +12,Spellcraft+12,Survival+12




Defenses:Dodge 22, Parry 22 (+5with shield, +3 againstmeleeattacks)






Luck Points: 3

Virtue/Taint: +20

Allegiance: Light

Equipment: All minor seraphs can materialize a seraphsteelsword,shield,andarmor.Aminorseraphmighthaveaseraphicamuletgrantedtohimbyhislordforhisduties.

Background: Minor seraphs are the direct servants of the majorseraphs,withmanyrolesintheseraphiccommunity.Theminorseraphsmostcommonlyseenbymortalsaretheravens, thewarrior caste of the seraphim, noted for theirblackhairandwings,andtheheralds,themessengersofthemajorseraphs.Allseraphsaremale.

Appearance: Minor seraphs appear as humans robed inwhitesilkwithfeatheredwings.Theireyes,hair,andwingscanbeofanycolororshade.Theirvoiceshaveperfect,cleartones, and their appearance is without blemish. Aminorseraphinspiritformappearsasaglowingballofradiance.

Personality: Minor seraphs are single-minded, completelyobedient,anddevotedtotheirmasters.TheyfulfilltheirMostHigh-granted responsibilities in the most direct and literalmanner.Minorseraphsseemless individualisticthanmajorseraphs, often identifying themselves by their function andtheirlordratherthanbyname.Theyarealittlemoredown-to-earththanmajorseraphs,though,andmayconversewithmortalsfortheirlords,astheyseemtounderstandthembetter.

Minor seraphs are unlikely to render summary judgmentunlessthemortalsjudgedareblatantintheirblasphemy.

Combat: Minor seraphs are followers, not leaders. They obeythecommandsgiventothembytheirlordtotheletter.Mostminorseraphssimplyflyintocombatbehindtheirlord.Afewofthemorecombat-orientedones,likeravens,actaswarriors in their own right.

If opposed by mortals, minor seraphs intimidate or usetheirAwe,FearsomePresence,orVoicetalentstopacifyanddissuadethemratherthanfight.




