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Roll Hill Life Magazine, 1

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Rolling Hills Christian Church first ever vision magazine. January, 2011
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Jeff Bigelow

Founding & Senior Pastor

Twitter: @bigelowjeff

Looking ahead

As a church, we are right at that stage and age. Rolling Hills was birthed in 1995, we went through the toddler stage (stum-bling along), childhood years (lots of fun) and now we are turning sixteen—with new challenges and responsibilities ahead. And although we have gone through stages, the vision of Rolling Hills has remained con-stant—to be an “Acts 2” church! Some would ask, “Well, what in the world is an ‘Acts 2’ church?”

Let me briefly review it.An Acts 2 church is a place dedicated to

teaching truth. In Acts 2:42 it says, “They devoted themselves to the apostles teach-ing.” In a healthy church there is a very high regard for the truth of God. We will never, ever back down from teaching truth at Rolling Hills—we are devoted to it, ferociously dedi-cated to it.

Another aspect of an Acts 2 church is a dedication to community. In the New Testament this was called “fellowship.” Many people might first come to a church because of it’s teaching, but they will stay because of the relationships they build in Christ. The best way to build community is to join a Small Group. Acts 2 records that the first Christians would meet at the temple (large group) and in homes (small groups).

Every person is wired up to worship. If

people don’t worship God, they will worship someone or something else—celebrities, sports, money, beauty. Everyone worships something! An Acts 2 church engages in vibrant worship of God. It says that “every-one was filled with awe.” Worship is not the singing portion of a church service, it involves our whole lives! Worship, at it’s most basic level, is wonder, awe, giving credit where credit is due.

The last two things that make up an Acts 2 church I am going to put together: focused

outreach and compassionate social concern. It says about that church in Acts that “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Jesus said we are to be salt and light in our society, to be a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. We exist for those who are not yet part of us! But we also are called to care for people with needs. In the early church they shared their possessions with those who had need. In 20th century America the church often divided between liberal mainline churches that stressed social justice and compassion for the poor, and evangelical churches that emphasized per-sonal salvation. The church in Acts 2 had a burning zeal for BOTH reaching people with the message of salvation in Christ AND sharing compassionately with those in physi-cal need. It is not either/or; it is both/and. When we realize what God has done for us, the result should be what he then can do through us.

So, as Rolling Hills turns sixteen, the vision remains the same and burns as hot in us as ever! We have seen God work in amazing ways in our church, but there is also much to be done in His name! And may all the glory be His!

Every person is wired up to worship. If people don’t worship God, they will worship someone or something else.

IN JUST A FEW WEEKS Rolling Hills Christian Church will be sixteen years old!

When a young person turns sixteen it is a time to start spreading their wings a

little, gaining a little bit more freedom in the family unit. Most sixteen-year-olds

get a drivers license. For some the first legitimate job becomes a reality and

they start earning a real wage for the first time. It is about that time that most

students start getting serious about looking ahead to college and career pos-

sibilities. It is a time of new challenges, new responsibilities, looking ahead and

taking steps toward maturity.

UPCOMING SERIESWIZ-DUHM a new series from the book of Proverbs. Starts February 13th

EASTER SUNDAY April 24, 2011

WHO’S IN YOUR FAVE FIVE? a relation-ship series. Starts Sundays, May 1st -29th 2011

Find current and past series online at: www.rollhillchurch.com/media

WHERE?800 White Rock Rd, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

First Word



First Word

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GREAT-EST VOLUN-TEERS EVERHave you ever seen a great coach

win a game without a team?

Absolutely not! Without question,

the most valuable players at Rolling

Hills Church include our volunteers.

Spread out all over this church are

countless people who sacrifice their

time and talents to make a HUGE

difference in the lives of others. It

is through the volunteers that we

continue to love and reach the com-

munity of El Dorado Hills. As we

highlight a few of our winning volun-

teers we hope it will spur you on to

join them and watch God use your

life in an incredible way

this year.

BECKY NICHOLAS is one of our winning volunteers. She recently started a new group at Rolling Hills called MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers. Her passion to meet the unique needs of a Mother during this season of life is contagious. Becky says, “Mothering is the toughest job we will ever have! Any encouragement we can provide for one another is crucial.” This support and encouragement is so essential for Mothers of Preschoolers. We are so thankful for Becky and her leadership at this church!

JUSTIN LEACH has been an important part of the Worship Arts team for the last year and a half and his impact has been huge! On Sunday mornings, Justin shows up at 7 to run monitors for the band. Usually hiding offstage, he can be found changing batteries, grabbing guitars, making set changes, or anything that a Sunday morning requires. His servant-hearted attitude is infectious and reminds everyone what an honor it is to serve. This last year he ran all 5 Christmas Eve services backstage like a pro! Sunday mornings run smoothly thanks in part to Justin’s commitment to the team and most importantly, his desire to serve the Lord with his gifts. “I love being able to use my passion for music to serve God. Serving at Roll Hill really gives me a sense of belonging...not just to a team but a family!”

Justin Leach

Becky Nicholas

Greatest Volunteers



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BECKY MARR has been serving

junior high and high school students for over 8 years and has had the joy of mentoring the same group of girls from sixth grade through to high school graduation. Becky has committed hundreds of hours to loving students and says “Every week I look forward to student ministries at RHCC as there is nothing more rewarding than to be a part of our youth growing in their Christian faith. Not to mention, they always find a way to make me laugh!” Becky Marr is making a difference!

RICK REPOSA is a regular guy with an extraordinary heart for serving. He has a “put me in coach, anywhere you need me” attitude that has resulted in serving through many ministries here at Rolling Hills. He has served with our group ministries in Career Connections recruiting and registering people. Rick served on our Poland Mission team as a basketball coach, although he had no experience as a coach! The trip motto was “Trust in God” and Rick modeled this daily. Their team ended up winning the basketball championship! On a weekly basis Rick is involved in our Serve Sunday teams and he’s quick to fill in when and where needed. Rick says, “I just love doing things for people and I’m grateful I’m able to do it.” And we are grateful to serve with him!

MEET KEN ABRAHAM! Ken has been teaching in Children’s Ministry for over seven years and he has taught kids from age four up to eleven, not only on Sundays but at our summer Kidzkamp event too. He is creative, energetic, an amazing storyteller, and often has his own twists on the lesson. He teaches the kids with honesty, humor, a wonderfully large heart for God, and usually there are marshmallows involved! Ken says, “I love working with our kids. Each Sunday I get to learn something new. Sometimes I wonder who is teaching who? Often I learn about the latest kid movies or video game tricks, but typically it is profound.”

Becky Marr

Rick Reposa

Ken Abraham

Greatest Volunteers



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WHAT DOES A MONKEY named ‘Wink’, a chipmunk’s adventure on the high seas, gummy worms in blue jello, Bible Buddies, God Sightings and kids making blankets to be sent to Haiti have in common? Rolling Hill’s Kidzkamp program, “High Seas.” Kidzkamp 2010 rocked the house! We had over 400 kids listening, learn-ing, playing, eating, reflecting, singing and being excited about God every night for a week. It was our goal to not only make it an event to remember for the kids of RHCC, but also to reach out to kids who didn’t have any church home. Over 20% of those attending didn’t have a church home and many now call RHCC their church home.

Kids from ages 5 through grade 6 were welcomed to attend, and for many kids it was the highlight of their summer. On leaving the first night, a little boy commented, “wow, that was the best night of my whole life!” (All six years of it!). One little girl asked us, “why

doesn’t everyone want Jesus to live in their heart?” She genuinely didn’t know why they wouldn’t. Well we had a hard time explaining that one! And one boy wanted to know why we couldn’t “have camp every week, and you know, just change the decorations and stuff?” Well maybe sometime in the future!

We always wonder, after an espe-cially amazing event, how it can possibly be better the next year? But God con-tinues to show us! Mark your calendars now for our 2011 camp, JUNE 13-17.


As we begin the New Year with hopes and dreams for the Ministry, we want to find new ways to reach out to the young hearts of RHCC and the community. We

want to tell them that even though we live in uncertain times, God is certain, and He will be the One who is always there with love for us. We want to teach them how to be pure examples of that love. We want to give parents more tools and resources to help kids understand this at home. We want to bring families to events together. We want to teach kids, from the very young-est toddler up to our 5th graders, what it means to help others less fortunate than we are, to reach out, even from our Sunday morning rooms, across the world and show other kids how much God loves them, too.

We look forward to an amazing, challenging, wonder-filled, God-inspired 2011 in Children’s Ministry!





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These are just a few words that describe the movement of Student Ministries this year at Rolling Hills. There have been numerous milestones in the student min-istry programs in 2010. The high school group had its largest service ever with over 300 high school students in attendance. The Junior High group launched mid-week small groups that meet after school to build community and grow students spiritually. Both milestones have produced more committed followers of Jesus!

A significant aspect of growing our students spiritually is directing their focus outside the walls of the church to those in need. To finish up the calendar year in youth ministry, over 100 students brought blan-kets and sleeping bags to wrap and deliver to the homeless community in Sacramento. Our small group leaders committed to serving the community with their students making outreach extremely effective!

Each small group served the commu-nity in different ways resulting in a broader reach and impact. One small group of girls served a family in need by babysitting, cleaning and cooking, whereas, another group of guys served meals to the home-less community in Placerville. Another group served senior citizens at Eskaton in Cameron Park and countless others raised money for various causes focused on serving others locally and around the world.

In 2011, we are looking forward to continuing our partnership with the local schools to serve the administration and staff, partnering with local ministries to serve the less fortunate, and introducing students to Jesus Christ and deepening their love relationship with Him.

Please join us by loving your students and praying for the year ahead. And one more thing, don’t forget to buy your weekly donuts to support the Student Ministries!

Reaching Students






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Stepping out of our comfort zones to serve the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. A journey in faith, hope, and love.

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HE WAS SO WEAK that he collapsed at the door of the cholera clinic. In a matter of minutes we had him placed in Corner Number One (to identify our sickest patients, we put them in the corners of the room). Immediately, he was given antibiotics and started on an IV for rehydration. Most patients stricken with cholera were sitting up, drinking fluids and able to care for them-selves after 12 hours of treatment; however, this child’s condition was unchanged. On the second day, “Corner Number One” contin-ued to look severely ill. The relatives who attentively cared for him while lying on the cold, damp concrete floor were no longer at his side. He lay there, wet, shivering, satu-rated with liquid feces, with flies swarming about him. Though the clinic continued to grow in numbers and demands, time was taken to provide comfort and dignity to the patients who had no one to care for them. This is when “Corner Number One” became Jude. We cleaned Jude from head to toe and gave him fresh linens. We prayed for him. Jude was a typical 12 year-old boy who attended school, loved soccer, and would sneak off to the river to go swimming.

As hundreds of patients circulated through the clinic, Jude grew weaker and

sicker. As doctors and nurses changed shifts, attention was always brought to his corner. What more can we do?

Only 500 feet away was a hospital with so much to offer a sick child like Jude. In the midst of the hurricane, we placed Jude on a stretcher, and through torrential rain and whipping winds we transported him to the recovery room. Away from the chaos of sick-ness, puddles of infected stool and emesis, we could focus on Jude’s needs. With fluid backing up into his lungs, Jude needed oxygen- yet there was no oxygen in the hos-pital. I knew that God had been instrumental in providing for our needs and I knew He would continue. We gathered in prayer, and asked for His guidance before we went to explore the unorganized bounty of donations that had been brought to the clinic after the earthquake. Within minutes, we found some broken air compressors and a tank of weld-er’s oxygen. God had placed talented people

in Jude’s “new corner”, and soon Jude was able to breathe with less difficulty, less fear.

As we sat in the hospital, we realized for the first time that the crisis in the clinic was only getting worse and we would only be in Haiti for a few more days. How would we be able to transition, who would care for Jude? One of us mentioned getting a helicopter to come and pick up Jude. I giggled... we were in the middle of a hurricane, we couldn’t even get enough IV fluids let alone help and you think a helicopter would come here? Yet, soon after a plea on Twitter we practiced making our rush to the UN Helicopter as safe and efficiently as possible. It all happened so fast. Not only were we able to place Jude in the hands of experts, but the UN brought with them numerous fresh volunteers and experts for the cholera clinic. God is good; He always has a plan. We were part of His plan; Jude was part of His plan. I often remem-ber the thumbs up he gave me and his last words on the helicopter asking if his new soccer ball was on board. Jude’s is a face I will always remember - a face of hope, and sorrow. A face of Haiti. [Jamie Baxter, RN]

It is stories like Jude’s that deeply touched our hearts in 2010. Our crash course with Haiti started just shortly after the dev-astating earthquake shook their country on January 12, 2010. We pulled together on a Sunday morning and took a second offering for Haiti collecting over 35,000 dollars. Our hearts were instantly connected to the faces, families, and images being broadcasted around the world. Once the opportunity came to send a team into Haiti, 62 people quickly signed up, raised funds, and prepared for a trip of their lives.

What would it be like? What needs would we meet? What about the hurricane?

Just days before the team departed, Hurricane Tomas approached the shores of Haiti. Tomas was expected to develop into a category 4 hurricane around the same time our team settled into their compound with Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. Our team was made up of doctors, nurses, medical professionals, construction specialists, and volunteers with a variety of special gifts. Ultimately a team of servants! As Hurricane Tomas downgraded to a tropical storm the real need became apparent. Cholera.

What would it be like? What needs would we meet? What about the hurricane?

Impacting Haiti



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There was not a single cholera clinic in all of Northwest Haiti and yet the disease was beginning to spread rapidly taking the lives of Haitians. Within hours our team erected a cholera clinic and began treating patients. Dr. Guilfoy, one of our seasoned doctors, was amazed at the response he saw from our

team. Medical and non-medical volunteers leaped into action inserting IV’s, cleaning up bodily fluid from the concrete floor, praying for patients, and ultimately saving lives. Without our team, many more lives would have been lost.

This is a journey of faith, hope, and love. The bible speaks about the qualities of love. “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” [1 CORINTHIANS 13:7] In the midst of tragedy and uncertainty the greatest attribute we can portray is genuine love. Our team was able to hold the hurting, pray for the sick, infuse hope into the desperate, and direct people to the comforting hand of Jesus.

There was a moment on the trip where an older man shared with Steve Scurich that he was dying from a brain tumor. What do you say to a man who has little hope of physi-cal healing? You direct him to the Creator, the

Healer, and the Great Physician. Steve placed his hand on this man’s head and prayed for him. He demonstrated faith in action, the power of hope, and love given away.

The flurry of activity both in Haiti and back home in El Dorado Hills significantly contributed to the Kingdom of God. Jesus’

life and heart was seen through our church. Whether it was the numerous care pack-ages donated by our small groups, blankets knitted, children’s crafts and supplies deliv-ered, or simply the smiles and hearts of love offered – together as a church, we made a difference.

We will never know how many lives were saved. Through our efforts, people came to know Jesus as their personal savior and they experienced the love of God’s people. In a community infused with false god’s, the one true God made himself known. Thank you to all at Rolling Hills who prayed, contributed, and traveled to meet the needs of others.

Jake Larson

Associate Teaching Pastor


Twitter: @larsonjake

Volunteers leapt into action inserting IV’s, cleaning up bodily fluid from the concrete floor, praying for patients, and ultimately saving lives. Without our team, many more lives would have been lost.

How can I continue to help?Tip#1

Pray Continually: each day

we wake up in significant

comfort and security whereas

insecurity and fear fill the

minds of many Haitians. It has

been more than 1 year since

the Haiti earthquake and yet

a majority of destruction still

fills their country.

Tip #2

Support Aid Organizations:

Check out World Vision and

Compassion Internationals’

ongoing efforts in Haiti. Get

creative and think of ways to

sacrifice your conveniences

for others. Skip a meal out,

fast from your favorite coffee,

or donate all your loose

change to the cause.

Tip #3

Serve in Our Community:

Reach out your hands to the

needs of those in our very

own community. Many people

are struggling to survive in the

midst of a difficult economy.

Feed the poor. Love the bur-

dened. Proclaim Jesus to


Impacting Haiti



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WE HAVE SERIOUSLY TAKEN THIS CALL to love the overlooked, hurting, and

needy here at Rolling Hills. As we meet the needs of people in our city, Jesus

uses those acts of compassion to reveal His light. The world is starved of positive

light. Surrounding so many people today is an overwhelming feeling of hopeless-

ness. One of the beautiful pictures of the church is the “light of the world—like a

city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” (Mt. 5:14)

Through SHARES, our local compassion ministry, we have served people from

all walks of life and shown them the very real light of Christ. One of the tragedies

in our community in 2010 was the accidental death of Carter Mecier. His life was

tragically lost as he served and loved the community at an afterschool program at

White Rock Village. Through SHARES, we were able to commemorate his death

during our Great Day of Service. This is a day each year where hundreds of Rolling

Hills attendees head out into the El Dorado Hills community to serve others. There

were so many projects being accomplished on this day, including a celebration of

Carter’s life with the kids at White Rock Village. We barbequed, played music, and

set up carnival games. We ended the afternoon gathering around a large rock and

freshly planted tree placed by our volunteers in memory of Carter. The day was

extremely difficult for The Mecier and Rowinski families and yet was an opportu-

nity for our church to support and love them.

SHARES is making significant impact in the lives of people every week. More

than a thousand people have volunteered this last year in a variety of ministries

making a significant impact for Christ.

Alleviate Suffering. Reflect Light.“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one

of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it

to me!’” [MATTHEW 25:40]


300+ meals served to the families of Folsom Prison inmates

808 kids from 240 families received gifts for Christmas

13 teams and 333 volunteers served in The Great Day of Service

90 kids from Big Brothers/Big Sisters enjoyed a $200 shopping spree at Target

677 handmade hats, scarves, and blankets were distributed through the Angel Tree Christmas dinner and El Dorado Food Bank distributions

Consistently donated food, clothes, and appliances to Genesis Baptist Church for distribution

900 families fed through El Dorado Food Bank

Picked up, stored, and distributed furniture through annual furniture drive to Furniture for Families

DATES TO REMEMBER Great Day of Service is October 1, 2011




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HOW DID 2010 START OFF FOR YOU?It started off pretty good with changing jobs and buying our house. It quickly turned into the most stressful, fearful, and painful time of our life.

HOW HAS GOD SHOWN UP FOR YOU?God has shown His faithfulness to us through many answered prayers and provisions. It was apparent to us it was God’s hand making a way in small and big ways. God guided the surgeons. Angela did not have any of the possible complications. Angela

was able to complete all six of her planned chemo cycles while most cannot handle more than three. Our small group was an integral part of this journey and were with us from the beginning to now.

IN WHAT WAYS HAS YOUR SMALL GROUP COME ALONG SIDE OF YOU?We were blessed with meals, child care, rides to and from the airport, grocery runs, and even a ride home from the Emergency Room on a Sunday morning. Members of our small group attended Mom’s memorial

service with us after she died. Many of our friends and family who live outside the area have been blown away at how our small group and church family have supported us. We would not want to know how we would have gotten through this without our small group and church family.

HOW HAS AS YOUR FAITH AND INTIMACY INCREASED? Our daily walk has changed for the better in our prayer life and proclaiming to others His faith-fulness to us – even when our faith is tested and fear sets in.

We are not yet at a place in this journey where we are thank-ful for it or glad to have gone through it but we have no doubts that God is with us and will con-tinue to see us through.

LOOKING BACK AND LOOKING FORWARD – WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS?We’ve been through so much and we hope the worst is behind us. Angela still has some recov-ering to do and is barely a week past her last chemo treatment. We still need your prayers and support and we are looking forward to resuming some nor-malcy in the coming months.

Small groups at Rolling Hills are where people find strength for life’s storms, support in times of trouble, and real friend-ships. They are places where we receive wisdom for making important decisions, experience accountability which is vital for spiritual growth and where we find acceptance that helps us repair our wounds.

Senior Pastor Jeff Bigelow says “As we get bigger we need to get smaller.” Small groups bring intimacy, care, spiritual truth and encouragement that you can’t get on Sunday. Small groups from the very beginning are at the core, they are in the DNA of who we are as a church.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 offers a practical reason for being in com-munity; “Two are better than one…if one falls down, his friend can help him up.” Each group member can help the other carry a load too heavy to bear alone.

Our vision as we pursue becom-ing an Acts 2 church is that everyone experience the benefit of being in a small group.


“A year full of hope and joy.”

To all appearances and by all standards the Ratzlaffs had a wonderful life. They own

a house in El Dorado Hills. Monte and Angela have three children, two boys and one girl,

ages 11, 8 and 2. They are members of a caring, growing small group. Most important,

everyone in the family is in good health – until July 2010. “Black Friday”– that’s what

Monte and Angela call the day she was diagnosed with cancer.

While Angela was still in the hospital recovering from surgery, Monte’s mom was also

admitted to the hospital for the same cancer. Monte wrote on his Facebook “I would

never have imagined that at some point in my life both my mom and my wife would be in

the hospital at the same time battling the same horrendous disease. We didn’t know it at

the time but Mom was losing her battle and her body was shutting down. On August 3rd,

Mom passed from this life, full of pain and discomfort, into her eternal and glorious life.”

Angela’s recovery from surgery and subsequent chemo treatments were difficult and

painful. Monte writes “The time between treatments were (typically) at best uncomfort-

able, at worst – Angela’s words “more painful than childbirth.” We checked in with them.

Here is some of their story.

Grouplife : Ratzlaff




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One of our priorities in 2010 was to update our web tools. We have

completely redesigned our site adding greater functionality and

accessibility. The new website is a great representation of our vision,

values, and priorities in ministry.



MESSAGES ONLINEEasily access all current and archive message series in one click! Arrive late and miss some of the message or want to listen to a particular section or point? You can choose to listen and watch the message online each week.

SOCIAL MEDIA INTEGRATIONAccess our facebook, twitter, or itunes podcasts by clicking on the icons at the top of the site.

GIVE ONLINEIt is easier now than ever to log in to your Rolling Hills account online and give. Set up recurring payments or make a special donation using your credit card, debit card, or check.

THE HAPSFind out the latest events and happenings on our news feed. Need information about an event? Miss the latest announcements from church? Find it all on the Haps news feed located on the front page of the site.

BLOGSRead the latest thoughts, convictions, and stories from the Pastoral Staff. Read from the Pastors, Kids, Student, and Worship blogs weekly.

CONNECTAre you aware of what Rolling Hills has to offer? Find out what’s available for everyone from kids to adult programs and opportunities to serve.



The New Website



The New Website

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The New Website



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CRAIG’S UNIQUE TALENTS became apparent early in his life as he began playing water polo in junior high with a high school team. He played water polo through high school with great success. However, it was his junior year of high school where he set his sights on becoming a surgeon. He chased after his dream finishing his undergraduate work and attending Medical School at UC Davis.

Following school Craig picked back up his love for water polo. In 2006 he was invited to play on the United States team at the FINA Worlds at Stanford. His team competed with teams from around the world, including Germany, Czechoslovakia, Brazil, Hungary, and Russia. Craig has many interests and yet finds deeper purpose as a surgeon.


I chose medicine because I knew I liked to help people and that was my purpose in life.


I chose surgery because I like working with my hands and it has the most direct impact on people. I specifically chose general surgery after an experience I had as a

resident rotating through Internal Medicine. A patient with a lung cancer started to bleed into his trachea and the medicine team could not get a tube into his airway, nor perform a cricothyrotomy (emergency tracheotomy). The surgical team on call was in the operat-ing room and unable to help. I never wanted to be in the position again that I could not do a procedure that could save someone’s life.



I started to examine my purpose in life when I was about 6, going through catechism. I have continued to ask myself how I can use what has been given to me in a greater way. The Honduras and Haiti medical mis-sions through Rolling Hills were ways that I thought I could do that.



The best part of my job is operating and the coaching afterward. God gave me a gift and patients give me the privilege to take care of them. I really feel blessed at what I can do and what people allow me to do.

The feeling of saving someone’s life is amazing. The feeling of losing someone is devastating. My prayer to God as a surgeon is to give me the wisdom to know what to do, quickly, the hands to carry it out, and the fortitude to both be brave in the middle of chaos and threat of losing someone’s life, and to be strong enough to stay with it until there is no hope, no matter how long.



I plan on going to the next mission to Honduras in March this year with the church. I am going to continue to serve in kid’s minis-try as well.



God gives us all different talents. Find yours and know your purpose in life. A friend of mine, a great father to two young girls, a great husband, and a great Trauma Surgeon at U.C. Davis, died a little over a year ago at the age of 49 of tongue cancer. I steal his words when I am asked to encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and use their gifts: ”Always bring your ‘A’ game, do good, and find God.”

For the last 4 years, Craig Thayer and his family have been attending Rolling Hills. They were introduced to the church by

their oldest daughter and immediately found a church to call home. Craig and Stefanie have 5 kids ranging in age from 3

to 19 years old. As you can imagine life is busy with 5 kids, not to mention a demanding career, hobbies, and a commit-

ment to constantly be used by Jesus.


Craig Thayer



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OUR GREATEST HOPE at Rolling Hills is that people would be attracted

to the spirit of worship here and not just the quality of music. The heartbeat

of the Roll Hill worship department is to inspire people to commit to a daily

relationship with God out of a true love for Him. What we do on Sunday is

and should be an overflowing or continuation of our relationship with God on

a daily basis.

In John 4:24 Jesus says, “For God is Spirit, so those who worship Him

must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”

Jesus is saying that we must offer our spirits when we worship Him. That

doesn’t mean that we show up for church on Sunday and put our ”church

hats” on. It means that we must cultivate a daily love and adoration for Him

out of our hearts, and give Him thanks for the many blessings He has given us.

This means in good times and in bad times we trust Him deeply and hold onto

His promises. We sing many songs that proclaim the promises of His word

and many times forget to apply our faith to those words. We want to be more

aware of the fact that we worship a living God and offer our lives accordingly.

Paul screams this from the top of his lungs in Acts 17:24-31 while speak-

ing to the Athenians.

“He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord

of heaven and earth, he doesn’t live in man-made temples, 25 and human

hands can’t serve his needs—for he has no needs. He himself gives life and

breath to everything, and he satisfies every need. 26 From one man he created

all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand when they

should rise and fall, and he determined their boundaries.

27 “His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel

their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us.

28 For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said,

‘We are his offspring.’ 29 And since this is true, we shouldn’t think of God as

an idol designed by craftsmen from gold or silver or stone. 30 God overlooked

people’s ignorance about these things in earlier times, but now he commands

everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him. 31 For he has set

a day for judging the world with justice by the man he has appointed, and he

proved to everyone who this is by raising him from the dead.”

In Him we live and move and exist! What a great portion of scripture! We

want to worship that living God with God’s people at Rolling Hills.

We’re asking God for inspired times of worship this year! We’re praying

for great growth within people’s hearts and in this church! It’s a major blessing

to serve here and we look forward to 2011!

Worship CJ Hatlevig & Worship Arts Staff





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Who are we reaching? What percentage of El Dorado Hills is attending our

church? Have we grown in attendance? Are people coming to Jesus? These

numbers help us see the movement of God in our church.

Church Numbers



We measure our health in connection with baptisms. This is a year to celebrate health with 177 baptisms!

In nearly 16 years Rolling Hills has grown from a small home church to an ever-expand-ing large church.

NOTEChristmas Eve Services attendance grows by 800 people from 2009 to 2010. 5,636 in attendance!

The Numbers



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“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” [MARK 10:45] Jesus’ life was focused on serving others. The great-est way to connect and grow is to reach out your hand and serve. There are many opportu-nities to serve in the church and our world. We are an externally focused church and expect all people to serve as part of their life in Jesus.

How will you use your 168 hours a week? We believe that growth happens best in commu-nity. Christianity was never meant to be a solo act and requires a commitment to one another resulting in the greatest growth. We grow in groups as we gather together throughout the week for fellowship, Bible study, prayer, and outreach into the community. We believe it is essential to be growing in groups.

Our church exists to connect people to Jesus Christ and to each other. When you enter the doors of our church it is so important to us that you find a place to belong. Our Sunday Services have become a large front door to discovering relationship with Jesus, partner-ship with other believers, and a fresh start at life. We encourage everyone to be committed to our Sunday Services.

in church & the worldServe

in groupsGrowConnect

in Sunday services

Connect / Grow / Serve



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